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August 2010
HCY Awareness Month – great
savings on heart healthy products
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get second same
featured product at
good through 8-31-10
how to curb the
deadly destroyer
Is gluten
making you sick?
10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Good health is a gift to be treasured and
nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares
these keys to helping you experience
wellness™: the 10 Essentials of physical,
emotional and spiritual health.	
	 1.	Breathe Deeply
Let your lungs fill deep down, hold,
then exhale toxins and stress.
	 2.	Drink Water
Nature’s best beverage not only quenches
thirst, but also enhances energy.
	 3.	Sleep Peacefully
Every body needs the rest and repair
that comes with a regular sleep routine.
	 4.	Eat Nutritiously
Feed both body and mind with
healthy, nourishing food for life.
	 5.	Enjoy Activity
Let an active lifestyle move you to
improved health and wellness in all ways.
	 6.	Give and Receive Love
Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you
can enhance your immune system.
	 7.	Be Forgiving
When you let go of old grudges, your hands
are open to accept feelings of peace.
	 8.	Practice Gratitude
A thankful heart releases stress, making
room for greater happiness and health.
	 9.	Develop Acceptance
If you can’t change it, accept it and move
on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow.
10.	Develop a Relationship with God
Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life
to achieve complete well-being.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
Have you ever considered that your beliefs could be a major determining
factor for your health and wellness? I am not referring to religious beliefs
but to the beliefs we hold about lifestyle, genetics and even fate as it
relates to our wellness. Have you ever seriously questioned how you
arrived at the beliefs you have about living with health and wellness?
What if there was a whole new level of well-being you could enjoy by
simply altering your beliefs about this wonderful way of living? Obviously
this article will not be of much interest to anyone looking for a magic
potion, but I invite everyone on a wellness journey with me to probe this most interesting subject: the
connection between our beliefs/behaviors and the degree of wellness we enjoy.
I was sharing these ideas with someone I greatly respect and they offered a challenge to my simple
theory: People believe in the fact that if they eat fewer calories they will lose weight, and yet many
North Americans are seriously overweight. As we discussed this further, we both agreed that most
people also believe they cannot eat fewer calories because food offers many emotional benefits.
They do not believe they can change their long-term behavior to sustain a healthy weight.
For example, stressful or anxious people will eat food to comfort their feelings. Others find that
social events influence their food intake. How do you attend a social function and not show your
enthusiastic participation by overeating? Television watching also causes many people to overeat:
Chips, dips, sodas and buttered popcorn make the occasion even more enjoyable.
By simply observing human behavior, we can conclude that our beliefs will dictate our actions and
attitude in life. For example, before Columbus sailed west and discovered the North American
continent, the populace believed the world was flat. That’s why so much sailing was done north
and south following land bearings. This belief had its advantages in that it created the great trading
opportunities between Europe and the mid-eastern countries as they sailed the land bearings north
and south. But to sail west across the Atlantic meant dropping off a cliff into the dark abyss
somewhere at the end of the flat earth. The simple belief in the false idea of the world being flat
determined the actions of an entire group of courageous sailors and traders for centuries.
Our beliefs are so powerful that we seek to align our actions to our beliefs. This is true as it relates to
health and wellness as well as other important things in our lives, such as acquiring wealth. We are not
robots or machines that can be set on a permanent course, but we are individuals given the freedom to
choose the beliefs that dictate the behaviors we act out in what we call lifestyle.
Have you considered who (or what) has influenced your beliefs about health and wellness? Parents
and grandparents obviously have a significant impact on our beliefs, but so do spiritual leaders such
as pastors, priests or rabbis. What about friends, social clubs… and our medical professionals? It is
an interesting question to pose, as most self-imposed limitations on our ability to enhance our
health and wellness will generally be found in our beliefs, which have been shaped by someone
other than ourselves.
North Americans have a disdain towards hypocrisy as was recently demonstrated by the reactions to Tiger
Woods when his behavior was exposed. His behavior was not in alignment with the image of not only a
great golfer, but a great husband, father, businessman and an endorser of the all American life. Not to
be presumptuous about advice for Tiger Woods, but it was because he embraced the belief that he could
have whatever he wanted (as he admitted), that certain behaviors were allowed to follow.
Another serious question to ask ourselves: How often do we allow our beliefs to change to fit our
behaviors so that we don’t feel like hypocrites? Remember, we as North Americans have significant
societal influence to disdain hypocrisy! For example, someone is struggling with their weight even to
Believing your way to
health and wellness
by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder
“If we desire to live with optimal wellness to live out our life purposes,
we must challenge our beliefs and our behaviors, and bring them into
alignment with wellness principles.”
n this August issue of the
VitaJournal, TriVita’s Chief Science
Officer, Brazos Minshew, expands on the
often misunderstood topic of homocysteine.
If you’re concerned about a family history of
degenerative type illnesses, you’ll want to find
out more on this subject and what you can do
to help protect yourself. You’ll also enjoy reading
about young Max, age 11, featured on our cover.
This young golf prodigy is telling everyone about
his Nopalea experience.
Recently I was reflecting on my own health
and how being at TriVita these past 11 years
has positively influenced the way I take care of
myself. Losing my father and brother to heart
disease is something that has made me aware of
potential risks, so I make a conscious effort to
take care of my whole self the best I can. Being
part of the TriVita family certainly has given
me the right tools. Being mindful of the 10
Essentials for Health and Wellness and having
access to life-changing products has not only
changed my outlook, but perhaps put me on a
healthier path for my life physically, emotionally
and spiritually.
Also this month, Chaplain Gene Henderson
shares his thoughts on Optimal Spirituality.
I like what he says about internal values and
external forces and how they relate to choices
we make. I was reminded of something that
happened a few weeks ago. On my morning
walk, I cut through the area behind a local
grocery store. Many people in the area often
leave shopping carts around the property
without taking the time to return them to
the store. This particular morning, as I passed
a stranded basket, I felt compelled to turn
around, get the basket and push it back to
the store. I actually had a struggle internally
for a few seconds on whether or not to obey
this prompting. I rationalized that there were
people who were paid to do this, so why should
I bother? But then I felt like God was saying,
“Wow – if you can’t even recognize that I’m
speaking to you and obey me on this little item,
how will you ever obey me on the big stuff?”
23	 The Blissful Balance of
“Optimal Spirituality”
Dwelling where body, mind
and spirit converge.
	25	 Nopalea Helps Max
Shoot For Success
“This stuff really works and I
don’t have any pain at all.”
	28	 Unlocking the
Gluten Mystery
Why this common protein
sometimes causes misery.
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  3
Grocery shopping tips to enhance your
weight loss success. 20
It's never too late to learn. 14
The information in this VitaJournal may contain
errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to
change prices, selections, update information
and limit quantities without prior notice.
	 4	 Getting To the Heart
of Homocysteine
Lower homocysteine helps
decrease disease risk.
	 9	 Smart Eating for Back
to School
Start the school year off right with
these tasty, healthy foods.
	11	 How Nopalea™ Aids in
the Healing Process
Betalain antioxidants play a
vital role.
12		 The Cholesterol/Heart
Attack Connection
Separating the myths from facts
about cholesterol.	
16		 It Has Worked Wonders
Nopalea Wellness Challenge
participants share their
remarkable stories.
What's making me tired? 8
Editor’s Note continued on page 21...
he economy of North
America is amazingly
complex. Can you imagine
how short-sighted it would be to
take a single element of the economy
and focus intently on that single
transaction to the exclusion of all
other factors? For example, the sale
of “widgets” may be important to
our comfort and convenience. We
could spend all of our time focused
on the sale of widgets without any
consideration for manufacturing,
import/export, farming, banking,
real estate, etc.
Any attempt to fix the entire economy would
have to consider all of the important elements
involved, right? Every element of the economy
is important and interconnected.
With homocysteine metabolism, it is much the
same. One important element in solving the
problem of elevated homocysteine (HCY) is
getting enough folate from our diet and folic
acid from our supplements. Folates turn on an
enzyme that neutralizes some homocysteine.
Can you imagine how short-sighted it would
be to focus only on one enzyme to the
exclusion of all other factors? Homocysteine
metabolism is incredibly complex! Every
facet is important and many nutrients are
interconnected in getting rid of excessive
levels of HCY.
A tale of two studies
Homocysteine (HCY) has been studied in
medicine behind the scenes for more than
40 years now. Here is what we have found:
Excessive levels of HCY have definitely
been linked to many serious conditions from
heart attacks to stroke, from osteoporosis to
Alzheimer’s Disease.
We know that a low homocysteine number
equals a low risk of these diseases.
Stroke occurs when there is a problem with
blood flow to the brain, or if there is bleeding
within the brain. Strokes may cause reversible
or irreversible paralysis, visual changes, coma,
and problems with speech or dementia. Most
strokes are not fatal, though death is a possible
outcome. People with diabetes, high cholester-
ol, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis),
and hypertension have increased risk of stroke.
Homocysteine was first linked to stroke in
1966. Pioneering medical researcher Kilmer
McCully discovered that young people with
high levels of homocysteine had heart attacks
and strokes more often than people of the same
age with lower levels of homocysteine. Today
there is no dispute: A high level of homocyste-
ine is a strong predictor of stroke at any age.
We also know that a balance of dietary folates,
HCY supplements and antioxidants may help
reduce the level of homocysteine as well as
reduce risk for disability from HCY-related
conditions. Recently, two studies (the
NORVIT study and the HOPE-2 study)
used a generic supplement to treat people with
advanced cardiovascular disease, either a heart
attack or stroke. What did they find and how
does this affect you?
Our wellness journey
Before I answer this I want you to think of the
Titanic and how even the name “Titanic” is
associated with disaster. Imagine what would
have happened if the captain of that ship
changed his course the day before the icebergs
appeared in their path. Would the outcome
have been different? Imagine if he had changed
his course two days before the disaster. Would
the outcome have been even better? My point
is this: The earlier you change your course
with respect to your health, the better are your
chances for a healthy outcome! The people in
the NORVIT and HOPE-2 trials had already
struck the iceberg, so to speak. They had
already experienced a heart attack or stroke.
They already had advanced artery disease.
By Brazos Minshew,
TriVita Chief Science Officer
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  5
Changing course at this time was not really
expected to cause much improvement in
outcome – but it did!
The people taking a B-complex reduced their
homocysteine by 25% and reduced their rate
of death and disability from strokes by 25%!
So, even at this critical time in their life,
many people experienced the benefits of
homocysteine reduction.
Sadly, those with advanced heart disease were
“too close to the iceberg” to benefit much from
lowering their homocysteine. For them, it was
just “too little, too late.” Their rate of heart
attacks did not change and many of them died.
However, 40 years of medical research still tells
us that changing the course of our wellness
journey earlier, before a serious health crisis,
will result in a healthier life.
Supplements aren’t enough
Using high levels of folic acid may reduce some
homocysteine but it will not give us the health
benefits we desire.
A comprehensive approach to HCY reduction
must include dietary folates and antioxidants.
Our first step, then, is to eat the appropriate
number of servings of fruit and vegetables: 5
servings for children, 7 servings for women
and 9 servings for men. Also, our supplements
should include all of the B vitamins and other
nutrients known to facilitate HCY metabolism
and reduce homocysteine.
When all factors are included – diet, supple-
ments and lifestyle – then homocysteine
is reduced and health is improved.
Intense nutrition needed
The HOPE-2 trial started at the turn of
this century and the NORVIT trial shortly
afterward. Both showed encouraging results.
In 2004 another trial started for a new, more
aggressive product for reducing homocysteine.
The study was conducted by Mark Mattie,
MD, PhD of Yale University and Bridgeport
University. The result of the study demonstrated
that the complete ingredients found in TriVita’s
HCY Guard
added to the effectiveness of B
vitamins and reduced homocysteine an
incredible 35%! Imagine what this means
for your health.
How do I prevent a stroke?
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in both the United States and Canada.
However, experts estimate that 80% of strokes can be prevented. Help reduce your
stroke risk with these tips from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
•	 Know your blood pressure.
•	 Don't smoke.
•	 Get tested for diabetes.
•	 Get your cholesterol and triglyceride levels tested.
•	 Maintain a healthy weight.
•	 If you drink alcohol, limit it to no more than one drink a day.
•	 Find healthy ways to cope with stress.
As captain of your ship, you simply cannot
afford to wait until you “see icebergs” to
change the course of your health. Have your
homocysteine level tested frequently. (You may
have to ask your healthcare provider for this
test as it is not routine.) If it is too high, reduce
it by eating high-folate, antioxidant-rich fruits
and vegetables and by taking HCY Guard, the
only supplement proven in university studies
to reduce HCY by 35%!
But remember, HCY Guard is protection,
not treatment. We must make a significant
commitment if we are to fully experience
health benefits. This includes a healthy diet
and lifestyle – all of the 10 Essentials for
Health and Wellness.
For more information on HCY Guard,
see page 13.
High HCY and inflammation – key causes of cardiac disease
High homocysteine levels can lead to dangerous inflammation. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood
to your heart and other parts of your body. Over time, plaque build-up hardens and narrows your
arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced.
This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke or even death.
Narrowing of artery
blood flow
Narrowed artery
Normal artery Artery
Normal blood flow
Artery cross-section
s someone in your life
struggling with attention
problems? Does he or she
tend to be over-active or too
impulsive? Such behaviors are
recognized more and more as
legitimate mental health issues,
and the role played by Vitamin
B-12 is also gaining recognition.
First, let’s look at just what
these health issues are.
Attention and focus problems can show up
as a range of behavioral issues, sometimes a
combination of inattentiveness, over-activity
and impulsivity. While most research into this
area has focused on children, studies have
suggested that the symptoms continue into
adulthood in up to 50% of adults who had
the condition in childhood.
Of course, some of the behaviors we’re talking
about are to be expected in children, but when
several symptoms occur that exceed the normal
range for a child’s age, a clinical diagnosis
may be made. If you’re a concerned parent or
grandparent, you should be aware of the signs
and symptoms. Attention disorders aren’t
restricted to children. While these issues are
long-term, adults can often better control their
behavior, and disguise their symptoms.
Symptoms to watch for
The symptoms that make up attention and
focus disorders can be broken down into three
specific areas: inattentiveness, hyperactivity
and impulsivity.
1. Doesn’t pay attention to details, or makes
careless errors in work or school assignments
2. Has trouble maintaining attention in
work or play
3. Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to
4. Doesn’t follow through, fails to finish
schoolwork, chores or workplace duties
5. Has trouble organizing tasks and activities
6. Resists activities such as schoolwork that
require sustained mental focus
7. Tends to lose items needed for tasks or
activities, such as toys, pencils or books
8. Is easily distracted
9. Is often forgetful
1. Has restless hands or feet, or squirms
in a seat
2. Leaves a seat when staying seated is expected
3. Runs around or climbs in inappropriate
4. Has trouble playing quietly
5. Is often excessively active or talkative
1. Blurts out answers before questions
are finished
2. Has difficulty waiting his or her turn
3. Interrupts or breaks into others’
conversations or games
While the cause of attention disorders isn’t
yet pinpointed we do know this: it’s one
of the most commonly-diagnosed behavioral
problems. As much as 5% of school-aged
children have this disorder.
B-12: proven brain-boosting power, vital
to mental wellness
There are prescription drugs available to treat
problems with attention and focus. But as you
may know, these powerful drugs can have
serious side effects.
Vitamin B-12, attention and focus: how they’re linked
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
B-12 Update
by Dr. Scott Conard
Correcting a deficiency could help mental function
There is strong clinical evidence to support the
link between essential nutrients and vitamins –
particularly Vitamin B-12 – and mental
function. Studies have shown that a B-12
deficiency may decrease levels of substances
needed to transmit nerve signals. This reduced
ability to transmit nerve signals has shown up
in brain tests conducted on children with
attention disorders. In people of any age,
this problem with nerve signals can lessen
or damage mental functioning.
So, in addition to a healthy diet and
regular exercise, I recommend that everyone
get enough essential vitamins like B-12. One
of the best ways to make sure that you or a
loved one get enough B-12 is to take TriVita
Sublingual B-12, B-6  Folic Acid.
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  7
“Thank you TriVita for providing this
mother with such tremendous joy in
seeing her family happy and healthy!”	
“Dr. Libby’s Sublingual B-12 has been a
godsend for my son. He was diagnosed six
years ago with attention and focus disorder.
At that time he was frustrated, inattentive,
uncooperative, despondent and suicidal.
We had no alternative but to put him on a
prescription medication. After two years and
several dosage increases I decided to look for
a more natural approach.
We started him on an herbal stimulant with
little success. Then, I had him take two tablets
per day of TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and he’s
doing beautifully. He is calm, happy, focused
and as cooperative as a teenager can be. I’m
very confident that he’ll be able to handle
high school with ease – thanks to TriVita!
Secondly, my husband is also on Sublingual
B-12 for seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
We moved to New Hampshire 11 years ago
and ever since, my husband has experienced
prolonged sadness every winter from the lack
of sunlight. Last winter Paul started taking two
Sublingual B-12 tablets every day. That did the
trick! He felt better than he had in years and
he won’t go anywhere without it. Thank you
TriVita for providing this mother with such
tremendous joy in seeing her family happy
and healthy!”*
Marge P., Member – Merrimack, NH
success stories
Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent
than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
•	 Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
•	 Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
•	 Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
•	 Sharper memory with less forgetfulness
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves
the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain
fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours
with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6  Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel
better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby
developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was
known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the
shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D.
TRIVITAFor maximum sustained
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TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
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Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
* You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting with your healthcare provider.
o you collapse on the couch
when you get home? Perhaps
you lack the energy – or desire
– to do the things you usually enjoy.
Why are you just so tired all the
time? Most likely, you’re suffering
from fatigue.
What’s in a name?
Many of us use the words tired, sleepy and
fatigued interchangeably, but though fatigue
can result from a lack of sleep, it’s actually quite
different from sleepiness. Sound confusing?
Let’s break it down.
Fatigue is generally described as a lack of energy
and motivation – with a wide variety of possible
causes: lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, sleep
disorders, depression or grief, stress, overwork,
poor diet, medical conditions, underactive or
overactive thyroid gland, certain medications.
At one point or another, everyone experiences
sleepiness. However, when sleepiness interferes
with daily routines and activities, it can become
problem sleepiness. It may be caused by your
body’s natural sleep cycles, lack of sleep, sleep
disorders or certain drugs. The National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute lists the following as
symptoms of problem sleepiness:
•	Consistently do not get enough sleep, or get
poor quality sleep
•	Fall asleep while driving
•	Struggle to stay awake when inactive, such
as when watching TV or reading
•	Have difficulty paying attention or
concentrating at work, school or home
•	Have performance problems at work or school
•	Have difficulty remembering
•	Have slowed responses
•	Have difficulty controlling your emotions
•	Must take naps on most days
If you think you’re getting enough sleep but still
experience problem sleepiness, consult your
healthcare provider.
