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5 Advantages Of
Taking Online
Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tabs
With Ease
4 Easy Ways To
1. Learn To Play The Top 10 Acoustic Guitar Songs 1
2. Online Guitar Course Galore 3
3. Learn Beginner Guitar Tabs With Ease 5
4. How To Make The Most Of Your Guitar Lessons 7
5. Different Puzzle Pieces To Consider When Downloading Lessons 9
6. Develop Your Guitar Play With Advanced Guitar Flow 11
7. 5 Steps To Develop Octaves With Guitar Sheet Music 13
8. 5 Advantages Of Taking Online Guitar Lessons 15
9. 4 Easy Ways To Learn Guitar 17
10. 5 Fundamental Skills All Guitarists Should Learn 20
Learning to play the acoustic guitar can not only be enjoyable but mesmerizing to those who
you entertain.
What many beginners do not realize is how many popular and well-known songs use no more
than a few chords.
You will be happy to know some of the greatest songs ever made can be learned fairly easily.
Here are 10 easy guitar songs you can learn to play today.
1. For What It Is Worth
This classic was played by Buffalo Springfield back in 1967.
A majority of this song is played with Chords E and A while the chorus also throws in D and
There really is not much to this song as you can find instructions for when to strum which
chord according to the lyrics.
2. Knocking on Heaven's Door
Believe it or not, you too could be playing this well-known song from the great Bob Dylan.
Youtube is a terrific place to find a video tutorial on when to hit each chord and how long to
hold each note.
3. Redemption
The next song on the list of acoustic easy guitar songs is Redemption by Bob Marley.
This song is a bit more complicated as it throws more chords into the equation but they are
still basic chords that you will want to learn for any other song.
The chords that will be used for Redemption include AmCDEmand G. Although it is more
complex, it is the perfect challenge for a beginner.
4. Wish You Were Here
Wish You Were Here was performed by the tremendously talented Pink Floyd.
While there are multiple chords used throughout the song, they are spread out giving you
plenty of time to reposition your fingers properly.
The chords that will be used for this song include AAmCDEm and G.
This too is a classic song that you can mesmerize friends and family members by playing
without them even realizing how simple it actually is to ply.
5. Time Of Your Life
The final song on the list of easy guitar songs to learn to play is Time of Your Life by Green
What you will find with this song is a lot of repetition.
There are parts of the song where you will strum a single note up to nine times in a row.
Although it can seem rather basic, the song as a whole is a masterpiece.
The chords used in this song include CDEm and G.
The internet is the land of information, programs, courses and software. If learning the
guitar is something you desire, then you are in for a real treat.
There are countless options to choose from when it comes to finding an online guitar course.
The only thing you need is to decide what kind of course you want.
If you are just starting out, there are some tremendous beginner courses that can start you
out from the bottom.
These courses can teach you the basic chords, how to position your fingers and how to
switch from one note to the next.
Beginner courses can be found for free or more detailed options can be found for a small
The next kind of online guitar course you can find is acoustic lessons. Acoustic is extremely
popular with the mellow rhythm and tremendous sound that it can produce if you know what
you are doing.
There are web-based lessons for free that come in the form of text, audio and video that can
help you improve your techniques.
The downside is they will not give you a solid step-by-step method to help you establish your
overall skills.
There are home study courses that you can purchase from the internet to help you every
step of the way on the acoustic guitar.
There are books, CDs and DVDs that will show you how to position your hands, how to hit
the notes all of your favorite musicians hit and how to play all of your favorite songs.
After you have developed your skills and are past the beginner lessons, you will be ready to
move on to bigger and better things. This is when you will want to start training to be a lead
guitarist and there are lessons out there specifically for this.
After developing a solid foundation of basic open and barre chords fretboard knowledge and
reading tabs, you can take it a step up with a more advanced online guitar course.
With an advanced course you should learn scales and fretboard patterns in various positions
and specific lead techniques like pull-offs, slides, bends, vibrations, lead runs, as and how to
play various pentatonic and minor scales.
No matter how much you think you already know, there is always room for growth.
As you can see, there is a wide array of different options to choose from when it comes to
finding an online guitar course.
Regardless of whether you are a beginner or rather advanced, there are lessons and courses
for everyone.
To put together an entire song on the guitar, you first need to be able to play chords.
As a beginner, it is vital you start from the bottom and work your way up.
While there is no standard list of beginner guitar tabs that people go by, there are between 8
and 18 basic chords you will need to learn.
The basic major and minor chords that you should become familiar with include A Major, An
Intermediate B, A Minor C and so on.
A lot of beginners are amazed to learn that these simple chords can help piece together some
of your favorite songs from artists like AC/DC Van Halen Metallica and more.
Upon learning each of the tabs. you can then piece them together to create sequences that
make up the ever-so-popular songs you grew up loving. So where do you start to learn
beginner guitar tabs?
The first step is to pick a chord family and master it. The chord families consist of the A, D, G
and C families. Within each of these families consists of the tabs you want to learn.
For instance, the A family has chords A, D and E while the D family has chords D, E, G and A.
To master the basic chords, you want to take it one family at a time.
Something that can be helpful is using a guitar chord charge which will show you the exact
finger positions of each chord on a diagram.
Another tip is to find the chords and lyrics of rather easy songs you are familiar with online.
You would be amazed at how many songs are generated from three or four chords.
If you are truly going to learn the beginner guitar tabs, it is crucial you put in the time to
practice on a daily basis.
After you have learned a chord family, move on to the next until you have mastered that
family. You want to be able to rapidly change from one chord to another in order to smoothly
piece together a sequence.
Once you have mastered all of the basic chords, you can then proceed to Barre chords and
some of the more complex chords. Before that, you will want to add 7th and minor 7th
chords as this will prepare you for Barre chords.
The goal is to learn all of the basic families at your own pace until you can play them at any
moment with your eyes closed.
The more comfortable you are transitioning from one tab to the next, the easier it will be to
play all of your favorite guitar songs.
There is no question the guitar is one of the most desirable instruments people want to learn
to play.
