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The lproject lwas lfor lthe l6 lweek ltime lperiod, lit lgives la lstudent lainhand lexperience
labout lthe lcompany land lalso lexposure lto lthe lindustry lthat lhelps la lstudent lto lknow lhow lof
lthe lindustry land lalso lthe lpresent ltrends.
The lproject lcovers lthe lSocial lMedia lMarketing land lits linfluence lon lthe lconsumer
lbehavior lconsidering lthe lfactors lthat lhave lan limpact lon lthe lconsumer. lThe lstudy lhelps lus lto
lknow labout lthe lconsumer lbehavior lin lthe lonline lsite lon lpurchasing lof lproducts land lservices
lthrough lthe luse lof lonline lmedia lor lsocial lmedia lsites. lIn lthe lcontext lof lIndian lconsumer lthe
lexposure lof lthe lconsumer lto lthe lsocial lmedia lis lvery lless lcompared lto l lthat lof lthe lwestern
lcountries, las lthere lis lno lawareness lor lthe lconsumer’s lhesitation lto lview lor lpurchase lin
lonline lplatforms land lalso lthe ltraditional lway lof lmarketing lthe lproduct lis levident lin lIndia
lrather lthan limplementation lof lmodern ltechnologies lin lthe larena lof lmarketing lin ltoday’s
lcontext. l
Chapter l1 lcovers labout lthe lIndustry lprofile land lthe lCompany lprofile, lVision lmission
lstatement. lAnd lalso lthe lSWOTlANALYSIS lof lthe lSocial lMedia lMarketing.
Chapter l2 lcovers lthe lConceptual lBackground land lthe lreview lof lliterature lthat lis lrelevant lfor
lthe lstudy. lAnd lalso lthe lresearch lgap lthat lexists lfrom lthe lliterature lreview lof lvarious lauthors.
Chapter l3 lcovers labout lthe lResearch lMethodology lthat lis lused lto lcollect lthe ldata lby lthe
lrespondents lfor lthe lquestionnaire. lAnd lalso ldifferent ldata lcollection lmethods lused lto lcollect
lthe ldata lfor lthe lquestionnaire lfrom lthe lrespondent.
Chapter l4 lcovers labout lthe lData lanalysis land lthe linterpretation lfor lthe lquestionnaire lby lthe
lrespondents lthis lchapter lanalyses lthe ldata lby lusing lSPSS lSoftware land ltests lthat lis lto lbe
lused lfor lthe lstudy.
Chapter l5 lcovers lthe lfindings, lsuggestions land lthe lconclusion lfor lthe lstudy.
Chapter l6 lmainly lincludes lBibliography, lReference, lAnnexure.
Industry lProfile:
The linitiation lof lSocial lMedia lMarketing l(SMM) lis lone lof lthe lforcefully limprovement
lever lof. lThis lspecific lspecialized ltransformation lamid lthe lmost lrecent ldecade lhas ldefinitely
lreformed lthe lcustomary lshowcasing lapproaches land lconveyed ladvertisers lto lanother ltime.
lSMM lreturns lbuyers lto lthe lfocal lpoint lof lthe lbusiness lworld land lgives ladvertisers lanother
larrangement lof ldevices lto lassociate lwith lcustomers land lto lincorporate lthem linto lthe lbrands
lthrough linventive lways. lFundamentally, ladvertisers lneed lto lsee lhow lthe lweb lbased llife lhas
limpacted lConsumer lBuying lDecision lMaking l(CBDM).Consumer lconduct lis la lcritical lpart
lof lpromoting las lit lhelps ladvertisers lto ldevise lsolid land lhearty lshowcasing lmethodologies land
lprocedures. lFor lexample, lassociations ldispatch lnew litems lor ladministrations, lwhich lare lby
land llarge lpurchased lby lcouple lof lclients lin lthe lunderlying lstage land lbit lby lbit, lthere lis lan
lexpansion lin lthe lclients. lToday, lassociations lare lutilizing lonline llife lmethod lso las lto lchange
lpurchaser's lconduct land lto lwin ltheir lreliability. lThese ldays lonline lnetworking lturns lout lto lbe
la lpiece lof lan lindividual's llife. lWeb lbased llife, lfor lexample, lFacebook, lTwitter, lInstagram lor
lLinkIn lhas la lnumeral lnumber lof lthe lclient land lcontinues ldeveloping leach lday. lIt lis lassessed
lthat lmore lthan l500 lmillion lindividuals lare linterfacing lwith linternet lbased llife l(Ostrow,
l2010). lThe lquantity lof lonline lnetworking lclients ldeveloping lhas lpulled lin ladvertisers.
lAdvertisers lhave lperceived lthat lonline llife lpromoting las la lcritical lpiece lof ltheir lshowcasing
lcorrespondence lsystems. lAdditionally, lonline llife lencourages lassociations lto lspeak lwith ltheir
lclients. lThese lassociations lhelp ladvertisers ldecide lclient lneeds land lcomprehend lwhat ltheir
lmarket lmay lresemble. lKey lbusiness lvariables lof lweb lbased llife lenable lcustomers lto levaluate
litems, lmake lproposals lto lcontacts lor lcompanions, land loffer lany lof lthe lbuys lthrough ltheir
lonline llife. lCorrespondence lthrough lonline lnetworking lhas ldiscovered leffect lon lbuyer lbasic
lleadership land ladvertising lmethodologies. lShopper lsocialization lhypothesis lpredicts lthat
lcorrespondence lamong lcustomers linfluences ltheir lintellectual, lfull lof lfeeling, land lconduct
lmentalities l(Ward, l1974). lAdditionally, lthe lpromoting lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia lpage
lhas lassembled lnew lshopper's lconduct. lShoppers lwill lin lgeneral lmake lbuys lor llead lbusiness
lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia. lSuggestions lby lcompanions lor lassociations lvia lweb-
basedlnetworking lmedia ladditionally lcould lhelp lshoppers lon lbasic lleadership. lThose
lproposals lcould lhelp lbrand lframes lof lmind, lobtaining lmentalities, land lpromoting
ldispositions. lThe lmore lgreat lreactions lon lthe litems lor ladministrations, lthe lmore lappealing
lfor lcustomer lobtaining. lA llarge lportion lof lbest lbrands land ladministrations lsee lit land lbegan
lto lconcentrate lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia ladvertising.
Customers lgrasp lthe lInternet lfor lan lassortment lof lreasons l- lcomfort, lcost, land lchoice
lland lin lthe lcourse lof lthe lmost lrecent lcouple lof lyears, lone lof lthe lreal limprovements lin lthe
lonline lbusiness lfield lis lweb lbased llife lshopping. lInternet lbased llife lshopping lalludes lto lthe
lutilization lof lvirtual linterpersonal lorganizations, lpeer laudits land lother lonline lsocial
lapparatuses lin lthe lacquiring lprocedure. lThe lpresent lbuyer lis lvigorously laffected lby lthe
lselections lof lhis lor lher lcompanions, lwhich lare ladditionally lreflected lin lthe lway lmarks, lare
lutilizing linternet lbased llife lto lcatch lconsideration.
Web lbased llife lshowcasing lhas ldeveloped ltop lto lbottom lthroughout lthe lmost lrecent
lcouple lof lyears lwith lthe lexpanding lfame lof linternet lbased llife llocales, lfor lexample,
lFacebook, lTwitter land lInstagram ljust lto lgive lsome lexamples land lthe lfixation lof lliving
lprogressively lthrough lthese lsites lby linterfacing lsocially lwith lothers lthrough lposts, ltweets land
lpictures lhas lexpanded lthe lprominence lof lweb lbased llife ladvertising. lWith lsimply lthe lsnap lof
la lmouse la lclient lwho lwas lguiltlessly lseeing ltheir lfriend’s lFacebook lpage lcan lbe la lpotential
lclient. lNumerous lorganizations lhave lexpanded ltheir lweb lbased llife lnearness lby lmaking
lorganization lpages land lrecords lon lthese lsocial llocales land lfurthermore lthrough ldirect
lpromoting lby lpublicizing lon lthese ldestinations lso lclients lare lalways lin lperspective lon ltheir
litem lcontributions lwhile lsocially lassociating lwith lothers.
Growth lof lDigital lMarketing lSector:
Fig lno l1. lGrowth lof lDigital lMarketing lSector
With lthe lrapid lgrowth lof lInternet land lconsumer lexposure lto lthe lSocial lMedia land
lalso lto lthe lInternet lways lof lshopping lthere lled la ldemand land lmore lfootfall lof lpeople
ltowards lDigital lMarketing. lThe labove lfigure lprovides la lclear linformation labout lthe lgrowth
lof lDigital lMarketing lin la lfaster lways.
Government lInitiatives:
The lDigital lIndia lCampaign lcomprises lof la lfew lprojects. lThese lprojects lare lstarted
lwith la lgoal lof lgetting lready lIndia lto lend lup lenabled lsocially land lmonetarily. lBesides lit
llikewise lintends lto lbring lgreat ladministration lfor levery lresident lthrough lsynchronized land
lco-ordinated lcommitment lof lthe lGovernment.
Our lPM lhas lhandover lthe lentire lobligation lof lexecuting lDigital lIndia lCampaign lto lthe
lDepartment lof lElectronics land lInformation lTechnology l(DEITY). lAs la lteam lwith ldifferent
lCentral lMinistries/Departments land lState lGovernments lthe lDepartment lof lElectronics
landlInformation lTechnology lis lsorting lout land larranging lsystems lof lvarious lexercises lunder
lthe lDigital lIndia, lwhich lis lcautiously lchecked lby lMonitoring lCommittee lon lDigital lIndia
lheaded lby lthe lPrime lMinister litself.
Company lProfile:
Your laccomplices land lpartners lin lmaking la lbrand lwhich lchampion lin lthe lspace.
We, lTeam lBernay lIMC, lare ljust laides. lIt lis lyou lwho lmake land lmaintained lthe
lbusiness, land lwe lbasically lhelp lto lmake lit lincreasingly lviable lby lutilizing lmedia lapparatuses,
lweb ladvancements, land lweb lbased llife larrangements. lOur lgroup lhas ljoined lthe lexperience lof
lmore lthan l35 lyears lin lthe lfield lof lPublic lrelations, lmedia lthe lexecutives, land lbrand lworking
lover lthe lrange. lOpen lRelation lis lour lbusiness land lwe lcomprehend lthat lit's la lcenter lpiece lof
lyours las lwell. lWe're lhere lto lhelp lshape lyour lpicture, lachieve lyour lbusiness lobjectives,
lincrement lbrand ltrust land lguarantee lpositive lmedia linclusion lthat leventually lconveys lgenuine
lreturns lfor lyour lbusiness.
We llive lin la lmedia-immersed lworld lserving lus la lsteady lstream lof ldata land
linformation, lcompeting lfor lour lconsideration land lcommitment. lTaking ladvantage lof lthe
lupsides lof lthis lnew lage lis lno lmean laccomplishment. lThe lcomplexities lof loverseeing
lobservations, lpicking lup lhelp, lbringing lissues lto llight, lactivating lactivity land lmaking la
lpositive lopen lpicture lare lwinding lup lprogressively lincreasingly ltroublesome lin la ldata lfree-
for-all. lBe lthat las lit lmay, ldread lnot. lThat lis lthe lplace lwe lcome lin. lWe lare lhere lto lensure
lyour lopen lpicture lserves lyour lnecessities. l
Our lgroup lof lenergetic lmedia lrelations lauthorities lwill lutilize ltheir laptitude lto lcontact
lthe lcorrect lnews lsources lso las lto lrecount lyour lstory, lincrement lyour lperceivability land llift
lopen lacknowledgment lof lyour limage. lRegardless lof lwhether lyour ldefinitive lobjective lis lto
lsell lan litem, limpact lpopular lsentiment lor lcampaign lfor la lcritical lsocial lreason l– lwe lhave
lthelapparatuses lto lguarantee lit lsucceeds. lWe lare lmillennial lin lage, lmulti-generational lin
lattitude, lcreative lin lexecution land lground lbreaking lin lstandpoint. lOur lmost lprominent
lquality lis lour lcapacity lto lcreate land lexecute lreason ldriven lenactments lthat lassociate
lnetworks, lassociations, land lorganizations lto laccomplish lextensive lscale lsway. lWe lutilize lan
lin-house, lincorporated lmodel lto lbuild lconvincing lstories lto lmirror lour lcustomer's limage
ldecisively, lonland ldisconnected. l
More lindividuals lthan lany lother ltime lin lrecent lmemory lare lexperiencing ltheir llives lon
lthe lweb. lThat lis lthe lplace lyour lintended linterest lgroup lis lhanging lout l– lso lwhy lnot lconnect
lwith lthem? lWe'll lbuild lup la lcomputerized lmethodology las lper lyour lpoints land ltargets, lplan
land ldeal lwith lyour lonline lstages, land lgive lthe lbest lsubstance lto lcontact lyour lgathering lof
lpeople lin lthe lbest lway.
“We lBuild lBrands”
Services lProvided:
 Ideate:
We lIdeate lBrand lStrategy, lIdea lgeneration, lBrand ldiscovery, lBrand lrediscovery, lSocial
lMedia, lContent l& lStrategy, lWebsite lconsulting.
 Illustrate:
We lIllustrate lContent lcreation, lBranding, lRebranding lcampaigns, lDesign lServices
llogos, lNewsletter, lInvitations letc.
 Inspire:
We lInspire lDigital lsupport, lContent, lManagement, lCampaigns.
 Influence:
We lInfluence lMulticultural lengagement, lBranded lexperiences, lSocial lmedia lengagement, l
Public lrelations, lEvent lmanagement, land lMarketing, lSocial lmedia lpromotion.
Table lshowing lthe lPromoters lof lthe lCompany:
Name Designation
01 Mr.Raghavendra lRao CEO
02 Mr. lVishwas. lA Senior lAssociate
Fig lno l2: lpromotrers lof lCompany
With 450 million internet users in India, businesses can no more choose to ignore their
presence on digital and online media. In the absence of digital presence, customers are
bound to discover and opt for the services of your competitor (who has already mastered
digital marketing).
The growing population of tech-savvy internet users has massively expanded the scope of
digital marketing in India and the future is looking great.
The primary reason why companies adopt online marketing is because it is a result-
oriented mode of marketing. You can get to know where every penny is spent and the
exact numbers in terms of traffic, conversions, the pages with the highest conversions and
the channels bringing in this traffic.
With more than 1.5 lakh jobs being created in India due to digital marketing, there
couldn’t be a better time to become a digital marketing consultant.
The following components of digital marketing:
 Search engine optimization
 Paid search
 Email marketing
 Social media marketing
 Content marketing
 Content writing
 Inbound marketing
 Conversion rate optimization
 Web analytics and reporting
Competitors lInformation:
 DigiMark lAgency lSEO, lBengaluru
DigiMark lis la ldigital lmarketing lagency lthat lis lsituated lin lBengaluru. lIt lis lone lof lthe
lcompetitor lforlBernay lIMC.
 Media lMantra, lBengaluru
Media lMantra lis la ldigital lmarketing landlPR lagency lthat lis lsituatedlinlBengaluru. lIt lis
lone lof lthe lmainlcompetitorlof lBernay lIMC.
 Social lpanga, lBengaluru
Socialpanga lis lone lof lthe ldigital lmarketing land lSEO lfirmlthat lis lsituatedlinlBengaluru.
lIt lis lone lof lthe lcompetitorlforlBernay lIMC.
 Percoyo, lBengaluru
Percoyo lis lone lof lthe lmost lpopular ldigital lmedia land lPR lagency lthat lis lsituated lin
lBengaluru. lIt lis lalso lone lof lthe lcompetitorlforlBernay lIMC.
SWOT lAnalysis:
 Simple lto ltarget land lcontact lmore lgathering lof lpeople lat la lless lexpensive lcost. l
 Campaigns lcan lbe leffectively lredone land lmade lmore lfocused laccording lto lour lbusiness
lprerequisites. l
 As lthe lworld lis lincreasingly lreliant lon lthe lweb, lit lencourages lthe lbusiness lto lconnect
land linterface lwith lthe lgeneral lpopulation lon la lbigger lscale. l
 Promotion lof lindependent lventure lis lsimple las lit lis lfinancially lsavvy.
 A ltest lto lachieve lthe lpopulace lwhich lis lstill lnot lutilizing lthe lweb. l
 lHigh lodds lof ldisappointment lof ladvanced lpromoting lefforts ldue lto ldisarray lbecause lof
lthe laccessibility lof la lwide lrange lof ladvertising lalternatives. l
 Keeping lpace lwith lnew lpatterns land linnovation.
 More land lMore lemployment lfor lthe lyouth las lthis lfield lis ljust lgrowing land lnumber lof
lprofessionals lare lless.
 Increase lthe lreach lof lyour lbrand, ltherefore, lleading lto ldirect lprofit.
 There lare llot lof lways lthrough lwhich lowners learn lmoney lapart lfrom ltheir lprimary
lbusiness, leg- lgiving lspace lfor lads lon lwebsite, laffiliate lmarketing lin le lcommerce letc.
 If lit ldoesn’t lwork lperfectly lthen lchances lof lback lfire lis lhigher li.e. lit lmight ldamage lthe
lbrand lname.
 Due lto lever lchanging ltrends lof ldifferent lmarketing lareas land lever lchanging lrules lof
lsearch lengine lfor loptimizing lthe lcontent, lcontinuous lawareness lis lrequired, lwhich lis
lvery ldifficult.
Limited lTime lStrategy:
In lpush ladvertising, lyou lare lendeavoring lto lconvey lyour litems lto lyour lclients.
lSimilarly las lthe lname lproposes, lyou lare lattempting lto lpush la lspecific litem lon lyour lintended
linterest lgroup. l"So," lyou lask, l"when ldo lI lactualize lthis lpush ladvertising?" lTypically,
lorganizations luse l"push" lshowcasing lin lthe laccompanying lsituations: l
 When lpropelling lanother litem l
 While lworking lin la lspecialty ladvertise l
In lthe ltwo lcases, lit's ldifficult lto lachieve lyour lintended linterest lgroup lwith lno l"push"
lpromoting lendeavors. lTo lshow lsigns lof limprovement lthought, lhow labout lwe ltake la lgander
lat lJohn. lFollowing lquite la lwhile lof lR&D, lhis lorganization lhas lrecently lbuilt lup lanother
lskillet lthat lmakes lyou la lwizard lin lyour lkitchen. lYet, lJohn's ldefinitive lissue lis lthat lnobody
lthinks labout lthis lstunning ldish. lThis limplies lbefore lhe lgets lthe l"Best lPan lOf lThe lYear"
lgrant, lhe'll linitially lneed lto lbring lissues lto llight laround lthat lnew litem l– land lhere's lthe lplace
lpush lchannels lhave lexactly lthe lintended leffect.
