c mysql php inner join cfg union regular operations regular language array erd database aggregate having group by limit order by where clause select statement ddl theory of computation star concatenation intersection nfa dfa attributes strings http response http request loop relational closure normalization web based system structure of dbms sql vs nosql information dbms data serializability order serializability serial schedule precedence graph database transaction conflict serializability acid schema erd to relational schema relationship set keys erd design entity set theta join rename projection select cross join full outer join right outer join left outer join outer join cartesian product natural join join difference query language procedural relational algebra update insert into drop distinct delete from create constraint as column_name alter left join dml exercise practice list hr schema configuration formal definition turing recognizable turing model turing machine turing decidable tm pda non-deterministic pda acceptor vs generator yield word rightmost parse tree leftmost grammar derivation ambiguous cfl chomsky normal form cfg to cnf cnf re to cfg linked terminals dfa to cfg design nth-highest subquery rank query regular expression re to nfa dfa to gnfa to re equivalent machine nfa to dfa nfa simulation dfa vs nfa subtraction reversal complement union of dfa property dfa design components of dfa alphabet toc languages computability theory complexity theory automaton probing extensible hashing dynamic hashing direct address table collision resolution chaining methods node element location windows document js dom submit mouse click keyup change focus click event handler events promises arrays numbers control flow object declaration function declaration hoisting variable decralation comments integration javascript mobile first responsive css framework bootstrap css property value css property float property positioning elements box model precedence selectors dynamic site tcp/ip model application server web server url dns www internet stationary probability distribution second order first order markov process laplacian smoothing conditional independence naive bayes inference by enumeration conditional probability distribution bayesian network marginalization probability distribution conditional full joint joint discrete random variable bayes rule additive rules product rules complementary rules total prob dependent event independent event decision theory uncertainty probability basics constraint graph csp local search forward check lcv degree mrv csp pruning beta alpha minimax search game theory adversarial genetic algorithm local beam simulated annealing hill-climbing local search heuristic search a* search greedy bfs informed search ucs ids dls dfs bfs uninformed search problem formulation agent types ai agents peas ai git commands vcs dvcs github git cors api rest cookies session architecture json ajax pdo oop php program basic structure in c character array strings in c multi-dimension practice set multi-dimensional array 2d array practice set on loop nested loops in c tracing 1d variable in c scope do-while for while loop in c conditional statements in c switch-case if-else if-else if-else if practice problems in c math.h operator in c bitwise logical ternary binary unary operator precedence assignment aritmatic operators formatted input input scanf output printf introduciton flowchart pseudocode algorithm introduction spl secondary primary dense sparse ordered index b+ tree minimal cover functional dependency anomalies 1nf to bcnf bcnf 3nf 2nf 1nf
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