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Babylon IoT 2030
A Personal Design Thinking Visual Journey from Thesis to Business
From a Thesis to a Book: Prototyping Creative Collaborations at Work!
2007/08 20172007 2009 2011 2015
@Formula 1
X10 Challenge
Vision 2030
Babylon IoT
Master of Science
in Engineering Management
Thesis: Managing Team Excellence
by Six Sigma through DMAIC model
Introduction of MSc Thesis
Graduation Ceremony
Workplace Teambuilding
for High Performance
Augusto Tomas, Düsseldorf, August 2007
Outdoor vs. Workplace, Company Teambuilding
Outdoor is Fun’n’Sun,
but outdoor effects impact less
than the Workplace teambuilding.
”Workplace Teambuilding for High Performance”
▪ Briefing: Outdoor vs. Workplace, Company Teambuilding
▪ Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team.....- Belbin Team roles assessment
▪ Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team…- Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment
▪ Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team….……...…..- Coaching&Feedback
▪ Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team………..- Subarctic Survival Situation
▪ Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team….- Presenting to Win
▪ “On the Way to Marriage” vs. Workplace Teambuilding Hi-Performance
▪ Feedback
▪ Certificate
▪ Goal: Each Team member has more qualities than what you can see!
▪ Task: Belbin Team member roles assessment and discussion.
▪ Ref.: BELBIN ( ) and IEDC ( ).
Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team
– Belbin Team roles assessment
▪ Goal: Creating a Positive Team Environment (“Ice Breakers”).
▪ Task: “Round-Table” to give 5 positive compliments to each Team member.
▪ Ref.: Prof. Donald Nightingale ( ).
Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team
– Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment
Being Positive
is the KEY…
Being Negative
is Pointless…
▪ Goal: Understanding your Boss, your Team members and your Customers.
▪ Task: Role-Play: Helper(coach)&Seeker(manager)&Observer(feedback).
▪ Ref.: Prof. Donald Nightingale ( ).
Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team
– Coaching&Feedback
Coaching is the bridge
to support your Success!
Give feedback as often as
necessary, but do it wisely!
…Reflect!... and call to your
Parents to say THANK YOU!
Use your own skills as a
Father/Mother at the Office…
▪ Goal: The Team’s total score is better than the members’ sum-up score.
▪ Task: Rank order 15 salvaged items by survival importance.
▪ Ref.: Human Synergistics ( ).
Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team
– Subarctic Survival Situation
Teambuilding Simulations!
Scramble for the Arctic (
▪ Goal: Sharing the feedback of this training by getting the moment “A-ha!”.
▪ Task: Presentation using Story Board, Open Gambit, USP, WIIFY, Point B.
▪ Ref.: Jerry Weissman ( and IEDC (
Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team
– Presenting to Win
the attention…
at Point B.
…NAVIGATE through
the presentation…
“On the Way
to Marriage”
Teambuilding Hi-Perf
First Day Starting your Team
Friendship Knowing your Team
Valentine’s Day Supporting your Team
Engagement Engaging your Team
Wedding “Moment of Truth” of your Team
But, like in any Marriage,
Workplace Teambuilding
for High-Performance
does not stop here!!!
It is to be continued…
“On the Way to Marriage” vs. Workplace Teambuilding
Think Positive, All Hands,
and let’s rollover your Team like a Snowball!!!
Certificates delivery
Learnings and Findings
Workplace Teambuilding for High Performance
Results Contents
▪ Briefing: Assumptions vs. Achieved
▪ Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team.....- Belbin Team roles assessment
▪ Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team…- Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment
▪ Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team….……...…..- Coaching&Feedback
▪ Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team………..- Subarctic Survival Situation
▪ Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team….- Presenting to Win
▪ Wrap-Up
▪ Feedback
▪ Assumptions
▪ Help the trainer in his goal to grow as a manager.
▪ Maybe learning something new, but not priority.
▪ Hoping that will be not seen as a new Cult ☺.
▪ Achieved
▪ It was enjoyable.
▪ The team is stronger connected and more confortable to each other.
▪ The work requests to help/assist increased between the team.
Assumptions vs. Achieved
Day 1/20.08.07 (14h-15h) Knowing your Team
– Belbin Team roles assessment
▪ Story of the day:
▪ This training was conducted on the workplace area of the participants.
▪ The start began a little chaotic with interruptions due to the daily work.
▪ But, minute by minute the team composed together.
▪ Feedback:
▪ The participants learned new perspectives from their team members that were not known.
▪ It was an interesting first day that met the expectations.
▪ Keeping the motivation “in fire” to start the next day.
▪ To be improved:
▪ A better way to make more cleared the new perspectives/profiles of each team member, throughout
the training.
Day 1/20.08.07 (14h-15h) Knowing your Team
– Belbin Team roles assessment
1st Choice
Day 2/21.08.07 (14h-15h) Starting your Team
– Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment
▪ Story of the day:
▪ Michael and Alain were coming to the training discussing “who has the reason” about the
meaning of “gratinée” on cooking food.
▪ All the group was shocked with the spontaneously negative environment that they were creating
for this day.
▪ The Trainer had to interrupt them and start the brief of Day2.
▪ Michael was not on the mood anymore to continue, but was convinced to give a chance to the
team and calm down.
▪ The team start with the Bull’s Eye game, and because of the team dynamics created by the game,
Michael began to participate on the game.
▪ At the end of this “Ice Breaker” game, Michael and Alain were again speaking very friendly to each
▪ Feedback:
▪ Bob missed a final Wrap-Up.
▪ Ralph said that is was a good exercise when you don’t know each other.
▪ Bob and Michael said that this exercise would make better sense at the end of all the training.
▪ Improvements:
▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings.
▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up,
and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
Day 3/22.08.07 (14h-15h) Supporting your Team
– Coaching & Feedback
▪ Story of the day:
▪ Bob received an urgent task that should be ready for tomorrow morning, minutes before the
starting of the today session. The task was a technical PowerPoint presentation that demanded an
intensive back-office work.
▪ Bob was in stress and decided to not participate.
▪ The Trainer convinced Bob to give a chance to the team, and that the team will help him
afterwards on his task.
▪ On this role-play Helper vs. Seeker, Bob (Seeker) present his new task problem to Alain (Helper).
▪ Alain by following the Helper guidelines pushed Bob to think for other ways about his new task.
▪ The outcome was excellent for Bob.
▪ Before, Bob was expecting to finish his work task only tomorrow morning, just minutes before of
the customer meeting!.
▪ With this game, Bob found a way to improve the process of his new task and finish it at 19h00.
▪ Feedback:
▪ It was considered as the best enjoyable day!
▪ For this day, two groups were created, and a final Wrap-Up was missed to share the experiences
between all.
▪ Improvements:
▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings.
▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up,
and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
Day 4/23.08.07 (14h-15h) Engaging your Team
– Subarctic Survival Situation
▪ Story of the day:
▪ Michael started the team discussion on the worst possible way. Michael opened the discussion by
being over-dominant and imposing the “voting system”.
▪ Fortunately, when rating the 2nd item the team forced Michael to start to analyze the situation
and weighting the different options of the team members.
▪ The team tried to apply all the experiences of the previous days.
▪ The team finished the discussion on time!
▪ The team result was 60% better than the individual team member best result (Michael).
▪ Feedback:
▪ Everyone was impressed by the difference of the results made by the team and the ones made
▪ Watching the DVD “Subarctic Survival Situation” was important to give credibility and an extra
interest to the game.
▪ Improvements:
▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings.
▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up,
and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
Day 4/23.08.07 (14h-15h) Engaging your Team
– Subarctic Survival Situation
Scoring Grid
Team Results
(best score = 0)
A Average Individual Score 45,5
B Team Score 16
Gain (Loss) Score
Percent change
E Best Individual Score 34
F Number of Members Better than Team 0
Day 5/24.08.07 (11h-12h) Moment of Truth of your Team
– Presenting to Win
▪ Story of the day:
▪ It was the most stressed day!
▪ On the day before, the Trainer tried to motivate the team members for this day.
▪ It was asked to the team to think about a presentation to be creative and memorable using the
techniques and forms of the book “Presenting to win, the Art of telling a story” by Jerry Weissman.
▪ At 9h00 Daisy approached the Trainer that she didn’t want to participated, and that she will send an
email with the training feedback.
▪ Trainer motivate Daisy to relax, no stress. If she didn’t want to Present her point of view, at least she
could share her feedback.
▪ Michael and Alain called the Trainer to post-pone this day to next Monday, to have sometime to think
about it on the weekend.
▪ Afterwards, Daisy went to speak to Michael and Alain to press even more the Trainer to post-pone the
Day5 to Monday.
▪ Immediately after Daisy, Bob went, also, to speak with Michael and Alain that they could not give up,
and they have to show up.
▪ The Bob action to recall the group to participate was made voluntarily without the Trainer
▪ Finally all come up well, and everyone enjoyed the day!