Pull lMarketing lStrategy:
In ldraw lshowcasing, lbe lthat las lit lmay, lthings llook lsomewhat lchanged. lYour lclients
lcomprehend lwhat lthey lare lsearching lfor, land lthey lregularly lsearch lfor lthe ladvantages
lthemselves. lFor lthis lsituation, lthe lclient lconnects lsignificantly lmore lwith lthe litem lpre-buy,
land lgoes lout land lseeks ldata leffectively. lThis lcan, lfor linstance, lbe lvehicle lmerchants,
lattorneys, land litems, lfor lexample, lfamily lunit lmachines, lbeds, lPC lscreens, land lso lon.
lOrganizations lwill lutilize lpull lpromoting: l
 At lthe lpoint lwhen lthe lclient lrealizes lwhat lthe lindividual lin lquestion lis lsearching lfor.
 When lmarking lis lof lextraordinary lsignificance.
Promotional lMix:
In lthe lceaseless locean lof lsocial llocales, lyou'll lbe lenticed lto ljoin lto lnumerous lthat
laren't ldirectly lfor lyour lbusiness. lBe lthat las lit lmay, lhow lare lyou lexpected lto lrealize lwhere lto
lgo, land lwhat lprofiles lto lfocus lon? lIt's la lgenuinely lsure lthing lthat lyou lhave la lvast lclient lbase
lon lFacebook, lTwitter, lYoutube land lLinkedIn. lAll lthings lconsidered l– leverybody's lthere. l
For lsome lother ldestinations lyou lmight lbe lkeen lon lcoordinating linto lyour lsocial
lshowcasing lblend l– lyou lneed linformation. lYou lcan't lget lit lbefore lyou ljoin land lstart lto
lfollow lyour lendeavors. lThat lis lthe lreason laggressive lexamination lis limperative. lOn lthe loff
lchance lthat lyour lrivals lhave linvested lenergy, lcash land lexertion lfabricating la lnearness lon la
lspecific lsocial lsite, lat lthat lpoint lyou lpresumably lought lto las lwell. lWhen lyou're lthere, lthe
lmeasurements lwill lwrap lup. l
The lkey lis lto loffset lyour lbusiness lmessage lwith lthe lnumerous ltypes lof lsocial
ladvertising laccessible lon lthe lweb. lOn lthe loff lchance lthat lyour lbusiness limage lwould lmake
lan lespecially lintriguing lapplication l– lit lmay lmerit lyour ltime land lenergy lto lempty lcash linto
lthat. lFor lwhatever llength lof ltime lthat lyou lare lconsistent lwith lthe lfirst lmessage lof lyour
lbusiness, lyou'll lhave lthe lcapacity lto llocate lthe lcorrect lmedium lto lpass lon lit lto lyour lfans.
Innovation lWith linlanlEra lof lAccountability:
As lwe ladventure linto l2019, lthe lbusiness lcondition lis limmovably lsettled lin
lcomputerized lchange. lWe're lquick lentering la lperiod lwhere lresponsibility land lresults lare
lcentral—activities lthat ldon't ldefinitively lsway lthe lbusiness lwill lbe linvestigated, las lwill
lactivities lincluding lclient linformation, lprotection, lbuyer lrights land lcomputerized lmorals. l
We lsee l2019 las lthe ltime lof lInnovating lWith lImpact lwith lregards lto lhierarchical
lresponsibility. lNumerous lassociations lhave lassembled land ladvanced ltheir lgroups land lability
lto ltake lon lcomputerized ldisturbance, lyet, lfew lare lconnecting lventures lto lexecution lin
lmanners lthat lseriously land lemphatically lswaytheir lbusiness, lclients lor, lprominently, lsociety.
lBefore, lbuyers lhave lunreservedly lseparated lwith linformation lin lreturn lfor lesteem, lhowever
lclients lare lending lup lprogressively ldefensive lof ltheir lown ladvanced ldata. lBusiness, lbuyer
land lsocietal leffect lcurrently lgo linseparably lan linside land lout lpoint lof lview lon lwhat lwe
lought lto lfocus lon, lwhy lit lmakes la ldifference land lhow lit limpacts lbusiness land lsociety lwith
lhigher ldegrees lof lresponsibility. lWe'll lanalyze lthe ljob lof linformation lduty, lstrengthening
lthrough linterconnected lcomputerized lbiological lsystems, lthe lexpanding lexamination
linfluencers lface, lthe lresponsibility lbrands lhave ltoward ltheir lshoppers, land leven lthe ljob
ladministration lplays las ladvanced ldevelopment lkeeps lon lforming lhow lwe lwork, llive land
lcooperate lwith lbrands. l
In lthis lnew ltime, lresponsibility lmoves ltoward lbecoming lmulti-dimensional, las
lassociations lthink labout lmaking la lpositive land lsignificant leffect lon lclients, lbusiness lpartners
land lsociety lall lthe lmore lextensively. lArrangements lthese lassociations lcreate lwill lwithout la
ldoubt lbe lempowered lby lthe ldeveloping land linescapable lcomputerized lbiological lsystems lthat
lsway lour llives, lboth lnow land llater lon.
Data las lCurrency: lDigital lIdentity landlthe lFuture lof lCustomerlExperiences:
We're lon lthe lincline lof la lpower lmove lin lthe lstory lof lshopper linformation lpossession,
luse land lsale. lWhile lcustomers lare larousing lto lthe lgenuine lpower lthat llies lin ltheir l"advanced
lcharacters," lorganizations lare lstarting lto ladvance loffers, land lexperience lbiological
lcommunities lare lrising lwith lthe limprovement lof lnew linformation ldriven lplans lof laction. l
An lindividual's ladvanced lcharacter lis lcontained lall ldata lcreated lby lon lthe lweb land
lgadget lsigns land lexercises, lincluding lclaims lmade lwithout lanyone lelse's linput lor lby
lsomeone lelse lor lelement. lThese linformation lsources lmay lincorporate lbiometrics land lvoice,
ldevelopment, larea, lecological, lon lthe lweb/application laction, loutsider linformation land lthat's
lonly lthe ltip lof lthe liceberg. lToday, lexplicit ladaptations lof lour lcomputerized lpersonalities lare
lutilized lto lspeak lto lus lin lexplicit lsettings, lfrequently lin lbrand linteractions.The lestimation lof
lone's ladvanced lcharacter lis las lyet lnot lcompletely lcomprehended lby lgenerally lbuyers.
lUnconscious lof lwhat ltheir linformation lare lworth, lindividuals lconsistently lnavigate land
lacknowledge lintrinsic lassentions, lexchanging lclose linformation lfor leverything lfrom lcustom
lsubstance lto lunique loffers. lWhat's lmore, lorganizations lare lcheerful lto lexchange
lpersonalization lfor linformation, las lthey lcomprehend lthe leventual lfate lof lclient lexperience
l(CX) lrelies lupon linformation ldriven lindividualization, lhyper-pertinence land lrelevant lplan.
The lContext lof lCommerce: lCultivating lContextual lContent lforlSocial lCommerce:
In la lperiod lof lresponsibility, lsubstance lmight lbe ltop ldog, lhowever lsetting lis lthe
lkingdom. lThe lmeaning lof lsocial lbusiness, lfirst lbegat lby lYahoo lin l2005, lhas ltransformed
lafter lsome ltime lto lwind lup lincreasingly lcomprehensive land lfar lreaching, lalbeit lnumerous
ladvertisers lhave ldiscovered lthe ladvancing lopen ldoor lsubtle. lSocial lbusiness lis la lsubset lof
lweb lbased lbusiness, lwhich lincludes lutilizing linternet lbased llife lto lhelp lweb lbased lselling lof
litems land ladministrations. lWhen lit lwas lfirst limagined, lsocial lbusiness lwas lcharacterized lby
lshared lshopping lrecords, lstar levaluations land lother lclient lcreated lcontent lthat lgave
lexhortation land litem lsuggestions. lToday, litem levaluations land lsurveys lare lprimary, lif lnot la
lbasic lprerequisite lfor lweb lbased lbusiness, lpaying llittle lrespect lto lthe lcommercial lcenter.
lItem levaluations land lsurveys lkeep lon lgiving lcustomers la ldimension lof lcertainty l(this lis lthe
lcorrect litem lor lthe lcorrect lbrand lto lfulfill lmy lnecessities) lin lan ladvanced lexistence lwhere
lcustomary ldisconnected lshopping lpractices ldon't lhave lany lsignificant lbearing. lTo laccomplish
leffective lesteem lwhat's lmore, lresponsibility, lbrands lmust lembrace la lsocial lbusiness lsystem
lthat lmeets lbuyers lwhere lthey lare, lgiving la lsocially lstructured lcustomized lconnection lthat
lclings lto lclient lsecurity lyet lempowers lfrictionless lbuy.
Social lsetting lhas lturned linto la lbasic lsupporter lin lthe lbuyer lventure, laffecting
lshopping lconductand lexpecting lbrands lto lcreate lsocial-first lprocedures lto lproduce lsolid
ldealsldevelopment. lSocial lstages lwill lkeep lon limproving, lconsolidating lnew lshopping
lhighlights lto ldrive lfurther lcommitment land lgive lpurchasers lfrictionless litem ldisclosure lfitting
lto levery lsocial lstage's lone lof la lkind lsituating. lAs lbrands land ladvertisers llook lto l2019 land
lpast, lunderneath lare ltwo lessential lpatterns lenergizing lsocial ltrade ldevelopment.
Getting the truth': exploring the material grounds of institutional dynamics in social media:
Scott (2009) states the reasons for brand promoters preferring online web for marketing is
that the tools, techniques and content are constantly evolving. The buyers reward creativity by
responding to the online efforts like:
 If you are open to trying out new things, you can be first in your industry to use something new
to communicate to your buyers.
Marketing in some social networking websites are still the most popular in their niche. Shih
(2009) says that there are hundreds of millions of active users across sites like Face book, Hi5,
Orkut and MySpace. 2.6 billionaire spent on Face book each day. These websites are enabling
brands to engage the right people in the right conversation at right time. Marketing the brands
through social media is becoming precise, personal, interesting ,interactive and social. Weber
(2009) says promoting a community is just like as promoting a new brand product or service to the
consumers. Social media is used to communicate people in the promotional aspect and inclined to
involve the236 J. Media Commun. Stud. people. Traditional advertising and direct marketing in
social media is to send people to the digital community to be informed, entertained and heard. Users
find appealing, a value high enough to encourage them to participate.
(Hung and Li)
Verbal (WOM) is a profoundly solid type of showcasing data. In any case, since it is hard to
think about WOM in the up close and personal setting, analysts have restricted comprehension of its
wellsprings of adequacy or its belongings past item and brand interchanges. We broke down PC
intervened information and led up close and personal meetings with excellence item devotees in
China to comprehend electronic WOM (eWOM) in an utilization intrigue virtual network. Our
discoveries uncover four classes of reactions: (1) wellsprings of social capital, (2) brand decision
assistance, (3) influence learning advancement, and (4) buyer reflexivity. We at that point propose a
model and offer a lot of hypothesizes to layout future research headings.
The author finds that today's buyers want to be engaged differently than in years past and
many traditional marketing tactics simply do not work anymore. Social media marketing is a
revolutionary way to build solid relationships with buyers. Low cost, brand building, staffing
advantages, loyalty and level playing field are key benefits of social networking sites as a successful
marketing media.
(Mangold and Faulds)
The author documented that development of Internet-based web based life has made it
feasible for one individual to speak with hundreds or even a large number of other individuals about
items and the organizations that give them. Accordingly, the effect of shopper to-customer
interchanges has been extraordinarily amplified in the commercial center. This article contends that
web based life is a crossover component of the advancement blend on the grounds that in a
conventional sense it empowers organizations to converse with their clients, while in a
nontraditional sense it empowers clients to talk specifically to each other. The substance, timing,
and recurrence of the online networking based discussions happening between purchasers are
outside supervisors'immediate control. This stands as opposed to the conventional incorporated
promoting interchanges worldview whereby a high level of control is available. They incorporate
giving buyers organizing stages, and utilizing websites, web-based social networking devices, and
limited time apparatuses to connect with clients.
(Chu and Kim)
The author stated that as an ever increasing number of advertisers join internet based life as
a necessary piece of the limited time blend, thorough examination of the determinants that affect
buyers' commitment in eWOM by means of interpersonal organizations is getting to be basic.
Given the social and mutual attributes of long range interpersonal communication destinations
(SNSs, for example, Facebook, MySpace and Friendster, this examination looks at how social
relationship factors identify with eWOM transmitted by means of online social sites. In particular,
an applied model that recognizes tie quality, homophily, trust, standardizing and instructive
relational impact as an imperative precursor to eWOM conduct in SNSs was produced and tried.
The outcomes affirm that tie quality, trust,lregulating and enlightening impact are emphatically
connected with clients' general eWOM conduct, though a negative relationship was found
concerning homophily. This investigation proposes that item engaged eWOM in SNSs is a novel
wonder with imperative social ramifications. The suggestions for scientists, experts and approach
producers of internet based life direction are talked about.
(Jothi et al.)
The author analyses thatWeb is the developing data innovation with the believability of
promptness and quickness, therefore, it gets globalization each part of correspondence.
Correspondence through web is progressively determined, with powerful intuitive system among
its clients. As of late, web publicizing has taken new structures which have more preferences over
the conventional mediums like print media, TV and radio. Advertising correspondence is getting to
be exact, individual, fascinating, intuitive and social. Distinctive methodologies of correspondence
are followed in different interpersonal interaction destinations like Face book, Twitter and Orkut.
They make affect over the gathering of people as well as influence them to connect with the
showcasing measurements made. Individuals motivate appended to mark correspondence in person
to person communication destinations than normal pennant and spring up promotions. These
systems administration destinations carry progressively intuitive correspondence with promoting.
Long range informal communication locales will turn into the essential field for very focused on
promoting and publicizing. Along these lines, it is important to ponder the viability of brand
correspondence system followed in informal communication locales which are for the most part
gotten to by Indian clients. This examination endeavors to discover the adequacy of brand
correspondence methodology in advancing and promoting their image in interpersonal interaction
locales. The viability is resolved with the assistance of study from individuals who utilize these
locales, and the substance of three interpersonal interaction destinations is investigated.
(Pookulangara and Koesler)
The author interprets that Data innovation has made a creative manner by which individuals
convey and cooperate. Especially, long range interpersonal communication sites have turned into a
famous virtual gathering place for shoppers to join and share data. Interpersonal organizations
enable shoppers to deliberately post individual data, transfer photos, send and get messages, join
gatherings, and blog at their relaxation. Shoppers presently have the way to convey their
conclusions about items and organizations to different customers "such as themselves" at a basic
point in the business cycle—the start.Retailers have a great deal to pick up by using and bridling the
intensity of informal communication to upgrade their general showcasing procedure. Person to
person communication gives the chance to find out about their buyers' needs, and after that react
proactively and offers innovative and powerful approaches to acquire bits of knowledge not
beforehand accessible. Moreover, interpersonal interaction has moved from the edges, turn out to
be more standard and begun impacting society.
(Zhang et al.)
In their study indicated that organizations ought to have a brand nearness on a wide range of
internet based life locales to build their shopper gathering of people. "Research has demonstrated
that presentation to electronic verbal (E-WOM) messages can create more enthusiasm for an item
classification than can introduction to data delivered by advertisers" (Birkart and Schindler 2001 as
refered to in Zhang, Jansen, and Chowdhury 2011, 161). Today, purchasers are increasingly
proficient of the items they devour because of the web engaging them to access data therefore,
making dynamic co-makers of significant worth (Zhang, Jansen, and Chowdhury 2011). Customers
as co-makers of significant worth can give organizations a lot of rate of return since it is expanding
brand mindfulness, which implies the significance of eWOM in the present showcasing world.
"Internet based life, for example, Facebook permit target customers to wind up message senders by
passing on promotions to companions, interfacing them to the publicists expressly, or remarking on
the advertisement and having those remarks gone along viral channels" (Interactive Advertising
Bureau 2009 as refered to in Chu 2011, 32).
(Cheung and Thadani)
The author decribes that notion of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has
received considerable attention in both business and academic communities. Numerous studies
have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of eWOM communication. The scope of
published studies on the impact of eWOM communication is large and fragmented and little effort
has been made to integrate the findings of prior studies and evaluate the status of the research in this
area. In this study, we conducted a systematic review of eWOM research. Building upon our
literature analysis, we used the social communication framework to summarize and classify prior
eWOM studies. We further identified key factors related to the major elements of the social
communication literature and built an integrative framework explaining the impact of eWOM
communication on consumer behavior
(Saravanakumar and SuganthaLakshmi)
The author analyses that amid various time's diverse strategies for interchanges has created
and changed the step by step life. Internet based life has turned into the technique for proclamation
in the 21't century, empowering us to express our conviction, thoughts and way in a flat out new
way. Along these lines of message have likewise hugy affect organization, where they have
understand that without a right arrangement and web based life procedure they get no opportunity to
emerge in the quickly changing advanced opportunity. To ensure an effective participation via web-
based networking media the organizations need to mull over various promoting speculations with
the goal that they can help their image in various viewpoint. In the event that this can be aggregate
with unique methods for purchaser cooperation the organizations have a decent opportunity to lead
the pack in online life showcasing'.
(Wang et al.)
The author examines that Customer socialization through companion correspondence
utilizing internet based life sites has turned into a vital advertising issue through the improvement
and expanding notoriety of online networking. Guided by a socialization system, this article
examines peer correspondence through web based life sites; singular dimension tie quality and
gathering level ID with the friend bunch as predecessors; and item dispositions and buy choices as
results. Study information from 292 members who occupiedlwith companion correspondences
about items through web based life affirm that the two predecessors have positive impacts on friend
correspondence results.
(Gensler et al.)
The author documents that the dynamic, universal, and regularly constant collaboration
empowered by web based life essentially changes the scene for brand the executives. A profound
comprehension of this change is basic since it might influence a brand's execution considerably.
Writing about web-based social networking's effect on brands is developing, yet comes up short on
a precise ID of key difficulties identified with overseeing brands in this new condition. This paper
audits existing examination and presents a system of online life's effect on brand the board. It
contends that shoppers are getting to be significant creators of brand stories because of new unique
systems of customers and brands framed through online networking and the simple sharing of brand
encounters in such systems. Firms need to focus on such customer produced brand stories to
guarantee a brand's achievement in the commercial center.
(Goh et al.)
In this study the author examine the effect of customers' participation in a firm's social
media efforts on the intensity of the relationship between the firm and its customers as captured by
customers' visit frequency. We further hypothesize and test for the moderating roles of social media
activity and customer characteristics on the link between social media participation and the
intensity of customer-firm relationship. Importantly, we also quantify the impact of social media
participation on customer profitability. We assemble a novel data set that combines customers'
social media participation data with individual customer level transaction data.
(Rapp et al.)
