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Message # 1
Subject line: Your First Early Child Care Issue
Hello "autoresponder code here",
Welcome to your first issue of Early Child Care. In each issue of this newsletter you’ll
learn valuable information that will help you on how you care for and nurture your child
The arrival of a newborn baby is full of fun and excitement. However many first-time
parents, most experience a full range of mixed emotions about the whole thing. This is
probably the reason why most people turn to experienced parents for some much-
needed advice. Those who are not that lucky to have a support system of family and
friends normally turn to books and magazines to learn how to care from their child.
Often new parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed when the baby starts to cry. In
reality, you don’t really need to worry too much when this happens. Keep in mind that
an infant basically throws a crying fit every time he or she is hungry, has a wet diaper or
is, uncomfortable. When this happens you just have to remember to stay calm and
attend to the babies needs in order to settle them.
Having a checklist in handy may also help you a lot and eliminate the risks of
experiencing a panic attack. Try to check through your list each time your baby cries to
ascertain the cause of you’re his/their distress. Once the main problem has been
identified and dealt with, you’ll soon observe your little one go back to his/their
peaceable state. It’s also an excellent idea to take advantage of this opportunity to lull
your infant to sleep. This way, you can make use of the free time to do a few things for
- Routines
As much as you want to hold your baby all the time, you simply can’t-and shouldn’t.
Remember that you also need to take care of yourself, as well as perform certain house
chores. Just imagine how you’ll be able to attend to other important matters if you
always carry your baby around the house. Time-management is indeed a valuable skill
that parents ought to acquire and develop.
Your little one is likely to become accustomed to a particular routine if you keep
adhering to it. So start establishing a schedule for sleep and daytime naps. This way,
you can squeeze in a chore or two while your little angel slumbers.
See to it that the place where you lay your baby down is safe, comfortable and well
ventilated. Appropriate clothing and covers are also important as such factors
can affect your infant’s quality of sleep.
The truth of the matter is that babies can actually fall asleep almost anywhere. They can
even doze off in the noisiest of places with no trouble. Of course, this requires a bit of
getting used to. That’s why parents who expose their little ones to the sound of a
vacuum cleaner or other noise-producing household appliances earlier on have no
problem performing house chores while the baby is asleep. Their infants have
certainly adapted well to the noise.
Various sounds have also been proven to assist parents in settling their little ones
down. Apart from recreating the “shushing” sound-which is reminiscent of their time in
the womb, playing some relaxing music is also an excellent way to lull a baby to sleep.
Make an effort to turn this practice into a habit so that your baby will soon associate a
particular melody with sleep time.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some essential
tips for new parents.
Thank you again for joining,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 2
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about a few simple tips to help new parents adjust to the
arrival of a newborn baby. In this issue we are going to go over some essential tips for
new parents.
Having a baby for the first time invokes a lot of emotions. You feel happy yet fear at the
same time because you still do not know what to do. You feel excited yet you also feel
anxious because you are delving into the unknown. These are just some of the
emotions a mother can feel when she has their first baby.
Especially with your first baby, you shouldn’t entrust everything to motherly instincts.
You should do some research and become familiar with basic child care. After all, your
baby will be depending on you for its comfort as well as its necessities for survival.
The most basic concerns that mothers should be focusing on especially on their baby’s
first couple of weeks are feeding and sleeping.
- Feeding
Having adequate nourishment is essential to your baby’s proper development that is
why he or she needs to be fed with the right amount of milk at the right time.
You can give your baby ready to feed formula. It is safe and healthy. However, you
must not mix this with water because your baby might not get sufficient calories. On the
other hand, concentrated formula should be mixed with water in a 1 is to 1 ratio.
Usually after a couple of weeks, your baby will be able to consume more or less a quart
of formula each day. You should also check if your baby manifests symptoms such as
frequent vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or rashes as this may mean that the formula is
not fit for him or their and may need to be changed. This is also the reason why it is still
highly suggested that you breastfeed your baby if possible as this is better than any milk
or formula in the market.
The proper feeding time of a baby typically has a 2 to 3 hour interval. A common sign
that you should look out for is crying that can’t be hushed through lullabies.
You can also check if your baby is having adequate nourishment or not. A properly
nourished baby will usually have a wet diaper during the 2 to 3 hour interval and the
color of the urine should be clear. Stool is soft and yellow in color. Breast-fed babies will
typically pass tools 6 times in a day while bottle-fed ones may pass stools every three
- Sleeping
Babies sleep normally for a length of 10 to 23 hours day. Any less of the minimum can
be detrimental to your baby’s development. Here are some tips on how you can help
your baby achieve the normal length of sleep he or she needs:
- Make sure that your baby has completed his or their rituals before you put him or her
to sleep. This includes feeding, burping, and diaper change.
- Wrap your baby securely to prevent them from doing excessive movements that can
disturb his or their sleep. This will also provide your baby warmth.
- Place your baby in horizontal position. Studies show that letting your baby sleep on his
or their back is the safest position for him or their and lessens the occurrence of Sudden
Infant Death.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about what to do when
you baby cries.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 3
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about some essential tips for new parents. In this issue we
are going to talk about what to do when you baby cries.
Crying is a physiological process in the life of a baby. All normal babies cry to
communicate with others. Since they can't express their feelings in words crying is the
only way for communication. If any uncomfortable feeling comes they simply cry.
Normally babies cry in situations like when they are hungry, wet, or uncomfortable in
some way. Some children simply need the presence of some else as comfort otherwise
the will cry. Crying without any cause is habitual in some babies. Even though crying is
considered as normal it may worry the family members. Since the reasons for crying
ranges from simple causes to serious causes it should not be ignored and hence exact
cause has to be identified and managed accordingly.
Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you sooths your child’s cry:
- Remove tight clothes that can cause irritation.
- Change damp or soiled diapers immediately.
- If the room is hot put the fan and open the windows.
- If the climate is cold cover them with a soft blanket.
- Fussy babies can be soothed with a pat on the back to help alleviate gas.
- Rock gently in your arms and walk slowly in the room is a great comfort.
- To avoid overfeeding try a pacifier to help them feel at ease.
- Weather permitting take them for a walk outside for some fresh air and sunshine.
If you have tried everything you can think of and the crying doesn’t cease then here are
a few more things you can try:
- Press their abdomen gently, if they twist or resist you it could be colic.
- Pull their ear gently if they wince in pain or push your hands away it could be and
- Feel their temperature with the back of your hand. If they feel warm pull out the
thermometer to see if they are running a fever.
- Examine their skin from head to foot and look for signs of a rash.
- See the nose for any discharge and listen to their chest for any rattling sound or
labored breathing that could be cause for concern.
If you see the symptoms above or other abnormal signs consult your doctor immediately
for proper treatment. If you feel your baby needs immediate attention don’t wait take
them straight to the closest emergency room.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about communicating
with your baby.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 4
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about what to do when you baby cries. In this issue we are
going to go talk a little bit about communicating with your baby.
As a first-time parent, you probably wonder when your baby’s cooing will develop into
his or her first words. Other questions about communication will almost certainly arise
as well.
You need to be patient, since babies normally articulate their first words at 11 months
and onwards. According to numerous studies it is around this time that the lips and
tongue acquire the dexterity necessary to form speech. Plus, the brain also begins to
match things up with their corresponding names.
Needless to say, the rate at which babies arrive at this milestone may vary. If you wish
for your little one to get to this stage faster, you have to make an effort to help him (or
her) do so. As a matter of fact, there are a number of things you can perform to foster
baby talk.
