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An	Introduc+on	to		
Stochas+c	Actor-Oriented	Models	
(aka	SIENA)	
Dr.	David	R.	Schaefer	
Arizona	State	University	
Social	Networks	&	Health	Training	Workshop	
Duke	University	
June	20,	2016
1	Dyad	independent	models	
2	R	(sna)	=	lnam	
Figure	adapted	from	jimi	adams	
Modeled	Interdependencies	
None	 w/in	Dyad1	 Dyad+	
General	Linear	
Autoregressive2	 Stochas+c	
(SAOM)	Network	 Erdös-Renyi	 (MR)QAP	
Random	Graph	
Rela+onal	Event	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 2	
Sta?s?cal	Modeling	&	SNA
When	to	use	a	SAOM	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 3	
•  Ques+ons	about	changes	in	network	structure	over	+me	
–  Including	mul+ple	networks	
–  Including	two-mode	networks	(selec+ng	into	foci)	
•  Ques+ons	about	how	networks	affect	individual	“behaviors,”	
such	as	through	peer	influence	
–  Including	mul+ple	behaviors	and	possible	reciprocal	
•  Ques+ons	about	the	endogenous	associa+on	between	
networks	and	behavior
Stochas?c	Actor-Oriented	Model	
•  Also	called	Stochas+c	Actor-Based	Model	(SABM),	or	“SIENA”	
based	on	the	sobware	used	to	es+mate	the	model	
–  Simula'on	Inves'ga'on	for	Empirical	Network	Analysis	
–  Currently	es+mable	in	R	(RSiena)	
•  Recogni+on	that	networks	and	behavior	are	interdependent	
–  Behaviors	can	affect	network	structure	
–  Network	structure	can	affect	behavior	
–  Thus,	both	“outcomes”	are	endogenous	
–  Complicates	adempts	to	answer	important	theore+cal	
ques+ons	(e.g.,	peer	influence)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 4
Network	Homogeneity	on	Smoking	
time t
time t-1
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 5
Smoking-Related	Popularity	
leads to
time t
time t-1
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 6
Inferring	Network	→	Behavior	
Requires	controlling	for	network	selec?on	based	on:	
1.  Pre-exis+ng	similarity	in	the	behavior	
2.  Similarity	on	adributes	correlated	with	the	behavior	
3.  Network	processes,	such	as	triad	closure	
•  Can	amplify	network-behavior	paderns	(see	below)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 7	
I	♥	
Overview	of	Model	Presenta?on	
1.  The	general	form	of	the	model	
–  Network	func+on	for	rela+onship	change	
–  Behavior	func+on	for	“behavior”	change	
–  Rate	func+ons	
2.  Model	es+ma+on	procedure	
–  Model	assump+ons		
–  MCMC	es+ma+on	algorithm	
–  Goodness	of	Fit	
3.  Empirical	example	
4.  Extensions	&	Miscellany		
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 8
1.	General	SAOM	Form	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 9
•  Discrete	change	is	modeled	as	occurring	in	con+nuous	+me	
(between	observa+ons)	through	a	sequence	of	micro	steps	
•  Actors	control	their	outgoing	+es	and	behavior	
–  Func+ons	specify	when	and	how	they	change	
SAOM	Components	
Decision	Timing		
(when	changes	occur)	
Decision	Rules	
(how	changes	occur)	
Network	Evolu+on	
Network	rate	
Network	objec+ve	
Behavior	Evolu+on	
Behavior	rate	
Behavior	objec+ve	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 10
Network	Objec?ve	Func?on	
•  Network	change	is	modeled	by	allowing	actors	to	select	+es	(by	adding	or	
dropping	them)	based	upon:	
fi(β,x)	is	the	value	of	the	network	objec+ve	func+on	for	actor	i,	given:	
•  the	current	set	of	parameter	es+mates	(β)	