▪ Feedback:
▪ The game to rate the presentation of each team member according to some rules was very well
▪ Improvements:
▪ The Learning Journal will be the basis for preparing the presentation of Day5.
▪ The Day5 was reconstructed to be a flow of activities that are to built on the top of each other.
▪ The first activity would be to review the learning journal and to be finished with the Presentation.
Day 5/24.08.07 (11h-12h) Moment of Truth of your Team
– Presenting to Win
Theme of Presentation: Feedback of the training
Evaluation by the Team to each individual Member Presentation
Point B Agenda
Road Map
Road Map
Summary Point B
What is the
message that you
Did you
believed in the
What action the
Speaker request
to do?
Nelson 100% 100% 100% 25% - - 100% 100%
“Subarctic” kind of
games to be
1 time a week.
All time.
Practice, practice
and practice
Bob 100% 100% 75% 50% - - 50% 100%
Remember the
Remember the
Daisy 0% 100% 75% 100% - - 50% 100%
Be Positive.
Good Attitude.
Be Positive.
Alain 75% 100% 100% 100% - - 0% 100%
“the end was
Michael 100% 75% 75% 25% - - 100% 75%
Individual Profiles.
Sense of Team
Feeling the
Profiles of Day1
throughout all the
Ralph - - - - - - - - - - -
▪ Certificate Delivery
▪ The Certificate was a enjoyable way to finish this training.
▪ The Certificate idea came from Bob on Day1.
▪ “Stories of the Day”
▪ All the stories around of this training were the most valuable lessons for the
▪ Nevertheless, improvements were made to try to not repeat those stories, but
hopefully different kind of stories will appear☺.
▪ Last but not the least…
▪ The team is ready to share their experiences to other work colleagues.
▪ The team is better connected and ready to improve their synergies.
December 2005 30December 2005
Wireless Evolution 30
Thank You for Your Attention!
32 /
Extreme Collaboration
to Get Things Done
Augusto Tomas, Lisbon, Q4/2009
From T-Teams To X-Teams
Extreme Collaboration
Action-Centred Leadership model
(Royal Military Academy/UK, John Adair)
X-Teams Distributed Leadership model
(MIT Sloan/USA, Prof.Ancona)
Extreme Collaboration, to Get Things Done
▪ Framework
▪ Individual > Connectivity
▪ How-To (Symptoms; Troubleshooting; Emergency)
▪ Know-How (Implementation; Operations; Performance)
▪ Top-Notch (Emil/Call Processing; EosFlex/KPI; HIT/Macro Programming)
▪ Team > X-Team
▪ Teambuild ( )
▪ Teamspace ( )
▪ X-Teams ( )
▪ Task > Activity
▪ GCC TMN Tickets
▪ RU10 TMN Projects
▪ RU20 TMN Trials
▪ Summary
▪ Appendix
▪ Personal Experience (CV highlights of Augusto Tomas)
Extreme Collaboration, to Get Things Done
Team X-team
Individual Execution
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Team X-team
Individual Execution
Team X-teamTeam X-team
Task Activity
Individual Connectivity
Team X-Team
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
October 2009
November 2009
How-To Know-How Top-Notch
TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams
tickets projects trials
Individual > Connectivity
Team X-team
Individual Execution
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Team X-team
Individual Execution
Team X-teamTeam X-team
Task Activity
Individual Connectivity
Team X-Team
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
October 2009
November 2009
How-To Know-How Top-Notch
TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams
tickets projects trials
TN-38 (rnclogcol)
OMS LogViewer (syslog)
HIT/RNW_database macro
HIT/Fishing&DMX macro
RNC TANG alarms-excel
RNC Doctor healthcheck
WBTS Snapshot
WBTS DirectAccessTool
KPI EosFlex Reporting Suite
Workflow Tools
RASTOOL access to Netact
RESOLVE case handler
BU-TS ftp server
PRONTO viewer R&D
RNC board diagnostics/restart
RNC disk mirroring
RNC backup procedures
WBTS COCO re-attach
WBTS restart levels
WBTS FTM diagnosis
OMS ghost alarms
OMS NW3iAdapter restart
OMS fshascli restart
Technical Documentation
Technical Notes
SW Change Notes
Training Materials
Emergency – 4 hours
RASTOOL to Netact
• TANG/RNC alarms fetching
• TN-38 symptoms collection
• HIT/RNW database macro
• WBTS Snapshot
• RNC board diagnostics
• RNC somafi recovery
• RNC boot restart
Support Websites
NOLS – Documentation Center
Inside – RA Technical Support
ShareNet-IMS Product Support
Netact Tools
Netact TopView
Netact SW Manager
Netact License Manager
Netact CM/Operations Manager
Main Actions
RNC OMU/OMS SW upgrade
WBTS SW upgrade
RNC Interfaces troubleshooting
WBTS Interfaces troubleshooting
Analyzer Tools
Reporting Suite/Plan Editor
RNC EMIL/WBTS Log Analyzer
Nethawk/Wireshark Prot. Analyzer
TEMS/QXDM Ue Analyzer
Main Actions
KPI Degradation
SW Validation
Parameters Optimization
Features Accepting
Local Tools
RNCApplication Launcher
WBTS Site Manager
Main Actions
RNC commissioning
RNC expansion
WBTS commissioning
WBTS expansion
EMIL tool Layer3 Analyzer
Call Processing Analysis
Radio parameters
HIT tool macro Programming
Customized Symptoms
Service Terminal Commands
EosFlex tool Reporting Suite
Customized KPI reports
KPIs and Counters
Team > X-Team
Task Projects
Team X-team
Individual Execution
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Task Projects
Team X-team
Individual Execution
Task Projects
Team X-team
Task Projects
Team X-team
Task Activity
Individual Connectivity
Team X-Team
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
October 2009
November 2009
How-To Know-How Top-Notch
TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams
tickets projects trials
Individual profiles
Positive Bombardment
Team Game with Video support
Task > Activity
Task Projects
Team X-team
Individual Execution
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Task Projects
Team X-team
Individual Execution
Task Projects
Team X-team
Task Projects
Team X-team
Task Activity
Individual Connectivity
Team X-Team
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
October 2009
November 2009
How-To Know-How Top-Notch
TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams
tickets projects trials
GCC TMN tickets
Task vs. Exploration phase (Reflecting the Past)
Meeting the customer&tier1 teams in first person
Putting Symptoms procedures in place (ready to go)
Immediatly applying practices of GCC Support
RU10 TMN projects
Task vs. Exploitation phase (Enabling the Present)
Relationships with tier2 teams: GNOC,GNIC,NPO
Hands-on on equipment: learning by doing
Understanding the strengths of different kinds of tools
RU20 TMN trial
Task vs. Exportation phase (Forwarding the Future)
Establishing direct links with BU-TS tier3 teams
Opportunity to get ‘Gold’ knowledge from Trial failures
Getting access to high-level troubleshooting tools
Connectivity X-Team ActivityExtreme Collaboration
Personal Experience
CV highlights of Augusto Tomas
Countries & Customers
as Mobile Radio Engineer:
Portugal TMN
Spain Telefonica,Orange
Germany T-Mobile, Vodafone
Luxembourg LUXGSM
Georgia Magitel
Russia MTC
Qatar Qtel
Saudi Arabia STC/Aljawal
Mozambique Vodacom MZ
South Africa Vodacom SA
USA AT&T/Cingular
Academic Education
Vienna University of Technology/Austria
MSc Engineering Management
Thesis:Managing Team Excellence by Six Sigma
Executive Education
MIT Sloan School of Management/USA
Exec Certificate in Management & Leadership
Certificate in Managing Technical Professionals
Professional Membership
American Society of Quality
Senior Member
Group of International Team Excellence Award
NSN Portugal – Projects from 01/08/2008 to 01/08/2009
Job role: RAN Technical Manager & Team Leader
Project 1 – RAN Swap from Siemens to Nokia
Project 2 – RAN Upgrade from RAS06 to RU10/RNC2600
Developing a Local Junior Team supported by Product Line
Developing a new Team Leader for the local NSN team
Converting Siemens Specialists into Nokia Specialists
Converting Nokia RNC450 Specialists into Nokia RNC2600 Experts
Enabling relationships between Local and Product Line teams
Enabling relationships between Local and Customer teams
Augusto Tomas
Inspirational Collaborative Teams
using the metaphor of Formula 1!
The Creative Spirit – Workshop
12th September 2011 - Full Moon
EM fan club - TU Wien alumni club
Williams F1 Conference Centre - United Kingdom
Imagination, Creativity and Innovation…
based on book 'The Design of Business' by Prof. Roger Martin
… using the metaphor of Formula 1!
inspired on book 'Performance at the Limit' by Prof. Mark Jenkins
Public interviews with Technical Director
Ross Brawn
“Innovation is pivotal in Formula 1 and that’s
what appealed to me about this challenge,
which combines many of my passions:
competition, the desire to be the best and, of
course, engineering innovation.