How Do Babies Communicate?
The reality is that your little one is actually learning the ability to communicate day in
and day out. Every time he or she cries, you normally make it a point to make him (or
her) feel better. Your reaction and the manner in which you respond to your baby’s
noise-making basically set the groundwork for language.
At the age of two months, your baby is already capable of responding to your cues. In
addition, the singsong manner in which you talk keeps him/her engrossed and
encourages interpretation of words and sentences.
That’s why every time you speak to your little one, he or she stares back at you and
makes cooing sounds in response. It is in this fashion that babies communicate with
their parents.
By the time your little one turns six months old, he or she will typically begin to babble.
At first, the sounds will only comprise of vowels. After that, his or her twaddle will then
include consonants. Within months, your baby will attempt to mimic your words and
other sounds.
How to Encourage Baby Talk
Match items up with names. - At mealtime, for instance, introduce him to eating utensils
like the plate, spoon, fork, and the like.
Be childish. - Playing games like “peek-a-boo” actually reinforces listening, imitation and
taking turns-all of which are prerequisites of carrying out a conversation.
Read together. - In the beginning, your baby will not understand the words you say.
Nonetheless, reading to your little one will stimulate his or her senses and perhaps
foster an enduring fondness for books.
Prattle back. - Each time your child babbles, utter something similar in reply. For
instance, if he or she says “boo boo”, you may respond with something like “Hey, goo
goo.” The fun things you can do with sounds actually make learning a lot more
Just remember to pause briefly to let your little one babble back and get used to the
pattern of a real conversation. Sing. - Babies, by nature, have a fondness for music.
Singing, therefore, is an excellent manner of introducing a wide array of sounds.
Your little one’s first word is, without a doubt, a thrilling milestone. Remember, though,
that babies develop at different rates and, whether your child is an early or late talker, it
rarely holds a bearing on his or her communication skills later in life. You may also find
out more about the subject by reading the “language and communication” section of My
First Baby books. Also, keep in mind that the more you converse with your baby, the
more language he or she will learn.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about the quest for
sleep during infancy and some simple techniques to help your baby sleep better.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 5
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about communicating with your baby. In this issue we are
going to talk about the quest for sleep during infancy and some simple techniques to
help your baby sleep better.
It is fairly normal for parents, particularly for new parents to allow their baby to fall
asleep wherever they want. Sometimes of course, it may seem like a blessing if they fall
asleep at all and you are happy for them to just sleep anyplace!
However, allowing your baby to fall asleep while breast-feeding, in your arms, or even in
a playpen in your living room could be what is causing their sleep problems.
You may well be asking how this could possibly cause sleep problems.
When your baby goes to sleep somewhere that is not his or her bedroom, you will then
move them to their crib or cot so they can continue sleeping peacefully.
But when your little one then wakes during the night, as most babies do, they will
suddenly find themselves in different surroundings to what they expected and this can
be very unnerving and scary for them.
So, your best option is for your child to fall asleep in the same place as they will spend
the night. Most children wake briefly many times during the night this is perfectly normal.
If they wake in the same crib, in the same room, with the same lighting, and the same
sounds, as when they fall asleep, they will slip back into sleep much more easily.
- Develop a Bedtime Routine
Going to sleep should be a habit. A consistent bedtime routine helps your child develop
this habit. Typically, a good routine will go something like this: Take a bath, have a
bottle or breastfeed, burp and cuddle a bit until tired, lay in bed while still awake and
then fall sleep. If your child is a newborn, washing his or her face and hands may
replace a full bath.
For a toddler, the routine may be a little different. The need for a pre-bedtime feeding is
gone. Toddlers also need more mental stimulation, so stories or lullabies are often a
good option.
Whatever you decide to include in your baby's bedtime routine is entirely up to you. A
bath is a good starting signal for the routine, some element of relaxed cuddling is
helpful, and most of the rest is based on what you need to get done for your child.
But, the most important thing is that when you've developed a sleep routine for your
child it is very important to keep the routine consistent and to follow it night after night
after night.
This consistent routine will help your child to quickly develop a regular sleep pattern.
- Naps
Naps are under appreciated tools in the quest for an easy bedtime. While they obviously
don't happen at bedtime, they can significantly help or hinder your bedtime experience.
The three main points to keep in mind with naps are: how many naps, how long the
naps are, and when they occur. Naptime should occur at roughly the same time of day.
If a nap is too late in the day, your child will have problems falling asleep because he or
she is not tired. Try to encourage naps in their own crib if possible. If not, use the same
place every day.
Lastly, naptime can serve as a good starting place for building nighttime sleep patterns.
If your child is at home in the daytime, you can start to implement the right sleep habits
at naptime before trying them at bedtime.
Babies (just like grownups) are creatures of habit and quickly learn that their bedtime
routine means it is time to go to sleep. The best chance of quickly and easily getting
your baby asleep is then to develop and stick to a simple bedtime routine.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to detect
early signs of illness in your child.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 6
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about the quest for sleep during infancy. In this issue we are
going to go over how to detect early signs of illness in your child.
Most parents feel that they will not be able to tell if their newborn child is sick. Most first
time parents don't find comfort in being told how a sick baby reacts compared to a
healthy baby. This is because everything about their baby is unfamiliar and new so they
don't have experience with what is normal and what isn't.
Many times a parent is told that if they baby is constantly crying for days on end they
might be sick, but this isn't always the case considering many healthy babies cry for
longs periods of time too. If you have a notion that your child may be sick then as
yourself these questions:
Feel free to print out this and use it as a checklist:
- Is your child behaving differently?
- Are they crying more often than normal?
- Is the tone of their crying any different?
- What about the times they cry?
- Are they more irritable?
- How are the baby's sleep patterns?
- Have you noticed a difference in appetite and digestion?
- Is the baby eating less?
- Are they throwing up, is it forcefully (projectile vomiting)?
- Are they having a hard time going to the bathroom (pooping)?
- Do they have diarrhea?
- Are they peeing more or less than usual?
- Has the color of the urine changed?
- Have you noticed any changes in the baby's breathing (are they struggling)?
- Does the breathing sound congested?
- Do they have a stuffy or running nose?
- Is the baby coughing more than usual?
- Does the baby look different?
- Has their skin color turned dull or pale?
- Does the baby have a rash anywhere on its body?
- Are the baby's eyes glassy or lifeless?
- Does the baby have a fever?
Any of these signs can tell whether or not your child is ill. If you answered yes to any of
the above questions you should call your doctor. Don’t become overanxious if your child
is sick. If you recognize the symptoms early enough, you can stop further sickness.
When you call your doctor, be prepared to tell them these following things:
- What signs and symptoms the baby is going through and what you think is possibly
- How long has the baby been undergoing these signs?
Paying close attention to your baby can help you recognize early symptoms. With this
early detection you can prevent any illnesses from becoming worse than they are.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to know
when it’s the right time to start potty training your baby.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 7
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about how to detect early signs of illness in your child. In this
issue we are going to talk about how to know when it’s the right time to start potty
training your baby.
It's important for parents to realize that potty training is a big step in the development of
their child and delaying the process too long can hamper the baby's development.
Generally your child will be ready for potty training by the age of 18 months. This means
that they are physically able to pull their pants up and down, they can communicate
well, follow simple instructions and are already having regular soft formed bowel
Apart from these crucial signs, there are other signs that will give you an idea of how
ready they are to be potty trained. If these fundamental are present it means your job
will probably be a little bit easier.