While some are talented enough to teach themselves, most require guitar lessons to truly
learn the instrument.
Although anyone can sign up for lessons, there are certain things that need to be done in
order to make anything out of those lessons.
Before doing anything, it is imperative you take the time to research and find a qualified
As a student, you want to know if the person teaching you is experienced and knows what
they are doing.
Do not be afraid to ask what kind of experience they have or how long they have been
playing prior to signing up for lessons.
As soon as you find the right instructor, the next tip to make the most of your lessons is to
bring suggestions of what kind of music you are interested in and would like to play.
While it is the teacher's job to provide music that is to your ability, you are the one paying
for the lessons. There is nothing wrong with asking to be taught a certain kind of music or
If you truly want to develop your skills, it is imperative you practice outside of the guitar
Typically lessons are going to be no more than one hour per day and can range from once a
week to a few times per week. This is not enough to turn into a solid guitarist.
It will be up to you to practice the things you have learned during the lessons and master the
chords, songs and movements.
It can be easy to get down on yourself or become discouraged. Believe it or not, every
famous guitarist you look up to has struggled at certain points in their career.
How you react to the mistakes and struggles will determine what kind of a guitarist you
become. Setting goals can be a great way to stay motivated and stick with it.
Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when taking guitar lessons is to have fun.
It should not be something you force or something you regret having to go to.
This is why it is important you suggest to the teacher songs or a certain kind of music you
would like to play. This will keep you interested and focused throughout the process of
With the right teacher and the proper mindset, you will begin to pick up the guitar in no time.
It can be both encouraging and discouraging to look online and find thousands of different
guitar lessons you can download.
It is nice to know there are more than enough options to choose from to help tone your skills.
At the same timehow do you know what to download?
Here are different pieces of the puzzle you need to decide on as you download guitar lessons.
Before doing anything, you need to determine what skill level you are at. This can help
narrow the choices out there to make your decision easier.
If you are advanced beginner, lessons will be nothing but a bore to you. If you are a beginner,
trying to jam to your favorite rock groups will only set you up for failure.
Now that you understand what your skill level isthe next thing to decide is what instructor
you would like to use if any.
There are a lot of web sites that have lessons from specific instructors thus allowing you to
see their background, how experienced they are and what type of music they teach.
If you do not want to use an instructor, there are general courses and instructions that you
can follow to learn songs on the guitar.
The next piece of the puzzle to consider as you download guitar lessons is what style of
music you are looking to play. There are lessons online for any genre you can think of
including rock, jazz, classical, funk, bluegrass and more.
Obviously, there are different techniques and chords used for the different kinds of music
played. Just keep in mind there is nothing wrong with learning a variety of genres if you
desire to do so.
The final thing to keep in mind when looking to download lessons for the guitar is what it is
you want to learn from. Some people learn the guitar best by seeing what chords to strum
and seeing how to position the fingers.
For these students, video lessons would be best. For others, just hearing the music is enough
and downloading audio will do the trick.
However, learning to read music can be extremely beneficial as it can open the door for you
to play just about any song imaginable.
With so many programs, lessons, instructors and software to choose fromit can be difficult
deciding what to download for guitar lessons.
Taking into account the tips and pieces of information in this article can help determine what
is best for you as you download guitar lessons.
There is a difference between learning to get through a song and learning to entertain a
When first starting out, you will learn the basics of the guitar and how to piece together
notes to create a song.
As soon as you are through the beginning stages, it is time to beef up your skills with
advanced guitar lessons.
Something that must be learned in order to take your skills to the next level is flow.
Flow is developed as soon as you understand the music you are playing and can truly play
with emotion.
This is what separates a mediocre guitarist from someone that will captivate listeners and
Obviously, flow is not something that can be developed overnight. It is going to take months
of proper practice in order to include it into your songs.
You want to start by understanding the overall idea of the song and add detail as you
become increasingly comfortable with songs.
What you want to do is focus on spots throughout the song that give you trouble and then
play the whole piece once you have mastered the entire song.
What you will learn with advanced guitar lessons is to rehearse the song in your mind before
even touching the strings with your fingers.
The goal is develop a mental clarity to the point where you can picture what is coming next
and hear the entire song within your head.
Long difficult passages can certainly present a problem for many. Just remember to take it
one step at a time and build up.
For instance, you are best off starting with single measures and learning them like the back
of your hand. From there, you can then work up to 2 , 4, 8 measures and so on.
In order to add flow to your music, you need to be able to listen and hear flow. This entails
you being able to understand the context of what is being played.
From there, you need to combine notes from the phrase from the time it begins until it ends.
After interpreting the phrase and giving it meaning within the context, you must then apply
that meaning to the interpreted phrase.
When it is all said and done, you will learn with advanced guitar lessons that flow comes
down to being able to recognize, understand and hear what is coming next.
You need to be able to focus on the current chord and its scalethe next chord with its scale
and the transition between the two.
As soon as you can learn this from your lessons, you will truly develop into an impressive
While the guitar is a sought after instrument to learn, many find it is quite difficult to learn.
Just looking at guitar sheet music, you will get a sense of how complex it can be.
While many instruments require musicians to read one note at a time, the guitar can have as
many as 6 notes at a time.
Obviously you do not want to jump right in and start learning to read six notes at a time.
This will only frustrate you and set you up for failure. Instead, you want to take it slow and
progress by learning to read one or two notes at a time.
The easiest way to learn to read two notes at a time is to play octaves. Here are some steps
to take in order to properly read octaves with guitar sheet music.
Before beginning to play, you want to look over a song and locate two of the same notes that
are stacked on top of each other within the sheet music.
This is what is known as an octave. From there, take your index finger from your non-
dominant hand and place it on the lower note of the octave. You will then want to place your
ring finger on the higher note.
Now that you have your fingers positioned properly, strum the notes with the fingers of your
dominant hand.
It is important you do not allow the other strings to ring while strumming the octaves. In
order to avoid this, rest the middle finger of your non-dominant hand over any unused
The next step to reading and playing octaves from guitar sheet music is to play two octaves
in a row on the same string sets.
