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   Greg Sexton


       Enervated by seven years of physical and mental strain I finally recovered earlier

this year, happily ending days of utter darkness. And anyone who has suffered pain,

depression and insomnia can tell you, the combination of the three torques you deeply

into the ground. And though we all might describe our experiences differently we are

essentially explaining the same thing, and it seems to me describing the recovery and

the amazing revelation about the mind, central nervous system, depression and pain

would be far more helpful.

       I willfully point out I’m not in any way affiliated with the healthcare or teaching

profession, but rather a fairly intelligent, educated guy who was healthy through the age

forty, sick and then healthy, and recognized the symmetry and commonality between

degrees of pain and pain-free, and depressed and happy. And even though I’m not a

medical professional I did suffer from a nearly paralyzing and rare thoracic spine

disorder requiring surgery, very nearly died from septic shock caused by acute

pancreatitis, had lumbar back problems and surgery, lost the hearing in my right ear,

had skin cancer twice, encephalopathy, anemia and varying degrees of nervousness,

anxiety, hyper-insomnia and depression. And being an eight year ward of the medical

system entitles you to endless doctor’s visits, medications, reading, researching, and if

you choose, generally understanding a lot about the mind and the body.

       The mind-body connection is the belief that what happens in one affects the

other, and I think one of those dynamics takes place between the mind and the central

nervous system. And the reason I believe that is threefold; first, many mood disorders

are manifested physically, like trembling is a result of nervousness, grinding is the result

of anxiety and fatigue and pain often accompany depression. Secondly, a narcotic


manages pain by depressing your CNS, all the while slowing the mind and making us

drowsy. And thirdly, depressed patients experience pain or their pain is inexplicably

exacerbated, and reason I believe is tension in the central nervous system resets your

natural pain level from ‘0’ to ‘2’, for instance, where you’re starting to experience

malaise and aches and pains. And a painful event that’s otherwise a three suddenly

becomes a five, and for me it wasn’t reduction in pain tolerance, I just felt pain more.

So if you can make the leap and connect the central nervous system to the mind, and I

believe those examples offer proof, it gives you definition of at least one mind-body


       I believe the tension in the central nervous system also increases the natural

speed at which our mind operates. This tension is either inherited or developed by

stressors in life, and is explained in more detail below. You’ll notice I said ‘mind’ and

not ‘brain’, and that is a big distinction because to me there are two types of what we

currently consider ‘mental illness’, those of the brain and those of the mind. I came to

consider illnesses of the brain chemical imbalances that cause neuropsychiatric

conditions, like; schizophrenia, bi-polar disease and manic/depression. I also believe

they share two other factors, the patient often is unaware of the problem and all share

similar incidence rates.

       Conversely, I believe illness’s of the mind are what are commonly referred to as

mood disorders, like nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and depression, which follow a

natural progression where symptoms worsen as incidence decreases (see Bell Curve

below). I’ll also say at this time ADD has an incidence rate similar to neuropsychiatric


conditions but I believe it can be treated as a mood disorder because they share the

same cause, and other than energy level the symptoms are extremely similar.

                                         MIND ILLNESS
                 CNS TENSION = PHYSICAL                        MIND RACING = MENTAL

                          WELL BEING -                                - ANXIETY
                                                                         - INSOMNIA
                   EUPHORIA -                                                 - DEPRESSION
              GRANDEUR -
                                               MIND SPEED                           - ADD,ADHD, BIPOLAR

                                         MIND SPEED/CNS TENSION

       I believe we are all born with a natural CNS tension level and mind speed, and if

it were measureable, it would follow the standard distribution on a bell curve just like IQ.

And my reason for believing is evolution, and if we evolved from nature then the laws of

nature must apply and all measurable inherited traits would follow a standard

distribution at birth. It should also apply to height in same age men, for instance, but

we’ve introduced steroids and growth hormones into physical traits and I think that

would skew the curve slightly to the right.

        I also believe the curve for CNS tension and mind speed would be skewed,

again because of anything man made, but I’m leaving it in the original shape to show

the connection between various mood disorders. All of us naturally fall somewhere on


the curve with a natural mind speed that works very similar to a computer’s internal

clock. It’s calculated in clock speed (or rate) but doesn’t keep time like a clock, but

rather it determines the speed of time. In other words, the same CPU will run faster by

increasing clock speed, so that’s what I’m referring to when I say ‘mind speed’. And I

call this theory ‘Mind Illness’ because I believe ‘mental illness’ has an undeserved

negative connotation, and I believe receiving that label automatically makes some

people more depressed.

       As I mentioned earlier, we are all born somewhere on this curve and for 84%

percent of the people you are either on the left or in the middle where there aren’t really

any negative symptoms, although I do think the mind can run too slow and may have

something to do with mental retardation. Mentally you’re satisfied and can concentrate

and relax when needed, and can generally manage life. But if you are unlucky enough

to be born in the 16% who fall right of the first standard deviation you probably have

trouble concentrating sometimes, in the mildest cases, and in the worse cases you were

born with ADD.

       I believe life’s stressors, either natural or man-made, serve to push us right by

agitating our central nervous system. I don’t know the physiological phenomenon but I

believe chemicals released during times of stress, for instance, agitate the central

nervous system and increase our mind speed. There could also be physical causes like

unknowing cancer patients who become depressed for no apparent reason, where

some unnatural process agitates nerve endings and then speeds the mind ultimately

causing depression.      And that’s why unexplained anxiety or depression needs

resolution, because the cause may be physical.




       I liken standing atop the curve and looking down the right side as the devil’s

rollercoaster to hell, where the closer to the bottom the faster you are traveling. And as

you move downward your thoughts become faster and more negative with little or no

ability to control them. This perfectly explains the natural progression from nervousness

to anxiety to insomnia to depression; increasingly negative thoughts racing faster

through your mind, and without the ability to control them we eventually become

depressed.    I believe this is the reason we must effectively manage nervousness and

anxiety, because statistically 52% of people with nervousness will become depressed

without successful intervention (nervousness rate is 12% and depression is 5.7%).

       But the key is managing mind speed and central nervous system tension without

depressing either, and as life’s stressors push us right we are bound for trouble if we

don’t naturally reverse the trend and move back to the middle or left. And this is a very

critical time because self-medication is next, and that’s where we unknowingly, but

temporarily move ourselves back to the left of the curve. There are many reasons why

that’s bad, with building tolerance the worse, so self-medication isn’t correcting the long-

term problem it’s actually hastening your demise.

       Chemically managing the central nervous system and mind speed presents

several options, like drugs and medications, but for me they not only failed but the side

effects actually made me sicker. And with any of those options I think the initial change

to the CNS is a positive, whether it’s a narcotic that depresses your CNS or an

amphetamine that agitates it, and that’s the initial positive effect some people


experience. But the real dilemma is you are temporarily treating a permanent problem,

and it’s with a solution that causes bigger problems. And a person can do that for a

while, but as weeks become months and months you are headed for drug dependence.