Here are a few more signs you can look for:
- Do the easily imitate the actions of others?
- Are they showing signs of wanting some independence?
- Do they show any signs of understanding when they needs the potty?
- Do they show signs of discomfort or embarrassment after an accident?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then it's a very good sign that your child
is ready to start potty training.
The amount of time it takes to potty train varies greatly and can range from a few days
to several of months depending on the child and their willingness to participate as well
as your dedication to the time necessary to complete the process.
There is hardly any difference between boys and girls when it comes to potty training
although studies have shown that girls are generally slightly more receptive to potty
training. However, girls are also at more of a risk to infection so make sure you look out
for painful frequent urination or abdominal pain. If you see any of those signals then
take her straight to the doctor for a professional medical opinion.
When you’ve established that your child is ready for potty training the first thing you
should do is buy the necessary equipment. You have the option of using a child sized
potty chair or a child-sized seat for the toilet. Some find that a combination of both work
well. You can also use training aids like picture books, videos and toys like potty Elmo
to help capture your child's interest in the process.
Next it's all about developing a routine. This can start by taking them to the potty at
regular intervals, so they know what it is. Carefully explain the purpose of the toilet and
what people use it for. By making regular trips to the bathroom until the baby is
comfortable with the surroundings it will ensure that they aren’t afraid or intimidated.
The next step is to ditch the nappy and explain how and why adults undress before
going to the potty. Physically show the baby where the excrement should go by taking
the nappy over to the potty and putting it in. Next you'd explain that the baby is
responsible for going to the toilet and make sure that the baby understands that he / she
can go to the toilet whenever is required. This is the first time the baby has ever had
independence and responsibility and is a defining moment a child's development.
Finally, when all else is sorted, you can resort to night training. Be warned that it can
take another couple of years for the babies to master the art of understanding when
they need to go to the toilet whilst asleep. Accidents will happen but handle them
gracefully and definitely don't punish the child.
We will be talking about how to survive the teething process as painlessly as possible.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 8
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about how to know when it’s time to start potty training your
baby. In this issue we are going to talk about how to survive the teething process as
painlessly as possible.
The teething process can be a difficult period for both the baby and the parents. The
process starts at different ages depending on each baby but usually by age of 3 most
infants have their primary teeth in place. If by one year your baby still has not got his
first tooth it would be wise to see your doctor and dentist.
Every child has twenty baby (milk) teeth, with ten upper and ten lower during their
lifetime. The appearance of baby teeth usually begins with the upper and lower incisors,
then the upper lateral incisors, followed shortly with the bottom lateral incisors. The top
and bottom molars are next to come through. This typically happens right around 18
months with the bicuspids (eyeteeth) following closely behind. At approximately two, to
two and a half years, the second set of molars will appear.
Usually there is no set order in which baby teeth appear. It depends on the individual
baby. It is unusual for a child not to get all twenty teeth.
Here are some signs that your baby may be teething:
- Bulging gums: you'll be able to see the outline of the teeth as they try and push
through his gums.
- Excessive crying.
- Fussier than normal.
- Extremely clingy behavior.
· An increase of drooling.
· Chewing on fingers, teething rings, and any other object they can get their hands on.
· Swollen, red, inflamed gums.
· Poor appetite.
· Disturbed sleep patterns.
Teething is very painful. If you have ever bitten the inside of your cheek you know how
painful this can be. Now imagine a baby that is used to the soft smooth surface of their
gums and suddenly they have a hard and sharp tooth pushing through. Generally it's
the first tooth that will cause the most discomfort.
When babies are going through the teething process they naturally put their hands in
their mouths. This is because the pressure of biting down on their gums brings some
relief. You can gently massage your baby to reduce the discomfort of teething by
rubbing their gums firmly. This may be initially uncomfortable for your baby but they will
soon appreciate the massage because it will help ease their discomfort.
- Give your baby something cold to chew on.
This again provides relief for a little time. Wet (frozen) washcloths can be given to your
baby to chew. Just remember, whatever you use make sure that your baby can’t choke
on it. Other things that your baby can chew on include a chilled banana or an iced
While primary teeth will at one stage be replaced by the permanent teeth, they are very
important for several reasons including chewing and speech. Once these teeth are in,
you can clean them with a special baby toothbrush.
Be sure to never allow your baby to fall asleep with a bottle. This will lead to tooth
decay. Whether a baby is bottle fed or nursed, he will be vulnerable to tooth decay.
Such decay occurs when freshly sprouted baby teeth are exposed to liquids containing
sugars (basically, anything other than water) for long periods of time.
Bacteria in the mouth will grow in the sugar, which attack the tooth enamel and cause
cavities. The best treatment for this is prevention. Don't let your baby use a bottle as a
pacifier or fall asleep with a bottle containing anything but water. Also, be sure to gently
clean his teeth and gums after each feeding.
You may also see some teething symptoms on the whole these are fairly harmless. For
example, drool rash where a red rash can be seen on the face, lips, chin and chest.
This can be washed with warm water and a cloth and your doctor may prescribe an
ointment as treatment if it is persistent. Other symptoms may include mild diarrhea and
a cough caused by excess saliva dripping down the baby's throat.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about the signs and
symptoms of baby eczema.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 9
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about how to survive the teething process. In this issue we
are going to go talk about the signs and symptoms of baby eczema.
Eczema is a relatively common condition that affects babies. The most common form is
atopic dermatitis which can be identified by dry, red (often very itchy) skin that can
appear anywhere on the body. Especially on the face, arms, neck and in the folds of
your baby’s soft skin.
There are many reasons children can develop eczema. Most often it is inherited from a
family member or members that suffer from related illnesses like hay fever or psoriasis.
With a very young baby it is difficult to know what the likely cause is, however there are
many things that can be done to help eliminate the risk and symptoms.
Keep in mind that it’s most often an allergic reaction to an outside irritant, so it’s a good
idea to remove any possible source of irritation. Vacuum and dust regularly to eliminate
irritants and mites. Wood, laminate or vinyl floors are better than carpets which can
harbor dust. Air the house regularly and if you have pets then make sure that their fur
does not get anywhere near the baby or any object the baby is likely to come in contact
Always wash clothes and bedding in the gentlest detergent possible. If a baby is a
severe sufferer, it is possible to buy silk clothing designed for eczema patients. It is very
expensive so the best alternative is to use cotton. Fitting cotton mitts will help prevent
baby from scratching his or her face.
Bathing the baby can dry the skin. Make sure the water is just lukewarm and pat the
baby dry carefully. There are special medicated products available to help moisturize
the skin in the bath and to apply during the day, but you should consult your physician
before using anything, even herbal remedies, especially when a very young baby is
With some babies diet may be a cause of eczema. Some mothers prefer to breastfeed
to avoid the risk of baby products. However if you are breastfeeding, do remember that
your own diet could affect your baby. Always consult your physician or health nurse
about the best diet for both you and the child. When you start introducing semi solids to
a baby suffering from eczema, introduce one at a time to monitor whether it has any
effect on the eczema.
Some babies who suffer from eczema also develop infantile seborrheic dermatitis, or as
it’s more commonly known as cradle cap. Unlike eczema it doesn’t itch or cause
discomfort, but nevertheless needs to be treated as it can form a very thick scab on the
scalp. Talk to your doctor or medical professional and they should be able to provide
tips on how to remove it without damaging the skin which can cause an infection.
