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Alert:This is a G rated room intended for a GeneralAudience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
Alert: Welcome to study English Online
Room rule : ( No Webcam , No Red , Neon, Caps lock , Underline , Big Font ) Offensive language is not permitted.
daniel_0808:you did good job
Bac_Don: sure / cure
Bac_Don: kyeur
thalaxomdao_1:.Hi Bac Don va cac ban.
manhquyet711:hi bac don
kokichi_06_03:I can't call u
kokichi_06_03:I can't call u
Bac_Don: He can't resist those remedies, but the list goes on and on
So, he certifies this date "The Great Hair-Growing Marathon"
He gives it all he's got while mixin' fixins one by one
Whether he grows hair or not, it seems like Santa's having fun
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room....
Bac_Don: certifies = sir tih faiz
Bac_Don: He can't resist those remedies, but the list goes on and on
So, he certifies this date "The Great Hair-Growing Marathon"
He gives it all he's got while mixin' fixins one by one
Whether he grows hair or not, it seems like Santa's having fun
Bac_Don: WElcome passion...thanks for your hand...
kokichi_06_03:thanks u bac_don
Bac_Don: There's Merlin the Magician's from those great King Arthur books
Those floppy hats for fishin', crammed with tackle, bait and hooks
Those Viking hats from days of yore with horns designed to shock
Those funny hats the Pilgrims wore when they hit Plymouth Rock
Bac_Don: muh jish uhn
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room....
Bac_Don: ply
Kim Ngan Phuc: da
exciter_1910:good morning BACDON
Bac_Don: So, Santa's head keeps working till the sun begins to rise
He knew it had some skill, but still he can't believe his eyes
His hat-making machine went wild, there's not one space to spare
A thousand different hats are piled in places everywhere
Bac_Don: Hello Pascole Nguyen...
Bin85Bin: da
Bac_Don: Santa finally finds a way that his bald head has passed the test
It worked so hard and fast, now it deserves a little rest
He wanted something up there, but much more than hair has grown
The biggest hat collection that this world has even known!
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room....
Bac_Don: Lesson Outline: 22 Dec 11 Houston PM
Opening Song: Holiday Music
Vocal Practice: Under Santas Hat
Grammar1: Using So Such and That
Grammar 2: Christmas Role Play (fill-in)
Leture: Subject Verb Agreement
khoatmr:em muon theo hoc, bay gio phai bat dau nhu the nao?
khoatmr:thay chi em voi
manhquyet711:cu gio tay , nghe roi hoc thoi , dung them skype nua
daniel_0808: emot_60
Bac_Don: Lesson Outline: 22 Dec 11 Houston PM
Opening Song: Holiday Music
Vocal Practice: Under Santas Hat
Grammar1: Using So Such and That
Grammar 2: Christmas Role Play (fill-in)
Leture: Subject Verb Agreement
manhquyet711:ok i call you
manhquyet711:but you not online in my skype
Bin85Bin: bye BacDon, bye all
manhquyet711:im try
thacnuoc:good evening Bacdon
thacnuoc:How are you doing?
Bac_Don: 'Such' and 'So'
Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in
construction. The main difference between the two structures is that 'such'
takes a noun phrase, whereas 'so' takes an adjective.
'Such … that'
'Such … that' takes a noun or modified noun in a noun phrase. 'That' can be
used following the noun phrase but is not required.
khoatmr:minh da vao acc skype roi bay gio lam gi tiep theo day?
khoatmr:ca nha ai biet chi giup minh voi
daniel_0808:ti nua toi luot ban
daniel_0808:add nick bac don
daniel_0808:bac don goi ban
daniel_0808:ban goi bac don
thacnuoc:hello all
daniel_0808:va nho bam nut mute trong pt
Bac_Don: modified = mod uh fied
daniel_0808:de ko nghe tieng echo
Bac_Don: 'Such' and 'So'
Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in
construction. The main difference between the two structures is that 'such'
takes a noun phrase, whereas 'so' takes an adjective.
'Such … that'
'Such … that' takes a noun or modified noun in a noun phrase. 'That' can be
used following the noun phrase but is not required.