But more than that, it's about people and
working together to bring the best out in one
another, supporting each other through the
highs and the lows.”
“I've known Adrian Newey a very long time and
I'm a huge admirer of his work.
He works completely differently to how I do.
Adrian is much more hands-on and is actually
coming up with the stuff himself.
I'm not on a drawing board any more.
My approach is more about harnessing
engineers and helping them understand what
they need to do and try to manage the
Public interviews with Technical Director
Adrian Newey
“I do enjoy regulation changes such as those
we had last year. They allow you to sit back
with the clean sheet of paper and from first
principles try to work out the best solutions to
those regulations. I try to absorb a particular
problem in me, as I look at the results, listen to
the drivers and the problem look at the
computer. If that’s stored in my subconscious, I
come in the days following with a sudden idea.”
“Ross Brawn is obviously a gifted engineer, but
from what I hear he takes a fairly managerial
approach to the job of technical director,
whereas my interest and strength has never
been management.
What I love and what gets me up is design, in
the broadest sense of the word – I don’t just
mean mechanical design, but aerodynamics,
the overall performance package of the car.
So I like being hands-on, yes.”
Public interviews with Technical Director
Gordon Murray
“Formula 1 was an amazing place to be an
engineer in the ’70s. That was what I loved
about it. You could have an idea in the bath, go
to work the next morning and draw the bits,
make them the next day, test them the day
after, and then race that weekend and go a
second per lap quicker. Now you have 200
aerodynamicists working 240 days a year to go
half a second quicker.”
Car&Driver: That brings us to the BT46B,
which used a fan to increase downforce and
won a single race before being withdrawn?
Gordon Murray: There was nothing in the
rules in ’78 to say that you couldn’t have a
sucker car as long as the primary function of
the fan was cooling the car. I even got a letter
saying the car was legal and we could run it
until the end of the season, and then they’d
change the “primary function” rule.
Ross Brawn, BGP1 - F1 2009 winner Adrian Newey, RB6 - F1 2010 winnerGordon Murray, BT46B - F1 1978 winner
CreativityInnovation Imagination
Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop
Imagination, Creativity and Innovation, using the metaphor of Formula 1!
▪ 08h00-08h30 Registration (coffee&cookies)
▪ 08h30-09h30 Tour of the Williams F1 Grand Prix Collection
▪ 09h30-11h00 Imagination Workshop
▪ 11h00-11h30 Coffee Break
▪ 11h30-13h00 Creativity Workshop
▪ 13h00-14h00 Buffet Lunch
▪ 14h00-15h30 Innovation Workshop
▪ 15h30-17h30 FW22 F1 Simulator experience
▪ 17h30-18h00 Williams F1 Gift Shop
F1 Museum
F1 FW22
Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop
”Driving through the Agenda…”
Tour of the Williams F1 Grand Prix Collection
“While we’re awake, we share one universe, but in sleep we each turn away
to a world of our own” (Heraclitus (c.535 BC - 475 BC), Greek philosopher)
The Williams F1 Conference Centre is the home of the Williams Grand Prix Collection, the largest
private collection of Formula One cars in the world charting the history of the Williams team.
Imagination Workshop
“Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing
pieces, possess the power of kings.” (Heraclitus)
Yoga Nidra
“Higher Self”
Abstract Painting
“Inner Self”
Paperplane Challenge
“Authentic Self”
Warm-Up test – Chakras – 7 energy levels
Creativity Workshop
“Expect the unexpected, or you won’t find it.” (Heraclitus)
Scalextric Car Pro-Performance
Warm-Up & Testing
Scalextric Car Pro-Performance
Set-Up & Tuning
Live-Withs (Michael L. Ray)
Ball of Whacks (Roger Oech)
“Silicon Valley”
Warm-Up test – Enneagram – 9 network types
Innovation Workshop
“A wonderful harmony is created when we join together the seemingly
unconnected.” (Heraclitus)
Six+1 Thinking Hats (Ed Bono)
Six+1 Ego States (Eric Berne)
Scalextric Track Design
Scalextric Track Design
Warm-Up test – Belbin – 9 Team Roles
FW22 F1 Simulator experience
“Knowing many things, doesn’t teach insight.” (Heraclitus)
The Original F1 Simulator gives you the opportunity to
take the seat in an FW22 which was driven in 2000 by
Jenson Button and Ralf Schumacher.
The car offers realistic force feedback through the
steering wheel simulating the loading effect whilst
cornering, breaking and acceleration.
Controlled by the participant using the onboard brake
and accelerator pedals.
thinking in
the car!
Imagination Mystery
Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop
Participants Experiences
Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop
Participants Feedback
Dear Augusto, dear colleagues,
The reason I wanted to write you all, is to tell you a little bit about the 2011 event that Augusto organized.
We met close to London and visited the Williams Formula 1 headquarters.
We started by having a guided tour around the F1 museum where we saw all Williams cars from the beginning
of the Formula to today.
After the tour we did some great games/lessons together to build up the team and learn some management
skills. We then build our own racing car and competed against each other (this was a lot of fun).
The highlight of the event was of course the Formula 1 Simulator, where we were sitting in a real F1 car from
J. Button. First we had a practice round and then the competition started. This was much more difficult
than expected, especially to control the car.
Best regards from Frankfurt,
Baddy (graduated in 2008)
Co-Founder 1xINTERNET
About Me!
Augusto Tomas
▪ Leadership Education (Imagination)
– 'Ashtanga Yoga' by Joey Miles, retreat at Huzur Vadisi, Turkey
– 'The Artist Unfolded' by Andrew & Beatrice, retreat at St-Jean-de-Laur, France
– 'Hands of Light' by Susan Hewitt, retreat at Brighton, England
▪ Strategic Education (Creativity)
– Breakthrough Strategic Thinking – Cranfield School of Management, UK
– Converting Strategy into Action – Stanford University, USA
– Strategic Negotiation – China Europe International Business School, China
▪ Management Education (Innovation)
– MSc Engineering of Management – TU Wien @Vienna, Austria
– Executive Management Certificate – MIT Sloan @Boston, USA
– Young Managers Program Certificate – IEDC SoM @Bled, Slovenia
Show Case: Mercedes-Benz (Imagination)
Land, Sea, Air: The three-pointed Star representing the three modes of transport
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
The Wise Leader knows how to be creative.
In order to lead, the leader learns to follow.
In order to prosper, the leader learns to live
simply. In both cases, it is the interaction
that is creative.
Acquire new knowledge whilst
thinking over the old, and you may
become a teacher of others.
The Power of Knowledge
The Energy of Thought
The Flow of Interaction
Story Case: The Wise Men (Creativity)
Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius
Vinegar Tasters
(secrets revealed)
Special Case: The IDEO Founders (Innovation)
Bill Moggridge, David Kelley, Mike Nuttall
Designing Interactions
by Bill Moggridge, 2007
1982 - first GRiD Laptop
designed by Bill Moggridge
(ID Two)
Bill Moggridge
1987 - first ergonomically Microsoft Mouse
designed by Mike Nuttall
(Matrix Product Design)
Mike Nuttall
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
by Alan Cooper, 1999
David Kelley
1983 - first Apple Mouse designed
by David Kelley
(David Kelley Design)
Creative Confidence
by Tom & David Kelley, 2015
A Tribute to Bill Moggridge 1943-2012
Caroline Baumann, the associate director of the Cooper-
Hewitt National Design Museum, said in a statement
about Bill Moggridge: "Beloved by the museum staff and
the design community at large, Bill touched the lives of so
many through his wise council, boundary-pushing ideas
and cheerful camaraderie.“
Results Actions
Alignment GapKnowledge Gap
Effects Gap
“Do not command more than
is necessary or plan beyond
the circumstances you can
foresee” Moltke
“Communicate to every unit
as much of the higher intent
as is necessary to achieve
the purpose” Moltke
“Everyone retains freedom of
decision and action within
bounds” Moltke
Flash: Prussian General Moltke, the Elder (Trinity)
based on book ‘Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps Between Plans, Actions and Results'
The difference between what
we expect our actions to achieve
and what they actually achieve
The difference between what
we would like to know and
what we actually know.
The difference between what
we want people to do and
what they actually do.
"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy“
General Moltke, the Elder (1800-1891)
page 8:
"Riko-san seems comfortable with aliens and he
knows about elevators.
- Mitsubishi holds the record for the fastest
elevator in the world, he tells me.
- And do you know that our elevators in the new
Landmark Tower in Yokohama will be so smooth
that you'll be able to put a ten-yen coin standing
on its edge on the elevator floor when you enter,
and it will still be standing on its edge when you
reach the seventieth floor after
zooming up from ground level at world record
I want to tell him that most people keep their
coins in their pocket. But that is not the point...“
page 112:
“-We have our consortium. Now we need a name.
-Our work is about organizing knowledge.
We should call it knowledge systematisation, says our
academic mentor from Todai.
-Sounds too complicated, says Wanabe-B.
Can't we shorten it?
- How about know-sys?