Wake up!
Although the very nature of fatigue makes it
difficult for us to even want to fight it, we have
to combat it to live a life of optimal wellness.
Try the at-home strategies below to fight fatigue
and problem sleepiness.
Get out of debt… sleep debt, that is
When you don’t get enough sleep, you start to
build a sleep “debt.” Just like a credit card with
high interest, once you charge too much, it
becomes more and more of a burden to pay off.
Get your sleep finances back in order with these
tips for better sleep.
•	Get the right amount of sleep each night.
Although it varies from person to person, the
average adult needs about 8 to 8.5 hours of
shuteye each night.
•	Get up and go to bed at the same times every
day, even weekends.
•	Sleep in a cool, dark room.
•	Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol
late in the day.
Exercise regularly
Studies show that exercise can increase your
energy levels. In one study, 20 minutes of
low-intensity aerobic activity three times a week
increased energy levels by 20% and decreased
fatigue by 65%! Not only that, but exercise can
help you fall asleep and have a better quality
of sleep. Be sure to avoid exercising 2-3 hours
before bedtime.
Eat a balanced diet
Food is your body’s fuel; if you’re using cheap
fuel, your “motor” may be chugging. Upgrade
to premium with healthy balanced meals and
snacks. Include plenty of vegetables as well as
proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and whole
grains. Also be sure to drink plenty of water
throughout the day, as dehydration is a notorious
energy thief. You may also want to supplement
your diet with a high-quality multivitamin.
Putting these fatigue-fighting steps into action
can help restore your energy and motivation
– and bring you back to life! However, if your
fatigue is not relieved by adequate sleep,
healthy diet and stress reduction, consult
your healthcare provider.
Call 1-800-991-7116 and ask a Wellness
Consultant which TriVita products may help
you fight fatigue.
Fight back against fatigue
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  9
orning, noon and night,
it’s important that
children heading back
to school (and adults at any stage)
get the healthy foods that help
them function. Here, some smart
choices to start the school year
off with high marks.
By Christa Orecchio,
Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor
Our grandmothers were right when they said
that breakfast was the most important meal of the
day. The first thing kids put in their bodies is
certainly key, and will set the stage for the
entire day, dramatically affecting their energy
levels as well as their ability and desire to
focus and learn.
Protein and healthy fat are the two key ingredients
to a healthy, sustainable breakfast.
Try one of the following:
1. Protein smoothie: 1 scoop of high quality
(hormone- and antibiotic-free) whey or egg
white protein powder, a cup of frozen berries,
a cup of unsweetened almond or coconut milk, a
pinch of greens powder or juice (or ¼ cup of
spinach) and 1T ground flaxseeds. You can add
a teaspoon of raw honey if a sweeter taste is
2. Oatmeal (or leftover brown rice) with ground
flaxseeds or hemp seeds mixed in with some
protein powder. Or, serve a hard-cooked egg
on the side.
3. Sprouted whole grain toast with unsweetened
peanut butter or almond butter and raw honey,
plus a pinch of cinnamon.
What should you send with your child to school
and what should you feed them afterward? Have
a look at my healthy snack list to see which items
might best excite your child’s taste buds. These are
healthy choices that you can feel good about.
For that satisfying “crunch,” try these
good-for-you options:
•	Rice cakes, rice crackers or raw flax crackers
•	Light popcorn or plain popcorn: use coconut oil
to pop in a covered pan
•	Spelt or kamut pretzels, or kamut
graham crackers
•	Carrots: particularly the super sweet, organic
baby carrots
•		Crunchy raw veggies and dip (hummus,
tabouleh, vinaigrette or a favorite dressing)
•	Celery and peanut butter or almond butter (use
non-hydrogenated peanut butter)
•		Hummus with sprouted whole grain toast/
tortillas, baby carrots, flax or rice crackers
•	Raw cashews or almonds – or make your own
trail mix!
Who doesn’t like something sweet? Here are
tasty choices:
•	 Fresh, whole fruit or frozen grapes or berries
•	Organic plain yogurt and ripe fruit with stevia
or raw honey
•	Apples and almond butter with a touch
of cinnamon
•	 Sprouted date bread with naturally-
sweetened jam
•	 Frozen yogurt or kefir: freeze your own!
•	 Dried fruit mix and raw cacao nibs
More sweet ideas:
•	 Use leftover brown rice to make sweet porridge:
drizzle maple syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon,
add almond milk and serve.
•	 Smoothies: mix whatever you have in the
kitchen, such as fruit, ice, almond/rice milk,
plain yogurt, carob or cacao powder, bee pollen,
greens mix, etc.
•	Fruit “ice cream”: peel a banana, freeze, blend in
a food processor with nuts, berries or raisins and
serve. For a creamier consistency, put through
the screen of a juicer.
•	 Freshly-squeezed fruit juices: make your own and
try different combos.
•	 Sweet vegetables: yams, sweet potatoes, squashes
(acorn or butternut). Cut into chunks; sprinkle
with cinnamon and bake or add maple syrup to
a baked sweet potato.
For that satisfying salty taste without excess
sodium, snack on these:
•	 Olives or unpasteurized pickles
•	 Raw French feta or raw goat cheese
•	 Tabouleh, or tzaziki hummus (with chickpeas or
black beans)
•	 Steamed vegetables with tamari (wheat-free soy
•	 Baked blue corn tortilla chips and salsa or guaca-
mole: try whole grain chips and freshly made salsa
•	 Roasted nuts
•	 Raw flax chips, raw corn chips, raw
kale chips
Like so many people, TriVita
employees have experienced
remarkable results with Nopalea.
This month, Jeani Stoeckel in
Affiliate Member Services shares
the story of her wellness challenges,
and how Nopalea has helped
her thrive.
hat would your life be like if every
breath produced sharp pain? If sleep
was shattered, driving a car was an
effort, and it even hurt to talk? That’s been the
burden that Jeani Stoeckel carried for years –
until she tried Nopalea.
As an Affiliate Member Consultant, Jeani
speaks with Affiliate Members daily about
TriVita and its products. Ever since Nopalea
was introduced, she’s been hearing testimonials
about the remarkable results Nopalea has
brought to so many. “I thought, ‘I should try
this for myself,’” she recalls. “I was desperate
to get back to a healthy life!”
A case of pneumonia 18 years ago triggered
episodes of lung inflammation that would
strike Jeani several times a year. “Every time
I started a new exercise regimen, about a week
later the inflammation would set in. It was
very, very painful. When it would flare up,
I could hardly do anything: walk, talk, bend
over, just any kind of movement.” She couldn’t
even get relief from sleep, because it hurt
to lie down.
“Even being on the phone for my job was
painful: You have to breathe to talk”
What’s more, the lung inflammation would
bring with it flu-like symptoms, which added to
her pain and discomfort. Achy all over, Jeani
could barely drive, and housework was out of
the question. She consulted a doctor, who told
her she had a breathing problem brought on by
exercise. “The only way to get the pain to go
away was to take high doses of over-the-counter
pain relievers. I couldn’t do laundry, wash
dishes, go on hikes or even walk around the
neighborhood. I was able to work, but even
being on the phone for my job was painful.”
The listening part of her job, hearing others
rave about their Nopalea results, spurred Jeani
to take action. “Every workday, I was hearing
so many people talk about the relief Nopalea
gave them from allergies, breathing problems
and other issues related to inflammation.
I was very hopeful that it could help me, too.
I started myself on 6 ounces of Nopalea daily,
and at the same time started exercising again.”
The results for Jeani? “I didn’t have a
single problem with lung inflammation!
It was amazing!”
When she stopped
taking Nopalea, her
symptoms returned
Shortly after she felt the
astonishing change in her
wellness with Nopalea, a family
situation caused her to stop taking
it. “My son has really bad breathing problems
and when his symptoms flared up recently, I
stopped taking my Nopalea and gave it to him.
He got tremendous relief from his symptoms…
but after about a week I noticed I was having
trouble taking a deep breath. Needless to
say, I got myself back on Nopalea, and
back on track.”
Now, when Jeani shares the great news about
Nopalea with others, she speaks from her own
dramatic experience. “I promote Nopalea all
the time, whether I’m talking with Affiliate
Members or friends and family. I urge people to
start off with the Loading
Phase: 3-6 ounces per day
for 30 days.”
Jeani admits to one regret
about her Nopalea well-
ness experience. “I just
wish I had started on it
sooner. I would have had
that much more time to
enjoy life without pain.”
Experiencing Wellness within TriVita
Nopalea™ is Jeani's breath of fresh air
Jeani Stoeckel
Affiliate Member Consultant
With TriVita since 2003
o you ever wonder how it is that a cut
or a bruise heals after a certain amount
of time? Think about it for a moment.
You get a paper cut on your finger and you
bleed. You wrap a bandage around the cut, and
within a few days, the cut is gone. Amazingly,
your body is able to heal itself. Sometimes it
takes extra help to heal, though, and that’s
where Nopalea comes in. If you’ve been
reading about (or experiencing for yourself)
the astonishing benefits of this breakthrough
wellness drink, journey right down to the
cellular level to find out more.
The human body’s miraculous power to heal
itself is due in part to a force called homeostasis,
which activates the immune system, hormones,
nerves and other important systems to start the
healing process. Homeostasis arranges the cells
in your body to maintain balance under even
severe conditions. It uses inflammation to rebuild
your cells after an injury, illness or even extreme
emotional stress. Once the healing process is
complete, homeostasis returns your body to a
state of vibrant and essential balance – without
the damaging effects of excess inflammation.
Sometimes, the body can’t
heal itself
There are times, however, when your
body cannot heal itself, because runaway
inflammation prevents homeostasis from
rebuilding your cells. Runaway inflammation
and free radicals (unstable molecules which
are also damaging to cells) are the result
of the body’s exposure to toxins, direct
trauma, nutrient deficiencies and stress. A
cell overwhelmed by inflammation may be
damaged beyond repair, causing the cell to
prematurely die. Damaged, dead cells must be
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  1111  l  VITAJOURNAL
Non-Member $49.99
Member $39.99
4-Pack Savings
Non-Member $199.96
Member $139.99
Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend
of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful
nutrients. Taking Nopalea daily can help your body:
•	 Lessen inflammation	 •	 Promote optimal health
which causes pain		 right down to your cells
•	 Cleanse itself 	 •	 Protect against
of daily toxins		 premature aging
Drink it and thrive!
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
removed from the body or they will become
the focus of infection and illness. So how can
we remove these dead cells, and protect our
healthy cells against excess inflammation?
Betalains to the “rescue”
There’s a group of special nutrients designed to
balance inflammation. If you’ve taken Nopalea,
you’ve probably heard of its main ingredient,
Betalains. These are a class of antioxidants that
help rescue cells by helping your body put out
the fire of free radicals. Toxins are then drained
away from the cell, and Betalains seep into the
cell, reinforcing and returning it to good health.
Betalains also help a special immune system
cell called a macrophage (meaning “big eater”)
to engulf any dead or diseased cells in the body
that cannot be repaired. The macrophages help
eliminate the dead cells from your body.
Daily servings of Nopalea will provide you with
the Betalains that help relieve inflammation
and rescue cells under attack by free radicals.
Further, Betalains act to clean up the dead cells
and help protect against them becoming a target
for illness or sickness. Betalains help you thrive
as they help your body control inflammation and
support the wonder of homeostasis.
The more we can protect our body from assault
and help detoxify and rebuild our cells, the
healthier we can live, and the more gracefully
we may age. We now know that the body’s
exposure to toxins, direct trauma, nutrient
deficiencies and stress can cause runaway
inflammation and free radical damage. The
Betalains in Nopalea can help protect your body
against toxicity and reduce inflammation that
can lead to grave illnesses. Read the amazing stories on pages 16-17 about
how Nopalea is changing lives.
What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge?
•	 Drink3to6ouncesofchilledNopaleaeachdayfor30days.
•	 FillouttheNopaleaChallengeForm,whichwillbeincludedinyour
•	 ReadTheSecretKillerHealthAlert,alsoincludedinyourfirst
•	 Experienceincrediblewellness.Shareyourstorywithusby
Why a Nopalea Loading Phase?
Betalain antioxidants play a vital role in rebuilding vitality
Cholesterol and Heart Attacks
“Good” cholesterol?
e use the relative values of
LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and
HDL (“good”) cholesterol
to determine where we stand in terms
of disease risk. Unfortunately, these
numbers are misleading in half of the
cases, leading to a false sense of alarm
or security.
Cholesterol serves as the raw material from
which your body makes many hormones.
Vitamin D is made from cholesterol and
many life-ending diseases are associated
with a deficiency of Vitamin D.
In truth, all cholesterol is good in the proper
balance – even LDL! Cholesterol-rich tissues
such as brain cells rely on the fats delivered
by LDL in order to function at their best. LDL
brings the cholesterol from the liver to the
place where it is needed; HDL carries unused
cholesterol back to the liver for storage, recycling
or excretion.
Why cholesterol levels rise
•	 Increased demand
The most common reason why cholesterol
levels rise is to supply an increased demand.
Once your needs have been met, your body
should reduce cholesterol production.
However, with unrelenting stress and
unyielding demands on our limited resources,
the message to stop producing cholesterol
may never get through.
•	 Stress
Stress is one common reason why cholesterol
levels rise.
•	 Low-fiber diet
Another reason cholesterol levels rise is that
we eat a low-fiber diet. Cholesterol is recycled
from the liver through the bile into the
intestines and back to the liver. In a diet with
minimum fiber levels the excess levels of
cholesterol will be absorbed and eliminated.
In low-fiber diets the cholesterol is reabsorbed
and recycled. The system becomes “closed”
and levels rise.
•	 Hypercholesterolemia
A third, less common reason for elevated
cholesterol levels is fatal familial hypercholes-
terolemia – a rare genetic condition that
causes cholesterol levels to rise uncontrollably.
Statin medications were designed to combat
this condition.
Determining your risk
As mentioned at the outset, cholesterol levels
alone do not serve us very well as determinants
of heart attack risk. Homocysteine (HCY) levels
are much more accurate in predicting who is at
risk, and C-Reactive protein (CRP) is the best
predictor for heart attack (as well as many other
really bad conditions!).
Learn more about these and other wellness topics by dialing in to the Wellness Talks
and signing up for Weekly Wellness Reports. Call 1-800-991-7116 today!
Learn how to take control of your health and stay on top of critical
health issues with the Weekly Wellness Report and Wellness Talks.
Below is just one example of what you might read or hear. Sign up for
the email today and call in every week!
Brazos Minshew
TriVita Chief Science Officer
TriVita is a community
Two ways to enjoy FREE Member Exclusives that help
Call toll-free to order
•	HCY Guard has been clinically
proven to lower dangerous
homocysteine levels 30-40%
in just 42 days.
•	Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures
that you continue to maintain
healthy homocysteine levels.
•	HCY Guard has an exclusive blend
of nutrients, specifically chosen
for their ability to protect against
homocysteine escaping into
your bloodstream.
HCY Guard®
Non-Member $29.99
Member $23.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints
Buy one
HCY Guard
get second one
50% OFF
good through 8-31-10
Just dial in for potential
topics that include:
•	Cholesterol – How it rises
•	Product questions
•	Healthy blood pressure
•	Healthy heart
•	10 Essentials – how they affect
your quality of life
•	And much more!
Join the live call…
it’s easy and FREE…
just dial in!
Look for your emailed
report on vital health
Brazos Minshew has created a
Weekly Wellness Report filled
with critical health information.
His interesting, easy-to-understand
articles are written exclusively for
the Weekly Wellness Report and
emailed to TriVita Members who
have a valid email address on file.
Weekly Wellness topics
•	Successful weight loss
•	Natural ways to help
improve vision
•	Effective stress reduction
•	Healthy aging
•	And more!
Call 1-800-991-7116 today to receive
your FREE info-packed, email report!
Days: 		Tuesdays – Saturdays
Start time: 	 7 a.m. PST/ 10 a.m. EST
Length of call: 	 Approximately 15 min.
Phone number: 	 1-866-739-2952
Call passcode: 	 219192#
Get dialed in to good health!
Email your product-related questions to and Brazos
Minshew may address them in future
Wellness Talks.
Want to stay updated and informed on
a range of vital health topics? It’s easy,
either by phone or email, with weekly
reports from Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science
Officer. You’ll also learn about the science behind
various TriVita products and how they can help you
and people you know.
1. Weekly Wellness Talks 2. Weekly Wellness Reports
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  13
of Wellness Seekers!
f the idea of going back to school
appeals to you, some other ideas
may come up that aren’t so
appealing. Maybe you think you’re
“too old,” or don’t have the money, or
don’t have transportation to a campus.
In any of those cases, think fresh:
today there are options for students of
any age, senior discounts (sometimes
even free tuition), and online classes
you can attend in your pajamas.
Today, education is for everyone. The U.S.
Department of Education estimates that 90
million people take part in some form of adult
education each year, including training and
basic education offered outside traditional higher
education. To serve this immense market, most
colleges have structured programs and services
specifically for adult learners. Forty percent of
American college students, or almost six million
people, are 25 years of age or older.
Reading, writing and reduced (or no) fees
About 60% of accredited, degree-granting schools
offer tuition waivers for older adults, according to
a November 2008 survey by the American
Council on Education. Yet fewer than 50 students
at each school that runs such a program took
advantage of it around the time of the survey.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
for example, had 21 seniors enrolled in its tuition
waiver program, and 30 participated at the
University of Virginia.
Why don’t more people take advantage of the
free tuition? The requirements can be an obstacle.
The waivers often depend on space availability
and sometimes require permission from the
instructor. And at some colleges, tuition waivers
are restricted to credit-bearing courses, while at
others only noncredit courses qualify. Some states
also have an income cap for eligible participants
and require proof of state residency,
documentation of retirement and a high
school diploma. Colleges that don’t offer
tuition waivers sometimes provide
tuition discounts to seniors.
It may or may not matter to you whether
the school you’re interested in is
accredited, which means that it’s been
evaluated against standard measurements
of quality by a recognized organization.
To find a searchable database of schools
that are accredited by recognized U.S.
organizations, visit the web site for the
Council for Higher Education at:
Online courses: 24/7 learning
If you’re not able to attend classes in
person, or just prefer not to, online
courses are a practical option. Some
well-known universities such as Stanford
and Yale allow anyone to audit courses (you sit in
on the course without earning a grade) online,
free of charge. Other colleges waive online course
fees just for state residents above a certain age.
