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PREVALENCE      Rahim Tavakkolnia
DIAGNOSIS            urologist
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testis Axis

                     Inhibin B

   Hypogonadism in men is a clinical
    syndrome that results from failure of the
    testis to produce physiological levels of
    testosterone (androgen deficiency) and the
    normal number of spermatozoa due to
    disruption of one or more levels of the
    hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.

    A decrease in either of the two major
    functions of the testes:
    – sperm production
    And / or
    – testosterone production

Primary Hypogonadism

                        GnRH


                        LH / FSH

          T                Sperm

        E2     DHT        Inhibin B
DDx: Primary Hypogonadism
1.   Klinefelter Syndrome
2.   XX Male (Sex Reversal)
3.   Noonan Syndrome (Male Turner Syndrome)
4.   Myotonic Dystrophy
5.   Congenital Anorchia (Vanishing Testis
6.   Sertoli-Cell-Only Syndrome
7.   Acquired Germinal Cell Aplasia
8.   Orchitis
9.   Others : CRF, Cirrhosis, HIV, Drugs, XRT,
Primary Hypogonadism
Klinefelter Syndrome
46 XXY, 46 XY/XXY, 48 XXXY
1 in 500 men
Eunuchoid lower segment, Taller than Average,
Gynecomastia , Gynecoid Features, Very Small Testis,
Normal to Low Testosterone, FSH increase >LH,
Modest Elevation of Estradiol,
Severe Oligospermia to Azospermia
Associated Conditions: COPD, Cancer of Breast, Germ
Cell Tumors, Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus,
Osteopenia, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Mental Slowness,
Antisocial Behavior

Primary Hypogonadism
XX Male (Sex Reversal)
Translocation of the SRY gene,
  Shorter than Average, Normal Intelligence,
  Gynecomastia, Small Testis, Azospermia

Noonan Syndrome (Male Turner Syndrome)
46 XY,
  Short Stature, Webbed Neck, Shield Chest, Small
  Testis, Impaired Spermatogenesis, May Have Low
Associated Conditions: Mental Retardation, Pulmonary
  Stenosis, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,

Primary Hypogonadism
Myotonic Dystrophy
Autosomal Dominant
   Inability to Relax Striated Muscle, Frontal Balding,
  Ptosis , Cataracts , Atrophy of Facial Muscles , Distal
  Muscle Wasting,
  Testicular Atrophy after Puberty
Associated Conditions: Cardiomyopathy , Type II
  Diabetes Mellitus, Mental Retardation,
Decreased Myotonin (transfers phosphate to ATP)

Primary Hypogonadism

Congenital Anorchcia (Vanishing Testis Syndrome)
No Discernable Testicular Tissue in Most, Bilateral
Testicular Torsion in Utero?
HCG Stimulation—Detect Testicular Remnants

Sertoli-Cell-Only Syndrome
Germinal Cell Aplasia, FSH>LH
Testosterone Normal
Sertoli Cells Vacuolated—Functional Abnormality?
Primary Hypogonadism

Acquired Germinal Cell Aplasia
Chemotherapy, Radiation, Environmental Toxins
Post-Pubertal Mumps: 40% have Orchitis, 40% with
Orchitis have Varying Degrees of Testicular Atrophy,
Sperm Count Lower in Most with Atrophy but True
Impaired Fertility in 15%
Autoimmune Orchitis: Type I and II endocrine
Others :
Cirrhosis, Chronic Renal Failure, Long-Term
Glucocorticoid Therapy                                 12
Secondary Hypogonadism

                         GnRH


                       Normal- LH / FSH

          T                 Sperm

        E2     DHT         Inhibin B
DDx :Secondary Hypogonadism
     congenital :
1.   Isolated hypogonadotropic
2.   Kallman’s syndrome
3.   LH orFSH mutations
4.   Leptin or leptin receptor mutations
5.   Gonadotrope receptor mutations
6.   Hypopituitarism
7.   CAH                               14
Kallmann's syndrome
Genetics:      Sporadic, Dominant, Recessive, X-linked
Etiology:      Absent neural cell adhesion molecule (anosmin)
               in 10-14%, KAL Gene Point Mutation
 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
 Anosmia or hyponosmia
 Somatic abnormality
    – cleft lip, cleft palate, short metacarpal bone, pes carvus
      , renal agenesis, urogenital tract defect
   Neurological abnormality
    – Uncoordinated eye movement, spatial attention, mental
      retard, sensoryneural deafness, seizure, cerebellar
      ataxia, red green color blinness
Prevalence: one in 10,000                                    15
Secondary Hypogonadism
Isolated Gonadotrophin Deficiency
No Somatic Abnormalities, No Anosmia, Abnormal
GnRH Receptor in a Few

Selective Gonadotrophin Deficiency
Isolated LH Deficiency (Pasqualini syndrome): “Fertile”
Eunuch, Absence Virilization with Spermatogenesis

Isolated FSH Deficiency: Somewhat Small Testis,
Oligospermia to Azospermia, Normal Virilization
Congenital adrenal hypoplasia with
   hypogonadotropic hypogonadism :
X-chromosomal recessive disease, in the majority of
   patients caused by mutations in the DAX1 gene.
   (prevalence 1 in 12,500 individuals)                   16
      hypogonadal syndromes
      Syndrome             Clinical manifestation

Prader-Labhart-Willi   hypomentia, hypotonia,short stature,
                       Cupid’s-bow mouth, DM, obesity

Laurence-Moon Biedl    retinitis pigmentosa, obesity, polydactyly,

Multiple lentigines    multiple lentigines, cardiac defect,
                       hypertelorism, short stature, deafness,
                       genital and uro. defect
Rud                    MR, epilepsy, congenital icthyosis

DDx: Secondary Hypogonadism
acquired :
1. Hyperprolactinemia
2. GnRH analog therapy
3. Glucocorticoid therapy
4. Critical or Chronic illness
5. Diabetes mellitus
6. Opiates
7. Pituitary mass lesions
8. Infiltrative diseases
9. Sellar surgery or radiation
10.hemochromatosis               18
Hyperprolactinemia (HP)
   caused by prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas or drug-induced ;
    additional causes may be chronic renal failure or hypothyroidism
   A literature review encompassing more than 300 hyperprolactinemic
    men found sexual dysfunctions in 88%, The most typical pattern
    associated ED with a reduced sexual desire.
   HPRL impairs the pulsatile LH release, which results in a decrease of
    serum testosterone secretion. It is generally believed that this
    hypogonadism is the main cause of ED. In fact, it may not explain
    every case. Serum testosterone is in the normal range in nearly half of
    the ED patients with marked HPRL. In addition, serum sex hormone-
    binding globulin is low in hyperprolactinemic males,and there are
    also testosterone-independent mechanisms, probably mainly set at
    the level of the brain's neurotransmittor systems or deacrease in
    DHT production
   There is presently no consensus with regards to the
    screening for HPRL in ED: systematic determination of
    serum PRL may be justified since HPRL is a serious
    but reversible disease, while there is presently no
    reliable clinical, psychometric or hormonal criteria
    (including serum testosterone level) allowing to restrict
    its determination to certain categories of the ED
    patients without risk of neglecting some HPRLs.
            International Journal of Impotence
    Research (2003) 15, 373–377.
   It is present in 16% of patients with erectile
    dysfunction and in approx 11% of men with
         Endocrine. 2003 Feb-Mar;20(1-2):75-

