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Are we fast yet?
JavaScript & HTML performance
Trevor Linton - July 2014
JavaScript? Sure.
•  Firefox has asm.js (A subset of
•  Chrome has V8
•  Safari now has LLVM optimizations
Firefox ASM.js
In some measurements we’re
butting up against native C++.
JS has road blocks in HTML though.
JIT Begins optimizing.
STOP, unknown what this
function may do or return.
Recalculate Layouts
STOP, Waiting for return
value from renderer
STOP, Events have unknown
values, cannot pre-optimize
Mouse click from user
Renderer kicks off JS
HTML Renderer JS compiler Code
function() {
var el = document.getElementById(‘id’)
var bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect()
addEventListener(‘click’,function(e) {
An experiment to overcome this
Re-implement rendering in HTML5 to be JavaScript based.
An experiment to overcome this
•  Re-implement HTML5 rendering
in JavaScript.
•  JS can fully JIT through any DOM
operation and optimize.
•  JS optimizer has ability to
anticipate inputs from C++ in
sync/async events.
•  Using ASM.js we can get near C++
runtime speeds.
Original C++
WebKit Code
(webcore actually)
Using LLVM/Clang and emscripten
compile it down to javascript.
webkit.js speed results (x=iter.)
•  Rendering becomes substantially faster after progressive runs.
•  Rendering speed on pair with native speeds.
•  Firefox faster due to built-in 1:1 ASM.js optimizations.
•  DEMO:
1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"
Getting over the DOM fence...
•  Continue building a JS based HTML renderer.
•  Firefox, Chromium and the later are working on
pulling more of the DOM into native JS.
•  Proposal is out to recreate CSS styles in JS for
•  Firefox is already getting close to this...
But WebKit is complex...
CSS Animation
Hardware Compositing
Other Things…
(Layout, Network, Parsing, DOM, CSS, Javascript)
Compositing, Painting, Drawing and Rendering
(Implemented as
(TextureMapper /
ContextGL, OpenGLES V2
(platform specific, accelerated)
ChromeClientJS Executes
on AcceleratedContext:
Chrome class
A proxy for ChromeClient interface
passed into Frame
When a graphics layer is created it sends attachRootGraphicsLayer to
ChromeClientJS, in addition it will execute WidgetSizeChanged (or WebView may),
setNeedsOneShotDrawingSynchronization, scheduleCompositingLayerFlush and
scheduleAnimation. These are all passed through to the AcceleratedCompositor on
behalf of webkit. Chrome//WebKit//WebCore will only do this if accelerated
compositing is turned on by settings and ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING=1 &&
TEXTURE_MAPPER_GL=1 && TEXTURE_MAPPER=1 in compiler settings.
Executes setDeviceScaleFactor(float) usually 2 in webkit.js for hide rendering. Also
executes viewport size to set size of view. This will cause the frame in both
accelerated and non accelerated mode to kick out twice the size of bitmap image
when bitblting. However all coordinates are still in logical pixels.
The “layout black box”. This is where
the magic happens, we will be re-
informed of results through the
ChromeClient executed by Chrome
Shoots the created layers and root layers to texture mapper which tiles and
uploads them to GL for display, these manage for us scrolling, memory use and
other things so we don’t just haphazardly create 20,000 different compositing
layers, textures, etc.
paintContents on ChromeClientJS actually draws contents to TextureMapperLayer
as the TextureMapperGL interface needs, it’ll request these through paintContents
or IPC Channel for WebKit2/Chrome
TextureMapper sends paintContents
to AcceleratedCompositor, which
in turn manages clearing OpenGL,
maintaining buffers/contexts.
Clears buffers,
current context.
Chrome/WebKit pushes a
graphics layer to ChromeClient
that is created by
Created by taking ChromeClientJS
that’s held by Frame or global
default constructor to create all
RenderLayer’s and GraphicsLayers
Note, on some
platforms this is part
of ChromeClient
WebView creates the chrome client that is
platform specific, it’s sent to WebCore::Frame
and a copy is retained for WebView. WebCore::Frame,
WebCore::FrameView, WebCore::Page and a whole
host of other classes run methods on chrome client
when specific work needs to be done.
Informs each other of size changes,
when graphics layers needs to be
flushed, and a whole host of other
things to sync states.
Pushes textures thatare tiled or full as “composited”
layers to GL.
Used for special transforms
or accelerated scaling.
Painting / Drawing
cairo (or other drawing
library, skia,
CoreAnimation, etc.)
pixman for fast patched
drawing optimizations
Image, ImageBuffer
libjpegturbo, libpng
(note gif and bmp are built in to
(decompressing pngs)
FreeType, FontConfig
used for font parsing and layout
(library/platform specific)
(Created by WebView is passed to Frame/Page
for WebCore to use.)