While there are often costs for books and lab fees,
the savings in tuition costs alone can be
enormous. And there’s an added plus for the shy:
you get to think about your comments and
questions in the privacy of your home instead
of risking looking silly in public.
So however you choose to keep on learning, let
today’s options make your choice an easier one,
whatever your age, income or personal situation.
At any age, school can be an option
Try a “just-for-fun” class
You don’t need to be a “serious” student to take up a
topic or activity you’ve always wanted to try. Whether
it’s a short course in pottery-making, a weekly session
of swing dancing or an introduction to conversational
French, you’ll probably find lots of options locally.
Check with your community college or groups like
the YMCA and community centers.
Community colleges are an especially good resource
for mature adults. According to the American
Council on Education, about half of college-going
adults age 50 and older attend community colleges,
primarily for fun, to connect with other people, and
to retrain for a new career. What’s more, 84% of
community colleges offer courses specifically for
students age 50+, according to a recent survey of 204
community colleges by the American Association of
Community Colleges (AACC).
Be kind to your mind: learn!
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  15
magine yourself waking up every day without worrying about getting
ready for work, commuting long hours or answering to a boss. This
dream has already become a reality to millions of people who have
their direct sales or home-based business.
Because of his success as an Affiliate Member, Mike Riedmiller recently
resigned his corporate position. “TriVita isn’t just a side business for me,” he
says. “I have a multi-million dollar business in my hands that I can build as
big as I choose.”
Why are so many people giving up the so-called security of the “9 to 5”
life and profiting from their own initiative? There are a number of reasons.
Many people are tired of dead-end jobs or feel that they’re not being fairly
compensated for their work. Others don’t want to have to answer to their
boss every day and some prefer to spend more time with their family. Add
in long commutes, the high cost of gas, diminishing job security and a
multitude of other reasons, and it’s no wonder that people are deciding to
become their own bosses.
Make sure to consider these important factors when searching for a
legitimate direct sales business opportunity. The company must:
•	 Have very good products or services to promote
•	 Be in good standing with business regulatory agencies
•	 Send paychecks out at least once per month on time
•	 Have been successfully in business for at least three years
•	 Offer great support, training and leadership
They’re thrilled to leave the corporate rat race and enjoy more freedom
TriVita Affiliate Members, Mike and Carisa Riedmiller and family.
Affiliate Members explain the advantages of their
direct sales businesses
“I lost a job that I had held for over 25 years in corporate America with a
commercial insurance company. I made a very good salary and I was
the bread winner for our family, so that was pretty devastating. Now that
I’m a TriVita Affiliate Member I'm really looking forward to a prosperous
future where I’m my own boss.”
– Denise W., Affiliate Member – Oldsmar, FL
“Although I enjoyed solid financial success as a business owner, I paid the
price. The downside was grueling work days, lots of financial uncertainty
and over five years without a vacation. Becoming a TriVita Affiliate
Member is one of the best business moves I’ve ever made. I can finally
enjoy life on my own terms.”
– Michael B., Affiliate Member – Birmingham, AL
“With my TriVita business I am my own boss. There’s no one hovering over
me, no unrealistic sales quotas and I have the flexibility to grow my busi-
ness at my own speed.” – Sara W., Affiliate Member – Hunnewell, MO
“TriVita has freed me from the ‘9 to 5’ grind. I was wary of companies that
overpromised and under-delivered. My husband and I are already enjoying
our second income, and we plan on becoming financially independent
within several years.” – Tula S., Affiliate Member – Revelstoke, BC
“Our TriVita business isn’t work – it’s fun. It’s the best business anyone
could be in, and it allows us to help people find health and wealth.”
– Cody  Marty R., Affiliate Members – Prescott Valley, AZ
“I had worked in the corporate world for 18 years in a very high-stress job.
Now I enjoy a short commute from the bedroom to my office and I can
dictate my own schedule.”
– Bryan W., Affiliate Member – Colorado Springs, CO
If you’d like to find out about becoming a TriVita Affiliate, see page
30 or call 1-800-TRIVITA (874-8482). It’s easy and FREE.
There are no guarantees regarding income. Like any other business, success or failure depends
on participants’ own skills and effort.
success stories
The Nopalea Wellness Challenge
Look what Nopalea™ has done for
Remarkable stories (and wellness
benefits) worth sharing!
What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge?
The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created
to show the power of Nopalea in helping the
body reduce chronic inflammation quickly.
Completing a Nopalea Loading Phase can
help ease the “fire” raging in our bodies. Put
yourself to the Challenge today!
•	 Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled Nopalea
each day for 30 days.
•	 Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form,
which will be included in your first
Nopalea order, to track your progress
during the Challenge.
•	 Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, also
included in your first Nopalea order.
•	 Experience incredible wellness. Call and
share your story with us by emailing to:
Jessica B. – El Paso, TX Cody and Marty R. – Prescott, AZ
“Nopalea is like a miracle in a bottle.”
“Nopalea has given me my life back. At the age
of 15, I was diagnosed with inflammation of the
pancreas and a disorder which causes mucus
accumulation and breathing problems. It has
been a very difficult and long road with these
conditions, because they are not curable,
just treatable. I have been on a variety of
medications with serious side effects. They
robbed me of energy, caused me to look bad
and made me very sick.
Before Nopalea I was always tired and never able
to keep up with my own two-year-old son. That
also made me depressed. Now I feel great, look at
life in a different way and wish everybody could
feel the same way that I do! If you haven't tried
this wonderful, natural, ‘life-enhancer’ I recom-
mend Nopalea to everybody, because even if you
do not suffer from any pain it replenishes your
body and mind. Since being on Nopalea, my hair,
skin and nails are beautiful again which is
amazing because the pain medications robbed my
body of nutrients. My body feels 110% better and
to me Nopalea is like a miracle in a bottle.*”
Jessica B., Member – El Paso, TX
etter wellness, better health
and just plain better lives:
that’s the bottom line for
the people whose Nopalea stories
pour into TriVita every day. What
will your story be? Take the
Nopalea Wellness Challenge
and see for yourself.
“We are doing everything we can do today
to avoid major health problems tomorrow.”
“Nopalea isn’t just another fad product. It’s the
real deal and we are one hundred percent sold on
it. This product appeals to people of all ages and
if you are alive, you are going to see a significant
health benefit from Nopalea. We both take it
daily and know that it’s helping us neutralize
dangerous toxins and lower inflammation, which
can lead to a host of serious conditions. We’ve
seen firsthand how debilitating chronic pain can
be, and we are doing everything we can do today
to avoid major health problems tomorrow.”
We get a special pleasure from recommending
Nopalea to friends and family. For example, we
know a young lady who suffers from a serious skin
condition. Nothing seemed to work, but after she
tried Nopalea, her skin showed dramatic improve-
ment. Our next-door neighbor has chronically
stiff, swollen and painful joints, and after taking
Nopalea every day for a short period he was able
to flex his knuckles, something he couldn’t do for
a long time.
One of our relatives had a double hip replace-
ment. We sent him a case of Nopalea. After
one week, he told us that he didn’t have
nearly as much pain in his hip and could now
walk normally.”
Cody and Marty R., Affiliate Members –
Prescott, AZ
them – how about you too?	
Ed M. – Goldendale, WA Frank H. – Houston, TX Linda Z. – Winkler, MB
“You have turned a skeptic into a
true believer.”
“I recently became a TriVita Member after
finding that I am just not comfortable without
its products. I have suffered for many years with
severe, constant shoulder pain. I have gone
through months of physical therapy and pain
medications, none of which helped the situation
much. Last summer my sister sent me a Nopalea
Gift of Health. I have to say I was a serious
non-believer, but at this point I was not sleeping,
and willing to take a shot at trying anything that
might help. I tried Nopalea and it seemed to be
helping, but I didn’t notice anything spectacular.
At the end of 30 days I felt okay and it seemed as
though I was starting to sleep a little easier. But
once the Nopalea ran out I just stopped taking it.
That’s when I realized what it had done for me.
After not being on it for two weeks, the pain
(that I hadn’t noticed was gone before) was back,
and I headed into the sleep deprivation spiral.
Needless to say I ordered another bottle.
Now I am on the autoship plan and spreading the
word to others about what Nopalea has done for
me. I still have times when I forget to take it
regularly; however, after just a few days I start to
feel my shoulder pain again and I get right back
on Nopalea. I would hate to think how I would
still feel had I not tried it. You have turned a
skeptic into a true believer.*”
Ed M., Affiliate Member – Goldendale, WA
“The people I have given Nopalea to are
overjoyed with the product, its taste and
“It took me 10 years and much wasted time with
other companies before I discovered TriVita. Its
products are in high demand and I’ve found the
company itself and its services very dependable.
When I received my first shipment of Nopalea I
realized the huge potential this product has with
anyone who suffers from pain and inflammation.
The presentation of this product is itself a master-
piece of marketing which serves to herald the
exquisite taste of the rich flavoured nopal nectar
within. I look forward to each delivery.
The people I have given Nopalea to are overjoyed
with the product, its taste and effectiveness. Like
me, they love Nopalea. The success of Sonoran
Bloom Nopalea is amazing. If you haven’t consid-
ered taking the Challenge, I urge you and your
friends to do so. Thank you TriVita!”
Frank H., Affiliate Member – Houston, TX
“I was elated to see that the numbers had
gone down substantially.”
“I was diagnosed with a condition that caused
inflammation of the liver. I was told then that my
blood work had been out of whack for five years.
That is when I decided to try Nopalea for this
inflammation problem, as well as painful arches.
I love to walk so I had to do something. After
taking Nopalea, the arches in my feet became less
painful, so that was good. Then I had to find out
about the liver. The enzyme numbers had gone
from 150 to 449 in one year. I decided to take the
Nopalea and see what my blood tests showed next
time around. After two months more lab work
was done and I was elated to see that the numbers
had gone down substantially. I know that I’m on
the right track.
I also had a severe coughing problem. I have
tried many things with little success, but
Nopalea helped reduce the coughing. I just
have to be patient, as my body didn’t get to
where it is overnight. Since I have only been
on this wellness journey for a short time I am
very hopeful that my health is going to get
even better.”
Linda Z., Affiliate Member – Winkler, MB
*You should not stop taking any medication without first
consulting your healthcare provider.
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  17
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
A purposeful life decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s
Chicago, Illinois
Having a purpose in life is associated with a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease, mild cognitive
(mental) impairment, and a slower rate of cognitive decline, it was reported in Archives of General Psychiatry.
In the study, over 900 people in senior housing facilities and residences – who did not have dementia at the outset
of the study – were followed for 4-7 years. At the beginning of the study, they were given a survey to measure their
sense of purpose, and received annual clinical evaluations. Overall, 16.3% of participants developed Alzheimer’s.
Researchers found that greater purpose in life substantially reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, in addition
to a reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment and a slower rate of cognitive decline.
Too much overtime can hurt your heart
London, England
Overtime work adversely affects coronary health, according to a recent study in the European Heart Journal.
Researchers followed 6,014 British civil servants for an average of 11 years and found that 3-4 hours of overtime
work per day was associated with a 60% higher risk of heart problems. The risk was independent of other heart
disease risk factors such as smoking and obesity.
Spending time with friends – not family – makes for a happier retirement
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Spending time with friends contributes more to a happy retirement than spending time with family, it was
reported at the 2010 British Psychological Society Annual Conference.
Researchers from the University of Greenwich recruited 249 retirees through a retirement website and
online newsletter. Volunteers answered questions regarding marital status, children, friends and overall
satisfaction with life.
“Our most surprising finding was that retirees who had children and grandchildren were no more satisfied with
life than the retirees without them. Being active in social groups was strongly correlated with higher levels of
life satisfaction, however,” said study leader Dr. Oliver Robinson from the University of Greenwich’s School of
Health  Social Care.
Higher levels of life satisfaction were also reported by retirees who were married or in long-term relationships,
and by those whose partners were also retired.
Yoga may help you watch what you eat
Seattle, Washington
Yoga increases mindful eating, which can lead to less weight gain over time, say researchers at the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
“In…[an]… earlier study, we found that middle-age people who practice yoga gained less weight over a 10-year
period than those who did not. This was independent of physical activity and dietary patterns. We hypothesized
that mindfulness – a skill learned either directly or indirectly through yoga – could affect eating behavior,” said
Alan Kristal, Dr.P.H., associate head of the Cancer Prevention Program at the Hutchinson Center.
To test their theory, researchers developed a Mindful Eating Questionnaire which measured when and how
people ate: when they were full, in response to environmental cues, as an emotional response, etc. More than
300 people from yoga studios, weight loss programs and similar venues answered the questionnaire; higher
scores on the questionnaire were associated with a lower BMI (body mass index).  
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  19
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1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  19
Which TriVita products have helped you enjoy greater wellness?
Perhaps now you’re living healthier, with more energy, less pain,
increased vitality… in short, living better. Tell us about it, and help
others enjoy greater wellness, too! Share your success story about any
of TriVita's quality products and you could receive a $25 TriVita Gift Card.
*Beginning August 15, 2010, just email your product success story to:, or mail to: TriVita Inc., Attn: Story, 16100 N. Greenway
Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Once we get your signed
release, we'll send you a $25 TriVita Gift Card as a thank you.
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Gift Cards are subject to local, governmental and TriVita current terms.
I should've thought of that! Inventions that have changed the world
Test your knowledge of
inventions and inven-
tors with the quiz
below. Maybe it will
inspire you to create
the next big thing!
1 Rene Theophile
Hyacinthe Laennec has
been called the father of thoracic medicine and
developed an early version of this medical device
that makes it easier to listen to a patient’s heart.
2 This invention for keeping papers together
received a patent in 1841; the paper clip was
patented 58 years later.
3 The British and Americans began
working on this technology near the end of
World War I and were able to use it effectively
in World War II:
a.	 Radar
b.	 Sonar
4 This system of reading and writing for
the blind was first published in book form in
1829, but wasn’t widely taught until almost
40 years later.
5 Greatly interested in making concentrated
food products, Gail Borden, Jr. received a patent
in 1853 for the process of evaporating milk by
vacuum. The resulting product was a commercial
success and is still available on grocery store
shelves today. What did he invent?
6 Originally called a “clasp locker,”
this device, patented in 1893, needed some
refinements before showing up on clothing,
footwear and carrying cases. (Hint: Its current
name comes from the sound it makes.)
7 Before the Model T ever hit the streets,
Mary Anderson patented a device for making
driving more convenient. She was awarded
a patent in 1905 for this handy invention:
a.	 Rearview mirror
b.	 Windshield wiper
c.	 Glove compartment
d.	 Headlight
8 This toy was launched in 1958, and over
25 million units sold within two months. What
is this toy, named after a Hawaiian dance and the
shape of the toy itself?
9 This French deep-sea explorer co-invented
the aqua-lung, which is now an integral part
of SCUBA gear. He wrote multiple books, had
a documentary television show and received
40 Emmy nominations and three Oscars for
his documentaries.
10 In 1900, Bayer was awarded a U.S. patent for
this medicine derived from willow trees. However,
after World War I, Bayer was stripped of the
patent rights as part of the Treaty of Versailles.
Today, millions of these popular pain-relief tablets
are sold each year.
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he process of shedding extra pounds
doesn’t only happen at the dining
table. By planning ahead and making
smart choices at the grocery store, you can
successfully reach your goals. Follow these
simple tips to find healthier foods that can
help you lose weight.
Don’t go when you’re hungry
Outside stimuli such as smells and sights can
trigger your brain to “turn on” hunger cravings.
So, shop only after a good, balanced meal.
Plan your meals
Choose several times during the week to sit
and plan your grocery list, shop and prepare
your food. By deciding what you will eat ahead
of time, you can avoid impulse purchases.
Shop the perimeters
It’s no secret that many grocery stores stock
the least healthy foods in the most heavily-
trafficked center aisles. That’s where you’ll
find processed foods loaded with preservatives,
sodium, sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
You can avoid this “danger zone” by shopping
for foods around the perimeter of the store,
where you’ll find healthy protein, eggs,
vegetables and fruit.
Pick produce
Spend the most time in the produce section,
generally the first area you encounter in most
grocery stores – and usually the largest. Choose
a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables.
These colors reflect the different vitamin,
mineral and nutritional content of each
fruit or vegetable.
Choose the least processed foods that are
made from whole grains
For example, regular oatmeal is better than
instant oatmeal. When choosing whole grain
cereals, look for at least four grams of fiber per
serving, and with minimal sugar.
Use the facts
The Nutrition Facts panel on the food label
is a helpful guide to making healthy choices.
Using the Nutrition Facts is important when
shopping to compare foods and find the actual
nutritional content of foods. When reading the
Nutrition Facts panel, remember to:
Keep these low:
• Saturated fats
• Trans fats
• Cholesterol
• Sodium
Look for more of these:
• Fiber
• Vitamins A, C  E
• Calcium, potassium, magnesium
and iron
Watch your budget
Stay within your budget by going online or
checking out newspaper ads to see who has
the healthiest foods on sale. Also, look for
local farmers markets and farms that sell direct
to the public.
Remember, by strongly exercising your power to
make healthy, good shopping choices, you’ll be
taking the all-important first step toward a
well-balanced diet.  
to lose
Plan ahead for weight
loss success when
grocery shopping
“I've already lost
53 pounds...”
I had been trying to lose
weight for 10 years, but
I kept gaining it back.
Last summer I decided to
give Leanology a try. It is the easiest thing
I've ever done. I've already lost 53 pounds
and the weight is coming off at a very
steady pace.”
John M., Affiliate Member – Machias, NY
On My Mind continued from page 3...
TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered
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•	 Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have
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•	 Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas.
•	 Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life.
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we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more!
Want to make a difference?
Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take
your tax-deductible donation along with your order.
You can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
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You can make a
lasting difference
Your contribution will touch countless lives
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  21
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to:
or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway
Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
Article from Michael Ellison
continued from page 2...
I turned around to go back to the basket only to see two baskets rather than just one. I struggled to get each of them out of the dirt and onto the sidewalk
where I could line them up, and then proceeded to parade them across the back of the building and in through the front door of the store. I wanted to
ditch them along the way, but God kept prompting me to take them all the way. I’ll have to admit I felt a little embarrassed as I was struggling to keep
them together and hoped no one was watching. However, once I completed the task, I felt confident that I had obeyed God in something so small and
what seemed trivial.
