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@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
50 new features
Java EE 7
50 minutes
Arun Gupta, @arungupta
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#NN: <spec>: <feature>
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
CDI 1.1 (JSR 346)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#01: CDI: Default enabling
Finer scanning control
•  Possible values: all, annotated, none!
•  Annotated behaves like in Java EE 6 (default)!
<beans ... version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#02: CDI: @Vetoed
Veto the processing of the class or package
public class NonProcessedBean {

package com.non.processed.package;!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Bean Validation 1.1 (JSR 349)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#03: Bean Validation: Method
public class CardValidator {!
public CardValidator(@NotNull Algorithm algorithm) {!
this.algorithm = algorithm;!
public Boolean validate(@NotNull CreditCard creditCard) {!
return algorithm.validate(creditCard.getNumber());!
Pre/post conditions on method and constructors
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Interceptors 1.2 (JSR 318)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#04: Interceptors: AroundConstruct
Interceptor associated with a constructor
public class LoggingInterceptor {!
private void init(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception{
logger.fine("Entering constructor");!
logger.fine("Exiting constructor");!
public Object logMethod(InvocationContext ic) ... {!
// ...!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#05: Interceptors: @Priority
Prioritizing interceptor bindings
(2000), LIBRARY_AFTER (3000), PLATFORM_AFTER (4000)!
@Priority(Interceptor.Priority.LIBRARY_BEFORE + 10)!
public class LoggingInterceptor {!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Concurrency Utilities 1.0 (JSR 236)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor
•  User threads in Java EE applications
•  Support simple and advance concurrency design
•  Extend Concurrency Utilities API from Java SE (JSR
–  java.util.concurrent package
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor

ManagedExecutorService executor;


ManagedExecutorService executor =
(ManagedExecutorService) ctx

Default ManagedExectuor
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor
<web-app … version="3.1">!
Specify in web.xml
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#07: Concurrency:
•  Managed version of ScheduledExecutorService!
•  Submit delayed or periodic tasks

ManagedScheduledExecutorService executor;!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#07: Concurrency:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); 

ManagedScheduledExecutorService executor =


•  Can be defined in web.xml as well
Access using JNDI
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#07: Concurrency:
•  executor.schedule(new MyCallableTask(), 5,
•  executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyRunnableTask(),
2, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);!
•  executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new
MyRunnableTask(), 2, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#08: Concurrency:
•  Extends ThreadFactory
@Resource(name = "DefaultManagedThreadFactory")

ManagedThreadFactory factory;
ManagedThreadFactory factory =
(ManagedThreadFactory) ctx.lookup("java:comp/

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#08: Concurrency:
•  Thread thread = factory.newThread(new MyTask());
•  ((ManageableThread)thread).isShutdown();

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#09: Concurrency: DynamicProxy
•  Create dynamic proxy objects, adds contextual
information available for applications running in Java EE
•  Classloading, JNDI, Security, …
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#09: Concurrency: DynamicProxy

ContextService service;

Runnable proxy = service.createContextualProxy(new
MyRunnable(), Runnable.class);

Future f = executor.submit(proxy);!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JPA 2.1 (JSR 338)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#10: JPA: Schema Generation
Standardized database schema generation
<persistence ... version="2.1">!
<persistence-unit ...>!
<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"!
<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target"
<property name="javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source" !
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#11: JPA: @Index
Defines additional indexes in schema generation
@Table(indexes = {!
@Index(columnList = "ISBN"),!
@Index(columnList = "NBOFPAGE")!
public class Book {!
@Id @GeneratedValue!
private Long id;!
private String isbn;!
private Integer nbOfPage;!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#12: JPA: Unsynchronized PC
Persistence context is not enlisted in any tx unless explicitly joined
@PersistenceContext(synchronization =!
private EntityManager em;!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#13: JPA: Stored Procedure
Calling a stored procedure
@NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name = "archiveOldBooks", !
procedureName = "sp_archive_books",!
parameters = {!
@StoredProcedureParameter(name = ”date", mode = IN, !
type = Date.class),!
@StoredProcedureParameter(name = "warehouse", mode = IN, !
type = String.class)!
public class Book {...}!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JTA 1.2 (JSR 907)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#14: JTA: @Transactional
Transaction management on Managed Beans as CDI interceptor
@Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRED,!
rollbackOn = {SQLException.class, JMSException.class},!
dontRollbackOn = SQLWarning.class)!
public class BookRestService {!
private EntityManager em;!
public Response createBook(Book book) {...}!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#15: JTA: @TransactionScoped
CDI scope whose lifecycle is scoped to the currently active JTA
public class BookBean {...}!
public class TxServlet extends HttpServlet {!
@Inject UserTransaction tx;!
@Inject BookBean b1;!
@Inject BookBean b2;!
protected void processRequest(...) {!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
EJB 3.2 (JSR 345)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#16: EJB: Disable passivation of
@Stateful(passivationCapable = false)!
public class ShoppingCart {!
In some cases increases performance, scalability and robustness
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#17: EJB-Lite: Async + Non-persistent
public class OrderEJB {!
public void sendEmail (Order order) {!
// Very Long task!
@Schedule(hour="2", persistent=false)!
public void createDailyReport() {!
// ...!
Extended the EJB Lite to include local asynchronous invocations and
non-persistent EJB Timer Service
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JMS 2.0 (JSR 343)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#18: JMS: JMSContext API
New simplified API to produce and consume messages
@Inject JMSContext ctx;!
ctx.createProducer().send(queue, "Text message sent");!
.send(queue, message);!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#19: JMS: Autocloseable
Several JMS interfaces implement Autocloseable
try (JMSContext ctx = connectionFactory.createContext()) {!
ctx.createProducer().send(queue, "Text message sent");!
try (JMSContext ctx = connectionFactory.createContext()) {!
while (true) {!
String s = ctx.createConsumer(queue).receiveBody(String.class);!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#20: JMS:
name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory",!
interfaceName =
public class ExpensiveOrderEJB {...}!
A JMS ConnectionFactory can be defined using an annotation on a
container-managed class
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#21: JMS: JMSDestinationDefinition
A JMS queue or topic can be defined using an annotation
name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory",!
interfaceName = "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory")!
name = "java:app/jms/MyTopic",!
interfaceName = "javax.jms.Topic")!
public class ExpensiveOrderEJB {...}!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Servlet 3.1 (JSR 340)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) 

