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Using The 5 Themes Of Geography With Native Americans -
Presentation Transcript

2.DEFINITION OF GEOGRAPHY ge·og·ra·phy 1 : a science that deals with
the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical,
biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface Source-Merriam
Webster Collegiate Dictionary

3.IN PLAIN ENGLISH Geography is the study of the earth and everything on

4.WHERE DID THE 5 THEMES COME FROM? The 5 Themes of Geography
originated by the National Geographic Society to fulfill a need for
geographers (people who study the earth and everything on it) to
categorize everything they learn. These 5 places are easy to remember.
Just say the word “Mr. Help”.

5.MR. HELP is a mnemonic device that can be used to help remember what
the 5 Themes of Geography are. Simply put, take the first letter of each
Theme to create the word “Mr. Help”. They are: OVEMENT EGIONS UMAN

6.5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Visit each of the following sites. Follow all
buttons on each page. Save the BACK ARROW button until you are done
with each page. The BACK ARROW button will bring you back to this page.
When you have visited all 5 Themes, click on the RIGHT arrow button

7.•Movement includes the movement of people, things, such as goods, as
well as communications (the movement of ideas). •We can describe the
type of communications a place has and the main forms of transportation,
as well as what goods are exported and imported. These all come under
the heading of movement.

8.MOVEMENT Things to think about. How did the Native Americans get to
the continent of North & South America? What kind of goods did Native
Americans trade? Where did they trade goods and ideas? What did they
use for transportation? Why did tribes travel or move?

9.REGION • Regions are areas that can be grouped together by a set of
things special to that region. We have countries, ruled by governments,
areas speaking the same language, or having the same religion, and we
have areas with the same physical characteristic.

10.REGION-Things to think about. What are the different regions of Native
Americans? What is similar in the physical features of the area? What tribes
live in particular regions? What languages are spoken? What is their

11.HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL This is about the relationship between
people and their environment, or how they work together. It can be divided
into 3 parts: 1.) How people have been changed by the environment. 2.)
How the environment has been changed by people. 3.) How people depend
on the environment.

12.Human-Environmental Things to think about What effects did the Native
Americans have on their environment? Positive Negative How has the
environment affected them, do they depend on it for anything? Shelter
Water Food Clothing What changes have they made to their environment to
make it easier to live in?

13.LOCATION • Absolute: can also be called specific *Here are some
examples: 1.)Street Address: 2501 Silly Street, Anywhere Town, Nowhere
Place 2.)A Map Address: 15o20' North, 20o15' West • *Both of these
examples well tell you exactly where a place is.

14.• Relative: can also be called general *Here are some examples: 1.)ten
minutes away by train 2.)in front of the bank • *General location is shown
by saying where something is in relation to somewhere or something else.

15.LOCATION Things to think about. Where were the different Native
American Regions or tribes located? A location can be specific (for
example, it can be stated as coordinates of longitude and latitude or as a
distance from another place) or general (it's in the Northeast). What were
the tribes’ locations in relation to other major tribes? What geographic
factors caused the tribes to be located where they were? (e.g. land, water)

16.PLACE It is a description of what makes that place different to others.
Physical differences, or characteristics, mountains, rivers, type of soil,
wildlife, climate, etc. Human differences, or characteristics, roads buildings
how people live traditions

17.PLACE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT What makes a place different from
other places? What was the climate, and how did it effect the tribe? What
physical features were found in a specific region? What was the tribe who
live there like? What were their traditions?

THEME? A. movement B. human- environmental interaction C. region D.
people 19

ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION? A. getting the mail B. watching TV C.
playing D. Rainforest Gameboy Clearing 20

THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY? A. Geographica B. National Institute
Geographic Society C. National Council D. Social Studies for Social
Teachers of Studies America 21

A. Deep South B. McDonalds C. Dodge County D. Skating rink Middle
School 22

LOCATION? A. B. Dodge County Middle School 1103 Herman Ave
Springfield, Miss Eastman, GA 31023 ouri D. the hills C. Georgia 23

A. Georgia B. South America C. United States D. The Midwest 24

EARTH AND EVERYTHING ON IT? A. Photographer B. Cartographer C.
Geographer D. Mapographer 25

25.MAKING SENSE OF IT ALL: Now you have learned how geographers
study the earth. Pretend you are a geographer recently landing in the new
world. Using the graphic organizer provided, use the five themes to learn
more about one particular region of American Indians. Be prepared to
share your findings with other geographers when you return.