Androgen Insensitivity Synd.
Androgen insensitivity synd.
   The effects that androgens have on the human body virilization,
    masculinization, anabolism, etc. are the result of androgens bound to
    androgen receptors, the androgen receptor mediates the effects of
    androgens in the human body.
   AIS can result if even one of the steps involved in androgenization is
    significantly disrupted, as each step is required in order for androgens
    to successfully activate the AR and regulate gene expression
   Clinical findings indicative of AIS can be CAIS    ,PAIS ,MAIS
 Laboratory     findings include a 46,XY
    karyotype and normal or elevated
    postpubertal testosterone , LH , and
    estradiol levels.
Late onset

Definition :
A   clinical and biochemical                      syndrome
    associated with advancing age and characterized by
    typical symptoms and a deficiency in serum
    testosterone levels. It may result in significant
    detriment in the quality of life and adversely affect the
    function of multiple organ systems. The key words in
    this definition are deficiency in androgen levels ,
    aging, detriment in the quality of life and multiple
    organ dysfunction.

Definition Continued…
Other terms:
       Male Menopause
       Male Climacteric
       Androgen Decline in the Ageing Male (ADAM)
       partial ADAM
       Ageing Male Syndrome (AMS)

Pathophysiology of LOH
   Hypothalamus & aging
        1-number of GnRH secreting neurons decreases
        2-decrease in the release of neuropeptide Y(an excitatory
        peptidergic signal to GnRH secreting neurons)
        3-beta receptors become less functional in aged men
        4-hypothalamic norepinephrine content decrease with aging
        5-diminished GnRH impulse strength is the
    proximate cause of the relative hypogonadism of old

   Pituitary & aging
          1-GnRH- receptor-activated voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels
    are less able to mobilize the Ca2+ needed for LH release
          2-stess increase cytokines, (IL-1 alpha), which activate the
    corticotropicadrenal axis and impair gonadotropin secretion
          3-IL-1 alpha reduces both the frequency and amplitude of LH
    secretion through the intermediary arginine vasopressin (AVP)
            stress-related inhibition of pituitary
    LH secretion is more prominent in aged
    compared to young men.

   Testes & aging
        1-age-associated decrement in testicular
         2-with aging, mean serum testosterone concentrations decrease
    and circadian rhythmicity is lost

Pathophysiology of LOH

                                          Lower GnRH pulse amplitude
                        Hypothalamus      Attenuation of diurnal pulsatility
                                          blunted HPG feedback response
                                          to low testosterone

                                       LH &

                                              Reduced Leydig cell number
                           Testes             Impaired Leydig cell function
                                              diminished LH feedforward activity on
                                              testosterone secretion
Increased SHBG                                Decreased spermatogenesis
Prevalence of LOH

   Between ages 39–70 yr: Free testosterone
    declined by 1.2%/yr, and albumin-bound
    testosterone by 1.0%/yr. Sex hormone-
    binding globulin (SHBG), the major serum
    carrier of testosterone, increased by
    1.2%/yr, with the net effect that total serum
    testosterone declined more slowly (0.4%/yr)
    than the free or albumin-bound pools alone.
Influence of some biological indexes on sex hormone-binding globulin
and androgen levels in ageing or obese males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
                           1996; 81: 1821-6.

 Table 1. Influence of age on hormone levels in men

Age                 Total            SHBG (nM)         Free
                    Testosterone                       Testosterone
                    (nM)                               (nM)
25-34               21.4 +/- 5.9     35.5 +/- 8.8      0.43 +/- 0.1
35-44               23.1 +/- 7.4     40.1 +/- 7.9      0.36 +/- 0.04
45-54               21.0 +/- 7.4     44.6 +/- 8.1      0.31 +/- 0.08
55-64               19.5 +/- 6.8     45.5 +/- 8.8      0.29 +/- 0.07
65-74               18.2 +/- 6.8     48.7 +/- 14.2     0.24 +/- 0.08
75-84               16.3 +/- 5.8     51.0 +/- 22.7     0.21 +/- 0.08
85-100              13.0 +/- 4.6     65.9 +/- 22.8     0.19 +/- 0.08    33
Prevalence of Low T in Aging Men (T <
             2.5 Percentile of Young Men BLSA)
                 90       Total T <325 ng/dL
                 70       Free T Index < 0.153

                      20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 ≥ 80
                                     Age Decade
SM Harman, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:724-731, 2001
Longitudinal  T Levels with Age


               18        (177)


               16                                (151)

                    30   40      50         60           70      80         90

                                      Age (Years)

Harman SM, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:724-731, 2001.            35
The Hypogonadism in Males
        (HIM) study : 2006
   Based on a TT of <300 ng/dL, 39% of the
    men were defined as being hypogonadal;
    for every 10-year increase in age, the risk of
    hypogonadism increased by 17%

Age-specific prevalence of
hypogonadism for enrolled patients
       (HIM study :2006)

   At present, the diagnosis of treatable
    hypogonadism ,requires the presence of
    symptoms and signs suggestive of
    testosterone deficiency (Level 3, Grade A)

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

   We recommend making a diagnosis of
    androgen deficiency only in men with
    consistent symptoms and signs and
    unequivocally low serum testosterone
    levels. (1| OOO)

          CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of
    Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)

Massachusetts male aging
       study (MMAS)
 The prevalence rate of androgen
 deficiency at study entry, without
 consideration of signs or symptoms
 and with a cut-off TT of 400 ng/dl
 was estimated to be 25.3%; at
 followup, the prevalence rate was
 39.3%                            40
But :

Considering  the presence of at
 least three signs or symptoms
 and TT, the prevalence rates
 were 6% at baseline and 12%
 at follow-up

The European Male Aging
         Study (EMAS)
   Defined by symptoms( poor morning erection, low sexual
    desire, and erectile dysfunction (ED) ). and biochemical

    evidence ( TT < 317 ng/dL and free testosterone < 6.34 ng/dL )the
    prevalence of hypogonadism was estimated
    at 2.1% overall, increasing from as little
    as 0.1% in men aged 40 to 49 to 5% in men
    aged 70 to 79.

Boston Area Community
       Health Study (BACH)
   used a somewhat strict definition of
    symptomatic TD and estimated its
    prevalence at 5.6% nationwide among
    men aged 30 to 79 years

clinical presentation
   The clinical presentation depends on :
       (1) age at onset of androgen deficiency,
       (2) duration of androgen deficiency,
       (3) the profoundness of the deficiency
       (4) genetic factors controlling androgen
    receptor responsiveness reflecting androgen
    receptor polymorphism and mutations.

