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Selecciones MES  Enero
 Nombre Empleado Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados
Maryury Cárdenas          #N/A             #N/A

Salario mínimo              461,500 Auxilio de transporte
Para que esta nómina funcione deben estar habilitadas las macros

Horas Extras Comisiones
                   #N/A        #N/A

habilitadas las macros
NOMBRE                                  CARGO               BASICO
Manuel Ducuara             Gerente oficina                   5,000,000.00
Adriana Forero             Subgerente                        3,000,000.00
Luz Marina Serna           Secretaria Gerencia               1,200,000.00
Karen Tatiana Daza         Asesores Comerciales                800,000.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas       Asesores Comerciales                800,000.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon        Asesores Comerciales                800,000.00
Karla Ximena Peña          Cajero                              750,000.00
Jose Miguel Pardo          Cajero                              750,000.00
Camila Anrea Serna         Cajero                              750,000.00
Maria Alejandra Caviedes   Cajero                              750,000.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia       Ejecutivo Junior                  2,000,000.00
Angie Carolina Linares     Ejecutivo Sénior                  2,500,000.00
Karlina Cespedes           Auxiliar integral de servicios    1,500,000.00
Angelica Miranda           Recepcionista                       600,000.00
Rafael Rojas               Vigilante                           600,000.00
Diana Camacho              Personal de servicio                500,000.00
Mario Rodriguez            Mensajero                           550,000.00
      30.00      2,000,000.00
      30.00      1,500,000.00
      30.00        710,000.00
      30.00        710,000.00
      30.00        710,000.00
      30.00       1,000,000.00
      30.00       1,000,000.00

  Nombre del empleado               Cargo
                                                           Sueldo bàsico     Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara            Gerente oficina                       5,000,000.00             30.00
Adriana Forero            Subgerente                            3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna          Secretaria Gerencia                   1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza        Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas      Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon       Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña         Cajero                                  750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo         Cajero                                  750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna        Cajero                                  750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes        Cajero                                  750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia      Ejecutivo Junior                      2,000,000.00             30.00
Angie Carolina Linares    Ejecutivo Sénior                      2,500,000.00             30.00
Karlina Cespedes          Auxiliar integral de servicios        1,500,000.00             30.00
Angelica Miranda          Recepcionista                           600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas              Vigilante                               600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho             Personal de servicio                    500,000.00             30.00
Mario Rodriguez           Mensajero                               550,000.00             30.00

          TOTAL                                            22,850,000.00
                                                             Cesantias            Prima
                                                           2,593,320.59        2,593,320.59

                                       NOMINA PERSONAL
                         SUELDOS                        344,784,000.00
                         PRIMA                            31,119,847.08
                         CESANTIAS                        31,119,847.08
                         INT.CESANTIAS                     3,735,876.00
                                   Subtotal             410,759,570.16
                                    PRESTACIONES SOCIALES
                         SALUD                            31,089,600.00
                         PENSION                          42,519,600.00
                         ARP                              19,092,672.00
                                   Subtotal               92,701,872.00
                         I.C.B.F                          10,972,800.00
                         SENA                              7,315,200.00
                         CAJA COMP.                       14,630,400.00
                                   Subtotal               32,918,400.00
                         TOTAL GASTOS NOMINA               536,379,842.16
NA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS                                                                  DEL 01 AL 31 DE ENERO

               DEVENGADO                                                                      DEDUCCIONES
            Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte Total devengado      Aportes Salud
            2,000,000.00                           0.00     7,000,000.00         280,000.00
            1,500,000.00                           0.00     4,500,000.00         180,000.00
                                                   0.00     1,200,000.00          48,000.00
             710,000.00                      59,300.00      1,569,300.00          60,400.00
             710,000.00                      59,300.00      1,569,300.00          60,400.00
             710,000.00                        59,300.00    1,569,300.00          60,400.00
                                               59,300.00      809,300.00          30,000.00
                                               59,300.00      809,300.00          30,000.00
                                               59,300.00      809,300.00          30,000.00
                                               59,300.00      809,300.00          30,000.00
            1,000,000.00                            0.00    3,000,000.00         120,000.00
            1,000,000.00                            0.00    3,500,000.00         140,000.00
                                                    0.00    1,500,000.00          60,000.00
                                               59,300.00      659,300.00          24,000.00
                                               59,300.00      659,300.00          24,000.00
                                               59,300.00      559,300.00          20,000.00
                                               59,300.00      609,300.00          22,000.00

            7,630,000.00                  652,300.00       31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00
           Inter. cesantìas          Salud                 Pensiòn         Caja Compen.
             311,323.00           2,590,800.00          3,543,300.00        1,219,200.00
DEL 01 AL 31 DE ENERO DE 2005
                                               NETO PAGADO          CONFORME
Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones                                CC. NO.
         271,250.00            551,250.00            6,448,750.00
         174,375.00            354,375.00            4,145,625.00
          46,500.00              94,500.00           1,105,500.00
          58,512.50            118,912.50            1,450,387.50
          58,512.50            118,912.50            1,450,387.50
          58,512.50            118,912.50            1,450,387.50
          29,062.50              59,062.50             750,237.50
          29,062.50              59,062.50             750,237.50
          29,062.50              59,062.50             750,237.50
          29,062.50              59,062.50             750,237.50
         116,250.00            236,250.00            2,763,750.00
         135,625.00            275,625.00            3,224,375.00
          58,125.00            118,125.00            1,381,875.00
          23,250.00              47,250.00             612,050.00
          23,250.00              47,250.00             612,050.00
          19,375.00              39,375.00             519,925.00
          21,312.50              43,312.50             565,987.50