throws IOException, ServletException {

ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();

byte[] b = new byte[1024];

int len = -1;

while ((len = != -1) {

. . .



@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O
•  ServletInputStream!
–  public void setReadListener(ReadListener
–  public boolean isFinished();!
–  public boolean isReady();!
•  ServletOutputStream!
–  public setWriteListener(WriteListener
–  public boolean canWrite();!
New methods to existing interfaces
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O
public interface ReadListener extends EventListener

public void onDataAvailable();

pubic void onAllDataRead();

public void onError();

public interface WriteListener extends EventListener

public void onWritePossible();

public void onError();

New interfaces
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O
AsyncContext context = request.startAsync();

ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();


new MyReadListener(input, context)); !
Only for Asynchronous Servlets
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#23: Servlet: Protocol Upgrade
•  <T extends HttpUpgradeHandler> T
HttpServletRequest.upgrade(Class<T> class) throws

•  HttpUpgradeHandler!
–  init(WebConnection wc);!
–  destroy();!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#23: Servlet: Protocol Upgrade
public interface WebConnection {

ServletInputStream getInputStream();

ServletOutputStream getOutputStream();

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#24: Servlet: Improved Security
<web-app . . . version="3.1"> 






. . .


</web-app> !
Deny an HTTP method request for an uncovered HTTP method
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#24: Servlet: Improved Security
<web-app . . . version="3.1"> 







. . .


</web-app> !
Deny an HTTP method request for an uncovered HTTP method
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Web Socket 1.0 (JSR 356)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#25: WebSocket: Annotated server
•  Enables full-duplex bi-directional communication over
single TCP connection

public class ChatServer {


public String chat(String name, Session session) {

for (Session peer : client.getOpenSessions()) {!


@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#26: WebSocket: Lifecycle callbacks

public void open(Session s) { . . . }


public void close(CloseReason c) { . . . }


public void error(Throwable t) { . . . }!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#27: WebSocket: Annotated client

public class MyClient {


public void open(Session session) { … }

// Lifecycle callbacks

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#27: WebSocket: Annotated client




URI.create("ws://. . ."));!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#28: WebSocket: Programmatic
public class ChatServer extends Endpoint {


public void onOpen(Session s, EndpointConfig ec) {

s.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<String>() {

public void onMessage(String text) { . . . }




public void onClose(Session s, CloseReason cr) { . . . }

//. . . 

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#28: WebSocket: Programmatic
public class MyApplicationConfig implements
ServerApplicationConfig {

public Set<ServerEndpointConfig> getEndpointConfigs(…) { 


.create(MyEndpoint.class, "/websocket”)

.configurator(new MyConfig())



@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#28: WebSocket: Programmatic
public class MyConfig extends ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator {

public <T> T getEndpointInstance(. . .) { . . . }

public void modifyHandshake(. . .) { . . . }

. . .

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#29: WebSocket: Encoder and




public class ChatServer {


public String chat(ChatMessage name, Session session) {

. . . 


@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#29: WebSocket: Encoder and
public class MyDecoder implements Decoder.Text<ChatMessage> {

public ChatMessage decode(String s) {

// . . .


public boolean willDecode(String string) {

// . . .


//. . .


@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#29: WebSocket: Encoder and
public class MyEncoder implements Encoder.Text<ChatMessage> {

public String encode(ChatMessage chatMessage) {

// . . .


// . . .

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Expression Language 3.0 (JSR 341)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#30: Expression Langauge:
•  Use EL in a stand-alone environment
–  Evaluate EL expressions
–  Defining a static method as an EL function
–  Defining an object instance as an EL name
ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor();

elp.defineBean("employee", new Employee("Charlie

String name = elp.eval("");!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JSF 2.2 (JSR 344)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#31: JSF: Faces Flow









Package reusable flows in JAR
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#31: JSF: Faces Flow


public class Flow1Bean implements Serializable {

@Produces @FlowDefinition

public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder fb) {

String flowId = "flow1";

//. . .

return fb.getFlow();

Package reusable flows in JAR
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#31: JSF: Faces Flow
#{flowScope}: Local flow storage
Returns true if within a flow
Package reusable flows in JAR
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#32: JSF: Resource Library Contract










Apply templates in a reusable and interchangeable manner
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#32: JSF: Resource Library Contract
<f:view contracts=”red”>

<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">

. . .



