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Travel and tourismsectorhasbeenincreaseddaybyday.As a resultthe legal regulatoryframeworkhas
beendiverse.Thereare variouslawswhich apply tothe tourisminthe unseensituationslikeany
Developmentof tourismact1969- thisact is establishedforthe travel andtourismsectorinU.K.this act
provide forthe establishmentof Britishtouristauthorityandtouristboards.The diverse law which
influencethe tourandtravel industry these are-
1) Consumerprotectionfromunfairtradingregulation2008
2) Healthand safety legislation
3) Licensingact2003
4) E v directivesdataprotectionact1988
Andmany otherlawswhichdiverse the tour&travel industry.
ABTA- ABTA is establishedin1950which comprises 22 headingtour& travel company.AtpresentABTA
represent5000 travel companyandin Britishislesthere are more than900 tour option .ABTA hasone
aimis promote the standardof theirmemberandservedbettertotheirconsumer.
HSE-Healthandsafety at worketc. 1976 isthe primarypiece of legislationwhichisrelatedtothe health
&safety executive whichisresponsibletothe regulate the provisionsof the act.
HSC- healthandsafetycommissionisthe non- departmentpublicbodyinUK.It wascreatedby the
healthandsafetyat worketc. act 1974. The commissioniscomprisesof chairmanandsix andnine other
people whichwasappointedbythe appropriate secretaryof state.Ithasthe responsibilityoverEngland,
walesandScotland.The functionof HSC iserasedbythe HSE inNorthernIreland.
Tata – International airtransportassociationistradesthe worldairlines,250arlines,are the primarily
carries84% of total available seatkilometersairtraffic.Itsupportsall the airlinesactivity.
CAA- civil aerationauthority –The maindutyof the civil aviationauthorityistoprotectthe consumer
fromany lossor damage sufferedinair.Theyare responsibleforthe safetyof the consumerinthe givesadvice tothe governmentinthe issueswhichis relatedtothe aircraft.Thoughthe group
noise pollutionandaircraftairpollutionitalsogivesthe license tothe crew membersandaircraft.
Throughthe groupwhichisknownas consumerprotectionitrepresentsthe interestof the consumers.
It carries out the scientificresearchintothe avermentimpactof aircraft.
ATOL- Air travel operatorslicensing- Itisthe civil aviationauthority whichisproductthe people who
purchasedthe holidaypackage andairlinesticketfromthe touragencyin UK. The tour operatorhas to
take license itisnecessaryforlegally sellingthe airticket.CAA isinspectedthe business practicesof the
ATOL licensedfirm.The manaimof ATOL isto protectthe consumerwhentheyare affected byany
eventlike airlinesdelayed thenATOLprovide travelforitscostumerand arrange for flightswhoare
returnto theirhome.It protectsthe travellerwhentheybookthe holidaypackage andairlinesticketin
the UK. Ever yearat protect 20 millionholidaymakersandconsumer.ATOLis the certificate itisusedas
a proof that any holidaypackage orflightisbookedisprotectedbyATOL. Thiscertificate laiddownthe
termsand condition.
SRA-SRA isthe strategicrail authoritythe rail authorityandrailwaysisregulatedthroughthe railway act
1993. Theyhave powerthatto preventor prohibitedthe co.whouse the dominate position.The main
objective of thisactis dividingthe BR.
2.2 Since the beginningof the industrysurface,sea&air transportare intertwinedwiththe tourismsea
and waterwaysregulation.
There are variousrightswhichare available tothe touristwhoare travel thoughthe sea& inland
waterways.The rightsare includedinthe regulationno1177/2010. These rightare onlyavailable tothe
touristso thisregulationisapplytothe passengerwhoare travellingthough-
1) Touristuse ferryservicesthe pointof embankmentisinthe territoryof the memberstate.
2) Touristtravel throughferryservice.Butthe pointof embankmentisnotsituatedinthe territory
of memberstate.
3) Cruise inwhichthe pointof embankmentissituatedinthe territoryof memberstate.