We consult with our European partners, some of
whom are classical scholars as well as manufacturing
Why don't we spell it Gnosis, they say, which is Greek
for knowledge inspired from above?
We believe, and Gnosis is born.
With newfound faith, we get to work.“
page 47:
“- But your real hobby is not golf, is it? says Riko-T.
It's programmable controllers, right?
Rumour has it that you take the circuit board home in
your bag at night.
- Only when I have a problem to fix, Reisi-C says.
I get good ideas while sleeping. It's handy to have the
circuit board close by to look at.
I recommend you do the same.
-Sleep on a controller circuit board? It sounds worse than
a noisy neighbour.
Ando-C introduces his work - a national project with
researchers from half a dozen big companies who meet
to share ideas every month. Reisi-C and Shinsetsu-GR
wants to hear the latest news.”
Focus: Niall Murtagh @Mitsubishi (Transcendence)
based on book 'The Blue-Eyed Salaryman: From World Traveler to Lifer at Mitsubishi'
▪ Pineal Brain (beyond power) Spiritual model: Higher Self, Authentic Self, Inner Self ➔ Imagination
▪ Right Brain (beyond games) Autonomy model: Awareness, Spontaneity, Intimacy ➔ Creativity
▪ Left Brain (power games) Ego model: Parent, Adult, Child ➔ Innovation
Final: Eric Berne, M.D. (Transactional)
based on book ‘Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships'
Ego Model
Left Brain
Autonomy Model
Right Brain
Spiritual Model
Pineal Brain
The Leadership Secret
of Gregory Goose
Dialogue in the Spirit
of David Bohm
Coaching Ourselves
of Henry Mintzberg
A Tribute to the best Formula 1 driver
Ayrton Senna (1960-1994)
Ayrton Senna’s
Motivational Message
SENNA - Exclusive Clip
('88 Monaco Grand Prix)
Ayrton Senna's qualifying lap
(‘88 Monaco Grand Prix)
Augusto Tomas
Q3/Q4 2015
What is Design Thinking?
Uncommon Knowledge: David Kelley on creativity, innovation, and design
What is the Secret?
People Empathy, Extreme Users, Radical Collaboration
Each Stage of Design Thinking Unfolded the next Stage like a Blossom
Open Day
Mini-Tour: ½ day program for graduate students
1 2 3 4
Desert Survival Walk the Talk Photo Finish!Bull’s Eye
The Best Ever!
Empathic Post-It Game!
Teambuilding Simulations
Human Synergistics
Walking around and
meet local teams
Celebrating the
Summer Internship
From Novice to Expert in 5 weeks: Workshop for Experts by Eric
Week-1 Empathize Week-2 Define Week-3 Ideate Week-4 Prototype Week-5 Test
Inspiration “Gift-Giving game” by Pedro Santos: VISMON expert Post-It vs. Napkin Visual Teams Empathy Map
Ideation “Mindsets” by Catarina Carneiro: DB expert Mind Map vs. Ishikawa Diagram Virtual Teams Thinking Loops
Implementation “Brainstorming” by OpenIDEO Marco Silva: Helppier expert Story Board vs. Game Plan Virtuoso Teams Feedback Grid
Understanding Design Thinking Pairing with the Experts Workshop Crafting Workshop Iterating Workshop Delivery
Mentor Student
Augusto Eric
Point of View Challenge Coaching
How Might the new tool Helppier transform
the F.A.Q of the VISMON company tool?
Eric, a Summer graduate student, has the
assignment to deliver a Workshop about the
new tool Helppier to the in-house Experts
of VISMON, in just 5 weeks. Eric does not
know nothing about Helppier or VISMON!
Iteration 1: Junior Peers Iteration 2: AvayaLive Iteration 3: Helppier Founders Delivery: VISMON Experts
“Too many Hmm… !” “Ready to Go!” “You are hired!” “Let’s implement it!”
Creative Club
Design Thinking by Stanford Way @Workplace
Design Kit
Team Engaging by a MOOC
Keynotopia CV-App
Build on Ideas of others Show don’t Tell
Pulse Story Paper Idea Cardboard Prototype
Encourage Wild Ideas Bias to Action
After-Work City Party Team-Warming Testing TV-Celebrities Testing The “Oprah” of Portugal
Codex Hackathon
Make a Curriculum Vitae form: gamifying power stories by Rafael
Live Login!
Pwd: #comeworkwithus
Success Hit in
Job Fair at JEEC 2016
Stocking Coding
Next Challenge
How Might Design Thinking be Powered by the Empathy of Golf?
Creative Golf Coaching
Celfinet HQ @Lisbon
Creative Golf Coaching
Celfinet R&D @Oporto
Out-of-the-Box Design Thinking
Applied Creativity made in Brazil
‘Creativity & Marketing’
by Roberto Duailibi
‘Creativity at Work and in Life’
by Roberto Barreto
‘Gluttony Magazine’
by Gema Custom Mags
Free Invitation @Stanford Driving Range! Welcome first comers @Golf!
Ultimate Test!
Ultimate Journey!
ASM Int’l Complex Design Thinking Castle
with my daughter !!
with a ‘ride’ from D.School ???
Design Golfing Center
How about Testing my Design Golfing with a team of D.School Experts (1-3 persons) ?
from Buckminster Fuller !
New Book: Design Golfing: A Creative Golf Workshop for Mind, Body and Spirit in 60 minutes
New Author: Augusto Tomas
Publisher: Balboa Press
Release Date: TBD, 2017 ???
Testing: Framework refined with friends around the world, from 6 to 66 year old, since 2008…
Design Golfing SET-UP
(15 min)
(15 min)
(15 min)
(15 min)
Design Thinking
Golf Book
“Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons”
by Ben Hogan
“Golf is not a Game of Perfect”
by Bob Rotella
“Bad Golf My Way”
by Leslie Nielsen
“Quantum Golf”
by Kjell Enhager
Golf Vision Game
(Western Brainstorming)
(3-Focus Points)
(3-Touch Points)
Technique 1
Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow User
Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Need
Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Insight
Technique 2
Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow One Conversation at a Time
Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Build on the Ideas of Others
Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Encourage Wild Ideas
Technique 3
Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow Fail Early
Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Fail Often
Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Succeed Sooner
Golf Swing Game
(Eastern Icebreaking)
(One Arm!)
(One Leg!)
(One Voice!)
(One Heart!)
Yoga Meditation
Yoga Nada
by Music for Deep Meditation
Yoga Nidra
by Terry Oldfield&Soraya Saraswati
Yoga Regression
by Brian Weiss
Yoga Quantum
by Omnec Onec
Visual Thinking
by Bob McKim
Background Preparations Seeing Imagining Innovators
Design Golfing’s Framework vs. Design Thinking’s Highlights
New Book: Design Golfing: A Creative Golf Workshop for Mind, Body and Spirit in 60 minutes
New Author: Augusto Tomas
Publisher: Balboa Press
Release Date: TBD, 2017 ???
Testing: Framework refined with friends around the world, from 6 to 66 year old, since 2008…
“Augusto Tomas offers a truly unique perspective in this intriguing golf manual and
spiritual guide. Drawing on an eclectic set of influences, he shows how the game
has inspired his outer and inner journeys through life.” - Marshall Goldsmith, #1
Executive Coach in the World and New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers
The Mystical Swing
available @ Amazon
Published in 29th June, 2017 @Balboa Press & Amazon
Book Signing Event @Singapore & Indonesia
Babylon IoT – The Vision 2030
Babylon IoT – The Strategy 2030
Babylon IoT – The Execution 2030
Babylon IoT 2030

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Babylon IoT 2030

  • 1. Babylon IoT 2030 A Personal Design Thinking Visual Journey from Thesis to Business
  • 2. From a Thesis to a Book: Prototyping Creative Collaborations at Work! 2007/08 20172007 2009 2011 2015 Workplace Teambuilding @Work Extreme Collaboration @Work Creative Workshop @Formula 1 Design Thinking @Work Engineering Management @Thesis Design Golfing @Book X10 Challenge Vision 2030 Babylon IoT
  • 4. Master of Science in Engineering Management Thesis: Managing Team Excellence by Six Sigma through DMAIC model Introduction of MSc Thesis Unconscious Incompetence Conscious Incompetence Conscious Competence Unconscious Competence Shared Competence Graduation Ceremony
  • 5.
  • 7. Workplace Teambuilding for High Performance Augusto Tomas, Düsseldorf, August 2007
  • 8. Outdoor vs. Workplace, Company Teambuilding Outdoor is Fun’n’Sun, but outdoor effects impact less than the Workplace teambuilding.
