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PriorityQueue.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueue {
Heap q;
public void PriorityQueue(int, java.util.Comparator);
public Object peek();
public Object remove();
void add(Object);
boolean isEmpty();
public int size();
PriorityQueue.javaPriorityQueue.javaimport java.util.Comparat
Heap q;
*PriorityQueue initializes the queue.
* @param initialCapacity an int that is the heaps initial size.
* @param comparator the priority of various imputs.
publicPriorityQueue(int initialCapacity,Comparator<?super E>
* Peek, returns the next item in the queue without removing
* If it is empty then null is returned.
* @return the next item in the queue.
public E peek(){
return(E) q.findMax();
* This removes the first item from the queue.
* It returns null if the queue is empty.
* @return the first item in the queue.
public E remove(){
return(E) q.removeMax();
* This adds item to the queue
* @param item that is added to the queue.
void add(E item){
* isEmpty returns if the queue is empty or not.
* @return boolean if the queue is empty or not.
boolean isEmpty(){
* size returns the size of the queue.
* @return int the size of the queue.
publicint size(){
return q.size();
ArithmeticExpression {
BinaryTree t;
java.util.ArrayList list;
String equation;
void ArithmeticExpression(String) throws
public String toString(BinaryTree);
public String toPostfixString(BinaryTree);
void setVariable(String, int) throws
public int evaluate(BinaryTree);
ArithmeticExpression.javaArithmeticExpression.javaimport java
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;
* ArithmeticExpression takes equations in the form of strings c
reates a binary
* tree, and can return either the regular or postfix equation. It a
lso allows
* them to be calculated.
* Extra Credit:
* ** it can handle spaces or no spaces in the string inputted. **
it can return
* regular or postfix notation
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
BinaryTree t;
ArrayList list;
String equation;
* ArithmeticExpression is the construction which takes in a
* delimitated equation containing "*,/,+,-
" symbols and converts it into a
* binary tree.
* If the expression is not valid it will throw a ParseExceptio
n. This is
* the constructor. It will take a String containing the express
* ** The equation can take in stings delimitated by spaces, o
r withot any
* spaces. If it contains a mix, then the non spaced part(s) wil
l be
* considered to be a variable.
* @param expression
* @throws ParseException
* if the string is not a valid equation
ArithmeticExpression(String expression)throwsParseException{
//hold the string globally
equation = expression;
//create a new arrayList to be used globally that holds the variab
list =newArrayList();
//split the string
String[] s = expression.split(" ");
// create a stack of tree's and operators
Stack tree =newStack();
Stack operator =newStack();
//create the string Next
String next ="";
// if the string expression doesnt contain spaces
if(!expression.contains(" ")){
int i =0;
//if it starts with an operator throw an error this cannot be.
if(expression.charAt(0)=='+'|| expression.charAt(0)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(0)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(0)=='/'){
System.out.println("this equation starts with a operator.");
// if the expression ends with an operator throw an error this can
not be.
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='/'){
System.out.println("this equation ends with a operator.");
thrownewParseException(expression, expression.length());
//go through each characer in the expression and see if its a num
ber/variable, or operator.
while(i < expression.length()){
if(expression.charAt(i)=='+'|| expression.charAt(i)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(i)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(i)=='/'){
// if the character is a operator add a space to the begining and f
ront and add it to the "next" string
String str =String.valueOf(expression.charAt(i));
next = next +" "+ str +" ";
// if its an operator add it to the end of the "next" string.
next = next + expression.charAt(i);
// increase i to move to the next character.
// split the new string with added spaces.
s = next.split(" ");
// if the string still doesnt exist throw the error.
if(s.length ==0){
.println("there has been an error. You have not entered a string
with any characters");
// make sure there arent two operators in a row.
for(int i =0; i < s.length; i++){
if(i >=1
&&(s[i].equals("+")|| s[i].equals("-")
|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/"))){
if(s[i -1].equals("+")|| s[i -1].equals("-")
|| s[i -1].equals("*")|| s[i -1].equals("/")){
.println("there were two operators in a row. The equation is not
thrownewParseException(expression, i);
// check to make sure there arent two operands in a row in the St
if(i >=1
&&(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false
&& s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false)){
if(s[i -1].equals("+")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("-")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("*")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("/")==false){
.println("there were two operands in a row. The equation is not
thrownewParseException(expression, i);
// if its a number create a new tree node, and add it to the tree st
if(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false
&& s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false){
BinaryTree o =newBinaryTree(null, s[i],null);
}elseif(operator.empty()|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/")){
//if its a * or / symbol hold it to ensure order of operation
//group the tree's together.
String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop();
BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two);
// at the end ensure that the operator is empty.
String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop();
BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two);
//if there is more than 1 tree at the end something went wrong
// this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier
// this is just to ensure completeness.
.println("this expression is invalid. There were more operands t
han operators.");
.println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie
//if there are still operators there is something wrong
// this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier
// this is just to ensure completeness.
.println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie
.println("there were too many operators in the string the progra
m cannot continue.");
// set the tree globally
t =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
* toString returns the String equation of that the passed in bi
nary tree
* represents.
* @param tree
* that represents an equation
* @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin
publicString toString(BinaryTree tree){
// if its a leaf return its value
return(String) tree.getValue();
//else combine each parent child combination
//call recursively, and contain each call in parenthesis.
String s =("("+ toString(tree.getLeftChild())+ tree.getValue()
+ toString(tree.getRightChild())+")");
return s;
* toPostfixString returns the string containing the parsed exp
ression in
* postFix notation with spaces between numbers and operato
rs to ensure clarity.
* @param tree that represents an equation
* @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin
aryTree in
* postfix form.
publicString toPostfixString(BinaryTree tree){
//if its a leaf return its value
return(String) tree.getValue();
//otherwise call recursively down the tree
// and add the operator to the end of the two operands.
// also add spaces to allow numbers to be seen individually.
String s = toPostfixString(tree.getRightChild())+" "
+ toPostfixString(tree.getLeftChild())+" "
+ tree.getValue();
System.out.println("this is what s is "+ s);
return s;
* This allows the user to set a value for a variable in the exp
ression. If
* the variable does not exist in the function, throw a NotBou
* @param name of the variable
* @param value that the variable has
* @throws NotBoundException if the variable is not used in
the equation
void setVariable(String name,int value)throwsNotBoundExcepti
//Note var, is not a Var it is a seperate class that is an object.
//if the equation string doesnt contain the variable throw an erro
// else continue and check if the var object is already in the list
for(int i =0; i < list.size(); i++){
var v =(var) list.get(i);
//if so change the value of the var object
// otherwise add the var object to the list.
list.add(new var(name, value));
* Evaluate returns the integer result of the expression.
* Variables that are not declared are calculated at 0.
* @return the value of the equation
publicint evaluate(BinaryTree tree){
//if it is a leaf
String s =(String) tree.getValue();
//if all characters are numbers simply skip down to return the in
teger value.
for(int i =0; i < s.length(); i++){
if(s.charAt(i)=='0'|| s.charAt(i)==('1')
|| s.charAt(i)=='2'|| s.charAt(i)=='3'
|| s.charAt(i)=='4'|| s.charAt(i)=='5'
|| s.charAt(i)=='6'|| s.charAt(i)=='7'
|| s.charAt(i)=='8'|| s.charAt(i)=='9'){
//if there are non numeric characters check if the list has their v
for(int j =0; j < list.size(); j++){
var h =(var) list.get(j);
return h.getValue();
//otherwise tell the user that this variable cannot be found and t
hat its value is calulated at 0
System.out.println("this variable "+ s
+" cannot be found! Its value will be 0.");
returnInteger.parseInt((String) tree.getValue());
//find the left and right values of the tree
int left = evaluate(tree.getLeftChild());
int right = evaluate(tree.getRightChild());
//calculate appropriately.
return left * right;
return left / right;
return left + right;
return left - right;
Map.classpublicsynchronizedclass Map {
BSTMap root;
BSTMap found;
java.util.TreeSet set;
public void Map();
public void put(Comparable, Object);
public Object get(Comparable);
public boolean containsKey(Comparable);
private BSTMap getBSTMap(Comparable);
public Object remove(Comparable);
private BSTMap sucessor(BSTMap);
public java.util.Set keySet();
Map.javaMap.javaimport java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
publicclassMap<K extendsComparable<K>,V>{
BSTMap root;
BSTMap found;
TreeSet<K> set;
* Map initializes the map.
* put loads the Key and value into a BSTMap object, and the
key into the set.
* If the key already exists the value is changed to the new va
* @param key the K key value
* @param value the V value value
publicvoid put(K key, V value){
//if the root is null this is the root
//if the key exists then change the value
//otherwise create a new BSTMap
BSTMap i =newBSTMap(key,value);
//add it to the set
//and find its place in the BSTmap tree.No key can be identical.
boolean done=false;
BSTMap c= root;
//if it is bigger go right
if(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())>=0){
//if it is smaller go left.
}elseif(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())<0){
* This finds the value associated with they key. If this key c
annot be found null is returned.
* @param key the K key value
* @return V the associated V value.
public V get(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return(V) current.obj.getValue();
*containsKey returns boolean if the key exists in the map.
* @param key the K key value to look for
* @return boolean if it exists
publicboolean containsKey(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return current.obj.getKey().equals(key);
* getBSTMap returns the BSTMap associated with a key val
* @param key the K key value
* @return BSTMap contained the K key.
privateBSTMap getBSTMap(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return current;
* remove removes the BSTMap associated with they key, an
d returns its associated value.
* If the key cannot be found null is returned
* @param key the K key value to be found
* @return V the value of associated with the BSTMap contai
ning the K key value.
public V remove(K key){
System.out.println("the node to remove is the root.");
V val=(V) root.obj.getValue();
return val;
BSTMap n= getBSTMap(key);
V a=(V) n.obj.getValue();
BSTMap temp=null;
BSTMap child=null;
}elseif(n.getLeft()!=null&& n.getLeft().getRight()==null){
}elseif(n.getRight()!=null&& n.getRight().getLeft()==null){
System.out.println("this is the temp:"+
return a;
privateBSTMap sucessor(BSTMap n){
boolean running=true;
BSTMap current=n.getRight();
return current;
* keySet returns a Set of the K key values in the map.
* @return
publicSet<K> keySet(){
return set;
BinaryTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTree {
Object v;
BinaryTree treeLeft;
BinaryTree treeRight;
void BinaryTree(BinaryTree, Object, BinaryTree);
BinaryTree getLeftChild();
BinaryTree getRightChild();
void setLeftChild(BinaryTree);
void setRightChild(BinaryTree);
void setValue(Object);
Object getValue();
boolean isLeaf();
* BinaryTree is a form of linked nodes that form a tree.
* @author tai-lan hirabayashi
* @param <E> the object value that is within each node.
E v;
BinaryTree<E> treeLeft;
BinaryTree<E> treeRight;
* BinaryTree creates a new node binaryTree which holds an
object value.
* It takes in the value, left and right child and holds them wi
thin the node.
* @param left the left child of the node.
* @param value the object the node holds
* @param right the right child of the node
BinaryTree(BinaryTree<E> left, E value,BinaryTree<E> right){
* getLeftChild returns the left child node.
* @return the left child, a binary tree node.
BinaryTree<E> getLeftChild(){
return treeLeft;
* getRightChild returns the right child node.
* @return the right child,a binaryTree node.
BinaryTree<E> getRightChild(){
return treeRight;
* setLeftChild, sets the left child of the current node.
* @param l is the left child, a binaryTree node.
void setLeftChild(BinaryTree<E> l){
* setRightChild, sets the right child of the current node.
* @param r the right child, a binaryTree node.
void setRightChild(BinaryTree<E> r){
* setValue sets the value of a node.
* @param object value of the node.
void setValue(E object){
* getValue returns the value held in the node.
* @return the object value of the node.
E getValue(){
return v;
* isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha
s children.
* @return boolean if the node is a leaf node.
boolean isLeaf(){
if(getLeftChild()==null&& getRightChild()==null){
HuffmanTreeTest {
HuffmanTree h;
String t;
public void HuffmanTreeTest();
public void start() throws;
public void testEncode();
public void testDecode();
importstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
HuffmanTree h;
String t;
* start creates a test case
* @throws FileNotFoundException
publicvoid start()throwsFileNotFoundException{
h =HuffmanTree.newTreeFromFile(newFile("/Users/tai-
* testEncode tries to encode a string.
publicvoid testEncode(){
t = h.encode("This program must work!");
* testDecode tries to decode the string.
publicvoid testDecode(){
assertEquals("This program must work!", h.decode(t));
HTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTreeTest {
HTree t;
public void HTreeTest();
public void start();
public void testGetBelow();
public void testGetF();
public void testGetS();
public void testGetL();
public void testGetR();
public void testIsLeaf();
public void testSetL();
public void testSetR();
HTreeTest.javaHTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
HTree t;
* Start initializes a test case of HTree
publicvoid start(){
HTree a=newHTree(2,"two");
HTree b=newHTree(3,"three");
* testGetBelow tests GetBelow
publicvoid testGetBelow(){
HTree a=newHTree(4,"a");
HTree b=newHTree(5,"b");
* testGetF tests getF
publicvoid testGetF(){
* testGetS tests getS
publicvoid testGetS(){
* testGetL tests getL
publicvoid testGetL(){
* testGetR tests getR
publicvoid testGetR(){
* testIsLeaf tests isLeaf
publicvoid testIsLeaf(){
* testSetL tests setL
publicvoid testSetL(){
* testSetR tests setR
publicvoid testSetR(){
Heap$MaxHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator {
public void Heap$MaxHeapComparator();
public int compare(Comparable, Comparable);
Heap$MinHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator {
public void Heap$MinHeapComparator();
public int compare(Comparable, Comparable);
Heap.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap {
int s;
Object[] h;
int maxS;
java.util.Comparator c;
public void Heap(int, java.util.Comparator);
public Object findMax();
public Object removeMax();
public void insert(Object);
public int size();
private void siftUp(int);
private void siftDown(int);
Heap.javaHeap.javaimport java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
int s;
Object[] h;
int maxS;
Comparator c;
* Heap takes in the initial size of the heap.
* @param i the integer value of the size of the heap.
publicHeap(int i,Comparator<?super E> comparator){
* findMax returns the largest item of the heap.
* If the heap is empty it will throw a noSuchElementExcepti
* @return E the max object
public E findMax(){
System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i
s empty");
return(E) h[0];
* removeMax removes the largest item. If the list is empty a
NoSuchElementException is thrown.
* @return the max object
public E removeMax(){
System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i
s empty");
E last =(E) h[s-1];
E first =(E) h[0];
return first;
* insert inserts an item into the heap and bubbles it into the
correct position.
* @param item that is inserted
publicvoid insert(E item){
Object[] grownArray =newObject[maxS];
System.arraycopy(h,0, grownArray,0, h.length);
* size returns the size of the heap.
* @return the integer size of the heap
publicint size(){
return s;
* siftUp, sifts the node at index i up through the heap into th
e correct position.
* @param i the value to begin sifting
privatevoid siftUp(int i)
int n=i;
boolean inPlace =false;
int a=(n-1)/2;
E below=(E) h[n];
E above=(E) h[a];
h[n]= above;
* SiftDown sifts the node at index i down to the correct spot
in the heap.
* @param i the value to begin sifting
privatevoid siftDown(int i)
int n=i;
boolean inPlace =false;
int a=(n*2)+1;
E above=(E) h[n];
E belowL=(E) h[a];
E belowR=(E) h[a+1];
if(belowL==null&& belowR==null){
//if neither of the children are null
if(belowL !=null&& belowR !=null){
//compare to the left child
System.out.println("down and to the left!");
h[a]= above;
//compare to the right child
System.out.println("down and to the right!");
h[a+1]= above;
//otherwise its in place
System.out.println("its down in place");
//if the left child isnt null
}elseif(belowL !=null){
if(, belowL)<0){
h[n]= above;
// if the right child isnt null compare it to the parent
h[a+1]= above;
* MaxHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t
he max value.
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
* @param <E> the comparable object
publicstaticclassMaxHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E
publicint compare(E o1, E o2){
return o1.compareTo(o2);
* MinHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t
he lower value
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
* @param <E> the comparable object
publicstaticclassMinHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E>
publicint compare(E o1, E o2){
return(-1* o1.compareTo(o2));
PriorityQueueTest {
PriorityQueue p;
public void PriorityQueueTest();
public void start();
public void testPeek();
public void testRemove();
public void testSize();
public void testEmpty();
PriorityQueueTest.javaPriorityQueueTest.javaimportstatic org.j
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
PriorityQueue p;
* Start initialized the program, with a queue of 1,2,3,4 and a
max priority.
publicvoid start(){
Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator();
p=newPriorityQueue(10, c);
* testPeek tests the peek function.
publicvoid testPeek(){
assertEquals(4, p.peek());
assertEquals(3, p.peek());
assertEquals(2, p.peek());
assertEquals(1, p.peek());
assertEquals(null, p.peek());
* restRemove tests the remove function.
publicvoid testRemove(){
assertEquals(4, p.remove());
assertEquals(3, p.remove());
assertEquals(2, p.remove());
assertEquals(1, p.remove());
assertEquals(null, p.remove());
* testSize tests the size function.
publicvoid testSize(){
assertEquals(4, p.size());
assertEquals(3, p.size());
assertEquals(2, p.size());
assertEquals(1, p.size());
assertEquals(0, p.size());
assertEquals(1, p.size());
* testEmpty tests the isEmpty function of priorityQueue.
publicvoid testEmpty(){
BSTMap.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMap extends Map {
nObject obj;
BSTMap left;
BSTMap right;
int s;
BSTMap parent;
public void BSTMap(Object, Object);
public void setParent(BSTMap);
public BSTMap getParent();
public void setLeft(BSTMap);
public void setRight(BSTMap);
public BSTMap getLeft();
public BSTMap getRight();
boolean isLeaf();
nObject obj;
BSTMap<K,V> left;
BSTMap<K,V> right;
int s;
BSTMap<K,V> parent;
* BSTMap creates a node with a K key and V value.
