femoral hernia histology dorsalis pedis artery anterior tibial artery deep fibular nerve dorsum of the foot anterior compartment of leg popliteal fossa sciatic nerve hamstring injury posterior compartment of thigh hamstrings trendelenburg gait gluteus medius and minimus gluteus maximus histology of retina histology of cornea cruciate anastomosis trochanteric anastomosis obturator nerve adductor adductor compartment histology of vagina histology of cervix femoral nerve femoral vein profunda femoris artery femoral artery subsartorial canal femoral canal and femoral ring femoral trinagle femoral triangle quadriceps muscles of front of thigh histology of fallopian tube histology of ovary histology of uterus histology of female reproductive system mechanism of venous drainage of lower limb deep vein thrombosis varicose veins venous drainage sympathetic chain sympathetic nervous system lymphatic system thoracic_duct
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