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Chapter: 10 Google Adwords (16 Hours)
Objective: After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
 Define Google Adwords.
 Explain Google Adwords Campaign and its types.
 Use Google Keyword Planner Tool effectively.
 Identify the process to do Keyword Research.
 Describe Landing page and optimize the Landing page for Google AdWords.
 List and define Adwords Terminologies.
 Analyze the Adwords Bidding and Payment Strategy.
 Create Google Adwords Campaign.
Duration: Theoretical: 6 hours. Practical: 10 hours.
10.1 Defining Google AdWords
Google AdWords is an online advertising service developed by Google, where the advertisers pay to
display brief advertising copy, product listing, and video content within the Google ad network to the
online users. Generally, these ads display the sponsored links with the brief advertisement note on
the product or service.
History of Google AdWords
Setting up a Google AdWords Campaign and generating traffic is not as easy as it is today. It is not
unusual to find thousands of new advertisers entering into the Google AdWords, but hardly the
advertisers know when it was actually created and start its evolvement.
In the year 1999, Google AdWords was started for the very first time by selling ads on a CPM basis.
Ever since 1999, AdWords campaign become popularized among the users successfully and helped
generating revenue for business growth. It has now reaches more than 80% of the global internet
users, and helps connecting the advertisers with the potential customers.
10.2 Understanding the Google AdWords Campaign and its Types
Google AdWords starts with creating a campaign. The campaign is designed as per the advertisement
goal of the business. Each and every advertising network has various types of campaign to suit the
campaign objectives.
What is a Campaign Type?
The campaign type explains the position where the customers will be able to see the advertisement.
Generally, the Campaign types include:
 Search Network Campaign
 Display Network Campaign
 Shopping Campaign
 Video Campaign
 Universal App Campaign
These Campaign types determine how your AdWord campaign will be displayed. Let us now learn how
these various campaign types work.
primary goals of Search Network
Campaign are Sales, Leads and Website
Traffic. When you select the Search
Network Campaign, your ad will appear
near the Google Search Results and
other Google website where people
search for terms that are relevant to the
ad keywords.
Example: Let’s suppose you are looking for service to advertise your product or service online. Here,
the Search Network Campaign will display the ad to the potential customer right on the Search Engine
Result Page (SERP) where the customers are searching for.
How the Search Network Campaign works?
The Search Network Ads are matched to search results page based on the terms or phrases someone
searches. For an example, a search on the Google for ‘Home Plumbing Repair’ might show an ad that
uses the phrase as a keyword.
Search Network Campaigns generally work to
make people take action such as clicking your ad
or calling your business. These campaigns show
ads to people who actively seek out for
information. When your potential customer is
trying to find out for the product and service like
yours, they will came across your ad and find it
helpful to click through it.
The Display advertisement is the original form of online advertisement. These are visual ads which
appear on third party websites (usually ones that are related to the content or service in some way).
The Google Display Network ad appears when people browse their favorite website. The primary goals
of Display Network Campaign are Building Consumer Awareness, Content Engagement and Driving
Example: Let’s suppose you are looking to purchase a brand new car. While obtaining the review of
the car, you come across an advertisement on a car in a website that deals with the makes and models
of the car. It is the Display Network Advertising Campaign that showcases the advertisement on the
website that deals with cars and its parts.
How the Display Network Campaign Works?
The Google Display Network is designed to find the right audience. This campaign shows your message
to the potential customer at the right time and at the right position.
Find new customers or engage your existing customers using audiences. Similar audiences
and in-market audiences allow you to target people who are interested in your products, which help
you to find new prospective customers as well. It also enables you to use data, like the remarketing
lists, to help you re-engage with people who have visited your website previously.
Drive conversions using automation. The Display Network campaign helps you get more
conversions by finding high-performing audiences as per the existing audiences and landing page. By
automatically optimizing over time, AdWords learns which audience work for you. Audience bidding
automatically adjusts the bid to help you meet the return on investment. Smart display campaigns
combine the best of automated targeting, bidding, and creative to maximize your conversions on
Kinds of Display Advertisements
Display ads are available in different forms and thus it comes as:
1. Banner Advertisement: The banner advertisement is also called Display Advertisement, due
to the visual nature of the banner ad. The purpose of banner advertisement is to promote a
brand. The banner ad can take the visitors from the host website to the advertiser’s website or
a specific landing page.
The banner ad or a web banner is an advertisement displayed into a web page. The advertisement
consists of an image or of a multimedia object (usually created using flash or HTML 5.)
The banner ad can be either static or animated as per the technology used to build them.
2. Static Banner Ad: The Static Banner Ad can be a simple image or a visual that acts like an
ad but in the digital ecosystem you can click on it and get to the website or landing page of the
3. Animated Banner Ad: The Animated Banner ad is a type of digital advertising that is delivered
by an ad server. The purpose is the same as the one for the static banner ad: to get noticed
on the website and make the user click on it. Further, the animated ad program is a generalized
display or sequential visual that creates the illusion that the object in the image are moving.
4. Responsive Display Ad: With the use of the image ads, you can attract people’s attention with
color and picture. However, one of the best ways to show your ads across the Display Network is
through creating the Responsive advertisement.
Responsive advertisement is featured with the technique that adjusts the size, appearance, and format
to fit available ad spaces. With the text and images you enter, the AdWords automatically generates
the ad as ad spaces become available. Responsive ads can show an almost any size text, image or
native format, compatible for all devices.
Given below are the step-by-step instructions for creating the Responsive advertisement:
1. Sign in to your AdWords Account.
2. From the navigation panel on the left, select the Display Campaign.
3. Then click Ads & extentions from the page menu on the left.
4. Next click on +Ad.
5. Select the Responsive Ad.
6. Select an ad group. If you want your responsive ads to be dynamic, make sure your ad group, or
its campaign, is attached to a feed.
7. Add and save your visuals. In order to give access to all our ad formats, responsive ads need
visuals. You can crop 1 image to landscape and square formats, or use 2 different images. Upload
your visuals, scan them from your website or select from our free library of stock images. You can
also select from recently used images.
 Landscape. In case you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your landscape image
should have a ratio of 1.91:1 and be greater than 600 X 315. The can also select from recently
used images.
 Square. If you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your square (1:1) image should
be greater than 300 X 300. The file size limit is 1MB.
 Logo (optional). In case you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your logo should
be square (1:1) and should be 128 x 128 or greater. The recommended size for the square
logo is 1200 X 1200. You can also a landscape (4:1) logo, which should be 512 x 128 or greater.
The recommended size for the landscape logo is 1200 X 300. For all your logos, a transparent
background is best, but only if the logo is centered. The file size limit is 1 MB.
 Avoid Text. Text may cover no more than 20% of the image.
8. Complete your ad information:
 Write a short headline (25 characters or fewer): The short headline is the first line of your ad,
and appears in tight ad spaces where the long headline doesn’t fit. The short headlines may
appear with or without your description.
 Write a long headline (90 characters or fewer): The long headline is the first line of your ad,
and appears instead of your short headline in larger ads. Long headlines may appear with or
without your description. Note: When rendered in an ad, the long headline’s length will depend
on the site it appears on.
 Write a description: The description adds to the headlines and invites people to take action. It
can be up to 90 characters, and may appear after the (short or long) headline. However, the
length of the rendered description will depend on the site it appears on.
 Enter your business name: This is the name of your business or brand.
 Enter a final URL ( which signifies where the people will go when they click on your ad)
 Optional: Go to advanced URL options, and select Call to action text. From the drop down select
a language and from the drop down menu (on the right) select a specific call to action text.
 Optional for dynamic responsive ads: promotional text (example: “Free two-day shipping”) and
price prefix.
9. Preview a small fraction of your potential ads. Since responsive ads are built to reach across almost
any ad space on the Display Network, they can show in thousands of layouts.
10. Click Save.
11. Wait for at least a week after your ad is approved before you review its performance. Before that,
your data is still incomplete.
Rich Media Advertisement
The Rich Media Advertisement is a digital advertising which includes advanced features like the video,
audio, or other elements that encourages the viewers to interact and engage with the content.
While the text ads sell with words, and display ads sell with picture, the Rich Media ad offers more
ways to involve an audience with an ad. The ad can expand, and even float, and more.
Here, you can access the aggregated metrics on your audience’s behavior, including the number of
expansions, multiple exits, and video completion to get a detail data on the success of your campaign.
The Rich Media lets the agencies create complex ads that can bring out the strong user response. With
the use of HTML 5 technology, the ads can include multiple level of content in one placement: video,
games, tweets from an ad etc.
In case you have a simple objective to generate clicks or a more ambitious goal to create brand
awareness, the Rich Media ad is the best to go with.
Key Advantages of Rich Media Creative
 An engaging user experience leading to higher interaction rate.
 Increased conversions, click-throughs, and view rates.
 Better metrics than traditional ads.
The other specifications of Rich Media Creatives are:
 It usually exceeds 200K.
 Uses multiple files.
 May contain video.
 Expands to a larger size.
 Include detailed tracking metrics on user interactivity.
 May track multiple click-through links.
 May contain other special features (polling, send-to-a-friend, gallery, etc.)
 Some publishers may require a polite load.
Rich Media Creative Ad Types
The Rich Media Ads displays ad in different types and they are:
Banner: It is a creative ad with a fixed size and position on a web page or in a mobile platform. A
banner is the most basic rich media ad format, which includes videos and polite download technology
that waits for the web page to completely load before loading the creative.
Banner with Floating
A banner creative and an interstitial (an advertisement that appears while a chosen website or page
is downloading) creative displayed at the same time.
Dynamic Creatives
Banner, expanding, interstitial, or VPAID creative types can also be dynamic. Dynamic creatives use
a linked management profile that can change creative content on the fly, either manually or based
on content rules.
A creative ad that expands beyond its initial dimensions over the top of other page or app content.
Expansion can take place after a user interacts or automatically when the page loads (auto-expand).
Creatives Ad can expand in any direction, shape, or with fading effects and can collapse on user
interaction, automatically on mouse-out, or based on a timer. Other expanding creative types
include: Lightbox, Multi-directional expanding, and push down.
Expanding creative expands over the page or in-app content by default, but you can also enable
them to push content down on a page (see the push down below)
A creative that either floats on top of a page’s content or appears as a full screen ad during natural
transition points in mobile apps, such as during launch, loading, and video pre-roll. The Interstitial
creatives ad served on web pages can move with content or maintain a locked position as a user
scrolls. The ‘Locked’ option is enabled at the trafficking stage.
Lightbox is a premium brand format for the Google Display Network. Lightbox is an expanding
creative that works on both desktop and mobile. On desktop computers, a two second mouseover
expands the Lightbox. On mobile devices, you tap to expand. When expanded, the Lightbox takes
over most of the available screen space to feature brand content, including the videos, maps,
games, and more.
Multi-Directional Expanding (MDE)
A creative that expands in multiple directions, depending on where the ad appears in the page. For
an example, when the ad is on the left side of the page, it will automatically detect its location and
expand to the right. If the same ad is served on the right side of the page, it will expand to the left.
Multi-Floating Interstitial
Multi Interstitial creative (a maximum of four) that works as a single creative delivery, commonly to
border or surround a page’s content. Like an ordinary interstitial creative, this creative can move
with content or maintain a locked position on a page as a user scrolls.
An expanding creative that pushes down the content of a webpage when the creative expands,
moving the web page out of the way to display the ad. If the push-down is frequency capped (a user
can only see it auto-expand a certain number of times during a given period), then you must build a
user-initiated expanding version and an auto-expanding version. You must also select a setting for
this option in the trafficking stage.
Video or videos can be included in all other formats.
VPAID stands for Video Player-Ad Interface Definition. A VPAID creative is displayed in a publisher's
in-stream video player (like the YouTube player), and typically includes video content. Studio
supports VPAID linear creative ad, which appear before, between or after the publisher's video, and
fill the entire video player.
Pop-up Ads
A Pop-up ad is a pop-up
window used for
advertising. When the
program is initiated by
some user action, such
as a mouse click or a
mouseover, a window
containing an offer for
some product or
service appears in the
foreground of the visual
interface. As similar as
all the pop-up ads, a
pop-up ads is smaller
than the background
interface-windows that
fill the user interface are called replacement interfaces, and usually resembles a small browser window
with only the close, minimum, and maximum options at the top.
The Pop-up ads are a form of online advertisement on the World Wide Web. A Pop-up is basically a
graphical user interface display area, usually it is a small window, which suddenly appears in the
foreground of the visual interface. These pop-up windows that contain an advertisement is usually
generated by the JavaScript that uses the cross-site scripting (XSS).
The Pop-up ads are not popular as the average Web Surfer, and there are several products that disable
them, such as the Pop-up Stopper, Pop-up Killer, and Pop-up Annihilator. One thing to look for in such
a program is the ability to differentiate between user-initiated pop-up windows and others, because
many other applications make use of pop-up windows. In case a pop-up stopper utility is unable to
tell the difference between a pop-up window that the user has requested and an unsought pop-up ad,
the program may cause more problems for the user that it solves.
Contextual Advertisement
Contextual Advertisement is advertising on a website which is relevant to the page’s content. This
advertisement appears on website or other media, such as content displayed in the mobile browser.
These advertisements themselves are selected and served by automated systems based on the
identity of the user and the content displayed.
Some of the significant examples of contextual advertisement include:
 In Video Contextual Advertisement: An example of this type of contextual advertising would
be a YouTube ad for shampoo which is shown before a video tutorial on hair cutting.
 Native Advertising: It is a form of contextual advertising, where the sponsored ads are designed
to look like the native content on a website.
Types of Contextual Advertising:
In-Text Advertising:
In-Text advertising is a form of online
advertising in which the website operators
give permission for ad services to link
keywords in their blog entries or other
content to advertising companies’
The In-Text advertising is a contextual
advertising where the specific keywords
within the text of a webpage are matched
with advertising and related information
In-Image Advertising:
In-Image advertising is a form of contextual
advertising where the specific images on a
website are matched with related
The In-Image advertising uses the data about
the image, its tags, and the surrounding
content to match images with ads that are
contextually relevant. Once the website owner
integrates the scripts onto their publishing
systems, site visitors can move their mouse
over the images or look at an image for a
certain amount of time to reveal an ad.
Most In-Image Advertisement includes the following characters:
1. When user mouse over an image, its tag, and the surrounding content to match images with ads
that are contextually relevant.
2. The overlay can be closed out by the user.
3. Some in-image ad technologies produce a pop-up box when visitors mouse over the images.
4. Clicking on the text of an in-image advertisement directs users to a new page.
5. The In-Image advertising works on a cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
In-Video Advertisement:
The Contextual Video
Advertisement is a form of
contextual advertising,
where the specific video
advertisement aligns with
the relevant video content
aligning with the viewer’s
YouTube In-Video overlay
ads are 480 x 70 image ad,
which appear overlaid on the
bottom of the YouTube video
player on the YouTube watch pages. The overlay ad appear when user initiates video play. You can
optionally include a 300 x 250 companion display ad.
These advertisements are available for reservation sponsorship campaigns. On auction, you can set
up Image ads to appear as an overlay on the YouTube watch page.
SHOPPING CAMPAIGN: Shopping ads are
advertisements that include product information,
image, and merchant name. This add aims at online
marketing and generating online sale. With this ad
campaign, you can increase online traffic, obtain
qualified leads, and cater broad reach. This Shopping
campaign helps you promote the product by giving
users detailed information about what you are selling
before them by just clicking on your ad.
Example: Suppose you are searching to purchase a
new mobile online. Based on your keyword query like
‘flipkart mobile phone,’ you will come across the Shopping Campaign in the search engine result page
(SERP) itself, where various mobile phones are displayed mentioning their prices. Clicking on the
desired ad will take you to the landing page to complete the procedure of buying the product.
How the Google Shopping Campaign Works?
The Google Shopping Campaign is set up in the Google Merchant Centre platform. With the Google
Shopping campaign, you can view your product, manage your bidding, and even address certain errors
and opportunity for improvement within the Google AdWords itself.
This campaign works very similar to Google AdWords, with the exception of how keywords and bidding
rules are made to use. In the Shopping Campaign, Google automatically targets all those products
that are relevant to the search query. In order to make more specific search, Google helps to organize
the product into more specific Product Groups.
VIDEO CAMPAIGN: The Video campaign let
you show video ad content on YouTube and
across the Google Display Network.
Video Campaigns are available in the new
AdWords experience for selective advertisers.
The video ads are shown to people who want
to see and pay only when your viewer watch
Example: Suppose you have opened a new café, and want to advertise your message to the potential
customers. In this case, the Video campaign lets you reach those potential customer who visits the
food related website, such as blogs about specific cuisine or website that caters review of restaurants.
You can also reach people who are viewing YouTube videos about the type of food that the restaurant
How Video Campaign Works?
Video Ad Campaign provides TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView video discovery ads, and Bumper ads.
However, the TrueView video discovery ads appear only on YouTube.
TrueView In-Stream ads: This type of ads run before, during, or after other videos on YouTube or
across Display Network sites, games or apps. These ads run on YouTube videos that are embedded
on other sites. Right after 5 seconds, the viewers has an option to skip the ad.
Bumper Video Ads: The Bumper ads are a short video ad format which is designed to allow you to
reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand by using a short, and memorable
message. With videos of just 6 seconds or less, the bumper ads let you reach people with bite-size
messages, while providing a minimal impact on their viewing experience.
TrueView Video Discovery Ads: This type of ad only appear on YouTube and reach people in places
they are discovering content. The appearance will vary, depending on the ad sizes and ad formats that
the content publishers support. As
soon as the viewer clicks on the
thumbnail for your ad, the video will
play on the YouTube watch or
channel page.
The Universal App campaign allow
you to promote the app across the
Google Search, Google Play,
YouTube, Gmail, and within other
apps and mobile website available on
the Display Network. This is a one
size fits all app advertisement, as with one campaign you can place your ad in almost all network.
How the Universal App Works?
Apart from the other AdWords campaign, it is not required to design individual ads for Universal App
campaign. Instead, your text ad ideas and assets from the app store listing to design a variety of ads
across several formats and networks. All it requires is some text, starting bid and budget, and the
language and location for the advertisement. After performing various combination of test, the system
will show the best performing ad with no extra work needed from you.
10.3 The Online Advertising Strategy to Success
The online advertising is one of the robust mediums to advertising your product and services on the
web. This mode of advertising delivers the best marketing strategy, which include text advertisements,
but not limited to video advertisement, paid search, social ads, and sponsored blogpost.
Always a planned and organized online marketing campaign results in faster and higher traffic
generation and sales. However, this demands a great deal of research and solid knowledge of the
targeted customer, but you can plan and implement a simple online marketing plan successfully.
Here are some guidelines that work as the best strategy for online advertisement.
1. Analyze or Define: The first and foremost objective is to identify the customer needs or wants,
the business goals, and analyzing the competitors who are operating the same business.
Customer is important for any business. Therefore, the first step is to identify the targeted audience
for the business, like the ideal customers, and the ways to reach them online.
Apart from this, you need to identify the following questions:
 What Keywords are they searching?
 What Website are they visiting?
 What are their demographics and psychographics (interest and beliefs)?
 What are their hopes, desire and fears?
Additionally, the researching of the competition is required in order to find the easiest way to
success that help minimize the risk of failure.
Define & Analyze
Online Platform
Campaign Setup
& Implementation
Gather Data Optimize
In this regards, consider the following points while analyzing your customer:
 What types of products are selling best, and at what price points?
 What traffic sources are competitors using to acquire customers?
 Are the competitors using the paid advertising? And if so, what are the modes?
 What are the keywords are they advertising on?
 What websites are they buying ads on?
 What are your competitors’ selling points?
 How are the marketing funnels structured?
2. Determining the Digital Marketing Channels and Tactics: It is essential to determine the
channel that you are using for your online advertising campaign. The popularity and usability of the
platform like the search engines and social media ad platforms, determines the success of the online
advertising campaign. The major online advertising platforms include:
 Google AdWords
 Facebook Advertisement
 LinkedIn Advertisement
 Twitter Advertisement
 YouTube Advertisement
 Bing Ads
3. Campaign Setup and Implementation: Setting up the campaign and implementing the plan of
action successfully helps in reaching the targeted customers of the business. This largely focuses on
strategically creating the marketing message that converts. Additionally, setting up the campaign,
targeting the location properly and selecting the easiest payment mode are necessary for the right
implementation of the advertising campaign.
Ahead of creating the actual ad campaign, it is required to take a close look at your offer.
For example, let’s say you are planning to advertise a product, and you learned that traffic is going to
be more expensive than you expected. In that case, you will probably need to test a higher price point.
And this means you will probably want to bulk up the offer to confirm the higher selling price.
Then, once you finalize the product, it’s time to develop the advertising campaign, which includes the
ads and landing page copy.
4. Gather Data: Understanding and identifying the customer behavior traits help in making a better
marketing decision, which results in reduced costing and increase in profit. Accumulating the data with
the help of Google Analytics, and Adobe Analytics helps in the following:
 Understand which channels your best visitors are coming from.
 Identify what content is being viewed and engaged with, and also for how long.
 Identify the touch points where they drop out on your website.
 Find out the visitors search for on-site and off-site.
 Analyzing and differentiating which ad performs better.
 Analyzing the effectiveness of the device.
5. Optimize: Optimization is necessary as it determines how long the advertising campaign will
continue. Whether you want to invest another Rs. 1000.00 or Rs. 100.00 in an advertising campaign,
this largely depend on how well you optimize your campaign.
Adding to this, audience targeting by a particular age group, and keeping the advertising message
most relevant for the targeted audience is required in order to drive high online traffic.
Many times a campaign is profitable, but more often it is not.
Therefore, in order to reach profitability, you need to focus on the two things and that are:
• Improving conversion rates by testing your pricing, offer, social proof, guarantee, headlines, adding
email follow up and more.
• Increasing your average customer value by testing adding upsells and offering additional products
and services to your new customer.
10.4 Tip offs for a Successful Online Advertisement Strategy
An advertising strategy is a set plan to reach and persuade a customer to buy a product or a service.
It is an advertisement strategy that is developed by the business itself in order to encourage the
potential customers to purchase the goods and services online. It is the promotion of one of the key
elements of the marketing mix, and deal with one or two-way communication which largely takes
place with the consumer.
It is inevitable to implement the proven online advertising strategies so as to bring targeted traffic to
the online business. This traffic helps to convert the online visitors into paying customers. The effective
strategies are mentioned herein:
1. Advertise in Gmail: It is effective to advertise in Gmail so that whenever your potential
customer check the email inbox, you will find the expandable ads in the Gmail that users can
save or forward.
2. Advertise on Google Maps with Google AdWords: Advertising on Google Maps can be an
effective way for businesses to connect with local customers at the exact moment they are
interested in making a purchase.
3. Advertising with Images: Display Advertising – The Google Display Network advertisement
reaches over 90% of the internet users worldwide, wherein your display ads can show up across
it, where and when it matters.
4. Discover the AdWords App: With the help of the AdWords App, it helps to stay connected
with your ad campaigns from anywhere, with the use of your Android or iPhone. With this you
can not only manage, but also track the performance of the online campaign.
5. AdWords Billing Options: Whether you want to set up the automatic payments, pay manually
or view the transaction record, or print the invoices, this is your source for information about
your billing options.
