homoeopathy homeopathy owen homoeopathics homoeopathic fact sheet homoeopathic remedies animals homoeopathics homeopathic remedy emotions fever inflammation accidents & injuries hormones bacteria infection immune system broken bones anger sleep deprivation headaches teenagers fear babies stress animals and homoeopathy health natural therapies mental health symptoms sports medicine arthritis bite & sting balm colds remedies runny nose weaning grief spring allergies hay fever complex nausea travel sickness holidays anxious sinus headache sneezing flu headache blisters chicken pox children tiredness sore throat first aid heat exhaustion sports injuries nervous system mental strain emotional stress school digestive upsets pain swelling rashes parenting teething burning urinary insomnia high achievers exhaustion travel family colds & flu polypharmacy understanding homoeopathy sports disease home prescriber acute grief emotional trauma psychological distress trauma healthcare cold weather irritable remedies australia kennel cough childrens ailments childrens remedies birds chickens pregnant birth pregancy and birth constitutional remedy vitalforce repertorise emotional symptoms mental health hayfever pets miasms home prescriber class cat. flu surgery oral surgery stomach intestines reflux colic digestive system factsheet ch puberty retailers & stockists stiffness joint pain anxiety ligament strain sprains eye injuries crushed fingers and toes reduce pain bone healing fracture incised wounds deep cuts rapid healing abrasions & lacerations ligament pain joint stiffness lumbago gardener's backache sciatic pain rheumatism grazes low self confidence homesickness back to school animal bite mosquito bites jellyfish sting centipede sting bee stings puncture wound mothers yeast infection thrush breasts sore & cracked nipples low milk supply engorgement blocked duct breastfeeding rash spots varicella prevention chills winter ills high temperature watery eyes respiratory ailments cough flushed face homeopathic cold sore balm weakened immune system skin eruptions herpes simplex viral infection disrupted sleep change to routine nervous cough barking croupy cough coughs in toddlers coughs in babies recurrent cough lingering cough mucousy cough spasmodic cough dry cough wind belching colic pain travellers diarrhoea food poisoning abdominal bloating constipation abdominal pain bloating digestive systom ear complaints reduced hearing disappointment arsenicum chamomilla sepia nat mur pulsatilla ignatia cocculus phosphorus belladonna irritability loss of confidence sadness despair melancholy indifference isolation nerve damage recovery eye surgery gritty eyes sun exposure irritation from pollutants conjunctivitis chill hot flushed lethargy delirium healing acute homeopathic remedies nux vomica season itchy eyes burning eyes swollen eys spring neck tension overstrain eyestrain migraine tension headaches lice hair girls boys head lice calendula hyperica cream travel with tots nauseous tummy upsets rescue remedy burn cream sun headaches sunburn heat stroke bites & stings camping worming kit intestinal worms poor concentration women weepiness menopause mood swings emotional disturbances hot flushes pms periods performance anxiety burnout shiftwork indigestion heartburn haemorrhoids over-acid system gout overworked restless cold mucous blocked nose throbbing pain dust allergens medical conditions pollution smoke congestion sinusitis puffy face hives nettle rash allergic reaction chapped cracking skin cold sores prickly heat shingles dry skin itchy eczema body imbalance skin leg pains tummy aches growing pains restless sleep un-refreshig sleep disturbed sleep sleepwalking dreams nightmare chronic stress good health sleep hoarseness swallowing pain lump in throat white coated tongue foul breath ear pain inflamed throat feverish tonsils swollen glands tonsillitis inflammation of the throat cold & flu nerves bruised shins head injuries damaged teeth collisions bruises swollen sprained ankles falls arnica dehydration sport under pressure frustration physical work elderly difficult children exhausted caring major life-changes workplace stress moving school moving home shock worry grief exhaustion courage confidence performance nerve tonic excitement worry overwork mental and physical depression university fatigue stomach ache teenager study celebration excited diarrhoea over indulgence over worked vomiting hangover festivities merry christmas skin problems ill tempered grumpy adolescent years anticipatory anxiety weary apathetic dread aggravated acne fastidious independent living sweaty heads growth support revers angry behaviour fussy miserable sore gums temper mother & baby toddlers tantrums sexual intercourse kidney infection bladder irritation systitis urinate intense pain stinging body kidney urethra ureters bladder jet lag work accidents pressure workplace fright & shock over work stomach upsets accidents shift work fly in fly out
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