       1,181,100.00           2,400,300.00          28,732,000.00
      I.C.B.F               SENA             Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
    914,400.00           609,600.00             1,591,056.00        15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico     Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                     5,000,000.00                30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                          3,000,000.00                30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                 1,200,000.00                30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00                30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00                30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00                30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                750,000.00                30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                750,000.00                30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                750,000.00                30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                750,000.00                30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                    2,000,000.00                30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                    2,500,000.00                30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios      1,500,000.00                30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                         600,000.00                30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                             600,000.00                30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                  500,000.00                30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                             550,000.00                30.00

        TOTAL                                             22,850,000.00
                                                            Cesantias           Prima
                                                          2,593,320.59       2,593,320.59
EADOS                                                              DEL 01 AL 28 DE DE FEBRERO DE 2005
         DEVENGADO                                                                      DEDUCCIONES
         Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte Total devengado  Aportes Salud     Aportes pensiòn
         2,000,000.00                          0.00  7,000,000.00       280,000.00           271,250.00
         1,500,000.00                          0.00  4,500,000.00       180,000.00           174,375.00
                                               0.00  1,200,000.00         48,000.00           46,500.00
          710,000.00                     59,300.00   1,569,300.00         60,400.00           58,512.50
          710,000.00                     59,300.00   1,569,300.00         60,400.00           58,512.50
          710,000.00                       59,300.00 1,569,300.00         60,400.00           58,512.50
                                           59,300.00   809,300.00         30,000.00           29,062.50
                                           59,300.00   809,300.00         30,000.00           29,062.50
                                           59,300.00   809,300.00         30,000.00           29,062.50
                                           59,300.00   809,300.00         30,000.00           29,062.50
         1,000,000.00                           0.00 3,000,000.00       120,000.00           116,250.00
         1,000,000.00                           0.00 3,500,000.00       140,000.00           135,625.00
                                                0.00 1,500,000.00         60,000.00           58,125.00
                                           59,300.00   659,300.00         24,000.00           23,250.00
                                           59,300.00   659,300.00         24,000.00           23,250.00
                                           59,300.00   559,300.00         20,000.00           19,375.00
                                           59,300.00   609,300.00         22,000.00           21,312.50

         7,630,000.00                  652,300.00   31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00      1,181,100.00
        Inter. cesantìas          Salud               Pensiòn         Caja Compen.       I.C.B.F
          311,323.00           2,590,800.00         3,543,300.00      1,219,200.00      914,400.00
RO DE 2005
UCCIONES                                                 RECIBI
                                     NETO PAGADO       CONFORME
             Total deducciones
                                                        CC. NO.
                        551,250.00      6,448,750.00
                        354,375.00      4,145,625.00
                         94,500.00      1,105,500.00
                        118,912.50      1,450,387.50
                        118,912.50      1,450,387.50
                        118,912.50      1,450,387.50
                         59,062.50        750,237.50
                         59,062.50        750,237.50
                         59,062.50        750,237.50
                         59,062.50        750,237.50
                        236,250.00      2,763,750.00
                        275,625.00      3,224,375.00
                        118,125.00      1,381,875.00
                         47,250.00        612,050.00
                         47,250.00        612,050.00
                         39,375.00        519,925.00
                         43,312.50        565,987.50

                      2,400,300.00    28,732,000.00
                    SENA        Riesgos profesionalesTOTAL APROP.
                  609,600.00          1,591,056.00     15,966,320.18

  Nombre del empleado             Cargo
                                                       Sueldo bàsico   Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                  5,000,000.00             30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                       3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia              1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales               800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales               800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales               800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                             750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                             750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                             750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                             750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                 2,000,000.00             30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                 2,500,000.00             30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00               30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                      600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                          600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio               500,000.00             30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                          550,000.00             30.00

          TOTAL                                       22,850,000.00
                                                        Cesantias           Prima
                                                       2,593,320.59      2,593,320.59
ADOS                                                               DEL 01 AL 31 DE MARZO DE 2005

            DEVENGADO                                                                 DEDUCCIONES
        Comisiones   Auxilio de transporte Total devengado      Aportes Salud      Aportes pensiòn
        2,000,000.00                     0.00      7,000,000.00         280,000.00          271,250.00
        1,500,000.00                     0.00      4,500,000.00         180,000.00          174,375.00
                                         0.00      1,200,000.00          48,000.00           46,500.00
         710,000.00                59,300.00       1,569,300.00          60,400.00           58,512.50
         710,000.00                59,300.00       1,569,300.00          60,400.00           58,512.50
         710,000.00                  59,300.00     1,569,300.00          60,400.00           58,512.50
                                     59,300.00       809,300.00          30,000.00           29,062.50
                                     59,300.00       809,300.00          30,000.00           29,062.50
                                     59,300.00       809,300.00          30,000.00           29,062.50
                                     59,300.00       809,300.00          30,000.00           29,062.50
        1,000,000.00                      0.00     3,000,000.00         120,000.00          116,250.00
        1,000,000.00                      0.00     3,500,000.00         140,000.00          135,625.00
                                          0.00     1,500,000.00          60,000.00           58,125.00
                                     59,300.00       659,300.00          24,000.00           23,250.00
                                     59,300.00       659,300.00          24,000.00           23,250.00
                                     59,300.00       559,300.00          20,000.00           19,375.00
                                     59,300.00       609,300.00          22,000.00           21,312.50