There’s also coordinated
graphics and tiling.
Platform Blit Surface
Software Compositing
When attachRootGraphicsLayer is executed by
Chrome the Graphics Layer is passed into
accelerated compositor. The compositor is
checked to see if its enabled, if not compositing
is turned off, if so compositing is turned on.
Non-accelerated, non-composited,
bitable path.
Composited, but
not accelerated
path (not bitblted)
WebView creates a device GL and EGL (openglesv2) context via SDL. This
context in webkit is globally available once created. It then creates
AcceleratedCompositor and does nothing else than hand it to
ChromeClientJS. It also makes these the current context and sets the device
viewport size (not the GL context size). ContextGL and ContextEGL are
hacked to pass specific params to Emscripten to create the right compatible
surface, these hacks are wrapped in PLATFORM(JS) Preprocessors
Accelerated, but
not composited
bit-blt path.
Composited and
accelerated path
Compiled Vertexes & Shaders
Classes compile layout
commands into OpenGL Vertex
& Shader Program
Video Codecs
GraphicsLayer::create factory ? factory->create :
(GraphicsLayerFactory passed through from ChromeClient->factory(), if non exists, use default
TextureMapper implementation.
RenderLayerBacking Plugins
Layout and painting produce a render
tree that is managed by a host of
classes. The RenderLayers and
RenderLayerTree communicate with
render layer compositer to determine
the GraphicsLayers that are then
passed on through the
glBindTexture() / Canvas / SDL / GLUT /
XWindow / DWM / NSOpenGL / etc..
Knows About, and fires
Animation Controller
methods as states
Knows about and executes style
recalculations on documents and
elements. However it does not
actually change the styles value,
just whether it should recalculate
and potentially layout/render.
Knows about and interacts
with animation base, unclear
(An array of AnimationBase)
! Seems to be a list of animations
(AnimationBase classes) waiting to be
animated, their state is stored in
AnimationBase and could potentially
become out of sync by being in an array
that’s technically not waiting.
! AnimationController has two paths
based on if request animation frame is
enabled or not, in addition there is
request animation frame timing feature
that further branches into a new path
confusing how the implementation path
Performs most of its work in
AnimationControllerPrivate as a proxy,
seems unnecessary and unclear why.
! Performs separate paths for
compositing animations, this makes for
confusing bugs.
(implemented in
! Issues beginAnimationUpdate or endAnimationUpdate
simply through its constructor/destructor, very unclear
why, and seems to pollute the paths.
animatinon() contains one controller per frame.
" Has a circular dependency with
AnimationController, unclear why.
# Runs on a one-shot timer, unclear why.
" Has a circular dependency with
AnimationBase, unclear why.
! Implementation hides
“AnimationControllerPrivate” rather than
implementing AnimationController.
Unclear why.
Creates on stack an animation update block
letting the deconstructor/constructor fire begin/
end calls to AnimationController. Gets Animation
Controller from frame.animation()
Uses the frame reference only to get access
to the frame view class to execute the flush
compositingstateincludingsubframes and other
flush compositing state classes.
Combined with RenderLayerCompositor
these do the actual changes to the styles
and are called by AnimationController,
AnimationBase and Frame/Element.
This system has a race condition if the compositor is flushed or invalidated too quickly (e.g., chrome client calls scheduleLayerFlush on AcceleratedContext.cpp) the animation base’s timer (within AnimationController) fails to
remove waiting animations that have already completed within the WaitingAnimationSet. What happens is since there is not a chance for the AnimationController to remove these on its next timer run between the
AcceleratedContext’s scheduled layer flushes items within WaitingAnimationSet are thought to be “Waiting” for an animation, but have a m_animState (on AnimationBase) of Ending, Done or other. In other words, the
AnimationController thinks that animations that have completed are still waiting for their style because the accelerated compositor is plowing through them too quickly.
The cure for this is to simply think of requests from ChromeClient to flush, invalidate or paint as “suggestions” and prevent them from executing more than 1/60th of a second in addition do not allow more than one flush to
be issued at a time (e.g., two timers on separate threads running a flush concurrently).
Academic exercises aside...
What can we do now?
•  There’s a difference between perceived performance vs.
actual performance (E.g., is your event just firing late?)
•  Be careful when optimizing your code; it’s a rabbit hole and
sometimes a pitfall (80/20 rule).
•  Changing"a"DOM"parameter"(adding,"modifying,"
•  JavaScript"can"safely"opFmize"more"if"you’re"
•  Again,"innerHTML"does"not"cause"a"JS"opFmizaFon"
•  Use"animaFon"key"frames"and"transiFon"in"CSS.""