Make sure you keep your fingers from your non-dominant hand in position when sliding
from one octave to the next. This is a technique that does require practice but will ultimately
make reading octaves much easier.
Everything with the guitar is steps.
First you will start by picking out octaves on the guitar sheet music. Next you will properly
position your fingers on the first octave. Then you will play two octaves in a row on the same
string sets.
The final step is to play two octaves in a row on different string sets. You will do this by
keeping the fingers of your non-dominant hand as close to the strings as possible as you
move to an octave on a different string set.
It takes time and practice but it will help you develop into a sound guitarist.
As with anything these days, the internet is a tremendous place to turn to for lessons as well.
Here are 5 advantages to taking online guitar lessons.
1. Learn At Your Own Pace
Everyone is going to learn the guitar at a different pace. Some may breeze through the
beginning chords while others may struggle the first month or two.
When taking online lessons you do not have to worry about keeping up with the class or
going at the pace the instructor wants you to.
Although it does take more discipline on your side, it does allow you to learn at your own
2. Learn The Style You Are Interested In
Unfortunately, learning the guitar from an instructor or school does not always guarantee
you will learn the type of music you want to.
Instead, you will be given the tools and be taught the chords needed to teach yourself rock,
classical, jazz or whatever it is you desire.
With online guitar lessons, you can learn enjoyable music from the start.
3. Numerous Lessons
There is nothing more tedious than going through the same book and learning the same
lessons over and over.
With countless web sites and programs to choose from online, you will have no problem
finding a variety of lessons for the guitar.
This will help to keep things fun and exciting throughout the learning stage.
4. Learn Anytime
For some, it can be difficult finding time in the day to set aside for a class or lessons with an
The great thing about the internet is that it is open 24/7 allowing you to learn on your own
It will also allow you to push a lesson back if you are sick occupied or simply do not have the
right mindset.
You can learn anytime you want.
5. Visual
Sometimes the best way to learn something is to see it and follow along with it.
Online video guitar lessons allow you to stop, rewind and fast forward and play along with
any lesson or song you choose to.
Videos can help you see exactly how to strum a chord, position your fingers on the guitar
and play an entire song.
The internet has done it again with online video guitar lessons helping guitarists of all levels.
You can find lessons of all difficulties so that you can learn at your own pace while following
along to every movement and step.
With the increasing popularity of rock music during the last few decades, playing the guitar
has become very appealing for many people.
While there are many teenagers out there who dream of becoming rock superstars, there are
also many people that want to learn how to play the guitar just for the sake of it.
However, many of them don't find the best way to learn guitar and after a few unsuccessful
attempts, they finally give up.
Different people have different learning needs.
In addition, we also have different resources, different jobs, different errands to run and
different schedules.
If you're not at the level you want, maybe it is because you have not found the best way to
learn guitar yet.
There are several ways to learn how to play the guitar. Listed below are only a few of them.
1. Theory Books
There are thousands of theory books on the market that teach you how to play the guitar.
Some of them are even very good and can provide you with all the information you need.
Books are an inexpensive and comfortable strategy to learn how to play the guitar.
Unfortunately, experience shows that for many of us they just don't work.
However, if you are a very patient person, a theory book might be the best way to learn
2. Video Lessons
Video guitar lessons are available on DVDs and video tapes in almost any music store, as
well as on virtual shops.
In addition, there are also some video lessons available online. Some of them are even free.
Video lessons are more dynamic and have a better chance of keeping you focused.
They have the advantage of allowing you to practice at home whenever you find the time to
do it.
However, the inconvenience is that you can't benefit from the personalized attention and
useful feedback a teacher could provide.
3. Private Lessons
If you are willing to dedicate a lot of time as well as some money to this, private lessons are
definitely the best way to learn guitar.
A good teacher can design a customized teaching program to suit your learning style and
provide you with individualized attention and positive feedback to get you motivated.
In addition, he or she can also spot and correct your mistakes very fast.
4. Learning by Ear
Learning the guitar by ear can be very fun, especially if you have some sort of musical bone
in your body, and that bone is humming with lots of vibration, you might find that this is the
best way to learn guitar for you.
With the modern slowing down technology, it is much easier now than it used to be for our
parents' generation.
4 Easy Ways To Learn Guitar 19
You should always keep in mind that playing the guitar should be fun. If you find it difficult
or stressing, your learning strategy might have a lot to do with it.
Sometimes you need to try several learning methods before finding the one that works best
for you.
However, if you really want to play the guitar like a pro and have enough time and money,
taking up private lessons is probably the best way to go.
Guitar skills are what it is all about when you're learning to play the guitar. But sometimes
you can't be sure where to start and what is important to learn.
You see famous guitar players moving all over the fret boards with their sweet techniques
and it may get confusing as to what you should learn.
The best way to go at it is to cover all of the basics and introductory skills that will allow you
to start learning songs quickly because we know that is what you want to do.
So, just to get you down the right track, here is a list of 5 very important skills that every
guitarist should know.
1. How To Form And Transition Between Chords
You can't play songs or get even close to jamming around the campfire unless you know at
least three chords.
5 Fundamental Guitar Skills All Guitarists Should Learn 21
There is not that much to playing the guitar besides knowing chords and having some lead
riffs to go along with them.
Once you sit down and actually hash out what the chords are to your favorite songs, then
you can begin to get down to business.
2. How To Warm Up Before Practicing
Most guitarists don't know what it means to warm up before playing their practice material
and it can be holding them back.
One of the most important aspects of practice time is warming up. I guess you could think of
it like eating breakfast in the morning.
3. Hammer-Ons And Pull-Offs
Hammer-ons and pull-offs are some great guitar skills that are used in almost every song
with lead riffs because they're so impressive to hear,
Yet easy to play.
To execute a hammer-on, you simply press a finger very quickly onto the fret board on a
string to get it to ring.
To execute a pull-off you reverse the action and attempt to sound the note by pulling away
with your finger.