* @param ke the K value
* @param va the V value
publicBSTMap(K ke, V va){
obj=new nObject(ke,va);
* setParent sets the BSTMap which is this nodes parent.
* @param p the parent
publicvoid setParent(BSTMap<K,V> p){
* getParent returns the parent of this node.
* @return BSTMap that is this nodes parent.
publicBSTMap<K,V> getParent(){
return parent;
* setLeft sets the BSTMap left child.
* @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child.
publicvoid setLeft(BSTMap<K,V> child){
* setRight sets the this nodes BSTMap child.
* @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child.
publicvoid setRight(BSTMap<K,V> child){
* getLeft returns this nodes left BSTMap child.
* @return BSTMap this nodes left child
publicBSTMap<K,V> getLeft(){
return left;
* getRight returns this nodes right BSTMap child.
* @return BSTMap this nodes right child
publicBSTMap<K,V> getRight(){
return right;
* isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha
s children.
* It returns true for leaf, false for if it has children.
* @return boolean if the node is a leaf node.
boolean isLeaf(){
if(getLeft()==null&& getRight()==null){
BinaryTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTreeTest {
BinaryTree t;
public void BinaryTreeTest();
public void before();
public void testSetup();
public void testGetLeft();
public void testGetRight();
public void isLeaf();
public void setLeft();
public void setRight();
public void setValue();
BinaryTreeTest.javaBinaryTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.A
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* BinaryTreeTest tests to see if Binary Tree functions as expect
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
BinaryTree t;
* before sets up a base case.
publicvoid before(){
* testSetup makes sure the test has been initialized.
publicvoid testSetup(){
* tests the getLeft function
publicvoid testGetLeft(){
* Tests the get right function
publicvoid testGetRight(){
* Tests the isLeaf function.
publicvoid isLeaf(){
* Tests the setLeft function
publicvoid setLeft(){
* tests the setRightChild function
publicvoid setRight(){
* Tests the setValue function.
publicvoid setValue(){
ArithmeticExpressionTest {
ArithmeticExpression a;
public void ArithmeticExpressionTest();
public void startUp() throws java.text.ParseException;
public void testExceptions();
public void testToString();
public void testEval();
public void testVar() throws java.rmi.NotBoundException,
public void testPostFix();
public void testWithoutSpaces() throws
portstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* ArithmeticExpressionTest tests the functionality of Arithmeti
*** Note, the Program includes postFix() which returns a postfi
x String of the equation.
*** It can also handle strings with or without spaces.
* @author tai-lan hirabayashi
ArithmeticExpression a;
* StartUp sets up the base case scenario.
* @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid.
publicvoid startUp()throwsParseException{
a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + 4 * 2");
* testExceptions tests the programs thrown exceptions.
publicvoid testExceptions(){
boolean errorThrown =false;
a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + * 2");
}catch(ParseException e){
}catch(NotBoundException e){
* testToString tests the toString method of the ArithmeticEx
publicvoid testToString(){
System.out.println("this is toString: "+ a.toString(a.t));
* testEval tests the evaluate method of ArithmeticExpression
publicvoid testEval(){
* testVar tests the setVariable function of ArithmeticExpress
* by checking how a variable is handled.
* @throws NotBoundException
* @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid.
publicvoid testVar()throwsNotBoundException,ParseException{
a=newArithmeticExpression("2 + 3 * x");
* Tests the postFix() method.
publicvoid testPostFix(){
assertEquals(a.toPostfixString(a.t),"3 4 2 * +");
publicvoid testWithoutSpaces()throwsParseException{
nObject.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObject {
Object key;
Object value;
public void nObject(Object, Object);
public Object getKey();
public Object getValue();
public void changeKey(Object);
public void changeValue(Object);
publicclass nObject<K,V>{
K key;
V value;
* nObject creates a new nObject object with a K,V values he
* @param ky the K key value
* @param val the V value value.
public nObject (K ky, V val){
* getKey returns the K key.
* @return K, the key
public K getKey(){
return key;
* getValue returns the V value.
* @return V value
public V getValue(){
return value;
* changeK allows the user to pass in a new K key.
* @param ky K to be changed to.
publicvoid changeKey(K ky){
* changeValue allows the value to be changed.
* @param val the new V value.
publicvoid changeValue(V val){
BSTMapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMapTest {
BSTMap m;
public void BSTMapTest();
public void startUp();
public void testGetLeft();
public void testGetRight();
public void testGetParent();
public void testIsLeaf();
public void testSetLeft();
public void testSetRight();
public void testSetParent();
BSTMapTest.javaBSTMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
BSTMap m;
* startUp creates a new instance of BSTMap.
publicvoid startUp(){
* testGetLeft tests getLeft().
* It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, when it ha
s been changed, and when it has been removed.
publicvoid testGetLeft(){
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(child, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(a, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
* testGetRight tests getRight().
* It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, and when i
t has been removed.
publicvoid testGetRight(){
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(child, m.getRight());
assertEquals(a, m.getRight());
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
* testGetParent tests getParent()
* It tests when there is a parent, when there is not a parent.
publicvoid testGetParent(){
assertEquals(null, m.getParent());
assertEquals(null, m.getParent());
BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three");
assertEquals(m, child.getParent());
* testIsLeaf tests to see if a node is a leaf.
* It tests when it has no children, when it has a left child, a
right child, both, and when they have been removed.
publicvoid testIsLeaf(){
* testSetLeft tests setLeft()
publicvoid testSetLeft(){
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
* testSetRight tests setRight
publicvoid testSetRight(){
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(null, a.getRight());
assertEquals(child, a.getRight());
assertEquals(null, a.getRight());
* testSetParent tests setParent
publicvoid testSetParent(){
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(null, a.getParent());
assertEquals(child, a.getParent());
assertEquals(null, a.getParent());
HTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTree {
private String s;
private int f;
HTree l;
HTree r;
public void HTree(int, String);
public void setL(HTree);
public void setR(HTree);
public HTree getL();
public HTree getR();
public String getS();
public int getF();
public boolean isLeaf();
public int getBelow();
publicclassHTree<E extendsComparable<E>>{
privateString s;
privateint f;
HTree l;
HTree r;
* HTree creates a HTree object containing a int frequency an
d a String str.
* @param frequency the integer frequency of the str
* @param str the str value of this HTree
publicHTree(int frequency,String str){
* setL sets the left HTree value
* @param left the HTree that is the left child of this node
publicvoid setL(HTree left){
* setR sets the right HTree child value
* @param right the HTree that is the right child of this node
publicvoid setR(HTree right){
* getL returns the left child of this node.
* @return HTree the left child.
publicHTree getL(){
return l;
* getR returns the right child of this node.
* @return HTree the right child.
publicHTree getR(){
return r;
* getS returns the string value associated with this node
* @return String the value of this node
publicString getS(){
return s;
* getF returns the frequency value associated with this node.
* @return the int frequency value associated with this node.
publicint getF(){
return f;
* isLeaf returns boolean if this node is a leaf.
* @return boolean wether this node is a leaf.
publicboolean isLeaf(){
* getBelow recursively finds how many children this node h
* **this does not handle trees with only one child (as this do
es not occur in a huffmanTree)
* @return the int number height
publicint getBelow(){
int a=1+l.getBelow();
int b=1+r.getBelow();
System.out.println("returning a: "+ a);
return a;
System.out.println("returning b"+ b);
return b;
HeapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HeapTest {
Heap h;
Heap min;
public void HeapTest();
public void start();
public void testFindMax();
public void testRemoveMax();
public void testSize();
public void testMin();
HeapTest.javaHeapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
Heap h;
Heap min;
* start creates a test case of heap both min and max compara
publicvoid start(){
Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator<Intege
Comparator<Integer> m =newHeap.MinHeapComparator<Intege
System.out.println("this is 1");
System.out.println("this is 2");
System.out.println("this is 3");
System.out.println("this is 4");
* testFindMax tests the findMax function
publicvoid testFindMax(){
assertEquals(4, h.findMax());
assertEquals(4, h.removeMax());
assertEquals(3, h.findMax());
assertEquals(1, min.findMax());
assertEquals(1, min.removeMax());
assertEquals(2, min.findMax());
* testRemoveMax tests the remove max function
publicvoid testRemoveMax(){
assertEquals(4, h.findMax());
assertEquals(3, h.findMax());
assertEquals(1, min.findMax());
* testSize tests the size function of heap.
publicvoid testSize(){
assertEquals(4, h.size());
int o=(Integer) h.removeMax();
assertEquals(3, h.size());
assertEquals(4, h.size());
assertEquals(0, h.size());
assertEquals(4, min.size());
* testMin tests the minSort comparator.
publicvoid testMin(){
assertEquals(4, min.size());
HuffmanTree$CountPair {
int _count;
String _text;
private void HuffmanTree$CountPair(HuffmanTree, String,
HuffmanTree$CountPairTreeComparator implements
java.util.Comparator {
private void
public int compare(BinaryTree, BinaryTree);
HuffmanTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HuffmanTree { current;
BSTMap _lookupTable;
BinaryTree _huffmanTree;
public void HuffmanTree();
publicstatic HuffmanTree newTreeFromFile(
publicstatic HuffmanTree
newTreeFromCompressedFile( throws;
private void buildFromFile( throws;
private void buildTreeFromMap(PriorityQueue);
private void buildFromCompressedFile( throws;
public void saveCompressedFile(;
public void saveExpandedFile(;
public String encode(String);
public String decode(String);
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
* This class implements the basic functionality of Huffman co
mpression and expansion.
* @author C. Andrews
File current;
BSTMap<String,String> _lookupTable =newBSTMap<String,Str
BinaryTree<CountPair> _huffmanTree;
* This is a factory method for reading in a fresh text file to i
nitialize the Huffman tree.
* @param file the document to use for the code frequencies
* @return a HuffmanTree containing the Huffman codes bas
ed on the frequencies observed in the document
* @throws FileNotFoundException
publicstaticHuffmanTree newTreeFromFile(File file)throwsFile
HuffmanTree tree =newHuffmanTree();
return tree;
* This is a factory method that builds a new HuffmanTree fr
om a compressed file.
* @param file a file that has been compressed with a Huffma
n tool
* @return a new HuffmanTree containing the codes for deco
ding the file
* @throws FileNotFoundException
publicstaticHuffmanTree newTreeFromCompressedFile(File file
// TODO implement this
* This method builds the Huffman tree from the input file.
* @param file the file to use to construct the Huffman tree
* @throws FileNotFoundException
privatevoid buildFromFile(File file)throwsFileNotFoundExcepti
// read file and build the map of the character frequencies
Map<String,Integer> freqMap =newBSTMap<String,Integer>();
Scanner scanner =newScanner(file);
String character;
character =;
Integer count = freqMap.get(character);
if(count ==null){
count =Integer.valueOf(0);
freqMap.put(character, count+1);
// for each key, make a tree and load it into the priority queue
PriorityQueue<BinaryTree<CountPair>> treeQueue =newPriorit
BinaryTree<CountPair> tmpTree;
for(String key: freqMap.keySet()){
int frequency = freqMap.get(key);
tmpTree =newBinaryTree<CountPair>(null,newCountPa
ir(key, frequency),null);
// while the size of the priority queue is greater than 1, combine
the top items into a tree and put them back in the priority queue
BinaryTree<CountPair> tree1, tree2;
int newFrequency;
String newText;
tree1 = treeQueue.remove();
tree2 = treeQueue.remove();
// If the height of the second tree is less than the height of the fi
// or the heights are the same and tree2 precedes tree1 alphabeti
cally, swap them so
// the smaller/earlier tree is put on the left
if(tree1.getValue()._text.length()> tree2.getValue()._text.length
||( tree1.getValue()._text.length()== tree2.getValue()._text.lengt
&& tree1.getValue()._text.compareTo(tree2.getValue()._text)>0
tmpTree = tree1;
tree1 = tree2;
tree2 = tmpTree;
// create a new tree combining the two smaller trees, computing
a new frequency that is the sum of the
// children frequencies and a new text that is the appended comb
ination of the children's text
newFrequency = tree1.getValue()._count + tree2.getVal
newText = tree1.getValue()._text + tree2.getValue()._te
tmpTree =newBinaryTree<CountPair>(tree1,newCountP
air(newText, newFrequency), tree2);
// pull the completed tree from the priority queue
BinaryTree<CountPair> tree = treeQueue.remove();
// create map of symbols to code lengths using the tree
Map<String,Integer> codeLengthMap =newMap<String,Integer>
// TODO implement this part
PriorityQueue pq=newPriorityQueue(setC.size(),new treeCompa
privatevoid buildTreeFromMap(PriorityQueue q){
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Builds the tree using information found in a compressed fil
* The table is the first thing we find in the file. The first pie
ce of data is the length
* of the table (L). This is followed by L pairs of character an
d code length pairs.
* @param file the file to read the Huffman code from.
privatevoid buildFromCompressedFile(File file)throwsFileNotF
// TODO implement this
* Read the original file and compress it using the Huffman cod
es, writing the result
* into the output file.
* @param outputFile the output file
publicvoid saveCompressedFile(File outputFile){
// TODO implement this
* Read the compressed file that initialized this object and wr
ite the decoded version out
* into the output file.
* @param outputFile the destination file for the uncompress
ed file.
publicvoid saveExpandedFile(File outputFile){
// TODO implement this
* This method reads in a String of text and returns a String o
f 0s and 1s corresponding to the Huffman code stored in this tre
* @param text the text to be encoded
* @return a String representation of the Huffman code
publicString encode(String text){
StringBuilder builder =newStringBuilder();
String tmp;
for(int i =0; i < text.length(); i++){
tmp = _lookupTable.get(String.valueOf(text.charAt(i)));
return builder.toString();
* This method reads in a String representation of a Huffman
code corresponding to this Huffman tree and decodes it.
* @param text a String representation of the a Huffman code
d message
* @return the original text
publicString decode(String text){
StringBuilder builder =newStringBuilder();
BinaryTree<CountPair> current = _huffmanTree;
for(int i =0; i < text.length(); i++){
char c = text.charAt(i);
if(c =='0'){
current = current.getLeftChild();
}elseif(c =='1'){
current = current.getRightChild();
thrownewRuntimeException("Encountered unexpected character
in coded String");
current = _huffmanTree;
return builder.toString();
int _count;
String _text;
privateCountPair(String text,int count){
_text = text;
_count = count;
publicint compare(BinaryTree<CountPair> t1,BinaryTree<Coun
tPair> t2){
CountPair p1 = t1.getValue();
CountPair p2 = t2.getValue();
if(p1._count != p2._count){
return p2._count - p1._count;
}elseif(p1._text.length()!= p2._text.length()){
return-p1._text.length()- p2._text.length();
return p1._text.compareTo(p2._text);
nObjectTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObjectTest {
nObject o;
public void nObjectTest();
public void setUp();
public void testChangeKey();
public void testChangeValue();
public void testGetKey();
public void testGetValue();
nObjectTest.javanObjectTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
publicclass nObjectTest {
nObject o;
* setUp sets up the test.
publicvoid setUp(){
o=new nObject("one",1);
* tests the change Key function
publicvoid testChangeKey(){
assertEquals("one", o.getKey());
assertEquals("two", o.getKey());
* tests the change Value function
publicvoid testChangeValue(){
assertEquals(1, o.getValue());
assertEquals(2, o.getValue());
* testGetKey tests the getKey method
publicvoid testGetKey(){
assertEquals("one", o.getKey());
assertEquals("two", o.getKey());
* testGetValue tests get Value
publicvoid testGetValue(){
assertEquals(1, o.getValue());
assertEquals(2, o.getValue());
MapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass MapTest {
Map m;
public void MapTest();
public void start();
public void testContainsKey();
public void testGet();
public void testKeySet();
public void testPut();
public void testRemove();
MapTest.javaMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
Map m;
* start() creates an initial map to test.
publicvoid start(){
* testContainsKey tests the containsKey function.
* It tests when there are more than one object, one object,
* when the object is contained, and when the object is not co
publicvoid testContainsKey(){
assertTrue( m.containsKey(5));
* testGet tests the get function of map.
* It tests when there are no objects, when there is an object,
and when there are more than one objects.
publicvoid testGet(){
assertEquals(null, m.get(5));
* testKeySet tests keySet.
publicvoid testKeySet(){
assertEquals(true, m.keySet().isEmpty());
assertEquals(false, m.keySet().isEmpty());
assertEquals(true, m.keySet().contains(5));
* testPut tests the put method of map.
publicvoid testPut(){
assertEquals(null, m.get(5));
* testRemove tests map's remove function
* It tests if it can remove something that isnt in map, and re
moval of objects not in order.
publicvoid testRemove(){
assertEquals(null, m.remove("a"));
assertEquals("three", m.remove(3));
assertEquals("five", m.remove(5));
assertEquals("four", m.remove(4));
assignment 8
Manifest-Version: 1.0
PriorityQueue.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueue {
Heap q;
public void PriorityQueue(int, java.util.Comparator);
public Object peek();
public Object remove();
void add(Object);
boolean isEmpty();
public int size();
PriorityQueue.javaPriorityQueue.javaimport java.util.Comparat
Heap q;
*PriorityQueue initializes the queue.
* @param initialCapacity an int that is the heaps initial size.
* @param comparator the priority of various imputs.
publicPriorityQueue(int initialCapacity,Comparator<?super E>
* Peek, returns the next item in the queue without removing
* If it is empty then null is returned.
* @return the next item in the queue.
public E peek(){
return(E) q.findMax();
* This removes the first item from the queue.
* It returns null if the queue is empty.
* @return the first item in the queue.
public E remove(){
return(E) q.removeMax();
* This adds item to the queue
* @param item that is added to the queue.
void add(E item){
* isEmpty returns if the queue is empty or not.
* @return boolean if the queue is empty or not.
boolean isEmpty(){
* size returns the size of the queue.
* @return int the size of the queue.
publicint size(){
return q.size();
ArithmeticExpression {
BinaryTree t;
java.util.ArrayList list;
String equation;
void ArithmeticExpression(String) throws
public String toString(BinaryTree);
public String toPostfixString(BinaryTree);
void setVariable(String, int) throws
public int evaluate(BinaryTree);
ArithmeticExpression.javaArithmeticExpression.javaimport java
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;
* ArithmeticExpression takes equations in the form of strings c
reates a binary
* tree, and can return either the regular or postfix equation. It a
lso allows
* them to be calculated.