  • 9. Agenda ”Workplace Teambuilding for High Performance” ▪ Briefing: Outdoor vs. Workplace, Company Teambuilding ▪ Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team.....- Belbin Team roles assessment ▪ Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team…- Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment ▪ Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team….……...…..- Coaching&Feedback ▪ Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team………..- Subarctic Survival Situation ▪ Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team….- Presenting to Win ▪ “On the Way to Marriage” vs. Workplace Teambuilding Hi-Performance ▪ Feedback ▪ Certificate
  • 10. ▪ Goal: Each Team member has more qualities than what you can see! ▪ Task: Belbin Team member roles assessment and discussion. ▪ Ref.: BELBIN ( ) and IEDC ( ). Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team – Belbin Team roles assessment
  • 11. ▪ Goal: Creating a Positive Team Environment (“Ice Breakers”). ▪ Task: “Round-Table” to give 5 positive compliments to each Team member. ▪ Ref.: Prof. Donald Nightingale ( ). Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team – Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment Being Positive is the KEY… Being Negative is Pointless…
  • 12. ▪ Goal: Understanding your Boss, your Team members and your Customers. ▪ Task: Role-Play: Helper(coach)&Seeker(manager)&Observer(feedback). ▪ Ref.: Prof. Donald Nightingale ( ). Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team – Coaching&Feedback Coaching is the bridge to support your Success! Give feedback as often as necessary, but do it wisely! …Reflect!... and call to your Parents to say THANK YOU! Use your own skills as a Father/Mother at the Office…
  • 13. ▪ Goal: The Team’s total score is better than the members’ sum-up score. ▪ Task: Rank order 15 salvaged items by survival importance. ▪ Ref.: Human Synergistics ( ). Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team – Subarctic Survival Situation Teambuilding Simulations! Scramble for the Arctic (
  • 14. ▪ Goal: Sharing the feedback of this training by getting the moment “A-ha!”. ▪ Task: Presentation using Story Board, Open Gambit, USP, WIIFY, Point B. ▪ Ref.: Jerry Weissman ( and IEDC ( Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team – Presenting to Win GRAB the attention… … and DEPOSIT at Point B. …NAVIGATE through the presentation…
  • 15. “On the Way to Marriage” Workplace Teambuilding Hi-Perf First Day Starting your Team Friendship Knowing your Team Valentine’s Day Supporting your Team Engagement Engaging your Team Wedding “Moment of Truth” of your Team But, like in any Marriage, Workplace Teambuilding for High-Performance does not stop here!!! It is to be continued… “On the Way to Marriage” vs. Workplace Teambuilding
  • 16. Think Positive, All Hands, and let’s rollover your Team like a Snowball!!!
  • 18. Learnings and Findings Workplace Teambuilding for High Performance
  • 19. Results Contents ▪ Briefing: Assumptions vs. Achieved ▪ Day 1/Mo (1h) Knowing your Team.....- Belbin Team roles assessment ▪ Day 2/Tu (1h) Starting your Team…- Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment ▪ Day 3/We (1h) Supporting your Team….……...…..- Coaching&Feedback ▪ Day 4/Th (1h) Engaging your Team………..- Subarctic Survival Situation ▪ Day 5/Fr (1h) “Moment of Truth” of your Team….- Presenting to Win ▪ Wrap-Up ▪ Feedback
  • 20. ▪ Assumptions ▪ Help the trainer in his goal to grow as a manager. ▪ Maybe learning something new, but not priority. ▪ Hoping that will be not seen as a new Cult ☺. ▪ Achieved ▪ It was enjoyable. ▪ The team is stronger connected and more confortable to each other. ▪ The work requests to help/assist increased between the team. Assumptions vs. Achieved
  • 21. Day 1/20.08.07 (14h-15h) Knowing your Team – Belbin Team roles assessment ▪ Story of the day: ▪ This training was conducted on the workplace area of the participants. ▪ The start began a little chaotic with interruptions due to the daily work. ▪ But, minute by minute the team composed together. ▪ Feedback: ▪ The participants learned new perspectives from their team members that were not known. ▪ It was an interesting first day that met the expectations. ▪ Keeping the motivation “in fire” to start the next day. ▪ To be improved: ▪ A better way to make more cleared the new perspectives/profiles of each team member, throughout the training.
  • 22. Day 1/20.08.07 (14h-15h) Knowing your Team – Belbin Team roles assessment Nelson Michael Ralph Daisy Alain Bob 1st Choice
  • 23. Day 2/21.08.07 (14h-15h) Starting your Team – Bull’s Eye Positive-Bombardment ▪ Story of the day: ▪ Michael and Alain were coming to the training discussing “who has the reason” about the meaning of “gratinée” on cooking food. ▪ All the group was shocked with the spontaneously negative environment that they were creating for this day. ▪ The Trainer had to interrupt them and start the brief of Day2. ▪ Michael was not on the mood anymore to continue, but was convinced to give a chance to the team and calm down. ▪ The team start with the Bull’s Eye game, and because of the team dynamics created by the game, Michael began to participate on the game. ▪ At the end of this “Ice Breaker” game, Michael and Alain were again speaking very friendly to each other. ▪ Feedback: ▪ Bob missed a final Wrap-Up. ▪ Ralph said that is was a good exercise when you don’t know each other. ▪ Bob and Michael said that this exercise would make better sense at the end of all the training. ▪ Improvements: ▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings. ▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up, and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
  • 24. Day 3/22.08.07 (14h-15h) Supporting your Team – Coaching & Feedback ▪ Story of the day: ▪ Bob received an urgent task that should be ready for tomorrow morning, minutes before the starting of the today session. The task was a technical PowerPoint presentation that demanded an intensive back-office work. ▪ Bob was in stress and decided to not participate. ▪ The Trainer convinced Bob to give a chance to the team, and that the team will help him afterwards on his task. ▪ On this role-play Helper vs. Seeker, Bob (Seeker) present his new task problem to Alain (Helper). ▪ Alain by following the Helper guidelines pushed Bob to think for other ways about his new task. ▪ The outcome was excellent for Bob. ▪ Before, Bob was expecting to finish his work task only tomorrow morning, just minutes before of the customer meeting!. ▪ With this game, Bob found a way to improve the process of his new task and finish it at 19h00. ▪ Feedback: ▪ It was considered as the best enjoyable day! ▪ For this day, two groups were created, and a final Wrap-Up was missed to share the experiences between all. ▪ Improvements: ▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings. ▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up, and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
  • 25. Day 4/23.08.07 (14h-15h) Engaging your Team – Subarctic Survival Situation ▪ Story of the day: ▪ Michael started the team discussion on the worst possible way. Michael opened the discussion by being over-dominant and imposing the “voting system”. ▪ Fortunately, when rating the 2nd item the team forced Michael to start to analyze the situation and weighting the different options of the team members. ▪ The team tried to apply all the experiences of the previous days. ▪ The team finished the discussion on time! ▪ The team result was 60% better than the individual team member best result (Michael). ▪ Feedback: ▪ Everyone was impressed by the difference of the results made by the team and the ones made individually. ▪ Watching the DVD “Subarctic Survival Situation” was important to give credibility and an extra interest to the game. ▪ Improvements: ▪ A Learning Journal will be implemented on the next trainings. ▪ The Learning Journal will push each day to have a natural Wrap-Up, and will push the participants to be more open to the learning process.
  • 26. Day 4/23.08.07 (14h-15h) Engaging your Team – Subarctic Survival Situation Scoring Grid Team Results (best score = 0) A Average Individual Score 45,5 B Team Score 16 C Gain (Loss) Score (A-B) 29,5 D Percent change (C/A*100) 64,8% E Best Individual Score 34 F Number of Members Better than Team 0
  • 27. Day 5/24.08.07 (11h-12h) Moment of Truth of your Team – Presenting to Win ▪ Story of the day: ▪ It was the most stressed day! ▪ On the day before, the Trainer tried to motivate the team members for this day. ▪ It was asked to the team to think about a presentation to be creative and memorable using the techniques and forms of the book “Presenting to win, the Art of telling a story” by Jerry Weissman. ▪ At 9h00 Daisy approached the Trainer that she didn’t want to participated, and that she will send an email with the training feedback. ▪ Trainer motivate Daisy to relax, no stress. If she didn’t want to Present her point of view, at least she could share her feedback. ▪ Michael and Alain called the Trainer to post-pone this day to next Monday, to have sometime to think about it on the weekend. ▪ Afterwards, Daisy went to speak to Michael and Alain to press even more the Trainer to post-pone the Day5 to Monday. ▪ Immediately after Daisy, Bob went, also, to speak with Michael and Alain that they could not give up, and they have to show up. ▪ The Bob action to recall the group to participate was made voluntarily without the Trainer request/interference! ▪ Finally all come up well, and everyone enjoyed the day! ▪ Feedback: ▪ The game to rate the presentation of each team member according to some rules was very well accepted. ▪ Improvements: ▪ The Learning Journal will be the basis for preparing the presentation of Day5. ▪ The Day5 was reconstructed to be a flow of activities that are to built on the top of each other. ▪ The first activity would be to review the learning journal and to be finished with the Presentation.
