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English - Arabic 
Arabic - English 
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Alkhuli
I felt the need for a dictionary of Islamic terms while I was writing 
some English books on Islam to introduce the Islamic religion to 
non-Muslims. I also found that many Arab writers of such English 
books have the same feeling about the need for such a dictionary because 
~slanlic terms are available in Arabic, to begin with. Therefore, I 
developed the intention to compile a bilingual Arabic-English dictionary 
and an English-Arabic dictionary on Islamic terms. The result of this 
intention has been this dictionary. 
This dictionary contains the terms related to the Holy Quran, the 
Sunna, worship, transactions, manners, penal laws, the permitted, the 
prohibited, marriage, divorce, waiting period, inheritance, jurisprude-nce, 
pillars of Islam, God's names, Prophets' names, names of the 
Quranic chapters, many terms that may come under the umbrella of 
"Islamic terms9', and terms needed in comparative religious studies. 
To facilitate using this dictionary, I would like to mention the 
1. In Arabic entries, the verb appears in the past form. 
2. In English entries, the verb appears in the infinitive form. 
3. In Arabic entries, the definitive a1 is omitted whenever necessary. It 
only appears when it is an inseparable part of the noun. 
4. Arabic words are almost completely vocalized in both dictionaries 
to make it easier for the reader and more accurate for the researcher. 
5. In cases of English multiple synonyms of an Arabic entry or cases 
of Arabic multiple synonyms of an English entry, priority has been given 
to the most frequent and most suitable synonym.
6. No explanation of terms has been given in this dictionary on the 
assumption that the user must know what the term refers to and that the 
sole objective of this dictionary is,to give the synonym in the other 
7. Minimal explanation of some terms has been given in cases of 
semantic ambiguity or semantic multiplicity. 
8. If an entry has several synonymous words, these words appear 
unnumbered one under the other. 
9. If an entry has several unsynonymous equivalents, they appear one 
under the other with a serial number before each. 
10. If a word,of an Arabic origin appears in English orthography, it is 
written in italics. 
I do ask God, the Most High, the Most Able, to guide us to the 
aight way. Amen. 
Dr. Muhammad Ali Abdul Marim Alkhuli
the posterity of Jacob +&: ji 
favors di 
chiefs of unfaith $I by 
enjoiner of good dJ;;;14 >i - 
believe 21 
amen W. I 
gold vessels +AI h-,i 
J - 
silver vessels , , -, 
Signs of Allah &I &@ 
allegorical verses >&kG &bi 
verse of inheritance ~l$l &i 
the Greatest Sign &$JI &y 
> - 
verse of inheritance QJy! 
foster father YUJL37. ;~~ 
originate creation &, 74 
create and restore id, q 
entrust S! 
be entrusted >;! 
sinful $i 
the sinful L9.3 I 
the Last ;I:k q 
the Hereafter ikq 
the End and the ,$YI, +YI 
Adam fa I 
the Approaching Day 
corruptible >' 
usurer L~$7I 
the family of Abraham @$! ji 
the family of Imran p> ji 
Pharaoh's people p*. ji 
the family of Lot bj ji 
Moses' family 2,ji 
Aaron's faniily p,+ ji
decency F*! 
monopoly jli2,- t, 
wet dream !$! 
have a wet dream ++ 
the One &I :&-$ 
the One and Only 
one of the two fixed &$! 
one of the best two 21~G I 
4 bodily discharging &GI 
pass urine, stool, or wind 
consecration FG! 
on-pilgrimage state 
Confederates, the $lgyr 
the doing of good k.4-I 
do good 0 6 +I 
the best of moulds & >i 
best guidance .s4p~i 
reward of the Hereafter i +$I , * 
great reward && $ 
unfailing reward d& +>D: Rdo~& 
great reward 3 $ 
generous reward &! $ 
disciplinary act >+ ;$I' 
judicial proceedings 
$,, 060,,o 2 the best in character jsl,, +&I 
marriage k&-~ 
be married ;p;i 
criminality flj+ 
the appointed time 
the appointed term 
appointed term ,2*&1 
appointed time 
fixed time 
consensus tL&; 
consensus of opinions 
consensus of the i$&ll LG! 
consensus of jurists ~~1 LGL 
consensus of people ddl tG 
become jun ub +I 
aE laborer 
priests ;L;! 
endowments s3-,:'i> +I 
make fruitless b-;i 
consummation of G~j+JI  
ma t.:.iage 
row completion &I i~ 
(iU 3) 
false accusation fL& 
retrospective effect gj 2i 
sin $i 
great sin 9 $! 
manifest sin 2 $/ 
Twelvers q+ ~91 
sinful d 
fulfill his invocation 6i.k; +k+i 
exercise of judgment :+I 
exercise of @I u, i+! 
judgment in legislation 
exercise of +dl> 5+! 
judgment in a juristic system 
exercise of y" 2 j+l , , 
judgment in particular cases 
reveal and conceal 
the righteous 
fulfilling oaths 
leper (n.) 
invalidate prayer 
I blees 
the son of Mary 
son's daughter 
foster niece 
gates of Paradise 
the followers of the 
follow one's lusts 
beget a son 
fear Allah 
confidence in Allah
blood relatives i~j! 
the Most Merciful of e$J , , *ji 
the Merciful 
jy old geriatric age 
feeblest old age 
the meanest ;$'st, 
jointly-owned land *LA'/'j l 
the Holy Land ha1 
breast-feeding tuj! 
suckle (vt.) -j1 
give suck 
the pillars of Islam ?%YI ig'i 
3-z pillars of faith SLy 3q 
articles of faith 
widow Lji 
below-waist cloth JI~I 
arrows ijj; 
the Apostle's consorts j&Jl iljji 
+ SCL1 abuse of honor 
prisoners of war ?&I &L;! 
tales of the ancients >,;Y 
myths of the ancients 
old-world fables 
the Tribes b~;tl 
perform pilgrimage 
perform prayer 
perform umra 
adopted sons 
call to prayer 
prayer call 
first call 
first call to prayer 
call to prayer 
call to prayer 
Seats of Dignity 
the Divine Will 
free will 
want it crooked 
the riding of two i j revert from 
crime commission 
commit a crime 
night and day 
difference of -1.ih_ . , 
intermingle (vi.) GI 
give undue measure $1 21 
fall short in the ijgl * 
sincerity >Gj 
d sincerity in 
morals Sf 
Islamic morals 
d O* 
good manners 
J ,d gracious manners j&f 
Brethren of Purity UI SI$~ 
brethren in faith ah 3 
"# Pi brotherhood "I 
the good ones )&<I 
loan payment ;a1 ilii 
performance of prayer ;%.&I1 :I;! 
oath-taking &I1 :!if 
guard her chastity ~3 a 
grandchildren ;LA 
prove the Truth y13 
ordinances of Islam f%1 Fw~ S 
tenets of Islam 
laws of inheritance F&f 
I -. 
the Wisest of Judges &&. I p f< 
(1) permit 'P 
(2) end consecration 
treat as lawful that ~$19 
which is lawful 
grant life @ 
the living &YI 
foster-brother "~ti3 ~ 
consanguine brother 2 ti 
uterine brother $1 ‘y9 i 
foster-sister zu~2k ; 
full sister 
s oi consanguine sister +Y I 2 -1 
uterine sister 0: <Y' y A, 
castration ;G. .I 
PI 0 intermingling of the 31b%l 
, * 
, , 
two sexes 
alternation of >@13 &I Lj& , <
(1) submit himself to Allah &Lt 
(2) embrace Islam 
the Most Beautiful >I 41 ;I;;: 
Names of Allah 
Isma'il &'+ 
Isma'ilism b- GY I I 
transmitted chain &,+ ,& ~ ~LL i'; excellent example 
good example 
a ' captive x?' 
prisoner of war 
stipulate &$! 
insolent 2i 
evil-doers j12Yl 
the bad ones 
associate partners with $& 
join partrers with God 
call God to witness & *; 
the forbidden months k3l %$ 
,.f r the makers of the A>.L~YI U&/ 
the Companions of .$$I qL&! 
the Wood 
seminal emission 
using a toothbrush 3~1 
, * 
clean one's private parts &I, 
wash one's nose +,, !0 .0 
drawing lots ?%.! 
seek guidance of God &I ;+I 
jest + isl 
mock at 
draw lots +! 
exact full measure @I >I! 
Isaac 3G! 
take for a night journey + 
prisoners of war +a k>i 
the Night Journey ;>y I 
speak in private >i 
z ,r 
conceal and reveal >I; >I 
C ' 
waste d> 
be extravagant 
the lowest of the low &lL &[ 
dropping the z,& LL! 
intoxicate +i 
Islam iGY' 
enslave 3jL! 
ask for water %! 
invoking God for rain ;G, ,I 
be martyred w! 
deduction e+~ J2k4 ~ :k% , , 
for public good 
seek food of God %@! 
gift revocation igh 6+! 
revocation of a gift 
seek refuge with Allah A& ;GI, , , 
seek God's protection 
appeal for refuge ,, 
seek God's help -A & LG~ * 
be modest a! 
backbite 3Ll 
ask for forgiveness +! 
seek forgiveness 
ask for a legal verdict '&! 
rectitude A& k&l , , 
face the Ka'ba @ face the Qibla 
be arrogant -$&! 
seek clothing of God & -1 
discharge of semen , , 
perform ablution ?& 
P Q !J ,e 
asking permission J~ddb1.S ,.d , 
for entering 
present oneself to captivity >h, 
tyranny ~I., G, I ,. -0 0 empty-uterus inquiry 
heavy brocade cji! 
thick silk 
ask one to repent $GI, 
feel shame '+! 
(womb) bleeding between 
clean private parts with +! 
shaving the pelvic region ilG, l, 
shaving pubic hair 
preference ei;li ,~"4i :, jGl , , 
approval (J&)I) ~GI , , 
ask one to take an oath &! 
feel shy w 
invoking God for guidance ;jL&! 
inferrence e+~ J>Lb9 Y;: 1 ', L,  
revoke repudiation a1 @>!
bestow sdi 
depart ,&[ 
pour water sol ,&[ 
the Onrush from adpi 2 bd> 
proceeding from Arafat 
prayer commencement jG! 
ransom Ad! 
ransom oneself i.2 Ad! 
ransoming ;I&! , , 
invent a lie b,~ A.$  & 231 
against God 
invent a falsehood against 
presumption of a91 j9l& 
forge it 61i1 
isolated pilgrimage 
single ritual 
?Q, >i propagate greetings 
propagation of LGI 
(1) break the fast &; 
manumit &; 
seclusion A& , , 
seclusion at mosque 
confine oneself in a mosque& 
seclude oneself in a mosque 
perform umra *! 
embrace Islam $y~ *I 
non-Arabs &&I 
capital punishment i*' I& $ 
desertion (?jj 3 c3~'2, 1;t: 
genitals &-., d, ;=+I 
mountains isi 
publicity of marriage cljjl 
declaration of marriage 
reveal 3; 
Do right. $L. &I 
backbite +&! 
taking a bath j4~ 
take a bath after $&I! 3 *! 
spermat ism 
rape $&I, 
give wealth 2 
the Companions of @I +L&i 
reconciliation ~GI 
amend one's conduct g& $7 
idols +; 
principles of Islam t%l&~d 
principles of &I &L! 
origins of law 
* i 
sacrifice ++I 
the weakest of faith 3L431 &J 
5 P r or 
medleys of dreams f&l &Lib1 
mislead b7 
lead astray 
cu,+ y&! feel at ease in sitting 
feel at ease in I&+ :*i&! 
stages ;I$ 
transgress 2~1 
moderation J& , , 
confession drj+ 
confess '29 1 
holding fast to 4 $+$! 
hold fast to -! +&I 
the Companions of 91&,ei 
the Garden 
the People of Paradise 
jJjG,i the Companions of 
the Rass 
the Companions of &I &d 
the Inscription 
the Companions of &I &Li.$i 
the Blazing Fire 
Quranic heirs 9~jkll jGl 
the Companions of &!I &G&; 
the Elephant 
the Companions of $31 &~i 
the City 
the Companions of 41&& i 
the Cave 
the Companions of G'U +Li.$i 
the Left Hand 
the Companions of = &k$i 
the Right Hand 
the Companions of the J&~~G&i
slave woman 
abstinence from jc LGI , , 
ordain ji 
ordainment ;i 
Divine Imperative &j$i 
enjoining what is right dJ94 >i 
advocating good 
enjoining good actions 
enjoin the right +J>b $ 
barren woman 3. i$I, 
&,i ;T> indiscreet woman 
:,, 0 s (1) married woman ~!f! 
(2) chaste woman 
;{>! divorced woman 
I , ,r * -4. 
thrice-divorced ,jw u $>, 
refrain from pi s ac;! I 
abortion by beating +d$~ 
immovable .-@ 2 a$ 
the God of Mankind 
One God 
cause death 
grant death 
prayer leader 
the awaited leader 
a guide and a mercy 
prayer leadership 
(1) honesty 
(2) trust 
lady slave 
female slave 
woman slave 
2& movable properties 
foster-mother u~P ~& 
the biggest of the >@I 3 
greatest sins 
more quarrelsome $J+ $ 
honoring the guest 
the Most Bountiful 
the most honored of you $9 
considering one as a $31 
the eating of locusts awl 9 
bitter fruits $I 
devouring usury I $; 
eating out of necessity I$ 
born-blind &i 
veils kf 
To Him is the return. +id b J! 
To Him is the return. wl itJI 
atheism id! 
most quarrelsome ?CPiJl ,$ 
mandatory &j~ 
abusive language iGf 
god ;iJ I 
(2) give up fasting 
Fie upon you! & 3; 
liar (n.) r~Gf 
slander &j 
obvious lie &$ &I 
invented falsehood 2s &jj 
male relations j,?; ~~ii 
in-laws GjJ&~$ i 
implement the penalty $&I $1 
the second call ciakdr ) 
reduced call 
the Copts 8$91 
acknowledgement of !$+& ;'$: 
, - 
confession L$J& ;I$/ 
dual ritual ;$! 
pilgrimage- umra 
corn bination 
send greetings to +SJ i;j; 
kindred ' ;ij+l 
confess 3; 
uncircumcised person Af 
religious minority L~ g&i -*, 
give satisfaction >i
sinners &ii$~! ~ 
the Lord of Forgiveness i,$ l- $i 
assuming ihram js! 
assume ihram ;Fi; 
1 desires +I 
vain desires 
commandments ~5' 
perform one rak'a jji 
perform one prayer unit 
bequeath in favor of 1 &j! 
fulfill one's covenant +$& >$ 
fulfill His covenant & >j 
fulfill one's vow ,&q 2ji jji give just measure 
give just measure J&+I >j 
give just weight d1..,9 1k j! 
pregnant women JGYI LJ~! 
merge (vt.1 $j! 
merge night into ,@I 2 $!I &fj 
bestow Grace on 
bestow upon 
war spoils jk:f 
separation of &Uild , < a 
conducting marriage t G! 
the liars ,$ 
idolators $[ 
the Memebers of the 41 $7 
People of the House 
3 z 
the Lord of the $1 
people of Par-adise 91 
enemy at war +>I 3 
gil $i the covenanted 
people under protection 
people of opinion &I hi 
wicked people 2d$i~ 
the People of the Book +E$! hi 
the People of the Scripture 
the People of the Two >@I ,$: 
, , 
dissolution of marriage c~jiG>l ~ 
, , 
(3~,i 1+ L) 
expiry of idda dl 
*, *, 
the Gospel &+?I 
the Book of Jesus 
the Gospel of Luke tij &J 
the Gospel of Mark SPop. 
the Gospel of Matthew $ Sl 
the Gospel of John G- gl 
immorality >Si jGl - - 
equals ;,ii 
equals to God ;!&:i;°f 
make a vow jd 
righteous man sb :GI 
if God wills ;bL, 
expansion of the ,&I iI>t 
erected posts sdi 
the Supporters ;&yl 
the Helpers 
lead the prayer a%d' ii 
the Mother of Cities 
the Mother of the Book +E$JI {/ 
0 4s the Mother of believers A,$?I 
foster-mother ~QJI Ff 
85 say amen 21 
discharge semen 2z1 
emit semen 
the dead &$y! 
orphans' wealth &JI &,A 
the Umayyads $j$I 
the Commander of the &,$I 
the Leader of the Faithful 
repentence $.$ 
stories of the Unseen 41$f 
, , 
dissemination of f%y ;GI 
, , 
Supporter *JL:~ 
disperse through 2j ,Y c l 2 bs! 
the land
the Knower of the Hidden 
the Resurrecter 21 :&I 
the Despatcher of h :&$I &q 
the Forever Endurer 21 :&I 
enduring good &W,al &Uql -, 
pass urine JU 
major (n., adj.) & 
full-grown (adj.) 
0. be divorced ciG 
give the pledge of allegiance Ci; 
give the oath of allegiance 
give the pledge of & @q 
allegiance for 
honey wine r( 0 e 
honey drink 
slit-ear she-camel r( 
miserliness 5;: 
severe poverty SL~ 
under compulsion o$y& 
marriage k& 
the gate of ?*vl $I; 
the door of the exercise of 
the Originator 21 :$?p 
8 the Evolver 21 :&Jl 
the Inventor 
the Soul-Creator 
the Maker 
God bless you. u, hl Aj J~F 
the Generous Provider &I :kg 
fondle her &?,J~jF ! 
falsehood (n.) $1, :JbLJ 
void (adj.) &i; :jb~ 
wrongfully $& $6 
the Immanent $1 :;bqI 
belief in the Unknown 44&I 
faith in the Unseen 
belief in angels &$L . ikl I 
brief expression of faiths 5L&! 
detailed expression of jkb: LL&! 
sheltering criminals >+I 
days of tashreeq s. , 2i1fJ 
Days of Ignorance GWI 
fixed number of days &l5,.k 
appointed days A,,& +$ 
 , 5t Days of Mina ci;! ek 
(1) matron $ 
(2) ex-married woman 
>E Job 4' 
of physical needs ljjy j,; 
blood-relatives f! GOJ~ I j,! 
men of understanding +&I jJ! 
possessors of j,! 
b protectors s'i?j 
tender-hearted ;I$ 
the First J$I 
former peoples #t I 
paying zakat ;@I :y 
offer EIj>  2 :&hi 
vow of continence 
oath of desertion 
faith 5L&! 
belief in God $+ 541
urination Jji 
speech LLj 
style elegance 
the House a,:a  
the Sacred House ~I~aJI 
the Ancient House @I .I 
the treasury 3Ul & 
the Muslims' treasury 
Jerusalem &*&I 
white without stain S& 2 > iGdj 
stainlessly white 
churches *, e: 
sale * 0, P 
choice sale ?w g 
# 0, sale of pre-mature i>dl e 
auction sale ~&$,Jl $ 
touch sale +%4! e' 
imaginary sale 5 0, *o, 
$,el @ 
pledge of allegiance 
between the navel &?Jlj )>I 
and the knees 
after Hijra !&!I ,q 
without measure yk , * 
Bakka & 
virgin (n.) 5 
trial ;$ 
obvious trial :$ 
g g, the Clear Message hl @JI 
the Clear Proclamation 
reach full age ia; -$ 
come of age &J1-$ 
proclaim the Message 3~3&1i 
puberty ex 
marriage ;& 
two-year she-camel dg' G 
cooperative bank &jw 
the children of Israel &I> $ 
the children of Adam fay $ 
Adam's children 
blessing 2> 
headcloak * to> 
* > 0, cemented structure dpy &! 
falsehood i%; 
false accusation 
a great lie + 2%; 
L.0 > unripe dates p--! 
enlarge provision !&JI& 
glad tidings ijk 
good news 
glad tidings 
good news 
bringer of glad tidings 3 
glad-tidings bearer 
the All-Seeing AI :+ -, 
courtiers of the ruler rLYl :'& 
exult 3 
the Mighty Onslaught A$ ul 
> , Op 
voidness of the contract dl5% 
expiration of ablution ~$31 9%d 
resurrect (vt.) G G 
raise up 
resurrection after G G 
death * I mission of (+) e 6 
Muhammad (PBUM) 
post -nup~ial 49~-1& 
miser (n.) jZ; 
originate creation $&, f-& 
beginning of creation $1 i& 
origination of creation 
change their evil yG &,& j& 
into good 
a Badr warrior $4 
innovation k& 
innovated practice 
invented heresy 
sacrificed camel 24 
Al-Buraq ;$I 
cool and safe b)Ll Ti> 
the Benign &I $1 
the Beneficent 
righteousness 21 
dutifulness to parents 
acquit (vt .) $ 
invoke God to bless him @ A: 
the intervening stage : &I 1 
A!, &z 
barrier tj2 
blessings SLi-2 
the blessings of Allah &I
be blessed 
Glory to Allah 
hate one another 
a dazzling display 
wanton display of beauty 
Proclamation of th symbolic interpetation 
Message become a widow 
alcohol trade 
discrediting (6~ 
SPY on 
mutual jealousy the Successors of the 
envy one another 
under coercion 
- -9, 
A+? dG 
The onus of proof 
Clear Sign (&I, kj 
just evidence &~t& 
seller and buyer 
Clear Signs A!?$u ! 
clear evidence (~U$1 iIs $ 
teachings fe!G 
the teachings of Islam @, LrYI l I;-J,G 
Quranic teachings d~$l q-G ' 
hastening ? L~I d J+3& 
polyandry >3, Glj;rYl 3u 
polytheism g,q5 ~: 
polygamy cs*jjl >3' 3u 
attestation (G,~I ,! ~~I~ &.$ 
declaration of eligibility 
discretionary punishment j$ 
fanaticism 3 
a: , modesty cbririi 
suspension of divorce &&ll@' 
seek refuge with Allah A& i$' 
seeking refuge with Allah & 
taking refuge with Allah 
compensation *A$ 
C exile - $ 
make room 
make room in the &I 2 +' 
invocation of the name of 
straightening rows d&l 
legislation &$ 
Divine legislation 
bearing witness 
tashahh ud 
the first tashahhud 
assent of the heart 
entreat Allah 
implementation of 
judicial divorce 
prolonging prayer 
put scent on oneself 
use perfume 
perfuming the Ka'ba ,, . - 
see evil omen in things ;ii. 
oppress one another !+'& 
Exalted be Allah 51 >k 
Ramadan optional night 
Islamic education &,.& -, &> 
2,s. :, Q, miseducation G+ +j 
arrangement of J$~ &$ 
slow recitation of the 4i$l &-$, 
purify oneself $3 
remarry her ~,,+6j4 ' 
forgery >,j 
glorification of Allah $ $' 
screen oneself from 2 9' 
registration of El$ j+& 
take the pre-dawn meal concubinage .w' 
prayer-end (iU$) greeting 
gift delivcry q=d' w' 
mentioning the Name of 
under compulsion 
a 2 ,; veiling W 
birth-control yA+ ' 
freeing a slave $j 23' 
ransom of a slave 
freeing of a slave 
arbitration e' 
legalization @ 
making lawful 
praising Allah && 
palatalization u' -, 
turning &+YI $1 s~iJ~&+' 
one's cloak inside out 
4, I 
greeting i& 
2;$~ blessed greeting 
the two (i~i~i+3 ) 3 w1 
salutations ./&, '..& alleviation of 
mutual estrangement ;Ji 
desert one another I,>! Ji 
religiosity ;t& 
tara weeh prayer e~!?