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room....
Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that)
The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that
It was such an expensive car the didn't buy it.
The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from
that artist.
It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it.
ngoctu38:hello bac don hi everyone
kangta18:xin chao qui vi
kangta18:moc chim bac don
khoatmr:de hoc minh can trang bi nhung gi vay ca nha oi?
Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that)
The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that
It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it.
The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from
that artist.
It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it.
khoatmr:chi giup minh voi
kangta18:cchim to
sophienguyen2710:happy Holiday bac Don
Bac_Don: thank you sophienguyen
kangta18:Merry Christmas Bac Don
Bac_Don: thank you kangta18...
kangta18:tai sao co cham vay?
ngoctu38:u're welcome
nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co connnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co connnnnnnnnnnn
kangta18:You make me happy, do the teach of English
Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that)
The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that
It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it.
The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from
that artist.
It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it.
nguoinhaque_hocenglish:may i call you?
Bac_Don: you can...but I wont be here....
Bac_Don: brb....
daniel_0808:he is hungry
kangta18:eat Hambuguh
Kim Ngan Phuc: Bac Don oi, cho con goi tay 1 ti nha
kangta18:Tieng Anh con em Gio
kangta18:xin Bac Don giup do duoc khong
daniel_0808:again pls
daniel_0808:he will come back
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac ay di r
kangta18:deo ma
daniel_0808:he takes something to eat
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:doc hoai`..hic
Bac_Don: was = wuhzzzz
Bac_Don: call me please...
Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that)
The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that
It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it.
The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from
that artist.
It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it.
daniel_0808:I read it
ngoctu38:oh i like this lesson
Bac_Don: it
Bac_Don: I dont get it.
Bac_Don: It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it.
Hoa Mau-Don III: if it come after a verb its shout be it.
exciter_1910:BACDON can you read for me that word "didn't"
exciter_1910:i can't read
exciter_1910:thank BAc
Kim Ngan Phuc: da
Kim Ngan Phuc: con goi cho Bac nha
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room....
ngoctu38:bac oi con bi disconnect>"<
ngoctu38:con bi rot tayy
baohuong_hh:Merry Christmas everybody
Bac_Don: Km Ngan more try???
ngoctu38:bac sao the
ngoctu38:i cant hear u
Bac_Don: baohungggggggggggggg.....
Bac_Don: << rot mic....
daniel_0808:you did
daniel_0808:no sound
khoatmr:co em day
khoatmr:hello Bac_Don
daniel_0808:khoa he is new he doesnot know how to use skype
Bac_Don: 'So … that'
'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase
but is not required.
So + adjective + (that)
The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours.
Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave.
daniel_0808:he has an account on skype..but he does not know how to call u bac don
khoatmr:em chua doc dc ah
daniel_0808:khoa doc trong pt di
daniel_0808:cam mic va doc
daniel_0808:bd sua cho ban
Bac_Don: << chua doc / noi tieng viet duoc...nhung...van con co gang..
daniel_0808:khoa doc di
Bac_Don: moi khoatmr cam mic, doc bai di
khoatmr:hom nay em xin phep chua doc thay oi
Bac_Don: 'So … that'
'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase
but is not required.
So + adjective + (that)
The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours.
Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave.
daniel_0808:sao vay
daniel_0808:ban gio tay co nghia la ban muon doc ma
khoatmr:em chua co microphone
Bac_Don: If you never will never improve.....
khoatmr:do moi vao nen em chua biet de chuan bi dc
daniel_0808:vay ban dung gio tay
daniel_0808:khi nao ban mua mic thi gio tay
Bac_Don: hmmmmmmm.....why is it that I do not believe you?...
