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Async and Await on the Server
Doug Jones
So…what’s this about?
 Task-based Asynchronous Pattern on the server
 What is it?
 Why use it?
 How does it work?
 Or…everything I wish I knew about async/await when I started using it!
Life is Asynchronous!
Cooking a Spaghetti Dinner
 Fill pot with water
 Put pot on stove
 Start boiling water (async)
 Do dishes
 When water is boiling… (await)
 Put spaghetti in boiling water (async)
 Start warming up pasta sauce (async)
 Make salad
 Pour drinks
 When spaghetti and sauce finished… (await)
 Make plates of spaghetti with sauce and side salad
Synchronous Cooking!
 Fill pot with water
 Put pot on stove
 Wait for water to boil (just stare at it)
 Put spaghetti in pot
 Wait for spaghetti to cook (stare harder)
 Strain spaghetti
 Fill another pan with pasta sauce
 Put pasta sauce on stove
 Wait for pasta sauce to warm up (keep staring…maybe it helps?)
 Make salad
 Pour drinks
 Make plates of spaghetti with sauce and side salad
Cooking Dinner – The Code
public async Task<Dinner> MakeDinnerAsync()
Task boilWaterTask = BoilWaterAsync();
await boilWaterTask;
Task<Spaghetti> boilSpaghettiTask = BoilSpaghettiAsync();
Task<PastaSauce> warmPastaSauceTask = WarmPastaSauceAsync();
Salad salad = MakeSalad();
Drink drink = GetDrink();
await Task.WhenAll(boilSpaghettiTask, warmPastaSauceTask);
Spaghetti spaghetti = await boilSpaghettiTask;
PastaSauce pastaSauce = await warmPastaSauceTask;
Dinner dinner = MakeDinnerPlate(spaghetti, pastaSauce, salad, drink);
return dinner;
This is not about…
 Other forms of concurrency in the Task Parallel Library (TPL)
 Data Parallelism (Parallel.For and ForEach)
 Task Parallelism (Tasks without async/await)
 Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)
 TPL Dataflow
Process – High Level
 An instance of a program running on a computer
 In IIS, a w3wp.exe worker process runs for every
app pool you have running
 NOT for every web application
 *Side Note* Running multiple worker processes for
same web application called a Web Garden
Thread – High Level
 By this I mean .NET CLR MANAGED threads
 1 or more threads to a process
 1 Megabyte memory per thread stack reservation size (by default)
 Expensive to allocate and garbage collect
 Multi-Core compatible
 Using multiple likely means using multiple cores
 Threads distributed amongst CPUs by OS
Threadpool – High Level
 A “pool” or collection of .NET managed threads
 Background worker threads managed by the system
 For quick work without the overhead of allocating a new thread
 Only 1 threadpool per process
Async in ASP.NET video - Levi Broderick
IIS requests – High Level
In ASP.NET, AVOID using thread pool threads
Avoid Threadpool usage in ASP.NET
 Request made in ASP.NET uses a threadpool thread
 That includes any mechanisms that use threadpool threads
 Basically all compute bound parallel processing
 Task.Run
 Task.Factory.StartNew
 Parallel.For
Promises and Futures
 Promise - a writable, single assignment container which sets the value of the
future (via .SetResult in C#)
 C# - TaskCompletionSource
 Java – SettableFuture
 jQuery - $.Deferred()
 AngularJs - $q.defer()
 ES6 – don’t have direct access, but call resolve or reject within passed in function
 Future - read-only placeholder view of a variable
 C# - Task or Task<T>
 Java - Future
 jQuery - $.Deferred().promise
 AngularJs - $q.defer().promise
 ES6 - new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { ... })
What is async/await?
 Asynchronous programming made easy!
 Almost as easy to do async as it is to do synchronous programming
 Ties in to Task Parallel Library’s Task functionality
 A new language feature in .NET 4.5
 Async/Await released with C# 5.0 (.NET 4.5), released August 2012
 Can compile using VS 2012+
Why async/await?
 For network I/O
 Web service calls
 Database calls
 Cache calls
 Any call to any other server
 Something else doing the work
 Computationally intensive work using Task.Run (avoid in ASP.NET)
 It is doing the work
What methods can be async?
Methods with the following return types can be made async
 Task
 Task<T>
 void //but avoid it!
 async Task
 async Task<T>
 async void
Task – High Level
 Multi-core compatible
 Unit of Work
 POTENTIALLY asynchronous operation
Tasks are like IOUs…
Task t = GetTaskAsync();
 Active task when not…
 t.IsCompleted
 t.IsFaulted
 t.IsCanceled
Synchronous Method
ASYNChronous Method
private async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
return await client.GetStringAsync(url); //network I/O, thread not blocking
private string GetUrl(string url)
using (var client = new WebClient())
return client.DownloadString(url);
What does the async keyword do?