Thisregulationisnotappliedtothe touristwhoare travellingthough-
1) Shipwhichhave certificate forcarryonly12 passengers.
2) Andcrew isunderobligation foroperatingthe ship.
Airtransport regulation –
a) Thisconventionprotectsthe touristwhichtravelsthroughthe aircraft.The passengerhave right
underthe conventionthattheyclaimdamagesif theysufferanyloss,damages,deathorany
personal injury.
Montreal conference 1999- Montreal conference 1999 replacedthe Warsaw conventionanditcame its
effecton4 November2003. Thisisthe single prime price of legal instrumentfromthe 121 contracting
statesthere are 525 participants,there isone non-contractingstatesandthere are 11 international
organizationwhichare takingpartin the historicthree weekconference.
Deniedboardingcompensationact1997- Thisact is ensuringthe highlevel of passengerprotection
whentheyuse airtransport. This regulationincludingthe various rulesrelatedtothe compensationand
any otherassistance tothe passenger Ehenthe deniedboardingorthe cancel or delayedinthe flights.
The regulationDBCis appliestothe passengerswho
1) Is travellingfromthe airportwhichis vestedisthe memberstatesinwhichectreatyisapplies
2) The airportsituatedinthe thirdcountrybut issituatedinthe memberinwhichEC treatyisalso
The rights establishisdeniedboardingif .
1) The flightiscancelled
2) Flightisdelayed
3) Or deniedboardingisagainsttheirwish.
Intonationcarriage of passengerbyroadact
1) Thisis carriage by air androad act.
2) It protectsthe consumerwhentheytravellingthroughthe roadtransport.Thisact givesvacuous
rightsto traveller.
3) If any personsuffersanylossordamagesdue to the negligence of carriage thentheywill get
4) But if there isno intentionof carriage thenthe amountof compensationisless.
Athensconvention1974- it isthe international carriage byseaact. Thisconventionrecognizedthe
carriage that makesjourneythoughthe seatransport.Carrierisunderthe obligationforthe injury,
lossesand damageswhichiscausedbythe passengersduringthe travellingbythe seatransport.
2.1 The touristare travellingoverseaseveryyearsthe touristexpectthattheyare more safe at time of
journey,theyexpectthattheyhave variousrightwhichtheycanmake use if anyaccidentis happen.So
it isthe duty of the travellercompanythattheyprotectthe touristwhentheyare traveling.Itisthe first
priorityof the travel providertowardtheirtourist..
Needof legislation- workingenvironmentisthe place where there iswidepossibilityof the hazardous
rule stance which isriskto the employers.Soatthe workplace the employerisresponsible for
protectingtheiremployersatthe hazardousplace inthe workplace.Employersare also havingdutythat
theyrepeatto the employersinordertominimize the riskof accidents.
Healthand safety- Healthandsafetyisthe first priouty of the employertowardstheiremployer.The
mainpurpose of establishingthe lawistoprotectthe employerandif theysufferanylossorpersonal
injurythenthere are provisions are laiddownforcompensatingthe people.InUKit isthe criminal
offence whichisimposeduponthe employersif theynot providingproperoccupational healthand
safety method.
Healthand safetyexecutive- Healthandsafety executiveare regulatedthe provision of the healthand
safety act healthand safety lawisalsoknown as umbrellabecause itincludesthe variousnumberof
otherAct whichcoveringthe mainaspectsof healthandsafety.
Healthand safetycommission –healthandsafetycommissionisregulatedbythe healthandsafety
executive.Itisunderthe obligationthattheyhave torecoveringthe law andforinitiatingresearch.
The three mainpurpose of the HSC guidance are-
1) To helppeople in understandingthe law.
2) To helppeoplecomplywiththe law.
3) Theyalsogive technical advice tothe people
Employer’s duty-
1) Theyhave to provide properfacilitiesof toiletcanteenetc.
2) Properlightingatthe work place.
3) There mustbe firstaidfacility.