The Book of Moses 
the Law 
wealth distribution !;$I &j> 
ZP , perform ablution L.29 
trust 2; 
trust in Allah A,,& $$: 
turn back 2; 
commissioning of a c~2: j~ 
the Oft-Returning .&I :+$I 
.' 3,- sand ablution F-purification 
with sand 
purification with earth 
r 8,- using the right hand jQ?; 
starting form the right side 
, C ,' start from the right side j.r; 
, f -9 smuggling of 9 0. ~lJ--~* l 
saying there is no god but &- 
repentance :,o; eu 
.' 9 : :,o: sincere repentance c.eY 
monotheism +> 
Unity of Following c<~l &> , < 
Unity of aa13s G9&~ > 
God's Names 
and Attributes 
monotheism ,!I &> 
Unity of Worship 9 &$, - 
YI &$ -5 PC Unity of Lordship %3Jl +> 
the Tawrat i59 
the Pentateuch 
nicknaming +d$& ;G 
rnickname one +$$& 
talk secretly 
consult privately 
hold secret counsel p:L jb. 8' ,u ' 
for iriiquity 
bargain deceitfully ,++.k 
pretend to bargain 
bargain to inflate prices 
inflate prices one to another 
soul transmigration c!$Y! @ 
sinlessness & ;3 
Revelation $2 
the Revealed Message &2 
the Sent-Down Message 
upbringing w 
wearing shoes L@ 
enforcement j& 
4, , 
execution of the will L,-,J LIj b 
executive J.. u' r- 
0, S,' remove the face hair 
optional night prayer w 
4 0- proceeding at noon Jy+ 
0 I 
interpretation of the ji$l> 
, , 
debt demanding &A& 
measure >=!+ 
silent approval (J>J~2 9 
imitation e~Jl> Jb :& -._& 
nail clipping ]I.~$I &@ 
right conduct 
fabricate it i! 
2 %Y, Islamic calendar yt , 
2 0, correctional ~b:e!-@ J 
righteous 2 
>: , , piling up wealth 39% i& 
obligations &a -I 
saying Allah is greater 2 
D I ecclecticism 2;::&~- 
dispute about kjG 
umra-pilgrimage separate $ 
mutilation pb@-.
the Hereafter reward !2?4 9 
this-life reward l$Jl3$ (I) matron (n.) ,. < - 
ex-married woman 
(2) married woman 
married adulteress &I~I 
the second of two 
Islamic culture 
the Thamud 
the Thamud people
pre-deter minism 
the Hill of Mercy 
the Mount of Arafat 
the Mount of Arafa 
hole of a mastigure 
the Blazing Fire 
the Hell-Fire 
true grandfather 
false grandfather 
four-year she-camel 
scattered locusts 
permissible jik 
answer the call of 6;~ 
dispute about Allah ,&I 2 J jk 
slave-girl L.jk 
Goliath a& 
the Gatherer A1 :&@I 
collector of zakat !$jl &k 
jinn :k 
strive for Allah's sake &k 
fight in the path of Allah 
strive with one's wealth 4,L. &k 
strive with one's person + &k 
1 the ignorant &@I Pre-~slamicIg norance %@I 
obstinate transgressor /b :;G 
the Irresistible & :Jw 
the Supreme Power
holy fighting 
the little holy war &$I ivI 
the great holy war $91 iwl 
strife in His cause hl JS; 2 5k 
, <, 
strife against self i,+ 
saying aloud $ 
Hell P+- 
ships i54wl 
short rich expressions @I k'i; 
violent 4% 
J 0, neck and bosom e 
the Eternal Garden &J, 
the Gaden of the Abode A~UI & 
the Garden of Bliss &jl & 
partiality J 
hosts of Satan $s 
forces of the gj?lj +lj01ig 
heavens and the earth 
recruited troops -5, , J ,, 
i* 3w 
insanity & 
holy war ;iv 
pebbles 2,112 
the Near Jarnra y$~, iYl 
the Smallest Jamra L& iY 
Alaqaba Jamra @I i++ 
the Middle Jamra &>I ;+I 
collection of traditions&+,. G,,J l &G 
collection of zakat ~J&I 
combillation of prayers )%dl &+ 
collection of the Quran ji$l &5 
post-discharge state && 
ceremonial impurity 
post-sexual-intercourse state 
blame tli$ 
funeral procession iF+ 
,. Jf ceremonially impure +-? 
incline towards peace &, fl; 
J jinns 
Gardens 5~ 
Gardens of Eternity 3.G &l$ 
Gardens of Paradise &jjSi LC$ 
Gardens of Delight LG 
Gardens of Bliss 
. . 
~ItltlS &- 
crime of theft 91&> 
murder $dl i&> - f part p;l;ll c.) ig 
reward (vt.) 23 
J ,.. recompense E> 
the reward for good +GYl 
complete reward >;VI ;YI 
,. J, camel JJ> 
fretful ~JS 
poli-tax ii> 
the Majestic :& 
sexual intercourse Lk-
the Sure Reality Gal 
woman shaving her own hair 3G 
stallion-camel tG 
charitableness ~3 +J 
love of virtues 
love for Allah's sake 
learned man 
become fruitless 
jugular vein 
the lesser pilgrimage 
the great pilgrimage 
in menses *;cu'G 
menstruating woman '&MI 
chamberlain &G 
male pilgrim 
female pilgrim %G 
resist iG 
mourning lady iiG 
stony tornado &G 
get her menses &G 
custodian kU 
protector QG 
the Protector &, :&MI 
observer of Allah's ?)* QG 
men guarding their 1;kt)3 L&M1 
overtake (vt.) 4 & 
encircle (vt.)
retribution (i2% 3) +L 
easy reckoning %$k 
Sufficient is Allah for me.21 > - < 
Allah suffices me. 
P P good morality *I?& 
good companionship 9 '0 ' 
pleasant place of return +G 
kind treatment g2~g1 
neighborliness Jwl AG ' 0 ,4 
good deed 
the One Who takes . .._ I 
shares of inheritance &,! +I,! ' ' 
pebbles & 
custody 2~ 
at home and on 74 I 
the Destroying Fire I 
the fold of Islam &Y 1 i++ d ' 
the realm of Islam 
, be mindful of Allah h1 b 
guard one's modesty t21& 
. 0, 
tilth a:e j 
the tilth of the .. * - ' 
OAY &t 
I - free a slave gi i> 
pervert (vt.) a;; 
distort (vt.) 
prohibit k 
forbid I prohibit what is ?+I @> 
I prohibited / sanctuary i;; 
secure sanctuary j,i F, 
Madeena Sanctuary kyl 
Makkan Sanctuary 
Allah's sacred rites a JG 
sanctity LY I freedom of faith ,@YI $ 
sub-part pT,i.~~) 42 
the party of Allah &I &> 
Satan's party a@ &k 
@ + 
grieve over them 
fixed penalties 
limits of judgment ,*y ij& 
Allah's boundaries & i,U 
limits set by Allah 
isolated tradition r~&ii+ 
fair tradition ?+ &-.+ 
sound tradition &+ &+ 
strong tradition 23 &+ 
* ,* unfamiliar tradition +-L,-i.+. 
non-defective J& 3 &-+ 
continuously- &I ,J+Z $.+ 
narrated tradition 
I,' continuous tradition j:b &* + 
rejected tradition '0, :: 
;,a9 a*+ 
re, * traceable tradition iyr. be+ 
*'O. * well-known tradition >*' b-+ 
suspended tradition $& $.+ 
acceptable tradition J*':, )a: - + 
r :, * 
untraceable tradition dyy be+ 
8 ,' 
prophetic tradition +$ L-g 
highway robbery 
4 Z', * , , sacred J~ :fly 
prohibited J* Q :fy 
making pilgrimage to the LJI $ 
enjoyment pilgrimage $1 & 
combined pilgrimage 312I & 
* ,e, 8 , accepted pilgrimage JJY 
cupper fl+ 
plea k 
pilgrimage k 
Farewell Pilgrimage f)5+l k 
interdiction ;4, 
property freezing 
the Rocky Tract ;;L.? 
Ismael's precinct &L;;! > 
the Black Stone $A+ 
mourning 51.b 
juvenile (n.) LJL..J ~~2 :&& 
small action c+$, 
big action $il &&J 
prescribed punishment .5 
mourn for 3 Ai 
prescribed punishments 5,s 
ordained punishments
social life $L++! 6y 
family life !>$i$ 
life after death ajdi ,& idy 
this life $$I dwi 
the present life 
tricks in marriage Gj2$ )~+ 
the Everliving A, :$ 
the Living 
sQ, ;J,& 3 Come lo prayer! , 
Come to prosperity! L&d~ & 2 
praise *yo, 
Praise be to Allah & .~JI 
the All-Praise-Worthy 31 : ipJI 
tile Praise-WJorthy 
boiling water & 
dissolve an oath &L! G 
palatalize & 
true believer .. 
Lk;; I, 
truly pious 
true in faith 
, * 
la ul Cki I JJ& 
lawful and goad +& .'. f$p 
swear by Allah b& & 
swear falsely big A& 
SITl'ear to 4s 
taking aaa oath e3m1 & 
taking sf an oath 
lawful i? 
ready with oaths k=%k 
age of puberty $ 
chnency Gk 
the Most Forbearing :&&dl 
r he Forbearing 
the Oft-Forbearing 
forbearing && 
true in faith to AlIah 6+ 
the Disciples $4 +I I 
entrails r~ilj$& ~ 
sin 4k 
maidens with big lustr~us 2 ;$ 
9& *&& 
hidden ornaments , b, 
sanctuary Le+= 
protection of life GL+ 
pro~ec~ioofn religion Gb;- 
protection of intellect &I &b 
protrciion of property &I +k 
proLectioi~o f'offspring &At &k& 
the Protector 
IIle AII-%Jatchirtg 
the truth 
the True 
Allah's right 
right of ownership 
pre-emption sight 
guest's right 
divorce right deu, & 
manifest truth 
recognized right t$ 
, ,, 
maintenance right & 
right of guardianship $d$!& 
the Assured Truth & 
J L 
thee-year she-camel 22,- 
rights 2s 
Gj;i$ conjugal rights 
xq *r 
rights of inheritance &(-,> &k4I& 
arbiter [~erdist p 
the All-Wise &I :F, <&A 
[ Ihe Wise
betray ik 
be treacherous 
utterly ruined < 3& 
abominations &.g 
foul things 
bad things 
evil + 
the impure at .* 
impure women & 
.P* impure men b&+ 
the Aware AI :&, '. I. 
the Perfectly-Acquainted 
the Well-Acquainted 
seal of prophecy ipl 6~ 
finality of prophethood 
J circumcision 
male and female organs bGkL-1 
circumcise l+ 
deceit && 
1 the treacherous i>,&I 
I the Seal of -&,I & 
~ Messengers 
the Seal of Prophethood 191$ Li 
the Seal of Prophets 31 
the Last Prophet 
losers i 3>k 
humble men LAe1 
suitor pi>) &G , 
, fear Allah &I ~6 
fear for him & db 
the Abaser A, : 
women with j$, 
restrained eyes 
maternal uncle 2Li 
maternal aunt 
.4I ' 
great-aunt +$I )i <j~ '&$ 
the Eternal L, 
the Creator y, :>dl
veil P 
wine * O: 
the one-fifth '+I 
take out the one-fifth 3 
intoxicants 9 I( 
alcoholic drinks 
last actions JW$~+$ $' 
the Kharijites &I$-! 
the Seceders 
the Dissenters 
women staying behind dl& 
fear and hope +> 
option of puberty ~B;k I 
choice of stipulation +9jL1-+ , - good J? 
the best of creatures L$~I > 
the Best to decide AI :&+%Jl> 
so * the Best of the AI :&$I 9 
the Best of AI :sjg. t 2 " 
the Best Provider 
the Best Sustainer 
the Best of planners.& :;?(kllJ2 
I cheating ,& 
Caliphate 3e - 
% redemption 
@ redemption 
&4 a g 
the Orthodox +hlgl ;ul 
inheritors on the g$~j 
create & 
creation $ 
create in pairs gjj & 
exalted standard of &J+ &k 
evil companions 4'85 
the Supreme Creator : ;%-I 
the Master-Creator 
seclusion is 
valid retirement & 
Caliph ,& Allah's qj~lS~-. 
vicegerent on earth 
2 k& 
vicegerent on earth 2 -, 
veil ;G 
(.Lhh'l>) p& 
contestant 40' 
privacy -$+ 
opponents (&d) !+i 
4 9' ' open disputer we 
open adversary 
hair dye $I+ 
oversoften one's j$& &&+ 
mistake t~ 
(I) engagement k& 
(2) marriage proposal 
Wl Friday sermon Friday speech 
Festival speech . , 
marriage speech 'z 
ask her hand G 
.bGpbi lower one's wing 
.& leather stockings 
inheritors on the /;YI 2 
let down 
land-yield tax 
go to answer the call of J& ,. , L& 
r g - bow in prostration *lj+ 
I - shame (vt.) CS~ 
9 ' treasures of 2f~+lj,U $l$ 
the heavens 
and the earth 
9' Allah's treasures dl $19 
5, 9, . 
the Keepers of Hell ,,+ 2 + 
disgrace 49 
the evident loss -. JI9l 
propped-up pieces of iG 
timber su humbled eyes 
humble himself + 
submissiveness te 
fear Allah 2' 2 a. 
David aj13 
the Deceiver j~;l! 
Pseudo Messiah 
consummation cj > - >:j $i 
leather shield $5 
corrupt (vt.1 25 
invoke b5 
invoke Allah &I b5 
invocation gbi 
the opening &Y l ;bi 
prostitution ij~5 
repulse the orphan 41p 
invocations &yj 
call to Islam ?$Lii~ 5 &- i+;l~ 
secret call g Lj 
the curse of the i9j 
debtor 213 
moving creature $15 
the Last Home ~>UI ;I&I 
the abode of Islam ;b 
Home of Perdition JIA ;I j 
the abode of war +All ;a 
the Home of Peace ?%.,!I j~j 
the Abode of Peace 
the Home of Martyrs cliki;ll jli 
the abode of treaty &I jli 
judicial department cLd1 ;I5 
the Home of the *I j 
the Home of Settlement 
the Abode of Bliss &I ;I5 
suppliant ~~5 
the Caller &IJI 
zakat payer igjj12b 
the black thread I I the Best Planner 
conceit & the white thread #&51&. I
name over il 
a reminder to the 3c.- lh 
!! 2. covenant &3 
5 <~ covenanted subject d? 
protected non-Muslim 
protected subject 
2 sin -" :: 
the man of stakes A$? & 
the Lord of Retribution rGl Ji 9 
the Lord of Glory t$~J<J&J ' 2i 
and Hor-ror 
the Lord of Majesty and 
a man of means ZL, b 
a just person J& ji 
J the Lard of the Throne >yl 
religious woman a3~& I; 
heart secrets 4j.LJ‘~51 ; 
secrets of hearts 
defected animal Jy &I; 
wii~ds &li2i9 
, , consummate his G ilj 
marriage with her 
blood-money / call and guidance 
cornpensat ion 
deb( I( 0 , 
all-inclusive religion &.+ 
tl~eR eligion of Tru t I1 &id Ai+ 
universal religion c, +; 
world religion 
the religion of nature {;Ln] ,&? 
the Right-Straight $38 &+ 
Religion is sincerity. &dl >a 
siaughter , ,. 
i( 3' slaughtering .$ 
momentous sacrifice &!+ $ 
il I 
slaughtered animal hi 
progeny +>a 
(I) remembrance $ 
(2) celebrating Allah's praises 
(3) the Reminding 
&I $4 remembrance of Allah , 
pronounce Allah's 4 +!Ti 
burial of the dead 
this world 
crawling creatures 
permanence of 
Islamic slate 
silk cloth
the Exalter 
the Exalter of Ranks 
the bowing 
accurate narrator 
the Affectionate 
the Most Kind 
the All-Kind 
Abraham's dream 
Abraham's vision 
good dream 
spiritual bond 
capital JUI >!j 
capital sum 
capitalism $,L;$j, 
take her back i!3&1, j 
(YWI k) 
the Quaker 
the First Blowing 
mount (n.) &~j 
deterrent (adj.,n.) b5 
the Repeated Quake &IJI 
the Second Blowing 
the Sustainer A, :ijg1 
, the Provider 
the well-grounded &I 2 
in knowledge 
I , mature $5 1 well-pleased and b>$ 5 
guardian e'; 
veiled women 
blood relatives 
uterine relatives 
Quranic heirs 
near relatives 
the Lord of the 
Glorious Throne 
kindred '&h I; 
Thul-Qarnain .&dl ,I 
the Lord of Power !$l ji 
Thul-Ki fl &l ,I 
a man prohibited p? 
to marry her 
- P 
beast with tangs uL' 3;
the Guider 
(I) fosterage bb; 
foster relationship 
(2) breast feeding 
the Prophet's suckling 31 -, bL&j 
good pleasure 0 GJ 
il remarriage gift i$i 
May Allah be pleased G$0, 3a: 1 h'9. ' d 
with him. 
9, P woman's discharge G-$b +Js 
cl~arge &j 
broken d~st 22 Gj 
(1) sexual intercourse sj 
(2) obscenity 
green cusl~ions 9 &ji 
the highest cornpanion 25iitl ~$21 
6, slave Qj 
the Watcher ;,I :&&!I 
ready sentinel 6 -, &$ +,J 
Quranic recitation over a 3; 
. .- 
greeting return 
return of greeting 
apostasy ,'$) i*.i 4 
vice iL+j 
I the Bestower of GI :&jJ 
/ the Give? of Sustenance / the ALL-Provider 
:;:ie sustenance 
sustenance ij2 
honorable provision F.$. sj4 
generous sustenance 
Allah's Message &I 2~~ 
Qu 5% universal message 
* I, messenger &=!! 
"  3 
messenger. of Allah ~$4 
apostle of Allah 
messenger ship $$j 
bribe (vt.) UJ 
bribery @4 
the One Who directs 
JJ +J 
elre Return 
ti:? Quake the Heavens and the Earth 
1yivi;ched man 
st cjning 
stone (vt.) 
sicne !o death 
c !5,*0 stoningiodeath +&~u;~~TJ the Lord of the Worlds 
revocatisrr of 
takir~gb ack one's g Supreme Throne 
kith and kin 130norable Throne 
be merciful to the Lord of Dawn 
Allah's mercy 
i+ilak's grace 
all-embracil~gm erc East and the West 
0 0, 6, 
the Most Gracious the Lord of the Two +'$I + -o J 
, < 
I!le Most Cornpassiorlate 
(he Beneficent 
the Lord of Mankind 4j 
1 Mast Merciful (Let1 
Rabbis b> 
- ( l ) garment 
quarter (d~+P~)~ ( d y 
03 (2) above-waist cIoth 
slep-daughter # 
l'slurm greetings fUi~J 
abomination L-+,
camel zakat $y 2.j 
, - 
cow zakat gJiIli ; 
sheep zakat +, a=; 
fast-breaking zakat &Ii$ j 
Zakariyya <$j 
pay zakat 2-j 
> - 
the Earthquake of the djj 
the Coinvulsion of the Hour 
commit adultery , , 2; 
commit fornication 
commit lewdness 
fornication I J.J. 
illicit sexual intercourse 
the sight swerved 21& 
adulterous (adj.) &5 
adulterer (n.) 
adulteress qj 
angels of punishment &&JI 
the Sacred Books ;$I 
the Psalms ;&J I 
the Book of David 
C Compelling Cry i>j 
J * 
a sirigle cry i+lJ i>j 
be removed from the JO1 ,++; 
4,>*, ! ,, spread-out carpets Gi&- - j 
saffron a'@j 
obligatory charity 
regular charity 
legal alms 
fear and hope 
nor tgage 
the Spirit 
the Spirit of Allah 
the Honest Spirit 
the Holy Spirit 
afternoon endeavor 
furious wind 
devastating wind 
sweet-smelling plant 
.G-- J ? 
buried treasure .~' g? 
bow & 
bow down 
prayer unit 2j 
rak 'a 
. L 
prop.of Islam (:%>I 3) yj 
essential ceremony 
the Syrian Corner &&I $$ 
the Yemenite Corner >a- ct 
the Two Yemenite 3BL$ $L?jl 
bowing down t$J 
accuse one's wife &jj >j 
Ramadan a&j 
9 2, throwing pebbles 6fJ 
throwing pebbles ?kJ$'j 
9, rotten @J 
mortgage ~GJ 
abuser (n.) 4& 
index finger krl~~ 
, - 
glorify Allah A f+ 
celebrate Allah's praises 
Glory be to Allah ! $1 L% 
Glory to God ! 
Glory be to my 2~1Gj LG 
Lord the Most High! 
Glory be to my ,&dl Gj &L 
Lord the Great ! 
Glory to Thee! 
seven earths ,z , 2, 
L.&$ y 
seven heavens +ljL & 
seven firmaments 
the Oft-Repeated : +dl $1 
Seven Verses - IJ I 
Seveners b-,.  
il a, captives s 
the Path of Allah &I j+ 
loose she-camel GL 
(1) beggar j;L 
(2) petitioner 
the foremost in faith &&.JI 
prostrate (adj.) &L 
prostrater (n.) 
the prostrating iJ&Ur 
sorcerer >L 
well-versed sorcerer &c >L 
evident sorcerer $ >L 
hasten to good dl''! J L& 
he-thief $L 
she-thief 24~ !&u, 
the Hour 
neglectful of prayer iWC fC !L , 
Saba' & 
occasion of revelation JJ$ A 
lawful marriage 23 jj 
lawful wedlock 
valid marriage &+ ljj 
irregular marriage L6 i$ 
child marriage dl 1,: pp EJJ 
civil marriage 2.G tljj 
sun decline 31j;ll 
missing husband i+ ia 
the two spouses ,j LL jj I 
marry her to J +jj 
,-, forge JJ~ 
prohibited marriages 9:,5, , S k-j 
Allah's beautiful gifts 41G -4. 
the allurement of I.$JI tL+JI kj 
the present life 
the glitter of the present life 
fornicate (vt.) ' .: < &J 
adultery of body parts c~l&l sj , , 
adultery of the eye &I >j 
adultery of the tongue 2; 
atheist A+j 
asceticism Gj 
renounce (vt.) 4 "1 
marriage of equals $2~tlj1j 
void marriage 46 fls 
marriage by proxy g3k iljj 
by-proxy marriage 
marriage by jJk $jj 
inter-religious ,j~i~lt>l jj 
inter-sect marriage &1$ $ tjj
advance payment 
good conduct 
listening and 
the All-Hearing 
the Hearing 
the Hearer of 
transmitted chain 
fine silk 
age of puberty 
tooth for taoth 
age of maturity 
age of puberty 
marriageable age 
age of marriage 
age of marriage 
the Sunnah 
Allah's way 
lewdness $& 
blood shedding & 
unlawful killing & 
folly L 
Noah's ark c$ & 
mentally deficient QL 
providing pilgrims @I i&, 
with water 
Hell-Fire P; 
the Scorching Fire 
drunkenness & 
stupor of death 99 :& 
drunkard (n.) & 
residence & 
2&-& tranquility -, 
the Author of Peace :to 
the Source of Peace 
Salsabeel @ 
slki; ruler 
manifest authority -. 
judicial authority hu 
1. I, 
lote tree i> j& 
the Lote Tree of the  ij& 
farthesr limit 
the Lote Tree of the utmost 
lamp t!i. 
2, affluence s. lp 
in secret I> 
privately and publicly I> 
secretly and openly G,$~ T> 
release her k> 
9, * 0, 9*P encrusted thrones z+y Jy 
theft %2 
intention i>> 
swift in account ++I &, 
swift in taking account 
the Path of Right &-. 
the two natural orifices a-I , -. 