6. AdWords Conversion Tracking: Conversion tracks the instances when someone takes the
action that you want after clicking the advertisement, which may be making a purchase,
downloading your app, or signing up for your mailing list. In short, the immediate goal of
running an ad.
7. AdWords Metrics definition Guide: Online advertising metrics show you how your ads are
performing in real time, so you can tell if they’re achieving the goals you set out to help your
business grow. What you hope to achieve with your advertising determines which AdWords
metrics you should focus on – and this guide will introduce you to them.
8. AdWords Targeting Explained: Successfully targeting the people for the ads they are really
interested in is one of the biggest benefit that Google AdWords offers. With just simple
customization, you can choose where your ads shows up geographically, pick which kinds of
devices the ad will appear on, and select the audiences based on the interest and demographics,
and more.
9. Increase In-Store Traffic with AdWords: The Search ads are the great source of connection
with the potential customers residing in the local area. By locating the in-store on the map,
make sure that people can find your business, both in the online and in real life. For this reason,
verifying the location through the Google My Business, which will help make sure that you are
showing up on the Google map, in the right place.
10. Mobile Ads with Google AdWords: The Google Mobile Ad helps you reach the potential
customers anywhere and anytime. About 90% of people look up for information on their
smartphone when they want to find, know and purchase the product or service.
11. Increase Brand Awareness Online: With Google AdWords, you can increase your brand
awareness online. Search Ads are the first place to start with raising the brand awareness
online, since it reminds people of the business the moment they are looking for what you have
to offer. Additionally, you can capture attention of the potential customer through the Google
Display Network, and measure the success using the reach and frequency, impression and
conversion rate.
10.5 Measuring and Tracking Return on Investment
Whether you use the Adwords to increase sales, drive valuable customer activity, or generate leads,
it is always good to measure the Return on Investment. With the help of the ROI, you can evaluate
whether the money you are spending on AdWords advertising is going to a good cause: healthy profits
for your business.
How ROI works?
In order to understand the importance of Return on Investment, let us now focus on the definition of
this term itself.
ROI or Return on Investment: The Return on Investment is the ratio between the net profit and
cost of investment resulting from an investment of source resource. In a simple word, ROI is the ratio
of profit made in a financial year as a percentage of an investment.
A high ROI means the investment’s gain which is compared favorably to its cost.
The proper way used to calculate the ROI counts on the goals of the campaign.
Example: You have a product that costs Rs. 100.00 for production, and sells for Rs. 200.00. You sell
6 of these products as a result of the advertising them on Adwords, so the total cost is Rs. 600.00 and
the total sales is Rs. 1200.00.
Let’s say the Adwords costs are Rs. 200.00, for a total cost of Rs. 800.00.
Then the ROI will be: (Rs. 1200 – Rs. 800) / 800
= 400/800
= 50%
In this example, the earning is 50% return on investment. Hence, for every Rs. 1 you spend, you are
getting Rs. 1.50 back.
For the physical products, the cost of goods sold is equal to the manufacturing cost of all the items
you sold plus the advertising costs, and your revenue is how much made from selling those products.
The amount you spend for each sale is known as cost per conversion.
If your business generates leads, the cost of goods is just your advertising costs, and the revenue is
the amount you make on a typical lead. For example, if you typically make 1 sale for every 10 leads,
and your typical sale is Rs. 20.00 then each lead generates Rs. 2.00 in revenue on average. The
amount it costs you to get a lead is termed as Cost per Acquisition.
Why ROI matters?
Calculating your ROI, you can find out how much money you have made by advertising with AdWords.
You can also use ROI to help you decide how to spend the budget. For an example, if you find that a
certain campaign is generating a higher ROI than others, you can apply more of your budget to the
successful campaign and less money to campaigns that are not performing well. You can also use the
ROI data to try to improve the performance of the less successful campaign.
Use Conversions to Measure ROI
In order to identify your ROI, you first need to measure conversions, which are consumer actions that
you believe are valuable, such as purchases, signups, web page visits, or leads. In AdWords, you can
use the free conversion tracking tool in order to help track how many clicks lead to the conversions.
The Conversion tracking can also help you determine the profitability of a keyword or ad, and track
conversion rates and costs-per-conversion.
What is Conversion Tracking?
A conversion is an action that a person takes on the website like clicking on a particular button, filling
a form, adding an item to the shopping cart or viewing a particular page. These actions are defined
by the advertiser as the campaign goals. Conversion tracking code often referred as conversion pixel
can be placed on any page of the website.
The Purpose of Conversion Tracking
The purpose of conversion tracking is to know the success rate of your campaign or say product. It
can be used to track number of actions like:
 Purchase
 Sign-ups
 Submission of E-mail Addresses
 Goal Page
 Any event which can help to know the success of the campaign can be tracked.
What is Conversion Pixel?
A conversion pixel is generally a 1 X 1 image fired through a short line of code which is placed on your
confirmation page or on the Thank You page. It fires whenever any user reaches to the confirmation
page which helps in capturing data of number of converted users.
Who are Converted Users?
All users that has crossed the confirmation page are the converted user and the ones who reached to
the website but didn’t purchase or did any successful completion of conversion event they fall into
imprinted pool and are called imprint users or also non-converted users.
What is Conversion Rate?
Conversion Rate is the one which tells about the conversion success of the campaign. It is the number
of conversion divided by number of impression served. Higher is the conversion rate, higher is the
success of the campaign.
Formula of conversion rate is: number of conversions/number of impression X 100
How Conversions Help?
Conversions are a measuring tool to judge the campaigns Performance. Following are the measured
ROI: It helps in calculating the Return on Investment for the campaign.
Example: In case the pixel is placed on the Thank You page, we can calculate the total revenue from
the number of conversions and the product amount. This revenue is the ROI for the amount that was
Keywords/ Creative: It helps in tracking the best performing Ad/keywords by measuring the number
of actions on all the creative concepts. Example, when we are running 3 different creative for a real
estate campaign, but the one with the red bungalow gives maximum conversion, so we can use that
creative for future campaign.
Devices: Best performing platform device can be figured out by the actions done on each device.
Example, while promoting a college max number of form submissions were done from desktop and
very few from mobile.
Short and Simplified Working:
The simple working of conversion tracking starts when the user clicks on an ad or banner, clicking on
the ad fires a cookies on the user’s browser which keeps the record of the time, site, banners,
placement, etc. These records help in tracking the conversion if the user is not converted at the same
time but gets converted next time when it comes directly to the website,
How does the Conversion Tracking works?
Assuming you, the advertiser has placed our conversion tracking code at the end of the ordering
process (for an example: ‘Thank You’ page) the process will follow these steps:
1. View Ad:
A Visitor views the ad on 1st
January. The Ad Server simply records an impression on 1st
2. Click on Ad:
A visitor clicks on the ad and begins browsing the advertiser’s store on 1st
January. The ad server
records a click on 1st
January and a cookies is created to track conversions and it could last up to 30
days after the click.
3. Purchase:
This visitor eventually makes a purchase on 1st
January and gets to the ‘Thank You’ page that contains
the conversion tracking code. The ad server records this conversion and awards it to the original click.
A zone is also credited if the clicked ad was served via that zone.
4. View-Through Conversion:
If a purchase was made but there was no recorded click, our ad server would record it as a view-
through conversion.
How to Track Conversion?
A JavaScript code has to be placed on the website. This code places an invisible 1X1 pixel image on
the website, this pixel sends a message to the tool that the conversion (clicking, visiting, registration)
is done. This pixel can be placed to track on any page depending upon the conversion that needs to
be tracked such as page views, Add to cart, registrations, checkout etc.
Example: If a conversion pixel is placed on the Thank You page, and the user that has made the
payment is directly to the ‘Thank You’ page, and the user that has made the payment is directing to
the ‘Thank You’ page. The number of users that made the payment will be accounted as the number
of conversions for that particular campaign.
Types of Conversion
Conversion can be recorded on the basis of impression or click. The impression and click relevancy is
valid only for a certain period of time and this time frame is generally termed as LOOKBACK WINDOW.
1. View through Conversion: This conversion results from the impression that is served to the user.
In this method the user doesn’t click on the ad but return on the site later. Lookback Window for view
through conversions is always larger than click through conversion. It is beneficial for branding
campaigns which are impression based and measures the conversions where user saw the ad but
didn’t click.
2. Click through Conversion: When the user clicks on the ad and then convert, the server records
a click through conversion. In an attempt where the user has both clicked and viewed the ad prior to
converting, click interaction is given priority. Conversion to the recorded under click through does not
necessarily has to complete at that instant but also if the user comes directly to the website and
converts but has previously clicked on the ad will be considered as click-through.
10.6 Integration of Google Analytics with Google AdWords
Linking the AdWords account with the Analytics property lets you see the full customer cycle, from
how they interact with your marketing to how they finally complete the goals you have set for them
on the website.
Google Analytics and Google AdWords are the most valuable tools for marketers to use in order to
gain insight on their internet marketing effort. Individually, the data in each tool offers its own
strength, but their true benefits are only realized when they are linked together.
Google Analytics is free and although it may take some time to set-up, implement, and learn how to
interpret data. It is an important part of learning that how your website is performing and how the
visitors are getting engaged to it. This provides helpful data about who is visiting the website, and
even what those visitors are doing while they stay on the website. This even enables you to find out
where the visitors are located, and how find your website, and additionally specify the demography
about the type of visitors that are interacting with the website.
Why do you link the AdWords with the Analytics?
The time you link your Google AdWords with Analytics, you will be able to:
 See ad and site performance data in the AdWords reports in Analytics.
 Import Analytics metric like the Bounce Rate, Average Session Duration, and Pages/Session
into your AdWord Account.
 Enhance the AdWords remarketing with Analytics Remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing.
 Get richer data in the Analytics Multi-Channel Funnel Reports.
Whether you are managing your Google AdWords or Google Analytics, or both, your business will get
utmost benefit by linking the two robust tools together.
Now, let us find out how to link Google Analytics with Google AdWords.
1. Sign in to Google Analytics
Note: You can open Analytics from within the Adwords account. Now click on the Tools tab, select
Analytics and then follow the rest of the instructions.
2. Click on Admin and navigate to the property you wish to link to.
3. In the Property column, click Adwords linking.
5. Select the Adwords accounts you want to link, then click on Continue.
In case you have an Adwords Manager Account, select the account to link it.
And in case you want to link only some managed accounts, expand the manager account, then select
each of the managed AdWords account that you want to link. Or, click All Linkable to select all of
managed AdWords accounts, and then deselect individual accounts.
6. Turn linking ON for each view in the property in which you want Adwords data.
7. Optionally, select Enable Google Display Network Impression Reporting to also include the data
in each view.
8. If you have already enabled auto-tagging in your AdWords account, or if you want to let the
linking process automatically enable auto-tagging in your Adwords accounts, then skip to the
next step.
9. Now click on link accounts.
Once you complete the following steps, you will receive a success message of the link completion.
Now that if you opt to choose auto-tagging, Analytics will start automatically associating your AdWords
data with customer clicks.
Import Google Analytics Goals and Transaction into AdWords
When it comes to analyzing customer activity on your website, Google offers two features to help you:
Google Analytics goals and transactions, and AdWords conversion tracking. You can use both at the
same time, or just one.
Benefits of Importing
Importing your Google Analytics goals into AdWords conversion tracking offers a few benefits. They
 Access your Google Analytics conversions and data related to your AdWords clicks.
 See Google Analytics conversion data in AdWords.
 Give Conversion Optimizer access to data that helps optimize bids, potentially increasing
conversions and lowering costs.
How to import Analytics goals and transactions to AdWords?
 Sign in to your AdWords account.
 Click the Tools icon, and under Measurements, select Conversions. Note: Your import could
take up to 30 minutes to appear.
 In the Conversion actions section, click the plus button.
 Select Import.
 Select Google Analytics, and click Continue.
 Select the goals and transactions you’d like to import, then click Import and continue.
 Click Done.
AdWords will begin importing the data from your Analytics account. Historical data from before the
import won't be included.
How to edit the Conversion settings for imported Goals?
Once you've imported your Analytics goals, you can edit them the same way you edit conversion
actions created in AdWords.
 Sign in to your AdWords account.
 Click the Tools tab, then select Conversions.
 Click the name of the imported goal you want to edit.
 Click Edit Settings.
 Make any changes and click the Save button.
10.7 Using the Google Keyword Planner Tool Effectively
The Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool is the effective resource for building proper keyword lists
and helping the AdWords campaign getting started easily. It is a free to use AdWords feature that
helps generating keywords ideas and estimating bid which largely helps in designing the marketing
Not only this tool helps in searching keywords, but also provides ad group ideas. For an example, let’s
say you have a Delhi based traveling business and provide tour plans across the country. The AdWords
Keyword Planner Tool will help you search the relevant and right keywords for your business that you
might have not thought of before. You may find relevant keywords like ‘Affordable Tour Plan,’ ‘South
India Tourism,’ ‘Adventure Tourism India,’ etc.
Using the right keyword relevant to your business will bring potential customers to your business and
additionally help them to find the right service that they are search for.
Here’s is how to make use of the Keyword Planner Tool effectively:
1. Use Basic Filtering to Refine Your Audience and Budget: For using the keyword planner,
you need to use the four options namely:
 Search for New Keywords: This field allows you to generate new keyword by allowing
you to type the keyword phrase, website or category.
 Multiple Keyword List: This field allows you to combine two separate lists that you need
to put to create new keyword combination.
 Get Search Volume and Trends: This field shows the historical trending and search
volume data of the keywords.
 Get Click and Cost Performance Forecast: This field provides the performance
projection for the list of keywords as per the average bid and budget.
When you add keywords into any of these options, you will find a list or report which you can filter
based on the variety of elements:
 Location: The location gives searches volume data and trend based on a specific geographic
location or range.
 Language: The language gives search volume data and trends for a specific language. This
helps when you have multiple language versions or pages of the website. (Example: English,
 Search Network: Determines where the provided data comes from. The default data source
is from the Google, however, you may also choose Google and Google Search Partners.
 Negative Keywords: Filter out any words or phrases that you don’t want to see in your
results. For an example, if you don’t want to target anything with the words like ‘cheap’ or
‘free,’ this is the right field where you are need to enter.
Date Range
The Date Range lets you enter a specific data range so you can
see average monthly searches for that time period. Here, you
can also compare two different data ranges. This is useful in
deciding if certain keywords perform better during different
times of the year, so as to help you strategy your campaign
Average Monthly Searches: The average monthly searches
filter keywords based on the average monthly searches for the
selected dates. The Keywords having the high search volume
(generally above 10,000 average monthly searches) are much
challenging to compete for with a higher suggested bid. In case
you are starting your campaign, focusing on the keywords with
medium level search volume will forbid you from spending too
much of your budget on too few keywords.
Suggested Bid: The suggested bid allows you to see keyword
options that could help you stay in better control of your budget.
The suggested bid is calculated by taking into account the cost-
per-click (CPC) that other advertisers are paying for keywords
with the similar location and Search Network settings that you
have selected.
Ad Impression Share: The Ad Impression Share explains the number of times people will see your
advertisement, divided by the total number of searches that match with your keyword exactly in the
last month for the targeted location and network.
Organic Impression Share: The percentage of times a page from your website showed up in a
regular, unpaid web search for a keyword.
Competition: This lets you filter keywords by how difficult it will be to receive a top position with
them. You can filter by high, medium, and low keyword. For small businesses, it’s generally suggested
to filter for medium to low difficulty, as these lead to have a lower suggested bid, so that you can
make more of your budget.
This field lets you to narrow your research to show only ideas
that are closely associated to your search terms or content,
keywords that are already in your plan and more.
However, make sure not to set too many restrictions.
2. Use Quality Keyword Over a Quantity of Keywords
In case you are struggling to make a unique approach for keywords, or finding keywords that are
relevant to the business, the Keyword Planner Tool can help you discover new terms and phrases that
your potential customers are using to search for businesses like yours. This tool allows you to view
the Google-recommended keywords generated by:
 Keyword: Type in words or phrases that are relevant to the business or website in order to
get new ideas or long-tail keyword you may have not thought of.
 Landing Page: Enter a specific webpage to enable the tool to read the page and generate the
relevant keyword search.
 Product Category: Select the product category that best describe your online business in
order to discover popular keywords frequently searched within your industry. This helps to
identify keywords that you may not have realized that your potential customers are using in
order to search for your product and service.
Whenever analyzing the keyword suggestion offered by the tool, make sure that in case a keyword
has high search volume, there might be a lot of competition with high suggested bid. Therefore try to
choose those keywords that are relevant and best represent your business, and this will not absorb
the majority of budget.
3. Target Your Ads to Your Geographic Audience
Proper targeting has proved effective to business. The Keyword Planner’s targeting filters allow you to
customize where your online ad will be showcased as per your language and location preference. For
an example, let’s say your business has a physical storefront, and you are hoping to reach people who
are searching for your business near your location.
While a keyword have a high search volume nationally or across other wide areas, the target filter can
help you decide whether it is a popular and relevant term in your local areas.
These filters will let you decide your campaigns around different languages. However, if you find the
company is popular with both the English and Hindi speakers, using the AdWords keywords tool will
help you find the most relevant keywords in each language, which helps to create separate ad groups
to reach both audience.
4. Prepare for What Your Competitors are Paying
The competition level for the keyword choices can largely increase the cost. Based on how many
people are bidding on it, a particular keyword competition level is ranked low, medium or high. The
high competition keyword costs more per average bid, and making use of them may make it more
difficult and expensive for the ad to gain a top-level display position.
With the use of the AdWords keyword tool, you can find effective keywords that fit your budget by
showing you that what advertisers are paying for the keywords. The tool’s suggested bid column shows
the average amount that is being spent to rank in a top level position for a particular keyword. You
can moreover see which of your desired keywords are within the reach of your budget, and build your
campaign around them in order to improve the chance of being seen by the potential customers.
While the suggested bid feature provides a good estimation of general costs, Google’s first page bid
estimate tool provides an estimate of how much it will cost to rank on the first result page as per the
Quality Score (Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of both keyword and PPC) of your keywords
and current competition for them.
To view the estimated first page bid metric for your keyword, follow the given steps:
 Visit the Keywords tab and click the Columns button.
 Select Modify columns right from the drop-down menu.
 In the ‘Attribute’ drop-down menu, add Estimated first page bid, and click on Save.
 You can do the same to view your estimated top of the page bid (add Estimate top page bid
and then Save)
In case the first page bid estimate is very high, it means that your keyword’s Quality Score is poor.
You can click the Help bubble next to the keyword to find more details.
5. Analyze Your Plan to Use the Budget Effectively
As you discover keywords that are workable for your advertisement, click the button to the right of
the column to add them to your keyword plan. This will temporarily store your potential keywords.
Once you find the keywords suitable for your plan, you can certainly set a daily budget, location and
bid maximum as well in order to receive a detailed forecast about the potential for the keywords that
you have selected.
Once you have a list of 10-20 keywords for your group, clicking on the Review Forecasts button will
display the estimated clicks, impressions, average position, and average conversion rate for your
potential keywords so you can analyze whether they are realistic for your budget range. Use your
findings in order to add or delete keywords until you have a proper list that will help make the most
of the budget.
The AdWords Keyword Planner is thus helpful for a successful PPC campaign. Be it a smaller budget
or higher, this tool can help you customize the keywords for more efficiency. With these strategies,
you can make your online marketing campaign a big success.
10.8 Keyword Research
Keyword Research is the process of selecting what keywords are used in search engines by the
potential customers. Researching keyword has been an essential part of Search Engine Optimization
and AdWords campaign. It is the research of relevant keyword phrases which your potential customers
are likely to use to find you online. In order to find the easiest way to search for your business-centric
keywords, follow the steps given below:
Step: 1 Log in to Click on the keyword field as marked here.
Step: 2 Add few relevant keywords in the marked field to generate related keywords.
Step: 3 After adding the relevant keywords, you can generate more keywords clicking on the ‘More
like this’ button given right after the keyword. This is how you can get to generate more keywords
from one or two keywords.
10.9 Understanding Landing Page and Optimizing the Page for GOOGLE ADWORDS
The AdWords landing page is the key product of a marketing campaign. When you want to take your
marketing campaign to the next level, you can use Google AdWords to get more customers to the
landing page.
Landing Page: The webpage where the online customer end up right after clicking the ad. The URL
of this page is usually the same as your AdWords final URL.
 For each ad, you specify a final URL to determine the landing page where people are taken
when they click on your ad.
 Google’s policy is that your landing page and display URL (the webpage shown in your ad) must
share the same domain.
 Your landing page experience is one of several factors that helps determine a keyword’s Quality
Score. The experience of a landing page is represented by such things as the usefulness and
relevance of information provided on the page, ease of navigation for the user, and how many
links are on the page.
Optimizing Landing Page
 Optimize your ads
Your ads are the voice of your products and services. The more relevant and engaging they are to
your customers, the more likely they will generate results for you.
To quickly gauge your ad performance, you can sort by clickthrough rate or conversion statistics the
same way you might with keywords. This way, you can easily see which ads:
 Get clicked on most often.
 Generate the most conversions.
 Have the best conversion rates.
 Bring in conversions at the lowest cost.
You will want your ads to appeal to customers and accurately describe what you have to offer. Follow
these best practices to make sure your ads are optimized:
 Match your ads and keywords
Consumers tend to be drawn to ads that seem more relevant to their search. So make sure that your
ad text (especially the headline) is closely related to your keywords. This can catch the attention of
people who searched for those words, and show that your ad is related to what they want.
It's important to group your keywords by theme or product, instead of putting all your keywords in
the same ad group. This way, you can write an ad that is directly tailored to that specific theme. And
the more closely paired your ads and keywords are, the more likely someone will be interested in your
 Create different versions of your ad
It can be hard to capture everything you want to say about your business in a single text ad. That is
why you will want to write different versions of your ad.
In each ad, try using different headlines or description text. For example, you could experiment with:
 Trying different headlines or calls-to-action
 Include certain keywords or brands
 Include specific prices or promotions
 Use a strong call-to-action
In your ad text, you will want to encourage customers to perform the action that you want them to
take on your site. A strong, clear call-to-action tells customers what they can expect and pushes them
toward your desired action.
The more specific your call-to-action (that is, the closer it matches your keywords and landing page),
the better your chances of a conversion. By choosing the right action phrase, you will avoid having to
pay for clicks that are less likely to result in business for you.
 Highlight what sets you apart
If you have something special to offer, make sure your customers see it. For example, you might be
offering a 10% summer discount, an instant rebate, or a free gift with purchase. Calling attention to
specific prices or promotions can help influence someone's decision to click on your ad. The more you
can set yourself apart from competitors, the more likely you will appeal to potential customers.
 Use ad extensions
One way of attracting more customers to your ad is by using ad extensions—a feature that shows
extra business information with your ad, like an address, phone number, store rating, or more
webpage links. Adding ad extensions can help improve your ad's visibility and CTR.
 Optimize your landing pages
Your landing pages play a big part in turning clicks into customers. When someone clicks on your ad,
they expect to land on a page that is relevant to what they saw in your ad. If they don't immediately
find what they expect, they are more likely to leave your page.
 Make sure your landing page matches your ad and keywords
Choose a landing page that closely matches your ad and keywords. For example, if your keyword is
discount shoes and your ad promises shoes at 20% off, then customers should be able to find and buy
shoes at that discounted price on your landing page.
Your landing page should also mirror the call-to-action in your ad text. For example, if your ad
encourages customers to sign up for a free tour, then you might prominently feature a sign-up form
on your landing page. Think of it this way: The connection between your ad and landing page is the
bridge between a potential customer and a purchase. The stronger they are connected (the more
directly relevant they are), the better your chances of a conversion.
 Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
Many of your customers will be visiting your website on a mobile device. On a smaller screen, it can
be hard for people to find what they want.
See if the speed of your mobile site is costing your customers, and get quick fixes to improve it. Test
your site.
Here are just a few ways to build an effective mobile site:
 Keep it quick
 Make it easy to contact you
 Use simple navigation
 Make sure your landing page is easy to navigate
Make it quick and easy for customers to perform the action you want them to take like order your
product, call your phone number, or submit an inquiry. Don't make people search around for
information they might need. Avoid cluttering your site with too many ads or pop-ups.
It's a good idea to put important information towards the top of the page. This way, it will be
immediately visible to customers when they arrive on the page, and they don't have to scroll down to
see it.
 Provide useful, unique content
Try to provide useful, original and unique information on your landing page about whatever you are
advertising. Be clear about your product or service and what it does. For example, you might consider
adding reviews that show real opinions from other customers.
10.10 Google AdWords Terminology
The Google AdWords make use of different terms which define how the AdWords functions on the web.
While working with the Google AdWords, you will certainly come across with various terminologies
that you need to work with. Here’s the list of short Google AdWords glossary that you required to get
started with your paid campaign.
1. Campaign - An ad campaign on Google AdWords is made up of your ad groups, and has the same
budget, campaign type and your other ad settings. It’s generally what you first set-up when you
advertise, and it helps you organize your different paid advertising efforts. You can run multiple
campaigns at any time from your Google account.
2. Ad groups - An ad group is your set of keywords, budgets and targeting methods for a particular
objective, within the same campaign. For example, if you are running an ad campaign for a shoe sale,
you could set up ad groups to target for online sales, women’s shoes and men’s shoes. You can have
multiple ads in each ad group.
3. Campaign Type - Your campaign type is where you want your ads to be seen. Google has:
“Search Network only” (which means Google search only)
“Display Network only” (which means your ad shows up in Google’s Display network of websites,
videos, YouTube, Blogger and more. This is also known as AdSense)
“Search Network with Display Select” (which is a combo of search and display)
4. Keywords - Keywords are very important in your Google Ads. They are the words or word phrases
you choose for your ads, and will help to determine where and when your ad will appear. When
choosing your keywords, think like your customer and what they would be searching for when they
want your product, service or offer. Though you can include as many as you like, I suggest a maximum
of twenty keywords.
5. Quality Score - A quality score is the measurement from Google based on the relevancy of your
ad headline, description, keywords and destination URL to your potential customer seeing your ad. A
higher Quality Score can get you better ad placement and lower costs.
6. Impressions - An impression is the measurement of how many times your ad is shown.
7. Ad Rank - Your Ad Rank is the value that’s used to determine where your ad shows up on a page.
It’s based on your Quality Score and your bid amount.
8. Mobile ad - Mobile ads are what your mobile searchers see on their devices. Google AdWords has
WAP mobile ads and “ads for high-end mobile devices”.
9. Ad extensions - Ad extensions are extra information about your business, such as your local
address, phone number, and even coupons or additional websites. They’re what shows up in blue
below your ad descriptions.
10. Call to Action (CTA) - A CTA is literally the action you want your searcher to take. Good CTAs in
your ads are short, action oriented words such as “Buy”, “Get”, “Act Now”, etc.
11. Click Through Rate (CTR) - Your CTR is an important metric in your account settings. It
measures how many people who have seen your ad click through to your link destination.
12. Landing Page - Your landing page is the page on your website to which you’re driving traffic
from your ad.
13. Optimization - Optimization in Google AdWords is like optimization elsewhere in marketing. It
means making the changes in your ad that get you higher results for your objectives.
14. Split Testing - Split testing includes A/B and multivariate testing. It’s a method of controlled
marketing experiments with the goal being to improve your objective results (such as higher CTR’s,
increased conversion or even better Ad Ranking).
15. Bid Strategy - Your bid strategy is basically how you set your bid type to pay for viewer interaction
with your ads.
16. Daily budget - Your daily budget is what you’re willing to spend per day per ad. Your daily cost
is based on a daily average per month, so don’t be alarmed if yours varies from day to day.
17. CPC - Cost-Per-Click is the most common bid type on Google AdWords. It means you pay every
time a person actually clicks on your ad. You set your “maximum CPC” in the bidding process, which
means that dollar amount is the most you will pay for a click on your ad.
18. PPC - Pay-Per-Click is the same as CPC.
19. CPM - Cost-Per-thousand impressions is a bidding method that bases your costs on how many
times your ads are shown (impressions)
20. Billing Threshold - Your billing threshold is the level of spending that triggers a charge to you
for the ad costs. It applies to automatic payments, and the threshold level starts at $50. It you reach
that within 30 days, you’ll be billed, and your threshold then raises to $100 and so on.
21. Headline - Your ad headline is the header of your ad copy. It generally shows up in blue when
your ad is live.
22. Destination URL - Your destination URL is the landing page your ad is directed to when it’s
clicked. Your destination site can be a specific page. You can change it for differing ads within ad
groups. Your audience does not see it in the ad.
23. Display URL - Your display URL is what shows up in your ad copy. You can keep this simple and
clean to increase your brand recognition, trust, and conversions.
24. Side ad - A side ad is the ad that show up on the right hand side of a search engine results page
25. Top ad - A top ad is the ad that shows up in a shaded box above the organic search results.
10.11 Understanding Adwords Bidding and Payment
Google AdWords offers several bid strategies that are tailored to different types of campaigns.
Depending on which networks your campaign is targeting, and whether you want to focus on getting
clicks, impressions, conversions, or views you can determine which strategy is best for you. In this
article, we will describe how to use your advertising goals to choose your bid strategy.
Consider your Goals
Each bid strategy is suited for different kinds of campaigns and advertising goals. For the purposes of
bidding, you will want to consider four basic types of goals, along with your current campaign settings.
 If you want customers to take a direct action on your site, and you are using conversion
tracking, then it may be best to focus on conversions. AdWords Smart Bidding lets you do that.
 If you want to generate traffic to your website, focusing on clicks could be ideal for you. Cost-
per-click (CPC) bidding may be right for your campaign.
 If you want to increase brand awareness—not drive traffic to your site—focusing on impressions
may be your strategy. You can use cost per thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) bidding to
put your message in front of customers. You can also use a Target Search Page Location or
Target Outranking Share strategy to maximize visibility.
 If you run video ads and want to increase views or interactions with your ads, you can use
cost-per-view (CPV) or CPM or cost-per-thousand (CPM) bidding.
 If you run video ads and your goal is to increase product or brand consideration you can use
cost-per-view (CPV).
Focus on conversions with Smart Bidding
If you want to focus on conversions, consider using AdWords Smart Bidding to take much of the heavy
lifting and estimation out of setting bids. Smart Bidding is a set of automated bid strategies that uses
machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction, a feature
known as “auction-time bidding.” It also factors in a wide range of auction-time signals such as
device, location, time of day, language, and operating system to capture the unique context of every
Below are the four Smart Bidding strategies you can use:
 Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition): If you want to optimize for conversions, you can use
Target CPA to help increase conversions while targeting a specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
 Target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend): If you want to optimize for conversion value, you can
use Target ROAS to help increase conversion value while targeting a specific return-on-ad-
spend (ROAS).
 Maximize Conversions: If you want to optimize for conversions, but just want to spend your
entire budget instead of targeting a specific CPA, you can use Maximize Conversions.
 Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC): If you want to automatically adjust your manual bids to
try to maximize conversions, you can use ECPC. It’s an optional feature you can use with
Manual CPC bidding.
Focus on clicks with CPC bidding
If you are focusing on gaining clicks to generate traffic to your website, there are two cost-per-click
bid strategies to consider:
 Maximize Clicks: This is an automated bid strategy. It's the simplest way to bid for clicks. All
you have to do is set a daily budget, and the AdWords system automatically manages your
bids to bring you the most clicks possible within your budget.
 Manual CPC bidding: This lets you manage your maximum CPC bids yourself. You can set
different bids for each ad group in your campaign, or for individual keywords or placements. If
you have found that certain keywords or placements are more profitable, you can use manual
bidding to allocate more of your advertising budget to those keywords or placements.
Focus on impressions
If you want to focus on impressions, you can try one of the following bid strategies to help maximize
 Target Search Page Location: This is an automated bid strategy that automatically sets your
bids to help increase the chances that your ads appear at the top of the page, or on the first
page of search results.
 Target Outranking Share: This is an automated bid strategy that lets you choose a domain
you want to outrank so that your ad is displayed above that domain’s ads, or shows when that
domain’s ad does not. You can set how often you want to outrank that domain, and AdWords
automatically sets your Search bids to help meet that target.
 Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM): With this bid strategy, you will pay based on the
number of impressions (times your ads are shown) that you receive on YouTube or the
Google Display Network.
 Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM): This is a manual bidding strategy you
can use if your ads are designed to increase awareness, but not necessarily generate clicks or
traffic. It lets you set the highest amount you want to pay for each 1,000 viewable ad
impressions on the Google Display Network. vCPM bidding probably is not for you if the goal of
your campaign is a direct response from customers, like buying a product or filling out a form.
 Focus on views or interactions (for video ads only)
If you run video ads, you can use cost-per-view (CPV) bidding. With CPV bidding, you will pay for
video views and other video interactions, such as clicks on the calls-to-action overlay (CTAs), cards,
and companion banners. You just enter the highest price you want to pay for a view while setting up
your TrueView video campaign.
A payment method is what you use to pay for AdWords. For example, you could pay with a credit card,
bank account, or other methods, depending on your country and currency.
Add a new payment method
The steps for adding a payment method are different depending on whether or not this is the first time
you are entering your billing information into AdWords.
Enter billing information for the first time
After you have created an AdWords account, here's how to enter your billing information:
1. Sign in to your AdWords account at
2. Click the setting icon then click Billing & payments.
3. Choose the country or territory of your business address. Click Continue.
4. Enter your business address. Click Continue.
5. Make your billing selections and enter your billing information. The options you see will depend on
the country of your billing address and the currency you have decided to use. Click Continue.
6. Review and accept the AdWords Terms and Conditions.
7. Click Submit and Activate.
What to expect - automatic payments: Once your account is activated and your billing information
has been processed, any new ads and campaigns you create can begin running on Google. If you don't
want them to run immediately, be sure to pause your campaigns.
What to expect - manual payments: Your ads will run once you have money in your account. Click
the setting icon and choose Billing, then click the Make a payment button to add money.
When you have already set up Billing Information
1. Sign in to your AdWords account at
2. Click the setting icon and choose Billing & payments.
3. Click the Payment methods from the menu on the left.
4. Click Add payment method.
5. The payment methods available to you will appear. These are based on your business address, your
account's currency, and how you pay (automatic or manual payments).
6. Enter your payment method information.
7. Click the Save button.
When setting up your payment information for AdWords, there are two things to keep in mind: Your
payment setting and your payment method.
Payment Setting: How You Pay
This is how you make your payments. Your choices are:
Automatic payments: You are automatically charged after your ads run, either 30 days after your
last automatic charge or when you reach a preset amount (known as your threshold), whichever comes
first. You can also make payments at any time to control your costs.
Manual payments: Pay when you want for future costs. With this setting, you make a payment
before your ads run. Then, as your ads run and you add costs, the credit from your payment will
decrease. When your payment is used up, your ads will stop running.
Monthly invoicing (credit line): Some businesses are eligible for a Google credit line if they meet
certain requirements. With this setting, you add costs first, then receive a monthly invoice. You pay
for these costs with a check or bank transfer. It is required that you make payments within the
timeframe that you have agreed to with Google, according to terms and conditions.