4) Givestrainingtothe employersonhealthandsafetyinformation.
5) There shouldbe properspace.
Employee’s duty-
1) Shouldwearproperprotective safetyguard.
2) Shouldfollow the healthandsafetypolicy
3) Must use safe equipment.
4) Preventthe accidentsetc.
Vicariousliability- vicariousliabilityisthatsituationinwhichthe employerisheldresponsibleforthe act
committedbythe employers.Butitisnecessarythatact alone bythe employermustbe givenbythe
employertothe employee.
Duty of care- Dutyof care meansthe manufacturesof the productisresponsible forthe protectionof
the consumerinterest.
Occupierliability1957&1954 –
Accordingto occupierliabilityact1957 occupierisheldresponsible frthe lawful visitorwhoisthe lawful
Accordingto occupierliabilityact 1984 occupierisnot heldresponsible againstthe personwhois not
the visitors.
Date protectionact1988- date protectionact1988 is that inwhichthe personal informationof the
individualisprotectedbythe companythe individualinformationis collected bythe companywhenthe
individualpurchase the good&service.Itisthe duty of companythat makesuse onlythe personal
informationonlyforspecificuse notanyotheruse.There are 8 principal of dataprotectionact 1988.
2.2 legislationswhichare relatedtoequally
1) sex discriminationact1975-
A) It isthe act of parliamentwhichprotectedthe menandwomwnfromthe discriminationwhichison
the basisof sex,religion,marriage etc.
2) thisact ismainlyconcernedthe discriminationatthe employment,training,education,harassment.
Race discriminationact1976-
1) Thisact wasestablishedbythe UKparliamentforprohibitedthe racial decimation.
2) Racial discriminationisonthe basisof race,casts, color,and nationality,ethnic whichismainly
concernedinthe fieldof employmenteducationatpublicfunctions.
1) Disabilitydiscriminationactisappliedtothe people whoare disabledinnature.
2) Thisact preventthe discriminationwhichismade inthe fieldof education,employmentetc.
3) Theyare protectedbythe reservationquarters.
4) It alsomake raisesto the disable people thattheycantake propertyon sentfortenantsto make
Employmentact2002 –
a) Thisact isintroducedthe newprovisionswhichisrelatedtothe employmentinthisthere are
variousprovisionwhichresolvesthe disputesof the employers,employee getequal payment
b) Employeeshave righttotake maternityleave andanystatutoryleave.
Human rightact 1988-
1) This act isavailable isthe courtsof U.K inwhichremedyisprovidedfoe makingbreachof right
whichiscontainis the Europeanconventiononhumanrights,throughthistheyhave notgoto
the Europeancourt of humanrights.
2) It abolishedthe deathpenaltyinthe UK.
3.1 contract isthe agreementInwhichboththe partiesmustbe majorand it ismade the two or more
parties,thuswhenthe agreementissignedbybothpartiesthencontractisbecame legallybindingupon
the both the parties.Bothare undercontractual obligationanditisenforcedbythe court.
Importance of the court-
1) The consumerand the travel agencyare legallyboundtoeachotherunderthe contract.
2) The travel companyis underthe obligationthattheyhave tothe full fill all the conditionswhich
islaiddownin the contract otherwise the consumerhasrightto claimthe travel companyfor
the loshe suffer.
3) Under the contract the termsand conditionislaiddownforpaymentof holiday’spackage by
the tourist.
4) It isnecessarythattermsand conditionsshouldbe communicatedtothe touristelementswhich
are necessaryfoe the validcontract.
Offer– it isthe firstelementforthe validcontractact 1950. The offermustbe made bythe one partyis
knownas offered.The personwhoacceptsthe offerisknownasoffered.Formakinganofferitis
necessarythatthere mustbe two parities.If the offerisacceptedthe otherthanitwill leadstovalid
1) Tour agencygivesthe formto the familymember.Inwhichtermsandconditionsare laid down,
if the familymembersignedthe formtenthere islegal validcontractismaid.