In the examination the author express, the creators propose an infection impact of online
networking use crosswise over business providers, retailers, and shoppers. Subsequent to creating
and approving web based life utilization measures at three dimensions—provider, retailer, and
client—the creators test internet based life virus impacts and their definitive effect on different
execution measures. The calculated structure and exact outcomes offerlnew bits of knowledge into
the disease impacts of online life utilization over the channel of conveyance just as critical social
impact instruments that improve these impacts. Reliable with the forecasts, online networking use
decidedly adds to mark execution, retailer execution, and consumer– retailer dedication.
Additionally, the impact of provider online networking utilization on retailer internet based life use
and thus on client web based life use is directed by brand notoriety and administration ability to use
both hands. With the regularly expanding development and selection of internet based life
applications and comparative innovations, this examination gives a structure to advance utilization
by supply channel accomplices which at last impacts execution related results.
(Taylor et al.)
The author found that the online networking clients' message sharing practices are likewise
ascribed to the requirement for self-upgrade. At the point when shoppers see an online promotion to
be predictable with their character, they are bound to impart the message to others since it is
illustrative of their identity and what they like. Consequently, "sponsors ought to consider the
emblematic and self-articulation properties of their online promotions and match them to focused
shoppers' self-ideas" (Taylor, Strutton, and Thompson 2012, 13). As such, the showcasing of an
organization needs to have comparable qualities with its objective market's advantage.
The author suggests that Social Media have changed the power structures in the commercial
center; proof focuses to a noteworthy power relocation occurring and to development of another
type of amazing and refined client, hard to impact, convince and hold The paper diagrams the
nature, impacts and present status of the Social Media, fundamental their job as client strengthening
The author analyses that the Online networking have given new chances to buyers to
participate in social collaboration on the web. Customers utilize web based life, for example, online
networks, to produce content and to connect with different clients. The investigation of web based
life can likewise distinguish the focal points to be picked up by business. Almultidisciplinary
display, expanding on the innovation acknowledgment show and significant writing on trust and
web based life, has been conceived. The model has been approved by SEM-PLS, exhibiting the job
of internet based life in the advancement of web based business into social trade. The information
rising up out of an overview show how online networking encourage the social cooperation of
shoppers, prompting expanded trust and goal to purchase.
The author describes that the development of ubiquity and utilization of online life
apparatuses, for example, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogging, and wikis have prompted an
internet based life upset. Given this far reaching impact, it is essential for instructors, heads, and
technologists to comprehend the dangers of utilizing web based life in the study hall and work
(Godey et al.)
The author states that the Sparse proof is accessible on of how web based life showcasing
exercises impact brand value creation and customers' conduct towards a brand. This exploration
investigates these connections by breaking down spearheading brands in the extravagance segment
(Burberry, Dior, Gucci, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton). In light of a study of extravagance brand
buyers (Chinese, French, Indian, and Italian), who pursue the five brands examined via web-based
networking media, the examination builds up an auxiliary condition demonstrate that tends to holes
in earlier online life marking writing. In particular, the investigation shows the connections
between web based life promoting endeavors and their outcomes (image inclination, value
premium, and reliability). The examination estimates brands' online networking advertising
endeavors as an all encompassing idea that fuses five angles (diversion, cooperation, popularity,
customization, and verbal).
The author suggests that Web-based social networking, today, is among the 'best open doors
accessible' to a brand for associating with planned purchasers. Online life is the medium to mingle.
These new media win the trust of customers by associating with them atla more profound
dimension. Online life advertising is the new mantra for a few brands since early a year ago.
Advertisers are observing various online life openings and starting to actualize new social activities
at a higher rate than at any other time. Internet based life advertising and the organizations that use it
have turned out to be progressively advanced. One can't stand to have no nearness on the social
channels if the contender is making waves with its items and administrations. The blast of web
based life wonder is as incredible as that and the pace at which it is developing is rankling.
Worldwide organizations have perceived online life advertising.
The author audits as of late distributed research about customers in advanced and online
networking advertising settings. Five subjects are recognized: (I) purchaser computerized culture,
(ii) reactions to advanced publicizing, (iii) impacts of computerized conditions on shopper conduct,
(iv) portable situations, and (v) online verbal (WOM). On the whole these articles shed light from a
wide range of points on how shoppers experience, impact, and are affected by the advanced
conditions in which they are arranged as a feature of their day by day lives. Much is as yet to be
comprehended, and existing learning will in general be excessively centered around WOM, which
is just piece of the advanced purchaser encounter. A few bearings for future research are progressed
to urge specialists to think about a more extensive scope of marvels.
(Zhang and Benyoucef)
The author states that development of social trade has brought significant changes to the two
organizations and customers. Henceforth, understanding customer conduct with regards to social
business has turned out to be basic for organizations that mean to all the more likely impact
shoppers and tackle the intensity of their social ties. Given that exploration on this issue is new and
to a great extent divided, it will be hypothetically imperative to assess what has been concentrated
and determine important bits of knowledge through an organized survey of the writing. In this
examination, we lead a precise survey of social trade concentrates to explain how purchasers carry
on long range interpersonal communication locales.
With the lack of understanding of the behavior of a consumer that they showcase upon the
social media marketing or online means of advertising that a company follows to acknowledge the
customers to know the product or services that a company is stressing upon the consumer to buy a
certain product or services from these company or concern. The social media marketing has a
positive as well as negative bearing on the consumer behavior as the human being or consumer in
general is a social being and also interacts with other fellow being.
The ltraditional lmodel lis lpicked lto lconsider lthe limpact lof lweb lbased llife lon lcomplex
lpurchasing lchoices lbecause lof lits lstraightforwardness land ladaptability. lOf lthe lfive lphases,
lthe lprimary lphase lof lneed lacknowledgment lisn't lconsidered, las lit lis lfrequently lnot
lmanagable lto lthe lsort lof lreview lstudy lutilized lin lalternate lstages. lSubsequently, lthis lpaper
lcenters laround lthe lchoice lprocedure lof lcustomers lwho lmade la lgenuine lbuy lafter lthey lmade
la ldecision labout lan lindividual, lsituational, lmental, lor lsocial lrequirement lfor la lspecific litem
lor ladministration las lsufficiently lsubstantial. lThe lpoint lis lto lexplore lthe lrelationship lof lthe
lstages, lthat lis, lthe limpact lof lthe ldata llook lorganize lon lthe lassessment lof lchoices; lthe limpact
lof lelective lassessment lon lbuy lchoice; land lthe limpact lof lthe lchoice lstage lon lpost-buy lresult.
lThe lchoice lprocedure lis linvestigated las lfor lthe lutilization lor lnon-utilization lof linternet lbased
Huge lnumber lof lpromoting lshapes ldon't lunderscore lon lthe lsignificance lof lutilizing
linternet lbased llife lto limpart ltheir lcenter ladvertising. lConsequently, lsharing lof llearning lon lthe
lsignificance lof lonline llife lwill lmake lmindfulness lon lhow lcritical linternet lbased llife lis lto lthe
lcomputerized lnetwork land lits leffect lin limparting lfirms' lcontributions lonlthe lloose.
The lobjective lof lthe lstudy lis llisted lbelow:
• To lstudy lSocial lMedia lMarketing.
• To lanalyze lthe linfluence lof lSocial lMedia lon lConsumer lBehavior.
• To lstudy lthe lperception lof lSocial lMedia lMarketing.
The lstudy lhelps lto lstudy labout lthe lfactors lthat linfluence lthe lconsumer lin lbuying lthe
lproduct lor lservices lfrom lthe lSocial lMedia lor lfrom lthe lSocial lsites lthat lplays la lmajor lrole lin
lpersuading lor linfluence lthe lconsumer lto lbuy la lparticular lproducts/ lservices. lThis lstudy
lisldone lon lthe lbasis lof lindian lconsumer lbehavior lthat lthey lexhibit lin lthe ltime lof lpurchasing
lthe lproduct lfrom lthe lsocial lMedia lby lseeing lthe ladvertisement.
In lthis lproject lthe lstudy lwas lmainly ldone lon lthe lfactors lthat linfluence lor lplay la lmajor
lrole lfor la lconsumer lin lpurchasing lthe lproduct/ lservices lwhich la lconsumer lwishes lto lbuy lin
lthe lSocial lMedia lwebsites, lthis lalso lstudies lthe lconsumer lcomfortness lin lbuying lor lviewing
lthe lproducts lin ldifferent lsocial lmedia lsites.
PRIMARY lDATA: lThe ldata lwill lbe lcollected lfrom lthe lgeneral lpublic lin lthe lform lof
SECONDARY lDATA: l lThe ldata lis lbeen lcollected lfrom ldifferent lliterature land lalso lthrough
ldifferent lwebsites lthat lis lapt lfor lthe lstudy.
Sampling lsize: l101
Sampling lTechnique: lRandom lSampling lMethod
Research lInstrument: lStructured lQuestionnaire
H01: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition
H11: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition
H02:Social lMedia ldoes lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lSearch lfor lInformation
H12: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlSearchlforlInformation
H03: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation
H13: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation
H04: lSocial lMedialdolnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPostlPurchase lBehavior
H14: lSocial lMedialhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPostlPurchase lBehavior.
 The ltime lperiod lfor lthe ldata lwas lvery lshort ltime l(6 lweek lof lthe lproject)
 The lstudy lwas llimited lonly lto lgeneral lpublic.
 The lstudy lwas lrestricted lfor lthe lfactors lof lconsumer lbehavior.
Information linvestigation land ltranslation lit lis lprocess lin lwhich lsense land lsignificance
lare lmade lof linformation lgathered lin lsubjective lresearch, land lby lwhich lthe lrequired llearning
lis lconnected lto lcustomer's lissues. lThe linformation lgathered las lgathering ldiscourses land
lmeeting lwith lconsumer lloyalty's ldimension, lyet lit lisn't lrestricted lto lthis. lThrough lprocedures
lof lreturning lto land linundation lin lthe linformation, land lthrough lcomplex lexercises lof
lorganizing, lre-encircling lor linvestigating, llastly lassess lthe lexecution lmade lby lthe lassociation
lin lits lcompelling lassets land lexaminations lthe lregion lto lbe limprovement.
Table lno l4.1.1:
Graph lno l4.1.2: lgender
From lthe labove lbar lgraph4.1.2 l lof lgender lit lwas lfound lthat lthere lare l66 lMale lrespondents
land l35 lFemale lrespondents lfor lthe lQuestionnaire.
2. lAge lGroup:
Table lno l4.2.1
BELOW l18 1
21-30 58
31-40 18
41-50 15
51 l& lAbove 9
Graph lno l4.2.2: lAGE
From lthe labove lgraph l4.2.2 lof lAge lit lwas lfound lthat lthere lare l1 lrespondent l lfor lthe lage
lgroup lof lbelow l21,there lare l58 lrespodent lfor lthe lage lgroup l21-30, lthere lare l18 lrespondents
lof lage l31-40, lthere lare l15 lrespondents lfor lthe lage lgroup lof l41-50, lthere lare l9 lrespondents
lfor lthe lage lgroup lof l51 l& labove.
3. lEducation:
Table lno l4.3.1
Graph lno l4.3.2: lEducation
From lthe labove lgraph l4.3.2 lEducation, lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lthere lare l0 lrespondents lfor
leducational lqualification lof lHighschool, lthere lare l6 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational
lqualification lof lIntermediate, lthere lare l33 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational lqualification lof
lGraduate, lthere lare l59 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational lqualification lof lPostgraduate, lthere
lare l3 lresondents lfor lHigher lthan lPostgraduate.
4. lOccupation:
Table lno l4.4.1
Graph lno l4.4.2
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.4.2 lthere lare l26 lrespondents lare lsalaried, lthere lare l11
lrespondents lbelong lto lbusiness, lthere lare l17 lrespondents lwho lare lself-employed, lthere lare l47
lrespondents lwho lare lothers li,e., lstudents, lhousewives letc.
Table lno l4.5.1
Case lProcessing lSummary
N %
Valid 101 100.0
0 .0
Total 101 100.0
a. lListwise ldeletionlbasedlon lall lvariables lin
lthe lprocedure.
Table lno l4.6.1:
Reliability lStatistics
lAlpha lBased lon
N lof lItems
.889 .905 16
The ltsble lno l4.6.1 lrepresents labove lreliability ltest lscore lis l0.889lwhich lmeans lthat lthe ldata
lcollected lis lreliable land lis la lgood lsign lfor lthe lstudy lconducted.
Table lno l4.7.1
Inter-Item lCorrelation lMatrix
VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013 VAR00014 VAR00015 VAR00016
VAR00001 1.000 .635 .402 .701 .760 .542 .658 .664 .124 .527 -.108 .588 .490 .597 .544 -.342
VAR00002 .635 1.000 .354 .582 .671 .534 .518 .664 .118 .546 -.075 .623 .524 .601 .591 -.445
VAR00003 .402 .354 1.000 .574 .543 .544 .668 .370 .123 .474 -.047 .367 .444 .405 .474 -.215
VAR00004 .701 .582 .574 1.000 .778 .554 .660 .592 .251 .558 .066 .644 .542 .579 .587 -.157
VAR00005 .760 .671 .543 .778 1.000 .650 .712 .657 .236 .618 .038 .604 .538 .586 .630 -.253
VAR00006 .542 .534 .544 .554 .650 1.000 .737 .599 .112 .593 -.023 .475 .633 .692 .689 -.242
VAR00007 .658 .518 .668 .660 .712 .737 1.000 .625 .139 .549 -.081 .558 .641 .642 .650 -.200
VAR00008 .664 .664 .370 .592 .657 .599 .625 1.000 .247 .661 -.094 .552 .574 .595 .639 -.365
VAR00009 .124 .118 .123 .251 .236 .112 .139 .247 1.000 .237 .389 .173 .082 -.008 .064 .311
VAR00010 .527 .546 .474 .558 .618 .593 .549 .661 .237 1.000 .065 .512 .525 .597 .538 -.334
VAR00011 -.108 -.075 -.047 .066 .038 -.023 -.081 -.094 .389 .065 1.000 .011 -.013 -.072 -.092 .506
VAR00012 .588 .623 .367 .644 .604 .475 .558 .552 .173 .512 .011 1.000 .599 .599 .496 -.290
VAR00013 .490 .524 .444 .542 .538 .633 .641 .574 .082 .525 -.013 .599 1.000 .719 .758 -.213
VAR00014 .597 .601 .405 .579 .586 .692 .642 .595 -.008 .597 -.072 .599 .719 1.000 .768 -.333
VAR00015 .544 .591 .474 .587 .630 .689 .650 .639 .064 .538 -.092 .496 .758 .768 1.000 -.377
VAR00016 -.342 -.445 -.215 -.157 -.253 -.242 -.200 -.365 .311 -.334 .506 -.290 -.213 -.333 -.377 1.000
Table lno l4.8.1:
Item-Total lStatistics
Scale lMean lif
lItem lDeleted
Scale lVariance
lif lItem lDeleted
Corrected lItem-
Total lCorrelation
Squared lMultiple
lAlpha lif lItem
VAR00001 57.5248 87.732 .698 .703 .876
VAR00002 57.5941 87.744 .655 .634 .878
VAR00003 57.4554 91.450 .554 .566 .883
VAR00004 57.4059 87.804 .796 .725 .873
VAR00005 57.4851 88.212 .822 .775 .873
VAR00006 57.3762 91.477 .730 .674 .877
VAR00007 57.6040 88.562 .775 .760 .874
VAR00008 57.5446 90.170 .723 .687 .877
VAR00009 58.0792 95.834 .282 .370 .895
VAR00010 57.5446 89.190 .689 .609 .877
VAR00011 58.3663 100.834 .067 .392 .904
VAR00012 57.6139 89.319 .674 .611 .878
VAR00013 57.3762 91.917 .701 .691 .878
VAR00014 57.4158 91.205 .709 .738 .878
VAR00015 57.4257 91.647 .706 .764 .878
VAR00016 59.0594 109.216 -.264 .587 .917
Table lno l4.9.1
Scale lStatistics
Mean Variance Std.
N lof lItems
61.5248 103.932 10.19470 16
Descriptive lStatistics lforlthe lquestions llistedlbelow(
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Q1 101 1 5 4.13 .913
Q2 101 1 5 3.33 1.226
Q3 101 1 5 4.00 1.140
Q4 101 1 5 3.93 1.202
Q5 101 1 5 4.07 1.070
Q6 101 1 5 4.12 1.013
Q7 101 1 5 4.04 .958
Q8 101 1 5 4.15 .841
Q9 101 1 5 3.92 .987
Q10 101 1 5 3.98 .938
Q11 101 1 5 3.45 1.204
Q12 101 1 5 3.98 1.049
Q13 101 1 5 3.16 1.214
Q14 101 1 5 3.91 1.059
Q15 101 1 5 4.15 .841
Q16 101 1 5 4.11 .882
Q17 101 1 5 4.10 .854
Q18 101 1.00 5.00 2.4653 1.22934
Valid lN
Questions lonlConsumer lBehavior lFactors.
1.Do lyou lthink lthe lSocial lMedia lsites, lyou lare lable lto lseek lout lproducts/services linformation
linitiatively l(actively)?
Table lno l4.11.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Q1 101 1.00 5.00 4.1287 .91283
Valid lN
Table lno l4.11.2
From lSocial lmedia lsites lare lyoulable lto lseek lout lproducts/services
Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative
Strongly ldisagree 15 14.9 14.9 14.9
Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 18.8
Neutral 30 29.7 29.7 48.5
Agree 37 36.6 36.6 85.1
Stronglyagree 15 14.9 14.9 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.11.3
From lthe labove lbar ldiagram lgraph lno l4.11.3 lthat lrepresents labout lthe lConsumer lseeking lout
lSocial lmedia lactively lfor lproduct/services, lit lis lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lpeople
lhave l lagreed lthat lthey lseek lout lactively lfrom lsocial lmedia lregarding ltheir lproduct/services
2. lDo lyou lhave lprejudgement( lpositive/negative) ltowards la lparticular lproduct l/service lbefore
lan lactual lconsumption?
Table lno l4.12.1:
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q2 101 1.00 5.00 3.3267 1.22563
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.12.2
Prejudgement ltowards lparticular lproduct/service
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree l l
5 5.0 5.0 5.0
7 6.9 6.9 11.9
Neutral l
14 13.9 13.9 25.7
Agree l l 32 31.7 31.7 57.4
43 42.6 42.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.12.3: lPrejudgement ltowards lproducts/services.
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.12.3 ldetermines lthe lconsumer lprejudgement
ltowards lproducts/services li,e,. lpositive/negative lattitude. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan
l30% lof lconsumers lhave lagreed lthat lthey ldo lhave lprejudgement lfor lproduct/services lwhich
lthey lactually lconsume.
3. lDoes lSocial lMedia ltriggers lyou lto lpurchase la lproduct/service?