And what starts as self-medication becomes legal-medication and then illegal-

medication, and fortunately the incidence of those options decrease as the problem

worsens but there are still numerous people needlessly addicted to medications

because they have unsuccessfully stopped the mind racing.

      Each of the options to manage CNS tension and/or mind speed has advantages

and disadvantages, and when you look at how they affect our CNS and mind it’s easy to

see the differences.    Drugs, like pain medications serve to depress our CNS and

effectively relieve pain, but they also slow the mind, and as enjoyable as the buzz feels

it would be much better to moderate pain without drowsiness. Anti-anxiety medications

present the opposite effect, they slow the mind and reduce our anxiety but they also

depress the CNS, which is a non-beneficial side effect. Alcohol basically has the same

affect so there is good with the bad, but the real problem is dependence over time and

they can cause permanent organ damage. And as anyone medicated for an extended

period of time can tell you, they are bad choices.

      Anti-depressants work for some people, and if they do by all means continue

taking them. But they’re effective less than a third of the time, and cause negative

behavioral side effects. They are also temporary solutions to long term problems, and

for me they never did anything good or bad that I could recognize, and that is actually

what started me down the path to figuring what the hell happened to me. If it was

serotonin levels then why didn’t I or sixty-six percent of depressed people respond?


      There is one other option that happens to be the most effective and is provided

by nature and in the right dose has few side effects, but is also illegal in most states,

marijuana. Now I know at this point some people will tune out because it’s a marijuana

discussion, but I really believe it is a THC discussion that needs to be seriously

discussed and researched by the National Health Foundation.

      I found that THC slowed my mind sufficiently to allow positive thoughts to remain

in my conscious, and I will believe until the day I die that is how I recovered from my

depression and ultimately reset my pain sensitivity.    I was basically becoming a lost

cause, and when marijuana made me feel the polar opposite of depressed I started

wondering what caused that to occur. It’s taken months to understand to this point, but

it completely explains things in my life going back to childhood. I was one of the people

born somewhere on the right side of the curve, and looking back I was certainly ADD

well into my twenties. I couldn’t concentrate on anything I read until my junior year of

college, and it explains why teachers cited unfulfilled potential. The reasons escaped

me and I didn’t really consider myself that smart, and if the school system couldn’t

recognize ADD my family certainly wasn’t.       But that was the seventies and now I

understand the cause.



       The first symptom of a speeding mind is nervousness, and for me it started as an

uneasy vague feeling where something was bothering me, but impossible to pinpoint.

This is when you start tossing and turning and having restless nights, and if you are

able to fall asleep it’s frequently interrupted. Some people drink a few beers or a couple

glasses of wine before bed, or take Tylenol PM or Benadryl to help them sleep. And at

least antihistamines don’t harm anything, but I believe they serve to slightly agitate your

CNS and that’s why they make you nervous.

       Generally speaking, 12% of the population suffers from nervousness, though I

don’t see how that can be accurately measured because many people are unaware of

the symptoms, or if they do recognize it they are self-medicating the problem. But what

I believe happens is a quarter of those resolve the issue one way or another and move

back to the left. Three-quarters of those with nervousness develop anxiety, which is the

same condition only more intense symptoms. Seventy-five percent of 12% is 9%, and

that is the incidence rate for anxiety, and I’ve had moderate to severe anxiety and can

tell you it’s basically nervousness on steroids.         And whereas I could handle

nervousness for a while I could only stand anxiety in small doses. Over time it is very

discouraging, your thoughts are becoming more negative and fatigue is starting to be a

problem. I believe the tension in your CNS system is tiring, and with your mind running

faster and having more difficulty getting a good night’s sleep you start to get run down

and it steamrolls from there. And another compounding affect it has is curtailing your


physical activity, and when that happens you are losing the only natural way you have

to manage your CNS and mind speed.

       A full nights rest also serves to help manage central nervous tension and mind

speed, but not because of a benefit to your CNS. I think it’s because hopefully while we

are sleeping our mind speed slows sufficiently to allow us to rest, and that has a

calming effect on our CNS. It’s another example of the mind-body connection and

rather than central nervous tension causing a fast mind, slowing the mind soothes the

CNS tension. But with insomnia the mind racing keeps us awake regardless the hour,

and falling asleep is only made possible if we cut the power at the light switch, so to

say, by short circuiting the mind and depressing the CNS. And the same problem that

exists with narcotics and alcohol also applies to sleeping medications; you are only

temporarily managing a permanent problem.          But there is one undeniable fact, we

require sleep in order to survive so people will do most anything in to sleep now and

worry about the side effects later.

       Most doctors would rightfully prescribe sleep aides, but when the problem

persists for months they should start looking for the cause.       And if something is

apparent they refer you to a counselor, who over the course of months will suggest

various causes to the problem, but being cognizant won’t help you fall asleep. The

psychology and psychiatry disciplines will dredge your life exploring anything

problematic, and I believe they’re needlessly digging up garbage from the past. And I

believe the reason this happens is when our mind is racing with negative thoughts about

the past or future running through our heads, and discussing them with the doctor we

believe they are relevant because we’re thinking about them. But in reality, it’s just a


fast mind doing what it naturally does, bringing up unresolved issues over and over until

we begin to think they must be the problem.

      In counseling doctors’ talk about our childhood, our parents, our spouses, our

jobs and anything they think is germane. And in select cases this is helpful if there is

something traumatic enough to affect you, but in the great majority of cases it’s not any

of those factors, it’s just how fast our mind spins and how negative our thoughts are.

      The cure rate for anxiety is approximately 35%, which means two thirds of those

not successfully treated for nervousness progress down the curve to depression. So if

we you started with one-hundred nervous people we left with 48, the other 52 were

successfully treated for nervousness or anxiety. It’s here where the differences and

nuances in mild, moderate and severe depression again show progression of the

condition as the incidence decreases. Mild depression is very similar to severe anxiety

and most people or doctors would never know the difference, and at this point you can’t

escape negative thoughts, regardless of the subject. After living in a predominately

negative world you start bargaining long-term happiness just to feel normal again, and

after you can’t make that deal you start to give up hope, and that’s the look you see on

depressed people. And then severe depression envelops you in abject hopelessness

when nothing you do changes the way you feel.          By now you’ve tried all kinds of

medicines, been to all kinds of doctors and the system has quite honestly failed you, but

you still feel responsible and this is where a loyal loved one is invaluable, because you

need someone reinforcing positive feelings and emotions to try and keep you balanced.