I’m not saying this to brag as there are probably more times than not that I let external forces prevent me from making the right choices to reflect my
internal values. The good news is that God still talks to me, and for that I’m grateful not to be a lost cause!
the point of obesity. If they believe they should lose weight and make
some effort but the weight returns, they will find an adjustment to
their belief. They work too hard and too long and don’t have the
time to exercise. Then, the added weight becomes acceptable. Now
I know I have entered the land where even angels fear to tread! But
please know, I ask myself these same questions as a wellness seeker.
What thoughts and beliefs do I embrace that hold me back from
living with optimal wellness?
If we desire to live with optimal wellness to live out our life purposes,
we must challenge our beliefs and our behaviors, and bring them
into alignment with wellness principles. We must seek out more
than a treatment for our ailments; we must embrace the idea and
concept of optimal wellness rather than just disease treatment and
prevention. By adjusting our beliefs about the possibilities for living
with optimal wellness we will find our behaviors aligning towards
those beliefs, and the practice of the 10 Essentials for Health and
Wellness to be our daily inspirational guide.
I love the VitaJournal as it offers opportunities for us to explore
new ideas to enhance the wellness seekers’ experience, as well as
inspirational tips for daily healthy living. In this August issue we
explore homocysteine. I urge you to read the article on pages 4-5
and be aware of homocysteine as another important marker that
indicates certain health risks. Additional markers such as your
C-reactive protein, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and
others can also help determine your state of health. At your next
check-up, talk to your healthcare provider about getting these
important markers tested.
May you pursue health and wellness with passion and purpose!
Michael Ellison, CEO  Founder
P.S. Check out my blog at as I feature
amazing stories of Affiliates who are sharing the wellness benefits
of Nopalea with others.
Life is a daring adventure…
or nothing. – Helen Keller
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and
motivational speaker. She has inspired people around
the world to reach within and find their passionate
purpose to live a more meaningful life.
ot long ago
one of my
best friends
and confidante
went on a vacation
to Italy for 10 days.
Mo and I confide
in each other about everything
in our lives. After she returned
home, we went out for dinner
and sat for hours pouring out
our souls. I can’t imagine my
life without her in it.
It was that night that I realized I
am a wealthy woman. Not in
money, possessions or property, but
I am rich in friends. Over the years,
I’ve collected friends for many
different reasons – for advice, for
companionship, for stimulating
conversation, for fun, for laughter,
for understanding, for arguing, for
balance and for feedback.
However, there is a caveat – to have best friends
requires a significant investment of time, effort,
care, unconditional love and acceptance. In
economic terms that is why true friendship is
a rare commodity. Very few people are willing
to make that kind of an investment.
Although most people can make you a “list”
of their friends, when it comes right down to it,
most of us will admit that we have only one or
two best friends.
Friends key to a longer, healthier life
Maybe you need proof that friends are worth the
investment of your time and energy. Fortunately,
there have been numerous research studies
conducted on the subject that prove friends are
a necessity and not a luxury.
The New York Times published an article last year
that asked the question “What are friends for?”
The answer may surprise you. Many of us are very
concerned about our health and well-being. We
look to allopathic (traditional) and naturopathic
doctors, self-help books and supplements to help
us have a better quality of life. But did you know
that your most powerful ally for fighting illness
and depression, slowing the aging process and
prolonging life may be your friends?
The following studies listed in the article proved
the value of having close friends. In 2006, a study
conducted with 3,000 nurses who had breast
cancer found that the women without close
friends were four times as likely to die from the
disease as women with 10 or more friends. In a
six-year study of 736 middle-aged Swedish men,
attachment to a single person didn’t seem to
affect the risk of heart attack or fatal coronary
heart disease, but having friendships did. And
a 10-year-old Australian study found that older
people with a large circle of friends were 22% less
likely to die during the study period than those
with fewer friends. It appears equally important
for men as well as women to have best friends.
The value of friendship
If you are fortunate to have people in your life
that you consider to be your best friends, take
time to let them know how valuable their
friendship is to you. Call, write, email or text
and let them know how much you appreciate
them. Never overlook the value we gain from
our friendships. Your friends may add years
onto your life.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
by Dr. Judy
Best friends:
good for your health,
good for your life
Many people will walk in and out
of your life, but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart.
- Anonymous
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
By Chaplain Gene Henderson
The blissful balance of
“Optimal Spirituality”
Gene Henderson
I was inspired, as so many
were, by Michael Ellison’s
thoughts on “Optimal
Wellness” in last month’s
VitaJournal. TriVita’s CEO
wrote about taking well-
being to a whole new level,
where we disregard the idea
of wellness as a destination.
Instead, he wrote, Optimal
Wellness means elevating the state we’re in, so
that our ongoing state of being embraces the best
we can be physically, emotionally and spiritually.
This started me thinking about “Optimal
Spirituality.” What might this be, and how could
we enter this state of being? Acknowledging that
it might be different things for different people,
I’d like to explore this idea in some detail.
The “sweet spot” of God’s grace
Think of the three aspects of life as circles. Label
them “Body,” “Mind (emotion)” and “Spirit.”
Now let them overlap each other, so that in
the center, they share a space. That space is
strong, anchoring the three aspects. The more
we operate in that “sweet spot,” the more we’re
fully balanced, and the more we live in a state of
grace. In this spot, we’re operating optimally
as God’s temple.
To understand how we might dwell in that sweet
spot, we need to look first at all three aspects
of life separately.
The body: God gives us all the things we need
for our physical health: vegetables, fruits, meats,
grains, water and nutrients to fuel the body and
help it do its amazing work. When we get enough
sleep and exercise, we improve our body (temple),
therefore honoring God.
The mind: This includes our emotions, our
intellect and our process of thinking. A key
aspect here is self-talk – the messages we give
ourselves day in and day out. Are we uttering
to ourselves God-thoughts of a blessed future
and full life, or talking ourselves down in defeat
and victimhood? Self-talk can be a powerful
force: are you sending yourself positive or
negative messages?
The spirit: This is “the God factor” in our being.
To honor the God factor in ourselves, we need to
be in the Word, and to read the Word, on a
regular basis. Most importantly, we need to
believe. When the intellect says, “No way,
you’ve never done that before,” a person strong
in the Word will believe that the plans God
has for him are all good – even if circumstances
say the opposite.
When we balance these aspects, we can live in
and through that wonderful sweet spot.
Internal values, external forces
Another point that Michael made in his explora-
tion of Optimal Wellness also applies to Optimal
Spirituality: the idea of being internally- and
externally-driven. “Optimal Wellness… does not
depend on external conditions or feelings in the
way you live your life…” he wrote. In many ways,
the same notion applies to Optimal Spirituality.
In my work as a chaplain, I counsel people
struggling with addiction who wrestle with this
internal/external question. I tell them that if
you’re externally-driven, when someone offers
you a drug or a drink, you may crave their
approval so much that you deny your own
well-being, and accept. You’re putting yourself at
the mercy of circumstance. On the other hand,
if you’re internally-driven, you walk away.
What will you choose, when it’s time to take a
brisk walk but a good TV show is on? When you
could pack yourself a healthy lunch but instead
grab some drive-through fast food? When you
dislike tasteless jokes, but everyone else is
laughing? It’s all our choice, every day.
Just as with Optimal Wellness, Optimal
Spirituality is not a destination, but a journey.
It is a state of being connected to God and
His purpose for your life. May your journey
be blessed.  
	 August 2010  l  23
“Do you not know that your body
is a temple… received from God?
You are not your own; you were
bought at a price. Therefore
honor God with your body.”
– 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Dwelling where body, mind and spirit converge
Just as with Optimal Wellness, Optimal Spirituality
is not a destination, but a journey.
“I personally feel that Adaptogen 10
Plus helped me stop smoking.”
“I am generally a pretty stressed out person. If I
am even two minutes late, I can feel my face get
hot. I am also an ex-smoker. I quit smoking about
the time I tried Adaptogen 10 Plus for the first
time. I really liked the taste. I personally feel that
Adaptogen 10 Plus helped me stop smoking, or
at least helped my body deal with the stress of
withdrawal. I still take Adaptogen 10 Plus two to
three times a week, and feel great (my lungs are
doing a lot better too)! Now I am suggesting the
product to my friends.”
Jonathan C., Member – East York, ON
“I truly love life!
I give much of the
credit for this to
TriVita’s HCY Guard.”
“I started taking HCY
Guard after hearing about
the harmful side effects of
high homocysteine levels.
In the early months of 2003, I was diagnosed with
a condition which causes an erratic, irregular
heartbeat. For the next six months, my heart raced
uncontrollably from early morning until long after
I had fallen asleep each night. It felt as if my heart
was going to jump right out of my chest – all day
long! I could barely work up the energy to walk
down the hall to the bathroom. I tried acupuncture
and alternative treatments as well, but to no avail.
I work full-time and am on my feet eight hours a
day. I’ve been told many times that I’m one of the
most energetic, positive and upbeat people and I
truly love life! I give much of the credit for this to
TriVita’s HCY Guard.”
Tiffany T., Affiliate Member – San Jose, CA
“For the past
4 years I have been
pain free.”
“I’m a machine operator
and a deep sea fisherman
who was having serious
back problems.
My joints were in so much pain that I didn't
know what to do. Then after I received the TriVita
catalog in the mail I decided to order TriVita’s
OmegaPrime. After taking the entire bottle I
noticed that I could do things that before posed
problems. For the past four years I have been
pain free. I have recommended TriVita products
to friends and family and they’ve worked for all of
them. Many thanks to TriVita for their wonderful
selection of products.”
Oswald C., Member – Scarborough, ON
“Sublingual B-12
is a godsend –
the answer to
my prayers.”
“TriVita Sublingual B-12
saved my marriage. My
husband had become
depressed and angry. He was a different man from
the one I married. He lost focus, was tired and
moping all the time and had unnatural fears. He
was often angry or frustrated because he would
miss small, but important words and misunder-
stand what others were saying. After he started
taking TriVita Sublingual B-12, I noticed quite a
difference. He began paying attention to what I
had to say and we began to enjoy the weekends
together and with the family. Our family is much
happier now. Sublingual B-12 is a godsend – the
answer to my prayers.”
Ginny A., Member – Picayne, MS
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products!
Real Stories	 from real people
*You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a heart
problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
“By the end of the first week, I had no
more pain in my foot and fewer aches
and pains.”
“I was introduced to Nopalea several months ago but
was very skeptical about its claimed benefits. I injured
my shoulder but had not gotten medical attention. I
also had inflammation in the joints of the bottom of my
right foot. The pain would become unbearable, especially when I walked for long
periods of time. I started with the Nopalea Loading Phase for the first two weeks.
I immediately noticed how delicious this drink was. By the end of the first week,
I had no more pain in my foot and fewer aches and pains elsewhere. After three
weeks of drinking Nopalea, I noticed that the pain in my shoulder from my injury
had disappeared, too! I attribute this to Nopalea. I am so glad I was introduced to
this wonderful product.”
Priscilla T., Member – West Island, QC
“I had a perfect score; I never lost my focus.”
“I was diagnosed about 17 years ago with a debilitating
condition which causes paralysis and muscle tremors.
Over the past couple of years my neurologist had me
take a cognitive test which measures my ability to focus
and have clarity of mind.
During the past couple of months I have been taking
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12. I went to my neurologist yesterday and he had
me take the test again. This time, I had a perfect score; I never lost my focus. The
woman who administered the test was amazed and very impressed; they don’t
normally see a perfect score from someone with my condition.”
Angelyn F., Affiliate Member – Largo, FL
1-800-991-7116	 August 2010  l  25
axwell (Max) R. is an
11-year-old boy from
Prospect Heights, IL who
at a young age has aimed very high
in life. He is on his way to becoming
a golf prodigy and recently placed
first in an Illinois Junior Golf
Association Tournament. Last spring,
accompanied by a caddy, Max was
given the opportunity to showcase his
talent at the Tournament Players Club
in Scottsdale, following the Phoenix
Open. “With his passion for the sport
we foresee him going pro,” says his
mother, Anne.
Max just loves golfing; however, he often pays
the price with a sore back and assorted aches
and pains. Last winter he fell hard while
snowboarding and this provided the perfect
opportunity for Nopalea to show its stuff. After
the fall, Max’s entire body hurt, especially his
jaw, torso and leg.
Anne, always the resourceful mom, suggested
that he try Nopalea, and the next morning Max
woke up feeling great. “I can’t believe it,” Max
said, “This stuff really works and I don’t have
any pain at all.” Anne adds, “Max tells everyone
he knows about his experience with Nopalea.
It really works. Now, anytime he feels any
aches and pains from golfing, he drinks
some Nopalea.”
Nopalea helps the entire family
experience wellness
In fact, everyone in the family is sold on
Nopalea. Max’s sisters, Symantha and Adrienne,
are both very active and just love Nopalea’s
naturally fruity taste. Anne recently put
Nopalea to the test when she had a bad sinus
headache. “I try to avoid aspirin and I always
prefer a natural
solution,” she remarks.
“Within 10 minutes of
taking Nopalea, my
severe headache pain
completely went away.”
Max’s father, Craig, had a
scary incident on the golf
course when his leg was
hanging off the golf cart.
After he pushed the gas
pedal, his knee twisted and his entire leg was
throbbing with pain. Craig was especially
concerned because he had to walk 18 holes the
next day to accompany Max at a golf tourna-
ment. After taking several ounces of Nopalea,
Craig’s pain was reduced 50% by the next
morning. Knowing he was on to a good thing,
Craig repeated the same amount the following
day and the rest of the pain soon disappeared.
“It sure is nice to know that both Max and my
husband are out there, feeling good because
of Nopalea,” Anne enthuses.
Just the start of their product success
The family’s success with Nopalea isn’t a
surprise, because they’ve been satisfied TriVita
Members since 2001. Anne was originally
introduced to the company when she saw the
Sublingual B-12 TV infomercial hosted by James
and Betty Robison. “I became very loyal to this
excellent product,” says Anne, “and the kids
love it, too. From that point on, I felt very
comfortable trying other TriVita products.”
When Anne’s mother was told by her doctor
that she might have a serious eye condition that
could cause vision loss, Anne bought her some
. Shortly after Anne’s mom started
using it, her vision in both eyes improved so
much that she asked Anne to order an addi-
tional supply. Bottom line: both eyes improved
dramatically. Family members have added
TriVita’s CoQ-10 and Vital C Crystals and
Tablets to their nutritional regimen.
Ann also realizes that good health depends on
more than quality supplements. She is a very
nutrition-minded parent who serves lots of
fruits and vegetables and makes sure that the
family’s diet includes the best from every food
group. “Nutrition is so important,” she says.
“Eating healthy foods is essential for the mind,
body and spirit.”
However, Nopalea will always be the
family’s trusty tool to help them feel good
and stay healthy.  
“This stuff really works and
I don’t have any pain at all.”
– Anne
Member Spotlight
Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge?
See page 11.
Nopalea™ helps
Max shoot for
Max and his sisters, Symantha and Adrienne.
1 Get started
Your retirement plan is just a starting point. It should be
realistic, but doesn’t need to be perfect. Don’t worry about
when or where you’ll retire or how much you will spend.
As you get closer to retirement you can continue to refine
the plan.
2 Use a retirement calculator
You’ll want to measure your progress toward retirement by
using a Retirement Assessment tool. These are readily
available online through a variety of private investment
firms. In addition, the Social Security Administration and
Canadian government offer retirement calculators at and These tools project
expected income from your investments, as well as from
sources such as Social Security to see your potential
retirement resources.
3 Save more
Most people need to increase their savings rate to reach their
retirement goal. No one can anticipate stock market perfor-
mance, but we can control our spending and savings habits.
Track your expenses and look for areas where you can cut
back and save more for retirement. Consider increasing
contributions to your retirement account.
4 Make full use of tax-advantaged accounts
One way to increase retirement savings is to maximize
contributions to your tax-advantaged retirement accounts.
With traditional IRAs and 401(k) plans, you pay no taxes on
contributions – and they grow tax free while they stay in
your account. Also, if you have a 401(k) plan through your
employer and they offer a company match, contribute at
least enough to get the full match.
5 Allocate your assets
Choose the right combination of stocks, bonds and cash that
matches your tolerance for risk and your need to develop a
retirement nest egg. Stocks offer greater potential return
– and exposure to risk. Bonds and cash can help balance
some of the volatility of stocks.
6 Review your plan each year
Review your retirement plan at least once a year and
following any major life event, including marriage, divorce
or death of a spouse.
7 Consolidate your retirement accounts
If you have similar retirement accounts, then it’s a good idea
to consolidate them to get a better idea of your total
retirement savings. A rollover IRA will let you combine
similar assets into a single account that will be easier to
review and manage. If you roll over account balances directly
from your old 401(k) to your new rollover IRA, you may
avoid early withdrawal penalties and protect the tax-
advantaged status of your savings.
8 Act now and don’t wait
Many times, people take the right steps to create a sound
retirement strategy and then fail to put it in motion. But
if you think you’ll do better by waiting until the next
“perfect” time to start planning, then you could end up
waiting too long.
9 Don’t count on inheritance
A recent report by the American Association of Retired
People (AARP) found that only one-fifth of baby-boomers
had received an inheritance by the end of 2004, and the
median amount was only $64,000. Therefore, most people
shouldn’t count on an inheritance to bail them out.
10 Do your own reality check
Manage your expectations and stay flexible. There’s no one
magical formula for retirement. And no matter how well you
plan, nothing is certain. By planning now you will be in a
much better position to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
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itamin C is crucial to your
good health, yet according
to the 2005 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, most
adults don’t get enough Vitamin C
in their diets. Your body needs
this water-soluble vitamin for
normal development and growth,
in addition to many other
health benefits.
Why you need Vitamin C
Humans can’t produce or store Vitamin C. And
while Vitamin C deficiency is rare, you must
replenish your body’s supply of this vital nutrient
every day. Why? Because it’s involved in so many
functions of the human body.
•	Formation of collagen – Vitamin C is
required to form collagen; collagen is a
protein which makes the body’s connective
tissues such as blood vessels, tendons,
ligaments, bone and skin.
•	Growth and repair – Vitamin C is neces-
sary for the growth and repair of tissues in
all parts of your body.
•	Wound healing
•	Maintenance of teeth and gums
•	Iron absorption – Vitamin C enhances the
absorption of iron from the diet.
•	Immune system function – Vitamin C
supports the immune system, including the
activation of certain white blood cells.
Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant,
protecting your body from free radicals; these
damaging molecules can result from metabolism,
environmental toxins and stress. Free radicals
have been implicated in conditions ranging
from heart disease and cancer to arthritis and
inflammation. And, free radicals can lead to
premature aging. In addition to protecting
against free radicals, Vitamin C can help
extend the lifespan of other antioxidants
such as Vitamins A and E.
