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"Un país que lee, reduce sus brechas. Un
país que escribe, transforma el mundo"
1. Introducción: Palabras presidenciales, taller ¿qué tan
buen lector soy? y video Andrés y el Paraguas
2. Presentación de la bitácora de preguntas.
3. Presentación comentada del
PNLE+Marco Conceptual PNLE
4. Taller de Indagación sobre la lectura y escritura en el
contexto actual de maestros y estudiantes.
5. Presentación de la Colección Semilla.
6. Conformar el equipo base PNLE con participación
7. Taller sobre diversidad textual para comprender cómo
usar los materiales de la Colección y los ya existentes en el
establecimiento educativo.
Palabras presidenciales

¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
Tras los fuertes barrotes la pantera
repetirá el monótono camino
que es (pero no lo sabe) su destino
de negra joya, aciaga y prisionera.
Son miles las que pasan y son miles
las que vuelven, pero es una y es eterna
la pantera fatal que en su caverna
traza la recta de un eterno Aquiles
traza en el sueño que ha soñado el griego.
No sabe que hay praderas y montañas
de ciervos cuyas trémulas entrañas
deleitarían su apetito ciego.
En vano es vario el orbe. La jornada
que cumple cada cual ya fue fijada.

¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
1. La pantera a la que se refiere
el poema está en:
a. una jaula
b. en un sueño
c. entre praderas y montañas

¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
2. La pantera del poema de
a. no sabe que su destino es ser
una prisionera
b. quiere huir como lo han hecho
miles de panteras
c. está muy triste por estar presa
¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
3. Según el poema:
a. es cruel encerrar a los animales
b. aunque el mundo sea muy
grande todos tenemos un camino
ya fijado.
c. todos estamos presos como la
¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
4. El tema central del poema es:
a. el maltrato a los animales
b. el destino
c. la belleza de las panteras

¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
5. ¿Qué obra literaria
necesitamos conocer para
comprender mejor el poema?
a. Una enciclopedia sobre los
animales en vías de extinción.
b. La Biblia
c. La Ilíada
¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
1. La pantera a la que se refiere el poema está en:
a. una jaula
2. La pantera del poema de Borges: sabe que su destino es ser una prisionera.
3. Según el poema:
b. aunque el mundo sea muy grande todos
tenemos un camino ya fijado.
¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
4. El tema central del poema es:
b. el destino.
5. ¿Qué obra literaria necesitamos conocer
para comprender mejor el poema?
c. La Ilíada

¿Qué tan buen lector soy?
Menos de tres respuestas correctas:
te sentirás más a gusto si comienzas
leyendo los libros de una estrella.
Entre tres y cuatro respuestas correctas:
prueba con los libros de dos estrellas.
Más de cinco respuestas correctas:
creemos que puedes elegir los libros
de tres estrellas.
El talento de escribir y
el placer de leer"


2. Presentación de la bitácora de
Cada docente tendrá a mano lápiz
y el formato para escribir las
preguntas que le vayan surgiendo.
Al final de la jornada se revisa
cuáles quedaron por resolver.
3. Presentación comentada del
PNLE+Marco Conceptual PNLE

Objetivo general del PNLE
Lograr un país de lectores y
escritores que acceda de manera
equitativa a la información y el
conocimiento a través de diversos
materiales de lectura y escritura.

Objetivo desde el
sector educativo
Fomentar el desarrollo de las competencias
en lectura y escritura mediante el
mejoramiento del comportamiento lector, la
comprensión lectora y la producción textual
en estudiantes de educación preescolar,
básica y media, a través del fortalecimiento
de la escuela como espacio fundamental
para la formación de lectores y escritores,
y de la vinculación de las familias en estos
Competencias desde los dos sectores

Leer y escribir para…

Nivel 1 - Estrategias básicas
• Estrategias de lectura compartida : La lectura en voz
alta y la lectura de imagen para el mejoramiento del
comportamiento lector
• Estrategias de comprensión lectora: la formulación de
preguntas de comprensión que trascienden el nivel literal
• Estrategias de escritura significativa usando
activadores creativos para la construcción de textos
Leer y escribir en la escuela

La escuela debe garantizar las condiciones para que los niños
desarrollen competencias en lectura y escritura y puedan
desempeñarse de manera efectiva en el contexto social
La biblioteca escolar debe ser un espacio de disfrute, que
fomente buenas prácticas de lectura y escritura
Es indispensable que los niños, desde la educación inicial,
adquieran el interés y el gusto por la lectura y la escritura en
diferentes tiempos y espacios
La escuela debe vincular a la familia, para que todos sus
integrantes fortalezcan hábitos lectores y escritores