Payment method: What you pay with.
This is what you use to pay your bills, such as a credit or debit card. The choices available to you will
depend on your country (that is, the country of your business address) and the currency you have
selected for your AdWords account.
Your tax information
The taxes that are applied to your account depend on which country your billing address is located in,
as well as the currency you use in your account.
10.12 Creating Google AdWords Campaign
A campaign is a set of related ad groups that is often used
to organize categories of products or services that you
offer. You will need to make at least one campaign before
you can create ads in your account.
The Google AdWords is the standalone PPC advertising
system that run on the Search Engine. Precisely, PPC or
Pay-Per-Click is an internet advertising model that is used
to drive direct traffic to the website.
Figure: Sample Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaign
Account Set up Basics
In order to sign up to advertise on AdWords you will need to create a Google Account. Then simply
head over to and sign in. Once signed in you will arrive at the Adwords
welcome screen. This interface gives us a few key items to consider as we prepare to launch our
first campaign.
 Choose your budget.
 Choose your Target audiences.
 Set your bid strategy and the suggested bid as given. And click on Save.
 Write your text Ad and add conversion driven landing page. And click on Save.
 Add the payment information as given.
 Add your details in the given fields below and proceed further.
 Add your payment details as and when asked.
 Once you are done filling the form, agree with Google AdWords, and click on Finish and
Create Ad to finally launch your advertisement on the web.
All online business need results, and PPC AdWords is one of the effective mediums to display the
business product and service on the Search Engine Result Page, to get the links clicked by the
customers you want. With these easy steps, you can bring real result to your business objective.
1. Answer correctly to the following questions.
1. What does the Google AdWords defines?
2. What are the major campaign types of Google AdWords?
3. What is a Search Network Campaign?
4. Why do you use Google Adwords Keyword Tool for Keyword Research?
5. Explain the working of Display Network Campaign?
6. What are the major objectives of Search Network Campaign? Where do the Search Network
advertisements appear?
7. Differentiate between Search Network Campaign and Display Network Campaign.
8. What are Shopping Campaigns? Give example to clearly explain the concept.
9. Explain the working of the Shopping Campaign?
10. Explain the Universal App Campaign? Name the platforms where these apps can be displayed.
11. What is the role of Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool? Give example of keywords.
12. What are negative keywords? Give examples.
13. What do you understand by Keyword Research? How can you do Keyword Research?
14. What is the Landing Page? Describe the ways to optimize the landing page for Google AdWords.
15. Differentiate between CPC, CPM, and PPC.
16. Mention the two Cost Per Click Bid Strategies.
17. What are Ad Groups?
18. Explain the Destination URL in Google AdWords.
19. Differentiate between the Manual and the Automated Payment in Google AdWords.
20. What is ‘Auction-time bidding’?
2. Give answers to the following questions.
1. What are the different campaign types?
2. Where the Google Shopping Campaign is set up?
3. What determines the ranking of the keywords?
4. What is a Video Campaign? Give example.
3. Name the three types of Video Ad Campaigns.
5. Where do the True-view Video discovery ads appear?
6. When can you skip the TrueView In-Stream Ads?
7. What do you understand by Quality Score?
8. Mention the Google AdWords URL.
9. List the four smart bidding strategy and explain each of them.
Practical Exercise
1. Choose any website of your own choice and generate relevant keywords as per the website
using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool. Select at least 10 to 15 relevant keywords
as per your website.
2. Select a website of you own choice and create an AdWords Campaign of any product or service
using the Google AdWords tool.
3. Integrate Google AdWords with Google Analytics.

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Google adds

  • 1. 204 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Chapter: 10 Google Adwords (16 Hours) Objective: After completing this lesson, you will be able to:  Define Google Adwords.  Explain Google Adwords Campaign and its types.  Use Google Keyword Planner Tool effectively.  Identify the process to do Keyword Research.  Describe Landing page and optimize the Landing page for Google AdWords.  List and define Adwords Terminologies.  Analyze the Adwords Bidding and Payment Strategy.  Create Google Adwords Campaign. Duration: Theoretical: 6 hours. Practical: 10 hours.
  • 2. 205 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.1 Defining Google AdWords Google AdWords is an online advertising service developed by Google, where the advertisers pay to display brief advertising copy, product listing, and video content within the Google ad network to the online users. Generally, these ads display the sponsored links with the brief advertisement note on the product or service. History of Google AdWords Setting up a Google AdWords Campaign and generating traffic is not as easy as it is today. It is not unusual to find thousands of new advertisers entering into the Google AdWords, but hardly the advertisers know when it was actually created and start its evolvement. In the year 1999, Google AdWords was started for the very first time by selling ads on a CPM basis. Ever since 1999, AdWords campaign become popularized among the users successfully and helped generating revenue for business growth. It has now reaches more than 80% of the global internet users, and helps connecting the advertisers with the potential customers.
  • 3. 206 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.2 Understanding the Google AdWords Campaign and its Types Google AdWords starts with creating a campaign. The campaign is designed as per the advertisement goal of the business. Each and every advertising network has various types of campaign to suit the campaign objectives. What is a Campaign Type? The campaign type explains the position where the customers will be able to see the advertisement. Generally, the Campaign types include:  Search Network Campaign  Display Network Campaign  Shopping Campaign  Video Campaign  Universal App Campaign
  • 4. 207 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL These Campaign types determine how your AdWord campaign will be displayed. Let us now learn how these various campaign types work. SEARCH NETWORK CAMPAIGN: The primary goals of Search Network Campaign are Sales, Leads and Website Traffic. When you select the Search Network Campaign, your ad will appear near the Google Search Results and other Google website where people search for terms that are relevant to the ad keywords. Example: Let’s suppose you are looking for service to advertise your product or service online. Here, the Search Network Campaign will display the ad to the potential customer right on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) where the customers are searching for. How the Search Network Campaign works? The Search Network Ads are matched to search results page based on the terms or phrases someone searches. For an example, a search on the Google for ‘Home Plumbing Repair’ might show an ad that uses the phrase as a keyword. Search Network Campaigns generally work to make people take action such as clicking your ad or calling your business. These campaigns show ads to people who actively seek out for information. When your potential customer is trying to find out for the product and service like yours, they will came across your ad and find it helpful to click through it. DISPLAY NETWORK CAMPAIGN: The Display advertisement is the original form of online advertisement. These are visual ads which appear on third party websites (usually ones that are related to the content or service in some way). The Google Display Network ad appears when people browse their favorite website. The primary goals of Display Network Campaign are Building Consumer Awareness, Content Engagement and Driving Action.
  • 5. 208 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Example: Let’s suppose you are looking to purchase a brand new car. While obtaining the review of the car, you come across an advertisement on a car in a website that deals with the makes and models of the car. It is the Display Network Advertising Campaign that showcases the advertisement on the website that deals with cars and its parts. How the Display Network Campaign Works? The Google Display Network is designed to find the right audience. This campaign shows your message to the potential customer at the right time and at the right position. Find new customers or engage your existing customers using audiences. Similar audiences and in-market audiences allow you to target people who are interested in your products, which help you to find new prospective customers as well. It also enables you to use data, like the remarketing lists, to help you re-engage with people who have visited your website previously. Drive conversions using automation. The Display Network campaign helps you get more conversions by finding high-performing audiences as per the existing audiences and landing page. By automatically optimizing over time, AdWords learns which audience work for you. Audience bidding automatically adjusts the bid to help you meet the return on investment. Smart display campaigns combine the best of automated targeting, bidding, and creative to maximize your conversions on AdWords. Kinds of Display Advertisements Display ads are available in different forms and thus it comes as: 1. Banner Advertisement: The banner advertisement is also called Display Advertisement, due to the visual nature of the banner ad. The purpose of banner advertisement is to promote a brand. The banner ad can take the visitors from the host website to the advertiser’s website or a specific landing page.
  • 6. 209 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL The banner ad or a web banner is an advertisement displayed into a web page. The advertisement consists of an image or of a multimedia object (usually created using flash or HTML 5.) The banner ad can be either static or animated as per the technology used to build them. 2. Static Banner Ad: The Static Banner Ad can be a simple image or a visual that acts like an ad but in the digital ecosystem you can click on it and get to the website or landing page of the advertisement. 3. Animated Banner Ad: The Animated Banner ad is a type of digital advertising that is delivered by an ad server. The purpose is the same as the one for the static banner ad: to get noticed on the website and make the user click on it. Further, the animated ad program is a generalized display or sequential visual that creates the illusion that the object in the image are moving. 4. Responsive Display Ad: With the use of the image ads, you can attract people’s attention with color and picture. However, one of the best ways to show your ads across the Display Network is through creating the Responsive advertisement.
  • 7. 210 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Responsive advertisement is featured with the technique that adjusts the size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. With the text and images you enter, the AdWords automatically generates the ad as ad spaces become available. Responsive ads can show an almost any size text, image or native format, compatible for all devices. Given below are the step-by-step instructions for creating the Responsive advertisement: 1. Sign in to your AdWords Account. 2. From the navigation panel on the left, select the Display Campaign. 3. Then click Ads & extentions from the page menu on the left. 4. Next click on +Ad. 5. Select the Responsive Ad. 6. Select an ad group. If you want your responsive ads to be dynamic, make sure your ad group, or its campaign, is attached to a feed. 7. Add and save your visuals. In order to give access to all our ad formats, responsive ads need visuals. You can crop 1 image to landscape and square formats, or use 2 different images. Upload your visuals, scan them from your website or select from our free library of stock images. You can also select from recently used images.  Landscape. In case you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your landscape image should have a ratio of 1.91:1 and be greater than 600 X 315. The can also select from recently used images.  Square. If you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your square (1:1) image should be greater than 300 X 300. The file size limit is 1MB.  Logo (optional). In case you choose the upload option, keep in mind that your logo should be square (1:1) and should be 128 x 128 or greater. The recommended size for the square logo is 1200 X 1200. You can also a landscape (4:1) logo, which should be 512 x 128 or greater. The recommended size for the landscape logo is 1200 X 300. For all your logos, a transparent background is best, but only if the logo is centered. The file size limit is 1 MB.  Avoid Text. Text may cover no more than 20% of the image.
  • 8. 211 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 8. Complete your ad information:  Write a short headline (25 characters or fewer): The short headline is the first line of your ad, and appears in tight ad spaces where the long headline doesn’t fit. The short headlines may appear with or without your description.  Write a long headline (90 characters or fewer): The long headline is the first line of your ad, and appears instead of your short headline in larger ads. Long headlines may appear with or without your description. Note: When rendered in an ad, the long headline’s length will depend on the site it appears on.  Write a description: The description adds to the headlines and invites people to take action. It can be up to 90 characters, and may appear after the (short or long) headline. However, the length of the rendered description will depend on the site it appears on.  Enter your business name: This is the name of your business or brand.  Enter a final URL ( which signifies where the people will go when they click on your ad)  Optional: Go to advanced URL options, and select Call to action text. From the drop down select a language and from the drop down menu (on the right) select a specific call to action text.  Optional for dynamic responsive ads: promotional text (example: “Free two-day shipping”) and price prefix. 9. Preview a small fraction of your potential ads. Since responsive ads are built to reach across almost any ad space on the Display Network, they can show in thousands of layouts. 10. Click Save. 11. Wait for at least a week after your ad is approved before you review its performance. Before that, your data is still incomplete.