Table lno l4.13.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q3 101 1.00 5.00 4.0000 1.14018
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.13.2
Social lmedia ltriggers lto lpurchase
Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative
8 7.9 7.9 7.9
Disagree l 5 5.0 5.0 12.9
Nneutral 13 12.9 12.9 25.7
Agree l 35 34.7 34.7 60.4
Stronglyagree 40 39.6 39.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.13.3:lSociallmedia ltriggers ltolpurchase
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.13.3 lthat lrepresents lsocial lmedia ltriggers lto lpurchase, lit lhas
lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lconsumers lhave lStrongly lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia
ltriggers lthe lconsumers lto lbuy lproducts/services.
4. lDo lyou lfind ladvertisements lonlSocial l lMedia lare lstill lattractive?
Table lno l4.14.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q4 101 1.00 5.00 3.9307 1.20214
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.14.2
Advertising lin lSocial lmedia lare lattractive
Frequency Percent Valid
Cumulative lPercent
Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0
Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 8.9
Neutral 12 11.9 11.9 20.8
Agree 38 37.6 37.6 58.4
Strongly lagree 42 41.6 41.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.14.3
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar ldiagram lgraph lno l4.14.3 lwhich lrepresents lthe lattractiveness
lof lsocial lmedia ladvertisement. lIt lwas lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lrespondents lhave
lStrongly lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia ladvertisement lis lmore lattractive lthan lother lsource lof
5. lDo lyou lagree lthat linformation lsearching lis leasier lvia lSocial lMedia lcomparing lto lMass
lMedia l(e.g., lTV, lRadio, lNewspaper, land lso lon)?
Table lno l4.15.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q5 101 1.00 5.00 4.0693 1.07012
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.15.2
Search lof linformation lis leasierlvia lsocial lmedia
Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0
Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 6.9
Neutral 10 9.9 9.9 16.8
Agree 43 42.6 42.6 59.4
Stronglyagree 41 40.6 40.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.15.3:lsearching lof linformation
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.15.3 lthat lrepresents lsearching lof linformation lis
leasier lin lsocial lmedia. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lrespondents lhave
lStrongly lAgreed lthat lthey lfind lit leasier lto lsearch lthe lproducts lin lthe lsocial lmedia.
6. lDo lyou lsearch lfor lrelated linformation lonlSocial lMedia lbefore la lpurchase?
Table lno l4.16.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q6 101 1.00 5.00 4.1188 1.01279
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.16.2
Search lof lrelatedlinformation lonlSocial lmedia
Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 5.0
Neutral 17 16.8 16.8 21.8
Agree 44 43.6 43.6 65.3
Stronglyagree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.16.3: lsearchloflrelatedlinformation lonlsociallmedia
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.16.3: l lthat lrepresents lsearch lof lrelated linformation lon lsocial
lmedia. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey
lsearch lrelated linformation labout lthe lproducts/services lthat lthey lactually lwish lto lpurchase
lnow lor lin lthe llater lpart.
7. lDo lyou lagree lthat, ladvertising/ lblog lposts/ l lFB lpages/ luser lreviews lonlSocial lMedia
linfluence lyou lto ltry lnew lbrands/ lproducts/ lservices?
Table lno l4.17.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q7 101 1.00 5.00 4.0396 .95834
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.17.2;
Influence lConsumer lto ltry lnew lbrands/products/services
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 4.0
Neutral 11 10.9 10.9 14.9
Agree 50 49.5 49.5 64.4
Stronglyagree 36 35.6 35.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.17.3: lInfluence lof lsocial lmedia lover lconsumer lto ltry lout lnew lproducts lor
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.17.3: l lthat lrepresents lthe linfluence lof lsocial lmedia lover
lconsumer lto ltry lout lnew lproducts lor lservices. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof
lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia linfluence lin la lgreater lextent lto ltry lout lnew
8.Do lyou lagree lthat lsocial lmedia lhas lprovided lmore leffective lplatforms lto lnew
lproducts/services/brands lto ldraw lconsumers’ lattention lthan lmass lmedia lchannels?
Table lno l4.18.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q8 101 1.00 5.00 4.1485 .84126
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.18.2:
Attention lDrawn lthrough lSocial lmedia
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 6.9
Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 29.7
Agree 39 38.6 38.6 68.3
Stronglyagree 32 31.7 31.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.18.3: lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful lplatform
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.18.3: l lthat lrepresents lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful
lplatform lin lattracting lthe lconsumers. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe
lrespondents lhas lAgreed lthat leventually lstates lthat lit lis la lpowerful lplatform lto lattract lthe
lconsumers/customers lin la lbroader lsense.
9. lDo lyou lagree lthat ladvertisements/ lreviews/ lblog lposts letc. lhave la lhigher lcredibility lthan
ladvertisements/ leditorials/ lother lmarketing lmeans lon lmass lmedia?
Table lno4.19.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q9 101 1.00 5.00 3.9208 .98674
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.19.2
Credibility lof ladvertisement
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 6.9
Neutral 18 17.8 17.8 24.8
Agree 44 43.6 43.6 68.3
Stronglyagree 32 31.7 31.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.19.3: lCredibility loflAdvertisement
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.19.3: lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40%
lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lhas lmore lcredibility.
10. lDo lyou lrely lon linformation lavailable lon lsocial lmedia lif lyou lhave luncertainties lregarding
la lpurchase?
Table lno l4.20.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q10 101 1.00 5.00 3.9802 .93787
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.20.2
Rely lon linformation lavailable lon lsocial lmedia
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglyagree 9 8.9 8.9 8.9
Disagree 13 12.9 12.9 21.8
Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 44.6
Agree 36 35.6 35.6 80.2
Stronglyagree 20 19.8 19.8 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.20.3: lRely lonlinformationlonlsocial lmedia
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno4.20.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lapproximately
l45% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lrely lon linformation lthat lis lavailable lon lsocial
lmedia lregarding lproducts land lservices.
11. lDo lyou lchange lyour linitial lpurchase lpreference lafter lsearching lrelevant linformation lvia
lsocial lmedia lsites?
Table lno l4.21.1:
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q11 101 1.00 5.00 3.4455 1.20395
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.21.2
Changing lof lmind lafterlsearching lrelevant linformation
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 8 7.9 7.9 10.9
Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 24.8
Agree 39 38.6 38.6 63.4
Stronglyagree 37 36.6 36.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.21.3: lchanging loflmind lafterlsearching lrelevant linformation
From lthe labove lrepresented lgraph lno l4.21.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l30% lof
lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lchange ltheir lmindset lregarding ltheir linitial lintension
lof lpurchase lafter lseeing lon lthe lsocial lmedia lsites.
12. lAre lyou llikely lto lshare lcomments/reviews/blog lposts/related larticles letc. lto lpeers lor
lfriends lvia lsocial lmedia lafter la lpurchase?
Table lno l4.22.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q12 101 1.00 5.00 3.9802 1.04862
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.22.2
Sharing lof lComments/review/blog lrelated larticles
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 13 12.9 12.9 12.9
Disagree 14 13.9 13.9 26.7
Neutral 32 31.7 31.7 58.4
Agree 28 27.7 27.7 86.1
Stronglyagree 14 13.9 13.9 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.22.3:sharing lof lcomments/reviews/blog lrelatedlarticles linlsocial lmedia.
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.22.3: lthat lrepresents lsharing lof lcomments/reviews/blog
lrelated larticles lin lsocial lmedia. lIt lwas lfound lout lthat lalmost l38% lof lrespondents lhave
lAgreed lthat lthey lshare lthe lcomments lor lblogs lor lreviews lto ltheir lpeers land lfriends lon lthe
lsocial lmedia.
13. lAre lyou llikely lto lchange lyour lattitude ltowards la lcertain lbrand lor lproduct lorlservice lafter
lyou lhave lread lpositive lcomments/reviews/online larticles letc. labout lit?
Table lno l4.23.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q13 101 1.00 5.00 3.1584 1.21435
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4,23.2
Changing lyour lAttitude ltowards lcertain lbrand/product/service
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0
Disagree 7 6.9 6.9 11.9
Neutral 10 9.9 9.9 21.8
Agree 49 48.5 48.5 70.3
Stronglyagree 30 29.7 29.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.23.3: lchange lof lattitude
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.23.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l30% lof lthe
lrespondents lare lNeutral lin lchanging ltheir lattitude lif lthey lhave lread lpositive larticle lor
lcomment lon lsocial lmedia l
14. lDo lyou lagree lthat lfeedback's l(reviews/comments/posts land lso lon) lon lsocial lmedia laffect
lyour lpurchase?
Table lno l4.24.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q14 101 1.00 5.00 3.9109 1.05924
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.24.2
Feedback’s leffect lon lpurchase
Frequency Percent Valid
Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 4.0
Neutral 11 10.9 10.9 14.9
Agree 50 49.5 49.5 64.4
Stronglyagree 36 35.6 35.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.24.3: lFeedback leffect lonlpurchase
From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.24.3: lthat lrepresents lfeedback land ltheir leffect lon
lpurchase, lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmost lof lthe lrespondents li,e., lmore lthan l40% lof
lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthe lfeedback lon lsocial lmedia lcan lhave la ldrastic leffect lon
15. lDo lyou lagree lthat lsocial lmedia lprovides lan leffective land lpowerful lplatform lfor
lconsumers lto lcommunicate lwith leach lother land lwith lthe lcompanies?
Table lno l4.25.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q15 101 1.00 5.00 4.1485 .84126
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.25.2
Powerful lplatform lto lCommunicate
Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative
Stronglydisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.9
Neutral 13 12.9 12.9 18.8
Agree 45 44.6 44.6 63.4
Stronglyagree 37 36.6 36.6 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.25.3:social lmedia las la lpowerful lplatform
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.25.3: l lthat lhighlights lsocial lmedia las la lpowerful lplatform
lwhich lenables lconsumer lwith lother lconsumers land lalso lwith lthe lcompany. lIt lhas lbeen lfound
lout lthat lalmost l45% lof lthe lrespondent lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lis la lgreat lplatform lin
16. lDo lyou lfeel lencouraged lto lvoice lout lyour lopinion lafter la lpurchase lvia lsocial lmedia
Table lno l4.26.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q16 101 1.00 5.00 4.1089 .88205
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.26.2
Encouraged lto lvoice lout lopinion
Frequency Percent Valid
Stroonglydisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 5.0
Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 18.8
Agree 47 46.5 46.5 65.3
Stronglyagree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.26.3:social lmedia lencourages lto lvoice lout lopinions lregarding lthe
lproducts/services lonlsocial lmedia lplatforms.
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.26.3: lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lalmost l47% lof lthe
lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lencourages lto lvoice lout lopinions lregarding lthe
lproducts/services lonlsocial lmedia lplatforms.
17. lDo lyou lagree lthat linformation lregarding lproducts land lservices lhave lalhigher lcredibility
lonlsociallmedia lthan lonlmass lmedia lchannels lbecause lthe linformation lis lbeyondlthe
lcompany's lcontrol?
Table lno l4.27.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q17 101 1.00 5.00 4.0990 .85446
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.27.2
Higher lcredibility lonlsocial lmedia lthanlonlmass lmedia lchannels
Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative
Strongly lDisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 5.0
Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 18.8
Agree 47 46.5 46.5 65.3
Strongly lAgree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.27.3: lSocial lMedia ladvertisement
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.27.3: l lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat l47% lof lthe lrespondents
lhave lagreed lthat lSocial lMedia ladvertisement lhas lhigher lcredibility lwhen lcompared lto lMass
lMedia las lSocial lMedia ladvertisement lhas lhigh lappeal lin lother lwords lresponse.
18. lDo lyou lthink lthat lsocial lmedia lmakes lyour ldecision lmaking lmore lcomplex?
Table lno l4.28.1
Descriptive lStatistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation
Q18 101 1.00 5.00 2.4653 1.22934
Valid lN l(listwise) 101
Table lno l4.28.2
Decision lMaking
Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative
Strongly lDisagree 33 32.7 32.7 32.7
Disagree 17 16.8 16.8 49.5
Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 72.3
Agree 27 26.7 26.7 99.0
Strongly lAgree 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 101 100.0 100.0
Graph lno l4.28.3: lDecisionlMaking
From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.28.3: l lthat lrepresents lthe ldecision lmaking. lIt lhas lbeen lfound
lout lthat lmore lthan l33% lof lrespondents lhave lStrongly ldisagreed lthat lsocial lmedia lis lnot la
lcomplex lin lmaking lpurchase ldecision.
Hypothesis ltesting:
H01: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition
H11: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition
Table lno l4.29.1
Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig.
Between lGroups 24.062 4 6.015 6.557 .000
Within lGroups 88.067 96 .917
Total 112.129 100
lFrom lthe ltable lno l4.31,1The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lProblem lrecognition land lsocial
lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno
lsignificant ldifference lbetween lsocial lmedial land lproblem lrecognition. lHence lnull lhypothesis
lcannot lbe lrejected.
H02: lSocial lMedia ldoes lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lSearch lfor lInformation
H12: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlSearchlforlInformation
Table lno l4.31.1
Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig.
Between lGroups 45.901 4 11.475 53.528 .000
Within lGroups 20.580 96 .214
Total 66.481 100
The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lsearch lfor lalternative land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe
lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference
lbetween lsocial lmedial land lsearch lfor lalternative. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe lrejected.
H03: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation
H13: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation
Table lno l4.32.1
Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig.
Between lGroups 16.769 4 4.192 9.433 .000
Within lGroups 42.662 96 .444
Total 59.430 100
The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lEvaluation lof lInformation land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince
lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference
lbetween lsocial lmedial land lEvaluation lof lInformation. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe
H04: lSocial lMedia ldolnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPost lPurchase lBehavior
H14: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPost lPurchase lBehavior.
Table lno l4.33.1
Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig.
Between lGroups 6.857 4 1.714 6.527 .000
Within lGroups 25.211 96 .263
Total 32.068 100
The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lPost lPurchase lBehavior land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince
lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference
lbetween lsocial lmedial land lPost lPurchase lBehavior. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe
 It lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmany lindividuals lhas lstrongly lattached lto lmass lmedia
lcommunication lrather lthan ladopting lto lsocial lmedia.
 The lconsumers lto lthe llarge lextent lhas lthe lprejudgement lover lthe lproduct land lservices
lwhich lthey lintend lto lbuy lor lpurchase.
 Because lof lthe lmore lsocial lmedia lsites lwhich lare lavailable lon lthe lwebsite lthis lmakes
lconsumer lto lhave llack lof ldecision lmaking lability las lthere lare lmore lsites.
 The lconsumers lchange ltheir lattitude lor lperception lon lthe lbasis lof lfeedbacks lor lreviews
lwhich lthey lview lonlsocial lmedia lsites lfor lcertain lproducts lor lservices.
 As lthe lecosystem lof ldigital lmeans lof ladvertisement lend lup lbeing lcomplex lin lnature lthe
lconsumer lin lthe lother lhand lmight lfall lshort lin ladopting lto lthe ldigital lecosystem.
 Majority lof lthe lrespondents lare lin lthe lage lgroup lof l21-30 lyears lof lage.
 The lrespondents lhave lstrongly ldisagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis lnot la lcomplex ltool lin
ltaking lpurchase ldecision.
 The lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia ladvertising ltriggers lthem lto lpurchase
lproducts/ lservices.
 It lwas lalso lfound lthat lrespondents lfind lsocial lmedia ladvertising lmore lattractive lrather
lthan lmass lmedia.
 Majority lof lthe lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthey lshare lcomments land larticles lrelated lto
lthe lproducts land lservices lin lsocial lmedia lsite.
 The lrespondents lhave lalso lagreed lthat lthere lis la lhighest lcredibility lfor lthe lSocial lmedia
ladvertisement lthan lthe lMass lmedia ladvertisement.
 The lrespondent lhas lalso lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lplatform lencourages lto lvoice lout
lthe lconsumers lopinion.
 It lwas lfound lthat lrespondents lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful lplatform lfor
lbuying lproducts/services.
The lfollowing lare lthe lsuggestions/ lrecommendations lwhich la lcompany lhas lto lfollow
lto lachieve lor lattract lmore lcustomers, lCreate la lSocial lMedia lPlan lfor lEach lSocial lMedia
lChannel, lPost lConsistently, lBe lPicky lAbout lWhat lYou lShare, lUse la lSocial lMedia
lManagement lTool, lMeasure l& lAnalyze, lBuild la lCommunity, lWatch lYour lCompetitors. lThe
lSocial lMedia lMarketing lhas lmore lbearings lon lthe lConsumer lBehavior lthis lhas la lmajor
limpact lon lthe lConsumer lfor ltheir lpurchase ldecision.
In llight lof lend la lfew lproposals lare ladvanced lto linternet lbased llife ladvertisers lto
limprove ltheir ladministrations. lWith lrespect lto lsome lrecommendation lfor lthem lto lwin lthe
lonline lnetworking lmarket lthey lare, lGood lSMM lrequires ltop lto lbottom linformation lof lits
lassociation land la lstrong larrangement lof lhow lit lvery lwell lmay lbe lutilized lto laccomplish
lbusiness lobjectives. lBefore lendeavoring lto ladvance ltheir lbusiness lon lthe ldifferent lsystems,
lconsider lSMM lnot las la ltransitory larrangement lthat lwill lget ladvertisers ltraffic lnow. lAlso,
lsecond lone lis lThey lwould lprefer lnot lto lhazard llosing lguests land lpotential lclients, lensure
lthey lhave la lquite lcertain lSMM lplan lthat lyou ladhere lto lregardless.

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Ähnlich wie Project on Social Media Marketing and Influence on Consumer Behavior

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Project on Social Media Marketing and Influence on Consumer Behavior

  • 1. EXECUTIVE lSUMMARY The lproject lwas lfor lthe l6 lweek ltime lperiod, lit lgives la lstudent lainhand lexperience labout lthe lcompany land lalso lexposure lto lthe lindustry lthat lhelps la lstudent lto lknow lhow lof lthe lindustry land lalso lthe lpresent ltrends. The lproject lcovers lthe lSocial lMedia lMarketing land lits linfluence lon lthe lconsumer lbehavior lconsidering lthe lfactors lthat lhave lan limpact lon lthe lconsumer. lThe lstudy lhelps lus lto lknow labout lthe lconsumer lbehavior lin lthe lonline lsite lon lpurchasing lof lproducts land lservices lthrough lthe luse lof lonline lmedia lor lsocial lmedia lsites. lIn lthe lcontext lof lIndian lconsumer lthe lexposure lof lthe lconsumer lto lthe lsocial lmedia lis lvery lless lcompared lto l lthat lof lthe lwestern lcountries, las lthere lis lno lawareness lor lthe lconsumer’s lhesitation lto lview lor lpurchase lin lonline lplatforms land lalso lthe ltraditional lway lof lmarketing lthe lproduct lis levident lin lIndia lrather lthan limplementation lof lmodern ltechnologies lin lthe larena lof lmarketing lin ltoday’s lcontext. l Chapter l1 lcovers labout lthe lIndustry lprofile land lthe lCompany lprofile, lVision lmission lstatement. lAnd lalso lthe lSWOTlANALYSIS lof lthe lSocial lMedia lMarketing. Chapter l2 lcovers lthe lConceptual lBackground land lthe lreview lof lliterature lthat lis lrelevant lfor lthe lstudy. lAnd lalso lthe lresearch lgap lthat lexists lfrom lthe lliterature lreview lof lvarious lauthors. Chapter l3 lcovers labout lthe lResearch lMethodology lthat lis lused lto lcollect lthe ldata lby lthe lrespondents lfor lthe lquestionnaire. lAnd lalso ldifferent ldata lcollection lmethods lused lto lcollect lthe ldata lfor lthe lquestionnaire lfrom lthe lrespondent. Chapter l4 lcovers labout lthe lData lanalysis land lthe linterpretation lfor lthe lquestionnaire lby lthe lrespondents lthis lchapter lanalyses lthe ldata lby lusing lSPSS lSoftware land ltests lthat lis lto lbe lused lfor lthe lstudy. Chapter l5 lcovers lthe lfindings, lsuggestions land lthe lconclusion lfor lthe lstudy. Chapter l6 lmainly lincludes lBibliography, lReference, lAnnexure.