4. How To Follow A Tempo Closely
All of these riffs and chords don't mean squat if you can't go along with a drummer or any
sort of beat in real life.
It is alright to plan on playing by yourself forever, but most of the time, musicians like to
progress into a band.
Learn to pay close attention to a metronome when you play in order to get that beat
ingrained in your skull so that it almost haunts you in your sleep.
5. Double-Picking To Improve Your Playing Speed
If you are playing every note by moving the pick in a downwards motion every single time,
you are wasting your talents.
Eventually, this method is going to slow you up and you will need to start double-picking.
Double-picking is when you strike a string by moving the pick downwards and then hit the
string again when bringing the pick back up.
You essentially double your picking speed with this new way of picking.
Now, all of these skills are extremely important to learning how to play the guitar properly,
but 9 out of 10 times, it takes the guidance of a professional to truly get a beginner off their
Whether from books, magazines, videos, or the internet, there's usually a guitar instructor
that knows how to get you going.
The newest craze of learning guitar skills is by way of online guitar lessons that you can
access from your home computer.
They are very convenient and affordable and they can turn you into a great guitarist by
teaching you skills like:
1. Tackling lead riffs and licks with less stress
2. How to remember tons of chords without having to look them up
3. How to remember more songs so that you don't run out of material
4. How to create a great practice schedule that will keep you motivated and won't burn you
38 Black Acoustic Guitar Starter Package
With an attractive Black color finish; this
is a complete combo package that comes
with a guitar case, extra set of strings and
a tuner.
Crescent Mg38-CF
Jasmine S35 Dreadnought
Jasmine S35 Acoustic Guitar
6 String Acoustic Electric Cutaway Bass Guitar
This 6 string electric cutaway acoustic bass guitar is designed
and made in China by a professional instruments
Electric Bass Flat Brown Burst Rosewood Fretboard
The SR Portamento offers a Rosewood
fingerboard that extends the length of
the standard SR neck to a hefty 30-fret
Squier By Fender Stop-Dreaming Start Playing Set
Affinity J Bass-W Rumble 15 AMP Black
This set features our sleek, great-sounding and easy-
playing Squier Affinity Jazz Bass guitar.
Mustang Bass Silver Sparkle
ESP Ltd B50 Left Handed
Squier Affinity Jazz Bass
39 Inch Full-Size Black Student Beginner Classical
Nylon String Guitar
Perfect for beginner or student travel guitar.
Hohner HC06 Full Sized Classical Nylon String Guitar
Classical guitar for students, but you could not tear yourself away from
the guitar with its excellent handcraft, bright sound and comfortable
feeling in your hand.
Epiphone Les Paul
Special II Electric Guitar
Player Pack
Epiphone's Les Paul Player Pack has
everything you need to take on guitar
in a serious way.
Including a genuine Les Paul Special-II
LTD electric guitar featuring two
classic humbucker pickups and a full-
on 10-watt Epiphone Electar guitar
Blue Student Beginner Guitar
Hohner Classical Guitar
Yamaha Classical Guitar
New 30 Kids Black Electric Guitar Accessory Kit
This guitar has an attractive black
Not only will you receive a guitar, but
you will receive an AMP, cable cord,
guitar strap and guitar picks.
Full Size Electric Guitar With AMP, Case And
Accessories Pack Beginner Vintage Sunburst
This classic style guitar package
from Davison includes everything
you need start playing right out of
the box.
Blue Electric Guitar Pack
Squier By Fender Guitar Set
Black Electric Guitar Pack
D’Addario EJ16-3D Phosphor Acoustic Guitar Strings
D’Addario Phosphor Bronze strings are
precision wound with corrosion resistant
phosphor bronze onto a carefully drawn,
hexagonally shaped, high carbon steel core.
On Stage XCG4 Black Tripod Guitar Stand
The XCG4 holds virtually any acoustic or
electric guitar or bass.
This is a tubular metal stand with black
velveteen rubber padding, a heavy-duty sheet
metal leg housing, a security strap on the top
yolk of the stand and a matte black powder coat
GIGmate Guitar Tool Kit And String Organizer
For pro guitar players at the gig, hobby
guitarists at home or beginners just
starting their first guitar lesson, the
GIGmate is the industry standard guitar
tool kit.
Gibson Gear G Carekit1 Stringed Instrument Care
Recommended by experts, this kit
contains premium fretboard conditioner,
low abrasive metal cleaner, pump polish,
three polishing cloths and and added
bonus - a Gibson branded woven strap.
D’Addario Guitar Strings
Planet Waves Pro Winder
Fender Guitar Cleaner
Protec Guitar Strap With Leather Ends And Pick Pocket
Protec’s adjustable guitar strap features
thick genuine leather ends, a handy pick
pocket and is made of high quality nylon.
Born To Play Guitar
Buddy Guy, the legendary award
winning blues icon, will release his
brand new studio album Born To Play
Guitar on July 31st via RCA Records.
Essential Guitar – 33 Guitar Masterpieces
Featuring some of the most beautiful
melodies of all time, played on one of the
most popular instruments of all time by
masters including Julian Bream, Andres
Segovia and John Williams, this is a no-
risk collection.
Six And Twelve String Guitar
6 and 12-String Guitar is the second
album by Leo Kottke, a solo instrumental
steel-string acoustic guitar album
originally released by John Fahey's
Takoma Records in 1969.