La meta del Plan

94 Secretarías de Educación
Componentes del PNLE
1. Materiales 2.Fortalecimiento
de lectura y

de la Escuela y la de mediadores
de lectura y

4. Compromiso
de diferentes

y evaluación

¿Qué es para el programa la
lectura y la escritura?
• Es derecho de los estudiantes
acceder a una oferta educativa de calidad.
• Una herramientas que permiten el
ejercicio de la ciudadanía plena.
• Un procesos de construcción de
competencias comunicativas, transversales a
todas las áreas del currículo
• Van más allá de las exigencias educativas y
son para toda la vida
Los propósitos de la lectura y la
• Instrumentales
• Prácticas sociales
• Subjetivos (recreativos o
Qué NO debe hacerse en el Plan
• Lectura y/o escritura para adoctrinar, buscar valores,
o hacer uso ideológico o tendencioso de los
• No es animación de la lectura entendida como
activismo gratuito o recreación
• No es un discurso de enaltecimiento de la lectura y la
escritura como cultas, deseables o buenas
• No hay que seguir en lo trillado y que no funciona:
memorizar, copiar o dictar mecánicamente
Qué NO es el Plan
• No es una campaña de slogans, afiches o planeaciones
eternas; no es para hablar de leer y escribir, es para
• No es una actividad que concluye en espectáculos,
desfiles, obras de teatro y shows: es el trabajo cotidiano
• No es un curso de lectura rápida
• No es un concurso de quién sabe más, quién lee mejor o
ha leído más libros
• No sustituye el trabajo del aula. Por el contrario, da
mejores herramientas para enriquecerlo
• Es para todos los grados y todos los niños
• Es para TODOS los docentes de TODAS las áreas
Pasos de la formación en el Plan
1. Formación presencial.
2. Acompañamiento in situ y de
3. Trabajo entre pares.

Taller grupal

Los libros fantásticos que vuelan
del Mr- Morris Lessmore el corto
animado ganador del Oscar 2012

4.Taller de Indagación sobre la
lectura y escritura en el contexto
actual de maestros y estudiantes

Conformar subgrupos.
Elaborar una lista de las actividades
que todos han realizado en la última
semana en su tiempo libre.
Sólo pueden incluirse en el listado las
actividades que todas las personas del
grupo han realizado.
Se deben tener cinco actividades.
Se hará individual.
Nombre las tres acciones más
importantes que las instituciones
educativas a su cargo realizan
para lograr que los estudiantes
incorporen la lectura y la
escritura como una actividad en
sus vidas.
Sondeo de las respuestas

Marchas del libro y/o librotones
Desfiles dedicados al libro, autores y la lectura
Citas de hombres célebres sobre la lectura
Carteleras con frases sugerentes sobre la lectura
Concursos de lectura en voz alta
Izadas de bandera y sesiones de final de curso con
declamaciones y lecturas de textos famosos
Dramatizaciones sobre textos leídos
Afiches dedicados a la lectura
Camisetas, botones, pasacalles, marcalibros y material
publicitario sobre lectura
Concursos de ortografía
Lectura en voz alta, por turnos, de los estudiantes, en clase
Dictados en clase
Lectura en coro de un texto
Copia de textos del tablero
Leer textos y llenar guías (o cuestionarios) de lectura
Otros ¿Cuáles?



“Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho”
“El cura predica pero no aplica”
“Haced como yo digo y no como yo
“A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando”
“En casa de herrero, azadón de palo”

“Hablar de la lectura” es
lo mismo que “lograr que
las personas lean”

5. Presentación de la Colección

5. Presentación de la Colección
Se entrega a establecimientos educativos,
focalizados para cerrar brechas de inequidad
La Colección Semilla sirve para iniciar
dispositivos escolares de uso colectivo de libros
que faciliten y estimulen el acceso a materiales
de lectura de excelente calidad, hacia la meta de
crear bibliotecas escolares en todas la sedes
educativas del país.

¿Cómo se construyó la Colección
Se describió la dotación en términos de
renglones, que deben usarse para crear futuras
colecciones de bibliotecas pertinentes y
Se usaron criterios de calidad, pertinencia y
relevancia para elegir lo mejor de la oferta
editorial en Colombia.
Con esos referentes, renglones y criterios, se
eligió un listado de 269 títulos par la Colección
semilla de 2013.
Las tres clases de renglones
Una colección de biblioteca escolar tiene
básicamente tres clases de libros:
Los títulos en las Colecciones Semilla tienen:
6% de libros de referencia
48% de ficción
46% de información
¿Cómo son los libros de cada tipo?
Referencia : abecedarios, atlas, diccionarios
gráficos, enciclopedias temáticas y
Ficción (es decir, literatura por géneros):
poesía, cuento, novela, álbum, caricatura y tira
cómica, teatro, juegos de palabras, mito y
Información (por áreas del conocimiento):
material que sirva de apoyo a las áreas de
matemáticas, ciencias naturales, ciencias
sociales, competencias ciudadanas, estéticas,
educación física, manualidades y tecnología
Renglón No. 100
Medio ambiente 2: conservación

Imagen: la ecología

Pleurus Panini
Renglón No. 105
Libros sobre diferentes etnias 5

Verde fue mi selva

Edna Iturralde

Renglón No. 107
Libros sobre negritudes 2: cultura, creencias
y tradiciones afro -descendientes