Fortunately eczema tends to improve as children get older and as they understand their
condition they are less likely to aggravate the skin further by scratching. However some
sufferers may develop related conditions such as asthma or hay fever, so try to keep
their environment as free from dust and airborne irritants as possible.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how ease your
baby’s uncomfortable gas pain.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 10
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about the signs and symptoms of baby eczema. In this issue
we are going to go over some simple tips for helping ease your baby’s uncomfortable
gas pain.
Babies cry for many reasons one of which is a buildup of gas in their stomach. A baby's
digestion system is undeveloped especially in their first few months and this can lead to
excess gas getting trapped in the intestines, which can cause the stomach to swell. For
some babies this build up is more severe than for others and can be very painful and
uncomfortable. Don’t worry; there are a several ways to help your baby find relief.
- Burping
One way of giving your baby gas relief is to make sure that you burp your baby regularly
during and after feeding. This is especially true if your baby is bottle-fed, but it is also
required for breastfed babies. To burp your baby, simply hold them upright with crook of
your arm supporting them. Try to get their stomach up as close as possible to your
shoulder to apply gently pressure as toy pat them on the back.
- Baby bicycle exercise
This approach is very simple and is often great fun for babies. Lay your baby on their
back and gently grasp their feet, then slowly push one leg up toward their head, so that
their knee is bent and close to her chest. Then, as you pull it back, push the other leg up
in the same manner and repeat these actions. Can you see why it is called the bicycle?
The movements are just the same as if your baby was riding a bicycle and they will help
dislodge trapped gas in her stomach.
- Bathing
Give your baby a warm bath and this will help to relax the abdominal muscles which
may be clenched and thus holding in gas. As well as the physical effects of the warm
bath, the act of bathing will take your babies mind off of the discomfort in her stomach
and provide a general state of relaxation.
- Hot pack
This method combines the principles of burping and bathing (pressure and heat). Take
two appropriately sized towels and warm them. Fold one into a small block and place it
on your baby's stomach. Use the second towel to wrap snugly around your baby's
stomach to both hold the folded towel in place and create a little pressure on her
stomach. This combination of heat and pressure will help your baby pass gas and find
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some simple
ways to childproof your home.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 11
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about ease your baby’s uncomfortable gas pain. In this issue
we are going to go over some simple ways to childproof your home.
Did you know that around 2.5 million children are injured or killed each year inside their
own home? It’s sad but true. That is why it’s so important that your house is a safe
place for them to grow, learn and play.
- Here are a few tips on how to childproof your home:
Make sure all electrical outlets are covered. You can buy outlet covers that just insert
into the outlet. These can be removed by small children, so you might want to consider
getting new face plates that are safe. These require you to insert and move plugs up in
order to make them work.
Chemicals and poisonous items should be placed out of reach for baby home safety.
They should be placed in high cabinets with locks. This way your child can not
accidentally ingest them. You should also have the number for poison control posted
next to your phone in case of an emergency.
Ovens should be shut and locked. Babies are very curious and can easily burn
themselves by opening a hot oven. They may also open them and try to climb on them
to get to other things.
Keep your dishwasher locked so your baby can’t open it and get to dangerous items,
like knives and glassware. It only takes a minute for a small child to open up a
dishwasher and grab something they shouldn’t. Make sure that dangerous appliances
are locked for baby home safety.
Did you know that babies can drown in as little as two inches of water? So keep them
away from the toilet and other standing water. You can purchase a toilet lock, or just put
a door knob cover on the door so your child can not go into the bathroom.
Check the temperature of your hot water heater. Anything above 120 degrees is too hot
for a child. You can turn it down to keep the temperature of water in the whole house
safe for your child and prevent scalding or serious burn.
Always be on the lookout for things that have small pieces. You can use a toilet paper
roll as a guide. If an item can’t easily slide through the tube, it is a choke hazard for your
Cover all sharp corners and edges. Tables, fireplaces and furniture can all contain
harmful edges and corners. If your toddler slips and hits these things they can get
bumps, bruises and cuts which can be life threatening depending on where they hit.
Use child safety gates to block off unsafe areas of the house. They should be placed at
both ends of a staircase, and in front of screen doors. You can purchase pressure gates
that can easily be moved and stored. If enough pressure is added these gates can be
pushed down, so make sure they are tight and secure, or purchase an attachable gate.
Always keep track of where you place dangerous items such as kitchen knives and
scissors. Children are always grabbing and reaching for things. Keep hot things like
coffee out of reach. You should also keep breakable items like picture frames, figurines
and vases out of reach. While they look very nice, they can be very dangerous if they
break or fall on your child.
Childproofing your home doesn’t take much time, but it’s very important so don’t wait for
your child to get hurt to take action. Provide a safe environment for your baby to learn
and grow is a never-ending process so always remember to keep checking for things
that might threaten the safety of your baby.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to nurture
your child’s self-esteem.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 12
Subject line: Early Child Care
Hello "autoresponder code here",
In the last issue we talked about some simple ways to childproof your home. In this
issue we are going to go talk about how to nurture your child’s self-esteem.
Children with high self-esteem will be very independent, responsible, confident, and
have the ability to express themselves emotionally. They will have a positive attitude
and be able to look at failure as a learning experience. As a parent you can help your
child to develop self-esteem by teaching them how to face challenges in their lives.
One of the best ways to do this is by helping them develop interests and hobbies like
sports, music and arts. Your encouragement will motivate them as they to develop their
talents and as they master new skills and achieve growth in their interests and hobbies,
they will become more confident in themselves. This sense of achievement will help to
raise their level of self-esteem.
Another thing you can do is delegate responsibilities such as household chores that are
age-appropriate to your children. This is often challenging for parents because they
naturally feel the need to make the child’s life as easy as possible thereby doing these
things themselves.
However it’s important to show your children the importance of completing even small
tasks like picking up toys and putting dirt cloths in the laundry basket. This process
often begins with you demonstrating the requirement of the household chore then
supervising them as they complete the task. When they complete their chore show them
recognition and praise for a job well done. The positive feedback they receive from you
helps to build their self-esteem.
As adult’s we know that life is full of ups and downs and failure is a big part of the
learning process. When a child faces failure or mistake, they learn to evaluate their
problems and find strategies, resources and solutions to their problems. Instead of over-
protecting them, ask them what they learned from the mistakes.
Ask questions like:
- How can they do better next time?
- Do they need any help?
- If yes, where can they get help?
Even though we feel the need to protect our children it is important to let them face their
problems themselves with our support and guidance. This way your child will learn from
their mistake and see future failures as learning opportunities.
Parents should affirm the effort of their children and motivate them to work towards
learning goals of their hobbies and interests. When the children have achieved their
goals or finished the household chore, they will feel proud of themselves. In addition,
treating failure as valuable learning experience will help the children to cope with
challenges in future positively.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon.
