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               Step on the right side of life
                                                                                             Din Eidyn : A Symbol of Scotland                                    7
                                                                                             Give it a hearty spit                                               9
                                                                                             A Spark of Hope                                                    10
                                                                                             Touch a Philosopher Skin to Skin                                   12

             If you think Scotland is all about wearing kilts and tartans and having         A Place where Scotland meets the World                             14
             a funny accent, come to Edinburgh and be enlightened.                           Creating new Stories                                               16

             With its deep history and lots of contrasts Edinburgh has many
             places to see and lots of stories to tell.

             Not only will you discover main attractions like Edinburgh`s Castle or
             the National Museum that captures the past, you will also hear about
                                                                                             The Spirit of Scotland                                             20
             the dark history of Edinburgh, and visit its cemetries with the creepy
             stories that are waiting to be told.                                            Festival City / Info Boxes                                         23
                                                                                             More than Words                                                    24
             Are you keen on food? Come to Maggy Dickson`s Pub in
                                                                                             Between the Lines...                                               28
             Edinburgh`s Grassmarket - one of the best places to try Haggis. It`s
                                                                                             Ready to stArt                                                     32
             also a good place to hang around and get to know the Scots folk.
             You will learn Scottish sayings, discover the Elephant House, where             A Night Out in Edinburgh                                           40
             J.K.Rowling wrote pieces of the world famous Harry Potter and find              What’s Cooking?                                                    42
             out about various writers that came to be part of Scotland`s history.           Rock the Kilt!                                                     46

             If you don`t want to miss the nature side of Edinburgh - come and
             climb Arthur´s Seat and find yourself looking down on the beautiful
             shape of the city.

             While you´re in Edinburgh you`ll always find something new.
                                                                                             Sunny side up                                                      50
             Our team has created a guide that leads you through Edinburgh and               The Sound of Scott                                                 52
             offers stories nobody else ever experienced the way we did.
                                                                                             A dirty little Story                                               53
             Come and join us on our journey - truly captivating, madly behaving,            Blows You Away                                                     54
             deeply loving.                                                                  Getting a real Student Experience at the University of Edinburgh   56
                                                                                             Are you a witty Jock ?                                             58
                                                                                             Do’s and Don’ts                                                    60
                                                                                             A perfect Weekend                                                  62
“Scotland’s capital city has a very rich and colourful history. This section
looks at the important buildings, the museums and some of the stories
found at a first glance of Edinburgh. From a castle dating back to the 12th
century, a controversial parliament building and some pretty gruesome
vaults under the cobbled surface of the city, there is a lot to explore. Let
the following articles take you through some of the best attractions that
show you the true Edinburgh.”
Din Eidyn: A Symbol of Scotland
-Vicky Langley

‘So grounded, bounded and founded that by
force of man it can never be confounded’ (from
John Taylor’s travels around Scotland, 1618).
Today nearly 400 years on, as you stand in the     However it’s not all bloodthirsty fighting in the
fortress looking out over the city it is easy to   Castle’s history. Making your way up to the
agree with the poet.                               Upper Ward, you pass a canon that is still in
                                                   use today. If you happen to be walking within
As you walk along the Royal Mile’s cobbled         earshot of the Castle around one o’clock you
streets the Castle doesn’t look so hard to         may hear a single gun shot. The now daily One
invade. It’s not until you reach the inside of     O’clock Gun was first fired in 1861, originally as
the Castle and look down over the walls to the     a time signal for sailors.
                                                                                                         and New Barracks. The current use of these
city below that you realise the lengths invad-
                                                   An older signal on Calton Hill was the time ball.     buildings show the Castle’s history as an impor-
ers would have to go to, to storm the Castle.