•  state	of	the	network	(x)	
•  For	k	effects,	represented	as	ski,	which	may	be	based	on		
–  the	network	(x),	or	individual	adributes	(z)	
•  Es+mated	with	random	disturbance	(ε)	associated	with	x, z, t and	j
•  Goal	of	model	fimng	is	to	es+mate	each	βk 	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 11	
fi (β, x) = βkski
∑ (x)+ε(x, z,t, j)
Network	Decision	
fego(β,x) = -2
∑ + 1.8
xij x ji
outdegree	 reciprocity	
fego(β,x) = -2
∑ + 1.8
xij x ji
∑fego(β,x) = -2
∑ + 1.8
xij x ji
During	a	micro	step,	an	actor	evaluates	how	changing	its	outgoing	
+e	in	each	dyad	would	affect	the	value	of	the	objec+ve	func+on	
(goal	is	to	maximize	the	value	of	the	func+on)	
ego	 j1	 j2	 j3	 j4	
ego	 -	 1	 1	 0	 0	
j1	 1	 -	 0	 0	 0	
j2	 0	 0	 -	 0	 0	
j3	 1	 0	 0	 -	 0	
j4	 0	 0	 0	 0	 -	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 12	
If…	 outdegree	 reciprocity	 sum	
No	change	 -2	*	2	=	-4	 1.8	*	1	=	1.8	 -2.2	
Drop	j1	 -2	*	1	=	-2		 1.8	*	0	=	0	 -2	
Drop	j2	 -2	*	1	=	-2		 1.8	*	1	=	1.8	 -.2	
Add	j3	 -2	*	3	=	-6	 1.8	*	3	=	3.6	 -2.4	
Add	j4	 -2	*	3	=	-6	 1.8	*	1	=	1.8	 -4.2	
Given	the	current	state	of	the	network,	ego	is		
most	likely	to	drop	the	?e	to	j2,	because	that	
decision	maximizes	the	objec+ve	func+on
•  Outdegree	always	present	
•  Network	processes	(e.g.,	reciprocity,	transi+vity)	
•  Adribute	based:	
–  Sociality:	effect	of	adribute	on	outgoing	+es	
–  Popularity:	effect	of	behavior	on	incoming	+es	
–  Homophily:	ego-alter	similarity	
–  Note:	adributes	may	be	stable	or	+me-changing	
(exogenous	or	endogenously	modeled)	
•  Dyadic	adributes	(e.g.,	co-membership)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 13	
Network	Objec?ve	Func?on	Effects
•  Predict	change	in	“behavior,”	which	is	the	generic	term	for	an	
individual	adribute		
–  Refers	to	any	amtude,	belief,	health	factor,	etc.	
•  Op+onal:	SAOMs	don’t	require	one	and	they’re	not	relevant	
for	many	ques+ons	
•  Ordinal	measurement	required	(~2-10	levels	best)	
•  Goal	is	to	es+mate	effect	of	network	on	behavior	change	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 14	
Behavior	Objec?ve	Func?on
Behavior	Objec?ve	Func?on	
•  Choice	probabili+es	take	the	form	of	a	mul+nomial	logit	
model	instan+ated	by	the	objec+ve	func+on	
	 	where	z	represents	the	behavior	
•  The	func+on	dictates	which	level	of	the	behavior	actors	adopt	
–  Actors	evaluate	all	possible	changes	
•  Increase/decrease	by	one	unit,	or	no	change	
–  Op+on	with	highest	evalua+on	most	likely	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 15	
(β, x, z) = βk
∑ (x, z)+ε(x, z,t,δ)
Figure	adapted	from	C.	Steglich
•  Linear	term	to	control	for	distribu+on	(quadra+c	term	if	the	
behavior	has	3+	levels)	
•  Predictors	of	peer	influence		
–  Alters’	value	on	the	behavior,	or	another	adribute	or	
•  Mul+ple	specifica+ons,	including	mean,	minimum,	maximum…	
•  Ego’s	other	behaviors	or	adributes	(e.g.,	gender,	age)	
–  Ego’s	network	posi+on	(e.g.,	degree)	
–  Interac+ons	with	reciprocity	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 16	
Behavior	Objec?ve	Func?on	Effects
Behavior	Decision	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 17	
Linear	effect	
Quadra+c	effect	
Adribute	effect	
(e.g.	age)	
Similarity	effect	
How	adrac+ve	is	each	level	of	the	behavior	based	on	these	effects?
