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Leader in continuing dental education
orthodontic treatment
Theories of psychological &behavioral development
a. Learning & development of behavior
b. Psychosocial theory
c. Emotional development theory
d. Cognition theory
Models of health behavior
Emotional Development And Orthodontic Treatment Need
Patient compliance
a. factors influencing adult cooperation in orthodontic treatment
b. predicting patient compliance
c. achieving patient compliance
Social inequality and discontinuation of orthodontic treatment
Use of educational & psychological principle in orthodontic practice
Psychologic factors influencing Orthognathic surgery
Definition:-Psychology is a branch of science
which deals with mind & mental processes in
relation to human & animal behavior.
Social psychology: the scientific study of the
way in which peoples thoughts, feelings and
behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined
presence of other people.
Diagnosis of orthodontic case now includes a greater
emphasis on the functional & the psychosocial ramifications
Of Dentofacial deformity.
At the same time, treatment planning has become a
More interactive process between the patient/ parents & the
The important issue is whether the doctor or parent makes the
Final decision regarding treatment.

This conflict is between paternalism and autonomy
Paternalism:- action taken by one person without the second
person’s consent.
Autonomy:- demands that an individual must consent to take any
action taken on his or her behalf and reflects a belief in the
merit of individual self-determination.
A series of 297 adolescent patients screened at the
university of north carolina listed reasons for taking
Orthodontic treatment
1. Appearance of teeth 84%
2. Advice of dentist 52%
3. Appearance of face 41%
Teasing about the malocclusion resulted in strong feeling of
Unease and harassment significantly more often than did
Other types of teasing.
Treated children had a greater increase in self-esteem than
Untreated controls, which suggests positive effect for
Children who are being harassed about their teeth.
Not just the way the teeth fit, Psychosocial and facial
considerations, play a role in defining orthodontic treatment
The clinician must acquire knowledge to develop
appropriate behavioral skills with an improved quality of
communication and management of patients to treat patient’s
Psychological and esthetic needs.
Psychological Development
Linked to growth of the brain (cognitive areas)

Influenced by genetic factor which is modified by the
Theories of Psychology & Behavioural
Behavior is a result of interaction between innate
& instinctual behavior learned after birth.

Learning of Behavior.
Behavioral responses can be learned by
three mechanisms:Classical conditioning.

Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning:• First described by Ivan Pavlov during his studies
on reflexes.
• “Learning by Association”.- association of one
stimulus with another

Every time they occur, the association between a
conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is strengthened.
Extinction of conditioned behavior:- if the
stimulus is not reinforced
Discrimination:- the opposite of Extinction of
conditioned Stimulus- i.e generalization between all
Operant conditioning:• According to B.F Skinner – Operant conditioning
is a significant extension of classical
• Consequence of behaviour is a stimulus for
future behaviour.



Four basic types of operant conditioning:-


Positive Reinforcement:- If a pleasant
consequence follows a response, the response
has been positively reinforced.
Negative Reinforcement:-Involves the
withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus after a
Omission :- Involves removal of a pleasant
stimulus after a particular response.


Punishment:-occurs when an unpleasant
stimulus is presented after a response.
Observational Learning
• This is acquired through imitation of behaviour.
• Two distinct stages :-Acquisition
• Children are capable of acquiring any behaviour
they observe.
• Performing of an acquired behaviour depends on
the role model.
•A child acquires a behaviour by first observing it &
then actually performing it.
•Important tool in the management of dental treatment.
Theories of Emotional Development
 Stanley Hall{1846-1924} is recognized as the founder of
Emotional development and Psychology.
 He States that "Theories are nothing but more than a set of
Concepts and Propositions that allow the Theorist to describe
and explain some aspects of experience". It helps to explain
various pattern of behavior and emotions.
 During 17th and 18th century philosophers states that children
are inherited as bad or good or as neither good or nor bad. But
in 19th century , theorist noted that positive or negative
activity of character depends on child experiences
1) Nature VS Nurture – Biological process VS Environmental process

Theorist advice is think less about nature vs nurture and more
about how these two combine or interact to produce
developmental changes.
2) Continuous and Discontinuous Development
Continuous theorist hold development changes are Gradual
and quantitative. It is an additive process that occurs
continuously and it is not at all Stage like process.
E.g. Erickson Theory
Discontinuous theorist proposes that it progress
through developmental stages and each of which is a distinct
phase of life characterized by particular set of emotions,
abilities, motives and behavior that forms a coherent pattern.
E.g. Social learning Theory
Psychoanalytic Theory: (Sigmund Freud)
Freud hypothesized three structures in the theory of the understanding
of the intra psychic process and personality Development.

1) ID

2) EGO


Freud believed that the ID represented unregulated
instinctual drives and energies striving to meet bodily needs and
desires. They are governed by pleasure principle. The drives are
necessary for the survival of the species through procreation and
E.g. Ideal occlusion for his face.
It describes as that part of the self-concerned with the overall
functioning and organization of the personality through the egos
capacity to test reality, the utilization of ego defense mechanisms and
of other ego functions such as memory, language, integellence, and
Thus ego is concerned with maintaining a stage in which an adequate
expression of ID drives and satisfaction can occur within the
constrains of reality and the demands and restrictions of the super ego.
E.g. Accepting Camouflage

Gabriel AJO1993 Showed low ego strength to be predictive of
high compliance in prepubertal children, but predictive of low
compliance in adolescents.
The super ego is derived from familial and cultural
restrictions placed upon the growing child. Freud hypothesized
that superego functions were derived from the struggle over
the strong feeling of the child. The super ego stems from the
internalization of feeling of good and bad, love and hate, praising
and forbidding, reward and punishment.
E.g. Peer acceptance of wearing braces, elastics,
complications of surgery
Thus super ego holds the ID in check
Emotional development
From infant to adult
The Infant :(First year of life) oral phase
 Unlike other mammals human infants are totally depend

upon another person for survival during a significant period of
early childhood. This dependency not only includes physical
care but also emotional needs. An infant deprived of
Emotional nurturing beyond a critical time period can develop

This phase of development is called as SYMBIOTIC PHASE. It
will last until 10 months of age, then the separation and
individuation will began.

 Stranger anxiety is seen a 9-month old child

The Toddler (second year of life) Anal phase
 During 2nd year of life, child will come in to contact with the
REALITY PRINCIPLE. This principle is defined as the regulatory
process of the environment over behavior. The reality principle
demands that the child delay immediate gratification for a
greater gain at a later time
Third year of life
 By 3 years of age the child has attained a degree of intelligence, which
consist of acquired patterns of cognition, perception and awareness of
emotional associations to her or his experiences.
 the most important emotional experience the child will cope with is
separation anxiety. This is a very awful fear. This is also the period
when a sense of AMBIVALENCE, that is love and hate for important
people in ones life, is felt.

Ability or inability to separate from the primary caretaker and to
relate well with other people will be forever important stage of the
adequacy of completion of this early phase of personality development
Second Third Year: (4-6 years) (phallic phase)
(Preschool child)
 In this period child has to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
Children are aware of the sexual parts of their bodies and curious
about the meaning of the differences between boys and girls. This
curiosity becomes satisfied with the resolution of Oedipal conflict.
 The conflict was named by Sigmund Freud after the story of Oedipus
rex by Sophocles in the 5th centaury B.C and early childhood of his
patients. In this story Oedipus, the king unknowingly kills his father,
and marries his mother, the widow.
 In girls of this age Electra conflict is seen
 The factor, which inhibits use of their ability to initiate
activity is GUILTY. GUILTY is a feeling of fear that ones
activities might not be acceptable to oneself as a leftover sense
of bad. These feeling often create conflicts manifested by
sleep disturbance, nightmares.
 Resolution of this struggle usually results when the child
accepts the position as a son or a daughter and not a rival to
their parents. Thus the child identifies with the parent of the
same sex.
Grade school years:(7-12 years)(latency)
 This period is also called as latency period.
 The child has sufficient self- esteem and initiative to make
 They are capable of learning to read and compute numbers.
 They have a secure sense of ability to participate in-group
 They are able to tolerate frustration and anxiety.
 They are able to allow themselves to be ruled and guided by
standards set by adults if these are not too oppressive.
The most effective of these are
1] Reaction formation

2] Sublimation

1. Reaction formation:
Reaction formation is doing the opposite of the desired
activity. E.g. Cleanliness and Kindness are representation of
reaction formation against the drive to be sloppy or cruel.
2. Sublimation:
Sublimation is converting an unacceptable impulse to socially
acceptable activity .e.g. Friendship, artistic interests, and
competitive sports are example of sublimation of unacceptable
aggressive and sexual drives.
Adolescence (12-18years)
Adolescence is a psychological state of maturation while puberty
is a physical state of maturation. During this period there is a
wide difference of level of psychological maturation will

During this period the child will re-experience the Oedipal
conflict and separation conflict in order to resolve the residue
of the earlier period. They strive for autonomy and rebel against
rules and standards that were previously acceptable.
This is associated with TURMOIL OF ADOLESCENCE. There is
STRUGGLE between dependence and independence, which is greater
and adolescent want the best of the both sides. to proceed to the
last stage of adolescence, the teenager must free himself of the
dependent tie to his parents.

During this period the STRUGGLE is more with the self than with
the external environment. A Self-sufficient individual independent
of his family and capable of filling his own role as a person in society.
Thus by the end of adolescence the child develop a sense of
identity and true resolution.
Erikson’s theory
Erickson Theory
Development of Basic Trust: Birth to 18 months::
Development of the basic Trust depends on caring and
consistent mother or mother substitute, who meets both the
physiologic and emotional needs for the infants. The strong bond
between mother and child is necessary for the child to develop a
Basic trust in the world.

Maternal Deprivation Syndrome:
When the child receives inadequate maternal support, it will
fail to gain weight and are retarded in both physical and
emotional growth. This is seen in children of broken families or
who lived in a series of foster homes.
Basic mistrust:
A child who never developed a sense of basic trust will
have difficulty in entering into situations that requires trust
and confidence in another person. These individuals are
extremely frightened and uncooperative.

Development of Autonomy: 18 months to3 years
( autonomy vs shame or doubt)

Children around the age of 2 years are said to be undergoing
TERRIBLE TWOS because of their uncooperative nature. The child
is moving away from mother and developing a sense of AUTONOMY
OR IDENTITY. He varies between a being a little Devil to Angel
Shame and Doubt

Failure to develop a proper sense of autonomy results in the
development of Doubts in the child mind about his ability to
stand alone, and this in turn produce doubts about others.
Erickson defines the resulting state as one of shame, a feeling
of having all ones shortcoming exposed. e.g Bowel control

 This stage is considered decisive in producing the personality
characteristic of love as opposed to hate, cooperation as
opposed to selfishness and freedom of expression as opposed to
self- consciousness.
Thus Erickson Quotes "From a sense of self control without a
loss of self esteem comes a losing sense of goodwill and pride;
From a sense loss of self control and foreign over control come a
lasting propensity for shame and doubt".
 A key towards obtaining cooperation with treatment from a
child at this stage is to have the child think that whatever the
dentist wants was his own choice, not something advised by
 A child who find situation is threatening is likely to retreat to
mother and be unwilling to separate from her. It is preferable
to do dental treatment when one of the parent present.
Development of initiative(3-6 years)
( initiative vs guilt)
During this stage the child continues to develop greater autonomy, but
now adds to it planning and vigorous pursuit of various activities.
e.g. Extreme curiosity and questioning, aggressive talking, physical
A major task for parents and teacher at this stage is to channel
the activity into manageable tasks, arranging things so that child is able
to succeed, and preventing him or her from undertaking tasks where
success is not possible.

The opposite of initiative is guilt resulting from goals that are
contemplated but not attained, from acts initiated but not completed,
or from faults or acts rebuked by persons the child respects.
Thus Erickson quotes "The child ultimate ability to initiate new
ideas or activities depends on how well he or she thinks without
being made to feel guilty about expressing a bad ideas or failing
to achieve what was expected".
For most children, the first visit to the dentist comes
during the stage of initiative. A child at this stage will be
intensely curious about the dentist office and eager to learn
about the things found there. So going to the dentist can be
constructed as a new and challenging adventure in which child
can experience success. Success in coping with the anxiety of
visiting the dentist can help develop greater independence and
produces a sense of accomplishment.
Mastery of skills (7-11years)
(industry vs inferiority)

During this period child is learning about the rules by which the world
is organized and also he is working to acquire the academic and social
skills that will allow him to compete in the environment. The influence
of parents as a role model decreases and the influence of the peer
group increases.

 Thus Erickson quotes "The child acquires industriousness and begins
the preparation for entrance into the competitive world. “ But
competition with others within a reward system become a reality and
also clears that some tasks can be accomplished only by cooperating
with the others

The negative side of emotional development can be acquisition of a
sense of inferiority.

Children are usually experienced their first visit to the dentist but some
may not. But children at this age are trying to learn the skills and rules that
define success in any situation, that include the dental office. A key to
guidance is setting attainable intermediate goals, clearly outlining the child
how to achieve this goals and positively reinforcing success in achieving
these goals. Because the child drives for a sense of industry and
accomplishment, cooperation with the treatment can be obtained.

 Children at this stage are not motivable by abstract concepts. This means
Emphasizing how the tooth will look better as the child cooperates is more
likely to be a motivating factor than Emphasizing if you wear the appliance
your bite will be better.
Development of personal identity (12-17 years)
(identity vs role confusion)
Adolescence, a period of intense physical development, and is
also the stage in psychosocial development in which a unique
personality identity is acquired. Adolescence is an extremely
complex stage because of the many new opportunities and
challenges thrust upon the teenagers. e.g Emerging sexuality,
academic pressures, earning money, esthetic desires, increased
mobility, career aspirations and recreational interests combines
to produce stress and rewards.

During adolescence separation from the peer group is necessary to
establish ones own uniqueness and values .As adolescence progress,
inability to separate from the group indicates some failure in identity
development. This in turn can lead to a poor sense of direction for the
future, confusion regarding ones place in society, and low Self esteem.

 Most orthodontic treatment is carried out during the adolescent years,
and emotional and behavioral management of adolescents is extremely
difficult. Since parental authority is being rejected, a poor psycho logic
situation is created by orthodontic treatment, if it is being carried out
primarily because of the parent needs and not the child. At this stage
orthodontic treatment should be instituted only if
not to just satisfy their parents.

the patients need,
Development of Intimacy (Young adult)
(intimacy vs isolation)
The adult stage of development begins with the attainment of
intimate relationships with other individuals. Successful
development of intimacy depends on a willingness to compromise
and even to sacrifice to maintain relationship. Other factor that
affects the development of an intimate relationship includes all
aspects of each person – appearance, personality, emotional
qualities, intellect, and others.
Most of the Young adults who seek orthodontic treatment to
correct their dental appearance because they perceived their
dental appearance as flawed. They may feel that a change in
their appearance will facilitate attainment of intimate
relationships. On other hand a NEWLOOK resulting from
orthodontic treatment may interfere with previously
established relationships. Because of these potential problems,
the potential psycho logic impact of orthodontic treatment must
be fully explained to and explore with the young adult patient
before beginning treatment.
Guidance of the next generation (Adults )
(generativity vs stagnation)
A major responsibility of a mature adult is the establishment
and guidance of the next generation. Becoming a successful
parent is not only a major part of this but also services to the
group, community and nation. Thus next generation is not only
nurturing and influencing ones own children but also supporting
the network of social services needed to ensure the next
generation success.
Attainment of integrity (Late Adult)
(integrity vs despair)
At this stage the individual has adapted to the combination of
gratification and disappointment that every adult experiences.
The feeling of integrity is the feeling that one has made the
best of their life.