El regalo del sol

Dianne Stewart
6. Elección del equipo base

7. ¿Qué es la diversidad discursiva?
Todos los textos no pretenden comunicar
lo mismo, ni de la misma manera. La
intención de un autor puede ser muy
diferente, aunque use solamente el
lenguaje para comunicarse sobre el
mismo tema.
Para que su palabra sea más efectiva en
comunicar lo que desea, el autor organiza
la estructura de su texto de distintas
maneras. Estas estructuras discursivas
diferentes se plasman en tipologías
diferentes de textos
¿Por qué se recomienda usar diversidad de
discursos en el aula?
Porque las situaciones de aprendizaje que
más favorecen el desarrollo del lenguaje
son las que promuevan la exploración y el
uso de las diferentes manifestaciones del
mismo (verbales y no verbales)
De esta manera los estudiantes las asumen
e incorporen de manera consciente,
intencional y creativa en sus interacciones
cotidianas, con diferentes fines:
descriptivos, informativos, propositivos,
expresivos, recreativos, argumentativos,
entre otros
¿Qué tipologías de textos hay?
Generalmente se habla de cuatro o cinco tipos
de discurso expositivo:
La definición (¿Qué es?)
La descripción (¿cómo es?)
La caracterización (¿Cómo lo vemos los demás?)
La narración (¿Qué pasó?)
El comentario (¿Qué opino yo?)
De alguna manera, la intención del autor a través
de su texto determina el tipo de discurso que usa.
No hay una sola tipología de
Algunos autores hablan de discursos:
Narrativo (relata hechos en secuencia)
Descriptivo (se centra en las características de un
objeto, fenómeno, persona, grupo, lugar, etc.)
Argumentativo (intenta convencer al lector de una
idea o tesis en particular, lo incita a tomar partido)
Informativo (presenta datos de forma objetiva,
explica fenómenos)

Y entonces, ¿qué hacer en el aula?
Usar los tipos de discursos que se mencionan en los
lineamientos y estándares
Presentar y compartir con sus estudiantes muchos libros
diferentes, para que conozcan distintas formas de organizar
el texto y reconozcan la intención del autor.
Por ejemplo, para que distingan información de ficción; para
que separen hechos de opiniones; para que identifiquen los
géneros literarios más usuales. Para que sepan reconocer
muchos tipos de discursos en un mismo libro. Para que
reconozcan textos informativos de distinto discurso
Lo importante es que
con los estudiantes el docente use:
Textos informativos de muchas clases: noticias, diagramas,
mapas, planos, publicidad, cartas, instrucciones, carteles,
cuadros sinópticos, etc.
Textos literarios de muchos géneros: cuentos, poemas,
rondas, canciones, historietas, fábulas, leyendas, chismes,
chistes, etc.
Y que se señale qué hace que esos textos sean
diferentes. Es muy importante que esos textos tengan
diferente organización y presentación y ojalá combinen
imagen, diagramaciones novedosas, géneros híbridos (por
ejemplo, la novela gráfica).
Y además, recordar que un texto puede ser oral. ¡Y que
la imagen también es un lenguaje!
Veamos algunos ejemplos de esos
discursos dentro de la
Colección Semilla 2011

Imagine que tiene unos libros con los títulos:
El Gran Libro de las Palabras
Cancionero Infantil
Adivinanzas para jugar
Creando disfraces con los niños
¿Cuál de los anteriores libros es informativo?
¿Cuál de los anteriores libros es de literatura?

Ahora, intentemos hacer lo
con estos otros títulos
de la Colección Semilla 2011
El desastre
¡Qué buena idea!
Oscuro, muy oscuro
Así somos
La tierra es la casa de todos
A todo riesgo
Ya no es tan fácil, ¿verdad?
¿Qué nos falta para poder decir
qué clase de discursos contienen?
Mire la cubierta de este
¿Qué clase de
Si incluye textos
narrativos, ¿qué
clase de textos
Y ahora, a partir de lo que hemos

¿Cómo se llama
el género al
que pertenece
ese libro?

Renglón No. 16 Novela
Título: La leyenda de
Leonora, que era buena
para todo
Autor: Madelyn Tarrant
Editorial: Castillo
Con la anterior información,
¿Qué tipo de discurso debe
tener este libro?

Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro

El relato de un viaje de
dos semanas por Bélgica.
Biografías de 15 suegras
Un puñado de recetas
para hacer hechicería.
Texto narrativo del
género cuento.

Y este, ¿qué clase de libro
puede ser?
Informativo: Lo que pasa
cuando se va la luz
Narrativo: Las aventuras
se un gato negro
Descriptivo: La vida
nocturna en el campo
Ninguna de las anteriores

Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
Un libro de recetas para hacer hechicerías:
Texto expositivo
Texto poético
Texto argumentativo
Texto literario
Todas las anteriores

Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
Un texto descriptivo: gente manejando en medio del tráfico
Un texto narrativo: cómo se armó un trancón
Un texto informativo: la noticia de un accidente
Un libro de imágenes que NO tiene texto

Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
Un libro sobre las jugadas que hacen los mechudos
Un cancionero de rock
Un manual de uso de patinetas
Un texto informativo acerca de los deportes extremos

Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
Un libro de información
Un compendio de biografías
Un libro sobre las jugadas que hacen los políticos
Todas las anteriores

Cuando uno conoce bien sus libros,
¡se vuelve biblionario!
A continuación, juegue con las cuatro opciones.
Debe elegir entre las respuestas, usando sus cuatro
50-50 (eliminar dos opciones)
Llamada a un amigo (consultar a otra persona que
puede o no decir la verdad)
Consulta al público (elegir por voto la que digan todos…
¡pero pueden estar equivocados!)
Cambio de pregunta
Recuerde, debe elegir su respuesta entre A, B, C o D
1. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
A. Texto fantástico: embustes, creencias, mitos, ciencia ficción
B. Texto descriptivo sobre tecnologías de punta
C. Texto narrativo sobre cómo llegaron las TICs a nuestra vida
D. Ninguna de las anteriores

2. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
A. Mito y leyenda
B. Cuentos de la selva ecuatoriana
C. Fábulas sobre la ecología
D. Todas las anteriores

3. ¿Este, qué tipo de libro será?
A. Historia de un señor que se pone muy bravo
B. Planeta Rica (Córdoba) y su ardiente clima
C. Texto descriptivo sobre el calentamiento global
D. Texto narrativo acerca de la contaminación

4. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
A. Un libro que presenta hechos
B. Un libro que presenta opiniones
C. Un libro que presenta narraciones
D. Un libro que presenta DOS de las anteriores (¿Cuáles?)

