software debt technical debt agile continuous integration scrum tdd microservices sonar bdd uw feature teams devops agile software development configuration management push-button release quality software design software extreme programming specifications executable fit acceptance story user cloud native cloud foundry api portfolio management quality dashboard acceptance test-driven development definition of done team configuration architecture refactor software architecture test-driven development behavior-driven development java xp storytestiq fitnesse atdd release testing config server hystrix netflix oss eureka pivotal cloud foundry spring cloud spring infrastructure automation continuous delivery paas lean canvas lean startup validated learning soa technical quality assurance qasig release management demand management project management agile management design sqale static code analysis software quality quality debt agile testing "executable design" "software debt" "software design" "abuse stories" "technical debt" "continuous delivery" deploy rollback portfolio agile scrum scaling planning software ma acceptance criteria user stories abuse story abuse stories invest given when then university of washington user story cucumber refactoring team configurations test development software development pnsqc software scrum tdd xp atdd velocity burndown owner product chief planning criteria push-button integration continuous tests automation
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