 Lets the method know that it can have await keyword
 Tells the method to wrap the returned value in a Task
 Tells the compiler to generate a LOT of code (another slide)
 It’s an implementation detail
public interface IHttpService
Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url);
public class HttpService : IHttpService
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
string result;
using (var client = new HttpClient())
result = await client.GetStringAsync(url); //network I/O
return result;
So…why use it?
private static readonly List<string> Urls = new List<string>
public string GetUrls()
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var urlResults = new List<string>();
foreach (string url in Urls)
//LINQ select via method group syntax
//var urlResults = Urls.Select(GetUrl);
return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
Test took 3.2 seconds to run
So…why use it? cont’d
public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync()
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>();
foreach (string url in Urls)
//LINQ select via method group syntax
//var urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(GetUrlAsync);
await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks);
return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
Test took 1.5 seconds to run AND fewer server resources
Control Flow
All About Tasks…
using System.Threading.Tasks;
 Replacement for Thread.Sleep
 Returns completed task after a specified delay
await Task.Delay(1000);
Don’t use Thread.Sleep with async tasks!
WhenAny – more advanced
public async Task<string> GetFromCacheOrDb()
string retVal = null;
var getFromCacheTask = GetFromCacheAsync();
await Task.WhenAny(getFromCacheTask, Task.Delay(2000));
if (getFromCacheTask.IsCompleted)
retVal = await getFromCacheTask;
//perfectly safe to use getFromCacheTask.Result here
//but I won't…see the DANGER ZONE section
var getFromDbTask = GetFromDbAsync();
var taskWithData = await Task.WhenAny(getFromCacheTask, getFromDbTask);
retVal = await taskWithData;
return retVal;
Generated Async code
public Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0 stateMachine;
stateMachine.u003Cu003E4__this = this;
stateMachine.url = url;
stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<string>.Create();
stateMachine.u003Cu003E1__state = -1;
stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder.Start<HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0>(ref stateMachine);
return stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder.Task;
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
string result;
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
result = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url);
return result;
compiles to…
Generated Async Code cont’d
private struct u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0 : IAsyncStateMachine
public int u003Cu003E1__state;
public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<string> u003Cu003Et__builder;
public HttpService u003Cu003E4__this;
public string url;
public string u003Cresultu003E5__1;
public HttpClient u003Cclientu003E5__2;
private TaskAwaiter<string> u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3;
private object u003Cu003Et__stack;
void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()
string result1;
bool flag = true;
switch (this.u003Cu003E1__state)
case -3:
case 0:
TaskAwaiter<string> awaiter;
if (this.u003Cu003E1__state != 0)
awaiter = this.u003Cclientu003E5__2.GetStringAsync(this.url).GetAwaiter();
if (!awaiter.IsCompleted)
this.u003Cu003E1__state = 0;
this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3 = awaiter;
this.u003Cu003Et__builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted<TaskAwaiter<string>, HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0>(ref awaiter, ref this);
flag = false;
awaiter = this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3;
this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3 = new TaskAwaiter<string>();
this.u003Cu003E1__state = -1;
string result2 = awaiter.GetResult();
TaskAwaiter<string> taskAwaiter = new TaskAwaiter<string>();
this.u003Cresultu003E5__1 = result2;
if (flag && this.u003Cclientu003E5__2 != null)
result1 = this.u003Cresultu003E5__1;
this.u003Cclientu003E5__2 = new HttpClient();
goto case 0;
catch (Exception ex)
this.u003Cu003E1__state = -2;
this.u003Cu003E1__state = -2;
void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine param0)
.NET applications have a synchronization context
It’s different for each type of app, but fall into buckets
 WebAPI
 WebForms
 UI
 WinForms
 Windows Store app
 Neither
 Console app
SynchronizationContext suggestions
If it’s on the UI or in ASP.NET and you don’t need the context…
don’t continue on captured context
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result;
public async Task<string> GetRequestUrl()
await DoingSomethingAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
// And now we're on the thread pool thread without a captured context
//so the HttpContext.Current is null
//so...UNHANDLED EXCEPTION without compiler warning!
return HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl;
SynchronizationContext suggestions cont’d
But there are places where you do need the context…
My rule of thumb:
 Don’t use .ConfigureAwait(false) on endpoints and ASP.NET pipeline
 MVC controller actions
 WebAPI actions
 Filters
 HttpHandlers
 Http Message Handlers like DelegatingHandler
 Use .ConfigureAwait(false) basically everywhere else
SynchronizationContext suggestions cont’d
The Deadlock with .Result or .Wait()
 Don’t do .Result or .Wait() on unfinished task
 Or at all…
public string DeadlockDemo()
string urlContent = _httpService.GetUrlAsync("").Result;
return urlContent;
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None);
return result;
AspNetSynchronizationContext will ensure that they execute one at a time
The Deadlock cont’d
The Deadlock cont’d
Remember the SynchronizationContext?
public async Task<string> DeadlockDemo()
string urlContent = _httpService.GetUrlAsync("").Result;
return urlContent;
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url)
string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result;
If ALL awaited tasks are set to configureawait false, the block won’t cause a deadlock
Synchronous Method
public string Echo(string message)
return message;
ALSO Synchronous Method
public async Task<string> EchoAsync(string message)
return message;
ALSO Synchronous
public Task<string> EchoAsync2(string message)
return Task.FromResult(message);
2.5x SLOWER!
public async Task<string> EchoAsync3(string message)
return await Task.FromResult(message);
Asynchronous, but in Parallel
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync2()
string result = await Task.Run(async () =>
await _httpService.GetUrlAsync("")
return result;
Already an async call, no need for parallel
Synchronous as parallel async?
public async Task<string> SyncAsParallelAsync()
string retVal = await Task.Run(() => GetUrl(""));
return retVal;
But I need to call an async method
 IF you can’t change the interface
 Can’t change from return of string to return of Task<string> that gets awaited
public string AsyncAsSync()
string cachedItem = Task.Run(() => GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None)).Result;
return cachedItem;
Avoid if at all possible!