Studies have also shown that Vitamin C may
positively affect blood pressure, stroke risk, skin
appearance, inflammation and more.
Load up on Vitamin C
It’s easy to get Vitamin C in your diet because
all fruits and vegetables contain some Vitamin
C. Health experts recommend five servings
of fruits and vegetables for children, seven for
women and nine for men, so you can boost
your Vitamin C intake while meeting other
nutritional needs. Load up your grocery cart
with these Vitamin C-rich foods: green peppers,
citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli,
turnip greens, sweet and white potatoes,
cantaloupe, papaya, mango, watermelon,
brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, winter
squash, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries,
cranberries and pineapples.
Eat fruits and veggies raw or minimally cooked;
overcooking can leach out the nutrients. You
can reach your recommended servings by
making fruit and veggie “packs” for snacking and
by including them as part of your main meals.
A high-quality supplement can also help
ensure you get the daily Vitamin C you need
for optimal health.
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  • 1. Read powerful Nopalea WellnessStories Insideonpages16-17 August 2010 HCY Awareness Month – great savings on heart healthy products Buy one get second same featured product at 50%OFF good through 8-31-10 homocysteine: how to curb the deadly destroyer Is gluten making you sick? Nopalea™ keepsthis 11-year-old onhisgame
  • 2. 2  l  VITAJOURNAL 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness™: the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Let your lungs fill deep down, hold, then exhale toxins and stress. 2. Drink Water Nature’s best beverage not only quenches thirst, but also enhances energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Every body needs the rest and repair that comes with a regular sleep routine. 4. Eat Nutritiously Feed both body and mind with healthy, nourishing food for life. 5. Enjoy Activity Let an active lifestyle move you to improved health and wellness in all ways. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you can enhance your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving When you let go of old grudges, your hands are open to accept feelings of peace. 8. Practice Gratitude A thankful heart releases stress, making room for greater happiness and health. 9. Develop Acceptance If you can’t change it, accept it and move on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life to achieve complete well-being. Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21... Have you ever considered that your beliefs could be a major determining factor for your health and wellness? I am not referring to religious beliefs but to the beliefs we hold about lifestyle, genetics and even fate as it relates to our wellness. Have you ever seriously questioned how you arrived at the beliefs you have about living with health and wellness? What if there was a whole new level of well-being you could enjoy by simply altering your beliefs about this wonderful way of living? Obviously this article will not be of much interest to anyone looking for a magic potion, but I invite everyone on a wellness journey with me to probe this most interesting subject: the connection between our beliefs/behaviors and the degree of wellness we enjoy. I was sharing these ideas with someone I greatly respect and they offered a challenge to my simple theory: People believe in the fact that if they eat fewer calories they will lose weight, and yet many North Americans are seriously overweight. As we discussed this further, we both agreed that most people also believe they cannot eat fewer calories because food offers many emotional benefits. They do not believe they can change their long-term behavior to sustain a healthy weight. For example, stressful or anxious people will eat food to comfort their feelings. Others find that social events influence their food intake. How do you attend a social function and not show your enthusiastic participation by overeating? Television watching also causes many people to overeat: Chips, dips, sodas and buttered popcorn make the occasion even more enjoyable. By simply observing human behavior, we can conclude that our beliefs will dictate our actions and attitude in life. For example, before Columbus sailed west and discovered the North American continent, the populace believed the world was flat. That’s why so much sailing was done north and south following land bearings. This belief had its advantages in that it created the great trading opportunities between Europe and the mid-eastern countries as they sailed the land bearings north and south. But to sail west across the Atlantic meant dropping off a cliff into the dark abyss somewhere at the end of the flat earth. The simple belief in the false idea of the world being flat determined the actions of an entire group of courageous sailors and traders for centuries. Our beliefs are so powerful that we seek to align our actions to our beliefs. This is true as it relates to health and wellness as well as other important things in our lives, such as acquiring wealth. We are not robots or machines that can be set on a permanent course, but we are individuals given the freedom to choose the beliefs that dictate the behaviors we act out in what we call lifestyle. Have you considered who (or what) has influenced your beliefs about health and wellness? Parents and grandparents obviously have a significant impact on our beliefs, but so do spiritual leaders such as pastors, priests or rabbis. What about friends, social clubs… and our medical professionals? It is an interesting question to pose, as most self-imposed limitations on our ability to enhance our health and wellness will generally be found in our beliefs, which have been shaped by someone other than ourselves. North Americans have a disdain towards hypocrisy as was recently demonstrated by the reactions to Tiger Woods when his behavior was exposed. His behavior was not in alignment with the image of not only a great golfer, but a great husband, father, businessman and an endorser of the all American life. Not to be presumptuous about advice for Tiger Woods, but it was because he embraced the belief that he could have whatever he wanted (as he admitted), that certain behaviors were allowed to follow. Another serious question to ask ourselves: How often do we allow our beliefs to change to fit our behaviors so that we don’t feel like hypocrites? Remember, we as North Americans have significant societal influence to disdain hypocrisy! For example, someone is struggling with their weight even to Believing your way to health and wellness by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder “If we desire to live with optimal wellness to live out our life purposes, we must challenge our beliefs and our behaviors, and bring them into alignment with wellness principles.”
  • 3. ON MY MIND EDITOR’s NOTE I n this August issue of the VitaJournal, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew, expands on the often misunderstood topic of homocysteine. If you’re concerned about a family history of degenerative type illnesses, you’ll want to find out more on this subject and what you can do to help protect yourself. You’ll also enjoy reading about young Max, age 11, featured on our cover. This young golf prodigy is telling everyone about his Nopalea experience. Recently I was reflecting on my own health and how being at TriVita these past 11 years has positively influenced the way I take care of myself. Losing my father and brother to heart disease is something that has made me aware of potential risks, so I make a conscious effort to take care of my whole self the best I can. Being part of the TriVita family certainly has given me the right tools. Being mindful of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness and having access to life-changing products has not only changed my outlook, but perhaps put me on a healthier path for my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. Also this month, Chaplain Gene Henderson shares his thoughts on Optimal Spirituality. I like what he says about internal values and external forces and how they relate to choices we make. I was reminded of something that happened a few weeks ago. On my morning walk, I cut through the area behind a local grocery store. Many people in the area often leave shopping carts around the property without taking the time to return them to the store. This particular morning, as I passed a stranded basket, I felt compelled to turn around, get the basket and push it back to the store. I actually had a struggle internally for a few seconds on whether or not to obey this prompting. I rationalized that there were people who were paid to do this, so why should I bother? But then I felt like God was saying, “Wow – if you can’t even recognize that I’m speaking to you and obey me on this little item, how will you ever obey me on the big stuff?” 23 The Blissful Balance of “Optimal Spirituality” Dwelling where body, mind and spirit converge. 25 Nopalea Helps Max Shoot For Success “This stuff really works and I don’t have any pain at all.” 28 Unlocking the Gluten Mystery Why this common protein sometimes causes misery. August2010 Inside 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  3 Grocery shopping tips to enhance your weight loss success. 20 It's never too late to learn. 14 The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. 4 Getting To the Heart of Homocysteine Lower homocysteine helps decrease disease risk. 9 Smart Eating for Back to School Start the school year off right with these tasty, healthy foods. 11 How Nopalea™ Aids in the Healing Process Betalain antioxidants play a vital role. 12 The Cholesterol/Heart Attack Connection Separating the myths from facts about cholesterol. 16 It Has Worked Wonders Nopalea Wellness Challenge participants share their remarkable stories. What's making me tired? 8 Editor’s Note continued on page 21...
  • 4. 4  l  VITAJOURNAL Gettingtotheheartofhomocysteine Lowerhomocysteinehelpsdecreasediseaserisk T he economy of North America is amazingly complex. Can you imagine how short-sighted it would be to take a single element of the economy and focus intently on that single transaction to the exclusion of all other factors? For example, the sale of “widgets” may be important to our comfort and convenience. We could spend all of our time focused on the sale of widgets without any consideration for manufacturing, import/export, farming, banking, real estate, etc. Any attempt to fix the entire economy would have to consider all of the important elements involved, right? Every element of the economy is important and interconnected. With homocysteine metabolism, it is much the same. One important element in solving the problem of elevated homocysteine (HCY) is getting enough folate from our diet and folic acid from our supplements. Folates turn on an enzyme that neutralizes some homocysteine. Can you imagine how short-sighted it would be to focus only on one enzyme to the exclusion of all other factors? Homocysteine metabolism is incredibly complex! Every facet is important and many nutrients are interconnected in getting rid of excessive levels of HCY. A tale of two studies Homocysteine (HCY) has been studied in medicine behind the scenes for more than 40 years now. Here is what we have found: Excessive levels of HCY have definitely been linked to many serious conditions from heart attacks to stroke, from osteoporosis to Alzheimer’s Disease. We know that a low homocysteine number equals a low risk of these diseases. Stroke occurs when there is a problem with blood flow to the brain, or if there is bleeding within the brain. Strokes may cause reversible or irreversible paralysis, visual changes, coma, and problems with speech or dementia. Most strokes are not fatal, though death is a possible outcome. People with diabetes, high cholester- ol, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), and hypertension have increased risk of stroke. Homocysteine was first linked to stroke in 1966. Pioneering medical researcher Kilmer McCully discovered that young people with high levels of homocysteine had heart attacks and strokes more often than people of the same age with lower levels of homocysteine. Today there is no dispute: A high level of homocyste- ine is a strong predictor of stroke at any age. We also know that a balance of dietary folates, HCY supplements and antioxidants may help reduce the level of homocysteine as well as reduce risk for disability from HCY-related conditions. Recently, two studies (the NORVIT study and the HOPE-2 study) used a generic supplement to treat people with advanced cardiovascular disease, either a heart attack or stroke. What did they find and how does this affect you? Our wellness journey Before I answer this I want you to think of the Titanic and how even the name “Titanic” is associated with disaster. Imagine what would have happened if the captain of that ship changed his course the day before the icebergs appeared in their path. Would the outcome have been different? Imagine if he had changed his course two days before the disaster. Would the outcome have been even better? My point is this: The earlier you change your course with respect to your health, the better are your chances for a healthy outcome! The people in the NORVIT and HOPE-2 trials had already struck the iceberg, so to speak. They had already experienced a heart attack or stroke. They already had advanced artery disease. By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
  • 5. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  5 Changing course at this time was not really expected to cause much improvement in outcome – but it did! The people taking a B-complex reduced their homocysteine by 25% and reduced their rate of death and disability from strokes by 25%! So, even at this critical time in their life, many people experienced the benefits of homocysteine reduction. Sadly, those with advanced heart disease were “too close to the iceberg” to benefit much from lowering their homocysteine. For them, it was just “too little, too late.” Their rate of heart attacks did not change and many of them died. However, 40 years of medical research still tells us that changing the course of our wellness journey earlier, before a serious health crisis, will result in a healthier life. Supplements aren’t enough Using high levels of folic acid may reduce some homocysteine but it will not give us the health benefits we desire. A comprehensive approach to HCY reduction must include dietary folates and antioxidants. Our first step, then, is to eat the appropriate number of servings of fruit and vegetables: 5 servings for children, 7 servings for women and 9 servings for men. Also, our supplements should include all of the B vitamins and other nutrients known to facilitate HCY metabolism and reduce homocysteine. When all factors are included – diet, supple- ments and lifestyle – then homocysteine is reduced and health is improved. Intense nutrition needed The HOPE-2 trial started at the turn of this century and the NORVIT trial shortly afterward. Both showed encouraging results. In 2004 another trial started for a new, more aggressive product for reducing homocysteine. The study was conducted by Mark Mattie, MD, PhD of Yale University and Bridgeport University. The result of the study demonstrated that the complete ingredients found in TriVita’s HCY Guard ® added to the effectiveness of B vitamins and reduced homocysteine an incredible 35%! Imagine what this means for your health. How do I prevent a stroke? Stroke is the third leading cause of death in both the United States and Canada. However, experts estimate that 80% of strokes can be prevented. Help reduce your stroke risk with these tips from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: • Know your blood pressure. • Don't smoke. • Get tested for diabetes. • Get your cholesterol and triglyceride levels tested. • Maintain a healthy weight. • If you drink alcohol, limit it to no more than one drink a day. • Find healthy ways to cope with stress. As captain of your ship, you simply cannot afford to wait until you “see icebergs” to change the course of your health. Have your homocysteine level tested frequently. (You may have to ask your healthcare provider for this test as it is not routine.) If it is too high, reduce it by eating high-folate, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and by taking HCY Guard, the only supplement proven in university studies to reduce HCY by 35%! But remember, HCY Guard is protection, not treatment. We must make a significant commitment if we are to fully experience health benefits. This includes a healthy diet and lifestyle – all of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. For more information on HCY Guard, see page 13. High HCY and inflammation – key causes of cardiac disease High homocysteine levels can lead to dangerous inflammation. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Over time, plaque build-up hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke or even death. Narrowing of artery Abnormal blood flow Plaque Narrowed artery Plaque Normal artery Artery wall Normal blood flow Artery cross-section
  • 6. I s someone in your life struggling with attention problems? Does he or she tend to be over-active or too impulsive? Such behaviors are recognized more and more as legitimate mental health issues, and the role played by Vitamin B-12 is also gaining recognition. First, let’s look at just what these health issues are. Attention and focus problems can show up as a range of behavioral issues, sometimes a combination of inattentiveness, over-activity and impulsivity. While most research into this area has focused on children, studies have suggested that the symptoms continue into adulthood in up to 50% of adults who had the condition in childhood. Of course, some of the behaviors we’re talking about are to be expected in children, but when several symptoms occur that exceed the normal range for a child’s age, a clinical diagnosis may be made. If you’re a concerned parent or grandparent, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms. Attention disorders aren’t restricted to children. While these issues are long-term, adults can often better control their behavior, and disguise their symptoms. Symptoms to watch for The symptoms that make up attention and focus disorders can be broken down into three specific areas: inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Inattentiveness 1. Doesn’t pay attention to details, or makes careless errors in work or school assignments 2. Has trouble maintaining attention in work or play 3. Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to 4. Doesn’t follow through, fails to finish schoolwork, chores or workplace duties 5. Has trouble organizing tasks and activities 6. Resists activities such as schoolwork that require sustained mental focus 7. Tends to lose items needed for tasks or activities, such as toys, pencils or books 8. Is easily distracted 9. Is often forgetful Hyperactivity 1. Has restless hands or feet, or squirms in a seat 2. Leaves a seat when staying seated is expected 3. Runs around or climbs in inappropriate situations 4. Has trouble playing quietly 5. Is often excessively active or talkative Impulsivity 1. Blurts out answers before questions are finished 2. Has difficulty waiting his or her turn 3. Interrupts or breaks into others’ conversations or games While the cause of attention disorders isn’t yet pinpointed we do know this: it’s one of the most commonly-diagnosed behavioral problems. As much as 5% of school-aged children have this disorder. B-12: proven brain-boosting power, vital to mental wellness There are prescription drugs available to treat problems with attention and focus. But as you may know, these powerful drugs can have serious side effects. 6  l  VITAJOURNAL Vitamin B-12, attention and focus: how they’re linked Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth B-12 Update by Dr. Scott Conard Correcting a deficiency could help mental function
  • 7. There is strong clinical evidence to support the link between essential nutrients and vitamins – particularly Vitamin B-12 – and mental function. Studies have shown that a B-12 deficiency may decrease levels of substances needed to transmit nerve signals. This reduced ability to transmit nerve signals has shown up in brain tests conducted on children with attention disorders. In people of any age, this problem with nerve signals can lessen or damage mental functioning. So, in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, I recommend that everyone get enough essential vitamins like B-12. One of the best ways to make sure that you or a loved one get enough B-12 is to take TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 Folic Acid. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  7 “Thank you TriVita for providing this mother with such tremendous joy in seeing her family happy and healthy!” “Dr. Libby’s Sublingual B-12 has been a godsend for my son. He was diagnosed six years ago with attention and focus disorder. At that time he was frustrated, inattentive, uncooperative, despondent and suicidal. We had no alternative but to put him on a prescription medication. After two years and several dosage increases I decided to look for a more natural approach. We started him on an herbal stimulant with little success. Then, I had him take two tablets per day of TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and he’s doing beautifully. He is calm, happy, focused and as cooperative as a teenager can be. I’m very confident that he’ll be able to handle high school with ease – thanks to TriVita! Secondly, my husband is also on Sublingual B-12 for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). We moved to New Hampshire 11 years ago and ever since, my husband has experienced prolonged sadness every winter from the lack of sunlight. Last winter Paul started taking two Sublingual B-12 tablets every day. That did the trick! He felt better than he had in years and he won’t go anywhere without it. Thank you TriVita for providing this mother with such tremendous joy in seeing her family happy and healthy!”* Marge P., Member – Merrimack, NH success stories Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITAFor maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints SPECIALPRICE * You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider.