Apply templates in a reusable and interchangeable manner
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#33: JSF: Pass-through Attributes
<h:inputText type="email" value="#{}"/> 

<input type="text" name="j_idt6:j_idt10"/>!
HTML5-Friendly Markup
<h:inputText p:type="email" value="#{}"/> 

<input type="email" name="j_idt6:j_idt10"/>!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#34: JSF: File Upload Component
<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">

<h:inputFile value="#{fileUploadBean.file}"/><br/>

<h:commandButton value="Upload"/><p/>

</h:form> !
@Named @RequestScoped 

public class FileUploadBean {

private Part file;

//getter and setter

} !
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#35: JAX-RS: Client API
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();!
WebTarget target ="
Invocation invocation =
Response response = invocation.invoke();!
Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient()!
String body = ClientBuilder.newClient()!
New API to consume rest services
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#36: JAX-RS: Async Client
Future<String> future = ClientBuilder.newClient()!
try {!
String body = future.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);!
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {

. . .

The client API also supports asynchronous invocation
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#37: JAX-RS: Async Server
public class AsyncResource {!
public void asyncGet(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResp)
new Thread(new Runnable() {!
public void run() {!
String result = veryExpensiveOperation();!
Asynchronous request processing on the server
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#38: JAX-RS: Message Filter
•  Filters on client side
–  ClientRequestFilter!
–  ClientResponseFilter!
•  Filters on server side
–  ContainerRequestFilter!
–  ContainerResponseFilter!
Used to process incoming and outgoing request or response headers
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#38: JAX-RS: Message Filter
public class LogginFilter implements
ClientRequestFilter {!
public void filter(ClientRequestContext ctx)
throws IOException {!
Used to process incoming and outgoing request or response headers
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#39: JAX-RS: Entity Interceptors
•  Intercepts inbound entity streams (reads from
the “wire”)
– ReaderInterceptor!
•  Intercepts outbound entity streams (writes to the
– WriterInterceptor!
Marshalling and unmarshalling HTTP message bodies
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#39: JAX-RS: Entity Interceptors
public class GZipInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor
public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext
OutputStream os = ctx.getOutputStream();!
ctx.setOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(os));!
Marshalling and unmarshalling HTTP message bodies
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JSON-P 1.0 (JSR 353)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#40: JSON-P: JSON Builder
JsonObject value = Json.createObjectBuilder()!
.add("id", "1234")!
.add("date", "19/09/2012")!
.add("total_amount", "93.48")!
.add("customer", Json.createObjectBuilder()!
.add("first_name", "James")!
.add("last_name", "Rorrison")!
.add("email", "")!
.add("phoneNumber", "+44 1234 1234")!
Creates an object model (or an array) in memory by adding elements
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#41: JSON-P: JsonParser
JsonParser parser = Json.createParser(new
while (parser.hasNext()) {!
JsonParser.Event event =;!
if (event.equals(JsonParser.Event.KEY_NAME) && !
parser.getString().matches("email")) {!;!
email = parser.getString();!
Event-based parser that can read JSON data from a stream
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Batch 1.0 (JSR 352)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#42: Batch: Chunk-style Processing
Item-oriented Processing Style (primary)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#42: Batch: Chunk-style Processing
<step id=”sendStatements”>!
<chunk item-count=“3”>

<reader ref=”accountReader”/>!
<processor ref=”accountProcessor”/>

<writer ref=”emailWriter”/>!
…implements ItemReader {

public Object readItem() {

// read account using JPA!
…implements ItemProcessor {!
public Object processItems(Object account) {

// read Account, return Statement!
…implements ItemWriter {!
public void writeItems(List accounts) {

// use JavaMail to send email!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#43: Batch: Batchlet-style Processing
Task-oriented processing style
<step id=”transferFile”>!
<batchlet ref=“MyFileTransfer” />!
…implements Batchlet {!

public void process() {

// Transfer file!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners
<job id="myJob" xmlns="" version="1.0”>


<listener ref="myJobListener"/>


<step id="myStep" >


<listener ref="myStepListener"/>

<listener ref="myChunkListener"/>

<listener ref="myItemReadListener"/>

<listener ref="myItemProcessorListener"/>

<listener ref="myItemWriteListener"/>


<chunk item-count="3”>. . .</chunk>


@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners
Interface Abstract Classes
JobListener! AbstractJobListener!
StepListener! AbstractStepListener!
ChunkListener! AbstractChunkListener!
ItemRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractItemRead/Write/ProcessListener!
SkipRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractSkipRead/Write/ProcessListener!
RetryRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractRetryRead/Write/
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners

public class MyJobListener extends AbstractJobListener {


public void beforeJob() throws Exception { . . . }


public void afterJob() throws Exception { . . . }

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#45: Batch: Partition

<chunk item-count="3">

<reader ref="myItemReader">


<property name="start" value="#{partitionPlan['start']}"/>

<property name="end" value="#{partitionPlan['end']}"/>



. . .