* Extra Credit:
* ** it can handle spaces or no spaces in the string inputted. **
it can return
* regular or postfix notation
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
BinaryTree t;
ArrayList list;
String equation;
* ArithmeticExpression is the construction which takes in a
* delimitated equation containing "*,/,+,-
" symbols and converts it into a
* binary tree.
* If the expression is not valid it will throw a ParseExceptio
n. This is
* the constructor. It will take a String containing the express
* ** The equation can take in stings delimitated by spaces, o
r withot any
* spaces. If it contains a mix, then the non spaced part(s) wil
l be
* considered to be a variable.
* @param expression
* @throws ParseException
* if the string is not a valid equation
ArithmeticExpression(String expression)throwsParseException{
//hold the string globally
equation = expression;
//create a new arrayList to be used globally that holds the variab
list =newArrayList();
//split the string
String[] s = expression.split(" ");
// create a stack of tree's and operators
Stack tree =newStack();
Stack operator =newStack();
//create the string Next
String next ="";
// if the string expression doesnt contain spaces
if(!expression.contains(" ")){
int i =0;
//if it starts with an operator throw an error this cannot be.
if(expression.charAt(0)=='+'|| expression.charAt(0)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(0)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(0)=='/'){
System.out.println("this equation starts with a operator.");
// if the expression ends with an operator throw an error this can
not be.
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='/'){
System.out.println("this equation ends with a operator.");
thrownewParseException(expression, expression.length());
//go through each characer in the expression and see if its a num
ber/variable, or operator.
while(i < expression.length()){
if(expression.charAt(i)=='+'|| expression.charAt(i)=='*'
|| expression.charAt(i)=='-'
|| expression.charAt(i)=='/'){
// if the character is a operator add a space to the begining and f
ront and add it to the "next" string
String str =String.valueOf(expression.charAt(i));
next = next +" "+ str +" ";
// if its an operator add it to the end of the "next" string.
next = next + expression.charAt(i);
// increase i to move to the next character.
// split the new string with added spaces.
s = next.split(" ");
// if the string still doesnt exist throw the error.
if(s.length ==0){
.println("there has been an error. You have not entered a string
with any characters");
// make sure there arent two operators in a row.
for(int i =0; i < s.length; i++){
if(i >=1
&&(s[i].equals("+")|| s[i].equals("-")
|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/"))){
if(s[i -1].equals("+")|| s[i -1].equals("-")
|| s[i -1].equals("*")|| s[i -1].equals("/")){
.println("there were two operators in a row. The equation is not
thrownewParseException(expression, i);
// check to make sure there arent two operands in a row in the St
if(i >=1
&&(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false
&& s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false)){
if(s[i -1].equals("+")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("-")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("*")==false
&& s[i -1].equals("/")==false){
.println("there were two operands in a row. The equation is not
thrownewParseException(expression, i);
// if its a number create a new tree node, and add it to the tree st
if(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false
&& s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false){
BinaryTree o =newBinaryTree(null, s[i],null);
}elseif(operator.empty()|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/")){
//if its a * or / symbol hold it to ensure order of operation
//group the tree's together.
String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop();
BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two);
// at the end ensure that the operator is empty.
String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop();
BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two);
//if there is more than 1 tree at the end something went wrong
// this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier
// this is just to ensure completeness.
.println("this expression is invalid. There were more operands t
han operators.");
.println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie
//if there are still operators there is something wrong
// this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier
// this is just to ensure completeness.
.println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie
.println("there were too many operators in the string the progra
m cannot continue.");
// set the tree globally
t =(BinaryTree) tree.pop();
* toString returns the String equation of that the passed in bi
nary tree
* represents.
* @param tree
* that represents an equation
* @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin
publicString toString(BinaryTree tree){
// if its a leaf return its value
return(String) tree.getValue();
//else combine each parent child combination
//call recursively, and contain each call in parenthesis.
String s =("("+ toString(tree.getLeftChild())+ tree.getValue()
+ toString(tree.getRightChild())+")");
return s;
* toPostfixString returns the string containing the parsed exp
ression in
* postFix notation with spaces between numbers and operato
rs to ensure clarity.
* @param tree that represents an equation
* @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin
aryTree in
* postfix form.
publicString toPostfixString(BinaryTree tree){
//if its a leaf return its value
return(String) tree.getValue();
//otherwise call recursively down the tree
// and add the operator to the end of the two operands.
// also add spaces to allow numbers to be seen individually.
String s = toPostfixString(tree.getRightChild())+" "
+ toPostfixString(tree.getLeftChild())+" "
+ tree.getValue();
System.out.println("this is what s is "+ s);
return s;
* This allows the user to set a value for a variable in the exp
ression. If
* the variable does not exist in the function, throw a NotBou
* @param name of the variable
* @param value that the variable has
* @throws NotBoundException if the variable is not used in
the equation
void setVariable(String name,int value)throwsNotBoundExcepti
//Note var, is not a Var it is a seperate class that is an object.
//if the equation string doesnt contain the variable throw an erro
// else continue and check if the var object is already in the list
for(int i =0; i < list.size(); i++){
var v =(var) list.get(i);
//if so change the value of the var object
// otherwise add the var object to the list.
list.add(new var(name, value));
* Evaluate returns the integer result of the expression.
* Variables that are not declared are calculated at 0.
* @return the value of the equation
publicint evaluate(BinaryTree tree){
//if it is a leaf
String s =(String) tree.getValue();
//if all characters are numbers simply skip down to return the in
teger value.
for(int i =0; i < s.length(); i++){
if(s.charAt(i)=='0'|| s.charAt(i)==('1')
|| s.charAt(i)=='2'|| s.charAt(i)=='3'
|| s.charAt(i)=='4'|| s.charAt(i)=='5'
|| s.charAt(i)=='6'|| s.charAt(i)=='7'
|| s.charAt(i)=='8'|| s.charAt(i)=='9'){
//if there are non numeric characters check if the list has their v
for(int j =0; j < list.size(); j++){
var h =(var) list.get(j);
return h.getValue();
//otherwise tell the user that this variable cannot be found and t
hat its value is calulated at 0
System.out.println("this variable "+ s
+" cannot be found! Its value will be 0.");
returnInteger.parseInt((String) tree.getValue());
//find the left and right values of the tree
int left = evaluate(tree.getLeftChild());
int right = evaluate(tree.getRightChild());
//calculate appropriately.
return left * right;
return left / right;
return left + right;
return left - right;
Map.classpublicsynchronizedclass Map {
BSTMap root;
BSTMap found;
java.util.TreeSet set;
public void Map();
public void put(Comparable, Object);
public Object get(Comparable);
public boolean containsKey(Comparable);
private BSTMap getBSTMap(Comparable);
public Object remove(Comparable);
private BSTMap sucessor(BSTMap);
public java.util.Set keySet();
Map.javaMap.javaimport java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
publicclassMap<K extendsComparable<K>,V>{
BSTMap root;
BSTMap found;
TreeSet<K> set;
* Map initializes the map.
* put loads the Key and value into a BSTMap object, and the
key into the set.
* If the key already exists the value is changed to the new va
* @param key the K key value
* @param value the V value value
publicvoid put(K key, V value){
//if the root is null this is the root
//if the key exists then change the value
//otherwise create a new BSTMap
BSTMap i =newBSTMap(key,value);
//add it to the set
//and find its place in the BSTmap tree.No key can be identical.
boolean done=false;
BSTMap c= root;
//if it is bigger go right
if(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())>=0){
//if it is smaller go left.
}elseif(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())<0){
* This finds the value associated with they key. If this key c
annot be found null is returned.
* @param key the K key value
* @return V the associated V value.
public V get(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return(V) current.obj.getValue();
*containsKey returns boolean if the key exists in the map.
* @param key the K key value to look for
* @return boolean if it exists
publicboolean containsKey(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return current.obj.getKey().equals(key);
* getBSTMap returns the BSTMap associated with a key val
* @param key the K key value
* @return BSTMap contained the K key.
privateBSTMap getBSTMap(K key){
BSTMap current= root;
while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){
return current;
* remove removes the BSTMap associated with they key, an
d returns its associated value.
* If the key cannot be found null is returned
* @param key the K key value to be found
* @return V the value of associated with the BSTMap contai
ning the K key value.
public V remove(K key){
System.out.println("the node to remove is the root.");
V val=(V) root.obj.getValue();
return val;
BSTMap n= getBSTMap(key);
V a=(V) n.obj.getValue();
BSTMap temp=null;
BSTMap child=null;
}elseif(n.getLeft()!=null&& n.getLeft().getRight()==null){
}elseif(n.getRight()!=null&& n.getRight().getLeft()==null){
System.out.println("this is the temp:"+
return a;
privateBSTMap sucessor(BSTMap n){
boolean running=true;
BSTMap current=n.getRight();
return current;
* keySet returns a Set of the K key values in the map.
* @return
publicSet<K> keySet(){
return set;
BinaryTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTree {
Object v;
BinaryTree treeLeft;
BinaryTree treeRight;
void BinaryTree(BinaryTree, Object, BinaryTree);
BinaryTree getLeftChild();
BinaryTree getRightChild();
void setLeftChild(BinaryTree);
void setRightChild(BinaryTree);
void setValue(Object);
Object getValue();
boolean isLeaf();
* BinaryTree is a form of linked nodes that form a tree.
* @author tai-lan hirabayashi
* @param <E> the object value that is within each node.
E v;
BinaryTree<E> treeLeft;
BinaryTree<E> treeRight;
* BinaryTree creates a new node binaryTree which holds an
object value.
* It takes in the value, left and right child and holds them wi
thin the node.
* @param left the left child of the node.
* @param value the object the node holds
* @param right the right child of the node
BinaryTree(BinaryTree<E> left, E value,BinaryTree<E> right){
* getLeftChild returns the left child node.
* @return the left child, a binary tree node.
BinaryTree<E> getLeftChild(){
return treeLeft;
* getRightChild returns the right child node.
* @return the right child,a binaryTree node.
BinaryTree<E> getRightChild(){
return treeRight;
* setLeftChild, sets the left child of the current node.
* @param l is the left child, a binaryTree node.
void setLeftChild(BinaryTree<E> l){
* setRightChild, sets the right child of the current node.
* @param r the right child, a binaryTree node.
void setRightChild(BinaryTree<E> r){
* setValue sets the value of a node.
* @param object value of the node.
void setValue(E object){
* getValue returns the value held in the node.
* @return the object value of the node.
E getValue(){
return v;
* isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha
s children.
* @return boolean if the node is a leaf node.
boolean isLeaf(){
if(getLeftChild()==null&& getRightChild()==null){
HuffmanTreeTest {
HuffmanTree h;
String t;
public void HuffmanTreeTest();
public void start() throws;
public void testEncode();
public void testDecode();
importstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
HuffmanTree h;
String t;
* start creates a test case
* @throws FileNotFoundException
publicvoid start()throwsFileNotFoundException{
h =HuffmanTree.newTreeFromFile(newFile("/Users/tai-
* testEncode tries to encode a string.
publicvoid testEncode(){
t = h.encode("This program must work!");
* testDecode tries to decode the string.
publicvoid testDecode(){
assertEquals("This program must work!", h.decode(t));
HTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTreeTest {
HTree t;
public void HTreeTest();
public void start();
public void testGetBelow();
public void testGetF();
public void testGetS();
public void testGetL();
public void testGetR();
public void testIsLeaf();
public void testSetL();
public void testSetR();
HTreeTest.javaHTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
HTree t;
* Start initializes a test case of HTree
publicvoid start(){
HTree a=newHTree(2,"two");
HTree b=newHTree(3,"three");
* testGetBelow tests GetBelow
publicvoid testGetBelow(){
HTree a=newHTree(4,"a");
HTree b=newHTree(5,"b");
* testGetF tests getF
publicvoid testGetF(){
* testGetS tests getS
publicvoid testGetS(){
* testGetL tests getL
publicvoid testGetL(){
* testGetR tests getR
publicvoid testGetR(){
* testIsLeaf tests isLeaf
publicvoid testIsLeaf(){
* testSetL tests setL
publicvoid testSetL(){
* testSetR tests setR
publicvoid testSetR(){
Heap$MaxHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator {
public void Heap$MaxHeapComparator();
public int compare(Comparable, Comparable);
Heap$MinHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator {
public void Heap$MinHeapComparator();
public int compare(Comparable, Comparable);
Heap.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap {
int s;
Object[] h;
int maxS;
java.util.Comparator c;
public void Heap(int, java.util.Comparator);
public Object findMax();
public Object removeMax();
public void insert(Object);
public int size();
private void siftUp(int);
private void siftDown(int);
Heap.javaHeap.javaimport java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
int s;
Object[] h;
int maxS;
Comparator c;
* Heap takes in the initial size of the heap.
* @param i the integer value of the size of the heap.
publicHeap(int i,Comparator<?super E> comparator){
* findMax returns the largest item of the heap.
* If the heap is empty it will throw a noSuchElementExcepti
* @return E the max object
public E findMax(){
System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i
s empty");
return(E) h[0];
* removeMax removes the largest item. If the list is empty a
NoSuchElementException is thrown.
* @return the max object
public E removeMax(){
System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i
s empty");
E last =(E) h[s-1];
E first =(E) h[0];
return first;
* insert inserts an item into the heap and bubbles it into the
correct position.
* @param item that is inserted
publicvoid insert(E item){
Object[] grownArray =newObject[maxS];
System.arraycopy(h,0, grownArray,0, h.length);
* size returns the size of the heap.
* @return the integer size of the heap
publicint size(){
return s;
* siftUp, sifts the node at index i up through the heap into th
e correct position.
* @param i the value to begin sifting
privatevoid siftUp(int i)
int n=i;
boolean inPlace =false;
int a=(n-1)/2;
E below=(E) h[n];
E above=(E) h[a];
h[n]= above;
* SiftDown sifts the node at index i down to the correct spot
in the heap.
* @param i the value to begin sifting
privatevoid siftDown(int i)
int n=i;
boolean inPlace =false;
int a=(n*2)+1;
E above=(E) h[n];
E belowL=(E) h[a];
E belowR=(E) h[a+1];
if(belowL==null&& belowR==null){
//if neither of the children are null
if(belowL !=null&& belowR !=null){
//compare to the left child
System.out.println("down and to the left!");
h[a]= above;
//compare to the right child
System.out.println("down and to the right!");
h[a+1]= above;
//otherwise its in place
System.out.println("its down in place");
//if the left child isnt null
}elseif(belowL !=null){
if(, belowL)<0){
h[n]= above;
// if the right child isnt null compare it to the parent
h[a+1]= above;
* MaxHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t
he max value.
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
* @param <E> the comparable object
publicstaticclassMaxHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E
publicint compare(E o1, E o2){
return o1.compareTo(o2);
* MinHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t
he lower value
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
* @param <E> the comparable object
publicstaticclassMinHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E>
publicint compare(E o1, E o2){
return(-1* o1.compareTo(o2));
PriorityQueueTest {
PriorityQueue p;
public void PriorityQueueTest();
public void start();
public void testPeek();
public void testRemove();
public void testSize();
public void testEmpty();
PriorityQueueTest.javaPriorityQueueTest.javaimportstatic org.j
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
PriorityQueue p;
* Start initialized the program, with a queue of 1,2,3,4 and a
max priority.
publicvoid start(){
Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator();
p=newPriorityQueue(10, c);
* testPeek tests the peek function.
publicvoid testPeek(){
assertEquals(4, p.peek());
assertEquals(3, p.peek());
assertEquals(2, p.peek());
assertEquals(1, p.peek());
assertEquals(null, p.peek());
* restRemove tests the remove function.
publicvoid testRemove(){
assertEquals(4, p.remove());
assertEquals(3, p.remove());
assertEquals(2, p.remove());
assertEquals(1, p.remove());
assertEquals(null, p.remove());
* testSize tests the size function.
publicvoid testSize(){
assertEquals(4, p.size());
assertEquals(3, p.size());
assertEquals(2, p.size());
assertEquals(1, p.size());
assertEquals(0, p.size());
assertEquals(1, p.size());
* testEmpty tests the isEmpty function of priorityQueue.
publicvoid testEmpty(){
BSTMap.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMap extends Map {
nObject obj;
BSTMap left;
BSTMap right;
int s;
BSTMap parent;
public void BSTMap(Object, Object);
public void setParent(BSTMap);
public BSTMap getParent();
public void setLeft(BSTMap);
public void setRight(BSTMap);
public BSTMap getLeft();
public BSTMap getRight();
boolean isLeaf();
nObject obj;
BSTMap<K,V> left;
BSTMap<K,V> right;
int s;
BSTMap<K,V> parent;
* BSTMap creates a node with a K key and V value.
* @param ke the K value
* @param va the V value
publicBSTMap(K ke, V va){
obj=new nObject(ke,va);
* setParent sets the BSTMap which is this nodes parent.
* @param p the parent
publicvoid setParent(BSTMap<K,V> p){
* getParent returns the parent of this node.
* @return BSTMap that is this nodes parent.
publicBSTMap<K,V> getParent(){
return parent;
* setLeft sets the BSTMap left child.
* @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child.
publicvoid setLeft(BSTMap<K,V> child){
* setRight sets the this nodes BSTMap child.
* @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child.
publicvoid setRight(BSTMap<K,V> child){
* getLeft returns this nodes left BSTMap child.
* @return BSTMap this nodes left child
publicBSTMap<K,V> getLeft(){
return left;
* getRight returns this nodes right BSTMap child.
* @return BSTMap this nodes right child
publicBSTMap<K,V> getRight(){
return right;
* isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha
s children.
* It returns true for leaf, false for if it has children.