And the thing that pisses me off more than anything is some people still see depression

as a weakness, when the person has no more control over the mind speed they


inherited than the coward does his. And I believe the fact of the matter is people who

see depression as a weakness are only dealing with their own inadequacies, and

putting down depressed people somehow makes them feel better about themselves.

      So if you take the cure rate for depression, 33%, the hundred people who started

with nervousness is now down to thirty-two. Sixty-eight percent of people who started

down this curve have successfully moved back to the left, and to me that’s actually not a

bad number and I think it suggests many of these conditions are temporary based on

situational stress and some people respond to anti-depressants. But it also means over

11.5 million people start down this curve and don’t find relief. And these are the people

that can eventually commit suicide but since the rate in the U.S. is 11.1 for every

100,000 people it doesn’t even begin to dent the 11.5 million who are suffering, so this

is a very large problem that needs corrected.



       Mental health professionals see associations between ADD and depression, but I

believe it goes beyond similarities, and except for energy levels, I think they are the

essentially the same. Depression is a racing mind with the inability to control your

thoughts, and ADD is defined as the inability to control behavior. If you can’t control

your thoughts you aren’t very likely to control your behavior, and as I mentioned earlier I

was ADD when I was younger and believe sports and activity helped me manage the

symptoms. I also didn’t have insomnia then and I’ve wondered if restful sleeping gives

people the bursts of energy or if their mind is spinning so fast they can’t control their


       I believe strongly that ADD can actually be measured, though it would take

concerted effort by education and mental health professionals to determine the extent to

which careless mistakes negatively affect your grades. And what I think happened in

my case was I outgrew the ADD in my twenties, and the reason I believe that happened

is related to the fact that you are more likely to be depressed in your thirties than your

fifties. To me that says our mind slows as we age, and I think that is basically what

people refer to when they talk about ‘mellowing’ with age. And as I think back to my

twenties and thirties I was probably as relaxed as I’d ever been in my life, but the

thoracic problem agitated my central nervous system and pushed me to the right and

then down the curve where all my mind’s troubles resided.

       If you have never suffered from ADD or a fast mind, here is an example of what it

feels like. Assume you have to solve two equally difficult problems that are presented in


ten Power Point slides, and you are given three seconds on each slide for Problem 1,

and six seconds on each slide for Problem 2. Which do you think will yield the best

resolution? Its obvious sixty seconds on a problem is better than thirty seconds, and

that’s what an ADD mind is facing, less undivided time to consider a problem and less

time in which to make it, so it’s actually a double whammy. You might get it right some

of the time, especially the more intelligent you are, but over time you will make


       I believe a similar relationship exists between mania and depression but not

because they are opposites. I think what you’re basically talking about there is the

same condition but also with a different energy level. So the question I have is ‘are

ADD and mania the same thing? I never had manic episodes but I think they are

similar, or at least they are caused by the same thing and just manifest themselves

differently in different people.

       And an interesting way to look at it is if you look at the curve and find the point on

the left opposite of ADD and mania, I think you would find delusions of grandeur.

People with delusions are calm and focus almost solely on one thing, the object of their




      Mental health professional classify most conditions as ‘mood disorders’ and

‘neuropsychiatric’. There are others but the great majority of conditions fall into these

categories. Mood disorders are things like anxiety and depression and neuropsychiatric

conditions are diseases like schizophrenia, manic/depression and bi-polar disease and I

think of it as mood disorders originate in the mind and neuropsychiatric conditions

originate in the brain. And when you look at incidence rates, mood disorders follow a

progression and neuropsychiatric conditions all have about the same incidence rates,

around one-percent.

      I think it’s possible to prove they are unrelated. And if my theory of a fast mind

and CNS tension is true then you would think mood disorders would be more prevalent

where mind speed would be expected to be higher, like the city versus the country.

There are many statistics regarding differences in rates, and most are explained away

by socio-economic differences, so they aren’t considered relevant. But you are 80%

more likely to be depressed in the city than the country, and to me that screams out for

an explanation other than money differences. And I’m not a math whiz, and without

knowing the population differences of the studies I don’t think you can calculate the

rates, but all things being equal that means the national depression rate of 5.7% would

skew to 7.3% in the city versus 4.1% in the country. Now, studies do show there is a

higher incidence of depression among poor people, and I guess their studies presume

poor people are more likely to live in the city. But much more than money, I really think


the difference is because the more stressful city lifestyle drives them to the right on the


         But, living in the city only makes you marginally more likely to be a schizophrenic

than if you live in the country, and to me that doesn’t seem to be socio-economic. Or in

other words, you are not more likely to be a schizophrenic but you are more likely to find

out you are one. In fact it probably means you typically have better healthcare and

education so you are more likely to be diagnosed schizophrenic, but statistically it also

means there might be some undiagnosed schizophrenics out there in the country that

don’t know they are sick. But I think it all really means the rates are the same, and

based on where the best health insurance resides determines the differences.

         The same discrepancies exist if you compare American and Canadian

depression rates. The U.S. is 5.7% but Canada is 5.0%, a 12% reduction from U.S.

rates, yet the rate of schizophrenia is nearly identical. And I’ve traveled to Canada forty

or fifty times in my childhood and professional life and can say there is at least a 12%

difference in the overall tension level. Canada is just a little more laid back, and I’ll say

they are doing it the right way, and if you know any Canadians you probably know what

I’m talking about. It’s like the stress in Toronto and Calgary are similar to our suburbs,

and I firmly believe one of the leading causes came in the 90’s when American

companies instituted stock options to incentivize executives. The ensuing fifteen year

dash-for-cash has created a class of the super-rich and the money came from the

middle and lower class, and that natural strain is causing stress on the American family,

and proof is depression rates have doubled in last decade. And it comes in jobs being

sent offshore, higher co-pays, ridiculous ATM fees to access your own money and


credit card companies charging rates that would make Shylock green. We are a nation

riding the devil’s rollercoaster to hell, and I think greed is the culprit, especially when the

offender never has to meet the victim.



       I believe depending on how far you are to the right of the curve slowing your

mind down will increase your IQ. It’s well documented that ADD causes lower test

scores, and I believe the reason goes back to your mind speed when you’re testing. If

you are nervous or anxious your mind is running fast and you’re going to have less

control over your thoughts and the ability to recollect and reason. Like the example of

thirty versus sixty seconds to contemplate the same problem, if your mind is racing

because you’re nervous about the big test you are going to make avoidable mistakes,

and that’s why test scores are not always an accurate way to measure intelligence,

especially in people with a fast mind.