                                                   This was where a canon ball was hoisted up to         tant building continues. This is the reason the
Despite the treacherous rock face (potential
                                                   the top of the Nelson Monument and released           highest flag on the Castle is a British one and
invaders were literally taking on a volcano)
                                                   at one o’clock. However, this came up against         not a Scottish one.
many did attempt to seize the Castle.                                                                                                                          To commemorate and remember
                                                   difficulties. Due to the atmospheric conditions                                                             the dead, the people of Edinburgh
                                                   (if you hadn’t noticed it’s not quite a Caribbean     As you reach the Upper Ward, you come to the
From the 13th century it was the target of                                                                                                                     donated money to rebuild the
                                                   climate in Edinburgh) sailors couldn’t always         site of St Margaret’s Chapel. This is the oldest
many invasions and sieges starting in 1296                                                                                                                     interior of the building which was
                                                   see the ball so needed a more aural aide.             building in the Castle and also in Edinburgh. It
when King Edward I of England invaded. What                                                                                                                    previously a barrack lock in the
                                                                                                         commemorates Margaret (the mother of King
followed was around 50 years of a tug of war                                                                                                                   1700s. The first donation was £500
                                                   This saw the introduction of the One O’clock          David I) who died in the Castle in 1093. The
with the Castle between the Scots and the                                                                                                                      whilst the second was two shillings
                                                   Gun which takes place in unison with the time         inside of the chapel is very small, light and inti-
English. The relationship between the border-                                                                                                                  and sixpence (in old money) from
                                                   ball, creating possibly the world’s first audio       mate, accommodating only 24 people, making it
ing countries has been a long and often bloody                                                                                                                 a travelling person.
                                                   visual show. The gun was only ever fired once         a favourite for weddings and christenings.
one. However in 1566 Mary Queen of Scots
gave birth to her only child, James. He would      in an act of violence. This was during the First                                                            You can still see the highest part
                                                   World War when its target was a German air-           The very highest point of the Castle is where
go on to become King James VI of Scotland                                                                                                                      of the volcanic rock in the building,
                                                   ship that was dropping bombs on Edinburgh.            the Scottish National War Memorial rests hon-
and James I of England simultaneously. A rare                                                                                                                  protruding under a casket which
                                                   The gun is also still in use by the British army in   ouring all those who have died fighting for
peaceful moment in the two countries’ histori-                                                                                                                 contains scrolls naming those who
                                                                                                         Scotland. It was opened in 1927 after the First
cal relationship.                                  the 21st century as are the Governor’s House
                                                                                                         World War where 148,000 military were killed.         lost their lives fighting for Scotland   7
in World War One. Above them hangs an
effigy of St Michael, the patron saint of war-
                                                  invaders. The Honours now rest safe along-
                                                  side the Stone of Scone (or the Stone of Des-
                                                                                                      Give it a hearty spit                                 -

riors, killing a dragon.                          tiny). This was a coronation stone used since       -Kerstin Haselmann
                                                  the 9th century and was moved to Westmin-
Across from the War Memorial is the resting       ster in 1296 by King Edward I of England. It
place of the Honours of Scotland. The Crown,      wasn’t until 1996 that it was finally returned to
Sceptre and Sword of State lie on display in      Edinburgh. The Stone will be used at the next
the Royal Palace. At various points in history    coronation of a British monarch in London - but
the Honours have been moved and hidden in         will be returned to Edinburgh much sooner
a variety of places (including under a medi-      than 700 years.
eval toilet at one point) to protect them from

                                                                                                                                                         In modern times, it also symbolises
                                                                                                      How do you distinguish a tourist from a local? – A something        more      up-to-date:
                                                                                                      local wouldn’t walk over the Heart of Midlothian, Football.
                                                                                                      but instead walk around it and give it a hearty
                                                                                                      spit. You might now think “uuuuuhhhh, how The two local clubs’ arch-rivalry is
                                                                                                      disgusting”, but it is tradition, even if everyone the trigger for hundreds of fans to
                                                                                                      has another reason for doing it                    leave their “mark” on the mosaic.