        7,630,000.00              652,300.00       31,132,300.00      1,219,200.00        1,181,100.00
       Inter. cesantìas       Salud               Pensiòn          Caja Compen.          I.C.B.F
         311,323.00        2,590,800.00         3,543,300.00       1,219,200.00        914,400.00
DE 2005
                                      NETO PAGADO          CONFORME
           Total deducciones                                CC. NO.
                      551,250.00            6,448,750.00
                      354,375.00            4,145,625.00
                        94,500.00           1,105,500.00
                      118,912.50            1,450,387.50
                      118,912.50            1,450,387.50
                      118,912.50            1,450,387.50
                        59,062.50             750,237.50
                        59,062.50             750,237.50
                        59,062.50             750,237.50
                        59,062.50             750,237.50
                      236,250.00            2,763,750.00
                      275,625.00            3,224,375.00
                      118,125.00            1,381,875.00
                        47,250.00             612,050.00
                        47,250.00             612,050.00
                        39,375.00             519,925.00
                        43,312.50             565,987.50

                     2,400,300.00          28,732,000.00
                   SENA             Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
                609,600.00             1,591,056.00        15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                  Cargo
                                                           Sueldo bàsico   Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                      5,000,000.00             30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                           3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                  1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                 750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                 750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                 750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                 750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                     2,000,000.00             30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                     2,500,000.00             30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios       1,500,000.00             30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                          600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                              600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                   500,000.00             30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                              550,000.00             30.00

        TOTAL                                              22,850,000.00
                                                             Cesantias          Prima
                                                            2,593,320.59     2,593,320.59
EADOS                                                                   DEL 01 AL 30 DE ABRIL DE 2005
            DEVENGADO                                                                      DEDUCCIONES
         Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte      Total devengado Aportes Salud
         2,000,000.00                           0.00     7,000,000.00       280,000.00
         1,500,000.00                           0.00     4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                                0.00     1,200,000.00         48,000.00
          710,000.00                      59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                      59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                        59,300.00    1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00
         1,000,000.00                            0.00    3,000,000.00       120,000.00
         1,000,000.00                            0.00    3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                                 0.00    1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                            59,300.00      659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00      659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00      559,300.00         20,000.00
                                            59,300.00      609,300.00         22,000.00

         7,630,000.00                      652,300.00   31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00
        Inter. cesantìas           Salud                  Pensiòn        Caja Compen.
          311,323.00           2,590,800.00             3,543,300.00     1,219,200.00
01 AL 30 DE ABRIL DE 2005
              DEDUCCIONES                                            RECIBI CONFORME
                                                     NETO PAGADO
           Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones                          CC. NO.
                    271,250.00            551,250.00    6,448,750.00
                    174,375.00            354,375.00    4,145,625.00
                     46,500.00             94,500.00    1,105,500.00
                     58,512.50            118,912.50    1,450,387.50
                     58,512.50            118,912.50    1,450,387.50
                     58,512.50            118,912.50    1,450,387.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50      750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50      750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50      750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50      750,237.50
                    116,250.00            236,250.00    2,763,750.00
                    135,625.00            275,625.00    3,224,375.00
                     58,125.00            118,125.00    1,381,875.00
                     23,250.00             47,250.00      612,050.00
                     23,250.00             47,250.00      612,050.00
                     19,375.00             39,375.00      519,925.00
                     21,312.50             43,312.50      565,987.50

                  1,181,100.00        2,400,300.00   28,732,000.00
                 I.C.B.F            SENA        Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
               914,400.00         609,600.00         1,591,056.00    15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                  Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico   Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                     5,000,000.00             30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                          3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                 1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                    2,000,000.00             30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                    2,500,000.00             30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios      1,500,000.00             30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                         600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                             600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                  500,000.00             30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                             550,000.00             30.00

        TOTAL                                             22,850,000.00
                                                            Cesantias          Prima
                                                          2,593,320.59      2,593,320.59
EADOS                                                                    DEL 01 AL 31 DE MAY0 DE 2005
             DEVENGADO                                                                  DEDUCCIONES
         Comisiones    Auxilio de transporte Total devengado       Aportes Salud
         2,000,000.00                      0.00       7,000,000.00       280,000.00
         1,500,000.00                      0.00       4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                           0.00       1,200,000.00         48,000.00
          710,000.00                 59,300.00        1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                 59,300.00        1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                   59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                       59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                       59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                       59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                       59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
         1,000,000.00                       0.00      3,000,000.00       120,000.00
         1,000,000.00                       0.00      3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                            0.00      1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                       59,300.00        659,300.00         24,000.00
                                       59,300.00        659,300.00         24,000.00
                                       59,300.00        559,300.00         20,000.00
                                       59,300.00        609,300.00         22,000.00

         7,630,000.00                652,300.00        31,132,300.00     1,219,200.00
        Inter. cesantìas          Salud               Pensiòn          Caja Compen.
          311,323.00          2,590,800.00          3,543,300.00       1,219,200.00
EL 01 AL 31 DE MAY0 DE 2005
             DEDUCCIONES                                                         RECIBI
                                                        NETO PAGADO            CONFORME
          Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones
                                                                                CC. NO.
                   271,250.00            551,250.00             6,448,750.00
                   174,375.00            354,375.00             4,145,625.00
                    46,500.00             94,500.00             1,105,500.00
                    58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                   116,250.00            236,250.00             2,763,750.00
                   135,625.00            275,625.00             3,224,375.00
                    58,125.00            118,125.00             1,381,875.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00               612,050.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00               612,050.00
                    19,375.00             39,375.00               519,925.00
                    21,312.50             43,312.50               565,987.50

                 1,181,100.00          2,400,300.00            28,732,000.00
                I.C.B.F              SENA             Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
              914,400.00           609,600.00            1,591,056.00            ###
 Nombre del empleado                  Cargo
                                                           Sueldo bàsico     Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                      5,000,000.00                 30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                           3,000,000.00                 30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                  1,200,000.00                 30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                 30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                 30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                 30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                 750,000.00                 30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                 750,000.00                 30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                 750,000.00                 30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                 750,000.00                 30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                     2,000,000.00                 30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                     2,500,000.00                 30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios       1,500,000.00                 30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                          600,000.00                 30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                              600,000.00                 30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                   500,000.00                 30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                              550,000.00                 30.00

