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(/) 
Con guration
Con guration File
Web Page
Pixel-Perfect UI and Responsive Design
Building web pages to support di erent screen densities
Cookie management
BACnet JavaScript API
BACnet JavaScript Callback
Platform JavaScript API
platformNoti cationVibrate
platformNoti cationBeep
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HMI5 allows to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for developing your own BACnet
interface for iPhone, iPad and the Android operating system, avoiding the complexity of the platforms native development.
The application relies on a simple con guration le con g.json that provides information about the app and speci es
parameters a ecting how it works, such as the BACnet network con guration. Your application itself is implemented as a
web page that references whatever CSS, JavaScript, images, media les, or other resources are necessary for it to run. A
JavaScript API is provided to natively access devices on a BACnet network.
iPhone and iPad
For iPhone and iPad you must include the following le in your project. hmi5ios.js
Con guration File
platformNoti cationAlert
platformNoti cationCon rm
Platform JavaScript Callback
platformNoti cationCon rmPositive
platformNoti cationCon rmNegative
Platform Lifecycle JavaScript API
Platform Lifecycle JavaScript Callback
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Con guration is made via a simple JSON text le con g.json . JSON, is a text-based open standard designed for human-
readable data interchange. More information about JSON can be found on this website: Free online
JSON editor:
iPhone and iPad
The con guration le must be present in the folder BACmoveView of the HMI5 app File Sharing. For more
information about app File Sharing within iTunes follow this link:
( All elds in the following example are required to be present except
from: foreignDevice , requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock , who are optional.
The con guration le must be present in the folder /BACmoveView of the local storage of your Android
device. All elds in the following example are required to be present except from: foreignDevice ,
requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock , who are optional.
"config": {
"BACnet": {
"deviceID": 4000001,
"deviceName": "HMI5",
"port": 47808,
"foreignDevice": {
"BBMDIP": "",
"BBMDPort": 47808,
"BBMDEnable": false
"title": "Local 101",
"description": "",
"shortcutEnable": false,
"shortcutIcon": "",
"externalURL": "",
"fullscreen": true,
"screenAlwaysOn": false,
"autoStart": false,
"requestCPULock": true,
"requestWiFiLock": true
Object BACnet
Contains the BACnet con guration.
Number deviceID
The application BACnet device instance number. Default: 4000001
String deviceName
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The application BACnet device name. Default: HMI5
Number port
The application BACnet UDP port. Default: 47808
Object foreignDevice Optional
Contains the BACnet Foreign Device / BBMD con guration. If presents BBMDIP , BBMDPort and BBMDEnable are
required. It takes about 2 seconds for the initial Register-Foreign-Device to be sent. It is then sent every 15
seconds to keep the connection alive.
IP address of the BBMD.
Number BBMDPort
Port number of the BBMD.
Boolean BBMDEnable
Enable Foreign Device / BBMD con guration.
String title
The title of your application.
String description
The description of your application.
Boolean shortcutEnable
Android only A shortcut will automaticly be created.
String shortcutIcon
Android only Icon relative path to the folder /BACmoveView/ . Example: "icon/local.png"
String externalURL
If this eld is an empty string the static web pages must be placed inside the folder /BACmoveView/html/ . An
URL can be provided to fetch the web page from a remote server. This can o er more exibility and the
possibility to use a server side scripting/programming language like ASP.NET, PHP, Java, etc. Example:
Boolean fullscreen
Is application fullscreen. The on-screen buttons stay visible.
Boolean screenAlwaysOn
Android only Is screen alway on.
Boolean autoStart
Android only If true the application will be automatically launch after that the device has booted up.
Boolean requestCPULock
Android only This ensures that the BACnet service is not killed. But, it signi cantly reduces the battery.