Ka'ba curtain *I > 
baked clay )& 
prostrate oneself 
a prostration 
prostration 5s 
prostration of $1 5,- 
( I ) army unit 62 
(2) concubine 
armed robbery && L 
strive for - LL :> 
hastening (-, i 3)3 1 
the Blazing Fire 
the Kindling Fire 
withdrawal of $bj & 
forbidden things 
the last night-hours ;;.;I 
obvious sorcery 2;;- 
evident magic 
g > I 
pre-dawn meal JF 
late-night meal 
i I beaded necklace L. LL, 
mock at >* * 9 0 
[hornless lote-trees ;+ J+
Chapter of the Romans cJjij$ 
Chapter of Thunder +Jl ij& 
Chapter of Gold d ij-+ ,.d 
Chapter of the &.,,$ IO:j F J 
Chapter of the Crowds j$ij$ 
C I Chapter of Saba' ',& ij$ 
Chapter of Adoration (-1 ij$ 
Chapter of Poets s,+, ij$ 
Chapter of the Sun >I ij$ 
> I Chapter of &$I iJ$ 
I Chapter of Sad - ., I 
k@ OJY 
P -P # Chapter of Mutual i; 
Loss and Gain 
Chapter of Piling Up ', ' 
Chapter of the >- &- I ijj, 
Folding Up 
Chapter of Repentance %$I ijj, 
Chapter of Bowing ij& 
the Knee 
Chapter of Friday ml ij+ 
Chapter of Jinns 915; 
Chapter of Sure Reality $MI ij& 
Chapter of Pilgrimage $1 ij& 
Chapter of the Rocky jYJl iJ$ 
Chapter of the dda~ij; I Tract 
Ranged Ranks 1 Chapter of the +I+ ijj.L 
Chapter of the Battle dlijj I Inner Apartments 
Chapter of the L& ij& 
Glorious Morning Light 
Chapter of the Night dJ& ij& 
Chapter of Divorce iJ& 
Chapter of Iron +.&I ;jj.L 
Chapter of the ij+ 
Chapter of Smoke 5; 
Chapter of Winds d&)ld:l) > 
Chapter of the Most )J1 8)~ 
Chapter of Ta-Ha cb i~j, 1 ~raciou5 
Chapter of the dg9 'O!,F I 
Chapter of the Most ij+ 
Chapter of "Read" Ij! ij+ 
Of P 
Chapter of Prophets PGYI ii Jy 
'0 9 Chapter of Man bLYI iJy 
P Chapter of $+Yl gJY 
9 Chapter of Rending j&Y. I iJy , 
Of #, 9 Chapter of the Cattle rkY gJy 
' ,of >* 9 Chapter of the JGYI iJy 
Spoils of War 
#- # Chapter of the JU-z,I ~g Jy 
Cleaving Asunder 
Chapter of Zodiacal Ej> ij$ 
Chapter of the Heifer $9kj$1 
Chapter of the City 41k+ 
Chapter of the Clear il]l ij$ 
#, P Chapter of by 
, , 
the Orthodox Muslims Sal 
the Sunnites 
sleeplessness & 
forgetfulness % 
terrible reckoning ++I ;$ 
terrible Home' , J!d ;. 
misconduct A$ ijL 
ill-treatment ;$ 
even path J+JI ;I+ 
path of rectitude 
mosque pillars 41 d2$ 
Suwa' & 
Arak toothbrush a& 
- ' 
chapter (312;P) 1i j+ 
-, ' * Chapter of the a> ji iJy 
Family of Imran ,., 3. J Chapter of Abraham e3c ~y 
:, ' 
Chapter of the +FYI o~y 
Confederates 4,ht, $4 Chapter of the 
Winding Sand-Tracts 
Chapter of Purity ij$ 
Chapter of the Night :l>y ijh
- *$, .., 3 + , J 
Chapter of Help asij; ! 
Chapter of Ants p,ij; 
Chapter of Noah f :, , 
Chapter of Light ?> ij; 
Chapter of the j*l ijj, 
Chapter of Hud 2$ ij; 
Chapter sf the @J ij; 
- - .. -  
Wrapped Up Chapter of the Day of I + Madeena chapter >: ,, ~:* J*P J Clamor 
Chapter of Those +%>! ij* Chapter of the Night of ~a ij; 
Sent Forth Power 
Chapter of Mary 
, -0, -, , e.4 OJ* 0,: :, , 
Chapter of Quraish 34 OJY' 
Chapter of the One $2 ij* Chapter of the 
Folded ir, Garments Narration 
Chapter of Flame *-61 iJ-,P Chapter of the Pen @I ij$ 
Chapter of the Ways LJUij+ 
Chapter of the Moon 91 ij$ 
Chapter of the Mount ?&iIj h 
Chapter of the +@iH ijj.L 
Chapter of "He 'A 5jj.L 
Chapter of Ages ij+ 
Chapter of the a*! ij; 
Chapter of the +d, ij+ , , 
Overwhelming Event 
Chapter of the Forgiver ji ijh 
Chapter of the ad ij+ , , 
Examined Woman Chapter of Alkawthar 391 ij~ 
chapter of the >6 ij+ 
Chapter of Victory $1 ij$ 
Chapter of Dawn 41 ij+ 
,, , , 
Chapter of the +ty ijy 
Chapter of "Detailed" ij& 
Chapter of the Break of ij$ 
Chapter of the Elephant &?I ij$ 
- I 
Chapter of the One i~ijh  
Chapter of Qaf J ijh 
Chapter of Ya-Sin PI ij+ 
Chapter of Joseph 3 ,:, , 
f 1 -, 3 Chapter of Jonah J 
straighten (ihh 3) & 2; 
the row 
sovereignty of law 4 J~bjkI 
march to Mina J! 3' 
evil deeds AG 
4, evil deed ;."-., 
bad deed 
of Ascent Chapter of Resurrection g@i ij$ 
Makkan chapter &5 ij& 
Chapter of  
Chapter of Dominion &.I! ij& Disbelievers 
Chapter of the -, ij4 Chapter of the Cave 41 ij$ 
'J Chapter of the ~.,, Uijy I Chapter of Luqman dd' ij+ 
Hypocrites Chapter of the Night J$ ij& 
Chapter of Those +~jidj$~ Chapter of the Table jjjkl, ij+ 
Who Tear Out Chapter of Neighborly dgkll ij+ 
Chapter of Mankind 
Chapter of the News Chapter of Believers ;%,$I ij; 
Chapter of the Star 6$ Chapter of the , , , 
Chapter of Bees 
Pleading Woman 1 Chapter of Women Chapter of Muhammad ijg, 
c'v '3 7
a pungent tree (,,,,, i+& 
*, * 
blessed tree ;+& 
the Cursed Tree 291 :*I 
2 >. covetousness E" 
covetous (adj.) * ,. 
niggardly (adj.) 
lost person 
Islamic I 
Strict in Punishment +&I .&.+ 
over-indulgence &!2 
alcohol-drinking +> 
drink forgetfully LC +> 
expand his chest 6jb t!2 
evil J ,. 
the worst of creatures ~&3II 
an evil place of Return +i 3 
decree (vt.) 0 
drunkard (n.) 31 u4,c-alcohol 
pre-emptor (&I 2) $3 
intercessor &+ :e*L. 3 
co-sharer - - $. . a-2 2,,3 
resist 3'3 
woman tearing off her own %&.I! 
the grateful Lj$iJ 
witness ;irsb 
competent witness jy 
just witness 
reliable witness 
doubtful matters A@ 
quasi-deliberate &.I1 G 
doubtful matter 43 
&, && the Tree of Eternity
God's symbols $' 3" 
religious rituals &;? 
, A the four parts e! . 
05 * ,# 
feeling of guilt k;jJb J+ 
Shu'aib or>. 
exchange marriage ;& 
kh intercession 
intercede @ 
pre-emption &.-, . ,q' , :& 
intercessor &+ 
the Intercessor A :+, 
dispute ;+ 
0, 05 ,o, 2 , marital dispute sJj 3 dLQ 
half a date .-- 
0. 4 
:9 G? 
gratitude ;& 
grateful ;& 
the Multiplier of A, :;@, 
testimony LZ :6 jw 
martyrdom @I ,bl :ij@ 
false testimony Jjll 3~ 
J forged witness 
09 I 
eavesdropper's *I ij,+ 
God's decree " '2 
legitimacy $3 
paganism 32 
partners to God .U 43 
land sharing .&;y, 2- 
verbal conditions 494 i2$ 
conditions of ?I ij3 
pilgrimage iui,j 3 conditions of prayer , 
stipulations of the GljJl +k iJ3 
marriage contract 
sacred law G! 
Islamic law 
Divine law 
Islamic law &,h*&cy;,;ll, 
partner &2 
partner with God a&-2 
partner with God &&&2i 
extravagance rites >" 
(1) martyr J& 
(2) witness 
the Witness h, :w 
women's testimony ~U&&I 
the two testimonies +~$JI 
declaration of faith 
the Muslim's creed 
testify w 
give testimony 
witness falsehood j,j J@ 
give a false testimony 
witnesses LLA & :c+ 
martyrs &-"I d :=I* 
the Sacred Month kl+)l $ 
,P a flame of fire ,e2 PI+ 
mutual consultation 
the Evil Ones >&..,I - 
very old man ?W 
Satan i)u~ 
the devil 
the Rejected Satan i-1 
Shiites -a 
Shiite f &+ 
I the Prohibited Month
the righteous &JUI 
woman slapping her own 
fast Fl.2 
the Patient &I :j+ 
the Companions of L)GJk~~ 
the Prophet 
Companion &Q 
the Authentic Six h2' 
the Six Reliable Collections 
prayer validity !ol 
contract validity $1 & 
Scrolls d) 
the Earliest Revealed J~YI &I 
'9 ' the Books of Moses >j &U 
(I) fasting (adj.) qb 
(2) fasting person 
fasting men L?Ql 
Sabian i4 b 
Sabians L>UI 
the patient L&wl 
patient men 
the steadfast J~J I :L.$dl 
musk seller &L# 
the Deafening Noise 3~, 
the true ~&JI 
the truthful 
true men 
Salih 2 rl :&" 
righteous (adj.) 2 :sL# 
righteous deeds .&J~I 
righteous women :a&&,I 
,U' L/
obligatory prayer kJjii;% 
0 prescribed prayer 
&.. campulsory prayer 
voluntary prayer 
additional prayer 
supererogatory prayer 
witr prayer ;+I 6b , , 
separate prayer 
the middle prayer &J6, a1 
crucifixion & 
backbone & 
the backbone and +PIj 
keeping good relations r31 & 
with relatives 
reconciliation sjjl 3 :@ 
amicable settlement 
Hudaibiyya Peace- G&JI & 
sounding clay hk 
send blessings on >& 
pray on 
pray lying on one's ++& &',o 
i)% i9k.Q >lL 
zwl 6% collective prayer the Straight Path +I Ll9l 
congregational prayer swell one's cheeck i& + 
deferred dower ky 
prompt dower *pil & 
group prayer clean earth ~&+ 
Friday prayer *I 6% clean sand 
funeral prayer !jwl 6% Safa &!I 
light prayer ;% Divine Attributes $Y l Lbk!! 
fear prayer wl;% God's Attributes b &Lib 
on-journey prayer $1 6% over look 
forenoon prayer 6% forgive 
$ z, 2 
truthfulness Jjg 
confirm Sb 
man of truth &+ 
woman of truth Gk 
men of truth LhUl 
the sincere 
alms id,2~ :$& 
i% Z 0 
noon prayer &I yellowish discharge i+ p$ charity 
night prayer 
the first row 2 :L;Y! sUi &l 
afternoon prayer 
prayer i% 
Bairam prayer 
Abrahamic prayer -91 b%dl 
Festival prayer 
guidance prayer i,j G,Y..! 6 b 
dawn prayer . 
guidance-appeal prayer 
missed prayer 
rain-invoking prayer ~G6% Y 
dawn prayer 
prayer by signs cbY I, ib -5 
individual prayer 
rest prayer FJ$~6& 
obligatory prayer 
tara weeh prayer 
prayer while sitting 
Ramadan optional 
eclipse prayer 
the patient's prayer 
Sunna prayer 
night prayer @, 6h optional prayer 
optional night prayer eld% 
sunset prayer ?A1:+ latenight prayer 
, ,- 
voluntary charity 
9 *, 
charitable act ;a,&, : ab " 
charitable deed 
7l f& 
secret charity ..&a2&1 open charity ,-, 
f& compulsory charity 
fast-breaking charity f*$ 
fast-break charity 
AI-Fitr charity 
the Way to the Fierce 41il2 
the Way to Hell 
straight path &+ ' BI~ 
I straight way
manifest error 
going astray 
go astray 
d ,<. I 
69 the Bringer of Distress jut 
E I> astray 5~ 
lost camel &yt ac, 
<: s 
lost sheep -+,JQ 
the straying $Q, 
forenoon & 
reciprocal harming ;';tb 
beating the tambourine j> 
missed fasting 
the Blast 
river game 
w a ter-game 
bow hunting 
the five prayers I JI~I 
the Eternal A, :U J 
idol r;l. 
monasteries &!P 
,a > trumpet JY' 
the Trumpet 
compensatory fast 
1 expiatory fast 
undesirable fast 
I 1 voluntary fast 
/ vowed fast
prohibited food 
feeding the needy 
legitimate child 
illegitimate child 
most approved 
irrevocable divorce 36 &, 
divorce by mutual +&$I& &L 
triple divorce +a4 J$ 
divorce of innovation +@ &$ 
irrevocable divorce ++j % & 
0 I delegated divorce +-$!I j$ 
approved divorce 9J$ 
revocable divorce e5 is 
approved divorce I @&j, 
the compassing 
obedience of the ruler 
compass round 
circumambulate (vt.) 
the Great Calamity 
seal his heart 
Sufi orders 
unlawful food
injustice @ 
wrong (vt.) + three veils of darkness 
unjust and ignorant j!!& 
suspicion '3 
zihar ;%k 
considering a wife as mother 
injurious assimilation 
advent ;& 
the advent of Islam c%ll 
transgressor ;T :$& 
unjust J+ 2 :@ 
the Evident $1 :&I 
the Ascendent over All 
divorce by zihar 26 
undivided hoof $ 
long-extended shade ij&i 3 
black-smoke shade ?I2 3 
(1) circumcision j 
(2) remaining with ablution 
false deities ti.. ,$ 
circumambulation L : 
LJ? '33 
onrush encompassing +bdyl>$ 
arrival encompassing Cjih >$ 
farewell encompassing ~lji$l9 
Mount of Sinai &+y J& 
the Flood iL&l 
oral divorce 2 </& fl 6% 
divorce for property Jli & i% 
written divorce &L5q i% 
conditional divorce &$0.?i & 
prolong (vt.) "I& :jjL 
clean and pure 
(1) pure women A& 
(2) good things 
good-pure things 
pure men L&I 
sticky clay 4j.j ;b 
demand of witnessing 
demand of possession @I 
the first demand :ggh g, 
/&, 9- 
, &-$ & divorce 
repudiation Ls & revocable divorce 
&5 3 & irrevocable divorce 
divorce 41e& 
dawn break purification 63 
purity $ 
be clean +I J. :A$ 
purify 9 
the Knower of jr$~!~& $k 
the Unseen and the Seen 
theologian j 2% 
all creatures ~~S'WI 
pan-Islamism ~%l&lh .i 
the Year of the Elephant &!! ilk 
the Elephant Year 
zakat collectors @ &&I 
regular-charity officials 
captive 21:j W l 
God's servants .&I $@ 
servants of Allah 
righteous servants h4,b 
J acts of worship ira@ 
devotional acts 
idolatry e~?;a% 
idol worshipping 
stone worshipping U~l iYj* 
fire worshipper 
the fleeting life ~JiI~ :&a,1 
the Ad 
abominable custom 
the Just 
the All-Just 
seek refuge with God 
usufruct gift 
temporarily-lent thing 
the tenth of Muharram &+% 
barren (ad].) 
mentally sane 
the Knower of the .d?k' 
honor & 
coitus interruptus $1 JI :h$ 
female JLi;l~cc~ ~ J;c 
seclusion of women 
celibacy 21s 
Uzair Ji$ 
the Exalted i~:2 $1 
the Exalted in Might 
the Exalted in Power 
palm-leaf stalks &3 
straitness p 
the Path to Misery &A 
dissipate 's 
the one-tenth (of +J 
the last ten nights jlj~pl *II 
the !ast ten 
the middle ten &Ii t+ .. *II 
agnates (~1~21)1 
agnatic heirs 
party spirit i':at 
tribalism @ zW 
il abiding punishment +h 
lasting punishment % +k 
humiliating punishment 2 $I& 
the Fire torment $.I +IL 
penalty of humiliation a$ +IL 
perpetual punishment -j +l;Lt 
palatable and sweet &$ +L 
ascend tjb 
ascend to the +2 t;t 
the Throne '39I 
the Throne of the $&-I 'J> 
the Supreme Throne &+dl '221 
custom 32 
smell of musk ,&.+I 4 
Arafat 49 
The strongest hand- &, ;,? 
the firmest hand-hold 
belongings >d 
articles of q&j ',q? 
AI-'Uzza 2' 
(3) compensation 
social justice &+ 3Jk 
aggression &!j& 
avowed enemy ;I; j-ii 
punishment +b 
penalty of the !*Y+II& 
grievous penalty &i +lib 
penalty of the Burning&!pJ SIL 
, , 
penalty of the Scorching Fire 
penalty of Burning 
penalty of humiliation 41s 
eternal punishment &I 
penalty of the $.j &L 
Scorching Wind 
heavy punishment i;hi jL=k 
dreadful penalty 
grave punishment $1 +L 
Punishment in the grave 
stone dedication 
nature worship &I i2k 
fire-worshipping ,1211 irk 
worship &i 
male slave &6 
God's servant 
manumission 3% 
freeing slaves 
manumitting slaves 
manumission & 
cruel 9 
insolent impiety 2 
Rajab pagan sacrifice 6% 
uncontrolled animal SW 
EG LG social justice -, I 
waiting period i& 
prescribed period 
probation period 
I & D JZ 
attest him .8 
(I) justice 3.G 
(2) reliable witness 
competent witness
Jp , "$8 sp 
Hereafter punishment +>/;.I +p 
's ,"u * P worldly prlnisBrrnent $$3 Lgiic 
' $> 
retaliation penalty /Ladl ;ii'& 
pecuni ary+ pen!alt2y QSG 
financial penalty 
* I 
undutifulness 34 
undutifulness to $JJy ,&& 
creed i&G 
Islamic creed .&%y -, ~,L$ 
doctrine of sonship 591 b+ 
doctrine of Trinity dl:+ 
birth sacrifice Lj.6 
in the Name of Allah $1 &J, & 
Gjj 5% matrimonial 
rnarital relationship 
in public G>k. 
clol L& 
of corigc~alcd blood 
c'lol Lb 
the Age of Ignorance ~L;J%I 
leaves and stalks Lkpsj. 
infallibility G.Q+ 
rebellious > 
deconnposed bones &?+Ej 
the Great ii :+I .. , 
the Grand 
the Supreme 
forgive & 
chastity d& 
forgiveness * 
the Pardoner &,:$ ! 
chaste '&$ 
corporal plnishment 24 4% 
commercial contract - -! Lib 
marriage contract GIP- 9-ik 
contract of marriage 
marriage tie b~~: - aiJ& L 
ham-string ir pj~i9) 
sterility ;;i;
the Magnificent 
the Sacred- i" -+! &,.A, ! $L;S 
Mosque maintenance 
turban 24 
intention Lb 
lntentionally i& 
the Lesser Pilgrimage +I 
acting with limbs G2ljA jiJ4 j;c , 
do evil +QI & 
Satan's handiwork jm<j;t 
righteous deed r?b *P 
paternal uncle 2 
foster-uncle icb~jii;Jt 4 
$2, paternal aunt rkc 
pillar of religion &I $.& 
" .,:5 incurable incompetency L,jp s;c 
the Covenant of Allah &I .& 
God's Covenant 
the New Testament &+I1 &Jl 
the Old Testament &$I @I 
wool k 
carded wool *2& % 
helping the oppressed C&l ;* 
the Knower of the +$I f& 
God's Knowledge hl $G 
science of interpretation 21,& 
knowing the Hour icU + 
knowledge of the Unseen &I$c. 
obligatory knowledge &I 
science of the law &I $G 
theology c$21 p~ 
assured knowledge ,& 
scholars of religion +a LL& 
secularism GLL 
high-handedness 3 
the Omniscient A1 :@I 
the All-Knowing 
the Knowing 
peace be upon him ,- iul A 
P. B U. H. 
prayer and peace fQlj 6U1~ 
be upon him 
P. P. B. U. H. 
the Most High 
the High
the Chief Deceiver 
male stranger 
holy battle 
Tabuk holy battle 
Moat holy battle 
Trench holy battle 
total ablution 
greater ablution 
full bath 
complete ablution 
taking a bath 
purification bath 
menses bath 
washing the dead 
betrayer j?li 
the Cave of Hira' s> jli 
the indebted 5$Jd~ 
warrior 4jG 
the Overwhelming Event 
0 2 the Forgiver of Sin & : )g 
heedless &o 
indiscreet @i 
the heedless 
the straying L3;dl 
betray j.@ 
betrayal j& 
forenoon endeavor ijb 
fine k$ 
banish G!! 
handful of water cI; > s> 
the Two Festivals dI&dl 
the Two Bairams 
Jesus .. 4 
a life of Bliss +j Li+ 
flowing spring &L; 3 
assured sight 3 
visiting the sick +-$I 65k I 
Al-Adha Bairam &Y Ag 
the Festival of Sacrifice 
Al-Fitr Bairam &? 
the Festival of Fast- 
the Self-sufficient 
the Rich 
the Most Rich 
the Unseen 
the Unknown 
under age 
seamless la+> 
sense of honor % 
error 2 
God's Wrath * 
lowering the gaze 
lower the gaze ;;kll $& 
lower one's voice i?? 5& 
head-cover ,$I ;L!+ 
0 Ol forgiveness 3 19 
the Pardoner A, ;GI 
the Oft-Forgiving 2, .;AI 
booty theft 
exaggeration in .&a 2 & 
harsh-hearted &! ii& -,
the Fatimids ;&dl 
the Greatesl Judge h, :tdl 
the Judge 
speedy victory ‘-il 4 3 
manifest victory 29 
the Conquest of Makkah & 2 
suckling period ../u5j, 
(1) test (vr.) 3 
(2) seduce (vr.) 
