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Penicillins & Cephalosporins
• Antibacterials /antimicrobial drugs - Substances that
inhibit the growth or kill bacteria or other microorganisms
• Bacteriostatic = Inhibits growth of bacteria
• Bactericidal = Kills bacteria
• Mechanism of Action:
1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis - Bactericidal
2. Alteration in membrane permeability - ‘Cidal’ or
3. Inhibition protein synthesis - ‘Cidal’ or ‘Static’
4. Inhibition of bacterial RNA & DNA - Inhibits
synthesis of RNA & DNA
5. Interferes with metabolism in the cell - ‘Static’
• Drugs -
1. Penetrate bacterial cell wall in sufficient
2. Affinity to the binding sites on the bacterial cell:
- Time drug remains at binding sites = effect
- Time controlled by pharmacokinetics
Effects of concentrated drug dosing
• From mold genus “Penicillium notatum”- ‘miracle drug’
from WWII – 1941.
• A beta-lactum structure (beta-lactum ring) interferes with
bacterial cell wall synthesis by inhibiting the bacterial
enzyme – “ transpeptidases” necessary for cell division &
• Bacteria synthesis cell wall using UDP-N-
acetylmuramic acid pentapeptide -“ Park
nucleotide” and UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine.
• Final step is the cleavage of the terminal D-alanine
by transpeptidase ; the energy so released is used
for establishing cross linkage between the peptide
• Gram positive bacteria cell wall is entirely made
of peptidoglycan. In gram negative bacteria it
consist of alternating layer of lipo protein and
peptidoglycan. So higher susceptibility of the
gram – positive bacteria to penicillin.
• Blood , pus and tissue fluid don’t interfere with
action of B- lactams.
Classification- Pencillin
• Natural Penicillin
purified from mould.
High sensitive to beta lactamase
2 types - Penicillin G ( iv ) , Penicillin V ( oral )
Narrow spectrum of coverage only.
Good gram +coverage, strept
pneumoniae(resistance icreasing), fair gram –
(N.gonorrhoeae,N.meningitidis), good anaerobic.
Extended spectrum penicillin
• Semi synthetic penicillin active against some gram
negative organism.
• 1. Amino- penicillin
Amino group is added to side chain to increase
spectrum against gram negative organism- E.coli
and H.influenzae.
None are resistant to beta lactamase.
Ampicillin , Amoxycillin
• Active against all organism sensitive to penicillin
• Wide spread use lead to resistance.
• Still active for H.influenzae, E coli, pneumococci ,
meningiococci , gonococci.
• Less active against other G+ cocci ,pseudomonas ,
klebseilla , proteus , bacteroids.
• s/e : diarrhoea: altered gut flora due to incomplete
• Sulbactum is added to increase spectrum.
• Oral absorption better.
• Less incidence of diarrhoea.
• Spectrum same as of ampicillin.
• Clavulanic acid is added to to amoxcillin so re-
establish activity against beta lactumase producing
staph aureus , H. Influenzae , Klebsiella,
salmonella , shigella ,bact .fragilis and
branhamella. S/e is hepatic injury with
• Staph aureus and Strept pneumoniae gain
resistance through mechanism other than Beta-
lactamase production, rendering the above
combinations of little value for beta lactum
resistant strain.
Anti Staphylococcal penicillin
(penicillinase resistant penicillin)
• Members are resistant to Beta lactamase due to
side chain- semisynthetic.
• But cant penetrate g-ve bacteria outer membrane .
• Only effect in gram + bacteria
• Only indicated in penicillinase producing staph
except MRSA.
• Cloxacillin / dicloxacillin / naficillin / methicillin.
• “methicillin only used in labs due to a/c drug
induced interstitial nephritis”.
• Isoxazolyl side chain present
• Less active against penicillin sensitive organism
so should not be used as substitute.
• So combination Ampiclox.
• No action against MRSA.
Anti Pseudomonal penicillin
• Effective against pseudomonas
• Sensitive to beta lactamase so spectrum is
increased by adding beta lactamase inhibitor
• Carboxypenicillin ( Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin).
• Ureidopenicillin ( Piperacillin).
• Carbenicillin – active against pseudomonas and
proteus, enterobacter.
neither penicillinase resistant /acid resistant.
s/e: bleeding due to impaired platelet function,
each gram contain 5.3 mEq Na, increases liver
Ticarcillin : more potent than carbenicillin, cover
E.coli , Serratia , bacteroides.