Ensures that the CPU is running. If the user presses the power button, then the screen will be turned o but the
CPU will be kept on. Default: true
Boolean requestWiFiLock
Android only Ensures that the Wi-Fi is kept running. But, it signi cantly reduces the battery. Wi-Fi will be kept
active, and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically establish a connection to a remembered
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access point that is within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered access points but none are
in range. Default: true
String screenOrientation
Force the screen orientation to portrait or landscape. "portrait": force application orientation to portrait.
"landscape": force application orientation to landscape. Default: ""; automatically rotate.
Boolean immersiveFullScreenSticky
Android only If true the user swipes to display the system bars. Semi-transparent bars temporarily appear
and then hide again. Requires Android 4.4 or later. Default: false
Pixel-Perfect UI and Responsive Design
There are a number of options you can use to create the perfect UI, this article will outline some of the best practices for
the mobile web in general and then some speci c tricks you could use for hybrid applications. Responsive design is the
notion of changing your UI depending on the dimensions of the screen size. Pixel-Perfect UI
Building web pages to support di erent screen
The screen density of a device is based on the screen resolution. A screen with low density has fewer available pixels per
inch, where a screen with high density has more - sometimes signi cantly more - pixels per inch. The density of a screen is
important because, other things being equal, a UI element (such as a button) whose height and width are de ned in terms
of screen pixels will appear larger on the lower density screen and smaller on the higher density screen. For simplicity,
Android collapses all actual screen densities into three generalized densities: high, medium, and low.
By default, WebView scales a web page so that it is drawn at a size that matches the default appearance on a medium
density screen. So, it applies 1.5x scaling on a high density screen (because its pixels are smaller) and 0.75x scaling on a low
density screen (because its pixels are bigger). Starting with API level ECLAIR (Android 2.0), WebView supports DOM, CSS,
and meta tag features to help you (as a web developer) target screens with di erent screen densities.
For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:1.5)" href="hdpi.css" />
Cookie management
For obvious security reasons, your application has its own cache, cookie store etc.-it does not share the Browser
application's data.
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If the con guration eld externalURL is an empty string the static web pages must be placed inside the folder
/BACmoveView/html/ .
Two examples are available.
jQuery Mobile
Download example web pages. (/ les/ This example uses the touch-optimized web
framework jQuery Mobile.
Ionic & AngularJS
Experienced Available on GitHub ( This example uses
Ionic. Ionic o ers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components, gestures, and tools for building
highly interactive apps. Built with Sass and optimized for AngularJS.
iPhone and iPad
Safari Web Inspector can be used to debug directly in Safari on your desktop. About Safari Web Inspector
For Android 4.4 and higher: Remote Debugging on Android with Chrome
For all devices: Android Device Monitor is a stand-alone tool that provides a graphical user interface for several Android
application debugging and analysis tools. The Monitor tool does not require installation of an integrated development
environment. To start Device Monitor, enter the following command from the SDK tools/ directory:
Connect an Android device via USB cable, and connect Device Monitor to the device by selecting it in the Devices
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The JSInterface.whoIs() method allows to directly send a Who-Is message on the BACnet network.
Boolean whoIs()
Boolean whoIs(minimum, maximum)
Number minimum Optional
The minimum Device ID for the Who-Is request.
Number maximum Optional
The maximum Device ID for the Who-Is request. This parameter is required if minimum is present.
The JSInterface.whoIs() method allows to directly send a Who-Is message on the BACnet network.
JSInterface.whoIs(123, 123);
The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly read a BACnet object property.
Boolean readDeviceObjectProperty(Number deviceID, Number objectType, Number objectInstance, Number prope
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Number deviceID
The Device ID of the device to be read.
Number objectType
The Object Type of the object to be read.
Number objectInstance
The Object Instance of the object to be read.
Number propertyIdentifier
The Property Identi er of the object property to be read.
Number arrayIndex
The Array Index of the object property to be read. -1 to not use it.
The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly read a BACnet object property.
JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty(123, 0, 1, 85, -1);
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly write a BACnet object property.