  • 8. 8  l  VITAJOURNAL D o you collapse on the couch when you get home? Perhaps you lack the energy – or desire – to do the things you usually enjoy. Why are you just so tired all the time? Most likely, you’re suffering from fatigue. What’s in a name? Many of us use the words tired, sleepy and fatigued interchangeably, but though fatigue can result from a lack of sleep, it’s actually quite different from sleepiness. Sound confusing? Let’s break it down. Fatigue Fatigue is generally described as a lack of energy and motivation – with a wide variety of possible causes: lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, sleep disorders, depression or grief, stress, overwork, poor diet, medical conditions, underactive or overactive thyroid gland, certain medications. Sleepiness At one point or another, everyone experiences sleepiness. However, when sleepiness interferes with daily routines and activities, it can become problem sleepiness. It may be caused by your body’s natural sleep cycles, lack of sleep, sleep disorders or certain drugs. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute lists the following as symptoms of problem sleepiness: • Consistently do not get enough sleep, or get poor quality sleep • Fall asleep while driving • Struggle to stay awake when inactive, such as when watching TV or reading • Have difficulty paying attention or concentrating at work, school or home • Have performance problems at work or school • Have difficulty remembering • Have slowed responses • Have difficulty controlling your emotions • Must take naps on most days If you think you’re getting enough sleep but still experience problem sleepiness, consult your healthcare provider. Wake up! Although the very nature of fatigue makes it difficult for us to even want to fight it, we have to combat it to live a life of optimal wellness. Try the at-home strategies below to fight fatigue and problem sleepiness. Get out of debt… sleep debt, that is When you don’t get enough sleep, you start to build a sleep “debt.” Just like a credit card with high interest, once you charge too much, it becomes more and more of a burden to pay off. Get your sleep finances back in order with these tips for better sleep. • Get the right amount of sleep each night. Although it varies from person to person, the average adult needs about 8 to 8.5 hours of shuteye each night. • Get up and go to bed at the same times every day, even weekends. • Sleep in a cool, dark room. • Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol late in the day. Exercise regularly Studies show that exercise can increase your energy levels. In one study, 20 minutes of low-intensity aerobic activity three times a week increased energy levels by 20% and decreased fatigue by 65%! Not only that, but exercise can help you fall asleep and have a better quality of sleep. Be sure to avoid exercising 2-3 hours before bedtime. Eat a balanced diet Food is your body’s fuel; if you’re using cheap fuel, your “motor” may be chugging. Upgrade to premium with healthy balanced meals and snacks. Include plenty of vegetables as well as proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and whole grains. Also be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration is a notorious energy thief. You may also want to supplement your diet with a high-quality multivitamin. Putting these fatigue-fighting steps into action can help restore your energy and motivation – and bring you back to life! However, if your fatigue is not relieved by adequate sleep, healthy diet and stress reduction, consult your healthcare provider. Call 1-800-991-7116 and ask a Wellness Consultant which TriVita products may help you fight fatigue. WhyamIsotiredallthetime? Fight back against fatigue
  • 9. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  9 M orning, noon and night, it’s important that children heading back to school (and adults at any stage) get the healthy foods that help them function. Here, some smart choices to start the school year off with high marks. By Christa Orecchio, Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor Breakfast Our grandmothers were right when they said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. The first thing kids put in their bodies is certainly key, and will set the stage for the entire day, dramatically affecting their energy levels as well as their ability and desire to focus and learn. Protein and healthy fat are the two key ingredients to a healthy, sustainable breakfast. Try one of the following: 1. Protein smoothie: 1 scoop of high quality (hormone- and antibiotic-free) whey or egg white protein powder, a cup of frozen berries, a cup of unsweetened almond or coconut milk, a pinch of greens powder or juice (or ¼ cup of spinach) and 1T ground flaxseeds. You can add a teaspoon of raw honey if a sweeter taste is desired. 2. Oatmeal (or leftover brown rice) with ground flaxseeds or hemp seeds mixed in with some protein powder. Or, serve a hard-cooked egg on the side. 3. Sprouted whole grain toast with unsweetened peanut butter or almond butter and raw honey, plus a pinch of cinnamon. What should you send with your child to school and what should you feed them afterward? Have a look at my healthy snack list to see which items might best excite your child’s taste buds. These are healthy choices that you can feel good about. Snacks For that satisfying “crunch,” try these good-for-you options: • Rice cakes, rice crackers or raw flax crackers • Light popcorn or plain popcorn: use coconut oil to pop in a covered pan • Spelt or kamut pretzels, or kamut graham crackers • Carrots: particularly the super sweet, organic baby carrots • Crunchy raw veggies and dip (hummus, tabouleh, vinaigrette or a favorite dressing) • Celery and peanut butter or almond butter (use non-hydrogenated peanut butter) • Hummus with sprouted whole grain toast/ tortillas, baby carrots, flax or rice crackers • Raw cashews or almonds – or make your own trail mix! Who doesn’t like something sweet? Here are tasty choices: • Fresh, whole fruit or frozen grapes or berries • Organic plain yogurt and ripe fruit with stevia or raw honey • Apples and almond butter with a touch of cinnamon • Sprouted date bread with naturally- sweetened jam • Frozen yogurt or kefir: freeze your own! • Dried fruit mix and raw cacao nibs More sweet ideas: • Use leftover brown rice to make sweet porridge: drizzle maple syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon, add almond milk and serve. • Smoothies: mix whatever you have in the kitchen, such as fruit, ice, almond/rice milk, plain yogurt, carob or cacao powder, bee pollen, greens mix, etc. • Fruit “ice cream”: peel a banana, freeze, blend in a food processor with nuts, berries or raisins and serve. For a creamier consistency, put through the screen of a juicer. • Freshly-squeezed fruit juices: make your own and try different combos. • Sweet vegetables: yams, sweet potatoes, squashes (acorn or butternut). Cut into chunks; sprinkle with cinnamon and bake or add maple syrup to a baked sweet potato. For that satisfying salty taste without excess sodium, snack on these: • Olives or unpasteurized pickles • Raw French feta or raw goat cheese • Tabouleh, or tzaziki hummus (with chickpeas or black beans) • Steamed vegetables with tamari (wheat-free soy sauce) • Baked blue corn tortilla chips and salsa or guaca- mole: try whole grain chips and freshly made salsa • Roasted nuts • Raw flax chips, raw corn chips, raw kale chips Smarteatingforbacktoschool
  • 10. Like so many people, TriVita employees have experienced remarkable results with Nopalea. This month, Jeani Stoeckel in Affiliate Member Services shares the story of her wellness challenges, and how Nopalea has helped her thrive. W hat would your life be like if every breath produced sharp pain? If sleep was shattered, driving a car was an effort, and it even hurt to talk? That’s been the burden that Jeani Stoeckel carried for years – until she tried Nopalea. As an Affiliate Member Consultant, Jeani speaks with Affiliate Members daily about TriVita and its products. Ever since Nopalea was introduced, she’s been hearing testimonials about the remarkable results Nopalea has brought to so many. “I thought, ‘I should try this for myself,’” she recalls. “I was desperate to get back to a healthy life!” A case of pneumonia 18 years ago triggered episodes of lung inflammation that would strike Jeani several times a year. “Every time I started a new exercise regimen, about a week later the inflammation would set in. It was very, very painful. When it would flare up, I could hardly do anything: walk, talk, bend over, just any kind of movement.” She couldn’t even get relief from sleep, because it hurt to lie down. “Even being on the phone for my job was painful: You have to breathe to talk” What’s more, the lung inflammation would bring with it flu-like symptoms, which added to her pain and discomfort. Achy all over, Jeani could barely drive, and housework was out of the question. She consulted a doctor, who told her she had a breathing problem brought on by exercise. “The only way to get the pain to go away was to take high doses of over-the-counter pain relievers. I couldn’t do laundry, wash dishes, go on hikes or even walk around the neighborhood. I was able to work, but even being on the phone for my job was painful.” The listening part of her job, hearing others rave about their Nopalea results, spurred Jeani to take action. “Every workday, I was hearing so many people talk about the relief Nopalea gave them from allergies, breathing problems and other issues related to inflammation. I was very hopeful that it could help me, too. I started myself on 6 ounces of Nopalea daily, and at the same time started exercising again.” The results for Jeani? “I didn’t have a single problem with lung inflammation! It was amazing!” When she stopped taking Nopalea, her symptoms returned Shortly after she felt the astonishing change in her wellness with Nopalea, a family situation caused her to stop taking it. “My son has really bad breathing problems and when his symptoms flared up recently, I stopped taking my Nopalea and gave it to him. He got tremendous relief from his symptoms… but after about a week I noticed I was having trouble taking a deep breath. Needless to say, I got myself back on Nopalea, and back on track.” Now, when Jeani shares the great news about Nopalea with others, she speaks from her own dramatic experience. “I promote Nopalea all the time, whether I’m talking with Affiliate Members or friends and family. I urge people to start off with the Loading Phase: 3-6 ounces per day for 30 days.” Jeani admits to one regret about her Nopalea well- ness experience. “I just wish I had started on it sooner. I would have had that much more time to enjoy life without pain.” Experiencing Wellness within TriVita Nopalea™ is Jeani's breath of fresh air Nowshecanwork,playandlivewithoutpain Jeani Stoeckel Affiliate Member Consultant With TriVita since 2003 10  l  VITAJOURNAL
  • 11. D o you ever wonder how it is that a cut or a bruise heals after a certain amount of time? Think about it for a moment. You get a paper cut on your finger and you bleed. You wrap a bandage around the cut, and within a few days, the cut is gone. Amazingly, your body is able to heal itself. Sometimes it takes extra help to heal, though, and that’s where Nopalea comes in. If you’ve been reading about (or experiencing for yourself) the astonishing benefits of this breakthrough wellness drink, journey right down to the cellular level to find out more. The human body’s miraculous power to heal itself is due in part to a force called homeostasis, which activates the immune system, hormones, nerves and other important systems to start the healing process. Homeostasis arranges the cells in your body to maintain balance under even severe conditions. It uses inflammation to rebuild your cells after an injury, illness or even extreme emotional stress. Once the healing process is complete, homeostasis returns your body to a state of vibrant and essential balance – without the damaging effects of excess inflammation. Sometimes, the body can’t heal itself There are times, however, when your body cannot heal itself, because runaway inflammation prevents homeostasis from rebuilding your cells. Runaway inflammation and free radicals (unstable molecules which are also damaging to cells) are the result of the body’s exposure to toxins, direct trauma, nutrient deficiencies and stress. A cell overwhelmed by inflammation may be damaged beyond repair, causing the cell to prematurely die. Damaged, dead cells must be 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  1111  l  VITAJOURNAL Nopalea,abreakthroughinwellnessdrinks Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 4-Pack Savings Nopalea™ 4-Pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. Taking Nopalea daily can help your body: • Lessen inflammation • Promote optimal health which causes pain right down to your cells • Cleanse itself • Protect against of daily toxins premature aging Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. removed from the body or they will become the focus of infection and illness. So how can we remove these dead cells, and protect our healthy cells against excess inflammation? Betalains to the “rescue” There’s a group of special nutrients designed to balance inflammation. If you’ve taken Nopalea, you’ve probably heard of its main ingredient, Betalains. These are a class of antioxidants that help rescue cells by helping your body put out the fire of free radicals. Toxins are then drained away from the cell, and Betalains seep into the cell, reinforcing and returning it to good health. Betalains also help a special immune system cell called a macrophage (meaning “big eater”) to engulf any dead or diseased cells in the body that cannot be repaired. The macrophages help eliminate the dead cells from your body. Daily servings of Nopalea will provide you with the Betalains that help relieve inflammation and rescue cells under attack by free radicals. Further, Betalains act to clean up the dead cells and help protect against them becoming a target for illness or sickness. Betalains help you thrive as they help your body control inflammation and support the wonder of homeostasis. The more we can protect our body from assault and help detoxify and rebuild our cells, the healthier we can live, and the more gracefully we may age. We now know that the body’s exposure to toxins, direct trauma, nutrient deficiencies and stress can cause runaway inflammation and free radical damage. The Betalains in Nopalea can help protect your body against toxicity and reduce inflammation that can lead to grave illnesses. Read the amazing stories on pages 16-17 about how Nopalea is changing lives. What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? TheNopaleaWellnessChallengewascreatedtoshowthepowerofNopalea inhelpingthebodyreducechronicinflammationquickly.Completinga NopaleaLoadingPhasecanhelpeasethe“fire”raginginourbodies.Put yourselftotheChallengetoday! • Drink3to6ouncesofchilledNopaleaeachdayfor30days. • FillouttheNopaleaChallengeForm,whichwillbeincludedinyour firstNopaleaorder,totrackyourprogressduringtheChallenge. • ReadTheSecretKillerHealthAlert,alsoincludedinyourfirst Nopaleaorder. • Experienceincrediblewellness.Shareyourstorywithusby Why a Nopalea Loading Phase? WhentakingNopaleaforthefirsttime,drink3to6ounceseachday,for 30days.ThisLoadingPhaseissuggestedtohelpyourbodycontainand controltheinflammationithasaccrued.Afterall,yourbody’sstateof inflammationdidnothappenovernight. Imaginethatexcessinflammationisspreadinglikeaforestfireinyour body,andit’soutofcontrol.BycompletingaLoadingPhaseofNopalea, youcanhelpeasethefireofinflammationmorequicklybyaccelerating thecleansinganddetoxificationprocess,thereforehelpingtocontain theinflammation.Formaintenance,drink1to3ounceseachday,but again,thisdependsuponyourbody’sinflammation-fightingneeds. Nopaleaisfoodbased,sotakingmorecanbebeneficialtoyou,as youarefeedingyourbodythenutrientsitneedstohelpreduce runawayinflammation. Betalain antioxidants play a vital role in rebuilding vitality HowNopalea™aidsinthehealingprocess
  • 12. Cholesterol and Heart Attacks “Good” cholesterol? W e use the relative values of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and HDL (“good”) cholesterol to determine where we stand in terms of disease risk. Unfortunately, these numbers are misleading in half of the cases, leading to a false sense of alarm or security. Cholesterol serves as the raw material from which your body makes many hormones. Vitamin D is made from cholesterol and many life-ending diseases are associated with a deficiency of Vitamin D. In truth, all cholesterol is good in the proper balance – even LDL! Cholesterol-rich tissues such as brain cells rely on the fats delivered by LDL in order to function at their best. LDL brings the cholesterol from the liver to the place where it is needed; HDL carries unused cholesterol back to the liver for storage, recycling or excretion. Why cholesterol levels rise • Increased demand The most common reason why cholesterol levels rise is to supply an increased demand. Once your needs have been met, your body should reduce cholesterol production. However, with unrelenting stress and unyielding demands on our limited resources, the message to stop producing cholesterol may never get through. • Stress Stress is one common reason why cholesterol levels rise. • Low-fiber diet Another reason cholesterol levels rise is that we eat a low-fiber diet. Cholesterol is recycled from the liver through the bile into the intestines and back to the liver. In a diet with minimum fiber levels the excess levels of cholesterol will be absorbed and eliminated. In low-fiber diets the cholesterol is reabsorbed and recycled. The system becomes “closed” and levels rise. • Hypercholesterolemia A third, less common reason for elevated cholesterol levels is fatal familial hypercholes- terolemia – a rare genetic condition that causes cholesterol levels to rise uncontrollably. Statin medications were designed to combat this condition. Determining your risk As mentioned at the outset, cholesterol levels alone do not serve us very well as determinants of heart attack risk. Homocysteine (HCY) levels are much more accurate in predicting who is at risk, and C-Reactive protein (CRP) is the best predictor for heart attack (as well as many other really bad conditions!). Learn more about these and other wellness topics by dialing in to the Wellness Talks and signing up for Weekly Wellness Reports. Call 1-800-991-7116 today! Learn how to take control of your health and stay on top of critical health issues with the Weekly Wellness Report and Wellness Talks. Below is just one example of what you might read or hear. Sign up for the email today and call in every week! Brazos Minshew TriVita Chief Science Officer 12  l  VITAJOURNAL TriVita is a community Two ways to enjoy FREE Member Exclusives that help
  • 13. Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. • HCY Guard has been clinically proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels 30-40% in just 42 days. • Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures that you continue to maintain healthy homocysteine levels. • HCY Guard has an exclusive blend of nutrients, specifically chosen for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into your bloodstream. HCY Guard® #30460 Non-Member $29.99 Member $23.99 Redeem with 240 VitaPoints Buy one HCY Guard get second one 50% OFF good through 8-31-10 Helpreducetherisk ofdegenerative diseasesbytaking HCYGuarddaily Just dial in for potential topics that include: • Cholesterol – How it rises • Product questions • Healthy blood pressure • Healthy heart • 10 Essentials – how they affect your quality of life • And much more! Join the live call… it’s easy and FREE… just dial in! Look for your emailed report on vital health topics. Brazos Minshew has created a Weekly Wellness Report filled with critical health information. His interesting, easy-to-understand articles are written exclusively for the Weekly Wellness Report and emailed to TriVita Members who have a valid email address on file. Weekly Wellness topics include: • Successful weight loss • Natural ways to help improve vision • Effective stress reduction • Healthy aging • And more! Call 1-800-991-7116 today to receive your FREE info-packed, email report! Days: Tuesdays – Saturdays Start time: 7 a.m. PST/ 10 a.m. EST Length of call: Approximately 15 min. Phone number: 1-866-739-2952 Call passcode: 219192# Get dialed in to good health! Email your product-related questions to and Brazos Minshew may address them in future Wellness Talks. Want to stay updated and informed on a range of vital health topics? It’s easy, either by phone or email, with weekly reports from Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer. You’ll also learn about the science behind various TriVita products and how they can help you and people you know. 1. Weekly Wellness Talks 2. Weekly Wellness Reports 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  13 of Wellness Seekers! youonyourjourneytowellness–byPhoneandEmail
  • 14. 14  l  VITAJOURNAL I f the idea of going back to school appeals to you, some other ideas may come up that aren’t so appealing. Maybe you think you’re “too old,” or don’t have the money, or don’t have transportation to a campus. In any of those cases, think fresh: today there are options for students of any age, senior discounts (sometimes even free tuition), and online classes you can attend in your pajamas. Today, education is for everyone. The U.S. Department of Education estimates that 90 million people take part in some form of adult education each year, including training and basic education offered outside traditional higher education. To serve this immense market, most colleges have structured programs and services specifically for adult learners. Forty percent of American college students, or almost six million people, are 25 years of age or older. Reading, writing and reduced (or no) fees About 60% of accredited, degree-granting schools offer tuition waivers for older adults, according to a November 2008 survey by the American Council on Education. Yet fewer than 50 students at each school that runs such a program took advantage of it around the time of the survey. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for example, had 21 seniors enrolled in its tuition waiver program, and 30 participated at the University of Virginia. Why don’t more people take advantage of the free tuition? The requirements can be an obstacle. The waivers often depend on space availability and sometimes require permission from the instructor. And at some colleges, tuition waivers are restricted to credit-bearing courses, while at others only noncredit courses qualify. Some states also have an income cap for eligible participants and require proof of state residency, documentation of retirement and a high school diploma. Colleges that don’t offer tuition waivers sometimes provide tuition discounts to seniors. It may or may not matter to you whether the school you’re interested in is accredited, which means that it’s been evaluated against standard measurements of quality by a recognized organization. To find a searchable database of schools that are accredited by recognized U.S. organizations, visit the web site for the Council for Higher Education at: Online courses: 24/7 learning If you’re not able to attend classes in person, or just prefer not to, online courses are a practical option. Some well-known universities such as Stanford and Yale allow anyone to audit courses (you sit in on the course without earning a grade) online, free of charge. Other colleges waive online course fees just for state residents above a certain age. While there are often costs for books and lab fees, the savings in tuition costs alone can be enormous. And there’s an added plus for the shy: you get to think about your comments and questions in the privacy of your home instead of risking looking silly in public. So however you choose to keep on learning, let today’s options make your choice an easier one, whatever your age, income or personal situation. At any age, school can be an option Try a “just-for-fun” class You don’t need to be a “serious” student to take up a topic or activity you’ve always wanted to try. Whether it’s a short course in pottery-making, a weekly session of swing dancing or an introduction to conversational French, you’ll probably find lots of options locally. Check with your community college or groups like the YMCA and community centers. Community colleges are an especially good resource for mature adults. According to the American Council on Education, about half of college-going adults age 50 and older attend community colleges, primarily for fun, to connect with other people, and to retrain for a new career. What’s more, 84% of community colleges offer courses specifically for students age 50+, according to a recent survey of 204 community colleges by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Be kind to your mind: learn!