Bac_Don: hmmmmmmmmm
daniel_0808:bac don he is new..he doesnot have mic
sophienguyen2710:Bac Don, Khoa don't hav e mic
Bac_Don: << khong tin
khoatmr:sorry everyone
baohuong_hh:ban click vao push to talk
baohuong_hh:sau do click lock in mic
baohuong_hh:roi lan sau doc cho bacdon kiem tra
baohuong_hh:nen chuan bi truoc
baohuong_hh:ko sao
baohuong_hh:ko biet cu hoi may ban
baohuong_hh:may ban khac co trong room se chi giup
khoatmr:cam on cac ban nha
daniel_0808:tell us about the delicious soup..I want to cook it for my husband
baohuong_hh:sao ko nghe gi nhi
daniel_0808:you just eat
CrispyChicken:thank you Bac Don
cake_pendulum:can I?
baohuong_hh:bacdon vui tinh
Bac_Don: 'So … that'
'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase
but is not required.
So + adjective + (that)
The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours.
Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave.
daniel_0808:cua con gai bac do
daniel_0808:xin 1 con di
Bac_Don: 'So … that'
'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase
but is not required.
So + adjective + (that)
The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours.
Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave.
baohuong_hh:cai gi vay daniel?
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:ai' cha
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac don mac do cua Santa Claus
Caroline Anh:how cool he is
Caroline Anh:
Bac_Don: 'So' for Results
'So' can also be used to express a result. In this case 'so' is followed by a full
I had a lot of time so I visited the museum.
She wasn't happy in her current position so she looked for a new job.
Bac_Don: followed = FALL owed
Bac_Don: Review Quiz:
Q: The new product was _____ a success that we started to manufacture
Q: He is ____ a good dancer!
Q: The weather was _____ wonderful that I took the day off work.
Bac_Don: kwizzz
Bac_Don: clique
Bac_Don: croquet
Bac_Don: bouquet
ttran_2:Hello All
daniel_0808:hi ttran
Bac_Don: such ' a / an '......adjective
carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer
sleigh stockings
Bac_Don: carols = holiday songs
daniel_0808:sis noi cham thoi
BeYeuALL: MenChao Ba'cDon and all
Bac_Don: chimney = where the smoke goe out
daniel_0808:giong noi voii em be
daniel_0808:bac don moi hieu
Bac_Don: Christmas Eve = night before Christmas day
Bac_Don: eggnog = delicious drink.....egg/milk/spices
Bac_Don: Mass = Catholic church service
Bac_Don: mistletoe = small branch with red berries......if you are standing under
it....anyone can kiss you
daniel_0808:mistletoe cam tam gui
daniel_0808:cay tam goi
Caroline Anh:v?ng nguyet que ban de truoc cua vao dem giang sinh day
Caroline Anh:
morning_star8:one of the symbols in the Christmas season
manhquyet711:i like it
Caroline Anh:custom
Bac_Don: Susan : Merry Christmas, come on in and take off your coat - it's cold
out there.
Stephan : Merry Christmas. Let me take off my boots, I don't want to get
snow all over the place.
Susan : Would you like some____? It's a traditional Christmas drink made
with milk, eggs, vanilla and rum.
Caroline Anh:eggnog
morning_star8:doc di
Bac_Don: Susan : Merry Christmas, come on in and take off your coat - it's cold
out there.
Stephan : Merry Christmas. Let me take off my boots, I don't want to get
snow all over the place.
Susan : Would you like some EGGNOG? It's a traditional Christmas drink
made with milk, eggs, vanilla and rum.
baohuong_hh:cam on bac don
Caroline Anh:yes
Bac_Don: Stephan : That sounds delicious! I'd love some.
Susan : So, are you ready to decorate the tree? The kids are in the living
room right now unpacking the ____and preparing the lights... Oh, Stephan,
you're standing under the ____! You have to give me a kiss.
Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments
reindeer sleigh stockings
baohuong_hh:bacdon met roi
Bac_Don: Stephan : That sounds delicious! I'd love some.
Susan : So, are you ready to decorate the tree? The kids are in the living
room right now unpacking the ORNAMENTS and preparing the lights... Oh,
Stephan, you're standing under the MISTLETOE! You have to give me a kiss.
Bac_Don: welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.....
baohuong_hh:ORNAMENT: do trang hoang, trang tri
daffodil71311:hello bac Don
nguoinhaque_hocenglish:con chao bacdon
carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer
sleigh stockings
Bac_Don: Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift.
It's a CD of traditional Christmas ____from my country. I hope you like it.
Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating
the tree.
Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you
celebrate it here?
Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift. It's a
CD of traditional Christmas Carols from my country. I hope you like it.
Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating
the tree.
Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you
celebrate it here?
ttran_2:Thx Bacdon
Bac_Don: decorating = deck uh ray ting....
Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift. It's a
CD of traditional Christmas Carols from my country. I hope you like it.
Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating
the tree.
Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you
celebrate it here?
khoatmr:ai biet chi cho minh cach download skype voi
Bac_Don: decorating = deck uh ray ting....
khoatmr:minh vao skype nhung ko biet cho nao down ve
thacnuoc:go in here Khao
Hello-Cuties:Khoat vao link nay`>>+
Bac_Don: dec·o·rate
nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co con
Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on ____and has a nice
dinner. Some people go to midnight ____, others stay at home and celebrate
with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two, but my family
is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open the gifts from
carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer
sleigh stockings
Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on Christmas Eve and
has a nice dinner. Some people go to midnight MASS, others stay at home
and celebrate with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two,
but my family is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open
the gifts from Santa.
Bac_Don: Murielle.......
Bac_Don: eve = eeeev......
Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on Christmas Eve and
has a nice dinner. Some people go to midnight MASS, others stay at home
and celebrate with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two,
but my family is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open
the gifts from Santa.
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:why did u drop
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:my hand?
selena_huynh:hi Bac Don
daniel_0808:I can wait
Susan : In America, we have a very definite picture of what Santa Claus looks
like. He dresses in red and white clothes and travels in a magic ____pulled by
flying ____. He enters your house by climbing down the ____, and he leaves
gifts under the Christmas tree and in ____which we hang above the fire
Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments
reindeer sleigh stockings
Bac_Don: Susan : In America, we have a very definite picture of what Santa
Claus looks like. He dresses in red and white clothes and travels in a magic
SLEIGHpulled by flying REINDEER. He enters your house by climbing down
the CHIMNEY, and he leaves gifts under the Christmas tree and in
STOCKINGS which we hang above the fire place.
Bac_Don: magic = maah jick
morning_star8:thank you, sir !
carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer
sleigh stockings
morning_star8:may I ask you something , Bac Don ?
morning_star8:Can I use " by flying REINDEERS " in plural ?
emyeuanh999:hello bac don and all
morning_star8:thank you, now I catch it.
thutrang87: xin chao bac Don va moi nguoi
Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.....
shmily23051988:con chao bac
shmily23051988:but daddy iam so sad
shmily23051988:bcs no gift
nath902000:what ur skype name sir?
shmily23051988:oh really????
shmily23051988:i cant believe it daddy
Bac_Don: together = tuh geh thur.......others = uh thurz
daniel_0808:you are welcome
PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac-don oi*!..slow down, pls
BeYeuALL: yes, Sir
panda2310:con chao Bac
daniel_0808:me too
daniel_0808:me too
nath902000:skype: nath902000 in Aus please add me for speaking english only intermediate
and advance level please.