        TOTAL                                              22,850,000.00
                                                             Cesantias            Prima
                                                           2,593,320.59       2,593,320.59
OS                                                                 DEL 01 AL 30 DE JUNIO DE 2005
         DEVENGADO                                                                  DEDUCCIONES
      Comisiones   Auxilio de transporte Total devengado       Aportes Salud
      2,000,000.00                     0.00       7,000,000.00       280,000.00
      1,500,000.00                     0.00       4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                       0.00       1,200,000.00         48,000.00
       710,000.00                59,300.00        1,569,300.00         60,400.00
       710,000.00                59,300.00        1,569,300.00         60,400.00
       710,000.00                  59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                   59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                   59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                   59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
                                   59,300.00        809,300.00         30,000.00
      1,000,000.00                      0.00      3,000,000.00       120,000.00
      1,000,000.00                      0.00      3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                        0.00      1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                   59,300.00        659,300.00         24,000.00
                                   59,300.00        659,300.00         24,000.00
                                   59,300.00        559,300.00         20,000.00
                                   59,300.00        609,300.00         22,000.00

      7,630,000.00                652,300.00       31,132,300.00     1,219,200.00
     Inter. cesantìas        Salud                Pensiòn          Caja Compen.
       311,323.00         2,590,800.00          3,543,300.00       1,219,200.00
L 01 AL 30 DE JUNIO DE 2005
              DEDUCCIONES                                                       RECIBI CONFORME
                                                         NETO PAGADO
           Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones                                     CC. NO.
                    271,250.00            551,250.00             6,448,750.00
                    174,375.00            354,375.00             4,145,625.00
                     46,500.00             94,500.00             1,105,500.00
                     58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                     58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                     58,512.50            118,912.50             1,450,387.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                     29,062.50             59,062.50               750,237.50
                    116,250.00            236,250.00             2,763,750.00
                    135,625.00            275,625.00             3,224,375.00
                     58,125.00            118,125.00             1,381,875.00
                     23,250.00             47,250.00               612,050.00
                     23,250.00             47,250.00               612,050.00
                     19,375.00             39,375.00               519,925.00
                     21,312.50             43,312.50               565,987.50

                  1,181,100.00          2,400,300.00            28,732,000.00
                 I.C.B.F              SENA             Riesgos profesionales     TOTAL APROP.
               914,400.00           609,600.00             1,591,056.00           15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                 Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico    Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                    5,000,000.00                30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                         3,000,000.00                30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                1,200,000.00                30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                 800,000.00                30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                 800,000.00                30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                 800,000.00                30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                               750,000.00                30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                               750,000.00                30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                               750,000.00                30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                               750,000.00                30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                   2,000,000.00                30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                   2,500,000.00                30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios     1,500,000.00                30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                        600,000.00                30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                            600,000.00                30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                 500,000.00                30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                            550,000.00                30.00

        TOTAL                                             22,850,000.00
                                                            Cesantias          Prima
                                                           2,593,320.59     2,593,320.59
ADOS                                                                       DEL 01 AL 31 DE JULIO DE 2005
              DEVENGADO                                                                          DEDUCCIONES
        Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte       Total devengado        Aportes Salud
        2,000,000.00                            0.00            7,000,000.00       280,000.00
        1,500,000.00                            0.00            4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                                0.00            1,200,000.00         48,000.00
         710,000.00                       59,300.00             1,569,300.00         60,400.00
         710,000.00                       59,300.00             1,569,300.00         60,400.00
         710,000.00                         59,300.00           1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                            59,300.00             809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00             809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00             809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00             809,300.00         30,000.00
        1,000,000.00                             0.00           3,000,000.00       120,000.00
        1,000,000.00                             0.00           3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                                 0.00           1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                            59,300.00             659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00             659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00             559,300.00         20,000.00
                                            59,300.00             609,300.00         22,000.00

        7,630,000.00                     652,300.00          31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00
       Inter. cesantìas          Salud                     Pensiòn            Caja Compen.
         311,323.00           2,590,800.00               3,543,300.00         1,219,200.00
AL 31 DE JULIO DE 2005
              DEDUCCIONES                                                     RECIBI
                                                        NETO PAGADO         CONFORME
         Aportes pensiòn      Total deducciones
                                                                             CC. NO.
                   271,250.00            551,250.00          6,448,750.00
                   174,375.00            354,375.00          4,145,625.00
                    46,500.00             94,500.00          1,105,500.00
                    58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                   116,250.00            236,250.00          2,763,750.00
                   135,625.00            275,625.00          3,224,375.00
                    58,125.00            118,125.00          1,381,875.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00            612,050.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00            612,050.00
                    19,375.00             39,375.00            519,925.00
                    21,312.50             43,312.50            565,987.50

                  1,181,100.00         2,400,300.00         28,732,000.00
                I.C.B.F              SENA             Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
              914,400.00           609,600.00            1,591,056.00       15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                 Cargo
                                                           Sueldo bàsico     Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                      5,000,000.00                30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                           3,000,000.00                30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                  1,200,000.00                30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00                30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                 750,000.00                30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                 750,000.00                30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                 750,000.00                30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                 750,000.00                30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                     2,000,000.00                30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                     2,500,000.00                30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios       1,500,000.00                30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                          600,000.00                30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                              600,000.00                30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                   500,000.00                30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                              550,000.00                30.00