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For Guitar Lovers

  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Learn To Play The Top 10 Acoustic Guitar Songs 1 2. Online Guitar Course Galore 3 3. Learn Beginner Guitar Tabs With Ease 5 4. How To Make The Most Of Your Guitar Lessons 7 5. Different Puzzle Pieces To Consider When Downloading Lessons 9 6. Develop Your Guitar Play With Advanced Guitar Flow 11 7. 5 Steps To Develop Octaves With Guitar Sheet Music 13 8. 5 Advantages Of Taking Online Guitar Lessons 15 9. 4 Easy Ways To Learn Guitar 17 10. 5 Fundamental Skills All Guitarists Should Learn 20 ESTORE CATALOGUE 24
  • 3. 1 LEARN TO PLAY TOP 10 ACOUSTIC GUITAR SONGS Learning to play the acoustic guitar can not only be enjoyable but mesmerizing to those who you entertain. What many beginners do not realize is how many popular and well-known songs use no more than a few chords. You will be happy to know some of the greatest songs ever made can be learned fairly easily. Here are 10 easy guitar songs you can learn to play today. 1. For What It Is Worth This classic was played by Buffalo Springfield back in 1967. A majority of this song is played with Chords E and A while the chorus also throws in D and C. There really is not much to this song as you can find instructions for when to strum which chord according to the lyrics. 1
  • 4. 2 FOR GUITAR LOVERS 2. Knocking on Heaven's Door Believe it or not, you too could be playing this well-known song from the great Bob Dylan. Youtube is a terrific place to find a video tutorial on when to hit each chord and how long to hold each note. 3. Redemption The next song on the list of acoustic easy guitar songs is Redemption by Bob Marley. This song is a bit more complicated as it throws more chords into the equation but they are still basic chords that you will want to learn for any other song. The chords that will be used for Redemption include AmCDEmand G. Although it is more complex, it is the perfect challenge for a beginner. 4. Wish You Were Here Wish You Were Here was performed by the tremendously talented Pink Floyd. While there are multiple chords used throughout the song, they are spread out giving you plenty of time to reposition your fingers properly. The chords that will be used for this song include AAmCDEm and G. This too is a classic song that you can mesmerize friends and family members by playing without them even realizing how simple it actually is to ply. 5. Time Of Your Life The final song on the list of easy guitar songs to learn to play is Time of Your Life by Green Day. What you will find with this song is a lot of repetition. There are parts of the song where you will strum a single note up to nine times in a row. Although it can seem rather basic, the song as a whole is a masterpiece. The chords used in this song include CDEm and G.
  • 5. 2 ONLINE GUITAR COURSE GALORE The internet is the land of information, programs, courses and software. If learning the guitar is something you desire, then you are in for a real treat. There are countless options to choose from when it comes to finding an online guitar course. The only thing you need is to decide what kind of course you want. If you are just starting out, there are some tremendous beginner courses that can start you out from the bottom. These courses can teach you the basic chords, how to position your fingers and how to switch from one note to the next. Beginner courses can be found for free or more detailed options can be found for a small price. The next kind of online guitar course you can find is acoustic lessons. Acoustic is extremely popular with the mellow rhythm and tremendous sound that it can produce if you know what you are doing. 3
  • 6. 4 FOR GUITAR LOVERS There are web-based lessons for free that come in the form of text, audio and video that can help you improve your techniques. The downside is they will not give you a solid step-by-step method to help you establish your overall skills. There are home study courses that you can purchase from the internet to help you every step of the way on the acoustic guitar. There are books, CDs and DVDs that will show you how to position your hands, how to hit the notes all of your favorite musicians hit and how to play all of your favorite songs. After you have developed your skills and are past the beginner lessons, you will be ready to move on to bigger and better things. This is when you will want to start training to be a lead guitarist and there are lessons out there specifically for this. After developing a solid foundation of basic open and barre chords fretboard knowledge and reading tabs, you can take it a step up with a more advanced online guitar course. With an advanced course you should learn scales and fretboard patterns in various positions and specific lead techniques like pull-offs, slides, bends, vibrations, lead runs, as and how to play various pentatonic and minor scales. No matter how much you think you already know, there is always room for growth. As you can see, there is a wide array of different options to choose from when it comes to finding an online guitar course. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or rather advanced, there are lessons and courses for everyone.
  • 7. 3 LEARN BEGINNER GUITAR TABS WITH EASE To put together an entire song on the guitar, you first need to be able to play chords. As a beginner, it is vital you start from the bottom and work your way up. While there is no standard list of beginner guitar tabs that people go by, there are between 8 and 18 basic chords you will need to learn. The basic major and minor chords that you should become familiar with include A Major, An Intermediate B, A Minor C and so on. A lot of beginners are amazed to learn that these simple chords can help piece together some of your favorite songs from artists like AC/DC Van Halen Metallica and more. Upon learning each of the tabs. you can then piece them together to create sequences that make up the ever-so-popular songs you grew up loving. So where do you start to learn beginner guitar tabs? 5
  • 8. 6 FOR GUITAR LOVERS The first step is to pick a chord family and master it. The chord families consist of the A, D, G and C families. Within each of these families consists of the tabs you want to learn. For instance, the A family has chords A, D and E while the D family has chords D, E, G and A. To master the basic chords, you want to take it one family at a time. Something that can be helpful is using a guitar chord charge which will show you the exact finger positions of each chord on a diagram. Another tip is to find the chords and lyrics of rather easy songs you are familiar with online. You would be amazed at how many songs are generated from three or four chords. If you are truly going to learn the beginner guitar tabs, it is crucial you put in the time to practice on a daily basis. After you have learned a chord family, move on to the next until you have mastered that family. You want to be able to rapidly change from one chord to another in order to smoothly piece together a sequence. Once you have mastered all of the basic chords, you can then proceed to Barre chords and some of the more complex chords. Before that, you will want to add 7th and minor 7th chords as this will prepare you for Barre chords. The goal is to learn all of the basic families at your own pace until you can play them at any moment with your eyes closed. The more comfortable you are transitioning from one tab to the next, the easier it will be to play all of your favorite guitar songs.