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99900941 carlo

  • 1. Alert:This is a G rated room intended for a GeneralAudience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted. Alert: Welcome to study English Online Room rule : ( No Webcam , No Red , Neon, Caps lock , Underline , Big Font ) Offensive language is not permitted. daniel_0808:good daniel_0808:you did good job Bac_Don: sure / cure Bac_Don: kyeur thalaxomdao_1:.Hi Bac Don va cac ban. manhquyet711:hi bac don kokichi_06_03:yes kokichi_06_03:I can't call u kokichi_06_03: kokichi_06_03:sorry kokichi_06_03::| kokichi_06_03:I can't call u kokichi_06_03:dangminhchau.ftu kokichi_06_03:yes kokichi_06_03:^^ Bac_Don: He can't resist those remedies, but the list goes on and on So, he certifies this date "The Great Hair-Growing Marathon" He gives it all he's got while mixin' fixins one by one Whether he grows hair or not, it seems like Santa's having fun Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.... Bac_Don: certifies = sir tih faiz Bac_Don: He can't resist those remedies, but the list goes on and on So, he certifies this date "The Great Hair-Growing Marathon" He gives it all he's got while mixin' fixins one by one Whether he grows hair or not, it seems like Santa's having fun Bac_Don: WElcome passion...thanks for your hand... kokichi_06_03:^^ daniel_0808:1 kokichi_06_03:thanks u bac_don Bac_Don: There's Merlin the Magician's from those great King Arthur books Those floppy hats for fishin', crammed with tackle, bait and hooks Those Viking hats from days of yore with horns designed to shock Those funny hats the Pilgrims wore when they hit Plymouth Rock Bac_Don: muh jish uhn
  • 2. Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.... Bac_Don: ply Kim Ngan Phuc: da exciter_1910:good morning BACDON Bac_Don: So, Santa's head keeps working till the sun begins to rise He knew it had some skill, but still he can't believe his eyes His hat-making machine went wild, there's not one space to spare A thousand different hats are piled in places everywhere Bac_Don: Hello Pascole Nguyen... Bin85Bin: da Bac_Don: Santa finally finds a way that his bald head has passed the test It worked so hard and fast, now it deserves a little rest He wanted something up there, but much more than hair has grown The biggest hat collection that this world has even known! Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.... Bac_Don: Lesson Outline: 22 Dec 11 Houston PM Opening Song: Holiday Music Vocal Practice: Under Santas Hat Grammar1: Using So Such and That Grammar 2: Christmas Role Play (fill-in) Leture: Subject Verb Agreement khoatmr:em muon theo hoc, bay gio phai bat dau nhu the nao? khoatmr:thay chi em voi exciter_1910:? manhquyet711:cu gio tay , nghe roi hoc thoi , dung them skype nua daniel_0808: emot_60 daniel_0808: Bac_Don: Lesson Outline: 22 Dec 11 Houston PM Opening Song: Holiday Music Vocal Practice: Under Santas Hat Grammar1: Using So Such and That Grammar 2: Christmas Role Play (fill-in) Leture: Subject Verb Agreement daniel_0808:manh manhquyet711:ok i call you manhquyet711:but you not online in my skype Bin85Bin: bye BacDon, bye all manhquyet711:manhquyet711 manhquyet711:yes manhquyet711:ok manhquyet711:im try thacnuoc:good evening Bacdon thacnuoc:How are you doing? Bac_Don: 'Such' and 'So'
  • 3. Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in construction. The main difference between the two structures is that 'such' takes a noun phrase, whereas 'so' takes an adjective. 'Such … that' 'Such … that' takes a noun or modified noun in a noun phrase. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. khoatmr:minh da vao acc skype roi bay gio lam gi tiep theo day? khoatmr:ca nha ai biet chi giup minh voi daniel_0808:ti nua toi luot ban daniel_0808:add nick bac don daniel_0808:bac don goi ban daniel_0808:ban goi bac don thacnuoc:hello all daniel_0808:va nho bam nut mute trong pt Bac_Don: modified = mod uh fied daniel_0808:de ko nghe tieng echo Bac_Don: 'Such' and 'So' Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in construction. The main difference between the two structures is that 'such' takes a noun phrase, whereas 'so' takes an adjective. 'Such … that' 'Such … that' takes a noun or modified noun in a noun phrase. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.... daniel_0808:1 Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that) Examples: The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car the didn't buy it. The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it. ngoctu38:hello bac don hi everyone kangta18:xin chao qui vi kangta18:moc chim bac don khoatmr:de hoc minh can trang bi nhung gi vay ca nha oi? Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that) Examples: The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it.