• Piperacillin – 8 times more antipseudomonal than
good activity against klebsiella and used in
neutropenic and immunocomproised patients with
severe Gram negative infections and burns.
dose 100-150 mg/kg/day in 3 dd
adding Tazobactum increases spectrum against
beta lactamase producing organism but not against
pseudomonas , which gain resistance by
decreasing permeability of piperacllin.
• From a fungus Cephalosperium acremonium
- Gram (+) & gram (-)
- Resistant to beta - lactamase
- Bactericidal - action similar to PCN’s
- 4 groups (generations) - each effective against a broader
spectrum of bacteria
- about 10% of people allergic to PCN also to allergic to
- Action - inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis
- IM & IV - onset = almost immediate
• 1st Generation Cephalosporins - cefadroxil
(Duricef) & cephalexin (Keflex) - PO; Cefazolin
(Ancef) & cephalothin (Keflin) - IM
- Gram (+), & gram (-)
- Esp. used for skin/skin structure infections
- Keflin used for resp, GI, GU, bone, & joint
• 2nd Generation Cephalosporins - cefaclor (ceclor) -
PO, cefoxitin (Mefoxin), cefuroxime (Zinacef),
cefotetan (Cefotan) - IM & IV
- Gram (+), slightly boarder gram (-) effect than 1st
- for harder to treat infections
• 3rd Generation Cephalosporins - cefotaxime
(Claforan), ceftazidime (Fortaz), ceftriaxone
(Rocephin), cefixime (Suprax) - IM or IV
- More effective against gram (-), less effective against
gram (+)
- for harder yet to treat infections
• 4th Generation Cephalosporins - cefepime
(Maxipime) - IV or IM
- Resistant to most beta-lactamase bacteria
- greater gram (+) coverage than 3rd generation
Ch. 26 - Antibacterials
Macrolides, Lincosamides, Vancomycin
• All differ in structure, but similar spectrums of antibiotic
effectiveness to PCN
• Used as PCN substitutes, esp. w/ people allergic to PCN
• Erythromycin frequently prescribed if hypersensitive to
• Macrolides - Erythromycin, Azithromycin (Zithromaz),
Clarithromycin (Biaxin) - PO/IV, Dirithromycin (Dynabac) -
PO - Broad spectrum of activity
- Low to mod dose = bacteriostatic
- high doses = bactericidal
SE = GI disturbances, Allergic rxns = Hepatotoxicity
• Clindamycin (Cleosin), Lincomycin (Lincorex)
- PO, IM, IV
- Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
- ‘Static’ & ‘cidal’ actions depending on drug
- effective against most gram (+), no gram (-)
- Clindamycin more effective than lincomycin
• Glycopeptide bactericidal antibiotic - IV
- Use: Drug resistant Staph A., cardiac surgery -
prophylaxis for clients w/ PCN allergies
- SE = Ototoxicity - damage to auditory branch of
8th cranial nerve permanent hearing loss or loss
of balance & Nephrotoxicity
- Serum Vanco levels drawn to minimize toxic
• Tetracycline, Doxycycline (Vivbamycin), Minocycline
- Broad spectrum - Gram (+) & gram (-) bacteria
- Bacteriostatic
- Wide safety margin, but many side effects
- Primarily used for skin/skin structure infections
- Also used to treat Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) -
bacterium in stomach that can cause peptic ulcers
- Tetracycline mostly
• Considerations
- SE = Photosensitivity - sunburn rxn
- Should not be given to children < 8 yrs or to
women in last trimester of pregnancy -
Irreversibly discolors permanent teeth
- Tetracycline during 1st trimester of pregnancy
can cause birth defects
- Take on an empty stomach - antacids & dairy
products prevent absorption of the drug
• Amikacin (Amikin), Gentamicin (Garamycin),
Tobramycin (Nebcin), Netilmicin (Netromycin)
- Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, ‘cidal’
- Gram (-) & some gram (+)
- Used to treat serious infections
- Cannot be absorbed from GI tract, cannot cross into CSF
- To ensure a desired bld level - IV use
- Narrow therapeutic range - Peak & Trough levels drawn
- SE = Ototoxicity, Nephrotoxicity