(1) trial 2.3 
(2) tumult 
affliction of the world 6.h & 
affliction of wealth 2' % 
affliction of wealth Jkl h 
afflictions of life +Wll WI k+ 
and death 
verdict ~3 
the successful kijj~ 
wicked 26 
wicked disbeliever jG +i 
speaker of bad words $26 
great sin GG 
shameful sin 
shainefull deed 
%I , ,I , 
open lewdness k-.z 2 2~-G 
untrue L,Li 
(1) rebellious &b 
(2) evil-doer 
perverted transgressor 
the rebellious L&d! 
the Creator of ,491, +ljUi 96 
the Heavens and the Earth
three-mile distance 
spread the earth out 
raised-high thrones 
obligatory (ad;.) 
mandatory (ad;.) 
individual duty 
sufficiency duty 
the Discriminator 
the Criterion 
judicial divorce 
branches of Islam 
branches of the law 
enjoined duty 
religious duty 
the Great Terror 
moral corruption 
irregularity of the 
formal legal opininon 
the wicked jGI 
behave impudently $ 
dawn > 
dirty language ;;;; 
great sin $p&j 
shameful act 
shameful deed 
(1) ransom 
(2) expiation 
1 ransom i+ 
1 compensation 
(1) enjoined duties '#$ 
(2) laws of inheritance 
precsribed shares of 
scattered moths A& 
separation A,:$ jJ ‘$j 
i private parts i> , 
i Paradise
virtue %.& -* 
breaking the fast &? 
fast-breaking meal (24 ;& 
the Prophet's practice s $+ 
the poor GJ1 
jurisprudence iij 
jurisprudent @ 
scholar in religion 
freeing a slave $% iAi 
Noah's ark t~ ,i$ 
the supreme felicity wjj .d 
the supreme achievement 
the highest achievement 
booty ;> 
in the cause of God -b l& J * 
in the way of Allah 
in prosperity and ~12S1~~2I 
annulment of a contract &I @ 1 
judicial rescission ajjj + 
judicial annulment 
dissolution of marriage 
interpret 3 
impiety >sr:b&i 
wickedness 44 
weaning r% j~ 
disgrace (vt.) i+ 
dissolution of marriage &l$l '$ 
grace P 
the Magnificent 9-. I";1 
God's bounty &I j. p
Korah dj; 6 
minor (n., adj.) trld,. :>j 
chaste maidens d$l t1;o6 
minor (n., adj.) L 412,' :i+d C 
judge @6 
severer of kinship r,, J $6 
highway robber JJ$I 26 
have a midday nap JG 
devout 2.6 
devoutly obedient 
devout men i+,d 1 
the devout 
the desperate &dl 
law of u, , , Jl+h, $6 
personal status 
lineage expert *e~ 
midday nap &j, 
afternoon nap 
standing up 
the standing-up 
two bow-lengths 
or nearer 
the Straitener 
the Accepter of 
the Powerful 
the Able 
false accuser 
reciter of the Quran &U 
the Stunning Calamity b~~'
A >& * 
a joy of the eye 
false accusation of adultery 
beautiful loan ' ' slander (vt.) dA 
ear-ring accuse falsely of adultery 
drawing lots monthly period i2u, :$ 
menstrual courses menstrual course 
distant kindred &+ 4) 
> Quraish 
4 circumstantial ."I 2 :@ 
. - 
. . 
the Seven Readings ,ajl r~l 
readings of the Quran irT$l LI,~ 
the Quran 5pOI 
collective oath kl5 
dawn recitation of the 915$ 
the Holy Quran +,I ;@I 
the Honorable Ouran 
distribution of &L$Y q 
sacrifice meat 
4 unfair division A&+ q 
equality in punishment 
the Law of Equality 
criminal intent j2 %W 
be moderate in one's + 2 & 
, - 
the Glorious Quran -1 S$I 
Quranic f T'i 
consanguinity &I$ 
blood relationship 
foster relationship +5ub;ll &I$ 
fosterage relation 
affinity relationship g>Ldl &$ 
blood relationship &$ 
marriage ~I J. :J; g 
homicide V LA1 -3 :$ 
execution ?IU?I i,+ :$ 
fratricide $1 3 
murder by error fL.Ll 'P 
umra-pilgrimage +lj $9$1 
quasi-deliberate + +$ 
shorten prayer xd' 3 combination 
deliberate murder @ $ 
intentional murder 
premeditated 41>yl $L y $ 
wooden vessel 
foreordain for him 3 ;p 
the Holy AI :>&I 
Divine destiny $d 
Divine decree 
;,& ;$ 
determined decree 
sacredness &A 
the Omnipotent AI :>+$I 
the Almighty 
the Most Powerful 
the All-Powerful 
23 slandering 
family law 
Islamic law 
Divine law 
matrimonial law 
Divine law 
secular law 
law of inheritance 
secular law 
positive law 
the Irresistible &I :Ad 
pre-Islamic t%y 9 ~ >GJI j$< 
front and back private ;hll @ 
the Ka'ba direction 
tribalism & 
consent cb$l :J$ 
acceptance of the gift 
be niggardly 9
analogy '2-2 
analogical deduction 
standing iW1 4 
optional night prayer $1 j$ 
idle talk ~6$j 
moral values 3.g 2 
Islamic values &% 2 
religious values &? &ij 
spiritual values &-J; 2 
administrator of an 431 & 2 
the Self-subsisting &I :;a 
the Eternal Guardian 
(1) forged speech J2~3 j~ 
forged statement 
(2) giving false statements 
appropriate words && 
distinguishing words & 33 
kind-just words 4%33 
the Prophet's saying gl j> 
worthless people ~i f3 
the people of Tubba' c? 9 
transgressing people d$l~f$ 
the people of Lut bj !$ 
nationalism $9 
the Strong j., :A$l 
the Most Strong 
off hands and feet from 
shortening of prayer !%dl 3 
opposite sides I prayer shortening 
breaking ties with kith lr3 , , &id 1 give the verdict ,&I ;A.A :s 
and kin I make up for iL ,, 2g :s 
cut off the highway PI ..* 
highway robbery & &id 
hand amputation d,. l &id 
thick soft cloth % 
sitting ~,LkI2 I : 5$ 
garland i'5$ ;@,, $, $j 
alternate the night 
and the day 
&G +$ hardened hearts 
gambling ;@ 
contentment &G 
humility A$ 
the Subduer A, :j@ 
glass vessels &.31 :>,$ 
the foundations of the c&J .b$ 
elderly women EL%~jd 
penal laws aG&jl $9 -, 
4 secular laws &, &,$ 
predestination j, p ::;the Divine Decree 
sentence ul & :;G G+ 
jurisdiction GL~;J&I? .JI :;Id 
God's Decree hl ;G 
repaying debts $a ;~ 
debt repay iul prayer make-up 
making up for prayer 
predestination ;ul 
the Divine Decree 
judicial 2G 
answer the call of gs> 
'>, +, '+& 
dissolved his marriage with her
(I) the Book &@I 
the Scripture 
(2) the Record 
the Record of the 4$~1 &Lq 
the Book of Allah 81 4l.q 
the Book of God 
the Record of the ,GI 3l.q 
the Clear Book >.I. . A. &,! 
the Perspicuous Book 
one's record $g 
inscribed register $2 GLg 
the Bible (SL~JI ~JJ) &@I 
Well-Guarded Book &k3i. . S, 
the Book of L$: I: 3.., 1;&. ,I 
the Book of Moses >j $Lq 
scripturary (n.) &Lq 
the Prophet's scribe 
scribe of revelation 
rejecter of faith 
great sins 
greatest sins 
great sins 
greatest sins 
greater crimes 
say God is Greater 
1 magnify God 
horned ram 
the Most Great 
the Great
hoarding up money 
hoard up money 
a Paradise river 
Alka wthar 
treacherous plan 
God's plan 
unfulfilled oath 
guarantor (n.) 
lack of father or sons 
the Word of God 
trained hound 
good words 
God's Words 
good word 
"Be", and it is. 
the dressing of the Ka'ba 
2 the covering of the Ka'ba 
3 the Ka'ba 
the Holy Ka'ba b~Lo& ,, 
~2 Enough is God as a $j 2 
* , .<# Disposer of affairs. 
&I ;% pledge $* deny God 
3 reject faith 
be rejected 
*IP I A, disbelief 
ZLu unbelief . , infidelity :& 3 blasphemy 
open disbelief 
(1) ungrateful 
(2) disbeliever 
Obstinate disbeliever 
(1) expiation 
(2) expiation money 
'Y~latioont . sins 
5, ".~iar ion of an 
Revealed Books gjL %.& 
Divine Books 
concealing an ijf+J, 
kohl w 
eye cosmetic 
apply kohl to her eyes && 
lie to him && 
reject God's Signs bl +G 3.k 
renting ;g 
I I honorable and pious 5j> b!x 
honorable recorders &;& b~ 
distress +$ 
the Great Calamity &@I 491 
distress ;$- 
God's Throne L> :?I 2j.S. 
the Generous did :+$I 
the Honored 
clothe the Ka'ba ma 
honestly-earned money 3 3 
honestly-earned gain 
illicit gain 2 
the Ka'ba clothing +&I1 ;I
the tongue of truth J&# iL.! 
the language of Quraish JJ~iq 
the Benignant hi :& 
mutual imprecation 5L3 
play and amusement 3; a 
curse id 
God's curse i, 
vain talk 
vain discourse 
oath frivolity 
the Meeting of the 
found thing 
found article 
sale on touch 
well-guarded pearls L& jj 
Lat &$I 
no blame on them ,& tgq 
accuse one's wife of 2j 
have sexual intercourse b$! jjJ 
with one's wife 
raiment of &$I >q 
,e 9 4 decent dress (&yA 
Here I come, 0 a'$1 a' 
God! Here I come. 
I respond to Your call, 
0 God. 
swine flesh 
flesh of swine 
dead meat 
thin white stones
hoarded money j& bG 
wealth and sons L,lj JUI 
the Master $I :UU 
the Master of the dl&J L; 
the Lord of Power 
>: I />, 
the reconciled $9 a$ 
the weakly faithful 
the Giver of Security $1 :>$ 
the Granter of Security 
believer a ;> 
believers &L$I 
the faithful 
believing men 
follower !& 
withholder (n.) 
the Withholder $1 :$UI 
abode 2ji.i 
permissible cG 
nocturnal sexual 
stagnant water 
emitted fluid 
Zamzam water 
sweet water 
despicable fluid 
despised fluid 
the Magog 
the Postponer 
caller to prayer 
authorized registrar 
dispute with him 
visible property 
sodomy $9 
the Preserved Tablet && ~$1 
the Guarded Tablet 
Lot 4 
sodomite (n.) &c?j 
blame of blamers 
odd nights 
$1 J'4 
the night of fasting clgdl %J 
the Night of Majesty d, a 
the Night of Grandeur 
the Night of Qadr 
the Night of Power 
on-touch sale 
the twinkling of an eye 91 9' 
slander (vt.) 9 
defame (vt.1 
slanderer id 
minor sins 
For Him is the ~ornmand.@l d 
To Him belongs Praise. Uld 
idle talk Q+J 2 
vain talk
0 9 
LJ+- & 
the Glorious h~:... k. i.Jl 
prohibited things 
God's prohibitions dl 6L.i 
attempted theft -I 2jG 
morality policeman a To , . , 
decent W 
the cut area w 
innovater of a heresy A+' 
heresies Jy,*y l &GG 
invented matters 
traditionist A% 
forbidden is 
prohibited man i;c: 
muhrim i! 
person in ihram 
the deprived $,+I 
the destitute 
good-doer 9 
doer of good 
bodymutilation 3 
abode , -a. 
an abode for ;?iQ a&- 
an abode for the >,& 
Muslim fighter 
Islamic society && + 
glorify G 
reformer 5-G 
sinners Ljjd 
target tied animal % 
advisory council kj$'& , . 
shield p2, , 
possessed ;+ 
Magians >+I 
Magian && 
fire-worshipping man 
+- , , fire-worshipping woman +y 
Zoroastrianism &+I 
the Accepter of .&I :. -d. l 
:,o, temporary marriage &a 
divorce present &b :&&!I k 
intentionally 1s 
the Supreme A :%+j 
the Possessor of Greatness 
the haughty i;xl 
pretender & 
persons involved in li'an a&% 
text of the tradition +&Jl 3 
humble &@$ 
the deceased $! 
administrator of an J$ 
manager of an endowment 
the Strong &i :'&.I 
-0' * 
the weight of a ,Jay 3 JL& 
mustard seed 
;;i Jl;P weight of an atom r4a 
an atom's weight 
>: P ,4 an atom's weight of 7s sJ> JW 
'r' -, 9-0 
an atom's weight of I> 5;; JLh 
Parable $ 
mutual freeing i~ 
the Beginner .&I :&GI 
spendthrift (n.) ;s 
accepted J ,or 
bearer of glad tidings 3 
bringer of good news 
nullifiers of prayer &,&J$ , 
nullifiers of fasting &dl 
nullifiers of ablution cjbjll 
invalidaters of ablution 
raised up A& 
conveniences of this L&bl iQl Ld 
adopter the righteous L!l 
the God-fearing 
J,a ,,J falling animal 
headlong-falling animal 
effeminate men *-& &%& 
charitable men 
the charitable 
the pure and clean a,* 
the Exalted &I :JdJ
apostle (n.) 
death illness ;I$ ''7 
nursing woman k?? 
wet nurse 
mortgaged (adj.) ;(;;; 
Marwa ij91 
Mary -0, 
Mary the Virgin ~~+> L~I 
share-cropping Lj ,; 
barley drink J # ~2 
folded in garments j;j: 
cohabitation 2~ 
the needy 3L.i 
the indigent 
shareholder (n.) 
moral responsibility tL, , " e3& 
+%I i 4 
J, I criminal Gk q,+ 
, o,o, exemptions from 3 b& 
bleeding woman bLkc.4 
ordered without obligation* 
due recipients of !$$ % 
Sunnism 3, sbl 
Sunnite School 
Sunni School 
Shafii School &To+l bl 
Shi 'ism $ +b 
Catiiolicism :&,$&I +bl 
Maliki School $,WI +b;11 
urethral discharge ~ii 
frontiers guardian 
usurer (n.) &$ 
apostate (n.) (.&A p) kii 
reverter (n.) 
renegade (n.) 
female apostate 
mortgagee (n.) 
the Murjites 
the Postponers 
the stoned 
messenger (n.) 
defendant (n.1 & p 
daimant ("-1 (GLdl d) us2 
f (n.1 
~adinite 541 &dl +i :d,& 
debtor (n.) sG 
the Madyan people GSS 
married w 
chaste woman 
the One Who counts A1 :&& 
,?, minor sins 9 arbitrator i= 
intervening husband & 
milked animal && 
monthly course 
the Holy City woman's course 
the Pour Schools k$ &a the Granter of Life &I :‘$A3 
Sunni Schools the Giver of Life 4 O) 
Sunnite Schools + 
a reminder 23 
the Giver of Disgrace 4 TO) 
disgraced vainglorious boaster ;& JM 
disgraced and G 
rejected the essence of worship !5@ &'&I 
sinner (n.1 
offender (n.) ;Pi;; 
school , 5,) 0 
Protestantism ; 
Hanbali School 
' a;2 L 
Hanafi school $f;ll
praying person & 
person in prayer 
the Bestower of All &I :jWl 
the Fashioner of Shapes 
misfortune G 
* ,$,, $, > sacrificer (n.) rii :F 
4, 0, 
morsel Ii;k. 
flesh morsel 
rinse one's mouth 
dealers in fraud 
divorced woman 
triply divorced 
the purified 
pilgrims' guide 
wrong (n.) 
unbelieving woman 
intoxicating liquors i& A&,& 
legitimate (adj.) * 03 
legitimacy &,& 
the Sacred Monument jljil wl 
sharp-edged arrow * ' & 
niche ig& 
the Divine Will &jyl bl < S -. 
 J, God's Will &I 
sources of legislation @$I ;?I& 
shaking hands && 
unspecified public $Ladl 
reconciliation kJ6 
affinity i?G 
confirming Js 
charitable women &dm1 
charitable men L!U1 
the Chosen One pbn;ll 
~~;1, ;*I the good elect J - 
unspecified public 
praying place P 
place of prayer 
,tedy (ad].) 
& -, I 
in digent person 
(1) Muslim 
0) submitter 
defaulter ;+ 
(n .) 
inner (n .) 
$1 -_ 
be false Christ 
I I 
goabout with 
iitJ6 & 
I, walk in humility 
~3 3 
undivided share P 
doubtful matters > 
walk bashfully r%l doubtful matters 
the weak jWl 
dwelling-place % 
ym, the arrogant 
mosque .i&i 
the Farthest Stl Ul 
the Mosque of d&l 4 &Li 
the Sacred Mosque jljJl &&.dl 
the Mosque of Quba' r J &Li 
the Mosque of Makkah '& 4;j 
the Prophet's $;l &.Jl 
rub one's face $$ p 
the bewitched L,j,&J 
waster (n.) J$d 
extravagant (adj.) 
(I) the extravagant $31 
(2) the exceeding people 
have sexual intercourse 2 
the touch of Hell &> 
the Running Place 
musk &, 
intoxicant (n.) %.r-:
God's plan 
the honored L&JI 
undesirable i3$ 
Makkah !& 
Holy Makkah & 
Makkan & k;%.& stern and severe , 
offender + $, .d29, war booty 
the Forwarder A, :+a, Auz 
angelic $% 
consecration clothing ?FYI '&$i 
pilgrim garb 
angel 3% 
on-touch sale k$ 
unlawful clothing i~ * 
salt and bitter +! &, 
atheist L& 
the Sovereign $I :&J 
the King 
the dominion &j 
9 0 
2s ,$ c2 - / 
missing husband $$ disobedience * the prosperous b&l the Granter .I :$.."I 
concept of man id. , B the ~eproducer -, 
4 r Abraham's Station es! + dear-flowing fountains ;." 
stance of Abraham 
military expeditions @jL 
station of Abraham 
the Ways of Ascent h2u' 
sinful deeds spG 
business transactions 
obstinate reverter 
booty 4. I&, .d praised station ;+ ik war booty 
loathed + debt 
abhorrence of vices $I~J& i2& forgiveness 
the Powerful $, :;&, d& 
o 5 overcome Wj.1 
booty 2 
(1) acknowledger 2 the Enricher 
2, 0, 
(2) confessing person oy 
woman with an absent 
the Equitable A, &&$ husband 
the just &UJ the Keys of the Unseen &I %& 
with hair cut short 9 apostate the Ascent to the heavens 
poor $ reverter the Battle of Badr 4 4 2~ 
.& :+$ 5.2 'J,;;;" the Turner of intoxicant 
Hearts jurisconsult A, :$J 
imitator maker of mischief 9 
recompenser (n.1 t" mischief-doer F 
the rich interpreter !W 
rejecters of faith a!@ 
fasting violators
guardian's consent 231 %$ 
stated times of prayer jui G,.i 
female infant buried alive i5~;j.i 
destructive sins A&$ 
sudden death a, 
the dead 291 
the first death dJ j i 9, &&+! 
the Omnipresent &I :$,+$I 
Moses >Y 
tattooed &;z; 
legatee Li 24 
ward (n.) 4 >Y 
testator (n.) &Y 
Muwatta $91 
kind preaching &> 
founder of an endowment 4; 
*, > beaten animal Si>> 
violently-blown animal 
usury giver Li! 3; 
our Helper &I :by$ 
I - 
donee 31+I :d 449 
(I) dead animal % 
hindering good usufruct 
reminder of one's charity LG hypocrite (n.) $,G 
reminder sf one's generousity merits 3. ~ , 
lent camel + +*,o , 
emigrant >lk: donee (n .) 34&G 
immigrant # .,*> 
, beneficiary (n.) &Jb 
deserting the bed 219i12 $ the Avenger J, :wl 
the Emigrants LJ>L$! the Inflicter of Retribution 
the Immigrants the Final Goal w1 
the guided SJwl slaughtering place F #, 0, 
dower 9 %' strangled animal && 
bridal money chocked animal 
deferred dower 3; % advisable (adj.) ~J.G 
proper dower @ ;k; warner (n .) 
unspecifed dower clear 
*E iF 
12, > $0 specified dower staff iG flk 
prompt dower *P2 rite 
hastelled dower the Bountiful A :+I 
malten brass jk: evil p 
the Dominant &I :'&$I I- evil action 
the Guardian over All rnann (n.) 2 
waste land &I? remind of one's charity (vt.) 3 
truce conclusion kj$ free release of captives 3 
balance >,~ji forbidder of good 9 $ 
the King of &YIJ +lj&l && 
the Heavens and the Earth 
the dominion gf~lJ +IjL&Jl & I 
of the heavens and the earth I 
the Angel of death +&+I & I 
the King of Mankind $I :/dl &i 
dominion a& 
ownership by &Y , I b &, 
private ownership LG%- ,A , 
2s. w, joint ownership & 
blameworthy and 5- L! 
male slave a& 
the Causer of Death $1 :MI 
from darkness J$Jj ,y 
into light 
secret talk 
holy rites &L 
pilgrimage ceremonies iyJl &L
prophethood % 
r -: 
prophetic d.2' 
prophet 8: & 
3 $+,S, the Illiterate Prophet 8 , 
filthy things &G 
the Two Paths +&2 
. >; become impure J1" 
purchase alluring & 
deceitful bargaining 
(1) private talk , * 0; 
secret consultation 
(2) confidential invocation 
0; salvation !P 
. , slaughter lk; 
slaughtering 5 
gift ii;; 
. . 
vow ;j; 
vow (n.) 3 
purchase allurer 
the Fire 
the fire of Hell 
the Great Fire 
disobedient wife 
trustworthy adviser 
the Benefit-Conferrer 
optional worship 
Salih's she-camel 
the Trumpet 
forbidder of evil 
the Great News 
no-check sale 
Zamzam Spring 
miqat :A&, 
assigned point 
ihram station 
(2) dead meat 
inheritance Z 
the Balance &l 
gambling 2
, B, inflict punishment .& 
51, repulse > ,.rr maintenance -.# .. 4AIu 
maintenance by >GY& 
:2*, d,,. provisional maintenance .MY 2.G 
0, exile from the land gj%~ p 2 
general call to war 3 
give short measure j&l& 
, * give short weight LI~I& 
P 0. nullification of !$$I+ 
political system ,.&+ i@ 
m~narchy &- ik, 
non-hairy shoes 5 0. * 
break the oath ;;.1s 
trafficking of drugs +JW! $ 
date-s yrup 9,s 
marriage iG, 
bigamous marriage P-J O" ' 'JG 
illegal wedding &6 k'JG 
temporary marriage *I i& 
break one's covenant ~$1 
violate one's oath &.LLi& 
%+ J4 
God's bounties A +, 
seen and unseen $&j~ AGi;i: 
God's favor 
Bliss w* . - 
puerperiurn 2% ,. 
breath into him of u,, ,j &, 2 
His spirit ., 
depart ? 
the On-Rush 
the Exodus 
the Rush 
the innerself 
the psyche 
a life for a life A&'> I 
self-reproaching soul kg1 '21 
Wl secure soul 
l*, +& 
profit or harm PJ 
the minimum 
sacrifice stones 
Christian ti's 8' 
text 4 i~$'d , Quranic text 
turn one into a Christian > 
a a:, 4 ' 
determinate share 214~ 
helper '& 
a. : 
veil the brightness of Bliss 
leather sheet 
drop of semen 
0 fi 
recital of the creed $5@ $ 
pronouncement of ,J&I &Z 
tossed animal fatally-gored animal 
P, , . 
body cleanliness 3a1 ZU;; 
social system &++ , jL , 
jk, moral system 
53J, .+ economic system , , 
spiritual system 2,; ti+, 
clear warner 
revealed in portions 
second descent 
blood relationship 
rate of zakat 
(1) act of worship 
(2) offering 
r, . 
on credit 2+ 
i. rs 
the Second Creation &?Yi 82dl 
propagation of Isiam t%?#l $ 
dissemination of Islam #a* 
fi s 
wifely disobedience $yi 59 
wifely rebellion 
wifely ill-conduct 
minimum quantity SU-minimum 
oral gift 
valid gift 
return gift 
corpus gift 
unreceived gift 
undivided gift 
contingent gift 
conditional gift 
received gift 
divided gift 
usufruct gift 
desert one's brother 
desert one's wife 
Abel && 
embrace Judaism ah 
become a Jew 
the Guider A! :day 
guiding and rightly $+& ?h 
Aaron djjh 
Haman dL;h 
the Abyss 
scattered dust 
scattered dust b+;~ 
(1) gift G? 
(2) gift-giving 
return-stipulated 991 43; 
gift with a /j!~, b2;14 & 
condition and a return 
gift with a return 294 &
sole legatee 
bearer $3 
the All-Pervading hi :&y 
the All-Encompassing 
the Ample-Giving 
.a tattooer +lj 
kind to his relatives (v>) &j 
preacher &I j 
the Event hy~ 
the Inevitable Event 
endower &,I j 
founder of an endowment 
mother 6 
iJl j 
parentage %,J, I~ 
the Governor 
administrator of an &dl Jlj 
'_ _ 
donor (n.) &5 
odd ;;;? 
compulsory (adj.) 9 
-1 j 
ebligation (n.) 