@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#45: Batch: Partition

<plan partitions="2">

<properties partition="0">

<property name="start" value="1"/>

<property name="end" value="10"/>


<properties partition="1">

<property name="start" value="11"/>

<property name="end" value="20"/>




@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#46: Batch: Creating Workflows
<flow id="flow1" next="step3">

<step id="step1" next="step2"> . . . </step>

<step id="step2"> . . . </step>


<step id="step3"> . . . </step>!
Flow: Elements that execute together as a unit
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#46: Batch: Creating Workflows
<split id="split1" next=" . . . ">

<flow id="flow1”>

<step id="step1”> . . . </step>


<flow id="flow2”>

<step id="step2”> . . . </step>


Split: Concurrent execution of flows
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#46: Batch: Creating Workflows
<step id="step1" next="decider1">. . .</step>

<decision id="decider1" ref="myDecider"> 

<next on="DATA_LOADED" to="step2"/> 

<end on="NOT_LOADED"/> </decision>

<step id="step2">. . .</step> !
Decision: Customized way of sequencing between steps, flows, splits

public class MyDecider implements Decider {


public String decide(StepExecution[] ses) throws Exception {

. . .

return "DATA_LOADED"; // or "NOT_LOADED"!
} !
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JavaMail 1.5 (JSR 919)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#47: JavaMail
@MailSessionDefinition(name = "java:comp/myMailSession",

properties = {







@Resource(lookup = "java:comp/myMailSession")

Session session;!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
JCA 1.7 (JSR 322)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#48: Java Connector Architecture










@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
JAX-RS 2.0
JSON-P 1.0
Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1
JSF 2.2EL 3.0
JPA 2.1
JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0
Batch 1.0
JCA 1.7
Java EE 7
JavaMail 1.5
Java EE 7 (JSR 342)
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#49: Default Resources
JNDI name: java:comp/DefaultDataSource
Default Data Source

DataSource myDS;


DataSource myDS; !
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#49: Default Resources
JNDI name: java:comp/


ConnectionFactory myCF;

ConnectionFactory myCF;!
Default JMS Connection Factory
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#49: Default Resources
JNDI names
•  java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService!
•  java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService!
•  java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory!
•  java:comp/DefaultContextService!
Default Concurrency Utilities Objects
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
#50: Buy our books!
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation
@arungupta #javaee7 #devnation

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Was ist angesagt? (20)

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Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3: Light-weight, Extensible, and Powerful @ JAX London ...
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Thanks Managers!
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Thanks Managers!
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Java EE 7 features in 50 minutes

  • 2. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation 50 new features of Java EE 7 in 50 minutes Arun Gupta, @arungupta
  • 4. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5
  • 5. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 CDI 1.1 (JSR 346)
  • 6. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #01: CDI: Default enabling Finer scanning control •  Possible values: all, annotated, none! •  Annotated behaves like in Java EE 6 (default)! <beans ... version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">! <alternatives>! <class></class>! </alternatives>! </beans>!
  • 7. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #02: CDI: @Vetoed Veto the processing of the class or package @Vetoed! public class NonProcessedBean {
 ...! }! ! @Vetoed! package com.non.processed.package;!
  • 8. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Bean Validation 1.1 (JSR 349)
  • 9. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #03: Bean Validation: Method validation public class CardValidator {! ! public CardValidator(@NotNull Algorithm algorithm) {! this.algorithm = algorithm;! }! ! @AssertTrue! public Boolean validate(@NotNull CreditCard creditCard) {! return algorithm.validate(creditCard.getNumber());! }! }! Pre/post conditions on method and constructors
  • 10. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Interceptors 1.2 (JSR 318)
  • 11. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #04: Interceptors: AroundConstruct Interceptor associated with a constructor public class LoggingInterceptor {! ! @AroundConstruct! private void init(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception{ logger.fine("Entering constructor");! ic.proceed();! logger.fine("Exiting constructor");! }! ! @AroundInvoke! public Object logMethod(InvocationContext ic) ... {! // ...! }! }!
  • 12. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #05: Interceptors: @Priority Prioritizing interceptor bindings •  PLATFORM_BEFORE (0), LIBRARY_BEFORE (1000), APPLICATION (2000), LIBRARY_AFTER (3000), PLATFORM_AFTER (4000)! @Interceptor! @Loggable! @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.LIBRARY_BEFORE + 10)! public class LoggingInterceptor {! ! @AroundInvoke! ...! }!
  • 13. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Concurrency Utilities 1.0 (JSR 236)
  • 14. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor •  User threads in Java EE applications •  Support simple and advance concurrency design patterns •  Extend Concurrency Utilities API from Java SE (JSR 166y) –  java.util.concurrent package
  • 15. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor @Resource
 ManagedExecutorService executor;
 ManagedExecutorService executor = (ManagedExecutorService) ctx
 .lookup("java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService");! Default ManagedExectuor
  • 16. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #06: Concurrency: ManagedExecutor <web-app … version="3.1">! <resource-env-ref>! <resource-env-ref-name>! concurrent/myExecutor! </resource-env-ref-name>! <resource-env-ref-type>! javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService! </resource-env-ref-type>! </resource-env-ref>! </web-app>! Specify in web.xml
  • 17. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #07: Concurrency: ManagedScheduledExecutor •  Managed version of ScheduledExecutorService! •  Submit delayed or periodic tasks @Resource
 ManagedScheduledExecutorService executor;!
  • 18. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #07: Concurrency: ManagedScheduledExecutor InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); 
 ManagedScheduledExecutorService executor = (ManagedScheduledExecutorService)ctx.lookup(
 ! •  Can be defined in web.xml as well Access using JNDI
  • 19. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #07: Concurrency: ManagedScheduledExecutor •  executor.schedule(new MyCallableTask(), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);! •  executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyRunnableTask(), 2, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);! •  executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new MyRunnableTask(), 2, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);!
  • 20. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #08: Concurrency: ManagedThreadFactory •  Extends ThreadFactory @Resource(name = "DefaultManagedThreadFactory")
 ManagedThreadFactory factory; ManagedThreadFactory factory = (ManagedThreadFactory) ctx.lookup("java:comp/ DefaultManagedThreadFactory");

