arterial supply applied anatomy lobes layers divisions branches from circle of willis contents nerve supply parts diaphragm fascia skin ligaments flexor muscles muscles external surfaces muscles of abdomen cutaneous nerves layers of fascia rectus sheath slings pillars arches of foot fibres tracts peduncles nuclei cerebellum openings crus arches attachments recesses of pleura costal diaphragmatic cervical mediastinal pleura peritoneum related location appendix caecum anal canal sacro iliac joint ureter urinary bladder bones flexor ulnar radiocarpal joint nerve supply of nose lateral wall median wall internal nose external nose nose pterygopalatine ganglion pterygopalatine fossa in orbit in pterygopalatine fossa in middle cranial fossa maxillary nerve nerves opthalmic artery diplopia squint obliqus recti muscles of eye ball muscles forming suboccipital triangle cartotid prevertebral pretracheal investing layer cervical facia dangerous area of face nerves of face veins of face arteries of face facial muscles facebook venous drainage importance of the layeres formation scalp parasympathetic sympathetic ans cerebral arteries circle of willis carotid system vertebral system hippocampus amygadala limbic lobe limbic system functional area fissures gyri sulci white matter grey matter medulla cortex hemisphere cerebrum closed part olivary level closed part pyramidal & sensory decussations internal features open & closed cortico bulbar cortico nuclear tectal fibres red nucleus inferior colliculus substantia nigra superior colliculus lateral lemniscus medila lemniscus internal dorasl ventral external features veins other arteries branches from posterior division branches from anterior division internal iliac artery pelvis arteries features present in it parts of male urethra male uretha urethra structures traversing capsules structure prostate pudendal block abscess subdivisions pudendal canal boundaries ischiorectal fossa anal triangle perineum suprarenal gland embryology blood supply origin fascial modifications front of thigh introduction blood vessels receptors cells gastrosplenic ligament lesser omentum greater omentum folds lesser sac greater sac peritoneum peritoneal relations visceral relations spleen deep group superficial group infront of forearm blood features grooves borders chambers forming external surface chambers branches trunks roots
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