Fetal development
. Depending on when hypogonadism develops, and how
  much testosterone is present, a child who is genetically
  male may be born with:
   Female genitalsAmbiguous genitals —
    genitals that are neither clearly male nor
    clearly female
   Underdeveloped male genitals

 Decreased development of muscle mass
 Lack of deepening of the voice
 Impaired growth of body hair
 Impaired growth of the penis and testicles
 Excessive growth of the arms and legs in
  relation to the trunk of the body
 Development of breast tissue

Initiation of problems


 Nonspecificity of signs and symptoms
 Lack of consensus on the definition of TD
 Lack of confidence in diagnostic tests
 Nonuse of screeners
 Perception that TD is difficult to manage

   Studies suggest that hypogonadism in adult
    men is often underdiagnosed and under
    treated. This may be because the symptoms
    are easily attributed to aging or other
    medical causes, or ignored by patients and
    physicians. In fact, only about 5% of
    hypogonadal men receive testosterone
Group A: Symptoms and signs suggestive
    of androgen deficiency in men:
1.    incomplete sexual development, eunuchoidism, aspermia
2.    Reduced sexual desire (libido) and activity
3.    Decreased spontaneous erections
4.    Breast discomfort, gynecomastia
5.    Loss of body (axillar and pubic) hair, reduced shaving
6.    Very small or shrinking testis (especially 5ml)
7.    Inability to father children, low or zero sperm counts
8.    Height loss, low-trauma fracture, low bone mineral
9.    Reduced muscle mass and strength
10.   Hot flushes, sweats
Group B: Symptoms and signs associated with
           androgen deficiency that are less specific
                    than those in group A

1.   Decreased energy, motivation, initiative,
     aggressiveness, self confidence
2.   Feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, dysthymia
3.   Poor concentration and memory
4.   Sleep disturbance, increased sleepiness
5.   Mild anemia (normochromic, normocytic)
6.   Increased body fat, body mass index
7.   Diminished physical or work performance
                   CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE           52
Reduced libido
Decreased spontaneous erection
Reduced intensity of orgasm
Oligo- or azoospermia
Very small or shrinking testes
Hot flushes, sweats
Breast discomfort, gynecomastia
Loss of pubic and axillary hair
Depressed mood
Diminished energy, vitality, or well-being
Poor concentration and memory
Sleep disturbanc

Increased body fat
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Osteoporosis or low bone mineral density

   The symptom most associated with
    hypogonadism is low libido (Level 3, Grade

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

   Other manifestations of hypogonadism include:
    erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass and
    strength, increased body fat, decreased bone mineral
    density and osteoporosis, and decreased vitality and
    depressed mood. None of these symptoms are
    specific to the low androgen state but may raise
    suspicion of testosterone deficiency. One or more of
    these symptoms must be corroborated with a low
    serum testosterone level (Level 3, Grade A)

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
   We suggest that clinicians measure serum
    testosterone level in patients with clinical
    manifestations shown in Table 1A. We
    suggest that clinicians also consider
    measuring serum testosterone level when
    the less specific symptoms and signs listed
    in Table 1B occur in conjunction with
    those listed in Table 1A. (2| OOO)
                           CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)59
   We recommend making a diagnosis of
    androgen deficiency only in men with
    consistent symptoms and signs and
    unequivocally low serum testosterone
    levels. (1| OOO)

          CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of
    Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)

Definition :
A   clinical and biochemical                      syndrome
    associated with advancing age and characterized by
    typical symptoms and a deficiency in serum
    testosterone levels. It may result in significant
    detriment in the quality of life and adversely affect the
    function of multiple organ systems. The key words in
    this definition are deficiency in androgen levels ,
    aging, detriment in the quality of life and multiple
    organ dysfunction.

T measurement
T levels vary
– Circadian, circannual rhythms, &episodic
– Assay variations
– Variations in SHBG concentrations
-- Illness, drugs, nutritional deficiency :
transiently low T

not defined cut-off values for normal T levels
Day-to-Day Variation in T Levels
 In hypogonadal men with initial T < 300
  ng/dL, 30% had normal T on repeat
 In older men with initial T < 250 ng/dL
    – 20% had average T > 300 ng/dL over 6
    – If average of two samples T < 250 ng/dL,
      none had average T > 300 ng/dL2

1Swerdloff RS, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:4500-4510, 2000
2Brambilla DJ, et al, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 67:853-862, 2007       63
Circulating Testosterone

                     bound T
                                  Bioavailable T

                         Free T
  T (tight)
               Total T

Common Alterations in SHBG
       Affect Total and Free T Analog Levels
       SHBG                                  SHBG
       Total T                              Total T
   • Moderate obesity                    • Aging
   • Low protein (nephrotic)             • Hepatitis, cirrhosis
   • Hypothyroidism             • Hyperthyroidism
   • Glucocorticoids/progestins • Anticonvulsants
   • Anabolic steroids         • Estrogens
   • Acromegaly                • HIV

Bhasin S, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91:1995-2010, 2006   65
Testosterone Assays

   Affected by changes in SHBG
    – Total T
    – Free T by analog assay (~all clinical labs)
   Not affected by changes in SHBG
    – Calculated free T and bioavailable T from total T
      and SHBG
    – Free T by equilibrium dialysis
    – Bioavailable T by ammonium sulfate precipitation

Medications and low T
Decrease Leydig Cell T Production
Bind to the Androgen Receptor
Decrease Gonadotropin Secretion
       estrogens & progestins (Megace)
       Rx that raise prolactin (opiates, metoclopramide,
                               psychotherapy medication)
Decreases Conversion of T to DHT                           67
Biochemical Definitions of Hypogonadism

  Society                                                        Total Testosterone
                             ng/mL                              ng/dL                             nmol/L

  EAA, ISA,                  <3.40                              <340                              <12 (mild)

  EAU, ASA,                  <2.31                              <231                              <8 (severe)

  ES                         <3.00                              <300                              <10.4

  AACE                       <2.00                              <200                              7

EAA = European Academy of Andrology; ISA = International Society of Andrology; ISSAM = International Society for the Study of the
Aging Male; EAU = European Association of Urology; ASA = American Society of Andrology; ISSM = International Society for Sexual
Medicine; ES = Endocrine Society; AACE = American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists                                 68

A   serum sample for total
testosterone determination should
be obtained between 0700 and
1100 h (Level 2a, A)

     European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
   The most widely accepted parameters to establish the
    presence of hypogonadism is the measurement of serum
    total testosterone. There are no generally accepted lower
    limits of normal. There is, however, general agreement that
    the total testosterone level above 12 nmol/l (350 ng/dl)
    does not require substitution. Similarly, based on the data
    of younger men, there is consensus that patients with
    serum total testosterone levels below 8 nmol/l (230 ng/dl)
    will usually benefit from testosterone treatment. If the
    serum total testosterone level is between 8 and 12 nmol/l,
    repeating the measurement of total testosterone with sex
    hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to calculate free
    testosterone or free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis
    may be helpful (Level 2b, Grade A).
         European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
   The measurement of free or bioavailable
    testosterone should be considered when the serum
    total testosterone concentration is not diagnostic of
    hypogonadism, particularly in obese men. There
    are no generally accepted lower limits of normal
    for free testosterone for the diagnosis of
    hypogonadism. However, a free testosterone
    level below 225 pmol/l (65 pg/ml) can provide
    supportive evidence for testosterone treatment
    (Level 3, Grade C). Threshold values for
    bioavailable testosterone depend on the method
    used and are not generally available
        European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514   71
   Since there are known variations between
    assay methods, it is imperative that the
    practitioners utilize reliable laboratories and
    are acquainted with the reference ranges for
    testosterone from their local laboratory
    (Level 2b, Grade A).