                                                                                                      .                                                  If you are a supporter of the Heart
                                                                                                      The stony heart we are talking about is located of Midlothian Football Club you
                                                 Throughout its 3000 years the Castle has             close to the West entrance of St. Giles Cathedral obviously spit on it for luck. If you
                                                 been the site of many historical events.             on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile (High Street). Named are a fan of the rivalling Hibernian
     What links the Seven                        In every nook and cranny of the fortress,            after Sir Walter Scott’s novel, The Heart of Edinburgh, you give all your saliva
                                                 history can be found. From the very high-            Midlothian refers to the Old Tolbooth, the city’s for the enemy’s defeat.
     Years War, the War of
                                                 est point where the Scottish National War            former administrative centre and prison, which
     American Independence, the                                                                       once stood in that place.                          So basically, if you can find a reason
                                                 Memorial lies to the lowest point in the
     French Revolution and the                   vaults, it’s important role in history can be        Spitting on the heart shaped mosaic is supposed for yourself to do it – Go for it! There
     Napoleonic Wars? Prisoners                  discovered.                                          to prevent you from ever getting arrested. is nothing wrong with it. No one
     from all these wars were held                                                                    Furthermore, since the heart marks the old will give you a funny look, except
     in the vaults of the Castle.                                                                     doorway of the prison where the executions took for the tourists, and you will all of a
                                                                                                      place, you can thus show your sympathy for the sudden feel a bit more personally
     Carvings on the wooden
                                                                                                      convicted or your disagreement with the death connected to Edinburgh.
     doors of the vaults are still on                                                                 penalty. But these are not the only reasons for
     display today.                                                                                   people to spit on it.                                                                       9
A spark of hope
- Kerstin Haselmann
                                                                                                                                                      being. This feeling will solely be caused by what
A burning sensation of pain. After weeks of                                                                                                           you will learn about those poor souls who took their
entire darkness, the tiny spark in the distance is                                                                                                    last breath in the obscurity of nothingness down
a blazing inferno to Alan’s eyes. Sudden groans                                                                                                       there.
of agony, like his own, are reverberating from the
stony walls of the cave. A new one has arrived.                                                                                                       Before South Bridge was erected in the 1780s, the
Another damned soul adding to the sum of                                                                                                              area outside Edinburgh’s Southern wall was home
thousands of fugitives populating the filthy vaults                                                                                                   to the city’s poorest. Out there the slums were
beneath the beautiful city of Edinburgh. Once                                                                                                         located. People living there had to wade through
designed to keep the rich merchants’ goods                                                                                                            human waste all day long, since Edinburgh’s
safe, they are now a depository for the city’s lost                                                                                                   citizens simply emptied their chamber pots out the
and hopeless.                                                                                                                                         window, leaving all the grime to run down the hill
Alan is crouching further into the shadows to                                                                                                         and accumulate in the valley to form a huge cesspit.
escape the dazzling brightness. He knows                                                                                                              When it all became too dirty and inconvenient for
exactly what it is like to arrive in the vaults,                                                                                                      the townsfolk to cope with and since the town
when you think you are not here to stay; when                                                                                                         within the walls was growing too small to house all
the disgusting stench of excrement, sweat and                                                                                                         residents and businesses they decided to build a
decomposing flesh is filling your nose and mouth                                                                                                      bridge to span the dirt. This bridge – South Bridge
for the first time. The way your nostrils are flaring                                                                                                 – was constructed as an extension to High Street
in response, how you’re trying to suppress the                                                                                                        and was supposed to host various fancy shops,
                                                            shortly after taking their first breath. Young and                                        the bridge arches being used as storage rooms.
urge to throw up. Alan is chuckling to himself. Oh,         old all had the same chance: None.