2) Acceptance- The offermustbe acceptedthe otherpartyin the holidaypackage contract the
touristaftermakinglongdiscursionswiththe travel operatorafterknowingthe detailconditions
of the holidaycontractthenthe touristisagree to both the product.
3) Consideration –There mustbe some considerationinthe contract.Inholidaycontractthe
touristhas to paythe amountof holidaypackage tothe touristcompany.
4) Capacity – Boththe partiesmusthave capacityto enterinto the contract mine whoare enter
intothe holidayscontractgive theirnumberbutitis verydifficulttoarise inpracticesthisis
occurs rarely.
5) Certainty- The mainelementof contractiscertainty.The termsand conditionswhichare stated
inthe contract mustbe certainmeanscleanandunderstandableforthe validcontract.
The contract istravel andtourismare-
1) Contract insupplyof goodand services.
2) Contract relatedtothe holidaypackage.
Contract issupplyof goodand service isregulatedbysupplyof good&service act 1982. Anyconsumer
whoenterintothe contract theyexpectthatgood andservicesismustbe providedaccordingtothe
descriptionunderthe contractlike touristexpecttheythataccommodationmustbe cleanthere should
be propermeal on time.
Holidaycontract-holidaycontractisalsosimilarasthe othercontract. Inwhichthere are certainterms
and conditionsare personwhichare mentionedbelow-
1) The thingwhichagreedby the individual withthe touristcompany.
2) The holiday descriptionis throughanybreechadvertisement,anywebsite whichalsoinclude
the photos and pictures.
3) Othertermsand conditionslikehotel name time &date of stayinginthe hotel etc.
3.2 consumerprotectionlowisthatwhichprotectthe consumerfromthe unfiredtradingpracticesthe
consumerwhichare indulginginbusinessdealingsuchasbuyingthe goodsor borrow the money.
Trade descriptionact1968- trade descriptionact1968 replace the merchandise marksact1887 to 1953.
It laiddownthe variousfreshprovisions likemisdescroptionsgoods&service unfairtrade practices
accommodation andotherfacilitywhichisprovidedinthe course of trade.Thisact prohibitedthe use of
false ormisleadinginformation relatedtothe price of good the consumer.If anymanufacture gives false
informationtothe consumerthanmanufacture iscommittedthe offence andhe will be liable topaythe
Thisact protectthe publicthroughthese steps-
1) By prohibitingthe manufacturingandsupplyof goodwhichare notsafe for one individual.
2) The goods whichismanufacturedby sellerisnotdefective if itisdefectivethenselleris
responsible forthe damageswhichiscausedbythe consumer.
3) Local cerincil have powerthatif theyhave anysuspectedasunsafe forthe individual
Trade descriptionact1968 and consumerprotectionact1987 is replacedbythe consumerprotection
Newregulationwhichare addedinthe consumerprotectionfromthe unfairtradingregulation2008
1) On 11 may 2005 the drenchesonunfaircommercial practicesisadopted.
2) Imposesthe dutyonthe manufacture thattheytrade fairly.
3) Main aimis to simplifywheneveranysensible andappropriate.
4) Consumerprotectionregulations2008 is came into force on26 may2008.
ImportantchangesinCPR act
1) Definitionof consumerisgiven inthe CPRact.
2) Anypersonwhomightwishto be suppliedforchisownprivate use andconsumption.
Consumerprotectionintourandtravel industry
1) It isnecessarythatpricesshouldbe contract.
2) If any extracharge has beenimposedbyusingthe cardor cheque thanitis necessarytomake
3) The rate of rom shouldbe displayedatthe reception.
4) The consumershouldhave be displayedatthe receptionwhatisexcludedandwhatisincluded
like meals.
5) If there is anymini bar thenitalso delayindicatesinrooms.
6) Anyothermaterial informationshouldbe giventothe consumer.
7) Anyclaimswhichisregardingthe facilitylike swimmingpools,gymsWi-Fi etc.