  • 21. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #08: Concurrency: ManagedThreadFactory •  Thread thread = factory.newThread(new MyTask()); •  ((ManageableThread)thread).isShutdown();

  • 22. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #09: Concurrency: DynamicProxy •  Create dynamic proxy objects, adds contextual information available for applications running in Java EE environment •  Classloading, JNDI, Security, …
  • 23. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #09: Concurrency: DynamicProxy @Resource
 ContextService service;
 Runnable proxy = service.createContextualProxy(new MyRunnable(), Runnable.class);
 Future f = executor.submit(proxy);!
  • 24. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JPA 2.1 (JSR 338)
  • 25. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #10: JPA: Schema Generation Standardized database schema generation <persistence ... version="2.1">! <persistence-unit ...>! <properties>! <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"! value="drop-and-create"/>! <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target" value="create.sql"/>! <property name="javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source" ! value="insert.sql"/>! </properties>! </persistence-unit>!
  • 26. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #11: JPA: @Index Defines additional indexes in schema generation @Entity! @Table(indexes = {! @Index(columnList = "ISBN"),! @Index(columnList = "NBOFPAGE")! })! public class Book {! ! @Id @GeneratedValue! private Long id;! private String isbn;! private Integer nbOfPage;! ...! }!
  • 27. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #12: JPA: Unsynchronized PC Persistence context is not enlisted in any tx unless explicitly joined @PersistenceContext(synchronization =! SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED)! private EntityManager em;! ...! ! em.persist(book);! ! ...! em.joinTransaction();! !
  • 28. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #13: JPA: Stored Procedure Calling a stored procedure @Entity! @NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name = "archiveOldBooks", ! procedureName = "sp_archive_books",! parameters = {! @StoredProcedureParameter(name = ”date", mode = IN, ! type = Date.class),! @StoredProcedureParameter(name = "warehouse", mode = IN, ! type = String.class)! })! public class Book {...}!
  • 29. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JTA 1.2 (JSR 907)
  • 30. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #14: JTA: @Transactional Transaction management on Managed Beans as CDI interceptor binding @Path("book")! @Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRED,! rollbackOn = {SQLException.class, JMSException.class},! dontRollbackOn = SQLWarning.class)! public class BookRestService {! ! @PersistenceContext! private EntityManager em;! ! @POST! @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)! public Response createBook(Book book) {...}! }!
  • 31. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #15: JTA: @TransactionScoped CDI scope whose lifecycle is scoped to the currently active JTA transaction @TransactionScoped! public class BookBean {...}! ! @WebServlet! public class TxServlet extends HttpServlet {! @Inject UserTransaction tx;! @Inject BookBean b1;! @Inject BookBean b2;! ! protected void processRequest(...) {! tx.begin();! s_out.println(b1.getReference());! s_out.println(b2.getReference());! tx.commit();! }! }!
  • 32. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 EJB 3.2 (JSR 345)
  • 33. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #16: EJB: Disable passivation of stateful @Stateful(passivationCapable = false)! public class ShoppingCart {! ...! }! In some cases increases performance, scalability and robustness
  • 34. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #17: EJB-Lite: Async + Non-persistent timer @Stateless! public class OrderEJB {! ! @Asynchronous! public void sendEmail (Order order) {! // Very Long task! }! ! @Schedule(hour="2", persistent=false)! public void createDailyReport() {! // ...! }! }! Extended the EJB Lite to include local asynchronous invocations and non-persistent EJB Timer Service
  • 35. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JMS 2.0 (JSR 343)
  • 36. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #18: JMS: JMSContext API New simplified API to produce and consume messages @Inject JMSContext ctx;! ! ctx.createProducer().send(queue, "Text message sent");! ! ctx.createConsumer(queue).receiveBody(String.class);! ! ctx.createProducer()! .setPriority(2)! .setTimeToLive(1000)! .setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT)! .send(queue, message);!
  • 37. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #19: JMS: Autocloseable Several JMS interfaces implement Autocloseable try (JMSContext ctx = connectionFactory.createContext()) {! ctx.createProducer().send(queue, "Text message sent");! }! ! ...! ! try (JMSContext ctx = connectionFactory.createContext()) {! while (true) {! String s = ctx.createConsumer(queue).receiveBody(String.class);! }! }!
  • 38. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #20: JMS: JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition @Stateless! @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition(! name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory",! interfaceName = "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory")! ! ! ! public class ExpensiveOrderEJB {...}! A JMS ConnectionFactory can be defined using an annotation on a container-managed class
