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Impact of Mobile and Social on Marketing Strategies- Netflix Case Analysis 
The advent of iPhone and Facebook has changed the consumers’ content consumption and 
commerce behaviors. It is not surprising that shopping and socializing—activities that 
complement each other in the real world—are beginning to converge online and mobile as well. 
Bank of America predicts $67.1B in purchases will be made from mobile devices by European 
and U.S. shoppers in 2015. Exhibit A shows the shift of attention from traditional media to the 
new media. This shift has fundamentally transformed the marketing strategies B2B as well as 
B2C industries. 
Key Trends: Mobile penetration has already surpassed PC’s and is close to surpassing TV’s (Ref: 
Exhibit B and C). As a result, Internet is closing the gap with TV as the most popular media (ref 
Exhibit A). In the US today, Internet amounts for 36% of the total media-time spent as opposed 
to TV’s 42%. Averaging 30 minutes of engagement per user per day, social media - primarily 
represented by Facebook, Twitter and Google-plus - is the most popular application on PC as 
well as on mobile. Facebook alone has 1.1B+ active users, 68% accesses it on mobile, and 60% 
log in daily (Ref: Exhibit D). The regular user has an average of 200+ friends. These staggering 
statistics are driving brand as well as direct response marketing dollars towards social and 
mobile. By 2018, Digital Ad spending will hit 38% of total media spend, higher than TV’s. 
Finally a trifecta of mobile, social and e-commerce will shape the global commerce as well as 
marketing strategies. Any firm without clear social and mobile strategy will struggle to maintain 
its market power.
Issues and Challenges: Even though social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have 
aspirations to be like Amazon, it's unlikely they could make a full shift from social network to a 
shopping network for direct response (DR) marketers. This disconnect is forcing DR firms to 
adopt multifaceted strategy for social, mobile and e-commerce fronts. Firms should understand 
that just because users spend time on a social network checking for news and personal updates 
doesn't mean they're in the mindset to make an impulse buy. 
As far as brand engagement is concerned, marketers need to know that TV metrics can’t be 
applied to the social. Counting fans, “likes” and followers is not the best way to measure success 
in social media marketing. As a result, it’s not surprising, then, that marketers consider 
calculating return on investment to be the biggest challenge of using social media, and that a 
majority of them believe they cannot measure social media campaigns effectively. Gaining a 
better understanding of not only who the brand followers are, but how influential they are, 
should be a key goal for marketers. To better understand the challenges of social and mobile on 
marketing strategies. Team San Francisco has picked Netflix as an example. Netflix is an unique 
player that leverages digital media for brand and direct response marketing strategies as well as 
for product differentiation and market intelligence. 
Part2: Netflix – Marketing strategy analysis 
Netflix is a silicon valley based on-demand Internet video streaming media and flat rate mail-in 
DVD company. Its streaming service is available to viewers in North and South America, the 
Caribbean, and parts of Europe. Founded in 1997, Netflix started its subscription-based digital 
DVD distribution service in 1999. It extended its product line in 2007 and started offering 
internet video streaming. Since 2011, it has three operating products- domestic streaming,
international streaming and domestic DVD. By 2013, Netflix reached over 40M subscribers 
globally (Ref: Exhibit E and F). Recently, It further extended its product line and launched 
original series House of Cards that won three Primetime Emmy Award. 
Netflix’s competitive landscape: 
Netflix’s “internet streaming” and “DVD by mail” products face different set of competitors. 
DVD by mail competitors are Blockbuster (went bankrupt) and Red-box with market share of 
16.9% and 45.5% respectively while Netflix has 24.3%. Its internet video rivals include Amazon, 
Hulu, Red-box Instant, X-finity Stream-Pix, I-Tunes, Love-Film, and cable TV companies. 
Exhibit G 
offers a comprehensive competitive analysis of Netflix against iTunes, Amazon VoD, hulu and 
Youtube on various facets-user, positioning, margin, platforms, services, content etc. Exhibit H 
provide a perceptual map of Netflix’s competitive landscape. 
Netflix SWOT: As mentioned above, Netflix is a unique company that uses internet for 
marketing strategies as well as for product delivery. Following is Netflix’s SWOT map. 
o Netflix is has brand advantage due to first mover in “Mail-In DVD”, “Internet Streaming” 
and original content. 
o Best technology- recommendation that drives 60%+ rental on-demand viewing, low cost 
infrastructure (cost10 cents for 1GB of delivery. 
o High customer satisfaction (Ref Exhibit K) due to personalized recommendation system and 
a largest content catalogue (100k+ DVD and40K+ streaming titles) 
o Like Youtube, Netflix is ubiquitously present on nearly all devices. Exhibit J provides a 
comprehensive device map. 
o Content window: Netflix is one of the last one to receive TV as well movie content. 
o Content margins: Given the low margin and ARPU per customer, Netflix has limited 
financial muscle to license expansive content. E.g. Expiration of Sony, Stars and EPIX 
o Netflix is getting squeezed from content providers and infrastructure providers, thus their net 
margins are around 3%. This leaves no room for expansive experiments. 
o Product Line Expansion of original shows may have a favorable effect to Netflix subscriber 
base, profits and brand equity 
o More expansion in International market. Exhibit F provides growth trajectory for US vs. 
international subscriber base.
o Competition from MVPD (Multi Channel video programming distributors) such as Comcast. 