  • 15. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  15 I magine yourself waking up every day without worrying about getting ready for work, commuting long hours or answering to a boss. This dream has already become a reality to millions of people who have their direct sales or home-based business. Because of his success as an Affiliate Member, Mike Riedmiller recently resigned his corporate position. “TriVita isn’t just a side business for me,” he says. “I have a multi-million dollar business in my hands that I can build as big as I choose.” Why are so many people giving up the so-called security of the “9 to 5” life and profiting from their own initiative? There are a number of reasons. Many people are tired of dead-end jobs or feel that they’re not being fairly compensated for their work. Others don’t want to have to answer to their boss every day and some prefer to spend more time with their family. Add in long commutes, the high cost of gas, diminishing job security and a multitude of other reasons, and it’s no wonder that people are deciding to become their own bosses. Make sure to consider these important factors when searching for a legitimate direct sales business opportunity. The company must: • Have very good products or services to promote • Be in good standing with business regulatory agencies • Send paychecks out at least once per month on time • Have been successfully in business for at least three years • Offer great support, training and leadership They’re thrilled to leave the corporate rat race and enjoy more freedom Whysomanypeople aregivingupthe “9to5”life TriVita Affiliate Members, Mike and Carisa Riedmiller and family. Affiliate Members explain the advantages of their direct sales businesses “I lost a job that I had held for over 25 years in corporate America with a commercial insurance company. I made a very good salary and I was the bread winner for our family, so that was pretty devastating. Now that I’m a TriVita Affiliate Member I'm really looking forward to a prosperous future where I’m my own boss.” – Denise W., Affiliate Member – Oldsmar, FL “Although I enjoyed solid financial success as a business owner, I paid the price. The downside was grueling work days, lots of financial uncertainty and over five years without a vacation. Becoming a TriVita Affiliate Member is one of the best business moves I’ve ever made. I can finally enjoy life on my own terms.” – Michael B., Affiliate Member – Birmingham, AL “With my TriVita business I am my own boss. There’s no one hovering over me, no unrealistic sales quotas and I have the flexibility to grow my busi- ness at my own speed.” – Sara W., Affiliate Member – Hunnewell, MO “TriVita has freed me from the ‘9 to 5’ grind. I was wary of companies that overpromised and under-delivered. My husband and I are already enjoying our second income, and we plan on becoming financially independent within several years.” – Tula S., Affiliate Member – Revelstoke, BC “Our TriVita business isn’t work – it’s fun. It’s the best business anyone could be in, and it allows us to help people find health and wealth.” – Cody Marty R., Affiliate Members – Prescott Valley, AZ “I had worked in the corporate world for 18 years in a very high-stress job. Now I enjoy a short commute from the bedroom to my office and I can dictate my own schedule.” – Bryan W., Affiliate Member – Colorado Springs, CO If you’d like to find out about becoming a TriVita Affiliate, see page 30 or call 1-800-TRIVITA (874-8482). It’s easy and FREE. There are no guarantees regarding income. Like any other business, success or failure depends on participants’ own skills and effort. success stories
  • 16. 16  l  VITAJOURNAL The Nopalea Wellness Challenge Look what Nopalea™ has done for Remarkable stories (and wellness benefits) worth sharing! What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflammation quickly. Completing a Nopalea Loading Phase can help ease the “fire” raging in our bodies. Put yourself to the Challenge today! • Drink 3 to 6 ounces of chilled Nopalea each day for 30 days. • Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form, which will be included in your first Nopalea order, to track your progress during the Challenge. • Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, also included in your first Nopalea order. • Experience incredible wellness. Call and share your story with us by emailing to: Jessica B. – El Paso, TX Cody and Marty R. – Prescott, AZ “Nopalea is like a miracle in a bottle.” “Nopalea has given me my life back. At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with inflammation of the pancreas and a disorder which causes mucus accumulation and breathing problems. It has been a very difficult and long road with these conditions, because they are not curable, just treatable. I have been on a variety of medications with serious side effects. They robbed me of energy, caused me to look bad and made me very sick. Before Nopalea I was always tired and never able to keep up with my own two-year-old son. That also made me depressed. Now I feel great, look at life in a different way and wish everybody could feel the same way that I do! If you haven't tried this wonderful, natural, ‘life-enhancer’ I recom- mend Nopalea to everybody, because even if you do not suffer from any pain it replenishes your body and mind. Since being on Nopalea, my hair, skin and nails are beautiful again which is amazing because the pain medications robbed my body of nutrients. My body feels 110% better and to me Nopalea is like a miracle in a bottle.*” Jessica B., Member – El Paso, TX B etter wellness, better health and just plain better lives: that’s the bottom line for the people whose Nopalea stories pour into TriVita every day. What will your story be? Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and see for yourself. “We are doing everything we can do today to avoid major health problems tomorrow.” “Nopalea isn’t just another fad product. It’s the real deal and we are one hundred percent sold on it. This product appeals to people of all ages and if you are alive, you are going to see a significant health benefit from Nopalea. We both take it daily and know that it’s helping us neutralize dangerous toxins and lower inflammation, which can lead to a host of serious conditions. We’ve seen firsthand how debilitating chronic pain can be, and we are doing everything we can do today to avoid major health problems tomorrow.” We get a special pleasure from recommending Nopalea to friends and family. For example, we know a young lady who suffers from a serious skin condition. Nothing seemed to work, but after she tried Nopalea, her skin showed dramatic improve- ment. Our next-door neighbor has chronically stiff, swollen and painful joints, and after taking Nopalea every day for a short period he was able to flex his knuckles, something he couldn’t do for a long time. One of our relatives had a double hip replace- ment. We sent him a case of Nopalea. After one week, he told us that he didn’t have nearly as much pain in his hip and could now walk normally.” Cody and Marty R., Affiliate Members – Prescott, AZ
  • 17. them – how about you too? Ed M. – Goldendale, WA Frank H. – Houston, TX Linda Z. – Winkler, MB “You have turned a skeptic into a true believer.” “I recently became a TriVita Member after finding that I am just not comfortable without its products. I have suffered for many years with severe, constant shoulder pain. I have gone through months of physical therapy and pain medications, none of which helped the situation much. Last summer my sister sent me a Nopalea Gift of Health. I have to say I was a serious non-believer, but at this point I was not sleeping, and willing to take a shot at trying anything that might help. I tried Nopalea and it seemed to be helping, but I didn’t notice anything spectacular. At the end of 30 days I felt okay and it seemed as though I was starting to sleep a little easier. But once the Nopalea ran out I just stopped taking it. That’s when I realized what it had done for me. After not being on it for two weeks, the pain (that I hadn’t noticed was gone before) was back, and I headed into the sleep deprivation spiral. Needless to say I ordered another bottle. Now I am on the autoship plan and spreading the word to others about what Nopalea has done for me. I still have times when I forget to take it regularly; however, after just a few days I start to feel my shoulder pain again and I get right back on Nopalea. I would hate to think how I would still feel had I not tried it. You have turned a skeptic into a true believer.*” Ed M., Affiliate Member – Goldendale, WA “The people I have given Nopalea to are overjoyed with the product, its taste and effectiveness.” “It took me 10 years and much wasted time with other companies before I discovered TriVita. Its products are in high demand and I’ve found the company itself and its services very dependable. When I received my first shipment of Nopalea I realized the huge potential this product has with anyone who suffers from pain and inflammation. The presentation of this product is itself a master- piece of marketing which serves to herald the exquisite taste of the rich flavoured nopal nectar within. I look forward to each delivery. The people I have given Nopalea to are overjoyed with the product, its taste and effectiveness. Like me, they love Nopalea. The success of Sonoran Bloom Nopalea is amazing. If you haven’t consid- ered taking the Challenge, I urge you and your friends to do so. Thank you TriVita!” Frank H., Affiliate Member – Houston, TX “I was elated to see that the numbers had gone down substantially.” “I was diagnosed with a condition that caused inflammation of the liver. I was told then that my blood work had been out of whack for five years. That is when I decided to try Nopalea for this inflammation problem, as well as painful arches. I love to walk so I had to do something. After taking Nopalea, the arches in my feet became less painful, so that was good. Then I had to find out about the liver. The enzyme numbers had gone from 150 to 449 in one year. I decided to take the Nopalea and see what my blood tests showed next time around. After two months more lab work was done and I was elated to see that the numbers had gone down substantially. I know that I’m on the right track. I also had a severe coughing problem. I have tried many things with little success, but Nopalea helped reduce the coughing. I just have to be patient, as my body didn’t get to where it is overnight. Since I have only been on this wellness journey for a short time I am very hopeful that my health is going to get even better.” Linda Z., Affiliate Member – Winkler, MB *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  17
  • 18. 18  l  VITAJOURNAL The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness A purposeful life decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s Chicago, Illinois Having a purpose in life is associated with a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease, mild cognitive (mental) impairment, and a slower rate of cognitive decline, it was reported in Archives of General Psychiatry. In the study, over 900 people in senior housing facilities and residences – who did not have dementia at the outset of the study – were followed for 4-7 years. At the beginning of the study, they were given a survey to measure their sense of purpose, and received annual clinical evaluations. Overall, 16.3% of participants developed Alzheimer’s. Researchers found that greater purpose in life substantially reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, in addition to a reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment and a slower rate of cognitive decline. Too much overtime can hurt your heart London, England Overtime work adversely affects coronary health, according to a recent study in the European Heart Journal. Researchers followed 6,014 British civil servants for an average of 11 years and found that 3-4 hours of overtime work per day was associated with a 60% higher risk of heart problems. The risk was independent of other heart disease risk factors such as smoking and obesity. Spending time with friends – not family – makes for a happier retirement Stratford-upon-Avon, England Spending time with friends contributes more to a happy retirement than spending time with family, it was reported at the 2010 British Psychological Society Annual Conference. Researchers from the University of Greenwich recruited 249 retirees through a retirement website and online newsletter. Volunteers answered questions regarding marital status, children, friends and overall satisfaction with life. “Our most surprising finding was that retirees who had children and grandchildren were no more satisfied with life than the retirees without them. Being active in social groups was strongly correlated with higher levels of life satisfaction, however,” said study leader Dr. Oliver Robinson from the University of Greenwich’s School of Health Social Care. Higher levels of life satisfaction were also reported by retirees who were married or in long-term relationships, and by those whose partners were also retired. Yoga may help you watch what you eat Seattle, Washington Yoga increases mindful eating, which can lead to less weight gain over time, say researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “In…[an]… earlier study, we found that middle-age people who practice yoga gained less weight over a 10-year period than those who did not. This was independent of physical activity and dietary patterns. We hypothesized that mindfulness – a skill learned either directly or indirectly through yoga – could affect eating behavior,” said Alan Kristal, Dr.P.H., associate head of the Cancer Prevention Program at the Hutchinson Center. To test their theory, researchers developed a Mindful Eating Questionnaire which measured when and how people ate: when they were full, in response to environmental cues, as an emotional response, etc. More than 300 people from yoga studios, weight loss programs and similar venues answered the questionnaire; higher scores on the questionnaire were associated with a lower BMI (body mass index).  
  • 19. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  19 YourTriVitaproductsuccesscouldbring youupto $125inTriVitaGiftCards!* 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  19 Which TriVita products have helped you enjoy greater wellness? Perhaps now you’re living healthier, with more energy, less pain, increased vitality… in short, living better. Tell us about it, and help others enjoy greater wellness, too! Share your success story about any of TriVita's quality products and you could receive a $25 TriVita Gift Card. *Beginning August 15, 2010, just email your product success story to:, or mail to: TriVita Inc., Attn: Story, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Once we get your signed release, we'll send you a $25 TriVita Gift Card as a thank you. As a double bonus - If we feature your newly submitted story in one of our upcoming publications, you'll receive an additional one-time $100 in TriVita Gift Cards. That's $125 in TriVita Gift Cards! Don't miss out on this limited time opportunity! TriVita Gift Cards are good for any TriVita products. Gift Cards are non-refundable and not redeemable for cash. The value of the card will not be replaced if the card is lost or stolen. Gift Cards are subject to local, governmental and TriVita current terms. I should've thought of that! Inventions that have changed the world Test your knowledge of inventions and inven- tors with the quiz below. Maybe it will inspire you to create the next big thing! 1 Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec has been called the father of thoracic medicine and developed an early version of this medical device that makes it easier to listen to a patient’s heart. 2 This invention for keeping papers together received a patent in 1841; the paper clip was patented 58 years later. 3 The British and Americans began working on this technology near the end of World War I and were able to use it effectively in World War II: a. Radar b. Sonar 4 This system of reading and writing for the blind was first published in book form in 1829, but wasn’t widely taught until almost 40 years later. 5 Greatly interested in making concentrated food products, Gail Borden, Jr. received a patent in 1853 for the process of evaporating milk by vacuum. The resulting product was a commercial success and is still available on grocery store shelves today. What did he invent? 6 Originally called a “clasp locker,” this device, patented in 1893, needed some refinements before showing up on clothing, footwear and carrying cases. (Hint: Its current name comes from the sound it makes.) 7 Before the Model T ever hit the streets, Mary Anderson patented a device for making driving more convenient. She was awarded a patent in 1905 for this handy invention: a. Rearview mirror b. Windshield wiper c. Glove compartment d. Headlight 8 This toy was launched in 1958, and over 25 million units sold within two months. What is this toy, named after a Hawaiian dance and the shape of the toy itself? 9 This French deep-sea explorer co-invented the aqua-lung, which is now an integral part of SCUBA gear. He wrote multiple books, had a documentary television show and received 40 Emmy nominations and three Oscars for his documentaries. 10 In 1900, Bayer was awarded a U.S. patent for this medicine derived from willow trees. However, after World War I, Bayer was stripped of the patent rights as part of the Treaty of Versailles. Today, millions of these popular pain-relief tablets are sold each year. Answers: 1.Stethoscope 2.Stapler 3.B 4.Braille 5.Condensedmilk 6.Zipper 7.B 8.Hulahoop 9.JacquesCousteau 10.Aspirin Limited time offer!
  • 20. Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One FREE Bag of Chews 20  l  VITAJOURNAL Mix‘n’MatchSpecial! BuyanyLeanologyitem, getanysecondLeanology itemat50%OFF!* STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #30615 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: • 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules • 1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) • 2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Limited Timeonly! *Good on single Leanology products only (3-Step Value Pack excluded). Second item at 50% savings must be of equal or lesser value. T he process of shedding extra pounds doesn’t only happen at the dining table. By planning ahead and making smart choices at the grocery store, you can successfully reach your goals. Follow these simple tips to find healthier foods that can help you lose weight. Don’t go when you’re hungry Outside stimuli such as smells and sights can trigger your brain to “turn on” hunger cravings. So, shop only after a good, balanced meal. Plan your meals Choose several times during the week to sit and plan your grocery list, shop and prepare your food. By deciding what you will eat ahead of time, you can avoid impulse purchases. Shop the perimeters It’s no secret that many grocery stores stock the least healthy foods in the most heavily- trafficked center aisles. That’s where you’ll find processed foods loaded with preservatives, sodium, sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. You can avoid this “danger zone” by shopping for foods around the perimeter of the store, where you’ll find healthy protein, eggs, vegetables and fruit. Pick produce Spend the most time in the produce section, generally the first area you encounter in most grocery stores – and usually the largest. Choose a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables. These colors reflect the different vitamin, mineral and nutritional content of each fruit or vegetable. Choose the least processed foods that are made from whole grains For example, regular oatmeal is better than instant oatmeal. When choosing whole grain cereals, look for at least four grams of fiber per serving, and with minimal sugar. Use the facts The Nutrition Facts panel on the food label is a helpful guide to making healthy choices. Using the Nutrition Facts is important when shopping to compare foods and find the actual nutritional content of foods. When reading the Nutrition Facts panel, remember to: Keep these low: • Saturated fats • Trans fats • Cholesterol • Sodium Look for more of these: • Fiber • Vitamins A, C E • Calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron Watch your budget Stay within your budget by going online or checking out newspaper ads to see who has the healthiest foods on sale. Also, look for local farmers markets and farms that sell direct to the public. Remember, by strongly exercising your power to make healthy, good shopping choices, you’ll be taking the all-important first step toward a well-balanced diet.   Inthemarket to lose weight? Plan ahead for weight loss success when grocery shopping “I've already lost 53 pounds...” I had been trying to lose weight for 10 years, but I kept gaining it back. Last summer I decided to give Leanology a try. It is the easiest thing I've ever done. I've already lost 53 pounds and the weight is coming off at a very steady pace.” John M., Affiliate Member – Machias, NY
  • 21. On My Mind continued from page 3... TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water. • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas. • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life. • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life. Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 You can make a lasting difference Your contribution will touch countless lives 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  21 We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Pam Knox, Editor of Publications Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... I turned around to go back to the basket only to see two baskets rather than just one. I struggled to get each of them out of the dirt and onto the sidewalk where I could line them up, and then proceeded to parade them across the back of the building and in through the front door of the store. I wanted to ditch them along the way, but God kept prompting me to take them all the way. I’ll have to admit I felt a little embarrassed as I was struggling to keep them together and hoped no one was watching. However, once I completed the task, I felt confident that I had obeyed God in something so small and what seemed trivial. I’m not saying this to brag as there are probably more times than not that I let external forces prevent me from making the right choices to reflect my internal values. The good news is that God still talks to me, and for that I’m grateful not to be a lost cause! the point of obesity. If they believe they should lose weight and make some effort but the weight returns, they will find an adjustment to their belief. They work too hard and too long and don’t have the time to exercise. Then, the added weight becomes acceptable. Now I know I have entered the land where even angels fear to tread! But please know, I ask myself these same questions as a wellness seeker. What thoughts and beliefs do I embrace that hold me back from living with optimal wellness? If we desire to live with optimal wellness to live out our life purposes, we must challenge our beliefs and our behaviors, and bring them into alignment with wellness principles. We must seek out more than a treatment for our ailments; we must embrace the idea and concept of optimal wellness rather than just disease treatment and prevention. By adjusting our beliefs about the possibilities for living with optimal wellness we will find our behaviors aligning towards those beliefs, and the practice of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness to be our daily inspirational guide. I love the VitaJournal as it offers opportunities for us to explore new ideas to enhance the wellness seekers’ experience, as well as inspirational tips for daily healthy living. In this August issue we explore homocysteine. I urge you to read the article on pages 4-5 and be aware of homocysteine as another important marker that indicates certain health risks. Additional markers such as your C-reactive protein, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and others can also help determine your state of health. At your next check-up, talk to your healthcare provider about getting these important markers tested. May you pursue health and wellness with passion and purpose! Michael Ellison, CEO Founder P.S. Check out my blog at as I feature amazing stories of Affiliates who are sharing the wellness benefits of Nopalea with others.