Boolean writeDeviceObjectProperty(Number deviceID, Number objectType, Number objectInstance, Number prop
Number deviceID
The Device ID of the device to be write.
Number objectType
The Object Type of the object to be write.
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Number objectInstance
The Object Instance of the object to be write.
Number propertyIdentifier
The Property Identi er of the object property to be write.
Number arrayIndex
The Array Index of the object property to be write. -1 to not use it.
Number priority
The Priority used to write. You should normally use the priority 8 - Manual Operator.
Number value
The Value to be write.
Boolean isNullValue
True if the value is NULL.
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly write a BACnet object property.
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty(123, 0, 1, 85, -1, 8, 10, false);
The JSInterface.updateDevice() callback receive the information of a device when discovered.
updateDevice(deviceID, deviceName, segmentation, vendorID, modelName)
Number deviceID
The device ID of the device discovered.
String deviceName
The device name of the device discovered.
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Number segmentation
The device segmentation information.
Number vendorID
The device vendor ID.
String modelName
The device model name.
The JSInterface.updateDevice() callback receive the information of a device when discovered.
JSInterface.updateDevice = function(deviceID, deviceName, segmentation, vendorID, modelName)
The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() request.
readDeviceObjectPropertyAck(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex, value)
Number deviceID
The Device ID of the device.
Number objectType
The Object Type of the object.
Number objectInstance
The Object Instance of the object.
Number propertyIdentifier
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The Property Identi er of the object property.
Number arrayIndex
The Array Index of the object property.
String value
The value.
The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() request.
JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentif
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request.
writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex)
Number deviceID
The Device ID of the device.
Number objectType
The Object Type of the object.
Number objectInstance
The Object Instance of the object.
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Number propertyIdentifier
The Property Identi er of the object property.
Number arrayIndex
The Array Index of the object property.
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request.
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdenti
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request error.
writeDeviceObjectPropertyError(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex, err
Number deviceID
The Device ID of the device.
Number objectType
The Object Type of the object.
Number objectInstance
The Object Instance of the object.
Number propertyIdentifier
The Property Identi er of the object property.
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Number arrayIndex
The Array Index of the object property.
Number errorClass
The error class number.
String errorClassText
The error class text.
Number errorCode
The error code number.
String errorCodeText
The error code text.
The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError() callback receive the information of a
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request error.
JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIden
A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only lls the amount of space required for the
message and the current activity remains visible and interactive.
platformToast(String text)
platformToast(String text, boolean isLengthLong)
String text
The text to show.
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Boolean isLengthLong Optional
Show the text noti cation for a long period of time.
A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only lls the amount of space required for the
message and the current activity remains visible and interactive.
JSInterface.platformToast("Write Completed");
platformNoti cationVibrate
Vibrates the device for the speci ed amount of time in milliseconds.
platformNotificationVibrate(Number milliseconds)
Number milliseconds
Amount of time in milliseconds
Vibrates the device for the speci ed amount of time in milliseconds.
platformNoti cationBeep
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Play the device noti cation sound.
Play the device noti cation sound.
platformNoti cationAlert
Shows a custom alert box.
platformNotificationAlert(String title, String message, String buttonText, Boolean cancelable, String ic
String title
Title of the alert.
String message
Message of the alert.
String buttonText
Text of the button.
Boolean cancelable
Sets whether this alert is cancelable.
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String icon
Choice: "alert", "dialer", "email", "info" or "map".
Shows a custom alert box. platformNotificationConfirmPositive is called when the button is pressed.
JSInterface.platformNotificationAlert("title", "message", "OK", true, "info");
platformNoti cationCon rm
Shows a custom con rmation dialog.
platformNotificationConfirm(String title, String message, String positiveText, String negativeText, Bool
String title
Title of the dialog.
String message
Message of the dialog.
String positiveText
Text of the positive button.
String negativeText
Text of the negative button.
Boolean cancelable
Sets whether this alert is cancelable.