  • 39. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #21: JMS: JMSDestinationDefinition A JMS queue or topic can be defined using an annotation @Stateless! @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition(! name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory",! interfaceName = "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory")! @JMSDestinationDefinition(! name = "java:app/jms/MyTopic",! interfaceName = "javax.jms.Topic")! public class ExpensiveOrderEJB {...}!
  • 40. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Servlet 3.1 (JSR 340)
  • 41. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet
 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response) 
 throws IOException, ServletException {
 ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();
 byte[] b = new byte[1024];
 int len = -1;
 while ((len = != -1) {
 . . .
  • 42. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O •  ServletInputStream! –  public void setReadListener(ReadListener listener);! –  public boolean isFinished();! –  public boolean isReady();! •  ServletOutputStream! –  public setWriteListener(WriteListener listener);! –  public boolean canWrite();! New methods to existing interfaces
  • 43. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O public interface ReadListener extends EventListener {
 public void onDataAvailable();
 pubic void onAllDataRead();
 public void onError();
 }! public interface WriteListener extends EventListener {
 public void onWritePossible();
 public void onError();
 }! New interfaces
  • 44. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #22: Servlet: Non-blocking I/O AsyncContext context = request.startAsync();
 ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();
 new MyReadListener(input, context)); ! Only for Asynchronous Servlets
  • 45. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #23: Servlet: Protocol Upgrade •  <T extends HttpUpgradeHandler> T HttpServletRequest.upgrade(Class<T> class) throws IOException;
 ! •  HttpUpgradeHandler! –  init(WebConnection wc);! –  destroy();!
  • 46. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #23: Servlet: Protocol Upgrade public interface WebConnection {
 ServletInputStream getInputStream();
 ServletOutputStream getOutputStream();
  • 47. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #24: Servlet: Improved Security <web-app . . . version="3.1"> 
 . . .
 </web-app> ! ! Deny an HTTP method request for an uncovered HTTP method
  • 48. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #24: Servlet: Improved Security <web-app . . . version="3.1"> 
 . . .
 </web-app> ! ! Deny an HTTP method request for an uncovered HTTP method
  • 49. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Web Socket 1.0 (JSR 356)
  • 50. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #25: WebSocket: Annotated server endpoint •  Enables full-duplex bi-directional communication over single TCP connection @javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint("/chat")
 public class ChatServer {
 public String chat(String name, Session session) {
 for (Session peer : client.getOpenSessions()) {! peer.getBasicRemote().sendObject(message);! }
  • 51. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #26: WebSocket: Lifecycle callbacks @javax.websocket.OnOpen
 public void open(Session s) { . . . }
 public void close(CloseReason c) { . . . }
 public void error(Throwable t) { . . . }!
  • 52. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #27: WebSocket: Annotated client endpoint @javax.websocket.ClientEndpoint
 public class MyClient {
 public void open(Session session) { … }
 // Lifecycle callbacks
  • 53. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #27: WebSocket: Annotated client endpoint ContainerProvider
 URI.create("ws://. . ."));!
  • 54. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #28: WebSocket: Programmatic endpoints public class ChatServer extends Endpoint {
 public void onOpen(Session s, EndpointConfig ec) {
 s.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<String>() {
 public void onMessage(String text) { . . . }
 public void onClose(Session s, CloseReason cr) { . . . }
 //. . . 
  • 55. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #28: WebSocket: Programmatic endpoints public class MyApplicationConfig implements ServerApplicationConfig {
 public Set<ServerEndpointConfig> getEndpointConfigs(…) { 
 .create(MyEndpoint.class, "/websocket”)
 .configurator(new MyConfig())
  • 56. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #28: WebSocket: Programmatic endpoints public class MyConfig extends ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator {
 public <T> T getEndpointInstance(. . .) { . . . }
 public void modifyHandshake(. . .) { . . . }
 . . .
  • 57. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #29: WebSocket: Encoder and Decoder @javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint(
 public class ChatServer {
 public String chat(ChatMessage name, Session session) {
 . . . 
  • 58. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #29: WebSocket: Encoder and Decoder public class MyDecoder implements Decoder.Text<ChatMessage> {
 public ChatMessage decode(String s) {
 // . . .
 public boolean willDecode(String string) {
 // . . .
 //. . .
  • 59. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #29: WebSocket: Encoder and Decoder public class MyEncoder implements Encoder.Text<ChatMessage> {
 public String encode(ChatMessage chatMessage) {
 // . . .
 ! // . . .
  • 60. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Expression Language 3.0 (JSR 341)
  • 61. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #30: Expression Langauge: ELProcessor •  Use EL in a stand-alone environment –  Evaluate EL expressions –  Defining a static method as an EL function –  Defining an object instance as an EL name ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor();