Ego,	j1 1	-	|	1	-	1	|	/	2	=	.5	 1	(.5	-	.05)	=	.45	
Ego,	j2 1	-	|	1	-	1	|	/	2	=	.5	 1	(.5	-	.05)	=	.45	
Ego,	j3 1	-	|	1	-	0	|	/	2	=		0	 1	(0	-	.05)	=	.05	
Ego,	j4 1	-	|	1	-	2	|	/	2	=		0	 0	(0	-	.05)	=				0	
	 		 Similarity	sta?s?c	=	.95	
Behavior	Decision*	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 18	
Ego	(1)	
xij (simij
− simZ
zi−z j|
ΔZ = maxij |
zi−z j| = 2where	=	
= similarity expected by chance= similarity expected by chance = .05
xij (simij
− simZ
Maintain	z=1	
First,	calculate	similarity	for	each	
of	ego’s	possible	decisions	
*	Assume	covariates	uncentered
Ego,	j1 1	-	|	0	-	1	|	/	2	=				0	 1	(0	-	.05)	=	-.05	
Ego,	j2 1	-	|	0	-	1	|	/	2	=				0	 1	(0	-	.05)	=	-.05	
Ego,	j3 1	-	|	0	-	0	|	/	2	=			.5	 1	(.5	-	.05)	=		.45	
Ego,	j4 1	-	|	0	-	2	|	/	2	=	-.5	 0	(-.5	-	.05)	=					0	
	 		 Similarity	sta?s?c	=	.35	
Behavior	Decision*	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 19	
Ego	(1)	
First,	calculate	similarity	for	each	
of	ego’s	possible	decisions	
xij (simij
− simZ
zi−z j|
ΔZ = maxij |
zi−z j| = 2=	
= similarity expected by chance= similarity expected by chance = .05
xij (simij
− simZ
Decrease	to	z=0	
*	Assume	covariates	uncentered	
Ego,	j1 1	-	|	2	-	1	|	/	2	=				0	 1	(0	-	.05)	=		-.05	
Ego,	j2 1	-	|	2	-	1	|	/	2	=				0	 1	(0	-	.05)	=		-.05	
Ego,	j3 1	-	|	2	-	0	|	/	2	=		-.5	 1	(-.5	-	.05)	=	-.45	
Ego,	j4 1	-	|	2	-	2	|	/	2	=			.5	 0	(.5	-	.05)	=					0	
	 		 Similarity	sta?s?c	=	-.55	
Behavior	Decision*	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 20	
Ego	(1)	
xij (simij
− simZ
zi−z j|
ΔZ = maxij |
zi−z j| = 2=	
= similarity expected by chance= similarity expected by chance = .05
xij (simij
− simZ
Increase	to	z=2	
First,	calculate	similarity	for	each	
of	ego’s	possible	decisions	
*	Assume	covariates	uncentered	
Behavior	Decision*	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 21	
If…	 linear	 quad	 age	 similarity	 sum	
Drop	to	0	 -.5	*	0	=			0	 .25	*	0	=				0	 .1	*	10	*	0	=		0	 1	*	.35	=		.35	 .35	
Stay	at	1	 -.5	*	1	=	-.5		 .25	*	1	=	.25	 .1	*	10	*	1	=		1	 1	*	.95	=		.95	 1.7	
Up	to	2	 -.5	*	2	=		-1	 .25	*	4	=				1	 .1	*	10	*	2	=		2	 1	*	-.55	=	-.55	 1.45	
*	Assume	covariates	uncentered	
Second,	calculate	the	contribu+ons	for	
each	of	the	other	effects
Behavior	Decision*	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 22	
If…	 linear	 quad	 age	 similarity	 sum	
Drop	to	0	 -.5	*	0	=			0	 .25	*	0	=				0	 .1	*	10	*	0	=		0	 1	*	.35	=		.35	 .35	
Stay	at	1	 -.5	*	1	=	-.5		 .25	*	1	=	.25	 .1	*	10	*	1	=		1	 1	*	.95	=		.95	 1.7	
Up	to	2	 -.5	*	2	=		-1	 .25	*	4	=				1	 .1	*	10	*	2	=		2	 1	*	-.55	=	-.55	 1.45	
*	Assume	covariates	uncentered	
These	effects	pull	
ego	toward	the	
The	posi+ve	age	b	
pushes	ego’s	
behavior	upward	
Similarity	pushes	
ego	to	stay	the	
Altogether,	the	greatest	contribu+on	to	the	behavior	func+on	comes	
from	ego	choosing	to	maintain	the	same	behavior	level
•  Necessary	for	both	network	and	behavior	
•  Determine	the	wai+ng	+me	un+l	actor’s	chance	to	make	decisions	
•  Func+on	of	observed	changes	
–  But	not	the	same	as	the	number	of	changes	observed	
–  Separate	rate	parameter	for	each	period	between	observa+ons	
•  Wai+ng	+me	distributed	uniformly	by	default,	but	differences	can	
be	modeled	based	on:	
•  Actor	adributes:	do	some	types	of	actors	experience	more	or	
less	change	
•  Degree:	do	actors	with	more/fewer	+es	experience	a	different	
volume	of	change	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 23	
Rate	Func?ons
2.	SAOM	Es+ma+on	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 24
SAOM	Es?ma?on	
•  Goal	during	es+ma+on	is	to	iden+fy	parameter	values	(i.e.,	a	model)	that	
produce	networks	whose	sta+s+cs	are	centered	on	target	sta+s+cs		
–  Same	as	modeled	effects	measured	at	t1+		
•  Robbins-Monro	algorithm	in	three	phases	
1.  Ini+alize	parameter	star+ng	values	