String icon
Choice: "alert", "dialer", "email", "info" or "map".
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Shows a custom con rmation dialog. platformNotificationConfirmPositive is called when the positive button is pressed.
platformNotificationConfirmNegative is called when the negative button is pressed.
JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirm("title", "message", "Yes", "No", true, "info");
Terminate the application.
Terminate the application.
platformNoti cationCon rmPositive
The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmPositive() callback is called when the positive button is selected.
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The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmPositive() callback is called when the positive button is selected.
JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirmPositive = function()
platformNoti cationCon rmNegative
The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmNegative() callback is called when the negative button is selected.
The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmNegative() callback is called when the negative button is selected.
JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirmNegative = function()
Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected.
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Boolean platformIsWiFiConnected()
Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected. true Wi-Fi is connected. false Wi-Fi is disconnected.
Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected.
var isWiFiConnected = JSInterface.platformIsWiFiConnected();
The JSInterface.platformOnStop() callback is called when the application is no longer visible to the user.
The JSInterface.platformOnStop() callback is called when the application is no longer visible to the user. You can use this
callback to temporally pause the requests on the BACnet network.
JSInterface.platformOnStop = function()
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The JSInterface.platformOnRestart() callback is called after platformOnStop() when the application is being re-displayed to
the user (the user has navigated back to it).
The JSInterface.platformOnRestart() callback is called after platformOnStop() when the application is being re-displayed to
the user (the user has navigated back to it). You can use this callback to restart the requests on the BACnet network.
JSInterface.platformOnRestart = function()
Android only The JSInterface.platformOnBACnetServiceStarted() callback is called after the BACnet service is started /
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To be able to communicate with a BACnet device we need its address, it is received with the BACnet I-Am service. This
address information is kept inside the BACnet service memory. This service might be killed at any time by the Android
operating system to free memory. The background service might be killed independently of the application UI. You can use
requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock to greatly reduce the chance of the BACnet service to be killed. whoIs might be
called to be able to continue to communicate with the BACnet devices. If the application is not previously running this
callback might not be received.
JSInterface.platformOnBACnetServiceStarted = function()
The JSInterface.platformOnWiFiConnected() callback is called when the Wi-Fi network is connected.
JSInterface.platformOnWiFiConnected = function()
The JSInterface.platformOnWiFiDisconnected() callback is called when the Wi-Fi network is disconnected.
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JSInterface.platformOnWiFiDisconnected = function()
Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used
according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License (
and Apache 2.0 (
Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in
the CC-By 3.0 license (
Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by The Apache Software Foundation and used
according to terms described in the Apache License, Version 2.0. (
Help (/bacnet-help) | Forum (/bacnet-forum)
bacmove © Copyright 2017 - Firme Web Inc.