        TOTAL                                              22,850,000.00
                                                             Cesantias           Prima
                                                            2,593,320.59      2,593,320.59
DOS                                                                   DEL 01 AL 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2005
        DEVENGADO                                                                       DEDUCCIONES
       Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte Total devengado      Aportes Salud
       2,000,000.00                          0.00      7,000,000.00       280,000.00
       1,500,000.00                          0.00      4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                             0.00      1,200,000.00         48,000.00
        710,000.00                     59,300.00       1,569,300.00         60,400.00
        710,000.00                     59,300.00       1,569,300.00         60,400.00
        710,000.00                       59,300.00     1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                         59,300.00       809,300.00         30,000.00
                                         59,300.00       809,300.00         30,000.00
                                         59,300.00       809,300.00         30,000.00
                                         59,300.00       809,300.00         30,000.00
       1,000,000.00                           0.00     3,000,000.00       120,000.00
       1,000,000.00                           0.00     3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                              0.00     1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                         59,300.00       659,300.00         24,000.00
                                         59,300.00       659,300.00         24,000.00
                                         59,300.00       559,300.00         20,000.00
                                         59,300.00       609,300.00         22,000.00

       7,630,000.00                 652,300.00        31,132,300.00      1,219,200.00
      Inter. cesantìas          Salud                Pensiòn           Caja Compen.
        311,323.00           2,590,800.00          3,543,300.00        1,219,200.00
1 AL 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2005
            DEDUCCIONES                                                      RECIBI
                                                       NETO PAGADO         CONFORME
         Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones
                                                                            CC. NO.
                  271,250.00            551,250.00          6,448,750.00
                  174,375.00            354,375.00          4,145,625.00
                   46,500.00             94,500.00          1,105,500.00
                   58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                   58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                   58,512.50            118,912.50          1,450,387.50
                   29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                   29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                   29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                   29,062.50             59,062.50            750,237.50
                  116,250.00            236,250.00          2,763,750.00
                  135,625.00            275,625.00          3,224,375.00
                   58,125.00            118,125.00          1,381,875.00
                   23,250.00             47,250.00            612,050.00
                   23,250.00             47,250.00            612,050.00
                   19,375.00             39,375.00            519,925.00
                   21,312.50             43,312.50            565,987.50

                1,181,100.00          2,400,300.00         28,732,000.00
               I.C.B.F              SENA             Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
             914,400.00           609,600.00            1,591,056.00       15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado                 Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico   Dìas trabajados
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                     5,000,000.00             30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                          3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                 1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                  800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                    2,000,000.00             30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                    2,500,000.00             30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios      1,500,000.00             30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                         600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                             600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                  500,000.00             30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                             550,000.00             30.00

        TOTAL                                             22,850,000.00
                                                            Cesantias          Prima
                                                          2,593,320.59      2,593,320.59
EADOS                                                                  DEL 01 AL 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2005
              DEVENGADO                                                                        DEDUCCIONES
         Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte      Total devengado      Aportes Salud
         2,000,000.00                           0.00          7,000,000.00       280,000.00
         1,500,000.00                           0.00          4,500,000.00       180,000.00
                                                0.00          1,200,000.00         48,000.00
          710,000.00                      59,300.00           1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                      59,300.00           1,569,300.00         60,400.00
          710,000.00                        59,300.00         1,569,300.00         60,400.00
                                            59,300.00           809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00           809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00           809,300.00         30,000.00
                                            59,300.00           809,300.00         30,000.00
         1,000,000.00                            0.00         3,000,000.00       120,000.00
         1,000,000.00                            0.00         3,500,000.00       140,000.00
                                                 0.00         1,500,000.00         60,000.00
                                            59,300.00           659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00           659,300.00         24,000.00
                                            59,300.00           559,300.00         20,000.00
                                            59,300.00           609,300.00         22,000.00

         7,630,000.00                      652,300.00      31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00
        Inter. cesantìas           Salud                  Pensiòn          Caja Compen.
          311,323.00           2,590,800.00             3,543,300.00        1,219,200.00
             DEDUCCIONES                                                      RECIBI CONFORME
                                                        NETO PAGADO
          Aportes pensiòn     Total deducciones                                    CC. NO.
                   271,250.00            551,250.00           6,448,750.00
                   174,375.00            354,375.00           4,145,625.00
                    46,500.00             94,500.00           1,105,500.00
                    58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                    58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
                    29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
                   116,250.00            236,250.00           2,763,750.00
                   135,625.00            275,625.00           3,224,375.00
                    58,125.00            118,125.00           1,381,875.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00             612,050.00
                    23,250.00             47,250.00             612,050.00
                    19,375.00             39,375.00             519,925.00
                    21,312.50             43,312.50             565,987.50

                 1,181,100.00          2,400,300.00          28,732,000.00
                I.C.B.F              SENA             Riesgos profesionales    TOTAL APROP.
              914,400.00           609,600.00             1,591,056.00          15,966,320.18
 Nombre del empleado       Cargo
                                         Sueldo bàsico    Dìas trabajados     DMGOS
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00                 30.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente          3,000,000.00             30.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00             30.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales  800,000.00             30.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales  800,000.00             30.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales  800,000.00             30.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                750,000.00             30.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                750,000.00             30.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                750,000.00             30.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                750,000.00             30.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00                30.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00                30.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de1,500,000.00
                                              servicios               30.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista         600,000.00             30.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante             600,000.00             30.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio500,000.00               30.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero             550,000.00             30.00