Async void
 Avoid async void!
 Only use async void if you MUST conform to prior interface.
 Primarily for events
private async void btnDownload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
btnDownload.IsEnabled = false;
txtResult.Text = await DownloadStringAsync(txtUrl.Text,
new Progress<int>(p => pbDownloadProgress.Value = p));
finally { btnDownload.IsEnabled = true; }
Async All The Way
Once you start, you can’t stop…
public static async Task<T> MakeHttpRequestAsync<T>(…)
private async Task<TResult> GetHttpAsync<T, TResult>(…)
public async Task<TResponse> GetRulesEngineResponseAsync(…)
private async Task<SavingsRulesResponse> GetSavingsRulesAsync(…)
public async Task<ExperimentTemplate> CallToActionBuilderAsync(…)
private Task GenerateCallsToActionAndRespondAsync(…)
public async Task<ApiResponseActionResult> GenerateCallsToActionAsync(…)
Back to the regularly scheduled talk…
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync()
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(1000);
var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>();
urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(url => _httpService.GetUrlAsync(url, cts.Token)).ToList();
await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks);
catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
//swallow ex for now
return string.Format("Cancelled Tasks: {0} Elapsed Time In MS: {1}",
urlResultsTasks.Count(x => x.IsCanceled), watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
OUTPUT: "Cancelled Tasks: 1 Elapsed Time In MS: 1152"
Cancellations cont’d
The trickle down effect of cancellation code
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
string result;
var uri = new Uri(url);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); //optional
var response = await client.GetAsync(uri, cancellationToken); //network I/O
cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); //optional
result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //potentially network I/O
return result;
Cancellations linked
//[AsyncTimeout(1500)] for MVC only
public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync2(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(1000);
var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, cts.Token);
var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>();
urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(url => _httpService.GetUrlAsync(url, linkedCts.Token)).ToList();
await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks);
catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
//swallow ex for now
return string.Format("Cancelled Tasks: {0} Elapsed Time In MS: {1}",
urlResultsTasks.Count(x => x.IsCanceled), watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Async lambdas
Can use async on Action<T> and Func<T> types
public async Task<string> AsyncLambda()
string closureMessage = null;
var task = ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime("GetFromCacheAsync", async () =>
closureMessage = await GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None);
await task;
return closureMessage;
private async Task ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime(string title, Func<Task> asyncAction)
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
await asyncAction.Invoke();
Debug.WriteLine("{0} ElapsedTimeInMs: {1}", title, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Async lambdas cont’d
The Try Tri!
public static async Task<T> DoAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> action, TimeSpan retryInterval,
int retryCount = 3)
var exceptions = new List<Exception>();
for (int retry = 0; retry < retryCount; retry++)
if (retry > 0)
await Task.Delay(retryInterval);
return await action();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
public async Task<string> FromResult()
string closureMessage = null;
var task = ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime("Synchronous",() =>
closureMessage = GetText();
return Task.FromResult(0);
//.NET 4.6 has Task.CompletedTask for this
await task;
return closureMessage;
Hot and Cold methods
 All async tasks run HOT
 As soon as task created, method is started (like regular method)
public async Task<string> GetFromCache()
var getFromCacheTask = GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None);
string cachedItem = await getFromCacheTask;
return cachedItem;
Note: GetFromCacheAsync takes 0.5 seconds and SomethingSynchronous takes 1 second
Total time was 1.149 seconds
Cold Tasks (.NET 4.0)
public void ColdTask()
var task = new Task(() =>
// ...and some more stuff
If you have a need, could be useful for computationally bound asynchrony, but…
You should probably AVOID this
public async Task<string> ThrowErrorAsync()
string message = null;
var t = ThrowErrorCoreAsync();
message = await t;
catch (Exception ex)
return "ERROR awaiting";
return message;
private async Task<string> ThrowErrorCoreAsync()
throw new Exception("Error!");
await GetFromDbAsync(CancellationToken.None);
Work basically how you’d expect…
Exceptions cont’d
private async Task GetMultipleErrorsAsync()
var t1 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync();
var t2 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync2();
var t3 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync3();
var tAll = Task.WhenAll(t1, t2, t3);
await tAll;
catch (Exception ex)
Exception thrown is error from t1, but tAll has AggregateException of all 3 errors
Aync Http
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
string result;
var uri = new Uri(url);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var response = await client.GetAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); //network I/O