The opposite of attainment of integrity is Despair. This
feeling is often expressed as disguise and unhappiness,
frequently accomplished by a fear that death will occur before a
life change that might leads to integrity can be accomplished.
Cognition Theory
 Cognition refers to the higher mental process involved in
understanding and dealing with the world around us.
 Cognition includes process like perception, Thinking, Concept
formation, Abstraction, and problem solving. Basic to all these
processes is intelligence. Intelligence is a score derived from an
intelligence test indicating how the individual’s mental ability
compares with that of others of the same development age.
 Cognition Theory was put forward by Jean Piaget. According to
his concept childhood development proceeds from an egocentric
position through a predictable, step like fashion. “The child is an
active participant with the environment in the constant
incorporation and reorganization of Data.”

The process of adaptation by a child is through Assimilation and

It describes the ability of the child to deal with new
situation and problems within his age specific skills.

It describes the ability of the child to adapt and change
his way of dealing with the world to handle a problem, which at
first may be too difficult at his particular age and skill.
Through this continuous dual process the child is
constantly building various hierarchies of related behavior,
which Piaget called Schemata.
Schemata represent a dynamic process of differentiation and
reorganization of knowledge, with the resultant evolution of
behavior and cognitive functioning appropriate for the age of
the child.
Piaget delineated four periods of Cognition growth, each
characterized by distinct type of thinking and in which the child
successfully relies more upon internal stimuli and symbolic
thought and less upon external stimulation.
Sensorimotor Period: (0-2 year)
During the first 2 year of life, a child develops from newborn
infants who are almost totally dependent on reflex activities to
an individual who can develop new behavior to cope with new
During this stage child will develop a rudimentary concepts of
objects, including the idea that object in the environment are
permanent; they do not disappear when the child is not looking
The child has little ability to interpret sensory data and a
limited ability to project forward or backward in time.
Preoperational period: (2-7year)
During the preoperational period, the capacity develops to
form mental symbols representing things and event not present,
and children learn to use words to symbolize these absent
During this period child can understand the world in the way
of 5 primary senses.
1) Feel

2) Smell

3) Hear


5) Concepts that cannot be seen
They feel difficult to interpret Time and health.
Thus child can understand language in a literal sense i.e.
words only they have learned.
Features of Thought process
1) Egocentrism

2) Animism

It is defined as the inability of the child to assume
another persons point of view. Because of this the child can only
manage his own perspective and assumes another’s view is simply
beyond his mental capabilities.

It is defined as projection of inanimate object with life
i.e. everything seen as being alive by a young child, and stories
that invest with life are quite acceptable to children of this age.
Most of the thumb sucking patients fall in to this
category of age.
Since the child’s view of time is centered around the
present, and he is dominated by how things look, feel, taste, and
sound now, there is also no point in talking to a 4 year old about
how much better his tooth will look in the future if he stops
thumb sucking. At the same time it would not be useful to point
out to the child how proud his father would be if he stopped
thumb sucking, since the child would think his fathers attitude
was same as the child (Egocentrism). Telling him that the teeth
will feel better now or talking about how bad his thumb tastes .
Period of concrete operations: ( 7 – 11year)
 During this stage, the ability to see another point view develops,
while animism declines. The child’s thinking is still strongly tied
to concrete situations and the ability to reason on an abstract
level is limited. Presenting ideas as abstract concepts is difficult
to understand than illustrating them with concrete objects.
 E.g. It will be too abstract "Now wear your Functional appliance
or retainer every night and be sure to keep it clean.” More
concrete direction would be " this is your retainer.” Put it in
your mouth like this and take it out like that. Put in every
evening right after dinner before you go to bed, and take it out
before breakfast every morning. Brush it like this with an old
toothbrush to keep it clean.
Period of Formal operations: (11 years – adult)
 The ability to deal with abstract concepts develops by the age
of 11 years. They can understand the concepts like health,
disease and preventive treatment.
 In addition to the ability to deal with abstractions, teenagers
have developed cognitively to the point where they can think
about thinking.
 When an adolescent consider what others are thinking about, he
assumes that others are thinking about the same thing he is
thinking about, namely himself. They feel they are constantly
onstage being observed and criticized by those around them.
Elkind has called this phenomenon the IMAGINARY AUDIENCE.
 The imaginary audience is a powerful influence on young
adolescents, making them quite self-conscious and susceptible to
peer influence. They are very worried about what peer will think
about their appearance and actions, not realizing that others are
too busy with themselves.
 The reaction of the imaginary audience to braces on his teeth is
an important consideration to a teenage patient. They are very
susceptible to suggestions from their peer group. In some
setting they tend to please for tooth colored plastic or ceramic
brackets at other times bright colored Ligatures and elastics
have been their tempt.
Behavior is an observable act. It is defined as any
change observed in the functioning of an organism.
Learning as related to behavior is a process in
which past experience or practice results in relatively
permanent changes in an individual’s behavior.
Behavioral dentistry is an interdisciplinary
science, which needs to be learned, practiced and
reinforced in the context of clinical care and within
community oral health care system.
The objective of this science is to develop in a
dental practitioner an understanding of the
interpersonal, intrapersonal, social forces that
influence the patients’ behavior
Models of health behavior (sem in ortho 2000)

Models of health behavior and Their implication
for orthodontic treatment
Health belief model

Theory of
planned behavior

Self-regulation theory

Stages of change model
This  model  proposes  that  an  individual’s  beliefs  are  important 
determinants of his/her health-related behavior. 
Four sets of beliefs are thought to predict health-related behavior
1. Perceived susceptibility to disease or problem
2. Perceived severity of the problem
3. Perceived benefits of health behaviors, and
4. Perceived barriers to health-enhancing behaviors.
This theory proposes that people are reasonable and make 
decisions about health-related behavior by using available 
information to achieve a desired goal. .
Patient Intention is influenced by 3 factors
 The person’s attitude toward the behavior (e.g.,
“I don’t like wearing the cumbersome device that
make me look different”),
 Social influences on the behavior (“People will
make fun of me”)
 The person’s perceived behavioral control, which
reflects a person’s perceived ability to overcome
obstacles and is influenced by their past
As in the health belief model, both internal events such as attitudes 
and environmental factors including social pressure and perceived 
obstacles  influence  the  behavior,  but  in  Planned  behavior  they  do 
so  by  determining  whether  the  person  intends  to  perform  the 
Clear  implication  of  this  model  is  that  assessing  a  patient’s 
intentions to adhere to the treatment regimen can be an important 
first  step  in  identifying  potential  noncompliance.  If  intentions  to 
change behavior are low, and then interventions to alter attitudes or 
increase behavioral control may be indicated.
This theory suggests that individuals regulate their own behavior 
using the following 3 processes:
First, individual monitor both the determinants and outcomes of 
their behavior. For example, a patient evaluates why he or she is 
wearing  appliance  (“Because  the  doctor  told  me  to.”),  and 
monitors  the  outcome  of  that  behavior  (“I  feel  like  I’m  taking 
good care of my teeth.”).
Second,  patients  evaluate  their  behavior  based  on  personal 
standards  (“I’m  doing  pretty  well  for  me.”)  and  environmental 
conditions  (“Understands  the  circumstances,  I  can’t  be  expected 
to do much better.”)
Third,  patients  adjust  their  behavior  depending  on  how  it 
compares with these personal standards (“I am really not doing 
as well as I can”).
Thus,  this  theory  proposed  reciprocal  interactions  among 
behavior, the environment and personal factors, such as internal 
standards  and  cognitive  process.  One  central  concept  in  selfregulation theory is self-efficacy, which refers to the belief that 
one can produce a desired outcome through one’s own efforts.
This model proposes that people progress through 5 stages when 
making a behavior change, Broder and Phillips et al apply this 
model to understanding decisions regarding treatment 
First stage is pre-contemplation, which people typically fails to 
acknowledge the need for behavior change and have no intention 
of changing their behavior.
Second stage, contemplation, individuals recognize a need for 
change and are considering a change in behavior, but have not yet 
taken any steps in that direction
Third stage is preparation, and this stage involves making specific 
plans for behavior change.
Fourth stage, action, involves implementing those plans, and this is 
the first stage in which overt behavior change occurs.
The  final stage  is  maintenance,  in  which  people  are  attempting  to 
sustain the behavior changes that they have made.
An important implication of this model is that patients at different 
stages will require different interventions assist them with 
behavior change. 
An important implication of each of these models is that patients’ 
attitude, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are important 
determinants of their behavior.
Based on these theoretical models, the following
recommendations for clinical practice are suggested.

1. Assess patients’ intentions to adhere to treatment regimens 
(e.g. “How often do you plan to brush and floss?”). One can 
be  relatively  sure  that  if  intentions  to  change  behavior  are 
low, then the likelihood of behavior change is also very low. 
In these instances, educational or behavioral interventions to 
increase intentions and promoter adhere will be needed.
2.  Assess  patients’  self-efficacy  for  successfully  completing 
the prescribed treatment (e.g. “How capable do you feel you 
are of using this appliance as prescribed?”). If patients doubt 
their ability, then additional instruction and in office practice 
in the required behavior are indicated.
3.  Be  aware  that  the  patient  seek  treatment  at  very  different  points 
along the stage of change, and parents and children may also differ in 
their  readiness  for  change.  Treatment  should  be  initiated  only  when 
the patient reports being ready to assume the responsibility and make 
the  behavioral  commitment  required  to  successfully  complete 
4.  Try  to  identify  barriers  to  compliance  with  treatment 
recommendations.  These  may  include  personal  characteristic  of  the 
patients  (e.g.  age,  education  level,  socioeconomic  status)  or 
environmental factors, such as high levels of psychosocial stress or a 
lack of understanding the importance of treatment.
When  these  barriers  are  identified,  steps  should  be  taken  to 
reduce the barriers or to tailor treatment around the barriers. 
5.  Treatment  plans  should  incorporate  the  priorities  and 
capabilities  of  the  patient.  This  approach  allows  patients  to 
participate  in  the  decision  making  process  and  further  the 
patient’s  commitment.  In  cases  in  which  patient  decision 
conflicts  with  professional  standards,  limitations  of  the 
selected  treatment  plan  should  be  presented.  Options 
including  non-treatment  should  be  presented  to  the  patient 
and parent.
Psycho-orthodontic theory
(A.j.o –Do 1981 dec 604-622)
This theory was put forwarded by El-Mangoury. Motivation is
a very broad psychological term which describes a hypothetical
construct which aims to explain the reason for the stream of a
goal-directed behavior driven by specific or nonspecific forces.
A) Achievement motivation can be defined as the motivation
characterized by striving for success in any situation in which
standards of excellence apply.
B) Affiliation motivation of orthodontic patients was defined as
a hypothetical construct of seeking orthodontic care for the
purpose of improving the dento facial esthetics in order to
facilitate the connection or association of oneself with other
people for obtaining, maintaining, and/or restoring close
interpersonal relationships.
C) Attribution motivation can be defined as the motivation
for perceiving the causes of success and failure, either
internally (that is, to the self) or externally (that is, outside the
1. Orthodontic cooperation is predictable through psychological
2. High-need achievers cooperate better orthodontically than lowneed achievers.
3.A patient who is a good brusher does not have to be a good
headgear wearer, and vice versa
4. Affiliation motivation seems to contribute the most in prediction
of headgear wear, elastic wear, appliance maintenance, nonbroken
appointments, and punctuality in appointments.
5. Achievement motivation appears to contribute the most for
predicting oral hygiene.
6. Attribution motivation was not effective in predicting variables
Emotional Development And Orthodontic Treatment
Body Image

Self Concepts

Body Image:
Body image of the patient is classified in to "body sense"
and "body concept.''
Body sense refers to the actual appearance the person
sees when viewing him in a mirror or photograph.
Body concept is the internal process of how the patient
feels about his appearance.


Body Image


Parents, Teachers and peers
The earliest influences on a child’s body awareness are a parent
or other caregiver’s physical and emotional interaction with the
child. As the child’s world expands teachers and peers respond
to his or her physical appearance. These messages may reinforce
each other and the child’s subjective assessment or may conflict
the child’s own perceptions. By integrating these appraisals (and
in some cases by ignoring objective judgments) the child
develops a cognitive representation of the self, a body image.
Culture and Ethnics
A person's response to dental-facial attractiveness can be
viewed as a type of psychosocial response to occlusal status. As
such, psychosocial responses to dental-facial esthetics have a
cultural emphasis. It is important to assess objectively the
degree to which a person's dental-facial appearance deviates
from the cultural norm. Thus, there is a rational and empirical
basis for including an assessment of dental-facial appearance
when evaluating the need for orthodontic treatment. Thus
Ethnic and cross culture factors play a role in the development
of a body image
Self concept
Body Image


Social Competence

Self Concepts
Self Esteem
Self Concepts
Self Esteem

Desire to Change
•Social Skills

 To the extent that the child holds himself or herself in high
regard, there is greater self- acceptance and the desire to
maintain the status ego. For such children, an orthodontist’s
recommendations or a parents encouragement to obtain
orthodontic treatment may be futile because the child is
satisfied with his or her appearance, no matter how far outside
the range of “ideal” or even normal his dentofacial features may
lie. In such cases, if the child is forced by the parents to
receive treatment, cooperation during active treatment and
adherence to long term treatment recommendations may suffer.
 In contrast, for many children whose self-acceptance is not very
high, the desire to chance one or more components of selfconcept may be great. Those who can identify the malocclusion
or poor dentofacial disharmony as the source of their
dissatisfaction are more highly motivated to obtain orthodontic
treatment and are better risks for long-term cooperation and
adherence to treatment protocol.
 It behooves the orthodontist to recognize these differences, to
identify children who attend the initial orthodontic consult
willingly versus those who are coerced by parents or other
concerned adults, as well as those whose own & whose parents
motives are unrealistic and inconsistent with the type of
malocclusion presented. This requires an honest discussion with
the child, perhaps with the parent listening but not participating
in the session .
 Questioning the child about his or her areas of satisfaction with
the face and other aspects of the self , motives for and
concerns about treatment , and whether or not the child
understands his or her responsibilities during each phase of
treatment can prevent failure in the case of children who are
unprepared or , more importantly , those who have few intrinsic
motives for seeking orthodontic intervention .
COMPLIANCE (sem in ortho 2000)
As suggested by Haynes: Compliance is "the extent to which 
a person's behavior (in terms of taking medications, following diets, 
or  executing  lifestyle  changes)  coincides  with  medical  or  health 
Orthodontists  ask  patients  to  behave  in  ways  that  will 
maximize  the  likelihood  of  achieving  the  orthodontic  treatment 
For  example,  patients  are  asked  to  keep  their  appointments, 
adhere  to  dietary  restrictions,  modify  their  oral  hygiene  practices, 
and  follow  complicated  treatment  regimens  that  include  the  use  of 
elastics, headgears, and other removable appliances.
When  a  patient  deviates  from  these  therapeutic 
recommendations,  the  presumption  is  that  the  likelihood  of 
achieving the desired goals is reduced. 
There  are  a  myriad  of  strategies  for  dealing  with  patient 
noncompliance. The strategy a clinician chooses is often influenced 
by how he or she conceptualizes the cause(s) of poor compliance. 
An  example  of  this  comes  from  an  early  view  of 
noncompliance  that  suggested  it  resulted  from  a  character  "flaw" 
that allowed an individual to deviate from a therapeutic regimen that 
was intended for his or her own benefit.
Self-Regulation Approach to Orthodontic Patient Compliance
 Self-regulation principles are being applied in diverse areas of 
clinical psychology and have been particularly useful in guiding 
work on compliance problems in orthodontics.
 The component parts of a simple self-regulation model for patient 
compliance are:
Feed back
A regulatory model of patient compliance suggests that poor 
compliance can result from a variety of factors
Current  orthodontic  research  focuses  on  a  critical  aspect  of  the 
feedback;  specifically,  the  input  received  by  the  comparator  that 
quantifies the actual amount of adherent behavior. This aspect of the 
feedback loop is particularly problematic  because  when  asked how 
many hours a headgear has been worn, patients do not know how to 
estimate the total. 
Likewise, orthodontists cannot reliably estimate the amount of wear 
and  parents  are  not  sure  of  their  child's  degree  of  appliance  use. 
Patients,  parents,  and  clinicians  need  a  way  to  ascertain  this 
Technology  may  provide  the  solution  to  this  problem  as  it  has  in 
other  areas  of  patient  compliance.  Research  suggests  that  patients 
receiving feedback about their degree of compliance are better able 
to follow a recommended regimen.
Measuring Headgear Use
Orthodontists are understandably interested in the amount of time a 
headgear is worn. 
Typical  clinical  methods  for  estimating  the  amount  of  headgear 
wear include:
  evaluations of proxy measures of compliance (e.g., oral 
  condition of the appliance (e.g., a worn-looking neck     strap), mobility of the molar 
  ease of patient use, and 
  direct patient inquiry either verbally or by questionnaire.
Unfortunately,  such  methods  are  poor  and  commonly  provide  an 
overestimate  of  compliance.  There  is  a  clear  need  for  a  reliable 
method of measuring the time a headgear has been worn and there 
have been numerous attempts to pro-duce such a device.
Northcutt introduced the first timing headgear in 1974. The timer 
consisted of 2 switches that were activated when the appliance was 
worn and accumulated wear time until the appliance was removed.
A  study  by  Banks and Read,  found  that  only  4  of  13  head-gear 
timers were accurate more than 90% of the time.
A conceptual model of factors influencing orthodontic treatment decisions