Until then,
“your name here”
"your email address"
"your URL here"
Message # 13
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12 child-care-messages

  • 1. Hello, Below you will find your customizable messages. To edit the messages quickly and easily just copy the code phrases below into the "find/replace" feature in your text editor. This is usually found under the "edit, replace or search" menu at the top of the page. ------------- Instructions ------------- Here is a link to a quick video that will show you how to customize all of the messages in this set at one time: - Highlight and copy the copy and paste phrases including the quotation marks. One at a time and paste them in to the "find what" box. - Type your own information in to the "replace with" box. - Click the “replace all” button. You're done now just check to see if all of the information is correct and then paste your messages in to your follow up auto-responder and start sending it. ------------------------ Copy and paste phrases ------------------------ "autoresponder code here" (found in your autoresponder service) "confirmation link" (found in your autoresponder service) “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" Best of luck with your ventures,
  • 2. Lisa M Cope, If you need help or have questions, please visit the help desk: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Conformation message: Hello "autoresponder code here" Thank you for your interest in receiving our emails It is very important that you confirm your subscription so that we can start sending your messages. Please take a minute and click the link below to confirm. "confirmation link" We will send your first tip as soon as we receive your conformation. Remember we value your privacy. We will never rent, share or sell your email address. “your name here” ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 1 Subject line: Your First Early Child Care Issue Hello "autoresponder code here", Welcome to your first issue of Early Child Care. In each issue of this newsletter you’ll learn valuable information that will help you on how you care for and nurture your child
  • 3. The arrival of a newborn baby is full of fun and excitement. However many first-time parents, most experience a full range of mixed emotions about the whole thing. This is probably the reason why most people turn to experienced parents for some much- needed advice. Those who are not that lucky to have a support system of family and friends normally turn to books and magazines to learn how to care from their child. Often new parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed when the baby starts to cry. In reality, you don’t really need to worry too much when this happens. Keep in mind that an infant basically throws a crying fit every time he or she is hungry, has a wet diaper or is, uncomfortable. When this happens you just have to remember to stay calm and attend to the babies needs in order to settle them. Having a checklist in handy may also help you a lot and eliminate the risks of experiencing a panic attack. Try to check through your list each time your baby cries to ascertain the cause of you’re his/their distress. Once the main problem has been identified and dealt with, you’ll soon observe your little one go back to his/their peaceable state. It’s also an excellent idea to take advantage of this opportunity to lull your infant to sleep. This way, you can make use of the free time to do a few things for yourself. - Routines As much as you want to hold your baby all the time, you simply can’t-and shouldn’t. Remember that you also need to take care of yourself, as well as perform certain house chores. Just imagine how you’ll be able to attend to other important matters if you always carry your baby around the house. Time-management is indeed a valuable skill that parents ought to acquire and develop. Your little one is likely to become accustomed to a particular routine if you keep adhering to it. So start establishing a schedule for sleep and daytime naps. This way, you can squeeze in a chore or two while your little angel slumbers. See to it that the place where you lay your baby down is safe, comfortable and well ventilated. Appropriate clothing and covers are also important as such factors can affect your infant’s quality of sleep. The truth of the matter is that babies can actually fall asleep almost anywhere. They can even doze off in the noisiest of places with no trouble. Of course, this requires a bit of getting used to. That’s why parents who expose their little ones to the sound of a vacuum cleaner or other noise-producing household appliances earlier on have no problem performing house chores while the baby is asleep. Their infants have certainly adapted well to the noise. Various sounds have also been proven to assist parents in settling their little ones down. Apart from recreating the “shushing” sound-which is reminiscent of their time in
  • 4. the womb, playing some relaxing music is also an excellent way to lull a baby to sleep. Make an effort to turn this practice into a habit so that your baby will soon associate a particular melody with sleep time. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some essential tips for new parents. Thank you again for joining, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 2 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about a few simple tips to help new parents adjust to the arrival of a newborn baby. In this issue we are going to go over some essential tips for new parents. Having a baby for the first time invokes a lot of emotions. You feel happy yet fear at the same time because you still do not know what to do. You feel excited yet you also feel anxious because you are delving into the unknown. These are just some of the emotions a mother can feel when she has their first baby. Especially with your first baby, you shouldn’t entrust everything to motherly instincts. You should do some research and become familiar with basic child care. After all, your baby will be depending on you for its comfort as well as its necessities for survival. The most basic concerns that mothers should be focusing on especially on their baby’s first couple of weeks are feeding and sleeping. - Feeding
  • 5. Having adequate nourishment is essential to your baby’s proper development that is why he or she needs to be fed with the right amount of milk at the right time. You can give your baby ready to feed formula. It is safe and healthy. However, you must not mix this with water because your baby might not get sufficient calories. On the other hand, concentrated formula should be mixed with water in a 1 is to 1 ratio. Usually after a couple of weeks, your baby will be able to consume more or less a quart of formula each day. You should also check if your baby manifests symptoms such as frequent vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or rashes as this may mean that the formula is not fit for him or their and may need to be changed. This is also the reason why it is still highly suggested that you breastfeed your baby if possible as this is better than any milk or formula in the market. The proper feeding time of a baby typically has a 2 to 3 hour interval. A common sign that you should look out for is crying that can’t be hushed through lullabies. You can also check if your baby is having adequate nourishment or not. A properly nourished baby will usually have a wet diaper during the 2 to 3 hour interval and the color of the urine should be clear. Stool is soft and yellow in color. Breast-fed babies will typically pass tools 6 times in a day while bottle-fed ones may pass stools every three days. - Sleeping Babies sleep normally for a length of 10 to 23 hours day. Any less of the minimum can be detrimental to your baby’s development. Here are some tips on how you can help your baby achieve the normal length of sleep he or she needs: - Make sure that your baby has completed his or their rituals before you put him or her to sleep. This includes feeding, burping, and diaper change. - Wrap your baby securely to prevent them from doing excessive movements that can disturb his or their sleep. This will also provide your baby warmth. - Place your baby in horizontal position. Studies show that letting your baby sleep on his or their back is the safest position for him or their and lessens the occurrence of Sudden Infant Death. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about what to do when you baby cries. Until then, “your name here” "your email address"
  • 6. "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 3 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about some essential tips for new parents. In this issue we are going to talk about what to do when you baby cries. Crying is a physiological process in the life of a baby. All normal babies cry to communicate with others. Since they can't express their feelings in words crying is the only way for communication. If any uncomfortable feeling comes they simply cry. Normally babies cry in situations like when they are hungry, wet, or uncomfortable in some way. Some children simply need the presence of some else as comfort otherwise the will cry. Crying without any cause is habitual in some babies. Even though crying is considered as normal it may worry the family members. Since the reasons for crying ranges from simple causes to serious causes it should not be ignored and hence exact cause has to be identified and managed accordingly. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you sooths your child’s cry: - Remove tight clothes that can cause irritation. - Change damp or soiled diapers immediately. - If the room is hot put the fan and open the windows. - If the climate is cold cover them with a soft blanket. - Fussy babies can be soothed with a pat on the back to help alleviate gas. - Rock gently in your arms and walk slowly in the room is a great comfort. - To avoid overfeeding try a pacifier to help them feel at ease.