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BACnet HMI5 - BACnet Touch Panel - BACnet Touch Screen - HMI

  • 1. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 1/26 (/)  Overview Overview Con guration Con guration File Web Page Pixel-Perfect UI and Responsive Design Building web pages to support di erent screen densities Cookie management Examples Debugging BACnet JavaScript API whoIs readDeviceObjectProperty writeDeviceObjectProperty BACnet JavaScript Callback updateDevice readDeviceObjectPropertyAck writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck writeDeviceObjectPropertyError Platform JavaScript API platformToast platformNoti cationVibrate platformNoti cationBeep
  • 2. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 2/26 Overview HMI5 allows to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for developing your own BACnet interface for iPhone, iPad and the Android operating system, avoiding the complexity of the platforms native development. The application relies on a simple con guration le con g.json that provides information about the app and speci es parameters a ecting how it works, such as the BACnet network con guration. Your application itself is implemented as a web page that references whatever CSS, JavaScript, images, media les, or other resources are necessary for it to run. A JavaScript API is provided to natively access devices on a BACnet network. iPhone and iPad For iPhone and iPad you must include the following le in your project. hmi5ios.js ( Con guration File platformNoti cationAlert platformNoti cationCon rm platformCloseApplication Platform JavaScript Callback platformNoti cationCon rmPositive platformNoti cationCon rmNegative Platform Lifecycle JavaScript API platformIsWiFiConnected Platform Lifecycle JavaScript Callback platformOnStop platformOnRestart platformOnBACnetServiceStarted platformOnWiFiConnected platformOnWiFiDisconnected
  • 3. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 3/26 Con guration is made via a simple JSON text le con g.json . JSON, is a text-based open standard designed for human- readable data interchange. More information about JSON can be found on this website: Free online JSON editor: iPhone and iPad The con guration le must be present in the folder BACmoveView of the HMI5 app File Sharing. For more information about app File Sharing within iTunes follow this link: ( All elds in the following example are required to be present except from: foreignDevice , requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock , who are optional. Android The con guration le must be present in the folder /BACmoveView of the local storage of your Android device. All elds in the following example are required to be present except from: foreignDevice , requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock , who are optional. Example: { "config": { "BACnet": { "deviceID": 4000001, "deviceName": "HMI5", "port": 47808, "foreignDevice": { "BBMDIP": "", "BBMDPort": 47808, "BBMDEnable": false } }, "title": "Local 101", "description": "", "shortcutEnable": false, "shortcutIcon": "", "externalURL": "", "fullscreen": true, "screenAlwaysOn": false, "autoStart": false, "requestCPULock": true, "requestWiFiLock": true } } Object BACnet Contains the BACnet con guration. Number deviceID The application BACnet device instance number. Default: 4000001 String deviceName
  • 4. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 4/26 The application BACnet device name. Default: HMI5 Number port The application BACnet UDP port. Default: 47808 Object foreignDevice Optional Contains the BACnet Foreign Device / BBMD con guration. If presents BBMDIP , BBMDPort and BBMDEnable are required. It takes about 2 seconds for the initial Register-Foreign-Device to be sent. It is then sent every 15 seconds to keep the connection alive. String BBMDIP IP address of the BBMD. Number BBMDPort Port number of the BBMD. Boolean BBMDEnable Enable Foreign Device / BBMD con guration. String title The title of your application. String description The description of your application. Boolean shortcutEnable Android only A shortcut will automaticly be created. String shortcutIcon Android only Icon relative path to the folder /BACmoveView/ . Example: "icon/local.png" String externalURL If this eld is an empty string the static web pages must be placed inside the folder /BACmoveView/html/ . An URL can be provided to fetch the web page from a remote server. This can o er more exibility and the possibility to use a server side scripting/programming language like ASP.NET, PHP, Java, etc. Example: "" Boolean fullscreen Is application fullscreen. The on-screen buttons stay visible. Boolean screenAlwaysOn Android only Is screen alway on. Boolean autoStart Android only If true the application will be automatically launch after that the device has booted up. Boolean requestCPULock Android only This ensures that the BACnet service is not killed. But, it signi cantly reduces the battery. Ensures that the CPU is running. If the user presses the power button, then the screen will be turned o but the CPU will be kept on. Default: true Boolean requestWiFiLock Android only Ensures that the Wi-Fi is kept running. But, it signi cantly reduces the battery. Wi-Fi will be kept active, and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically establish a connection to a remembered
  • 5. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 5/26 access point that is within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered access points but none are in range. Default: true String screenOrientation Force the screen orientation to portrait or landscape. "portrait": force application orientation to portrait. "landscape": force application orientation to landscape. Default: ""; automatically rotate. Boolean immersiveFullScreenSticky Android only If true the user swipes to display the system bars. Semi-transparent bars temporarily appear and then hide again. Requires Android 4.4 or later. Default: false Pixel-Perfect UI and Responsive Design There are a number of options you can use to create the perfect UI, this article will outline some of the best practices for the mobile web in general and then some speci c tricks you could use for hybrid applications. Responsive design is the notion of changing your UI depending on the dimensions of the screen size. Pixel-Perfect UI ( Building web pages to support di erent screen densities The screen density of a device is based on the screen resolution. A screen with low density has fewer available pixels per inch, where a screen with high density has more - sometimes signi cantly more - pixels per inch. The density of a screen is important because, other things being equal, a UI element (such as a button) whose height and width are de ned in terms of screen pixels will appear larger on the lower density screen and smaller on the higher density screen. For simplicity, Android collapses all actual screen densities into three generalized densities: high, medium, and low. By default, WebView scales a web page so that it is drawn at a size that matches the default appearance on a medium density screen. So, it applies 1.5x scaling on a high density screen (because its pixels are smaller) and 0.75x scaling on a low density screen (because its pixels are bigger). Starting with API level ECLAIR (Android 2.0), WebView supports DOM, CSS, and meta tag features to help you (as a web developer) target screens with di erent screen densities. For example: <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:1.5)" href="hdpi.css" /> Cookie management For obvious security reasons, your application has its own cache, cookie store etc.-it does not share the Browser application's data.