  • 28. Day 5/24.08.07 (11h-12h) Moment of Truth of your Team – Presenting to Win Theme of Presentation: Feedback of the training Evaluation by the Team to each individual Member Presentation Team Opening Gambit Unique Selling Proposition Point B Agenda Road Map Opportunities Road Map Leverage Summary Point B What is the message that you understood? Did you believed in the Speaker? What action the Speaker request to do? Nelson 100% 100% 100% 25% - - 100% 100% “Subarctic” kind of games to be repeated Yes 1 time a week. All time. Practice, practice and practice Bob 100% 100% 75% 50% - - 50% 100% Remember the training Emotive Remember the training Daisy 0% 100% 75% 100% - - 50% 100% Attitude. Be Positive. Sincere Good Attitude. Be Positive. Alain 75% 100% 100% 100% - - 0% 100% TeamWork. Improvement. “the end was good!” TeamWork. Improvement. Michael 100% 75% 75% 25% - - 100% 75% Individual Profiles. Improvement. Sense of Team Ok Feeling the Profiles of Day1 throughout all the training Ralph - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 29. Wrap-Up ▪ Certificate Delivery ▪ The Certificate was a enjoyable way to finish this training. ▪ The Certificate idea came from Bob on Day1. ▪ “Stories of the Day” ▪ All the stories around of this training were the most valuable lessons for the trainer. ▪ Nevertheless, improvements were made to try to not repeat those stories, but hopefully different kind of stories will appear☺. ▪ Last but not the least… ▪ The team is ready to share their experiences to other work colleagues. ▪ The team is better connected and ready to improve their synergies.
  • 30. December 2005 30December 2005 Wireless Evolution 30 Thank You for Your Attention!
  • 32. 32 / Extreme Collaboration to Get Things Done Augusto Tomas, Lisbon, Q4/2009
  • 33. 33 From T-Teams To X-Teams Individual Team Task Connectivity Activity X-Team Extreme Collaboration Action-Centred Leadership model (Royal Military Academy/UK, John Adair) X-Teams Distributed Leadership model (MIT Sloan/USA, Prof.Ancona)
  • 34. 34 Agenda Extreme Collaboration, to Get Things Done ▪ Framework ▪ Individual > Connectivity ▪ How-To (Symptoms; Troubleshooting; Emergency) ▪ Know-How (Implementation; Operations; Performance) ▪ Top-Notch (Emil/Call Processing; EosFlex/KPI; HIT/Macro Programming) ▪ Team > X-Team ▪ Teambuild ( ) ▪ Teamspace ( ) ▪ X-Teams ( ) ▪ Task > Activity ▪ GCC TMN Tickets ▪ RU10 TMN Projects ▪ RU20 TMN Trials ▪ Summary ▪ Appendix ▪ Personal Experience (CV highlights of Augusto Tomas)
  • 35. 35 Framework Extreme Collaboration, to Get Things Done Team X-team Individual Execution Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Team X-team Individual Execution Team X-teamTeam X-team Task Activity Individual Connectivity Team X-Team Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 How-To Know-How Top-Notch TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams GCC TMN RU10 TMN RU20 TMN tickets projects trials
  • 36. 36 Framework Individual > Connectivity Team X-team Individual Execution Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Team X-team Individual Execution Team X-teamTeam X-team Task Activity Individual Connectivity Team X-Team Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 How-To Know-How Top-Notch TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams GCC TMN RU10 TMN RU20 TMN tickets projects trials
  • 37. 37 How-To WCDMA Nokia RNC&FlexiBTS Symptoms TN-38 (rnclogcol) OMS LogViewer (syslog) HIT/RNW_database macro HIT/Fishing&DMX macro RNC TANG alarms-excel RNC Doctor healthcheck WBTS Snapshot WBTS DirectAccessTool KPI EosFlex Reporting Suite Workflow Tools RASTOOL access to Netact RESOLVE case handler BU-TS ftp server PRONTO viewer R&D Troubleshooting RNC board diagnostics/restart RNC disk mirroring RNC backup procedures WBTS COCO re-attach WBTS restart levels WBTS FTM diagnosis OMS ghost alarms OMS NW3iAdapter restart OMS fshascli restart Technical Documentation NED Technical Notes SW Change Notes Training Materials Emergency – 4 hours RASTOOL to Netact • TANG/RNC alarms fetching • TN-38 symptoms collection • HIT/RNW database macro • WBTS Snapshot ESCALATION to BU-TS • RNC board diagnostics • RNC somafi recovery • RNC boot restart Support Websites NOLS – Documentation Center Inside – RA Technical Support ShareNet-IMS Product Support iSOURCE – NSN SW Portal
  • 38. 38 Know-How WCDMA Nokia RNC&FlexiBTS Operations Netact Tools Netact TopView Netact SW Manager Netact License Manager Netact CM/Operations Manager Main Actions RNC OMU/OMS SW upgrade WBTS SW upgrade RNC Interfaces troubleshooting WBTS Interfaces troubleshooting Performance Analyzer Tools Reporting Suite/Plan Editor RNC EMIL/WBTS Log Analyzer Nethawk/Wireshark Prot. Analyzer TEMS/QXDM Ue Analyzer Main Actions KPI Degradation SW Validation Parameters Optimization Features Accepting Implementation Local Tools RNCApplication Launcher WBTS Site Manager OMLITE HIT/TANG Main Actions RNC commissioning RNC expansion WBTS commissioning WBTS expansion
  • 39. 39 Top-Notch WCDMA Nokia RNC&FlexiBTS EMIL tool Layer3 Analyzer Call Processing Analysis Radio parameters HIT tool macro Programming Customized Symptoms Service Terminal Commands EosFlex tool Reporting Suite Customized KPI reports KPIs and Counters
  • 40. 40 Framework Team > X-Team Task Projects Team X-team Individual Execution Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Task Projects Team X-team Individual Execution Task Projects Team X-team Task Projects Team X-team Task Activity Individual Connectivity Team X-Team Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 How-To Know-How Top-Notch TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams GCC TMN RU10 TMN RU20 TMN tickets projects trials
  • 41. 41 TeamBuild BELBIN TEAM ROLES Individual profiles BULL’S EYE Positive Bombardment SUBARCTIC SURVIVAL SITUATION Team Game with Video support
  • 44. 44 Framework Task > Activity Task Projects Team X-team Individual Execution Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Task Projects Team X-team Individual Execution Task Projects Team X-team Task Projects Team X-team Task Activity Individual Connectivity Team X-Team Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 Exportation December 2009 Exploration October 2009 Exploitation November 2009 How-To Know-How Top-Notch TeamBuild TeamSpace X-Teams GCC TMN RU10 TMN RU20 TMN tickets projects trials
  • 45. 45 GCC TMN tickets Task vs. Exploration phase (Reflecting the Past) Meeting the customer&tier1 teams in first person Putting Symptoms procedures in place (ready to go) Immediatly applying practices of GCC Support
  • 46. 46 RU10 TMN projects Task vs. Exploitation phase (Enabling the Present) Relationships with tier2 teams: GNOC,GNIC,NPO Hands-on on equipment: learning by doing Understanding the strengths of different kinds of tools
  • 47. 47 RU20 TMN trial Task vs. Exportation phase (Forwarding the Future) Establishing direct links with BU-TS tier3 teams Opportunity to get ‘Gold’ knowledge from Trial failures Getting access to high-level troubleshooting tools
  • 49. 49 Personal Experience CV highlights of Augusto Tomas Countries & Customers as Mobile Radio Engineer: Portugal TMN Spain Telefonica,Orange Germany T-Mobile, Vodafone Luxembourg LUXGSM Georgia Magitel Russia MTC Qatar Qtel Saudi Arabia STC/Aljawal Mozambique Vodacom MZ South Africa Vodacom SA USA AT&T/Cingular Academic Education Vienna University of Technology/Austria MSc Engineering Management Thesis:Managing Team Excellence by Six Sigma Executive Education MIT Sloan School of Management/USA Exec Certificate in Management & Leadership Certificate in Managing Technical Professionals Professional Membership American Society of Quality Senior Member Group of International Team Excellence Award NSN Portugal – Projects from 01/08/2008 to 01/08/2009 Job role: RAN Technical Manager & Team Leader Project 1 – RAN Swap from Siemens to Nokia Project 2 – RAN Upgrade from RAS06 to RU10/RNC2600 Developing a Local Junior Team supported by Product Line Developing a new Team Leader for the local NSN team Converting Siemens Specialists into Nokia Specialists Converting Nokia RNC450 Specialists into Nokia RNC2600 Experts Enabling relationships between Local and Product Line teams Enabling relationships between Local and Customer teams Augusto Tomas
  • 52. Imagination Creativity Innovation using the metaphor of Formula 1! The Creative Spirit – Workshop 12th September 2011 - Full Moon EM fan club - TU Wien alumni club Williams F1 Conference Centre - United Kingdom
  • 53. Imagination, Creativity and Innovation… based on book 'The Design of Business' by Prof. Roger Martin Creativity Innovation Imagination