  • 7. - Weather permitting take them for a walk outside for some fresh air and sunshine. If you have tried everything you can think of and the crying doesn’t cease then here are a few more things you can try: - Press their abdomen gently, if they twist or resist you it could be colic. - Pull their ear gently if they wince in pain or push your hands away it could be and earache. - Feel their temperature with the back of your hand. If they feel warm pull out the thermometer to see if they are running a fever. - Examine their skin from head to foot and look for signs of a rash. - See the nose for any discharge and listen to their chest for any rattling sound or labored breathing that could be cause for concern. If you see the symptoms above or other abnormal signs consult your doctor immediately for proper treatment. If you feel your baby needs immediate attention don’t wait take them straight to the closest emergency room. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about communicating with your baby. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 4 Subject line: Early Child Care
  • 8. Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about what to do when you baby cries. In this issue we are going to go talk a little bit about communicating with your baby. As a first-time parent, you probably wonder when your baby’s cooing will develop into his or her first words. Other questions about communication will almost certainly arise as well. You need to be patient, since babies normally articulate their first words at 11 months and onwards. According to numerous studies it is around this time that the lips and tongue acquire the dexterity necessary to form speech. Plus, the brain also begins to match things up with their corresponding names. Needless to say, the rate at which babies arrive at this milestone may vary. If you wish for your little one to get to this stage faster, you have to make an effort to help him (or her) do so. As a matter of fact, there are a number of things you can perform to foster baby talk. How Do Babies Communicate? The reality is that your little one is actually learning the ability to communicate day in and day out. Every time he or she cries, you normally make it a point to make him (or her) feel better. Your reaction and the manner in which you respond to your baby’s noise-making basically set the groundwork for language. At the age of two months, your baby is already capable of responding to your cues. In addition, the singsong manner in which you talk keeps him/her engrossed and encourages interpretation of words and sentences. That’s why every time you speak to your little one, he or she stares back at you and makes cooing sounds in response. It is in this fashion that babies communicate with their parents. By the time your little one turns six months old, he or she will typically begin to babble. At first, the sounds will only comprise of vowels. After that, his or her twaddle will then include consonants. Within months, your baby will attempt to mimic your words and other sounds. How to Encourage Baby Talk Match items up with names. - At mealtime, for instance, introduce him to eating utensils like the plate, spoon, fork, and the like. Be childish. - Playing games like “peek-a-boo” actually reinforces listening, imitation and taking turns-all of which are prerequisites of carrying out a conversation.
  • 9. Read together. - In the beginning, your baby will not understand the words you say. Nonetheless, reading to your little one will stimulate his or her senses and perhaps foster an enduring fondness for books. Prattle back. - Each time your child babbles, utter something similar in reply. For instance, if he or she says “boo boo”, you may respond with something like “Hey, goo goo.” The fun things you can do with sounds actually make learning a lot more pleasurable. Just remember to pause briefly to let your little one babble back and get used to the pattern of a real conversation. Sing. - Babies, by nature, have a fondness for music. Singing, therefore, is an excellent manner of introducing a wide array of sounds. Your little one’s first word is, without a doubt, a thrilling milestone. Remember, though, that babies develop at different rates and, whether your child is an early or late talker, it rarely holds a bearing on his or her communication skills later in life. You may also find out more about the subject by reading the “language and communication” section of My First Baby books. Also, keep in mind that the more you converse with your baby, the more language he or she will learn. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about the quest for sleep during infancy and some simple techniques to help your baby sleep better. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 5 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here",
  • 10. In the last issue we talked about communicating with your baby. In this issue we are going to talk about the quest for sleep during infancy and some simple techniques to help your baby sleep better. It is fairly normal for parents, particularly for new parents to allow their baby to fall asleep wherever they want. Sometimes of course, it may seem like a blessing if they fall asleep at all and you are happy for them to just sleep anyplace! However, allowing your baby to fall asleep while breast-feeding, in your arms, or even in a playpen in your living room could be what is causing their sleep problems. You may well be asking how this could possibly cause sleep problems. When your baby goes to sleep somewhere that is not his or her bedroom, you will then move them to their crib or cot so they can continue sleeping peacefully. But when your little one then wakes during the night, as most babies do, they will suddenly find themselves in different surroundings to what they expected and this can be very unnerving and scary for them. So, your best option is for your child to fall asleep in the same place as they will spend the night. Most children wake briefly many times during the night this is perfectly normal. If they wake in the same crib, in the same room, with the same lighting, and the same sounds, as when they fall asleep, they will slip back into sleep much more easily. - Develop a Bedtime Routine Going to sleep should be a habit. A consistent bedtime routine helps your child develop this habit. Typically, a good routine will go something like this: Take a bath, have a bottle or breastfeed, burp and cuddle a bit until tired, lay in bed while still awake and then fall sleep. If your child is a newborn, washing his or her face and hands may replace a full bath. For a toddler, the routine may be a little different. The need for a pre-bedtime feeding is gone. Toddlers also need more mental stimulation, so stories or lullabies are often a good option. Whatever you decide to include in your baby's bedtime routine is entirely up to you. A bath is a good starting signal for the routine, some element of relaxed cuddling is helpful, and most of the rest is based on what you need to get done for your child. But, the most important thing is that when you've developed a sleep routine for your child it is very important to keep the routine consistent and to follow it night after night after night. This consistent routine will help your child to quickly develop a regular sleep pattern.
  • 11. - Naps Naps are under appreciated tools in the quest for an easy bedtime. While they obviously don't happen at bedtime, they can significantly help or hinder your bedtime experience. The three main points to keep in mind with naps are: how many naps, how long the naps are, and when they occur. Naptime should occur at roughly the same time of day. If a nap is too late in the day, your child will have problems falling asleep because he or she is not tired. Try to encourage naps in their own crib if possible. If not, use the same place every day. Lastly, naptime can serve as a good starting place for building nighttime sleep patterns. If your child is at home in the daytime, you can start to implement the right sleep habits at naptime before trying them at bedtime. Babies (just like grownups) are creatures of habit and quickly learn that their bedtime routine means it is time to go to sleep. The best chance of quickly and easily getting your baby asleep is then to develop and stick to a simple bedtime routine. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to detect early signs of illness in your child. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 6 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about the quest for sleep during infancy. In this issue we are going to go over how to detect early signs of illness in your child.
  • 12. Most parents feel that they will not be able to tell if their newborn child is sick. Most first time parents don't find comfort in being told how a sick baby reacts compared to a healthy baby. This is because everything about their baby is unfamiliar and new so they don't have experience with what is normal and what isn't. Many times a parent is told that if they baby is constantly crying for days on end they might be sick, but this isn't always the case considering many healthy babies cry for longs periods of time too. If you have a notion that your child may be sick then as yourself these questions: Feel free to print out this and use it as a checklist: - Is your child behaving differently? - Are they crying more often than normal? - Is the tone of their crying any different? - What about the times they cry? - Are they more irritable? - How are the baby's sleep patterns? - Have you noticed a difference in appetite and digestion? - Is the baby eating less? - Are they throwing up, is it forcefully (projectile vomiting)? - Are they having a hard time going to the bathroom (pooping)? - Do they have diarrhea? - Are they peeing more or less than usual? - Has the color of the urine changed? - Have you noticed any changes in the baby's breathing (are they struggling)? - Does the breathing sound congested? - Do they have a stuffy or running nose? - Is the baby coughing more than usual? - Does the baby look different? - Has their skin color turned dull or pale? - Does the baby have a rash anywhere on its body? - Are the baby's eyes glassy or lifeless? - Does the baby have a fever? Any of these signs can tell whether or not your child is ill. If you answered yes to any of the above questions you should call your doctor. Don’t become overanxious if your child is sick. If you recognize the symptoms early enough, you can stop further sickness. When you call your doctor, be prepared to tell them these following things: - What signs and symptoms the baby is going through and what you think is possibly wrong. - How long has the baby been undergoing these signs?