(1) obligations Ah! j 
(2) duties 
religious obligations &? Ak~j 
marital duties &jj Ah~j 
the Existing A :$&I 
the One SI :L~I 
One in His Works +?6;!& I; 
One in His Person 51; ;Ll j 
One in His ~ttributes,*, i&, j &lj 
daughters' burial &j~i!; 
conclude a truce plj 
the Sacred Valley >WI d. ry1 
heir j 
the Inheritor O;I :&)y 
absent heir 9~ LJ$J 
sole heir &$ Aly1 
$ i& 
gift 3431 ijF+ 
the crescent 
there is no god but ALL 
scandal-monger ercy kjj d*i 
intend Li5.G 
slanderer && 
pursed belt an offered animal 
inclination sacrificial animal 
Hud sacrificed animal 
turn one into a Jew 
judiciary body righteous guidance $,b 4-b
give as an endowmeilt 4 
endowment & 
religious endowment 
private endowment >G Sj 
.." + 2; quasi-public 
public endowment ?& 4 
standing on Arafat ad+ LJJ~ 
deputize 3; 
disposer J&j 
disposer of affairs 
patronage ;Y j 
guardianship ii9, 
marriage guardianship bj!jJ 
legitimacy by birth $Jj+U 
perpetual youths b,k ;,i, 
turn their backs jh<y $j 
wedding banquet GI,?J$ $, , 
marriage feast 
guardian 3 
will of the deceased &I &, 
delivery i.Y, :+j 
sitting position '' :&I &, 
iu ,, 
bowing position ~&l $j 
prostration position ?*I +, 
standing position ~JJ&jI 
give birth a; 
deliver one's burden && &j 
lesser ablution 
promise of marriage GljJk Sj 
the True Promise &I w 
by Your Power a,% , 
preaching & 
preach bj 
fulfillment of ihj 
keeping of ?+I4 ;hj 
fulfillment of a vow ;ljj 
vow fulfillment 
crime prevention j. @? ',,, & the Time Appointed 
brand +j 
dark suggestion >I$; 
whisper into his 04L 2 '&$j 
whisper evil to him a ,&+ j 
intermediary (n.) bj 
continuous fasting db, 
curatorship &LO, 
command man idyl I sj 
enjoin on man 
keep good relations i+ j &j 
with relatives 
lengthen one's hair b$ &j 
alternative will *44 $t ,j future will 
conditional will &,+ &, 
usufruct will 2~&1j 
', ,, $$ joyful faces 0-J 
Oneness in Works J&~h.I._ G j 
Oneness of Allah 8, hlGj .., 
Oneness in Divinity &$Y*l 
Oneness in Person ~j -I 
Oneness in +u&,,& , -, 
Divine Revelation 
Divine Inspiration 
implied inspiration 
manifest inspiration 
Inspired Revelation 
the Loving 
make him as a heir 6; 
burden jjj 
mediation &~j 
dark suggestions of $1 >,Lj 
the soul
Z I .Z, false oath i+J 
..- Z 9 
deliberate oath -0, S 
02p M' 
a Jew && 
Judaism $?$I 
Joseph 2 y~:& % 
the Last Day 291$1 
the Day of Sacrifice &%k% 
the Day of Resurrection akj; 
the Day of Satisfaction %i? k% 
L 'P PO, the Day of Mutual Loss jlLirll rt? 
and Gain 
the Day of Meeting >$JIG 
the Day of Mutual ,J?&!I& 
the Day of Assembly $1 t% 
the Day of Gathering 
the Day of Hudaibiyya &&.!l k% 
sacred day f~Fp, 
the Day of Account t% 
orphan girls 
the taking hand 
the giving hand 
the Simple Path 
the Path to Bliss 
perfect faith 
false oath 
guardianofthebride d,9~J,j 
certificated guardian $ J,, 
the Grantor AI :&$I 
the Great Giver 
c$b woe to J &j 
9 djk 
&,J 2~ 
' -0 , 2 y1:& 
the Guardian &I :$!I 
the Protector 
de facto guardian ,dilljl jib Jj 
intimate friend &?+ $j
the Day of Distinction #I ig 
the Day of Screening 
the Day of Judgment +$I $ 
the Doomsday 
the Promised Day ~~~l~jjl 
the Day of Slaughter $1 i, 
the Day of Sacrifice 
the Day of Departure $l iji 
the Day of the Onrush 
the Day of Warning 99 iji 
the Day of Standing g,, 
the Day of Arafa 
Jonah 2 yl $2 
the Day of Reckoning 
the Day of Distress !+I $ 
the Day of Gathering 
the Day of Resurrection ej$ll& 
the Day of Eternity ?& & 
the Day of Judgment $31 & 
0. 'a*, day of hunger &j+$ 
the Day of Doubt 6 
&I ,.. the Day of Gloominess , t% 
the Day of Ashoora' ~ljj% 6% 
the Tenth of Muharram 
the Day of Arafa &? 6 
the Day of Conquest $1 
the Day of Testing +lid$

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Islamic Dictionary: Over 40,000 Terms in English and Arabic

  • 1. A DICTIONARY OF ISLAMIC TERMS English - Arabic and Arabic - English Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Alkhuli
  • 2. INTRODUCTION I felt the need for a dictionary of Islamic terms while I was writing some English books on Islam to introduce the Islamic religion to non-Muslims. I also found that many Arab writers of such English books have the same feeling about the need for such a dictionary because ~slanlic terms are available in Arabic, to begin with. Therefore, I developed the intention to compile a bilingual Arabic-English dictionary and an English-Arabic dictionary on Islamic terms. The result of this intention has been this dictionary. This dictionary contains the terms related to the Holy Quran, the Sunna, worship, transactions, manners, penal laws, the permitted, the prohibited, marriage, divorce, waiting period, inheritance, jurisprude-nce, pillars of Islam, God's names, Prophets' names, names of the Quranic chapters, many terms that may come under the umbrella of "Islamic terms9', and terms needed in comparative religious studies. To facilitate using this dictionary, I would like to mention the following: 1. In Arabic entries, the verb appears in the past form. 2. In English entries, the verb appears in the infinitive form. 3. In Arabic entries, the definitive a1 is omitted whenever necessary. It only appears when it is an inseparable part of the noun. 4. Arabic words are almost completely vocalized in both dictionaries to make it easier for the reader and more accurate for the researcher. 5. In cases of English multiple synonyms of an Arabic entry or cases of Arabic multiple synonyms of an English entry, priority has been given to the most frequent and most suitable synonym.
  • 3. 6. No explanation of terms has been given in this dictionary on the assumption that the user must know what the term refers to and that the sole objective of this dictionary is,to give the synonym in the other language. 7. Minimal explanation of some terms has been given in cases of semantic ambiguity or semantic multiplicity. 8. If an entry has several synonymous words, these words appear unnumbered one under the other. 9. If an entry has several unsynonymous equivalents, they appear one under the other with a serial number before each. 10. If a word,of an Arabic origin appears in English orthography, it is written in italics. I do ask God, the Most High, the Most Able, to guide us to the aight way. Amen. Dr. Muhammad Ali Abdul Marim Alkhuli
  • 4. the posterity of Jacob +&: ji favors di gifts chiefs of unfaith $I by enjoiner of good dJ;;;14 >i - believe 21 - amen W. I gold vessels +AI h-,i J - silver vessels , , -, Signs of Allah &I &@ allegorical verses >&kG &bi verse of inheritance ~l$l &i the Greatest Sign &$JI &y > - verse of inheritance QJy! foster father YUJL37. ;~~ originate creation &, 74 create and restore id, q entrust S! be entrusted >;! sinful $i the sinful L9.3 I the Last ;I:k q the Hereafter ikq the End and the ,$YI, +YI Beginning - Adam fa I - Azar the Approaching Day - corruptible >' usurer L~$7I the family of Abraham @$! ji the family of Imran p> ji Pharaoh's people p*. ji the family of Lot bj ji Moses' family 2,ji Aaron's faniily p,+ ji
  • 5. decency F*! modesty monopoly jli2,- t, monopolize wet dream !$! have a wet dream ++ the One &I :&-$ the One and Only one of the two fixed &$! terms one of the best two 21~G I 4 bodily discharging &GI pass urine, stool, or wind consecration FG! on-pilgrimage state Confederates, the $lgyr the doing of good k.4-I good-will do good 0 6 +I the best of moulds & >i best guidance .s4p~i reward of the Hereafter i +$I , * great reward && $ unfailing reward d& +>D: Rdo~& great reward 3 $ generous reward &! $ disciplinary act >+ ;$I' judicial proceedings $,, 060,,o 2 the best in character jsl,, +&I marriage k&-~ be married ;p;i 5 criminality flj+ the appointed time the appointed term appointed term ,2*&1 appointed time fixed time consensus tL&; consensus of opinions consensus of the i$&ll LG! Companions consensus of jurists ~~1 LGL consensus of people ddl tG I become jun ub +I aE laborer priests ;L;! endowments s3-,:'i> +I make fruitless b-;i consummation of G~j+JI ma t.:.iage row completion &I i~ (iU 3) false accusation fL& retrospective effect gj 2i sin $i guilt wrongdoing great sin 9 $! manifest sin 2 $/ >, Twelvers q+ ~91 sinful d $1 wicked fulfill his invocation 6i.k; +k+i exercise of judgment :+I exercise of @I u, i+! judgment in legislation exercise of +dl> 5+! judgment in a juristic system exercise of y" 2 j+l , , judgment in particular cases grandparents reward reveal and conceal the righteous fulfilling oaths Abraham Abrahamic leper (n.) invalidate invalidate prayer I blees Lucifer Satan wayfarer the son of Mary son's daughter foster niece step-daughter gates of Paradise paternity the followers of the Supporters follow one's lusts beget a son fear Allah confidence in Allah
  • 6. blood relatives i~j! the Most Merciful of e$J , , *ji the Merciful jy old geriatric age feeblest old age the meanest ;$'st, jointly-owned land *LA'/'j l the Holy Land ha1 breast-feeding tuj! suckle (vt.) -j1 give suck the pillars of Islam ?%YI ig'i 3-z pillars of faith SLy 3q '5 articles of faith widow Lji below-waist cloth JI~I arrows ijj; the Apostle's consorts j&Jl iljji + SCL1 abuse of honor prisoners of war ?&I &L;! tales of the ancients >,;Y myths of the ancients old-world fables the Tribes b~;tl perform pilgrimage perform prayer perform umra claim allegation Idrees adopted sons mischief call to prayer prayer call first call first call to prayer call to prayer call to prayer Seats of Dignity the Divine Will free will want it crooked lords apostasy the riding of two i j revert from crime commission commit a crime night and day difference of -1.ih_ . , schools intermingle (vi.) GI defecation give undue measure $1 21 fall short in the ijgl * balance sincerity >Gj d sincerity in worship morals Sf moralities Islamic morals d O* good manners J ,d gracious manners j&f Brethren of Purity UI SI$~ brethren in faith ah 3 "# Pi brotherhood "I fraternity the good ones )&<I loan payment ;a1 ilii performance of prayer ;%.&I1 :I;! oath-taking &I1 :!if guard her chastity ~3 a grandchildren ;LA prove the Truth y13 ordinances of Islam f%1 Fw~ S tenets of Islam laws of inheritance F&f I -. the Wisest of Judges &&. I p f< (1) permit 'P (2) end consecration treat as lawful that ~$19 which is lawful grant life @ the living &YI foster-brother "~ti3 ~ consanguine brother 2 ti uterine brother $1 ‘y9 i foster-sister zu~2k ; full sister s oi consanguine sister +Y I 2 -1 uterine sister 0: <Y' y A, castration ;G. .I PI 0 intermingling of the 31b%l , * , , two sexes alternation of >@13 &I Lj& , <
  • 7. (1) submit himself to Allah &Lt (2) embrace Islam the Most Beautiful >I 41 ;I;;: Names of Allah Isma'il &'+ Isma'ilism b- GY I I transmitted chain &,+ ,& ~ ~LL i'; excellent example good example a ' captive x?' prisoner of war stipulate &$! insolent 2i evil-doers j12Yl the bad ones < associate partners with $& God join partrers with God call God to witness & *; the forbidden months k3l %$ ,.f r the makers of the A>.L~YI U&/ pit the Companions of .$$I qL&! the Wood v - seminal emission * using a toothbrush 3~1 , * clean one's private parts &I, wash one's nose +,, !0 .0 drawing lots ?%.! seek guidance of God &I ;+I jest + isl mock at draw lots +! exact full measure @I >I! Isaac 3G! take for a night journey + prisoners of war +a k>i the Night Journey ;>y I speak in private >i conceal z ,r conceal and reveal >I; >I C ' waste d> be extravagant the lowest of the low &lL &[ dropping the z,& LL! punishment intoxicate +i Islam iGY' enslave 3jL! ask for water %! invoking God for rain ;G, ,I be martyred w! deduction e+~ J2k4 ~ :k% , , for public good seek food of God %@! gift revocation igh 6+! revocation of a gift seek refuge with Allah A& ;GI, , , seek God's protection appeal for refuge ,, seek God's help -A & LG~ * be modest a! backbite 3Ll ,a/ ask for forgiveness +! seek forgiveness ask for a legal verdict '&! rectitude A& k&l , , &! face the Ka'ba @ face the Qibla be arrogant -$&! seek clothing of God & -1 discharge of semen , , perform ablution ?& perfectly P Q !J ,e asking permission J~ddb1.S ,.d , for entering present oneself to captivity >h, tyranny ~I., G, I ,. -0 0 empty-uterus inquiry heavy brocade cji! thick silk ask one to repent $GI, feel shame '+! (womb) bleeding between periods clean private parts with +! stones shaving the pelvic region ilG, l, shaving pubic hair a preference ei;li ,~"4i :, jGl , , approval (J&)I) ~GI , , * ask one to take an oath &! feel shy w invoking God for guidance ;jL&! inferrence e+~ J>Lb9 Y;: 1 ', L, revoke repudiation a1 @>!
  • 8. bestow sdi depart ,&[ pour water sol ,&[ the Onrush from adpi 2 bd> Arafat proceeding from Arafat prayer commencement jG! ransom Ad! ransom oneself i.2 Ad! ransoming ;I&! , , ransom invent a lie b,~ A.$ & 231 against God invent a falsehood against God presumption of a91 j9l& death forge it 61i1 isolated pilgrimage single ritual ?Q, >i propagate greetings propagation of LGI greetings (1) break the fast &; manumit &; seclusion A& , , seclusion at mosque confine oneself in a mosque& seclude oneself in a mosque perform umra *! embrace Islam $y~ *I non-Arabs &&I capital punishment i*' I& $ execution desertion (?jj 3 c3~'2, 1;t: genitals &-., d, ;=+I mountains isi publicity of marriage cljjl declaration of marriage reveal 3; Do right. $L. &I backbite +&! taking a bath j4~ take a bath after $&I! 3 *! spermat ism rape $&I, give wealth 2 ri c seduce Fire the Companions of @I +L&i reconciliation ~GI amend one's conduct g& $7 idols +; principles of Islam t%l&~d ascendants principles of &I &L! jurisprudence origins of law * i sacrifice ++I s the weakest of faith 3L431 &J 5 P r or medleys of dreams f&l &Lib1 mislead b7 lead astray cu,+ y&! feel at ease in sitting feel at ease in I&+ :*i&! prostration stages ;I$ transgress 2~1 moderation J& , , confession drj+ confess '29 1 holding fast to 4 $+$! hold fast to -! +&I Hell the Companions of 91&,ei the Garden the People of Paradise jJjG,i the Companions of the Rass the Companions of &I &d the Inscription the Companions of &I &Li.$i the Blazing Fire Quranic heirs 9~jkll jGl ("'4$'1 the Companions of &!I &G&; the Elephant the Companions of $31 &~i the City the Companions of 41&& i the Cave the Companions of G'U +Li.$i the Left Hand the Companions of = &k$i the Right Hand the Companions of the J&~~G&i
  • 9. slave woman abstinence from jc LGI , , food L ordain ji ordainment ;i Divine Imperative &j$i enjoining what is right dJ94 >i advocating good enjoining good actions enjoin the right +J>b $ barren woman 3. i$I, &,i ;T> indiscreet woman :,, 0 s (1) married woman ~!f! (2) chaste woman ;{>! divorced woman I , ,r * -4. thrice-divorced ,jw u $>, woman refrain from pi s ac;! I evil-doing abortion by beating +d$~ immovable .-@ 2 a$ properties the God of Mankind One God kinship Allah God deity Elias Elisha cause death grant death deaden prayer leader leader the awaited leader a guide and a mercy leadership prayer leadership trusts (1) honesty (2) trust lady slave she-slave female slave woman slave 2& movable properties foster-mother u~P ~& the biggest of the >@I 3 greatest sins more quarrelsome $J+ $ honoring the guest compulsion coercion the Most Bountiful the most honored of you $9 considering one as a $31 disbeliever the eating of locusts awl 9 bitter fruits $I devouring usury I $; eating out of necessity I$ born-blind &i veils kf To Him is the return. +id b J! To Him is the return. wl itJI -I atheism id! most quarrelsome ?CPiJl ,$ mandatory &j~ abusive language iGf , god ;iJ I deity (2) give up fasting Fie upon you! & 3; liar (n.) r~Gf slander &j $ obvious lie &$ &I invented falsehood 2s &jj male relations j,?; ~~ii in-laws GjJ&~$ i implement the penalty $&I $1 the second call ciakdr ) reduced call the Copts 8$91 acknowledgement of !$+& ;'$: , - paternity confession L$J& ;I$/ dual ritual ;$! pilgrimage- umra corn bination send greetings to +SJ i;j; kindred ' ;ij+l confess 3; uncircumcised person Af religious minority L~ g&i -*, give satisfaction >i
  • 10. sinners &ii$~! ~ the Lord of Forgiveness i,$ l- $i assuming ihram js! assume ihram ;Fi; 1 desires +I vain desires 1 commandments ~5' injunctions perform one rak'a jji perform one prayer unit reveal inspire will bequeath bequeath in favor of 1 &j! fulfill one's covenant +$& >$ fulfill His covenant & >j fulfill one's vow ,&q 2ji jji give just measure give just measure J&+I >j give just weight d1..,9 1k j! pregnant women JGYI LJ~! merge (vt.1 $j! merge night into ,@I 2 $!I &fj - cattle bestow Grace on ;a bestow upon &+f war spoils jk:f separation of &Uild , < a powers conducting marriage t G! the liars ,$ idolators $[ the Memebers of the 41 $7 Family People of the House 3 z the Lord of the $1 Righteous people of Par-adise 91 enemy at war +>I 3 gil $i the covenanted people under protection people of opinion &I hi wicked people 2d$i~ the People of the Book +E$! hi the People of the Scripture the People of the Two >@I ,$: Scriptures &Zi revenge , , retribution dissolution of marriage c~jiG>l ~ , , (3~,i 1+ L) expiry of idda dl *, *, the Gospel &+?I the Book of Jesus the Gospel of Luke tij &J the Gospel of Mark SPop. the Gospel of Matthew $ Sl the Gospel of John G- gl immorality >Si jGl - - equals ;,ii equals to God ;!&:i;°f make a vow jd righteous man sb :GI if God wills ;bL, expansion of the ,&I iI>t chest erected posts sdi the Supporters ;&yl the Helpers lead the prayer a%d' ii the Mother of Cities the Mother of the Book +E$JI {/ 0 4s the Mother of believers A,$?I foster-mother ~QJI Ff 85 say amen 21 discharge semen 2z1 emit semen the dead &$y! orphans' wealth &JI &,A maternity the Umayyads $j$I the Commander of the &,$I Faithful the Leader of the Faithful repent repentence $.$ remorse stories of the Unseen 41$f suicide , , dissemination of f%y ;GI , , Islam Supporter *JL:~ Helper disperse through 2j ,Y c l 2 bs! the land
  • 11. the Knower of the Hidden the Resurrecter 21 :&I the Despatcher of h :&$I &q Messengers the Forever Endurer 21 :&I enduring good &W,al &Uql -, deeds pass urine JU major (n., adj.) & full-grown (adj.) 0. be divorced ciG give the pledge of allegiance Ci; give the oath of allegiance give the pledge of & @q allegiance for honey wine r( 0 e honey drink slit-ear she-camel r( miserliness 5;: severe poverty SL~ under compulsion o$y& marriage k& the gate of ?*vl $I; interpretation the door of the exercise of judgment the Originator 21 :$?p 8 the Evolver 21 :&Jl the Inventor the Soul-Creator the Maker God bless you. u, hl Aj J~F the Generous Provider &I :kg fondle her &?,J~jF ! falsehood (n.) $1, :JbLJ void (adj.) &i; :jb~ wrongfully $& $6 the Immanent $1 :;bqI >a -.$I belief in the Unknown 44&I faith in the Unseen belief in angels &$L . ikl I brief expression of faiths 5L&! detailed expression of jkb: LL&! faith sheltering criminals >+I days of tashreeq s. , 2i1fJ Days of Ignorance GWI fixed number of days &l5,.k appointed days A,,& +$ , 5t Days of Mina ci;! ek (1) matron $ (2) ex-married woman >E Job 4' day of physical needs ljjy j,; blood-relatives f! GOJ~ I j,! men of understanding +&I jJ! possessors of j,! determination b protectors s'i?j tender-hearted ;I$ the First J$I former peoples #t I paying zakat ;@I :y offer EIj> 2 :&hi vow of continence oath of desertion faith 5L&! belief in God $+ 541
  • 12. urination Jji speech LLj style elegance the House a,:a the Sacred House ~I~aJI the Ancient House @I .I the treasury 3Ul & the Muslims' treasury Jerusalem &*&I white without stain S& 2 > iGdj s. stainlessly white helmet churches *, e: sale * 0, P trade choice sale ?w g # 0, sale of pre-mature i>dl e vegetables auction sale ~&$,Jl $ touch sale +%4! e' imaginary sale 5 0, *o, $,el @ pledge of allegiance * between the navel &?Jlj )>I and the knees J& after Hijra !&!I ,q A.H. without measure yk , * Bakka & virgin (n.) 5 trial ;$ obvious trial :$ g g, the Clear Message hl @JI the Clear Proclamation reach full age ia; -$ come of age &J1-$ proclaim the Message 3~3&1i puberty ex marriage ;& two-year she-camel dg' G cooperative bank &jw the children of Israel &I> $ the children of Adam fay $ Adam's children blessing 2> grace headcloak * to> * > 0, cemented structure dpy &! falsehood i%; slander false accusation a great lie + 2%; JJr! L.0 > unripe dates p--! enlarge provision !&JI& glad tidings ijk good news glad tidings good news bringer of glad tidings 3 glad-tidings bearer the All-Seeing AI :+ -, courtiers of the ruler rLYl :'& exult 3 the Mighty Onslaught A$ ul > , Op voidness of the contract dl5% expiration of ablution ~$31 9%d resurrect (vt.) G G raise up * resurrection after G G death * I mission of (+) e 6 Muhammad (PBUM) post -nup~ial 49~-1& miser (n.) jZ; originate creation $&, f-& beginning of creation $1 i& origination of creation change their evil yG &,& j& into good a Badr warrior $4 innovation k& innovated practice invented heresy sacrificed camel 24 Al-Buraq ;$I cool and safe b)Ll Ti> the Benign &I $1 the Beneficent righteousness 21 dutifulness to parents 5, acquit (vt .) $ invoke God to bless him @ A: the intervening stage : &I 1 A!, &z barrier tj2 blessings SLi-2 the blessings of Allah &I
  • 13. a be blessed Glory to Allah hate one another celibacy a dazzling display wanton display of beauty extravagance Proclamation of th symbolic interpetation Message become a widow adopt adoption urination alcohol trade discrediting (6~ espionage SPY on mutual jealousy the Successors of the envy one another under coercion - -9, A+? dG The onus of proof Clear Sign (&I, kj just evidence &~t& seller and buyer Clear Signs A!?$u ! clear evidence (~U$1 iIs $ proof
  • 14. teachings fe!G the teachings of Islam @, LrYI l I;-J,G Quranic teachings d~$l q-G ' hastening ? L~I d J+3& fast-breaking polyandry >3, Glj;rYl 3u polytheism g,q5 ~: polygamy cs*jjl >3' 3u attestation (G,~I ,! ~~I~ &.$ declaration of eligibility discretionary punishment j$ fanaticism 3 a: , modesty cbririi suspension of divorce &&ll@' seek refuge with Allah A& i$' seeking refuge with Allah & taking refuge with Allah compensation *A$ C exile - $ banishment fury make room make room in the &I 2 +' assemblies invocation of the name of Allah straightening rows d&l legislation &$ Divine legislation legislative bearing witness tashahh ud the first tashahhud alms-giving assent of the heart humility entreat Allah implementation of Islam judicial divorce purification prolonging prayer put scent on oneself use perfume perfuming the Ka'ba ,, . - see evil omen in things ;ii. oppress one another !+'& Exalted be Allah 51 >k - Ramadan optional night prayer Islamic education &,.& -, &> 2,s. :, Q, miseducation G+ +j arrangement of J$~ &$ chapters slow recitation of the 4i$l &-$, Quran 5, purify oneself $3 remarry her ~,,+6j4 ' forgery >,j glorification of Allah $ $' screen oneself from 2 9' people registration of El$ j+& marriage *' take the pre-dawn meal concubinage .w' s> prayer-end (iU$) greeting tasleem gift delivcry q=d' w' mentioning the Name of Allah under compulsion a 2 ,; veiling W birth-control yA+ ' freeing a slave $j 23' ransom of a slave freeing of a slave arbitration e' legalization @ making lawful praising Allah && palatalization u' -, turning &+YI $1 s~iJ~&+' one's cloak inside out 4, I greeting i& 2;$~ blessed greeting the two (i~i~i+3 ) 3 w1 salutations ./&, '..& alleviation of punishment mutual estrangement ;Ji desert one another I,>! Ji religiosity ;t& Godliness tara weeh prayer e~!?
  • 15. The Book of Moses the Law wealth distribution !;$I &j> ZP , perform ablution L.29 trust 2; trust in Allah A,,& $$: turn back 2; commissioning of a c~2: j~ guardian the Oft-Returning .&I :+$I .' 3,- sand ablution F-purification with sand purification with earth r 8,- using the right hand jQ?; right-handedness starting form the right side , C ,' start from the right side j.r; t-. , f -9 smuggling of 9 0. ~lJ--~* l drugs saying there is no god but &- Allah humility modesty GG repentance :,o; eu .' 9 : :,o: sincere repentance c.eY monotheism +> Unity of Following c<~l &> , < Unity of aa13s G9&~ > God's Names and Attributes monotheism ,!I &> f Unity of Worship 9 &$, - YI &$ -5 PC Unity of Lordship %3Jl +> the Tawrat i59 the Pentateuch nicknaming +d$& ;G rnickname one +$$& another talk secretly consult privately hold secret counsel p:L jb. 8' ,u ' for iriiquity bargain deceitfully ,++.k pretend to bargain bargain to inflate prices inflate prices one to another soul transmigration c!$Y! @ sinlessness & ;3 Revelation $2 the Revealed Message &2 the Sent-Down Message upbringing w wearing shoes L@ enforcement j& 4, , >, execution of the will L,-,J LIj b executive J.. u' r- 0, S,' remove the face hair optional night prayer w 4 0- proceeding at noon Jy+ 0 I interpretation of the ji$l> Quran bankruptcy , , debt demanding &A& 0, measure >=!+ silent approval (J>J~2 9 imitation e~Jl> Jb :& -._& 0, nail clipping ]I.~$I &@ piety righteousness right conduct fabricate it i! 2 %Y, Islamic calendar yt , 2 0, correctional ~b:e!-@ J righteous 2 >: , , piling up wealth 39% i& obligations &a -I saying Allah is greater 2 D I ecclecticism 2;::&~- dispute about kjG umra-pilgrimage separate $ performance enjoyment mutilation pb@-.
  • 16. the Hereafter reward !2?4 9 this-life reward l$Jl3$ (I) matron (n.) ,. < - ex-married woman (2) married woman married adulteress &I~I reprisal Trinity the second of two self-conceited Islamic culture the Thamud the Thamud people
  • 17. sorcery magic cloak Gabriel Jibreel pre-deter minism the Hill of Mercy the Mount of Arafat the Mount of Arafa hole of a mastigure the Blazing Fire the Hell-Fire wrangling dispute true grandfather false grandfather four-year she-camel scattered locusts inculpate permissible jik answer the call of 6;~ nature dispute about Allah ,&I 2 J jk * slave-girl L.jk Goliath a& the Gatherer A1 :&@I collector of zakat !$jl &k jinn :k strive for Allah's sake &k fight in the path of Allah strive strive with one's wealth 4,L. &k D strive with one's person + &k 1 the ignorant &@I Pre-~slamicIg norance %@I obstinate transgressor /b :;G the Irresistible & :Jw the Supreme Power
  • 18. holy fighting the little holy war &$I ivI the great holy war $91 iwl strife in His cause hl JS; 2 5k , <, strife against self i,+ saying aloud $ Hell P+- ships i54wl short rich expressions @I k'i; violent 4% J 0, neck and bosom e Paradise the Eternal Garden &J, the Gaden of the Abode A~UI & the Garden of Bliss &jl & partiality J & hosts of Satan $s forces of the gj?lj +lj01ig heavens and the earth recruited troops -5, , J ,, i* 3w insanity & holy war ;iv pebbles 2,112 the Near Jarnra y$~, iYl the Smallest Jamra L& iY Alaqaba Jamra @I i++ the Middle Jamra &>I ;+I collection of traditions&+,. G,,J l &G collection of zakat ~J&I combillation of prayers )%dl &+ collection of the Quran ji$l &5 post-discharge state && ceremonial impurity post-sexual-intercourse state blame tli$ funeral procession iF+ J ,. Jf ceremonially impure +-? incline towards peace &, fl; J jinns Gardens 5~ Gardens of Eternity 3.G &l$ Gardens of Paradise &jjSi LC$ Gardens of Delight LG Gardens of Bliss . . ~ItltlS &- crime of theft 91&> murder $dl i&> - f part p;l;ll c.) ig reward (vt.) 23 J ,.. recompense E> reward the reward for good +GYl complete reward >;VI ;YI ,. J, camel JJ> fretful ~JS J poli-tax ii> head-tax tribute wages veil over-garment .flogging scourging flog lash lash stripe the Majestic :& sexual intercourse Lk-
  • 19. the Sure Reality Gal woman shaving her own hair 3G stallion-camel tG thankful grateful pregnant charitableness ~3 +J benevolence love of virtues love for Allah's sake learned man become fruitless jugular vein veil cupping pilgrimage the lesser pilgrimage umra the great pilgrimage in menses *;cu'G menstruating woman '&MI chamberlain &G pilgrim male pilgrim female pilgrim %G resist iG mourning lady iiG stony tornado &G get her menses &G custodian kU protector QG the Protector &, :&MI observer of Allah's ?)* QG limits men guarding their 1;kt)3 L&M1 chastity overtake (vt.) 4 & encircle (vt.)
  • 20. retribution (i2% 3) +L easy reckoning %$k Sufficient is Allah for me.21 > - < Allah suffices me. P P good morality *I?& good companionship 9 '0 ' pleasant place of return +G kind treatment g2~g1 neighborliness Jwl AG ' 0 ,4 good deed the One Who takes . .._ I account gathering decency +* shares of inheritance &,! +I,! ' ' pebbles & custody 2~ at home and on 74 I journey the Destroying Fire I the fold of Islam &Y 1 i++ d ' the realm of Islam , be mindful of Allah h1 b guard one's modesty t21& . 0, GY-unlawful illegal forbidden tilth a:e j the tilth of the .. * - ' OAY &t Hereafter I - free a slave gi i> pervert (vt.) a;; distort (vt.) prohibit k forbid I prohibit what is ?+I @> I prohibited / sanctuary i;; secure sanctuary j,i F, Madeena Sanctuary kyl Makkan Sanctuary Allah's sacred rites a JG sanctity LY I freedom of faith ,@YI $ sub-part pT,i.~~) 42 the party of Allah &I &> Satan's party a@ &k @ + grieve over them fixed penalties limits of judgment ,*y ij& Allah's boundaries & i,U limits set by Allah isolated tradition r~&ii+ fair tradition ?+ &-.+ sound tradition &+ &+ strong tradition 23 &+ * ,* unfamiliar tradition +-L,-i.+. non-defective J& 3 &-+ tradition continuously- &I ,J+Z $.+ narrated tradition I,' continuous tradition j:b &* + rejected tradition '0, :: ;,a9 a*+ re, * traceable tradition iyr. be+ *'O. * well-known tradition >*' b-+ suspended tradition $& $.+ acceptable tradition J*':, )a: - + r :, * untraceable tradition dyy be+ 8 ,' prophetic tradition +$ L-g highway robbery 4 Z', * , , sacred J~ :fly prohibited J* Q :fy making pilgrimage to the LJI $ House enjoyment pilgrimage $1 & combined pilgrimage 312I & * ,e, 8 , accepted pilgrimage JJY cupper fl+ plea k pilgrimage k Farewell Pilgrimage f)5+l k interdiction ;4, property freezing the Rocky Tract ;;L.? Ismael's precinct &L;;! > the Black Stone $A+ mourning 51.b juvenile (n.) LJL..J ~~2 :&& i+ small action c+$, big action $il &&J prescribed punishment .5 mourn for 3 Ai narrate prescribed punishments 5,s ordained punishments
  • 21. eyes bashfulness shyness anodesty social life $L++! 6y family life !>$i$ life after death ajdi ,& idy this life $$I dwi the present life menses menstruation tricks in marriage Gj2$ )~+ the Everliving A, :$ the Living sQ, ;J,& 3 Come lo prayer! , Come to prosperity! L&d~ & 2 praise *yo, Praise be to Allah & .~JI pregnancy conception the All-Praise-Worthy 31 : ipJI -, tile Praise-WJorthy boiling water & dissolve an oath &L! G palatalize & true believer .. Lk;; I, truly pious true in faith , * la ul Cki I JJ& legal ailswabIe lawful and goad +& .'. f$p swear by Allah b& & swear falsely big A& SITl'ear to 4s taking aaa oath e3m1 & taking sf an oath lawful i? ready with oaths k=%k age of puberty $ chnency Gk the Most Forbearing :&&dl r he Forbearing the Oft-Forbearing forbearing && true in faith to AlIah 6+ the Disciples $4 +I I entrails r~ilj$& ~ sin 4k maidens with big lustr~us 2 ;$ 9& *&& hidden ornaments , b, sanctuary Le+= protection of life GL+ pro~ec~ioofn religion Gb;- protection of intellect &I &b s, protrciion of property &I +k proLectioi~o f'offspring &At &k& grandson grand-daughter the Protector IIle AII-%Jatchirtg the truth the True Allah's right right of ownership pre-emption sight guest's right ,: divorce right deu, & manifest truth recognized right t$ , ,, maintenance right & right of guardianship $d$!& the Assured Truth & J L thee-year she-camel 22,- rights 2s Gj;i$ conjugal rights xq *r rights of inheritance &(-,> &k4I& + arbiter [~erdist p the All-Wise &I :F, <&A [ Ihe Wise
  • 22. betray ik be treacherous utterly ruined < 3& abominations &.g foul things bad things evil + the impure at .* impure women & .P* impure men b&+ the Aware AI :&, '. I. the Perfectly-Acquainted the Well-Acquainted seal of prophecy ipl 6~ finality of prophethood J circumcision male and female organs bGkL-1 , <, circumcise l+ deceit && 1 the treacherous i>,&I I the Seal of -&,I & ~ Messengers the Seal of Prophethood 191$ Li the Seal of Prophets 31 the Last Prophet losers i 3>k humble men LAe1 suitor pi>) &G , , fear Allah &I ~6 fear for him & db the Abaser A, : P,' women with j$, restrained eyes maternal uncle 2Li 56 maternal aunt .4I ' great-aunt +$I )i <j~ '&$ the Eternal L, the Creator y, :>dl
  • 23. - veil P wine * O: 2+ the one-fifth '+I take out the one-fifth 3 intoxicants 9 I( >F alcoholic drinks last actions JW$~+$ $' the Kharijites &I$-! the Seceders the Dissenters women staying behind dl& fear and hope +> option of puberty ~B;k I choice of stipulation +9jL1-+ , - good J? the best of creatures L$~I > the Best to decide AI :&+%Jl> so * the Best of the AI :&$I 9 Merciful the Best of AI :sjg. t 2 " Providers the Best Provider the Best Sustainer the Best of planners.& :;?(kllJ2 & - I cheating ,& libertinism Caliphate 3e - % redemption @ redemption &4 a g the Orthodox +hlgl ;ul Caliphs inheritors on the g$~j earth create & creation $ create in pairs gjj & exalted standard of &J+ &k character evil companions 4'85 the Supreme Creator : ;%-I the Master-Creator seclusion is valid retirement & Caliph ,& Allah's qj~lS~-. vicegerent on earth 2 k& vicegerent on earth 2 -, veil ;G (.Lhh'l>) p& contestant 40' privacy -$+ opponents (&d) !+i 4 9' ' open disputer we open adversary hair dye $I+ o,*, oversoften one's j$& &&+ speech mistake t~ (I) engagement k& (2) marriage proposal betrothal * Wl Friday sermon Friday speech Festival speech . , marriage speech 'z ask her hand G misdeed sin fault .bGpbi lower one's wing .& leather stockings inheritors on the /;YI 2 earth let down land-tax land-yield tax go to answer the call of J& ,. , L& nature r g - bow in prostration *lj+ falsehood-monger I - shame (vt.) CS~ 9 ' treasures of 2f~+lj,U $l$ the heavens and the earth 9' Allah's treasures dl $19 5, 9, . the Keepers of Hell ,,+ 2 + disgrace 49 ignomity the evident loss -. JI9l propped-up pieces of iG timber su humbled eyes humble himself + submissiveness te fear Allah 2' 2 a. apprehension fear
  • 24. David aj13 the Deceiver j~;l! Pseudo Messiah consummation cj > - >:j $i leather shield $5 corrupt (vt.1 25 invoke b5 invoke Allah &I b5 invocation gbi supplication the opening &Y l ;bi invocation prostitution ij~5 repulse the orphan 41p invocations &yj call to Islam ?$Lii~ 5 &- i+;l~ secret call g Lj the curse of the i9j oppressed debtor 213 creditor moving creature $15 the Last Home ~>UI ;I&I the abode of Islam ;b Home of Perdition JIA ;I j the abode of war +All ;a the Home of Peace ?%.,!I j~j the Abode of Peace the Home of Martyrs cliki;ll jli the abode of treaty &I jli judicial department cLd1 ;I5 the Home of the *I j Righteous the Home of Settlement the Abode of Bliss &I ;I5 suppliant ~~5 the Caller &IJI zakat payer igjj12b GG the black thread I I the Best Planner conceit & the white thread #&51&. I
  • 25. name over il a reminder to the 3c.- lh mindful !! 2. covenant &3 5 <~ covenanted subject d? protected non-Muslim protected subject feIlow-subject 2 sin -" :: the man of stakes A$? & the Lord of Retribution rGl Ji 9 the Lord of Glory t$~J<J&J ' 2i and Hor-ror the Lord of Majesty and Bounty Thul-Hijja a man of means ZL, b a just person J& ji J the Lard of the Throne >yl religious woman a3~& I; heart secrets 4j.LJ‘~51 ; secrets of hearts defected animal Jy &I; wii~ds &li2i9 , , consummate his G ilj marriage with her -- blood-money / call and guidance cornpensat ion deb( I( 0 , $3 all-inclusive religion &.+ tl~eR eligion of Tru t I1 &id Ai+ universal religion c, +; world religion the religion of nature {;Ln] ,&? the Right-Straight $38 &+ Religion Religion is sincerity. &dl >a siaughter , ,. i( 3' slaughtering .$ momentous sacrifice &!+ $ il I slaughtered animal hi :'L<! progeny +>a line offspring (I) remembrance $ (2) celebrating Allah's praises (3) the Reminding &I $4 remembrance of Allah , pronounce Allah's 4 +!Ti self-defence burial of the dead crush evidence this world secularism crawling creatures permanence of marriage Islamic slate silk cloth
  • 26. the Exalter the Exalter of Ranks bower the bowing mortgager narrator transmitter accurate narrator subnarrator the Affectionate the Most Kind the All-Kind dream Abraham's dream Abraham's vision good dream usury spiritual bond lord capital JUI >!j capital sum capitalism $,L;$j, take her back i!3&1, j (YWI k) the Quaker the First Blowing mount (n.) &~j deterrent (adj.,n.) b5 the Repeated Quake &IJI the Second Blowing the Sustainer A, :ijg1 , the Provider the well-grounded &I 2 in knowledge I , mature $5 1 well-pleased and b>$ 5 well-pleasing guardian e'; Thun-Noon double-faced veiled women blood relatives uterine relatives Quranic heirs near relatives kinsfolk kin , the Lord of the Glorious Throne kindred '&h I; Thul-Qarnain .&dl ,I the Lord of Power !$l ji Thul-Ki fl &l ,I Isaiah ' a man prohibited p? to marry her - P beast with tangs uL' 3;
  • 27. the Guider (I) fosterage bb; fostersl~ip foster relationship (2) breast feeding suckling the Prophet's suckling 31 -, bL&j L good pleasure 0 GJ il remarriage gift i$i May Allah be pleased G$0, 3a: 1 h'9. ' d with him. M.A.B.P.W.H. 9, P woman's discharge G-$b +Js cl~arge &j broken d~st 22 Gj (1) sexual intercourse sj (2) obscenity green cusl~ions 9 &ji the highest cornpanion 25iitl ~$21 6, slave Qj the Watcher ;,I :&&!I ready sentinel 6 -, &$ +,J Quranic recitation over a 3; patient . .- 2~ greeting return return of greeting apostasy ,'$) i*.i 4 vice iL+j I the Bestower of GI :&jJ Srrstenlance / the Give? of Sustenance / the ALL-Provider :;:ie sustenance sustenance ij2 provision honorable provision F.$. sj4 generous sustenance Allah's Message &I 2~~ Qu 5% universal message * I, messenger &=!! apostle " 3 messenger. of Allah ~$4 apostle of Allah messenger ship $$j bribe (vt.) UJ bribery @4 @, the One Who directs $, JJ +J elre Return earthquake ti:? Quake the Heavens and the Earth 1yivi;ched man st cjning stone (vt.) sicne !o death c !5,*0 stoningiodeath +&~u;~~TJ the Lord of the Worlds revocatisrr of diirsrce takir~gb ack one's g Supreme Throne accursed kith and kin 130norable Throne be merciful to the Lord of Dawn Allah's mercy i+ilak's grace all-embracil~gm erc East and the West 0 0, 6, the Most Gracious the Lord of the Two +'$I + -o J , < I!le Most Cornpassiorlate MJests (he Beneficent the Lord of Mankind 4j 1 Mast Merciful (Let1 Rabbis b> - ( l ) garment quarter (d~+P~)~ ( d y 03 (2) above-waist cIoth slep-daughter # ;+j l'slurm greetings fUi~J abomination L-+,
  • 28. camel zakat $y 2.j , - cow zakat gJiIli ; sheep zakat +, a=; fast-breaking zakat &Ii$ j Zakariyya <$j Zacharias pay zakat 2-j purify sanctify > - the Earthquake of the djj Hour the Coinvulsion of the Hour commit adultery , , 2; commit fornication commit lewdness fornication I J.J. adultery illicit sexual intercourse lewdness the sight swerved 21& adulterous (adj.) &5 adulterer (n.) adulteress qj angels of punishment &&JI the Sacred Books ;$I the Psalms ;&J I the Book of David C Compelling Cry i>j Cry J * a sirigle cry i+lJ i>j be removed from the JO1 ,++; Fire 4,>*, ! ,, spread-out carpets Gi&- - j saffron a'@j zakat obligatory charity regular charity legal alms priests monasticism awe fear fear and hope nor tgage mortgaging mortgage narrate transmit narration transmission the Spirit the Spirit of Allah the Honest Spirit the Holy Spirit afternoon endeavor furious wind devastating wind sweet-smelling plant .G-- J ? buried treasure .~' g? bow & bow down prayer unit 2j rak 'a . L prop.of Islam (:%>I 3) yj essential ceremony the Syrian Corner &&I $$ the Yemenite Corner >a- ct the Two Yemenite 3BL$ $L?jl Corners bowing down t$J accuse one's wife &jj >j Ramadan a&j 9 2, throwing pebbles 6fJ throwing pebbles ?kJ$'j 9, rotten @J 9 mortgage ~GJ anchorites monks
  • 29. abuser (n.) 4& index finger krl~~ , - glorify Allah A f+ celebrate Allah's praises Glory be to Allah ! $1 L% Glory to God ! Glory be to my 2~1Gj LG Lord the Most High! Glory be to my ,&dl Gj &L Lord the Great ! Glory to Thee! seven earths ,z , 2, L.&$ y seven heavens +ljL & seven firmaments the Oft-Repeated : +dl $1 Seven Verses - IJ I Seveners b-,. il a, captives s the Path of Allah &I j+ loose she-camel GL (1) beggar j;L (2) petitioner the foremost in faith &&.JI prostrate (adj.) &L prostrating prostrater (n.) the prostrating iJ&Ur sorcerer >L well-versed sorcerer &c >L evident sorcerer $ >L hasten to good dl''! J L& deeds he-thief $L she-thief 24~ !&u, the Hour neglectful of prayer iWC fC !L , Saba' & occasion of revelation JJ$ A lawful marriage 23 jj lawful wedlock valid marriage &+ ljj irregular marriage L6 i$ child marriage dl 1,: pp EJJ civil marriage 2.G tljj sun decline 31j;ll I> missing husband i+ ia the two spouses ,j LL jj I marry her to J +jj ,-, forge JJ~ prohibited marriages 9:,5, , S k-j ~, Allah's beautiful gifts 41G -4. the allurement of I.$JI tL+JI kj the present life the glitter of the present life fornicate (vt.) ' .: < &J adultery of body parts c~l&l sj , , adultery of the eye &I >j adultery of the tongue 2; atheist A+j asceticism Gj renounce (vt.) 4 "1 marriage of equals $2~tlj1j void marriage 46 fls marriage by proxy g3k iljj by-proxy marriage marriage by jJk $jj I, compulsion inter-religious ,j~i~lt>l jj marriage inter-sect marriage &1$ $ tjj
  • 30. advance payment quails good conduct Solomon lenience heavens listening and obedience the All-Hearing the Hearing the Hearer of Invocation transmitted chain fine silk age of puberty tooth for taoth age of maturity age of puberty marriageable age age of marriage minority age of marriage the Sunnah Allah's way - lewdness $& fornication blood shedding & unlawful killing & folly L Noah's ark c$ & mentally deficient QL fool imbecile providing pilgrims @I i&, with water Hell-Fire P; the Scorching Fire drunkenness & stupor of death 99 :& drunkard (n.) & residence & 2&-& tranquility -, the Author of Peace :to the Source of Peace Salsabeel @ slki; ruler manifest authority -. judicial authority hu 1. I, il lote tree i> j& the Lote Tree of the ij& farthesr limit the Lote Tree of the utmost boundary lamp t!i. 2, affluence s. lp 5, in secret I> privately 5, privately and publicly I> secretly and openly G,$~ T> release her k> 9, * 0, 9*P encrusted thrones z+y Jy theft %2 intention i>> swift in account ++I &, swift in taking account !', the Path of Right &-. the two natural orifices a-I , -. Ka'ba curtain *I > baked clay )& prostrate oneself a prostration confinement imprisonment prostration 5s prostration of $1 5,- ( I ) army unit 62 (2) concubine armed robbery && L strive for - LL :> hastening (-, i 3)3 1 the Blazing Fire the Kindling Fire forgetfulness withdrawal of $bj & guardianship forbidden things the last night-hours ;;.;I sorcery witchcraft obvious sorcery 2;;- evident magic g > I pre-dawn meal JF late-night meal I i I beaded necklace L. LL, I mock at >* * 9 0 [hornless lote-trees ;+ J+
