mini project kit water level indicator transformer vibration detection transformer overheat detection system touch with operate relay touch switch with lamp touch switch touch doorbell theft alarm using ir sensor switch circuit of pole light using ldr switch activated through light detection using ldr smart bulb holder using ldr sensor relay circuit operated through light detection moisture based watering on off water pump system led lighting in aquarium using ldr sensor ldr based sunset lamp control ldr based light detection system ldr based garage lighting ldr based darkness detecting ldr & relay based street light controlling industrial machine vibration detection induction motor vibration detection heat sensor using ntc fire indication system fire detection alarm system engine over heat detection using ntc control relay using ir sensor control lamp using ir sensor automatic water dispenser using ir pair automatic temperature control exhaust fan automatic tank filling system automatic street light circuit using ldr automatic pump on off based on fire automatic plant watering system automatic over temperature detection and alert automatic irrigation system automatic hand sanitizer using ir automatic gate lamp circuit using ldr auto fill water to earthing pit system
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