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Britt Barak
Android Design
Take 3
Britt Barak
Britt Barak
Figure 8
Android Academy
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Hello Heart
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9.3 - 10.3
Pairing - Stickers!
Developers red Designers green
Let the fun begin!
Material Design Principles
What’s on the menu?
- Bold Graphic Design
- Meaningful Motion
- Android Design Vision
Bold Graphic Design
○ Photography
○ Iconography
90 seconds
For Product Judgement
90% based on colors!
Brand recognition 80%
Learning 78%
Comprehension 73%
Material Design Palette
Color Palette
●Primary color - app’s personality
●Accent color - draws attention
●TIP : 2-3 hues of primary + 1 accent color
Material Themes
●@android:style/Theme.AppCompat (dark version)
@android:style/Theme.AppCompat.Light (light version)
Customize Native Widgets Color
Define Resources
<color name="indigo_300">#7986CB</color>
<color name="indigo_500">#3F51B5</color>
<color name="indigo_700">#303F9F</color>
<color name="pink_a200">#FF4081</color>
Define Resources
<style name="AppTheme"
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/indigo_500</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/pink_a200</item>
Coloring Programmatically
Tinting 21+
drawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable);
DrawableCompat.setTint(drawable.mutate(), color);
Coloring Dynamically
Palette Class
Extracting palette from image
Palette Class
Extracting palette from image
Vibrant Dark
Vibrant Light
Muted Dark
Muted Light
Palette API
// Synchronous
Palette p = Palette.from(bitmap).generate();
// Asynchronous
Palette.from(bitmap).generate(new PaletteAsyncListener() {
public void onGenerated(Palette p) {
Pictures are faster than words.
●Explain ideas
●Clear context
●Win attention
Photography Illustration Iconography
Hi, I’m Drawable!
And you are?
"something that can be drawn."
Unlike a View-
does not interact with the user.
Important types
- Bitmap
- Nine patch
- Vector
- Shapes
- StateList
wraps a bitmap
can be tiled, stretched, or aligned.
Nine patch
PNG image in which you can define stretchable regions
draws primitive shapes:
- Rectangle
- Oval
- Ring
- Line
android:shape="rectangle" >
<corners android:radius="4dp" />
<stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="@color/stroke" />
<solid android:color="@color/fill"/>
<padding android:left="20dp" android:top="20dp"
android:right="20dp" android:bottom="20dp" />
Photography Illustration Iconography
●Specific to content
●Good quality
●Not too heavy
○ Out Of Memory Exceptions
●Scale types
Avatars and Thumbnails
Generally- are tap targets
Round - softer, people face shape
RoundedBitmapDrawable drawable =
.create(getResources(), bitmap);
...and there’s a secret
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(destination);
canvas.drawBitmap(destination, 0, 0, null);
maskPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(mode));
canvas.drawBitmap(source, 0 , 0 , maskPaint);
Hero Image
Anchored in a prominent position
●Draw in a user
●Context about the content
●Reinforce the brand.
Text & Icon Protection
●Shadow to icons / text
●Overlay / scrim:
○ Dark scrims : 20%-40% opacity
○ Light scrims : 40%-60% opacity
●Blur image
Text & Icon Protection
Gradient Colored Shapes
<shape android:shape="rectangle" >
<corners android:radius="4dp" />
<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#0078a5" />
android:startColor="#0078a5" android:endColor="#00adee"
<padding android:left="8dp" android:top="2dp"
android:right="8dp" android:bottom="2dp" />
Gradient Colored Shapes
<shape android:shape="rectangle" >
<corners android:radius="4dp" />
<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#0078a5" />
android:startColor="#0078a5" android:endColor="#00adee"
<padding android:left="8dp" android:top="2dp"
android:right="8dp" android:bottom="2dp" />
Next Session….
Option1: PNGs
Option2: Vector Graphics
1.Size - Single file
2.Quality - Drawing instructions
Do you mean SVG???
Not Exactly...
Vector Graphic
M - move to
H- Horizontal line
V- Vertical line
L- Line to
Z - Close path
●Uppercase - absolute, Lowercase - relative
M 1,1
M 1,1
H 9
M 1,1
H 9
V 9
M 1,1
H 9
V 9
H 1
M 1,1
H 9
V 9
H 1
A Word About Performance
- Size - max 200 x 200 dp
- Different size / color → separate file.
- FillType and conversion
Meaningful Motion
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job.
Because a lazy person will find
an easy wayto do it.”
- Bill Gates
Animations Are Important
●Draws the eye
●Instruct user
●Continuous experience
●User feedback
●Delightful details
Today we’ll be cost - effective.