Perceptions of

Need for

Develop over
Time as a
Function of
a. parent’s dental
Facial appearance
b. Social norms
c. Social feedback

Develops as a result
a. Perceptions of
b. parents’
Perceptions of
Treatment need
c. Professional
Evaluations of occlusion

-Percieved need for treatment
-Positive perceptions of
treatment efficacy
-relative value of treatment

Decision to obtain

Orthodontists:-Professional evaluation
of treatment
-Understanding of
Patient’s desire for treatment




 Perceives functional/
   esthetic impairment
 Perceives need for 

 Develops realistic 

 Assumes control of 
   behavior related to effect 
   outcomes of treatment
 Shares responsibility for 
    treatment outcomes


 Perceives need for    
 Believes in efficacy of      
 Places high value on   

 Enables treatment
 Takes interest in 
 Encourages homecare

 Supports and approves 
   child’s active   
   participations and 
   responsibility in 


 Professionally evaluates  
   treatment needs
 Seeks to understand 
   patient and parent 
 Communicates  goals, 
   expectations, potential 
   problems in treatment

 Engages parent and 
   patient in goals,  
 Acknowledges patient 
   and parent perceptions

 Develops partnership 
   with patient
 Shares responsibility  
   with patient for progress, 
   setbacks, outcomes of 
To  ensure  efficient  clinical  management  of  orthodontic  patients,  it 
is desirable to identify factors, which would enable the orthodontist 
at  the  early  stages  of  treatment  to  predict  the  patient's  subsequent 
behavior and compliance. 
Predicting patient compliance
Demographic aspect

Psychosocial aspect

1. Education
2. Parent’s attitude
Socioeconomic status
3. Patient’s personality
In  the  search  for  potential  predictors  of  treatment  compliance, 
considerable  attention  has  been  directed  toward  evaluation  of 
patients' demographic characteristics.
Patient Age:
Allan et al (AJO 1968) studied that patient's age was found to be 
the best predictor of cooperation.
  In  contrast,  studies  by  Albine and Sergl et al (EJO 1992)  have 
revealed  no  correlation  between  patients'  age  and  the  level  of 
Kreit and Starnbach et al  have  emphasized  that  the  patient's 
gender  might  help  predict  treatment  compliance  demonstrating 
that  female  patients  tend  to  show  better  cooperation  compared 
with males.
  Studies  by  klima et al (AJO 1979)  suggest  that  in  contrast  to 
boys, girls tend to express lower body image satisfaction and are 
more likely to be displeased, with their dental appearance
Socioeconomic status:
Several investigations have addressed the issue of potential 
influence of patients' socioeconomic status on their 
compliance with orthodontic treatment.
 Cucalon and Smith et al (ANGLE 1989) reported that 
female patients from higher socioeconomic groups show the 
highest compliance levels. 
Dorsey and Korabik et al (AJO1977) have indicated 
superior compliance shown either by children of civil servants 
compared with those of working class and self-employed 
parents, or by children of factory workers in contrast to 
offspring's of intellectuals.
 In contrast Sergl et al (EJO 1992) reported, no evidence of 
potential effects of parental occupational status on children's 
Considerable  attention  has  been  devoted  to  evaluation  of  the 
effects of patients' psychologic traits and psychosocial background 
on  compliance  during  orthodontic  treatment.  It  is  generally 
believed  that  patient's  personality  characteristics,  his  or  her 
relationships  with  the  family,  peers  and  orthodontist,  as  well  as 
performance  at  school  are  closely  linked  with  compliance,  and 
might  serve  as  valuable  sources  of  information  regarding  both 
prediction and management of compliance
Richter, Nanda and Sinha  et  al  (ANGLE  1996)  reported  that 
cooperative  orthodontic  patients  tend  to  have  better  grades  and 
show less deviant behavior at school, they are less frequently truant 
from  school,  are  considered  academically  brighter  and  more 
sociable by their teachers, and reveal higher levels of self-perceived 
cognitive  competence.  On  these  grounds,  patients'  scholastic 
performance  might  serve  as  a  useful  predictor  of  treatment 
Dausch and Neumann et al observations indicate that children of 
above-average  intelligence  are  more  cooperative  during  treatment, 
which, however, does not necessarily imply that children of belowaverage intelligence show poor compliance, because both variables 
appear  to  depend  strongly  on  a  number  of  other  psychosocial 
Mehra et al (ANGLE 1996) suggested that parental beliefs are 
important  for  a  child's  compliance,  and  that  assessment  of  the 
child-parent  relationship  may  help  predict  the  level  of 
cooperation.  How-ever,  it  appears  from  other  studies  that  a 
child's  personal  psychologic  characteristics  may  be  a  more 
decisive factor determining the level of treatment compliance.
Nevertheless,  parents  seem  to  play  a  prominent  role  in 
influencing a child's decision to seek orthodontic treatment, and 
parental  attitudes  influence  the  child's  compliance  in  the  earlier 
stages of treatment.
Study  by  Nanda and Kierl et al (AJO 1992)  evaluated  several 
factors of potential relevance to compliance prediction. 
Treatment-related psychosocial factors such as patient's and parents' 
treatment  attitudes  and  expectations,  or  relationships  between  the 
child, parents and orthodontic practitioner, were investigated. 
These  observations  imply  that  development  of  an  effective 
relationship  between  the  orthodontist  and  the  patient  at  the  earliest 
stages of treatment is beneficial for future compliance, and that the 
orthodontist's perception of his or her interpersonal relationship with 
the patient may be useful in predicting compliance.
Substantial  evidence  has  accumulated  suggesting  that  patients' 
personality  characteristics  are  important  for  the  individually 
attainable level of treatment compliance. 
Studies  dealing  with  the  psychologic  assessment  of  patients 
undergoing  orthodontic  treatment  have  out-lined  psychologic 
profiles of uncooperative and cooperative patients. 
Sergl et al  compared  extraordinarily  cooperative  orthodontic 
patients  with  patients  rated  by  their  clinicians  as  highly 
Specific psychologic diagnostic tests were used for evaluation of 
patients'  cooperation,  responsibility,  reliability,  and  endurance 
during  treatment.  The  results  indicated  that  irrespective  of 
gender, the patients who tend to be uncooperative are inclined to 
attitudinal  preferences  conventionally  regarded  as  masculine, 
which  are  expressed  as  active,  aggressive,  and  realistic 
behavioral  patterns  and  self-images,  rather  than  sensitive, 
esthetic and idealistic ones.
Allan and Hodgson (AJO 1968)  reported  that  patients  more 
likely  to  show  higher  levels  of  treatment  compliance  are 
enthusiastic,  outgoing,  energetic,  self-controlled,  responsible, 
trusting, diligent, and obliging persons.
Personality  tests  have  been  used  by  a  number  of  investigators, 
generally with the goal of being able to predict patient cooperation 
by identifying particular personality types. 
Both  Gabriel  and  McDonald  used  the  California  Test  of 
Personality. This test purports to measure a number of psychosocial 
domains,  such  as  self-reliance,  sense  of  personal  worth,  or  social 
 Gabriel  (ANGLE  1965)  found  a  low  correlation  between  the 
scores  from  items  of  the  California  Test  of  Personality  and  a  post 
treatment,  subjective  assessment  of  motivation.  He  believed  this 
correlation was too low to be predictive.
McDonald  reported  a  significant  correlation  between  scores 
on the California Test of Personality and patient cooperation.

Southard and Tolley (AJO 1991) examined the feasibility of 
using  a  commercially  available  adolescent  personality  test  to 
predict  the  behavior  of  adolescent  patients  in  an  orthodontic 
practice. Specifically, this study tested 
1. the  use  of  the  Million  Adolescent  Personality  Inventory 
(MAPI)  as  an  appropriate  instrument  for  an  adolescent 
orthodontic population and
2. the correlation between MAPI test results and orthodontic 
Authors  concluded  that  the  MAPI  has  potential  as  a  useful 
instrument  in  assisting  the  management  of  adolescent  patient 
behavior in an orthodontic practice.
Initial Experience With Orthodontics and Acceptance of
As patients may experience a considerable amount of discomfort 
from  orthodontic  treatment  it  is  reasonable  to  expect  that 
patients' initial experience with orthodontic treatment, adaptation 
to it and its acceptance at an early stage might strongly influence 
the degree of compliance at the subsequent stages.
It  is  recognized  that  insertion  of  a  new  orthodontic  appliance 
may  diminish  cooperation  by  causing  considerable  discomfort 
such as unpleasant tactile sensations, feeling of constraint in the 
oral  cavity,  stretching  of  the  soft  tissues,  pressure  on  the  oral 
mucosa,  displacement  of  the  tongue,  sore-ness  of  the  teeth  and 
Pain,  functional  and  esthetic  impairment,  and  associated 
complaints  are  the  principal  reasons  for  the  patient's  wish  to 
discontinue treatment.
The  patient's  self-confidence  might  be  affected  by  speech 
impairment  and  visibility  of  the  appliance,  especially  during 
social interactions when attention is focused on the face, eyes 
and mouth.
Effects of appliance type on oral complaints, such as higher 
degree of pain or speech impairment during wearing of the bionator 
and  the  head-gear,  increased  incidence  of  perceived  pain,  tension, 
sensitivity, and pressure under treatment with functional and fixed 
appliances, or differences in initial acceptance of various designs of 
functional appliances, have been described for non-compliance. 
It  seems  likely  that  because  of  different  experiences 
encountered, the type of appliance may have a substantial effect on 
initial  adaptation  and  should  also  be  considered  in  compliance 
General  personality  variables  and  specific  attitudes  to 
orthodontics seem to play an important role.
Sergl et al (AJO 1980)  indicated  that  patients'  attitudes  toward 
orthodontics  at  the  beginning  of  treatment  may  predict  their 
capability to accommodate to initial discomfort associated with an 
orthodontic  appliance,  which  in  turn,  may  predict  the  patient's 
acceptance  of  the  appliance  and  the  degree  of  subsequent 
compliance.  Appliance  adaptation  and  treatment  acceptance  or 
denials  are  short-  term  events  occurring  within  a  few  days  after 
the initiation of treatment. 
This  evidence  suggests  that  attention  of  the  treating  clinician  to 
patients' adaptation is necessary at the earliest treatment stages, to 
ensure and enhance future compliance.
Social inequality influences general health, dental disease,
and dental health-related behavior. However, reports on
any links between orthodontics and social inequality are
more equivocal.

Registrar General’s social class groupings (by occupation of head* of
Social class
Definition and examples
Professional e.g. medical, dental,


Veterinary, and legal professions, chartered
Engineers and accountants
Intermediate and managerial e.g. school teachers
Nurses, police officers, secretaries, publicans
Skilled non-manual workers e.g. clerks,
Draughtsman, shop assistants, travel agents

Skilled manual e.g. carpenters, electricians,
Welders, instrument artificers, police

Semi-skilled e.g. lathe operators, process
Postmen/ women
Unskilled workers e.g. laborers, dustmen,
Classification by occupation used by Rölling (1982)


Low e.g. unemployed, unskilled manual
Lower middle—skilled manual
Middle e.g. shop assistants, clerks, small self-employed
Upper middle e.g. superior employees, shop owners,
Upper e.g. academics, managers
Results:The results showed that discontinued cases were:
1. Less likely to have been treated with fixed appliances
2. A little older at start, on average
3. More likely to have been asked to wear
4. More often from lower social class backgrounds
5. Less likely to have been treated by an orthodontically
qualified practitioner
6. More likely to have attended practices in relatively
deprived areas.
orthodontic treatment
Dr. I.
                        (sem in orthodontics 2000 dec)
Patient noncompliance is a limiting factor in the conversion 
of  accurate  orthodontic  treatment  plans  to  excellent  treatment 
results.  A  variety  of  treatment  techniques  have  been  devised  to 
overcome this barrier in the attempt at obtaining good results. 
Despite  earlier  claims  made  by  the  proponents  of  these 
techniques, it is abundantly clear that none of these techniques are 
completely successful without the patient's participation.
In addition, many of these "noncompliant" techniques have 
now reverted back. E.g.,traditional methods of anchorage control by 
headgear and elastics for a portion of the treatment period.
Factors Influencing Orthodontic Patient Compliance
During  the  initial  treatment  stages,  the  parent's positive
attitudes toward orthodontic treatment predict patient compliance. 
In  the  later  stages,  the  patient's own cognition  regarding 
treatment directly correlates with compliance levels.
  Those  patients  who  believe  that  their  actions  directly  lead 
to  superior  treatment  results  are  better  compliers  compared  with 
those  who  believe  that  they  do  not  have  control  over  treatment 
         Parent’s previous orthodontic experience
         Financial implications
         Doctor- patient relationship
Various prevention and improvement concepts that can
positively affect orthodontic patient compliance are:
A  shift  from  a  practitioner-centered  model  of  patient  care  to  a 
patient-centered approach is emphasized. It include: 