26.Click on the picture of the tribe your group has chosen to research. Use
the websites at that page to complete the web graph provided.

0Info/NativeAmericans/woodlandtribes.htm l ast.html SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region /regions.html

28. /plains.html
Amerhome.html/Cheyenne/cheyenne.htm l SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state:
Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region http:// /regions.html

29. tiveAmerhome.html/Navajo.html/
Nav ajo_Home_Page.html SHELTER
story/settlements/ ativehsg.htm mac/swest.htm Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html Clothing by region s.html /regions.html

30. /nwindian.htm orthwest
%20Cultures/northwest.htm SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state:
Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region http:// /regions.html
REFERENCES e http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghav a t ish/article_34.shtml

Enduring Understandings About Native Americans
Students will understand how social scientists gather, organize, interpret, and present information
related to Native American cultures and contributions.

*Why do we care about Native Americans?
*How did geography and climate affect the way Native American culture groups met their
 basic needs?
*How did available resources affect the religion, shelter, arts, and other aspects of Native
 American cultures?

What will students do to demonstrate their understanding?

*Identify and describe Indigenous groups of different areas/use of regional resources.
*Apply 5 themes of geography to culture regions: Eastern Woodland, Southeast, Plains,
 Southwest, and Northwest
*Demonstrate that Native American lifestyles exhibited respect for nature and connection to
 natural environment.
*Identify place names (names of states, cities, landmarks) that originate with Native
*Describe food, clothing, homes, and crafts of Native Americans in Culture regions.
 Emphasize importance of stable resources.
*Relate rituals of Native Americans in culture regions; myths and legends; notable figures:
*Explain how Native American contributions to American culture include: Respect for the
 land and nature and reminders to live in harmony with it.

                               ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
1. How does geography affect how and where people live?
2. What are the political, social, and economic characteristics of each North American
3. How did geography influence the development of each Native American culture?
4. How did the North American world perspective differ from that of the Europeans?

In groups of 3-4, students will complete a concept web detailing how the themes of
geography apply to a specific Native American culture. Groups will present their findings
to the rest of the class. The audience will create a chart as reports are being given,
resulting in a detailed listing of the cultures being studied. (Modeling of this experience
will be done, using the Iroquois as an example, as a full-class activity before groups are
convened.) An example of a student created chart is below.
Theme of Geography             Iroquois                     Pueblo                   Inuit
 Interaction between
   people and their

                             Museum Card Rubric
Performance                4            3                            2                   1
Include relevant   Museum card        Museum card            Museum card         Museum card
information and    contains           contains almost        does not contain    lacks a lot of
exclude            complete and       all of the relevant    sufficient detail   relevant
irrelevant         detailed           information, but       and may include     information and
information.       information        may include            some irrelevant     includes
                   (5Ws) and          some irrelevant        facts.              irrelevant
                   excludes any       facts.                                     information.
                   irrelevant data.
Use paraphrase     All information    Most information       Some                Most information
and quotation      has been           has been               information has     has not been
correctly.         correctly          correctly              been correctly      correctly
                   paraphrased or     paraphrased or         paraphrased or      paraphrased or
                   quoted.            quoted.                quoted.             quoted.

Cite sources in    Works Cited is     Works Cited is         Works Cited is      Works Cited is
works cited,       complete and       mostly complete        incomplete or       missing.
using correct      used the correct   and mostly uses        does not use the
form.              form.              the correct form.      correct form.

Observe rules of   Museum Card is     Museum Card            Museum Card         Museum Card
punctuation,       error-free.        contains one or        contains several    contains several
capitalization,                       two minor errors       errors, some of     errors, which
spelling and                          that do not            while interfere     seriously
grammatical                           interfere with         with                interfere with
constructions.                        comprehension.         comprehension.      comprehension.