       Years ago I took my first IQ test while recovering from thoracic surgery, and

recently when I re-tested, it increased two points the first time and one the second, the

only difference was each time I smoked marijuana beforehand.           That started me

believing mind speed and IQ are inversely proportional on the right side of the curve, I

mean, if ADD lowers your IQ why can’t slowing your mind raise it? And symmetry says

the same phenomenon applies far left on the curve, where speeding a very slow mind

would actually increase IQ, and perhaps that is possible treatment for mild mental

retardation. People are given a number and we assume it’s static, but your mindset

when you tested is extremely important to yielding an accurate result, and I believe the

further you are from the middle of the curve the less accurate the results. And because

of precisely that, I think it’s especially important for an ADD kid’s self-esteem to know

there are natural explanations for underperformance. And for the life of me, I don’t see


how speeding an ADD mind with amphetamines can help them concentrate, it goes

against nature.

      And to me this is screaming out ‘don’t make big decisions when your mind is

racing’, you’re probably not going to factor all the considerations and make an unwise

choice. The next chapter focuses on the behavioral aspects of a fast mind and explains

many results of impulsive or impetuous decision making.



       Everyone will tell you that THC heightens your senses, that’s why food tastes

better (our taste buds are heightened) and why music sounds better (the nerves in our

ears are heightened).     But I think the fascinating benefit is it slows our mind without

depressing the CNS, so that gives us another tool to combat a fast mind, but without the

non-beneficial side effects.

       To me that floating sensation everyone describes feels seems more like there’s

nothing holding me up, and because you feel heightened it causes you to slightly relax,

and that’s what I think causes us to slump. And in addition, I think visually it stimulates

your optic nerve while your mind is slowed, and that relative difference in perspective is

related to how things appear to go in slow motion during a car accident. And the reason

I say things appear to slow is because they really don’t, and the accident you just

experienced felt like eight seconds elapsed when in reality only four seconds expired.

Your brain basically has longer to look at the same thing and it gives you an added

perspective, watch a movie without smoking and then smoke and watch it again

afterwards, and you’ll notice the difference I’m talking about.

       I think another central nervous system effect is the initial changes to the left of

our CNS by a depressant, to the right by an amphetamine or heightened by THC,

actually serves to initially boost reaction our time before longer term degradation. I

believe a controlled reaction time test on people before taking a narcotic, an

amphetamine, a drink or hit of marijuana, and then after two, three and so on would

prove the point. I guarantee in each case your reaction time will initially benefit, and


when you are in that interim, commonly referred to as the Optimum Buzz Level, the

mind is easily humming and your senses are heightened and you are operating at your

best with nothing stressing your mind. But that’s only at proper doses or if you don’t

start too far left of the curve, because it’s not necessary if you’re already naturally calm

and your mind isn’t racing. If fact, even a little might slow you to the point you’re not

thinking very well, and I think when people say it makes them stupid, it’s an already

slow mind slowing either further.

       To the point that marijuana makes you lazy or de-motivates you, I think it just

makes you content, and content and happiness go hand in hand and that should be our

goal. I mean, it’s a plant that grows from the ground, is readily available and has been

around forever. Uses have been documented for hundreds of years, and another factor

that’s not considered is marijuana they call ‘dro’ is scientifically advanced from what was

around even five years ago. And the side-effects are minimal, though in all honesty

potential weight gain persists because it heightens our taste buds and our hunger pains,

so we feel hungrier and food tastes better. Just one of Mother Nature’s twists for shits

and giggles, but it does recede and once you realize what’s going on you can ignore it

because you’re not really hungry. And if you smoke potential lung disease exists, but

that’s avoidable by vaporization, so to me this is not a lung disease issue.

       Quite honestly, I think the reluctance to accept marijuana is perpetuated by the

general view of a stoner. But the reality is select people abuse marijuana just like

alcoholics abuse liquor, or addicts abuse drugs. And those are terrible afflictions and

we should help however possible, but I think it’s insulting to say that THC has the same

affect on everyone. That’s actually a comment made out of ignorance and only serves


to drive people apart. I mean if you think about it at the most basic level, it is a plant

that if used in the right amount can slow your thought processes if they are too fast, and

has no negative effect on your central nervous system. Why wouldn’t anyone with a

fast mind benefit from that?

       And based on all of that, I believe if marijuana was discovered today in the

middle of the Amazon it would be hailed as the second greatest breakthrough drug in

the history of mankind, right behind penicillin.     The benefits are that great and far

reaching and the negatives pale in comparison.              The only difference is the

pharmaceutical companies don’t own the intellectual property rights to THC and can’t

figure out how to get in loop. And even if they tried to synthesize it, it would be inferior

forcing them use pharmaceutical math and claim success. But legalization would keep

the pharmaceutical companies out of the picture, and I believe that’s necessary so they

don’t skyrocket costs because of their exorbitant overhead and profit levels.         They

obviously have a severe conflict because if marijuana is the greatest breakthrough drug

it invalidates some of the poison’s they’ve been putting in people’s bodies all these

years, and they have no way to fill their pipeline. Plus the myriads of over-the-counter

drugs that would be eliminated would save Americans billions of dollars, and take a big

cut out of rising healthcare costs. Plus all of that money taken out of the pharmaceutical

and healthcare industry could be spent in other areas to boost the economy and relieve


       And it seems to me the tobacco companies should be all over this, because they

could grow and distribute it with their current channels and phase out of the ugly

business they’re in now, and the government could see the tax money. The problem is


the pharmaceutical companies want to indefinitely want to prolong this fight, and their

lobbyists are spending furiously in opposition. It’s no coincidence that pharmaceutical

companies heavily support ‘Drug Free America’ because if it’s not one of theirs, it’s


           The evidence in favor of legalizing marijuana is overwhelming and I believe this

has become a political issue and not solely a health issue, and the only way to improve

the situation is require our elected officials to pass legalization or risk moving back

home.       And in addition, think of the positive overall influence on all levels of law

enforcement if marijuana were legal. It would be like handing LEO’s ten billion dollars

every year, and it would clear out a large bulk from the legal and prison systems too.

And if it sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. The answer to one of man’s

biggest problems is growing out of the ground and we’re not smart enough to take

advantage of it. Coffee is a bean that is brewed, tea is a leaf that is brewed, hops are a

bud that is brewed, tobacco is a leaf that is smoked and all were provided by nature to

speed up a naturally slow mind or slow down a naturally fast one. I think we’re crazy for

not taking advantage of nature’s solution to a major problem.

           The fact of the matter is I might not be here today if it weren’t for slowing my

mind and allowing positive thoughts back into my consciousness. The medical system

fails millions of people every year and then labels them addicts, and the world thinks

they are weak because they can’t snap themselves out of it, and it’s all so unnecessary.

In my opinion it’s time to make this a THC conversation, and start by throwing out

misinformation and conducting earnest research. Each of us are on earth for basically

eighty years out of infinity, there is no time to waste being depressed. And just think, if


the theory of a fast mind holds true, it will have come out of a person who was

depressed, nearly incapacitated and then recovered. What other answers that arose

from suffering and could help the human condition are trapped in the dark recesses of a

troubled mind? We’ll never know unless we slow their mind down and ask.