  • 2. 2 CHAPTER l1 INTRODUCTION Industry lProfile: The linitiation lof lSocial lMedia lMarketing l(SMM) lis lone lof lthe lforcefully limprovement lever lof. lThis lspecific lspecialized ltransformation lamid lthe lmost lrecent ldecade lhas ldefinitely lreformed lthe lcustomary lshowcasing lapproaches land lconveyed ladvertisers lto lanother ltime. lSMM lreturns lbuyers lto lthe lfocal lpoint lof lthe lbusiness lworld land lgives ladvertisers lanother larrangement lof ldevices lto lassociate lwith lcustomers land lto lincorporate lthem linto lthe lbrands lthrough linventive lways. lFundamentally, ladvertisers lneed lto lsee lhow lthe lweb lbased llife lhas limpacted lConsumer lBuying lDecision lMaking l(CBDM).Consumer lconduct lis la lcritical lpart lof lpromoting las lit lhelps ladvertisers lto ldevise lsolid land lhearty lshowcasing lmethodologies land lprocedures. lFor lexample, lassociations ldispatch lnew litems lor ladministrations, lwhich lare lby land llarge lpurchased lby lcouple lof lclients lin lthe lunderlying lstage land lbit lby lbit, lthere lis lan lexpansion lin lthe lclients. lToday, lassociations lare lutilizing lonline llife lmethod lso las lto lchange lpurchaser's lconduct land lto lwin ltheir lreliability. lThese ldays lonline lnetworking lturns lout lto lbe la lpiece lof lan lindividual's llife. lWeb lbased llife, lfor lexample, lFacebook, lTwitter, lInstagram lor lLinkIn lhas la lnumeral lnumber lof lthe lclient land lcontinues ldeveloping leach lday. lIt lis lassessed lthat lmore lthan l500 lmillion lindividuals lare linterfacing lwith linternet lbased llife l(Ostrow, l2010). lThe lquantity lof lonline lnetworking lclients ldeveloping lhas lpulled lin ladvertisers. lAdvertisers lhave lperceived lthat lonline llife lpromoting las la lcritical lpiece lof ltheir lshowcasing lcorrespondence lsystems. lAdditionally, lonline llife lencourages lassociations lto lspeak lwith ltheir lclients. lThese lassociations lhelp ladvertisers ldecide lclient lneeds land lcomprehend lwhat ltheir lmarket lmay lresemble. lKey lbusiness lvariables lof lweb lbased llife lenable lcustomers lto levaluate litems, lmake lproposals lto lcontacts lor lcompanions, land loffer lany lof lthe lbuys lthrough ltheir lonline llife. lCorrespondence lthrough lonline lnetworking lhas ldiscovered leffect lon lbuyer lbasic lleadership land ladvertising lmethodologies. lShopper lsocialization lhypothesis lpredicts lthat lcorrespondence lamong lcustomers linfluences ltheir lintellectual, lfull lof lfeeling, land lconduct lmentalities l(Ward, l1974). lAdditionally, lthe lpromoting lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia lpage lhas lassembled lnew lshopper's lconduct. lShoppers lwill lin lgeneral lmake lbuys lor llead lbusiness lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia. lSuggestions lby lcompanions lor lassociations lvia lweb-
  • 3. 3 basedlnetworking lmedia ladditionally lcould lhelp lshoppers lon lbasic lleadership. lThose lproposals lcould lhelp lbrand lframes lof lmind, lobtaining lmentalities, land lpromoting ldispositions. lThe lmore lgreat lreactions lon lthe litems lor ladministrations, lthe lmore lappealing lfor lcustomer lobtaining. lA llarge lportion lof lbest lbrands land ladministrations lsee lit land lbegan lto lconcentrate lvia lweb-based lnetworking lmedia ladvertising. Customers lgrasp lthe lInternet lfor lan lassortment lof lreasons l- lcomfort, lcost, land lchoice lland lin lthe lcourse lof lthe lmost lrecent lcouple lof lyears, lone lof lthe lreal limprovements lin lthe lonline lbusiness lfield lis lweb lbased llife lshopping. lInternet lbased llife lshopping lalludes lto lthe lutilization lof lvirtual linterpersonal lorganizations, lpeer laudits land lother lonline lsocial lapparatuses lin lthe lacquiring lprocedure. lThe lpresent lbuyer lis lvigorously laffected lby lthe lselections lof lhis lor lher lcompanions, lwhich lare ladditionally lreflected lin lthe lway lmarks, lare lutilizing linternet lbased llife lto lcatch lconsideration. Web lbased llife lshowcasing lhas ldeveloped ltop lto lbottom lthroughout lthe lmost lrecent lcouple lof lyears lwith lthe lexpanding lfame lof linternet lbased llife llocales, lfor lexample, lFacebook, lTwitter land lInstagram ljust lto lgive lsome lexamples land lthe lfixation lof lliving lprogressively lthrough lthese lsites lby linterfacing lsocially lwith lothers lthrough lposts, ltweets land lpictures lhas lexpanded lthe lprominence lof lweb lbased llife ladvertising. lWith lsimply lthe lsnap lof la lmouse la lclient lwho lwas lguiltlessly lseeing ltheir lfriend’s lFacebook lpage lcan lbe la lpotential lclient. lNumerous lorganizations lhave lexpanded ltheir lweb lbased llife lnearness lby lmaking lorganization lpages land lrecords lon lthese lsocial llocales land lfurthermore lthrough ldirect lpromoting lby lpublicizing lon lthese ldestinations lso lclients lare lalways lin lperspective lon ltheir litem lcontributions lwhile lsocially lassociating lwith lothers.
  • 4. 4 Growth lof lDigital lMarketing lSector: Fig lno l1. lGrowth lof lDigital lMarketing lSector With lthe lrapid lgrowth lof lInternet land lconsumer lexposure lto lthe lSocial lMedia land lalso lto lthe lInternet lways lof lshopping lthere lled la ldemand land lmore lfootfall lof lpeople ltowards lDigital lMarketing. lThe labove lfigure lprovides la lclear linformation labout lthe lgrowth lof lDigital lMarketing lin la lfaster lways. Government lInitiatives: The lDigital lIndia lCampaign lcomprises lof la lfew lprojects. lThese lprojects lare lstarted lwith la lgoal lof lgetting lready lIndia lto lend lup lenabled lsocially land lmonetarily. lBesides lit llikewise lintends lto lbring lgreat ladministration lfor levery lresident lthrough lsynchronized land lco-ordinated lcommitment lof lthe lGovernment. Our lPM lhas lhandover lthe lentire lobligation lof lexecuting lDigital lIndia lCampaign lto lthe lDepartment lof lElectronics land lInformation lTechnology l(DEITY). lAs la lteam lwith ldifferent lCentral lMinistries/Departments land lState lGovernments lthe lDepartment lof lElectronics
  • 5. 5 landlInformation lTechnology lis lsorting lout land larranging lsystems lof lvarious lexercises lunder lthe lDigital lIndia, lwhich lis lcautiously lchecked lby lMonitoring lCommittee lon lDigital lIndia lheaded lby lthe lPrime lMinister litself. Company lProfile: Your laccomplices land lpartners lin lmaking la lbrand lwhich lchampion lin lthe lspace. We, lTeam lBernay lIMC, lare ljust laides. lIt lis lyou lwho lmake land lmaintained lthe lbusiness, land lwe lbasically lhelp lto lmake lit lincreasingly lviable lby lutilizing lmedia lapparatuses, lweb ladvancements, land lweb lbased llife larrangements. lOur lgroup lhas ljoined lthe lexperience lof lmore lthan l35 lyears lin lthe lfield lof lPublic lrelations, lmedia lthe lexecutives, land lbrand lworking lover lthe lrange. lOpen lRelation lis lour lbusiness land lwe lcomprehend lthat lit's la lcenter lpiece lof lyours las lwell. lWe're lhere lto lhelp lshape lyour lpicture, lachieve lyour lbusiness lobjectives, lincrement lbrand ltrust land lguarantee lpositive lmedia linclusion lthat leventually lconveys lgenuine lreturns lfor lyour lbusiness. We llive lin la lmedia-immersed lworld lserving lus la lsteady lstream lof ldata land linformation, lcompeting lfor lour lconsideration land lcommitment. lTaking ladvantage lof lthe lupsides lof lthis lnew lage lis lno lmean laccomplishment. lThe lcomplexities lof loverseeing lobservations, lpicking lup lhelp, lbringing lissues lto llight, lactivating lactivity land lmaking la lpositive lopen lpicture lare lwinding lup lprogressively lincreasingly ltroublesome lin la ldata lfree- for-all. lBe lthat las lit lmay, ldread lnot. lThat lis lthe lplace lwe lcome lin. lWe lare lhere lto lensure lyour lopen lpicture lserves lyour lnecessities. l Our lgroup lof lenergetic lmedia lrelations lauthorities lwill lutilize ltheir laptitude lto lcontact lthe lcorrect lnews lsources lso las lto lrecount lyour lstory, lincrement lyour lperceivability land llift lopen lacknowledgment lof lyour limage. lRegardless lof lwhether lyour ldefinitive lobjective lis lto lsell lan litem, limpact lpopular lsentiment lor lcampaign lfor la lcritical lsocial lreason l– lwe lhave
  • 6. 6 lthelapparatuses lto lguarantee lit lsucceeds. lWe lare lmillennial lin lage, lmulti-generational lin lattitude, lcreative lin lexecution land lground lbreaking lin lstandpoint. lOur lmost lprominent lquality lis lour lcapacity lto lcreate land lexecute lreason ldriven lenactments lthat lassociate lnetworks, lassociations, land lorganizations lto laccomplish lextensive lscale lsway. lWe lutilize lan lin-house, lincorporated lmodel lto lbuild lconvincing lstories lto lmirror lour lcustomer's limage ldecisively, lonland ldisconnected. l More lindividuals lthan lany lother ltime lin lrecent lmemory lare lexperiencing ltheir llives lon lthe lweb. lThat lis lthe lplace lyour lintended linterest lgroup lis lhanging lout l– lso lwhy lnot lconnect lwith lthem? lWe'll lbuild lup la lcomputerized lmethodology las lper lyour lpoints land ltargets, lplan land ldeal lwith lyour lonline lstages, land lgive lthe lbest lsubstance lto lcontact lyour lgathering lof lpeople lin lthe lbest lway. Vision: “We lBuild lBrands” Services lProvided:  Ideate: We lIdeate lBrand lStrategy, lIdea lgeneration, lBrand ldiscovery, lBrand lrediscovery, lSocial lMedia, lContent l& lStrategy, lWebsite lconsulting.  Illustrate:
  • 7. 7 We lIllustrate lContent lcreation, lBranding, lRebranding lcampaigns, lDesign lServices llogos, lNewsletter, lInvitations letc.  Inspire: We lInspire lDigital lsupport, lContent, lManagement, lCampaigns.  Influence: We lInfluence lMulticultural lengagement, lBranded lexperiences, lSocial lmedia lengagement, l Public lrelations, lEvent lmanagement, land lMarketing, lSocial lmedia lpromotion. Promoters: Table lshowing lthe lPromoters lof lthe lCompany: Sl lNo Name Designation 01 Mr.Raghavendra lRao CEO 02 Mr. lVishwas. lA Senior lAssociate Fig lno l2: lpromotrers lof lCompany
  • 8. 8 FUTURE GROWTH AND PROSPECTS OF DIGITAL MARKETING: With 450 million internet users in India, businesses can no more choose to ignore their presence on digital and online media. In the absence of digital presence, customers are bound to discover and opt for the services of your competitor (who has already mastered digital marketing). The growing population of tech-savvy internet users has massively expanded the scope of digital marketing in India and the future is looking great. The primary reason why companies adopt online marketing is because it is a result- oriented mode of marketing. You can get to know where every penny is spent and the exact numbers in terms of traffic, conversions, the pages with the highest conversions and the channels bringing in this traffic. With more than 1.5 lakh jobs being created in India due to digital marketing, there couldn’t be a better time to become a digital marketing consultant. The following components of digital marketing:  Search engine optimization  Paid search  Email marketing  Social media marketing  Content marketing  Content writing  Inbound marketing  Conversion rate optimization  Web analytics and reporting
  • 9. 9 Competitors lInformation:  DigiMark lAgency lSEO, lBengaluru DigiMark lis la ldigital lmarketing lagency lthat lis lsituated lin lBengaluru. lIt lis lone lof lthe lcompetitor lforlBernay lIMC.  Media lMantra, lBengaluru Media lMantra lis la ldigital lmarketing landlPR lagency lthat lis lsituatedlinlBengaluru. lIt lis lone lof lthe lmainlcompetitorlof lBernay lIMC.
  • 10. 10  Social lpanga, lBengaluru Socialpanga lis lone lof lthe ldigital lmarketing land lSEO lfirmlthat lis lsituatedlinlBengaluru. lIt lis lone lof lthe lcompetitorlforlBernay lIMC.  Percoyo, lBengaluru Percoyo lis lone lof lthe lmost lpopular ldigital lmedia land lPR lagency lthat lis lsituated lin lBengaluru. lIt lis lalso lone lof lthe lcompetitorlforlBernay lIMC.
  • 11. 11 SWOT lAnalysis: FIG lNOl3:lSWOTlANALYSIS Strength:  Simple lto ltarget land lcontact lmore lgathering lof lpeople lat la lless lexpensive lcost. l  Campaigns lcan lbe leffectively lredone land lmade lmore lfocused laccording lto lour lbusiness lprerequisites. l  As lthe lworld lis lincreasingly lreliant lon lthe lweb, lit lencourages lthe lbusiness lto lconnect land linterface lwith lthe lgeneral lpopulation lon la lbigger lscale. l  Promotion lof lindependent lventure lis lsimple las lit lis lfinancially lsavvy. Weakness:  A ltest lto lachieve lthe lpopulace lwhich lis lstill lnot lutilizing lthe lweb. l  lHigh lodds lof ldisappointment lof ladvanced lpromoting lefforts ldue lto ldisarray lbecause lof lthe laccessibility lof la lwide lrange lof ladvertising lalternatives. l  Keeping lpace lwith lnew lpatterns land linnovation.
  • 12. 12 Opportunities:  More land lMore lemployment lfor lthe lyouth las lthis lfield lis ljust lgrowing land lnumber lof lprofessionals lare lless.  Increase lthe lreach lof lyour lbrand, ltherefore, lleading lto ldirect lprofit.  There lare llot lof lways lthrough lwhich lowners learn lmoney lapart lfrom ltheir lprimary lbusiness, leg- lgiving lspace lfor lads lon lwebsite, laffiliate lmarketing lin le lcommerce letc. lThreats:  If lit ldoesn’t lwork lperfectly lthen lchances lof lback lfire lis lhigher li.e. lit lmight ldamage lthe lbrand lname.  Due lto lever lchanging ltrends lof ldifferent lmarketing lareas land lever lchanging lrules lof lsearch lengine lfor loptimizing lthe lcontent, lcontinuous lawareness lis lrequired, lwhich lis lvery ldifficult.
  • 13. 13 CHAPTER-2 CONCEPTUALlBACKGROUND l& lLITERATURE lREVIEW lINTRODUCTION: Limited lTime lStrategy: In lpush ladvertising, lyou lare lendeavoring lto lconvey lyour litems lto lyour lclients. lSimilarly las lthe lname lproposes, lyou lare lattempting lto lpush la lspecific litem lon lyour lintended linterest lgroup. l"So," lyou lask, l"when ldo lI lactualize lthis lpush ladvertising?" lTypically, lorganizations luse l"push" lshowcasing lin lthe laccompanying lsituations: l  When lpropelling lanother litem l  While lworking lin la lspecialty ladvertise l In lthe ltwo lcases, lit's ldifficult lto lachieve lyour lintended linterest lgroup lwith lno l"push" lpromoting lendeavors. lTo lshow lsigns lof limprovement lthought, lhow labout lwe ltake la lgander lat lJohn. lFollowing lquite la lwhile lof lR&D, lhis lorganization lhas lrecently lbuilt lup lanother lskillet lthat lmakes lyou la lwizard lin lyour lkitchen. lYet, lJohn's ldefinitive lissue lis lthat lnobody lthinks labout lthis lstunning ldish. lThis limplies lbefore lhe lgets lthe l"Best lPan lOf lThe lYear" lgrant, lhe'll linitially lneed lto lbring lissues lto llight laround lthat lnew litem l– land lhere's lthe lplace lpush lchannels lhave lexactly lthe lintended leffect. Pull lMarketing lStrategy: In ldraw lshowcasing, lbe lthat las lit lmay, lthings llook lsomewhat lchanged. lYour lclients lcomprehend lwhat lthey lare lsearching lfor, land lthey lregularly lsearch lfor lthe ladvantages lthemselves. lFor lthis lsituation, lthe lclient lconnects lsignificantly lmore lwith lthe litem lpre-buy, land lgoes lout land lseeks ldata leffectively. lThis lcan, lfor linstance, lbe lvehicle lmerchants, lattorneys, land litems, lfor lexample, lfamily lunit lmachines, lbeds, lPC lscreens, land lso lon. lOrganizations lwill lutilize lpull lpromoting: l  At lthe lpoint lwhen lthe lclient lrealizes lwhat lthe lindividual lin lquestion lis lsearching lfor.  When lmarking lis lof lextraordinary lsignificance.