5. El tema de este libro es
A. Que a uno lo llaman preciso cuando está más ocupado
B. La gente que no apaga ni el computador, ni el celular cuando está en
otra cosa
C. Preguntas acerca de cómo se conectan los seres
D. Reflexiones sobre el mundo de las preguntas

6. Con este libro uno puede:
A. Comunicarse con otros
B. Elaborar objetos de valor estético
C. Usa material reciclable
D. Todas las anteriores

7. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
A. Un libro que presenta hechos: eventos sorprendentes de la
B. Un libro que presenta opiniones: cosas que deben
C. Un libro que presenta textos poéticos para invitar a pensar.
D. Ninguna de las anteriores

8. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será?
A. Un libro que presenta hechos: gimnasia mental para no ser
B. Un libro que presenta opiniones: comportamientos
C. Un libro que presenta textos poéticos para divertirse
D. Ninguna de las anteriores

9. Este, ¿qué tipo de discurso tendrá?
A. Discursos poético: rondas y canciones
B. Discurso narrativo
C. Discurso descriptivo: cómo se baila y canta
D. Dos de las anteriores. ¿Cuáles?

10. ¿Qué clase de discurso tendrá este libro?
A. Informativo: dice cómo son los disfraces
B. Descriptivo: contiene moldes e instrucciones para elaborar los
C. Argumentativo: da consejos sobre la importancia del juego dramático
y cómo aprovecharlo
D. Todas las anteriores

11. ¿Sobre qué tratará este libro?
A. Es una adaptación de una canción francesa medieval
B. Es sobre la vida de un chico de ciudad
C. Es una canción acumulativa que usa personajes de la
baraja francesa
D. Todas las anteriores

12. ¿Sobre qué tratará este libro?
A. Es un episodio de la vida de una super-heroína
B. Es un libro chistoso sobre un mal sueño
C. Es un relato corto, de humor un poco cochino
D. Todas las anteriores

13. Y por último…
A. Libro de divertimentos para buenos observadores
B. Material para explorar ilusiones ópticas
C. Todas las anteriores
D. El último de los libros que nos van a mostrar

Diversidad discursiva: se lee de todo
Es importante recordar que los actos de lectura no solamente
usan libros. De hecho, hay pocas cosas de nuestro entorno
que no se puedan leer
Por ejemplo: publicidad (en cualquier medio), etiquetas,
avisos, fotografías, pictogramas, caricaturas, cine, las bellas
artes, la arquitectura, los mapas y hasta el paisaje pueden
¿Podría un docente, por ejemplo, pensar en una actividad
que, usando texto descriptivo, lea la nomenclatura de una
Observemos las siguientes imágenes. ¿Se pueden leer?
Las anteriores diapositivas son una
adaptación del material entregado por las
formadoras en el ciclo de capacitación
para replicar la información en las
instituciones, por lo que no es de mi
¡Estas son las mejores Semillas
que se pueden tener!


Weitere ähnliche Inhalte

Was ist angesagt?

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Estrategia de lectura y escritura
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Was ist angesagt? (20)

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Estrategias de Lectura
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Visita 1 pnle