how they are all convinced that they won’t stay                                                                                                       Unfortunately, those vaults were leaking and as such
long – like himself just a few weeks ago – but                                                                                                        useless for the tradesmen. The empty chambers
only very rarely one or two will leave for good. For                                                                                                  providing shelter from the inconveniences of the
                                                            Even today, you can still almost feel the smell                                           law, illegal businesses soon found a new home in
Alan all hope is lost. By now, he is suffering from         of despair, decay and death burning in your
tuberculosis, he will die and he knows it. Soon                                                                                                       the obscurity of the caves. Gambling, prostitution
                                                            nose, almost hear the sighs and groans of the                                             and the like were thriving. When the Irish potato
he will be gone as if he never existed, following           moribund men and women when all lights die
his wife and son who have already passed away.                                                                                                        famine and the Agricultural Revolution displaced
                                                            down and you are alone in the black emptiness.                                            thousands of people and they tried their luck in
This story may sound like the beginning of a tale                                                                                                     the big cities, the South Bridge vaults turned into
                                                            Taking a tour through the vaults of Edinburgh                                             a collection point for the desperate and hopeless
to you, but it’s not. This is what it was like to live in   is surely different from what you might expect.
the 18th century vaults. When you walk through                                                                                                        of the time. Misery and crime were growing as
                                                            Of course there is the token phantom making                                               more and more people arrived in Edinburgh,
the catacombs of Edinburgh today, you can feel              you jump at a certain point. Of course you will
a cold hand gripping your heart when you hear                                                                                                         bringing with them the problems of hunger and
                                                            learn about the poltergeist allegedly haunting                                            disease. In the overcrowded bridge arches, the
the story of thousands of people dwelling down              the place. And of course you will almost be a        If you are now interested in ta
here, all literally condemned to rot alive. An icy                                                                                                    damp air, malnutrition and lack of water were only
                                                            bit disappointed when the entity won’t leave its     king a tour through the vaults to    contributing to the spread of maladies; the entire
chill runs down your spine at the thought of the            mark on you, because you half-way expected it        experience it yourself, visit www.
conditions under which so many people were                                                                                                            darkness and constant fear was wearing people
                                                            to happen.                                  >Tours; Watch       out mentally. Conditions we, nowadays, can’t
enduring their fate in those caves in the 18th and          However, the most important thing you will
19th century. Just imagine: The given number                                                                     out for special offers like 2 for    imagine living under. People never saw the sun;
                                                            experience is about people like you and I –                                               they were permanently looking in the cold empty
of occupants per chamber ranges from 30 to                                                                       1 on certain days! The Under-
                                                            people who were looking for a better life in                                              eyes of death.
50, usually averaging about 35. Diseases were               Edinburgh after fleeing from famine or after         ground City of the Dead tour is
flourishing like roses in spring and the average                                                                                                      And the worst? No one forced them to stay.
                                                            having lost everything, only to arrive here and      especially recommended, e.g.         At the time, there were laws banning beggars and
life span was about 3 to 18 months, once you                be damned to die or be killed in the anonymity       with tour guide Jamie, to whom
had settled there.                                                                                                                                    vagabonds from the streets, but they all stayed in
                                                            of the vaults.                                       I’d like to give a special thanks.   the vaults voluntarily. They were free to leave town
Death was the omnipresent shadow making the                 In the end you will leave the “city of the dead”
darkness even deeper. Mothers died giving birth                                                                                                       at any time, but no one would. They were all hoping
                                                            beneath South Bridge with a dull feeling in your                                          for a better life, dying rather than leaving, clinging
to children, who were either still born or died             stomach that is not at all due to any supernatural                                        to a tiny spark of hope that was bound to cease.         11
Citytravelreview curso24 edinburgh_truly_deeply_madly

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Citytravelreview curso24 edinburgh_truly_deeply_madly

  • 1.