  • 13. Paying close attention to your baby can help you recognize early symptoms. With this early detection you can prevent any illnesses from becoming worse than they are. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to know when it’s the right time to start potty training your baby. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 7 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about how to detect early signs of illness in your child. In this issue we are going to talk about how to know when it’s the right time to start potty training your baby. It's important for parents to realize that potty training is a big step in the development of their child and delaying the process too long can hamper the baby's development. Generally your child will be ready for potty training by the age of 18 months. This means that they are physically able to pull their pants up and down, they can communicate well, follow simple instructions and are already having regular soft formed bowel movements. Apart from these crucial signs, there are other signs that will give you an idea of how ready they are to be potty trained. If these fundamental are present it means your job will probably be a little bit easier. Here are a few more signs you can look for: - Do the easily imitate the actions of others? - Are they showing signs of wanting some independence?
  • 14. - Do they show any signs of understanding when they needs the potty? - Do they show signs of discomfort or embarrassment after an accident? If you answered yes to any of these questions then it's a very good sign that your child is ready to start potty training. The amount of time it takes to potty train varies greatly and can range from a few days to several of months depending on the child and their willingness to participate as well as your dedication to the time necessary to complete the process. There is hardly any difference between boys and girls when it comes to potty training although studies have shown that girls are generally slightly more receptive to potty training. However, girls are also at more of a risk to infection so make sure you look out for painful frequent urination or abdominal pain. If you see any of those signals then take her straight to the doctor for a professional medical opinion. When you’ve established that your child is ready for potty training the first thing you should do is buy the necessary equipment. You have the option of using a child sized potty chair or a child-sized seat for the toilet. Some find that a combination of both work well. You can also use training aids like picture books, videos and toys like potty Elmo to help capture your child's interest in the process. Next it's all about developing a routine. This can start by taking them to the potty at regular intervals, so they know what it is. Carefully explain the purpose of the toilet and what people use it for. By making regular trips to the bathroom until the baby is comfortable with the surroundings it will ensure that they aren’t afraid or intimidated. The next step is to ditch the nappy and explain how and why adults undress before going to the potty. Physically show the baby where the excrement should go by taking the nappy over to the potty and putting it in. Next you'd explain that the baby is responsible for going to the toilet and make sure that the baby understands that he / she can go to the toilet whenever is required. This is the first time the baby has ever had independence and responsibility and is a defining moment a child's development. Finally, when all else is sorted, you can resort to night training. Be warned that it can take another couple of years for the babies to master the art of understanding when they need to go to the toilet whilst asleep. Accidents will happen but handle them gracefully and definitely don't punish the child. We will be talking about how to survive the teething process as painlessly as possible. Until then, “your name here” "your email address"
  • 15. "your URL here" ------------------------------------------------------------ Message # 8 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about how to know when it’s time to start potty training your baby. In this issue we are going to talk about how to survive the teething process as painlessly as possible. The teething process can be a difficult period for both the baby and the parents. The process starts at different ages depending on each baby but usually by age of 3 most infants have their primary teeth in place. If by one year your baby still has not got his first tooth it would be wise to see your doctor and dentist. Every child has twenty baby (milk) teeth, with ten upper and ten lower during their lifetime. The appearance of baby teeth usually begins with the upper and lower incisors, then the upper lateral incisors, followed shortly with the bottom lateral incisors. The top and bottom molars are next to come through. This typically happens right around 18 months with the bicuspids (eyeteeth) following closely behind. At approximately two, to two and a half years, the second set of molars will appear. Usually there is no set order in which baby teeth appear. It depends on the individual baby. It is unusual for a child not to get all twenty teeth. Here are some signs that your baby may be teething: - Bulging gums: you'll be able to see the outline of the teeth as they try and push through his gums. - Excessive crying. - Fussier than normal. - Extremely clingy behavior. · An increase of drooling.
  • 16. · Chewing on fingers, teething rings, and any other object they can get their hands on. · Swollen, red, inflamed gums. · Poor appetite. · Disturbed sleep patterns. Teething is very painful. If you have ever bitten the inside of your cheek you know how painful this can be. Now imagine a baby that is used to the soft smooth surface of their gums and suddenly they have a hard and sharp tooth pushing through. Generally it's the first tooth that will cause the most discomfort. When babies are going through the teething process they naturally put their hands in their mouths. This is because the pressure of biting down on their gums brings some relief. You can gently massage your baby to reduce the discomfort of teething by rubbing their gums firmly. This may be initially uncomfortable for your baby but they will soon appreciate the massage because it will help ease their discomfort. - Give your baby something cold to chew on. This again provides relief for a little time. Wet (frozen) washcloths can be given to your baby to chew. Just remember, whatever you use make sure that your baby can’t choke on it. Other things that your baby can chew on include a chilled banana or an iced Popsicle. While primary teeth will at one stage be replaced by the permanent teeth, they are very important for several reasons including chewing and speech. Once these teeth are in, you can clean them with a special baby toothbrush. Be sure to never allow your baby to fall asleep with a bottle. This will lead to tooth decay. Whether a baby is bottle fed or nursed, he will be vulnerable to tooth decay. Such decay occurs when freshly sprouted baby teeth are exposed to liquids containing sugars (basically, anything other than water) for long periods of time. Bacteria in the mouth will grow in the sugar, which attack the tooth enamel and cause cavities. The best treatment for this is prevention. Don't let your baby use a bottle as a pacifier or fall asleep with a bottle containing anything but water. Also, be sure to gently clean his teeth and gums after each feeding. You may also see some teething symptoms on the whole these are fairly harmless. For example, drool rash where a red rash can be seen on the face, lips, chin and chest. This can be washed with warm water and a cloth and your doctor may prescribe an ointment as treatment if it is persistent. Other symptoms may include mild diarrhea and a cough caused by excess saliva dripping down the baby's throat.