2.  Use	simula+ons	to	refine	parameter	es+mates	(next	slide)	
•  A	large	number	of	simula+on	itera+ons,	nested	in	4+	subphases	
•  Actor	decisions	and	+ming	based	on	objec+ve	and	rate	func+ons	
•  Update	parameter	es+mates	aber	each	simula+on	itera+on	
–  Adempt	to	minimize	devia+on	of	ending	state	from	target	
3.  Addi+onal	simula+ons	(2,000+)	to	calculate	standard	errors	based	on	
parameter	es+mates	from	phase	2		
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 25
Markov	Chain	Algorithm	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 26	
Ini+alize	at	first	observa+on	
Actors	draw:	
1)  Wai+ng	+me	for	network	
2)  Wai+ng	+me	for	behavior	
Determined	by	rate	func+ons	
Shortest	wai+ng	+me/type	iden+fied	
Time	up?	
Actor	changes	+e|behavior	
Determined	by		
objec+ve	func+ons	
Update	+me	
(next	micro	step)	
Yes	No	
For	each	step	in	a	
Markov	chain:	
If	Phase	2,		
Store	ending	network	
	&	behavior
Post-Es?ma?on	1	
•  Check	for	Convergence	
•  Convergence	achieved	when	model	is	able	to	reproduce	
observed	network	&	behavior	at	+me	2+	
–  For	each	effect,	t-ra+o	to	compare	target	sta+s+cs	with	
distribu+on	(t	should	be	<	.10)	
–  Maximum	t-ra+o	for	convergence	(tconv.max)	should	be	
less	than	.25	
–  If	convergence	not	reached,	rerun	with	using	es+mates	as	
new	star+ng	values;	may	need	to	respecify	model	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 27
Post-Es?ma?on	2	
•  Goodness	of	Fit	
•  Use	simula+ons	to	compare	networks	generated	by	model	to	
sta+s+cs	NOT	explicitly	in	the	model	
–  Typical	candidates:	
•  In-	&	Out-degree	distribu+ons	
•  Triad	Census	
•  Geodesic	distribu+on	
•  Behavior	distribu+on	
•  Behavior	network	associa+ons	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 28
3.	SAOM	Example	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 29
An	Empirical	Example	with	Adolescent	Smoking	
•  Na+onal	Longitudinal	Study	of	Adolescent	Health	(Add	Health)	
•  In-home	surveys	conducted	1994-1995	(2	waves)	
–  Earlier	in-school	survey	has	network	data	but	limited	
behavior	data	
•  Students	nominated	up	to	5	male	and	5	female	friends	
(directed	network)	
–  Friendships	coded	present	(1)	or	absent	(0)	for	each	dyad	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 30
30-day	smoking	
None	(0)	
1-11	days	(1)	
12+	days	(2)	
Jefferson	High	(Add	Health,	1995)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 31
•  Helpful	to	imagine	the	network	func+on	as	a	logis+c	regression	
–  Unit	of	analysis:	dyad	
–  Outcome:	+e	presence	(keeping	or	adding)	vs.	absence	
(dissolving	or	failing	to	add)	
–  Each	effect	represents	how	a	one-unit	change	in	the	effect	
sta+s+c	affects	the	log-odds	of	a	+e,	all	else	being	equal	
•  Some	effects	interpretable	using	odds	ra+os,	but	
– One-unit	changes	may	not	be	meaningful	
– All	else	is	never	equal	(any	change	also	affects	the	
outdegree	count,	at	a	minimum)	
•  Behavior	func+on	specifies	how	a	one-unit	change	in	the	effect	
sta+s+c	affects	the	odds	of	increasing	behavior	one	unit	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 32	
Interpre?ng	Results
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 33	
Rate:	Each	actor	is	given	~10	
micro	steps	in	which	to	make	a	
change	to	its	network	
•  Add	a	+e,	drop	a	+e,	or	make	
no	change	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 34	
Outdegree:	The	nega+ve	sign	is	
typical.	It	means	that	+es	are	
unlikely,	unless	other	effects	in	
the	model	make	a	posi+ve	
contribu+on	to	the	network	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 35	
Reciprocity:	Ties	that	create	a	
reciprocated	+e	are	more	likely	
to	be	added	or	maintained.	This	
effect	hovers	around	2	in	
friendship-type	network.	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 36	
Transi?ve	triplets:	Ties	that	
create	more	transi+ve	triads	
have	a	greater	likelihood.	