  • 2. dowload full book: Step on the right side of life Din Eidyn : A Symbol of Scotland 7 Give it a hearty spit 9 A Spark of Hope 10 Touch a Philosopher Skin to Skin 12 If you think Scotland is all about wearing kilts and tartans and having A Place where Scotland meets the World 14 a funny accent, come to Edinburgh and be enlightened. Creating new Stories 16 With its deep history and lots of contrasts Edinburgh has many places to see and lots of stories to tell. Not only will you discover main attractions like Edinburgh`s Castle or the National Museum that captures the past, you will also hear about The Spirit of Scotland 20 the dark history of Edinburgh, and visit its cemetries with the creepy stories that are waiting to be told. Festival City / Info Boxes 23 More than Words 24 Are you keen on food? Come to Maggy Dickson`s Pub in Between the Lines... 28 Edinburgh`s Grassmarket - one of the best places to try Haggis. It`s Ready to stArt 32 also a good place to hang around and get to know the Scots folk. You will learn Scottish sayings, discover the Elephant House, where A Night Out in Edinburgh 40 J.K.Rowling wrote pieces of the world famous Harry Potter and find What’s Cooking? 42 out about various writers that came to be part of Scotland`s history. Rock the Kilt! 46 If you don`t want to miss the nature side of Edinburgh - come and climb Arthur´s Seat and find yourself looking down on the beautiful shape of the city. While you´re in Edinburgh you`ll always find something new. Sunny side up 50 Our team has created a guide that leads you through Edinburgh and The Sound of Scott 52 offers stories nobody else ever experienced the way we did. A dirty little Story 53 Come and join us on our journey - truly captivating, madly behaving, Blows You Away 54 deeply loving. Getting a real Student Experience at the University of Edinburgh 56 Are you a witty Jock ? 58 Do’s and Don’ts 60 A perfect Weekend 62
  • 3. “Scotland’s capital city has a very rich and colourful history. This section looks at the important buildings, the museums and some of the stories found at a first glance of Edinburgh. From a castle dating back to the 12th century, a controversial parliament building and some pretty gruesome vaults under the cobbled surface of the city, there is a lot to explore. Let the following articles take you through some of the best attractions that show you the true Edinburgh.”
  • 4. Din Eidyn: A Symbol of Scotland -Vicky Langley ‘So grounded, bounded and founded that by force of man it can never be confounded’ (from John Taylor’s travels around Scotland, 1618). Today nearly 400 years on, as you stand in the However it’s not all bloodthirsty fighting in the fortress looking out over the city it is easy to Castle’s history. Making your way up to the agree with the poet. Upper Ward, you pass a canon that is still in use today. If you happen to be walking within As you walk along the Royal Mile’s cobbled earshot of the Castle around one o’clock you streets the Castle doesn’t look so hard to may hear a single gun shot. The now daily One invade. It’s not until you reach the inside of O’clock Gun was first fired in 1861, originally as the Castle and look down over the walls to the a time signal for sailors. and New Barracks. The current use of these city below that you realise the lengths invad- An older signal on Calton Hill was the time ball. buildings show the Castle’s history as an impor- ers would have to go to, to storm the Castle. This was where a canon ball was hoisted up to tant building continues. This is the reason the Despite the treacherous rock face (potential the top of the Nelson Monument and released highest flag on the Castle is a British one and invaders were literally taking on a volcano) at one o’clock. However, this came up against not a Scottish one. many did attempt to seize the Castle. To commemorate and remember difficulties. Due to the atmospheric conditions the dead, the people of Edinburgh (if you hadn’t noticed it’s not quite a Caribbean As you reach the Upper Ward, you come to the From the 13th century it was the target of donated money to rebuild the climate in Edinburgh) sailors couldn’t always site of St Margaret’s Chapel. This is the oldest many invasions and sieges starting in 1296 interior of the building which was see the ball so needed a more aural aide. building in the Castle and also in Edinburgh. It when King Edward I of England invaded. What previously a barrack lock in the commemorates Margaret (the mother of King followed was around 50 years of a tug of war 1700s. The first donation was £500 This saw the introduction of the One O’clock David I) who died in the Castle in 1093. The with the Castle between the Scots and the whilst the second was two shillings Gun which takes place in unison with the time inside of the chapel is very small, light and inti- English. The relationship between the border- and sixpence (in old money) from ball, creating possibly the world’s first audio mate, accommodating only 