  • 31. Chapter of the Romans cJjij$ I Chapter of Thunder +Jl ij& Chapter of Gold d ij-+ ,.d Adornments Chapter of the &.,,$ IO:j F J Convulsion Chapter of the Crowds j$ij$ C I Chapter of Saba' ',& ij$ Chapter of Adoration (-1 ij$ Chapter of Poets s,+, ij$ Chapter of the Sun >I ij$ > I Chapter of &$I iJ$ consultation I Chapter of Sad - ., I k@ OJY Prohibition P -P # Chapter of Mutual i; Loss and Gain Chapter of Piling Up ', ' ijj, Chapter of the >- &- I ijj, Folding Up Chapter of Repentance %$I ijj, Chapter of Bowing ij& the Knee Chapter of Friday ml ij+ Chapter of Jinns 915; Chapter of Sure Reality $MI ij& Chapter of Pilgrimage $1 ij& Chapter of the Rocky jYJl iJ$ Chapter of the dda~ij; I Tract Ranged Ranks 1 Chapter of the +I+ ijj.L Chapter of the Battle dlijj I Inner Apartments Prrray Chapter of the L& ij& Glorious Morning Light Chapter of the Night dJ& ij& Visitant Chapter of Divorce iJ& Chapter of Iron +.&I ;jj.L Chapter of the ij+ Gathering Chapter of Smoke 5; Chapter of Winds d&)ld:l) > 'I Chapter of the Most )J1 8)~ Chapter of Ta-Ha cb i~j, 1 ~raciou5 Journey Chapter of the dg9 'O!,F I Heights Chapter of the Most ij+ High %a Chapter of "Read" Ij! ij+ Of P Chapter of Prophets PGYI ii Jy '0 9 Chapter of Man bLYI iJy 5 P Chapter of $+Yl gJY Expansion 9 Chapter of Rending j&Y. I iJy , Asunder Of #, 9 Chapter of the Cattle rkY gJy ' ,of >* 9 Chapter of the JGYI iJy Spoils of War #- # Chapter of the JU-z,I ~g Jy Cleaving Asunder Chapter of Zodiacal Ej> ij$ Signs Chapter of the Heifer $9kj$1 Chapter of the City 41k+ Chapter of the Clear il]l ij$ Evidence #, P Chapter of by , , the Orthodox Muslims Sal the Sunnites sleeplessness & forgetfulness % terrible reckoning ++I ;$ terrible Home' , J!d ;. misconduct A$ ijL misbehavior ill-treatment ;$ even path J+JI ;I+ path of rectitude mosque pillars 41 d2$ Suwa' & Arak toothbrush a& - ' chapter (312;P) 1i j+ -, ' * Chapter of the a> ji iJy Family of Imran ,., 3. J Chapter of Abraham e3c ~y :, ' Chapter of the +FYI o~y Confederates 4,ht, $4 Chapter of the Winding Sand-Tracts Chapter of Purity ij$ > Chapter of the Night :l>y ijh
  • 32. y - *$, .., 3 + , J -3 a~>* ~JY OJY Chapter of Help asij; ! Chapter of Ants p,ij; Chapter of Noah f :, , LY OJY' Chapter of Light ?> ij; Chapter of the j*l ijj, Scandal-Monger Chapter of Hud 2$ ij; Chapter sf the @J ij; Inevitable 3 - - .. - Wrapped Up Chapter of the Day of I + Madeena chapter >: ,, ~:* J*P J Clamor Chapter of Those +%>! ij* Chapter of the Night of ~a ij; Sent Forth Power Chapter of Mary , -0, -, , e.4 OJ* 0,: :, , Chapter of Quraish 34 OJY' Chapter of the One $2 ij* Chapter of the Folded ir, Garments Narration Chapter of Flame *-61 iJ-,P Chapter of the Pen @I ij$ Chapter of the Ways LJUij+ Chapter of the Moon 91 ij$ Chapter of the Mount ?&iIj h Chapter of the +@iH ijj.L Chargers , Chapter of "He 'A 5jj.L Frowned" Chapter of Ages ij+ Chapter of the a*! ij; Spider Chapter of the +d, ij+ , , Overwhelming Event Chapter of the Forgiver ji ijh Chapter of the ad ij+ , , Opening Examined Woman Chapter of Alkawthar 391 ij~ chapter of the >6 ij+ Originator Chapter of Victory $1 ij$ Chapter of Dawn 41 ij+ ,, , , Chapter of the +ty ijy Criterion Chapter of "Detailed" ij& Chapter of the Break of ij$ Day Chapter of the Elephant &?I ij$ - I Chapter of the One i~ijh Chapter of Qaf J ijh Chapter of Ya-Sin PI ij+ Chapter of Joseph 3 ,:, , oJy f 1 -, 3 Chapter of Jonah J complete straighten (ihh 3) & 2; the row sovereignty of law 4 J~bjkI march to Mina J! 3' evil deeds AG 4, evil deed ;."-., misdeed bad deed iniquity of Ascent Chapter of Resurrection g@i ij$ Makkan chapter &5 ij& Chapter of Chapter of Dominion &.I! ij& Disbelievers Chapter of the -, ij4 Chapter of the Cave 41 ij$ 'J Chapter of the ~.,, Uijy I Chapter of Luqman dd' ij+ Hypocrites Chapter of the Night J$ ij& Chapter of Those +~jidj$~ Chapter of the Table jjjkl, ij+ Who Tear Out Chapter of Neighborly dgkll ij+ Chapter of Mankind Needs Chapter of the News Chapter of Believers ;%,$I ij; Chapter of the Star 6$ Chapter of the , , , Chapter of Bees Pleading Woman 1 Chapter of Women Chapter of Muhammad ijg, c'v '3 7
  • 33. a pungent tree (,,,,, i+& *, * blessed tree ;+& 9. the Cursed Tree 291 :*I 2 >. covetousness E" covetous (adj.) * ,. niggardly (adj.) lost person Islamic I personality Strict in Punishment +&I .&.+ * over-indulgence &!2 alcohol-drinking +> wine-drinking drink forgetfully LC +> expand his chest 6jb t!2 evil J ,. 9' the worst of creatures ~&3II an evil place of Return +i 3 decree (vt.) 0 drunkard (n.) 31 u4,c-alcohol drinker pre-emptor (&I 2) $3 intercessor &+ :e*L. 3 co-sharer - - $. . a-2 2,,3 pre-emptor resist 3'3 woman tearing off her own %&.I! clothes the grateful Lj$iJ witness ;irsb competent witness jy just witness reliable witness doubtful matters A@ quasi-deliberate &.I1 G doubtful matter 43 dubiousness &, && the Tree of Eternity
  • 34. God's symbols $' 3" religious rituals &;? , A the four parts e! . 05 * ,# feeling of guilt k;jJb J+ Shu'aib or>. cr;.*.;j exchange marriage ;& kh intercession intercede @ pre-emption &.-, . ,q' , :& intercessor &+ the Intercessor A :+, dispute ;+ 0, 05 ,o, 2 , marital dispute sJj 3 dLQ half a date .-- 0. 4 :9 G? gratitude ;& grateful ;& the Multiplier of A, :;@, Rewards J testimony LZ :6 jw witness martyrdom @I ,bl :ij@ false testimony Jjll 3~ J forged witness 09 I eavesdropper's *I ij,+ ordain decree God's decree " '2 legitimacy $3 paganism 32 parternship partners to God .U 43 land sharing .&;y, 2- verbal conditions 494 i2$ conditions of ?I ij3 pilgrimage iui,j 3 conditions of prayer , stipulations of the GljJl +k iJ3 marriage contract J sacred law G! Islamic law Divine law Islamic law &,h*&cy;,;ll, J partner &2 partner with God a&-2 J partner with God &&&2i extravagance rites >" *' rituals
  • 35. (1) martyr J& (2) witness the Witness h, :w testimony women's testimony ~U&&I the two testimonies +~$JI declaration of faith the Muslim's creed testify w give testimony witness falsehood j,j J@ give a false testimony witnesses LLA & :c+ martyrs &-"I d :=I* the Sacred Month kl+)l $ ,P a flame of fire ,e2 PI+ mutual consultation the Evil Ones >&..,I - very old man ?W Satan i)u~ the devil the Rejected Satan i-1 Shiites -a Shiite f &+ I the Prohibited Month
  • 36. the righteous &JUI woman slapping her own face fast Fl.2 the Patient &I :j+ the Companions of L)GJk~~ the Prophet Companion &Q the Authentic Six h2' the Six Reliable Collections prayer validity !ol contract validity $1 & Scrolls d) Books the Earliest Revealed J~YI &I Books '9 ' the Books of Moses >j &U valid dower (I) fasting (adj.) qb (2) fasting person fasting men L?Ql Sabian i4 b Sabians L>UI the patient L&wl patient men the steadfast J~J I :L.$dl musk seller &L# the Deafening Noise 3~, the true ~&JI the truthful true men Salih 2 rl :&" righteous (adj.) 2 :sL# righteous deeds .&J~I JLA~,y righteous women :a&&,I ,U' L/
  • 37. +, obligatory prayer kJjii;% 0 prescribed prayer &.. campulsory prayer voluntary prayer additional prayer supererogatory prayer witr prayer ;+I 6b , , separate prayer the middle prayer &J6, a1 crucifixion & backbone & the backbone and +PIj ribs keeping good relations r31 & with relatives reconciliation sjjl 3 :@ amicable settlement Hudaibiyya Peace- G&JI & Treaty sounding clay hk send blessings on >& pray on pray lying on one's ++& &',o side i)% i9k.Q >lL - zwl 6% collective prayer the Straight Path +I Ll9l congregational prayer swell one's cheeck i& + deferred dower ky prompt dower *pil & group prayer clean earth ~&+ Friday prayer *I 6% clean sand funeral prayer !jwl 6% Safa &!I light prayer ;% Divine Attributes $Y l Lbk!! fear prayer wl;% God's Attributes b &Lib on-journey prayer $1 6% over look forenoon prayer 6% forgive $ z, 2 truthfulness Jjg confirm Sb man of truth &+ woman of truth Gk men of truth LhUl the sincere alms id,2~ :$& i% Z 0 noon prayer &I yellowish discharge i+ p$ charity night prayer the first row 2 :L;Y! sUi &l afternoon prayer prayer i% Bairam prayer Abrahamic prayer -91 b%dl Festival prayer guidance prayer i,j G,Y..! 6 b dawn prayer . guidance-appeal prayer missed prayer rain-invoking prayer ~G6% Y dawn prayer prayer by signs cbY I, ib -5 individual prayer rest prayer FJ$~6& obligatory prayer tara weeh prayer prayer while sitting Ramadan optional eclipse prayer the patient's prayer Sunna prayer night prayer @, 6h optional prayer optional night prayer eld% sunset prayer ?A1:+ latenight prayer , ,- voluntary charity 9 *, charitable act ;a,&, : ab " charitable deed 7l f& secret charity ..&a2&1 open charity ,-, f& compulsory charity fast-breaking charity f*$ fast-break charity AI-Fitr charity the Way to the Fierce 41il2 Fire the Way to Hell straight path &+ ' BI~ I straight way
  • 38. harming ailment suffering manifest error error going astray stray go astray d ,<. I 69 the Bringer of Distress jut E I> astray 5~ lost camel &yt ac, <: s lost sheep -+,JQ the straying $Q, forenoon & reciprocal harming ;';tb beating the tambourine j> fast fasting missed fasting the Blast game river game w a ter-game sea-game land-game bow hunting headless-arrow hunting the five prayers I JI~I the Eternal A, :U J idol r;l. monasteries &!P ,a > trumpet JY' the Trumpet $9 adj* Q ;i";o mystic mysticism compensatory fast 1 expiatory fast undesirable fast I 1 voluntary fast / vowed fast
  • 39. prohibited food feeding the needy calumniation overtransgress legitimate child illegitimate child divorce most approved divorce irrevocable divorce 36 &, divorce by mutual +&$I& &L consent triple divorce +a4 J$ divorce of innovation +@ &$ irrevocable divorce ++j % & 0 I delegated divorce +-$!I j$ J approved divorce 9J$ revocable divorce e5 is approved divorce I @&j, sect the compassing sectarian sectarianism obedience obedience of the ruler evil Satan transgressors compass round cricuit circumambulate (vt.) pre-emptor Talut the Great Calamity pure seal his heart Sufi orders unlawful food
  • 40. injustice @ wrong (vt.) + three veils of darkness unjust and ignorant j!!& suspicion '3 conjecture zihar ;%k considering a wife as mother injurious assimilation advent ;& the advent of Islam c%ll transgressor ;T :$& wrong-doer unjust J+ 2 :@ oppressor wrongful the Evident $1 :&I the Ascendent over All divorce by zihar 26 undivided hoof $ long-extended shade ij&i 3 black-smoke shade ?I2 3 (1) circumcision j (2) remaining with ablution false deities ti.. ,$ circumambulation L : encompassing 2 LJ? '33 circuit onrush encompassing +bdyl>$ arrival encompassing Cjih >$ farewell encompassing ~lji$l9 33 Mount of Sinai &+y J& the Flood iL&l oral divorce 2 </& fl 6% divorce for property Jli & i% written divorce &L5q i% conditional divorce &$0.?i & prolong (vt.) "I& :jjL perfume pure clean and pure (1) pure women A& (2) good things good-pure things pure men L&I sticky clay 4j.j ;b demand of witnessing demand of possession @I the first demand :ggh g, /&, 9- , &-$ & divorce repudiation Ls & revocable divorce &5 3 & irrevocable divorce 9, divorce 41e& & dawn break purification 63 purity purity $ cleanness be clean +I J. :A$ purify 9 sanctify
  • 41. the Knower of jr$~!~& $k the Unseen and the Seen theologian j 2% all creatures ~~S'WI pan-Islamism ~%l&lh .i the Year of the Elephant &!! ilk the Elephant Year zakat collectors @ &&I regular-charity officials captive 21:j W l God's servants .&I $@ servants of Allah righteous servants h4,b J acts of worship ira@ devotional acts devotions idolatry e~?;a% idol worshipping stone worshipping U~l iYj* VT worshipper idolator fire worshipper the fleeting life ~JiI~ :&a,1 the Ad menses abominable custom the Just the All-Just seek refuge with God usufruct gift temporarily-lent thing the tenth of Muharram &+% sneezer barren (ad].) sane mentally sane the Knower of the .d?k' Unseen
  • 42. honor & coitus interruptus $1 JI :h$ female JLi;l~cc~ ~ J;c seclusion seclusion of women celibacy 21s Uzair Ji$ the Exalted i~:2 $1 the Exalted in Might the Exalted in Power palm-leaf stalks &3 straitness p difficulty the Path to Misery &A dissipate 's the one-tenth (of +J land-yield) the last ten nights jlj~pl *II the !ast ten the middle ten &Ii t+ .. *II agnates (~1~21)1 agnatic heirs .', party spirit i':at tribalism @ zW - il abiding punishment +h lasting punishment % +k humiliating punishment 2 $I& the Fire torment $.I +IL penalty of humiliation a$ +IL perpetual punishment -j +l;Lt palatable and sweet &$ +L ascend tjb ascend to the +2 t;t heavens the Throne '39I the Throne of the $&-I 'J> Beneficent the Supreme Throne &+dl '221 custom 32 smell of musk ,&.+I 4 Arafat 49 The strongest hand- &, ;,? hold the firmest hand-hold belongings >d articles of q&j ',q? merchandise AI-'Uzza 2' (3) compensation social justice &+ 3Jk aggression &!j& rancor avowed enemy ;I; j-ii punishment +b penalty chastisement torment penalty of the !*Y+II& Hereafter grievous penalty &i +lib penalty of the Burning&!pJ SIL , , Fire penalty of the Scorching Fire penalty of Burning penalty of humiliation 41s eternal punishment &I penalty of the $.j &L Scorching Wind heavy punishment i;hi jL=k dreadful penalty grave punishment $1 +L Punishment in the grave 66 stone dedication nature worship &I i2k fire-worshipping ,1211 irk worship &i adore male slave &6 God's servant *< manumission 3% freeing slaves manumitting slaves manumission & cruel 9 insolent impiety 2 Rajab pagan sacrifice 6% uncontrolled animal SW EG LG social justice -, I waiting period i& prescribed period idda probation period I & D JZ rr attest him .8 (I) justice 3.G (2) reliable witness competent witness
  • 43. penalties Jp , "$8 sp Hereafter punishment +>/;.I +p 's ,"u * P worldly prlnisBrrnent $$3 Lgiic ' $> retaliation penalty /Ladl ;ii'& pecuni ary+ pen!alt2y QSG financial penalty * I undutifulness 34 undutifulness to $JJy ,&& parents * creed i&G doctrine Islamic creed .&%y -, ~,L$ doctrine of sonship 591 b+ doctrine of Trinity dl:+ 0, birth sacrifice Lj.6 in the Name of Allah $1 &J, & Gjj 5% matrimonial relatioa~ship rnarital relationship in public G>k. clol L& Q of corigc~alcd blood c'lol Lb the Age of Ignorance ~L;J%I leaves and stalks Lkpsj. > infallibility G.Q+ rebellious > deconnposed bones &?+Ej the Great ii :+I .. , the Grand the Supreme forgive & remit chastity d& forgiveness * remission the Pardoner &,:$ ! * chaste '&$ beliefs corporal plnishment 24 4% end commercial contract - -! Lib marriage contract GIP- 9-ik contract of marriage I marriage tie b~~: - aiJ& L ham-string ir pj~i9) sterility ;;i;
  • 44. the Magnificent the Sacred- i" -+! &,.A, ! $L;S Mosque maintenance turban 24 intention Lb lntentionally i& the Lesser Pilgrimage +I umra acting with limbs G2ljA jiJ4 j;c , do evil +QI & Satan's handiwork jm<j;t righteous deed r?b *P paternal uncle 2 foster-uncle icb~jii;Jt 4 $2, paternal aunt rkc pillar of religion &I $.& " .,:5 incurable incompetency L,jp s;c the Covenant of Allah &I .& God's Covenant the New Testament &+I1 &Jl the Old Testament &$I @I wool k carded wool *2& % helping the oppressed C&l ;* the Knower of the +$I f& Unseen God's Knowledge hl $G science of interpretation 21,& knowing the Hour icU + knowledge of the Unseen &I$c. foreknowledge obligatory knowledge &I I I I science of the law &I $G theology c$21 p~ assured knowledge ,& scholars of religion +a LL& secularism GLL high-handedness 3 the Omniscient A1 :@I the All-Knowing the Knowing peace be upon him ,- iul A P. B U. H. prayer and peace fQlj 6U1~ be upon him P. P. B. U. H. the Most High the High
  • 45. the Chief Deceiver male stranger creditor holy battle invasion Tabuk holy battle Moat holy battle Trench holy battle bath total ablution greater ablution full bath complete ablution taking a bath purification bath menses bath washing the dead cheating usurpation betrayer j?li the Cave of Hira' s> jli the indebted 5$Jd~ warrior 4jG the Overwhelming Event 0 2 the Forgiver of Sin & : )g heedless &o unmindful unheedful indiscreet @i the heedless the straying L3;dl betray j.@ betrayal j& forenoon endeavor ijb fine k$ banish G!! exile handful of water cI; > s> the Two Festivals dI&dl the Two Bairams Jesus .. 4 a life of Bliss +j Li+ flowing spring &L; 3 assured sight 3 I visiting the sick +-$I 65k I Al-Adha Bairam &Y Ag the Festival of Sacrifice Al-Fitr Bairam &? the Festival of Fast- Breaking
  • 46. self-contentment booty the Self-sufficient the Rich the Most Rich the Unseen the Unknown backbiting guiltless under age insane unveiled seamless la+> sense of honor % error 2 God's Wrath * lowering the gaze lower the gaze ;;kll $& lower one's voice i?? 5& head-cover ,$I ;L!+ forgive 0 Ol forgiveness 3 19 the Pardoner A, ;GI negligence the Oft-Forgiving 2, .;AI rancor booty theft exaggeration in .&a 2 & religion harsh-hearted &! ii& -,
  • 47. the Fatimids ;&dl the Greatesl Judge h, :tdl the Judge speedy victory ‘-il 4 3 manifest victory 29 the Conquest of Makkah & 2 suckling period ../u5j, (1) test (vr.) 3 (2) seduce (vr.) (1) trial 2.3 (2) tumult discord affliction affliction of the world 6.h & affliction of wealth 2' % affliction of wealth Jkl h afflictions of life +Wll WI k+ and death verdict ~3 the successful kijj~ wicked 26 wicked disbeliever jG +i speaker of bad words $26 *, great sin GG shameful sin shainefull deed lewdness scandal %I , ,I , open lewdness k-.z 2 2~-G untrue L,Li (1) rebellious &b perverse (2) evil-doer perverted transgressor the rebellious L&d! transgressors the Creator of ,491, +ljUi 96 the Heavens and the Earth
  • 48. three-mile distance spread the earth out raised-high thrones ordain obligatory (ad;.) mandatory (ad;.) individual duty sufficiency duty Pharaoh the Discriminator the Criterion judicial divorce branches of Islam descendants branches of the law ordinance enjoined duty religious duty the Great Terror mischief corruption moral corruption irregularity of the contract formal legal opininon the wicked jGI behave impudently $ dawn > wickedness lewdness dirty language ;;;; great sin $p&j shameful act shameful deed vainglorious (1) ransom (2) expiation 1 ransom i+ 1 compensation (1) enjoined duties '#$ obligations (2) laws of inheritance precsribed shares of inheritance .o scattered moths A& separation A,:$ jJ ‘$j i private parts i> , i Paradise
  • 49. d virtue %.& -* breaking the fast &? fast-breaking fast-breaking meal (24 ;& the Prophet's practice s $+ the poor GJ1 jurisprudence iij jurisprudent @ jurist scholar in religion freeing a slave $% iAi Noah's ark t~ ,i$ the supreme felicity wjj .d the supreme achievement the highest achievement booty ;> in the cause of God -b l& J * in the way of Allah in prosperity and ~12S1~~2I adversity annulment of a contract &I @ 1 judicial rescission ajjj + judicial annulment dissolution of marriage interpret 3 impiety >sr:b&i transgress wickedness 44 transgression evil-doing licentiousness sinning weaning r% j~ disgrace (vt.) i+ dissolution of marriage &l$l '$ grace P bounty the Magnificent 9-. I";1 Bounty 4 God's bounty &I j. p
  • 50. Korah dj; 6 Qarun minor (n., adj.) trld,. :>j chaste maidens d$l t1;o6 minor (n., adj.) L 412,' :i+d C judge @6 severer of kinship r,, J $6 bonds highway robber JJ$I 26 dacoit have a midday nap JG devout 2.6 devoutly obedient worship-renderer devout men i+,d 1 the devout the desperate &dl law of u, , , Jl+h, $6 personal status lineage expert *e~ midday nap &j, afternoon nap standing up the standing-up two bow-lengths or nearer the Straitener the Accepter of Repentence Cain Qabil the Powerful the Able slanderer false accuser reciter of the Quran &U the Stunning Calamity b~~'
  • 51. A >& * combination a joy of the eye - defamation false accusation of adultery beautiful loan ' ' slander (vt.) dA ear-ring accuse falsely of adultery drawing lots monthly period i2u, :$ menstrual courses menstrual course distant kindred &+ 4) > Quraish 4 circumstantial ."I 2 :@ . - justice equity . . the Seven Readings ,ajl r~l readings of the Quran irT$l LI,~ the Quran 5pOI evidence collective oath kl5 J dawn recitation of the 915$ Ouran the Holy Quran +,I ;@I the Honorable Ouran incense distribution of &L$Y q sacrifice meat 4 unfair division A&+ q retaliation +/ L+ equality in punishment the Law of Equality criminal intent j2 %W be moderate in one's + 2 & , - the Glorious Quran -1 S$I Quranic f T'i yJ . consanguinity &I$ blood relationship foster relationship +5ub;ll &I$ fosterage relation affinity relationship g>Ldl &$ blood relationship &$ marriage ~I J. :J; g homicide V LA1 -3 :$ murder pace execution ?IU?I i,+ :$ fratricide $1 3 murder by error fL.Ll 'P - umra-pilgrimage +lj $9$1 quasi-deliberate + +$ shorten prayer xd' 3 combination murder deliberate murder @ $ intentional murder premeditated 41>yl $L y $ murder wooden vessel foreordain for him 3 ;p the Holy AI :>&I Divine destiny $d Divine decree ;,& ;$ determined decree sacredness &A holiness the Omnipotent AI :>+$I the Almighty the Most Powerful the All-Powerful 23 slandering family law Islamic law Divine law matrimonial law Divine law secular law law of inheritance secular law positive law the Irresistible &I :Ad ugliness die pre-Islamic t%y 9 ~ >GJI j$< ante-nuptial front and back private ;hll @ parts Qibla destination the Ka'ba direction tribalism & consent cb$l :J$ acceptance acceptance of the gift be niggardly 9