Fluoroquinolones (Quinolones)
• Ciproflaxacin (Cipro), Levofloxacin (Levaquin),
Ofloxacin (Floxin), Norfloxacin (Noroxin) - IV or PO
- Interferes w/ synthesis of bacterial DNA
- Bactericidal
- Broad spectrum - gram (-) & gram (+)
- Rx - UTI’s, lower resp. infections, bone & joint
infections, GI, skin
- Wide safety margin
- CI - Children < 14 yrs
Chapter 27
• One of the oldest - broad spectrum - gram - & gram +
• First group of drugs used against bacteria
• Bacteriostatic - inhibits bacterial synthesis of folic acid,
essential for bacterial growth
• Alt. for people allergic to PCN
• Use - UTI’s, ear infections, newborn eye prophylaxis
- Not effective against viruses or fungi
• PO, sol’n & ointment for ophthalmic use & cream
- Silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) - for burns
• Special consideration - Drink fluids to prevent
crystalluria (d/t poor water solubility) & hematuria
• SE -
- allergic response - skin rash & itching
- Anaphylaxis not common
- Bld disorders w/ prolonged use & high doses
- GI disturbances
- Photosensitivity
Chapter 28
Antitubercular, Antifungal
Peptides, & Metronidazole
• Inhibit or kill organisms that case diseases
• Tuberculosis (TB) -
- Caused by the acid-fast Bacillus Mycobacterium
tuberculosis - frequently referred to as the tubercle bacillus
- One of the major health problems in the world & kills more
people than any other infectious disease
- About 11/2 billion people have TB & don’t know it
- TB in US until 1980’s & AIDS d/t compromised
immune system
Antiinfective Agents
• Transmitted by droplets dispersed in the air through
coughing & sneezing inhaled into alveoli (air sacs) of
lungs spread to other organs via blood & lymphatic
- Strong system = phagocytes stop multiplication of
tubercle bacilli
- Compromised system = tubercle bacilli spread
Antiinfective Agents
• Drugs: Isoniazid (INH) - 1952, Rifampin
- Prophylactic therapy for persons close to TB, HIV +, a
+ TB skin test, young children in contact w/ active TB,
- Family members on Isoniazid 6 months to 1 yr
- Spectrum = Myobacterium tuberculosis, ‘cidal’
- Combo of Isoniazid & Rifampin = No bacterial resistance
& less Rx time = more effective
- SE = ‘flu-like’ symptoms, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity,
Monitor drug therapy carefully
Antiinfective Agents
Antifungals (Antimycotics)
• Topical - skin/mucus membranes (athletes foot)
• Systemic - lung, CNS (pulmonary conditions, meningitis)
• Fungi - Candida (yeast) - normal flora of mouth, skin,
intestine, vagina
• Candidiasis = opportunistic infection - body’s defense
mechanism impaired allowing overgrowth of fungus
• Drugs - antibiotics, contraceptives & immunosuppressives
may alter body’s defense mechanisms
- mild = vaginal yeast infection, severe = systemic infect.
Antiinfective Agents
• Amphotericin B (Fungizone), Mystatin (Mycostatin)
• Broad spectrum antifungal activity
• Fungizone = IV administration
SE = Flushing, chills, N & V, dec. BP
Considered highly toxic - nephrotoxicity & electrolyte
imbalance poss
• Nystatin = orally or topically for candidal infections
Swish & swallow to allow contact w/ mucus membranes
• Metronidazole (Flagyl) - treatment of various
disorders associated w/ organisms of GI tract - PO
and IV
• SE = GI discomfort, Headache, depression (not
• Also used to treat H. pylori associated w/ peptic
Math Problems
A dose of 200 mcg is ordered. The strength available is 0.3 mg. in 1.5 mL.
Convert mg to mcg. 1 mg = 1000 mcg
0.3 mg = 300mcg
200 mcg X 1.5 ml. = X ml
300 mcg
2 X 1.5 = 3 = X = 1 ml
3 3
To give 200 mcg you must administer 1 ml.
A dosage of 0.7 g. has been ordered. Available is a strength of
1000 mg. in 1.5 mL.
Convert g. to mg.
0.7 g = 700 mg
700 mg. X 1.5 mL = X mL
1000 mg.
7 X 1.5 mL = 10.5 = X
10 10
10.5 divided by 10 = 1.05
Round up to 1.1. So administer 1.1 mL.

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  • 2. Antibacterials • Antibacterials /antimicrobial drugs - Substances that inhibit the growth or kill bacteria or other microorganisms • Bacteriostatic = Inhibits growth of bacteria • Bactericidal = Kills bacteria
  • 3. Antibacterials • Mechanism of Action: 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis - Bactericidal 2. Alteration in membrane permeability - ‘Cidal’ or ‘Static’ 3. Inhibition protein synthesis - ‘Cidal’ or ‘Static’ 4. Inhibition of bacterial RNA & DNA - Inhibits synthesis of RNA & DNA 5. Interferes with metabolism in the cell - ‘Static’
  • 4. Antibacterials • Drugs - 1. Penetrate bacterial cell wall in sufficient concentrations 2. Affinity to the binding sites on the bacterial cell: - Time drug remains at binding sites = effect - Time controlled by pharmacokinetics
  • 6. Antibacterials Penicillins • From mold genus “Penicillium notatum”- ‘miracle drug’ from WWII – 1941. • A beta-lactum structure (beta-lactum ring) interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis by inhibiting the bacterial enzyme – “ transpeptidases” necessary for cell division & synthesis.
  • 7. • Bacteria synthesis cell wall using UDP-N- acetylmuramic acid pentapeptide -“ Park nucleotide” and UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine. • Final step is the cleavage of the terminal D-alanine by transpeptidase ; the energy so released is used for establishing cross linkage between the peptide chain.
  • 8.
  • 9. • Gram positive bacteria cell wall is entirely made of peptidoglycan. In gram negative bacteria it consist of alternating layer of lipo protein and peptidoglycan. So higher susceptibility of the gram – positive bacteria to penicillin. • Blood , pus and tissue fluid don’t interfere with action of B- lactams.
  • 10. Classification- Pencillin • Natural Penicillin purified from mould. High sensitive to beta lactamase 2 types - Penicillin G ( iv ) , Penicillin V ( oral ) Narrow spectrum of coverage only. Good gram +coverage, strept pneumoniae(resistance icreasing), fair gram – (N.gonorrhoeae,N.meningitidis), good anaerobic.
  • 11. Extended spectrum penicillin • Semi synthetic penicillin active against some gram negative organism. • 1. Amino- penicillin Amino group is added to side chain to increase spectrum against gram negative organism- E.coli and H.influenzae. None are resistant to beta lactamase. Ampicillin , Amoxycillin
  • 12. Ampicillin • Active against all organism sensitive to penicillin G. • Wide spread use lead to resistance. • Still active for H.influenzae, E coli, pneumococci , meningiococci , gonococci. • Less active against other G+ cocci ,pseudomonas , klebseilla , proteus , bacteroids. • s/e : diarrhoea: altered gut flora due to incomplete absorption. • Sulbactum is added to increase spectrum.
  • 13. Amoxicillin • Oral absorption better. • Less incidence of diarrhoea. • Spectrum same as of ampicillin. • Clavulanic acid is added to to amoxcillin so re- establish activity against beta lactumase producing staph aureus , H. Influenzae , Klebsiella, salmonella , shigella ,bact .fragilis and branhamella. S/e is hepatic injury with combination.
  • 14. • Staph aureus and Strept pneumoniae gain resistance through mechanism other than Beta- lactamase production, rendering the above combinations of little value for beta lactum resistant strain.
  • 15. Anti Staphylococcal penicillin (penicillinase resistant penicillin) • Members are resistant to Beta lactamase due to side chain- semisynthetic. • But cant penetrate g-ve bacteria outer membrane . • Only effect in gram + bacteria • Only indicated in penicillinase producing staph except MRSA. • Cloxacillin / dicloxacillin / naficillin / methicillin.
  • 16. Methicillin • “methicillin only used in labs due to a/c drug induced interstitial nephritis”.
  • 17. Cloxacillin • Isoxazolyl side chain present • Less active against penicillin sensitive organism so should not be used as substitute. • So combination Ampiclox. • No action against MRSA.
  • 18. Anti Pseudomonal penicillin • Effective against pseudomonas • Sensitive to beta lactamase so spectrum is increased by adding beta lactamase inhibitor • Carboxypenicillin ( Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin). • Ureidopenicillin ( Piperacillin).
  • 19. Carboxypenicillin • Carbenicillin – active against pseudomonas and proteus, enterobacter. neither penicillinase resistant /acid resistant. s/e: bleeding due to impaired platelet function, each gram contain 5.3 mEq Na, increases liver enzyme. Ticarcillin : more potent than carbenicillin, cover E.coli , Serratia , bacteroides.