24 people, making it ing countries has been a long and often bloody a travelling person. visual show. The gun was only ever fired once a favourite for weddings and christenings. one. However in 1566 Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to her only child, James. He would in an act of violence. This was during the First You can still see the highest part World War when its target was a German air- The very highest point of the Castle is where go on to become King James VI of Scotland of the volcanic rock in the building, ship that was dropping bombs on Edinburgh. the Scottish National War Memorial rests hon- and James I of England simultaneously. A rare protruding under a casket which The gun is also still in use by the British army in ouring all those who have died fighting for peaceful moment in the two countries’ histori- contains scrolls naming those who Scotland. It was opened in 1927 after the First cal relationship. the 21st century as are the Governor’s House World War where 148,000 military were killed. lost their lives fighting for Scotland 7
  • 5. in World War One. Above them hangs an effigy of St Michael, the patron saint of war- invaders. The Honours now rest safe along- side the Stone of Scone (or the Stone of Des- Give it a hearty spit - riors, killing a dragon. tiny). This was a coronation stone used since -Kerstin Haselmann the 9th century and was moved to Westmin- Across from the War Memorial is the resting ster in 1296 by King Edward I of England. It place of the Honours of Scotland. The Crown, wasn’t until 1996 that it was finally returned to Sceptre and Sword of State lie on display in Edinburgh. The Stone will be used at the next the Royal Palace. At various points in history coronation of a British monarch in London - but the Honours have been moved and hidden in will be returned to Edinburgh much sooner a variety of places (including under a medi- than 700 years. eval toilet at one point) to protect them from In modern times, it also symbolises How do you distinguish a tourist from a local? – A something more up-to-date: local wouldn’t walk over the Heart of Midlothian, Football. but instead walk around it and give it a hearty spit. You might now think “uuuuuhhhh, how The two local clubs’ arch-rivalry is disgusting”, but it is tradition, even if everyone the trigger for hundreds of fans to has another reason for doing it leave their “mark” on the mosaic. . If you are a supporter of the Heart The stony heart we are talking about is located of Midlothian Football Club you Throughout its 3000 years the Castle has close to the West entrance of St. Giles Cathedral obviously spit on it for luck. If you been the site of many historical events. on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile (High Street). Named are a fan of the rivalling Hibernian What links the Seven In every nook and cranny of the fortress, after Sir Walter Scott’s novel, The Heart of Edinburgh, you give all your saliva history can be found. From the very high- Midlothian refers to the Old Tolbooth, the city’s for the enemy’s defeat. Years War, the War of est point where the Scottish National War former administrative centre and prison, which American Independence, the once stood in that place. So basically, if you can find a reason Memorial lies to the lowest point in the French Revolution and the vaults, it’s important role in history can be Spitting on the heart shaped mosaic is supposed for yourself to do it – Go for it! There Napoleonic Wars? Prisoners discovered. to prevent you from ever getting arrested. is nothing wrong with it. No one from all these wars were held Furthermore, since the heart marks the old will give you a funny look, except in the vaults of the Castle. doorway of the prison where the executions took for the tourists, and you will all of a place, you can thus show your sympathy for the sudden feel a bit more personally Carvings on the wooden convicted or your disagreement with the death connected to Edinburgh. doors of the vaults are still on penalty. But these are not the only reasons for display today. people to spit on it. 9
  • 6. A spark of hope - Kerstin Haselmann being. This feeling will solely be caused by what A burning sensation of pain. After weeks of you will learn about those poor souls who took their entire darkness, the tiny spark in the distance is last breath in the obscurity of nothingness down a blazing inferno to Alan’s eyes. Sudden groans there. of agony, like his own, are reverberating from the stony walls of the cave. A new one has arrived. Before South Bridge was erected in the 1780s, the Another damned soul adding to the sum of area outside Edinburgh’s Southern wall was home thousands of fugitives populating the filthy vaults to the city’s poorest. Out there the slums were beneath the beautiful city of Edinburgh. Once located. People living there had to wade through designed to keep the rich merchants’ goods human waste all day long, since Edinburgh’s safe, they are now