        TOTAL                            22,850,000.00
                                           Cesantias           Prima
                                         2,593,320.59       2,593,320.59
PLEADOS                                                                DEL 01 AL 31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2005
     DEVENGADO                                                                             DEDUCCIONES
            Comisiones         Auxilio de transporte  Total devengado Aportes Salud     Aportes pensiòn
            2,000,000.00                        0.00     7,000,000.00       280,000.00         271,250.00
            1,500,000.00                        0.00     4,500,000.00       180,000.00         174,375.00
                                                0.00     1,200,000.00         48,000.00         46,500.00
              710,000.00                  59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00         58,512.50
              710,000.00                  59,300.00      1,569,300.00         60,400.00         58,512.50
              710,000.00                    59,300.00    1,569,300.00         60,400.00         58,512.50
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00         29,062.50
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00         29,062.50
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00         29,062.50
                                            59,300.00      809,300.00         30,000.00         29,062.50
             1,000,000.00                        0.00    3,000,000.00       120,000.00         116,250.00
             1,000,000.00                        0.00    3,500,000.00       140,000.00         135,625.00
                                                 0.00    1,500,000.00         60,000.00         58,125.00
                                            59,300.00      659,300.00         24,000.00         23,250.00
                                            59,300.00      659,300.00         24,000.00         23,250.00
                                            59,300.00      559,300.00         20,000.00         19,375.00
                                            59,300.00      609,300.00         22,000.00         21,312.50

             7,630,000.00               652,300.00   31,132,300.00      1,219,200.00       1,181,100.00
            Inter. cesantìas          Salud            Pensiòn       Caja Compen.          I.C.B.F
              311,323.00           2,590,800.00      3,543,300.00     1,219,200.00       914,400.00
DUCCIONES                                                 RECIBI
                                    NETO PAGADO         CONFORME
         Total deducciones
                                                         CC. NO.
                    551,250.00           6,448,750.00
                    354,375.00           4,145,625.00
                     94,500.00           1,105,500.00
                    118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                    118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                    118,912.50           1,450,387.50
                     59,062.50             750,237.50
                     59,062.50             750,237.50
                     59,062.50             750,237.50
                     59,062.50             750,237.50
                    236,250.00           2,763,750.00
                    275,625.00           3,224,375.00
                    118,125.00           1,381,875.00
                     47,250.00             612,050.00
                     47,250.00             612,050.00
                     39,375.00             519,925.00
                     43,312.50             565,987.50

                   2,400,300.00         28,732,000.00
                  SENA            Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
                609,600.00           1,591,056.00       15,966,320.18
  Nombre del empleado                 Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                      5,000,000.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                           3,000,000.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                  1,200,000.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                   800,000.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                 750,000.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                 750,000.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                 750,000.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                 750,000.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                     2,000,000.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                     2,500,000.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios       1,500,000.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                          600,000.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                              600,000.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                   500,000.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                              550,000.00

         TOTAL                                            22,850,000.00
DEVENGADO                                                                   DEDU
Dìas trabajados       Comisiones   Auxilio de transporte Total devengado       Aportes Salud
             30.00    2,000,000.00                     0.00       7,000,000.00         280,000.00
             30.00    1,500,000.00                     0.00       4,500,000.00         180,000.00
             30.00                                     0.00       1,200,000.00          48,000.00
             30.00     710,000.00                59,300.00        1,569,300.00          60,400.00
             30.00     710,000.00                59,300.00        1,569,300.00          60,400.00
             30.00     710,000.00                  59,300.00      1,569,300.00          60,400.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        809,300.00          30,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        809,300.00          30,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        809,300.00          30,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        809,300.00          30,000.00
             30.00    1,000,000.00                      0.00      3,000,000.00         120,000.00
             30.00    1,000,000.00                      0.00      3,500,000.00         140,000.00
             30.00                                      0.00      1,500,000.00          60,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        659,300.00          24,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        659,300.00          24,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        559,300.00          20,000.00
             30.00                                 59,300.00        609,300.00          22,000.00

                      7,630,000.00              652,300.00       31,132,300.00       1,219,200.00
    Prima            Inter. cesantìas       Salud               Pensiòn          Caja Compen.
 2,593,320.59          311,323.00        2,590,800.00         3,543,300.00        1,219,200.00
DEDUCCIONES                                                          RECIBI
                                                    NETO PAGADO          CONFORME
Aportes pensiòn         Total deducciones
                                                                          CC. NO.
            271,250.00               551,250.00           6,448,750.00
            174,375.00               354,375.00           4,145,625.00
              46,500.00               94,500.00           1,105,500.00
              58,512.50              118,912.50           1,450,387.50
              58,512.50              118,912.50           1,450,387.50
              58,512.50              118,912.50           1,450,387.50
              29,062.50               59,062.50             750,237.50
              29,062.50               59,062.50             750,237.50
              29,062.50               59,062.50             750,237.50
              29,062.50               59,062.50             750,237.50
            116,250.00               236,250.00           2,763,750.00
            135,625.00               275,625.00           3,224,375.00
              58,125.00              118,125.00           1,381,875.00
              23,250.00               47,250.00             612,050.00
              23,250.00               47,250.00             612,050.00
              19,375.00               39,375.00             519,925.00
              21,312.50               43,312.50             565,987.50