result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //potentially network I/O
return result;
Service References
Service References cont’d
public static async Task Foo()
using (ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client())
Task<string> t = client.GetDataAsync(1);
string result = await t;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandString, connection))
using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
//Some code
if (await reader.ReadAsync())
//more code
//Other code
Entity Framework 6
public static async Task PerformDatabaseOperations()
using (var db = new BloggingContext())
// Create a new blog and save it
db.Blogs.Add(new Blog
Name = "Test Blog #" + (db.Blogs.Count() + 1)
Console.WriteLine("Calling SaveChanges.");
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
Console.WriteLine("SaveChanges completed.");
// Query for all blogs ordered by name
Console.WriteLine("Executing query.");
var blogs = await (from b in db.Blogs
orderby b.Name
select b).ToListAsync();
// Write all blogs out to Console
Console.WriteLine("Query completed with following results:");
foreach (var blog in blogs)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + blog.Name);
EF 6 stored procedure async
with Table-Valued Parameter
public async Task UpdateSoftOfferEndpointsActiveFlag(Dictionary<string, bool> softOfferEndpointDictionary)
const string sql = "exec [SavingsEngine].[pUpdateSoftOfferEndpointsActiveFlag]
if (softOfferEndpointDictionary == null || !softOfferEndpointDictionary.Any())
var ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionaryParameter = new SqlParameter("@ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionary",
System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured) { TypeName = "SavingsEngine.DictionaryStringBit" };
var temp = new System.Data.DataTable();
temp.Columns.Add("Key", typeof(string));
temp.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(bool));
foreach (var kvp in softOfferEndpointDictionary)
temp.Rows.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionaryParameter.Value = temp;
await _cbasContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(sql,
string value = "abcdefg";
await db.StringSetAsync("mykey", value);
string value = await db.StringGetAsync("mykey");
Console.WriteLine(value); // writes: "abcdefg"
public async Task SetRecaptchaCache(ConsumerType model)
string recaptchaHashKey = GetRecaptchaHashKey(model);
await m_redis.StringSetAsync(recaptchaHashKey, true,
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var database = client.GetDatabase("foo");
var collection = database.GetCollection<Person>("bar");
await collection.InsertOneAsync(new Person { Name = "Jack" });
var list = await collection.Find(x => x.Name == "Jack") .ToListAsync();
foreach(var person in list)
Amazon Web Services
 Simple Notification Service (SNS)
 public virtual Task<PublishResponse> PublishAsync( PublishRequest
request, CancellationToken cancellationToken )
 Simple Queue Service (SQS)
 public virtual Task<SendMessageResponse> SendMessageAsync(
SendMessageRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 Simple Storage Service (S3)
 public virtual Task<GetObjectResponse> GetObjectAsync(
GetObjectRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken )
New in .NET 4.6
 Not much…
 Task.FromException
 Task.FromCancelled
 Task.CompletedTask
 Task{Creation/Continuation}Options.RunContinuationsAsynchronously
 Allows you to run .SetResult within a lock
 Except…
 Now able to await in catch and finally blocks!
 Code the way you live, asynchronously!
 That is, code NETWORK I/O calls asynchronously
 But…
 Don’t use async on synchronously running code
 Test the performance. Is it saving time?
Why run this as async?
public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync()
string result = await _httpService.GetUrlAsync("");
return result;
 There is no thread!
 When the thread has no more work to do while awaiting, it goes back to the threadpool
 Increased server throughput
 Server can process more requests
Copied from TAP doc
Task.Run(async delegate
for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++)
await Task.Yield(); // fork the continuation into a separate work item
public static Task<string> DownloadStringAsync(Uri url)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
var wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (s,e) =>
if (e.Error != null) tcs.TrySetException(e.Error);
else if (e.Cancelled) tcs.TrySetCanceled();
else tcs.TrySetResult(e.Result);
return tcs.Task;
TaskCompletionSource and EAP
Copied from TAP doc
Meet the experts
 Stephen Toub
 On Visual Studio Parallel Programming team at
 Wrote THE document on the TAP
 Speaker at MS Build 2011,2013
Meet the experts cont’d
 Stephen Cleary
 Microsoft MVP
 Avid StackOverflow user
 Answered my async/await
 Great blog
 Wrote the book on concurrency
 Concurrency in C# Cookbook on
 The Task-based Asynchronous Pattern
 The zen of async: Best practices for best performance
 MS Build 2011 video – Stephen Toub
 Async in ASP.NET video with Damian Edwards et al.
 Async'ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET
 MS Build 2013 video – Stephen Toub
 Building parallelized apps with .NET and Visual Studio
 MS Build 2011 video – Stephen Toub
 Stephen Toub: Task-Based Asynchrony with Async

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Async and Await on the Server

  • 1. Async and Await on the Server Doug Jones
  • 2. So…what’s this about?  Task-based Asynchronous Pattern on the server  What is it?  Why use it?  How does it work?  Or…everything I wish I knew about async/await when I started using it!
