construction architecture building technology csi air leakage 08 5000 085000 air infiltration 08 50 00 concrete slabs slab on grade concrete technology elastomeric construction technology design panel discussion construction documents bim models churchill downs louisville spray applied fireproofing fire rated sfrm specifications glr day at the races astm e 547 astm e-283 astm e283 astm e 283 08 50 00 - windows a 440 101 a440 a-440 astm e 331 astm e330 astm e 330 aama astm e-330 aamawdmacsa 101is2a440 e-1155 allen face e1155 specified overall values 03 30 00 astm e-1155 astm e 1155 astm e1155 aci f numbers f-numbers levelness flatness aci 117 e 1155 cast-in-place concrete straightedge minimum local values ibc electronic submittals submittal lists building codes submittals construction change directive change order contract documents performance class b2020 aama 101 water penetration wdma structural performance exterior windows performance grade 1869 03732 icri floor finish surface preparation moisture testing moisture content cast in place concrete 4259 4258 2170 concrete slab vapor retarders moisture problems moisture joint size cohesive failure adhesive failure thermal expansion and contraction sealant joints metal studs architectural technology galvanized steel studs zinc coatings galvanizing
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