 elp.defineBean("employee", new Employee("Charlie Brown"));
 String name = elp.eval("");!
  • 62. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JSF 2.2 (JSR 344)
  • 63. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #31: JSF: Faces Flow ./src/main/webapp/flow1
 /index.xhtml! Package reusable flows in JAR
  • 64. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #31: JSF: Faces Flow @Named
 public class Flow1Bean implements Serializable {
 }! ! @Produces @FlowDefinition
 public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder fb) {
 String flowId = "flow1";
 //. . .
 return fb.getFlow();
 }! Package reusable flows in JAR
  • 65. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #31: JSF: Faces Flow #{flowScope}: Local flow storage #{facesContext.application.flowHandler.currentFlow}: Returns true if within a flow Package reusable flows in JAR
  • 66. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #32: JSF: Resource Library Contract index-blue.xhtml
 /template.xhtml! Apply templates in a reusable and interchangeable manner
  • 67. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #32: JSF: Resource Library Contract <f:view contracts=”red”>
 <ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">
 . . .
 ! Apply templates in a reusable and interchangeable manner
  • 68. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #33: JSF: Pass-through Attributes <h:inputText type="email" value="#{}"/> 
 ! <input type="text" name="j_idt6:j_idt10"/>! HTML5-Friendly Markup <h:inputText p:type="email" value="#{}"/> 
 <input type="email" name="j_idt6:j_idt10"/>! !
  • 69. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #34: JSF: File Upload Component <h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <h:inputFile value="#{fileUploadBean.file}"/><br/>
 <h:commandButton value="Upload"/><p/>
 </h:form> ! @Named @RequestScoped 
 public class FileUploadBean {
 private Part file;
 //getter and setter
 } !
  • 70. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339)
  • 71. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #35: JAX-RS: Client API Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();! WebTarget target =" book");! Invocation invocation = target.request(TEXT_PLAIN).buildGet();! Response response = invocation.invoke();! ! Response response = ClientBuilder.newClient()! .target("")! .request(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)! .get();! ! String body = ClientBuilder.newClient()! .target("")! .request()! .get(String.class);! New API to consume rest services
  • 72. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #36: JAX-RS: Async Client Future<String> future = ClientBuilder.newClient()! .target("")! .request()! .async()! .get(String.class);! ! try {! String body = future.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);! } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
 . . .
 }! The client API also supports asynchronous invocation
  • 73. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #37: JAX-RS: Async Server @Path("/async")! public class AsyncResource {! ! @GET! public void asyncGet(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResp) {! ! new Thread(new Runnable() {! ! public void run() {! String result = veryExpensiveOperation();! asyncResp.resume(result);! }! }).start();! }}! Asynchronous request processing on the server
  • 74. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #38: JAX-RS: Message Filter •  Filters on client side –  ClientRequestFilter! –  ClientResponseFilter! •  Filters on server side –  ContainerRequestFilter! –  ContainerResponseFilter! Used to process incoming and outgoing request or response headers
  • 75. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #38: JAX-RS: Message Filter public class LogginFilter implements ClientRequestFilter {! ! public void filter(ClientRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {! System.out.println(ctx.getMethod());! System.out.println(ctx.getUri());! }! }! Used to process incoming and outgoing request or response headers
  • 76. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #39: JAX-RS: Entity Interceptors •  Intercepts inbound entity streams (reads from the “wire”) – ReaderInterceptor! •  Intercepts outbound entity streams (writes to the “wire”) – WriterInterceptor! Marshalling and unmarshalling HTTP message bodies
  • 77. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #39: JAX-RS: Entity Interceptors public class GZipInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor {! ! public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx){! OutputStream os = ctx.getOutputStream();! ctx.setOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(os));! ctx.proceed();! }! }! Marshalling and unmarshalling HTTP message bodies
  • 78. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JSON-P 1.0 (JSR 353)
  • 79. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #40: JSON-P: JSON Builder JsonObject value = Json.createObjectBuilder()! .add("id", "1234")! .add("date", "19/09/2012")! .add("total_amount", "93.48")! .add("customer", Json.createObjectBuilder()! .add("first_name", "James")! .add("last_name", "Rorrison")! .add("email", "")! .add("phoneNumber", "+44 1234 1234")! )! .build();! Creates an object model (or an array) in memory by adding elements
  • 80. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #41: JSON-P: JsonParser JsonParser parser = Json.createParser(new FileReader(“order.json"));! while (parser.hasNext()) {! JsonParser.Event event =;! ! if (event.equals(JsonParser.Event.KEY_NAME) && ! parser.getString().matches("email")) {!;! email = parser.getString();! }! }! Event-based parser that can read JSON data from a stream