Patient-centered care versus practitioner-centered care,
Patient’s causal attributions,
Patient support at home and at the orthodontic office,
Rewarding compliant behavior, and
Doctor-patient rapport and communication
1. Patient-Centered Care versus Practitioner Centered Care
 Traditionally, orthodontic treatment prescribed by the practitioner 
based  on  defined  professional  standards  without  considering  the 
priorities and capabilities of the patient. 
Patients  who  fail  to  follow  prescribed  instruction  are  labeled  as 
This  is  often  done  without  considering  the  fact  that  the  treatment 
prescribed  may  not  have  taken  into  account  the  capabilities, 
motivations, and expectations of each individual patient. 
Hence,  patients  have  had  to  bear  the  burden  and  the  outcome  of 
noncompliance  rather  than  considering  the  inability  of  the 
practitioner  to  understand  individual  patient  needs  and  to  make 
appropriate treatment plans.
A patient-centered approach would place some of the responsibility 
of successful patient compliance on the practitioner. In this model, 
the  practitioner  would  prescribe  treatment  plans  based  on 
individual patient expectations, priorities, and capabilities
Repeated  treatment  progress  re-evaluations  and  patient/parent 
consultations  are  a  key  component  of  success  in  this  proposed 
 In the orthodontic treatment realm, key issues that relate to 
this concept fall within the following:
(1) Patient education and
(2) Patient empowerment and contracting procedures.
Patient Education
Patient management may be greatly enhanced when patients
understand the nature of their condition and the proposed
treatment plan or procedure to be performed.
Educating the patient regarding his or her malocclusion and
the means to achieve an acceptable result is very important to
success in motivating the patient to succeed.
Often treatment is prescribed for patients who have limited or
no understanding of their orthodontic problem and why some
aspects of treatment mechanics are necessary for successful
At the same time, parents may not be clear about treatment
goals and mechanics. In addition, the parents' ability to explain
details of the condition and the necessity for different appliances to
their children may also be limited. The result is a patient who is less
likely to achieve a successful treatment outcome.
A strong effort to educate patients regarding their condition
will allow them to make informed choices regarding appliance
selection and the limitations of their selection.
As treatment progresses, the' education component needs to
be revisited to ensure their complete understanding. This will result
in individuals who take greater responsibility for their actions
during orthodontic treatment.
Various demonstration tools are available to aid in the education
Good standard patient records such as study casts and photo­graphs
can be used to describe the problem.
 A presentation customized for the patient by different commercially
available computer software programs is an excellent method for
explaining mechanics and appliances.
 The use of demonstration models and appliances are important for
the patient to completely understand different appliances.
In addition, the practitioner can prepare a database of examples that
can be digitally stored and used for these presentations.
(AJO 2001 JUNE, VOL.119 NO 6)

The principles that will be discussed are:
• Progressions
• Backward chaining
• Shaping (close approximation)
• Reframing (symptom prescription, reverse psychology)
• Reinforcement theory
• Hypnosis
• Kinesthesia
• Learning by doing
PROGRESSIONS:Progression learning involves segmenting the skill to be learned into
a number of simple and sequential component parts, or progressive
steps. Progressions are used when learning complex skills.
This includes both cognitive and psychomotor skills.
For example, teaching a patient to insert a cervical headgear for
the first time could be sequenced
Backward chaining is the educational principle that incorporates stages,
or progressions, into learning, only reverse sequence.
In backward chaining, the last steps in sequence, from beginning to end,
are taught first, working backwards toward the first step in the
progression. Backward chaining is particularly useful in learning
complicated psychomotor skills when the last step is easier to learn
than any of the beginning steps.. At times, it is only necessary to
teach the last step first, then go to the first and work forward.
Shaping, or close approximation, is an operant conditioning
principle that involves reinforcing behavior that approaches the desired
This form of operant conditioning was popularized years ago by
B. F. Skinner.
EX:- tooth brushing technique
Reframing (symptom prescription or reverse psychology) is
the psychological technique in which a behavior that is considered
undesirable but pleasurable is made to appear, or reframed, as a duty,
or vice versa.
Ex:- to lessen finger sucking habit
• Positive and negative reinforcement, and, to a limited degree,
punishment, can be used in orthodontics. The overriding principle
of reinforcement theory is to give more praise than criticism. It has
been suggested that at least 3 words of praise be used for every
word of criticism (punishment).
• Hypnosis, and other techniques closely associated with hypnosis,
can be used for fearful and apprehensive patients
• Ex:- impression making, bonding, debonding, and extraction of
very loose deciduous teeth.
• Obviously, individuals learn differently. Some are more visual,
others are more auditory, and some are both. Others learn
kinesthetically, particularly with psychomotor skills. Kinesthetic
learning, sometimes called “muscle memory,” can be a powerful
teaching aid for learning a physical skill

There is a proverb that states:
I hear and I forget;
I see and I remember;
I do and I understand
The more we can get our patients and our staff to do, rather than
observe, when we teach them new tasks, the faster they will learn
Patient Empowerment and Contracting Procedures
Educating patients regarding their condition gives them the
tools to make informed decisions. The individual feels involved in
the process of selecting what is most suited for the necessary
Sometimes the patient's decision conflicts with their best
interests and also goes against the wishes of the parents regarding
possible outcomes. In these situations, flexible treatment strategies
need to be devised in order to succeed.
A compromise treatment plan may offer the best solution in
some instances. In other situations, a suggestion to postpone
treatment or the decision to withdraw from seeking treatment may
solve the conflict.
Most often, alternatives are available and should be offered
following an understanding of the limitations of different
Once a decision has been reached using this process, the
patient is empowered and selects a treatment option from
choices offered.
This process obligates the patients to comply with a
previously reached agreement.
A contract made with each individual patient has been shown
to be successful in improving compliance in different areas of
orthodontic care.
2. Patient's Causal Attributions
Patients attribute events in their lives to external and internal
causes. External causes are outside of their control (external locus
of control), versus internal, which are within their control (internal
locus of control).
El­­Mangoury et al (AJO1981) found that orthodontic patients
who attributed outcomes to internal causes were significantly more
Albino et al (J Behav Med1991) also found that those patients
who attributed responsibility for their orthodontic condition and
treatment externally to either chance or their orthodontists showed
lower levels of compliance scores compared with others.
Therefore, patients who attribute internally are better
compliers compared with those who attribute externally.
Those patients who make fewer external attributions
possess a sense of responsibility and consequences consequently
believe that their participation and cooperation facilitates
treatment progress.
These findings can be used clinically to improve patient
compliance by initially developing strong relationships and a high
level of communication with patients.
Good rapport along with patient education can empower
patients to make informed decisions regarding their role in
determining the success of treatment.
3. Patient Support at Home and at the Orthodontic Office
Family support for the patient to follow pre­scribed instructions is
necessary for successful implementation of this program.
Also, continuous encouragement and feedback from the
orthodontic office is significant in creating a supportive
environment, which is important for the patient.
Patients are often required to wear cumbersome appliances that are
difficult to use. If a difficult task is suddenly introduced requiring
substantial effort from the patient, a noncompliance problem is
An example is of patients who have to use the reverse facemask
headgear used for Class III skeletal growth modification. The
headgear appears as a complicated device to the patient.
This appliance has to be worn for a long period of time for
successful correction. Often a rapid palatal expander is used in
combination with this appliance.
The patients should be started with the expansion device for 2 weeks
followed by introducing the headgear gradually. The initial wear
may be for I or 2 hours and progress to 4 hours in 3 to 4 weeks. The
wear should progress to 12 to 14 hours of wear as dictated by the
treatment plan.
This method of gradually introducing tasks to patients may help
them in their adaptation to newer difficult tasks.
Methods of feedback to the patients can range from
completing report cards,
rewarding them for compliant behavior,
verbal praise,
regular patient/parent consultations.
In addition, charted notations, which are highly
visible to patients, can also affect compliance.
Knerim et al (JCO 1992)
4. Rewarding Compliant Behavior
Improving patient compliance in day­to­day practice is very
challenging and often a complex problem. Behavior
modification by way of a re­ward program can be effective in
improving patient compliance to prescribed instructions.
In the orthodontic literature, recommendations of establishing
a reward program to motivate patients and improve patient
compliance have been cited.
A study carried out by Ritcher, Nanda and Sinha et al at
the University of Oklahoma revealed the following
findings regarding the use of awards as a motivating tool:
1. The award/reward program resulted in improvement in
patient compliance scores in below average compliers
as reflected in the improvement of oral hygiene scores.
2. Above average compliers remained above average
throughout the length of the study. Below average
compliers improved with re­wards, however, they
never reached the compliance levels achieved by the
above average compliers.
It was concluded that rewards could be a means of
positive feedback for patients in the orthodontic treatment
of malocclusions
5. Doctor/Patient Rapport and Communication
The successful practice of orthodontics is significantly
dependent on the interaction between the orthodontist and patient.
Therefore, it is important to improve this relationship for superior
treatment outcomes, patient satisfaction, and doctor satisfaction.
In the busy orthodontic practice, it is often difficult to
establish a close rapport with the patient. Better doctor/ patient
communication can result in increased and more accurate transfer
of information, thus improving the quality of care.
The patient's perception that the orthodontist paid attention
and took seriously what the patient had to say is significantly
related to superior doctor/patient relationships. Making the patient
feel welcome is also a significant factor in establishing this
Attention to the behavioral issues can greatly enhance the
rapport and can result in superior patient experiences and
communication is an important factor in improving patient
compliance as reported by practicing orthodontists.
Mehra et al (ANGLE 1998)
Patient co-operation- how it can be improved?…
( BJO 1997 NOV.)

1) Being polite, friendly and making the patient feel welcome
2) Having a calm, confident manner

3)Giving information about the problem, the proposed

treatment plan and the procedure you are going to perform.

4) Not using jargon.
5) Paying attention to what the parent and child says
6) Reassuring the child that you will do everything to prevent

7) Express concern about the child’s well-being
8) Do not criticize the child’s tooth brushing or oral hygiene .
Psychosocial characteristics of patients with facial
• Children with craniofacial anomalies are more introverted, neurotic and
demonstrate poor self-concept – Perschuk et al
• Children with Down’s syndrome were rated as being less intelligent,
less attractive, and less socially acceptable. Postoperative ratings of
these same children were significantly more positive in all three
domains – Strauss et al
• A seriously handicapping orthodontic condition is the one that
“severely compromises a person’s physical or emotional health”
– AL Morris et al
• Physical compromise – serious problems with breathing,
speaking, or eating, especially if accompanied by tissue
• Emotional health – includes other’s reactions to the individual in
a way that influences self-esteem
• Research in the areas of self-esteem and attractiveness
indicates that the face is a major source of one’s
psychologic identity
• Orthognathic surgery differs from surgery for
congenital anomalies (in that the changes in appearance
are less dramatic and improvements in occlusion,
mastication, speech, and TM joint function are likely to
be major reasons for treatment) – but patients
undergoing this surgeries also expect esthetic changes.
They must adapt not only to changes in their oral
function, but also to changes in their perceived
appearance and interactions with others.
Patients before surgery

Motives for treatment
A scale to assess patient’s motives
Self-perceptions of facial profile
Sex differences
Orthognathic-surgery patients
Motives for surgery






Family dentist






Desire esthetic changes









TM joint



Social: family, friends



Professional advice

Functional problems
A scale to assess patient’s motives
• Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) Model
– Items are based on interviews with Orthognathic surgery
patients, orthodontists, and oral-maxillofacial surgeons
– Using a 10 point scale, patients are asked to indicate the
importance of each item in the list above and whether they
consider it positive , negative or neutral.
– In this study, SEU suggest that the decision to seek surgical
correction is influenced by functional reasons. Conversely,
the decision to reject surgery and undergo conventional
orthodontics seems to be based more on a desire for
improved esthetics
A scale to assess patient’s motives


Less difficulty with chewing


Stop jaw from clicking


Eat foods unable to eat now


Better fit of upper/lower teeth


General health improvement


Possible pain after surgery


Better smile


Improved profile, jaw and chin


Straight teeth


Cost of surgery


Lost time from work/school


Chance of unsuccessful surgery


Be able to speak clearer


Less self-conscious


Perform better in job/school


Advice of family/friends


Advice of dentist/orthodontist


Know of someone else’s surgery

Self-perceptions of facial profile
• For all dimensions of facial deformity, patients who accept
surgical treatment view themselves as less normal than do those
who opt for no treatment or orthodontics
• At the 24-month follow-up assessment, nearly all the surgery
patients rated themselves as normal. Orthodontics-only patients
also rated themselves improved on all scales, but the
improvement was not as great.
Sex differences
• Broverman and colleagues have found experimental evidence that
women place relatively greater importance on physical
• Kurtz et al found that women can more easily distinguish what
they like and dislike about their bodies than can men of the same
age, who give only global self-descriptions.
Response to treatment
• Overall satisfaction with the outcomes is generally high at all
post surgical assessments
• Overall body image was found to be in the moderate range
throughout the course of treatment
• Surgery patients initially expressed a lower body image than did
non surgical and no-treatment patients
• Surgical patients had high levels of tension and anxiety just
before surgery, with a steady decline later
• Orthodontics-only patients had negative mood states at 6
months which later improved
• In surgical-orthodontic patients, expectations matched the actual
experience for most patients.
Application of research findings to patient
-The patients undergoing orthognathic surgery are always within the
psychologically normal range
– They are more stable than people who seek plastic surgery
– Their greatest concern before treatment appears to be selfconsciousness regarding their facial body image, but functional
problems also are important
– Orthodontics-only patients report negative emotions during the
later stages of their treatment
– Contrary to literature on cosmetic surgery, most patients
undergoing Orthognathic surgery readily accept changes in
appearance and are satisfied with the esthetic effects
– 85% to 90% of the patients undergoing surgical-orthodontic
treatment eventually indicate that they are satisfied with the
Recommendations for interaction
with patients
There is a need for systematic selection of
Provide greater psychosocial support and
encouragement for the patient
Patient education materials provide information
in a standard way
Pre- and post surgical psycho-emotional aspects of the
orthognathic surgery patient - Bertolini et al
• Levels of pre surgical anxiety, post surgical depression, body
concept, and all the important changes in physiologic functions.
• The results of this study suggest that surgery does in fact, produce
improvements in self-esteem and body image and in mastication
and speech, and therefore in their lifestyles
• All patients experienced a medium to high level of pre surgical
anxiety, but no major problems after surgery.
Rivera and Hatch (SEM in orthodontics 2000 )evaluated emotional
status of the patient before and after orthodontic and
orthognathic surgery patients and concluded;
 Individuals with mild facial disfigurement was affected more
than severe deviation.
 60% believed self confidence,social acceptance,communication
and body image will improve after treatment.
 Patient after orthognathic surgery showed more positive
benefits with increased self judgment,self esteem, self confidence
and body image when compared with orthodontic alone treated
 Social potency, social responsiveness social interaction, and
behavior improved after surgery.
Immediately after surgery negative mood last for 4-6 weeks
because of pain, problems but it was
and oral function
An orthodontist who recognizes the emotional
reactions of the patient, not only treat
malocclusion but also psychological fears,
frustrations and behavior.
Thank you

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Psychological aspects of orthodontic treatment