Exhibit N shows the massive gap between Netflix and Comcast ARPU, this enable Comcast 
to deficit finance an Internet streaming product and put enormous pressure on Netflix. 
Amazon is another major competitor that is threatening Netflix’s lead. Interestingly, Amazon 
web services is the platform provider for Netflix infrastructure. 
o Net Neutrality: MVPDs like Comcast are legally allowed to prioritize their own product’s 
traffic over Netflix and effectively affect the Netflix’s quality of service. 
o Increasing in cost for content licenses and increase in cyber-crimes are some of the other 
stumbling blocks for Netflix 
Netflix’s outside-In strategic capabilities 
Organizational Culture: 
Founder and CEO Reed Hastings believes in hires the best, give them freedom and autonomy to 
deliver. Employees are empowered to make their own decisions e.g. structure their own 
compensation packages, no clothing policies, having a—hypothetical—unlimited amount of 
vacation days, and finally regarding expensing, entertainment, gifts and travel, simply “act in 
Netflix’s best interest”. This enables Netflix to hire top talent that further enhances their 
capabilities to improve operational efficiency. Netflix has been leading innovator on data driven 
decision making on marketing, customer acquisition and retention, quality of services and also 
margin management.
Organizational alignment with Market 
Netflix’s market is heavily tied with Internet and connected devices as a result it changes rapidly 
with the changes in technology and innovation such as tablet, connected TV and devices. 
Netflix’s 40M global customer base’s age range from 18 years of age to 59. They spend 2 billion 
hours watching streamed video on hi-speed internet. It would be really expansive to segment 
such a diverse customer base and create marketing for it. 
To sole this, Netflix collects trillions of data events (user’s interaction with their products and 
portals) on mobile, social and internet to build a gigantic database of customer preferences. It 
also has technically most advanced system for analyzing the data that enables them to promote as 
well as tweak their product based on real time customer interaction- It’s the most important 
enabler for architecting an Outside-In organization. It plays significant role in all three facet of 
their businesses 1) Content acquisition 2) Customer satisfaction and retention 3) Generating 
higher profit margins. Netflix charges fixed subscription fee from its millions customers for 
offering “all you can eat” DVDs and streaming content, but Netflix pays content owner on per 
rented title. So Netflix losses money, if consumers consume only low margin blockbuster titles. 
A typical revenue sharing agreement between Netflix and content owner requires payouts for 
each rental of a new release during the first year, so a higher rental rate of new releases will 
result in more rentals of a film and therein more revenue sharing costs, this will impact Netflix's 
profit margins 
Finally, Instead of segmenting the market in clusters, Netflix uses Internet, mobile and social 
media technologies to build micro and nano segments. This enables them to target mass market 
with a product that customized for individual subscribers. This further increases customer 
satisfaction (Ref Exhibit K), increase the customer switching cost and enhances customer 
loyalty. This further helps in collecting base profit, profit from increases purchases, profits from 
reduced marketing costs, and profits from positive word of mouth. 
Organizational Metrics and Incentives: 
Netflix recently wrote a power-point deck to articulate Netflix’s talent management strategies, 
the document went viral. This document draws on five key tenets1: 
o Hire, reward, and tolerate only fully formed adults. Ask workers to rely on logic and 
common sense instead of formal policies, whether the issue is communication, time off, or 
o Tell the truth about performance. Scrap formal reviews in favor of informal conversations. 
Offer generous severance rather than holding on to workers whose skills no longer fit your 
o Managers must build great teams. This is their most important task. Don’t rate them on 
whether they are good mentors or fill out paperwork on time. 
o Leaders own the job of creating the company culture. You’ve got to actually model and 
encourage the behavior you talk up. 
o Talent managers should think like businesspeople and innovators first, and like HR people 
Customer value proposition 
Customer value priorities 
As mentioned above, Netflix subscriber base is highly diverse in their watching preferences, 
ages, income, technological advancement and in many other aspects. The only common thread 
that defines these customer base is access to internet and interest in video content. Thus, Netflix 
needs to compete against free/ad based content and the Internet content pirated market. Netflix 
Netflix potential customers sufficient wealth but value low price due to free alternatives. 