  • 22. Life is a daring adventure… or nothing. – Helen Keller Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. 22  l  VITAJOURNAL N ot long ago one of my best friends and confidante went on a vacation to Italy for 10 days. Mo and I confide in each other about everything in our lives. After she returned home, we went out for dinner and sat for hours pouring out our souls. I can’t imagine my life without her in it. It was that night that I realized I am a wealthy woman. Not in money, possessions or property, but I am rich in friends. Over the years, I’ve collected friends for many different reasons – for advice, for companionship, for stimulating conversation, for fun, for laughter, for understanding, for arguing, for balance and for feedback. However, there is a caveat – to have best friends requires a significant investment of time, effort, care, unconditional love and acceptance. In economic terms that is why true friendship is a rare commodity. Very few people are willing to make that kind of an investment. Although most people can make you a “list” of their friends, when it comes right down to it, most of us will admit that we have only one or two best friends. Friends key to a longer, healthier life Maybe you need proof that friends are worth the investment of your time and energy. Fortunately, there have been numerous research studies conducted on the subject that prove friends are a necessity and not a luxury. The New York Times published an article last year that asked the question “What are friends for?” The answer may surprise you. Many of us are very concerned about our health and well-being. We look to allopathic (traditional) and naturopathic doctors, self-help books and supplements to help us have a better quality of life. But did you know that your most powerful ally for fighting illness and depression, slowing the aging process and prolonging life may be your friends? The following studies listed in the article proved the value of having close friends. In 2006, a study conducted with 3,000 nurses who had breast cancer found that the women without close friends were four times as likely to die from the disease as women with 10 or more friends. In a six-year study of 736 middle-aged Swedish men, attachment to a single person didn’t seem to affect the risk of heart attack or fatal coronary heart disease, but having friendships did. And a 10-year-old Australian study found that older people with a large circle of friends were 22% less likely to die during the study period than those with fewer friends. It appears equally important for men as well as women to have best friends. The value of friendship If you are fortunate to have people in your life that you consider to be your best friends, take time to let them know how valuable their friendship is to you. Call, write, email or text and let them know how much you appreciate them. Never overlook the value we gain from our friendships. Your friends may add years onto your life. Judy Ellison, Ph.D. by Dr. Judy Best friends: good for your health, good for your life Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. - Anonymous
  • 23. your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 By Chaplain Gene Henderson The blissful balance of “Optimal Spirituality” Gene Henderson I was inspired, as so many were, by Michael Ellison’s thoughts on “Optimal Wellness” in last month’s VitaJournal. TriVita’s CEO wrote about taking well- being to a whole new level, where we disregard the idea of wellness as a destination. Instead, he wrote, Optimal Wellness means elevating the state we’re in, so that our ongoing state of being embraces the best we can be physically, emotionally and spiritually. This started me thinking about “Optimal Spirituality.” What might this be, and how could we enter this state of being? Acknowledging that it might be different things for different people, I’d like to explore this idea in some detail. The “sweet spot” of God’s grace Think of the three aspects of life as circles. Label them “Body,” “Mind (emotion)” and “Spirit.” Now let them overlap each other, so that in the center, they share a space. That space is strong, anchoring the three aspects. The more we operate in that “sweet spot,” the more we’re fully balanced, and the more we live in a state of grace. In this spot, we’re operating optimally as God’s temple. To understand how we might dwell in that sweet spot, we need to look first at all three aspects of life separately. The body: God gives us all the things we need for our physical health: vegetables, fruits, meats, grains, water and nutrients to fuel the body and help it do its amazing work. When we get enough sleep and exercise, we improve our body (temple), therefore honoring God. The mind: This includes our emotions, our intellect and our process of thinking. A key aspect here is self-talk – the messages we give ourselves day in and day out. Are we uttering to ourselves God-thoughts of a blessed future and full life, or talking ourselves down in defeat and victimhood? Self-talk can be a powerful force: are you sending yourself positive or negative messages? The spirit: This is “the God factor” in our being. To honor the God factor in ourselves, we need to be in the Word, and to read the Word, on a regular basis. Most importantly, we need to believe. When the intellect says, “No way, you’ve never done that before,” a person strong in the Word will believe that the plans God has for him are all good – even if circumstances say the opposite. When we balance these aspects, we can live in and through that wonderful sweet spot. Internal values, external forces Another point that Michael made in his explora- tion of Optimal Wellness also applies to Optimal Spirituality: the idea of being internally- and externally-driven. “Optimal Wellness… does not depend on external conditions or feelings in the way you live your life…” he wrote. In many ways, the same notion applies to Optimal Spirituality. In my work as a chaplain, I counsel people struggling with addiction who wrestle with this internal/external question. I tell them that if you’re externally-driven, when someone offers you a drug or a drink, you may crave their approval so much that you deny your own well-being, and accept. You’re putting yourself at the mercy of circumstance. On the other hand, if you’re internally-driven, you walk away. What will you choose, when it’s time to take a brisk walk but a good TV show is on? When you could pack yourself a healthy lunch but instead grab some drive-through fast food? When you dislike tasteless jokes, but everyone else is laughing? It’s all our choice, every day. Just as with Optimal Wellness, Optimal Spirituality is not a destination, but a journey. It is a state of being connected to God and His purpose for your life. May your journey be blessed.   August 2010  l  23 “Do you not know that your body is a temple… received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Dwelling where body, mind and spirit converge Just as with Optimal Wellness, Optimal Spirituality is not a destination, but a journey.
  • 24. 24  l  VITAJOURNAL “I personally feel that Adaptogen 10 Plus helped me stop smoking.” “I am generally a pretty stressed out person. If I am even two minutes late, I can feel my face get hot. I am also an ex-smoker. I quit smoking about the time I tried Adaptogen 10 Plus for the first time. I really liked the taste. I personally feel that Adaptogen 10 Plus helped me stop smoking, or at least helped my body deal with the stress of withdrawal. I still take Adaptogen 10 Plus two to three times a week, and feel great (my lungs are doing a lot better too)! Now I am suggesting the product to my friends.” Jonathan C., Member – East York, ON “I truly love life! I give much of the credit for this to TriVita’s HCY Guard.” “I started taking HCY Guard after hearing about the harmful side effects of high homocysteine levels. In the early months of 2003, I was diagnosed with a condition which causes an erratic, irregular heartbeat. For the next six months, my heart raced uncontrollably from early morning until long after I had fallen asleep each night. It felt as if my heart was going to jump right out of my chest – all day long! I could barely work up the energy to walk down the hall to the bathroom. I tried acupuncture and alternative treatments as well, but to no avail. I work full-time and am on my feet eight hours a day. I’ve been told many times that I’m one of the most energetic, positive and upbeat people and I truly love life! I give much of the credit for this to TriVita’s HCY Guard.” Tiffany T., Affiliate Member – San Jose, CA “For the past 4 years I have been pain free.” “I’m a machine operator and a deep sea fisherman who was having serious back problems. My joints were in so much pain that I didn't know what to do. Then after I received the TriVita catalog in the mail I decided to order TriVita’s OmegaPrime. After taking the entire bottle I noticed that I could do things that before posed problems. For the past four years I have been pain free. I have recommended TriVita products to friends and family and they’ve worked for all of them. Many thanks to TriVita for their wonderful selection of products.” Oswald C., Member – Scarborough, ON “Sublingual B-12 is a godsend – the answer to my prayers.” “TriVita Sublingual B-12 saved my marriage. My husband had become depressed and angry. He was a different man from the one I married. He lost focus, was tired and moping all the time and had unnatural fears. He was often angry or frustrated because he would miss small, but important words and misunder- stand what others were saying. After he started taking TriVita Sublingual B-12, I noticed quite a difference. He began paying attention to what I had to say and we began to enjoy the weekends together and with the family. Our family is much happier now. Sublingual B-12 is a godsend – the answer to my prayers.” Ginny A., Member – Picayne, MS See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! Real Stories from real people *You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. “By the end of the first week, I had no more pain in my foot and fewer aches and pains.” “I was introduced to Nopalea several months ago but was very skeptical about its claimed benefits. I injured my shoulder but had not gotten medical attention. I also had inflammation in the joints of the bottom of my right foot. The pain would become unbearable, especially when I walked for long periods of time. I started with the Nopalea Loading Phase for the first two weeks. I immediately noticed how delicious this drink was. By the end of the first week, I had no more pain in my foot and fewer aches and pains elsewhere. After three weeks of drinking Nopalea, I noticed that the pain in my shoulder from my injury had disappeared, too! I attribute this to Nopalea. I am so glad I was introduced to this wonderful product.” Priscilla T., Member – West Island, QC “I had a perfect score; I never lost my focus.” “I was diagnosed about 17 years ago with a debilitating condition which causes paralysis and muscle tremors. Over the past couple of years my neurologist had me take a cognitive test which measures my ability to focus and have clarity of mind. During the past couple of months I have been taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12. I went to my neurologist yesterday and he had me take the test again. This time, I had a perfect score; I never lost my focus. The woman who administered the test was amazed and very impressed; they don’t normally see a perfect score from someone with my condition.” Angelyn F., Affiliate Member – Largo, FL
  • 25. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  25 M axwell (Max) R. is an 11-year-old boy from Prospect Heights, IL who at a young age has aimed very high in life. He is on his way to becoming a golf prodigy and recently placed first in an Illinois Junior Golf Association Tournament. Last spring, accompanied by a caddy, Max was given the opportunity to showcase his talent at the Tournament Players Club in Scottsdale, following the Phoenix Open. “With his passion for the sport we foresee him going pro,” says his mother, Anne. Max just loves golfing; however, he often pays the price with a sore back and assorted aches and pains. Last winter he fell hard while snowboarding and this provided the perfect opportunity for Nopalea to show its stuff. After the fall, Max’s entire body hurt, especially his jaw, torso and leg. Anne, always the resourceful mom, suggested that he try Nopalea, and the next morning Max woke up feeling great. “I can’t believe it,” Max said, “This stuff really works and I don’t have any pain at all.” Anne adds, “Max tells everyone he knows about his experience with Nopalea. It really works. Now, anytime he feels any aches and pains from golfing, he drinks some Nopalea.” Nopalea helps the entire family experience wellness In fact, everyone in the family is sold on Nopalea. Max’s sisters, Symantha and Adrienne, are both very active and just love Nopalea’s naturally fruity taste. Anne recently put Nopalea to the test when she had a bad sinus headache. “I try to avoid aspirin and I always prefer a natural solution,” she remarks. “Within 10 minutes of taking Nopalea, my severe headache pain completely went away.” Max’s father, Craig, had a scary incident on the golf course when his leg was hanging off the golf cart. After he pushed the gas pedal, his knee twisted and his entire leg was throbbing with pain. Craig was especially concerned because he had to walk 18 holes the next day to accompany Max at a golf tourna- ment. After taking several ounces of Nopalea, Craig’s pain was reduced 50% by the next morning. Knowing he was on to a good thing, Craig repeated the same amount the following day and the rest of the pain soon disappeared. “It sure is nice to know that both Max and my husband are out there, feeling good because of Nopalea,” Anne enthuses. Just the start of their product success The family’s success with Nopalea isn’t a surprise, because they’ve been satisfied TriVita Members since 2001. Anne was originally introduced to the company when she saw the Sublingual B-12 TV infomercial hosted by James and Betty Robison. “I became very loyal to this excellent product,” says Anne, “and the kids love it, too. From that point on, I felt very comfortable trying other TriVita products.” When Anne’s mother was told by her doctor that she might have a serious eye condition that could cause vision loss, Anne bought her some VisionGuard™ . Shortly after Anne’s mom started using it, her vision in both eyes improved so much that she asked Anne to order an addi- tional supply. Bottom line: both eyes improved dramatically. Family members have added TriVita’s CoQ-10 and Vital C Crystals and Tablets to their nutritional regimen. Ann also realizes that good health depends on more than quality supplements. She is a very nutrition-minded parent who serves lots of fruits and vegetables and makes sure that the family’s diet includes the best from every food group. “Nutrition is so important,” she says. “Eating healthy foods is essential for the mind, body and spirit.” However, Nopalea will always be the family’s trusty tool to help them feel good and stay healthy.   “This stuff really works and I don’t have any pain at all.” “Ibecameveryloyaltothisexcellentproduct, andthekidsloveit,too.Fromthatpointon,Ifelt verycomfortabletryingotherTriVitaproducts. – Anne Member Spotlight Have you taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? See page 11. Nopalea™ helps Max shoot for success Max and his sisters, Symantha and Adrienne.
  • 26. 26  l  VITAJOURNAL 1 Get started Your retirement plan is just a starting point. It should be realistic, but doesn’t need to be perfect. Don’t worry about when or where you’ll retire or how much you will spend. As you get closer to retirement you can continue to refine the plan. 2 Use a retirement calculator You’ll want to measure your progress toward retirement by using a Retirement Assessment tool. These are readily available online through a variety of private investment firms. In addition, the Social Security Administration and Canadian government offer retirement calculators at and These tools project expected income from your investments, as well as from sources such as Social Security to see your potential retirement resources. 3 Save more Most people need to increase their savings rate to reach their retirement goal. No one can anticipate stock market perfor- mance, but we can control our spending and savings habits. Track your expenses and look for areas where you can cut back and save more for retirement. Consider increasing contributions to your retirement account. 4 Make full use of tax-advantaged accounts One way to increase retirement savings is to maximize contributions to your tax-advantaged retirement accounts. With traditional IRAs and 401(k) plans, you pay no taxes on contributions – and they grow tax free while they stay in your account. Also, if you have a 401(k) plan through your employer and they offer a company match, contribute at least enough to get the full match. 5 Allocate your assets Choose the right combination of stocks, bonds and cash that matches your tolerance for risk and your need to develop a retirement nest egg. Stocks offer greater potential return – and exposure to risk. Bonds and cash can help balance some of the volatility of stocks. 6 Review your plan each year Review your retirement plan at least once a year and following any major life event, including marriage, divorce or death of a spouse. 7 Consolidate your retirement accounts If you have similar retirement accounts, then it’s a good idea to consolidate them to get a better idea of your total retirement savings. A rollover IRA will let you combine similar assets into a single account that will be easier to review and manage. If you roll over account balances directly from your old 401(k) to your new rollover IRA, you may avoid early withdrawal penalties and protect the tax- advantaged status of your savings. 8 Act now and don’t wait Many times, people take the right steps to create a sound retirement strategy and then fail to put it in motion. But if you think you’ll do better by waiting until the next “perfect” time to start planning, then you could end up waiting too long. 9 Don’t count on inheritance A recent report by the American Association of Retired People (AARP) found that only one-fifth of baby-boomers had received an inheritance by the end of 2004, and the median amount was only $64,000. Therefore, most people shouldn’t count on an inheritance to bail them out. 10 Do your own reality check Manage your expectations and stay flexible. There’s no one magical formula for retirement. And no matter how well you plan, nothing is certain. By planning now you will be in a much better position to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Adaptogen 10 Plus Your Everyday Stress Solution TriVita’s powerful, stress relieving formula: • Helps counteract damage caused by various types of stress: mental, physical, emotional, environmental • Contains all 10 adaptogens that have been proven to help the body “adapt” to stress • Fights free radical damage and helps boost your immune system Adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part formula includes: • Adaptogens – herbal extracts chosen specifically for their natural ability to help the body cope with stress • Antioxidants – immune boosters that help fight the damage caused by stress • Aloe Vera – helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption TRY IT TODAY! 1-800-991-7116 or visit Discover the amazing effects of Adaptogen 10 Plus® Adaptogen 10 Plus® #30660 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99 Redeem with 500 VitaPoints Delicious Berry Flavor Important steps you can take – regardless of age – to be better prepared for your future 10tips forretirementplanning
  • 27. 1-800-991-7116 August 2010  l  27 V itamin C is crucial to your good health, yet according to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most adults don’t get enough Vitamin C in their diets. Your body needs this water-soluble vitamin for normal development and growth, in addition to many other health benefits. Why you need Vitamin C Humans can’t produce or store Vitamin C. And while Vitamin C deficiency is rare, you must replenish your body’s supply of this vital nutrient every day. Why? Because it’s involved in so many functions of the human body. • Formation of collagen – Vitamin C is required to form collagen; collagen is a protein which makes the body’s connective tissues such as blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, bone and skin. • Growth and repair – Vitamin C is neces- sary for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. • Wound healing • Maintenance of teeth and gums • Iron absorption – Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from the diet. • Immune system function – Vitamin C supports the immune system, including the activation of certain white blood cells. Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your body from free radicals; these damaging molecules can result from metabolism, environmental toxins and stress. Free radicals have been implicated in conditions ranging from heart disease and cancer to arthritis and inflammation. And, free radicals can lead to premature aging. In addition to protecting against free radicals, Vitamin C can help extend the lifespan of other antioxidants such as Vitamins A and E. Studies have also shown that Vitamin C may positively affect blood pressure, stroke risk, skin appearance, inflammation and more. Load up on Vitamin C It’s easy to get Vitamin C in your diet because all fruits and vegetables contain some Vitamin C. Health experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables for children, seven for women and nine for men, so you can boost your Vitamin C intake while meeting other nutritional needs. Load up your grocery cart with these Vitamin C-rich foods: green peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, turnip greens, sweet and white potatoes, cantaloupe, papaya, mango, watermelon, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, winter squash, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries and pineapples. Eat fruits and veggies raw or minimally cooked; overcooking can leach out the nutrients. You can reach your recommended servings by making fruit and veggie “packs” for snacking and by including them as part of your main meals. A high-quality supplement can also help ensure you get the daily Vitamin C you need for optimal health. C how you can improve your health The many benefits of Vitamin C Dr. Libby’s Vital C stands above the rest! Powerful immune system support and much more! • Pharmaceutical-grade Vitamin C • Scientifically-formulated and physician-approved • Composed of Sodium Ascorbate, the optimal C for maximum absorption • Superior potency with crystalline structure • Helps repair damage by high homocysteine levels Take Crystal Tablets and Powdered Crystals for 24-hour protection. Buy One get same featured product 50% OFF good through 8-31-10 Vital C Crystals #30170 Non-Member $31.99 Member $24.99 Redeem with 250 VitaPoints Vital C Tablets #30230 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints