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Dr. Ajit Kumar Rhea Singh
Roll No 40
Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold Pose
The asana consists of standing with feet together,
then hinging forward from the hips, letting the
head hang, with palms placed flat on the floor
near the feet.
Uttanasana Standing
Forward Fold Pose
PROCEDURE FOR Standing Forward
Intial Pose
Start the asana in Tadasana (Mountain
Pose) but with both hands resting on
your hips. Take a deep breath and, with a
deep exhale, bend forward from your hip
joints, never from your waist. As you go
down stretch out torso from your groins
and open the space between your pubis
and chest. The emphasis is on
stretching the front of your torso as you
gradually get into the position.
•Next, keeping your knees straight, take your palms
or finger tips down to the floor a little in front of or
next to your feet. Or you could place hold the backs
of your ankles. If you can’t do this, cross your
forearms and clasp your elbows. Press your heels
firmly into you mat and lift your sit bones up toward
the ceiling.
Stay Pose
Keep breathing normally and as you inhale, keep
lifting and lengthening your front torso little by little. As
you exhale bend forward a little more. This way you will
find your torso oscillating unnoticeably with every
breath you take. Hang your head down from the root of
your neck between your shoulder blades .
Final Pose
•Retain the pose for ½ a minute to 1
minute. You can use the Standing Forward
Bend as a resting pose between standing
•Never roll up your spine to come up. Instead take your
hands back onto your hips and stretch the length of the
front torso. Remember to press your down tailbone and
right into your pelvis and return inhaling stretching your
front torso as much as you can.
Uttanasana Benefits
•Standing Forward Fold Pose helps to stretch your
spinal column as well as the backs of the legs and
the back muscles. It also stimulates the uro-genital,
digestive, nervous and endocrine systems while
massaging and decongesting abdominal organs
through enhanced peristalsis thereby relieving
constipation .
•The regular practice of this yoga pose has been know to
work wonders in the case of hemorrhoids.
Uttanasana Contraindications:
•Standing Forward Fold Pose is best avoided by patients of
sciatica, mostly the acute cases.
•It should also be avoided during pregnancy since it constricts
the abdomen
•Lastly those with recent or chronic problems in the hips, legs,
shoulders or back should avoid this yoga pose.
Uttanasana Precautions
•If you suffer from any type of back injury, try this pose with
your knees bent.
•You can also try the Ardha Uttanasana instead of the
Uttanasana if you suffer from chronic back pain.
•Avoid this pose completely if you have recently had back
surgery, knee surgery or surgery to your hamstrings
•Do not do this pose if there has been recent injury to your legs,
hips, and shoulders.
Janusirsasana Forward Sitting Asana
In a seated position, one leg is
extended with toes pointing upward,
and the other leg is bent with knee
pointing away from the straight leg
and the sole of the foot in by the
groin. The torso turns and folds over
the extended leg.
Janu Sirsasana is a spinal twist, as
well as a forward fold. The potential
is to free up constriction in different
parts of the back and to loosen the
Janu Sirsasana differs from
Paschimottanasana in its asymmetry in the legs and hips, and
in the twisting action this asana imparts to the spine
Janusirsasana Procedure-
Initial Pose
•Sit on the floor with both the legs stretched out in front of you.
•Now bend the right leg and bring the feet close to the left thighs. Let the
sole of the right foot touch the inner left thigh.
•Adjust the right foot so that it touches the right groin.
•Stretch the right bend leg as far back as possible without strain.
Stay Pose
•The left leg should remain the straight position with toes pointing upwards.
•Take a deep breath and take your arms above the head in line with your
•Now exhale slowly and bend the body forward
•Let the hands go forward and grab the left foot either by the toes or the
middle of the foot depending on which is more comfortable.
Final Pose
•Pull your trunk forward until your forehead touches the knees.
•Remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable. One
can hold the breath if you remain in the position for few
seconds. Else for longer durations, one can breathe normally in
the final position.
•To release thee position, raise your trunk to upright sitting
position. Inhale while coming back to the sitting pose. Release
the right leg and stretch it in front of you to come back to the
starting position where both legs are stretched out in front of
•Repeat this pose with the other leg, i.e. bending the left leg
against the right thigh.
Janusirsasana Benefits -
•Janu Sirsasana is an excellent asana for gaining flexibility of
the legs, hamstrings, shoulders, arms and the thighs.
•Janu Sirsasana calms the mind and has a soothing effect on
the heart.
•To get further stretching benefits, one can practice
Paschimottasana where the bending is done with both legs
stretched out in front of the body.
Janusirsasana Contraindications -
•Knee injuries
Janusirsasana Precautions -
People who suffer from pain in the lower back are advised not to
perform this asana. People who suffer from headaches,
migraine or diarrhoea are suggested to not do this asana. Try
not doing this asana if you suffer from shoulder pain or injury.
Don’t perform this asana if you have knee injury or knee pain.
Bhujangasana Forward Lying Asana
From a prone position with palms and
legs on the floor, the chest is lifted.
Bhujangasana Forward
Lying Asana
Bhujangasana Procedure-
Initial Pose
•Lie down on the floor facing downwards. Now, stretch back
your legs with the top portion of the feet touching the ground.
Next put your palms on the floor and spread your arms such
that your hands are just under your shoulders.
•Press your thighs and the feet firmly on the ground.
Stay Pose
•Take a deep breath and simultaneously start straightening your
arms in order to lift your chest off the floor. Keep going up until
you reach a height where your legs are just touching the ground
but not pressing onto the floor.
•Puff the side ribs in the forward direction and firm the shoulder
blades against your back. While avoiding pushing the front ribs
forward, you have to lift your torso through the top of your
sternum. This helps in hardening the lower back only. Make sure
that the bend of the back spreads uniformly along the whole
length of the spine.
Final Pose
•Hold the pose for about 15 to 30 seconds and then come back
to the floor, exhaling simultaneously. You can start by holding
the pose for lesser time and slowly increase the duration when
you become more flexible and comfortable with the yoga pose.
Bhujangasana Benefits
•It is a deep backbend that makes the spine stronger and more
•It also tones the organs that lie in the lower abdomen.
•It stimulates the digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems.
•It helps regulate metabolism, thus balancing the weight.
•It makes the buttocks firm.
•It gives the lungs, shoulders, chest, and abdomen a good
•It works as a great stress release.
•This asana is known to open up the lungs and the heart.
•It relieves sciatica and asthma.
Bhujangasana Contraindications
•Avoid practicing Bhujangasana if you are pregnant, have
fractured ribs or wrists, or recently underwent abdominal
surgeries, such as for hernia.
•Also avoid doing Bhujangasana if you suffer from Carpel
Tunnel Syndrome.
•Practice Cobra Pose under an Sri Sri Yoga teacher's guidance if
you have suffered from chronic diseases or spinal disorders in
the past.
Bhujangasana Precautions
The hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, and hypothyroidism
shouldn’t practice this asana. If you have other serious
problems, it is better to consult a Yoga therapist or expert before
performing bhujnagasana. One having abdominal injuries
should also avoid doing this. The patients of sciatica, slip-disc
and ulcerative colitis should take extra precautions. It also
shouldn’t be performed during pregnancy .cobra pose has some
limitation and contradictions. These precautions have to be
taken care of. The person who is suffering from peptic ulcers .
Ardha Chakrasana Half Wheel Pose
Ardha chakrasana is an intermediate asana that
can help to prepare the body and mind for deeper
backbends and heart-opening postures
like chakrasana (wheel pose). The name is
derived from the Sanskrit ardha, meaning
“half," chakra, meaning “wheel," and asana,
meaning “pose.”
To enter ardha chakrasana, the practitioner
begins in tadasana (mountain pose). The hands
are placed on the lower back, then the body leans
back, bending the back and opening the chest.
Ardha Chakrasana Half Wheel
Ardha Chakrasana Procedure
Initial Pose
Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside
the body.
Balance your weight equally on both feet
Stay Pose
Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, palms
facing each other.
Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the
pelvis forward, keeping the arms in line with the ears,
elbows and knees straight, head up, and lifting your
chest towards the ceiling.
Final Pose
Hold. Breathing in, come back up.
Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax.
Ardha Chakrasana Benefits
•Stretches the front upper
•Tones the arms and shoulder
Ardha Chakrasana
Those with serious hip or spinal problems
should avoid this asana as well as those with
high blood pressure and brain ailments.
Peptic or duodenal ulcers and hernia
patients should avoid this pose.
Pregnant woman should avoid this pose.
Contraindications And Precautions
Ushtrasana, Or Camel Pose
Backward Sitting Pose
It is a very deep backward bend performed in a kneeling
position. Many people find backbends difficult or challenging,
because bending backwards is not an activity with which most
are familiar.
After performing Ustrasana, the pulse rate will often have
increased considerably, while the breathing should be deep and
A deeper stretch can be achieved by separating the knees
slightly wider at the outset. The "full expression" of camel varies
widely between practitioners, with some finding it quite difficult
to progress beyond a slight backward lean; at its deepest the
head can be between the knees.
Ushtrasana, Or Camel
Backward Sitting Pose
Ushtrasana Procedure
Initial Pose
Sit on the floor stretching your leg and keeping your spine erect keeping
palms on the ground side by the buttocks.
Bend your leg by the keens and sit on your heels placing the buttocks
between the heels, the right big toe overlapping the left.
Kneel on floor keeping your knees in line with the shoulders and sole
of the feet facing the ceiling.
Stay Pose
Keep your hand on thighs.
Inhale and arch your back and place your palms on the heels of the
Keep your arms straight.
Do not strain your neck keep it neutral. Let your neck be free.
Final Pose
Stay in this final position for couple of breaths or as much longer as
you can.
Breathe out and slowly come to the normal position withdrawing your
hands from the feet.
Ushtrasana Benefits
•Ustrasana Stretches the anterior muscles of
the body.
•Improves flexibility of spine and strengthens
•Camel Pose Improves digestion
•Gives relaxation to the lower back.
•Useful as an initial practice for back
People suffering from severe back and neck injury,
high or low blood pressure, migraine or other severe
headache should perform this asana or posture under
the guidance of a yoga therapist or expert. Else better
to avoid the practice.
Ushtrasana Precautions
•Those having problems related to neck, knee and
back injury should not perform this asana.
•Lower back pain patients should avoid this asana.
•Person suffering from high or low blood pressure
and migraine should avoid this asana.
•Insomnia (Sleeping disorder) patient should avoid.
•Practice under expert guidance. Because this pose
may cause back pain or neck injuries.
•Consult a doctor before practicing yogasana to find
the root cause of your problem.
Matsyasana Or fish Pose
Backward Iying Pose
The asana is a backbend, where the practitioner lies on his or
her back and lifts the heart (anahata) chakra by rising up on the
elbows and drawing the shoulders back. The neck is
lengthened, and the crown of the head Sahasrara chakra is
"pointed" toward the 'wall' behind the practitioner. As the arch
of the back deepens with practice, and the heart and throat open
further, the top of the head may brush the ground, but no weight
should rest upon it.
Matsyasana Or fish Pose
Backward Iying Pose
Matsyasana Procedure
Initial Pose
1. Sit on the carpet; fold the both legs together
like Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana or Sukasana.
2. Thrusting hands on the carpet and slowly lies down.
3. Place the palms next to ears, towards the shoulder blade.
4. Press palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the
crown of the head on the floor.
Stay Pose
5. Place both the hands on the thighs and relax the elbow on the
floor. If possible hold the toe with the fingers.
Final Pose
6. Now the crown of head and lower body on the floor making an arc
shape on the back. Maintain the pose at least 50 or 100 counts.
7. Release the fingers, thrust the palms on the floor and raise the
head and shoulder blade, rest them on the floor. Unfold the legs,
straighten them and do savasana.
Matsyasana Benefits
•A traditional text that Matsyasana is
the “destroyer of all diseases.”
•Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas)
and the muscles (intercostals) between
the ribs
•Stretches and stimulates the muscles
of the belly and front of the neck
•Stretches and stimulates the organs of
the belly and throat
•Strengthens the muscles of the upper
back and back of the neck
•Improves posture
Matsyasana Contraindication And Precautions
1. It is best to avoid this pose if you suffer
from high or low blood pressure.
2. Also, patients with insomnia and migraine
are asked to abstain from the Fish Pose.
3. If you have had a back injury, it is strongly
recommended that you avoid this asana.
Trikonasana Or Triangle Pose
Sideward Standing Pose
Trikonasana is usually performed in two parts, facing left, and then facing right.
The practitioner begins standing with the feet one leg-length apart, knees unbent,
turns the right foot completely to the outside and the left foot less than 45 degrees
to the inside, keeping the heels in line with the hips. The arms are spread out to the
sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down; the trunk is extended as far as is
comfortable to the right, while the arms remain parallel to the floor. Once the trunk
is fully extended to the right, the right arm is dropped so that the right hand reaches
the shin (or a block or on the floor) to the front (left side) of the right foot, with the
palm down if flexed. The left arm is extended vertically, and the spine and trunk are
gently twisted counterclockwise (i.e., upwards to the left, since they're roughly
parallel to the floor), using the extended arms as a lever, while the spine remains
parallel to the ground. The arms are stretched away from one another, and the head
is often turned to gaze at the left thumb, slightly intensifying the spinal twist.
Returning to standing, the bend is then repeated to the left
Trikonasana Or Triangle
Sideward Standing Pose
Initial Pose
•Stand straightly by wide up your feet. You must give
a proper space in between the feet, two to three feet
depending upon their height.
•Don’t bend your spine, stand straightly. Raise your
arms parallel to the floor and your palm must face
down. Deeply inhale.
Stay Pose
•Slowly exhale and bend your body to left side and
touch the floor with your left hand’s finger and your
hand should touch the left ankle. Your right hand
must be straight. Now turn your head and see the tip
of the right hand’s finger.
•Be in this pose from seven to ten counts. Now
inhale the breath and stand straight with your
straightened hands beside. Now inhale and count
from five to ten.
Final Pose
•Exhale now and bend your hip to right side and
touch the floor by right hand’s finger and the right
hand must touch the right leg’s ankle. Be in this
pose for ten seconds.
•Then come to the standing position with the
straightened hands beside and inhale. If you do
the asana in two sides it is called as one round
of Trikonasana. We can do the asana up to six
rounds. This is called Artha Trikonasana.
Trikonasana Benefits
Iyengar claims practice of this asana improves the flexibility of the
spine, corrects alignment of the shoulders; relieves backache,
gastritis, indigestion, acidity, flatulence; massages and tones the
pelvic organs, corrects the effects of a sedentary lifestyle or faulty
posture, assists treatment of neck sprains, reduces stiffness in the
neck, shoulders and knees, strengthens the ankles and tones the
ligaments of the arms and legs. A book from Sivananda Yoga
VedantaCentre claims the asana can reduce or eliminate pain in the
lower back, tone the spinal nerves and abdominal organs, improve
the appetite, digestion and circulation.SwamiSatyananda
Saraswaticlaims the asana stimulates the nervous system and
alleviates nervous depression, strengthens the pelvic area and
tones the reproductive organs
Trikosana Contraindications And Precautions
This side bend may cause issues in practitioners with
lower back problems. Farhiwarns that those with
posterolateral disc herniationmay find the twisting in
this asana challenging the back. Iyengar[advises: those
prone to dizzy spells, vertigo, or high blood pressure do
not look down at the floor in the final asana or turn the
head; those with cervical spondylosis do not look up
for too long; those with a cardiac condition practise
against a wall and do not raise the arm, but rest it along
the hip; and those with stress-related headaches,
migraine, eye strain, diarrhoea, low blood pressure,
psoriasis, varicose veins, depression or extreme
fatigue do not practise this asana. Satyananda
Saraswati[ states that the asana should not be practiced
by those suffering from severe back conditions.
Sideward Sitting Pose
Bharadvājāsana is a basic seated spinal twist. It has three
main variations:
Bharadvājāsana II is the advanced variation requiring high
hip mobility in which one leg articulated as in
the Padmasana (lotus position), while the other leg is
articulated as in the Vīrāsana
Bharadvājāsana I is the basic variation in which the legs
articulated as in vīrāsana dropped to one side one foot on
the floor and the other's ankle cradled in the arch of the foot
Bharadvājāsana on chair is a third variant which is
performed sitting sideways on an armless chair, which does
not require hip mobility, utilizing the back seat to provide
gentle resistance to the arms, to assist with the twist.
Sideward Sitting
Bharadvajasana Procedure
Initial Pose
•First get into the Staff position
•Now extend your both legs straight
out in forward direction (in front of
•You have to keep your spine and
legs erect.
•Keep your both hands along with
your body and your palms should
touch to the floor.
•After that you have to bend your
left leg from the knee and keep it on
to your thigh in a way that the sole
of your left foot faces upwards.
Stay Pose
After that fold your right knee and keep it in
the Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana). Here, the
sole of your feet ought to confront upwards
and the upper side of your feet ought to
touch the floor or ground.
You should keep your back straight.
Keep the palm of your right hand on left
Now slowly twist your left hand from behind
the body and try to touch your right foot; at
this time look behind.
Final Pose
Hold this position around 15 to 20 seconds.
(Hold the position according to your capacity
and hold your breathing also).
Now slowly breathe out and release
your arms form your back and get
back to the initial position
(Dandasana) and repeat the process
with your other hand
Repeat this process about 6 to 10
times every day.
Practicing Bharadvajasana consistently helps in
extending and fortifying your arms, shoulders, spine,
thighs, waist, calf muscles and your lower legs
It relives in lower back agony, neck torment and
sciatica torment.
It is good remedial for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
It is beneficial in the symptoms of stress.
It gently massages the organs of abdominal.
It boosts the digestive system.
It enhances lungs capacity.
It stretches belly and reduces the fat of your belly.
Daily practices help in reducing side fats of your body.
It improves the blood circulation in body.
Bharadvajasana Contraindications
Cardiac condition
Chronic fatigue
Cold or chest congestion
Eye strain
Precautions :
Bharadvaja's Twist precautions need
to be exercised by those who have a
history of spine, hip or disc
problems or injuries.
Sideward Lying Pose
The name for this posture comes from the
Sanskrit Ananta, which was the name of a serpent in
Hindu and yogic mythology, and asana, which means
"pose." According to legend, Ananta was a serpent with
1,000 heads upon whom Vishnu rested while he was in
the primordial ocean. Because this posture is said to
resemble his position atop the serpent, the English
name for this asana is sleeping Vishnu pose.
Sideward Lying
Anantasana Procedure
Initial Pose
1.Lie flat on your mat and gently turn to the left. Steady yourself as you take this position by
pressing the outer part of your left foot and your heels firmly into the floor.
2.Raise your right arm over your head. Make sure that your arm is perpendicular to your
Stay Pose
3.Use your left arm to support your head as you lift it off the floor and support it on your
4.Bend your right leg at the knee, and reach for your big toe with the right arm. Grab it using
the first two fingers and the thumb.
5.Stay stable for a few seconds as you prepare to maintain balance.
Final Pose
6. Exhale and stretch the right leg towards the ceiling. Stretch as far as you can, ensuring
your arm and leg are perfectly straight.
7.Hold this pose for a few seconds. Then, release. Wait for a few moments. Repeat this pose
as you turn to your right side, and do it with your left leg for the same amount of time.
Anantasana Benefits
Anantāsana involves balance, pelvis, hip, leg
adductor muscle, promote blood circulation in the
leg muscles.
Anantasana Precautions And
These are some points of caution you must keep in
mind before you do this asana.
Avoid practicing this asana if you have pain in your
neck or shoulders.
If you have spondylitis, slip disc, or sciatica, you must
make sure you practice this asana only under the
guidance of an experienced teacher.
Garudasana Or Eagle Pose
Balancing Standing Pose
This standing asana may enhance
concentration.[t focuses on the ankles,
calves, thighs, hips and shoulders.
Garudasana Or Eagle Pose
Standing Pose
Garudasana Procedure
The Pose
Initial Pose
Stand in Tadasana position and stretch your body.
Inhale and twist your knees a bit.
Lift up your left leg, twist it a little and after that attempt to wrap it around
your right leg. Keep both your knees twisted.
Stay Pose
Have a go at adjusting your body on your right foot.
Put your hands before your face and have a go at doing likewise with your
hands. Curve your hands and wrap your left hand around your right hands.
The hands ought to be wrapped in such a path, to the point that the palms
of both your hands touch one another.
Final Pose
Stay unfaltering in this position for around 8-10 seconds and afterward
•Loosen up your hands and legs and return to Tadasana position.
Rehearse this entire action 5-10 times consistently.
Garudasana Benefits
Rehearsing this asana normally fortifies your
legs and hands.
It gives a decent massage to your calf
muscles, arms, shoulders and thighs. It helps
you to learn adjusting.
It builds your fixation.
When you perform this asana, your veins
consequently get extended which expands
blood flow and reinforces the blood convey
It keeps away from joint-torment and knee
Garudasana Contriandications And Precaution
These are some points of caution you must
keep in mind before you do this asana.
It is best to avoid this asana if you have had
a recent ankle, knee, or elbow injury.
Pregnant women must seek medical
consent before they practice this asana.
Balancing Standing Pose
This asana is considered an arm balance. According to B.K.S.
Iyengar there are two techniques for entering into this balance.
The simple method of achieving it is by pushing up from a
crouching position. The advanced method is to drop down from
a head stand .
Balancing Standing Pose
Bakasana Procedure
Intial Pose
While in a squatting position on a yoga mat, maintain
equal distance between both the knees and keep the feet
flat on the mat. Then place the palms in between the knees
and flat on the ground while maintaining the knees and
elbows at the same level.
Stay Pose
Bend the torso forward while lifting both the legs up so
that the whole body balances solely on the palms. While in
this posture, maintain a straight gaze so that the body
balances properly.
Final Pose
Finally to return to the original position, slowly bring the
feet down on the ground and go back into a Tadasana
Bakasana Benefits
The asana strengthens the shoulders, arms,
wrists and hands, as well as the core
muscles and organs of the abdomen.
Bakasana Contriandications
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bakasana Precautions
 It is important to keep the neck straight in this posture
to avoid sprains and strains.
People who suffer from neck problems like spondilitis
should always practice this asana under the guidance of
a trained yoga expert.
Pregnant women and those suffering from carpal
tunnel syndrome should also not practice this asana.
Naukasana Or The Boat Pose
Balancing lying Pose
Naukasana or the Boat Pose stretches the abdominal
muscles and tones all organs in the abdomen. In
Sanskrit, Nauka means a boat and Asana means pose. In
Naukasana the body takes the shape of a boat in the final
position, hence the name Naukasana. Naukasana is good
for those who wish to reduce belly fat and for developing
the Abs muscles.
Naukasana Or The Boat Pose
Balancing lying Pose
Naukasana Procedure
Intial Pose
•Lie flat on the floor with hands on the sides. Let the palms face
Start Inhaling and simultaneously raise the legs, arms and the upper
Stay Pose
The weight of the body will rest entirely on the buttocks. In the raised
position, the toes should line up with the palms.
Hold the breath and remain in this position for as long as you are
While returning to the original position exhale.
Final Pose
Relax the entire body and remain in Shavasana until you are ready to
repeat the process. One may do this 2 to 5 times according to one’s
Naukasana Benefits
Naukasana strengthens the abdominal
It helps to remove belly fat.
It improves digestion.
It tones and improves the health of all organs
in the abdomen especially the liver, pancreas
and kidneys.
It strengthens the muscles of the arms,
thighs and shoulders.
Naukasana stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
Naukasana Contriandications
Do not practice this yoga pose if you have
low blood pressure, severe headache,
migraine, or if you have suffered from some
chronic diseases or spinal disorders in the
recent past.
Asthma and heart patients are advised to
avoid this pose.
Women should avoid doing Boat pose
(Naukasana) during pregnancy and during the
first two days of the menstrual cycle.
Naukasana Precautions
Suffering from low or high blood
pressure hip joint pain,
arthritis, severe
headache, migraine, hernia and ulcer
patients should not practice
naukasana (Boat pose).
Consult a doctor first before
practicing any exercise and practice
under expert guidance.
Pregnant women should not practice
this boat pose.
Avoid practicing during periods but
if you are comfortable to practice
then go ahead.

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Rhea final ppt

  • 3. Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold Pose Description The asana consists of standing with feet together, then hinging forward from the hips, letting the head hang, with palms placed flat on the floor near the feet.
  • 5. PROCEDURE FOR Standing Forward Bend Intial Pose Start the asana in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) but with both hands resting on your hips. Take a deep breath and, with a deep exhale, bend forward from your hip joints, never from your waist. As you go down stretch out torso from your groins and open the space between your pubis and chest. The emphasis is on stretching the front of your torso as you gradually get into the position.
  • 6. •Next, keeping your knees straight, take your palms or finger tips down to the floor a little in front of or next to your feet. Or you could place hold the backs of your ankles. If you can’t do this, cross your forearms and clasp your elbows. Press your heels firmly into you mat and lift your sit bones up toward the ceiling. Stay Pose Keep breathing normally and as you inhale, keep lifting and lengthening your front torso little by little. As you exhale bend forward a little more. This way you will find your torso oscillating unnoticeably with every breath you take. Hang your head down from the root of your neck between your shoulder blades .
  • 7. Final Pose •Retain the pose for ½ a minute to 1 minute. You can use the Standing Forward Bend as a resting pose between standing poses. •Never roll up your spine to come up. Instead take your hands back onto your hips and stretch the length of the front torso. Remember to press your down tailbone and right into your pelvis and return inhaling stretching your front torso as much as you can.
  • 8. Uttanasana Benefits •Standing Forward Fold Pose helps to stretch your spinal column as well as the backs of the legs and the back muscles. It also stimulates the uro-genital, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems while massaging and decongesting abdominal organs through enhanced peristalsis thereby relieving constipation . •The regular practice of this yoga pose has been know to work wonders in the case of hemorrhoids.
  • 9. Uttanasana Contraindications: •Standing Forward Fold Pose is best avoided by patients of sciatica, mostly the acute cases. •It should also be avoided during pregnancy since it constricts the abdomen •Lastly those with recent or chronic problems in the hips, legs, shoulders or back should avoid this yoga pose.
  • 10. Uttanasana Precautions •If you suffer from any type of back injury, try this pose with your knees bent. •You can also try the Ardha Uttanasana instead of the Uttanasana if you suffer from chronic back pain. •Avoid this pose completely if you have recently had back surgery, knee surgery or surgery to your hamstrings •Do not do this pose if there has been recent injury to your legs, hips, and shoulders.
  • 11. Janusirsasana Forward Sitting Asana Description- In a seated position, one leg is extended with toes pointing upward, and the other leg is bent with knee pointing away from the straight leg and the sole of the foot in by the groin. The torso turns and folds over the extended leg. Janu Sirsasana is a spinal twist, as well as a forward fold. The potential is to free up constriction in different parts of the back and to loosen the hamstrings. .
  • 12. Janu Sirsasana differs from Paschimottanasana in its asymmetry in the legs and hips, and in the twisting action this asana imparts to the spine HRISHIKESH
  • 13. Janusirsasana Procedure- Initial Pose •Sit on the floor with both the legs stretched out in front of you. •Now bend the right leg and bring the feet close to the left thighs. Let the sole of the right foot touch the inner left thigh. •Adjust the right foot so that it touches the right groin. •Stretch the right bend leg as far back as possible without strain. Stay Pose •The left leg should remain the straight position with toes pointing upwards. •Take a deep breath and take your arms above the head in line with your ears. •Now exhale slowly and bend the body forward •Let the hands go forward and grab the left foot either by the toes or the middle of the foot depending on which is more comfortable.
  • 14. Final Pose •Pull your trunk forward until your forehead touches the knees. •Remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable. One can hold the breath if you remain in the position for few seconds. Else for longer durations, one can breathe normally in the final position. •To release thee position, raise your trunk to upright sitting position. Inhale while coming back to the sitting pose. Release the right leg and stretch it in front of you to come back to the starting position where both legs are stretched out in front of you. •Repeat this pose with the other leg, i.e. bending the left leg against the right thigh.
  • 15. Janusirsasana Benefits - •Janu Sirsasana is an excellent asana for gaining flexibility of the legs, hamstrings, shoulders, arms and the thighs. •Janu Sirsasana calms the mind and has a soothing effect on the heart. •To get further stretching benefits, one can practice Paschimottasana where the bending is done with both legs stretched out in front of the body. Janusirsasana Contraindications - •Diarrhea •Knee injuries
  • 16. Janusirsasana Precautions - People who suffer from pain in the lower back are advised not to perform this asana. People who suffer from headaches, migraine or diarrhoea are suggested to not do this asana. Try not doing this asana if you suffer from shoulder pain or injury. Don’t perform this asana if you have knee injury or knee pain.
  • 17. Bhujangasana Forward Lying Asana Description- From a prone position with palms and legs on the floor, the chest is lifted.
  • 19. Bhujangasana Procedure- Initial Pose •Lie down on the floor facing downwards. Now, stretch back your legs with the top portion of the feet touching the ground. Next put your palms on the floor and spread your arms such that your hands are just under your shoulders. •Press your thighs and the feet firmly on the ground. Stay Pose •Take a deep breath and simultaneously start straightening your arms in order to lift your chest off the floor. Keep going up until you reach a height where your legs are just touching the ground but not pressing onto the floor.
  • 20. •Puff the side ribs in the forward direction and firm the shoulder blades against your back. While avoiding pushing the front ribs forward, you have to lift your torso through the top of your sternum. This helps in hardening the lower back only. Make sure that the bend of the back spreads uniformly along the whole length of the spine. Final Pose •Hold the pose for about 15 to 30 seconds and then come back to the floor, exhaling simultaneously. You can start by holding the pose for lesser time and slowly increase the duration when you become more flexible and comfortable with the yoga pose.
  • 21. Bhujangasana Benefits •It is a deep backbend that makes the spine stronger and more flexible. •It also tones the organs that lie in the lower abdomen. •It stimulates the digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems. •It helps regulate metabolism, thus balancing the weight. •It makes the buttocks firm. •It gives the lungs, shoulders, chest, and abdomen a good stretch. •It works as a great stress release. •This asana is known to open up the lungs and the heart. •It relieves sciatica and asthma.
  • 22. Bhujangasana Contraindications •Avoid practicing Bhujangasana if you are pregnant, have fractured ribs or wrists, or recently underwent abdominal surgeries, such as for hernia. •Also avoid doing Bhujangasana if you suffer from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. •Practice Cobra Pose under an Sri Sri Yoga teacher's guidance if you have suffered from chronic diseases or spinal disorders in the past.
  • 23. Bhujangasana Precautions The hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, and hypothyroidism shouldn’t practice this asana. If you have other serious problems, it is better to consult a Yoga therapist or expert before performing bhujnagasana. One having abdominal injuries should also avoid doing this. The patients of sciatica, slip-disc and ulcerative colitis should take extra precautions. It also shouldn’t be performed during pregnancy .cobra pose has some limitation and contradictions. These precautions have to be taken care of. The person who is suffering from peptic ulcers .
  • 24. Ardha Chakrasana Half Wheel Pose Description Ardha chakrasana is an intermediate asana that can help to prepare the body and mind for deeper backbends and heart-opening postures like chakrasana (wheel pose). The name is derived from the Sanskrit ardha, meaning “half," chakra, meaning “wheel," and asana, meaning “pose.” To enter ardha chakrasana, the practitioner begins in tadasana (mountain pose). The hands are placed on the lower back, then the body leans back, bending the back and opening the chest.
  • 25. Ardha Chakrasana Half Wheel Pose JAYA
  • 26. Ardha Chakrasana Procedure Initial Pose Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body. Balance your weight equally on both feet Stay Pose Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other. Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward, keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up, and lifting your chest towards the ceiling. Final Pose Hold. Breathing in, come back up. Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax.
  • 27. Ardha Chakrasana Benefits •Stretches the front upper torso. •Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.
  • 28. Ardha Chakrasana Those with serious hip or spinal problems should avoid this asana as well as those with high blood pressure and brain ailments. Peptic or duodenal ulcers and hernia patients should avoid this pose. Pregnant woman should avoid this pose. Contraindications And Precautions
  • 29. Ushtrasana, Or Camel Pose Backward Sitting Pose Description It is a very deep backward bend performed in a kneeling position. Many people find backbends difficult or challenging, because bending backwards is not an activity with which most are familiar. After performing Ustrasana, the pulse rate will often have increased considerably, while the breathing should be deep and slow. A deeper stretch can be achieved by separating the knees slightly wider at the outset. The "full expression" of camel varies widely between practitioners, with some finding it quite difficult to progress beyond a slight backward lean; at its deepest the head can be between the knees.
  • 30. Ushtrasana, Or Camel Pose Backward Sitting Pose NATASHA
  • 31. Ushtrasana Procedure Initial Pose Sit on the floor stretching your leg and keeping your spine erect keeping palms on the ground side by the buttocks. Bend your leg by the keens and sit on your heels placing the buttocks between the heels, the right big toe overlapping the left. Kneel on floor keeping your knees in line with the shoulders and sole of the feet facing the ceiling. Stay Pose Keep your hand on thighs. Inhale and arch your back and place your palms on the heels of the feet. Keep your arms straight. Do not strain your neck keep it neutral. Let your neck be free. Final Pose Stay in this final position for couple of breaths or as much longer as you can. Breathe out and slowly come to the normal position withdrawing your hands from the feet.
  • 32. Ushtrasana Benefits •Ustrasana Stretches the anterior muscles of the body. •Improves flexibility of spine and strengthens it. •Camel Pose Improves digestion •Gives relaxation to the lower back. •Useful as an initial practice for back bending.
  • 33. UshtrasanaContraindications: People suffering from severe back and neck injury, high or low blood pressure, migraine or other severe headache should perform this asana or posture under the guidance of a yoga therapist or expert. Else better to avoid the practice.
  • 34. Ushtrasana Precautions •Those having problems related to neck, knee and back injury should not perform this asana. •Lower back pain patients should avoid this asana. •Person suffering from high or low blood pressure and migraine should avoid this asana. •Insomnia (Sleeping disorder) patient should avoid. •Practice under expert guidance. Because this pose may cause back pain or neck injuries. •Consult a doctor before practicing yogasana to find the root cause of your problem.
  • 35. Matsyasana Or fish Pose Backward Iying Pose Description The asana is a backbend, where the practitioner lies on his or her back and lifts the heart (anahata) chakra by rising up on the elbows and drawing the shoulders back. The neck is lengthened, and the crown of the head Sahasrara chakra is "pointed" toward the 'wall' behind the practitioner. As the arch of the back deepens with practice, and the heart and throat open further, the top of the head may brush the ground, but no weight should rest upon it.
  • 36. Matsyasana Or fish Pose Backward Iying Pose 4 AJAY
  • 37. Matsyasana Procedure Initial Pose 1. Sit on the carpet; fold the both legs together like Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana or Sukasana. 2. Thrusting hands on the carpet and slowly lies down. 3. Place the palms next to ears, towards the shoulder blade. 4. Press palms and waist, raise the trunk and head. Then place the crown of the head on the floor. Stay Pose 5. Place both the hands on the thighs and relax the elbow on the floor. If possible hold the toe with the fingers. Final Pose 6. Now the crown of head and lower body on the floor making an arc shape on the back. Maintain the pose at least 50 or 100 counts. 7. Release the fingers, thrust the palms on the floor and raise the head and shoulder blade, rest them on the floor. Unfold the legs, straighten them and do savasana.
  • 38. Matsyasana Benefits •A traditional text that Matsyasana is the “destroyer of all diseases.” •Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas) and the muscles (intercostals) between the ribs •Stretches and stimulates the muscles of the belly and front of the neck •Stretches and stimulates the organs of the belly and throat •Strengthens the muscles of the upper back and back of the neck •Improves posture
  • 39. Matsyasana Contraindication And Precautions 1. It is best to avoid this pose if you suffer from high or low blood pressure. 2. Also, patients with insomnia and migraine are asked to abstain from the Fish Pose. 3. If you have had a back injury, it is strongly recommended that you avoid this asana.
  • 40. Trikonasana Or Triangle Pose Sideward Standing Pose Description Trikonasana is usually performed in two parts, facing left, and then facing right. The practitioner begins standing with the feet one leg-length apart, knees unbent, turns the right foot completely to the outside and the left foot less than 45 degrees to the inside, keeping the heels in line with the hips. The arms are spread out to the sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down; the trunk is extended as far as is comfortable to the right, while the arms remain parallel to the floor. Once the trunk is fully extended to the right, the right arm is dropped so that the right hand reaches the shin (or a block or on the floor) to the front (left side) of the right foot, with the palm down if flexed. The left arm is extended vertically, and the spine and trunk are gently twisted counterclockwise (i.e., upwards to the left, since they're roughly parallel to the floor), using the extended arms as a lever, while the spine remains parallel to the ground. The arms are stretched away from one another, and the head is often turned to gaze at the left thumb, slightly intensifying the spinal twist. Returning to standing, the bend is then repeated to the left
  • 41. Trikonasana Or Triangle Pose Sideward Standing Pose RAVINDER
  • 42. Trikonasana Procedure Initial Pose •Stand straightly by wide up your feet. You must give a proper space in between the feet, two to three feet depending upon their height. •Don’t bend your spine, stand straightly. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and your palm must face down. Deeply inhale. Stay Pose •Slowly exhale and bend your body to left side and touch the floor with your left hand’s finger and your hand should touch the left ankle. Your right hand must be straight. Now turn your head and see the tip of the right hand’s finger.
  • 43. •Be in this pose from seven to ten counts. Now inhale the breath and stand straight with your straightened hands beside. Now inhale and count from five to ten. Final Pose •Exhale now and bend your hip to right side and touch the floor by right hand’s finger and the right hand must touch the right leg’s ankle. Be in this pose for ten seconds. •Then come to the standing position with the straightened hands beside and inhale. If you do the asana in two sides it is called as one round of Trikonasana. We can do the asana up to six rounds. This is called Artha Trikonasana.
  • 44. Trikonasana Benefits Iyengar claims practice of this asana improves the flexibility of the spine, corrects alignment of the shoulders; relieves backache, gastritis, indigestion, acidity, flatulence; massages and tones the pelvic organs, corrects the effects of a sedentary lifestyle or faulty posture, assists treatment of neck sprains, reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulders and knees, strengthens the ankles and tones the ligaments of the arms and legs. A book from Sivananda Yoga VedantaCentre claims the asana can reduce or eliminate pain in the lower back, tone the spinal nerves and abdominal organs, improve the appetite, digestion and circulation.SwamiSatyananda Saraswaticlaims the asana stimulates the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression, strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs
  • 45. Trikosana Contraindications And Precautions This side bend may cause issues in practitioners with lower back problems. Farhiwarns that those with posterolateral disc herniationmay find the twisting in this asana challenging the back. Iyengar[advises: those prone to dizzy spells, vertigo, or high blood pressure do not look down at the floor in the final asana or turn the head; those with cervical spondylosis do not look up for too long; those with a cardiac condition practise against a wall and do not raise the arm, but rest it along the hip; and those with stress-related headaches, migraine, eye strain, diarrhoea, low blood pressure, psoriasis, varicose veins, depression or extreme fatigue do not practise this asana. Satyananda Saraswati[ states that the asana should not be practiced by those suffering from severe back conditions.
  • 46. Bharadvajasana Sideward Sitting Pose Description Bharadvājāsana is a basic seated spinal twist. It has three main variations: Bharadvājāsana II is the advanced variation requiring high hip mobility in which one leg articulated as in the Padmasana (lotus position), while the other leg is articulated as in the Vīrāsana Bharadvājāsana I is the basic variation in which the legs articulated as in vīrāsana dropped to one side one foot on the floor and the other's ankle cradled in the arch of the foot below. Bharadvājāsana on chair is a third variant which is performed sitting sideways on an armless chair, which does not require hip mobility, utilizing the back seat to provide gentle resistance to the arms, to assist with the twist.
  • 48. Bharadvajasana Procedure Initial Pose •First get into the Staff position (Dandasana). •Now extend your both legs straight out in forward direction (in front of you). •You have to keep your spine and legs erect. •Keep your both hands along with your body and your palms should touch to the floor. •After that you have to bend your left leg from the knee and keep it on to your thigh in a way that the sole of your left foot faces upwards.
  • 49. Stay Pose After that fold your right knee and keep it in the Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana). Here, the sole of your feet ought to confront upwards and the upper side of your feet ought to touch the floor or ground. You should keep your back straight. Keep the palm of your right hand on left knee. Now slowly twist your left hand from behind the body and try to touch your right foot; at this time look behind. Final Pose Hold this position around 15 to 20 seconds. (Hold the position according to your capacity and hold your breathing also).
  • 50. Now slowly breathe out and release your arms form your back and get back to the initial position (Dandasana) and repeat the process with your other hand Repeat this process about 6 to 10 times every day.
  • 51. Bharadvajasana Benefits Practicing Bharadvajasana consistently helps in extending and fortifying your arms, shoulders, spine, thighs, waist, calf muscles and your lower legs (Ankles). It relives in lower back agony, neck torment and sciatica torment. It is good remedial for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is beneficial in the symptoms of stress. It gently massages the organs of abdominal. It boosts the digestive system. It enhances lungs capacity. It stretches belly and reduces the fat of your belly. Daily practices help in reducing side fats of your body. It improves the blood circulation in body.
  • 52. Bharadvajasana Contraindications Cardiac condition Chronic fatigue Cold or chest congestion Depression Diarrhea Eye strain Headache Insomnia Migraine
  • 53. Precautions : Bharadvaja's Twist precautions need to be exercised by those who have a history of spine, hip or disc problems or injuries.