  • 3. Life is Asynchronous! Cooking a Spaghetti Dinner  Fill pot with water  Put pot on stove  Start boiling water (async)  Do dishes  When water is boiling… (await)  Put spaghetti in boiling water (async)  Start warming up pasta sauce (async)  Make salad  Pour drinks  When spaghetti and sauce finished… (await)  Make plates of spaghetti with sauce and side salad
  • 4. Synchronous Cooking!  Fill pot with water  Put pot on stove  Wait for water to boil (just stare at it)  Put spaghetti in pot  Wait for spaghetti to cook (stare harder)  Strain spaghetti  Fill another pan with pasta sauce  Put pasta sauce on stove  Wait for pasta sauce to warm up (keep staring…maybe it helps?)  Make salad  Pour drinks  Make plates of spaghetti with sauce and side salad
  • 5. Cooking Dinner – The Code public async Task<Dinner> MakeDinnerAsync() { Task boilWaterTask = BoilWaterAsync(); DoDishes(); await boilWaterTask; Task<Spaghetti> boilSpaghettiTask = BoilSpaghettiAsync(); Task<PastaSauce> warmPastaSauceTask = WarmPastaSauceAsync(); Salad salad = MakeSalad(); Drink drink = GetDrink(); await Task.WhenAll(boilSpaghettiTask, warmPastaSauceTask); Spaghetti spaghetti = await boilSpaghettiTask; PastaSauce pastaSauce = await warmPastaSauceTask; Dinner dinner = MakeDinnerPlate(spaghetti, pastaSauce, salad, drink); return dinner; }
  • 6. This is not about…  Other forms of concurrency in the Task Parallel Library (TPL)  Data Parallelism (Parallel.For and ForEach)  Task Parallelism (Tasks without async/await)  Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)  TPL Dataflow
  • 7. Process – High Level  An instance of a program running on a computer  In IIS, a w3wp.exe worker process runs for every app pool you have running  NOT for every web application  *Side Note* Running multiple worker processes for same web application called a Web Garden
  • 8. Thread – High Level  By this I mean .NET CLR MANAGED threads  1 or more threads to a process  1 Megabyte memory per thread stack reservation size (by default)  Expensive to allocate and garbage collect  Multi-Core compatible  Using multiple likely means using multiple cores  Threads distributed amongst CPUs by OS
  • 9. Threadpool – High Level  A “pool” or collection of .NET managed threads  Background worker threads managed by the system  For quick work without the overhead of allocating a new thread  Only 1 threadpool per process
  • 10. Async in ASP.NET video - Levi Broderick IIS requests – High Level In ASP.NET, AVOID using thread pool threads
  • 11. Avoid Threadpool usage in ASP.NET  Request made in ASP.NET uses a threadpool thread  That includes any mechanisms that use threadpool threads  Basically all compute bound parallel processing  PLINQ  Task.Run  Task.Factory.StartNew  Parallel.For
  • 12. Promises and Futures  Promise - a writable, single assignment container which sets the value of the future (via .SetResult in C#)  C# - TaskCompletionSource  Java – SettableFuture  jQuery - $.Deferred()  AngularJs - $q.defer()  ES6 – don’t have direct access, but call resolve or reject within passed in function  Future - read-only placeholder view of a variable  C# - Task or Task<T>  Java - Future  jQuery - $.Deferred().promise  AngularJs - $q.defer().promise  ES6 - new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { ... })
  • 13. What is async/await?  Asynchronous programming made easy!  Almost as easy to do async as it is to do synchronous programming  Ties in to Task Parallel Library’s Task functionality  A new language feature in .NET 4.5  Async/Await released with C# 5.0 (.NET 4.5), released August 2012  Can compile using VS 2012+
  • 14. Why async/await?  For network I/O  Web service calls  Database calls  Cache calls  Any call to any other server  Something else doing the work  Computationally intensive work using Task.Run (avoid in ASP.NET)  It is doing the work
  • 15. What methods can be async? Methods with the following return types can be made async  Task  Task<T>  void //but avoid it!  async Task  async Task<T>  async void
  • 16. Task – High Level  Multi-core compatible  Unit of Work  POTENTIALLY asynchronous operation
  • 17. Tasks are like IOUs… Task t = GetTaskAsync();  Active task when not…  t.IsCompleted  t.IsFaulted  t.IsCanceled
  • 18. Synchronous Method ASYNChronous Method private async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { return await client.GetStringAsync(url); //network I/O, thread not blocking } } private string GetUrl(string url) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { return client.DownloadString(url); } }
  • 19. What does the async keyword do?  Lets the method know that it can have await keyword  Tells the method to wrap the returned value in a Task  Tells the compiler to generate a LOT of code (another slide)  It’s an implementation detail public interface IHttpService { Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url); } public class HttpService : IHttpService { public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { string result; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { result = await client.GetStringAsync(url); //network I/O } return result; } }
  • 20. So…why use it? private static readonly List<string> Urls = new List<string> { "", "", "", "", "" }; [HttpGet] [Route("geturlssync")] public string GetUrls() { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var urlResults = new List<string>(); foreach (string url in Urls) { urlResults.Add(GetUrl(url)); } //LINQ select via method group syntax //var urlResults = Urls.Select(GetUrl); return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(); } Test took 3.2 seconds to run
  • 21. So…why use it? cont’d [HttpGet] [Route("geturlsasync")] public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync() { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>(); foreach (string url in Urls) { urlResultsTasks.Add(GetUrlAsync(url)); } //LINQ select via method group syntax //var urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(GetUrlAsync); await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks); return watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(); } Test took 1.5 seconds to run AND fewer server resources
  • 23. All About Tasks… using System.Threading.Tasks;
  • 24. Task.Delay  Replacement for Thread.Sleep  Returns completed task after a specified delay await Task.Delay(1000); Don’t use Thread.Sleep with async tasks!