        European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

   Current immunometric methods for the
    measurement of testosterone can distinguish
    between hypogonadism and normal adult
    men. However, the methods based on mass
    spectrometry are more accurate and precise
    (Level 2b, Grade A) and are increasingly
    recognized as the method of choice for
    serum testosterone measurement.

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
   Equilibrium dialysis is the gold standard for
    free testosterone measurement. Free testosterone
    assays     based    on     analog      displacement
    immunoassays are widely available but do not
    give an accurate measurement of free testosterone;
    thus they should not be used. Alternately,
    measuring serum SHBG levels together with
    reliable serum total testosterone levels provides
    the data necessary for calculating free testosterone
    levels (Level 2b, Grade A).
        European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

 Transient    decreases     of    serum
 testosterone levels such as those due to
 acute illnesses should be excluded by
 careful clinical evaluations and
 repeated hormone measurement (Level
 4, Grade A).

     European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
   We recommend confirmation of the
    diagnosis by repeating measurement of total
    testosterone and in some patients by
    measurement of free or bioavailable
    testosterone level, using an appropriate
    assay. (1| OOO)
        CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical
    Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)

   We suggest that a diagnosis of androgen
    deficiency should not be made during an
    acute or subacute illness. (2| OO)

                   CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal
    of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)

Other investigation ?

   Hypogonadism (primary or secondary) can
    occur at all ages including elderly men.
    (Level 4, Grade A).
         European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

 Inpatients at risk or suspected of
 hypogonadism, a thorough physical
 and biochemical work-up is necessary
 (Level 4, Grade A)

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

Measurements of serum LH will assist in
 differentiating between primary and
 secondary hypogonadism and
 serum prolactin is indicated when the
 serum testosterone is lower than 5.2 nmol/l
 (150     ng/dl)   or    when     secondary
 hypogonadism is suspected (Level 3, Grade

     European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
MRI indication?
   Hyperprolactinemia
   In the presence of another pituitary hormone deficiency or
   LH below 4 IU/l.
   A TT <5 nmol/l (<150ng/dL), rather than LH, is the best
    predictor of a significant structural abnormality such as a
   Patients complaining of new onset headaches, reduced
    nocturnal penile tumescence and impotence, who are
    found on exam to have bitemporal hemianopsia

   Risk factors for hypogonadism in older men
    may include chronic illnesses (including
    diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive lung
    disease, inflammatory arthritic disease,
    renal disease, and HIV-related disease),
    obesity,    metabolic     syndrome,     and
    hemochromatosis . Such chronic diseases
    should be investigated and treated (Level 4,
    Grade A).
       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514   82
   Alterations in other endocrine systems occur in
    association with aging (i.e., estradiol, growth
    hormone (GH), and DHEA) but the significance
    of these changes is not well understood.
    Determinations of estradiol, thyroid hormones,
    cortisol, DHEA, DHEA-S, melatonin, GH, and
    insulin-like growth factor-I are not indicated
    unless other endocrine disorders are suspected
    based on the clinical signs and symptoms of the
    patient (Level 2, Grade A)

        European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514   83
   Questionnaires such as Aging Male
    Symptom Score (AMS) and Androgen
    Deficiency in Aging Men (ADAM) are not
    recommended for the diagnosis of
    hypogonadism because of low specificity
    (Level 3, Grade B)

       European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

TD   is difficult to manage?

 We recommend against screening for
  androgen deficiency in the general
  population. (1| OOO)
 We suggest that clinicians not use the
  available case finding instruments for
  detection of androgen deficiency in men
  receiving health care for unrelated reasons.
  (2| OOO)
        CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical
    Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)          88
But :
 Clinicians should maintain a high index of
  suspicion of TD in patients with some
  comorbidities. Even those at-risk patients
  who report no symptoms typical of
  hypogonadism require a thorough clinical
  and biochemical workup for TD
 National and international guidelines concur
  in recommending TD screening for men
  deemed at risk due to coexisting illnesses

Screening Indication :
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Metabolic syndrome
Osteoporosis, low trauma fracture
Treatment with medications that affect testosterone
     production or metabolism, eg, glucocorticoids, opioids
Moderate to severe COPD
Sellar mass, radiation to the sellar region, or other diseases
of the sellar region
End-stage renal disease, maintenance hemodialysis
Inflammatory arthritis
Measurement method?
   Efforts to create standardization of testosterone
    assays, agreement on standards for testosterone
    measurement and accurate reference ranges for
    testosterone by liquid chromatography mass
    spectrometry (LC–MS)/MS are being developed.
    International reference standards, characterization
    of methodology, and population-based reference
    ranges for free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis
    are needed. Consensus on the equilibrium
    constants for testosterone binding to SHBG and
    albumin will allow improved calculation of free
Prevalence of Hypogonadism Using
Bioavailable Testosterone and Free Androgen
From Morley JE, Perry HM. Andropause: an old concept in new clothing. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2003;
                                            Vol 19, No 3.

Prevalence of hypogonadism in older men.
Age (y)                       Percent Hypogonadal
                       Baltimore Longitudinal            Mayo Clinic            Canadian Physicians

40-49                           2                           2                           5
50-59                           9                           6                          30
60-69                           34                          20                         45
70-79                           68                          34                         70
80+                             91                          --                         --
Biochemical Androgen Deficiency
   Low serum total T level
    − Total T most common and available
    − Relative to normal range in young men (<280-300
      ng/dL but assay-to-assay variability)
    − T levels variable
        Morning, on at least two occasions

 If  SHBG suspected, free or bioavailable T
 Illness, drugs, nutritional deficiency 
  transiently low T
   Salivary testosterone has also been shown to be a
    reliable   substitute     for    free   testosterone
    measurements but cannot be recommended for
    general use at this time, since the methodology has
    not been standardized and adult male ranges are
    not available in most hospital or reference
    laboratories (Level 3, Grade B).