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  • 1. BLUEBIRD Greg Sexton 9/27/2009
  • 3. Bluebird Enervated by seven years of physical and mental strain I finally recovered earlier this year, happily ending days of utter darkness. And anyone who has suffered pain, depression and insomnia can tell you, the combination of the three torques you deeply into the ground. And though we all might describe our experiences differently we are essentially explaining the same thing, and it seems to me describing the recovery and the amazing revelation about the mind, central nervous system, depression and pain would be far more helpful. I willfully point out I’m not in any way affiliated with the healthcare or teaching profession, but rather a fairly intelligent, educated guy who was healthy through the age forty, sick and then healthy, and recognized the symmetry and commonality between degrees of pain and pain-free, and depressed and happy. And even though I’m not a medical professional I did suffer from a nearly paralyzing and rare thoracic spine disorder requiring surgery, very nearly died from septic shock caused by acute pancreatitis, had lumbar back problems and surgery, lost the hearing in my right ear, had skin cancer twice, encephalopathy, anemia and varying degrees of nervousness, anxiety, hyper-insomnia and depression. And being an eight year ward of the medical system entitles you to endless doctor’s visits, medications, reading, researching, and if you choose, generally understanding a lot about the mind and the body. The mind-body connection is the belief that what happens in one affects the other, and I think one of those dynamics takes place between the mind and the central nervous system. And the reason I believe that is threefold; first, many mood disorders are manifested physically, like trembling is a result of nervousness, grinding is the result of anxiety and fatigue and pain often accompany depression. Secondly, a narcotic 3
  • 4. Bluebird manages pain by depressing your CNS, all the while slowing the mind and making us drowsy. And thirdly, depressed patients experience pain or their pain is inexplicably exacerbated, and reason I believe is tension in the central nervous system resets your natural pain level from ‘0’ to ‘2’, for instance, where you’re starting to experience malaise and aches and pains. And a painful event that’s otherwise a three suddenly becomes a five, and for me it wasn’t reduction in pain tolerance, I just felt pain more. So if you can make the leap and connect the central nervous system to the mind, and I believe those examples offer proof, it gives you definition of at least one mind-body connection. I believe the tension in the central nervous system also increases the natural speed at which our mind operates. This tension is either inherited or developed by stressors in life, and is explained in more detail below. You’ll notice I said ‘mind’ and not ‘brain’, and that is a big distinction because to me there are two types of what we currently consider ‘mental illness’, those of the brain and those of the mind. I came to consider illnesses of the brain chemical imbalances that cause neuropsychiatric conditions, like; schizophrenia, bi-polar disease and manic/depression. I also believe they share two other factors, the patient often is unaware of the problem and all share similar incidence rates. Conversely, I believe illness’s of the mind are what are commonly referred to as mood disorders, like nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and depression, which follow a natural progression where symptoms worsen as incidence decreases (see Bell Curve below). I’ll also say at this time ADD has an incidence rate similar to neuropsychiatric 4
  • 5. Bluebird conditions but I believe it can be treated as a mood disorder because they share the same cause, and other than energy level the symptoms are extremely similar. MIND ILLNESS CNS TENSION = PHYSICAL MIND RACING = MENTAL -NERVOUSNESS WELL BEING - - ANXIETY - INSOMNIA EUPHORIA - - DEPRESSION GRANDEUR - MIND SPEED - ADD,ADHD, BIPOLAR ADDICTIONS MIND SPEED/CNS TENSION I believe we are all born with a natural CNS tension level and mind speed, and if it were measureable, it would follow the standard distribution on a bell curve just like IQ. And my reason for believing is evolution, and if we evolved from nature then the laws of nature must apply and all measurable inherited traits would follow a standard distribution at birth. It should also apply to height in same age men, for instance, but we’ve introduced steroids and growth hormones into physical traits and I think that would skew the curve slightly to the right. I also believe the curve for CNS tension and mind speed would be skewed, again because of anything man made, but I’m leaving it in the original shape to show the connection between various mood disorders. All of us naturally fall somewhere on 5
  • 6. Bluebird the curve with a natural mind speed that works very similar to a computer’s internal clock. It’s calculated in clock speed (or rate) but doesn’t keep time like a clock, but rather it determines the speed of time. In other words, the same CPU will run faster by increasing clock speed, so that’s what I’m referring to when I say ‘mind speed’. And I call this theory ‘Mind Illness’ because I believe ‘mental illness’ has an undeserved negative connotation, and I believe receiving that label automatically makes some people more depressed. As I mentioned earlier, we are all born somewhere on this curve and for 84% percent of the people you are either on the left or in the middle where there aren’t really any negative symptoms, although I do think the mind can run too slow and may have something to do with mental retardation. Mentally you’re satisfied and can concentrate and relax when needed, and can generally manage life. But if you are unlucky enough to be born in the 16% who fall right of the first standard deviation you probably have trouble concentrating sometimes, in the mildest cases, and in the worse cases you were born with ADD. I believe life’s stressors, either natural or man-made, serve to push us right by agitating our central nervous system. I don’t know the physiological phenomenon but I believe chemicals released during times of stress, for instance, agitate the central nervous system and increase our mind speed. There could also be physical causes like unknowing cancer patients who become depressed for no apparent reason, where some unnatural process agitates nerve endings and then speeds the mind ultimately causing depression. And that’s why unexplained anxiety or depression needs resolution, because the cause may be physical. 6
  • 8. Bluebird DEVIL’S ROLLERCOASTER TO HELL I liken standing atop the curve and looking down the right side as the devil’s rollercoaster to hell, where the closer to the bottom the faster you are traveling. And as you move downward your thoughts become faster and more negative with little or no ability to control them. This perfectly explains the natural progression from nervousness to anxiety to insomnia to depression; increasingly negative thoughts racing faster through your mind, and without the ability to control them we eventually become depressed. I believe this is the reason we must effectively manage nervousness and anxiety, because statistically 52% of people with nervousness will become depressed without successful intervention (nervousness rate is 12% and depression is 5.7%). But the key is managing mind speed and central nervous system tension without depressing either, and as life’s stressors push us right we are bound for trouble if we don’t naturally reverse the trend and move back to the middle or left. And this is a very critical time because self-medication is next, and that’s where we unknowingly, but temporarily move ourselves back to the left of the curve. There are many reasons why that’s bad, with building tolerance the worse, so self-medication isn’t correcting the long- term problem it’s actually hastening your demise. Chemically managing the central nervous system and mind speed presents several options, like drugs and medications, but for me they not only failed but the side effects actually made me sicker. And with any of those options I think the initial change to the CNS is a positive, whether it’s a narcotic that depresses your CNS or an amphetamine that agitates it, and that’s the initial positive effect some people 8