  • 81. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Batch 1.0 (JSR 352)
  • 82. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #42: Batch: Chunk-style Processing Item-oriented Processing Style (primary)
  • 83. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #42: Batch: Chunk-style Processing <step id=”sendStatements”>! <chunk item-count=“3”>
 <reader ref=”accountReader”/>! <processor ref=”accountProcessor”/>
 <writer ref=”emailWriter”/>! </step>! …implements ItemReader {
 public Object readItem() {
 // read account using JPA! }! ! …implements ItemProcessor {! public Object processItems(Object account) {
 // read Account, return Statement! }! ! …implements ItemWriter {! public void writeItems(List accounts) {
 // use JavaMail to send email! }! !
  • 84. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #43: Batch: Batchlet-style Processing Task-oriented processing style <step id=”transferFile”>! <batchlet ref=“MyFileTransfer” />! </step>! …implements Batchlet {! @Override
 public void process() {
 // Transfer file! }! !
  • 85. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners <job id="myJob" xmlns="" version="1.0”>
 <listener ref="myJobListener"/>
 <step id="myStep" >
 <listener ref="myStepListener"/>
 <listener ref="myChunkListener"/>
 <listener ref="myItemReadListener"/>
 <listener ref="myItemProcessorListener"/>
 <listener ref="myItemWriteListener"/>
 <chunk item-count="3”>. . .</chunk>
 </job>! !
  • 86. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners Interface Abstract Classes JobListener! AbstractJobListener! StepListener! AbstractStepListener! ChunkListener! AbstractChunkListener! ItemRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractItemRead/Write/ProcessListener! SkipRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractSkipRead/Write/ProcessListener! RetryRead/Write/ProcessListener! AbstractRetryRead/Write/ ProcessListener!
  • 87. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #44: Batch: Job/Step/Chunk Listeners @Named
 public class MyJobListener extends AbstractJobListener {
 public void beforeJob() throws Exception { . . . }
 public void afterJob() throws Exception { . . . }
  • 88. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #45: Batch: Partition <step>
 <chunk item-count="3">
 <reader ref="myItemReader">
 <property name="start" value="#{partitionPlan['start']}"/>
 <property name="end" value="#{partitionPlan['end']}"/>
 . . .
  • 89. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #45: Batch: Partition <partition>
 <plan partitions="2">
 <properties partition="0">
 <property name="start" value="1"/>
 <property name="end" value="10"/>
 <properties partition="1">
 <property name="start" value="11"/>
 <property name="end" value="20"/>
  • 90. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #46: Batch: Creating Workflows <flow id="flow1" next="step3">
 <step id="step1" next="step2"> . . . </step>
 <step id="step2"> . . . </step>
 <step id="step3"> . . . </step>! Flow: Elements that execute together as a unit
  • 91. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #46: Batch: Creating Workflows <split id="split1" next=" . . . ">
 <flow id="flow1”>
 <step id="step1”> . . . </step>
 <flow id="flow2”>
 <step id="step2”> . . . </step>
 </split>! Split: Concurrent execution of flows
  • 92. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #46: Batch: Creating Workflows <step id="step1" next="decider1">. . .</step>
 <decision id="decider1" ref="myDecider"> 
 <next on="DATA_LOADED" to="step2"/> 
 <end on="NOT_LOADED"/> </decision>
 <step id="step2">. . .</step> ! ! Decision: Customized way of sequencing between steps, flows, splits @Named
 public class MyDecider implements Decider {
 public String decide(StepExecution[] ses) throws Exception {
 . . .
 return "DATA_LOADED"; // or "NOT_LOADED"! } ! }!
  • 93. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JavaMail 1.5 (JSR 919)
  • 94. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #47: JavaMail @MailSessionDefinition(name = "java:comp/myMailSession",
 properties = {
 @Resource(lookup = "java:comp/myMailSession")
 Session session;!
  • 95. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 JCA 1.7 (JSR 322)
  • 96. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #48: Java Connector Architecture @ConnectionDefinition(
 ! @AdministeredObjectDefinition(
  • 97. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation JAX-RS 2.0 JSON-P 1.0 Web Socket 1.0Servlet 3.1 JSF 2.2EL 3.0 JSP JSTLBeanValidation1.1 Interceptors1.2 CDI1.1 Concurrency1.0 JPA 2.1 JTA 1.2 EJB 3.2 JMS 2.0 Batch 1.0 JCA 1.7 Java EE 7 JavaMail 1.5 Java EE 7 (JSR 342)
  • 98. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #49: Default Resources JNDI name: java:comp/DefaultDataSource Default Data Source @Resource(lookup="java:comp/ DefaultDataSource")
 DataSource myDS;
 ! @Resource
 DataSource myDS; !
  • 99. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #49: Default Resources JNDI name: java:comp/ DefaultJMSConnectionFactory
 @Resource(lookup="java:comp/ DefaultJMSConnectionFactory”)
 ConnectionFactory myCF; @Resource
 ConnectionFactory myCF;! Default JMS Connection Factory
  • 100. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation #49: Default Resources JNDI names •  java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService! •  java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService! •  java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory! •  java:comp/DefaultContextService! Default Concurrency Utilities Objects
  • 102. @arungupta #javaee7 #devnation References • •