        European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514

   We suggest the measurement of morning
    total testosterone level by a reliable assay
    as the initial diagnostic test. (2|QEEE)

                   CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal
    of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)

Result !
 As the population ages, the burden of
 testosterone deficiency is expected to
 grow. The prevalence of low
 testosterone also increases in men with
 common co-morbidities, such as
 obesity(*2.4), diabetes(*2.1), and
 metabolic syndrome.

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Male Hypogonadism, LOH,

  • 3. Definition  Hypogonadism in men is a clinical syndrome that results from failure of the testis to produce physiological levels of testosterone (androgen deficiency) and the normal number of spermatozoa due to disruption of one or more levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. 3
  • 4. Definition  A decrease in either of the two major functions of the testes: – sperm production And / or – testosterone production 4
  • 5. Primary Hypogonadism  GnRH T  LH / FSH T T  Sperm  E2  DHT  Inhibin B 5
  • 6. DDx: Primary Hypogonadism 1. Klinefelter Syndrome 2. XX Male (Sex Reversal) 3. Noonan Syndrome (Male Turner Syndrome) 4. Myotonic Dystrophy 5. Congenital Anorchia (Vanishing Testis Syndrome) 6. Sertoli-Cell-Only Syndrome 7. Acquired Germinal Cell Aplasia 8. Orchitis 9. Others : CRF, Cirrhosis, HIV, Drugs, XRT, 6
  • 7. Primary Hypogonadism Klinefelter Syndrome 46 XXY, 46 XY/XXY, 48 XXXY 1 in 500 men Eunuchoid lower segment, Taller than Average, Gynecomastia , Gynecoid Features, Very Small Testis, Normal to Low Testosterone, FSH increase >LH, Modest Elevation of Estradiol, Severe Oligospermia to Azospermia Associated Conditions: COPD, Cancer of Breast, Germ Cell Tumors, Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus, Osteopenia, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Mental Slowness, Antisocial Behavior 7
  • 9. Primary Hypogonadism XX Male (Sex Reversal) Translocation of the SRY gene, Shorter than Average, Normal Intelligence, Gynecomastia, Small Testis, Azospermia Noonan Syndrome (Male Turner Syndrome) 46 XY, Short Stature, Webbed Neck, Shield Chest, Small Testis, Impaired Spermatogenesis, May Have Low Testosterone Associated Conditions: Mental Retardation, Pulmonary Stenosis, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, 9
  • 10. Primary Hypogonadism Myotonic Dystrophy Autosomal Dominant Inability to Relax Striated Muscle, Frontal Balding, Ptosis , Cataracts , Atrophy of Facial Muscles , Distal Muscle Wasting, Testicular Atrophy after Puberty Associated Conditions: Cardiomyopathy , Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Mental Retardation, Decreased Myotonin (transfers phosphate to ATP) 10
  • 11. Primary Hypogonadism Congenital Anorchcia (Vanishing Testis Syndrome) 46XY, No Discernable Testicular Tissue in Most, Bilateral Testicular Torsion in Utero? HCG Stimulation—Detect Testicular Remnants Sertoli-Cell-Only Syndrome 46XY, Germinal Cell Aplasia, FSH>LH Testosterone Normal Sertoli Cells Vacuolated—Functional Abnormality? 11
  • 12. Primary Hypogonadism Acquired Germinal Cell Aplasia Chemotherapy, Radiation, Environmental Toxins (Dibromodichloralpropane) Orchitis Post-Pubertal Mumps: 40% have Orchitis, 40% with Orchitis have Varying Degrees of Testicular Atrophy, Sperm Count Lower in Most with Atrophy but True Impaired Fertility in 15% Autoimmune Orchitis: Type I and II endocrine deficiency Others : Cirrhosis, Chronic Renal Failure, Long-Term Glucocorticoid Therapy 12
  • 13. Secondary Hypogonadism  GnRH T Normal- LH / FSH T T  Sperm  E2  DHT  Inhibin B 13
  • 14. DDx :Secondary Hypogonadism congenital : 1. Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 2. Kallman’s syndrome 3. LH orFSH mutations 4. Leptin or leptin receptor mutations 5. Gonadotrope receptor mutations 6. Hypopituitarism 7. CAH 14
  • 15. Kallmann's syndrome Genetics: Sporadic, Dominant, Recessive, X-linked Etiology: Absent neural cell adhesion molecule (anosmin) in 10-14%, KAL Gene Point Mutation  Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism  Anosmia or hyponosmia  Somatic abnormality – cleft lip, cleft palate, short metacarpal bone, pes carvus , renal agenesis, urogenital tract defect  Neurological abnormality – Uncoordinated eye movement, spatial attention, mental retard, sensoryneural deafness, seizure, cerebellar ataxia, red green color blinness Prevalence: one in 10,000 15
  • 16. Secondary Hypogonadism Isolated Gonadotrophin Deficiency No Somatic Abnormalities, No Anosmia, Abnormal GnRH Receptor in a Few Selective Gonadotrophin Deficiency Isolated LH Deficiency (Pasqualini syndrome): “Fertile” Eunuch, Absence Virilization with Spermatogenesis Isolated FSH Deficiency: Somewhat Small Testis, Oligospermia to Azospermia, Normal Virilization Congenital adrenal hypoplasia with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism : X-chromosomal recessive disease, in the majority of patients caused by mutations in the DAX1 gene. (prevalence 1 in 12,500 individuals) 16
  • 17. Genetic hypogodadotropic hypogonadal syndromes Syndrome Clinical manifestation Prader-Labhart-Willi hypomentia, hypotonia,short stature, Cupid’s-bow mouth, DM, obesity Laurence-Moon Biedl retinitis pigmentosa, obesity, polydactyly, MR Multiple lentigines multiple lentigines, cardiac defect, hypertelorism, short stature, deafness, genital and uro. defect Rud MR, epilepsy, congenital icthyosis 17
  • 18. DDx: Secondary Hypogonadism acquired : 1. Hyperprolactinemia 2. GnRH analog therapy 3. Glucocorticoid therapy 4. Critical or Chronic illness 5. Diabetes mellitus 6. Opiates 7. Pituitary mass lesions 8. Infiltrative diseases 9. Sellar surgery or radiation 10.hemochromatosis 18
  • 19. Hyperprolactinemia (HP)  caused by prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas or drug-induced ; additional causes may be chronic renal failure or hypothyroidism  A literature review encompassing more than 300 hyperprolactinemic men found sexual dysfunctions in 88%, The most typical pattern associated ED with a reduced sexual desire.  HPRL impairs the pulsatile LH release, which results in a decrease of serum testosterone secretion. It is generally believed that this hypogonadism is the main cause of ED. In fact, it may not explain every case. Serum testosterone is in the normal range in nearly half of the ED patients with marked HPRL. In addition, serum sex hormone- binding globulin is low in hyperprolactinemic males,and there are also testosterone-independent mechanisms, probably mainly set at the level of the brain's neurotransmittor systems or deacrease in DHT production 19
  • 20. Important!  There is presently no consensus with regards to the screening for HPRL in ED: systematic determination of serum PRL may be justified since HPRL is a serious but reversible disease, while there is presently no reliable clinical, psychometric or hormonal criteria (including serum testosterone level) allowing to restrict its determination to certain categories of the ED patients without risk of neglecting some HPRLs. International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, 373–377. 20
  • 21. It is present in 16% of patients with erectile dysfunction and in approx 11% of men with oligospermia Endocrine. 2003 Feb-Mar;20(1-2):75- 82. 21