  • 9. Bluebird experience. But the real dilemma is you are temporarily treating a permanent problem, and it’s with a solution that causes bigger problems. And a person can do that for a while, but as weeks become months and months you are headed for drug dependence. And what starts as self-medication becomes legal-medication and then illegal- medication, and fortunately the incidence of those options decrease as the problem worsens but there are still numerous people needlessly addicted to medications because they have unsuccessfully stopped the mind racing. Each of the options to manage CNS tension and/or mind speed has advantages and disadvantages, and when you look at how they affect our CNS and mind it’s easy to see the differences. Drugs, like pain medications serve to depress our CNS and effectively relieve pain, but they also slow the mind, and as enjoyable as the buzz feels it would be much better to moderate pain without drowsiness. Anti-anxiety medications present the opposite effect, they slow the mind and reduce our anxiety but they also depress the CNS, which is a non-beneficial side effect. Alcohol basically has the same affect so there is good with the bad, but the real problem is dependence over time and they can cause permanent organ damage. And as anyone medicated for an extended period of time can tell you, they are bad choices. Anti-depressants work for some people, and if they do by all means continue taking them. But they’re effective less than a third of the time, and cause negative behavioral side effects. They are also temporary solutions to long term problems, and for me they never did anything good or bad that I could recognize, and that is actually what started me down the path to figuring what the hell happened to me. If it was serotonin levels then why didn’t I or sixty-six percent of depressed people respond? 9
  • 10. Bluebird There is one other option that happens to be the most effective and is provided by nature and in the right dose has few side effects, but is also illegal in most states, marijuana. Now I know at this point some people will tune out because it’s a marijuana discussion, but I really believe it is a THC discussion that needs to be seriously discussed and researched by the National Health Foundation. I found that THC slowed my mind sufficiently to allow positive thoughts to remain in my conscious, and I will believe until the day I die that is how I recovered from my depression and ultimately reset my pain sensitivity. I was basically becoming a lost cause, and when marijuana made me feel the polar opposite of depressed I started wondering what caused that to occur. It’s taken months to understand to this point, but it completely explains things in my life going back to childhood. I was one of the people born somewhere on the right side of the curve, and looking back I was certainly ADD well into my twenties. I couldn’t concentrate on anything I read until my junior year of college, and it explains why teachers cited unfulfilled potential. The reasons escaped me and I didn’t really consider myself that smart, and if the school system couldn’t recognize ADD my family certainly wasn’t. But that was the seventies and now I understand the cause. 10
  • 11. Bluebird NERVOUSNESS/ANXIETY/INSOMNIA/DEPRESSION The first symptom of a speeding mind is nervousness, and for me it started as an uneasy vague feeling where something was bothering me, but impossible to pinpoint. This is when you start tossing and turning and having restless nights, and if you are able to fall asleep it’s frequently interrupted. Some people drink a few beers or a couple glasses of wine before bed, or take Tylenol PM or Benadryl to help them sleep. And at least antihistamines don’t harm anything, but I believe they serve to slightly agitate your CNS and that’s why they make you nervous. Generally speaking, 12% of the population suffers from nervousness, though I don’t see how that can be accurately measured because many people are unaware of the symptoms, or if they do recognize it they are self-medicating the problem. But what I believe happens is a quarter of those resolve the issue one way or another and move back to the left. Three-quarters of those with nervousness develop anxiety, which is the same condition only more intense symptoms. Seventy-five percent of 12% is 9%, and that is the incidence rate for anxiety, and I’ve had moderate to severe anxiety and can tell you it’s basically nervousness on steroids. And whereas I could handle nervousness for a while I could only stand anxiety in small doses. Over time it is very discouraging, your thoughts are becoming more negative and fatigue is starting to be a problem. I believe the tension in your CNS system is tiring, and with your mind running faster and having more difficulty getting a good night’s sleep you start to get run down and it steamrolls from there. And another compounding affect it has is curtailing your 11
  • 12. Bluebird physical activity, and when that happens you are losing the only natural way you have to manage your CNS and mind speed. A full nights rest also serves to help manage central nervous tension and mind speed, but not because of a benefit to your CNS. I think it’s because hopefully while we are sleeping our mind speed slows sufficiently to allow us to rest, and that has a calming effect on our CNS. It’s another example of the mind-body connection and rather than central nervous tension causing a fast mind, slowing the mind soothes the CNS tension. But with insomnia the mind racing keeps us awake regardless the hour, and falling asleep is only made possible if we cut the power at the light switch, so to say, by short circuiting the mind and depressing the CNS. And the same problem that exists with narcotics and alcohol also applies to sleeping medications; you are only temporarily managing a permanent problem. But there is one undeniable fact, we require sleep in order to survive so people will do most anything in to sleep now and worry about the side effects later. Most doctors would rightfully prescribe sleep aides, but when the problem persists for months they should start looking for the cause. And if something is apparent they refer you to a counselor, who over the course of months will suggest various causes to the problem, but being cognizant won’t help you fall asleep. The psychology and psychiatry disciplines will dredge your life exploring anything problematic, and I believe they’re needlessly digging up garbage from the past. And I believe the reason this happens is when our mind is racing with negative thoughts about the past or future running through our heads, and discussing them with the doctor we believe they are relevant because we’re thinking about them. But in reality, it’s just a 12
  • 13. Bluebird fast mind doing what it naturally does, bringing up unresolved issues over and over until we begin to think they must be the problem. In counseling doctors’ talk about our childhood, our parents, our spouses, our jobs and anything they think is germane. And in select cases this is helpful if there is something traumatic enough to affect you, but in the great majority of cases it’s not any of those factors, it’s just how fast our mind spins and how negative our thoughts are. The cure rate for anxiety is approximately 35%, which means two thirds of those not successfully treated for nervousness progress down the curve to depression. So if we you started with one-hundred nervous people we left with 48, the other 52 were successfully treated for nervousness or anxiety. It’s here where the differences and nuances in mild, moderate and severe depression again show progression of the condition as the incidence decreases. Mild depression is very similar to severe anxiety and most people or doctors would never know the difference, and at this point you can’t escape negative thoughts, regardless of the subject. After living in a predominately negative world you start bargaining long-term happiness just to feel normal again, and after you can’t make that deal you start to give up hope, and that’s the look you see on depressed people. And then severe depression envelops you in abject hopelessness when nothing you do changes the way you feel. By now you’ve tried all kinds of medicines, been to all kinds of doctors and the system has quite honestly failed you, but you still feel responsible and this is where a loyal loved one is invaluable, because you need someone reinforcing positive feelings and emotions to try and keep you balanced. And the thing that pisses me off more than anything is some people still see depression as a weakness, when the person has no more control over the mind speed they 13