  • 1. INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 3. Contents Introduction Theories of psychological &behavioral development a. Learning & development of behavior b. Psychosocial theory c. Emotional development theory d. Cognition theory Models of health behavior Emotional Development And Orthodontic Treatment Need Patient compliance a. factors influencing adult cooperation in orthodontic treatment b. predicting patient compliance c. achieving patient compliance Social inequality and discontinuation of orthodontic treatment
  • 4. Use of educational & psychological principle in orthodontic practice Psychologic factors influencing Orthognathic surgery conclusion
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Definition:-Psychology is a branch of science which deals with mind & mental processes in relation to human & animal behavior. Social psychology: the scientific study of the way in which peoples thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people.
  • 6. Diagnosis of orthodontic case now includes a greater emphasis on the functional & the psychosocial ramifications Of Dentofacial deformity. At the same time, treatment planning has become a More interactive process between the patient/ parents & the Orthodontist. The important issue is whether the doctor or parent makes the Final decision regarding treatment. This conflict is between paternalism and autonomy Paternalism:- action taken by one person without the second person’s consent. Autonomy:- demands that an individual must consent to take any action taken on his or her behalf and reflects a belief in the merit of individual self-determination.
  • 7. A series of 297 adolescent patients screened at the university of north carolina listed reasons for taking Orthodontic treatment 1. Appearance of teeth 84% 2. Advice of dentist 52% 3. Appearance of face 41% Teasing about the malocclusion resulted in strong feeling of Unease and harassment significantly more often than did Other types of teasing. Treated children had a greater increase in self-esteem than Untreated controls, which suggests positive effect for Children who are being harassed about their teeth.
  • 8. Not just the way the teeth fit, Psychosocial and facial considerations, play a role in defining orthodontic treatment need. The clinician must acquire knowledge to develop appropriate behavioral skills with an improved quality of communication and management of patients to treat patient’s Psychological and esthetic needs.
  • 9. Psychological Development Linked to growth of the brain (cognitive areas) Influenced by genetic factor which is modified by the environment
  • 10. Theories of Psychology & Behavioural development. Behavior is a result of interaction between innate & instinctual behavior learned after birth. Learning of Behavior. Behavioral responses can be learned by three mechanisms:Classical conditioning. Observational learning Operant conditioning
  • 11. Classical conditioning:• First described by Ivan Pavlov during his studies on reflexes. • “Learning by Association”.- association of one stimulus with another
  • 12. Reinforcement Every time they occur, the association between a conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is strengthened. Extinction of conditioned behavior:- if the stimulus is not reinforced Discrimination:- the opposite of Extinction of conditioned Stimulus- i.e generalization between all offices
  • 13. Operant conditioning:• According to B.F Skinner – Operant conditioning is a significant extension of classical conditioning. • Consequence of behaviour is a stimulus for future behaviour. Stimulus Response Consequence
  • 14. • Four basic types of operant conditioning:- • Positive Reinforcement:- If a pleasant consequence follows a response, the response has been positively reinforced. Negative Reinforcement:-Involves the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus after a response. Omission :- Involves removal of a pleasant stimulus after a particular response. • • • Punishment:-occurs when an unpleasant stimulus is presented after a response.
  • 15. Observational Learning (Modeling). • This is acquired through imitation of behaviour. • Two distinct stages :-Acquisition -Performance. • Children are capable of acquiring any behaviour they observe. • Performing of an acquired behaviour depends on the role model.
  • 16. •A child acquires a behaviour by first observing it & then actually performing it. •Important tool in the management of dental treatment.
  • 17. Theories of Emotional Development  Stanley Hall{1846-1924} is recognized as the founder of Emotional development and Psychology.  He States that "Theories are nothing but more than a set of Concepts and Propositions that allow the Theorist to describe and explain some aspects of experience". It helps to explain various pattern of behavior and emotions.  During 17th and 18th century philosophers states that children are inherited as bad or good or as neither good or nor bad. But in 19th century , theorist noted that positive or negative activity of character depends on child experiences
  • 18. 1) Nature VS Nurture – Biological process VS Environmental process Theorist advice is think less about nature vs nurture and more about how these two combine or interact to produce developmental changes. 2) Continuous and Discontinuous Development Continuous theorist hold development changes are Gradual and quantitative. It is an additive process that occurs continuously and it is not at all Stage like process. E.g. Erickson Theory Discontinuous theorist proposes that it progress through developmental stages and each of which is a distinct phase of life characterized by particular set of emotions, abilities, motives and behavior that forms a coherent pattern. E.g. Social learning Theory
  • 19. Psychoanalytic Theory: (Sigmund Freud) Freud hypothesized three structures in the theory of the understanding of the intra psychic process and personality Development. 1) ID 2) EGO 3) SUPEREGO ID: Freud believed that the ID represented unregulated instinctual drives and energies striving to meet bodily needs and desires. They are governed by pleasure principle. The drives are necessary for the survival of the species through procreation and self-defense. E.g. Ideal occlusion for his face.
  • 20. EGO: It describes as that part of the self-concerned with the overall functioning and organization of the personality through the egos capacity to test reality, the utilization of ego defense mechanisms and of other ego functions such as memory, language, integellence, and creativity. Thus ego is concerned with maintaining a stage in which an adequate expression of ID drives and satisfaction can occur within the constrains of reality and the demands and restrictions of the super ego. E.g. Accepting Camouflage Gabriel AJO1993 Showed low ego strength to be predictive of high compliance in prepubertal children, but predictive of low compliance in adolescents.
  • 21. SUPER EGO: The super ego is derived from familial and cultural restrictions placed upon the growing child. Freud hypothesized that superego functions were derived from the struggle over the strong feeling of the child. The super ego stems from the internalization of feeling of good and bad, love and hate, praising and forbidding, reward and punishment. E.g. Peer acceptance of wearing braces, elastics, complications of surgery Thus super ego holds the ID in check
  • 22. Emotional development From infant to adult The Infant :(First year of life) oral phase  Unlike other mammals human infants are totally depend upon another person for survival during a significant period of early childhood. This dependency not only includes physical care but also emotional needs. An infant deprived of Emotional nurturing beyond a critical time period can develop an ANACLITIC (PHYSIOLOGIC) DEPRESSION, MARASMUS, AND MAY EVEN DIE.
  • 23.  This phase of development is called as SYMBIOTIC PHASE. It will last until 10 months of age, then the separation and individuation will began.  Stranger anxiety is seen a 9-month old child The Toddler (second year of life) Anal phase  During 2nd year of life, child will come in to contact with the REALITY PRINCIPLE. This principle is defined as the regulatory process of the environment over behavior. The reality principle demands that the child delay immediate gratification for a greater gain at a later time
  • 24. Third year of life  By 3 years of age the child has attained a degree of intelligence, which consist of acquired patterns of cognition, perception and awareness of emotional associations to her or his experiences.  the most important emotional experience the child will cope with is separation anxiety. This is a very awful fear. This is also the period when a sense of AMBIVALENCE, that is love and hate for important people in ones life, is felt.  Ability or inability to separate from the primary caretaker and to relate well with other people will be forever important stage of the adequacy of completion of this early phase of personality development
  • 25. Second Third Year: (4-6 years) (phallic phase) (Preschool child)  In this period child has to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Children are aware of the sexual parts of their bodies and curious about the meaning of the differences between boys and girls. This curiosity becomes satisfied with the resolution of Oedipal conflict.  The conflict was named by Sigmund Freud after the story of Oedipus rex by Sophocles in the 5th centaury B.C and early childhood of his patients. In this story Oedipus, the king unknowingly kills his father, and marries his mother, the widow.  In girls of this age Electra conflict is seen
  • 26.  The factor, which inhibits use of their ability to initiate activity is GUILTY. GUILTY is a feeling of fear that ones activities might not be acceptable to oneself as a leftover sense of bad. These feeling often create conflicts manifested by sleep disturbance, nightmares.  Resolution of this struggle usually results when the child accepts the position as a son or a daughter and not a rival to their parents. Thus the child identifies with the parent of the same sex.
  • 27. Grade school years:(7-12 years)(latency)  This period is also called as latency period.  The child has sufficient self- esteem and initiative to make friends.  They are capable of learning to read and compute numbers.  They have a secure sense of ability to participate in-group games.  They are able to tolerate frustration and anxiety.  They are able to allow themselves to be ruled and guided by standards set by adults if these are not too oppressive.
  • 28. The most effective of these are 1] Reaction formation 2] Sublimation 1. Reaction formation: Reaction formation is doing the opposite of the desired activity. E.g. Cleanliness and Kindness are representation of reaction formation against the drive to be sloppy or cruel. 2. Sublimation: Sublimation is converting an unacceptable impulse to socially acceptable activity .e.g. Friendship, artistic interests, and competitive sports are example of sublimation of unacceptable aggressive and sexual drives.
  • 29. Adolescence (12-18years) Adolescence is a psychological state of maturation while puberty is a physical state of maturation. During this period there is a wide difference of level of psychological maturation will develops..  EARLY ADOLESCENCE: 12-14 YEARS OF AGE During this period the child will re-experience the Oedipal conflict and separation conflict in order to resolve the residue of the earlier period. They strive for autonomy and rebel against rules and standards that were previously acceptable.
  • 30.  MIDDLE ADOLESCENCE: 14-16 YEARS OF AGE This is associated with TURMOIL OF ADOLESCENCE. There is STRUGGLE between dependence and independence, which is greater and adolescent want the best of the both sides. to proceed to the last stage of adolescence, the teenager must free himself of the dependent tie to his parents.  LATE ADOLESCENCE:16-18 YEARS OF AGE During this period the STRUGGLE is more with the self than with the external environment. A Self-sufficient individual independent of his family and capable of filling his own role as a person in society. Thus by the end of adolescence the child develop a sense of identity and true resolution.
  • 32. Erickson Theory Development of Basic Trust: Birth to 18 months:: Development of the basic Trust depends on caring and consistent mother or mother substitute, who meets both the physiologic and emotional needs for the infants. The strong bond between mother and child is necessary for the child to develop a Basic trust in the world. Maternal Deprivation Syndrome: When the child receives inadequate maternal support, it will fail to gain weight and are retarded in both physical and emotional growth. This is seen in children of broken families or who lived in a series of foster homes.
  • 33. Basic mistrust: A child who never developed a sense of basic trust will have difficulty in entering into situations that requires trust and confidence in another person. These individuals are extremely frightened and uncooperative. Development of Autonomy: 18 months to3 years ( autonomy vs shame or doubt) Children around the age of 2 years are said to be undergoing TERRIBLE TWOS because of their uncooperative nature. The child is moving away from mother and developing a sense of AUTONOMY OR IDENTITY. He varies between a being a little Devil to Angel
  • 34. Shame and Doubt  Failure to develop a proper sense of autonomy results in the development of Doubts in the child mind about his ability to stand alone, and this in turn produce doubts about others. Erickson defines the resulting state as one of shame, a feeling of having all ones shortcoming exposed. e.g Bowel control  This stage is considered decisive in producing the personality characteristic of love as opposed to hate, cooperation as opposed to selfishness and freedom of expression as opposed to self- consciousness.
  • 35. Thus Erickson Quotes "From a sense of self control without a loss of self esteem comes a losing sense of goodwill and pride; From a sense loss of self control and foreign over control come a lasting propensity for shame and doubt".  A key towards obtaining cooperation with treatment from a child at this stage is to have the child think that whatever the dentist wants was his own choice, not something advised by others.  A child who find situation is threatening is likely to retreat to mother and be unwilling to separate from her. It is preferable to do dental treatment when one of the parent present.
  • 36. Development of initiative(3-6 years) ( initiative vs guilt) During this stage the child continues to develop greater autonomy, but now adds to it planning and vigorous pursuit of various activities. e.g. Extreme curiosity and questioning, aggressive talking, physical activity. A major task for parents and teacher at this stage is to channel the activity into manageable tasks, arranging things so that child is able to succeed, and preventing him or her from undertaking tasks where success is not possible. Guilty: The opposite of initiative is guilt resulting from goals that are contemplated but not attained, from acts initiated but not completed, or from faults or acts rebuked by persons the child respects.
  • 37. Thus Erickson quotes "The child ultimate ability to initiate new ideas or activities depends on how well he or she thinks without being made to feel guilty about expressing a bad ideas or failing to achieve what was expected". For most children, the first visit to the dentist comes during the stage of initiative. A child at this stage will be intensely curious about the dentist office and eager to learn about the things found there. So going to the dentist can be constructed as a new and challenging adventure in which child can experience success. Success in coping with the anxiety of visiting the dentist can help develop greater independence and produces a sense of accomplishment.
  • 38. Mastery of skills (7-11years) (industry vs inferiority)  During this period child is learning about the rules by which the world is organized and also he is working to acquire the academic and social skills that will allow him to compete in the environment. The influence of parents as a role model decreases and the influence of the peer group increases.  Thus Erickson quotes "The child acquires industriousness and begins the preparation for entrance into the competitive world. “ But competition with others within a reward system become a reality and also clears that some tasks can be accomplished only by cooperating with the others Inferiority:  The negative side of emotional development can be acquisition of a sense of inferiority.
  • 39.  Children are usually experienced their first visit to the dentist but some may not. But children at this age are trying to learn the skills and rules that define success in any situation, that include the dental office. A key to guidance is setting attainable intermediate goals, clearly outlining the child how to achieve this goals and positively reinforcing success in achieving these goals. Because the child drives for a sense of industry and accomplishment, cooperation with the treatment can be obtained.  Children at this stage are not motivable by abstract concepts. This means Emphasizing how the tooth will look better as the child cooperates is more likely to be a motivating factor than Emphasizing if you wear the appliance your bite will be better.
  • 40. Development of personal identity (12-17 years) (identity vs role confusion) Adolescence, a period of intense physical development, and is also the stage in psychosocial development in which a unique personality identity is acquired. Adolescence is an extremely complex stage because of the many new opportunities and challenges thrust upon the teenagers. e.g Emerging sexuality, academic pressures, earning money, esthetic desires, increased mobility, career aspirations and recreational interests combines to produce stress and rewards.
  • 41. Confusion  During adolescence separation from the peer group is necessary to establish ones own uniqueness and values .As adolescence progress, inability to separate from the group indicates some failure in identity development. This in turn can lead to a poor sense of direction for the future, confusion regarding ones place in society, and low Self esteem.  Most orthodontic treatment is carried out during the adolescent years, and emotional and behavioral management of adolescents is extremely difficult. Since parental authority is being rejected, a poor psycho logic situation is created by orthodontic treatment, if it is being carried out primarily because of the parent needs and not the child. At this stage orthodontic treatment should be instituted only if not to just satisfy their parents. the patients need,
  • 42. Development of Intimacy (Young adult) (intimacy vs isolation) The adult stage of development begins with the attainment of intimate relationships with other individuals. Successful development of intimacy depends on a willingness to compromise and even to sacrifice to maintain relationship. Other factor that affects the development of an intimate relationship includes all aspects of each person – appearance, personality, emotional qualities, intellect, and others.