           1,181,100.00            2,400,300.00         28,732,000.00
        I.C.B.F                 SENA              Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP.
      914,400.00              609,600.00             1,591,056.00        15,966,320.18
  Nombre del empleado                 Cargo
                                                          Sueldo bàsico
Manuel Ducuara           Gerente oficina                       5,000,000.00
Adriana Forero           Subgerente                            3,000,000.00
Luz Marina Serna         Secretaria Gerencia                   1,200,000.00
Karen Tatiana Daza       Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00
Juan Carlos Cardenas     Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00
Hecto Anibal Rincon      Asesores Comerciales                    800,000.00
Karla Ximena Peña        Cajero                                  750,000.00
Jose Miguel Pardo        Cajero                                  750,000.00
Camila Anrea Serna       Cajero                                  750,000.00
Alejandra Caviedes       Cajero                                  750,000.00
Pedro Alfonso Murcia     Ejecutivo Junior                      2,000,000.00
Angie Carolina Linares   Ejecutivo Sénior                      2,500,000.00
Karlina Cespedes         Auxiliar integral de servicios        1,500,000.00
Angelica Miranda         Recepcionista                           600,000.00
Rafael Rojas             Vigilante                               600,000.00
Diana Camacho            Personal de servicio                    500,000.00
Mario Rodriguez          Mensajero                               550,000.00

         TOTAL                                            22,850,000.00
DEVENGADO                                                                    DEDUCCIO
Dìas trabajados      Comisiones        Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud
            30.00    2,000,000.00                           0.00    7,000,000.00     280,000.00
            30.00    1,500,000.00                           0.00    4,500,000.00     180,000.00
            30.00                                           0.00    1,200,000.00      48,000.00
            30.00     710,000.00                      59,300.00     1,569,300.00      60,400.00
            30.00     710,000.00                      59,300.00     1,569,300.00      60,400.00
            30.00     710,000.00                        59,300.00   1,569,300.00      60,400.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     809,300.00      30,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     809,300.00      30,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     809,300.00      30,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     809,300.00      30,000.00
            30.00    1,000,000.00                            0.00   3,000,000.00     120,000.00
            30.00    1,000,000.00                            0.00   3,500,000.00     140,000.00
            30.00                                            0.00   1,500,000.00      60,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     659,300.00      24,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     659,300.00      24,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     559,300.00      20,000.00
            30.00                                       59,300.00     609,300.00      22,000.00

                     7,630,000.00                 652,300.00     31,132,300.00      1,219,200.00
     Prima          Inter. cesantìas         Salud               Pensiòn         Caja Compen.
 2,593,320.59         311,323.00          2,590,800.00         3,543,300.00      1,219,200.00
DEDUCCIONES                                                         RECIBI
                                             NETO PAGADO            CONFORME
Aportes pensiòn    Total deducciones
                                                                     CC. NO.
        271,250.00            551,250.00           6,448,750.00
        174,375.00            354,375.00           4,145,625.00
         46,500.00             94,500.00           1,105,500.00
         58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
         58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
         58,512.50            118,912.50           1,450,387.50
         29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
         29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
         29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
         29,062.50             59,062.50             750,237.50
        116,250.00            236,250.00           2,763,750.00
        135,625.00            275,625.00           3,224,375.00
         58,125.00            118,125.00           1,381,875.00
         23,250.00             47,250.00             612,050.00
         23,250.00             47,250.00             612,050.00
         19,375.00             39,375.00             519,925.00
         21,312.50             43,312.50             565,987.50

      1,181,100.00          2,400,300.00          28,732,000.00
      I.C.B.F             SENA             Riesgos profesionales   TOTAL APROP.
    914,400.00          609,600.00             1,591,056.00        15,966,320.18

                     GASTOS GENERAL
Servicios Publicos
Mantenimiento y Reparacion
Publicidad y Propaganda
Utiles y papeleria
Procesam. Electronico de datos
Servicios de aseo y vigilancia
Gastos de viaje

                            $ 20,999,000
                            $ 48,770,000
paracion                     $ 6,118,000
                            $ 25,901,000
                            $ 69,707,000
                            $ 39,642,000
ganda                        $ 4,926,000
                             $ 8,475,000
co de datos                  $ 3,271,000
vigilancia                  $ 12,701,000
                            $ 16,031,000
                            $ 11,346,000
OTAL                     $ 267,887,000