  • 23. Androgen insensitivity synd.  The effects that androgens have on the human body virilization, masculinization, anabolism, etc. are the result of androgens bound to androgen receptors, the androgen receptor mediates the effects of androgens in the human body.  AIS can result if even one of the steps involved in androgenization is significantly disrupted, as each step is required in order for androgens to successfully activate the AR and regulate gene expression  Clinical findings indicative of AIS can be CAIS ,PAIS ,MAIS  Laboratory findings include a 46,XY karyotype and normal or elevated postpubertal testosterone , LH , and estradiol levels. 23
  • 25. Definition : A clinical and biochemical syndrome associated with advancing age and characterized by typical symptoms and a deficiency in serum testosterone levels. It may result in significant detriment in the quality of life and adversely affect the function of multiple organ systems. The key words in this definition are deficiency in androgen levels , aging, detriment in the quality of life and multiple organ dysfunction. 25
  • 26. Definition Continued… Other terms: Male Menopause Male Climacteric andropause Androgen Decline in the Ageing Male (ADAM) partial ADAM Ageing Male Syndrome (AMS) 26
  • 27. Pathophysiology of LOH  Hypothalamus & aging 1-number of GnRH secreting neurons decreases 2-decrease in the release of neuropeptide Y(an excitatory peptidergic signal to GnRH secreting neurons) 3-beta receptors become less functional in aged men 4-hypothalamic norepinephrine content decrease with aging 5-diminished GnRH impulse strength is the proximate cause of the relative hypogonadism of old age. 27
  • 28. continue  Pituitary & aging 1-GnRH- receptor-activated voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are less able to mobilize the Ca2+ needed for LH release 2-stess increase cytokines, (IL-1 alpha), which activate the corticotropicadrenal axis and impair gonadotropin secretion 3-IL-1 alpha reduces both the frequency and amplitude of LH secretion through the intermediary arginine vasopressin (AVP) 4-the stress-related inhibition of pituitary LH secretion is more prominent in aged compared to young men. 28
  • 29. continue  Testes & aging 1-age-associated decrement in testicular steroidogenesis 2-with aging, mean serum testosterone concentrations decrease and circadian rhythmicity is lost 29
  • 30. Pathophysiology of LOH Lower GnRH pulse amplitude Hypothalamus Attenuation of diurnal pulsatility blunted HPG feedback response to low testosterone Pituitary LH & FSH E Reduced Leydig cell number Testes Impaired Leydig cell function diminished LH feedforward activity on testosterone secretion Increased SHBG Decreased spermatogenesis T 30
  • 32. Between ages 39–70 yr: Free testosterone declined by 1.2%/yr, and albumin-bound testosterone by 1.0%/yr. Sex hormone- binding globulin (SHBG), the major serum carrier of testosterone, increased by 1.2%/yr, with the net effect that total serum testosterone declined more slowly (0.4%/yr) than the free or albumin-bound pools alone. 32
  • 33. Influence of some biological indexes on sex hormone-binding globulin and androgen levels in ageing or obese males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996; 81: 1821-6. Table 1. Influence of age on hormone levels in men Age Total SHBG (nM) Free Testosterone Testosterone (nM) (nM) 25-34 21.4 +/- 5.9 35.5 +/- 8.8 0.43 +/- 0.1 35-44 23.1 +/- 7.4 40.1 +/- 7.9 0.36 +/- 0.04 45-54 21.0 +/- 7.4 44.6 +/- 8.1 0.31 +/- 0.08 55-64 19.5 +/- 6.8 45.5 +/- 8.8 0.29 +/- 0.07 65-74 18.2 +/- 6.8 48.7 +/- 14.2 0.24 +/- 0.08 75-84 16.3 +/- 5.8 51.0 +/- 22.7 0.21 +/- 0.08 85-100 13.0 +/- 4.6 65.9 +/- 22.8 0.19 +/- 0.08 33
  • 34. Prevalence of Low T in Aging Men (T < 2.5 Percentile of Young Men BLSA) 100 90 Total T <325 ng/dL 80 70 Free T Index < 0.153 Percentage 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 ≥ 80 Age Decade 34 SM Harman, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:724-731, 2001
  • 35. Longitudinal  T Levels with Age 20 18 (177) Testosterone (144) (nmol/L) 16 (151) (109) 14 (43) (158) 12 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Age (Years) Harman SM, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:724-731, 2001. 35
  • 36. The Hypogonadism in Males (HIM) study : 2006  Based on a TT of <300 ng/dL, 39% of the men were defined as being hypogonadal; for every 10-year increase in age, the risk of hypogonadism increased by 17% 36
  • 37. Age-specific prevalence of hypogonadism for enrolled patients (HIM study :2006) 37
  • 38. Recommendation  At present, the diagnosis of treatable hypogonadism ,requires the presence of symptoms and signs suggestive of testosterone deficiency (Level 3, Grade A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 38
  • 39. Recommendation  We recommend making a diagnosis of androgen deficiency only in men with consistent symptoms and signs and unequivocally low serum testosterone levels. (1| OOO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 39
  • 40. Massachusetts male aging study (MMAS)  The prevalence rate of androgen deficiency at study entry, without consideration of signs or symptoms and with a cut-off TT of 400 ng/dl was estimated to be 25.3%; at followup, the prevalence rate was 39.3% 40
  • 41. But : Considering the presence of at least three signs or symptoms and TT, the prevalence rates were 6% at baseline and 12% at follow-up 41
  • 42. The European Male Aging Study (EMAS)  Defined by symptoms( poor morning erection, low sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction (ED) ). and biochemical evidence ( TT < 317 ng/dL and free testosterone < 6.34 ng/dL )the prevalence of hypogonadism was estimated at 2.1% overall, increasing from as little as 0.1% in men aged 40 to 49 to 5% in men aged 70 to 79. 42
  • 43. Boston Area Community Health Study (BACH)  used a somewhat strict definition of symptomatic TD and estimated its prevalence at 5.6% nationwide among men aged 30 to 79 years 43
  • 44. 44
  • 45. clinical presentation  The clinical presentation depends on : (1) age at onset of androgen deficiency, (2) duration of androgen deficiency, (3) the profoundness of the deficiency (4) genetic factors controlling androgen receptor responsiveness reflecting androgen receptor polymorphism and mutations. 45
  • 46. Fetal development . Depending on when hypogonadism develops, and how much testosterone is present, a child who is genetically male may be born with:  Female genitalsAmbiguous genitals — genitals that are neither clearly male nor clearly female  Underdeveloped male genitals 46
  • 47. Puberty  Decreased development of muscle mass  Lack of deepening of the voice  Impaired growth of body hair  Impaired growth of the penis and testicles  Excessive growth of the arms and legs in relation to the trunk of the body  Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia) 47
  • 48. AFTER PUBERTY : LOH Initiation of problems 48
  • 49. BARRIERS TO RECOGNITION OF TD  Nonspecificity of signs and symptoms  Lack of consensus on the definition of TD  Lack of confidence in diagnostic tests  Nonuse of screeners  Perception that TD is difficult to manage 49
  • 50. Studies suggest that hypogonadism in adult men is often underdiagnosed and under treated. This may be because the symptoms are easily attributed to aging or other medical causes, or ignored by patients and physicians. In fact, only about 5% of hypogonadal men receive testosterone replacement. 50