  • 54. Anantasana Sideward Lying Pose Description The name for this posture comes from the Sanskrit Ananta, which was the name of a serpent in Hindu and yogic mythology, and asana, which means "pose." According to legend, Ananta was a serpent with 1,000 heads upon whom Vishnu rested while he was in the primordial ocean. Because this posture is said to resemble his position atop the serpent, the English name for this asana is sleeping Vishnu pose.
  • 56. Anantasana Procedure Initial Pose 1.Lie flat on your mat and gently turn to the left. Steady yourself as you take this position by pressing the outer part of your left foot and your heels firmly into the floor. 2.Raise your right arm over your head. Make sure that your arm is perpendicular to your body. Stay Pose 3.Use your left arm to support your head as you lift it off the floor and support it on your palms. 4.Bend your right leg at the knee, and reach for your big toe with the right arm. Grab it using the first two fingers and the thumb. 5.Stay stable for a few seconds as you prepare to maintain balance. Final Pose 6. Exhale and stretch the right leg towards the ceiling. Stretch as far as you can, ensuring your arm and leg are perfectly straight. 7.Hold this pose for a few seconds. Then, release. Wait for a few moments. Repeat this pose as you turn to your right side, and do it with your left leg for the same amount of time.
  • 57. Anantasana Benefits Anantāsana involves balance, pelvis, hip, leg adductor muscle, promote blood circulation in the leg muscles. Anantasana Precautions And Contraindications These are some points of caution you must keep in mind before you do this asana. Avoid practicing this asana if you have pain in your neck or shoulders. If you have spondylitis, slip disc, or sciatica, you must make sure you practice this asana only under the guidance of an experienced teacher.
  • 58. Garudasana Or Eagle Pose Balancing Standing Pose Description This standing asana may enhance concentration.[t focuses on the ankles, calves, thighs, hips and shoulders.
  • 59. Garudasana Or Eagle Pose Balancing Standing Pose RAJAT
  • 60. Garudasana Procedure The Pose Initial Pose Stand in Tadasana position and stretch your body. Inhale and twist your knees a bit. Lift up your left leg, twist it a little and after that attempt to wrap it around your right leg. Keep both your knees twisted. Stay Pose Have a go at adjusting your body on your right foot. Put your hands before your face and have a go at doing likewise with your hands. Curve your hands and wrap your left hand around your right hands. The hands ought to be wrapped in such a path, to the point that the palms of both your hands touch one another. Final Pose Stay unfaltering in this position for around 8-10 seconds and afterward discharge. •Loosen up your hands and legs and return to Tadasana position. Rehearse this entire action 5-10 times consistently.
  • 61. Garudasana Benefits Rehearsing this asana normally fortifies your legs and hands. It gives a decent massage to your calf muscles, arms, shoulders and thighs. It helps you to learn adjusting. It builds your fixation. When you perform this asana, your veins consequently get extended which expands blood flow and reinforces the blood convey vessels. It keeps away from joint-torment and knee torment.
  • 62. Garudasana Contriandications And Precaution These are some points of caution you must keep in mind before you do this asana. It is best to avoid this asana if you have had a recent ankle, knee, or elbow injury. Pregnant women must seek medical consent before they practice this asana.
  • 63. Bakasana Balancing Standing Pose Description This asana is considered an arm balance. According to B.K.S. Iyengar there are two techniques for entering into this balance. The simple method of achieving it is by pushing up from a crouching position. The advanced method is to drop down from a head stand .
  • 65. Bakasana Procedure Intial Pose While in a squatting position on a yoga mat, maintain equal distance between both the knees and keep the feet flat on the mat. Then place the palms in between the knees and flat on the ground while maintaining the knees and elbows at the same level. Stay Pose Bend the torso forward while lifting both the legs up so that the whole body balances solely on the palms. While in this posture, maintain a straight gaze so that the body balances properly. Final Pose Finally to return to the original position, slowly bring the feet down on the ground and go back into a Tadasana posture.
  • 66. Bakasana Benefits The asana strengthens the shoulders, arms, wrists and hands, as well as the core muscles and organs of the abdomen.
  • 67. Bakasana Contriandications Carpal tunnel syndrome Pregnancy Bakasana Precautions  It is important to keep the neck straight in this posture to avoid sprains and strains. People who suffer from neck problems like spondilitis should always practice this asana under the guidance of a trained yoga expert. Pregnant women and those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should also not practice this asana.
  • 68. Naukasana Or The Boat Pose Balancing lying Pose Descriptions Naukasana or the Boat Pose stretches the abdominal muscles and tones all organs in the abdomen. In Sanskrit, Nauka means a boat and Asana means pose. In Naukasana the body takes the shape of a boat in the final position, hence the name Naukasana. Naukasana is good for those who wish to reduce belly fat and for developing the Abs muscles.
  • 69. Naukasana Or The Boat Pose Balancing lying Pose RHEA
  • 70. Naukasana Procedure Intial Pose •Lie flat on the floor with hands on the sides. Let the palms face downwards. Start Inhaling and simultaneously raise the legs, arms and the upper body. Stay Pose The weight of the body will rest entirely on the buttocks. In the raised position, the toes should line up with the palms. Hold the breath and remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable. While returning to the original position exhale. Final Pose Relax the entire body and remain in Shavasana until you are ready to repeat the process. One may do this 2 to 5 times according to one’s capacity.
  • 71. Naukasana Benefits Naukasana strengthens the abdominal muscles. It helps to remove belly fat. It improves digestion. It tones and improves the health of all organs in the abdomen especially the liver, pancreas and kidneys. It strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs and shoulders. Naukasana stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
  • 72. Naukasana Contriandications Do not practice this yoga pose if you have low blood pressure, severe headache, migraine, or if you have suffered from some chronic diseases or spinal disorders in the recent past. Asthma and heart patients are advised to avoid this pose. Women should avoid doing Boat pose (Naukasana) during pregnancy and during the first two days of the menstrual cycle.
  • 73. Naukasana Precautions Suffering from low or high blood pressure hip joint pain, arthritis, severe headache, migraine, hernia and ulcer patients should not practice naukasana (Boat pose). Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance. Pregnant women should not practice this boat pose. Avoid practicing during periods but if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.