  • 1. VISITA Nº1 "Un país que lee, reduce sus brechas. Un país que escribe, transforma el mundo" MEN 1
  • 2. AGENDA 1. Introducción: Palabras presidenciales, taller ¿qué tan buen lector soy? y video Andrés y el Paraguas 2. Presentación de la bitácora de preguntas. 3. Presentación comentada del PNLE+Marco Conceptual PNLE 4. Taller de Indagación sobre la lectura y escritura en el contexto actual de maestros y estudiantes. 5. Presentación de la Colección Semilla. 6. Conformar el equipo base PNLE con participación 7. Taller sobre diversidad textual para comprender cómo usar los materiales de la Colección y los ya existentes en el establecimiento educativo. 2
  • 4. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? LA PANTERA Tras los fuertes barrotes la pantera repetirá el monótono camino que es (pero no lo sabe) su destino de negra joya, aciaga y prisionera. Son miles las que pasan y son miles las que vuelven, pero es una y es eterna la pantera fatal que en su caverna traza la recta de un eterno Aquiles traza en el sueño que ha soñado el griego. No sabe que hay praderas y montañas de ciervos cuyas trémulas entrañas deleitarían su apetito ciego. En vano es vario el orbe. La jornada que cumple cada cual ya fue fijada. JORGE LUIS BORGES 4
  • 5. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? 1. La pantera a la que se refiere el poema está en: a. una jaula b. en un sueño c. entre praderas y montañas 5
  • 6. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? 2. La pantera del poema de Borges: a. no sabe que su destino es ser una prisionera b. quiere huir como lo han hecho miles de panteras c. está muy triste por estar presa 6
  • 7. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? 3. Según el poema: a. es cruel encerrar a los animales b. aunque el mundo sea muy grande todos tenemos un camino ya fijado. c. todos estamos presos como la pantera. 7
  • 8. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? 4. El tema central del poema es: a. el maltrato a los animales b. el destino c. la belleza de las panteras 8
  • 9. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? 5. ¿Qué obra literaria necesitamos conocer para comprender mejor el poema? a. Una enciclopedia sobre los animales en vías de extinción. b. La Biblia c. La Ilíada 9
  • 10. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? RESPUESTAS 1. La pantera a la que se refiere el poema está en: a. una jaula 2. La pantera del poema de Borges: sabe que su destino es ser una prisionera. 3. Según el poema: b. aunque el mundo sea muy grande todos tenemos un camino ya fijado. 10
  • 11. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? RESPUESTAS 4. El tema central del poema es: b. el destino. 5. ¿Qué obra literaria necesitamos conocer para comprender mejor el poema? c. La Ilíada 11
  • 12. ¿Qué tan buen lector soy? PUNTAJE Menos de tres respuestas correctas: te sentirás más a gusto si comienzas leyendo los libros de una estrella. Entre tres y cuatro respuestas correctas: prueba con los libros de dos estrellas. Más de cinco respuestas correctas: creemos que puedes elegir los libros de tres estrellas. 12
  • 13. VIDEO: ANDRES Y EL PARAGUAS El talento de escribir y el placer de leer" " 13
  • 14. 2. Presentación de la bitácora de preguntas Cada docente tendrá a mano lápiz y el formato para escribir las preguntas que le vayan surgiendo. Al final de la jornada se revisa cuáles quedaron por resolver. 14
  • 15. 3. Presentación comentada del PNLE+Marco Conceptual PNLE 15
  • 16. Objetivo general del PNLE Lograr un país de lectores y escritores que acceda de manera equitativa a la información y el conocimiento a través de diversos materiales de lectura y escritura. 16
  • 17. Objetivo desde el sector educativo Fomentar el desarrollo de las competencias en lectura y escritura mediante el mejoramiento del comportamiento lector, la comprensión lectora y la producción textual en estudiantes de educación preescolar, básica y media, a través del fortalecimiento de la escuela como espacio fundamental para la formación de lectores y escritores, y de la vinculación de las familias en estos procesos. 17
  • 18. Competencias desde los dos sectores 18
  • 19. Leer y escribir para… 19
  • 20. Nivel 1 - Estrategias básicas • Estrategias de lectura compartida : La lectura en voz alta y la lectura de imagen para el mejoramiento del comportamiento lector • Estrategias de comprensión lectora: la formulación de preguntas de comprensión que trascienden el nivel literal • Estrategias de escritura significativa usando activadores creativos para la construcción de textos 20
  • 21. Leer y escribir en la escuela • • • • La escuela debe garantizar las condiciones para que los niños desarrollen competencias en lectura y escritura y puedan desempeñarse de manera efectiva en el contexto social La biblioteca escolar debe ser un espacio de disfrute, que fomente buenas prácticas de lectura y escritura Es indispensable que los niños, desde la educación inicial, adquieran el interés y el gusto por la lectura y la escritura en diferentes tiempos y espacios La escuela debe vincular a la familia, para que todos sus integrantes fortalezcan hábitos lectores y escritores 21
  • 22. La meta del Plan 94 Secretarías de Educación 22
  • 23. Componentes del PNLE 1. Materiales 2.Fortalecimiento de lectura y escritura 3.Formación de la Escuela y la de mediadores Biblioteca de lectura y escritura 4. Compromiso de diferentes actores 5.Seguimiento y evaluación 23
  • 24. ¿Qué es para el programa la lectura y la escritura? • Es derecho de los estudiantes acceder a una oferta educativa de calidad. • Una herramientas que permiten el ejercicio de la ciudadanía plena. • Un procesos de construcción de competencias comunicativas, transversales a todas las áreas del currículo • Van más allá de las exigencias educativas y son para toda la vida 24
  • 25. Los propósitos de la lectura y la escritura • Instrumentales • Prácticas sociales • Subjetivos (recreativos o íntimos) 25
  • 26. Qué NO debe hacerse en el Plan • Lectura y/o escritura para adoctrinar, buscar valores, o hacer uso ideológico o tendencioso de los materiales • No es animación de la lectura entendida como activismo gratuito o recreación • No es un discurso de enaltecimiento de la lectura y la escritura como cultas, deseables o buenas • No hay que seguir en lo trillado y que no funciona: memorizar, copiar o dictar mecánicamente 26
  • 27. Qué NO es el Plan • No es una campaña de slogans, afiches o planeaciones eternas; no es para hablar de leer y escribir, es para hacerlo • No es una actividad que concluye en espectáculos, desfiles, obras de teatro y shows: es el trabajo cotidiano • No es un curso de lectura rápida • No es un concurso de quién sabe más, quién lee mejor o ha leído más libros • No sustituye el trabajo del aula. Por el contrario, da mejores herramientas para enriquecerlo • Es para todos los grados y todos los niños • Es para TODOS los docentes de TODAS las áreas 27