  • 25. WhenAny – more advanced [HttpGet] [Route("getfromcacheordb")] public async Task<string> GetFromCacheOrDb() { string retVal = null; var getFromCacheTask = GetFromCacheAsync(); await Task.WhenAny(getFromCacheTask, Task.Delay(2000)); if (getFromCacheTask.IsCompleted) { retVal = await getFromCacheTask; //perfectly safe to use getFromCacheTask.Result here //but I won't…see the DANGER ZONE section } else { var getFromDbTask = GetFromDbAsync(); var taskWithData = await Task.WhenAny(getFromCacheTask, getFromDbTask); retVal = await taskWithData; } return retVal; }
  • 26. Generated Async code public Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0 stateMachine; stateMachine.u003Cu003E4__this = this; stateMachine.url = url; stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<string>.Create(); stateMachine.u003Cu003E1__state = -1; stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder.Start<HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0>(ref stateMachine); return stateMachine.u003Cu003Et__builder.Task; } public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { string result; using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) result = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url); return result; } compiles to…
  • 27. Generated Async Code cont’d [CompilerGenerated] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] private struct u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0 : IAsyncStateMachine { public int u003Cu003E1__state; public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<string> u003Cu003Et__builder; public HttpService u003Cu003E4__this; public string url; public string u003Cresultu003E5__1; public HttpClient u003Cclientu003E5__2; private TaskAwaiter<string> u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3; private object u003Cu003Et__stack; void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() { string result1; try { bool flag = true; switch (this.u003Cu003E1__state) { case -3: break; case 0: try { TaskAwaiter<string> awaiter; if (this.u003Cu003E1__state != 0) { awaiter = this.u003Cclientu003E5__2.GetStringAsync(this.url).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter.IsCompleted) { this.u003Cu003E1__state = 0; this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3 = awaiter; this.u003Cu003Et__builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted<TaskAwaiter<string>, HttpService.u003CGetUrlAsyncu003Ed__0>(ref awaiter, ref this); flag = false; return; } } else { awaiter = this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3; this.u003Cu003Eu__u0024awaiter3 = new TaskAwaiter<string>(); this.u003Cu003E1__state = -1; } string result2 = awaiter.GetResult(); TaskAwaiter<string> taskAwaiter = new TaskAwaiter<string>(); this.u003Cresultu003E5__1 = result2; } finally { if (flag && this.u003Cclientu003E5__2 != null) this.u003Cclientu003E5__2.Dispose(); } result1 = this.u003Cresultu003E5__1; break; default: this.u003Cclientu003E5__2 = new HttpClient(); goto case 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.u003Cu003E1__state = -2; this.u003Cu003Et__builder.SetException(ex); return; } this.u003Cu003E1__state = -2; this.u003Cu003Et__builder.SetResult(result1); } [DebuggerHidden] void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine param0) { this.u003Cu003Et__builder.SetStateMachine(param0); } }
  • 28. SynchronizationContext .NET applications have a synchronization context It’s different for each type of app, but fall into buckets  ASP.NET  MVC  WebAPI  WebForms  UI  WPF  WinForms  Windows Store app  Neither  Console app
  • 29. SynchronizationContext suggestions If it’s on the UI or in ASP.NET and you don’t need the context… don’t continue on captured context public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false); return result; }
  • 30. [HttpGet] [Route("getrequesturl")] public async Task<string> GetRequestUrl() { await DoingSomethingAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); // And now we're on the thread pool thread without a captured context //so the HttpContext.Current is null //so...UNHANDLED EXCEPTION without compiler warning! return HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl; } SynchronizationContext suggestions cont’d But there are places where you do need the context…
  • 31. My rule of thumb:  Don’t use .ConfigureAwait(false) on endpoints and ASP.NET pipeline  MVC controller actions  WebAPI actions  Filters  HttpHandlers  Http Message Handlers like DelegatingHandler  Use .ConfigureAwait(false) basically everywhere else SynchronizationContext suggestions cont’d
  • 32.
  • 34. The Deadlock with .Result or .Wait()  Don’t do .Result or .Wait() on unfinished task  Or at all… [HttpGet] [Route("deadlockdemo")] public string DeadlockDemo() { string urlContent = _httpService.GetUrlAsync("").Result; return urlContent; } public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None); return result; } AspNetSynchronizationContext will ensure that they execute one at a time
  • 36. The Deadlock cont’d Remember the SynchronizationContext? [HttpGet] [Route("deadlockdemo")] public async Task<string> DeadlockDemo() { string urlContent = _httpService.GetUrlAsync("").Result; return urlContent; } public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url) { string result = await GetUrlAsync(url, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false); return result; } If ALL awaited tasks are set to configureawait false, the block won’t cause a deadlock
  • 37. Synchronous Method public string Echo(string message) { return message; } ALSO Synchronous Method public async Task<string> EchoAsync(string message) { return message; } 10x SLOWER!
  • 38. ALSO Synchronous public Task<string> EchoAsync2(string message) { return Task.FromResult(message); } 10x SLOWER! 2.5x SLOWER! public async Task<string> EchoAsync3(string message) { return await Task.FromResult(message); }
  • 39. Asynchronous, but in Parallel public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync2() { string result = await Task.Run(async () => await _httpService.GetUrlAsync("") ); return result; } Already an async call, no need for parallel
  • 40. Synchronous as parallel async? [HttpGet] [Route("syncasasync")] public async Task<string> SyncAsParallelAsync() { string retVal = await Task.Run(() => GetUrl("")); return retVal; }
  • 41. But I need to call an async method synchronously!  IF you can’t change the interface  Can’t change from return of string to return of Task<string> that gets awaited [HttpGet] [Route("asyncassync")] public string AsyncAsSync() { string cachedItem = Task.Run(() => GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None)).Result; return cachedItem; } Avoid if at all possible!