  • 20. Ureidopenicillin • Piperacillin – 8 times more antipseudomonal than carbenicillin. good activity against klebsiella and used in neutropenic and immunocomproised patients with severe Gram negative infections and burns. dose 100-150 mg/kg/day in 3 dd adding Tazobactum increases spectrum against beta lactamase producing organism but not against pseudomonas , which gain resistance by decreasing permeability of piperacllin.
  • 21.
  • 22. Antibacterials Cephalosporins • From a fungus Cephalosperium acremonium - Gram (+) & gram (-) - Resistant to beta - lactamase - Bactericidal - action similar to PCN’s - 4 groups (generations) - each effective against a broader spectrum of bacteria - about 10% of people allergic to PCN also to allergic to cephalosporins - Action - inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis - IM & IV - onset = almost immediate
  • 23. Antibacterials Cephalosporins • 1st Generation Cephalosporins - cefadroxil (Duricef) & cephalexin (Keflex) - PO; Cefazolin (Ancef) & cephalothin (Keflin) - IM - Gram (+), & gram (-) - Esp. used for skin/skin structure infections - Keflin used for resp, GI, GU, bone, & joint infections
  • 24. Antibacterials Cephalosporins • 2nd Generation Cephalosporins - cefaclor (ceclor) - PO, cefoxitin (Mefoxin), cefuroxime (Zinacef), cefotetan (Cefotan) - IM & IV - Gram (+), slightly boarder gram (-) effect than 1st generation - for harder to treat infections
  • 25. Antibacterials Cephalosporins • 3rd Generation Cephalosporins - cefotaxime (Claforan), ceftazidime (Fortaz), ceftriaxone (Rocephin), cefixime (Suprax) - IM or IV - More effective against gram (-), less effective against gram (+) - for harder yet to treat infections • 4th Generation Cephalosporins - cefepime (Maxipime) - IV or IM - Resistant to most beta-lactamase bacteria - greater gram (+) coverage than 3rd generation
  • 26. Ch. 26 - Antibacterials Macrolides, Lincosamides, Vancomycin • All differ in structure, but similar spectrums of antibiotic effectiveness to PCN • Used as PCN substitutes, esp. w/ people allergic to PCN • Erythromycin frequently prescribed if hypersensitive to PCN • Macrolides - Erythromycin, Azithromycin (Zithromaz), Clarithromycin (Biaxin) - PO/IV, Dirithromycin (Dynabac) - PO - Broad spectrum of activity - Low to mod dose = bacteriostatic - high doses = bactericidal SE = GI disturbances, Allergic rxns = Hepatotoxicity
  • 27. Antibacterials Lincosamides • Clindamycin (Cleosin), Lincomycin (Lincorex) - PO, IM, IV - Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis - ‘Static’ & ‘cidal’ actions depending on drug dosage - effective against most gram (+), no gram (-) - Clindamycin more effective than lincomycin
  • 28. Antibacterials Vancomycin • Glycopeptide bactericidal antibiotic - IV - Use: Drug resistant Staph A., cardiac surgery - prophylaxis for clients w/ PCN allergies - SE = Ototoxicity - damage to auditory branch of 8th cranial nerve permanent hearing loss or loss of balance & Nephrotoxicity - Serum Vanco levels drawn to minimize toxic effects
  • 29. Antibacterials Tetracyclines • Tetracycline, Doxycycline (Vivbamycin), Minocycline (Minocin) - Broad spectrum - Gram (+) & gram (-) bacteria - Bacteriostatic - Wide safety margin, but many side effects - Primarily used for skin/skin structure infections - Also used to treat Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) - bacterium in stomach that can cause peptic ulcers - Tetracycline mostly
  • 30. Antibacterials Tetracyclines • Considerations - SE = Photosensitivity - sunburn rxn - Should not be given to children < 8 yrs or to women in last trimester of pregnancy - Irreversibly discolors permanent teeth - Tetracycline during 1st trimester of pregnancy can cause birth defects - Take on an empty stomach - antacids & dairy products prevent absorption of the drug
  • 31. Antibacterials Aminoglycosides • Amikacin (Amikin), Gentamicin (Garamycin), Tobramycin (Nebcin), Netilmicin (Netromycin) - Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, ‘cidal’ - Gram (-) & some gram (+) - Used to treat serious infections - Cannot be absorbed from GI tract, cannot cross into CSF - To ensure a desired bld level - IV use - Narrow therapeutic range - Peak & Trough levels drawn - SE = Ototoxicity, Nephrotoxicity