  • 28. Pasos de la formación en el Plan 1. Formación presencial. 2. Acompañamiento in situ y de seguimiento. 3. Trabajo entre pares. 28
  • 29. Taller grupal LA IMPORTANCIA DE LEER Y ESCRIBIR (INS-5) 29
  • 30. Los libros fantásticos que vuelan del Mr- Morris Lessmore el corto animado ganador del Oscar 2012 30
  • 31. 4.Taller de Indagación sobre la lectura y escritura en el contexto actual de maestros y estudiantes 31
  • 32. ACTIVIDAD Nº1 Conformar subgrupos. Elaborar una lista de las actividades que todos han realizado en la última semana en su tiempo libre. Sólo pueden incluirse en el listado las actividades que todas las personas del grupo han realizado. Se deben tener cinco actividades. 32
  • 33. ACTIVIDAD Nº2 Se hará individual. Nombre las tres acciones más importantes que las instituciones educativas a su cargo realizan para lograr que los estudiantes incorporen la lectura y la escritura como una actividad en sus vidas. 33
  • 34. ACTIVIDAD Nº3 Sondeo de las respuestas N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Actividad Marchas del libro y/o librotones Desfiles dedicados al libro, autores y la lectura Citas de hombres célebres sobre la lectura Carteleras con frases sugerentes sobre la lectura Concursos de lectura en voz alta Izadas de bandera y sesiones de final de curso con declamaciones y lecturas de textos famosos Dramatizaciones sobre textos leídos Afiches dedicados a la lectura Camisetas, botones, pasacalles, marcalibros y material publicitario sobre lectura Concursos de ortografía Lectura en voz alta, por turnos, de los estudiantes, en clase Dictados en clase Lectura en coro de un texto Copia de textos del tablero Leer textos y llenar guías (o cuestionarios) de lectura Otros ¿Cuáles? Frecuencia 34
  • 35. ACTIVIDAD Nº4 PROVERBIOS “Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho” “El cura predica pero no aplica” “Haced como yo digo y no como yo hago” “A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando” “En casa de herrero, azadón de palo” 35
  • 36. REFLEXIÓN FINAL DEL TALLER “Hablar de la lectura” es lo mismo que “lograr que las personas lean” 36
  • 37. 5. Presentación de la Colección Semilla 37
  • 38. 5. Presentación de la Colección Semilla Se entrega a establecimientos educativos, focalizados para cerrar brechas de inequidad La Colección Semilla sirve para iniciar dispositivos escolares de uso colectivo de libros que faciliten y estimulen el acceso a materiales de lectura de excelente calidad, hacia la meta de crear bibliotecas escolares en todas la sedes educativas del país. 38
  • 39. ¿Cómo se construyó la Colección Semilla? Se describió la dotación en términos de renglones, que deben usarse para crear futuras colecciones de bibliotecas pertinentes y equilibradas. Se usaron criterios de calidad, pertinencia y relevancia para elegir lo mejor de la oferta editorial en Colombia. Con esos referentes, renglones y criterios, se eligió un listado de 269 títulos par la Colección semilla de 2013. 39
  • 40. Las tres clases de renglones Una colección de biblioteca escolar tiene básicamente tres clases de libros: Referencia Ficción Información Los títulos en las Colecciones Semilla tienen: 6% de libros de referencia 48% de ficción 46% de información 40
  • 41. ¿Cómo son los libros de cada tipo? Referencia : abecedarios, atlas, diccionarios gráficos, enciclopedias temáticas y alfabéticas Ficción (es decir, literatura por géneros): poesía, cuento, novela, álbum, caricatura y tira cómica, teatro, juegos de palabras, mito y leyenda Información (por áreas del conocimiento): material que sirva de apoyo a las áreas de matemáticas, ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, competencias ciudadanas, estéticas, educación física, manualidades y tecnología 41
  • 42. Renglón No. 100 Medio ambiente 2: conservación Título: Imagen: la ecología Editorial: Pleurus Panini 42
  • 43. Renglón No. 105 Libros sobre diferentes etnias 5 Título: Verde fue mi selva Autor: Edna Iturralde Editorial: Alfaguara 43
  • 44. Renglón No. 107 Libros sobre negritudes 2: cultura, creencias y tradiciones afro -descendientes Título: El regalo del sol Autor: Dianne Stewart Editorial: Ekaré 44
  • 45. 6. Elección del equipo base 45
  • 46. 7. ¿Qué es la diversidad discursiva? Todos los textos no pretenden comunicar lo mismo, ni de la misma manera. La intención de un autor puede ser muy diferente, aunque use solamente el lenguaje para comunicarse sobre el mismo tema. Para que su palabra sea más efectiva en comunicar lo que desea, el autor organiza la estructura de su texto de distintas maneras. Estas estructuras discursivas diferentes se plasman en tipologías diferentes de textos 46
  • 47. ¿Por qué se recomienda usar diversidad de discursos en el aula? Porque las situaciones de aprendizaje que más favorecen el desarrollo del lenguaje son las que promuevan la exploración y el uso de las diferentes manifestaciones del mismo (verbales y no verbales) De esta manera los estudiantes las asumen e incorporen de manera consciente, intencional y creativa en sus interacciones cotidianas, con diferentes fines: descriptivos, informativos, propositivos, expresivos, recreativos, argumentativos, entre otros 47
  • 48. ¿Qué tipologías de textos hay? Generalmente se habla de cuatro o cinco tipos básicos de discurso expositivo: La definición (¿Qué es?) La descripción (¿cómo es?) La caracterización (¿Cómo lo vemos los demás?) La narración (¿Qué pasó?) El comentario (¿Qué opino yo?) De alguna manera, la intención del autor a través de su texto determina el tipo de discurso que usa. 48
  • 49. No hay una sola tipología de textos Algunos autores hablan de discursos: Narrativo (relata hechos en secuencia) Descriptivo (se centra en las características de un objeto, fenómeno, persona, grupo, lugar, etc.) Argumentativo (intenta convencer al lector de una idea o tesis en particular, lo incita a tomar partido) Informativo (presenta datos de forma objetiva, explica fenómenos) 49
  • 50. Y entonces, ¿qué hacer en el aula? Usar los tipos de discursos que se mencionan en los lineamientos y estándares Presentar y compartir con sus estudiantes muchos libros diferentes, para que conozcan distintas formas de organizar el texto y reconozcan la intención del autor. Por ejemplo, para que distingan información de ficción; para que separen hechos de opiniones; para que identifiquen los géneros literarios más usuales. Para que sepan reconocer muchos tipos de discursos en un mismo libro. Para que reconozcan textos informativos de distinto discurso 50
  • 51. Lo importante es que con los estudiantes el docente use: Textos informativos de muchas clases: noticias, diagramas, mapas, planos, publicidad, cartas, instrucciones, carteles, cuadros sinópticos, etc. Textos literarios de muchos géneros: cuentos, poemas, rondas, canciones, historietas, fábulas, leyendas, chismes, chistes, etc. Y que se señale qué hace que esos textos sean diferentes. Es muy importante que esos textos tengan diferente organización y presentación y ojalá combinen imagen, diagramaciones novedosas, géneros híbridos (por ejemplo, la novela gráfica). Y además, recordar que un texto puede ser oral. ¡Y que la imagen también es un lenguaje! 51