  • 9. 4 HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR GUITAR LESSONS? There is no question the guitar is one of the most desirable instruments people want to learn to play. While some are talented enough to teach themselves, most require guitar lessons to truly learn the instrument. Although anyone can sign up for lessons, there are certain things that need to be done in order to make anything out of those lessons. Before doing anything, it is imperative you take the time to research and find a qualified teacher. As a student, you want to know if the person teaching you is experienced and knows what they are doing. Do not be afraid to ask what kind of experience they have or how long they have been playing prior to signing up for lessons. 7
  • 10. 8 FOR GUITAR LOVERS As soon as you find the right instructor, the next tip to make the most of your lessons is to bring suggestions of what kind of music you are interested in and would like to play. While it is the teacher's job to provide music that is to your ability, you are the one paying for the lessons. There is nothing wrong with asking to be taught a certain kind of music or song. If you truly want to develop your skills, it is imperative you practice outside of the guitar lessons. Typically lessons are going to be no more than one hour per day and can range from once a week to a few times per week. This is not enough to turn into a solid guitarist. It will be up to you to practice the things you have learned during the lessons and master the chords, songs and movements. It can be easy to get down on yourself or become discouraged. Believe it or not, every famous guitarist you look up to has struggled at certain points in their career. How you react to the mistakes and struggles will determine what kind of a guitarist you become. Setting goals can be a great way to stay motivated and stick with it. Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when taking guitar lessons is to have fun. It should not be something you force or something you regret having to go to. This is why it is important you suggest to the teacher songs or a certain kind of music you would like to play. This will keep you interested and focused throughout the process of learning. With the right teacher and the proper mindset, you will begin to pick up the guitar in no time.
  • 11. 5 DIFFERENT PUZZLE PIECES TO CONSIDER WHEN DOWNLOADING LESSONS It can be both encouraging and discouraging to look online and find thousands of different guitar lessons you can download. It is nice to know there are more than enough options to choose from to help tone your skills. At the same timehow do you know what to download? Here are different pieces of the puzzle you need to decide on as you download guitar lessons. Before doing anything, you need to determine what skill level you are at. This can help narrow the choices out there to make your decision easier. If you are advanced beginner, lessons will be nothing but a bore to you. If you are a beginner, trying to jam to your favorite rock groups will only set you up for failure. Now that you understand what your skill level isthe next thing to decide is what instructor you would like to use if any. 9
  • 12. 10 FOR GUITAR LOVERS There are a lot of web sites that have lessons from specific instructors thus allowing you to see their background, how experienced they are and what type of music they teach. If you do not want to use an instructor, there are general courses and instructions that you can follow to learn songs on the guitar. The next piece of the puzzle to consider as you download guitar lessons is what style of music you are looking to play. There are lessons online for any genre you can think of including rock, jazz, classical, funk, bluegrass and more. Obviously, there are different techniques and chords used for the different kinds of music played. Just keep in mind there is nothing wrong with learning a variety of genres if you desire to do so. The final thing to keep in mind when looking to download lessons for the guitar is what it is you want to learn from. Some people learn the guitar best by seeing what chords to strum and seeing how to position the fingers. For these students, video lessons would be best. For others, just hearing the music is enough and downloading audio will do the trick. However, learning to read music can be extremely beneficial as it can open the door for you to play just about any song imaginable. With so many programs, lessons, instructors and software to choose fromit can be difficult deciding what to download for guitar lessons. Taking into account the tips and pieces of information in this article can help determine what is best for you as you download guitar lessons.
  • 13. 6 DEVELOP YOUR GUITAR FLOW WITH ADVANCED GUITAR PLAY There is a difference between learning to get through a song and learning to entertain a crowd. When first starting out, you will learn the basics of the guitar and how to piece together notes to create a song. As soon as you are through the beginning stages, it is time to beef up your skills with advanced guitar lessons. Something that must be learned in order to take your skills to the next level is flow. Flow is developed as soon as you understand the music you are playing and can truly play with emotion. 11
  • 14. 12 FOR GUITAR LOVERS This is what separates a mediocre guitarist from someone that will captivate listeners and audiences. Obviously, flow is not something that can be developed overnight. It is going to take months of proper practice in order to include it into your songs. You want to start by understanding the overall idea of the song and add detail as you become increasingly comfortable with songs. What you want to do is focus on spots throughout the song that give you trouble and then play the whole piece once you have mastered the entire song. What you will learn with advanced guitar lessons is to rehearse the song in your mind before even touching the strings with your fingers. The goal is develop a mental clarity to the point where you can picture what is coming next and hear the entire song within your head. Long difficult passages can certainly present a problem for many. Just remember to take it one step at a time and build up. For instance, you are best off starting with single measures and learning them like the back of your hand. From there, you can then work up to 2 , 4, 8 measures and so on. In order to add flow to your music, you need to be able to listen and hear flow. This entails you being able to understand the context of what is being played. From there, you need to combine notes from the phrase from the time it begins until it ends. After interpreting the phrase and giving it meaning within the context, you must then apply that meaning to the interpreted phrase. When it is all said and done, you will learn with advanced guitar lessons that flow comes down to being able to recognize, understand and hear what is coming next. You need to be able to focus on the current chord and its scalethe next chord with its scale and the transition between the two. As soon as you can learn this from your lessons, you will truly develop into an impressive guitarist.
  • 15. 7 5 STEPS TO DEVELOP OCTAVES WITH GUITAR SHEET MUSIC While the guitar is a sought after instrument to learn, many find it is quite difficult to learn. Just looking at guitar sheet music, you will get a sense of how complex it can be. While many instruments require musicians to read one note at a time, the guitar can have as many as 6 notes at a time. Obviously you do not want to jump right in and start learning to read six notes at a time. This will only frustrate you and set you up for failure. Instead, you want to take it slow and progress by learning to read one or two notes at a time. 13
  • 16. 14 FOR GUITAR LOVERS The easiest way to learn to read two notes at a time is to play octaves. Here are some steps to take in order to properly read octaves with guitar sheet music. Before beginning to play, you want to look over a song and locate two of the same notes that are stacked on top of each other within the sheet music. This is what is known as an octave. From there, take your index finger from your non- dominant hand and place it on the lower note of the octave. You will then want to place your ring finger on the higher note. Now that you have your fingers positioned properly, strum the notes with the fingers of your dominant hand. It is important you do not allow the other strings to ring while strumming the octaves. In order to avoid this, rest the middle finger of your non-dominant hand over any unused strings. The next step to reading and playing octaves from guitar sheet music is to play two octaves in a row on the same string sets. Make sure you keep your fingers from your non-dominant hand in position when sliding from one octave to the next. This is a technique that does require practice but will ultimately make reading octaves much easier. Everything with the guitar is steps. First you will start by picking out octaves on the guitar sheet music. Next you will properly position your fingers on the first octave. Then you will play two octaves in a row on the same string sets. The final step is to play two octaves in a row on different string sets. You will do this by keeping the fingers of your non-dominant hand as close to the strings as possible as you move to an octave on a different string set. It takes time and practice but it will help you develop into a sound guitarist.