* @return boolean if the node is a leaf node.
boolean isLeaf(){
if(getLeft()==null&& getRight()==null){
BinaryTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTreeTest {
BinaryTree t;
public void BinaryTreeTest();
public void before();
public void testSetup();
public void testGetLeft();
public void testGetRight();
public void isLeaf();
public void setLeft();
public void setRight();
public void setValue();
BinaryTreeTest.javaBinaryTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.A
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* BinaryTreeTest tests to see if Binary Tree functions as expect
* @author tai-lanhirabayashi
BinaryTree t;
* before sets up a base case.
publicvoid before(){
* testSetup makes sure the test has been initialized.
publicvoid testSetup(){
* tests the getLeft function
publicvoid testGetLeft(){
* Tests the get right function
publicvoid testGetRight(){
* Tests the isLeaf function.
publicvoid isLeaf(){
* Tests the setLeft function
publicvoid setLeft(){
* tests the setRightChild function
publicvoid setRight(){
* Tests the setValue function.
publicvoid setValue(){
ArithmeticExpressionTest {
ArithmeticExpression a;
public void ArithmeticExpressionTest();
public void startUp() throws java.text.ParseException;
public void testExceptions();
public void testToString();
public void testEval();
public void testVar() throws java.rmi.NotBoundException,
public void testPostFix();
public void testWithoutSpaces() throws
portstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* ArithmeticExpressionTest tests the functionality of Arithmeti
*** Note, the Program includes postFix() which returns a postfi
x String of the equation.
*** It can also handle strings with or without spaces.
* @author tai-lan hirabayashi
ArithmeticExpression a;
* StartUp sets up the base case scenario.
* @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid.
publicvoid startUp()throwsParseException{
a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + 4 * 2");
* testExceptions tests the programs thrown exceptions.
publicvoid testExceptions(){
boolean errorThrown =false;
a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + * 2");
}catch(ParseException e){
}catch(NotBoundException e){
* testToString tests the toString method of the ArithmeticEx
publicvoid testToString(){
System.out.println("this is toString: "+ a.toString(a.t));
* testEval tests the evaluate method of ArithmeticExpression
publicvoid testEval(){
* testVar tests the setVariable function of ArithmeticExpress
* by checking how a variable is handled.
* @throws NotBoundException
* @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid.
publicvoid testVar()throwsNotBoundException,ParseException{
a=newArithmeticExpression("2 + 3 * x");
* Tests the postFix() method.
publicvoid testPostFix(){
assertEquals(a.toPostfixString(a.t),"3 4 2 * +");
publicvoid testWithoutSpaces()throwsParseException{
nObject.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObject {
Object key;
Object value;
public void nObject(Object, Object);
public Object getKey();
public Object getValue();
public void changeKey(Object);
public void changeValue(Object);
publicclass nObject<K,V>{
K key;
V value;
* nObject creates a new nObject object with a K,V values he
* @param ky the K key value
* @param val the V value value.
public nObject (K ky, V val){
* getKey returns the K key.
* @return K, the key
public K getKey(){
return key;
* getValue returns the V value.
* @return V value
public V getValue(){
return value;
* changeK allows the user to pass in a new K key.
* @param ky K to be changed to.
publicvoid changeKey(K ky){
* changeValue allows the value to be changed.
* @param val the new V value.
publicvoid changeValue(V val){
BSTMapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMapTest {
BSTMap m;
public void BSTMapTest();
public void startUp();
public void testGetLeft();
public void testGetRight();
public void testGetParent();
public void testIsLeaf();
public void testSetLeft();
public void testSetRight();
public void testSetParent();
BSTMapTest.javaBSTMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
BSTMap m;
* startUp creates a new instance of BSTMap.
publicvoid startUp(){
* testGetLeft tests getLeft().
* It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, when it ha
s been changed, and when it has been removed.
publicvoid testGetLeft(){
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(child, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(a, m.getLeft());
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
* testGetRight tests getRight().
* It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, and when i
t has been removed.
publicvoid testGetRight(){
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(child, m.getRight());
assertEquals(a, m.getRight());
assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
* testGetParent tests getParent()
* It tests when there is a parent, when there is not a parent.
publicvoid testGetParent(){
assertEquals(null, m.getParent());
assertEquals(null, m.getParent());
BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three");
assertEquals(m, child.getParent());
* testIsLeaf tests to see if a node is a leaf.
* It tests when it has no children, when it has a left child, a
right child, both, and when they have been removed.
publicvoid testIsLeaf(){
* testSetLeft tests setLeft()
publicvoid testSetLeft(){
assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
* testSetRight tests setRight
publicvoid testSetRight(){
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(null, a.getRight());
assertEquals(child, a.getRight());
assertEquals(null, a.getRight());
* testSetParent tests setParent
publicvoid testSetParent(){
BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two");
BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a");
assertEquals(null, a.getParent());
assertEquals(child, a.getParent());
assertEquals(null, a.getParent());
HTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTree {
private String s;
private int f;
HTree l;
HTree r;
public void HTree(int, String);
public void setL(HTree);
public void setR(HTree);
public HTree getL();
public HTree getR();
public String getS();
public int getF();
public boolean isLeaf();
public int getBelow();
publicclassHTree<E extendsComparable<E>>{
privateString s;
privateint f;
HTree l;
HTree r;
* HTree creates a HTree object containing a int frequency an
d a String str.
* @param frequency the integer frequency of the str
* @param str the str value of this HTree
publicHTree(int frequency,String str){
* setL sets the left HTree value
* @param left the HTree that is the left child of this node
publicvoid setL(HTree left){
* setR sets the right HTree child value
* @param right the HTree that is the right child of this node
publicvoid setR(HTree right){
* getL returns the left child of this node.
* @return HTree the left child.
publicHTree getL(){
return l;
* getR returns the right child of this node.
* @return HTree the right child.
publicHTree getR(){
return r;
* getS returns the string value associated with this node
* @return String the value of this node
publicString getS(){
return s;
* getF returns the frequency value associated with this node.
* @return the int frequency value associated with this node.
publicint getF(){
return f;
* isLeaf returns boolean if this node is a leaf.
* @return boolean wether this node is a leaf.
publicboolean isLeaf(){
* getBelow recursively finds how many children this node h
* **this does not handle trees with only one child (as this do
es not occur in a huffmanTree)
* @return the int number height
publicint getBelow(){
int a=1+l.getBelow();
int b=1+r.getBelow();
System.out.println("returning a: "+ a);
return a;
System.out.println("returning b"+ b);
return b;
HeapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HeapTest {
Heap h;
Heap min;
public void HeapTest();
public void start();
public void testFindMax();
public void testRemoveMax();
public void testSize();
public void testMin();
HeapTest.javaHeapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
Heap h;
Heap min;
* start creates a test case of heap both min and max compara
publicvoid start(){
Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator<Intege
Comparator<Integer> m =newHeap.MinHeapComparator<Intege
System.out.println("this is 1");
System.out.println("this is 2");
System.out.println("this is 3");
System.out.println("this is 4");
* testFindMax tests the findMax function
publicvoid testFindMax(){
assertEquals(4, h.findMax());
assertEquals(4, h.removeMax());
assertEquals(3, h.findMax());
assertEquals(1, min.findMax());
assertEquals(1, min.removeMax());
assertEquals(2, min.findMax());
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META-INFMANIFEST.MFManifest-Version 1.0.classpath.docx
META-INFMANIFEST.MFManifest-Version 1.0.classpath.docx
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META-INFMANIFEST.MFManifest-Version 1.0.classpath.docx

  • 1. META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 .classpath PriorityQueue.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueue { Heap q; public void PriorityQueue(int, java.util.Comparator); public Object peek(); public Object remove(); void add(Object); boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); } PriorityQueue.javaPriorityQueue.javaimport java.util.Comparat or; publicclassPriorityQueue<E>{ Heap q; /** *PriorityQueue initializes the queue. * * @param initialCapacity an int that is the heaps initial size.
  • 2. * @param comparator the priority of various imputs. */ publicPriorityQueue(int initialCapacity,Comparator<?super E> comparator){ q=newHeap(initialCapacity,comparator); } /** * Peek, returns the next item in the queue without removing it. * * If it is empty then null is returned. * @return the next item in the queue. */ public E peek(){ if(q.size()==0){ returnnull; } return(E) q.findMax(); } /** * This removes the first item from the queue. * * It returns null if the queue is empty. * @return the first item in the queue. */ public E remove(){ if(q.size()==0){ returnnull; } return(E) q.removeMax(); } /**
  • 3. * This adds item to the queue * @param item that is added to the queue. */ void add(E item){ q.insert(item); } /** * isEmpty returns if the queue is empty or not. * * @return boolean if the queue is empty or not. */ boolean isEmpty(){ if(q.size()!=0){ returnfalse; } returntrue; } /** * size returns the size of the queue. * * @return int the size of the queue. */ publicint size(){ return q.size(); } } ArithmeticExpression.classpublicsynchronizedclass ArithmeticExpression { BinaryTree t; java.util.ArrayList list; String equation; void ArithmeticExpression(String) throws java.text.ParseException;
  • 4. public String toString(BinaryTree); public String toPostfixString(BinaryTree); void setVariable(String, int) throws java.rmi.NotBoundException; public int evaluate(BinaryTree); } ArithmeticExpression.javaArithmeticExpression.javaimport java .rmi.NotBoundException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Stack; /** * ArithmeticExpression takes equations in the form of strings c reates a binary * tree, and can return either the regular or postfix equation. It a lso allows * them to be calculated. * * * Extra Credit: * ** it can handle spaces or no spaces in the string inputted. ** it can return * regular or postfix notation * * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * */ publicclassArithmeticExpression{ BinaryTree t; ArrayList list; String equation;
  • 5. /** * ArithmeticExpression is the construction which takes in a space * delimitated equation containing "*,/,+,- " symbols and converts it into a * binary tree. * * If the expression is not valid it will throw a ParseExceptio n. This is * the constructor. It will take a String containing the express ion. * * ** The equation can take in stings delimitated by spaces, o r withot any * spaces. If it contains a mix, then the non spaced part(s) wil l be * considered to be a variable. * * @param expression * @throws ParseException * if the string is not a valid equation */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) ArithmeticExpression(String expression)throwsParseException{ //hold the string globally equation = expression; //create a new arrayList to be used globally that holds the variab les list =newArrayList(); //split the string String[] s = expression.split(" "); // create a stack of tree's and operators
  • 6. Stack tree =newStack(); Stack operator =newStack(); //create the string Next String next =""; // if the string expression doesnt contain spaces if(!expression.contains(" ")){ int i =0; //if it starts with an operator throw an error this cannot be. if(expression.charAt(0)=='+'|| expression.charAt(0)=='*' || expression.charAt(0)=='-' || expression.charAt(0)=='/'){ System.out.println("this equation starts with a operator."); thrownewParseException(expression,0); } // if the expression ends with an operator throw an error this can not be. if(expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='+' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='*' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='-' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='/'){ System.out.println("this equation ends with a operator."); thrownewParseException(expression, expression.length()); } //go through each characer in the expression and see if its a num ber/variable, or operator. while(i < expression.length()){ if(expression.charAt(i)=='+'|| expression.charAt(i)=='*' || expression.charAt(i)=='-' || expression.charAt(i)=='/'){ // if the character is a operator add a space to the begining and f
  • 7. ront and add it to the "next" string String str =String.valueOf(expression.charAt(i)); next = next +" "+ str +" "; }else{ // if its an operator add it to the end of the "next" string. next = next + expression.charAt(i); } // increase i to move to the next character. i++; } // split the new string with added spaces. s = next.split(" "); } // if the string still doesnt exist throw the error. if(s.length ==0){ System.out .println("there has been an error. You have not entered a string with any characters"); thrownewParseException(expression,0); } // make sure there arent two operators in a row. for(int i =0; i < s.length; i++){ if(i >=1 &&(s[i].equals("+")|| s[i].equals("-") || s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/"))){ if(s[i -1].equals("+")|| s[i -1].equals("-") || s[i -1].equals("*")|| s[i -1].equals("/")){ System.out .println("there were two operators in a row. The equation is not valid."); thrownewParseException(expression, i);
  • 8. } } // check to make sure there arent two operands in a row in the St ring[] if(i >=1 &&(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false && s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false)){ if(s[i -1].equals("+")==false && s[i -1].equals("-")==false && s[i -1].equals("*")==false && s[i -1].equals("/")==false){ System.out .println("there were two operands in a row. The equation is not valid."); thrownewParseException(expression, i); } } // if its a number create a new tree node, and add it to the tree st ack if(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false && s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false){ BinaryTree o =newBinaryTree(null, s[i],null); tree.add(o); }elseif(operator.empty()|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/")){ //if its a * or / symbol hold it to ensure order of operation operator.push(s[i]); }else{ //group the tree's together. while(operator.empty()==false){ String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop();
  • 9. BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two); tree.push(n); } operator.push(s[i]); } } // at the end ensure that the operator is empty. while(operator.empty()==false){ String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop(); BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two); tree.push(n); } //if there is more than 1 tree at the end something went wrong // this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier // this is just to ensure completeness. if(tree.size()>=2){ System.out .println("this expression is invalid. There were more operands t han operators."); System.out .println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie r"); while(tree.empty()==false){ return; } } //if there are still operators there is something wrong // this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier // this is just to ensure completeness.
  • 10. if(operator.empty()==false){ System.out .println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie r."); System.out .println("there were too many operators in the string the progra m cannot continue."); { return; } } // set the tree globally t =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); } /** * toString returns the String equation of that the passed in bi nary tree * represents. * * @param tree * that represents an equation * @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin aryTree. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") publicString toString(BinaryTree tree){ // if its a leaf return its value if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ return(String) tree.getValue(); }else{ //else combine each parent child combination
  • 11. //call recursively, and contain each call in parenthesis. String s =("("+ toString(tree.getLeftChild())+ tree.getValue() + toString(tree.getRightChild())+")"); return s; } } /** * toPostfixString returns the string containing the parsed exp ression in * postFix notation with spaces between numbers and operato rs to ensure clarity. * * @param tree that represents an equation * @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin aryTree in * postfix form. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") publicString toPostfixString(BinaryTree tree){ //if its a leaf return its value if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ return(String) tree.getValue(); }else{ //otherwise call recursively down the tree // and add the operator to the end of the two operands. // also add spaces to allow numbers to be seen individually. String s = toPostfixString(tree.getRightChild())+" " + toPostfixString(tree.getLeftChild())+" " + tree.getValue(); System.out.println("this is what s is "+ s); return s; }
  • 12. } /** * This allows the user to set a value for a variable in the exp ression. If * the variable does not exist in the function, throw a NotBou ndException. * * @param name of the variable * @param value that the variable has * @throws NotBoundException if the variable is not used in the equation */ void setVariable(String name,int value)throwsNotBoundExcepti on{ //Note var, is not a Var it is a seperate class that is an object. //if the equation string doesnt contain the variable throw an erro r if(!equation.contains(name)){ thrownewNotBoundException(); } // else continue and check if the var object is already in the list for(int i =0; i < list.size(); i++){ var v =(var) list.get(i); if(v.getName().equals(name)){ //if so change the value of the var object v.setValue(value); return; } } // otherwise add the var object to the list.
  • 13. list.add(new var(name, value)); } /** * Evaluate returns the integer result of the expression. * * Variables that are not declared are calculated at 0. * * @return the value of the equation */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") publicint evaluate(BinaryTree tree){ //if it is a leaf if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ String s =(String) tree.getValue(); //if all characters are numbers simply skip down to return the in teger value. for(int i =0; i < s.length(); i++){ if(s.charAt(i)=='0'|| s.charAt(i)==('1') || s.charAt(i)=='2'|| s.charAt(i)=='3' || s.charAt(i)=='4'|| s.charAt(i)=='5' || s.charAt(i)=='6'|| s.charAt(i)=='7' || s.charAt(i)=='8'|| s.charAt(i)=='9'){ }else{ //if there are non numeric characters check if the list has their v alues for(int j =0; j < list.size(); j++){ var h =(var) list.get(j); if(h.getName().equals(s)){ return h.getValue(); }
  • 14. } //otherwise tell the user that this variable cannot be found and t hat its value is calulated at 0 System.out.println("this variable "+ s +" cannot be found! Its value will be 0."); return0; } returnInteger.parseInt((String) tree.getValue()); } } //find the left and right values of the tree int left = evaluate(tree.getLeftChild()); int right = evaluate(tree.getRightChild()); //calculate appropriately. if(tree.getValue().equals("*")){ return left * right; }elseif(tree.getValue().equals("/")){ return left / right; }elseif(tree.getValue().equals("+")){ return left + right; } return left - right; } } Map.classpublicsynchronizedclass Map { BSTMap root;
  • 15. BSTMap found; java.util.TreeSet set; public void Map(); public void put(Comparable, Object); public Object get(Comparable); public boolean containsKey(Comparable); private BSTMap getBSTMap(Comparable); public Object remove(Comparable); private BSTMap sucessor(BSTMap); public java.util.Set keySet(); } Map.javaMap.javaimport java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; publicclassMap<K extendsComparable<K>,V>{ BSTMap root; BSTMap found; TreeSet<K> set; /** * Map initializes the map. */ publicMap(){ set=newTreeSet<K>(); root=null; found=null; } /** * put loads the Key and value into a BSTMap object, and the key into the set.