  • 42. Async void  Avoid async void!  Only use async void if you MUST conform to prior interface.  Primarily for events private async void btnDownload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btnDownload.IsEnabled = false; try { txtResult.Text = await DownloadStringAsync(txtUrl.Text, new Progress<int>(p => pbDownloadProgress.Value = p)); } finally { btnDownload.IsEnabled = true; } }
  • 43. Async All The Way Once you start, you can’t stop… public static async Task<T> MakeHttpRequestAsync<T>(…) private async Task<TResult> GetHttpAsync<T, TResult>(…) public async Task<TResponse> GetRulesEngineResponseAsync(…) private async Task<SavingsRulesResponse> GetSavingsRulesAsync(…) public async Task<ExperimentTemplate> CallToActionBuilderAsync(…) private Task GenerateCallsToActionAndRespondAsync(…) [System.Web.Http.Route("generatecallstoaction")] [HttpPost] public async Task<ApiResponseActionResult> GenerateCallsToActionAsync(…)
  • 44. Back to the regularly scheduled talk… using System.Threading.Tasks;
  • 45. Cancellations [HttpGet] [Route("geturlsasync")] public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync() { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(1000); var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>(); try { urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(url => _httpService.GetUrlAsync(url, cts.Token)).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks); } catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { //swallow ex for now } return string.Format("Cancelled Tasks: {0} Elapsed Time In MS: {1}", urlResultsTasks.Count(x => x.IsCanceled), watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } OUTPUT: "Cancelled Tasks: 1 Elapsed Time In MS: 1152"
  • 46. Cancellations cont’d The trickle down effect of cancellation code public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url,CancellationToken cancellationToken) { string result; var uri = new Uri(url); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); //optional var response = await client.GetAsync(uri, cancellationToken); //network I/O cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); //optional result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //potentially network I/O } return result; }
  • 47. Cancellations linked [HttpGet] [Route("geturlsasync2")] //[AsyncTimeout(1500)] for MVC only public async Task<string> GetUrlsAsync2(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(1000); var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, cts.Token); var urlResultsTasks = new List<Task<string>>(); try { urlResultsTasks = Urls.Select(url => _httpService.GetUrlAsync(url, linkedCts.Token)).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(urlResultsTasks); } catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { //swallow ex for now } return string.Format("Cancelled Tasks: {0} Elapsed Time In MS: {1}", urlResultsTasks.Count(x => x.IsCanceled), watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
  • 48. Async lambdas Can use async on Action<T> and Func<T> types [HttpGet] [Route("asynclambda")] public async Task<string> AsyncLambda() { string closureMessage = null; var task = ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime("GetFromCacheAsync", async () => { closureMessage = await GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None); }); await task; return closureMessage; } private async Task ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime(string title, Func<Task> asyncAction) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); await asyncAction.Invoke(); Debug.WriteLine("{0} ElapsedTimeInMs: {1}", title, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
  • 49. Async lambdas cont’d The Try Tri! public static async Task<T> DoAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> action, TimeSpan retryInterval, int retryCount = 3) { var exceptions = new List<Exception>(); for (int retry = 0; retry < retryCount; retry++) { if (retry > 0) { await Task.Delay(retryInterval); } try { return await action(); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions.Add(ex); } } throw new AggregateException(exceptions); }
  • 50. Task.FromResult [HttpGet] [Route("fromresult")] public async Task<string> FromResult() { string closureMessage = null; var task = ExecuteAsyncAndLogTime("Synchronous",() => { closureMessage = GetText(); return Task.FromResult(0); //.NET 4.6 has Task.CompletedTask for this }); await task; return closureMessage; }
  • 51. Hot and Cold methods  All async tasks run HOT  As soon as task created, method is started (like regular method) [HttpGet] [Route("getfromcache")] public async Task<string> GetFromCache() { var getFromCacheTask = GetFromCacheAsync(CancellationToken.None); SomethingSynchronous(); string cachedItem = await getFromCacheTask; return cachedItem; } Note: GetFromCacheAsync takes 0.5 seconds and SomethingSynchronous takes 1 second Total time was 1.149 seconds
  • 52. Cold Tasks (.NET 4.0) [HttpGet] [Route("coldtask")] public void ColdTask() { var task = new Task(() => { SomethingSynchronous(); // ...and some more stuff }); task.Start(); } If you have a need, could be useful for computationally bound asynchrony, but… You should probably AVOID this
  • 53. Exceptions [HttpGet] [Route("throwerror")] public async Task<string> ThrowErrorAsync() { string message = null; var t = ThrowErrorCoreAsync(); try { message = await t; } catch (Exception ex) { return "ERROR awaiting"; } return message; } private async Task<string> ThrowErrorCoreAsync() { throw new Exception("Error!"); await GetFromDbAsync(CancellationToken.None); } Work basically how you’d expect…
  • 54. Exceptions cont’d Well…almost private async Task GetMultipleErrorsAsync() { var t1 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync(); var t2 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync2(); var t3 = ThrowErrorCoreAsync3(); var tAll = Task.WhenAll(t1, t2, t3); try { await tAll; } catch (Exception ex) { Debugger.Break(); } } Exception thrown is error from t1, but tAll has AggregateException of all 3 errors
  • 55.