  • 17. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about the signs and symptoms of baby eczema. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" -------------------------------------------------------- Message # 9 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about how to survive the teething process. In this issue we are going to go talk about the signs and symptoms of baby eczema. Eczema is a relatively common condition that affects babies. The most common form is atopic dermatitis which can be identified by dry, red (often very itchy) skin that can appear anywhere on the body. Especially on the face, arms, neck and in the folds of your baby’s soft skin. There are many reasons children can develop eczema. Most often it is inherited from a family member or members that suffer from related illnesses like hay fever or psoriasis. With a very young baby it is difficult to know what the likely cause is, however there are many things that can be done to help eliminate the risk and symptoms. Keep in mind that it’s most often an allergic reaction to an outside irritant, so it’s a good idea to remove any possible source of irritation. Vacuum and dust regularly to eliminate irritants and mites. Wood, laminate or vinyl floors are better than carpets which can harbor dust. Air the house regularly and if you have pets then make sure that their fur does not get anywhere near the baby or any object the baby is likely to come in contact with. Always wash clothes and bedding in the gentlest detergent possible. If a baby is a severe sufferer, it is possible to buy silk clothing designed for eczema patients. It is very
  • 18. expensive so the best alternative is to use cotton. Fitting cotton mitts will help prevent baby from scratching his or her face. Bathing the baby can dry the skin. Make sure the water is just lukewarm and pat the baby dry carefully. There are special medicated products available to help moisturize the skin in the bath and to apply during the day, but you should consult your physician before using anything, even herbal remedies, especially when a very young baby is concerned. With some babies diet may be a cause of eczema. Some mothers prefer to breastfeed to avoid the risk of baby products. However if you are breastfeeding, do remember that your own diet could affect your baby. Always consult your physician or health nurse about the best diet for both you and the child. When you start introducing semi solids to a baby suffering from eczema, introduce one at a time to monitor whether it has any effect on the eczema. Some babies who suffer from eczema also develop infantile seborrheic dermatitis, or as it’s more commonly known as cradle cap. Unlike eczema it doesn’t itch or cause discomfort, but nevertheless needs to be treated as it can form a very thick scab on the scalp. Talk to your doctor or medical professional and they should be able to provide tips on how to remove it without damaging the skin which can cause an infection. Fortunately eczema tends to improve as children get older and as they understand their condition they are less likely to aggravate the skin further by scratching. However some sufferers may develop related conditions such as asthma or hay fever, so try to keep their environment as free from dust and airborne irritants as possible. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how ease your baby’s uncomfortable gas pain. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" -------------------------------------------------------- Message # 10
  • 19. Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about the signs and symptoms of baby eczema. In this issue we are going to go over some simple tips for helping ease your baby’s uncomfortable gas pain. Babies cry for many reasons one of which is a buildup of gas in their stomach. A baby's digestion system is undeveloped especially in their first few months and this can lead to excess gas getting trapped in the intestines, which can cause the stomach to swell. For some babies this build up is more severe than for others and can be very painful and uncomfortable. Don’t worry; there are a several ways to help your baby find relief. - Burping One way of giving your baby gas relief is to make sure that you burp your baby regularly during and after feeding. This is especially true if your baby is bottle-fed, but it is also required for breastfed babies. To burp your baby, simply hold them upright with crook of your arm supporting them. Try to get their stomach up as close as possible to your shoulder to apply gently pressure as toy pat them on the back. - Baby bicycle exercise This approach is very simple and is often great fun for babies. Lay your baby on their back and gently grasp their feet, then slowly push one leg up toward their head, so that their knee is bent and close to her chest. Then, as you pull it back, push the other leg up in the same manner and repeat these actions. Can you see why it is called the bicycle? The movements are just the same as if your baby was riding a bicycle and they will help dislodge trapped gas in her stomach. - Bathing Give your baby a warm bath and this will help to relax the abdominal muscles which may be clenched and thus holding in gas. As well as the physical effects of the warm bath, the act of bathing will take your babies mind off of the discomfort in her stomach and provide a general state of relaxation. - Hot pack This method combines the principles of burping and bathing (pressure and heat). Take two appropriately sized towels and warm them. Fold one into a small block and place it on your baby's stomach. Use the second towel to wrap snugly around your baby's stomach to both hold the folded towel in place and create a little pressure on her
  • 20. stomach. This combination of heat and pressure will help your baby pass gas and find relief. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some simple ways to childproof your home. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 11 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about ease your baby’s uncomfortable gas pain. In this issue we are going to go over some simple ways to childproof your home. Did you know that around 2.5 million children are injured or killed each year inside their own home? It’s sad but true. That is why it’s so important that your house is a safe place for them to grow, learn and play. - Here are a few tips on how to childproof your home: Make sure all electrical outlets are covered. You can buy outlet covers that just insert into the outlet. These can be removed by small children, so you might want to consider getting new face plates that are safe. These require you to insert and move plugs up in order to make them work. Chemicals and poisonous items should be placed out of reach for baby home safety. They should be placed in high cabinets with locks. This way your child can not accidentally ingest them. You should also have the number for poison control posted next to your phone in case of an emergency.
  • 21. Ovens should be shut and locked. Babies are very curious and can easily burn themselves by opening a hot oven. They may also open them and try to climb on them to get to other things. Keep your dishwasher locked so your baby can’t open it and get to dangerous items, like knives and glassware. It only takes a minute for a small child to open up a dishwasher and grab something they shouldn’t. Make sure that dangerous appliances are locked for baby home safety. Did you know that babies can drown in as little as two inches of water? So keep them away from the toilet and other standing water. You can purchase a toilet lock, or just put a door knob cover on the door so your child can not go into the bathroom. Check the temperature of your hot water heater. Anything above 120 degrees is too hot for a child. You can turn it down to keep the temperature of water in the whole house safe for your child and prevent scalding or serious burn. Always be on the lookout for things that have small pieces. You can use a toilet paper roll as a guide. If an item can’t easily slide through the tube, it is a choke hazard for your baby. Cover all sharp corners and edges. Tables, fireplaces and furniture can all contain harmful edges and corners. If your toddler slips and hits these things they can get bumps, bruises and cuts which can be life threatening depending on where they hit. Use child safety gates to block off unsafe areas of the house. They should be placed at both ends of a staircase, and in front of screen doors. You can purchase pressure gates that can easily be moved and stored. If enough pressure is added these gates can be pushed down, so make sure they are tight and secure, or purchase an attachable gate. Always keep track of where you place dangerous items such as kitchen knives and scissors. Children are always grabbing and reaching for things. Keep hot things like coffee out of reach. You should also keep breakable items like picture frames, figurines and vases out of reach. While they look very nice, they can be very dangerous if they break or fall on your child. Childproofing your home doesn’t take much time, but it’s very important so don’t wait for your child to get hurt to take action. Provide a safe environment for your baby to learn and grow is a never-ending process so always remember to keep checking for things that might threaten the safety of your baby. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about how to nurture your child’s self-esteem. Until then, “your name here”
  • 22. "your email address" "your URL here" ----------------------------------------------------- Message # 12 Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about some simple ways to childproof your home. In this issue we are going to go talk about how to nurture your child’s self-esteem. Children with high self-esteem will be very independent, responsible, confident, and have the ability to express themselves emotionally. They will have a positive attitude and be able to look at failure as a learning experience. As a parent you can help your child to develop self-esteem by teaching them how to face challenges in their lives. One of the best ways to do this is by helping them develop interests and hobbies like sports, music and arts. Your encouragement will motivate them as they to develop their talents and as they master new skills and achieve growth in their interests and hobbies, they will become more confident in themselves. This sense of achievement will help to raise their level of self-esteem. Another thing you can do is delegate responsibilities such as household chores that are age-appropriate to your children. This is often challenging for parents because they naturally feel the need to make the child’s life as easy as possible thereby doing these things themselves. However it’s important to show your children the importance of completing even small tasks like picking up toys and putting dirt cloths in the laundry basket. This process often begins with you demonstrating the requirement of the household chore then supervising them as they complete the task. When they complete their chore show them recognition and praise for a job well done. The positive feedback they receive from you helps to build their self-esteem.
  • 23. As adult’s we know that life is full of ups and downs and failure is a big part of the learning process. When a child faces failure or mistake, they learn to evaluate their problems and find strategies, resources and solutions to their problems. Instead of over- protecting them, ask them what they learned from the mistakes. Ask questions like: - How can they do better next time? - Do they need any help? - If yes, where can they get help? Even though we feel the need to protect our children it is important to let them face their problems themselves with our support and guidance. This way your child will learn from their mistake and see future failures as learning opportunities. Parents should affirm the effort of their children and motivate them to work towards learning goals of their hobbies and interests. When the children have achieved their goals or finished the household chore, they will feel proud of themselves. In addition, treating failure as valuable learning experience will help the children to cope with challenges in future positively. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. Until then, “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Message # 13 Use this as a template for even more issues Subject line: Early Child Care Hello "autoresponder code here", In the last issue we talked about ...................... In this issue let's go over .................. >>>>>>>Add in your content here<<<<<<
  • 24. Make sure you look for your next issue soon. “your name here” "your email address" "your URL here" ========================================== Legal Notice The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this newsletter, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in this course. This newsletter is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes Responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author Reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher Assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this newsletter. This email may contain affiliate programs and advertisements for monetization, which can result in commissions or advertising fees being earned for purchases made by visitors that click through any of the advertisements and/or links included in this text.