  • 43. Most of the Young adults who seek orthodontic treatment to correct their dental appearance because they perceived their dental appearance as flawed. They may feel that a change in their appearance will facilitate attainment of intimate relationships. On other hand a NEWLOOK resulting from orthodontic treatment may interfere with previously established relationships. Because of these potential problems, the potential psycho logic impact of orthodontic treatment must be fully explained to and explore with the young adult patient before beginning treatment.
  • 44. Guidance of the next generation (Adults ) (generativity vs stagnation) A major responsibility of a mature adult is the establishment and guidance of the next generation. Becoming a successful parent is not only a major part of this but also services to the group, community and nation. Thus next generation is not only nurturing and influencing ones own children but also supporting the network of social services needed to ensure the next generation success.
  • 45. Attainment of integrity (Late Adult) (integrity vs despair) At this stage the individual has adapted to the combination of gratification and disappointment that every adult experiences. The feeling of integrity is the feeling that one has made the best of their life. Despair: The opposite of attainment of integrity is Despair. This feeling is often expressed as disguise and unhappiness, frequently accomplished by a fear that death will occur before a life change that might leads to integrity can be accomplished.
  • 46. Cognition Theory  Cognition refers to the higher mental process involved in understanding and dealing with the world around us.  Cognition includes process like perception, Thinking, Concept formation, Abstraction, and problem solving. Basic to all these processes is intelligence. Intelligence is a score derived from an intelligence test indicating how the individual’s mental ability compares with that of others of the same development age.  Cognition Theory was put forward by Jean Piaget. According to his concept childhood development proceeds from an egocentric position through a predictable, step like fashion. “The child is an active participant with the environment in the constant incorporation and reorganization of Data.”
  • 47.  The process of adaptation by a child is through Assimilation and Accommodation Assimilation: It describes the ability of the child to deal with new situation and problems within his age specific skills. Accommodation: It describes the ability of the child to adapt and change his way of dealing with the world to handle a problem, which at first may be too difficult at his particular age and skill. Through this continuous dual process the child is constantly building various hierarchies of related behavior, which Piaget called Schemata.
  • 48. Schemata represent a dynamic process of differentiation and reorganization of knowledge, with the resultant evolution of behavior and cognitive functioning appropriate for the age of the child. Piaget delineated four periods of Cognition growth, each characterized by distinct type of thinking and in which the child successfully relies more upon internal stimuli and symbolic thought and less upon external stimulation.
  • 49. Sensorimotor Period: (0-2 year) During the first 2 year of life, a child develops from newborn infants who are almost totally dependent on reflex activities to an individual who can develop new behavior to cope with new situation. During this stage child will develop a rudimentary concepts of objects, including the idea that object in the environment are permanent; they do not disappear when the child is not looking them. The child has little ability to interpret sensory data and a limited ability to project forward or backward in time.
  • 50. Preoperational period: (2-7year) During the preoperational period, the capacity develops to form mental symbols representing things and event not present, and children learn to use words to symbolize these absent objects. During this period child can understand the world in the way of 5 primary senses. 1) Feel 2) Smell 3) Hear 4)Taste 5) Concepts that cannot be seen They feel difficult to interpret Time and health. Thus child can understand language in a literal sense i.e. words only they have learned.
  • 51. Features of Thought process 1) Egocentrism 2) Animism Egocentrism: It is defined as the inability of the child to assume another persons point of view. Because of this the child can only manage his own perspective and assumes another’s view is simply beyond his mental capabilities. Animism: It is defined as projection of inanimate object with life i.e. everything seen as being alive by a young child, and stories that invest with life are quite acceptable to children of this age.
  • 52. Most of the thumb sucking patients fall in to this category of age. Since the child’s view of time is centered around the present, and he is dominated by how things look, feel, taste, and sound now, there is also no point in talking to a 4 year old about how much better his tooth will look in the future if he stops thumb sucking. At the same time it would not be useful to point out to the child how proud his father would be if he stopped thumb sucking, since the child would think his fathers attitude was same as the child (Egocentrism). Telling him that the teeth will feel better now or talking about how bad his thumb tastes .
  • 53. Period of concrete operations: ( 7 – 11year)  During this stage, the ability to see another point view develops, while animism declines. The child’s thinking is still strongly tied to concrete situations and the ability to reason on an abstract level is limited. Presenting ideas as abstract concepts is difficult to understand than illustrating them with concrete objects.  E.g. It will be too abstract "Now wear your Functional appliance or retainer every night and be sure to keep it clean.” More concrete direction would be " this is your retainer.” Put it in your mouth like this and take it out like that. Put in every evening right after dinner before you go to bed, and take it out before breakfast every morning. Brush it like this with an old toothbrush to keep it clean.
  • 54. Period of Formal operations: (11 years – adult)  The ability to deal with abstract concepts develops by the age of 11 years. They can understand the concepts like health, disease and preventive treatment.  In addition to the ability to deal with abstractions, teenagers have developed cognitively to the point where they can think about thinking.  When an adolescent consider what others are thinking about, he assumes that others are thinking about the same thing he is thinking about, namely himself. They feel they are constantly onstage being observed and criticized by those around them. Elkind has called this phenomenon the IMAGINARY AUDIENCE.
  • 55.  The imaginary audience is a powerful influence on young adolescents, making them quite self-conscious and susceptible to peer influence. They are very worried about what peer will think about their appearance and actions, not realizing that others are too busy with themselves.  The reaction of the imaginary audience to braces on his teeth is an important consideration to a teenage patient. They are very susceptible to suggestions from their peer group. In some setting they tend to please for tooth colored plastic or ceramic brackets at other times bright colored Ligatures and elastics have been their tempt.
  • 56. Behavior is an observable act. It is defined as any change observed in the functioning of an organism. Learning as related to behavior is a process in which past experience or practice results in relatively permanent changes in an individual’s behavior. Behavioral dentistry is an interdisciplinary science, which needs to be learned, practiced and reinforced in the context of clinical care and within community oral health care system. The objective of this science is to develop in a dental practitioner an understanding of the interpersonal, intrapersonal, social forces that influence the patients’ behavior
  • 57. Models of health behavior (sem in ortho 2000)     Models of health behavior and Their implication for orthodontic treatment Health belief model Theory of planned behavior Self-regulation theory Stages of change model
  • 58. 1. HEALTH BELIEF MODEL   This  model  proposes  that  an  individual’s  beliefs  are  important  determinants of his/her health-related behavior.  Four sets of beliefs are thought to predict health-related behavior 1. Perceived susceptibility to disease or problem 2. Perceived severity of the problem 3. Perceived benefits of health behaviors, and 4. Perceived barriers to health-enhancing behaviors.
  • 59. 2. THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR   This theory proposes that people are reasonable and make  decisions about health-related behavior by using available  information to achieve a desired goal. . Patient Intention is influenced by 3 factors  The person’s attitude toward the behavior (e.g., “I don’t like wearing the cumbersome device that make me look different”),  Social influences on the behavior (“People will make fun of me”)  The person’s perceived behavioral control, which reflects a person’s perceived ability to overcome obstacles and is influenced by their past behavior.
  • 60. As in the health belief model, both internal events such as attitudes  and environmental factors including social pressure and perceived  obstacles  influence  the  behavior,  but  in  Planned  behavior  they  do  so  by  determining  whether  the  person  intends  to  perform  the  behavior.   Clear  implication  of  this  model  is  that  assessing  a  patient’s  intentions to adhere to the treatment regimen can be an important  first  step  in  identifying  potential  noncompliance.  If  intentions  to  change behavior are low, and then interventions to alter attitudes or  increase behavioral control may be indicated.
  • 61. 3. SELF-REGULATION THEORY   This theory suggests that individuals regulate their own behavior  using the following 3 processes:   First, individual monitor both the determinants and outcomes of  First their behavior. For example, a patient evaluates why he or she is  wearing  appliance  (“Because  the  doctor  told  me  to.”),  and  monitors  the  outcome  of  that  behavior  (“I  feel  like  I’m  taking  good care of my teeth.”).   Second,  patients  evaluate  their  behavior  based  on  personal  Second standards  (“I’m  doing  pretty  well  for  me.”)  and  environmental  conditions  (“Understands  the  circumstances,  I  can’t  be  expected  to do much better.”)
  • 62. Third,  patients  adjust  their  behavior  depending  on  how  it  Third compares with these personal standards (“I am really not doing  as well as I can”).   Thus,  this  theory  proposed  reciprocal  interactions  among  behavior, the environment and personal factors, such as internal  standards  and  cognitive  process.  One  central  concept  in  selfregulation theory is self-efficacy, which refers to the belief that  one can produce a desired outcome through one’s own efforts.
  • 63. 4. STAGES OF CHANGE MODEL   This model proposes that people progress through 5 stages when  making a behavior change, Broder and Phillips et al apply this  al model to understanding decisions regarding treatment  First stage is pre-contemplation, which people typically fails to  stage acknowledge the need for behavior change and have no intention  of changing their behavior.   Second stage, contemplation, individuals recognize a need for  stage change and are considering a change in behavior, but have not yet  taken any steps in that direction
  • 64.   Third stage is preparation, and this stage involves making specific  stage plans for behavior change.   Fourth stage, action, involves implementing those plans, and this is  stage the first stage in which overt behavior change occurs.   The  final stage  is  maintenance,  in  which  people  are  attempting  to  stage sustain the behavior changes that they have made. An important implication of this model is that patients at different  stages will require different interventions assist them with  behavior change.    An important implication of each of these models is that patients’  attitude, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are important  determinants of their behavior.
  • 65. Based on these theoretical models, the following recommendations for clinical practice are suggested.   1. Assess patients’ intentions to adhere to treatment regimens  (e.g. “How often do you plan to brush and floss?”). One can  be  relatively  sure  that  if  intentions  to  change  behavior  are  low, then the likelihood of behavior change is also very low.  In these instances, educational or behavioral interventions to  increase intentions and promoter adhere will be needed. 2.  Assess  patients’  self-efficacy  for  successfully  completing  the prescribed treatment (e.g. “How capable do you feel you  are of using this appliance as prescribed?”). If patients doubt  their ability, then additional instruction and in office practice  in the required behavior are indicated.
  • 66. 3.  Be  aware  that  the  patient  seek  treatment  at  very  different  points  along the stage of change, and parents and children may also differ in  their  readiness  for  change.  Treatment  should  be  initiated  only  when  the patient reports being ready to assume the responsibility and make  the  behavioral  commitment  required  to  successfully  complete  treatment. 4.  Try  to  identify  barriers  to  compliance  with  treatment  recommendations.  These  may  include  personal  characteristic  of  the  patients  (e.g.  age,  education  level,  socioeconomic  status)  or  environmental factors, such as high levels of psychosocial stress or a  lack of understanding the importance of treatment.
  • 67. When  these  barriers  are  identified,  steps  should  be  taken  to  reduce the barriers or to tailor treatment around the barriers.  5.  Treatment  plans  should  incorporate  the  priorities  and  capabilities  of  the  patient.  This  approach  allows  patients  to  participate  in  the  decision  making  process  and  further  the  patient’s  commitment.  In  cases  in  which  patient  decision  conflicts  with  professional  standards,  limitations  of  the  selected  treatment  plan  should  be  presented.  Options  including  non-treatment  should  be  presented  to  the  patient  and parent.
  • 68. Psycho-orthodontic theory (A.j.o –Do 1981 dec 604-622) This theory was put forwarded by El-Mangoury. Motivation is a very broad psychological term which describes a hypothetical construct which aims to explain the reason for the stream of a goal-directed behavior driven by specific or nonspecific forces. A) Achievement motivation can be defined as the motivation characterized by striving for success in any situation in which standards of excellence apply.
  • 69. B) Affiliation motivation of orthodontic patients was defined as a hypothetical construct of seeking orthodontic care for the purpose of improving the dento facial esthetics in order to facilitate the connection or association of oneself with other people for obtaining, maintaining, and/or restoring close interpersonal relationships. C) Attribution motivation can be defined as the motivation for perceiving the causes of success and failure, either internally (that is, to the self) or externally (that is, outside the self).
  • 70. 1. Orthodontic cooperation is predictable through psychological testing. 2. High-need achievers cooperate better orthodontically than lowneed achievers. 3.A patient who is a good brusher does not have to be a good headgear wearer, and vice versa 4. Affiliation motivation seems to contribute the most in prediction of headgear wear, elastic wear, appliance maintenance, nonbroken appointments, and punctuality in appointments. 5. Achievement motivation appears to contribute the most for predicting oral hygiene. 6. Attribution motivation was not effective in predicting variables
  • 71. Emotional Development And Orthodontic Treatment Need Body Image Self Concepts Body Image: Body image of the patient is classified in to "body sense" and "body concept.'' Body sense refers to the actual appearance the person sees when viewing him in a mirror or photograph. Body concept is the internal process of how the patient feels about his appearance.
  • 73. Parents, Teachers and peers The earliest influences on a child’s body awareness are a parent or other caregiver’s physical and emotional interaction with the child. As the child’s world expands teachers and peers respond to his or her physical appearance. These messages may reinforce each other and the child’s subjective assessment or may conflict the child’s own perceptions. By integrating these appraisals (and in some cases by ignoring objective judgments) the child develops a cognitive representation of the self, a body image.
  • 74. Culture and Ethnics A person's response to dental-facial attractiveness can be viewed as a type of psychosocial response to occlusal status. As such, psychosocial responses to dental-facial esthetics have a cultural emphasis. It is important to assess objectively the degree to which a person's dental-facial appearance deviates from the cultural norm. Thus, there is a rational and empirical basis for including an assessment of dental-facial appearance when evaluating the need for orthodontic treatment. Thus Ethnic and cross culture factors play a role in the development of a body image
  • 75. Self concept Body Image Accomplishment •Academic •Athletic Social Competence Self Concepts Self Esteem
  • 76. Self Concepts Self Esteem Desire to Change •Appearance •Accomplishment •Social Skills SELF ACCEPTANCE
  • 77.  To the extent that the child holds himself or herself in high regard, there is greater self- acceptance and the desire to maintain the status ego. For such children, an orthodontist’s recommendations or a parents encouragement to obtain orthodontic treatment may be futile because the child is satisfied with his or her appearance, no matter how far outside the range of “ideal” or even normal his dentofacial features may lie. In such cases, if the child is forced by the parents to receive treatment, cooperation during active treatment and adherence to long term treatment recommendations may suffer.
  • 78.  In contrast, for many children whose self-acceptance is not very high, the desire to chance one or more components of selfconcept may be great. Those who can identify the malocclusion or poor dentofacial disharmony as the source of their dissatisfaction are more highly motivated to obtain orthodontic treatment and are better risks for long-term cooperation and adherence to treatment protocol.
  • 79.  It behooves the orthodontist to recognize these differences, to identify children who attend the initial orthodontic consult willingly versus those who are coerced by parents or other concerned adults, as well as those whose own & whose parents motives are unrealistic and inconsistent with the type of malocclusion presented. This requires an honest discussion with the child, perhaps with the parent listening but not participating in the session .
  • 80.  Questioning the child about his or her areas of satisfaction with the face and other aspects of the self , motives for and concerns about treatment , and whether or not the child understands his or her responsibilities during each phase of treatment can prevent failure in the case of children who are unprepared or , more importantly , those who have few intrinsic motives for seeking orthodontic intervention .