  • 32. Antibacterials Fluoroquinolones (Quinolones) • Ciproflaxacin (Cipro), Levofloxacin (Levaquin), Ofloxacin (Floxin), Norfloxacin (Noroxin) - IV or PO - Interferes w/ synthesis of bacterial DNA - Bactericidal - Broad spectrum - gram (-) & gram (+) - Rx - UTI’s, lower resp. infections, bone & joint infections, GI, skin - Wide safety margin - CI - Children < 14 yrs
  • 33. Chapter 27 Sulfonamides • One of the oldest - broad spectrum - gram - & gram + • First group of drugs used against bacteria • Bacteriostatic - inhibits bacterial synthesis of folic acid, essential for bacterial growth • Alt. for people allergic to PCN • Use - UTI’s, ear infections, newborn eye prophylaxis - Not effective against viruses or fungi • PO, sol’n & ointment for ophthalmic use & cream - Silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) - for burns
  • 34. Antibacterials Sulfonamides • Special consideration - Drink fluids to prevent crystalluria (d/t poor water solubility) & hematuria • SE - - allergic response - skin rash & itching - Anaphylaxis not common - Bld disorders w/ prolonged use & high doses - GI disturbances - Photosensitivity
  • 35. Chapter 28 Antitubercular, Antifungal Peptides, & Metronidazole • Inhibit or kill organisms that case diseases • Tuberculosis (TB) - - Caused by the acid-fast Bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis - frequently referred to as the tubercle bacillus - One of the major health problems in the world & kills more people than any other infectious disease - About 11/2 billion people have TB & don’t know it - TB in US until 1980’s & AIDS d/t compromised immune system
  • 36. Antiinfective Agents Tuberculosis • Transmitted by droplets dispersed in the air through coughing & sneezing inhaled into alveoli (air sacs) of lungs spread to other organs via blood & lymphatic system - Strong system = phagocytes stop multiplication of tubercle bacilli - Compromised system = tubercle bacilli spread
  • 37. Antiinfective Agents Tuberculosis • Drugs: Isoniazid (INH) - 1952, Rifampin - Prophylactic therapy for persons close to TB, HIV +, a + TB skin test, young children in contact w/ active TB, - Family members on Isoniazid 6 months to 1 yr - Spectrum = Myobacterium tuberculosis, ‘cidal’ - Combo of Isoniazid & Rifampin = No bacterial resistance & less Rx time = more effective - SE = ‘flu-like’ symptoms, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, Monitor drug therapy carefully
  • 38. Antiinfective Agents Antifungals (Antimycotics) • Topical - skin/mucus membranes (athletes foot) • Systemic - lung, CNS (pulmonary conditions, meningitis) • Fungi - Candida (yeast) - normal flora of mouth, skin, intestine, vagina • Candidiasis = opportunistic infection - body’s defense mechanism impaired allowing overgrowth of fungus • Drugs - antibiotics, contraceptives & immunosuppressives may alter body’s defense mechanisms - mild = vaginal yeast infection, severe = systemic infect.
  • 39. Antiinfective Agents Polyenes • Amphotericin B (Fungizone), Mystatin (Mycostatin) • Broad spectrum antifungal activity • Fungizone = IV administration SE = Flushing, chills, N & V, dec. BP Considered highly toxic - nephrotoxicity & electrolyte imbalance poss • Nystatin = orally or topically for candidal infections Swish & swallow to allow contact w/ mucus membranes
  • 40. Antiinfective Antifungal • Metronidazole (Flagyl) - treatment of various disorders associated w/ organisms of GI tract - PO and IV • SE = GI discomfort, Headache, depression (not common) • Also used to treat H. pylori associated w/ peptic ulcers
  • 41. Math Problems A dose of 200 mcg is ordered. The strength available is 0.3 mg. in 1.5 mL. Convert mg to mcg. 1 mg = 1000 mcg 0.3 mg = 300mcg 200 mcg X 1.5 ml. = X ml 300 mcg 2 X 1.5 = 3 = X = 1 ml 3 3 To give 200 mcg you must administer 1 ml.
  • 42. A dosage of 0.7 g. has been ordered. Available is a strength of 1000 mg. in 1.5 mL. Convert g. to mg. 0.7 g = 700 mg 700 mg. X 1.5 mL = X mL 1000 mg. 7 X 1.5 mL = 10.5 = X 10 10 10.5 divided by 10 = 1.05 Round up to 1.1. So administer 1.1 mL.