  • 14. Bluebird inherited than the coward does his. And I believe the fact of the matter is people who see depression as a weakness are only dealing with their own inadequacies, and putting down depressed people somehow makes them feel better about themselves. So if you take the cure rate for depression, 33%, the hundred people who started with nervousness is now down to thirty-two. Sixty-eight percent of people who started down this curve have successfully moved back to the left, and to me that’s actually not a bad number and I think it suggests many of these conditions are temporary based on situational stress and some people respond to anti-depressants. But it also means over 11.5 million people start down this curve and don’t find relief. And these are the people that can eventually commit suicide but since the rate in the U.S. is 11.1 for every 100,000 people it doesn’t even begin to dent the 11.5 million who are suffering, so this is a very large problem that needs corrected. 14
  • 15. Bluebird ADD/MANIC DEPRESSION Mental health professionals see associations between ADD and depression, but I believe it goes beyond similarities, and except for energy levels, I think they are the essentially the same. Depression is a racing mind with the inability to control your thoughts, and ADD is defined as the inability to control behavior. If you can’t control your thoughts you aren’t very likely to control your behavior, and as I mentioned earlier I was ADD when I was younger and believe sports and activity helped me manage the symptoms. I also didn’t have insomnia then and I’ve wondered if restful sleeping gives people the bursts of energy or if their mind is spinning so fast they can’t control their compulsion. I believe strongly that ADD can actually be measured, though it would take concerted effort by education and mental health professionals to determine the extent to which careless mistakes negatively affect your grades. And what I think happened in my case was I outgrew the ADD in my twenties, and the reason I believe that happened is related to the fact that you are more likely to be depressed in your thirties than your fifties. To me that says our mind slows as we age, and I think that is basically what people refer to when they talk about ‘mellowing’ with age. And as I think back to my twenties and thirties I was probably as relaxed as I’d ever been in my life, but the thoracic problem agitated my central nervous system and pushed me to the right and then down the curve where all my mind’s troubles resided. If you have never suffered from ADD or a fast mind, here is an example of what it feels like. Assume you have to solve two equally difficult problems that are presented in 15
  • 16. Bluebird ten Power Point slides, and you are given three seconds on each slide for Problem 1, and six seconds on each slide for Problem 2. Which do you think will yield the best resolution? Its obvious sixty seconds on a problem is better than thirty seconds, and that’s what an ADD mind is facing, less undivided time to consider a problem and less time in which to make it, so it’s actually a double whammy. You might get it right some of the time, especially the more intelligent you are, but over time you will make mistakes. I believe a similar relationship exists between mania and depression but not because they are opposites. I think what you’re basically talking about there is the same condition but also with a different energy level. So the question I have is ‘are ADD and mania the same thing? I never had manic episodes but I think they are similar, or at least they are caused by the same thing and just manifest themselves differently in different people. And an interesting way to look at it is if you look at the curve and find the point on the left opposite of ADD and mania, I think you would find delusions of grandeur. People with delusions are calm and focus almost solely on one thing, the object of their delusion. 16
  • 17. Bluebird MOOD DISORDERS VERSUS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Mental health professional classify most conditions as ‘mood disorders’ and ‘neuropsychiatric’. There are others but the great majority of conditions fall into these categories. Mood disorders are things like anxiety and depression and neuropsychiatric conditions are diseases like schizophrenia, manic/depression and bi-polar disease and I think of it as mood disorders originate in the mind and neuropsychiatric conditions originate in the brain. And when you look at incidence rates, mood disorders follow a progression and neuropsychiatric conditions all have about the same incidence rates, around one-percent. I think it’s possible to prove they are unrelated. And if my theory of a fast mind and CNS tension is true then you would think mood disorders would be more prevalent where mind speed would be expected to be higher, like the city versus the country. There are many statistics regarding differences in rates, and most are explained away by socio-economic differences, so they aren’t considered relevant. But you are 80% more likely to be depressed in the city than the country, and to me that screams out for an explanation other than money differences. And I’m not a math whiz, and without knowing the population differences of the studies I don’t think you can calculate the rates, but all things being equal that means the national depression rate of 5.7% would skew to 7.3% in the city versus 4.1% in the country. Now, studies do show there is a higher incidence of depression among poor people, and I guess their studies presume poor people are more likely to live in the city. But much more than money, I really think 17
  • 18. Bluebird the difference is because the more stressful city lifestyle drives them to the right on the curve. But, living in the city only makes you marginally more likely to be a schizophrenic than if you live in the country, and to me that doesn’t seem to be socio-economic. Or in other words, you are not more likely to be a schizophrenic but you are more likely to find out you are one. In fact it probably means you typically have better healthcare and education so you are more likely to be diagnosed schizophrenic, but statistically it also means there might be some undiagnosed schizophrenics out there in the country that don’t know they are sick. But I think it all really means the rates are the same, and based on where the best health insurance resides determines the differences. The same discrepancies exist if you compare American and Canadian depression rates. The U.S. is 5.7% but Canada is 5.0%, a 12% reduction from U.S. rates, yet the rate of schizophrenia is nearly identical. And I’ve traveled to Canada forty or fifty times in my childhood and professional life and can say there is at least a 12% difference in the overall tension level. Canada is just a little more laid back, and I’ll say they are doing it the right way, and if you know any Canadians you probably know what I’m talking about. It’s like the stress in Toronto and Calgary are similar to our suburbs, and I firmly believe one of the leading causes came in the 90’s when American companies instituted stock options to incentivize executives. The ensuing fifteen year dash-for-cash has created a class of the super-rich and the money came from the middle and lower class, and that natural strain is causing stress on the American family, and proof is depression rates have doubled in last decade. And it comes in jobs being sent offshore, higher co-pays, ridiculous ATM fees to access your own money and 18
  • 19. Bluebird credit card companies charging rates that would make Shylock green. We are a nation riding the devil’s rollercoaster to hell, and I think greed is the culprit, especially when the offender never has to meet the victim. 19
  • 20. Bluebird WHY MARIJUANA MAKES US SMARTER I believe depending on how far you are to the right of the curve slowing your mind down will increase your IQ. It’s well documented that ADD causes lower test scores, and I believe the reason goes back to your mind speed when you’re testing. If you are nervous or anxious your mind is running fast and you’re going to have less control over your thoughts and the ability to recollect and reason. Like the example of thirty versus sixty seconds to contemplate the same problem, if your mind is racing because you’re nervous about the big test you are going to make avoidable mistakes, and that’s why test scores are not always an accurate way to measure intelligence, especially in people with a fast mind. Years ago I took my first IQ test while recovering from thoracic surgery, and recently when I re-tested, it increased two points the first time and one the second, the only difference was each time I smoked marijuana beforehand. That started me believing mind speed and IQ are inversely proportional on the right side of the curve, I mean, if ADD lowers your IQ why can’t slowing your mind raise it? And symmetry says the same phenomenon applies far left on the curve, where speeding a very slow mind would actually increase IQ, and perhaps that is possible treatment for mild mental retardation. People are given a number and we assume it’s static, but your mindset when you tested is extremely important to yielding an accurate result, and I believe the further you are from the middle of the curve the less accurate the results. And because of precisely that, I think it’s especially important for an ADD kid’s self-esteem to know there are natural explanations for underperformance. And for the life of me, I don’t see 20