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Travel and tourism sector has been increased day by day

  • 1. Travel and tourismsectorhasbeenincreaseddaybyday.As a resultthe legal regulatoryframeworkhas beendiverse.Thereare variouslawswhich apply tothe tourisminthe unseensituationslikeany damagesdisappointment. Developmentof tourismact1969- thisact is establishedforthe travel andtourismsectorinU.K.this act provide forthe establishmentof Britishtouristauthorityandtouristboards.The diverse law which influencethe tourandtravel industry these are- 1) Consumerprotectionfromunfairtradingregulation2008 2) Healthand safety legislation 3) Licensingact2003 4) E v directivesdataprotectionact1988 Andmany otherlawswhichdiverse the tour&travel industry. ABTA- ABTA is establishedin1950which comprises 22 headingtour& travel company.AtpresentABTA represent5000 travel companyandin Britishislesthere are more than900 tour option .ABTA hasone aimis promote the standardof theirmemberandservedbettertotheirconsumer. HSE-Healthandsafety at worketc. 1976 isthe primarypiece of legislationwhichisrelatedtothe health &safety executive whichisresponsibletothe regulate the provisionsof the act. HSC- healthandsafetycommissionisthe non- departmentpublicbodyinUK.It wascreatedby the healthandsafetyat worketc. act 1974. The commissioniscomprisesof chairmanandsix andnine other people whichwasappointedbythe appropriate secretaryof state.Ithasthe responsibilityoverEngland, walesandScotland.The functionof HSC iserasedbythe HSE inNorthernIreland. Tata – International airtransportassociationistradesthe worldairlines,250arlines,are the primarily carries84% of total available seatkilometersairtraffic.Itsupportsall the airlinesactivity. CAA- civil aerationauthority –The maindutyof the civil aviationauthorityistoprotectthe consumer fromany lossor damage sufferedinair.Theyare responsibleforthe safetyof the consumerinthe givesadvice tothe governmentinthe issueswhichis relatedtothe aircraft.Thoughthe group noise pollutionandaircraftairpollutionitalsogivesthe license tothe crew membersandaircraft. Throughthe groupwhichisknownas consumerprotectionitrepresentsthe interestof the consumers. It carries out the scientificresearchintothe avermentimpactof aircraft. ATOL- Air travel operatorslicensing- Itisthe civil aviationauthority whichisproductthe people who purchasedthe holidaypackage andairlinesticketfromthe touragencyin UK. The tour operatorhas to take license itisnecessaryforlegally sellingthe airticket.CAA isinspectedthe business practicesof the ATOL licensedfirm.The manaimof ATOL isto protectthe consumerwhentheyare affected byany eventlike airlinesdelayed thenATOLprovide travelforitscostumerand arrange for flightswhoare returnto theirhome.It protectsthe travellerwhentheybookthe holidaypackage andairlinesticketin the UK. Ever yearat protect 20 millionholidaymakersandconsumer.ATOLis the certificate itisusedas
  • 2. a proof that any holidaypackage orflightisbookedisprotectedbyATOL. Thiscertificate laiddownthe termsand condition. SRA-SRA isthe strategicrail authoritythe rail authorityandrailwaysisregulatedthroughthe railway act 1993. Theyhave powerthatto preventor prohibitedthe co.whouse the dominate position.The main objective of thisactis dividingthe BR. 2.2 Since the beginningof the industrysurface,sea&air transportare intertwinedwiththe tourismsea and waterwaysregulation. There are variousrightswhichare available tothe touristwhoare travel thoughthe sea& inland waterways.The rightsare includedinthe regulationno1177/2010. These rightare onlyavailable tothe touristso thisregulationisapplytothe passengerwhoare travellingthough- 1) Touristuse ferryservicesthe pointof embankmentisinthe territoryof the memberstate. 2) Touristtravel throughferryservice.Butthe pointof embankmentisnotsituatedinthe territory of memberstate. 