                        Museum Presentation Rubric
Performance                4                  3                      2                   1
Use language         Language and         Language and         Language and        Language and
and grammar          grammar are          grammar are          grammar are         grammar and
appropriate to the   very appropriate     somewhat             somewhat            very
purpose for          to the purpose for   appropriate to the   inappropriate to    inappropriate to
speaking.            speaking.            purpose for          the purpose for     the purpose for
                                          speaking.            speaking.           speaking.
Use volume,          Volume, tone,        Volume, tone,        Volume, tone,       Volume, tone,
tone, pitch, and     pitch, and rate      pitch, and rate      pitch, and rate     pitch, and rate
rate appropriate     are very             are somewhat         are somewhat        are very
to content and       appropriate to       appropriate to       inappropriate to    inappropriate to
audience.            content and          content and          content and         content and
                     audience.            audience.            audience.           audience.
Use effective        Nonverbal            Nonverbal            Nonverbal           Nonverbal
nonverbal            communication        communication        communication       communication
communication.       is very effective.   is somewhat          is somewhat         is very
                                          effective.           ineffective, and    ineffective and
                                                               may be              very distracting.
Use visual aids to Visual aides           Visual aids          Visual aids do      No visual aids
enhance the        really enhance         somewhat             not enhance the     are used during
presentation.      the presentation.      enhance the          presentation.       the presentation.
Establish and        Eye contact with     Eye contact with     Eye contact with    Eye contact with
maintain eye         the audience is      the audience is      the audience is     the audience is
contact with         maintained at all    maintained most      maintained some     seldom or never
audience.            times.               of the time.         of the time.        maintained.

                                 PowerPoint Rubric
Performance                  4                    3                    2                   1
Identify             Colors, graphics,    Colors, graphics,    Colors, graphics,   Colors, graphics,
appropriate          animation, font,     animation, font,     animation, font,    animation, font
format for           and sounds           and sounds           and sounds could    and sounds do no
sharing              enhance              enhance              be used more        enhance the
information with     presentation and     presentation, but    effectively to      presentation in
intended             do not create an     sometimes create     enhance the         any way or create
audience and         unnecessary          an unnecessary       presentation, and   an unnecessary
comply with the      distraction from     distraction from     sometimes create    distraction.
accepted features    the information.     the information.     an unnecessary
of the format.                                                 distraction.
Include relevant     Slides include all   Slides include all   Slides contain      Slides contain
information and      of the material      of the material      some of the         little of the
exclude              about the artifact   about the artifact   material about      material about
irrelevant           (5w’s) in            (5W’s), but more     the artifact        the artifact
information.       sufficient detail,   detail could be      (5W’s), but also   (5W’s), and
                   and exclude          included;            include irrelevant include irrelevant
                   irrelevant           irrelevant           information.       information.
                   information.         information is
Cite sources in    Works Cited is       Works Cited is       Works Cited is     Works Cited is
works cited,       complete and         complete, but        incomplete, with   missing.
using correct      uses the correct     may have a few       a few errors in
form.              format.              errors in format.    format.
Observe rules of   Slides are error-    Slides contain       Slides contain     Slides contain
punctuation,       free.                one or two minor     several errors,    many errors that
capitalization,                         errors that do not   some of which      seriously
spelling, and                           interfere with       interfere with     interfere with
grammatical                             comprehension.       comprehension.     comprehension.

How do the five themes of geography influence
the culture of different Native American tHow
do the five themes of geography inflLocation:
Relative: in the middle of the Pacific, 2000 miles southwest of the U.S.
mainland. Absolute: 18° 55′ N to 28° 27′ N Latitude; 154° 48′ W to 178° 22′
W Longitude.

Place: A tropical Pacific archipelago of volcanic islands, with active
volcanoes. with cities largely on the coast. There are 8 main islands and
numerous smaller islands. Rain forests are predominant. The climate is
mild for a tropical locale due to constant trade winds from the east.