  • 9. 212 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Rich Media Advertisement The Rich Media Advertisement is a digital advertising which includes advanced features like the video, audio, or other elements that encourages the viewers to interact and engage with the content. While the text ads sell with words, and display ads sell with picture, the Rich Media ad offers more ways to involve an audience with an ad. The ad can expand, and even float, and more. Here, you can access the aggregated metrics on your audience’s behavior, including the number of expansions, multiple exits, and video completion to get a detail data on the success of your campaign. The Rich Media lets the agencies create complex ads that can bring out the strong user response. With the use of HTML 5 technology, the ads can include multiple level of content in one placement: video, games, tweets from an ad etc. In case you have a simple objective to generate clicks or a more ambitious goal to create brand awareness, the Rich Media ad is the best to go with.
  • 10. 213 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Key Advantages of Rich Media Creative  An engaging user experience leading to higher interaction rate.  Increased conversions, click-throughs, and view rates.  Better metrics than traditional ads. The other specifications of Rich Media Creatives are:  It usually exceeds 200K.  Uses multiple files.  May contain video.  Expands to a larger size.  Include detailed tracking metrics on user interactivity.  May track multiple click-through links.  May contain other special features (polling, send-to-a-friend, gallery, etc.)  Some publishers may require a polite load. Rich Media Creative Ad Types The Rich Media Ads displays ad in different types and they are: Banner: It is a creative ad with a fixed size and position on a web page or in a mobile platform. A banner is the most basic rich media ad format, which includes videos and polite download technology that waits for the web page to completely load before loading the creative.
  • 11. 214 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Banner with Floating A banner creative and an interstitial (an advertisement that appears while a chosen website or page is downloading) creative displayed at the same time. Dynamic Creatives Banner, expanding, interstitial, or VPAID creative types can also be dynamic. Dynamic creatives use a linked management profile that can change creative content on the fly, either manually or based on content rules.
  • 12. 215 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Expanding A creative ad that expands beyond its initial dimensions over the top of other page or app content. Expansion can take place after a user interacts or automatically when the page loads (auto-expand). Creatives Ad can expand in any direction, shape, or with fading effects and can collapse on user interaction, automatically on mouse-out, or based on a timer. Other expanding creative types include: Lightbox, Multi-directional expanding, and push down. Expanding creative expands over the page or in-app content by default, but you can also enable them to push content down on a page (see the push down below) Interstitial A creative that either floats on top of a page’s content or appears as a full screen ad during natural transition points in mobile apps, such as during launch, loading, and video pre-roll. The Interstitial creatives ad served on web pages can move with content or maintain a locked position as a user scrolls. The ‘Locked’ option is enabled at the trafficking stage.
  • 13. 216 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Lightbox Lightbox is a premium brand format for the Google Display Network. Lightbox is an expanding creative that works on both desktop and mobile. On desktop computers, a two second mouseover expands the Lightbox. On mobile devices, you tap to expand. When expanded, the Lightbox takes over most of the available screen space to feature brand content, including the videos, maps, games, and more. Multi-Directional Expanding (MDE) A creative that expands in multiple directions, depending on where the ad appears in the page. For an example, when the ad is on the left side of the page, it will automatically detect its location and expand to the right. If the same ad is served on the right side of the page, it will expand to the left.
  • 14. 217 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Multi-Floating Interstitial Multi Interstitial creative (a maximum of four) that works as a single creative delivery, commonly to border or surround a page’s content. Like an ordinary interstitial creative, this creative can move with content or maintain a locked position on a page as a user scrolls. Push-Down An expanding creative that pushes down the content of a webpage when the creative expands, moving the web page out of the way to display the ad. If the push-down is frequency capped (a user can only see it auto-expand a certain number of times during a given period), then you must build a user-initiated expanding version and an auto-expanding version. You must also select a setting for this option in the trafficking stage. Video Video or videos can be included in all other formats. VPAID VPAID stands for Video Player-Ad Interface Definition. A VPAID creative is displayed in a publisher's in-stream video player (like the YouTube player), and typically includes video content. Studio supports VPAID linear creative ad, which appear before, between or after the publisher's video, and fill the entire video player.
  • 15. 218 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Pop-up Ads A Pop-up ad is a pop-up window used for advertising. When the program is initiated by some user action, such as a mouse click or a mouseover, a window containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface. As similar as all the pop-up ads, a pop-up ads is smaller than the background interface-windows that fill the user interface are called replacement interfaces, and usually resembles a small browser window with only the close, minimum, and maximum options at the top. The Pop-up ads are a form of online advertisement on the World Wide Web. A Pop-up is basically a graphical user interface display area, usually it is a small window, which suddenly appears in the foreground of the visual interface. These pop-up windows that contain an advertisement is usually generated by the JavaScript that uses the cross-site scripting (XSS). The Pop-up ads are not popular as the average Web Surfer, and there are several products that disable them, such as the Pop-up Stopper, Pop-up Killer, and Pop-up Annihilator. One thing to look for in such a program is the ability to differentiate between user-initiated pop-up windows and others, because many other applications make use of pop-up windows. In case a pop-up stopper utility is unable to tell the difference between a pop-up window that the user has requested and an unsought pop-up ad, the program may cause more problems for the user that it solves.
  • 16. 219 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Contextual Advertisement Contextual Advertisement is advertising on a website which is relevant to the page’s content. This advertisement appears on website or other media, such as content displayed in the mobile browser. These advertisements themselves are selected and served by automated systems based on the identity of the user and the content displayed. Some of the significant examples of contextual advertisement include:  In Video Contextual Advertisement: An example of this type of contextual advertising would be a YouTube ad for shampoo which is shown before a video tutorial on hair cutting.
  • 17. 220 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Native Advertising: It is a form of contextual advertising, where the sponsored ads are designed to look like the native content on a website. Types of Contextual Advertising: In-Text Advertising: In-Text advertising is a form of online advertising in which the website operators give permission for ad services to link keywords in their blog entries or other content to advertising companies’ website. The In-Text advertising is a contextual advertising where the specific keywords within the text of a webpage are matched with advertising and related information unit. In-Image Advertising: In-Image advertising is a form of contextual advertising where the specific images on a website are matched with related advertisements. The In-Image advertising uses the data about the image, its tags, and the surrounding content to match images with ads that are contextually relevant. Once the website owner integrates the scripts onto their publishing systems, site visitors can move their mouse over the images or look at an image for a certain amount of time to reveal an ad.
  • 18. 221 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Most In-Image Advertisement includes the following characters: 1. When user mouse over an image, its tag, and the surrounding content to match images with ads that are contextually relevant. 2. The overlay can be closed out by the user. 3. Some in-image ad technologies produce a pop-up box when visitors mouse over the images. 4. Clicking on the text of an in-image advertisement directs users to a new page. 5. The In-Image advertising works on a cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM) model. In-Video Advertisement: The Contextual Video Advertisement is a form of contextual advertising, where the specific video advertisement aligns with the relevant video content aligning with the viewer’s mood. YouTube In-Video overlay ads are 480 x 70 image ad, which appear overlaid on the bottom of the YouTube video player on the YouTube watch pages. The overlay ad appear when user initiates video play. You can optionally include a 300 x 250 companion display ad. These advertisements are available for reservation sponsorship campaigns. On auction, you can set up Image ads to appear as an overlay on the YouTube watch page.
  • 19. 222 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL SHOPPING CAMPAIGN: Shopping ads are advertisements that include product information, image, and merchant name. This add aims at online marketing and generating online sale. With this ad campaign, you can increase online traffic, obtain qualified leads, and cater broad reach. This Shopping campaign helps you promote the product by giving users detailed information about what you are selling before them by just clicking on your ad. Example: Suppose you are searching to purchase a new mobile online. Based on your keyword query like ‘flipkart mobile phone,’ you will come across the Shopping Campaign in the search engine result page (SERP) itself, where various mobile phones are displayed mentioning their prices. Clicking on the desired ad will take you to the landing page to complete the procedure of buying the product. How the Google Shopping Campaign Works? The Google Shopping Campaign is set up in the Google Merchant Centre platform. With the Google Shopping campaign, you can view your product, manage your bidding, and even address certain errors and opportunity for improvement within the Google AdWords itself. This campaign works very similar to Google AdWords, with the exception of how keywords and bidding rules are made to use. In the Shopping Campaign, Google automatically targets all those products that are relevant to the search query. In order to make more specific search, Google helps to organize the product into more specific Product Groups. VIDEO CAMPAIGN: The Video campaign let you show video ad content on YouTube and across the Google Display Network. Video Campaigns are available in the new AdWords experience for selective advertisers. The video ads are shown to people who want to see and pay only when your viewer watch them. Example: Suppose you have opened a new café, and want to advertise your message to the potential customers. In this case, the Video campaign lets you reach those potential customer who visits the
  • 20. 223 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL food related website, such as blogs about specific cuisine or website that caters review of restaurants. You can also reach people who are viewing YouTube videos about the type of food that the restaurant serve. How Video Campaign Works? Video Ad Campaign provides TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView video discovery ads, and Bumper ads. However, the TrueView video discovery ads appear only on YouTube. TrueView In-Stream ads: This type of ads run before, during, or after other videos on YouTube or across Display Network sites, games or apps. These ads run on YouTube videos that are embedded on other sites. Right after 5 seconds, the viewers has an option to skip the ad. Bumper Video Ads: The Bumper ads are a short video ad format which is designed to allow you to reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand by using a short, and memorable message. With videos of just 6 seconds or less, the bumper ads let you reach people with bite-size messages, while providing a minimal impact on their viewing experience. TrueView Video Discovery Ads: This type of ad only appear on YouTube and reach people in places they are discovering content. The appearance will vary, depending on the ad sizes and ad formats that the content publishers support. As soon as the viewer clicks on the thumbnail for your ad, the video will play on the YouTube watch or channel page. UNIVERSAL APP CAMPAIGN The Universal App campaign allow you to promote the app across the Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Gmail, and within other apps and mobile website available on the Display Network. This is a one size fits all app advertisement, as with one campaign you can place your ad in almost all network.
  • 21. 224 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL How the Universal App Works? Apart from the other AdWords campaign, it is not required to design individual ads for Universal App campaign. Instead, your text ad ideas and assets from the app store listing to design a variety of ads across several formats and networks. All it requires is some text, starting bid and budget, and the language and location for the advertisement. After performing various combination of test, the system will show the best performing ad with no extra work needed from you.