  • 6. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 6/26 Examples If the con guration eld externalURL is an empty string the static web pages must be placed inside the folder /BACmoveView/html/ . Two examples are available. jQuery Mobile Beginner Download example web pages. (/ les/ This example uses the touch-optimized web framework jQuery Mobile. Ionic & AngularJS Experienced Available on GitHub ( This example uses Ionic. Ionic o ers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components, gestures, and tools for building highly interactive apps. Built with Sass and optimized for AngularJS. Debugging iPhone and iPad Safari Web Inspector can be used to debug directly in Safari on your desktop. About Safari Web Inspector ( Android For Android 4.4 and higher: Remote Debugging on Android with Chrome ( For all devices: Android Device Monitor is a stand-alone tool that provides a graphical user interface for several Android application debugging and analysis tools. The Monitor tool does not require installation of an integrated development environment. To start Device Monitor, enter the following command from the SDK tools/ directory: monitor Connect an Android device via USB cable, and connect Device Monitor to the device by selecting it in the Devices window.
  • 7. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 7/26 whoIs Summary The JSInterface.whoIs() method allows to directly send a Who-Is message on the BACnet network. Syntax Boolean whoIs() Boolean whoIs(minimum, maximum) Parameters Number minimum Optional The minimum Device ID for the Who-Is request. Number maximum Optional The maximum Device ID for the Who-Is request. This parameter is required if minimum is present. Description The JSInterface.whoIs() method allows to directly send a Who-Is message on the BACnet network. Examples JSInterface.whoIs(123, 123); readDeviceObjectProperty Summary The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly read a BACnet object property. Syntax Boolean readDeviceObjectProperty(Number deviceID, Number objectType, Number objectInstance, Number prope
  • 8. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 8/26 Parameters Number deviceID The Device ID of the device to be read. Number objectType The Object Type of the object to be read. Number objectInstance The Object Instance of the object to be read. Number propertyIdentifier The Property Identi er of the object property to be read. Number arrayIndex The Array Index of the object property to be read. -1 to not use it. Description The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly read a BACnet object property. Examples JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty(123, 0, 1, 85, -1); writeDeviceObjectProperty Summary The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly write a BACnet object property. Syntax Boolean writeDeviceObjectProperty(Number deviceID, Number objectType, Number objectInstance, Number prop Parameters Number deviceID The Device ID of the device to be write. Number objectType The Object Type of the object to be write.