  • 16. * * If the key already exists the value is changed to the new va lue. * @param key the K key value * @param value the V value value */ publicvoid put(K key, V value){ //if the root is null this is the root if(root==null){ root=newBSTMap(key,value); set.add(key); //if the key exists then change the value }elseif(get(key)!=null){ getBSTMap(key).obj.value=value; }else{ //otherwise create a new BSTMap BSTMap i =newBSTMap(key,value); //add it to the set set.add(key); //and find its place in the BSTmap tree.No key can be identical. boolean done=false; BSTMap c= root; while(done==false){ //if it is bigger go right if(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())>=0){ if(c.getRight()==null){ c.setRight(i); done=true; }else{ c=c.getRight();
  • 17. } //if it is smaller go left. }elseif(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())<0){ if(c.getLeft()==null){ c.setLeft(i); done=true; }else{ c=c.getLeft(); } } } } } /** * This finds the value associated with they key. If this key c annot be found null is returned. * @param key the K key value * @return V the associated V value. */ public V get(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnnull; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); }
  • 18. } if(current==null){ returnnull; } if(current.obj.getKey().equals(key)){ return(V) current.obj.getValue(); } returnnull; } /** *containsKey returns boolean if the key exists in the map. * @param key the K key value to look for * @return boolean if it exists */ publicboolean containsKey(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnfalse; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); } } if(current==null){ returnfalse; } return current.obj.getKey().equals(key); } /** * getBSTMap returns the BSTMap associated with a key val
  • 19. ue * @param key the K key value * @return BSTMap contained the K key. */ privateBSTMap getBSTMap(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnnull; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); } } if(current.obj.getKey().equals(key)){ return current; } returnnull; } /** * remove removes the BSTMap associated with they key, an d returns its associated value. * * If the key cannot be found null is returned * @param key the K key value to be found * @return V the value of associated with the BSTMap contai ning the K key value. */ public V remove(K key){ if(root==null){ returnnull; }elseif(root.obj.getKey().equals(key)){
  • 20. System.out.println("the node to remove is the root."); V val=(V) root.obj.getValue(); if(root.isLeaf()){ root=null; }elseif(root.getLeft()==null){ root=root.getRight(); }elseif(root.getRight()==null){ root=root.getLeft(); }else{ root=sucessor(root); } return val; } BSTMap n= getBSTMap(key); if(n==null){ returnnull; }else{ set.remove(key); V a=(V) n.obj.getValue(); BSTMap temp=null; BSTMap child=null; if(n.isLeaf()){ temp=n; n=null; }elseif(n.getLeft()!=null&& n.getLeft().getRight()==null){ temp=n; n.getLeft().setRight(n.right); n.setLeft(null); }elseif(n.getRight()!=null&& n.getRight().getLeft()==null){ temp=n; n.getRight().setLeft(n.getLeft()); n.setRight(null); }else{ temp=sucessor(n); n.setRight(null);
  • 21. } System.out.println("this is the temp:"+ temp.obj.key); if(temp.getLeft()!=null){ child=temp.getLeft(); }else{ child=temp.getRight(); }if(child!=null){ child.parent=temp.parent; }if(temp.parent.getLeft()==temp){ temp.parent.setLeft(child); }else{ temp.parent.setRight(child); } return a; } } privateBSTMap sucessor(BSTMap n){ boolean running=true; BSTMap current=n.getRight(); while(running){ if(current.getLeft()!=null){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ running=false; } } return current; } /** * keySet returns a Set of the K key values in the map. * @return
  • 22. */ publicSet<K> keySet(){ return set; } } BinaryTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTree { Object v; BinaryTree treeLeft; BinaryTree treeRight; void BinaryTree(BinaryTree, Object, BinaryTree); BinaryTree getLeftChild(); BinaryTree getRightChild(); void setLeftChild(BinaryTree); void setRightChild(BinaryTree); void setValue(Object); Object getValue(); boolean isLeaf(); } /** * BinaryTree is a form of linked nodes that form a tree. * * @author tai-lan hirabayashi * * @param <E> the object value that is within each node. */ publicclassBinaryTree<E>{ E v; BinaryTree<E> treeLeft; BinaryTree<E> treeRight;
  • 23. /** * BinaryTree creates a new node binaryTree which holds an object value. * It takes in the value, left and right child and holds them wi thin the node. * @param left the left child of the node. * @param value the object the node holds * @param right the right child of the node */ BinaryTree(BinaryTree<E> left, E value,BinaryTree<E> right){ v=value; treeLeft=left; treeRight=right; } /** * getLeftChild returns the left child node. * @return the left child, a binary tree node. */ BinaryTree<E> getLeftChild(){ return treeLeft; } /** * getRightChild returns the right child node. * @return the right child,a binaryTree node. */ BinaryTree<E> getRightChild(){ return treeRight; } /** * setLeftChild, sets the left child of the current node. * @param l is the left child, a binaryTree node. */
  • 24. void setLeftChild(BinaryTree<E> l){ treeLeft=l; } /** * setRightChild, sets the right child of the current node. * @param r the right child, a binaryTree node. */ void setRightChild(BinaryTree<E> r){ treeRight=r; } /** * setValue sets the value of a node. * @param object value of the node. */ void setValue(E object){ v=object; } /** * getValue returns the value held in the node. * @return the object value of the node. */ E getValue(){ return v; } /** * isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha s children. * @return boolean if the node is a leaf node. */ boolean isLeaf(){ if(getLeftChild()==null&& getRightChild()==null){ returntrue;
  • 25. } returnfalse; } } HuffmanTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HuffmanTreeTest { HuffmanTree h; String t; public void HuffmanTreeTest(); public void start() throws; public void testEncode(); public void testDecode(); } importstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHuffmanTreeTest{ HuffmanTree h; String t; /** * start creates a test case * @throws FileNotFoundException */
  • 26. @Before publicvoid start()throwsFileNotFoundException{ h =HuffmanTree.newTreeFromFile(newFile("/Users/tai- lanhirabayashi/Desktop/test.txt")); } /** * testEncode tries to encode a string. */ @Test publicvoid testEncode(){ t = h.encode("This program must work!"); } /** * testDecode tries to decode the string. */ @Test publicvoid testDecode(){ assertEquals("This program must work!", h.decode(t)); } } HTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTreeTest { HTree t; public void HTreeTest(); public void start(); public void testGetBelow(); public void testGetF(); public void testGetS(); public void testGetL();
  • 27. public void testGetR(); public void testIsLeaf(); public void testSetL(); public void testSetR(); } HTreeTest.javaHTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHTreeTest{ HTree t; /** * Start initializes a test case of HTree */ @Before publicvoid start(){ t=newHTree(1,"one"); HTree a=newHTree(2,"two"); HTree b=newHTree(3,"three"); t.setL(a); t.setR(b); } /** * testGetBelow tests GetBelow */ @Test publicvoid testGetBelow(){ assertEquals(1,t.getBelow()); assertEquals(0,t.getL().getBelow());
  • 28. HTree a=newHTree(4,"a"); HTree b=newHTree(5,"b"); t.getL().setL(a); t.getL().setR(b); assertEquals(2,t.getBelow()); } /** * testGetF tests getF */ @Test publicvoid testGetF(){ assertEquals(1,t.getF()); assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); } /** * testGetS tests getS */ @Test publicvoid testGetS(){ assertEquals("one",t.getS()); assertEquals("two",t.getL().getS()); assertEquals("three",t.getR().getS()); } /** * testGetL tests getL */ @Test publicvoid testGetL(){ assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); assertEquals(null,t.getL().getL());
  • 29. } /** * testGetR tests getR */ @Test publicvoid testGetR(){ assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); assertEquals(null,t.getR().getR()); } /** * testIsLeaf tests isLeaf */ @Test publicvoid testIsLeaf(){ assertEquals(false,t.isLeaf()); assertEquals(true,t.getR().isLeaf()); assertEquals(true,t.getL().isLeaf()); } /** * testSetL tests setL */ @Test publicvoid testSetL(){ assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); t.setL(null); assertEquals(null,t.getL()); } /** * testSetR tests setR */ @Test
  • 30. publicvoid testSetR(){ assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); t.setR(null); assertEquals(null,t.getR()); } } Heap$MaxHeapComparator.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap$MaxHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator { public void Heap$MaxHeapComparator(); public int compare(Comparable, Comparable); } Heap$MinHeapComparator.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap$MinHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator { public void Heap$MinHeapComparator(); public int compare(Comparable, Comparable); } Heap.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap { int s; Object[] h; int maxS; java.util.Comparator c; public void Heap(int, java.util.Comparator); public Object findMax(); public Object removeMax(); public void insert(Object); public int size(); private void siftUp(int); private void siftDown(int); }
  • 31. Heap.javaHeap.javaimport java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; publicclassHeap<E>{ int s; Object[] h; int maxS; Comparator c; /** * Heap takes in the initial size of the heap. * @param i the integer value of the size of the heap. */ publicHeap(int i,Comparator<?super E> comparator){ c=comparator; s=0; maxS=i; h=newObject[i]; } /** * findMax returns the largest item of the heap. * If the heap is empty it will throw a noSuchElementExcepti on. * @return E the max object */ public E findMax(){ if(s==0){ System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i s empty"); thrownewNoSuchElementException();
  • 32. } return(E) h[0]; } /** * removeMax removes the largest item. If the list is empty a NoSuchElementException is thrown. * @return the max object */ public E removeMax(){ if(s==0){ System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i s empty"); thrownewNoSuchElementException(); } E last =(E) h[s-1]; E first =(E) h[0]; h[0]=last; h[s-1]=null; s--; siftDown(0); return first; } /** * insert inserts an item into the heap and bubbles it into the correct position. * @param item that is inserted */ publicvoid insert(E item){ if(s==maxS-1){ maxS=maxS*2; Object[] grownArray =newObject[maxS]; System.arraycopy(h,0, grownArray,0, h.length); h=grownArray; } h[s]=item; siftUp(s);
  • 33. s++; } /** * size returns the size of the heap. * @return the integer size of the heap */ publicint size(){ return s; } /** * siftUp, sifts the node at index i up through the heap into th e correct position. * @param i the value to begin sifting */ privatevoid siftUp(int i) { int n=i; boolean inPlace =false; if(n==0){ inPlace=true; } while(inPlace==false){ int a=(n-1)/2; E below=(E) h[n]; E above=(E) h[a]; if(,above)>0){ h[n]= above; h[a]=below; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; }
  • 34. } } /** * SiftDown sifts the node at index i down to the correct spot in the heap. * @param i the value to begin sifting */ privatevoid siftDown(int i) { int n=i; boolean inPlace =false; while(inPlace==false){ int a=(n*2)+1; E above=(E) h[n]; E belowL=(E) h[a]; E belowR=(E) h[a+1]; if(belowL==null&& belowR==null){ return; } //if neither of the children are null if(belowL !=null&& belowR !=null){ //compare to the left child if(,belowL)<0&&,belowR)> =0){ System.out.println("down and to the left!"); h[a]= above; h[n]=belowL; n=a; //compare to the right child }elseif(,belowR)<0){ System.out.println("down and to the right!");
  • 35. h[a+1]= above; h[n]=belowR; n=a; //otherwise its in place }else{ System.out.println("its down in place"); inPlace=true; } //if the left child isnt null }elseif(belowL !=null){ if(, belowL)<0){ h[n]= above; h[a]=belowL; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; } }else{ // if the right child isnt null compare it to the parent if(,belowR)<0){ h[a+1]= above; h[n]=belowR; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; } } } }
  • 36. /** * MaxHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t he max value. * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * * @param <E> the comparable object */ publicstaticclassMaxHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E >>implementsComparator<E>{ @Override publicint compare(E o1, E o2){ return o1.compareTo(o2); } } /** * MinHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t he lower value * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * * @param <E> the comparable object */ publicstaticclassMinHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E> >implementsComparator<E>{ @Override publicint compare(E o1, E o2){ return(-1* o1.compareTo(o2)); } } }
  • 37. PriorityQueueTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueueTest { PriorityQueue p; public void PriorityQueueTest(); public void start(); public void testPeek(); public void testRemove(); public void testSize(); public void testEmpty(); } PriorityQueueTest.javaPriorityQueueTest.javaimportstatic org.j unit.Assert.*; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassPriorityQueueTest{ PriorityQueue p; /** * Start initialized the program, with a queue of 1,2,3,4 and a max priority. */ @Before publicvoid start(){ Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator(); p=newPriorityQueue(10, c); p.add(1);
  • 38. p.add(2); p.add(3); p.add(4); } /** * testPeek tests the peek function. */ @Test publicvoid testPeek(){ assertEquals(4, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(3, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(2, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(1, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(null, p.peek()); } /** * restRemove tests the remove function. */ @Test publicvoid testRemove(){ assertEquals(4, p.remove()); assertEquals(3, p.remove()); assertEquals(2, p.remove()); assertEquals(1, p.remove()); assertEquals(null, p.remove()); } /**
  • 39. * testSize tests the size function. */ @Test publicvoid testSize(){ assertEquals(4, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(3, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(2, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(1, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(0, p.size()); p.add(9); assertEquals(1, p.size()); } /** * testEmpty tests the isEmpty function of priorityQueue. */ @Test publicvoid testEmpty(){ assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertTrue(p.isEmpty()); p.add(5); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); }
  • 40. } BSTMap.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMap extends Map { nObject obj; BSTMap left; BSTMap right; int s; BSTMap parent; public void BSTMap(Object, Object); public void setParent(BSTMap); public BSTMap getParent(); public void setLeft(BSTMap); public void setRight(BSTMap); public BSTMap getLeft(); public BSTMap getRight(); boolean isLeaf(); } publicclassBSTMap<K,V>extendsMap{ nObject obj; BSTMap<K,V> left; BSTMap<K,V> right; int s; BSTMap<K,V> parent; /** * BSTMap creates a node with a K key and V value. * @param ke the K value * @param va the V value */ publicBSTMap(K ke, V va){ obj=new nObject(ke,va); left=null;
  • 41. right=null; parent=null; } /** * setParent sets the BSTMap which is this nodes parent. * @param p the parent */ publicvoid setParent(BSTMap<K,V> p){ parent=p; } /** * getParent returns the parent of this node. * @return BSTMap that is this nodes parent. */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getParent(){ return parent; } /** * setLeft sets the BSTMap left child. * * @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child. */ publicvoid setLeft(BSTMap<K,V> child){ left=child; if(child!=null){ left.setParent(this); } } /** * setRight sets the this nodes BSTMap child. * @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child. */ publicvoid setRight(BSTMap<K,V> child){
  • 42. right=child; if(child!=null){ right.setParent(this); } } /** * getLeft returns this nodes left BSTMap child. * @return BSTMap this nodes left child */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getLeft(){ return left; } /** * getRight returns this nodes right BSTMap child. * @return BSTMap this nodes right child */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getRight(){ return right; } /** * isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha s children. * * It returns true for leaf, false for if it has children. * @return boolean if the node is a leaf node. */ boolean isLeaf(){ if(getLeft()==null&& getRight()==null){ returntrue; } returnfalse; }
  • 43. } BinaryTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTreeTest { BinaryTree t; public void BinaryTreeTest(); public void before(); public void testSetup(); public void testGetLeft(); public void testGetRight(); public void isLeaf(); public void setLeft(); public void setRight(); public void setValue(); } BinaryTreeTest.javaBinaryTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.A ssert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * BinaryTreeTest tests to see if Binary Tree functions as expect ed. * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * */ publicclassBinaryTreeTest{ BinaryTree t; /** * before sets up a base case. */ @Before
  • 44. publicvoid before(){ t=newBinaryTree(null,"head",null); t.setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"second",null)); t.getLeftChild().setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"third", null)); } /** * testSetup makes sure the test has been initialized. */ @Test publicvoid testSetup(){ assertEquals(t.getValue(),"head"); } /** * tests the getLeft function */ @Test publicvoid testGetLeft(){ assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"second"); } /** * Tests the get right function */ @Test publicvoid testGetRight(){ assertEquals(t.getRightChild(),null); } /** * Tests the isLeaf function. */ @Test publicvoid isLeaf(){ assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getLeftChild().isLeaf(),true);
  • 45. } /** * Tests the setLeft function */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test publicvoid setLeft(){ t.setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"replace",null)); assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"replace"); } /** * tests the setRightChild function */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test publicvoid setRight(){ t.setRightChild(newBinaryTree(null,"right",null)); assertEquals(t.getRightChild().getValue(),"right"); } /** * Tests the setValue function. */ @Test publicvoid setValue(){ t.getLeftChild().setValue("reset"); assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"reset"); } } ArithmeticExpressionTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass ArithmeticExpressionTest { ArithmeticExpression a;
  • 46. public void ArithmeticExpressionTest(); public void startUp() throws java.text.ParseException; public void testExceptions(); public void testToString(); public void testEval(); public void testVar() throws java.rmi.NotBoundException, java.text.ParseException; public void testPostFix(); public void testWithoutSpaces() throws java.text.ParseException; } ArithmeticExpressionTest.javaArithmeticExpressionTest.javaim portstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.text.ParseException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * ArithmeticExpressionTest tests the functionality of Arithmeti cExpression. *** Note, the Program includes postFix() which returns a postfi x String of the equation. *** It can also handle strings with or without spaces. * * * @author tai-lan hirabayashi * */ publicclassArithmeticExpressionTest{ ArithmeticExpression a;
  • 47. /** * StartUp sets up the base case scenario. * @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid. */ @Before publicvoid startUp()throwsParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + 4 * 2"); } /** * testExceptions tests the programs thrown exceptions. */ @Test publicvoid testExceptions(){ boolean errorThrown =false; try{ a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + * 2"); }catch(ParseException e){ errorThrown=true; } assert(errorThrown); errorThrown=false; try{ a.setVariable("y",2); }catch(NotBoundException e){ errorThrown=true; } assert(errorThrown); } /** * testToString tests the toString method of the ArithmeticEx pression */ @Test
  • 48. publicvoid testToString(){ System.out.println("this is toString: "+ a.toString(a.t)); assertEquals(a.toString(a.t),"((2*4)+3)"); } /** * testEval tests the evaluate method of ArithmeticExpression */ @Test publicvoid testEval(){ assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),11); } /** * testVar tests the setVariable function of ArithmeticExpress ion * by checking how a variable is handled. * @throws NotBoundException * @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid. */ @Test publicvoid testVar()throwsNotBoundException,ParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("2 + 3 * x"); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),2); a.setVariable("x",2); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),8); } /** * Tests the postFix() method. */ @Test publicvoid testPostFix(){ assertEquals(a.toPostfixString(a.t),"3 4 2 * +"); } @Test publicvoid testWithoutSpaces()throwsParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("2+3*x"); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),2);
  • 49. } } nObject.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObject { Object key; Object value; public void nObject(Object, Object); public Object getKey(); public Object getValue(); public void changeKey(Object); public void changeValue(Object); } publicclass nObject<K,V>{ K key; V value; /** * nObject creates a new nObject object with a K,V values he ld. * @param ky the K key value * @param val the V value value. */ public nObject (K ky, V val){ key=ky; value=val; } /** * getKey returns the K key. * @return K, the key */ public K getKey(){
  • 50. return key; } /** * getValue returns the V value. * @return V value */ public V getValue(){ return value; } /** * changeK allows the user to pass in a new K key. * @param ky K to be changed to. */ publicvoid changeKey(K ky){ key=ky; } /** * changeValue allows the value to be changed. * @param val the new V value. */ publicvoid changeValue(V val){ value=val; } } BSTMapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMapTest { BSTMap m; public void BSTMapTest(); public void startUp(); public void testGetLeft();