3) Cruise inwhichthe pointof embankmentissituatedinthe territoryof memberstate. Thisregulationisnotappliedtothe touristwhoare travellingthough- 1) Shipwhichhave certificate forcarryonly12 passengers. 2) Andcrew isunderobligation foroperatingthe ship. Airtransport regulation – a) Thisconventionprotectsthe touristwhichtravelsthroughthe aircraft.The passengerhave right underthe conventionthattheyclaimdamagesif theysufferanyloss,damages,deathorany personal injury. Montreal conference 1999- Montreal conference 1999 replacedthe Warsaw conventionanditcame its effecton4 November2003. Thisisthe single prime price of legal instrumentfromthe 121 contracting statesthere are 525 participants,there isone non-contractingstatesandthere are 11 international organizationwhichare takingpartin the historicthree weekconference. Deniedboardingcompensationact1997- Thisact is ensuringthe highlevel of passengerprotection whentheyuse airtransport. This regulationincludingthe various rulesrelatedtothe compensationand any otherassistance tothe passenger Ehenthe deniedboardingorthe cancel or delayedinthe flights. The regulationDBCis appliestothe passengerswho 1) Is travellingfromthe airportwhichis vestedisthe memberstatesinwhichectreatyisapplies or. 2) The airportsituatedinthe thirdcountrybut issituatedinthe memberinwhichEC treatyisalso applies.
  • 3. The rights establishisdeniedboardingif . 1) The flightiscancelled 2) Flightisdelayed 3) Or deniedboardingisagainsttheirwish. Intonationcarriage of passengerbyroadact 1979- 1) Thisis carriage by air androad act. 2) It protectsthe consumerwhentheytravellingthroughthe roadtransport.Thisact givesvacuous rightsto traveller. 3) If any personsuffersanylossordamagesdue to the negligence of carriage thentheywill get compensation. 4) But if there isno intentionof carriage thenthe amountof compensationisless. Athensconvention1974- it isthe international carriage byseaact. Thisconventionrecognizedthe carriage that makesjourneythoughthe seatransport.Carrierisunderthe obligationforthe injury, lossesand damageswhichiscausedbythe passengersduringthe travellingbythe seatransport. 2.1 The touristare travellingoverseaseveryyearsthe touristexpectthattheyare more safe at time of journey,theyexpectthattheyhave variousrightwhichtheycanmake use if anyaccidentis happen.So it isthe duty of the travellercompanythattheyprotectthe touristwhentheyare traveling.Itisthe first priorityof the travel providertowardtheirtourist.. Needof legislation- workingenvironmentisthe place where there iswidepossibilityof the hazardous rule stance which isriskto the employers.Soatthe workplace the employerisresponsible for protectingtheiremployersatthe hazardousplace inthe workplace.Employersare also havingdutythat theyrepeatto the employersinordertominimize the riskof accidents. Healthand safety- Healthandsafetyisthe first priouty of the employertowardstheiremployer.The mainpurpose of establishingthe lawistoprotectthe employerandif theysufferanylossorpersonal injurythenthere are provisions are laiddownforcompensatingthe people.InUKit isthe criminal offence whichisimposeduponthe employersif theynot providingproperoccupational healthand safety method. Healthand safetyexecutive- Healthandsafety executiveare regulatedthe provision of the healthand safety act healthand safety lawisalsoknown as umbrellabecause itincludesthe variousnumberof otherAct whichcoveringthe mainaspectsof healthandsafety. Healthand safetycommission –healthandsafetycommissionisregulatedbythe healthandsafety executive.Itisunderthe obligationthattheyhave torecoveringthe law andforinitiatingresearch. The three mainpurpose of the HSC guidance are-