  • 9. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 9/26 Number objectInstance The Object Instance of the object to be write. Number propertyIdentifier The Property Identi er of the object property to be write. Number arrayIndex The Array Index of the object property to be write. -1 to not use it. Number priority The Priority used to write. You should normally use the priority 8 - Manual Operator. Number value The Value to be write. Boolean isNullValue True if the value is NULL. Description The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() method allows to directly write a BACnet object property. Examples JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty(123, 0, 1, 85, -1, 8, 10, false); updateDevice Summary The JSInterface.updateDevice() callback receive the information of a device when discovered. Syntax updateDevice(deviceID, deviceName, segmentation, vendorID, modelName) Parameters Number deviceID The device ID of the device discovered. String deviceName The device name of the device discovered.
  • 10. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 10/26 Number segmentation The device segmentation information. Number vendorID The device vendor ID. String modelName The device model name. Description The JSInterface.updateDevice() callback receive the information of a device when discovered. Examples JSInterface.updateDevice = function(deviceID, deviceName, segmentation, vendorID, modelName) { } readDeviceObjectPropertyAck Summary The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() request. Syntax readDeviceObjectPropertyAck(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex, value) Parameters Number deviceID The Device ID of the device. Number objectType The Object Type of the object. Number objectInstance The Object Instance of the object. Number propertyIdentifier
  • 11. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 11/26 The Property Identi er of the object property. Number arrayIndex The Array Index of the object property. String value The value. Description The JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.readDeviceObjectProperty() request. Examples JSInterface.readDeviceObjectPropertyAck = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentif { } writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck Summary The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request. Syntax writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex) Parameters Number deviceID The Device ID of the device. Number objectType The Object Type of the object. Number objectInstance The Object Instance of the object.
  • 12. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 12/26 Number propertyIdentifier The Property Identi er of the object property. Number arrayIndex The Array Index of the object property. Description The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request. Examples JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyAck = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdenti { } writeDeviceObjectPropertyError Summary The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request error. Syntax writeDeviceObjectPropertyError(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIdentifier, arrayIndex, err Parameters Number deviceID The Device ID of the device. Number objectType The Object Type of the object. Number objectInstance The Object Instance of the object. Number propertyIdentifier The Property Identi er of the object property.
  • 13. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 13/26 Number arrayIndex The Array Index of the object property. Number errorClass The error class number. String errorClassText The error class text. Number errorCode The error code number. String errorCodeText The error code text. Description The JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError() callback receive the information of a JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectProperty() request error. Examples JSInterface.writeDeviceObjectPropertyError = function(deviceID, objectType, objectInstance, propertyIden { } platformToast Summary A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only lls the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive. Syntax platformToast(String text) platformToast(String text, boolean isLengthLong) Parameters String text The text to show.
  • 14. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 14/26 Boolean isLengthLong Optional Show the text noti cation for a long period of time. Description A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only lls the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive. Examples JSInterface.platformToast("Write Completed"); platformNoti cationVibrate Summary Vibrates the device for the speci ed amount of time in milliseconds. Syntax platformNotificationVibrate(Number milliseconds) Parameters Number milliseconds Amount of time in milliseconds Description Vibrates the device for the speci ed amount of time in milliseconds. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationVibrate(250); platformNoti cationBeep
  • 15. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 15/26 Summary Play the device noti cation sound. Syntax platformNotificationBeep() Description Play the device noti cation sound. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationBeep(); platformNoti cationAlert Summary Shows a custom alert box. Syntax platformNotificationAlert(String title, String message, String buttonText, Boolean cancelable, String ic Parameters String title Title of the alert. String message Message of the alert. String buttonText Text of the button. Boolean cancelable Sets whether this alert is cancelable.