Meaningful Motion
- Responsive
- The user controls the situation
- Instructive
- The user know what’s happening
Responsive - the user as the prime mover
- Perceived latency
- Better ux (understanding how to interact)
- Sense of user control
Touch Feedback
●Targets size : 48dp (7-9mm)
●Feedback for ALL touchable elements
○ Standard button
○ Ripples
○ Selectors
Standard Button
Ripple & Elevation by default.
Set background:
● on android theme : colorControlHighlight
●(custom RippleDrwawble)
But that’s for L+
What can we do?
StateListDrawable (aka Selector)
Different images to represent the same graphic,
depending on the state of the object.
<selector >
<item android:state_pressed="false"
android:drawable="@color/bg_default" />
<item android:state_pressed="true"
android:drawable="@color/bg_pressed" />
● android:state_pressed
● android:state_focused
● android:state_hovered
● android:state_selected
● android:state_checkable
● android:state_checked
● android:state_enabled
By the way...
Animate View State Changes
<item android:state_pressed="true">
<objectAnimator android:propertyName="translationZ"
animate translationZ when pressed
<item android:state_pressed="true">
<item android:state_pressed="false">
<objectAnimator android:propertyName="translationZ"
animate translationZ when pressed
<item android:state_pressed="true">
<item android:state_pressed="false">
<objectAnimator android:propertyName="translationZ"
animating properties on target objects.
By Java Code:
ObjectAnimator mAnimator;
mAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.X, View.Y, path);
Motion Best Practices:
- Keep it fast
- Duration per distance (and screen size)
- Natural curve
- Natural movement (interpolator)
- Don’t do it.
●Tablet 130% 390 ms
●Normal 100% 300 ms
●Wearable 70% 210 ms
Use Curved Motion
PathInterpolator based on a Bézier curve or a Path object.
Object are quicker close to final position
Delightful Details
API 21+ . Their attributes are can be animated.
Animated Vector Drawable
Vector Drawable
API 21+
Drawables defined in XML
Their attributes are can be animated.
Reveal Effect
Reveal animations provide users visual continuity when you show or
hide a group of UI elements.
Continuous Experience
Relations between screens
Shared elements
Activity transitions
Activity Transitions
1. Exit A 2. Enter B
3. Return B4. Re-enter A
Transition Types
API 19+ :
○ Fade in, change bounds, fade out
○ visibility
○ size&position
API 21+ :
● Explode
○ visibility
○ enter/exit from an edge
○ Bounds & transforms
○ Bounds & transforms(scale types)
○ Bounds & transforms
●Content transition
○ Run anim on the content coming in / going out
●Shared element transition
Window transitions (between activities)
In xml file:
<fade />
Specify Multiple Transitions
(For example, this is AutoTransition)
<transitionSet android:transitionOrdering="sequential">
<fade android:fadingMode="fade_out" />
<changeBounds />
<fade android:fadingMode="fade_in" />
Content transition:
- Style
- Calling activity
- Called activity
<style name="BaseAppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material">
<item name="android:windowActivityTransitions">true</item>
<item name="android:windowEnterTransition">@transition/explode</item>
<item name="android:windowExitTransition">@transition/explode</item>
Calling Activity
(R.anim.slide_from_right, R.anim.slide_to_left);
(R.anim.slide_from_left, R.anim.slide_to_right);
Called Activity
Between View Hierarchies
beginDelayedTransition(rootView, transition);
Shared element
Shared Element
ActivityOptionsCompat options = ActivityOptionsCompat.
makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, view, "transitionName");
startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());
Shared Element
ActivityOptionsCompat options = ActivityOptionsCompat.
Pair.create(view1, "transName1"),
Pair.create(view2, "transName2"));
startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());
What Does It Do?
(For example, this is the default)
<transitionSet android:transitionOrdering="sequential">
<changeBounds />
<changeTransform />
<changeClipBounds />
<changeImageTransform />
Define Custom Transition
<style name="BaseAppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material">
<item name="android:windowSharedElementEnterTransition">
<item name="android:windowSharedElementExitTransition">
Called Activity
Instructive Motion
Demonstrate Navigation:
scroll up a list
viewpager slide
show drawer
How Do We Know
If The UX Is Good Enough?
Android Design Vision
Research: Predict Marriage Lasting
By watching couples for 15min. after wedding
Prof. John Gottman at the University of Washington
Research: Predict Marriage Lasting
By watching couples for 15min. after wedding - 94% accuracy
Prof. John Gottman, Washington Uni.
Prof. John Gottman, Washington Uni.
Workgroup Productiveness
Marcials Loanda
Positive to Negative Emotions
Barbara Fredrickson
Fill The Jars
Fill The Jars
Android Creative Vision
Enchant me.