Furthermore, they have insufficient time and skills. This forces Netflix to operate in Performance 
and price leadership quadrant. As a result Netflix aspire for keeping the prices down while 
improving the performances. 
Value proposition 
The message that Netflix plans to send out through all of its campaigns is “watch what you want, 
when you want at affordable price”. Customer’s top priority is convenience, affordability, speed, 
personalization of the video streaming and high selection of titles. Netflix aim at being the top 
and only choice for its customers by providing a more personalized, fast, convenient, high 
selection and yet affordable online streaming service than all of the competitors 
Netflix streaming service is positioned as the personalized low price instant movies and TV 
shows entertainment with the biggest collection targeting the mass market. Comparing to other 
competitors Netflix offers the watching experience without disruptions from other adverts 
compare to Hulu, It has the largest selection compare to all close competitors and customers can 
watch from a bigger variety of devices and internet connection speeds which puts it on top list 
when it comes to convenience. 
Netflix Business model value 
Profit Formula 
Netflix’s ARPU / month is around $8.50. With growth in streaming customers over DVD 
customers, Netflix’s ARPU is declining. Subscriber acquisition cost (SAC) is around $18 based 
on Netflix’s financial reporting. EBITDA margin is around 30%. Churn rate is around 5% (late 
NPV = PV [ (ARPU - SAC) + 19 (ARPU * EBITDA margin) ] = $35.97. 
Life time value of Netflix customer is around $36. This number is way too low compare to 
competitors like Comcast (Ref: Exhibit N). As a result, Netflix’s approach to content acquisition 
is heavily data driven. Observing patterns of consumption helps Netflix content executives 
determine how much money they should spend based on how much interest the subscribers will 
have in the content. Between 2009 and 2011 Netflix’s spending on streaming content grew 36 
fold, from $65M to $2.3B. By contrast, the volume of content available grew only 2.5 fold. 
Resources and processes 
Product Strategy: With competition growing, Netflix is opted to (1) license more TV content 
instead of movie content, and (2) develop original programming. The value of focusing more on 
TV content is dual: First, the episodic nature of TV content encourages long term engagement 
and reduces churn, and second, the economics of TV make it easier for Netflix to license content 
at a cheaper price. Netflix is also focusing on improving content recommendation system to 
improve their ARPU. Connecting subscribers to movies that they will love is therefore critical to 
both the subscribers and the company. Netflix rents almost 60% of the titles from the 
recommendation page. Its recommendation engine is so popular that it generates more rental than 
that of Netflix's new release page. Exhibit I shows Netflix’s product strategy. 
Pricing Strategy: Netflix follows penetration pricing strategy. Its objective is to gain market 
share for Netflix to improve customer attraction and retention. Netflix pricing is very close toto 
its competitors. Recently, Netflix changed its prices and separated the two products lines of 
streaming and DVD rental by 60% increase in price for customers who wanted both services. 
This was allowed to compensate for low ARPU for internet streaming product. Netflix does not 
practice price differentiation because it targets the mass market (Ref Exhibit M for detailed 
product ARPU map). 
Distribution Strategy: Netflix partners with companies to develop Netflix programs specific to 
their platforms that will come pre-installed on all their devices. Furthermore, it has explored 
partnerships with cable and gaming companies to develop instant streaming option for video 
games. Exhibit J shows a comprehensive list of devices that has Netflix services. 
Promotion/Branding Strategy Netflix offers a free month trial for all of the new subscribers. This 
demonstrate Netflix’s confidence in its quality of service. before the subscriber commit to 
Netflix. This also helps attract more loyal subscribers because people join Netflix with 
confidence as they have tested the service. 
• Mobile and tablet advertising: Netflix uses mobile and tablet to promote Free trial offer. 
Given that Netflix has app on almost all mobile and tablet devices, it can easily convert leads 
generated from mobile/tablet Ads into customers. Netflix uses mobile as a direct response 
media to acquire customers. Furthermore, It uses data collected from these connected devices 
to tweak the offer specific to that customer. 
• Social Media: Social media is extremely important for Netflix because the service is located 
on the internet the same place where the social media is. Netflix provides opportunities for its 
customers to share and interact with their friends in various social media while they are on 
Netflix account. Netflix also collect the social media information to better serve the 
customers and know how the customers perceive them. Subscribers may Choose to connect 
one or more social networks (such as Facebook) with them Netflix account. If they do, 
Netflix will import, use, and retain information from their social networking account(s) such 
as names and profile pictures as well as their e-mail address, list of friends, subscriber’s 
Likes and Interests as well as information they make public on social networks. From 
analysis of collected information it is clear that Netflix online streaming customer’s primary 
needs are affordable, convenient, fast and individualized entertainment. Netflix has kept on 
delivering and responding to these needs which results to a rapid growth of its customer 
subscription base. 