•  Should	also	test	interac+on	
with	Reciprocity	(usually	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 37	
Indegree	Popularity:	Actors	with	
more	incoming	+es	have	a	
greater	likelihood	of	receiving	
future	+es	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 38	
Dyadic	Covariate:	Actors	who	
share	an	extracurricular	ac+vity	
(coded	1)	are	more	likely	to	have	
a	friendship	+e	
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
Ties	driven	by	similarity	on:	
Gender	(could	use	“same”	effect)	
Alcohol	use	
Females	less	adrac+ve	as	friends	
than	males.	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 39
Network	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 10.26	***	 .49	
Outdegree	 -3.91	***	 .08	
Reciprocity	 1.91	***	 .09	
Transi+ve	triplets	 .52	***	 .04	
Popularity	 .29	***	 .04	
Extracurric.	act.	overlap	 .28	***	 .06	
Smoke	similarity	 .68	***	 .12	
Smoke	alter	 .14	**	 .05	
Smoke	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Female	similarity	 .24	***	 .04	
Female	alter	 -.11	*	 .05	
Female	ego	 -.04			 .05	
Age	similarity	 1.00	***	 .13	
Age	alter	 -.01			 .03	
Age	ego	 -.04			 .03	
Delinquency	similarity	 .15	 .08	
Delinquency	alter	 -.04			 .04	
Delinquency	ego	 .02			 .04	
Alcohol	similarity	 .27	**	 .10	
Alcohol	alter	 -.03			 .03	
Alcohol	ego	 -.03			 .04	
GPA	similarity	 .70	***	 .13	
GPA	alter	 -.05			 .04	
GPA	ego	 -.02			 .04	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Ties	driven	by	similarity	on	
smoking	behavior.	
Smokers	more	adrac+ve	as	
friends	than	non-smokers.	