Human-environment interaction: Largely tourism related, with resorts on
the beaches. Roads are largely limited to the coasts, largely because that's
where the tourism is.

Movement: Hawaii was settled by the ever migrating Polynesians fairly
early. Europeans arrived in 1778. In the 19th century, waves of Asian
immigrants arrived, including Chinese, Filipinos, and Japanese.

31.Regions: Largely the different islands, the 8 main islands being Niihau,
Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. The main
islands have regions further divided into inland rain forests and coastal
areas. See individual islands for details.
Why does it matter that we study geography? According to a recent Gallop Survey for
National Geographic Magazine, it was found that Americans were last in geographic
literacy among developed nations. In fact, some Americans could not locate America on
the world map. As a nation, the United States is quite lost with regards to where we are
in the world (in more ways than one).

It does not matter if we are Americans, Polynesians, or Asians living in Hawaii, what’s
wrong with our sense of direction? I attribute this apathy and disinterest to the way
geography is taught in school. It is just plain boring with materials such as endless
worksheets with maps that have no connection with the students, and assessments based
on the memorization of geographic terms and place names.

Why does geography matter at all, one might ask. It is because geography is at the heart
of who we are as humans. Since the beginning of time, we have asked ourselves, “Where
am I?” “How do we get there?” “What is over that mountain?” In fact, everything can
be related to geographic factors. All subjects including ecology, political science,
climatology, economics, agricultural sciences, all need a deep understanding of
geography to fully appreciate these disciplines.

Thinking geographically makes you read or watch the news more critically. How can
one comprehend what is happening in the Iraq if one does not know where the Persian
Gulf is or appreciate hurricanes in Florida without knowing how they originate from
Africa and build up over the Atlantic Ocean. How and what is happening is always
related to where it is happening. Whether it is nations fighting over natural resources or
earthquakes and landslides in parts of the world, it all comes down to geography.

Finally, understanding geography will help people understand the tender connection that
keeps the Earth alive. We need to understand the interconnectedness of our world., and
that what affects one part of the world affects another. Realizing that what happens in
rain forests in Brazil and in the coal mines in China will affect our cities, people will
understand the interdependency of our world, and hopefully will lead to a global
consciously that will start treating our world better.

I believe geography will always matter and it is our kuleana as teachers to pique students
in the subject, and support them in understanding the relevance of understanding our
Using The 5 Themes Of Geography With Native Americans

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Using The 5 Themes Of Geography With Native Americans