  • 4. 1) To helppeople in understandingthe law. 2) To helppeoplecomplywiththe law. 3) Theyalsogive technical advice tothe people Employer’s duty- 1) Theyhave to provide properfacilitiesof toiletcanteenetc. 2) Properlightingatthe work place. 3) There mustbe firstaidfacility. 4) Givestrainingtothe employersonhealthandsafetyinformation. 5) There shouldbe properspace. Employee’s duty- 1) Shouldwearproperprotective safetyguard. 2) Shouldfollow the healthandsafetypolicy 3) Must use safe equipment. 4) Preventthe accidentsetc. Vicariousliability- vicariousliabilityisthatsituationinwhichthe employerisheldresponsibleforthe act committedbythe employers.Butitisnecessarythatact alone bythe employermustbe givenbythe employertothe employee. Duty of care- Dutyof care meansthe manufacturesof the productisresponsible forthe protectionof the consumerinterest. Occupierliability1957&1954 – Accordingto occupierliabilityact1957 occupierisheldresponsible frthe lawful visitorwhoisthe lawful isnature. Accordingto occupierliabilityact 1984 occupierisnot heldresponsible againstthe personwhois not the visitors. Date protectionact1988- date protectionact1988 is that inwhichthe personal informationof the individualisprotectedbythe companythe individualinformationis collected bythe companywhenthe individualpurchase the good&service.Itisthe duty of companythat makesuse onlythe personal informationonlyforspecificuse notanyotheruse.There are 8 principal of dataprotectionact 1988. 2.2 legislationswhichare relatedtoequally 1) sex discriminationact1975- A) It isthe act of parliamentwhichprotectedthe menandwomwnfromthe discriminationwhichison the basisof sex,religion,marriage etc. 2) thisact ismainlyconcernedthe discriminationatthe employment,training,education,harassment.
  • 5. Race discriminationact1976- 1) Thisact wasestablishedbythe UKparliamentforprohibitedthe racial decimation. 2) Racial discriminationisonthe basisof race,casts, color,and nationality,ethnic whichismainly concernedinthe fieldof employmenteducationatpublicfunctions. Disabilitydiscriminationact2005- 1) Disabilitydiscriminationactisappliedtothe people whoare disabledinnature. 2) Thisact preventthe discriminationwhichismade inthe fieldof education,employmentetc. 3) Theyare protectedbythe reservationquarters. 4) It alsomake raisesto the disable people thattheycantake propertyon sentfortenantsto make disabilityrelatedadaptations. Employmentact2002 – a) Thisact isintroducedthe newprovisionswhichisrelatedtothe employmentinthisthere are variousprovisionwhichresolvesthe disputesof the employers,employee getequal payment withoutanydiscrimination. b) Employeeshave righttotake maternityleave andanystatutoryleave. Human rightact 1988- 1) This act isavailable isthe courtsof U.K inwhichremedyisprovidedfoe makingbreachof right whichiscontainis the Europeanconventiononhumanrights,throughthistheyhave notgoto the Europeancourt of humanrights. 2) It abolishedthe deathpenaltyinthe UK. 3.1 contract isthe agreementInwhichboththe partiesmustbe majorand it ismade the two or more parties,thuswhenthe agreementissignedbybothpartiesthencontractisbecame legallybindingupon the both the parties.Bothare undercontractual obligationanditisenforcedbythe court. Importance of the court- 1) The consumerand the travel agencyare legallyboundtoeachotherunderthe contract. 2) The travel companyis underthe obligationthattheyhave tothe full fill all the conditionswhich islaiddownin the contract otherwise the consumerhasrightto claimthe travel companyfor the loshe suffer. 3) Under the contract the termsand conditionislaiddownforpaymentof holiday’spackage by the tourist. 4) It isnecessarythattermsand conditionsshouldbe communicatedtothe touristelementswhich are necessaryfoe the validcontract. Offer– it isthe firstelementforthe validcontractact 1950. The offermustbe made bythe one partyis knownas offered.The personwhoacceptsthe offerisknownasoffered.Formakinganofferitis