  • 16. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 16/26 String icon Choice: "alert", "dialer", "email", "info" or "map". Description Shows a custom alert box. platformNotificationConfirmPositive is called when the button is pressed. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationAlert("title", "message", "OK", true, "info"); platformNoti cationCon rm Summary Shows a custom con rmation dialog. Syntax platformNotificationConfirm(String title, String message, String positiveText, String negativeText, Bool Parameters String title Title of the dialog. String message Message of the dialog. String positiveText Text of the positive button. String negativeText Text of the negative button. Boolean cancelable Sets whether this alert is cancelable. String icon Choice: "alert", "dialer", "email", "info" or "map". Description
  • 17. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 17/26 Shows a custom con rmation dialog. platformNotificationConfirmPositive is called when the positive button is pressed. platformNotificationConfirmNegative is called when the negative button is pressed. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirm("title", "message", "Yes", "No", true, "info"); platformCloseApplication Summary Terminate the application. Syntax platformCloseApplication() Description Terminate the application. Examples JSInterface.platformCloseApplication(); platformNoti cationCon rmPositive Summary The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmPositive() callback is called when the positive button is selected. Syntax platformNotificationConfirmPositive()
  • 18. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 18/26 Description The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmPositive() callback is called when the positive button is selected. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirmPositive = function() { } platformNoti cationCon rmNegative Summary The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmNegative() callback is called when the negative button is selected. Syntax platformNotificationConfirmNegative() Description The JSInterface.platformNoti cationCon rmNegative() callback is called when the negative button is selected. Examples JSInterface.platformNotificationConfirmNegative = function() { } platformIsWiFiConnected Summary Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected.
  • 19. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 19/26 Syntax Boolean platformIsWiFiConnected() Return Boolean Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected. true Wi-Fi is connected. false Wi-Fi is disconnected. Description Returns whether the Wi-Fi is connected. Examples var isWiFiConnected = JSInterface.platformIsWiFiConnected(); platformOnStop Summary The JSInterface.platformOnStop() callback is called when the application is no longer visible to the user. Syntax platformOnStop() Description The JSInterface.platformOnStop() callback is called when the application is no longer visible to the user. You can use this callback to temporally pause the requests on the BACnet network. Examples JSInterface.platformOnStop = function() { }
  • 20. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 20/26 platformOnRestart Summary The JSInterface.platformOnRestart() callback is called after platformOnStop() when the application is being re-displayed to the user (the user has navigated back to it). Syntax platformOnRestart() Description The JSInterface.platformOnRestart() callback is called after platformOnStop() when the application is being re-displayed to the user (the user has navigated back to it). You can use this callback to restart the requests on the BACnet network. Examples JSInterface.platformOnRestart = function() { } platformOnBACnetServiceStarted Summary Android only The JSInterface.platformOnBACnetServiceStarted() callback is called after the BACnet service is started / re-started. Syntax platformOnBACnetServiceStarted() Description
  • 21. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 21/26 To be able to communicate with a BACnet device we need its address, it is received with the BACnet I-Am service. This address information is kept inside the BACnet service memory. This service might be killed at any time by the Android operating system to free memory. The background service might be killed independently of the application UI. You can use requestCPULock and requestWiFiLock to greatly reduce the chance of the BACnet service to be killed. whoIs might be called to be able to continue to communicate with the BACnet devices. If the application is not previously running this callback might not be received. Examples JSInterface.platformOnBACnetServiceStarted = function() { JSInterface.whoIs(); } platformOnWiFiConnected Summary The JSInterface.platformOnWiFiConnected() callback is called when the Wi-Fi network is connected. Syntax platformOnWiFiConnected() Description Examples JSInterface.platformOnWiFiConnected = function() { } platformOnWiFiDisconnected Summary The JSInterface.platformOnWiFiDisconnected() callback is called when the Wi-Fi network is disconnected.
  • 22. 10/07/2017 BACnet on iPhone and Android - BACmove - BACnet IoT 22/26 Syntax platformOnWiFiDisconnected() Description Examples JSInterface.platformOnWiFiDisconnected = function() { } Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License ( and Apache 2.0 ( Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the CC-By 3.0 license ( Portions of this page are modi cations based on work created and shared by The Apache Software Foundation and used according to terms described in the Apache License, Version 2.0. ( bacmove Help (/bacnet-help) | Forum (/bacnet-forum) bacmove © Copyright 2017 - Firme Web Inc. ( ( (
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