  • 52. analogy '2-2 analogical deduction standing iW1 4 optional night prayer $1 j$ idle talk ~6$j moral values 3.g 2 Islamic values &% 2 religious values &? &ij spiritual values &-J; 2 administrator of an 431 & 2 endowment the Self-subsisting &I :;a the Eternal Guardian - (1) forged speech J2~3 j~ forged statement (2) giving false statements appropriate words && distinguishing words & 33 kind-just words 4%33 the Prophet's saying gl j> worthless people ~i f3 the people of Tubba' c? 9 transgressing people d$l~f$ the people of Lut bj !$ nationalism $9 the Strong j., :A$l the Most Strong off hands and feet from shortening of prayer !%dl 3 opposite sides I prayer shortening breaking ties with kith lr3 , , &id 1 give the verdict ,&I ;A.A :s and kin I make up for iL ,, 2g :s cut off the highway PI ..* highway robbery & &id dacoity hand amputation d,. l &id thick soft cloth % sitting ~,LkI2 I : 5$ garland i'5$ ;@,, $, $j alternate the night and the day &G +$ hardened hearts gambling ;@ contentment &G humility A$ the Subduer A, :j@ glass vessels &.31 :>,$ the foundations of the c&J .b$ House elderly women EL%~jd penal laws aG&jl $9 -, 1 4 secular laws &, &,$ predestination j, p ::;the Divine Decree sentence ul & :;G G+ verdict jurisdiction GL~;J&I? .JI :;Id God's Decree hl ;G repaying debts $a ;~ debt repay iul prayer make-up making up for prayer predestination ;ul the Divine Decree judicial 2G juridical answer the call of gs> nature '>, +, '+& dissolved his marriage with her
  • 53. (I) the Book &@I the Scripture (2) the Record the Record of the 4$~1 &Lq Righteous the Book of Allah 81 4l.q the Book of God the Record of the ,GI 3l.q Wicked the Clear Book >.I. . A. &,! the Perspicuous Book one's record $g inscribed register $2 GLg the Bible (SL~JI ~JJ) &@I Well-Guarded Book &k3i. . S, the Book of L$: I: 3.., 1;&. ,I Enlightenment the Book of Moses >j $Lq scripturary (n.) &Lq the Prophet's scribe scribe of revelation anger-restrainer disbeliever unbeliever rejecter of faith rejecter blasphemer soothsayer great sins greatest sins great sins greatest sins greater crimes I say God is Greater 1 magnify God horned ram the Most Great the Great
  • 54. hoarding up money hoarding hoard up money ungrateful soothsaying a Paradise river Alka wthar Confucianism cunning treacherous plan God's plan snare cauterizing unfulfilled oath expiate shroud ungrateful ingratitude guarantor (n.) lack of father or sons the Word of God trained hound debt good words God's Words good word "Be", and it is. the dressing of the Ka'ba 2 the covering of the Ka'ba 3 the Ka'ba the Holy Ka'ba b~Lo& ,, ;;i ~2 Enough is God as a $j 2 * , .<# Disposer of affairs. equality &I ;% pledge $* deny God 3 reject faith be rejected *IP I A, disbelief ZLu unbelief . , infidelity :& 3 blasphemy open disbelief (1) ungrateful (2) disbeliever Obstinate disbeliever (1) expiation atonement (2) expiation money 'Y~latioont . sins 5, ".~iar ion of an Revealed Books gjL %.& Divine Books concealing an ijf+J, evidence kohl w eye cosmetic apply kohl to her eyes && lie to him && reject God's Signs bl +G 3.k renting ;g I I honorable and pious 5j> b!x honorable recorders &;& b~ distress +$ the Great Calamity &@I 491 distress ;$- grief >) God's Throne L> :?I 2j.S. the Generous did :+$I the Honored clothe the Ka'ba ma honestly-earned money 3 3 honestly-earned gain illicit gain 2 the Ka'ba clothing +&I1 ;I
  • 55. the tongue of truth J&# iL.! the language of Quraish JJ~iq the Benignant hi :& mutual imprecation 5L3 play and amusement 3; a curse id God's curse i, vain talk vain discourse frivolity oath frivolity weariness the Meeting of the Hereafter she-camel found thing found article Luqman sale on touch well-guarded pearls L& jj Lat &$I no blame on them ,& tgq accuse one's wife of 2j adultery have sexual intercourse b$! jjJ with one's wife raiment of &$I >q righteousness ,e 9 4 decent dress (&yA Here I come, 0 a'$1 a' God! Here I come. I respond to Your call, 0 God. pork swine flesh flesh of swine dead meat thin white stones
  • 56. hoarded money j& bG wealth and sons L,lj JUI the Master $I :UU the Master of the dl&J L; Kingdom the Lord of Power >: I />, the reconciled $9 a$ the weakly faithful the Giver of Security $1 :>$ the Granter of Security believer a ;> 3-9 believers &L$I the faithful believing men follower !& withholder (n.) the Withholder $1 :$UI abode 2ji.i permissible cG nocturnal sexual discharge stagnant water emitted fluid Zamzam water sweet water despicable fluid despised fluid trustee sin the Magog the Postponer callmaker caller to prayer minaret authorized registrar dispute with him rebellious visible property sodomy $9 the Preserved Tablet && ~$1 the Guarded Tablet Lot 4 sodomite (n.) &c?j blame of blamers odd nights JJy $1 J'4 the night of fasting clgdl %J the Night of Majesty d, a 4 the Night of Grandeur the Night of Qadr the Night of Power on-touch sale the twinkling of an eye 91 9' slander (vt.) 9 defame (vt.1 slanderer id defamer backbiter minor sins For Him is the ~ornmand.@l d To Him belongs Praise. Uld amusement idle talk Q+J 2 vain talk
  • 57. 0 9 LJ+- & the Glorious h~:... k. i.Jl prohibited things modest veiled i2W God's prohibitions dl 6L.i attempted theft -I 2jG morality policeman a To , . , decent W the cut area w innovater of a heresy A+' heresies Jy,*y l &GG invented matters traditionist A% forbidden is unlawful prohibited prohibited man i;c: muhrim i! person in ihram the deprived $,+I the destitute good-doer 9 right-doer doer of good bodymutilation 3 abode , -a. GsZo an abode for ;?iQ a&- disbelievers an abode for the >,& arrogant Muslim fighter fighter Islamic society && + glorify G reformer 5-G sinners Ljjd target tied animal % advisory council kj$'& , . shield p2, , possessed ;+ Magians >+I Magian && Zoroastrian fire-worshipping man +- , , fire-worshipping woman +y Zoroastrianism &+I the Accepter of .&I :. -d. l Invocation - :,o, temporary marriage &a divorce present &b :&&!I k intentionally 1s the Supreme A :%+j the Possessor of Greatness the haughty i;xl pretender & persons involved in li'an a&% text of the tradition +&Jl 3 humble &@$ the deceased $! administrator of an J$ endowment manager of an endowment the Strong &i :'&.I -0' * the weight of a ,Jay 3 JL& mustard seed ;;i Jl;P weight of an atom r4a ,o an atom's weight >: P ,4 an atom's weight of 7s sJ> JW good 'r' -, 9-0 an atom's weight of I> 5;; JLh evil Parable $ mutual freeing i~ the Beginner .&I :&GI spendthrift (n.) ;s accepted J ,or JJP bearer of glad tidings 3 bringer of good news announcer nullifiers of prayer &,&J$ , nullifiers of fasting &dl nullifiers of ablution cjbjll invalidaters of ablution raised up A& conveniences of this L&bl iQl Ld life +' adopter the righteous L!l the God-fearing J,a ,,J falling animal headlong-falling animal effeminate men *-& &%& charitable men the charitable the pure and clean a,* the Exalted &I :JdJ
  • 58. apostle (n.) death illness ;I$ ''7 nursing woman k?? wet nurse mortgaged (adj.) ;(;;; Marwa ij91 Mary -0, e!4 Mary the Virgin ~~+> L~I share-cropping Lj ,; barley drink J # ~2 folded in garments j;j: cohabitation 2~ the needy 3L.i the indigent shareholder (n.) p?C moral responsibility tL, , " e3& +%I i 4 J, I criminal Gk q,+ responsibility , o,o, exemptions from 3 b& fasting bleeding woman bLkc.4 ordered without obligation* due recipients of !$$ % zakat - Sunnism 3, sbl Sunnite School Sunni School Orthodoxy Shafii School &To+l bl Shi 'ism $ +b Catiiolicism :&,$&I +bl &+I Maliki School $,WI +b;11 urethral discharge ~ii frontiers guardian usurer (n.) &$ apostate (n.) (.&A p) kii reverter (n.) renegade (n.) female apostate mortgagee (n.) the Murjites the Postponers coral the stoned rejected repudiated messenger (n.) >& 7 defendant (n.1 & p daimant ("-1 (GLdl d) us2 f (n.1 ijs.L? 3 ~adinite 541 &dl +i :d,& dark-green debtor (n.) sG the Madyan people GSS - married w chaste woman the One Who counts A1 :&& +$.I ,?, minor sins 9 arbitrator i= intervening husband & milked animal && 4 monthly course '+P the Holy City woman's course the Pour Schools k$ &a the Granter of Life &I :‘$A3 Sunni Schools the Giver of Life 4 O) Sunnite Schools + a reminder 23 jg the Giver of Disgrace 4 TO) disgraced vainglorious boaster ;& JM disgraced and G & rejected the essence of worship !5@ &'&I sinner (n.1 offender (n.) ;Pi;; school , 5,) 0 Protestantism ; Hanbali School ' a;2 L Hanafi school $f;ll
  • 59. praying person & person in prayer the Bestower of All &I :jWl Forms the Fashioner of Shapes misfortune G * ,$,, $, > sacrificer (n.) rii :F 4, 0, morsel Ii;k. flesh morsel rinse one's mouth dealers in fraud procrastination divorced woman divorcee triply divorced recommendatory the purified pilgrims' guide wrongs wrong (n.) oppression oppressed wronged anti-religious unbelieving woman intoxicating liquors i& A&,& legitimate (adj.) * 03 legitimacy &,& the Sacred Monument jljil wl sharp-edged arrow * ' & niche ig& the Divine Will &jyl bl < S -. J, God's Will &I -, sources of legislation @$I ;?I& shaking hands && unspecified public $Ladl interests reconciliation kJ6 affinity i?G confirming Js charitable women &dm1 charitable men L!U1 the Chosen One pbn;ll ~~;1, ;*I the good elect J - L; unspecified public interest praying place P place of prayer ,,,idence ,tedy (ad].) & -, I in digent person (1) Muslim 0) submitter defaulter ;+ (n .) inner (n .) thrist $1 -_ be false Christ I I goabout with iitJ6 & calumnies I, walk in humility ~3 3 undivided share P doubtful matters > 3@ walk bashfully r%l doubtful matters the weak jWl dwelling-place % ym, the arrogant mosque .i&i the Farthest Stl Ul Mosque the Mosque of d&l 4 &Li Jerusalem the Sacred Mosque jljJl &&.dl the Mosque of Quba' r J &Li the Mosque of Makkah '& 4;j the Prophet's $;l &.Jl Mosque rub one's face $$ p the bewitched L,j,&J waster (n.) J$d extravagant (adj.) (I) the extravagant $31 (2) the exceeding people have sexual intercourse 2 the touch of Hell &> the Running Place musk &, intoxicant (n.) %.r-:
  • 60. plot plotting God's plan the honored L&JI undesirable i3$ disliked Makkah !& Holy Makkah & Makkan & k;%.& stern and severe , angels offender + $, .d29, war booty the Forwarder A, :+a, Auz angelic $% consecration clothing ?FYI '&$i '5, pilgrim garb angel 3% on-touch sale k$ unlawful clothing i~ * salt and bitter +! &, atheist L& disbeliever the Sovereign $I :&J the King angel the dominion &j 9 0 Is 2s ,$ c2 - / missing husband $$ disobedience * the prosperous b&l the Granter .I :$.."I concept of man id. , B the ~eproducer -, 4 r Abraham's Station es! + dear-flowing fountains ;." stance of Abraham military expeditions @jL station of Abraham the Ways of Ascent h2u' cohabitat.ion sinful deeds spG transactions business transactions obstinate reverter booty 4. I&, .d praised station ;+ ik war booty loathed + debt abhorrence of vices $I~J& i2& forgiveness the Powerful $, :;&, d& o 5 overcome Wj.1 booty 2 (1) acknowledger 2 the Enricher 2, 0, (2) confessing person oy woman with an absent the Equitable A, &&$ husband the just &UJ the Keys of the Unseen &I %& with hair cut short 9 apostate the Ascent to the heavens poor $ reverter the Battle of Badr 4 4 2~ .& :+$ 5.2 'J,;;;" the Turner of intoxicant Hearts jurisconsult A, :$J $& imitator maker of mischief 9 recompenser (n.1 t" mischief-doer F the rich interpreter !W rejecters of faith a!@ fasting violators
  • 61. guardian's consent 231 %$ stated times of prayer jui G,.i female infant buried alive i5~;j.i destructive sins A&$ sudden death a, the dead 291 the first death dJ j i 9, &&+! the Omnipresent &I :$,+$I monotheist Moses >Y tattooed &;z; legatee Li 24 ward (n.) 4 >Y testator (n.) &Y Muwatta $91 preaching kind preaching &> founder of an endowment 4; *, > beaten animal Si>> violently-blown animal usury giver Li! 3; our Helper &I :by$ I - donee 31+I :d 449 (I) dead animal % hindering good usufruct reminder of one's charity LG hypocrite (n.) $,G reminder sf one's generousity merits 3. ~ , lent camel + +*,o , emigrant >lk: donee (n .) 34&G immigrant # .,*> , beneficiary (n.) &Jb deserting the bed 219i12 $ the Avenger J, :wl the Emigrants LJ>L$! the Inflicter of Retribution the Immigrants the Final Goal w1 the guided SJwl slaughtering place F #, 0, dower 9 %' strangled animal && bridal money chocked animal deferred dower 3; % advisable (adj.) ~J.G proper dower @ ;k; warner (n .) unspecifed dower clear *E iF 12, > $0 specified dower staff iG flk prompt dower *P2 rite hastelled dower the Bountiful A :+I malten brass jk: evil p the Dominant &I :'&$I I- evil action the Guardian over All rnann (n.) 2 waste land &I? remind of one's charity (vt.) 3 truce conclusion kj$ free release of captives 3 balance >,~ji forbidder of good 9 $ L+ 1 the King of &YIJ +lj&l && the Heavens and the Earth the dominion gf~lJ +IjL&Jl & I of the heavens and the earth I the Angel of death +&+I & I the King of Mankind $I :/dl &i dominion a& ownership by &Y , I b &, cultivation private ownership LG%- ,A , 2s. w, joint ownership & religion blameworthy and 5- L! destitute male slave a& slave the Causer of Death $1 :MI from darkness J$Jj ,y into light Manat secret talk holy rites &L devotions pilgrimage ceremonies iyJl &L
  • 62. prophethood % r -: prophetic d.2' prophet 8: & 3 $+,S, the Illiterate Prophet 8 , filthy things &G the Two Paths +&2 . >; become impure J1" purchase alluring & deceitful bargaining (1) private talk , * 0; de secret consultation (2) confidential invocation 0; salvation !P . , slaughter lk; sacrifice slaughtering 5 gift ii;; . . vow ;j; vow (n.) 3 purchase allurer the Fire the fire of Hell the Great Fire disobedient wife adviser counsellor trustworthy adviser forelock the Benefit-Conferrer optional worship she-camel Salih's she-camel the Trumpet forbidder of evil the Great News no-check sale Zamzam Spring prophecy miqat :A&, assigned point ihram station post (2) dead meat inheritance Z &I>, the Balance &l gambling 2
  • 63. , B, inflict punishment .& 51, repulse > ,.rr maintenance -.# .. 4AIu sustenance expenditure maintenance by >GY& agreement :2*, d,,. provisional maintenance .MY 2.G exile 0, exile from the land gj%~ p 2 general call to war 3 give short measure j&l& , * give short weight LI~I& P 0. nullification of !$$I+ ablution political system ,.&+ i@ m~narchy &- ik, non-hairy shoes 5 0. * break the oath ;;.1s trafficking of drugs +JW! $ date-s yrup 9,s marriage iG, bigamous marriage P-J O" ' 'JG illegal wedding &6 k'JG temporary marriage *I i& break one's covenant ~$1 violate one's oath &.LLi& %+ J4 God's bounties A +, seen and unseen $&j~ AGi;i: bounties bounty grace favor God's favor Bliss w* . - puerperiurn 2% ,. breath into him of u,, ,j &, 2 His spirit ., depart ? the On-Rush the Exodus the Rush the innerself the psyche a life for a life A&'> I self-reproaching soul kg1 '21 Wl secure soul l*, +& profit or harm PJ the minimum sacrifice stones Christian ti's 8' text 4 i~$'d , Quranic text turn one into a Christian > a a:, 4 ' determinate share 214~ helper '& * a. : veil the brightness of Bliss leather sheet sperm sperm-drop drop of semen 0 fi recital of the creed $5@ $ pronouncement of ,J&I &Z divorce + tossed animal fatally-gored animal P, , . body cleanliness 3a1 ZU;; social system &++ , jL , jk, moral system 53J, .+ economic system , , spiritual system 2,; ti+, warning warner clear warner revealed in portions second descent descent lineage blood relationship rate of zakat abrogate abrogation (1) act of worship (2) offering r, . on credit 2+ i. rs the Second Creation &?Yi 82dl propagation of Isiam t%?#l $ dissemination of Islam #a* pick-pocketing Resurrection fi s wifely disobedience $yi 59 wifely rebellion wifely ill-conduct minimum quantity SU-minimum value
  • 64. oral gift valid gift return gift corpus gift unreceived gift undivided gift contingent gift conditional gift received gift divided gift usufruct gift desertion desert one's brother desert one's wife desertion migration emigration immigration desertion Abel && embrace Judaism ah become a Jew the Guider A! :day guiding and rightly $+& ?h guided Aaron djjh Haman dL;h the Abyss scattered dust scattered dust b+;~ d (1) gift G? (2) gift-giving donation + return-stipulated 991 43; gift gift with a /j!~, b2;14 & condition and a return gift with a return 294 &
  • 65. sole legatee bearer $3 the All-Pervading hi :&y the All-Encompassing the Ample-Giving .a tattooer +lj kind to his relatives (v>) &j preacher &I j the Event hy~ the Inevitable Event endower &,I j founder of an endowment mother 6 iJl j parentage %,J, I~ the Governor administrator of an &dl Jlj '_ _ endowment donor (n.) &5 odd ;;;? compulsory (adj.) 9 -1 j ebligation (n.) (1) obligations Ah! j (2) duties religious obligations &? Ak~j marital duties &jj Ah~j the Existing A :$&I the One SI :L~I One in His Works +?6;!& I; One in His Person 51; ;Ll j One in His ~ttributes,*, i&, j &lj daughters' burial &j~i!; conclude a truce plj the Sacred Valley >WI d. ry1 Z heir j inheritor the Inheritor O;I :&)y absent heir 9~ LJ$J sole heir &$ Aly1 $ i& I' gift 3431 ijF+ the crescent there is no god but ALL scandal-monger ercy kjj d*i intend Li5.G slanderer && pursed belt an offered animal inclination sacrificial animal Hud sacrificed animal turn one into a Jew judiciary body righteous guidance $,b 4-b
  • 66. deafness give as an endowmeilt 4 endowment & religious endowment private endowment >G Sj .." + 2; quasi-public endowment r public endowment ?& 4 standing on Arafat ad+ LJJ~ authorization deputize 3; disposer J&j disposer of affairs deputy patronage ;Y j guardianship ii9, marriage guardianship bj!jJ legitimacy by birth $Jj+U perpetual youths b,k ;,i, turn their backs jh<y $j wedding banquet GI,?J$ $, , marriage feast guardian 3 protector - will of the deceased &I &, delivery i.Y, :+j sitting position '' :&I &, iu ,, bowing position ~&l $j prostration position ?*I +, standing position ~JJ&jI give birth a; deliver one's burden && &j ablution lesser ablution promise of marriage GljJk Sj the True Promise &I w by Your Power a,% , preaching & preach bj fulfillment of ihj obligations keeping of ?+I4 ;hj commitments fulfillment of a vow ;ljj 4 vow fulfillment *, crime prevention j. @? ',,, & the Time Appointed brand +j branding dark suggestion >I$; whisper into his 04L 2 '&$j heart whisper evil to him a ,&+ j intermediary (n.) bj continuous fasting db, curatorship &LO, command man idyl I sj enjoin on man keep good relations i+ j &j with relatives lengthen one's hair b$ &j falsely curator executor will bequest alternative will *44 $t ,j future will conditional will &,+ &, usufruct will 2~&1j ', ,, $$ joyful faces 0-J Oneness in Works J&~h.I._ G j Oneness of Allah 8, hlGj .., Oneness in Divinity &$Y*l Oneness in Person ~j -I Oneness in +u&,,& , -, Attributes revelation inspiration Divine Revelation Divine Inspiration implied inspiration manifest inspiration Inspired Revelation the Loving trust inherit heirs inheritors make him as a heir 6; burden jjj mediation &~j dark suggestions of $1 >,Lj the soul
  • 67. Z I .Z, false oath i+J ..- Z 9 deliberate oath -0, S 02p M' a Jew && Judaism $?$I Joseph 2 y~:& % the Last Day 291$1 the Day of Sacrifice &%k% the Day of Resurrection akj; the Day of Satisfaction %i? k% L 'P PO, the Day of Mutual Loss jlLirll rt? and Gain the Day of Meeting >$JIG the Day of Mutual ,J?&!I& Calling the Day of Assembly $1 t% the Day of Gathering the Day of Hudaibiyya &&.!l k% sacred day f~Fp, the Day of Account t% Gag rubies orphan girls orphan John Yahya the taking hand the giving hand relief ease facility the Simple Path the Path to Bliss Jacob Ya'uq Yaguth perfect faith oath false oath guardianofthebride d,9~J,j certificated guardian $ J,, the Grantor AI :&$I the Great Giver c$b woe to J &j 9 djk &,J 2~ Z, ' -0 , 2 y1:& patron the Guardian &I :$!I the Protector de facto guardian ,dilljl jib Jj intimate friend &?+ $j
  • 68. the Day of Distinction #I ig the Day of Screening the Day of Judgment +$I $ the Doomsday the Promised Day ~~~l~jjl the Day of Slaughter $1 i, the Day of Sacrifice the Day of Departure $l iji the Day of the Onrush the Day of Warning 99 iji the Day of Standing g,, the Day of Arafa Jonah 2 yl $2 Yunus the Day of Reckoning the Day of Distress !+I $ the Day of Gathering the Day of Resurrection ej$ll& the Day of Eternity ?& & the Day of Judgment $31 & 0. 'a*, day of hunger &j+$ the Day of Doubt 6 &I ,.. the Day of Gloominess , t% the Day of Ashoora' ~ljj% 6% the Tenth of Muharram the Day of Arafa &? 6 the Day of Conquest $1 the Day of Testing +lid$