  • 56. Aync Http public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync(string url,CancellationToken cancellationToken) { string result; var uri = new Uri(url); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.GetAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); //network I/O result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //potentially network I/O } return result; }
  • 58. Service References cont’d public static async Task Foo() { using (ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client()) { Task<string> t = client.GetDataAsync(1); string result = await t; } }
  • 59. ADO.NET using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { await connection.OpenAsync(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandString, connection)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync()) { //Some code if (await reader.ReadAsync()) { //more code } //Other code } } }
  • 60. Entity Framework 6 public static async Task PerformDatabaseOperations() { using (var db = new BloggingContext()) { // Create a new blog and save it db.Blogs.Add(new Blog { Name = "Test Blog #" + (db.Blogs.Count() + 1) }); Console.WriteLine("Calling SaveChanges."); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); Console.WriteLine("SaveChanges completed."); // Query for all blogs ordered by name Console.WriteLine("Executing query."); var blogs = await (from b in db.Blogs orderby b.Name select b).ToListAsync(); // Write all blogs out to Console Console.WriteLine("Query completed with following results:"); foreach (var blog in blogs) { Console.WriteLine(" - " + blog.Name); } } }
  • 61. EF 6 stored procedure async with Table-Valued Parameter public async Task UpdateSoftOfferEndpointsActiveFlag(Dictionary<string, bool> softOfferEndpointDictionary) { const string sql = "exec [SavingsEngine].[pUpdateSoftOfferEndpointsActiveFlag] @ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionary"; if (softOfferEndpointDictionary == null || !softOfferEndpointDictionary.Any()) { return; } var ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionaryParameter = new SqlParameter("@ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionary", System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured) { TypeName = "SavingsEngine.DictionaryStringBit" }; var temp = new System.Data.DataTable(); temp.Columns.Add("Key", typeof(string)); temp.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(bool)); foreach (var kvp in softOfferEndpointDictionary) { temp.Rows.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionaryParameter.Value = temp; await _cbasContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(sql, ipSoftOfferEndpointDictionaryParameter).ConfigureAwait(false); }
  • 62. Redis StackExchange.Redis string value = "abcdefg"; await db.StringSetAsync("mykey", value); ... string value = await db.StringGetAsync("mykey"); Console.WriteLine(value); // writes: "abcdefg" public async Task SetRecaptchaCache(ConsumerType model) { string recaptchaHashKey = GetRecaptchaHashKey(model); await m_redis.StringSetAsync(recaptchaHashKey, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)).ConfigureAwait(false); }
  • 63. MongoDB var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); var database = client.GetDatabase("foo"); var collection = database.GetCollection<Person>("bar"); await collection.InsertOneAsync(new Person { Name = "Jack" }); var list = await collection.Find(x => x.Name == "Jack") .ToListAsync(); foreach(var person in list) { Console.WriteLine(person.Name); }
  • 64. Amazon Web Services  Simple Notification Service (SNS)  public virtual Task<PublishResponse> PublishAsync( PublishRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken )  Simple Queue Service (SQS)  public virtual Task<SendMessageResponse> SendMessageAsync( SendMessageRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)  Simple Storage Service (S3)  public virtual Task<GetObjectResponse> GetObjectAsync( GetObjectRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken )
  • 65. New in .NET 4.6  Not much…  Task.FromException  Task.FromCancelled  Task.CompletedTask  Task{Creation/Continuation}Options.RunContinuationsAsynchronously  Allows you to run .SetResult within a lock  Except…  Now able to await in catch and finally blocks!
  • 66. Conclusion  Code the way you live, asynchronously!  That is, code NETWORK I/O calls asynchronously  But…  Don’t use async on synchronously running code  Test the performance. Is it saving time?
  • 68. Why run this as async? [HttpGet] [Route("geturlasync")] public async Task<string> GetUrlAsync() { string result = await _httpService.GetUrlAsync(""); return result; }  There is no thread!  When the thread has no more work to do while awaiting, it goes back to the threadpool  Increased server throughput  Server can process more requests
  • 69. Task.Yield Copied from TAP doc Task.Run(async delegate { for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++) { await Task.Yield(); // fork the continuation into a separate work item ... } });
  • 70. public static Task<string> DownloadStringAsync(Uri url) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); var wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (s,e) => { if (e.Error != null) tcs.TrySetException(e.Error); else if (e.Cancelled) tcs.TrySetCanceled(); else tcs.TrySetResult(e.Result); }; wc.DownloadStringAsync(url); return tcs.Task; } TaskCompletionSource and EAP Copied from TAP doc
  • 71. Meet the experts  Stephen Toub  On Visual Studio Parallel Programming team at Microsoft   Wrote THE document on the TAP  us/download/details.aspx?id=19957  Speaker at MS Build 2011,2013
  • 72. Meet the experts cont’d  Stephen Cleary  Microsoft MVP  Avid StackOverflow user  Answered my async/await question  Great blog   Wrote the book on concurrency  Concurrency in C# Cookbook on Amazon
  • 73. References  The Task-based Asynchronous Pattern  The zen of async: Best practices for best performance  MS Build 2011 video – Stephen Toub  Async in ASP.NET video with Damian Edwards et al.  Async'ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET  MS Build 2013 video – Stephen Toub  Building parallelized apps with .NET and Visual Studio  MS Build 2011 video – Stephen Toub  Stephen Toub: Task-Based Asynchrony with Async