  • 14. 14 Promotional lMix: FIG lNO l4:lPROMOTION lMIX In lthe lceaseless locean lof lsocial llocales, lyou'll lbe lenticed lto ljoin lto lnumerous lthat laren't ldirectly lfor lyour lbusiness. lBe lthat las lit lmay, lhow lare lyou lexpected lto lrealize lwhere lto lgo, land lwhat lprofiles lto lfocus lon? lIt's la lgenuinely lsure lthing lthat lyou lhave la lvast lclient lbase lon lFacebook, lTwitter, lYoutube land lLinkedIn. lAll lthings lconsidered l– leverybody's lthere. l For lsome lother ldestinations lyou lmight lbe lkeen lon lcoordinating linto lyour lsocial lshowcasing lblend l– lyou lneed linformation. lYou lcan't lget lit lbefore lyou ljoin land lstart lto lfollow lyour lendeavors. lThat lis lthe lreason laggressive lexamination lis limperative. lOn lthe loff lchance lthat lyour lrivals lhave linvested lenergy, lcash land lexertion lfabricating la lnearness lon la lspecific lsocial lsite, lat lthat lpoint lyou lpresumably lought lto las lwell. lWhen lyou're lthere, lthe lmeasurements lwill lwrap lup. l The lkey lis lto loffset lyour lbusiness lmessage lwith lthe lnumerous ltypes lof lsocial ladvertising laccessible lon lthe lweb. lOn lthe loff lchance lthat lyour lbusiness limage lwould lmake lan lespecially lintriguing lapplication l– lit lmay lmerit lyour ltime land lenergy lto lempty lcash linto lthat. lFor lwhatever llength lof ltime lthat lyou lare lconsistent lwith lthe lfirst lmessage lof lyour lbusiness, lyou'll lhave lthe lcapacity lto llocate lthe lcorrect lmedium lto lpass lon lit lto lyour lfans.
  • 15. 15 Innovation lWith linlanlEra lof lAccountability: As lwe ladventure linto l2019, lthe lbusiness lcondition lis limmovably lsettled lin lcomputerized lchange. lWe're lquick lentering la lperiod lwhere lresponsibility land lresults lare lcentral—activities lthat ldon't ldefinitively lsway lthe lbusiness lwill lbe linvestigated, las lwill lactivities lincluding lclient linformation, lprotection, lbuyer lrights land lcomputerized lmorals. l We lsee l2019 las lthe ltime lof lInnovating lWith lImpact lwith lregards lto lhierarchical lresponsibility. lNumerous lassociations lhave lassembled land ladvanced ltheir lgroups land lability lto ltake lon lcomputerized ldisturbance, lyet, lfew lare lconnecting lventures lto lexecution lin lmanners lthat lseriously land lemphatically lswaytheir lbusiness, lclients lor, lprominently, lsociety. lBefore, lbuyers lhave lunreservedly lseparated lwith linformation lin lreturn lfor lesteem, lhowever lclients lare lending lup lprogressively ldefensive lof ltheir lown ladvanced ldata. lBusiness, lbuyer land lsocietal leffect lcurrently lgo linseparably lan linside land lout lpoint lof lview lon lwhat lwe lought lto lfocus lon, lwhy lit lmakes la ldifference land lhow lit limpacts lbusiness land lsociety lwith lhigher ldegrees lof lresponsibility. lWe'll lanalyze lthe ljob lof linformation lduty, lstrengthening lthrough linterconnected lcomputerized lbiological lsystems, lthe lexpanding lexamination linfluencers lface, lthe lresponsibility lbrands lhave ltoward ltheir lshoppers, land leven lthe ljob ladministration lplays las ladvanced ldevelopment lkeeps lon lforming lhow lwe lwork, llive land lcooperate lwith lbrands. l In lthis lnew ltime, lresponsibility lmoves ltoward lbecoming lmulti-dimensional, las lassociations lthink labout lmaking la lpositive land lsignificant leffect lon lclients, lbusiness lpartners land lsociety lall lthe lmore lextensively. lArrangements lthese lassociations lcreate lwill lwithout la ldoubt lbe lempowered lby lthe ldeveloping land linescapable lcomputerized lbiological lsystems lthat lsway lour llives, lboth lnow land llater lon. Data las lCurrency: lDigital lIdentity landlthe lFuture lof lCustomerlExperiences: We're lon lthe lincline lof la lpower lmove lin lthe lstory lof lshopper linformation lpossession, luse land lsale. lWhile lcustomers lare larousing lto lthe lgenuine lpower lthat llies lin ltheir l"advanced lcharacters," lorganizations lare lstarting lto ladvance loffers, land lexperience lbiological lcommunities lare lrising lwith lthe limprovement lof lnew linformation ldriven lplans lof laction. l
  • 16. 16 An lindividual's ladvanced lcharacter lis lcontained lall ldata lcreated lby lon lthe lweb land lgadget lsigns land lexercises, lincluding lclaims lmade lwithout lanyone lelse's linput lor lby lsomeone lelse lor lelement. lThese linformation lsources lmay lincorporate lbiometrics land lvoice, ldevelopment, larea, lecological, lon lthe lweb/application laction, loutsider linformation land lthat's lonly lthe ltip lof lthe liceberg. lToday, lexplicit ladaptations lof lour lcomputerized lpersonalities lare lutilized lto lspeak lto lus lin lexplicit lsettings, lfrequently lin lbrand linteractions.The lestimation lof lone's ladvanced lcharacter lis las lyet lnot lcompletely lcomprehended lby lgenerally lbuyers. lUnconscious lof lwhat ltheir linformation lare lworth, lindividuals lconsistently lnavigate land lacknowledge lintrinsic lassentions, lexchanging lclose linformation lfor leverything lfrom lcustom lsubstance lto lunique loffers. lWhat's lmore, lorganizations lare lcheerful lto lexchange lpersonalization lfor linformation, las lthey lcomprehend lthe leventual lfate lof lclient lexperience l(CX) lrelies lupon linformation ldriven lindividualization, lhyper-pertinence land lrelevant lplan. The lContext lof lCommerce: lCultivating lContextual lContent lforlSocial lCommerce: In la lperiod lof lresponsibility, lsubstance lmight lbe ltop ldog, lhowever lsetting lis lthe lkingdom. lThe lmeaning lof lsocial lbusiness, lfirst lbegat lby lYahoo lin l2005, lhas ltransformed lafter lsome ltime lto lwind lup lincreasingly lcomprehensive land lfar lreaching, lalbeit lnumerous ladvertisers lhave ldiscovered lthe ladvancing lopen ldoor lsubtle. lSocial lbusiness lis la lsubset lof lweb lbased lbusiness, lwhich lincludes lutilizing linternet lbased llife lto lhelp lweb lbased lselling lof litems land ladministrations. lWhen lit lwas lfirst limagined, lsocial lbusiness lwas lcharacterized lby lshared lshopping lrecords, lstar levaluations land lother lclient lcreated lcontent lthat lgave lexhortation land litem lsuggestions. lToday, litem levaluations land lsurveys lare lprimary, lif lnot la lbasic lprerequisite lfor lweb lbased lbusiness, lpaying llittle lrespect lto lthe lcommercial lcenter. lItem levaluations land lsurveys lkeep lon lgiving lcustomers la ldimension lof lcertainty l(this lis lthe lcorrect litem lor lthe lcorrect lbrand lto lfulfill lmy lnecessities) lin lan ladvanced lexistence lwhere lcustomary ldisconnected lshopping lpractices ldon't lhave lany lsignificant lbearing. lTo laccomplish leffective lesteem lwhat's lmore, lresponsibility, lbrands lmust lembrace la lsocial lbusiness lsystem lthat lmeets lbuyers lwhere lthey lare, lgiving la lsocially lstructured lcustomized lconnection lthat lclings lto lclient lsecurity lyet lempowers lfrictionless lbuy. Social lsetting lhas lturned linto la lbasic lsupporter lin lthe lbuyer lventure, laffecting lshopping lconductand lexpecting lbrands lto lcreate lsocial-first lprocedures lto lproduce lsolid
  • 17. 17 ldealsldevelopment. lSocial lstages lwill lkeep lon limproving, lconsolidating lnew lshopping lhighlights lto ldrive lfurther lcommitment land lgive lpurchasers lfrictionless litem ldisclosure lfitting lto levery lsocial lstage's lone lof la lkind lsituating. lAs lbrands land ladvertisers llook lto l2019 land lpast, lunderneath lare ltwo lessential lpatterns lenergizing lsocial ltrade ldevelopment.
  • 18. 18 LITERATURE REVIEW Getting the truth': exploring the material grounds of institutional dynamics in social media: Scott (2009) states the reasons for brand promoters preferring online web for marketing is that the tools, techniques and content are constantly evolving. The buyers reward creativity by responding to the online efforts like:  If you are open to trying out new things, you can be first in your industry to use something new to communicate to your buyers. Marketing in some social networking websites are still the most popular in their niche. Shih (2009) says that there are hundreds of millions of active users across sites like Face book, Hi5, Orkut and MySpace. 2.6 billionaire spent on Face book each day. These websites are enabling brands to engage the right people in the right conversation at right time. Marketing the brands through social media is becoming precise, personal, interesting ,interactive and social. Weber (2009) says promoting a community is just like as promoting a new brand product or service to the consumers. Social media is used to communicate people in the promotional aspect and inclined to involve the236 J. Media Commun. Stud. people. Traditional advertising and direct marketing in social media is to send people to the digital community to be informed, entertained and heard. Users find appealing, a value high enough to encourage them to participate. (Hung and Li) Verbal (WOM) is a profoundly solid type of showcasing data. In any case, since it is hard to think about WOM in the up close and personal setting, analysts have restricted comprehension of its wellsprings of adequacy or its belongings past item and brand interchanges. We broke down PC intervened information and led up close and personal meetings with excellence item devotees in China to comprehend electronic WOM (eWOM) in an utilization intrigue virtual network. Our discoveries uncover four classes of reactions: (1) wellsprings of social capital, (2) brand decision assistance, (3) influence learning advancement, and (4) buyer reflexivity. We at that point propose a model and offer a lot of hypothesizes to layout future research headings. (Borges) The author finds that today's buyers want to be engaged differently than in years past and many traditional marketing tactics simply do not work anymore. Social media marketing is a
  • 19. 19 revolutionary way to build solid relationships with buyers. Low cost, brand building, staffing advantages, loyalty and level playing field are key benefits of social networking sites as a successful marketing media. (Mangold and Faulds) The author documented that development of Internet-based web based life has made it feasible for one individual to speak with hundreds or even a large number of other individuals about items and the organizations that give them. Accordingly, the effect of shopper to-customer interchanges has been extraordinarily amplified in the commercial center. This article contends that web based life is a crossover component of the advancement blend on the grounds that in a conventional sense it empowers organizations to converse with their clients, while in a nontraditional sense it empowers clients to talk specifically to each other. The substance, timing, and recurrence of the online networking based discussions happening between purchasers are outside supervisors'immediate control. This stands as opposed to the conventional incorporated promoting interchanges worldview whereby a high level of control is available. They incorporate giving buyers organizing stages, and utilizing websites, web-based social networking devices, and limited time apparatuses to connect with clients. (Chu and Kim) The author stated that as an ever increasing number of advertisers join internet based life as a necessary piece of the limited time blend, thorough examination of the determinants that affect buyers' commitment in eWOM by means of interpersonal organizations is getting to be basic. Given the social and mutual attributes of long range interpersonal communication destinations (SNSs, for example, Facebook, MySpace and Friendster, this examination looks at how social relationship factors identify with eWOM transmitted by means of online social sites. In particular, an applied model that recognizes tie quality, homophily, trust, standardizing and instructive relational impact as an imperative precursor to eWOM conduct in SNSs was produced and tried. The outcomes affirm that tie quality, trust,lregulating and enlightening impact are emphatically connected with clients' general eWOM conduct, though a negative relationship was found concerning homophily. This investigation proposes that item engaged eWOM in SNSs is a novel
  • 20. 20 wonder with imperative social ramifications. The suggestions for scientists, experts and approach producers of internet based life direction are talked about. (Jothi et al.) The author analyses thatWeb is the developing data innovation with the believability of promptness and quickness, therefore, it gets globalization each part of correspondence. Correspondence through web is progressively determined, with powerful intuitive system among its clients. As of late, web publicizing has taken new structures which have more preferences over the conventional mediums like print media, TV and radio. Advertising correspondence is getting to be exact, individual, fascinating, intuitive and social. Distinctive methodologies of correspondence are followed in different interpersonal interaction destinations like Face book, Twitter and Orkut. They make affect over the gathering of people as well as influence them to connect with the showcasing measurements made. Individuals motivate appended to mark correspondence in person to person communication destinations than normal pennant and spring up promotions. These systems administration destinations carry progressively intuitive correspondence with promoting. Long range informal communication locales will turn into the essential field for very focused on promoting and publicizing. Along these lines, it is important to ponder the viability of brand correspondence system followed in informal communication locales which are for the most part gotten to by Indian clients. This examination endeavors to discover the adequacy of brand correspondence methodology in advancing and promoting their image in interpersonal interaction locales. The viability is resolved with the assistance of study from individuals who utilize these locales, and the substance of three interpersonal interaction destinations is investigated.
  • 21. 21 (Pookulangara and Koesler) The author interprets that Data innovation has made a creative manner by which individuals convey and cooperate. Especially, long range interpersonal communication sites have turned into a famous virtual gathering place for shoppers to join and share data. Interpersonal organizations enable shoppers to deliberately post individual data, transfer photos, send and get messages, join gatherings, and blog at their relaxation. Shoppers presently have the way to convey their conclusions about items and organizations to different customers "such as themselves" at a basic point in the business cycle—the start.Retailers have a great deal to pick up by using and bridling the intensity of informal communication to upgrade their general showcasing procedure. Person to person communication gives the chance to find out about their buyers' needs, and after that react proactively and offers innovative and powerful approaches to acquire bits of knowledge not beforehand accessible. Moreover, interpersonal interaction has moved from the edges, turn out to be more standard and begun impacting society. (Zhang et al.) In their study indicated that organizations ought to have a brand nearness on a wide range of internet based life locales to build their shopper gathering of people. "Research has demonstrated that presentation to electronic verbal (E-WOM) messages can create more enthusiasm for an item classification than can introduction to data delivered by advertisers" (Birkart and Schindler 2001 as refered to in Zhang, Jansen, and Chowdhury 2011, 161). Today, purchasers are increasingly proficient of the items they devour because of the web engaging them to access data therefore, making dynamic co-makers of significant worth (Zhang, Jansen, and Chowdhury 2011). Customers as co-makers of significant worth can give organizations a lot of rate of return since it is expanding brand mindfulness, which implies the significance of eWOM in the present showcasing world. "Internet based life, for example, Facebook permit target customers to wind up message senders by passing on promotions to companions, interfacing them to the publicists expressly, or remarking on the advertisement and having those remarks gone along viral channels" (Interactive Advertising Bureau 2009 as refered to in Chu 2011, 32). (Cheung and Thadani)
  • 22. 22 The author decribes that notion of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has received considerable attention in both business and academic communities. Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of eWOM communication. The scope of published studies on the impact of eWOM communication is large and fragmented and little effort has been made to integrate the findings of prior studies and evaluate the status of the research in this area. In this study, we conducted a systematic review of eWOM research. Building upon our literature analysis, we used the social communication framework to summarize and classify prior eWOM studies. We further identified key factors related to the major elements of the social communication literature and built an integrative framework explaining the impact of eWOM communication on consumer behavior (Saravanakumar and SuganthaLakshmi) The author analyses that amid various time's diverse strategies for interchanges has created and changed the step by step life. Internet based life has turned into the technique for proclamation in the 21't century, empowering us to express our conviction, thoughts and way in a flat out new way. Along these lines of message have likewise hugy affect organization, where they have understand that without a right arrangement and web based life procedure they get no opportunity to emerge in the quickly changing advanced opportunity. To ensure an effective participation via web- based networking media the organizations need to mull over various promoting speculations with the goal that they can help their image in various viewpoint. In the event that this can be aggregate with unique methods for purchaser cooperation the organizations have a decent opportunity to lead the pack in online life showcasing'. (Wang et al.) The author examines that Customer socialization through companion correspondence utilizing internet based life sites has turned into a vital advertising issue through the improvement and expanding notoriety of online networking. Guided by a socialization system, this article examines peer correspondence through web based life sites; singular dimension tie quality and gathering level ID with the friend bunch as predecessors; and item dispositions and buy choices as results. Study information from 292 members who occupiedlwith companion correspondences about items through web based life affirm that the two predecessors have positive impacts on friend correspondence results.
  • 23. 23 (Gensler et al.) The author documents that the dynamic, universal, and regularly constant collaboration empowered by web based life essentially changes the scene for brand the executives. A profound comprehension of this change is basic since it might influence a brand's execution considerably. Writing about web-based social networking's effect on brands is developing, yet comes up short on a precise ID of key difficulties identified with overseeing brands in this new condition. This paper audits existing examination and presents a system of online life's effect on brand the board. It contends that shoppers are getting to be significant creators of brand stories because of new unique systems of customers and brands framed through online networking and the simple sharing of brand encounters in such systems. Firms need to focus on such customer produced brand stories to guarantee a brand's achievement in the commercial center. (Goh et al.) In this study the author examine the effect of customers' participation in a firm's social media efforts on the intensity of the relationship between the firm and its customers as captured by customers' visit frequency. We further hypothesize and test for the moderating roles of social media activity and customer characteristics on the link between social media participation and the intensity of customer-firm relationship. Importantly, we also quantify the impact of social media participation on customer profitability. We assemble a novel data set that combines customers' social media participation data with individual customer level transaction data. (Rapp et al.) In the examination the author express, the creators propose an infection impact of online networking use crosswise over business providers, retailers, and shoppers. Subsequent to creating and approving web based life utilization measures at three dimensions—provider, retailer, and client—the creators test internet based life virus impacts and their definitive effect on different execution measures. The calculated structure and exact outcomes offerlnew bits of knowledge into the disease impacts of online life utilization over the channel of conveyance just as critical social impact instruments that improve these impacts. Reliable with the forecasts, online networking use decidedly adds to mark execution, retailer execution, and consumer– retailer dedication. Additionally, the impact of provider online networking utilization on retailer internet based life use
  • 24. 24 and thus on client web based life use is directed by brand notoriety and administration ability to use both hands. With the regularly expanding development and selection of internet based life applications and comparative innovations, this examination gives a structure to advance utilization by supply channel accomplices which at last impacts execution related results. (Taylor et al.) The author found that the online networking clients' message sharing practices are likewise ascribed to the requirement for self-upgrade. At the point when shoppers see an online promotion to be predictable with their character, they are bound to impart the message to others since it is illustrative of their identity and what they like. Consequently, "sponsors ought to consider the emblematic and self-articulation properties of their online promotions and match them to focused shoppers' self-ideas" (Taylor, Strutton, and Thompson 2012, 13). As such, the showcasing of an organization needs to have comparable qualities with its objective market's advantage. (Constantinides) The author suggests that Social Media have changed the power structures in the commercial center; proof focuses to a noteworthy power relocation occurring and to development of another type of amazing and refined client, hard to impact, convince and hold The paper diagrams the nature, impacts and present status of the Social Media, fundamental their job as client strengthening specialists. (Hajli) The author analyses that the Online networking have given new chances to buyers to participate in social collaboration on the web. Customers utilize web based life, for example, online networks, to produce content and to connect with different clients. The investigation of web based life can likewise distinguish the focal points to be picked up by business. Almultidisciplinary display, expanding on the innovation acknowledgment show and significant writing on trust and web based life, has been conceived. The model has been approved by SEM-PLS, exhibiting the job of internet based life in the advancement of web based business into social trade. The information rising up out of an overview show how online networking encourage the social cooperation of shoppers, prompting expanded trust and goal to purchase.