  • 4. The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it. khoatmr:chi giup minh voi kangta18:cchim to sophienguyen2710:happy Holiday bac Don Bac_Don: thank you sophienguyen sophienguyen2710:yw kangta18:Merry Christmas Bac Don kangta18::] Bac_Don: thank you kangta18... ngoctu38: ngoctu38:DA. kangta18:tai sao co cham vay? ngoctu38: ngoctu38:u're welcome nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co connnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ngoctu38:MERRY CHRISTMAS BAC DON nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co connnnnnnnnnnn kangta18:You make me happy, do the teach of English Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that) Examples: The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it. The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it. nguoinhaque_hocenglish:may i call you? ngoctu38: Bac_Don: you can...but I wont be here.... Bac_Don: brb.... daniel_0808:jhi kangta18:why? daniel_0808:he is hungry kangta18:eat Hambuguh Kim Ngan Phuc: Bac Don oi, cho con goi tay 1 ti nha kangta18:Tieng Anh con em Gio nguoinhaque_hocenglish:was kangta18:xin Bac Don giup do duoc khong daniel_0808:again pls daniel_0808:he will come back PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac ay di r kangta18:deo ma
  • 5. daniel_0808:he takes something to eat PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:doc hoai`..hic Bac_Don: was = wuhzzzz Bac_Don: call me please... nguoinhaque_hocenglish:yes Bac_Don: such + adjective + noun + (that) Examples: The recording was such a disappointment I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car he didn't buy it. The recording was such a disappointment THAT I didn't buy any more from that artist. It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it. daniel_0808:yes daniel_0808:I read it ngoctu38:oh i like this lesson Bac_Don: it Bac_Don: I dont get it. Bac_Don: It was such an expensive car THAT he didn't buy it. Hoa Mau-Don III: if it come after a verb its shout be it. ngoctu38:?@@ exciter_1910:BACDON can you read for me that word "didn't" exciter_1910:i can't read exciter_1910:thank BAc Kim Ngan Phuc: da Kim Ngan Phuc: con goi cho Bac nha Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room.... ngoctu38:bac oi con bi disconnect>"< ngoctu38:con bi rot tayy ngoctu38:huhu daniel_0808:1 daniel_0808:good manhquyet711:1 thacnuoc:yes baohuong_hh:Merry Christmas everybody ngoctu38:?@@ Bac_Don: Km Ngan more try??? ngoctu38:bac sao the ngoctu38:i cant hear u Bac_Don: baohungggggggggggggg..... Bac_Don: << rot mic.... daniel_0808:yes daniel_0808:you did daniel_0808:no sound daniel_0808:1 daniel_0808:good daniel_0808:hehe
  • 6. daniel_0808: khoatmr:co em day khoatmr:hello Bac_Don daniel_0808:khoa he is new he doesnot know how to use skype khoatmr:ýe Bac_Don: 'So … that' 'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. So + adjective + (that) Examples: The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours. Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave. daniel_0808:he has an account on skype..but he does not know how to call u bac don khoatmr:em chua doc dc ah daniel_0808:khoa doc trong pt di daniel_0808:cam mic va doc daniel_0808:bd sua cho ban Bac_Don: << chua doc / noi tieng viet duoc...nhung...van con co gang.. daniel_0808:khoa doc di Bac_Don: moi khoatmr cam mic, doc bai di khoatmr:hom nay em xin phep chua doc thay oi Bac_Don: 'So … that' 'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. So + adjective + (that) Examples: The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours. Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave. daniel_0808:sao vay daniel_0808:ban gio tay co nghia la ban muon doc ma khoatmr:em chua co microphone Bac_Don: If you never will never improve..... manhquyet711:? khoatmr:do moi vao nen em chua biet de chuan bi dc daniel_0808:vay ban dung gio tay daniel_0808:khi nao ban mua mic thi gio tay Bac_Don: hmmmmmmm.....why is it that I do not believe you?... Bac_Don: hmmmmmmmmm daniel_0808:bac don he is new..he doesnot have mic sophienguyen2710:Bac Don, Khoa don't hav e mic Bac_Don: << khong tin khoatmr:sorry everyone baohuong_hh:ban click vao push to talk baohuong_hh:sau do click lock in mic baohuong_hh:roi lan sau doc cho bacdon kiem tra khoatmr:sorry khoatmr:ok baohuong_hh:nen chuan bi truoc