Nonsmoker Smoker
Nonsmoker .25 -.19
Smoker -.51 .41
Similarity	is	an	“interac+on”	between	
ego	and	alter,	thus	interpreta+on	
requires	considering	the	main	effects	
Ego-alter	selec+on:	Contribu+ons	to	
network	objec+ve	func+on	by	dyad	type	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 40
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Smoking	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 2.06	***	 .26	
Linear	shape	 -.11			 .22	
Quadra+c	shape	 1.17	***	 .16	
Female	 .16			 .19	
Age	 -.00			 .10	
Parent	Smoking	 .01			 .23	
Delinquency	 .44	**	 .16	
Alcohol	 -.10			 .14	
GPA	 -.09			 .13	
Average	similarity	 2.89	***	 .91	
In-degree	 -.04			 .11	
In-degree	squared	 .00			 .01	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 41	
Rate:	Students	have	around	2	
chances	on	average	(micro	steps)	
to	change	their	smoking	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Smoking	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 2.06	***	 .26	
Linear	shape	 -.11			 .22	
Quadra+c	shape	 1.17	***	 .16	
Female	 .16			 .19	
Age	 -.00			 .10	
Parent	Smoking	 .01			 .23	
Delinquency	 .44	**	 .16	
Alcohol	 -.10			 .14	
GPA	 -.09			 .13	
Average	similarity	 2.89	***	 .91	
In-degree	 -.04			 .11	
In-degree	squared	 .00			 .01	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 42	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Smoking	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 2.06	***	 .26	
Linear	shape	 -.11			 .22	
Quadra+c	shape	 1.17	***	 .16	
Female	 .16			 .19	
Age	 -.00			 .10	
Parent	Smoking	 .01			 .23	
Delinquency	 .44	**	 .16	
Alcohol	 -.10			 .14	
GPA	 -.09			 .13	
Average	similarity	 2.89	***	 .91	
In-degree	 -.04			 .11	
In-degree	squared	 .00			 .01	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 43	
Smoking	(z,	M=.9)	 Linear		 Quad		
Raw	 Centered	 b	=	-.11	 b	=	1.17	 Sum	
0	 -.90	 .099	 .948	 1.047	
1	 .10	 -.011	 .012	 .001	
2	 1.10	 -.121	 1.416	 1.295	
Smoking	Level	
Summed	Effects	
In	combina+on,	the	linear	and	
quad	effects	represent	the	U-
shaped	smoking	distribu+on.	
•  Kids	either	don’t	smoke	or	
smoke	12+	days/month.	
0	 1	 2	
Contribu?on	to	Behavior	Func?on	
+	 =	
+	 =	
+	 =
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Smoking	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 2.06	***	 .26	
Linear	shape	 -.11			 .22	
Quadra+c	shape	 1.17	***	 .16	
Female	 .16			 .19	
Age	 -.00			 .10	
Parent	Smoking	 .01			 .23	
Delinquency	 .44	**	 .16	
Alcohol	 -.10			 .14	
GPA	 -.09			 .13	
Average	similarity	 2.89	***	 .91	
In-degree	 -.04			 .11	
In-degree	squared	 .00			 .01	
Ego	Covariate:	Delinquency	
leads	to	higher	levels	of	smoking	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 44	
From	Schaefer,	D.R.	S.A.	Haas,	and	N.	Bishop.	2012.	“A	Dynamic	
Model	of	US	Adolescents’	Smoking	and	Friendship	Networks.”	
American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	102:e12-e18.	
Smoking	func?on	 b			 SE	
Rate	 2.06	***	 .26	
Linear	shape	 -.11			 .22	
Quadra+c	shape	 1.17	***	 .16	
Female	 .16			 .19	
Age	 -.00			 .10	
Parent	Smoking	 .01			 .23	
Delinquency	 .44	**	 .16	
Alcohol	 -.10			 .14	
GPA	 -.09			 .13	
Average	similarity	 2.89	***	 .91	
In-degree	 -.04			 .11	
In-degree	squared	 .00			 .01	
Average	Similarity:	Students	
adopt	smoking	levels	that	bring	
them	closer	to	the	average	of	
their	friends	
∑ (simij
− simz
jiij zz −=Δ max
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 45	
•  How	well	is	the	es+mated	model	able	to	reproduce	features	
of	the	observed	data	that	were	not	explicitly	modeled?	