Part 3: Recommendations 
Social media: Firms should remember that amassing a social media fan base and engaging it is 
important, but the more critical goal is to measure what these people can do. The first step 
toward improving measurement is to actually start doing it. Businesses need to take ownership 
and not assume that measuring is too difficult. The complex vendor landscape may entice some 
marketers to use free tools. But they do not provide the level of analysis that marketers will need 
to measure the impact of social media on their business, or to do the kind of long-range analysis 
of trends that will be required. Marketers should consider them as starting points, with the goal 
of moving toward more sophisticated measurement as soon as possible. However, the challenge
is to measure what is important to a business. So the next step is to determine the company’s 
business-level goals and then use social media metrics to further those goals—rather than 
gathering metrics and trying to overlay them onto business goals. 
Mobile: It is critical for firms to have mobile presence for DR as well as Brand firms. 50% of 
retail giant Walmart’s Internet shopping traffic comes from mobile. Customers are already using 
mobile devices to engage with brand and retailers. With increased NFC penetration, mobile will 
begin to replace credit cards. This will allow attribution of an online user to offline transactions. 
As a result, firms will not only be able to engage with customers individually, but also devise 
marketing strategies for Macro as well as Nano segments. 
Mobile and Social create a connected purchase funnel that allows firms to collect data right from 
brand awareness stage to the transaction stage and build a data driven understanding of customer 
need and values (Outside-In thinking). Moreover, firms will be able to create customized value 
proposition for these Micro as well as Nano customer segments (price, performance or relational 
value). Amazon’s real time price elasticity and yield management platform is a good example of 
such a customized value propositions. Together this will create unique business proposition that 
will empower firm to have market power, minimize customer defection and create long-term 
customer value. 
A. User 
B. Tablet 
C. US 
D. Facebook 
E. Netflix 
F. Netflix 
G. Netflix 
iTunes Amazon VOD Netflix 
Hulu Hulu Plus YouTube 
Positioning EST / rentals 
Extensive catalog 
(movies and TV 
shows) including 
new releases 
EST / rentals 
Extensive catalog 
(movies and TV 
shows) including 
new releases 
*Prime is 
first a 
offering free 
Catch up TV 
Catch up TV 
Rentals (movies) 
Price Transactional 
Rentals $5 
EST: $15-$20 
TV shows for EST 
only, no rentals 
since August 2011 
Rentals $4 
EST: $10-$15 
TV shows for EST 
only, no rentals $3 
$7.99/mo $79/year Ad supported $7.99/mo. And ad 
(movies) $2-$4 
Ad supported 
Catalog 14K movies 100K titles 30K titles (US) 17K titles 25K TV episodes 
30K titles (29K TV 
episodes and 1K 
5K titles (E) 
100 channels 
original prog. 
Users n/a n/a 23.5M 
(21.7M US and 
1.9M int’l) 
5M (E) 
(not all of 
whom might 
be using the 
30M monthly users 1.5M paid 
Usage Movies 
30M EST 
100M VOD 
Q4 2011: 2B 
hours streamed 
n/a Average time spent 
on the site: 3h10m 
n/a n/a 
Revenues $550M in 2011 (E) 
Movies= $310M 
($180M EST and 
$130M VOD) 
TV shows= $220M 
(EST only since 
August 2011) 
$40M in 2011 (E) 
Movies= $25M 
($12M EST and 
$13M VOD) 
TV shows= $15M 
(EST only) 
$1.5bn (E) 
operating profit 
Int’l: $83M 
operating loss) 
n/a $420M (including 
$320M in revenues 
only (E) 
$100M (E) n/a 
n/a n/a $2.32B (2011) n/a $500M (E-2012) n/a $100M (original 
Margin 30% (gross margin) 30% (gross margin) 11% (operating 
Amazon is 
rumored to 
lose $11/user 
with Prime, 
because of 
the shipping 
30% (gross margin) 
NB: if ads are sold 
by partner networks, 
Hulu doesn’t cover 
any of the costs 
n/a n/a 
iOs devices 200 devices 80 devices 300 devices Computers only 300 devices Browser equipped 
Footprint International International 47 countries: 
US, Canada, 
UK, Ireland, 
Mexico, etc 
US US US, Japan International
H. Perceptual 
I. Netflix 
J. Netflix 
K. Netflix 
L. Digital 
M. Netflix 
N. Netflix 

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Social mobile marketing strategy netflix case study

  • 1. 1 Impact of Mobile and Social on Marketing Strategies- Netflix Case Analysis The advent of iPhone and Facebook has changed the consumers’ content consumption and commerce behaviors. It is not surprising that shopping and socializing—activities that complement each other in the real world—are beginning to converge online and mobile as well. Bank of America predicts $67.1B in purchases will be made from mobile devices by European and U.S. shoppers in 2015. Exhibit A shows the shift of attention from traditional media to the new media. This shift has fundamentally transformed the marketing strategies B2B as well as B2C industries. Key Trends: Mobile penetration has already surpassed PC’s and is close to surpassing TV’s (Ref: Exhibit B and C). As a result, Internet is closing the gap with TV as the most popular media (ref Exhibit A). In the US today, Internet amounts for 36% of the total media-time spent as opposed to TV’s 42%. Averaging 30 minutes of engagement per user per day, social media - primarily represented by Facebook, Twitter and Google-plus - is the most popular application on PC as well as on mobile. Facebook alone has 1.1B+ active users, 68% accesses it on mobile, and 60% log in daily (Ref: Exhibit D). The regular user has an average of 200+ friends. These staggering statistics are driving brand as well as direct response marketing dollars towards social and mobile. By 2018, Digital Ad spending will hit 38% of total media spend, higher than TV’s. Finally a trifecta of mobile, social and e-commerce will shape the global commerce as well as marketing strategies. Any firm without clear social and mobile strategy will struggle to maintain its market power.