  • 7. baohuong_hh:ko sao baohuong_hh:ko biet cu hoi may ban baohuong_hh:may ban khac co trong room se chi giup khoatmr:cam on cac ban nha daniel_0808:tell us about the delicious soup..I want to cook it for my husband baohuong_hh:sao ko nghe gi nhi baohuong_hh: daniel_0808:yes daniel_0808:you just eat manhquyet711:nam daniel_0808:1 manhquyet711:co CrispyChicken:thank you Bac Don cake_pendulum:can I? daniel_0808:hehe PhamNgocQuynhMai2015: PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:yes baohuong_hh:bacdon vui tinh thacnuoc: baohuong_hh: Bac_Don: 'So … that' 'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. So + adjective + (that) Examples: The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours. Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave. daniel_0808:cua con gai bac do daniel_0808:xin 1 con di Bac_Don: 'So … that' 'So … that' takes an adjective. 'That' can be used following the noun phrase but is not required. So + adjective + (that) Examples: The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours. Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn't want to leave. baohuong_hh:cai gi vay daniel? hocnuahocmai_1: PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:ai' cha PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac don mac do cua Santa Claus hocnuahocmai_1: baohuong_hh:sure Caroline Anh:how cool he is Caroline Anh:
  • 8. manhquyet711: Bac_Don: 'So' for Results 'So' can also be used to express a result. In this case 'so' is followed by a full clause: Examples: I had a lot of time so I visited the museum. She wasn't happy in her current position so she looked for a new job. Bac_Don: followed = FALL owed baohuong_hh: daniel_0808:1 thacnuoc: Bac_Don: Review Quiz: Q: The new product was _____ a success that we started to manufacture more. such so Q: He is ____ a good dancer! such so Bac_Don: Q: The weather was _____ wonderful that I took the day off work. such so baohuong_hh: Bac_Don: daniel_0808:quiz Bac_Don: kwizzz Bac_Don: clique Bac_Don: croquet Bac_Don: bouquet baohuong_hh: ttran_2:Hello All daniel_0808:hi ttran Bac_Don: such ' a / an '......adjective baohuong_hh:da Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings Bac_Don: carols = holiday songs daniel_0808:sis noi cham thoi BeYeuALL: MenChao Ba'cDon and all
  • 9. Bac_Don: chimney = where the smoke goe out daniel_0808:giong noi voii em be daniel_0808:bac don moi hieu Bac_Don: Christmas Eve = night before Christmas day Bac_Don: eggnog = delicious drink.....egg/milk/spices Bac_Don: Mass = Catholic church service Bac_Don: mistletoe = small branch with red berries......if you are standing under it....anyone can kiss you daniel_0808:mistletoe cam tam gui daniel_0808:cay tam goi Caroline Anh:v?ng nguyet que ban de truoc cua vao dem giang sinh day Caroline Anh: thacnuoc: morning_star8:one of the symbols in the Christmas season manhquyet711:i like it Caroline Anh:custom thacnuoc:lolz Bac_Don: Susan : Merry Christmas, come on in and take off your coat - it's cold out there. Stephan : Merry Christmas. Let me take off my boots, I don't want to get snow all over the place. Susan : Would you like some____? It's a traditional Christmas drink made with milk, eggs, vanilla and rum. baohuong_hh:drink? Caroline Anh:eggnog baohuong_hh:yes baohuong_hh:eggnog morning_star8:doc di Bac_Don: Susan : Merry Christmas, come on in and take off your coat - it's cold out there. Stephan : Merry Christmas. Let me take off my boots, I don't want to get snow all over the place. Susan : Would you like some EGGNOG? It's a traditional Christmas drink made with milk, eggs, vanilla and rum. baohuong_hh:cam on bac don Caroline Anh:yes Bac_Don: Stephan : That sounds delicious! I'd love some. Susan : So, are you ready to decorate the tree? The kids are in the living room right now unpacking the ____and preparing the lights... Oh, Stephan, you're standing under the ____! You have to give me a kiss. Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings baohuong_hh:bacdon met roi baohuong_hh:hihi Bac_Don: Stephan : That sounds delicious! I'd love some.