  • 51. Group A: Symptoms and signs suggestive of androgen deficiency in men: 1. incomplete sexual development, eunuchoidism, aspermia 2. Reduced sexual desire (libido) and activity 3. Decreased spontaneous erections 4. Breast discomfort, gynecomastia 5. Loss of body (axillar and pubic) hair, reduced shaving 6. Very small or shrinking testis (especially 5ml) 7. Inability to father children, low or zero sperm counts 8. Height loss, low-trauma fracture, low bone mineral density 9. Reduced muscle mass and strength 10. Hot flushes, sweats 51 CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE
  • 52. Group B: Symptoms and signs associated with androgen deficiency that are less specific than those in group A 1. Decreased energy, motivation, initiative, aggressiveness, self confidence 2. Feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, dysthymia 3. Poor concentration and memory 4. Sleep disturbance, increased sleepiness 5. Mild anemia (normochromic, normocytic) 6. Increased body fat, body mass index 7. Diminished physical or work performance CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE 52
  • 53. Sexual Reduced libido ED Decreased spontaneous erection Reduced intensity of orgasm Oligo- or azoospermia Very small or shrinking testes Hot flushes, sweats Breast discomfort, gynecomastia Loss of pubic and axillary hair 53
  • 54. Psychological Depressed mood Diminished energy, vitality, or well-being Poor concentration and memory Sleep disturbanc 54
  • 55. Physiologic Fatigue Increased body fat Decreased muscle mass and strength Osteoporosis or low bone mineral density Anemia 55
  • 56. 56
  • 57. Recommendation  The symptom most associated with hypogonadism is low libido (Level 3, Grade A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 57
  • 58. Recommendation  Other manifestations of hypogonadism include: erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass and strength, increased body fat, decreased bone mineral density and osteoporosis, and decreased vitality and depressed mood. None of these symptoms are specific to the low androgen state but may raise suspicion of testosterone deficiency. One or more of these symptoms must be corroborated with a low serum testosterone level (Level 3, Grade A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 58
  • 59. Recommendation  We suggest that clinicians measure serum testosterone level in patients with clinical manifestations shown in Table 1A. We suggest that clinicians also consider measuring serum testosterone level when the less specific symptoms and signs listed in Table 1B occur in conjunction with those listed in Table 1A. (2| OOO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010)59
  • 60. Recommendation  We recommend making a diagnosis of androgen deficiency only in men with consistent symptoms and signs and unequivocally low serum testosterone levels. (1| OOO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 60
  • 61. Definition : A clinical and biochemical syndrome associated with advancing age and characterized by typical symptoms and a deficiency in serum testosterone levels. It may result in significant detriment in the quality of life and adversely affect the function of multiple organ systems. The key words in this definition are deficiency in androgen levels , aging, detriment in the quality of life and multiple organ dysfunction. 61
  • 62. T measurement T levels vary – Circadian, circannual rhythms, &episodic secretion – Assay variations – Variations in SHBG concentrations -- Illness, drugs, nutritional deficiency : transiently low T not defined cut-off values for normal T levels 62
  • 63. Day-to-Day Variation in T Levels  In hypogonadal men with initial T < 300 ng/dL, 30% had normal T on repeat testing1  In older men with initial T < 250 ng/dL – 20% had average T > 300 ng/dL over 6 months – If average of two samples T < 250 ng/dL, none had average T > 300 ng/dL2 1Swerdloff RS, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:4500-4510, 2000 2Brambilla DJ, et al, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 67:853-862, 2007 63
  • 64. Circulating Testosterone Albumin- bound T (weak) 54% Bioavailable T SHBG-bound Free T T (tight) 2% 44% Total T 64
  • 65. Common Alterations in SHBG Affect Total and Free T Analog Levels  SHBG  SHBG  Total T  Total T • Moderate obesity • Aging • Low protein (nephrotic) • Hepatitis, cirrhosis • Hypothyroidism • Hyperthyroidism • Glucocorticoids/progestins • Anticonvulsants • Anabolic steroids • Estrogens • Acromegaly • HIV Bhasin S, et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91:1995-2010, 2006 65
  • 66. Testosterone Assays  Affected by changes in SHBG – Total T – Free T by analog assay (~all clinical labs)  Not affected by changes in SHBG – Calculated free T and bioavailable T from total T and SHBG – Free T by equilibrium dialysis – Bioavailable T by ammonium sulfate precipitation 66
  • 67. Medications and low T Decrease Leydig Cell T Production corticosteroids ethanol ketoconazole Bind to the Androgen Receptor spironolactone flutamide cimetidine Decrease Gonadotropin Secretion corticosteroids ethanol estrogens & progestins (Megace) Rx that raise prolactin (opiates, metoclopramide, psychotherapy medication) Decreases Conversion of T to DHT 67 finasteride
  • 68. Biochemical Definitions of Hypogonadism Society Total Testosterone Guidelines ng/mL ng/dL nmol/L EAA, ISA, <3.40 <340 <12 (mild) ISSAM EAU, ASA, <2.31 <231 <8 (severe) ISSM ES <3.00 <300 <10.4 AACE <2.00 <200 7 EAA = European Academy of Andrology; ISA = International Society of Andrology; ISSAM = International Society for the Study of the Aging Male; EAU = European Association of Urology; ASA = American Society of Andrology; ISSM = International Society for Sexual Medicine; ES = Endocrine Society; AACE = American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 68
  • 69. Recommendation A serum sample for total testosterone determination should be obtained between 0700 and 1100 h (Level 2a, A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 69
  • 70. Recommendation  The most widely accepted parameters to establish the presence of hypogonadism is the measurement of serum total testosterone. There are no generally accepted lower limits of normal. There is, however, general agreement that the total testosterone level above 12 nmol/l (350 ng/dl) does not require substitution. Similarly, based on the data of younger men, there is consensus that patients with serum total testosterone levels below 8 nmol/l (230 ng/dl) will usually benefit from testosterone treatment. If the serum total testosterone level is between 8 and 12 nmol/l, repeating the measurement of total testosterone with sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to calculate free testosterone or free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis may be helpful (Level 2b, Grade A). 70 European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514
  • 71. Recommendation  The measurement of free or bioavailable testosterone should be considered when the serum total testosterone concentration is not diagnostic of hypogonadism, particularly in obese men. There are no generally accepted lower limits of normal for free testosterone for the diagnosis of hypogonadism. However, a free testosterone level below 225 pmol/l (65 pg/ml) can provide supportive evidence for testosterone treatment (Level 3, Grade C). Threshold values for bioavailable testosterone depend on the method used and are not generally available European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 71
  • 72. Recommendation  Since there are known variations between assay methods, it is imperative that the practitioners utilize reliable laboratories and are acquainted with the reference ranges for testosterone from their local laboratory (Level 2b, Grade A). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 72