  • 1. Using The 5 Themes Of Geography With Native Americans - Presentation Transcript 1.USING THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY TO STUDY THE LIVES OF NATIVE AMERICANS AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING MODULE BY: Mrs. Jodie Stoltenow 2.DEFINITION OF GEOGRAPHY ge·og·ra·phy 1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface Source-Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary 3.IN PLAIN ENGLISH Geography is the study of the earth and everything on it. 4.WHERE DID THE 5 THEMES COME FROM? The 5 Themes of Geography originated by the National Geographic Society to fulfill a need for geographers (people who study the earth and everything on it) to categorize everything they learn. These 5 places are easy to remember. Just say the word “Mr. Help”. 5.MR. HELP is a mnemonic device that can be used to help remember what the 5 Themes of Geography are. Simply put, take the first letter of each Theme to create the word “Mr. Help”. They are: OVEMENT EGIONS UMAN NVIRONMEN T OCATION LACE 6.5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Visit each of the following sites. Follow all buttons on each page. Save the BACK ARROW button until you are done with each page. The BACK ARROW button will bring you back to this page. When you have visited all 5 Themes, click on the RIGHT arrow button below. 7.•Movement includes the movement of people, things, such as goods, as well as communications (the movement of ideas). •We can describe the type of communications a place has and the main forms of transportation, as well as what goods are exported and imported. These all come under the heading of movement. 8.MOVEMENT Things to think about. How did the Native Americans get to the continent of North & South America? What kind of goods did Native
  • 2. Americans trade? Where did they trade goods and ideas? What did they use for transportation? Why did tribes travel or move? 9.REGION • Regions are areas that can be grouped together by a set of things special to that region. We have countries, ruled by governments, areas speaking the same language, or having the same religion, and we have areas with the same physical characteristic. 10.REGION-Things to think about. What are the different regions of Native Americans? What is similar in the physical features of the area? What tribes live in particular regions? What languages are spoken? What is their religion? 11.HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL This is about the relationship between people and their environment, or how they work together. It can be divided into 3 parts: 1.) How people have been changed by the environment. 2.) How the environment has been changed by people. 3.) How people depend on the environment. 12.Human-Environmental Things to think about What effects did the Native Americans have on their environment? Positive Negative How has the environment affected them, do they depend on it for anything? Shelter Water Food Clothing What changes have they made to their environment to make it easier to live in? 13.LOCATION • Absolute: can also be called specific *Here are some examples: 1.)Street Address: 2501 Silly Street, Anywhere Town, Nowhere Place 2.)A Map Address: 15o20' North, 20o15' West • *Both of these examples well tell you exactly where a place is. 14.• Relative: can also be called general *Here are some examples: 1.)ten minutes away by train 2.)in front of the bank • *General location is shown by saying where something is in relation to somewhere or something else. 15.LOCATION Things to think about. Where were the different Native American Regions or tribes located? A location can be specific (for example, it can be stated as coordinates of longitude and latitude or as a distance from another place) or general (it's in the Northeast). What were the tribes’ locations in relation to other major tribes? What geographic
  • 3. factors caused the tribes to be located where they were? (e.g. land, water) 16.PLACE It is a description of what makes that place different to others. Physical differences, or characteristics, mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate, etc. Human differences, or characteristics, roads buildings how people live traditions 17.PLACE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT What makes a place different from other places? What was the climate, and how did it effect the tribe? What physical features were found in a specific region? What was the tribe who live there like? What were their traditions? 18.QUESTION 1 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A GEOGRAPHY THEME? A. movement B. human- environmental interaction C. region D. people 19 19.QUESTION 2 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF HUMAN- ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION? A. getting the mail B. watching TV C. playing D. Rainforest Gameboy Clearing 20 20.QUESTION 3 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING HELPED CREATE THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY? A. Geographica B. National Institute Geographic Society C. National Council D. Social Studies for Social Teachers of Studies America 21 21.QUESTION 4 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF PLACE? A. Deep South B. McDonalds C. Dodge County D. Skating rink Middle School 22 22.QUESTION 5 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF LOCATION? A. B. Dodge County Middle School 1103 Herman Ave Springfield, Miss Eastman, GA 31023 ouri D. the hills C. Georgia 23 23.QUESTION 6 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF REGION? A. Georgia B. South America C. United States D. The Midwest 24 24.QUESTION 7 WHAT IS THE NAME OF A PERSON WHO STUDIES THE EARTH AND EVERYTHING ON IT? A. Photographer B. Cartographer C. Geographer D. Mapographer 25 25.MAKING SENSE OF IT ALL: Now you have learned how geographers