  • 10. Susan : So, are you ready to decorate the tree? The kids are in the living room right now unpacking the ORNAMENTS and preparing the lights... Oh, Stephan, you're standing under the MISTLETOE! You have to give me a kiss. Bac_Don: welcome to the recent arrivals to the room..... baohuong_hh:ORNAMENT: do trang hoang, trang tri daffodil71311:hello bac Don nguoinhaque_hocenglish:con chao bacdon hocnuahocmai_1:yes Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings totrang03:hello Bac_Don: Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift. It's a CD of traditional Christmas ____from my country. I hope you like it. Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating the tree. Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you celebrate it here? thacnuoc:carols morning_star8:carols Bac_Don: Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift. It's a CD of traditional Christmas Carols from my country. I hope you like it. Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating the tree. Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you celebrate it here? ttran_2:Thx Bacdon Bac_Don: decorating = deck uh ray ting.... Bac_Don: Stephan : That's a nice Christmas tradition. I brought you a little gift. It's a CD of traditional Christmas Carols from my country. I hope you like it. Susan : Oh, how wonderful, let's put it on right now while we are decorating the tree. Stephan : I don't really know much about Christmas in America. How do you celebrate it here? khoatmr:ai biet chi cho minh cach download skype voi Bac_Don: decorating = deck uh ray ting.... khoatmr:minh vao skype nhung ko biet cho nao down ve thacnuoc:go in here Khao Hello-Cuties:Khoat vao link nay`>>+ thacnuoc:Khoa Bac_Don: dec·o·rate [dek-uh-reyt] nguoinhaque_hocenglish:co con
  • 11. Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on ____and has a nice dinner. Some people go to midnight ____, others stay at home and celebrate with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two, but my family is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open the gifts from Santa. Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings daniel_0808:hehe Murielle9:hi Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on Christmas Eve and has a nice dinner. Some people go to midnight MASS, others stay at home and celebrate with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two, but my family is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open the gifts from Santa. Bac_Don: Murielle....... Bac_Don: eve = eeeev...... Bac_Don: Susan : Well, usually the family gets together on Christmas Eve and has a nice dinner. Some people go to midnight MASS, others stay at home and celebrate with their families and friends. Some people open a gift or two, but my family is very traditional. We wait until Christmas morning to open the gifts from Santa. PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:oops daniel_0808:1 PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:why did u drop PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:my hand? selena_huynh:hi Bac Don daniel_0808:I can wait Bac_Don: Susan : In America, we have a very definite picture of what Santa Claus looks like. He dresses in red and white clothes and travels in a magic ____pulled by flying ____. He enters your house by climbing down the ____, and he leaves gifts under the Christmas tree and in ____which we hang above the fire place. Bac_Don: carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings Bac_Don: Susan : In America, we have a very definite picture of what Santa Claus looks like. He dresses in red and white clothes and travels in a magic SLEIGHpulled by flying REINDEER. He enters your house by climbing down the CHIMNEY, and he leaves gifts under the Christmas tree and in STOCKINGS which we hang above the fire place. Bac_Don: magic = maah jick morning_star8:thank you, sir ! Bac_Don:
  • 12. carols chimney Christmas Eve eggnog mass mistletoe ornaments reindeer sleigh stockings daniel_0808: morning_star8:may I ask you something , Bac Don ? morning_star8:Can I use " by flying REINDEERS " in plural ? emyeuanh999:hello bac don and all morning_star8:thank you, now I catch it. daniel_0808:1 thutrang87: xin chao bac Don va moi nguoi Bac_Don: Welcome to the recent arrivals to the room..... daffodil71311:yes daffodil71311:ok shmily23051988:con chao bac shmily23051988: shmily23051988:yesssss shmily23051988:but daddy iam so sad shmily23051988:bcs no gift shmily23051988: shmily23051988:yess nath902000:what ur skype name sir? shmily23051988:oh really???? shmily23051988:i cant believe it daddy shmily23051988: Bac_Don: together = tuh geh thur.......others = uh thurz daniel_0808:you are welcome PhamNgocQuynhMai2015:bac-don oi*!..slow down, pls BeYeuALL: yes, Sir panda2310:con chao Bac Murielle9:yes daniel_0808:me too daniel_0808:me too daniel_0808: nath902000:skype: nath902000 in Aus please add me for speaking english only intermediate and advance level please. Murielle9:yes Homework Help Math homework help
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