Simplify my life.
Make me amazing.
Android Creative Vision
Dear Android,
Enchant me.
Simplify my life.
Make me amazing.
Let’s Fill The Jars!
● Delight me in surprising ways
● Real objects are more fun that
button and menus
● Let me make it mine
● Get to know me
Enchant Me
Simplify My Life
Make me Amazing
Enchant Me
Delight me in surprising ways
Surface, animation, sound effect…
Subtle effects contribute to a feeling of effortlessness
Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus
Reduces the cognitive effort
More emotionally satisfying
Let me make it mine
Customization that lets users
‘own’ the experience.
Get to know me
Learn users’ preferences
Previous choices within easy reach
Get to know me
● Keep it brief
● Pictures are faster than words
● Decide for me but let me have the final
● Only show what I need when I need it
● I should always know where I am
● Never lose my stuff
● If it looks the same, it should act the
● Only interrupt me if it’s important
Enchant Me
Simplify My Life
Make me Amazing
Simplify My Life
Keep it brief
Short phrases with simple words.
People skip long sentences.
Keep it brief
Yossi Segev, Jonathan Yarkoni, Yonatan V. Levin and 74 others like this.
Pictures are faster than words
●Faster to understand than text
●Words are longer
Decide for me but let me have the final say
Take your best guess and act
rather than asking first.
Allow for 'undo'.
Decide for me but let me have the final say
Decide for me but let me have the final say
Decide for me but let me have the final say
“Are you sure” implies that the user didn't think through
Only show what I need when I need it
Too much data is overwhelming
Small tasks and information chunks
Hide if not essential at the moment
Teach people as they go.
Navigation Drawers
Too much data is overwhelming
Small tasks and information chunks
Hide if not essential at the moment
Teach people as they go.
Runtime Permissions
Too much data is overwhelming
Small tasks and information chunks
Hide if not essential at the moment
Teach people as they go.
Contextual Tips Instead of Onboarding
Too much data is overwhelming
Small tasks and information chunks
Hide if not essential at the moment
Teach people as they go.
Contextual Tips Instead of Onboarding
They are not a substitute for good UX design!
Only for priority or difficult tasks
If you MUST use onboarding :
It’s essential for first use
Allow users to skip it
I should always know where I am
Give users confidence.
Make places in your app look distinct
Transitions show relationships among screens.
Progress feedback
Never lose my stuff
Save given data and let access it from anywhere.
settings, personal touches, and creations across phones, tablets, and computers.
If it looks the same, it should act the same
Discern functional differences by making them visually distinct
Only interrupt me if it's important
●Shield people from unimportant minutiae.
●Interruption can be dispersing, taxing and frustrating.
Only interrupt me if it's important
●Un-interrupting progressbar
● Give me tricks that work
● It’s not my fault
● Sprinkle encouragement
● Do the heavy lifting for me
● Make important things fast
Enchant Me
Simplify My Life
Make me Amazing
Make Me Amazing
Give me tricks that work everywhere
Make an easy to learn app
●Use ui patterns.
●People love figuring out for themselves.
○ → example: select.
●Double touch
○ → example: zoom in
●Drag, Swipe, or Fling
○ → Example: Dismiss, scroll, tilt, etc.
●Long press
○ → Example: Select an elemen
● Long press is not used to display a contextual menu.
●Pinch open / close: zoom in / out
It's not my fault
When things go wrong - be nice
Users should feel smart
Clear instructions
verbs, short words, not technical,spare the unneeded details.
Fix behind the scenes if possible
It's not my fault
Insert your SIM card now. You did not insert SIM card!
It's not my fault
It's not my fault - No Content
Avoiding completely empty states
Best match
Tto handle a misspelled query without explicitly blaming on the user.
Sprinkle encouragement
Smaller easier steps instead of one complex task
Feedback on actions, even just a subtle glow.
Use 2nd person, human approachable tone
Humor - not always appropriate
Sprinkle encouragement
Just a sprinkle...
Do the heavy lifting for me
Make novices feel like experts
Do the heavy lifting for me
Predict what would the user want to do next
Make important things fast
Make the most important thing
easy to find and fast to use
Make important things fast
Make the most important thing
easy to find and fast to use
Words Are Powerful
Pay attention to:
- Keep it brief
- It’s not my fault
- Sprinkle encouragement
Let’s View Some general Examples
How to inform users?
Blocking Alert Dialog
●Keep it brief
●It’s not my fault
●Only interrupt me if it’s important
●Only interrupt me if it’s important
●It’s not my fault
●Only interrupt me if it’s important
●Do the heavy lifting for me
●Decide for me but let me have the final say
Rich Notifications
Rich Notifications
●Only interrupt me if it’s important
●Make important things fast
Phone (Dialer)
Phone -
●Get to know me
●Let me make it mine
●Pictures are faster than words
●Make important things fast
Expanding FAB
Expanding FAB
●Get to know me
●Pictures are faster than words
●Make important things fast
●Only show what I need
when I need it
Any Questions?