  • 4. study the earth. Pretend you are a geographer recently landing in the new world. Using the graphic organizer provided, use the five themes to learn more about one particular region of American Indians. Be prepared to share your findings with other geographers when you return. 26.Click on the picture of the tribe your group has chosen to research. Use the websites at that page to complete the web graph provided. 27. 0Info/NativeAmericans/woodlandtribes.htm l ast.html SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region /regions.html 28. /plains.html Amerhome.html/Cheyenne/cheyenne.htm l SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region http:// /regions.html 29. tiveAmerhome.html/Navajo.html/ Nav ajo_Home_Page.html SHELTER story/settlements/ ativehsg.htm mac/swest.htm Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html Clothing by region s.html /regions.html 30. /nwindian.htm orthwest %20Cultures/northwest.htm SHELTER y/settlements/ Tribes by state: Early Tribal Histories ex.html s.html Clothing by region http://
  • 5. /regions.html REFERENCES e http://www.funsocialstudies.learninghav a t ish/article_34.shtml Enduring Understandings About Native Americans Students will understand how social scientists gather, organize, interpret, and present information related to Native American cultures and contributions. *Why do we care about Native Americans? *How did geography and climate affect the way Native American culture groups met their basic needs? *How did available resources affect the religion, shelter, arts, and other aspects of Native American cultures? What will students do to demonstrate their understanding? *Identify and describe Indigenous groups of different areas/use of regional resources. *Apply 5 themes of geography to culture regions: Eastern Woodland, Southeast, Plains, Southwest, and Northwest *Demonstrate that Native American lifestyles exhibited respect for nature and connection to natural environment. *Identify place names (names of states, cities, landmarks) that originate with Native Americans. *Describe food, clothing, homes, and crafts of Native Americans in Culture regions. Emphasize importance of stable resources. *Relate rituals of Native Americans in culture regions; myths and legends; notable figures: *Explain how Native American contributions to American culture include: Respect for the land and nature and reminders to live in harmony with it. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1. How does geography affect how and where people live? 2. What are the political, social, and economic characteristics of each North American culture? 3. How did geography influence the development of each Native American culture? 4. How did the North American world perspective differ from that of the Europeans? In groups of 3-4, students will complete a concept web detailing how the themes of geography apply to a specific Native American culture. Groups will present their findings to the rest of the class. The audience will create a chart as reports are being given, resulting in a detailed listing of the cultures being studied. (Modeling of this experience will be done, using the Iroquois as an example, as a full-class activity before groups are convened.) An example of a student created chart is below.
  • 6. Theme of Geography Iroquois Pueblo Inuit Location Place Interaction between people and their environment Movement Region Museum Card Rubric Performance 4 3 2 1 Indicators Include relevant Museum card Museum card Museum card Museum card information and contains contains almost does not contain lacks a lot of exclude complete and all of the relevant sufficient detail relevant irrelevant detailed information, but and may include information and information. information may include some irrelevant includes (5Ws) and some irrelevant facts. irrelevant excludes any facts. information. irrelevant data. Use paraphrase All information Most information Some Most information and quotation has been has been information has has not been correctly. correctly correctly been correctly correctly paraphrased or paraphrased or paraphrased or paraphrased or quoted. quoted. quoted. quoted. Cite sources in Works Cited is Works Cited is Works Cited is Works Cited is works cited, complete and mostly complete incomplete or missing. using correct used the correct and mostly uses does not use the form. form. the correct form. correct form. Observe rules of Museum Card is Museum Card Museum Card Museum Card punctuation, error-free. contains one or contains several contains several capitalization, two minor errors errors, some of errors, which spelling and that do not while interfere seriously grammatical interfere with with interfere with constructions. comprehension. comprehension. comprehension. Museum Presentation Rubric Performance 4 3 2 1
  • 7. Indicators Use language Language and Language and Language and Language and and grammar grammar are grammar are grammar are grammar and appropriate to the very appropriate somewhat somewhat very purpose for to the purpose for appropriate to the inappropriate to inappropriate to speaking. speaking. purpose for the purpose for the purpose for speaking. speaking. speaking. Use volume, Volume, tone, Volume, tone, Volume, tone, Volume, tone, tone, pitch, and pitch, and rate pitch, and rate pitch, and rate pitch, and rate rate appropriate are very are somewhat are somewhat are very to content and appropriate to appropriate to inappropriate to inappropriate to audience. content and content and content and content and audience. audience. audience. audience. Use effective Nonverbal Nonverbal Nonverbal Nonverbal nonverbal communication communication communication communication communication. is very effective. is somewhat is somewhat is very effective. ineffective, and ineffective and may be very distracting. distracting. Use visual aids to Visual aides Visual aids Visual aids do No visual aids enhance the really