stem economic importance corolla calyx roots gynoecium androcieum leaf distinguish character habit family malvacea protected ares objectives of bap development of bap threatened ecosystems in pakis legislation protected areas government institutional arran major threats to biodiversity biodiversity actinomyces cyanobacteria eubacteria archeobacteria bacterial shape structure of bacteria bacteria characters of monera monera life cycle of clymydosomonas anisogamy reproduction isgamous reproduction oogamous reproduction classification algae economical importance of cycas reproduction in cycas characters of cycas cycas importance of pinus reproduction in pinus characters of pinus pinus root phloem xylem anatomy of gymnosperms morphological characters gymnosperms definition keyboard keys function hardware and software devices function of joystick types of printer types of scanner types of mouse plotter speakers inkjet printer scanner joystick printer mouse keyboard parts of computer computer ppt importance of biodiversity biodiversity definition equity public transparency transboundary convention on biological diver wild plant legislation international trade implementation cycle international biodiversity law precautionary principle polluter pays principle principles implementation of laws in bio
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