So What Did We Have Today?
●Bold Graphic Design
○ Themes and colors
○ Tinting
○ Palette api
○ Drawables
●Meaningful Motion
○ Touch feedback
Android design   lecture #3

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Mehr von Vitali Pekelis

Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940
Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940
Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940Vitali Pekelis
Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019
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Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019Vitali Pekelis
Advanced #6 clean architecture
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Advanced #6 clean architectureVitali Pekelis
Advanced #4 GPU & Animations
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Advanced #4 GPU & AnimationsVitali Pekelis
Advanced #2 networking
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Advanced #2 networkingVitali Pekelis
Advanced #1 cpu, memory
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All the support you need. Support libs in Android
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All the support you need. Support libs in AndroidVitali Pekelis
How to build Sdk? Best practices
How to build Sdk? Best practicesHow to build Sdk? Best practices
How to build Sdk? Best practicesVitali Pekelis
Android design patterns
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Android design patternsVitali Pekelis
Advanced #3 threading
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Mobile ui fruit or delicious sweets
Mobile ui  fruit or delicious sweetsMobile ui  fruit or delicious sweets
Mobile ui fruit or delicious sweetsVitali Pekelis
Lecture #4 c loaders and co.
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Lecture #4 c loaders and co.Vitali Pekelis
Session #4 b content providers
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Session #4 b content providersVitali Pekelis
Advanced #2 - ui perf
 Advanced #2 - ui perf Advanced #2 - ui perf
Advanced #2 - ui perfVitali Pekelis
Session #7 rich and responsive layouts
Session #7  rich and responsive layoutsSession #7  rich and responsive layouts
Session #7 rich and responsive layoutsVitali Pekelis

Mehr von Vitali Pekelis (20)

Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940
Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940
Droidkaigi2019thagikura 190208135940
Droidkaigi 2019
Droidkaigi 2019Droidkaigi 2019
Droidkaigi 2019
Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019
Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019
Google i o &amp; android q changes 2019
Android Q 2019
Android Q 2019Android Q 2019
Android Q 2019
Advanced #6 clean architecture
Advanced #6  clean architectureAdvanced #6  clean architecture
Advanced #6 clean architecture
Advanced #4 GPU & Animations
Advanced #4   GPU & AnimationsAdvanced #4   GPU & Animations
Advanced #4 GPU & Animations
Advanced #2 networking
Advanced #2   networkingAdvanced #2   networking
Advanced #2 networking
Advanced #2 threading
Advanced #2   threadingAdvanced #2   threading
Advanced #2 threading
Advanced #1 cpu, memory
Advanced #1   cpu, memoryAdvanced #1   cpu, memory
Advanced #1 cpu, memory
All the support you need. Support libs in Android
All the support you need. Support libs in AndroidAll the support you need. Support libs in Android
All the support you need. Support libs in Android
How to build Sdk? Best practices
How to build Sdk? Best practicesHow to build Sdk? Best practices
How to build Sdk? Best practices
Di &amp; dagger
Di &amp; daggerDi &amp; dagger
Di &amp; dagger
Android design patterns
Android design patternsAndroid design patterns
Android design patterns
Advanced #3 threading
Advanced #3  threading Advanced #3  threading
Advanced #3 threading
Mobile ui fruit or delicious sweets
Mobile ui  fruit or delicious sweetsMobile ui  fruit or delicious sweets
Mobile ui fruit or delicious sweets
Lecture #4 c loaders and co.
Lecture #4 c   loaders and co.Lecture #4 c   loaders and co.
Lecture #4 c loaders and co.
Session #4 b content providers
Session #4 b  content providersSession #4 b  content providers
Session #4 b content providers
Advanced #2 - ui perf
 Advanced #2 - ui perf Advanced #2 - ui perf
Advanced #2 - ui perf
Android meetup
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Android meetup
Session #7 rich and responsive layouts
Session #7  rich and responsive layoutsSession #7  rich and responsive layouts
Session #7 rich and responsive layouts

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Hinweis der Redaktion

  9. m
  15. tinting
  16. google now cards, search view
  17. google now cards, search view
  18. add facebook likes.
  19. icons : length of words on ui
  21. insert image edit : auto edit, and easy to use filters
  22. humor
  23. lead to next action (ux funnel)
  24. lead to next action (ux funnel)
  25. lead to next action (ux funnel)
  26. lead to next action (ux funnel)