  • 21. Bluebird how speeding an ADD mind with amphetamines can help them concentrate, it goes against nature. And to me this is screaming out ‘don’t make big decisions when your mind is racing’, you’re probably not going to factor all the considerations and make an unwise choice. The next chapter focuses on the behavioral aspects of a fast mind and explains many results of impulsive or impetuous decision making. 21
  • 22. Bluebird HOW THC AFFECTS OUR CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Everyone will tell you that THC heightens your senses, that’s why food tastes better (our taste buds are heightened) and why music sounds better (the nerves in our ears are heightened). But I think the fascinating benefit is it slows our mind without depressing the CNS, so that gives us another tool to combat a fast mind, but without the non-beneficial side effects. To me that floating sensation everyone describes feels seems more like there’s nothing holding me up, and because you feel heightened it causes you to slightly relax, and that’s what I think causes us to slump. And in addition, I think visually it stimulates your optic nerve while your mind is slowed, and that relative difference in perspective is related to how things appear to go in slow motion during a car accident. And the reason I say things appear to slow is because they really don’t, and the accident you just experienced felt like eight seconds elapsed when in reality only four seconds expired. Your brain basically has longer to look at the same thing and it gives you an added perspective, watch a movie without smoking and then smoke and watch it again afterwards, and you’ll notice the difference I’m talking about. I think another central nervous system effect is the initial changes to the left of our CNS by a depressant, to the right by an amphetamine or heightened by THC, actually serves to initially boost reaction our time before longer term degradation. I believe a controlled reaction time test on people before taking a narcotic, an amphetamine, a drink or hit of marijuana, and then after two, three and so on would prove the point. I guarantee in each case your reaction time will initially benefit, and 22
  • 23. Bluebird when you are in that interim, commonly referred to as the Optimum Buzz Level, the mind is easily humming and your senses are heightened and you are operating at your best with nothing stressing your mind. But that’s only at proper doses or if you don’t start too far left of the curve, because it’s not necessary if you’re already naturally calm and your mind isn’t racing. If fact, even a little might slow you to the point you’re not thinking very well, and I think when people say it makes them stupid, it’s an already slow mind slowing either further. To the point that marijuana makes you lazy or de-motivates you, I think it just makes you content, and content and happiness go hand in hand and that should be our goal. I mean, it’s a plant that grows from the ground, is readily available and has been around forever. Uses have been documented for hundreds of years, and another factor that’s not considered is marijuana they call ‘dro’ is scientifically advanced from what was around even five years ago. And the side-effects are minimal, though in all honesty potential weight gain persists because it heightens our taste buds and our hunger pains, so we feel hungrier and food tastes better. Just one of Mother Nature’s twists for shits and giggles, but it does recede and once you realize what’s going on you can ignore it because you’re not really hungry. And if you smoke potential lung disease exists, but that’s avoidable by vaporization, so to me this is not a lung disease issue. Quite honestly, I think the reluctance to accept marijuana is perpetuated by the general view of a stoner. But the reality is select people abuse marijuana just like alcoholics abuse liquor, or addicts abuse drugs. And those are terrible afflictions and we should help however possible, but I think it’s insulting to say that THC has the same affect on everyone. That’s actually a comment made out of ignorance and only serves 23
  • 24. Bluebird to drive people apart. I mean if you think about it at the most basic level, it is a plant that if used in the right amount can slow your thought processes if they are too fast, and has no negative effect on your central nervous system. Why wouldn’t anyone with a fast mind benefit from that? And based on all of that, I believe if marijuana was discovered today in the middle of the Amazon it would be hailed as the second greatest breakthrough drug in the history of mankind, right behind penicillin. The benefits are that great and far reaching and the negatives pale in comparison. The only difference is the pharmaceutical companies don’t own the intellectual property rights to THC and can’t figure out how to get in loop. And even if they tried to synthesize it, it would be inferior forcing them use pharmaceutical math and claim success. But legalization would keep the pharmaceutical companies out of the picture, and I believe that’s necessary so they don’t skyrocket costs because of their exorbitant overhead and profit levels. They obviously have a severe conflict because if marijuana is the greatest breakthrough drug it invalidates some of the poison’s they’ve been putting in people’s bodies all these years, and they have no way to fill their pipeline. Plus the myriads of over-the-counter drugs that would be eliminated would save Americans billions of dollars, and take a big cut out of rising healthcare costs. Plus all of that money taken out of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry could be spent in other areas to boost the economy and relieve suffering. And it seems to me the tobacco companies should be all over this, because they could grow and distribute it with their current channels and phase out of the ugly business they’re in now, and the government could see the tax money. The problem is 24
  • 25. Bluebird the pharmaceutical companies want to indefinitely want to prolong this fight, and their lobbyists are spending furiously in opposition. It’s no coincidence that pharmaceutical companies heavily support ‘Drug Free America’ because if it’s not one of theirs, it’s illegal. The evidence in favor of legalizing marijuana is overwhelming and I believe this has become a political issue and not solely a health issue, and the only way to improve the situation is require our elected officials to pass legalization or risk moving back home. And in addition, think of the positive overall influence on all levels of law enforcement if marijuana were legal. It would be like handing LEO’s ten billion dollars every year, and it would clear out a large bulk from the legal and prison systems too. And if it sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. The answer to one of man’s biggest problems is growing out of the ground and we’re not smart enough to take advantage of it. Coffee is a bean that is brewed, tea is a leaf that is brewed, hops are a bud that is brewed, tobacco is a leaf that is smoked and all were provided by nature to speed up a naturally slow mind or slow down a naturally fast one. I think we’re crazy for not taking advantage of nature’s solution to a major problem. The fact of the matter is I might not be here today if it weren’t for slowing my mind and allowing positive thoughts back into my consciousness. The medical system fails millions of people every year and then labels them addicts, and the world thinks they are weak because they can’t snap themselves out of it, and it’s all so unnecessary. In my opinion it’s time to make this a THC conversation, and start by throwing out misinformation and conducting earnest research. Each of us are on earth for basically eighty years out of infinity, there is no time to waste being depressed. And just think, if 25
  • 26. Bluebird the theory of a fast mind holds true, it will have come out of a person who was depressed, nearly incapacitated and then recovered. What other answers that arose from suffering and could help the human condition are trapped in the dark recesses of a troubled mind? We’ll never know unless we slow their mind down and ask. 26