  • 2. Issues and Challenges: Even though social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have aspirations to be like Amazon, it's unlikely they could make a full shift from social network to a shopping network for direct response (DR) marketers. This disconnect is forcing DR firms to adopt multifaceted strategy for social, mobile and e-commerce fronts. Firms should understand that just because users spend time on a social network checking for news and personal updates doesn't mean they're in the mindset to make an impulse buy. As far as brand engagement is concerned, marketers need to know that TV metrics can’t be applied to the social. Counting fans, “likes” and followers is not the best way to measure success in social media marketing. As a result, it’s not surprising, then, that marketers consider calculating return on investment to be the biggest challenge of using social media, and that a majority of them believe they cannot measure social media campaigns effectively. Gaining a better understanding of not only who the brand followers are, but how influential they are, should be a key goal for marketers. To better understand the challenges of social and mobile on marketing strategies. Team San Francisco has picked Netflix as an example. Netflix is an unique player that leverages digital media for brand and direct response marketing strategies as well as for product differentiation and market intelligence. 2 Part2: Netflix – Marketing strategy analysis Netflix is a silicon valley based on-demand Internet video streaming media and flat rate mail-in DVD company. Its streaming service is available to viewers in North and South America, the Caribbean, and parts of Europe. Founded in 1997, Netflix started its subscription-based digital DVD distribution service in 1999. It extended its product line in 2007 and started offering internet video streaming. Since 2011, it has three operating products- domestic streaming,
  • 3. international streaming and domestic DVD. By 2013, Netflix reached over 40M subscribers globally (Ref: Exhibit E and F). Recently, It further extended its product line and launched original series House of Cards that won three Primetime Emmy Award. Netflix’s competitive landscape: Netflix’s “internet streaming” and “DVD by mail” products face different set of competitors. DVD by mail competitors are Blockbuster (went bankrupt) and Red-box with market share of 16.9% and 45.5% respectively while Netflix has 24.3%. Its internet video rivals include Amazon, Hulu, Red-box Instant, X-finity Stream-Pix, I-Tunes, Love-Film, and cable TV companies. Netflix, the leader in streaming video on-­‐demand (SVOD), earned $3.2B in worldwide revenues in 2011. Hulu, the centralized catch-­‐up TV /ad supported VOD platform, is the number one video website in terms of ad impressions, far ahead of YouTube despite having only a fifth of the audience of YouTube. iTunes rules the transactional VOD (TVOD) market with a 60% market share despite the efforts of competing heavyweights with deep pockets (Amazon, Wal-­‐Mart/Vudu, Microsoft/Xbox Live, Google/YouTube rental store). Exhibit G offers a comprehensive competitive analysis of Netflix against iTunes, Amazon VoD, hulu and Youtube on various facets-user, positioning, margin, platforms, services, content etc. Exhibit H provide a perceptual map of Netflix’s competitive landscape. 3
  • 4. Netflix SWOT: As mentioned above, Netflix is a unique company that uses internet for marketing strategies as well as for product delivery. Following is Netflix’s SWOT map. Strengths o Netflix is has brand advantage due to first mover in “Mail-In DVD”, “Internet Streaming” 4 and original content. o Best technology- recommendation that drives 60%+ rental on-demand viewing, low cost infrastructure (cost10 cents for 1GB of delivery. o High customer satisfaction (Ref Exhibit K) due to personalized recommendation system and a largest content catalogue (100k+ DVD and40K+ streaming titles) o Like Youtube, Netflix is ubiquitously present on nearly all devices. Exhibit J provides a comprehensive device map. Weakness o Content window: Netflix is one of the last one to receive TV as well movie content. o Content margins: Given the low margin and ARPU per customer, Netflix has limited financial muscle to license expansive content. E.g. Expiration of Sony, Stars and EPIX contracts o Netflix is getting squeezed from content providers and infrastructure providers, thus their net margins are around 3%. This leaves no room for expansive experiments. Opportunities o Product Line Expansion of original shows may have a favorable effect to Netflix subscriber base, profits and brand equity o More expansion in International market. Exhibit F provides growth trajectory for US vs. international subscriber base.