  • 17. 8 5 ADVANTAGES OF TAKING ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS As with anything these days, the internet is a tremendous place to turn to for lessons as well. Here are 5 advantages to taking online guitar lessons. 1. Learn At Your Own Pace Everyone is going to learn the guitar at a different pace. Some may breeze through the beginning chords while others may struggle the first month or two. When taking online lessons you do not have to worry about keeping up with the class or going at the pace the instructor wants you to. Although it does take more discipline on your side, it does allow you to learn at your own pace. 15
  • 18. 16 FOR GUITAR LOVERS 2. Learn The Style You Are Interested In Unfortunately, learning the guitar from an instructor or school does not always guarantee you will learn the type of music you want to. Instead, you will be given the tools and be taught the chords needed to teach yourself rock, classical, jazz or whatever it is you desire. With online guitar lessons, you can learn enjoyable music from the start. 3. Numerous Lessons There is nothing more tedious than going through the same book and learning the same lessons over and over. With countless web sites and programs to choose from online, you will have no problem finding a variety of lessons for the guitar. This will help to keep things fun and exciting throughout the learning stage. 4. Learn Anytime For some, it can be difficult finding time in the day to set aside for a class or lessons with an instructor. The great thing about the internet is that it is open 24/7 allowing you to learn on your own time. It will also allow you to push a lesson back if you are sick occupied or simply do not have the right mindset. You can learn anytime you want. 5. Visual Sometimes the best way to learn something is to see it and follow along with it. Online video guitar lessons allow you to stop, rewind and fast forward and play along with any lesson or song you choose to. Videos can help you see exactly how to strum a chord, position your fingers on the guitar and play an entire song. The internet has done it again with online video guitar lessons helping guitarists of all levels. You can find lessons of all difficulties so that you can learn at your own pace while following along to every movement and step.
  • 19. 9 4 EASY WAYS TO LEARN GUITAR With the increasing popularity of rock music during the last few decades, playing the guitar has become very appealing for many people. While there are many teenagers out there who dream of becoming rock superstars, there are also many people that want to learn how to play the guitar just for the sake of it. However, many of them don't find the best way to learn guitar and after a few unsuccessful attempts, they finally give up. Different people have different learning needs. In addition, we also have different resources, different jobs, different errands to run and different schedules. If you're not at the level you want, maybe it is because you have not found the best way to learn guitar yet. 17
  • 20. 18 FOR GUITAR LOVERS There are several ways to learn how to play the guitar. Listed below are only a few of them. 1. Theory Books There are thousands of theory books on the market that teach you how to play the guitar. Some of them are even very good and can provide you with all the information you need. Books are an inexpensive and comfortable strategy to learn how to play the guitar. Unfortunately, experience shows that for many of us they just don't work. However, if you are a very patient person, a theory book might be the best way to learn guitar. 2. Video Lessons Video guitar lessons are available on DVDs and video tapes in almost any music store, as well as on virtual shops. In addition, there are also some video lessons available online. Some of them are even free. Video lessons are more dynamic and have a better chance of keeping you focused. They have the advantage of allowing you to practice at home whenever you find the time to do it. However, the inconvenience is that you can't benefit from the personalized attention and useful feedback a teacher could provide. 3. Private Lessons If you are willing to dedicate a lot of time as well as some money to this, private lessons are definitely the best way to learn guitar. A good teacher can design a customized teaching program to suit your learning style and provide you with individualized attention and positive feedback to get you motivated. In addition, he or she can also spot and correct your mistakes very fast. 4. Learning by Ear Learning the guitar by ear can be very fun, especially if you have some sort of musical bone in your body, and that bone is humming with lots of vibration, you might find that this is the best way to learn guitar for you. With the modern slowing down technology, it is much easier now than it used to be for our parents' generation.
  • 21. 4 Easy Ways To Learn Guitar 19 You should always keep in mind that playing the guitar should be fun. If you find it difficult or stressing, your learning strategy might have a lot to do with it. Sometimes you need to try several learning methods before finding the one that works best for you. However, if you really want to play the guitar like a pro and have enough time and money, taking up private lessons is probably the best way to go.
  • 22. 10 5 FUNDAMENTAL GUITAR SKILLS ALL GUITARISTS SHOULD LEARN Guitar skills are what it is all about when you're learning to play the guitar. But sometimes you can't be sure where to start and what is important to learn. You see famous guitar players moving all over the fret boards with their sweet techniques and it may get confusing as to what you should learn. The best way to go at it is to cover all of the basics and introductory skills that will allow you to start learning songs quickly because we know that is what you want to do. So, just to get you down the right track, here is a list of 5 very important skills that every guitarist should know. 1. How To Form And Transition Between Chords You can't play songs or get even close to jamming around the campfire unless you know at least three chords. 20
  • 23. 5 Fundamental Guitar Skills All Guitarists Should Learn 21 There is not that much to playing the guitar besides knowing chords and having some lead riffs to go along with them. Once you sit down and actually hash out what the chords are to your favorite songs, then you can begin to get down to business. 2. How To Warm Up Before Practicing Most guitarists don't know what it means to warm up before playing their practice material and it can be holding them back. One of the most important aspects of practice time is warming up. I guess you could think of it like eating breakfast in the morning. 3. Hammer-Ons And Pull-Offs Hammer-ons and pull-offs are some great guitar skills that are used in almost every song with lead riffs because they're so impressive to hear, Yet easy to play. To execute a hammer-on, you simply press a finger very quickly onto the fret board on a string to get it to ring. To execute a pull-off you reverse the action and attempt to sound the note by pulling away with your finger. 4. How To Follow A Tempo Closely All of these riffs and chords don't mean squat if you can't go along with a drummer or any sort of beat in real life. It is alright to plan on playing by yourself forever, but most of the time, musicians like to progress into a band. Learn to pay close attention to a metronome when you play in order to get that beat ingrained in your skull so that it almost haunts you in your sleep. 5. Double-Picking To Improve Your Playing Speed If you are playing every note by moving the pick in a downwards motion every single time, you are wasting your talents. Eventually, this method is going to slow you up and you will need to start double-picking.