  • 6. necessarythatthere mustbe two parities.If the offerisacceptedthe otherthanitwill leadstovalid contract. Example- 1) Tour agencygivesthe formto the familymember.Inwhichtermsandconditionsare laid down, if the familymembersignedthe formtenthere islegal validcontractismaid. 2) Acceptance- The offermustbe acceptedthe otherpartyin the holidaypackage contract the touristaftermakinglongdiscursionswiththe travel operatorafterknowingthe detailconditions of the holidaycontractthenthe touristisagree to both the product. 3) Consideration –There mustbe some considerationinthe contract.Inholidaycontractthe touristhas to paythe amountof holidaypackage tothe touristcompany. 4) Capacity – Boththe partiesmusthave capacityto enterinto the contract mine whoare enter intothe holidayscontractgive theirnumberbutitis verydifficulttoarise inpracticesthisis occurs rarely. 5) Certainty- The mainelementof contractiscertainty.The termsand conditionswhichare stated inthe contract mustbe certainmeanscleanandunderstandableforthe validcontract. The contract istravel andtourismare- 1) Contract insupplyof goodand services. 2) Contract relatedtothe holidaypackage. Contract issupplyof goodand service isregulatedbysupplyof good&service act 1982. Anyconsumer whoenterintothe contract theyexpectthatgood andservicesismustbe providedaccordingtothe descriptionunderthe contractlike touristexpecttheythataccommodationmustbe cleanthere should be propermeal on time. Holidaycontract-holidaycontractisalsosimilarasthe othercontract. Inwhichthere are certainterms and conditionsare personwhichare mentionedbelow- 1) The thingwhichagreedby the individual withthe touristcompany. 2) The holiday descriptionis throughanybreechadvertisement,anywebsite whichalsoinclude the photos and pictures. 3) Othertermsand conditionslikehotel name time &date of stayinginthe hotel etc. 3.2 consumerprotectionlowisthatwhichprotectthe consumerfromthe unfiredtradingpracticesthe consumerwhichare indulginginbusinessdealingsuchasbuyingthe goodsor borrow the money. Trade descriptionact1968- trade descriptionact1968 replace the merchandise marksact1887 to 1953. It laiddownthe variousfreshprovisions likemisdescroptionsgoods&service unfairtrade practices accommodation andotherfacilitywhichisprovidedinthe course of trade.Thisact prohibitedthe use of false ormisleadinginformation relatedtothe price of good the consumer.If anymanufacture gives false informationtothe consumerthanmanufacture iscommittedthe offence andhe will be liable topaythe penaltywhichisimposed.
  • 7. Consumerprotectionact1987- Thisact protectthe publicthroughthese steps- 1) By prohibitingthe manufacturingandsupplyof goodwhichare notsafe for one individual. 2) The goods whichismanufacturedby sellerisnotdefective if itisdefectivethenselleris responsible forthe damageswhichiscausedbythe consumer. 3) Local cerincil have powerthatif theyhave anysuspectedasunsafe forthe individual Trade descriptionact1968 and consumerprotectionact1987 is replacedbythe consumerprotection fromunfairtradingregulations2008. Newregulationwhichare addedinthe consumerprotectionfromthe unfairtradingregulation2008 1) On 11 may 2005 the drenchesonunfaircommercial practicesisadopted. 2) Imposesthe dutyonthe manufacture thattheytrade fairly. 3) Main aimis to simplifywheneveranysensible andappropriate. 4) Consumerprotectionregulations2008 is came into force on26 may2008. ImportantchangesinCPR act 1) Definitionof consumerisgiven inthe CPRact. 2) Anypersonwhomightwishto be suppliedforchisownprivate use andconsumption. Consumerprotectionintourandtravel industry 1) It isnecessarythatpricesshouldbe contract. 2) If any extracharge has beenimposedbyusingthe cardor cheque thanitis necessarytomake cleans. 3) The rate of rom shouldbe displayedatthe reception. 4) The consumershouldhave be displayedatthe receptionwhatisexcludedandwhatisincluded like meals. 5) If there is anymini bar thenitalso delayindicatesinrooms. 6) Anyothermaterial informationshouldbe giventothe consumer. 7) Anyclaimswhichisregardingthe facilitylike swimmingpools,gymsWi-Fi etc.