  • 5. 5 Threat o Competition from MVPD (Multi Channel video programming distributors) such as Comcast. Exhibit N shows the massive gap between Netflix and Comcast ARPU, this enable Comcast to deficit finance an Internet streaming product and put enormous pressure on Netflix. Amazon is another major competitor that is threatening Netflix’s lead. Interestingly, Amazon web services is the platform provider for Netflix infrastructure. o Net Neutrality: MVPDs like Comcast are legally allowed to prioritize their own product’s traffic over Netflix and effectively affect the Netflix’s quality of service. o Increasing in cost for content licenses and increase in cyber-crimes are some of the other stumbling blocks for Netflix Netflix’s outside-In strategic capabilities Organizational Culture: Founder and CEO Reed Hastings believes in hires the best, give them freedom and autonomy to deliver. Employees are empowered to make their own decisions e.g. structure their own compensation packages, no clothing policies, having a—hypothetical—unlimited amount of vacation days, and finally regarding expensing, entertainment, gifts and travel, simply “act in Netflix’s best interest”. This enables Netflix to hire top talent that further enhances their capabilities to improve operational efficiency. Netflix has been leading innovator on data driven decision making on marketing, customer acquisition and retention, quality of services and also margin management.
  • 6. Organizational alignment with Market Netflix’s market is heavily tied with Internet and connected devices as a result it changes rapidly with the changes in technology and innovation such as tablet, connected TV and devices. Netflix’s 40M global customer base’s age range from 18 years of age to 59. They spend 2 billion hours watching streamed video on hi-speed internet. It would be really expansive to segment such a diverse customer base and create marketing for it. To sole this, Netflix collects trillions of data events (user’s interaction with their products and portals) on mobile, social and internet to build a gigantic database of customer preferences. It also has technically most advanced system for analyzing the data that enables them to promote as well as tweak their product based on real time customer interaction- It’s the most important enabler for architecting an Outside-In organization. It plays significant role in all three facet of their businesses 1) Content acquisition 2) Customer satisfaction and retention 3) Generating higher profit margins. Netflix charges fixed subscription fee from its millions customers for offering “all you can eat” DVDs and streaming content, but Netflix pays content owner on per rented title. So Netflix losses money, if consumers consume only low margin blockbuster titles. A typical revenue sharing agreement between Netflix and content owner requires payouts for each rental of a new release during the first year, so a higher rental rate of new releases will result in more rentals of a film and therein more revenue sharing costs, this will impact Netflix's profit margins Finally, Instead of segmenting the market in clusters, Netflix uses Internet, mobile and social media technologies to build micro and nano segments. This enables them to target mass market with a product that customized for individual subscribers. This further increases customer satisfaction (Ref Exhibit K), increase the customer switching cost and enhances customer 6
  • 7. loyalty. This further helps in collecting base profit, profit from increases purchases, profits from reduced marketing costs, and profits from positive word of mouth. Organizational Metrics and Incentives: Netflix recently wrote a power-point deck to articulate Netflix’s talent management strategies, the document went viral. This document draws on five key tenets1: o Hire, reward, and tolerate only fully formed adults. Ask workers to rely on logic and common sense instead of formal policies, whether the issue is communication, time off, or expenses. o Tell the truth about performance. Scrap formal reviews in favor of informal conversations. Offer generous severance rather than holding on to workers whose skills no longer fit your needs. o Managers must build great teams. This is their most important task. Don’t rate them on 7 whether they are good mentors or fill out paperwork on time. o Leaders own the job of creating the company culture. You’ve got to actually model and encourage the behavior you talk up. o Talent managers should think like businesspeople and innovators first, and like HR people last. Customer value proposition Customer value priorities As mentioned above, Netflix subscriber base is highly diverse in their watching preferences, 1 HBR article-­‐ Executive Summary