  • 51. public void testGetRight(); public void testGetParent(); public void testIsLeaf(); public void testSetLeft(); public void testSetRight(); public void testSetParent(); } BSTMapTest.javaBSTMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert .*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassBSTMapTest{ BSTMap m; /** * startUp creates a new instance of BSTMap. */ @Before publicvoid startUp(){ m=newBSTMap(1,"one"); } /** * testGetLeft tests getLeft(). * * It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, when it ha s been changed, and when it has been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testGetLeft(){ assertEquals(null, m.getLeft());
  • 52. m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); m.setLeft(child); assertEquals(child, m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(a); assertEquals(a, m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(null); assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); } /** * testGetRight tests getRight(). * * It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, and when i t has been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testGetRight(){ assertEquals(null, m.getRight()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two")); assertEquals(null, m.getRight()); BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); m.setRight(child); assertEquals(child, m.getRight()); m.setRight(a); assertEquals(a, m.getRight()); m.setRight(null); assertEquals(null, m.getRight());
  • 53. } /** * testGetParent tests getParent() * * It tests when there is a parent, when there is not a parent. */ @Test publicvoid testGetParent(){ assertEquals(null, m.getParent()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two")); assertEquals(null, m.getParent()); BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three"); m.setRight(child); assertEquals(m, child.getParent()); } /** * testIsLeaf tests to see if a node is a leaf. * * It tests when it has no children, when it has a left child, a right child, both, and when they have been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testIsLeaf(){ assertTrue(m.isLeaf()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two")); assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setLeft(null); assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setRight(null);
  • 54. assertTrue(m.isLeaf()); } /** * testSetLeft tests setLeft() * */ @Test publicvoid testSetLeft(){ assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); m.setLeft(child); m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertEquals(child,m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(null); assertEquals(null,m.getLeft()); } /** * testSetRight tests setRight */ @Test publicvoid testSetRight(){ BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); assertEquals(null, a.getRight()); a.setRight(child); assertEquals(child, a.getRight()); a.setRight(null); assertEquals(null, a.getRight()); } /**
  • 55. * testSetParent tests setParent */ @Test publicvoid testSetParent(){ BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); assertEquals(null, a.getParent()); a.setParent(child); assertEquals(child, a.getParent()); a.setParent(null); assertEquals(null, a.getParent()); } } HTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTree { private String s; private int f; HTree l; HTree r; public void HTree(int, String); public void setL(HTree); public void setR(HTree); public HTree getL(); public HTree getR(); public String getS(); public int getF(); public boolean isLeaf(); public int getBelow(); } publicclassHTree<E extendsComparable<E>>{
  • 56. privateString s; privateint f; HTree l; HTree r; /** * HTree creates a HTree object containing a int frequency an d a String str. * @param frequency the integer frequency of the str * @param str the str value of this HTree */ publicHTree(int frequency,String str){ s=str; f=frequency; l=null; r=null; } /** * setL sets the left HTree value * @param left the HTree that is the left child of this node */ publicvoid setL(HTree left){ l=left; } /** * setR sets the right HTree child value * @param right the HTree that is the right child of this node */ publicvoid setR(HTree right){ r=right; } /**
  • 57. * getL returns the left child of this node. * @return HTree the left child. */ publicHTree getL(){ return l; } /** * getR returns the right child of this node. * @return HTree the right child. */ publicHTree getR(){ return r; } /** * getS returns the string value associated with this node * @return String the value of this node */ publicString getS(){ return s; } /** * getF returns the frequency value associated with this node. * @return the int frequency value associated with this node. */ publicint getF(){ return f; } /** * isLeaf returns boolean if this node is a leaf. * @return boolean wether this node is a leaf. */ publicboolean isLeaf(){
  • 58. if(l==null&&r==null){ returntrue; } returnfalse; } /** * getBelow recursively finds how many children this node h as. * * **this does not handle trees with only one child (as this do es not occur in a huffmanTree) * @return the int number height */ publicint getBelow(){ if(isLeaf()){ return0; }else{ int a=1+l.getBelow(); int b=1+r.getBelow(); if(a>b){ System.out.println("returning a: "+ a); return a; } System.out.println("returning b"+ b); return b; } } } HeapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HeapTest { Heap h;
  • 59. Heap min; public void HeapTest(); public void start(); public void testFindMax(); public void testRemoveMax(); public void testSize(); public void testMin(); } HeapTest.javaHeapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHeapTest{ Heap h; Heap min; /** * start creates a test case of heap both min and max compara tor. */ @Before publicvoid start(){ Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator<Intege r>(); Comparator<Integer> m =newHeap.MinHeapComparator<Intege r>(); min=newHeap(10,m); min.insert(1); min.insert(2); min.insert(3);
  • 60. min.insert(4); h=newHeap(10,c); System.out.println("this is 1"); h.insert(1); System.out.println(h.h[0]); System.out.println("this is 2"); h.insert(2); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]); System.out.println("this is 3"); h.insert(3); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]+","+h.h[2]); System.out.println("this is 4"); h.insert(4); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]+","+h.h[2]+","+h.h[3]); } /** * testFindMax tests the findMax function */ @Test publicvoid testFindMax(){ assertEquals(4, h.findMax()); assertEquals(4, h.removeMax()); assertEquals(3, h.findMax()); assertEquals(1, min.findMax()); assertEquals(1, min.removeMax()); assertEquals(2, min.findMax()); } /** * testRemoveMax tests the remove max function
  • 61. */ @Test publicvoid testRemoveMax(){ assertEquals(4, h.findMax()); assertEquals(4,h.removeMax()); assertEquals(3, h.findMax()); assertEquals(3,h.removeMax()); assertEquals(2,h.removeMax()); assertEquals(1,h.removeMax()); assertEquals(0,h.size()); assertEquals(1, min.findMax()); } /** * testSize tests the size function of heap. */ @Test publicvoid testSize(){ assertEquals(4, h.size()); int o=(Integer) h.removeMax(); assertEquals(3, h.size()); h.insert(o); assertEquals(4, h.size()); h.removeMax(); h.removeMax(); h.removeMax(); h.removeMax(); assertEquals(0, h.size()); assertEquals(4, min.size()); } /** * testMin tests the minSort comparator. */
  • 62. @Test publicvoid testMin(){ assertEquals(4, min.size()); assertEquals(1,min.removeMax()); assertEquals(2,min.removeMax()); assertEquals(3,min.removeMax()); assertEquals(4,min.removeMax()); } } HuffmanTree$CountPair.classsynchronizedclass HuffmanTree$CountPair { int _count; String _text; private void HuffmanTree$CountPair(HuffmanTree, String, int); } HuffmanTree$CountPairTreeComparator.classsynchronizedclass HuffmanTree$CountPairTreeComparator implements java.util.Comparator { private void HuffmanTree$CountPairTreeComparator(HuffmanTree); public int compare(BinaryTree, BinaryTree); } HuffmanTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HuffmanTree { current; BSTMap _lookupTable;
  • 63. BinaryTree _huffmanTree; public void HuffmanTree(); publicstatic HuffmanTree newTreeFromFile( throws; publicstatic HuffmanTree newTreeFromCompressedFile( throws; private void buildFromFile( throws; private void buildTreeFromMap(PriorityQueue); private void buildFromCompressedFile( throws; public void saveCompressedFile(; public void saveExpandedFile(; public String encode(String); public String decode(String); } HuffmanTree.javaHuffmanTree.javaimport; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; /** * This class implements the basic functionality of Huffman co mpression and expansion. * * @author C. Andrews * */ publicclassHuffmanTree{ File current; BSTMap<String,String> _lookupTable =newBSTMap<String,Str
  • 64. ing>(null,null); BinaryTree<CountPair> _huffmanTree; /** * This is a factory method for reading in a fresh text file to i nitialize the Huffman tree. * * @param file the document to use for the code frequencies * @return a HuffmanTree containing the Huffman codes bas ed on the frequencies observed in the document * @throws FileNotFoundException */ publicstaticHuffmanTree newTreeFromFile(File file)throwsFile NotFoundException{ HuffmanTree tree =newHuffmanTree(); tree.buildFromFile(file); return tree; } /** * This is a factory method that builds a new HuffmanTree fr om a compressed file. * * @param file a file that has been compressed with a Huffma n tool * @return a new HuffmanTree containing the codes for deco ding the file * @throws FileNotFoundException */ publicstaticHuffmanTree newTreeFromCompressedFile(File file )throwsFileNotFoundException{ // TODO implement this }
  • 65. /** * This method builds the Huffman tree from the input file. * * @param file the file to use to construct the Huffman tree * @throws FileNotFoundException */ privatevoid buildFromFile(File file)throwsFileNotFoundExcepti on{ current=file; // read file and build the map of the character frequencies Map<String,Integer> freqMap =newBSTMap<String,Integer>(); Scanner scanner =newScanner(file); scanner.useDelimiter(""); String character; while(scanner.hasNext()){ character =; Integer count = freqMap.get(character); if(count ==null){ count =Integer.valueOf(0); } freqMap.put(character, count+1); } // for each key, make a tree and load it into the priority queue PriorityQueue<BinaryTree<CountPair>> treeQueue =newPriorit yQueue<BinaryTree<CountPair>>(freqMap.keySet().size(),new CountPairTreeComparator()); BinaryTree<CountPair> tmpTree; for(String key: freqMap.keySet()){
  • 66. int frequency = freqMap.get(key); tmpTree =newBinaryTree<CountPair>(null,newCountPa ir(key, frequency),null); treeQueue.add(tmpTree); } // while the size of the priority queue is greater than 1, combine the top items into a tree and put them back in the priority queue BinaryTree<CountPair> tree1, tree2; int newFrequency; String newText; while(treeQueue.size()>1){ tree1 = treeQueue.remove(); tree2 = treeQueue.remove(); // If the height of the second tree is less than the height of the fi rst, // or the heights are the same and tree2 precedes tree1 alphabeti cally, swap them so // the smaller/earlier tree is put on the left if(tree1.getValue()._text.length()> tree2.getValue()._text.length () ||( tree1.getValue()._text.length()== tree2.getValue()._text.lengt h() && tree1.getValue()._text.compareTo(tree2.getValue()._text)>0 )){ tmpTree = tree1; tree1 = tree2; tree2 = tmpTree; } // create a new tree combining the two smaller trees, computing a new frequency that is the sum of the // children frequencies and a new text that is the appended comb ination of the children's text newFrequency = tree1.getValue()._count + tree2.getVal ue()._count;
  • 67. newText = tree1.getValue()._text + tree2.getValue()._te xt; tmpTree =newBinaryTree<CountPair>(tree1,newCountP air(newText, newFrequency), tree2); treeQueue.add(tmpTree); } // pull the completed tree from the priority queue BinaryTree<CountPair> tree = treeQueue.remove(); // create map of symbols to code lengths using the tree Map<String,Integer> codeLengthMap =newMap<String,Integer> (); // TODO implement this part PriorityQueue pq=newPriorityQueue(setC.size(),new treeCompa rator()); buildTreeFromMap(pq); } privatevoid buildTreeFromMap(PriorityQueue q){ // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * Builds the tree using information found in a compressed fil e. * * The table is the first thing we find in the file. The first pie ce of data is the length * of the table (L). This is followed by L pairs of character an
  • 68. d code length pairs. * * @param file the file to read the Huffman code from. */ privatevoid buildFromCompressedFile(File file)throwsFileNotF oundException{ // TODO implement this } /** * Read the original file and compress it using the Huffman cod es, writing the result * into the output file. * * @param outputFile the output file */ publicvoid saveCompressedFile(File outputFile){ // TODO implement this } /** * Read the compressed file that initialized this object and wr ite the decoded version out * into the output file. * * @param outputFile the destination file for the uncompress ed file. */ publicvoid saveExpandedFile(File outputFile){ // TODO implement this }
  • 69. /** * This method reads in a String of text and returns a String o f 0s and 1s corresponding to the Huffman code stored in this tre e. * @param text the text to be encoded * @return a String representation of the Huffman code */ publicString encode(String text){ StringBuilder builder =newStringBuilder(); String tmp; for(int i =0; i < text.length(); i++){ tmp = _lookupTable.get(String.valueOf(text.charAt(i))); builder.append(tmp); } return builder.toString(); } /** * This method reads in a String representation of a Huffman code corresponding to this Huffman tree and decodes it. * @param text a String representation of the a Huffman code d message * @return the original text */ publicString decode(String text){ StringBuilder builder =newStringBuilder(); BinaryTree<CountPair> current = _huffmanTree; for(int i =0; i < text.length(); i++){ char c = text.charAt(i); if(c =='0'){ current = current.getLeftChild(); }elseif(c =='1'){
  • 70. current = current.getRightChild(); }else{ thrownewRuntimeException("Encountered unexpected character in coded String"); } if(current.isLeaf()){ builder.append(current.getValue()._text); current = _huffmanTree; } } return builder.toString(); } privateclassCountPair{ int _count; String _text; privateCountPair(String text,int count){ _text = text; _count = count; } } privateclassCountPairTreeComparatorimplementsComparator<B inaryTree<CountPair>>{ @Override publicint compare(BinaryTree<CountPair> t1,BinaryTree<Coun tPair> t2){ CountPair p1 = t1.getValue(); CountPair p2 = t2.getValue();
  • 71. if(p1._count != p2._count){ return p2._count - p1._count; }elseif(p1._text.length()!= p2._text.length()){ return-p1._text.length()- p2._text.length(); }else{ return p1._text.compareTo(p2._text); } } } } nObjectTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObjectTest { nObject o; public void nObjectTest(); public void setUp(); public void testChangeKey(); public void testChangeValue(); public void testGetKey(); public void testGetValue(); } nObjectTest.javanObjectTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.* ; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test;
  • 72. publicclass nObjectTest { nObject o; /** * setUp sets up the test. */ @Before publicvoid setUp(){ o=new nObject("one",1); } /** * tests the change Key function */ @Test publicvoid testChangeKey(){ assertEquals("one", o.getKey()); o.changeKey("two"); assertEquals("two", o.getKey()); } /** * tests the change Value function */ @Test publicvoid testChangeValue(){ assertEquals(1, o.getValue()); o.changeValue(2); assertEquals(2, o.getValue()); } /** * testGetKey tests the getKey method */ @Test publicvoid testGetKey(){
  • 73. assertEquals("one", o.getKey()); o.changeKey("two"); assertEquals("two", o.getKey()); } /** * testGetValue tests get Value */ @Test publicvoid testGetValue(){ assertEquals(1, o.getValue()); o.changeValue(2); assertEquals(2, o.getValue()); } } MapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass MapTest { Map m; public void MapTest(); public void start(); public void testContainsKey(); public void testGet(); public void testKeySet(); public void testPut(); public void testRemove(); } MapTest.javaMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test;
  • 74. publicclassMapTest{ Map m; /** * start() creates an initial map to test. */ @Before publicvoid start(){ m=newMap(); } /** * testContainsKey tests the containsKey function. * It tests when there are more than one object, one object, * when the object is contained, and when the object is not co ntained. */ @Test publicvoid testContainsKey(){ assertFalse(m.containsKey(5)); m.put(5,"five"); m.put(4,"four"); assertTrue( m.containsKey(5)); m.remove(5); assertFalse(m.containsKey(5)); m.remove(4); assertFalse(m.containsKey(4)); } /** * testGet tests the get function of map. *
  • 75. * It tests when there are no objects, when there is an object, and when there are more than one objects. */ @Test publicvoid testGet(){ assertEquals(null, m.get(5)); m.put(5,"five"); assertEquals("five",m.get(5)); m.put(4,"four"); assertEquals("five",m.get(5)); } /** * testKeySet tests keySet. */ @Test publicvoid testKeySet(){ assertEquals(true, m.keySet().isEmpty()); m.put(5,"five"); assertEquals(false, m.keySet().isEmpty()); assertEquals(true, m.keySet().contains(5)); } /** * testPut tests the put method of map. */ @Test publicvoid testPut(){ assertEquals(null, m.get(5)); m.put(5,"five"); assertEquals("five",m.get(5)); m.put(5,"changed"); m.put(6,"six"); assertEquals("changed",m.get(5)); assertEquals("six",m.get(6));
  • 76. } /** * testRemove tests map's remove function * * It tests if it can remove something that isnt in map, and re moval of objects not in order. */ @Test publicvoid testRemove(){ assertEquals(null, m.remove("a")); m.put(5,"five"); m.put(4,"four"); m.put(3,"three"); assertEquals("three", m.remove(3)); assertEquals("five", m.remove(5)); assertEquals("four", m.remove(4)); } } .project assignment 8 org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder
  • 77. org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 .classpath PriorityQueue.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueue { Heap q; public void PriorityQueue(int, java.util.Comparator); public Object peek(); public Object remove(); void add(Object); boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); } PriorityQueue.javaPriorityQueue.javaimport java.util.Comparat or; publicclassPriorityQueue<E>{
  • 78. Heap q; /** *PriorityQueue initializes the queue. * * @param initialCapacity an int that is the heaps initial size. * @param comparator the priority of various imputs. */ publicPriorityQueue(int initialCapacity,Comparator<?super E> comparator){ q=newHeap(initialCapacity,comparator); } /** * Peek, returns the next item in the queue without removing it. * * If it is empty then null is returned. * @return the next item in the queue. */ public E peek(){ if(q.size()==0){ returnnull; } return(E) q.findMax(); } /** * This removes the first item from the queue. * * It returns null if the queue is empty. * @return the first item in the queue. */ public E remove(){ if(q.size()==0){ returnnull;
  • 79. } return(E) q.removeMax(); } /** * This adds item to the queue * @param item that is added to the queue. */ void add(E item){ q.insert(item); } /** * isEmpty returns if the queue is empty or not. * * @return boolean if the queue is empty or not. */ boolean isEmpty(){ if(q.size()!=0){ returnfalse; } returntrue; } /** * size returns the size of the queue. * * @return int the size of the queue. */ publicint size(){ return q.size(); } } ArithmeticExpression.classpublicsynchronizedclass
  • 80. ArithmeticExpression { BinaryTree t; java.util.ArrayList list; String equation; void ArithmeticExpression(String) throws java.text.ParseException; public String toString(BinaryTree); public String toPostfixString(BinaryTree); void setVariable(String, int) throws java.rmi.NotBoundException; public int evaluate(BinaryTree); } ArithmeticExpression.javaArithmeticExpression.javaimport java .rmi.NotBoundException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Stack; /** * ArithmeticExpression takes equations in the form of strings c reates a binary * tree, and can return either the regular or postfix equation. It a lso allows * them to be calculated. * * * Extra Credit: * ** it can handle spaces or no spaces in the string inputted. ** it can return * regular or postfix notation * * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * */
  • 81. publicclassArithmeticExpression{ BinaryTree t; ArrayList list; String equation; /** * ArithmeticExpression is the construction which takes in a space * delimitated equation containing "*,/,+,- " symbols and converts it into a * binary tree. * * If the expression is not valid it will throw a ParseExceptio n. This is * the constructor. It will take a String containing the express ion. * * ** The equation can take in stings delimitated by spaces, o r withot any * spaces. If it contains a mix, then the non spaced part(s) wil l be * considered to be a variable. * * @param expression * @throws ParseException * if the string is not a valid equation */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) ArithmeticExpression(String expression)throwsParseException{ //hold the string globally equation = expression; //create a new arrayList to be used globally that holds the variab les
  • 82. list =newArrayList(); //split the string String[] s = expression.split(" "); // create a stack of tree's and operators Stack tree =newStack(); Stack operator =newStack(); //create the string Next String next =""; // if the string expression doesnt contain spaces if(!expression.contains(" ")){ int i =0; //if it starts with an operator throw an error this cannot be. if(expression.charAt(0)=='+'|| expression.charAt(0)=='*' || expression.charAt(0)=='-' || expression.charAt(0)=='/'){ System.out.println("this equation starts with a operator."); thrownewParseException(expression,0); } // if the expression ends with an operator throw an error this can not be. if(expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='+' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='*' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='-' || expression.charAt(expression.length()-1)=='/'){ System.out.println("this equation ends with a operator."); thrownewParseException(expression, expression.length()); } //go through each characer in the expression and see if its a num ber/variable, or operator.