–  Network	
•  Degree	distribu+on	
•  Geodesic	distribu+on	
•  Triad	census	
–  Behavior	distribu?on	
Lots	of	room	to	improve	GOF	measures,	especially	behavior	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 46	
Goodness	of	Fit	(GOF)
Cumula?ve	Indegree	Distribu?on	
Goodness of Fit of IndegreeDistribution
p: 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 47
Geodesic	Distribu?on	
Goodness of Fit of GeodesicDistribution
p: 0.001
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12081 11892
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 48
Triad	Census	Goodness of Fit of TriadCensus
p: 0.114
003 012 102 021D 021U 021C 111D 111U 030T 030C 201 120D 120U 120C 210 300
4 171
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 49
Smoking	Distribu?on	
Goodness of Fit of BehaviorDistribution
p: 1
0 1 2
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 50
4.	Extensions	&	Miscellany		
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 51
Extensions	to	Basic	Model	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 52	
•  interac+ons	
•  event	history	outcomes	
•  mul+ple	behaviors	
•  mul+ple	network	op+ons	
•  valued	+es	
•  mul+level	networks		
•  two	mode	networks	
•  increase	vs.	decrease	in	+es	and/or	behavior	
•  +me	heterogeneity	
•  simula+ons	(test	interven+ons)	
•  ML,	Bayes	es+ma+on
Asymmetric	Peer	Influence	
•  Implicit	assump+on	that	effects	work	the	same	for:	
–  Tie	forma+on	vs.	dissolu+on	
–  Behavior	increase	vs.	decrease	
•  Unrealis+c	for	smoking		
–  Physical/psychological	dependence,	social	learning	
•  Easy	to	relax	this	assump+on	
–  Separate	behavior	objec+ve	func+on	into:	
•  Crea?on	func?on:	only	considers	increases	
•  Maintenance	func?on:	only	considers	decreases	
–  Could	make	similar	dis+nc+on	in	the	network	func+on	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 53
Contribu?ons	to	the	Smoking	Func?on	
Nonsmoking	Alters	
J	=	Jefferson	High	School		
S	=	Sunshine	High	School	
From	Haas,	Steven	A.	and	David	R.	Schaefer.	2014.	“With	a	Lidle	Help	from	My	Friends?	Asymmetrical	Social	Influence	on	
Adolescent	Smoking	Ini+a+on	and	Cessa+on.”	Journal	of	Health	and	Social	Behavior,	55:126-143.	
Smoking	level	with	
greatest	contribu+on	
most	likely	to	be	
adopted	(with	caveat	
that	actors	can	only	
move	behavior	one	
level	during	a	given	
micro	step)	
Current Smoking
0 1 2
Current Smoking
0 1 2
Current Smoking
0 1 2
Smoking	Alters	
Current Smoking
0 1 2
Current Smoking
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
Ego	is	currently	a	moderate	smoker	(1)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 54
SIENA	as	an	ABM	
•  Useful	to	evaluate	goodness-of-fit,	decompose	network-
behavior	associa+ons,	evaluate	interven+ons	
•  Uses	the	same	algorithm	as	model	fimng		
1.  Fit	model	to	empirical	data	(op+onal)	
2.  Simulate	network	evolu+on	using	es+mated	parameters	or	
manipula+ons	of	them	
•  Can	also	manipulate	ini+al	condi+ons	(e.g.,	network	
structure,	behavior	distribu+on,	etc.)	
3.  Measure	simulated	network/behavior	proper+es	of	interest	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 55
Decomposing	Network	Homogeneity	
Source	 Selec?on	(%)	 Influence	(%)	 Sample	
Schaefer	et	al.	2012	 40	 34	 U.S.	
Mercken	et	al.	2009	 17-47	 6-23	 Europe	(6	countries)	
Mercken	et	al.	2010	 31-46	 15-22	 Finland	
Steglich	et	al.	2010	 25-34	 20-37	 Scotland	
•  How	much	network	homogeneity	on	smoking	is	due	to	
selec?on	vs.	influence?	
–  Systema+cally	set	selec+on	and	influence	parameters	to	
zero	and	simulate	network-behavior	co-evolu+on	(see	
Steglich	et	al.	2010)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 56
Evalua?ng	Interven?ons	
How	do	smoking/friendship	dynamics	affect	smoking	
•  Manipulate	model	parameters	related	to	key	“interven+on	
–  Peer	influence	(absent…strong)	
–  Smoker	popularity	(unpopular…absent…popular)	
•  Remaining	model	parameters	from	fided	model	
•  Ini+al	condi+ons	=	observed	wave	1	data		
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 57
Results	of	Manipula?ng	Peer	Influence	(PI)	and	
Smoking-based	Popularity	(smoke	alter)	
Schaefer	DR,	adams	j,	Haas	SA.	2013.	Social	Networks	
	and	Smoking:	Exploring	the	Effects	of	Peer	Influence	
	and	Smoker	Popularity	through	Simula+ons.		
Health	Educa'on	&	Behavior,	40(S1):24-32.	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 58	
Independent	Manipula+ons	
Joint	Manipula+on	
Stronger	peer	influence	increases	smoking	
prevalence,	but	only	when	smokers	are	
popular	(nega+ve	effects	when	smokers	
Context	Effects	
How	do	these	effects	depend	upon	context?	