  • 52. Veamos algunos ejemplos de esos discursos dentro de la Colección Semilla 2011 Imagine que tiene unos libros con los títulos: El Gran Libro de las Palabras Cancionero Infantil Adivinanzas para jugar Creando disfraces con los niños ¿Cuál de los anteriores libros es informativo? ¿Cuál de los anteriores libros es de literatura? 52
  • 53. Ahora, intentemos hacer lo mismo con estos otros títulos de la Colección Semilla 2011 El desastre ¡Qué buena idea! Oscuro, muy oscuro Así somos La tierra es la casa de todos A todo riesgo Ya no es tan fácil, ¿verdad? ¿Qué nos falta para poder decir qué clase de discursos contienen? 53
  • 54. Mire la cubierta de este libro: ¿Qué clase de discurso probablemente tenga? Si incluye textos narrativos, ¿qué clase de textos serán? 54
  • 55. Y ahora, a partir de lo que hemos dicho… ¿Cómo se llama el género al que pertenece ese libro? 55
  • 56. Renglón No. 16 Novela infantil Título: La leyenda de Leonora, que era buena para todo Autor: Madelyn Tarrant Editorial: Castillo Con la anterior información, ¿Qué tipo de discurso debe tener este libro? 56
  • 57. Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? El relato de un viaje de dos semanas por Bélgica. Biografías de 15 suegras Un puñado de recetas para hacer hechicería. Texto narrativo del género cuento. 57
  • 58. Y este, ¿qué clase de libro puede ser? Informativo: Lo que pasa cuando se va la luz Narrativo: Las aventuras se un gato negro Descriptivo: La vida nocturna en el campo Ninguna de las anteriores 58
  • 59. Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? Un libro de recetas para hacer hechicerías: Texto expositivo Texto poético Texto argumentativo Texto literario Todas las anteriores 59
  • 60. Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? Un texto descriptivo: gente manejando en medio del tráfico Un texto narrativo: cómo se armó un trancón Un texto informativo: la noticia de un accidente Un libro de imágenes que NO tiene texto 60
  • 61. Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? Un libro sobre las jugadas que hacen los mechudos Un cancionero de rock Un manual de uso de patinetas Un texto informativo acerca de los deportes extremos 61
  • 62. Y este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? Un libro de información Un compendio de biografías Un libro sobre las jugadas que hacen los políticos Todas las anteriores 62
  • 63. Cuando uno conoce bien sus libros, ¡se vuelve biblionario! A continuación, juegue con las cuatro opciones. Debe elegir entre las respuestas, usando sus cuatro herramientas: 50-50 (eliminar dos opciones) Llamada a un amigo (consultar a otra persona que puede o no decir la verdad) Consulta al público (elegir por voto la que digan todos… ¡pero pueden estar equivocados!) Cambio de pregunta Recuerde, debe elegir su respuesta entre A, B, C o D 63
  • 64. VAMOS A JUGAR: 1. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? A. Texto fantástico: embustes, creencias, mitos, ciencia ficción B. Texto descriptivo sobre tecnologías de punta C. Texto narrativo sobre cómo llegaron las TICs a nuestra vida D. Ninguna de las anteriores 64
  • 65. 2. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? A. Mito y leyenda B. Cuentos de la selva ecuatoriana C. Fábulas sobre la ecología D. Todas las anteriores 65
  • 66. 3. ¿Este, qué tipo de libro será? A. Historia de un señor que se pone muy bravo B. Planeta Rica (Córdoba) y su ardiente clima C. Texto descriptivo sobre el calentamiento global D. Texto narrativo acerca de la contaminación 66
  • 67. 4. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? A. Un libro que presenta hechos B. Un libro que presenta opiniones C. Un libro que presenta narraciones D. Un libro que presenta DOS de las anteriores (¿Cuáles?) 67
  • 68. 5. El tema de este libro es A. Que a uno lo llaman preciso cuando está más ocupado B. La gente que no apaga ni el computador, ni el celular cuando está en otra cosa C. Preguntas acerca de cómo se conectan los seres D. Reflexiones sobre el mundo de las preguntas 68
  • 69. 6. Con este libro uno puede: A. Comunicarse con otros B. Elaborar objetos de valor estético C. Usa material reciclable D. Todas las anteriores 69
  • 70. 7. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? A. Un libro que presenta hechos: eventos sorprendentes de la naturaleza B. Un libro que presenta opiniones: cosas que deben asombrarnos C. Un libro que presenta textos poéticos para invitar a pensar. D. Ninguna de las anteriores 70
  • 71. 8. Este, ¿qué tipo de libro será? A. Un libro que presenta hechos: gimnasia mental para no ser burro B. Un libro que presenta opiniones: comportamientos inaceptables C. Un libro que presenta textos poéticos para divertirse D. Ninguna de las anteriores 71
  • 72. 9. Este, ¿qué tipo de discurso tendrá? A. Discursos poético: rondas y canciones B. Discurso narrativo C. Discurso descriptivo: cómo se baila y canta D. Dos de las anteriores. ¿Cuáles? 72
  • 73. 10. ¿Qué clase de discurso tendrá este libro? A. Informativo: dice cómo son los disfraces B. Descriptivo: contiene moldes e instrucciones para elaborar los atuendos C. Argumentativo: da consejos sobre la importancia del juego dramático y cómo aprovecharlo D. Todas las anteriores 73
  • 74. 11. ¿Sobre qué tratará este libro? A. Es una adaptación de una canción francesa medieval B. Es sobre la vida de un chico de ciudad C. Es una canción acumulativa que usa personajes de la baraja francesa D. Todas las anteriores 74
  • 75. 12. ¿Sobre qué tratará este libro? A. Es un episodio de la vida de una super-heroína B. Es un libro chistoso sobre un mal sueño C. Es un relato corto, de humor un poco cochino D. Todas las anteriores 75
  • 76. 13. Y por último… A. Libro de divertimentos para buenos observadores B. Material para explorar ilusiones ópticas C. Todas las anteriores D. El último de los libros que nos van a mostrar 76
  • 77. Diversidad discursiva: se lee de todo Es importante recordar que los actos de lectura no solamente usan libros. De hecho, hay pocas cosas de nuestro entorno que no se puedan leer Por ejemplo: publicidad (en cualquier medio), etiquetas, avisos, fotografías, pictogramas, caricaturas, cine, las bellas artes, la arquitectura, los mapas y hasta el paisaje pueden leerse ¿Podría un docente, por ejemplo, pensar en una actividad que, usando texto descriptivo, lea la nomenclatura de una ciudad? Observemos las siguientes imágenes. ¿Se pueden leer?
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Bibliografía Las anteriores diapositivas son una adaptación del material entregado por las formadoras en el ciclo de capacitación para replicar la información en las instituciones, por lo que no es de mi autoría.
  • 84. GRACIAS ¡Estas son las mejores Semillas que se pueden tener! 84