  • 83. while(i < expression.length()){ if(expression.charAt(i)=='+'|| expression.charAt(i)=='*' || expression.charAt(i)=='-' || expression.charAt(i)=='/'){ // if the character is a operator add a space to the begining and f ront and add it to the "next" string String str =String.valueOf(expression.charAt(i)); next = next +" "+ str +" "; }else{ // if its an operator add it to the end of the "next" string. next = next + expression.charAt(i); } // increase i to move to the next character. i++; } // split the new string with added spaces. s = next.split(" "); } // if the string still doesnt exist throw the error. if(s.length ==0){ System.out .println("there has been an error. You have not entered a string with any characters"); thrownewParseException(expression,0); } // make sure there arent two operators in a row. for(int i =0; i < s.length; i++){ if(i >=1 &&(s[i].equals("+")|| s[i].equals("-") || s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/"))){
  • 84. if(s[i -1].equals("+")|| s[i -1].equals("-") || s[i -1].equals("*")|| s[i -1].equals("/")){ System.out .println("there were two operators in a row. The equation is not valid."); thrownewParseException(expression, i); } } // check to make sure there arent two operands in a row in the St ring[] if(i >=1 &&(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false && s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false)){ if(s[i -1].equals("+")==false && s[i -1].equals("-")==false && s[i -1].equals("*")==false && s[i -1].equals("/")==false){ System.out .println("there were two operands in a row. The equation is not valid."); thrownewParseException(expression, i); } } // if its a number create a new tree node, and add it to the tree st ack if(s[i].equals("+")==false&& s[i].equals("-")==false && s[i].equals("*")==false&& s[i].equals("/")==false){ BinaryTree o =newBinaryTree(null, s[i],null); tree.add(o); }elseif(operator.empty()|| s[i].equals("*")|| s[i].equals("/")){ //if its a * or / symbol hold it to ensure order of operation
  • 85. operator.push(s[i]); }else{ //group the tree's together. while(operator.empty()==false){ String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop(); BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two); tree.push(n); } operator.push(s[i]); } } // at the end ensure that the operator is empty. while(operator.empty()==false){ String operatorHeld =(String) operator.pop(); BinaryTree one =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree two =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); BinaryTree n =newBinaryTree(one, operatorHeld, two); tree.push(n); } //if there is more than 1 tree at the end something went wrong // this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier // this is just to ensure completeness. if(tree.size()>=2){ System.out .println("this expression is invalid. There were more operands t han operators."); System.out .println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie r"); while(tree.empty()==false){ return;
  • 86. } } //if there are still operators there is something wrong // this should not occur as it should have been caught earlier // this is just to ensure completeness. if(operator.empty()==false){ System.out .println("this should not occur it should have been caught earlie r."); System.out .println("there were too many operators in the string the progra m cannot continue."); { return; } } // set the tree globally t =(BinaryTree) tree.pop(); } /** * toString returns the String equation of that the passed in bi nary tree * represents. * * @param tree * that represents an equation * @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin aryTree. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") publicString toString(BinaryTree tree){
  • 87. // if its a leaf return its value if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ return(String) tree.getValue(); }else{ //else combine each parent child combination //call recursively, and contain each call in parenthesis. String s =("("+ toString(tree.getLeftChild())+ tree.getValue() + toString(tree.getRightChild())+")"); return s; } } /** * toPostfixString returns the string containing the parsed exp ression in * postFix notation with spaces between numbers and operato rs to ensure clarity. * * @param tree that represents an equation * @return the String that is represented by the passed in Bin aryTree in * postfix form. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") publicString toPostfixString(BinaryTree tree){ //if its a leaf return its value if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ return(String) tree.getValue(); }else{ //otherwise call recursively down the tree // and add the operator to the end of the two operands. // also add spaces to allow numbers to be seen individually. String s = toPostfixString(tree.getRightChild())+" "
  • 88. + toPostfixString(tree.getLeftChild())+" " + tree.getValue(); System.out.println("this is what s is "+ s); return s; } } /** * This allows the user to set a value for a variable in the exp ression. If * the variable does not exist in the function, throw a NotBou ndException. * * @param name of the variable * @param value that the variable has * @throws NotBoundException if the variable is not used in the equation */ void setVariable(String name,int value)throwsNotBoundExcepti on{ //Note var, is not a Var it is a seperate class that is an object. //if the equation string doesnt contain the variable throw an erro r if(!equation.contains(name)){ thrownewNotBoundException(); } // else continue and check if the var object is already in the list for(int i =0; i < list.size(); i++){ var v =(var) list.get(i); if(v.getName().equals(name)){ //if so change the value of the var object
  • 89. v.setValue(value); return; } } // otherwise add the var object to the list. list.add(new var(name, value)); } /** * Evaluate returns the integer result of the expression. * * Variables that are not declared are calculated at 0. * * @return the value of the equation */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") publicint evaluate(BinaryTree tree){ //if it is a leaf if(tree.isLeaf()==true){ String s =(String) tree.getValue(); //if all characters are numbers simply skip down to return the in teger value. for(int i =0; i < s.length(); i++){ if(s.charAt(i)=='0'|| s.charAt(i)==('1') || s.charAt(i)=='2'|| s.charAt(i)=='3' || s.charAt(i)=='4'|| s.charAt(i)=='5' || s.charAt(i)=='6'|| s.charAt(i)=='7' || s.charAt(i)=='8'|| s.charAt(i)=='9'){ }else{ //if there are non numeric characters check if the list has their v alues
  • 90. for(int j =0; j < list.size(); j++){ var h =(var) list.get(j); if(h.getName().equals(s)){ return h.getValue(); } } //otherwise tell the user that this variable cannot be found and t hat its value is calulated at 0 System.out.println("this variable "+ s +" cannot be found! Its value will be 0."); return0; } returnInteger.parseInt((String) tree.getValue()); } } //find the left and right values of the tree int left = evaluate(tree.getLeftChild()); int right = evaluate(tree.getRightChild()); //calculate appropriately. if(tree.getValue().equals("*")){ return left * right; }elseif(tree.getValue().equals("/")){ return left / right; }elseif(tree.getValue().equals("+")){ return left + right; } return left - right; }
  • 91. } Map.classpublicsynchronizedclass Map { BSTMap root; BSTMap found; java.util.TreeSet set; public void Map(); public void put(Comparable, Object); public Object get(Comparable); public boolean containsKey(Comparable); private BSTMap getBSTMap(Comparable); public Object remove(Comparable); private BSTMap sucessor(BSTMap); public java.util.Set keySet(); } Map.javaMap.javaimport java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; publicclassMap<K extendsComparable<K>,V>{ BSTMap root; BSTMap found; TreeSet<K> set; /** * Map initializes the map. */ publicMap(){ set=newTreeSet<K>(); root=null; found=null;
  • 92. } /** * put loads the Key and value into a BSTMap object, and the key into the set. * * If the key already exists the value is changed to the new va lue. * @param key the K key value * @param value the V value value */ publicvoid put(K key, V value){ //if the root is null this is the root if(root==null){ root=newBSTMap(key,value); set.add(key); //if the key exists then change the value }elseif(get(key)!=null){ getBSTMap(key).obj.value=value; }else{ //otherwise create a new BSTMap BSTMap i =newBSTMap(key,value); //add it to the set set.add(key); //and find its place in the BSTmap tree.No key can be identical. boolean done=false; BSTMap c= root; while(done==false){ //if it is bigger go right
  • 93. if(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())>=0){ if(c.getRight()==null){ c.setRight(i); done=true; }else{ c=c.getRight(); } //if it is smaller go left. }elseif(key.compareTo((K) c.obj.getKey())<0){ if(c.getLeft()==null){ c.setLeft(i); done=true; }else{ c=c.getLeft(); } } } } } /** * This finds the value associated with they key. If this key c annot be found null is returned. * @param key the K key value * @return V the associated V value. */ public V get(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnnull; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false
  • 94. ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); } } if(current==null){ returnnull; } if(current.obj.getKey().equals(key)){ return(V) current.obj.getValue(); } returnnull; } /** *containsKey returns boolean if the key exists in the map. * @param key the K key value to look for * @return boolean if it exists */ publicboolean containsKey(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnfalse; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); } } if(current==null){ returnfalse;
  • 95. } return current.obj.getKey().equals(key); } /** * getBSTMap returns the BSTMap associated with a key val ue * @param key the K key value * @return BSTMap contained the K key. */ privateBSTMap getBSTMap(K key){ BSTMap current= root; if(root==null){ returnnull; } while(current!=null&& current.obj.getKey().equals(key)==false ){ if(key.compareTo((K) current.obj.getKey())<0){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ current=current.getRight(); } } if(current.obj.getKey().equals(key)){ return current; } returnnull; } /** * remove removes the BSTMap associated with they key, an d returns its associated value. * * If the key cannot be found null is returned * @param key the K key value to be found * @return V the value of associated with the BSTMap contai
  • 96. ning the K key value. */ public V remove(K key){ if(root==null){ returnnull; }elseif(root.obj.getKey().equals(key)){ System.out.println("the node to remove is the root."); V val=(V) root.obj.getValue(); if(root.isLeaf()){ root=null; }elseif(root.getLeft()==null){ root=root.getRight(); }elseif(root.getRight()==null){ root=root.getLeft(); }else{ root=sucessor(root); } return val; } BSTMap n= getBSTMap(key); if(n==null){ returnnull; }else{ set.remove(key); V a=(V) n.obj.getValue(); BSTMap temp=null; BSTMap child=null; if(n.isLeaf()){ temp=n; n=null; }elseif(n.getLeft()!=null&& n.getLeft().getRight()==null){ temp=n; n.getLeft().setRight(n.right); n.setLeft(null); }elseif(n.getRight()!=null&& n.getRight().getLeft()==null){
  • 97. temp=n; n.getRight().setLeft(n.getLeft()); n.setRight(null); }else{ temp=sucessor(n); n.setRight(null); } System.out.println("this is the temp:"+ temp.obj.key); if(temp.getLeft()!=null){ child=temp.getLeft(); }else{ child=temp.getRight(); }if(child!=null){ child.parent=temp.parent; }if(temp.parent.getLeft()==temp){ temp.parent.setLeft(child); }else{ temp.parent.setRight(child); } return a; } } privateBSTMap sucessor(BSTMap n){ boolean running=true; BSTMap current=n.getRight(); while(running){ if(current.getLeft()!=null){ current=current.getLeft(); }else{ running=false; } } return current;
  • 98. } /** * keySet returns a Set of the K key values in the map. * @return */ publicSet<K> keySet(){ return set; } } BinaryTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTree { Object v; BinaryTree treeLeft; BinaryTree treeRight; void BinaryTree(BinaryTree, Object, BinaryTree); BinaryTree getLeftChild(); BinaryTree getRightChild(); void setLeftChild(BinaryTree); void setRightChild(BinaryTree); void setValue(Object); Object getValue(); boolean isLeaf(); } /** * BinaryTree is a form of linked nodes that form a tree. * * @author tai-lan hirabayashi * * @param <E> the object value that is within each node.