  • 25. 25 (Wylie) The author describes that the development of ubiquity and utilization of online life apparatuses, for example, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogging, and wikis have prompted an internet based life upset. Given this far reaching impact, it is essential for instructors, heads, and technologists to comprehend the dangers of utilizing web based life in the study hall and work environment. (Godey et al.) The author states that the Sparse proof is accessible on of how web based life showcasing exercises impact brand value creation and customers' conduct towards a brand. This exploration investigates these connections by breaking down spearheading brands in the extravagance segment (Burberry, Dior, Gucci, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton). In light of a study of extravagance brand buyers (Chinese, French, Indian, and Italian), who pursue the five brands examined via web-based networking media, the examination builds up an auxiliary condition demonstrate that tends to holes in earlier online life marking writing. In particular, the investigation shows the connections between web based life promoting endeavors and their outcomes (image inclination, value premium, and reliability). The examination estimates brands' online networking advertising endeavors as an all encompassing idea that fuses five angles (diversion, cooperation, popularity, customization, and verbal). (SI) The author suggests that Web-based social networking, today, is among the 'best open doors accessible' to a brand for associating with planned purchasers. Online life is the medium to mingle. These new media win the trust of customers by associating with them atla more profound dimension. Online life advertising is the new mantra for a few brands since early a year ago. Advertisers are observing various online life openings and starting to actualize new social activities at a higher rate than at any other time. Internet based life advertising and the organizations that use it have turned out to be progressively advanced. One can't stand to have no nearness on the social channels if the contender is making waves with its items and administrations. The blast of web based life wonder is as incredible as that and the pace at which it is developing is rankling. Worldwide organizations have perceived online life advertising.
  • 26. 26 (Stephen) The author audits as of late distributed research about customers in advanced and online networking advertising settings. Five subjects are recognized: (I) purchaser computerized culture, (ii) reactions to advanced publicizing, (iii) impacts of computerized conditions on shopper conduct, (iv) portable situations, and (v) online verbal (WOM). On the whole these articles shed light from a wide range of points on how shoppers experience, impact, and are affected by the advanced conditions in which they are arranged as a feature of their day by day lives. Much is as yet to be comprehended, and existing learning will in general be excessively centered around WOM, which is just piece of the advanced purchaser encounter. A few bearings for future research are progressed to urge specialists to think about a more extensive scope of marvels. (Zhang and Benyoucef) The author states that development of social trade has brought significant changes to the two organizations and customers. Henceforth, understanding customer conduct with regards to social business has turned out to be basic for organizations that mean to all the more likely impact shoppers and tackle the intensity of their social ties. Given that exploration on this issue is new and to a great extent divided, it will be hypothetically imperative to assess what has been concentrated and determine important bits of knowledge through an organized survey of the writing. In this examination, we lead a precise survey of social trade concentrates to explain how purchasers carry on long range interpersonal communication locales. ResearchGap: With the lack of understanding of the behavior of a consumer that they showcase upon the social media marketing or online means of advertising that a company follows to acknowledge the customers to know the product or services that a company is stressing upon the consumer to buy a certain product or services from these company or concern. The social media marketing has a positive as well as negative bearing on the consumer behavior as the human being or consumer in general is a social being and also interacts with other fellow being.
  • 27. 27 CHAPTER-3 RESEAECH lDESIGN STATEMENT lOFlTHElPROBLEM: The ltraditional lmodel lis lpicked lto lconsider lthe limpact lof lweb lbased llife lon lcomplex lpurchasing lchoices lbecause lof lits lstraightforwardness land ladaptability. lOf lthe lfive lphases, lthe lprimary lphase lof lneed lacknowledgment lisn't lconsidered, las lit lis lfrequently lnot lmanagable lto lthe lsort lof lreview lstudy lutilized lin lalternate lstages. lSubsequently, lthis lpaper lcenters laround lthe lchoice lprocedure lof lcustomers lwho lmade la lgenuine lbuy lafter lthey lmade la ldecision labout lan lindividual, lsituational, lmental, lor lsocial lrequirement lfor la lspecific litem lor ladministration las lsufficiently lsubstantial. lThe lpoint lis lto lexplore lthe lrelationship lof lthe lstages, lthat lis, lthe limpact lof lthe ldata llook lorganize lon lthe lassessment lof lchoices; lthe limpact lof lelective lassessment lon lbuy lchoice; land lthe limpact lof lthe lchoice lstage lon lpost-buy lresult. lThe lchoice lprocedure lis linvestigated las lfor lthe lutilization lor lnon-utilization lof linternet lbased llife. NEED lFOR lTHElSTUDY: Huge lnumber lof lpromoting lshapes ldon't lunderscore lon lthe lsignificance lof lutilizing linternet lbased llife lto limpart ltheir lcenter ladvertising. lConsequently, lsharing lof llearning lon lthe lsignificance lof lonline llife lwill lmake lmindfulness lon lhow lcritical linternet lbased llife lis lto lthe lcomputerized lnetwork land lits leffect lin limparting lfirms' lcontributions lonlthe lloose. RESEARCH lOBJECTIVES: The lobjective lof lthe lstudy lis llisted lbelow: • To lstudy lSocial lMedia lMarketing. • To lanalyze lthe linfluence lof lSocial lMedia lon lConsumer lBehavior. • To lstudy lthe lperception lof lSocial lMedia lMarketing. SCOPE lOFlTHElSTUDY: The lstudy lhelps lto lstudy labout lthe lfactors lthat linfluence lthe lconsumer lin lbuying lthe lproduct lor lservices lfrom lthe lSocial lMedia lor lfrom lthe lSocial lsites lthat lplays la lmajor lrole lin lpersuading lor linfluence lthe lconsumer lto lbuy la lparticular lproducts/ lservices. lThis lstudy
  • 28. 28 lisldone lon lthe lbasis lof lindian lconsumer lbehavior lthat lthey lexhibit lin lthe ltime lof lpurchasing lthe lproduct lfrom lthe lsocial lMedia lby lseeing lthe ladvertisement. RESEARCH lMETHODOLOGY: In lthis lproject lthe lstudy lwas lmainly ldone lon lthe lfactors lthat linfluence lor lplay la lmajor lrole lfor la lconsumer lin lpurchasing lthe lproduct/ lservices lwhich la lconsumer lwishes lto lbuy lin lthe lSocial lMedia lwebsites, lthis lalso lstudies lthe lconsumer lcomfortness lin lbuying lor lviewing lthe lproducts lin ldifferent lsocial lmedia lsites. PRIMARY lDATA: lThe ldata lwill lbe lcollected lfrom lthe lgeneral lpublic lin lthe lform lof lQuestionnaire. SECONDARY lDATA: l lThe ldata lis lbeen lcollected lfrom ldifferent lliterature land lalso lthrough ldifferent lwebsites lthat lis lapt lfor lthe lstudy. Sampling lsize: l101 Sampling lTechnique: lRandom lSampling lMethod Research lInstrument: lStructured lQuestionnaire HYPOTHESIS: H01: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition H11: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition H02:Social lMedia ldoes lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lSearch lfor lInformation H12: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlSearchlforlInformation H03: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation H13: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation H04: lSocial lMedialdolnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPostlPurchase lBehavior H14: lSocial lMedialhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPostlPurchase lBehavior.
  • 29. 29 LIMITATION lOFlTHElSTUDY:  The ltime lperiod lfor lthe ldata lwas lvery lshort ltime l(6 lweek lof lthe lproject)  The lstudy lwas llimited lonly lto lgeneral lpublic.  The lstudy lwas lrestricted lfor lthe lfactors lof lconsumer lbehavior.
  • 30. 30 CHAPTER- l4 DATA lANALYSIS l& lINTERPRETATION Information linvestigation land ltranslation lit lis lprocess lin lwhich lsense land lsignificance lare lmade lof linformation lgathered lin lsubjective lresearch, land lby lwhich lthe lrequired llearning lis lconnected lto lcustomer's lissues. lThe linformation lgathered las lgathering ldiscourses land lmeeting lwith lconsumer lloyalty's ldimension, lyet lit lisn't lrestricted lto lthis. lThrough lprocedures lof lreturning lto land linundation lin lthe linformation, land lthrough lcomplex lexercises lof lorganizing, lre-encircling lor linvestigating, llastly lassess lthe lexecution lmade lby lthe lassociation lin lits lcompelling lassets land lexaminations lthe lregion lto lbe limprovement.
  • 31. 31 DEMOGRAPHIC lQUESTIONS: Table lno l4.1.1: Gender: GENDER COUNTlOF lGENDER MALE 66 FEMALE 35 Graph lno l4.1.2: lgender INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph4.1.2 l lof lgender lit lwas lfound lthat lthere lare l66 lMale lrespondents land l35 lFemale lrespondents lfor lthe lQuestionnaire.
  • 32. 32 2. lAge lGroup: Table lno l4.2.1 AGE lGROUPS COUNTlOF lAGE BELOW l18 1 21-30 58 31-40 18 41-50 15 51 l& lAbove 9 TOTAL 101 Graph lno l4.2.2: lAGE INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lgraph l4.2.2 lof lAge lit lwas lfound lthat lthere lare l1 lrespondent l lfor lthe lage lgroup lof lbelow l21,there lare l58 lrespodent lfor lthe lage lgroup l21-30, lthere lare l18 lrespondents lof lage l31-40, lthere lare l15 lrespondents lfor lthe lage lgroup lof l41-50, lthere lare l9 lrespondents lfor lthe lage lgroup lof l51 l& labove.
  • 33. 33 3. lEducation: Table lno l4.3.1 EDUCATIONAL lQUALIFICATION COUNTlOF lEDUCATION HIGHSCHOOL 0 INTERMEDIATE 6 GRADUATE 33 POSTGRADUATE 59 HIGHER lTHAN lPOSTGRADUATE 3 TOTAL 101 Graph lno l4.3.2: lEducation INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lgraph l4.3.2 lEducation, lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lthere lare l0 lrespondents lfor leducational lqualification lof lHighschool, lthere lare l6 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational lqualification lof lIntermediate, lthere lare l33 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational lqualification lof lGraduate, lthere lare l59 lrespondents lfor lthe leducational lqualification lof lPostgraduate, lthere lare l3 lresondents lfor lHigher lthan lPostgraduate.
  • 34. 34 4. lOccupation: Table lno l4.4.1 OCCUPATION COUNTlOF lOCCUPATION SALARIED 26 BUSINESS 11 SELF-EMPLOYED 17 OTHER 47 TOTAL 101 Graph lno l4.4.2 INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.4.2 lthere lare l26 lrespondents lare lsalaried, lthere lare l11 lrespondents lbelong lto lbusiness, lthere lare l17 lrespondents lwho lare lself-employed, lthere lare l47 lrespondents lwho lare lothers li,e., lstudents, lhousewives letc.
  • 35. 35 RELIABILITY lTEST: Table lno l4.5.1 Case lProcessing lSummary N % Cases Valid 101 100.0 Excludeda 0 .0 Total 101 100.0 a. lListwise ldeletionlbasedlon lall lvariables lin lthe lprocedure. Table lno l4.6.1: Reliability lStatistics Cronbach's lAlpha Cronbach's lAlpha lBased lon lStandardized lItems N lof lItems .889 .905 16 INTERPRETATION; The ltsble lno l4.6.1 lrepresents labove lreliability ltest lscore lis l0.889lwhich lmeans lthat lthe ldata lcollected lis lreliable land lis la lgood lsign lfor lthe lstudy lconducted. Table lno l4.7.1 Inter-Item lCorrelation lMatrix VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 VAR00012 VAR00013 VAR00014 VAR00015 VAR00016 VAR00001 1.000 .635 .402 .701 .760 .542 .658 .664 .124 .527 -.108 .588 .490 .597 .544 -.342 VAR00002 .635 1.000 .354 .582 .671 .534 .518 .664 .118 .546 -.075 .623 .524 .601 .591 -.445 VAR00003 .402 .354 1.000 .574 .543 .544 .668 .370 .123 .474 -.047 .367 .444 .405 .474 -.215 VAR00004 .701 .582 .574 1.000 .778 .554 .660 .592 .251 .558 .066 .644 .542 .579 .587 -.157 VAR00005 .760 .671 .543 .778 1.000 .650 .712 .657 .236 .618 .038 .604 .538 .586 .630 -.253 VAR00006 .542 .534 .544 .554 .650 1.000 .737 .599 .112 .593 -.023 .475 .633 .692 .689 -.242 VAR00007 .658 .518 .668 .660 .712 .737 1.000 .625 .139 .549 -.081 .558 .641 .642 .650 -.200 VAR00008 .664 .664 .370 .592 .657 .599 .625 1.000 .247 .661 -.094 .552 .574 .595 .639 -.365 VAR00009 .124 .118 .123 .251 .236 .112 .139 .247 1.000 .237 .389 .173 .082 -.008 .064 .311 VAR00010 .527 .546 .474 .558 .618 .593 .549 .661 .237 1.000 .065 .512 .525 .597 .538 -.334 VAR00011 -.108 -.075 -.047 .066 .038 -.023 -.081 -.094 .389 .065 1.000 .011 -.013 -.072 -.092 .506 VAR00012 .588 .623 .367 .644 .604 .475 .558 .552 .173 .512 .011 1.000 .599 .599 .496 -.290 VAR00013 .490 .524 .444 .542 .538 .633 .641 .574 .082 .525 -.013 .599 1.000 .719 .758 -.213 VAR00014 .597 .601 .405 .579 .586 .692 .642 .595 -.008 .597 -.072 .599 .719 1.000 .768 -.333 VAR00015 .544 .591 .474 .587 .630 .689 .650 .639 .064 .538 -.092 .496 .758 .768 1.000 -.377 VAR00016 -.342 -.445 -.215 -.157 -.253 -.242 -.200 -.365 .311 -.334 .506 -.290 -.213 -.333 -.377 1.000
  • 36. 36 Table lno l4.8.1: Item-Total lStatistics Scale lMean lif lItem lDeleted Scale lVariance lif lItem lDeleted Corrected lItem- Total lCorrelation Squared lMultiple lCorrelation Cronbach's lAlpha lif lItem lDeleted VAR00001 57.5248 87.732 .698 .703 .876 VAR00002 57.5941 87.744 .655 .634 .878 VAR00003 57.4554 91.450 .554 .566 .883 VAR00004 57.4059 87.804 .796 .725 .873 VAR00005 57.4851 88.212 .822 .775 .873 VAR00006 57.3762 91.477 .730 .674 .877 VAR00007 57.6040 88.562 .775 .760 .874 VAR00008 57.5446 90.170 .723 .687 .877 VAR00009 58.0792 95.834 .282 .370 .895 VAR00010 57.5446 89.190 .689 .609 .877 VAR00011 58.3663 100.834 .067 .392 .904 VAR00012 57.6139 89.319 .674 .611 .878 VAR00013 57.3762 91.917 .701 .691 .878 VAR00014 57.4158 91.205 .709 .738 .878 VAR00015 57.4257 91.647 .706 .764 .878 VAR00016 59.0594 109.216 -.264 .587 .917 Table lno l4.9.1 Scale lStatistics Mean Variance Std. lDeviation N lof lItems 61.5248 103.932 10.19470 16
  • 37. 37 QUESTIONNAIRE lTO lCONSUMERS: 4.10.1 Descriptive lStatistics lforlthe lquestions llistedlbelow( 18) N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q1 101 1 5 4.13 .913 Q2 101 1 5 3.33 1.226 Q3 101 1 5 4.00 1.140 Q4 101 1 5 3.93 1.202 Q5 101 1 5 4.07 1.070 Q6 101 1 5 4.12 1.013 Q7 101 1 5 4.04 .958 Q8 101 1 5 4.15 .841 Q9 101 1 5 3.92 .987 Q10 101 1 5 3.98 .938 Q11 101 1 5 3.45 1.204 Q12 101 1 5 3.98 1.049 Q13 101 1 5 3.16 1.214 Q14 101 1 5 3.91 1.059 Q15 101 1 5 4.15 .841 Q16 101 1 5 4.11 .882 Q17 101 1 5 4.10 .854 Q18 101 1.00 5.00 2.4653 1.22934 Valid lN l(listwise) 101
  • 38. 38 Questions lonlConsumer lBehavior lFactors. 1.Do lyou lthink lthe lSocial lMedia lsites, lyou lare lable lto lseek lout lproducts/services linformation linitiatively l(actively)? Table lno l4.11.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q1 101 1.00 5.00 4.1287 .91283 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.11.2 From lSocial lmedia lsites lare lyoulable lto lseek lout lproducts/services lactively Frequen cy Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Strongly ldisagree 15 14.9 14.9 14.9 Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 18.8 Neutral 30 29.7 29.7 48.5 Agree 37 36.6 36.6 85.1 Stronglyagree 15 14.9 14.9 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 39. 39 Graph lno l4.11.3 INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar ldiagram lgraph lno l4.11.3 lthat lrepresents labout lthe lConsumer lseeking lout lSocial lmedia lactively lfor lproduct/services, lit lis lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lpeople lhave l lagreed lthat lthey lseek lout lactively lfrom lsocial lmedia lregarding ltheir lproduct/services linformation.
  • 40. 40 2. lDo lyou lhave lprejudgement( lpositive/negative) ltowards la lparticular lproduct l/service lbefore lan lactual lconsumption? Table lno l4.12.1: Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q2 101 1.00 5.00 3.3267 1.22563 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.12.2 Prejudgement ltowards lparticular lproduct/service Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree l l 5 5.0 5.0 5.0 Disagree 7 6.9 6.9 11.9 Neutral l 14 13.9 13.9 25.7 Agree l l 32 31.7 31.7 57.4 Stronglyagree 43 42.6 42.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 41. 41 Graph lno l4.12.3: lPrejudgement ltowards lproducts/services. INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.12.3 ldetermines lthe lconsumer lprejudgement ltowards lproducts/services li,e,. lpositive/negative lattitude. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l30% lof lconsumers lhave lagreed lthat lthey ldo lhave lprejudgement lfor lproduct/services lwhich lthey lactually lconsume.
  • 42. 42 3. lDoes lSocial lMedia ltriggers lyou lto lpurchase la lproduct/service? Table lno l4.13.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q3 101 1.00 5.00 4.0000 1.14018 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.13.2 Social lmedia ltriggers lto lpurchase Freque ncy Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Strongly ldisagree 8 7.9 7.9 7.9 Disagree l 5 5.0 5.0 12.9 Nneutral 13 12.9 12.9 25.7 Agree l 35 34.7 34.7 60.4 Stronglyagree 40 39.6 39.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 43. 43 Graph lno l4.13.3:lSociallmedia ltriggers ltolpurchase INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.13.3 lthat lrepresents lsocial lmedia ltriggers lto lpurchase, lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lconsumers lhave lStrongly lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia ltriggers lthe lconsumers lto lbuy lproducts/services.