  • 73. Recommendation  Current immunometric methods for the measurement of testosterone can distinguish between hypogonadism and normal adult men. However, the methods based on mass spectrometry are more accurate and precise (Level 2b, Grade A) and are increasingly recognized as the method of choice for serum testosterone measurement. European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 73
  • 74. Recommendation  Equilibrium dialysis is the gold standard for free testosterone measurement. Free testosterone assays based on analog displacement immunoassays are widely available but do not give an accurate measurement of free testosterone; thus they should not be used. Alternately, measuring serum SHBG levels together with reliable serum total testosterone levels provides the data necessary for calculating free testosterone levels (Level 2b, Grade A). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 74
  • 75. Recommendation  Transient decreases of serum testosterone levels such as those due to acute illnesses should be excluded by careful clinical evaluations and repeated hormone measurement (Level 4, Grade A). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 75
  • 76. Recommendation  We recommend confirmation of the diagnosis by repeating measurement of total testosterone and in some patients by measurement of free or bioavailable testosterone level, using an appropriate assay. (1| OOO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 76
  • 77. Recommendation  We suggest that a diagnosis of androgen deficiency should not be made during an acute or subacute illness. (2| OO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 77
  • 78. Other investigation ? Recommendation  Hypogonadism (primary or secondary) can occur at all ages including elderly men. (Level 4, Grade A). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 78
  • 79. Recommendation  Inpatients at risk or suspected of hypogonadism, a thorough physical and biochemical work-up is necessary (Level 4, Grade A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 79
  • 80. Recommendation Measurements of serum LH will assist in differentiating between primary and secondary hypogonadism and  serum prolactin is indicated when the serum testosterone is lower than 5.2 nmol/l (150 ng/dl) or when secondary hypogonadism is suspected (Level 3, Grade B) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 80
  • 81. MRI indication?  Hyperprolactinemia  In the presence of another pituitary hormone deficiency or excess  LH below 4 IU/l.  A TT <5 nmol/l (<150ng/dL), rather than LH, is the best predictor of a significant structural abnormality such as a macroadenoma  Patients complaining of new onset headaches, reduced nocturnal penile tumescence and impotence, who are found on exam to have bitemporal hemianopsia 81
  • 82. Recommendation  Risk factors for hypogonadism in older men may include chronic illnesses (including diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive lung disease, inflammatory arthritic disease, renal disease, and HIV-related disease), obesity, metabolic syndrome, and hemochromatosis . Such chronic diseases should be investigated and treated (Level 4, Grade A). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 82
  • 83. Recommendation  Alterations in other endocrine systems occur in association with aging (i.e., estradiol, growth hormone (GH), and DHEA) but the significance of these changes is not well understood. Determinations of estradiol, thyroid hormones, cortisol, DHEA, DHEA-S, melatonin, GH, and insulin-like growth factor-I are not indicated unless other endocrine disorders are suspected based on the clinical signs and symptoms of the patient (Level 2, Grade A) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 83
  • 84. 84
  • 85. Recommendation  Questionnaires such as Aging Male Symptom Score (AMS) and Androgen Deficiency in Aging Men (ADAM) are not recommended for the diagnosis of hypogonadism because of low specificity (Level 3, Grade B) European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 85
  • 86. TD is difficult to manage? 86
  • 87. 87
  • 88. Recommendation  We recommend against screening for androgen deficiency in the general population. (1| OOO)  We suggest that clinicians not use the available case finding instruments for detection of androgen deficiency in men receiving health care for unrelated reasons. (2| OOO) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 88
  • 89. But :  Clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion of TD in patients with some comorbidities. Even those at-risk patients who report no symptoms typical of hypogonadism require a thorough clinical and biochemical workup for TD  National and international guidelines concur in recommending TD screening for men deemed at risk due to coexisting illnesses 89
  • 90. Screening Indication : Type 2 diabetes mellitus Metabolic syndrome ED Osteoporosis, low trauma fracture Treatment with medications that affect testosterone production or metabolism, eg, glucocorticoids, opioids Moderate to severe COPD Sellar mass, radiation to the sellar region, or other diseases of the sellar region End-stage renal disease, maintenance hemodialysis HIV Inflammatory arthritis Hemochromatosis Infertility 90
  • 91. 91
  • 92. Measurement method?  Efforts to create standardization of testosterone assays, agreement on standards for testosterone measurement and accurate reference ranges for testosterone by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS)/MS are being developed. International reference standards, characterization of methodology, and population-based reference ranges for free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis are needed. Consensus on the equilibrium constants for testosterone binding to SHBG and albumin will allow improved calculation of free testosterone 92
  • 93. 93
  • 94. Prevalence of Hypogonadism Using Bioavailable Testosterone and Free Androgen Index From Morley JE, Perry HM. Andropause: an old concept in new clothing. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2003; Vol 19, No 3. Prevalence of hypogonadism in older men. Age (y) Percent Hypogonadal Baltimore Longitudinal Mayo Clinic Canadian Physicians 40-49 2 2 5 50-59 9 6 30 60-69 34 20 45 70-79 68 34 70 80+ 91 -- -- 94
  • 95. Biochemical Androgen Deficiency Challenges  Low serum total T level − Total T most common and available − Relative to normal range in young men (<280-300 ng/dL but assay-to-assay variability) − T levels variable  Morning, on at least two occasions  If  SHBG suspected, free or bioavailable T level  Illness, drugs, nutritional deficiency  transiently low T 95
  • 96. 96
  • 97. Recommendation  Salivary testosterone has also been shown to be a reliable substitute for free testosterone measurements but cannot be recommended for general use at this time, since the methodology has not been standardized and adult male ranges are not available in most hospital or reference laboratories (Level 3, Grade B). European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 159 507–514 97
  • 98. Recommendation  We suggest the measurement of morning total testosterone level by a reliable assay as the initial diagnostic test. (2|QEEE) CLINICAL PRACTIC GUIDELINE (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(6):1995–2010) 98
  • 99. Result !  As the population ages, the burden of testosterone deficiency is expected to grow. The prevalence of low testosterone also increases in men with common co-morbidities, such as obesity(*2.4), diabetes(*2.1), and metabolic syndrome. 99