  • 99. */ publicclassBinaryTree<E>{ E v; BinaryTree<E> treeLeft; BinaryTree<E> treeRight; /** * BinaryTree creates a new node binaryTree which holds an object value. * It takes in the value, left and right child and holds them wi thin the node. * @param left the left child of the node. * @param value the object the node holds * @param right the right child of the node */ BinaryTree(BinaryTree<E> left, E value,BinaryTree<E> right){ v=value; treeLeft=left; treeRight=right; } /** * getLeftChild returns the left child node. * @return the left child, a binary tree node. */ BinaryTree<E> getLeftChild(){ return treeLeft; } /** * getRightChild returns the right child node. * @return the right child,a binaryTree node. */ BinaryTree<E> getRightChild(){ return treeRight;
  • 100. } /** * setLeftChild, sets the left child of the current node. * @param l is the left child, a binaryTree node. */ void setLeftChild(BinaryTree<E> l){ treeLeft=l; } /** * setRightChild, sets the right child of the current node. * @param r the right child, a binaryTree node. */ void setRightChild(BinaryTree<E> r){ treeRight=r; } /** * setValue sets the value of a node. * @param object value of the node. */ void setValue(E object){ v=object; } /** * getValue returns the value held in the node. * @return the object value of the node. */ E getValue(){ return v; } /** * isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha
  • 101. s children. * @return boolean if the node is a leaf node. */ boolean isLeaf(){ if(getLeftChild()==null&& getRightChild()==null){ returntrue; } returnfalse; } } HuffmanTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HuffmanTreeTest { HuffmanTree h; String t; public void HuffmanTreeTest(); public void start() throws; public void testEncode(); public void testDecode(); } importstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHuffmanTreeTest{ HuffmanTree h;
  • 102. String t; /** * start creates a test case * @throws FileNotFoundException */ @Before publicvoid start()throwsFileNotFoundException{ h =HuffmanTree.newTreeFromFile(newFile("/Users/tai- lanhirabayashi/Desktop/test.txt")); } /** * testEncode tries to encode a string. */ @Test publicvoid testEncode(){ t = h.encode("This program must work!"); } /** * testDecode tries to decode the string. */ @Test publicvoid testDecode(){ assertEquals("This program must work!", h.decode(t)); } } HTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTreeTest { HTree t;
  • 103. public void HTreeTest(); public void start(); public void testGetBelow(); public void testGetF(); public void testGetS(); public void testGetL(); public void testGetR(); public void testIsLeaf(); public void testSetL(); public void testSetR(); } HTreeTest.javaHTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHTreeTest{ HTree t; /** * Start initializes a test case of HTree */ @Before publicvoid start(){ t=newHTree(1,"one"); HTree a=newHTree(2,"two"); HTree b=newHTree(3,"three"); t.setL(a); t.setR(b); } /**
  • 104. * testGetBelow tests GetBelow */ @Test publicvoid testGetBelow(){ assertEquals(1,t.getBelow()); assertEquals(0,t.getL().getBelow()); HTree a=newHTree(4,"a"); HTree b=newHTree(5,"b"); t.getL().setL(a); t.getL().setR(b); assertEquals(2,t.getBelow()); } /** * testGetF tests getF */ @Test publicvoid testGetF(){ assertEquals(1,t.getF()); assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); } /** * testGetS tests getS */ @Test publicvoid testGetS(){ assertEquals("one",t.getS()); assertEquals("two",t.getL().getS()); assertEquals("three",t.getR().getS()); } /**
  • 105. * testGetL tests getL */ @Test publicvoid testGetL(){ assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); assertEquals(null,t.getL().getL()); } /** * testGetR tests getR */ @Test publicvoid testGetR(){ assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); assertEquals(null,t.getR().getR()); } /** * testIsLeaf tests isLeaf */ @Test publicvoid testIsLeaf(){ assertEquals(false,t.isLeaf()); assertEquals(true,t.getR().isLeaf()); assertEquals(true,t.getL().isLeaf()); } /** * testSetL tests setL */ @Test publicvoid testSetL(){ assertEquals(2,t.getL().getF()); t.setL(null);
  • 106. assertEquals(null,t.getL()); } /** * testSetR tests setR */ @Test publicvoid testSetR(){ assertEquals(3,t.getR().getF()); t.setR(null); assertEquals(null,t.getR()); } } Heap$MaxHeapComparator.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap$MaxHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator { public void Heap$MaxHeapComparator(); public int compare(Comparable, Comparable); } Heap$MinHeapComparator.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap$MinHeapComparator implements java.util.Comparator { public void Heap$MinHeapComparator(); public int compare(Comparable, Comparable); } Heap.classpublicsynchronizedclass Heap { int s; Object[] h; int maxS; java.util.Comparator c; public void Heap(int, java.util.Comparator); public Object findMax();
  • 107. public Object removeMax(); public void insert(Object); public int size(); private void siftUp(int); private void siftDown(int); } Heap.javaHeap.javaimport java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; publicclassHeap<E>{ int s; Object[] h; int maxS; Comparator c; /** * Heap takes in the initial size of the heap. * @param i the integer value of the size of the heap. */ publicHeap(int i,Comparator<?super E> comparator){ c=comparator; s=0; maxS=i; h=newObject[i]; } /** * findMax returns the largest item of the heap. * If the heap is empty it will throw a noSuchElementExcepti on. * @return E the max object */
  • 108. public E findMax(){ if(s==0){ System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i s empty"); thrownewNoSuchElementException(); } return(E) h[0]; } /** * removeMax removes the largest item. If the list is empty a NoSuchElementException is thrown. * @return the max object */ public E removeMax(){ if(s==0){ System.out.println("an error has been thrown because the heap i s empty"); thrownewNoSuchElementException(); } E last =(E) h[s-1]; E first =(E) h[0]; h[0]=last; h[s-1]=null; s--; siftDown(0); return first; } /** * insert inserts an item into the heap and bubbles it into the correct position. * @param item that is inserted */ publicvoid insert(E item){ if(s==maxS-1){ maxS=maxS*2;
  • 109. Object[] grownArray =newObject[maxS]; System.arraycopy(h,0, grownArray,0, h.length); h=grownArray; } h[s]=item; siftUp(s); s++; } /** * size returns the size of the heap. * @return the integer size of the heap */ publicint size(){ return s; } /** * siftUp, sifts the node at index i up through the heap into th e correct position. * @param i the value to begin sifting */ privatevoid siftUp(int i) { int n=i; boolean inPlace =false; if(n==0){ inPlace=true; } while(inPlace==false){ int a=(n-1)/2; E below=(E) h[n]; E above=(E) h[a]; if(,above)>0){
  • 110. h[n]= above; h[a]=below; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; } } } /** * SiftDown sifts the node at index i down to the correct spot in the heap. * @param i the value to begin sifting */ privatevoid siftDown(int i) { int n=i; boolean inPlace =false; while(inPlace==false){ int a=(n*2)+1; E above=(E) h[n]; E belowL=(E) h[a]; E belowR=(E) h[a+1]; if(belowL==null&& belowR==null){ return; } //if neither of the children are null if(belowL !=null&& belowR !=null){ //compare to the left child if(,belowL)<0&&,belowR)> =0){ System.out.println("down and to the left!"); h[a]= above;
  • 111. h[n]=belowL; n=a; //compare to the right child }elseif(,belowR)<0){ System.out.println("down and to the right!"); h[a+1]= above; h[n]=belowR; n=a; //otherwise its in place }else{ System.out.println("its down in place"); inPlace=true; } //if the left child isnt null }elseif(belowL !=null){ if(, belowL)<0){ h[n]= above; h[a]=belowL; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; } }else{ // if the right child isnt null compare it to the parent if(,belowR)<0){ h[a+1]= above; h[n]=belowR; n=a; }else{ inPlace=true; }
  • 112. } } } /** * MaxHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t he max value. * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * * @param <E> the comparable object */ publicstaticclassMaxHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E >>implementsComparator<E>{ @Override publicint compare(E o1, E o2){ return o1.compareTo(o2); } } /** * MinHeapComparator compares two values and prioritizes t he lower value * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * * @param <E> the comparable object */ publicstaticclassMinHeapComparator<E extendsComparable<E> >implementsComparator<E>{ @Override
  • 113. publicint compare(E o1, E o2){ return(-1* o1.compareTo(o2)); } } } PriorityQueueTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass PriorityQueueTest { PriorityQueue p; public void PriorityQueueTest(); public void start(); public void testPeek(); public void testRemove(); public void testSize(); public void testEmpty(); } PriorityQueueTest.javaPriorityQueueTest.javaimportstatic org.j unit.Assert.*; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassPriorityQueueTest{ PriorityQueue p; /** * Start initialized the program, with a queue of 1,2,3,4 and a max priority.
  • 114. */ @Before publicvoid start(){ Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator(); p=newPriorityQueue(10, c); p.add(1); p.add(2); p.add(3); p.add(4); } /** * testPeek tests the peek function. */ @Test publicvoid testPeek(){ assertEquals(4, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(3, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(2, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(1, p.peek()); p.remove(); assertEquals(null, p.peek()); } /** * restRemove tests the remove function. */ @Test publicvoid testRemove(){ assertEquals(4, p.remove()); assertEquals(3, p.remove());
  • 115. assertEquals(2, p.remove()); assertEquals(1, p.remove()); assertEquals(null, p.remove()); } /** * testSize tests the size function. */ @Test publicvoid testSize(){ assertEquals(4, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(3, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(2, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(1, p.size()); p.remove(); assertEquals(0, p.size()); p.add(9); assertEquals(1, p.size()); } /** * testEmpty tests the isEmpty function of priorityQueue. */ @Test publicvoid testEmpty(){ assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); p.remove(); assertFalse(p.isEmpty());
  • 116. p.remove(); assertTrue(p.isEmpty()); p.add(5); assertFalse(p.isEmpty()); } } BSTMap.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMap extends Map { nObject obj; BSTMap left; BSTMap right; int s; BSTMap parent; public void BSTMap(Object, Object); public void setParent(BSTMap); public BSTMap getParent(); public void setLeft(BSTMap); public void setRight(BSTMap); public BSTMap getLeft(); public BSTMap getRight(); boolean isLeaf(); } publicclassBSTMap<K,V>extendsMap{ nObject obj; BSTMap<K,V> left; BSTMap<K,V> right; int s; BSTMap<K,V> parent; /** * BSTMap creates a node with a K key and V value.
  • 117. * @param ke the K value * @param va the V value */ publicBSTMap(K ke, V va){ obj=new nObject(ke,va); left=null; right=null; parent=null; } /** * setParent sets the BSTMap which is this nodes parent. * @param p the parent */ publicvoid setParent(BSTMap<K,V> p){ parent=p; } /** * getParent returns the parent of this node. * @return BSTMap that is this nodes parent. */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getParent(){ return parent; } /** * setLeft sets the BSTMap left child. * * @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child. */ publicvoid setLeft(BSTMap<K,V> child){ left=child; if(child!=null){ left.setParent(this); }
  • 118. } /** * setRight sets the this nodes BSTMap child. * @param child BSTMap that is this nodes child. */ publicvoid setRight(BSTMap<K,V> child){ right=child; if(child!=null){ right.setParent(this); } } /** * getLeft returns this nodes left BSTMap child. * @return BSTMap this nodes left child */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getLeft(){ return left; } /** * getRight returns this nodes right BSTMap child. * @return BSTMap this nodes right child */ publicBSTMap<K,V> getRight(){ return right; } /** * isLeaf checks if the node is a leaf node by checking if it ha s children. * * It returns true for leaf, false for if it has children. * @return boolean if the node is a leaf node. */ boolean isLeaf(){
  • 119. if(getLeft()==null&& getRight()==null){ returntrue; } returnfalse; } } BinaryTreeTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BinaryTreeTest { BinaryTree t; public void BinaryTreeTest(); public void before(); public void testSetup(); public void testGetLeft(); public void testGetRight(); public void isLeaf(); public void setLeft(); public void setRight(); public void setValue(); } BinaryTreeTest.javaBinaryTreeTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.A ssert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * BinaryTreeTest tests to see if Binary Tree functions as expect ed. * @author tai-lanhirabayashi * */ publicclassBinaryTreeTest{
  • 120. BinaryTree t; /** * before sets up a base case. */ @Before publicvoid before(){ t=newBinaryTree(null,"head",null); t.setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"second",null)); t.getLeftChild().setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"third", null)); } /** * testSetup makes sure the test has been initialized. */ @Test publicvoid testSetup(){ assertEquals(t.getValue(),"head"); } /** * tests the getLeft function */ @Test publicvoid testGetLeft(){ assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"second"); } /** * Tests the get right function */ @Test publicvoid testGetRight(){ assertEquals(t.getRightChild(),null); }
  • 121. /** * Tests the isLeaf function. */ @Test publicvoid isLeaf(){ assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getLeftChild().isLeaf(),true); } /** * Tests the setLeft function */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test publicvoid setLeft(){ t.setLeftChild(newBinaryTree(null,"replace",null)); assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"replace"); } /** * tests the setRightChild function */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test publicvoid setRight(){ t.setRightChild(newBinaryTree(null,"right",null)); assertEquals(t.getRightChild().getValue(),"right"); } /** * Tests the setValue function. */ @Test publicvoid setValue(){ t.getLeftChild().setValue("reset"); assertEquals(t.getLeftChild().getValue(),"reset"); }
  • 122. } ArithmeticExpressionTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass ArithmeticExpressionTest { ArithmeticExpression a; public void ArithmeticExpressionTest(); public void startUp() throws java.text.ParseException; public void testExceptions(); public void testToString(); public void testEval(); public void testVar() throws java.rmi.NotBoundException, java.text.ParseException; public void testPostFix(); public void testWithoutSpaces() throws java.text.ParseException; } ArithmeticExpressionTest.javaArithmeticExpressionTest.javaim portstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.text.ParseException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * ArithmeticExpressionTest tests the functionality of Arithmeti cExpression. *** Note, the Program includes postFix() which returns a postfi x String of the equation. *** It can also handle strings with or without spaces. * *
  • 123. * @author tai-lan hirabayashi * */ publicclassArithmeticExpressionTest{ ArithmeticExpression a; /** * StartUp sets up the base case scenario. * @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid. */ @Before publicvoid startUp()throwsParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + 4 * 2"); } /** * testExceptions tests the programs thrown exceptions. */ @Test publicvoid testExceptions(){ boolean errorThrown =false; try{ a=newArithmeticExpression("3 + * 2"); }catch(ParseException e){ errorThrown=true; } assert(errorThrown); errorThrown=false; try{ a.setVariable("y",2); }catch(NotBoundException e){ errorThrown=true; } assert(errorThrown);
  • 124. } /** * testToString tests the toString method of the ArithmeticEx pression */ @Test publicvoid testToString(){ System.out.println("this is toString: "+ a.toString(a.t)); assertEquals(a.toString(a.t),"((2*4)+3)"); } /** * testEval tests the evaluate method of ArithmeticExpression */ @Test publicvoid testEval(){ assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),11); } /** * testVar tests the setVariable function of ArithmeticExpress ion * by checking how a variable is handled. * @throws NotBoundException * @throws ParseException if the equation is not valid. */ @Test publicvoid testVar()throwsNotBoundException,ParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("2 + 3 * x"); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),2); a.setVariable("x",2); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),8); } /** * Tests the postFix() method. */ @Test publicvoid testPostFix(){
  • 125. assertEquals(a.toPostfixString(a.t),"3 4 2 * +"); } @Test publicvoid testWithoutSpaces()throwsParseException{ a=newArithmeticExpression("2+3*x"); assertEquals(a.evaluate(a.t),2); } } nObject.classpublicsynchronizedclass nObject { Object key; Object value; public void nObject(Object, Object); public Object getKey(); public Object getValue(); public void changeKey(Object); public void changeValue(Object); } publicclass nObject<K,V>{ K key; V value; /** * nObject creates a new nObject object with a K,V values he ld. * @param ky the K key value * @param val the V value value. */ public nObject (K ky, V val){ key=ky; value=val; }
  • 126. /** * getKey returns the K key. * @return K, the key */ public K getKey(){ return key; } /** * getValue returns the V value. * @return V value */ public V getValue(){ return value; } /** * changeK allows the user to pass in a new K key. * @param ky K to be changed to. */ publicvoid changeKey(K ky){ key=ky; } /** * changeValue allows the value to be changed. * @param val the new V value. */ publicvoid changeValue(V val){ value=val; } }
  • 127. BSTMapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass BSTMapTest { BSTMap m; public void BSTMapTest(); public void startUp(); public void testGetLeft(); public void testGetRight(); public void testGetParent(); public void testIsLeaf(); public void testSetLeft(); public void testSetRight(); public void testSetParent(); } BSTMapTest.javaBSTMapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert .*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassBSTMapTest{ BSTMap m; /** * startUp creates a new instance of BSTMap. */ @Before publicvoid startUp(){ m=newBSTMap(1,"one"); } /** * testGetLeft tests getLeft(). *
  • 128. * It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, when it ha s been changed, and when it has been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testGetLeft(){ assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); m.setLeft(child); assertEquals(child, m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(a); assertEquals(a, m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(null); assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); } /** * testGetRight tests getRight(). * * It tests when it doesnt exist, when it does exist, and when i t has been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testGetRight(){ assertEquals(null, m.getRight()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two")); assertEquals(null, m.getRight()); BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); m.setRight(child); assertEquals(child, m.getRight()); m.setRight(a); assertEquals(a, m.getRight());
  • 129. m.setRight(null); assertEquals(null, m.getRight()); } /** * testGetParent tests getParent() * * It tests when there is a parent, when there is not a parent. */ @Test publicvoid testGetParent(){ assertEquals(null, m.getParent()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two")); assertEquals(null, m.getParent()); BSTMap child =newBSTMap(3,"three"); m.setRight(child); assertEquals(m, child.getParent()); } /** * testIsLeaf tests to see if a node is a leaf. * * It tests when it has no children, when it has a left child, a right child, both, and when they have been removed. */ @Test publicvoid testIsLeaf(){ assertTrue(m.isLeaf()); m.setLeft(newBSTMap(2,"two"));
  • 130. assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setLeft(null); assertFalse(m.isLeaf()); m.setRight(null); assertTrue(m.isLeaf()); } /** * testSetLeft tests setLeft() * */ @Test publicvoid testSetLeft(){ assertEquals(null, m.getLeft()); BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); m.setLeft(child); m.setRight(newBSTMap(3,"three")); assertEquals(child,m.getLeft()); m.setLeft(null); assertEquals(null,m.getLeft()); } /** * testSetRight tests setRight */ @Test publicvoid testSetRight(){ BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); assertEquals(null, a.getRight()); a.setRight(child);
  • 131. assertEquals(child, a.getRight()); a.setRight(null); assertEquals(null, a.getRight()); } /** * testSetParent tests setParent */ @Test publicvoid testSetParent(){ BSTMap child=newBSTMap(2,"two"); BSTMap a=newBSTMap(1,"a"); assertEquals(null, a.getParent()); a.setParent(child); assertEquals(child, a.getParent()); a.setParent(null); assertEquals(null, a.getParent()); } } HTree.classpublicsynchronizedclass HTree { private String s; private int f; HTree l; HTree r; public void HTree(int, String); public void setL(HTree); public void setR(HTree); public HTree getL(); public HTree getR(); public String getS(); public int getF(); public boolean isLeaf();
  • 132. public int getBelow(); } publicclassHTree<E extendsComparable<E>>{ privateString s; privateint f; HTree l; HTree r; /** * HTree creates a HTree object containing a int frequency an d a String str. * @param frequency the integer frequency of the str * @param str the str value of this HTree */ publicHTree(int frequency,String str){ s=str; f=frequency; l=null; r=null; } /** * setL sets the left HTree value * @param left the HTree that is the left child of this node */ publicvoid setL(HTree left){ l=left; } /** * setR sets the right HTree child value * @param right the HTree that is the right child of this node */
  • 133. publicvoid setR(HTree right){ r=right; } /** * getL returns the left child of this node. * @return HTree the left child. */ publicHTree getL(){ return l; } /** * getR returns the right child of this node. * @return HTree the right child. */ publicHTree getR(){ return r; } /** * getS returns the string value associated with this node * @return String the value of this node */ publicString getS(){ return s; } /** * getF returns the frequency value associated with this node. * @return the int frequency value associated with this node. */ publicint getF(){ return f; }
  • 134. /** * isLeaf returns boolean if this node is a leaf. * @return boolean wether this node is a leaf. */ publicboolean isLeaf(){ if(l==null&&r==null){ returntrue; } returnfalse; } /** * getBelow recursively finds how many children this node h as. * * **this does not handle trees with only one child (as this do es not occur in a huffmanTree) * @return the int number height */ publicint getBelow(){ if(isLeaf()){ return0; }else{ int a=1+l.getBelow(); int b=1+r.getBelow(); if(a>b){ System.out.println("returning a: "+ a); return a; } System.out.println("returning b"+ b); return b; } }
  • 135. } HeapTest.classpublicsynchronizedclass HeapTest { Heap h; Heap min; public void HeapTest(); public void start(); public void testFindMax(); public void testRemoveMax(); public void testSize(); public void testMin(); } HeapTest.javaHeapTest.javaimportstatic org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; publicclassHeapTest{ Heap h; Heap min; /** * start creates a test case of heap both min and max compara tor. */ @Before publicvoid start(){ Comparator<Integer> c =newHeap.MaxHeapComparator<Intege r>();
  • 136. Comparator<Integer> m =newHeap.MinHeapComparator<Intege r>(); min=newHeap(10,m); min.insert(1); min.insert(2); min.insert(3); min.insert(4); h=newHeap(10,c); System.out.println("this is 1"); h.insert(1); System.out.println(h.h[0]); System.out.println("this is 2"); h.insert(2); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]); System.out.println("this is 3"); h.insert(3); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]+","+h.h[2]); System.out.println("this is 4"); h.insert(4); System.out.println(h.h[0]+","+h.h[1]+","+h.h[2]+","+h.h[3]); } /** * testFindMax tests the findMax function */ @Test publicvoid testFindMax(){ assertEquals(4, h.findMax()); assertEquals(4, h.removeMax()); assertEquals(3, h.findMax()); assertEquals(1, min.findMax()); assertEquals(1, min.removeMax()); assertEquals(2, min.findMax());