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Nomina Oficina

  • 1. Selecciones MES Enero Nombre Empleado Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Maryury Cárdenas #N/A #N/A Salario mínimo 461,500 Auxilio de transporte Para que esta nómina funcione deben estar habilitadas las macros Aceptar
  • 2. Horas Extras Comisiones #N/A #N/A 59,300 habilitadas las macros
  • 3. NOMBRE CARGO BASICO Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 Maria Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00
  • 4. DIAS TRABAJADOS COMISOINES 30.00 2,000,000.00 30.00 1,500,000.00 30.00 30.00 710,000.00 30.00 710,000.00 30.00 710,000.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
  • 5.
  • 6. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EM DEVEN Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59 NOMINA PERSONAL SUELDOS 344,784,000.00 PRIMA 31,119,847.08 CESANTIAS 31,119,847.08 INT.CESANTIAS 3,735,876.00 Subtotal 410,759,570.16 PRESTACIONES SOCIALES SALUD 31,089,600.00 PENSION 42,519,600.00 ARP 19,092,672.00 Subtotal 92,701,872.00 PARAFISCALES I.C.B.F 10,972,800.00 SENA 7,315,200.00 CAJA COMP. 14,630,400.00 Subtotal 32,918,400.00 TOTAL GASTOS NOMINA 536,379,842.16
  • 7. NA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE ENERO DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 8. DEL 01 AL 31 DE ENERO DE 2005 RECIBI DEDUCCIONES NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 9. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVENGAD Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 10. EADOS DEL 01 AL 28 DE DE FEBRERO DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud Aportes pensiòn 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 271,250.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 174,375.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 46,500.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 116,250.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 135,625.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 58,125.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 19,375.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 21,312.50 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 1,181,100.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. I.C.B.F 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00 914,400.00
  • 11. RO DE 2005 UCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Total deducciones CC. NO. 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 43,312.50 565,987.50 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 SENA Riesgos profesionalesTOTAL APROP. 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 12. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVENGADO Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 13. ADOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE MARZO DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud Aportes pensiòn 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 271,250.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 174,375.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 46,500.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 116,250.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 135,625.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 58,125.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 19,375.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 21,312.50 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 1,181,100.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. I.C.B.F 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00 914,400.00
  • 14. DE 2005 RECIBI UCCIONES NETO PAGADO CONFORME Total deducciones CC. NO. 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 43,312.50 565,987.50 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 15. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVENG Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 16. EADOS DEL 01 AL 30 DE ABRIL DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 17. 01 AL 30 DE ABRIL DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI CONFORME NETO PAGADO Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 18. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVENG Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 19. EADOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE MAY0 DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 20. EL 01 AL 31 DE MAY0 DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 ###
  • 21. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVE Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 22. OS DEL 01 AL 30 DE JUNIO DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 23. L 01 AL 30 DE JUNIO DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI CONFORME NETO PAGADO Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 24. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DE Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 25. ADOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE JULIO DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 26. AL 31 DE JULIO DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 27. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVEN Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 28. DOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 29. 1 AL 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 30. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEV Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 31. EADOS DEL 01 AL 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 32. AL 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2005 DEDUCCIONES RECIBI CONFORME NETO PAGADO Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 33. NOMINA PARA EL PAGO DE EMPLEADOS DEVENGADO Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Dìas trabajados DMGOS Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 30.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 30.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 30.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 30.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 30.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 30.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 30.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de1,500,000.00 servicios 30.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 30.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 30.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio500,000.00 30.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 30.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias Prima APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59 2,593,320.59
  • 34. PLEADOS DEL 01 AL 31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2005 DEVENGADO DEDUCCIONES Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud Aportes pensiòn 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 271,250.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 174,375.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 46,500.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 58,512.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 29,062.50 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 116,250.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 135,625.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 58,125.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 23,250.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 19,375.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 21,312.50 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 1,181,100.00 Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. I.C.B.F 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00 914,400.00
  • 35. TUBRE DE 2005 DUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Total deducciones CC. NO. 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 43,312.50 565,987.50 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 36. DEVE Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59
  • 37. DEVENGADO DEDU Dìas trabajados Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 30.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 30.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 30.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 30.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Prima Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 2,593,320.59 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 38. DEDUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 39. DEVE Nombre del empleado Cargo Sueldo bàsico Manuel Ducuara Gerente oficina 5,000,000.00 Adriana Forero Subgerente 3,000,000.00 Luz Marina Serna Secretaria Gerencia 1,200,000.00 Karen Tatiana Daza Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Juan Carlos Cardenas Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Hecto Anibal Rincon Asesores Comerciales 800,000.00 Karla Ximena Peña Cajero 750,000.00 Jose Miguel Pardo Cajero 750,000.00 Camila Anrea Serna Cajero 750,000.00 Alejandra Caviedes Cajero 750,000.00 Pedro Alfonso Murcia Ejecutivo Junior 2,000,000.00 Angie Carolina Linares Ejecutivo Sénior 2,500,000.00 Karlina Cespedes Auxiliar integral de servicios 1,500,000.00 Angelica Miranda Recepcionista 600,000.00 Rafael Rojas Vigilante 600,000.00 Diana Camacho Personal de servicio 500,000.00 Mario Rodriguez Mensajero 550,000.00 TOTAL 22,850,000.00 Cesantias APROPIACIONES 2,593,320.59
  • 40. DEVENGADO DEDUCCIO Dìas trabajados Comisiones Auxilio de transporte Total devengado Aportes Salud 30.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 7,000,000.00 280,000.00 30.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 4,500,000.00 180,000.00 30.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 48,000.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 710,000.00 59,300.00 1,569,300.00 60,400.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 809,300.00 30,000.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 120,000.00 30.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 140,000.00 30.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 60,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 659,300.00 24,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 559,300.00 20,000.00 30.00 59,300.00 609,300.00 22,000.00 7,630,000.00 652,300.00 31,132,300.00 1,219,200.00 Prima Inter. cesantìas Salud Pensiòn Caja Compen. 2,593,320.59 311,323.00 2,590,800.00 3,543,300.00 1,219,200.00
  • 41. DEDUCCIONES RECIBI NETO PAGADO CONFORME Aportes pensiòn Total deducciones CC. NO. 271,250.00 551,250.00 6,448,750.00 174,375.00 354,375.00 4,145,625.00 46,500.00 94,500.00 1,105,500.00 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 58,512.50 118,912.50 1,450,387.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 29,062.50 59,062.50 750,237.50 116,250.00 236,250.00 2,763,750.00 135,625.00 275,625.00 3,224,375.00 58,125.00 118,125.00 1,381,875.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 23,250.00 47,250.00 612,050.00 19,375.00 39,375.00 519,925.00 21,312.50 43,312.50 565,987.50 1,181,100.00 2,400,300.00 28,732,000.00 I.C.B.F SENA Riesgos profesionales TOTAL APROP. 914,400.00 609,600.00 1,591,056.00 15,966,320.18
  • 42. GASTOS ADMINISTRA GASTOS GENERAL Servicios Publicos Transporte Mantenimiento y Reparacion Seguros Arrendamientos Impuestos Publicidad y Propaganda Utiles y papeleria Procesam. Electronico de datos Servicios de aseo y vigilancia Gastos de viaje Otros TOTAL
  • 43. GASTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS GASTOS GENERALES $ 20,999,000 $ 48,770,000 paracion $ 6,118,000 $ 25,901,000 $ 69,707,000 $ 39,642,000 ganda $ 4,926,000 $ 8,475,000 co de datos $ 3,271,000 vigilancia $ 12,701,000 $ 16,031,000 $ 11,346,000 OTAL $ 267,887,000