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. {"71":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","60":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","49":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","16":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","5":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","66":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","55":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","11":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","72":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","61":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","50":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","17":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","6":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","67":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","56":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","12":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","73":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","62":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","51":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","7":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","68":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","57":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","46":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","24":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","13":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","2":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","74":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","63":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","52":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","8":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","69":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","58":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","47":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","25":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","14":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","3":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","75":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","64":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","53":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","20":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","9":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","70":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","59":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","48":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","15":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","4":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","76":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","65":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","54":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n","10":"Igor: Most marketers shout at consumers. Via one way mass communications. Marketers have learned to do this since the industrial revolution. It’s in their DNA. \nBut remember; Today is a New Day!! \nDue to interactive media, consumers started to interact with brands. Consumers suddenly talked back! Marketers we’re freaked out and scared. They did not know what to do. For almost 100 years, marketers were the ones talking and shouting at consumers. Consumers just listened. But, It’s a New Day!\nAnd it even went further! Consumers started conversations about brands within blogs, forums and social networks. At YouTube consumers started to criticize brands, their ads, their products, their services. \nAnd the worst part of it all; brands were not even aware of these conversations amongst peers. Marketers did not even know what was being said about them…\nBut Obama had seen the mistakes brands make. He tapped into online conversations with an extended conversational tracking program. Mapping where the conversations took place, who were the social influencers per topic/theme. \nBy listening to peer conversations within the social space, Obama gained great insights about consumers behaviour and emotions. And he tapped into these conversations in a very smart way…\n"}