  • 8. ages, income, technological advancement and in many other aspects. The only common thread that defines these customer base is access to internet and interest in video content. Thus, Netflix needs to compete against free/ad based content and the Internet content pirated market. Netflix Netflix potential customers sufficient wealth but value low price due to free alternatives. Furthermore, they have insufficient time and skills. This forces Netflix to operate in Performance and price leadership quadrant. As a result Netflix aspire for keeping the prices down while improving the performances. Value proposition The message that Netflix plans to send out through all of its campaigns is “watch what you want, when you want at affordable price”. Customer’s top priority is convenience, affordability, speed, personalization of the video streaming and high selection of titles. Netflix aim at being the top and only choice for its customers by providing a more personalized, fast, convenient, high selection and yet affordable online streaming service than all of the competitors Netflix streaming service is positioned as the personalized low price instant movies and TV shows entertainment with the biggest collection targeting the mass market. Comparing to other competitors Netflix offers the watching experience without disruptions from other adverts compare to Hulu, It has the largest selection compare to all close competitors and customers can watch from a bigger variety of devices and internet connection speeds which puts it on top list when it comes to convenience. 8
  • 9. Netflix Business model value Profit Formula Netflix’s ARPU / month is around $8.50. With growth in streaming customers over DVD customers, Netflix’s ARPU is declining. Subscriber acquisition cost (SAC) is around $18 based on Netflix’s financial reporting. EBITDA margin is around 30%. Churn rate is around 5% (late 2011). NPV = PV [ (ARPU - SAC) + 19 (ARPU * EBITDA margin) ] = $35.97. Life time value of Netflix customer is around $36. This number is way too low compare to competitors like Comcast (Ref: Exhibit N). As a result, Netflix’s approach to content acquisition is heavily data driven. Observing patterns of consumption helps Netflix content executives determine how much money they should spend based on how much interest the subscribers will have in the content. Between 2009 and 2011 Netflix’s spending on streaming content grew 36 fold, from $65M to $2.3B. By contrast, the volume of content available grew only 2.5 fold. Resources and processes Product Strategy: With competition growing, Netflix is opted to (1) license more TV content instead of movie content, and (2) develop original programming. The value of focusing more on TV content is dual: First, the episodic nature of TV content encourages long term engagement and reduces churn, and second, the economics of TV make it easier for Netflix to license content at a cheaper price. Netflix is also focusing on improving content recommendation system to improve their ARPU. Connecting subscribers to movies that they will love is therefore critical to both the subscribers and the company. Netflix rents almost 60% of the titles from the 9
  • 10. recommendation page. Its recommendation engine is so popular that it generates more rental than that of Netflix's new release page. Exhibit I shows Netflix’s product strategy. Pricing Strategy: Netflix follows penetration pricing strategy. Its objective is to gain market share for Netflix to improve customer attraction and retention. Netflix pricing is very close toto its competitors. Recently, Netflix changed its prices and separated the two products lines of streaming and DVD rental by 60% increase in price for customers who wanted both services. This was allowed to compensate for low ARPU for internet streaming product. Netflix does not practice price differentiation because it targets the mass market (Ref Exhibit M for detailed product ARPU map). Distribution Strategy: Netflix partners with companies to develop Netflix programs specific to their platforms that will come pre-installed on all their devices. Furthermore, it has explored partnerships with cable and gaming companies to develop instant streaming option for video games. Exhibit J shows a comprehensive list of devices that has Netflix services. Promotion/Branding Strategy Netflix offers a free month trial for all of the new subscribers. This demonstrate Netflix’s confidence in its quality of service. before the subscriber commit to Netflix. This also helps attract more loyal subscribers because people join Netflix with confidence as they have tested the service. • Mobile and tablet advertising: Netflix uses mobile and tablet to promote Free trial offer. Given that Netflix has app on almost all mobile and tablet devices, it can easily convert leads generated from mobile/tablet Ads into customers. Netflix uses mobile as a direct response media to acquire customers. Furthermore, It uses data collected from these connected devices to tweak the offer specific to that customer. 10
  • 11. • Social Media: Social media is extremely important for Netflix because the service is located on the internet the same place where the social media is. Netflix provides opportunities for its customers to share and interact with their friends in various social media while they are on Netflix account. Netflix also collect the social media information to better serve the customers and know how the customers perceive them. Subscribers may Choose to connect one or more social networks (such as Facebook) with them Netflix account. If they do, Netflix will import, use, and retain information from their social networking account(s) such as names and profile pictures as well as their e-mail address, list of friends, subscriber’s Likes and Interests as well as information they make public on social networks. From analysis of collected information it is clear that Netflix online streaming