mbbs neetpg physiology microbiology medical guyton sembulingam usmle pathology medicine biochemistry renal physiology first proffesionals git physiology kidney function git a.k.jain respiratory physiology anatomy next lab diagnosis of malaria malignant malignant bone tumors carbohydrate metabolism insulin glucose transporters neetog annular pancreas spleen embryology liver fat metabolism akjain urine formation tubular secretion tubular reabsorption parietal cells chief cells ganong buerger disease thromboangiitis obliterans antiphospholipid antibody syndrome infectious vasculitis wegener granulomatosis churg strauss polyarteritis nodosa takayasu arteritis temporal arteritis kawasaki disease ancas vasculitis medicalstudent acute angle branching septate hyphae dimorphic fungi opportunistic infections fungi sda lpcb mount penicillium aspergillus inicet pathogensis of gas gangrene beta toxin target hemolysis anaerobic bacteria gas gangrene clostridium perfringens black water fever cerebral malaria thick and smear smaer quantitative buffy coat nvbdcp knowlesi malaraie ovale vivax malaria life cycle of malaria detection methods anopheles falciparum squalene epoxide dosage topical azoles topicals psaconazole ketoconazole terbinafin echinocandins ergosterol griseofulvin polyenes amphotericin b azoles antifungals pharmacology 2ndproff tuberous sclerosis angiomyolipoma clear cell carcinoma rcc types renal cell carcinoma oncocytoma wilms tumor kidney tumors benign acid fast stain acid fast bacilli grading of leprosy smear foot pad of mice nine banded armadilos borderline leprosy lepromatous leprosy tuberculoid leprosy ridley jopling dapson rifampicin lepromin test mycobacterium leprae mycobacterium leprosy usmlw orthopaedics radiology epidemiology chondrosarcoma osteosarcoma ewings sarcoma bone patho second proff generalmicrobilogy kirby bauer disc diffusion method stokes disc diffusion disc diffusion method sensitivity antimicrobials epsilometer test broth dilution method agar dilution method kirby bauer antimicrobial susceptibilty debranching enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase phosphoglucomutase pyruvate glycogenolysis glycogen protein metabolism hormone sensitive lipase insulin resistance lipogenesis gluconeogenesis glycolysis glut5 glut4 glut3 glut2 glut1 sglt2 sglt1 vasudevan ak jain phase 1 anp atrial natriuretic peptide renin angiotensin 1 angiotensin2 raas regulation of body fluids osmolality osmoeceptor thirst adh stages of kidney development ascent of kidney pronephros mesonephros metanephros congenital anomalies medical school clinical manifestations of tof overriding of aorta right ventricular hypertrophy heart defect ecg ct vsd fallot tetralogy tof hartman pouch phyrgian cap atresia of ducts polycystic liver disease bile duct cystic duct pancreatic divisum aanatomy development of pancreas reidel'slobe vitelline vens hepatic sinusoids divided pancreas gall bladder development pancreas tca cycle mobilization of fat karyorrhexis calories intake obesity hepatitis b virus selenium choline lipotropic factors cirrhosis alcoholism liver adipose tissue axis triacylgylcerides fatt liver distal convoluted tubule dct loh loop of henle collecting duct transcellular transport paracellular transport transportation net filtration presure cystometrogram emptying of bladder filling of bladder bladder nerve supply of urinary bladder atonic bladder micturition reflex micturition renal diabetes mellitus saturation brush border pct cell obligatory water resorption tubular fluid renal glycosuria renal threshold pct d cells g cells oxyntic cells peptic cells enteroendocrine reflex vasovagal reflex cholecystokinin cck serotonin acute gastritis gastritis zollinger syndrome peptic ulcer regulation of gastric secretion hydrochloric acid secretion hcl gastric secretion gastric acid stomach gastric glands parasympathetic supply to submandibular gland parasympathetic supply to parotid gland otic ganglion hypogastric ganglion ganglion parotid gland mumps salivary secretions saliva auerbach's plexus submucosal plexus mesinner's plexus myenteric plexus enteric nervous system gastrointestinal tract peripheral chemoreceptors causes of hypoxia classification of hypoxia oxygen therapy hypoxia applied ventral respiratory group of neurons dorsal respiratory group of neurons expiration inspiration cia neurons integration of respiration pneumotaxic center apneustic center neural centres for respiration neural regulation g.k. pal chemoreceptors chemical regulation human anatomy medulla anatomy medulla applied medial medullary syndrome wallenberg syndrome pyramidal decussation medulla sections medulla oblongata neuroanatomy
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