  • 54. … using the metaphor of Formula 1! inspired on book 'Performance at the Limit' by Prof. Mark Jenkins Public interviews with Technical Director Ross Brawn “Innovation is pivotal in Formula 1 and that’s what appealed to me about this challenge, which combines many of my passions: competition, the desire to be the best and, of course, engineering innovation. But more than that, it's about people and working together to bring the best out in one another, supporting each other through the highs and the lows.” “I've known Adrian Newey a very long time and I'm a huge admirer of his work. He works completely differently to how I do. Adrian is much more hands-on and is actually coming up with the stuff himself. I'm not on a drawing board any more. My approach is more about harnessing engineers and helping them understand what they need to do and try to manage the situation.” Public interviews with Technical Director Adrian Newey “I do enjoy regulation changes such as those we had last year. They allow you to sit back with the clean sheet of paper and from first principles try to work out the best solutions to those regulations. I try to absorb a particular problem in me, as I look at the results, listen to the drivers and the problem look at the computer. If that’s stored in my subconscious, I come in the days following with a sudden idea.” “Ross Brawn is obviously a gifted engineer, but from what I hear he takes a fairly managerial approach to the job of technical director, whereas my interest and strength has never been management. What I love and what gets me up is design, in the broadest sense of the word – I don’t just mean mechanical design, but aerodynamics, the overall performance package of the car. So I like being hands-on, yes.” Public interviews with Technical Director Gordon Murray “Formula 1 was an amazing place to be an engineer in the ’70s. That was what I loved about it. You could have an idea in the bath, go to work the next morning and draw the bits, make them the next day, test them the day after, and then race that weekend and go a second per lap quicker. Now you have 200 aerodynamicists working 240 days a year to go half a second quicker.” Car&Driver: That brings us to the BT46B, which used a fan to increase downforce and won a single race before being withdrawn? Gordon Murray: There was nothing in the rules in ’78 to say that you couldn’t have a sucker car as long as the primary function of the fan was cooling the car. I even got a letter saying the car was legal and we could run it until the end of the season, and then they’d change the “primary function” rule. Ross Brawn, BGP1 - F1 2009 winner Adrian Newey, RB6 - F1 2010 winnerGordon Murray, BT46B - F1 1978 winner CreativityInnovation Imagination
  • 55. Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop Imagination, Creativity and Innovation, using the metaphor of Formula 1! ▪ 08h00-08h30 Registration (coffee&cookies) ▪ 08h30-09h30 Tour of the Williams F1 Grand Prix Collection ▪ 09h30-11h00 Imagination Workshop ▪ 11h00-11h30 Coffee Break ▪ 11h30-13h00 Creativity Workshop ▪ 13h00-14h00 Buffet Lunch ▪ 14h00-15h30 Innovation Workshop ▪ 15h30-17h30 FW22 F1 Simulator experience ▪ 17h30-18h00 Williams F1 Gift Shop
  • 56. F1 Museum Tour Monza Room Workshop F1 FW22 Simulator After-Hours Networking Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop ”Driving through the Agenda…”
  • 57. Tour of the Williams F1 Grand Prix Collection “While we’re awake, we share one universe, but in sleep we each turn away to a world of our own” (Heraclitus (c.535 BC - 475 BC), Greek philosopher) The Williams F1 Conference Centre is the home of the Williams Grand Prix Collection, the largest private collection of Formula One cars in the world charting the history of the Williams team.
  • 58. Imagination Workshop “Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings.” (Heraclitus) Yoga Nidra “Higher Self” Abstract Painting “Inner Self” Paperplane Challenge “Authentic Self” Power Tools Warm-Up test – Chakras – 7 energy levels
  • 59. Creativity Workshop “Expect the unexpected, or you won’t find it.” (Heraclitus) Scalextric Car Pro-Performance Warm-Up & Testing Scalextric Car Pro-Performance Set-Up & Tuning Live-Withs (Michael L. Ray) Ball of Whacks (Roger Oech) Power Tools Live-Withs “Silicon Valley” Warm-Up test – Enneagram – 9 network types
  • 60. Innovation Workshop “A wonderful harmony is created when we join together the seemingly unconnected.” (Heraclitus) Six+1 Thinking Hats (Ed Bono) Six+1 Ego States (Eric Berne) Scalextric Track Design Decision-Making Scalextric Track Design Team-Prototyping Power Tools Controlling Parent Nurturing Parent Adaptive Child Free Child Warm-Up test – Belbin – 9 Team Roles Cynical Adult Ethical Adult Little Teacher
  • 61. FW22 F1 Simulator experience “Knowing many things, doesn’t teach insight.” (Heraclitus) The Original F1 Simulator gives you the opportunity to take the seat in an FW22 which was driven in 2000 by Jenson Button and Ralf Schumacher. The car offers realistic force feedback through the steering wheel simulating the loading effect whilst cornering, breaking and acceleration. Controlled by the participant using the onboard brake and accelerator pedals. I'm thinking in the car!
  • 64. Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop Participants Experiences Creativity Imagination Innovation
  • 65. Formula 1 – The Creative Spirit – Workshop Participants Feedback Dear Augusto, dear colleagues, The reason I wanted to write you all, is to tell you a little bit about the 2011 event that Augusto organized. We met close to London and visited the Williams Formula 1 headquarters. We started by having a guided tour around the F1 museum where we saw all Williams cars from the beginning of the Formula to today. After the tour we did some great games/lessons together to build up the team and learn some management skills. We then build our own racing car and competed against each other (this was a lot of fun). The highlight of the event was of course the Formula 1 Simulator, where we were sitting in a real F1 car from J. Button. First we had a practice round and then the competition started. This was much more difficult than expected, especially to control the car. Best regards from Frankfurt, Baddy (graduated in 2008) Co-Founder 1xINTERNET
  • 66. About Me! Augusto Tomas ▪ Leadership Education (Imagination) – 'Ashtanga Yoga' by Joey Miles, retreat at Huzur Vadisi, Turkey – 'The Artist Unfolded' by Andrew & Beatrice, retreat at St-Jean-de-Laur, France – 'Hands of Light' by Susan Hewitt, retreat at Brighton, England ▪ Strategic Education (Creativity) – Breakthrough Strategic Thinking – Cranfield School of Management, UK – Converting Strategy into Action – Stanford University, USA – Strategic Negotiation – China Europe International Business School, China ▪ Management Education (Innovation) – MSc Engineering of Management – TU Wien @Vienna, Austria – Executive Management Certificate – MIT Sloan @Boston, USA – Young Managers Program Certificate – IEDC SoM @Bled, Slovenia
  • 68. Show Case: Mercedes-Benz (Imagination) Land, Sea, Air: The three-pointed Star representing the three modes of transport
  • 69. Buddha We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Laozi The Wise Leader knows how to be creative. In order to lead, the leader learns to follow. In order to prosper, the leader learns to live simply. In both cases, it is the interaction that is creative. Confucius Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others. The Power of Knowledge The Energy of Thought The Flow of Interaction Story Case: The Wise Men (Creativity) Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius Vinegar Tasters (secrets revealed)
  • 70. Special Case: The IDEO Founders (Innovation) Bill Moggridge, David Kelley, Mike Nuttall Designing Interactions by Bill Moggridge, 2007 1982 - first GRiD Laptop designed by Bill Moggridge (ID Two) Bill Moggridge 1987 - first ergonomically Microsoft Mouse designed by Mike Nuttall (Matrix Product Design) Mike Nuttall The Inmates Are Running the Asylum by Alan Cooper, 1999 David Kelley 1983 - first Apple Mouse designed by David Kelley (David Kelley Design) Creative Confidence by Tom & David Kelley, 2015 A Tribute to Bill Moggridge 1943-2012 Caroline Baumann, the associate director of the Cooper- Hewitt National Design Museum, said in a statement about Bill Moggridge: "Beloved by the museum staff and the design community at large, Bill touched the lives of so many through his wise council, boundary-pushing ideas and cheerful camaraderie.“
  • 72. Results Actions Plans Alignment GapKnowledge Gap Effects Gap “Do not command more than is necessary or plan beyond the circumstances you can foresee” Moltke “Communicate to every unit as much of the higher intent as is necessary to achieve the purpose” Moltke “Everyone retains freedom of decision and action within bounds” Moltke Flash: Prussian General Moltke, the Elder (Trinity) based on book ‘Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps Between Plans, Actions and Results' The difference between what we expect our actions to achieve and what they actually achieve The difference between what we would like to know and what we actually know. The difference between what we want people to do and what they actually do. "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy“ General Moltke, the Elder (1800-1891)