enhance somewhat not enhance the are used during presentation. the presentation. enhance the presentation. the presentation. presentation. Establish and Eye contact with Eye contact with Eye contact with Eye contact with maintain eye the audience is the audience is the audience is the audience is contact with maintained at all maintained most maintained some seldom or never audience. times. of the time. of the time. maintained. PowerPoint Rubric Performance 4 3 2 1 Indicators Identify Colors, graphics, Colors, graphics, Colors, graphics, Colors, graphics, appropriate animation, font, animation, font, animation, font, animation, font format for and sounds and sounds and sounds could and sounds do no sharing enhance enhance be used more enhance the information with presentation and presentation, but effectively to presentation in intended do not create an sometimes create enhance the any way or create audience and unnecessary an unnecessary presentation, and an unnecessary comply with the distraction from distraction from sometimes create distraction. accepted features the information. the information. an unnecessary of the format. distraction. Include relevant Slides include all Slides include all Slides contain Slides contain information and of the material of the material some of the little of the exclude about the artifact about the artifact material about material about irrelevant (5w’s) in (5W’s), but more the artifact the artifact
  • 8. information. sufficient detail, detail could be (5W’s), but also (5W’s), and and exclude included; include irrelevant include irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant information. information. information. information is excluded. Cite sources in Works Cited is Works Cited is Works Cited is Works Cited is works cited, complete and complete, but incomplete, with missing. using correct uses the correct may have a few a few errors in form. format. errors in format. format. Observe rules of Slides are error- Slides contain Slides contain Slides contain punctuation, free. one or two minor several errors, many errors that capitalization, errors that do not some of which seriously spelling, and interfere with interfere with interfere with grammatical comprehension. comprehension. comprehension. construction. How do the five themes of geography influence the culture of different Native American tHow do the five themes of geography inflLocation: Relative: in the middle of the Pacific, 2000 miles southwest of the U.S. mainland. Absolute: 18° 55′ N to 28° 27′ N Latitude; 154° 48′ W to 178° 22′ W Longitude. Place: A tropical Pacific archipelago of volcanic islands, with active volcanoes. with cities largely on the coast. There are 8 main islands and numerous smaller islands. Rain forests are predominant. The climate is mild for a tropical locale due to constant trade winds from the east. Human-environment interaction: Largely tourism related, with resorts on the beaches. Roads are largely limited to the coasts, largely because that's where the tourism is. Movement: Hawaii was settled by the ever migrating Polynesians fairly early. Europeans arrived in 1778. In the 19th century, waves of Asian immigrants arrived, including Chinese, Filipinos, and Japanese. 31.Regions: Largely the different islands, the 8 main islands being Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. The main islands have regions further divided into inland rain forests and coastal areas. See individual islands for details.
  • 9. Why does it matter that we study geography? According to a recent Gallop Survey for National Geographic Magazine, it was found that Americans were last in geographic literacy among developed nations. In fact, some Americans could not locate America on the world map. As a nation, the United States is quite lost with regards to where we are in the world (in more ways than one). It does not matter if we are Americans, Polynesians, or Asians living in Hawaii, what’s wrong with our sense of direction? I attribute this apathy and disinterest to the way geography is taught in school. It is just plain boring with materials such as endless worksheets with maps that have no connection with the students, and assessments based on the memorization of geographic terms and place names. Why does geography matter at all, one might ask. It is because geography is at the heart of who we are as humans. Since the beginning of time, we have asked ourselves, “Where am I?” “How do we get there?” “What is over that mountain?” In fact, everything can be related to geographic factors. All subjects including ecology, political science, climatology, economics, agricultural sciences, all need a deep understanding of geography to fully appreciate these disciplines. Thinking geographically makes you read or watch the news more critically. How can one comprehend what is happening in the Iraq if one does not know where the Persian Gulf is or appreciate hurricanes in Florida without knowing how they originate from Africa and build up over the Atlantic Ocean. How and what is happening is always related to where it is happening. Whether it is nations fighting over natural resources or earthquakes and landslides in parts of the world, it all comes down to geography. Finally, understanding geography will help people understand the tender connection that keeps the Earth alive. We need to understand the interconnectedness of our world., and that what affects one part of the world affects another. Realizing that what happens in rain forests in Brazil and in the coal mines in China will affect our cities, people will understand the interdependency of our world, and hopefully will lead to a global consciously that will start treating our world better. I believe geography will always matter and it is our kuleana as teachers to pique students in the subject, and support them in understanding the relevance of understanding our world.