customer’s primary needs are affordable, convenient, fast and individualized entertainment. Netflix has kept on delivering and responding to these needs which results to a rapid growth of its customer subscription base. 11 Part 3: Recommendations Social media: Firms should remember that amassing a social media fan base and engaging it is important, but the more critical goal is to measure what these people can do. The first step toward improving measurement is to actually start doing it. Businesses need to take ownership and not assume that measuring is too difficult. The complex vendor landscape may entice some marketers to use free tools. But they do not provide the level of analysis that marketers will need to measure the impact of social media on their business, or to do the kind of long-range analysis of trends that will be required. Marketers should consider them as starting points, with the goal of moving toward more sophisticated measurement as soon as possible. However, the challenge
  • 12. is to measure what is important to a business. So the next step is to determine the company’s business-level goals and then use social media metrics to further those goals—rather than gathering metrics and trying to overlay them onto business goals. Mobile: It is critical for firms to have mobile presence for DR as well as Brand firms. 50% of retail giant Walmart’s Internet shopping traffic comes from mobile. Customers are already using mobile devices to engage with brand and retailers. With increased NFC penetration, mobile will begin to replace credit cards. This will allow attribution of an online user to offline transactions. As a result, firms will not only be able to engage with customers individually, but also devise marketing strategies for Macro as well as Nano segments. Mobile and Social create a connected purchase funnel that allows firms to collect data right from brand awareness stage to the transaction stage and build a data driven understanding of customer need and values (Outside-In thinking). Moreover, firms will be able to create customized value proposition for these Micro as well as Nano customer segments (price, performance or relational value). Amazon’s real time price elasticity and yield management platform is a good example of such a customized value propositions. Together this will create unique business proposition that will empower firm to have market power, minimize customer defection and create long-term customer value. 12
  • 13. 13 Exhibits A. User Attention is shifting from traditional to new media B. Tablet vs. PC
  • 14. 14 C. US smartphone 2012 to 2014 D. Facebook Daily Active Users (DAUs)
  • 15. 15 E. Netflix subscriber growth and key events F. Netflix subscriber base-­‐Domestic vs. International
  • 16. 16 G. Netflix Competitive landscape iTunes Amazon VOD Netflix streaming Amazon Prime Hulu Hulu Plus YouTube Positioning EST / rentals Extensive catalog (movies and TV shows) including new releases EST / rentals Extensive catalog (movies and TV shows) including new releases SVOD Original programming SVOD Original programming ? *Prime is first a program offering free delivery Catch up TV Original programming Catch up TV Original programming SVOD Rentals (movies) Original programming Price Transactional Rentals $5 EST: $15-$20 TV shows for EST only, no rentals since August 2011 $3 Transactional Rentals $4 EST: $10-$15 TV shows for EST only, no rentals $3 $7.99/mo $79/year Ad supported $7.99/mo. And ad supported Transactional (movies) $2-$4 Ad supported (original programming) Catalog 14K movies 100K titles 30K titles (US) 17K titles 25K TV episodes (E) 30K titles (29K TV episodes and 1K movies) 5K titles (E) 100 channels original prog. Users n/a n/a 23.5M subscribers worldwide (21.7M US and 1.9M int’l) 5M (E) (not all of whom might be using the SVOD service) 30M monthly users 1.5M paid subscribers n/a Usage Movies 30M EST transactions/year (80K/day) 100M VOD transactions/year (270K/day) Movies 2M EST transactions/year (5K/day) 7M VOD transactions/year (20K/day) Q4 2011: 2B hours streamed (1h/day/sub) n/a Average time spent on the site: 3h10m n/a n/a Revenues $550M in 2011 (E) Movies= $310M ($180M EST and $130M VOD) TV shows= $220M (EST only since August 2011) $40M in 2011 (E) Movies= $25M ($12M EST and $13M VOD) TV shows= $15M (EST only) Domestic: $1.5bn (E) ($150M operating profit (E)) Int’l: $83M revenues ($103M operating loss) n/a $420M (including subscription) $320M in revenues only (E) $100M (E) n/a Content spending n/a n/a $2.32B (2011) n/a $500M (E-2012) n/a $100M (original prog.) Margin 30% (gross margin) 30% (gross margin) 11% (operating income) n/a Amazon is rumored to lose $11/user with Prime, mostly because of the shipping costs 30% (gross margin) NB: if ads are sold by partner networks, Hulu doesn’t cover any of the costs involved n/a n/a Connected devices iOs devices 200 devices 80 devices 300 devices Computers only 300 devices Browser equipped Footprint International International 47 countries: US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Mexico, etc US US US, Japan International
  • 17. 17 H. Perceptual map of Netflix’s competitive landscape I. Netflix product strategy
  • 18. 18 J. Netflix Device map
  • 19. 19 K. Netflix customer satisfaction L. Digital Marketing funnel
  • 20. 20 M. Netflix product ARPU N. Netflix vs Comcast ARPU