  • 81. COMPLIANCE (sem in ortho 2000)   As suggested by Haynes: Compliance is "the extent to which  Haynes a person's behavior (in terms of taking medications, following diets,  or  executing  lifestyle  changes)  coincides  with  medical  or  health  advice.   Orthodontists  ask  patients  to  behave  in  ways  that  will  maximize  the  likelihood  of  achieving  the  orthodontic  treatment  objectives.  For  example,  patients  are  asked  to  keep  their  appointments,  adhere  to  dietary  restrictions,  modify  their  oral  hygiene  practices,  and  follow  complicated  treatment  regimens  that  include  the  use  of  elastics, headgears, and other removable appliances.
  • 82. When  a  patient  deviates  from  these  therapeutic  recommendations,  the  presumption  is  that  the  likelihood  of  achieving the desired goals is reduced.  There  are  a  myriad  of  strategies  for  dealing  with  patient  noncompliance. The strategy a clinician chooses is often influenced  by how he or she conceptualizes the cause(s) of poor compliance.  An  example  of  this  comes  from  an  early  view  of  noncompliance  that  suggested  it  resulted  from  a  character  "flaw"  that allowed an individual to deviate from a therapeutic regimen that  was intended for his or her own benefit.
  • 85. Current  orthodontic  research  focuses  on  a  critical  aspect  of  the  feedback;  specifically,  the  input  received  by  the  comparator  that  quantifies the actual amount of adherent behavior. This aspect of the  feedback loop is particularly problematic  because  when  asked how  many hours a headgear has been worn, patients do not know how to  estimate the total.  Likewise, orthodontists cannot reliably estimate the amount of wear  and  parents  are  not  sure  of  their  child's  degree  of  appliance  use.  Patients,  parents,  and  clinicians  need  a  way  to  ascertain  this  information. Technology  may  provide  the  solution  to  this  problem  as  it  has  in  Technology other  areas  of  patient  compliance.  Research  suggests  that  patients  receiving feedback about their degree of compliance are better able  to follow a recommended regimen.
  • 86. Measuring Headgear Use Orthodontists are understandably interested in the amount of time a  headgear is worn.  Typical  clinical  methods  for  estimating  the  amount  of  headgear  wear include:   evaluations of proxy measures of compliance (e.g., oral       hygiene)    condition of the appliance (e.g., a worn-looking neck     strap), mobility of the molar    ease of patient use, and    direct patient inquiry either verbally or by questionnaire.
  • 87. Unfortunately,  such  methods  are  poor  and  commonly  provide  an  overestimate  of  compliance.  There  is  a  clear  need  for  a  reliable  method of measuring the time a headgear has been worn and there  have been numerous attempts to pro-duce such a device. Northcutt introduced the first timing headgear in 1974. The timer  Northcutt consisted of 2 switches that were activated when the appliance was  worn and accumulated wear time until the appliance was removed.   A  study  by  Banks and Read,  found  that  only  4  of  13  head-gear  Read timers were accurate more than 90% of the time.
  • 88. A conceptual model of factors influencing orthodontic treatment decisions Patient’s Perceptions of Dental-facial attractiveness Patient’s Perceived Need for treatment Develop over Time as a Function of a. parent’s dental Facial appearance b. Social norms c. Social feedback Develops as a result Of a. Perceptions of Appearance b. parents’ Perceptions of Treatment need c. Professional Evaluations of occlusion Parent’s -Percieved need for treatment -Positive perceptions of treatment efficacy -relative value of treatment Decision to obtain treatment Orthodontists:-Professional evaluation of treatment -Understanding of Patient’s desire for treatment
  • 89. CRITICAL FACTOR FOR COOPERATION IN ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT PRE-TREATMENT EARLY IN  TREATMENT THROUGH  TREATMENT CHILD  Perceives functional/    esthetic impairment  Perceives need for     treatment/desires     treatment  Develops realistic      expectations  Learning     coping/control     strategies  Assumes control of     behavior related to effect     outcomes of treatment  Shares responsibility for      treatment outcomes PARENTS  Perceives need for        treatment  Believes in efficacy of           treatment  Places high value on       occlusion/treatment  Enables treatment  Takes interest in     treatment  Encourages homecare      Supports and approves     child’s active       participations and     responsibility in     treatment ORTHODONTIST  Professionally evaluates      treatment needs  Seeks to understand     patient and parent     perceptions  Communicates  goals,     expectations, potential     problems in treatment  Engages parent and     patient in goals,      expectations  Acknowledges patient     and parent perceptions  Develops partnership     with patient  Shares responsibility      with patient for progress,     setbacks, outcomes of     treatment
  • 90. PREDICTING PATIENT COMPLIANCE IN ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT To  ensure  efficient  clinical  management  of  orthodontic  patients,  it  is desirable to identify factors, which would enable the orthodontist  at  the  early  stages  of  treatment  to  predict  the  patient's  subsequent  behavior and compliance.  Predicting patient compliance Demographic aspect Psychosocial aspect Age 1. Education Gender 2. Parent’s attitude Socioeconomic status 3. Patient’s personality
  • 91. 1. DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECT In  the  search  for  potential  predictors  of  treatment  compliance,  considerable  attention  has  been  directed  toward  evaluation  of  patients' demographic characteristics.        Patient Age: Allan et al (AJO 1968) studied that patient's age was found to be  1968) the best predictor of cooperation.   In  contrast,  studies  by  Albine and Sergl et al (EJO 1992)  have  1992) revealed  no  correlation  between  patients'  age  and  the  level  of  compliance
  • 92. Gender: Kreit and Starnbach et al  have  emphasized  that  the  patient's  al gender  might  help  predict  treatment  compliance  demonstrating  that  female  patients  tend  to  show  better  cooperation  compared  with males.   Studies  by  klima et al (AJO 1979)  suggest  that  in  contrast  to  1979) boys, girls tend to express lower body image satisfaction and are  more likely to be displeased, with their dental appearance
  • 93. Socioeconomic status: Several investigations have addressed the issue of potential  influence of patients' socioeconomic status on their  compliance with orthodontic treatment.  Cucalon and Smith et al (ANGLE 1989) reported that  1989) female patients from higher socioeconomic groups show the  highest compliance levels.  Dorsey and Korabik et al (AJO1977) have indicated  (AJO1977) superior compliance shown either by children of civil servants  compared with those of working class and self-employed  parents, or by children of factory workers in contrast to  offspring's of intellectuals.  In contrast Sergl et al (EJO 1992) reported, no evidence of  1992) potential effects of parental occupational status on children's  compliance.
  • 94.   2. PSYCHOSOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGIC ASPECTS Considerable  attention  has  been  devoted  to  evaluation  of  the  effects of patients' psychologic traits and psychosocial background  on  compliance  during  orthodontic  treatment.  It  is  generally  believed  that  patient's  personality  characteristics,  his  or  her  relationships  with  the  family,  peers  and  orthodontist,  as  well  as  performance  at  school  are  closely  linked  with  compliance,  and  might  serve  as  valuable  sources  of  information  regarding  both  prediction and management of compliance
  • 95. EDUCATION LEVEL: Richter, Nanda and Sinha  et  al  (ANGLE  1996)  reported  that  1996) cooperative  orthodontic  patients  tend  to  have  better  grades  and  show less deviant behavior at school, they are less frequently truant  from  school,  are  considered  academically  brighter  and  more  sociable by their teachers, and reveal higher levels of self-perceived  cognitive  competence.  On  these  grounds,  patients'  scholastic  performance  might  serve  as  a  useful  predictor  of  treatment  compliance.   Dausch and Neumann et al observations indicate that children of  al above-average  intelligence  are  more  cooperative  during  treatment,  which, however, does not necessarily imply that children of belowaverage intelligence show poor compliance, because both variables  appear  to  depend  strongly  on  a  number  of  other  psychosocial  factors.
  • 96. PARENTS ATTITUDE: Mehra et al (ANGLE 1996) suggested that parental beliefs are  1996) important  for  a  child's  compliance,  and  that  assessment  of  the  child-parent  relationship  may  help  predict  the  level  of  cooperation.  How-ever,  it  appears  from  other  studies  that  a  child's  personal  psychologic  characteristics  may  be  a  more  decisive factor determining the level of treatment compliance.   Nevertheless,  parents  seem  to  play  a  prominent  role  in  influencing a child's decision to seek orthodontic treatment, and  parental  attitudes  influence  the  child's  compliance  in  the  earlier  stages of treatment.
  • 97. Study  by  Nanda and Kierl et al (AJO 1992)  evaluated  several  1992) factors of potential relevance to compliance prediction.  Treatment-related psychosocial factors such as patient's and parents'  treatment  attitudes  and  expectations,  or  relationships  between  the  child, parents and orthodontic practitioner, were investigated.  These  observations  imply  that  development  of  an  effective  relationship  between  the  orthodontist  and  the  patient  at  the  earliest  stages of treatment is beneficial for future compliance, and that the  orthodontist's perception of his or her interpersonal relationship with  the patient may be useful in predicting compliance.
  • 98. PATIENTS PERSONALITY Substantial  evidence  has  accumulated  suggesting  that  patients'  personality  characteristics  are  important  for  the  individually  attainable level of treatment compliance.  Studies  dealing  with  the  psychologic  assessment  of  patients  undergoing  orthodontic  treatment  have  out-lined  psychologic  profiles of uncooperative and cooperative patients.    Sergl et al  compared  extraordinarily  cooperative  orthodontic  al patients  with  patients  rated  by  their  clinicians  as  highly  uncooperative.
  • 99. Specific psychologic diagnostic tests were used for evaluation of  patients'  cooperation,  responsibility,  reliability,  and  endurance  during  treatment.  The  results  indicated  that  irrespective  of  gender, the patients who tend to be uncooperative are inclined to  attitudinal  preferences  conventionally  regarded  as  masculine,  which  are  expressed  as  active,  aggressive,  and  realistic  behavioral  patterns  and  self-images,  rather  than  sensitive,  esthetic and idealistic ones. Allan and Hodgson (AJO 1968)  reported  that  patients  more  1968) likely  to  show  higher  levels  of  treatment  compliance  are  enthusiastic,  outgoing,  energetic,  self-controlled,  responsible,  trusting, diligent, and obliging persons.
  • 100.   PERSONALITY TEST Personality  tests  have  been  used  by  a  number  of  investigators,  generally with the goal of being able to predict patient cooperation  by identifying particular personality types.    Both  Gabriel  and  McDonald  used  the  California  Test  of  Personality. This test purports to measure a number of psychosocial  domains,  such  as  self-reliance,  sense  of  personal  worth,  or  social  skills.   Gabriel  (ANGLE  1965)  found  a  low  correlation  between  the  1965) scores  from  items  of  the  California  Test  of  Personality  and  a  post  treatment,  subjective  assessment  of  motivation.  He  believed  this  correlation was too low to be predictive.
  • 101. McDonald  reported  a  significant  correlation  between  scores  McDonald on the California Test of Personality and patient cooperation.   Southard and Tolley (AJO 1991) examined the feasibility of  1991) using  a  commercially  available  adolescent  personality  test  to  predict  the  behavior  of  adolescent  patients  in  an  orthodontic  practice. Specifically, this study tested  1. the  use  of  the  Million  Adolescent  Personality  Inventory  (MAPI)  as  an  appropriate  instrument  for  an  adolescent  orthodontic population and 2. the correlation between MAPI test results and orthodontic  compliance.  Authors  concluded  that  the  MAPI  has  potential  as  a  useful  instrument  in  assisting  the  management  of  adolescent  patient  behavior in an orthodontic practice.
  • 102. Initial Experience With Orthodontics and Acceptance of Treatment As patients may experience a considerable amount of discomfort  from  orthodontic  treatment  it  is  reasonable  to  expect  that  patients' initial experience with orthodontic treatment, adaptation  to it and its acceptance at an early stage might strongly influence  the degree of compliance at the subsequent stages. It  is  recognized  that  insertion  of  a  new  orthodontic  appliance  may  diminish  cooperation  by  causing  considerable  discomfort  such as unpleasant tactile sensations, feeling of constraint in the  oral  cavity,  stretching  of  the  soft  tissues,  pressure  on  the  oral  mucosa,  displacement  of  the  tongue,  sore-ness  of  the  teeth  and  pain.
  • 103. Pain,  functional  and  esthetic  impairment,  and  associated  complaints  are  the  principal  reasons  for  the  patient's  wish  to  discontinue treatment. The  patient's  self-confidence  might  be  affected  by  speech  impairment  and  visibility  of  the  appliance,  especially  during  social interactions when attention is focused on the face, eyes  and mouth.
  • 104. Effects of appliance type on oral complaints, such as higher  degree of pain or speech impairment during wearing of the bionator  and  the  head-gear,  increased  incidence  of  perceived  pain,  tension,  sensitivity, and pressure under treatment with functional and fixed  appliances, or differences in initial acceptance of various designs of  functional appliances, have been described for non-compliance.  It  seems  likely  that  because  of  different  experiences  encountered, the type of appliance may have a substantial effect on  initial  adaptation  and  should  also  be  considered  in  compliance  prediction.
  • 105. General  personality  variables  and  specific  attitudes  to  orthodontics seem to play an important role.   Sergl et al (AJO 1980)  indicated  that  patients'  attitudes  toward  1980) orthodontics  at  the  beginning  of  treatment  may  predict  their  capability to accommodate to initial discomfort associated with an  orthodontic  appliance,  which  in  turn,  may  predict  the  patient's  acceptance  of  the  appliance  and  the  degree  of  subsequent  compliance.  Appliance  adaptation  and  treatment  acceptance  or  denials  are  short-  term  events  occurring  within  a  few  days  after  the initiation of treatment.    This  evidence  suggests  that  attention  of  the  treating  clinician  to  patients' adaptation is necessary at the earliest treatment stages, to  ensure and enhance future compliance.
  • 106. SOCIAL INEQUALITY & DISCONTINUATION OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Social inequality influences general health, dental disease, and dental health-related behavior. However, reports on any links between orthodontics and social inequality are more equivocal. Registrar General’s social class groupings (by occupation of head* of household) Social class Definition and examples I Professional e.g. medical, dental, II IIIN Veterinary, and legal professions, chartered Engineers and accountants Intermediate and managerial e.g. school teachers Nurses, police officers, secretaries, publicans Skilled non-manual workers e.g. clerks, Draughtsman, shop assistants, travel agents
  • 107. IIIM Skilled manual e.g. carpenters, electricians, Welders, instrument artificers, police constables, IV Semi-skilled e.g. lathe operators, process workers, Postmen/ women V Unskilled workers e.g. laborers, dustmen, Domestics Classification by occupation used by Rölling (1982) A. B. C. D. E. farmers Low e.g. unemployed, unskilled manual Lower middle—skilled manual Middle e.g. shop assistants, clerks, small self-employed Upper middle e.g. superior employees, shop owners, Upper e.g. academics, managers
  • 108. Results:The results showed that discontinued cases were: 1. Less likely to have been treated with fixed appliances 2. A little older at start, on average 3. More likely to have been asked to wear EOT/EOA/‘headgear’ 4. More often from lower social class backgrounds 5. Less likely to have been treated by an orthodontically qualified practitioner 6. More likely to have attended practices in relatively deprived areas.
  • 110. ACHIEVING PATIENTS COMPLIANCE                         (sem in orthodontics 2000 dec) Patient noncompliance is a limiting factor in the conversion  of  accurate  orthodontic  treatment  plans  to  excellent  treatment  results.  A  variety  of  treatment  techniques  have  been  devised  to  overcome this barrier in the attempt at obtaining good results.  Despite  earlier  claims  made  by  the  proponents  of  these  techniques, it is abundantly clear that none of these techniques are  completely successful without the patient's participation.
  • 111. In addition, many of these "noncompliant" techniques have  now reverted back. E.g.,traditional methods of anchorage control by  headgear and elastics for a portion of the treatment period. Factors Influencing Orthodontic Patient Compliance  During  the  initial  treatment  stages,  the  parent's positive attitudes toward orthodontic treatment predict patient compliance.  In  the  later  stages,  the  patient's own cognition  regarding  treatment directly correlates with compliance levels.    Those  patients  who  believe  that  their  actions  directly  lead  to  superior  treatment  results  are  better  compliers  compared  with  those  who  believe  that  they  do  not  have  control  over  treatment  outcomes.           Parent’s previous orthodontic experience          Financial implications          Doctor- patient relationship
  • 112. Various prevention and improvement concepts that can positively affect orthodontic patient compliance are: A  shift  from  a  practitioner-centered  model  of  patient  care  to  a  patient-centered approach is emphasized. It include:  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Patient-centered care versus practitioner-centered care, Patient’s causal attributions, Patient support at home and at the orthodontic office, Rewarding compliant behavior, and Doctor-patient rapport and communication
  • 113. 1. Patient-Centered Care versus Practitioner Centered Care  Traditionally, orthodontic treatment prescribed by the practitioner  based  on  defined  professional  standards  without  considering  the  priorities and capabilities of the patient.  Patients  who  fail  to  follow  prescribed  instruction  are  labeled  as  "noncompliant."  This  is  often  done  without  considering  the  fact  that  the  treatment  prescribed  may  not  have  taken  into  account  the  capabilities,  motivations, and expectations of each individual patient.  Hence,  patients  have  had  to  bear  the  burden  and  the  outcome  of  noncompliance  rather  than  considering  the  inability  of  the  practitioner  to  understand  individual  patient  needs  and  to  make  appropriate treatment plans.