  • 24. 22 FOR GUITAR LOVERS Double-picking is when you strike a string by moving the pick downwards and then hit the string again when bringing the pick back up. You essentially double your picking speed with this new way of picking. Now, all of these skills are extremely important to learning how to play the guitar properly, but 9 out of 10 times, it takes the guidance of a professional to truly get a beginner off their feet. Whether from books, magazines, videos, or the internet, there's usually a guitar instructor that knows how to get you going. The newest craze of learning guitar skills is by way of online guitar lessons that you can access from your home computer. They are very convenient and affordable and they can turn you into a great guitarist by teaching you skills like: 1. Tackling lead riffs and licks with less stress 2. How to remember tons of chords without having to look them up 3. How to remember more songs so that you don't run out of material 4. How to create a great practice schedule that will keep you motivated and won't burn you out
  • 26. ACOUSTIC GUITARS 38 Black Acoustic Guitar Starter Package With an attractive Black color finish; this is a complete combo package that comes with a guitar case, extra set of strings and a tuner. $39.99 Crescent Mg38-CF $199.99 Jasmine S35 Dreadnought $395 Jasmine S35 Acoustic Guitar $79.99
  • 27. 6 String Acoustic Electric Cutaway Bass Guitar This 6 string electric cutaway acoustic bass guitar is designed and made in China by a professional instruments manufacturer. $199.00 BASS GUITARS Electric Bass Flat Brown Burst Rosewood Fretboard The SR Portamento offers a Rosewood fingerboard that extends the length of the standard SR neck to a hefty 30-fret length. $949.00
  • 28. Squier By Fender Stop-Dreaming Start Playing Set Affinity J Bass-W Rumble 15 AMP Black This set features our sleek, great-sounding and easy- playing Squier Affinity Jazz Bass guitar. $269.99 Mustang Bass Silver Sparkle $349.99 ESP Ltd B50 Left Handed $199.00 Squier Affinity Jazz Bass $89.99
  • 29. CLASSICAL GUITARS 39 Inch Full-Size Black Student Beginner Classical Nylon String Guitar Perfect for beginner or student travel guitar. $59.95 Hohner HC06 Full Sized Classical Nylon String Guitar Classical guitar for students, but you could not tear yourself away from the guitar with its excellent handcraft, bright sound and comfortable feeling in your hand. $89.00
  • 30. ELECTRIC GUITARS Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar Player Pack Epiphone's Les Paul Player Pack has everything you need to take on guitar in a serious way. Including a genuine Les Paul Special-II LTD electric guitar featuring two classic humbucker pickups and a full- on 10-watt Epiphone Electar guitar amp. $199.00 Blue Student Beginner Guitar $59.95 Hohner Classical Guitar $94 Yamaha Classical Guitar $129.99
  • 31. New 30 Kids Black Electric Guitar Accessory Kit This guitar has an attractive black finish. Not only will you receive a guitar, but you will receive an AMP, cable cord, guitar strap and guitar picks. $79.95 Full Size Electric Guitar With AMP, Case And Accessories Pack Beginner Vintage Sunburst This classic style guitar package from Davison includes everything you need start playing right out of the box. $99.95
  • 32. Blue Electric Guitar Pack $99.95 Squier By Fender Guitar Set $199.99 Black Electric Guitar Pack $99.95 ACCESSORIES D’Addario EJ16-3D Phosphor Acoustic Guitar Strings D’Addario Phosphor Bronze strings are precision wound with corrosion resistant phosphor bronze onto a carefully drawn, hexagonally shaped, high carbon steel core. $15.26
  • 33. On Stage XCG4 Black Tripod Guitar Stand The XCG4 holds virtually any acoustic or electric guitar or bass. This is a tubular metal stand with black velveteen rubber padding, a heavy-duty sheet metal leg housing, a security strap on the top yolk of the stand and a matte black powder coat finish. $11.01 GIGmate Guitar Tool Kit And String Organizer For pro guitar players at the gig, hobby guitarists at home or beginners just starting their first guitar lesson, the GIGmate is the industry standard guitar tool kit. $32.95
  • 34. Gibson Gear G Carekit1 Stringed Instrument Care Recommended by experts, this kit contains premium fretboard conditioner, low abrasive metal cleaner, pump polish, three polishing cloths and and added bonus - a Gibson branded woven strap. $29.99 D’Addario Guitar Strings $6.49 Planet Waves Pro Winder $6.37 Fender Guitar Cleaner $6.99
  • 35. Protec Guitar Strap With Leather Ends And Pick Pocket Protec’s adjustable guitar strap features thick genuine leather ends, a handy pick pocket and is made of high quality nylon. $7.58 MUSIC CDS Born To Play Guitar Buddy Guy, the legendary award winning blues icon, will release his brand new studio album Born To Play Guitar on July 31st via RCA Records. $10.50
  • 36. Essential Guitar – 33 Guitar Masterpieces Featuring some of the most beautiful melodies of all time, played on one of the most popular instruments of all time by masters including Julian Bream, Andres Segovia and John Williams, this is a no- risk collection. $10.03 Six And Twelve String Guitar 6 and 12-String Guitar is the second album by Leo Kottke, a solo instrumental steel-string acoustic guitar album originally released by John Fahey's Takoma Records in 1969. $13.19