  • 73. page 8: "Riko-san seems comfortable with aliens and he knows about elevators. - Mitsubishi holds the record for the fastest elevator in the world, he tells me. - And do you know that our elevators in the new Landmark Tower in Yokohama will be so smooth that you'll be able to put a ten-yen coin standing on its edge on the elevator floor when you enter, and it will still be standing on its edge when you reach the seventieth floor after zooming up from ground level at world record speed? I want to tell him that most people keep their coins in their pocket. But that is not the point...“ page 112: “-We have our consortium. Now we need a name. -Our work is about organizing knowledge. We should call it knowledge systematisation, says our academic mentor from Todai. -Sounds too complicated, says Wanabe-B. Can't we shorten it? - How about know-sys? We consult with our European partners, some of whom are classical scholars as well as manufacturing specialists. Why don't we spell it Gnosis, they say, which is Greek for knowledge inspired from above? We believe, and Gnosis is born. With newfound faith, we get to work.“ page 47: “- But your real hobby is not golf, is it? says Riko-T. It's programmable controllers, right? Rumour has it that you take the circuit board home in your bag at night. - Only when I have a problem to fix, Reisi-C says. I get good ideas while sleeping. It's handy to have the circuit board close by to look at. I recommend you do the same. -Sleep on a controller circuit board? It sounds worse than a noisy neighbour. Ando-C introduces his work - a national project with researchers from half a dozen big companies who meet to share ideas every month. Reisi-C and Shinsetsu-GR wants to hear the latest news.” Focus: Niall Murtagh @Mitsubishi (Transcendence) based on book 'The Blue-Eyed Salaryman: From World Traveler to Lifer at Mitsubishi'
  • 74. ▪ Pineal Brain (beyond power) Spiritual model: Higher Self, Authentic Self, Inner Self ➔ Imagination ▪ Right Brain (beyond games) Autonomy model: Awareness, Spontaneity, Intimacy ➔ Creativity ▪ Left Brain (power games) Ego model: Parent, Adult, Child ➔ Innovation Final: Eric Berne, M.D. (Transactional) based on book ‘Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships' Inner Self Authentic Self Higher Self Ego Model Left Brain (Innovation) Autonomy Model Right Brain (Creativity) Spiritual Model Pineal Brain (Imagination) IntimacySpontaneityAwareness The Leadership Secret of Gregory Goose Dialogue in the Spirit of David Bohm Coaching Ourselves of Henry Mintzberg
  • 75. A Tribute to the best Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna (1960-1994) Ayrton Senna’s Motivational Message SENNA - Exclusive Clip ('88 Monaco Grand Prix) Ayrton Senna's qualifying lap (‘88 Monaco Grand Prix)
  • 78. What is Design Thinking? Uncommon Knowledge: David Kelley on creativity, innovation, and design
  • 79. What is the Secret? People Empathy, Extreme Users, Radical Collaboration
  • 80. Contents Each Stage of Design Thinking Unfolded the next Stage like a Blossom Open Day Jul’15 Creative Club Oct’15 Summer Internship Aug’15 Codex Hackathon Dec’15 Design Kit Nov’15
  • 81. Open Day Mini-Tour: ½ day program for graduate students 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 Desert Survival Walk the Talk Photo Finish!Bull’s Eye The Best Ever! Empathic Post-It Game! Teambuilding Simulations Human Synergistics Walking around and meet local teams Celebrating the Experience!
  • 82. Summer Internship From Novice to Expert in 5 weeks: Workshop for Experts by Eric Week-1 Empathize Week-2 Define Week-3 Ideate Week-4 Prototype Week-5 Test Inspiration “Gift-Giving game” by Pedro Santos: VISMON expert Post-It vs. Napkin Visual Teams Empathy Map Ideation “Mindsets” by Catarina Carneiro: DB expert Mind Map vs. Ishikawa Diagram Virtual Teams Thinking Loops Implementation “Brainstorming” by OpenIDEO Marco Silva: Helppier expert Story Board vs. Game Plan Virtuoso Teams Feedback Grid Understanding Design Thinking Pairing with the Experts Workshop Crafting Workshop Iterating Workshop Delivery Mentor Student Augusto Eric Point of View Challenge Coaching How Might the new tool Helppier transform the F.A.Q of the VISMON company tool? Eric, a Summer graduate student, has the assignment to deliver a Workshop about the new tool Helppier to the in-house Experts of VISMON, in just 5 weeks. Eric does not know nothing about Helppier or VISMON! Iteration 1: Junior Peers Iteration 2: AvayaLive Iteration 3: Helppier Founders Delivery: VISMON Experts “Too many Hmm… !” “Ready to Go!” “You are hired!” “Let’s implement it!”
  • 83. Creative Club Design Thinking by Stanford Way @Workplace
  • 84. Design Kit Team Engaging by a MOOC Keynotopia CV-App Build on Ideas of others Show don’t Tell Pulse Story Paper Idea Cardboard Prototype Encourage Wild Ideas Bias to Action After-Work City Party Team-Warming Testing TV-Celebrities Testing The “Oprah” of Portugal Teresa Guilherme Mindset Prototype Outdoor
  • 85. Codex Hackathon Make a Curriculum Vitae form: gamifying power stories by Rafael Live Login! User: Pwd: #comeworkwithus Success Hit in Job Fair at JEEC 2016 Stocking Coding
  • 86. Next Challenge How Might Design Thinking be Powered by the Empathy of Golf? Creative Golf Coaching Celfinet HQ @Lisbon Creative Golf Coaching Celfinet R&D @Oporto users needs insights
  • 87. Out-of-the-Box Design Thinking Applied Creativity made in Brazil ‘Creativity & Marketing’ by Roberto Duailibi ‘Creativity at Work and in Life’ by Roberto Barreto ‘Gluttony Magazine’ by Gema Custom Mags
  • 88. TEST
  • 89. Free Invitation @Stanford Driving Range! Welcome first comers @Golf! Ultimate Test! Ultimate Journey! ASM Int’l Complex Design Thinking Castle Ideation with my daughter !! Implementation with a ‘ride’ from D.School ??? Design Golfing Center How about Testing my Design Golfing with a team of D.School Experts (1-3 persons) ? Inspiration from Buckminster Fuller ! New Book: Design Golfing: A Creative Golf Workshop for Mind, Body and Spirit in 60 minutes New Author: Augusto Tomas Publisher: Balboa Press Release Date: TBD, 2017 ??? Testing: Framework refined with friends around the world, from 6 to 66 year old, since 2008…
  • 90. Design Golfing SET-UP (15 min) WARM-UP (15 min) POWER-UP (15 min) CHEER-UP (15 min) Design Thinking Golf Book (Briefing) “Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons” by Ben Hogan “Golf is not a Game of Perfect” by Bob Rotella “Bad Golf My Way” by Leslie Nielsen “Quantum Golf” by Kjell Enhager UNDERSTAND Golf Vision Game (Western Brainstorming) Peripheral-Vision (3-Focus Points) Movies-Vision (Holo-Deck) Tapping-Vision (3-Touch Points) Cosmic-Vision (Light-Gate) EMPATHIZE Technique 1 (Preparation) Grip-Focus (Pendulum-Clock) Back-Swing (No-Flapping) Tee-offset (Dominant-Eye) Keyword-Flow (Tempo) DEFINE Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow User Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Need Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Insight Technique 2 (Execution) Stance-Contact (Cross-Hands) Down-Swing (Arrow-Bow) Step-Forward (Mould-Break) Breath-Flow (Rhythm) IDEATE Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow One Conversation at a Time Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Build on the Ideas of Others Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Encourage Wild Ideas Technique 3 (Completion) Align-Hold (Thumbs-Up) Swoosh-Swing (Butt-Slap) Hips-Slide (Launch-Pad) Whistle-Flow (Timing) PROTOTYPE Ball 1 (Capture) slow slow slow slow Fail Early Ball 2 (Clarify) soft soft soft soft Fail Often Ball 3 (Confirm) super super super super Succeed Sooner Golf Swing Game (Eastern Icebreaking) wabi-sabi (One Arm!) jo-ha-kyu (One Leg!) samurai-banzai (One Voice!) kokoro-zazen (One Heart!) TEST Yoga Meditation (Debriefing) Yoga Nada by Music for Deep Meditation Yoga Nidra by Terry Oldfield&Soraya Saraswati Yoga Regression by Brian Weiss Yoga Quantum by Omnec Onec STORYTELLING Visual Thinking by Bob McKim Background Preparations Seeing Imagining Innovators Design Golfing’s Framework vs. Design Thinking’s Highlights New Book: Design Golfing: A Creative Golf Workshop for Mind, Body and Spirit in 60 minutes New Author: Augusto Tomas Publisher: Balboa Press Release Date: TBD, 2017 ??? Testing: Framework refined with friends around the world, from 6 to 66 year old, since 2008…
  • 91. “Augusto Tomas offers a truly unique perspective in this intriguing golf manual and spiritual guide. Drawing on an eclectic set of influences, he shows how the game has inspired his outer and inner journeys through life.” - Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Executive Coach in the World and New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers The Mystical Swing available @ Amazon Published in 29th June, 2017 @Balboa Press & Amazon Book Signing Event @Singapore & Indonesia
  • 94. Babylon IoT – The Vision 2030
  • 95. Babylon IoT – The Strategy 2030
  • 96. Babylon IoT – The Execution 2030