  • 114. A patient-centered approach would place some of the responsibility  of successful patient compliance on the practitioner. In this model,  the  practitioner  would  prescribe  treatment  plans  based  on  individual patient expectations, priorities, and capabilities Repeated  treatment  progress  re-evaluations  and  patient/parent  consultations  are  a  key  component  of  success  in  this  proposed  model.  In the orthodontic treatment realm, key issues that relate to  this concept fall within the following:   (1) Patient education and (2) Patient empowerment and contracting procedures.
  • 115. Patient Education Patient management may be greatly enhanced when patients understand the nature of their condition and the proposed treatment plan or procedure to be performed. Educating the patient regarding his or her malocclusion and the means to achieve an acceptable result is very important to success in motivating the patient to succeed. Often treatment is prescribed for patients who have limited or no understanding of their orthodontic problem and why some aspects of treatment mechanics are necessary for successful outcomes.
  • 116. At the same time, parents may not be clear about treatment goals and mechanics. In addition, the parents' ability to explain details of the condition and the necessity for different appliances to their children may also be limited. The result is a patient who is less likely to achieve a successful treatment outcome. A strong effort to educate patients regarding their condition will allow them to make informed choices regarding appliance selection and the limitations of their selection. As treatment progresses, the' education component needs to be revisited to ensure their complete understanding. This will result in individuals who take greater responsibility for their actions during orthodontic treatment.
  • 117. Various demonstration tools are available to aid in the education process. Good standard patient records such as study casts and photo­graphs can be used to describe the problem.  A presentation customized for the patient by different commercially available computer software programs is an excellent method for explaining mechanics and appliances.  The use of demonstration models and appliances are important for the patient to completely understand different appliances. In addition, the practitioner can prepare a database of examples that can be digitally stored and used for these presentations.
  • 118. USE OF EDUCATIONAL –PSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES IN ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE …….. (AJO 2001 JUNE, VOL.119 NO 6) The principles that will be discussed are: • Progressions • Backward chaining • Shaping (close approximation) • Reframing (symptom prescription, reverse psychology) • Reinforcement theory • Hypnosis • Kinesthesia • Learning by doing
  • 119. PROGRESSIONS:Progression learning involves segmenting the skill to be learned into a number of simple and sequential component parts, or progressive steps. Progressions are used when learning complex skills. This includes both cognitive and psychomotor skills. For example, teaching a patient to insert a cervical headgear for the first time could be sequenced BACKWARD CHAINING Backward chaining is the educational principle that incorporates stages, or progressions, into learning, only reverse sequence. In backward chaining, the last steps in sequence, from beginning to end, are taught first, working backwards toward the first step in the progression. Backward chaining is particularly useful in learning complicated psychomotor skills when the last step is easier to learn than any of the beginning steps.. At times, it is only necessary to teach the last step first, then go to the first and work forward.
  • 120. SHAPING Shaping, or close approximation, is an operant conditioning principle that involves reinforcing behavior that approaches the desired behavior. This form of operant conditioning was popularized years ago by B. F. Skinner. EX:- tooth brushing technique REFRAMING Reframing (symptom prescription or reverse psychology) is the psychological technique in which a behavior that is considered undesirable but pleasurable is made to appear, or reframed, as a duty, or vice versa. Ex:- to lessen finger sucking habit
  • 121. REINFORCEMENT THEORY • Positive and negative reinforcement, and, to a limited degree, punishment, can be used in orthodontics. The overriding principle of reinforcement theory is to give more praise than criticism. It has been suggested that at least 3 words of praise be used for every word of criticism (punishment). HYPNOSIS • Hypnosis, and other techniques closely associated with hypnosis, can be used for fearful and apprehensive patients • Ex:- impression making, bonding, debonding, and extraction of very loose deciduous teeth.
  • 122. • KINESTHETIC LEARNING • Obviously, individuals learn differently. Some are more visual, others are more auditory, and some are both. Others learn kinesthetically, particularly with psychomotor skills. Kinesthetic learning, sometimes called “muscle memory,” can be a powerful teaching aid for learning a physical skill • • • • • • LEARNING BY DOING There is a proverb that states: I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand The more we can get our patients and our staff to do, rather than observe, when we teach them new tasks, the faster they will learn
  • 123. Patient Empowerment and Contracting Procedures Educating patients regarding their condition gives them the tools to make informed decisions. The individual feels involved in the process of selecting what is most suited for the necessary change. Sometimes the patient's decision conflicts with their best interests and also goes against the wishes of the parents regarding possible outcomes. In these situations, flexible treatment strategies need to be devised in order to succeed. A compromise treatment plan may offer the best solution in some instances. In other situations, a suggestion to postpone treatment or the decision to withdraw from seeking treatment may solve the conflict.
  • 124. Most often, alternatives are available and should be offered following an understanding of the limitations of different approaches. Once a decision has been reached using this process, the patient is empowered and selects a treatment option from choices offered. This process obligates the patients to comply with a previously reached agreement. A contract made with each individual patient has been shown to be successful in improving compliance in different areas of orthodontic care.
  • 125. 2. Patient's Causal Attributions Patients attribute events in their lives to external and internal causes. External causes are outside of their control (external locus of control), versus internal, which are within their control (internal locus of control). El­­Mangoury et al (AJO1981) found that orthodontic patients who attributed outcomes to internal causes were significantly more cooperative. Albino et al (J Behav Med1991) also found that those patients who attributed responsibility for their orthodontic condition and treatment externally to either chance or their orthodontists showed lower levels of compliance scores compared with others.
  • 126. Therefore, patients who attribute internally are better compliers compared with those who attribute externally. Those patients who make fewer external attributions possess a sense of responsibility and consequences consequently believe that their participation and cooperation facilitates treatment progress. These findings can be used clinically to improve patient compliance by initially developing strong relationships and a high level of communication with patients. Good rapport along with patient education can empower patients to make informed decisions regarding their role in determining the success of treatment.
  • 127. 3. Patient Support at Home and at the Orthodontic Office Family support for the patient to follow pre­scribed instructions is necessary for successful implementation of this program. Also, continuous encouragement and feedback from the orthodontic office is significant in creating a supportive environment, which is important for the patient. Patients are often required to wear cumbersome appliances that are difficult to use. If a difficult task is suddenly introduced requiring substantial effort from the patient, a noncompliance problem is created.
  • 128. An example is of patients who have to use the reverse facemask headgear used for Class III skeletal growth modification. The headgear appears as a complicated device to the patient. This appliance has to be worn for a long period of time for successful correction. Often a rapid palatal expander is used in combination with this appliance. The patients should be started with the expansion device for 2 weeks followed by introducing the headgear gradually. The initial wear may be for I or 2 hours and progress to 4 hours in 3 to 4 weeks. The wear should progress to 12 to 14 hours of wear as dictated by the treatment plan. This method of gradually introducing tasks to patients may help them in their adaptation to newer difficult tasks.
  • 129. Methods of feedback to the patients can range from completing report cards, rewarding them for compliant behavior, verbal praise, regular patient/parent consultations. In addition, charted notations, which are highly visible to patients, can also affect compliance. Knerim et al (JCO 1992)
  • 130. 4. Rewarding Compliant Behavior Improving patient compliance in day­to­day practice is very challenging and often a complex problem. Behavior modification by way of a re­ward program can be effective in improving patient compliance to prescribed instructions. In the orthodontic literature, recommendations of establishing a reward program to motivate patients and improve patient compliance have been cited.
  • 131. A study carried out by Ritcher, Nanda and Sinha et al at the University of Oklahoma revealed the following findings regarding the use of awards as a motivating tool: 1. The award/reward program resulted in improvement in patient compliance scores in below average compliers as reflected in the improvement of oral hygiene scores. 2. Above average compliers remained above average throughout the length of the study. Below average compliers improved with re­wards, however, they never reached the compliance levels achieved by the above average compliers. It was concluded that rewards could be a means of positive feedback for patients in the orthodontic treatment of malocclusions
  • 132. 5. Doctor/Patient Rapport and Communication The successful practice of orthodontics is significantly dependent on the interaction between the orthodontist and patient. Therefore, it is important to improve this relationship for superior treatment outcomes, patient satisfaction, and doctor satisfaction. In the busy orthodontic practice, it is often difficult to establish a close rapport with the patient. Better doctor/ patient communication can result in increased and more accurate transfer of information, thus improving the quality of care. The patient's perception that the orthodontist paid attention and took seriously what the patient had to say is significantly related to superior doctor/patient relationships. Making the patient feel welcome is also a significant factor in establishing this rapport.
  • 133. Attention to the behavioral issues can greatly enhance the rapport and can result in superior patient experiences and treatment results. Improving doctor/patient/parent communication is an important factor in improving patient compliance as reported by practicing orthodontists. Mehra et al (ANGLE 1998)
  • 134. Patient co-operation- how it can be improved?… ( BJO 1997 NOV.) 1) Being polite, friendly and making the patient feel welcome 2) Having a calm, confident manner 3)Giving information about the problem, the proposed treatment plan and the procedure you are going to perform. 4) Not using jargon. 5) Paying attention to what the parent and child says
  • 135. 6) Reassuring the child that you will do everything to prevent pain 7) Express concern about the child’s well-being 8) Do not criticize the child’s tooth brushing or oral hygiene .
  • 136. Psychosocial characteristics of patients with facial deformities • Children with craniofacial anomalies are more introverted, neurotic and demonstrate poor self-concept – Perschuk et al • Children with Down’s syndrome were rated as being less intelligent, less attractive, and less socially acceptable. Postoperative ratings of these same children were significantly more positive in all three domains – Strauss et al
  • 137. • A seriously handicapping orthodontic condition is the one that “severely compromises a person’s physical or emotional health” – AL Morris et al • Physical compromise – serious problems with breathing, speaking, or eating, especially if accompanied by tissue destruction • Emotional health – includes other’s reactions to the individual in a way that influences self-esteem
  • 138. • Research in the areas of self-esteem and attractiveness indicates that the face is a major source of one’s psychologic identity • Orthognathic surgery differs from surgery for congenital anomalies (in that the changes in appearance are less dramatic and improvements in occlusion, mastication, speech, and TM joint function are likely to be major reasons for treatment) – but patients undergoing this surgeries also expect esthetic changes. They must adapt not only to changes in their oral function, but also to changes in their perceived appearance and interactions with others.
  • 139. Patients before surgery • • • • • Motives for treatment A scale to assess patient’s motives Self-perceptions of facial profile Sex differences Orthognathic-surgery patients
  • 140. Motives for surgery Parameter Male Female Orthodontist 24(83%) 34(76%) Family dentist 12(41%) 17(38%) Other 5(17%) 1(2%) Desire esthetic changes 12(41%) 13(53%) Mastication 12(41%) 13(29%) Speech 4(14%) 1(2%) TM joint 1(3%) 7(16%) Social: family, friends 12(41%) 24(53%) Professional advice Functional problems
  • 141. A scale to assess patient’s motives • Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) Model – Items are based on interviews with Orthognathic surgery patients, orthodontists, and oral-maxillofacial surgeons – Using a 10 point scale, patients are asked to indicate the importance of each item in the list above and whether they consider it positive , negative or neutral. – In this study, SEU suggest that the decision to seek surgical correction is influenced by functional reasons. Conversely, the decision to reject surgery and undergo conventional orthodontics seems to be based more on a desire for improved esthetics
  • 142. A scale to assess patient’s motives Questions Score Less difficulty with chewing 3 Stop jaw from clicking 0 Eat foods unable to eat now 0 Better fit of upper/lower teeth 1.5 General health improvement 1.5 Possible pain after surgery 0 Better smile 0 Improved profile, jaw and chin 0 Straight teeth 0 Cost of surgery 0 Lost time from work/school 0.8 Chance of unsuccessful surgery 1.9 Be able to speak clearer 0 Less self-conscious 0 Perform better in job/school 0 Advice of family/friends 0 Advice of dentist/orthodontist 0.9 Know of someone else’s surgery 0
  • 143. Self-perceptions of facial profile • For all dimensions of facial deformity, patients who accept surgical treatment view themselves as less normal than do those who opt for no treatment or orthodontics • At the 24-month follow-up assessment, nearly all the surgery patients rated themselves as normal. Orthodontics-only patients also rated themselves improved on all scales, but the improvement was not as great.
  • 144. Sex differences • Broverman and colleagues have found experimental evidence that women place relatively greater importance on physical attractiveness • Kurtz et al found that women can more easily distinguish what they like and dislike about their bodies than can men of the same age, who give only global self-descriptions.
  • 145. Response to treatment • Overall satisfaction with the outcomes is generally high at all post surgical assessments • Overall body image was found to be in the moderate range throughout the course of treatment • Surgery patients initially expressed a lower body image than did non surgical and no-treatment patients • Surgical patients had high levels of tension and anxiety just before surgery, with a steady decline later • Orthodontics-only patients had negative mood states at 6 months which later improved • In surgical-orthodontic patients, expectations matched the actual experience for most patients.
  • 146. Application of research findings to patient management -The patients undergoing orthognathic surgery are always within the psychologically normal range – They are more stable than people who seek plastic surgery – Their greatest concern before treatment appears to be selfconsciousness regarding their facial body image, but functional problems also are important – Orthodontics-only patients report negative emotions during the later stages of their treatment – Contrary to literature on cosmetic surgery, most patients undergoing Orthognathic surgery readily accept changes in appearance and are satisfied with the esthetic effects – 85% to 90% of the patients undergoing surgical-orthodontic treatment eventually indicate that they are satisfied with the treatment
  • 147. Recommendations for interaction with patients There is a need for systematic selection of patients, Provide greater psychosocial support and encouragement for the patient Patient education materials provide information in a standard way
  • 148. Pre- and post surgical psycho-emotional aspects of the orthognathic surgery patient - Bertolini et al • Levels of pre surgical anxiety, post surgical depression, body concept, and all the important changes in physiologic functions. • The results of this study suggest that surgery does in fact, produce improvements in self-esteem and body image and in mastication and speech, and therefore in their lifestyles • All patients experienced a medium to high level of pre surgical anxiety, but no major problems after surgery.
  • 149. Rivera and Hatch (SEM in orthodontics 2000 )evaluated emotional status of the patient before and after orthodontic and orthognathic surgery patients and concluded;  Individuals with mild facial disfigurement was affected more than severe deviation.  60% believed self confidence,social acceptance,communication and body image will improve after treatment.  Patient after orthognathic surgery showed more positive benefits with increased self judgment,self esteem, self confidence and body image when compared with orthodontic alone treated patients.  Social potency, social responsiveness social interaction, and behavior improved after surgery. Immediately after surgery negative mood last for 4-6 weeks because of pain, problems but it was and oral function
  • 150. Conclusion An orthodontist who recognizes the emotional reactions of the patient, not only treat malocclusion but also psychological fears, frustrations and behavior.