•  Use"will]change"CSS"property"for"properFes"that"
•  These"can"be"pre]compiled"by"the"RenderLayer"prior"
•  Using"CSS"transform()"you"can"apply"linear"
•  Changing"the"X/Y"(lec/top)"or"width/height"will"
•  requestAnimaFonFrame"prevents"layout"thrashing"as"it’s"
•  The"compositor"is"aware"of"requestAnimaFonFrame"and"lets"
•  This"can"significantly"prevent"you"from"interrupFng"a"layout"
•  Do"not"use"overtly"complex"selectors"
•  Duplicate"styles"must"be"resolved"and"increase"layout"Fme."
•  This"has"a"r*e"growth"rate!"(r=rules,"e=elements),"reducing"
•  Rules"have"a"z*r*e"growth"rate!"(z=number"of"selector"
•  Browsers"can"cache"possible"states"(or"visited"style"states),"
•  Create"various"possible"“style"states”"for"each"element"and"
•  Prototype"with"libraries,"then"profile"and"begin"removing/
•  Most"libraries"and"frameworks"are"built"for"ease"of"use,"and"
•  Use"closures"and"avoid"objects"that"take"in"other"objects."
•  Avoid"defining"variables"in"the"global"scope"
•  If"you"have"complex"controls"(visjs,"d3?)"that"may"need"their"
•  iframes"give"you"a"new"thread"and"potenFally"a"new"process!"
•  Useful,"but"don’t"overdo"it,"iframes"are"heavy"weight."
•  Plugins,"video,"webgl,"CSS"animaFons"and"tradiFonal"DOM"
•  They’re"pulled"together"via"render"layers"and"graphics"layers."
•  The"more"contexts"you"introduce"the"more"complex"the"
•  Contexts"!="composiFng"layers"(but"can"someFmes)"
•  A"common"performance"mistake"is"not"removing"event"
•  High]throughput"events"such"as"mousemove,"touchmove"and"
•  If"you"need"to"use"these"cache"the"result"and"animate"in"
•  CreaFng"a"graphics"layer/render"layer"is"expensive."
•  Generally"the"rendering"sub]system"is"very"efficient"at"figuring"out"what"
•  It"makes"very"liLle"sense"to"force"composiFng"layers"in"a""nested"manner,"
•  It"makes"very"liLle"sense"to"force"composiFng"layers"if"they"don’t"have"a"
color " " " "border]style"
visibility " " " "background"
text]decoraFon " "background]image"
background]posiFon "background]repeat"
outline]color " " "outline"
outline]style " " "border]radius"
outline]width " " "box]shadow"
width " "height " "overflow]y "font]weight"
padding " "margin " "display " "border]width"
border " "top " " "posiFon " "font]size"
float" " "text]align" "overflow " "lec"
font]family "line]height "verFcal]align "right"
clear" " "white]space "boLom " "min]height"
opacity " " " "]webkit]user]select"
cursor " " " "]webkit]transform"
z]index " " " "transform(scale)"
transform3D " " "transformZ()"
Identifying Issues: Jank
The overuse of graphics layers causing pages to take excessively long to
Cause: Composite CSS calls used in a nested pattern.
Diagnose: Large composite times.
Cure: Remove nested transform3d/transformZ, reduce linear transforms,
remove scroll event listeners, remove opacity or CSS composite filters.
Identifying Issues: Paint Storm
Cause: Changing a paint CSS style on a high-throughput event or circular
flip/flopping a CSS paint style.
Diagnose: Very frequent paint->composite in frames.
Cure: Find where paint CSS styles are changing.
Identifying Issues: Layout Trashing
Common Cause: Reading layout DOM properties or modifying DOM.
Diagnose: Frequent but short layout requests without paint/composite after.
Cure: You’re most likely reading a CSS property or DOM property A LOT in
your JavaScript code (perhaps in a tight loop?)
// els is an array of elements
for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i += 1){
var w = someOtherElement.offsetWidth / 3;
els[i].style.width = w + 'px';
•  Don’t use touch move events on scrollable items.
•  Nest overflow elements to produce scroll effects
•  Overflow elements should be in 500px intervals
–  WebKit uses tiling for composite layers, each tile is 500px.
•  Use absolute positioning/transforms where ever possible.
•  Avoid nesting elements
•  Less is more when listening to events
•  Pre-paint items soon to show up, use display:none to hide.
•  Mobile has more memory to lend, less GPU/CPU.
–  Declarative style CSS animations are key here.
–  Be careful when forcing a compositing layer with transforms.

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