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for a Powerful Life
& goals
& Habits
Surprising Fact:
As many as 45% of the
things you do each day are
done out of HABIT –
without you even giving
much thought to it!
From the minute you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you operate
out of habit.
That doesn’t mean you’re acting mindlessly, but it does mean you’ve already created many
go-to routines that have become ingrained in your daily life.
And that’s GREAT news… because we’re going to tap into the power of those existing
routines to help you move closer towards your goals every day!
Routines happen so automatically that you might not even think about them as “routines.”
For example, maybe you drink a smoothie for breakfast… floss your teeth before you brush
them… make your bed as soon as you get up… or gear up to complete your training session
the minute you get home from work.
Our goal with this program is to help you seamlessly blend new healthy habits into your
existing routines so that they become part of your daily 45% to create MASSIVE IMPACT.
We’re not interested in short-term fixes… we’re all about creating lifelong change that lasts!
This resource guide is designed to be used as a workbook to establish and write your
goals and habits down as we go along. Be sure to allocate 20-30 minutes after this
training to maximize the impact of this information. When you are looking to set new
goals and form new habits around those goals, you can repeat this process any time
you want to integrate a new habit into your life! 
Simple Steps to New Habits
This proven, easy-to-follow process will have you conquering your goals faster than
you can imagine!
What is Your Ultimate Goal?
What do YOU want to achieve – what is your goal? It could be anything!
Use This Guide
Lose body fat/inches/weight
Put healthy habits on autopilot so I
can live my best life without stress
and worry
Ultimate Goals Examples:
design the life you love
G O A L - S E T T I N G
What do you want in life
that you do not have?
List the things that you do not have in life
that would make you happy at the deepest
level, not just give you pleasure or make
you feel better in the short-term.
What do you have in life
that you do not want?
List the things that cloud your mind, take
up time, aren't supporting you, or add
stress without a sense of reward.
most important in life?
List your top 3 priorities:
vision for the future
Where do you want to be in 10 years? How do you want to feel? Who
do you want in your life? What do you want your life to look like?
Cast a vision and paint a clear picture of what your life will look like
in 10 years.
to transform your life
G O A L - S E T T I N G
What are your top 3 goals for the next 12 weeks:
What habits will support these 3 goals:
to set your soul on fire
G O A L - S E T T I N G
Take some time to think about and journal exactly WHY this goal matters to you.
What’s so important about it? What does achieving it MEAN to you? How will you
feel once you've achieved your goal? How will it change your life? Will reaching your
goal change how you feel about yourself? Will it affect the energy you bring to your
work or relationships? Will you feel more confident, healthier, stronger? Go deep on
this one! Writing this down will unlock powerful feelings that will help push you
past any resistance that your “body” may give you along the way.
I want to reach these goals because:
Life is always going to throw obstacles your way. Be proactive - list out the obstacles that
could get in the way of achieving your goals and come up with a plan to stay on target.
plan to stay on target
Choose ONE NEW HABIT to help you
achieve your ultimate goal.
Depending on your goal, you might come up with a huge list of "ALL THE THINGS" you
need to do to make your goal a reality.
But for right now, we’re just going to focus on ONE key thing to move the needle in
your life. And we're going to turn that ONE key thing into a new habit!
In fact, one of the strategies that have been very successful for our clients is to simply
integrate ONE new habit every month. Imagine the compounding effect of this... if you
simply created one new habit every month for a year, you’ll have installed 12 healthy
new habits. How incredible is that?! Let’s break it down with some examples:
#1. Goal: Gain ENERGY
Your Habit: There a few basic components that factor into your energy levels: sleep,
nutrition, hydration, and excitement for life. ASSESS: what area do you feel would be
the 'quick win' to help you gain energy? Is it sleep? Set a habit to get at least 7-8 hours
of sleep every night. Is it nutrition or hydration? Revisit our Habits for Massive Impact
and find an area to focus on to improve this area. Excitement for life? Create a habit to
do something that fuels your soul - start reading more, plan times with friends or family
that you love, or pick up an old hobby.
#2. Goal: Lose fat / weight / inches
Your Habit: The very first thing you need to do to lose weight is NOT cutting out entire
food groups or going on a crazy yo-yo diet. Instead, your first step may be to plan the
meals that put you on-track for steady weight loss.
It could also be as simple as swapping out those 2 sodas you drink every day for water
instead! Choose whatever habit is the best for YOU.
#3. Goal: Feel Better
Your Habit: Stay on track with this program and do the work and you will be feeling
better soon. The stress in our life is a major contributing factor to our mental load and
how we feel. We can’t avoid all of the stress in life, but there are healthy ways to
reduce its impact on you. In addition to exercise and nutrition, meditation is another
proven method to reduce stress and improve feelings of well-being! Your first habit
could be to block off 10 minutes every day to meditate (you can do it in one sitting, or
break it into two 5-minute chunks.). ProTip: Check out apps like Headspace and Calm
for guided meditations.
#4. Goal: Put healthy habits on autopilot.
Your Habit: Simple! Use the tracker below to track your healthy habits for the
remainder of this program until they feel second nature to you.
What is your ONE
new target habit
for this week?
S M T W Th F S
S M T W Th F S
S M T W Th F S
S M T W Th F S
Habit Tracker
nourish consistently
whole foods
S M T W Th F S
exercise 3x weekly
S M T W Th F S
S M T W Th F S
S M T W Th F S
Habit Tracker
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
eat breakfast nourish consistently
Habit Tracker
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
whole foods hydrate
Habit Tracker
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
train 3x/week
Habit Tracker
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
How can you make your new
This is all about setting yourself up for success by creating an environment
that supports your new habit.
"Ask yourself: What would this look like if it were easy?” – Tim Ferris
Here are a few examples of the Success Steps you can take to support
your healthy habits:
Start Your Day Right - with a Healthy Breakfast
Success Step: Prep your breakfasts in advance. Make sure that there is a
variety and it is something that you are really excited for! Have an
'alternate' on hand if you 'aren't feeling' what you prepped.
Nourish Yourself Well (Nourish Consistently Throughout the day, High-
Quality Whole Foods Only)
Success Steps: Committing to meal prepping every Sunday. The trick is to
cut away any obstacle or resistance that is in the way of achieving your
goals. If all of your meals are locked and loaded for the week, you have a
much better chance of staying on track with your nutrition. It is when we
get on our heels with meal planning and prepping that we get in trouble
because take-out and fast food becomes a lot easier to reach for in our
busy lives.
On a daily basis, plan your meals and your snacks in your victory journal -
even though everything is prepped - you still have to DECIDE what of that
prepped food you are going to eat for the day.
5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S
What will make
your new habits as
easy as possible?
Success Steps: 1- figure out your water target goal (1/2 your body weight
in fluid ounces in water daily OR 80 ounces). Make a plan to make it
happen. If you have 80 ounces of water to drink in a day, plan to drink 40
ounces before noon and 40 ounces after noon. Broken down further - that
is 20 ounces upon waking, then another 20 ounces before lunch, 20
ounces with lunch, and 20 ounces after lunch. Breaking down your water
requirements into smaller pieces will make it a little more manageable.
We gave you more hydration strategies in the Habits for Massive Impact
Presentation, so revisit that if you need more support.
Get Active - Complete 3 Training Sessions Per Week
Success Step: Invest the time at the beginning of your week by time-
blocking WHEN you are going to complete your training sessions AND put
that on your calendar. Since you will be doing these workouts in your
home on your time, there is a temptation to put it off until the last minute.
Don't let that happen - because it WON'T happen. Book the meeting with
yourself and don't cancel (reschedule if you have to). Lay out your workout
clothes and have your workout space set up so when the time comes, you
are good to go.
Be prepared for slip-ups.
This is a BIG ONE. In fact, it might be the second most important step of your new
journey! (The first is getting started.)
We all go through periods in life of being laser-focused and not so focused on our
health and fitness. The GOAL of establishing these baseline Habits for Massive Impact
is to have a solid foundation under you even when you drift away from your focus.
You must have a plan AHEAD OF TIME for exactly how you will get back on-track if
(and when) you miss a day or two of working out, nourishing yourself well, and staying
on track.
Our health and fitness journeys are filled with ups and downs - peaks and valleys - it is
all-natural and it is all fine. The key is to handle how we manage the “downs” that will
make all the difference. And - being focused on these habits for Massive Impact will
help smooth out the journey so that our valleys aren't as deep.
This is SO IMPORTANT - don’t make it a big deal or beat yourself up if you slip off track.
Just pick it back up RIGHT AWAY. Not TOMORROW. Today.
5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S
For example, if you slip off your plan and overindulge at lunch... that doesn’t mean you
might as well have whatever you want for dinner, and then start again "tomorrow."
Make sure your VERY next meal is back on track with your plan.
"Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today."
- Abraham Lincoln
How I will get
back on track?
Remind yourself of your WHY and the reason this goal is so
important to you in the first place.
Acknowledge what happened, and ask yourself (without
judgment): “What’s the real reason I slipped up?” Was it too
demanding, did I set unrealistic expectations, was my routine off,
or was it something else?
Ask yourself: “What can I learn from this situation?” 
Then, put new boundaries in place so you can do a better job of
setting yourself up for success going forward.
Work hard to get back on track RIGHT AWAY. Don’t wait until
These are five things that you can do when you fall off track:
Celebrate Your Wins!
This is so important - the journey with health and fitness is a LONG, gradual one and the
results are never instant. It is important to celebrate our wins and reward ourselves for
being consistent in the ACTION that we are taking as we strive towards achieving our
health and fitness goals.
Adding a fun element (like a reward for reaching your goal of being consistent with
your habits) can make the process even more exciting. Will you get a new pair of
training shoes or new workout gear? New jeans or an entire outfit? Or maybe you will
treat yourself to a massage or spa day!
Make sure the reward is healthy and
aligned with your goals – for example,
if you’ve set a nutrition goal, rewarding
yourself with cake or ice cream sends
a mixed message to your
Remember that you are in this for the
long haul! Your reward is not a finish
line – it’s simply a positive
acknowledgment of your progress.
Set boundaries for yourself outlining
exactly how (and when) you earn the
reward… and stick with them!
A few powerful tips:
5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S
Stacking 101
Habit stacking is a time-tested, researched-backed
You can actually integrate your new habits into your
existing routine so that they also become
This process is outlined in the book Atomic Habits
by James Clear. (It's an incredible read if you find
this stuff interesting.)
An example of an EXISTING routine:
Do you wake up in the morning, drink a
cup of coffee, and then take a shower?
Here’s how to HABIT STACK that routine:
Before your coffee, you drink 20 ounces of
water. So your NEW routine is: wake up,
drink water, coffee, and then shower!
Another example would be to add exercise to your “get-home-from-work” routine. As
soon as you get home, instead of crashing on the couch or starting dinner, you could
change your clothes and complete your training session.
OR - If you want to develop a NEW habit of packing your lunch, cook more at dinner
and then stack 'packing your lunch' on top of your 'cleaning the kitchen' routine each
Every time I I will
(behavior prompt) (new habit)
There’s no one “right” answer when it comes to how long it takes to create a habit.
A famous study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that it
can take between 18 and 254 days, depending on the person and the habit they are
trying to create.
Example: Let’s say you decide to properly hydrate yourself. If you commit to drinking
your water requirement 5 or 6 times a week, it likely will become a habit faster than if
you did this just a few days a month. So - the good news for most of the habits that we
want you to commit to for Massive Impact are DAILY habits - which means you should
be able to implement them sooner rather than later if you are consistent.
Basically, what this all boils down to is that it’s not necessarily an amount of TIME that it
takes to create the habit... rather it’s the NUMBER of times you perform the action.
to Create a Habit?
But... there is ONE factor that seems to shorten the amount of
time it takes for a behavior to become automatic – and that’s
getting in more repetitions!
Massive Impact
So often we see people go ALL IN - full “beast mode” - and try to transform their entire
lifestyle overnight. Unfortunately, what happens is the expectations that people set for
themselves just aren't realistic or sustainable and people end up beating themselves up
for a lack of discipline or motivation and end up crashing and burning.
This is NOT going to happen to you, my friend! Because you are smart, you are realistic,
you are focused, and you have us and our step-by-step process to support you.
With this program, we are working through everything to help set yourself up to succeed.
This is EVERYTHING! That’s why we layer in just a single new habit for you every week and
we focus on just 5 habits for Massive Impact.
Our goal for you throughout this program is to help you make these habits automatic - so
you don't even need to think about them - they are just part of your life and they are just
what you do. That will help free up mental capacity to focus on the other things in life that
are important to you.

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Powerful Habits and Goals for a Powerful LIFE

  • 2. ROUTINES & Habits Surprising Fact: As many as 45% of the things you do each day are done out of HABIT – without you even giving much thought to it! From the minute you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you operate out of habit.   That doesn’t mean you’re acting mindlessly, but it does mean you’ve already created many go-to routines that have become ingrained in your daily life.   And that’s GREAT news… because we’re going to tap into the power of those existing routines to help you move closer towards your goals every day!   Routines happen so automatically that you might not even think about them as “routines.”   For example, maybe you drink a smoothie for breakfast… floss your teeth before you brush them… make your bed as soon as you get up… or gear up to complete your training session the minute you get home from work.   Our goal with this program is to help you seamlessly blend new healthy habits into your existing routines so that they become part of your daily 45% to create MASSIVE IMPACT.   We’re not interested in short-term fixes… we’re all about creating lifelong change that lasts! WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 3. This resource guide is designed to be used as a workbook to establish and write your goals and habits down as we go along. Be sure to allocate 20-30 minutes after this training to maximize the impact of this information. When you are looking to set new goals and form new habits around those goals, you can repeat this process any time you want to integrate a new habit into your life!    Simple Steps to New Habits     This proven, easy-to-follow process will have you conquering your goals faster than you can imagine!   What is Your Ultimate Goal?   What do YOU want to achieve – what is your goal? It could be anything! HOW TO Use This Guide Gain ENERGY Feel AMAZING Lose body fat/inches/weight Gain STRENGTH Put healthy habits on autopilot so I can live my best life without stress and worry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ultimate Goals Examples: WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 4. design the life you love G O A L - S E T T I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS What do you want in life that you do not have? List the things that you do not have in life that would make you happy at the deepest level, not just give you pleasure or make you feel better in the short-term. What do you have in life that you do not want? List the things that cloud your mind, take up time, aren't supporting you, or add stress without a sense of reward.
  • 5. most important in life? W H A T I S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS List your top 3 priorities:
  • 6. vision for the future C A S T A C L E A R WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Where do you want to be in 10 years? How do you want to feel? Who do you want in your life? What do you want your life to look like? Cast a vision and paint a clear picture of what your life will look like in 10 years.
  • 7. to transform your life G O A L - S E T T I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS What are your top 3 goals for the next 12 weeks: What habits will support these 3 goals:
  • 8. to set your soul on fire G O A L - S E T T I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS Take some time to think about and journal exactly WHY this goal matters to you. What’s so important about it? What does achieving it MEAN to you? How will you feel once you've achieved your goal? How will it change your life? Will reaching your goal change how you feel about yourself? Will it affect the energy you bring to your work or relationships? Will you feel more confident, healthier, stronger? Go deep on this one! Writing this down will unlock powerful feelings that will help push you past any resistance that your “body” may give you along the way. I want to reach these goals because:
  • 9. obstacles O V E R C O M I N G WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS obstacle Life is always going to throw obstacles your way. Be proactive - list out the obstacles that could get in the way of achieving your goals and come up with a plan to stay on target. plan to stay on target
  • 10. Choose ONE NEW HABIT to help you achieve your ultimate goal.   Depending on your goal, you might come up with a huge list of "ALL THE THINGS" you need to do to make your goal a reality.   But for right now, we’re just going to focus on ONE key thing to move the needle in your life. And we're going to turn that ONE key thing into a new habit!   In fact, one of the strategies that have been very successful for our clients is to simply integrate ONE new habit every month. Imagine the compounding effect of this... if you simply created one new habit every month for a year, you’ll have installed 12 healthy new habits. How incredible is that?! Let’s break it down with some examples:   #1. Goal: Gain ENERGY   Your Habit: There a few basic components that factor into your energy levels: sleep, nutrition, hydration, and excitement for life. ASSESS: what area do you feel would be the 'quick win' to help you gain energy? Is it sleep? Set a habit to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Is it nutrition or hydration? Revisit our Habits for Massive Impact and find an area to focus on to improve this area. Excitement for life? Create a habit to do something that fuels your soul - start reading more, plan times with friends or family that you love, or pick up an old hobby. S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 11. #2. Goal: Lose fat / weight / inches   Your Habit: The very first thing you need to do to lose weight is NOT cutting out entire food groups or going on a crazy yo-yo diet. Instead, your first step may be to plan the meals that put you on-track for steady weight loss. It could also be as simple as swapping out those 2 sodas you drink every day for water instead! Choose whatever habit is the best for YOU.   #3. Goal: Feel Better   Your Habit: Stay on track with this program and do the work and you will be feeling better soon. The stress in our life is a major contributing factor to our mental load and how we feel. We can’t avoid all of the stress in life, but there are healthy ways to reduce its impact on you. In addition to exercise and nutrition, meditation is another proven method to reduce stress and improve feelings of well-being! Your first habit could be to block off 10 minutes every day to meditate (you can do it in one sitting, or break it into two 5-minute chunks.). ProTip: Check out apps like Headspace and Calm for guided meditations.   #4. Goal: Put healthy habits on autopilot.   Your Habit: Simple! Use the tracker below to track your healthy habits for the remainder of this program until they feel second nature to you. What is your ONE new target habit for this week? S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 12. Goal: Reward: S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S WEEKLY Habit Tracker WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS breakfast nourish consistently whole foods hydrate S M T W Th F S exercise 3x weekly S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S
  • 13. Goal Reward Goal Reward MONTHLY Habit Tracker H A B I T H A B I T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS eat breakfast nourish consistently
  • 14. Goal Reward Goal Reward MONTHLY Habit Tracker H A B I T H A B I T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS whole foods hydrate
  • 15. Goal Reward Goal Reward MONTHLY Habit Tracker H A B I T H A B I T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS train 3x/week
  • 16. Goal Reward Goal Reward MONTHLY Habit Tracker H A B I T H A B I T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 17. How can you make your new habits as EASY AS POSSIBLE?   This is all about setting yourself up for success by creating an environment that supports your new habit. "Ask yourself: What would this look like if it were easy?” – Tim Ferris Here are a few examples of the Success Steps you can take to support your healthy habits:   Start Your Day Right - with a Healthy Breakfast   Success Step: Prep your breakfasts in advance. Make sure that there is a variety and it is something that you are really excited for! Have an 'alternate' on hand if you 'aren't feeling' what you prepped.   Nourish Yourself Well (Nourish Consistently Throughout the day, High- Quality Whole Foods Only)   Success Steps: Committing to meal prepping every Sunday. The trick is to cut away any obstacle or resistance that is in the way of achieving your goals. If all of your meals are locked and loaded for the week, you have a much better chance of staying on track with your nutrition. It is when we get on our heels with meal planning and prepping that we get in trouble because take-out and fast food becomes a lot easier to reach for in our busy lives. On a daily basis, plan your meals and your snacks in your victory journal - even though everything is prepped - you still have to DECIDE what of that prepped food you are going to eat for the day. 5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 18. What will make your new habits as easy as possible? Hydrate Success Steps: 1- figure out your water target goal (1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces in water daily OR 80 ounces). Make a plan to make it happen. If you have 80 ounces of water to drink in a day, plan to drink 40 ounces before noon and 40 ounces after noon. Broken down further - that is 20 ounces upon waking, then another 20 ounces before lunch, 20 ounces with lunch, and 20 ounces after lunch. Breaking down your water requirements into smaller pieces will make it a little more manageable. We gave you more hydration strategies in the Habits for Massive Impact Presentation, so revisit that if you need more support. Get Active - Complete 3 Training Sessions Per Week Success Step: Invest the time at the beginning of your week by time- blocking WHEN you are going to complete your training sessions AND put that on your calendar. Since you will be doing these workouts in your home on your time, there is a temptation to put it off until the last minute. Don't let that happen - because it WON'T happen. Book the meeting with yourself and don't cancel (reschedule if you have to). Lay out your workout clothes and have your workout space set up so when the time comes, you are good to go. S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 19. Be prepared for slip-ups.   This is a BIG ONE. In fact, it might be the second most important step of your new journey! (The first is getting started.)   We all go through periods in life of being laser-focused and not so focused on our health and fitness. The GOAL of establishing these baseline Habits for Massive Impact is to have a solid foundation under you even when you drift away from your focus. You must have a plan AHEAD OF TIME for exactly how you will get back on-track if (and when) you miss a day or two of working out, nourishing yourself well, and staying on track.   Our health and fitness journeys are filled with ups and downs - peaks and valleys - it is all-natural and it is all fine. The key is to handle how we manage the “downs” that will make all the difference. And - being focused on these habits for Massive Impact will help smooth out the journey so that our valleys aren't as deep.   This is SO IMPORTANT - don’t make it a big deal or beat yourself up if you slip off track.   Just pick it back up RIGHT AWAY. Not TOMORROW. Today. 5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 20. For example, if you slip off your plan and overindulge at lunch... that doesn’t mean you might as well have whatever you want for dinner, and then start again "tomorrow." Make sure your VERY next meal is back on track with your plan.     "Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today." - Abraham Lincoln How I will get back on track? Remind yourself of your WHY and the reason this goal is so important to you in the first place. Acknowledge what happened, and ask yourself (without judgment): “What’s the real reason I slipped up?” Was it too demanding, did I set unrealistic expectations, was my routine off, or was it something else? Ask yourself: “What can I learn from this situation?”  Then, put new boundaries in place so you can do a better job of setting yourself up for success going forward. Work hard to get back on track RIGHT AWAY. Don’t wait until “tomorrow.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. These are five things that you can do when you fall off track: S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 21. Celebrate Your Wins!   This is so important - the journey with health and fitness is a LONG, gradual one and the results are never instant. It is important to celebrate our wins and reward ourselves for being consistent in the ACTION that we are taking as we strive towards achieving our health and fitness goals.   Adding a fun element (like a reward for reaching your goal of being consistent with your habits) can make the process even more exciting. Will you get a new pair of training shoes or new workout gear? New jeans or an entire outfit? Or maybe you will treat yourself to a massage or spa day! Make sure the reward is healthy and aligned with your goals – for example, if you’ve set a nutrition goal, rewarding yourself with cake or ice cream sends a mixed message to your subconscious. Remember that you are in this for the long haul! Your reward is not a finish line – it’s simply a positive acknowledgment of your progress. Set boundaries for yourself outlining exactly how (and when) you earn the reward… and stick with them! 1. 2. 3. A few powerful tips: 5 S I M P L E S T E P S T O N E W H A B I T S WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 22. HABIT Stacking 101 Habit stacking is a time-tested, researched-backed strategy. You can actually integrate your new habits into your existing routine so that they also become automatic.   This process is outlined in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. (It's an incredible read if you find this stuff interesting.) An example of an EXISTING routine: Do you wake up in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, and then take a shower? Here’s how to HABIT STACK that routine: Before your coffee, you drink 20 ounces of water. So your NEW routine is: wake up, drink water, coffee, and then shower! Another example would be to add exercise to your “get-home-from-work” routine. As soon as you get home, instead of crashing on the couch or starting dinner, you could change your clothes and complete your training session. OR - If you want to develop a NEW habit of packing your lunch, cook more at dinner and then stack 'packing your lunch' on top of your 'cleaning the kitchen' routine each night. Every time I I will (behavior prompt) (new habit) WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 23. HOW LONG DOES IT REALLY TAKE There’s no one “right” answer when it comes to how long it takes to create a habit. A famous study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that it can take between 18 and 254 days, depending on the person and the habit they are trying to create. Example: Let’s say you decide to properly hydrate yourself. If you commit to drinking your water requirement 5 or 6 times a week, it likely will become a habit faster than if you did this just a few days a month. So - the good news for most of the habits that we want you to commit to for Massive Impact are DAILY habits - which means you should be able to implement them sooner rather than later if you are consistent.   Basically, what this all boils down to is that it’s not necessarily an amount of TIME that it takes to create the habit... rather it’s the NUMBER of times you perform the action. to Create a Habit? But... there is ONE factor that seems to shorten the amount of time it takes for a behavior to become automatic – and that’s getting in more repetitions! WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS
  • 24. SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR Massive Impact So often we see people go ALL IN - full “beast mode” - and try to transform their entire lifestyle overnight. Unfortunately, what happens is the expectations that people set for themselves just aren't realistic or sustainable and people end up beating themselves up for a lack of discipline or motivation and end up crashing and burning. This is NOT going to happen to you, my friend! Because you are smart, you are realistic, you are focused, and you have us and our step-by-step process to support you.   With this program, we are working through everything to help set yourself up to succeed. This is EVERYTHING! That’s why we layer in just a single new habit for you every week and we focus on just 5 habits for Massive Impact. Our goal for you throughout this program is to help you make these habits automatic - so you don't even need to think about them - they are just part of your life and they are just what you do. That will help free up mental capacity to focus on the other things in life that are important to you. WILCOX WELLNESS & FITNESS