  • 44. 44 4. lDo lyou lfind ladvertisements lonlSocial l lMedia lare lstill lattractive? Table lno l4.14.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q4 101 1.00 5.00 3.9307 1.20214 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.14.2 Advertising lin lSocial lmedia lare lattractive Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0 Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 8.9 Neutral 12 11.9 11.9 20.8 Agree 38 37.6 37.6 58.4 Strongly lagree 42 41.6 41.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 45. 45 Graph lno l4.14.3 INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar ldiagram lgraph lno l4.14.3 lwhich lrepresents lthe lattractiveness lof lsocial lmedia ladvertisement. lIt lwas lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lrespondents lhave lStrongly lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia ladvertisement lis lmore lattractive lthan lother lsource lof ladvertising.
  • 46. 46 5. lDo lyou lagree lthat linformation lsearching lis leasier lvia lSocial lMedia lcomparing lto lMass lMedia l(e.g., lTV, lRadio, lNewspaper, land lso lon)? Table lno l4.15.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q5 101 1.00 5.00 4.0693 1.07012 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.15.2 Search lof linformation lis leasierlvia lsocial lmedia Frequenc y Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0 Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 6.9 Neutral 10 9.9 9.9 16.8 Agree 43 42.6 42.6 59.4 Stronglyagree 41 40.6 40.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 47. 47 Graph lno l4.15.3:lsearching lof linformation INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.15.3 lthat lrepresents lsearching lof linformation lis leasier lin lsocial lmedia. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lrespondents lhave lStrongly lAgreed lthat lthey lfind lit leasier lto lsearch lthe lproducts lin lthe lsocial lmedia.
  • 48. 48 6. lDo lyou lsearch lfor lrelated linformation lonlSocial lMedia lbefore la lpurchase? Table lno l4.16.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q6 101 1.00 5.00 4.1188 1.01279 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.16.2 Search lof lrelatedlinformation lonlSocial lmedia Frequenc y Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 4 4.0 4.0 4.0 Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 5.0 Neutral 17 16.8 16.8 21.8 Agree 44 43.6 43.6 65.3 Stronglyagree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0 Graph lno l4.16.3: lsearchloflrelatedlinformation lonlsociallmedia
  • 49. 49 INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.16.3: l lthat lrepresents lsearch lof lrelated linformation lon lsocial lmedia. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lsearch lrelated linformation labout lthe lproducts/services lthat lthey lactually lwish lto lpurchase lnow lor lin lthe llater lpart.
  • 50. 50 7. lDo lyou lagree lthat, ladvertising/ lblog lposts/ l lFB lpages/ luser lreviews lonlSocial lMedia linfluence lyou lto ltry lnew lbrands/ lproducts/ lservices? Table lno l4.17.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q7 101 1.00 5.00 4.0396 .95834 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.17.2; Influence lConsumer lto ltry lnew lbrands/products/services Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 4.0 Neutral 11 10.9 10.9 14.9 Agree 50 49.5 49.5 64.4 Stronglyagree 36 35.6 35.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 51. 51 Graph lno l4.17.3: lInfluence lof lsocial lmedia lover lconsumer lto ltry lout lnew lproducts lor lservices. INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.17.3: l lthat lrepresents lthe linfluence lof lsocial lmedia lover lconsumer lto ltry lout lnew lproducts lor lservices. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia linfluence lin la lgreater lextent lto ltry lout lnew lproducts/services.
  • 52. 52 8.Do lyou lagree lthat lsocial lmedia lhas lprovided lmore leffective lplatforms lto lnew lproducts/services/brands lto ldraw lconsumers’ lattention lthan lmass lmedia lchannels? Table lno l4.18.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q8 101 1.00 5.00 4.1485 .84126 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.18.2: Attention lDrawn lthrough lSocial lmedia Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0 Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 6.9 Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 29.7 Agree 39 38.6 38.6 68.3 Stronglyagree 32 31.7 31.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 53. 53 Graph lno l4.18.3: lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful lplatform INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.18.3: l lthat lrepresents lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful lplatform lin lattracting lthe lconsumers. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lrespondents lhas lAgreed lthat leventually lstates lthat lit lis la lpowerful lplatform lto lattract lthe lconsumers/customers lin la lbroader lsense.
  • 54. 54 9. lDo lyou lagree lthat ladvertisements/ lreviews/ lblog lposts letc. lhave la lhigher lcredibility lthan ladvertisements/ leditorials/ lother lmarketing lmeans lon lmass lmedia? Table lno4.19.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q9 101 1.00 5.00 3.9208 .98674 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.19.2 Credibility lof ladvertisement Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 6.9 Neutral 18 17.8 17.8 24.8 Agree 44 43.6 43.6 68.3 Stronglyagree 32 31.7 31.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 55. 55 Graph lno l4.19.3: lCredibility loflAdvertisement INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.19.3: lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l40% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lhas lmore lcredibility.
  • 56. 56 10. lDo lyou lrely lon linformation lavailable lon lsocial lmedia lif lyou lhave luncertainties lregarding la lpurchase? Table lno l4.20.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q10 101 1.00 5.00 3.9802 .93787 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.20.2 Rely lon linformation lavailable lon lsocial lmedia Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglyagree 9 8.9 8.9 8.9 Disagree 13 12.9 12.9 21.8 Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 44.6 Agree 36 35.6 35.6 80.2 Stronglyagree 20 19.8 19.8 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 57. 57 Graph lno l4.20.3: lRely lonlinformationlonlsocial lmedia INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno4.20.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lapproximately l45% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lrely lon linformation lthat lis lavailable lon lsocial lmedia lregarding lproducts land lservices.
  • 58. 58 11. lDo lyou lchange lyour linitial lpurchase lpreference lafter lsearching lrelevant linformation lvia lsocial lmedia lsites? Table lno l4.21.1: Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q11 101 1.00 5.00 3.4455 1.20395 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.21.2 Changing lof lmind lafterlsearching lrelevant linformation Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0 Disagree 8 7.9 7.9 10.9 Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 24.8 Agree 39 38.6 38.6 63.4 Stronglyagree 37 36.6 36.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 59. 59 Graph lno l4.21.3: lchanging loflmind lafterlsearching lrelevant linformation INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lgraph lno l4.21.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l30% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lchange ltheir lmindset lregarding ltheir linitial lintension lof lpurchase lafter lseeing lon lthe lsocial lmedia lsites.
  • 60. 60 12. lAre lyou llikely lto lshare lcomments/reviews/blog lposts/related larticles letc. lto lpeers lor lfriends lvia lsocial lmedia lafter la lpurchase? Table lno l4.22.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q12 101 1.00 5.00 3.9802 1.04862 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.22.2 Sharing lof lComments/review/blog lrelated larticles Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 13 12.9 12.9 12.9 Disagree 14 13.9 13.9 26.7 Neutral 32 31.7 31.7 58.4 Agree 28 27.7 27.7 86.1 Stronglyagree 14 13.9 13.9 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 61. 61 Graph lno l4.22.3:sharing lof lcomments/reviews/blog lrelatedlarticles linlsocial lmedia. INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.22.3: lthat lrepresents lsharing lof lcomments/reviews/blog lrelated larticles lin lsocial lmedia. lIt lwas lfound lout lthat lalmost l38% lof lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lthey lshare lthe lcomments lor lblogs lor lreviews lto ltheir lpeers land lfriends lon lthe lsocial lmedia.
  • 62. 62 13. lAre lyou llikely lto lchange lyour lattitude ltowards la lcertain lbrand lor lproduct lorlservice lafter lyou lhave lread lpositive lcomments/reviews/online larticles letc. labout lit? Table lno l4.23.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q13 101 1.00 5.00 3.1584 1.21435 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4,23.2 Changing lyour lAttitude ltowards lcertain lbrand/product/service Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0 Disagree 7 6.9 6.9 11.9 Neutral 10 9.9 9.9 21.8 Agree 49 48.5 48.5 70.3 Stronglyagree 30 29.7 29.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 63. 63 Graph lno l4.23.3: lchange lof lattitude INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.23.3: l lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l30% lof lthe lrespondents lare lNeutral lin lchanging ltheir lattitude lif lthey lhave lread lpositive larticle lor lcomment lon lsocial lmedia l
  • 64. 64 14. lDo lyou lagree lthat lfeedback's l(reviews/comments/posts land lso lon) lon lsocial lmedia laffect lyour lpurchase? Table lno l4.24.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q14 101 1.00 5.00 3.9109 1.05924 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.24.2 Feedback’s leffect lon lpurchase Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 4.0 Neutral 11 10.9 10.9 14.9 Agree 50 49.5 49.5 64.4 Stronglyagree 36 35.6 35.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 65. 65 Graph lno l4.24.3: lFeedback leffect lonlpurchase INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lrepresented lbar lgraph lno l4.24.3: lthat lrepresents lfeedback land ltheir leffect lon lpurchase, lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmost lof lthe lrespondents li,e., lmore lthan l40% lof lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthe lfeedback lon lsocial lmedia lcan lhave la ldrastic leffect lon lpurchase.
  • 66. 66 15. lDo lyou lagree lthat lsocial lmedia lprovides lan leffective land lpowerful lplatform lfor lconsumers lto lcommunicate lwith leach lother land lwith lthe lcompanies? Table lno l4.25.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q15 101 1.00 5.00 4.1485 .84126 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.25.2 Powerful lplatform lto lCommunicate Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stronglydisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.9 Neutral 13 12.9 12.9 18.8 Agree 45 44.6 44.6 63.4 Stronglyagree 37 36.6 36.6 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 67. 67 Graph lno l4.25.3:social lmedia las la lpowerful lplatform INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.25.3: l lthat lhighlights lsocial lmedia las la lpowerful lplatform lwhich lenables lconsumer lwith lother lconsumers land lalso lwith lthe lcompany. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lalmost l45% lof lthe lrespondent lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lis la lgreat lplatform lin lcommunicating.
  • 68. 68 16. lDo lyou lfeel lencouraged lto lvoice lout lyour lopinion lafter la lpurchase lvia lsocial lmedia lplatforms? Table lno l4.26.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q16 101 1.00 5.00 4.1089 .88205 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.26.2 Encouraged lto lvoice lout lopinion Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Stroonglydisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 5.0 Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 18.8 Agree 47 46.5 46.5 65.3 Stronglyagree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 69. 69 Graph lno l4.26.3:social lmedia lencourages lto lvoice lout lopinions lregarding lthe lproducts/services lonlsocial lmedia lplatforms. INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.26.3: lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lalmost l47% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lAgreed lthat lsocial lmedia lencourages lto lvoice lout lopinions lregarding lthe lproducts/services lonlsocial lmedia lplatforms.
  • 70. 70 17. lDo lyou lagree lthat linformation lregarding lproducts land lservices lhave lalhigher lcredibility lonlsociallmedia lthan lonlmass lmedia lchannels lbecause lthe linformation lis lbeyondlthe lcompany's lcontrol? Table lno l4.27.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q17 101 1.00 5.00 4.0990 .85446 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.27.2 Higher lcredibility lonlsocial lmedia lthanlonlmass lmedia lchannels Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Strongly lDisagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 5.0 Neutral 14 13.9 13.9 18.8 Agree 47 46.5 46.5 65.3 Strongly lAgree 35 34.7 34.7 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 71. 71 Graph lno l4.27.3: lSocial lMedia ladvertisement INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.27.3: l lit lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat l47% lof lthe lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lSocial lMedia ladvertisement lhas lhigher lcredibility lwhen lcompared lto lMass lMedia las lSocial lMedia ladvertisement lhas lhigh lappeal lin lother lwords lresponse.
  • 72. 72 18. lDo lyou lthink lthat lsocial lmedia lmakes lyour ldecision lmaking lmore lcomplex? Table lno l4.28.1 Descriptive lStatistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. lDeviation Q18 101 1.00 5.00 2.4653 1.22934 Valid lN l(listwise) 101 Table lno l4.28.2 Decision lMaking Frequency Percent Valid lPercent Cumulative lPercent Valid Strongly lDisagree 33 32.7 32.7 32.7 Disagree 17 16.8 16.8 49.5 Neutral 23 22.8 22.8 72.3 Agree 27 26.7 26.7 99.0 Strongly lAgree 1 1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 101 100.0 100.0
  • 73. 73 Graph lno l4.28.3: lDecisionlMaking INTERPRETATION: From lthe labove lbar lgraph lno l4.28.3: l lthat lrepresents lthe ldecision lmaking. lIt lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmore lthan l33% lof lrespondents lhave lStrongly ldisagreed lthat lsocial lmedia lis lnot la lcomplex lin lmaking lpurchase ldecision.
  • 74. 74 Hypothesis ltesting: PROBLEM lRECOGNITION: H01: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition H11: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlProblem lRecognition Table lno l4.29.1 ANOVA Mean_Problem Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig. Between lGroups 24.062 4 6.015 6.557 .000 Within lGroups 88.067 96 .917 Total 112.129 100 INTERPRETATION: lFrom lthe ltable lno l4.31,1The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lProblem lrecognition land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference lbetween lsocial lmedial land lproblem lrecognition. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe lrejected. SEARCH lFOR lALTERNATIVES: H02: lSocial lMedia ldoes lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lSearch lfor lInformation H12: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlSearchlforlInformation
  • 75. 75 Table lno l4.31.1 ANOVA Mean_Search Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig. Between lGroups 45.901 4 11.475 53.528 .000 Within lGroups 20.580 96 .214 Total 66.481 100 INTERPRETATION: The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lsearch lfor lalternative land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference lbetween lsocial lmedial land lsearch lfor lalternative. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe lrejected. EVALUATION lOFlINFORMATION: H03: lSocial lMedia ldo lnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation H13: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lwithlEvaluation lof lInformation Table lno l4.32.1 ANOVA Mean_Evaluation Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig. Between lGroups 16.769 4 4.192 9.433 .000 Within lGroups 42.662 96 .444 Total 59.430 100 INTERPRETATION: The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lEvaluation lof lInformation land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference lbetween lsocial lmedial land lEvaluation lof lInformation. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe lrejected.
  • 76. 76 POST lPURCHASE lBEHAVIOR: H04: lSocial lMedia ldolnot lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPost lPurchase lBehavior H14: lSocial lMedia lhave lsignificance lvariance lwith lPost lPurchase lBehavior. Table lno l4.33.1 ANOVA Mean_postpurchase Sum lof lSquares Df Mean lSquare F Sig. Between lGroups 6.857 4 1.714 6.527 .000 Within lGroups 25.211 96 .263 Total 32.068 100 INTERPRETATION: The lp lvalue lof lthe lvariance lof lthe lPost lPurchase lBehavior land lsocial lmedia lis l.000. lSince lthe lvalue lis lless lthan l0.05, lthe lresults lcan lbe linferred las lthere lis lno lsignificant ldifference lbetween lsocial lmedial land lPost lPurchase lBehavior. lHence lnull lhypothesis lcannot lbe lrejected.
  • 77. 77 CHAPTER-5 FINDINGS lAND lSUGGESTIONS FINDINGS:  It lhas lbeen lfound lout lthat lmany lindividuals lhas lstrongly lattached lto lmass lmedia lcommunication lrather lthan ladopting lto lsocial lmedia.  The lconsumers lto lthe llarge lextent lhas lthe lprejudgement lover lthe lproduct land lservices lwhich lthey lintend lto lbuy lor lpurchase.  Because lof lthe lmore lsocial lmedia lsites lwhich lare lavailable lon lthe lwebsite lthis lmakes lconsumer lto lhave llack lof ldecision lmaking lability las lthere lare lmore lsites.  The lconsumers lchange ltheir lattitude lor lperception lon lthe lbasis lof lfeedbacks lor lreviews lwhich lthey lview lonlsocial lmedia lsites lfor lcertain lproducts lor lservices.  As lthe lecosystem lof ldigital lmeans lof ladvertisement lend lup lbeing lcomplex lin lnature lthe lconsumer lin lthe lother lhand lmight lfall lshort lin ladopting lto lthe ldigital lecosystem.  Majority lof lthe lrespondents lare lin lthe lage lgroup lof l21-30 lyears lof lage.  The lrespondents lhave lstrongly ldisagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis lnot la lcomplex ltool lin ltaking lpurchase ldecision.  The lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia ladvertising ltriggers lthem lto lpurchase lproducts/ lservices.  It lwas lalso lfound lthat lrespondents lfind lsocial lmedia ladvertising lmore lattractive lrather lthan lmass lmedia.  Majority lof lthe lrespondents lhave lagreed lthat lthey lshare lcomments land larticles lrelated lto lthe lproducts land lservices lin lsocial lmedia lsite.  The lrespondents lhave lalso lagreed lthat lthere lis la lhighest lcredibility lfor lthe lSocial lmedia ladvertisement lthan lthe lMass lmedia ladvertisement.  The lrespondent lhas lalso lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lplatform lencourages lto lvoice lout lthe lconsumers lopinion.  It lwas lfound lthat lrespondents lagreed lthat lthe lsocial lmedia lis la lpowerful lplatform lfor lbuying lproducts/services.
  • 78. 78 SUGGESTIONS: The lfollowing lare lthe lsuggestions/ lrecommendations lwhich la lcompany lhas lto lfollow lto lachieve lor lattract lmore lcustomers, lCreate la lSocial lMedia lPlan lfor lEach lSocial lMedia lChannel, lPost lConsistently, lBe lPicky lAbout lWhat lYou lShare, lUse la lSocial lMedia lManagement lTool, lMeasure l& lAnalyze, lBuild la lCommunity, lWatch lYour lCompetitors. lThe lSocial lMedia lMarketing lhas lmore lbearings lon lthe lConsumer lBehavior lthis lhas la lmajor limpact lon lthe lConsumer lfor ltheir lpurchase ldecision. CONCLUSION: In llight lof lend la lfew lproposals lare ladvanced lto linternet lbased llife ladvertisers lto limprove ltheir ladministrations. lWith lrespect lto lsome lrecommendation lfor lthem lto lwin lthe lonline lnetworking lmarket lthey lare, lGood lSMM lrequires ltop lto lbottom linformation lof lits lassociation land la lstrong larrangement lof lhow lit lvery lwell lmay lbe lutilized lto laccomplish lbusiness lobjectives. lBefore lendeavoring lto ladvance ltheir lbusiness lon lthe ldifferent lsystems, lconsider lSMM lnot las la ltransitory larrangement lthat lwill lget ladvertisers ltraffic lnow. lAlso, lsecond lone lis lThey lwould lprefer lnot lto lhazard llosing lguests land lpotential lclients, lensure lthey lhave la lquite lcertain lSMM lplan lthat lyou ladhere lto lregardless.