•  Randomly	manipulate	ini+al	smoking	prevalence	
–  25%	ini+al	smokers	up	to	75%	
•  Randomly	distribute	smokers	and	nonsmokers	across	the	
–  Similar	results	with	empirical	and	model-based	
•  Full	results	in	adams,	jimi	&	David	R.	Schaefer.	2016.	“How	
Ini+al	Prevalence	Moderates	Network-Based	Smoking	
Change:	Es+ma+ng	Contextual	Effects	with	Stochas+c	Actor	
Based	Models.”	Journal	of	Health	&	Social	Behavior	57(1):
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 59
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 60	
Smoking	Distribu+on:	Empirically-Based,	Model-Based,	Random
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 61	
PI Parameter0
25%	Ini+al	Smokers	 75%	Ini+al	Smokers	
PI Parameter0
Contras?ng	Contexts
•  Ties	are	more	or	less	enduring	states		
–  Plausible	for	friendship	or	collabora+ons	
–  Not	useful	for	“event”	data	(e.g.	phone	calls)	
•  Change	occurs	in	con+nuous	+me	
•  Markov	process:	future	state	only	a	func+on	of	current	state		
–  No	lagged	effects,	“grudges”	
•  Actors	control	outgoing	+es	and	behavior	
•  One	change	at	a	+me	
–  No	coordinated	or	simultaneous	changes	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 62	
•  Up	to	10%	probably	ok,	more	than	20%	likely	a	problem	
•  Endogenous	network	&	behavior	imputa+on	
–  Missing	values	at	t0	set	to	0	(network)	or	mode	(behavior)	
–  Missing	values	at	t1+	imputed	with	last	valid	value	if	
possible,	otherwise	0	
•  Covariates	imputed	with	the	mean	
–  Other	values	can	be	specified	
•  Imputed	values	are	treated	as	non-informa+ve,	thus	not	used	
in	calcula+ng	target	sta+s+cs	
–  Convergence	and	fit	are	determined	based	only	upon	
observed	cases	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 63	
Missing	Data
Good	Sources	of	Informa?on	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 64	
•  RSiena	manual	
•  Snijders,	van	de	Bunt	&	Steglich,	2010	
•  Steglich,	Snijders	&	Pearson,	2010	
•  Tom	Snijders’	SIENA	website	
–  Workshops	
–  Scripts	
–  Applica+ons	in	the	literature	
–  Latest	version	of	RSiena	
–  Link	to	stocnet	listserv	–	important	updates	announced	here	
–  “Siena_algorithms.pdf”
End	of	Lecture	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 65
If	you	haven’t	done	so	already:	
•  Download	the	“RSiena	lab.R”	script	from	dropbox	
•  Install	the	RSiena	library	
– See	“RSiena	lab.R”	sec+on	1	
– Type:	install.packages("RSiena”)	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 66
•  One	mode	or	two	mode	network	with	at	least	two	
observa+ons,	each	represented	as	a	matrix	
–  Ties	coded	0,	1,	10	(structural	0),	11	(structural	1),	or	NA		
•  For	each	“period”	between	adjacent	waves,	stability	measured	
by	the	Jaccard	coefficient	should	be	at	least	.25		
–  Ties	persisted	/	(+es	formed	+	+es	dissolved	+	+es	persisted)	
•  “Complete	network	data”	all	actors	w/in	bounded	semng		
–  Some	turnover	in	set	of	actors	allowed	but	same	actors	in	
the	data	for	each	wave	(even	if	not	observed	during	wave)	
–  See	manual	for	how	to	deal	with	composi+on	change	
•  Recommended	N:	30-2000	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 67	
Data	Structure:	Network
•  Dependent	behaviors	
–  Time-varying	adributes	used	as	dependent	variable(s)	
–  Coded	as	integer	(e.g.,	1-10)	
–  Last	+me	point	is	used		
•  Changing	actor	covariates	
–  Time-varying	adributes	used	as	independent	variables	
–  Last	+me	point	not	used	(only	applicable	for	3+	waves)	
•  Constant	covariates		
–  Ex:	age,	sex,	race/ethnicity,	behavior	
•  Dyadic	covariates		
–  Ex:	semngs	that	drive	contact	
	 	 	NOTE:	Covariates	are	centered	by	default	
May	20,	2016	 Duke	Social	Networks	&	Health	Workshop	 68	
Addi?onal	Data	Structures

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