a depository for the city’s lost citizens simply emptied their chamber pots out the and hopeless. window, leaving all the grime to run down the hill Alan is crouching further into the shadows to and accumulate in the valley to form a huge cesspit. escape the dazzling brightness. He knows When it all became too dirty and inconvenient for exactly what it is like to arrive in the vaults, the townsfolk to cope with and since the town when you think you are not here to stay; when within the walls was growing too small to house all the disgusting stench of excrement, sweat and residents and businesses they decided to build a decomposing flesh is filling your nose and mouth bridge to span the dirt. This bridge – South Bridge for the first time. The way your nostrils are flaring – was constructed as an extension to High Street in response, how you’re trying to suppress the and was supposed to host various fancy shops, shortly after taking their first breath. Young and the bridge arches being used as storage rooms. urge to throw up. Alan is chuckling to himself. Oh, old all had the same chance: None. how they are all convinced that they won’t stay Unfortunately, those vaults were leaking and as such long – like himself just a few weeks ago – but useless for the tradesmen. The empty chambers only very rarely one or two will leave for good. For providing shelter from the inconveniences of the Even today, you can still almost feel the smell law, illegal businesses soon found a new home in Alan all hope is lost. By now, he is suffering from of despair, decay and death burning in your tuberculosis, he will die and he knows it. Soon the obscurity of the caves. Gambling, prostitution nose, almost hear the sighs and groans of the and the like were thriving. When the Irish potato he will be gone as if he never existed, following moribund men and women when all lights die his wife and son who have already passed away. famine and the Agricultural Revolution displaced down and you are alone in the black emptiness. thousands of people and they tried their luck in This story may sound like the beginning of a tale the big cities, the South Bridge vaults turned into Taking a tour through the vaults of Edinburgh a collection point for the desperate and hopeless to you, but it’s not. This is what it was like to live in is surely different from what you might expect. the 18th century vaults. When you walk through of the time. Misery and crime were growing as Of course there is the token phantom making more and more people arrived in Edinburgh, the catacombs of Edinburgh today, you can feel you jump at a certain point. Of course you will a cold hand gripping your heart when you hear bringing with them the problems of hunger and learn about the poltergeist allegedly haunting disease. In the overcrowded bridge arches, the the story of thousands of people dwelling down the place. And of course you will almost be a If you are now interested in ta here, all literally condemned to rot alive. An icy damp air, malnutrition and lack of water were only bit disappointed when the entity won’t leave its king a tour through the vaults to contributing to the spread of maladies; the entire chill runs down your spine at the thought of the mark on you, because you half-way expected it experience it yourself, visit www. conditions under which so many people were darkness and constant fear was wearing people to happen. >Tours; Watch out mentally. Conditions we, nowadays, can’t enduring their fate in those caves in the 18th and However, the most important thing you will 19th century. Just imagine: The given number out for special offers like 2 for imagine living under. People never saw the sun; experience is about people like you and I – they were permanently looking in the cold empty of occupants per chamber ranges from 30 to 1 on certain days! The Under- people who were looking for a better life in eyes of death. 50, usually averaging about 35. Diseases were Edinburgh after fleeing from famine or after ground City of the Dead tour is flourishing like roses in spring and the average And the worst? No one forced them to stay. having lost everything, only to arrive here and especially recommended, e.g. At the time, there were laws banning beggars and life span was about 3 to 18 months, once you be damned to die or be killed in the anonymity with tour guide Jamie, to whom had settled there. vagabonds from the streets, but they all stayed in of the vaults. I’d like to give a special thanks. the vaults voluntarily. They were free to leave town Death was the omnipresent shadow making the In the end you will leave the “city of the dead” darkness even deeper. Mothers died giving birth at any time, but no one would. They were all hoping beneath South Bridge with a dull feeling in your for a better life, dying rather than leaving, clinging to children, who were either still born or died stomach that is not at all due to any supernatural to a tiny spark of hope that was bound to cease. 11