dominant strategy social network analysis java class objects average path length connected components clustering coefficients constructor overloading widening casting method overloading this keyword static members access specifiers oop principles instantiation constructors control statements arrays operators variables data types access specifier features of oop encapsulation inheritance abstraction polymorphism truth telling vcg prices bidders harm multiple item auction matching markets gsp vcg principle games players advertisers advertising ad slots revenue per click click through rate paying per click keyword based advertising market clearing prices auction maximum quality optimal assignment valuations matching theorem constricted set bipartite matching perfect matching over bidding under bidding intrinsic value true value true bidding auction as game bidder second price auction first price sealed bid vickery auction dutch auction ascending bid coordination game stag hunt game multiple equilibrium nash equilibrium strict dominant strategy strict best response best response payoff strategy prisoners dilemma game theory sis model sir model social contagion reproduction number contagion epidemiological models epidemics maximum likelihood estimation generative model membership closure focal closure triadic closure social affiliation network social influence selection immutable characteristics affiliation network homophily modularity breadth first search flow hierarchical decomposition edge betweenness graph partitioning acquaintance weak ties strong triadic closure property bridge local bridge granovetter's experiment eigen vector centrality authority score hub score ask search topic specific pagerank damping factor teleporting dead end spider trap random surfer random walker outlinks inlinks google algorithm bowtie structure authorities hubs hits pagerank barabasi-albert watts-strogatz network density giant component degree distribution random model six degrees of separation long tail power law rich get richer decentralized search kleinberg's models miligram's experiment preferential attachment small world erdos-renyi adjacency matrix edge list eigen vector betweenness path eccentricity diameter walks centrality network analytics graph theory advanced optimization computer architecture cache
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