  • 22. 225 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.3 The Online Advertising Strategy to Success The online advertising is one of the robust mediums to advertising your product and services on the web. This mode of advertising delivers the best marketing strategy, which include text advertisements, but not limited to video advertisement, paid search, social ads, and sponsored blogpost. Always a planned and organized online marketing campaign results in faster and higher traffic generation and sales. However, this demands a great deal of research and solid knowledge of the targeted customer, but you can plan and implement a simple online marketing plan successfully. Here are some guidelines that work as the best strategy for online advertisement. 1. Analyze or Define: The first and foremost objective is to identify the customer needs or wants, the business goals, and analyzing the competitors who are operating the same business. Customer is important for any business. Therefore, the first step is to identify the targeted audience for the business, like the ideal customers, and the ways to reach them online. Apart from this, you need to identify the following questions:  What Keywords are they searching?  What Website are they visiting?  What are their demographics and psychographics (interest and beliefs)?  What are their hopes, desire and fears? Additionally, the researching of the competition is required in order to find the easiest way to success that help minimize the risk of failure. Define & Analyze Online Platform Selection Campaign Setup & Implementation Gather Data Optimize
  • 23. 226 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL In this regards, consider the following points while analyzing your customer:  What types of products are selling best, and at what price points?  What traffic sources are competitors using to acquire customers?  Are the competitors using the paid advertising? And if so, what are the modes?  What are the keywords are they advertising on?  What websites are they buying ads on?  What are your competitors’ selling points?  How are the marketing funnels structured? 2. Determining the Digital Marketing Channels and Tactics: It is essential to determine the channel that you are using for your online advertising campaign. The popularity and usability of the platform like the search engines and social media ad platforms, determines the success of the online advertising campaign. The major online advertising platforms include:  Google AdWords  Facebook Advertisement  LinkedIn Advertisement  Twitter Advertisement  YouTube Advertisement  Bing Ads 3. Campaign Setup and Implementation: Setting up the campaign and implementing the plan of action successfully helps in reaching the targeted customers of the business. This largely focuses on strategically creating the marketing message that converts. Additionally, setting up the campaign, targeting the location properly and selecting the easiest payment mode are necessary for the right implementation of the advertising campaign. Ahead of creating the actual ad campaign, it is required to take a close look at your offer. For example, let’s say you are planning to advertise a product, and you learned that traffic is going to be more expensive than you expected. In that case, you will probably need to test a higher price point. And this means you will probably want to bulk up the offer to confirm the higher selling price. Then, once you finalize the product, it’s time to develop the advertising campaign, which includes the ads and landing page copy. 4. Gather Data: Understanding and identifying the customer behavior traits help in making a better marketing decision, which results in reduced costing and increase in profit. Accumulating the data with the help of Google Analytics, and Adobe Analytics helps in the following:
  • 24. 227 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Understand which channels your best visitors are coming from.  Identify what content is being viewed and engaged with, and also for how long.  Identify the touch points where they drop out on your website.  Find out the visitors search for on-site and off-site.  Analyzing and differentiating which ad performs better.  Analyzing the effectiveness of the device. 5. Optimize: Optimization is necessary as it determines how long the advertising campaign will continue. Whether you want to invest another Rs. 1000.00 or Rs. 100.00 in an advertising campaign, this largely depend on how well you optimize your campaign. Adding to this, audience targeting by a particular age group, and keeping the advertising message most relevant for the targeted audience is required in order to drive high online traffic. Many times a campaign is profitable, but more often it is not. Therefore, in order to reach profitability, you need to focus on the two things and that are: • Improving conversion rates by testing your pricing, offer, social proof, guarantee, headlines, adding email follow up and more. • Increasing your average customer value by testing adding upsells and offering additional products and services to your new customer. 10.4 Tip offs for a Successful Online Advertisement Strategy An advertising strategy is a set plan to reach and persuade a customer to buy a product or a service. It is an advertisement strategy that is developed by the business itself in order to encourage the potential customers to purchase the goods and services online. It is the promotion of one of the key elements of the marketing mix, and deal with one or two-way communication which largely takes place with the consumer. It is inevitable to implement the proven online advertising strategies so as to bring targeted traffic to the online business. This traffic helps to convert the online visitors into paying customers. The effective strategies are mentioned herein: 1. Advertise in Gmail: It is effective to advertise in Gmail so that whenever your potential customer check the email inbox, you will find the expandable ads in the Gmail that users can save or forward. 2. Advertise on Google Maps with Google AdWords: Advertising on Google Maps can be an effective way for businesses to connect with local customers at the exact moment they are interested in making a purchase.
  • 25. 228 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 3. Advertising with Images: Display Advertising – The Google Display Network advertisement reaches over 90% of the internet users worldwide, wherein your display ads can show up across it, where and when it matters. 4. Discover the AdWords App: With the help of the AdWords App, it helps to stay connected with your ad campaigns from anywhere, with the use of your Android or iPhone. With this you can not only manage, but also track the performance of the online campaign. 5. AdWords Billing Options: Whether you want to set up the automatic payments, pay manually or view the transaction record, or print the invoices, this is your source for information about your billing options. 6. AdWords Conversion Tracking: Conversion tracks the instances when someone takes the action that you want after clicking the advertisement, which may be making a purchase, downloading your app, or signing up for your mailing list. In short, the immediate goal of running an ad. 7. AdWords Metrics definition Guide: Online advertising metrics show you how your ads are performing in real time, so you can tell if they’re achieving the goals you set out to help your business grow. What you hope to achieve with your advertising determines which AdWords metrics you should focus on – and this guide will introduce you to them. 8. AdWords Targeting Explained: Successfully targeting the people for the ads they are really interested in is one of the biggest benefit that Google AdWords offers. With just simple customization, you can choose where your ads shows up geographically, pick which kinds of devices the ad will appear on, and select the audiences based on the interest and demographics, and more. 9. Increase In-Store Traffic with AdWords: The Search ads are the great source of connection with the potential customers residing in the local area. By locating the in-store on the map, make sure that people can find your business, both in the online and in real life. For this reason, verifying the location through the Google My Business, which will help make sure that you are showing up on the Google map, in the right place. 10. Mobile Ads with Google AdWords: The Google Mobile Ad helps you reach the potential customers anywhere and anytime. About 90% of people look up for information on their smartphone when they want to find, know and purchase the product or service. 11. Increase Brand Awareness Online: With Google AdWords, you can increase your brand awareness online. Search Ads are the first place to start with raising the brand awareness online, since it reminds people of the business the moment they are looking for what you have to offer. Additionally, you can capture attention of the potential customer through the Google Display Network, and measure the success using the reach and frequency, impression and conversion rate.
  • 26. 229 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.5 Measuring and Tracking Return on Investment Whether you use the Adwords to increase sales, drive valuable customer activity, or generate leads, it is always good to measure the Return on Investment. With the help of the ROI, you can evaluate whether the money you are spending on AdWords advertising is going to a good cause: healthy profits for your business. How ROI works? In order to understand the importance of Return on Investment, let us now focus on the definition of this term itself. ROI or Return on Investment: The Return on Investment is the ratio between the net profit and cost of investment resulting from an investment of source resource. In a simple word, ROI is the ratio of profit made in a financial year as a percentage of an investment. A high ROI means the investment’s gain which is compared favorably to its cost. The proper way used to calculate the ROI counts on the goals of the campaign. Example: You have a product that costs Rs. 100.00 for production, and sells for Rs. 200.00. You sell 6 of these products as a result of the advertising them on Adwords, so the total cost is Rs. 600.00 and the total sales is Rs. 1200.00. Let’s say the Adwords costs are Rs. 200.00, for a total cost of Rs. 800.00. Then the ROI will be: (Rs. 1200 – Rs. 800) / 800 = 400/800 = 50% In this example, the earning is 50% return on investment. Hence, for every Rs. 1 you spend, you are getting Rs. 1.50 back. For the physical products, the cost of goods sold is equal to the manufacturing cost of all the items you sold plus the advertising costs, and your revenue is how much made from selling those products. The amount you spend for each sale is known as cost per conversion. If your business generates leads, the cost of goods is just your advertising costs, and the revenue is the amount you make on a typical lead. For example, if you typically make 1 sale for every 10 leads, and your typical sale is Rs. 20.00 then each lead generates Rs. 2.00 in revenue on average. The amount it costs you to get a lead is termed as Cost per Acquisition.
  • 27. 230 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Why ROI matters? Calculating your ROI, you can find out how much money you have made by advertising with AdWords. You can also use ROI to help you decide how to spend the budget. For an example, if you find that a certain campaign is generating a higher ROI than others, you can apply more of your budget to the successful campaign and less money to campaigns that are not performing well. You can also use the ROI data to try to improve the performance of the less successful campaign. Use Conversions to Measure ROI In order to identify your ROI, you first need to measure conversions, which are consumer actions that you believe are valuable, such as purchases, signups, web page visits, or leads. In AdWords, you can use the free conversion tracking tool in order to help track how many clicks lead to the conversions. The Conversion tracking can also help you determine the profitability of a keyword or ad, and track conversion rates and costs-per-conversion. What is Conversion Tracking? A conversion is an action that a person takes on the website like clicking on a particular button, filling a form, adding an item to the shopping cart or viewing a particular page. These actions are defined by the advertiser as the campaign goals. Conversion tracking code often referred as conversion pixel can be placed on any page of the website. The Purpose of Conversion Tracking The purpose of conversion tracking is to know the success rate of your campaign or say product. It can be used to track number of actions like:  Purchase  Sign-ups  Submission of E-mail Addresses  Goal Page  Any event which can help to know the success of the campaign can be tracked. What is Conversion Pixel? A conversion pixel is generally a 1 X 1 image fired through a short line of code which is placed on your confirmation page or on the Thank You page. It fires whenever any user reaches to the confirmation page which helps in capturing data of number of converted users.
  • 28. 231 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Who are Converted Users? All users that has crossed the confirmation page are the converted user and the ones who reached to the website but didn’t purchase or did any successful completion of conversion event they fall into imprinted pool and are called imprint users or also non-converted users. What is Conversion Rate? Conversion Rate is the one which tells about the conversion success of the campaign. It is the number of conversion divided by number of impression served. Higher is the conversion rate, higher is the success of the campaign. Formula of conversion rate is: number of conversions/number of impression X 100 How Conversions Help? Conversions are a measuring tool to judge the campaigns Performance. Following are the measured parameters: ROI: It helps in calculating the Return on Investment for the campaign. Example: In case the pixel is placed on the Thank You page, we can calculate the total revenue from the number of conversions and the product amount. This revenue is the ROI for the amount that was spent. Keywords/ Creative: It helps in tracking the best performing Ad/keywords by measuring the number of actions on all the creative concepts. Example, when we are running 3 different creative for a real estate campaign, but the one with the red bungalow gives maximum conversion, so we can use that creative for future campaign. Devices: Best performing platform device can be figured out by the actions done on each device. Example, while promoting a college max number of form submissions were done from desktop and very few from mobile. Short and Simplified Working: The simple working of conversion tracking starts when the user clicks on an ad or banner, clicking on the ad fires a cookies on the user’s browser which keeps the record of the time, site, banners, placement, etc. These records help in tracking the conversion if the user is not converted at the same time but gets converted next time when it comes directly to the website,
  • 29. 232 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL How does the Conversion Tracking works? Assuming you, the advertiser has placed our conversion tracking code at the end of the ordering process (for an example: ‘Thank You’ page) the process will follow these steps: 1. View Ad: A Visitor views the ad on 1st January. The Ad Server simply records an impression on 1st January. 2. Click on Ad: A visitor clicks on the ad and begins browsing the advertiser’s store on 1st January. The ad server records a click on 1st January and a cookies is created to track conversions and it could last up to 30 days after the click. 3. Purchase: This visitor eventually makes a purchase on 1st January and gets to the ‘Thank You’ page that contains the conversion tracking code. The ad server records this conversion and awards it to the original click. A zone is also credited if the clicked ad was served via that zone. 4. View-Through Conversion: If a purchase was made but there was no recorded click, our ad server would record it as a view- through conversion. How to Track Conversion? A JavaScript code has to be placed on the website. This code places an invisible 1X1 pixel image on the website, this pixel sends a message to the tool that the conversion (clicking, visiting, registration) is done. This pixel can be placed to track on any page depending upon the conversion that needs to be tracked such as page views, Add to cart, registrations, checkout etc. Example: If a conversion pixel is placed on the Thank You page, and the user that has made the payment is directly to the ‘Thank You’ page, and the user that has made the payment is directing to the ‘Thank You’ page. The number of users that made the payment will be accounted as the number of conversions for that particular campaign.
  • 30. 233 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Types of Conversion Conversion can be recorded on the basis of impression or click. The impression and click relevancy is valid only for a certain period of time and this time frame is generally termed as LOOKBACK WINDOW. 1. View through Conversion: This conversion results from the impression that is served to the user. In this method the user doesn’t click on the ad but return on the site later. Lookback Window for view through conversions is always larger than click through conversion. It is beneficial for branding campaigns which are impression based and measures the conversions where user saw the ad but didn’t click. 2. Click through Conversion: When the user clicks on the ad and then convert, the server records a click through conversion. In an attempt where the user has both clicked and viewed the ad prior to converting, click interaction is given priority. Conversion to the recorded under click through does not necessarily has to complete at that instant but also if the user comes directly to the website and converts but has previously clicked on the ad will be considered as click-through.
  • 31. 234 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.6 Integration of Google Analytics with Google AdWords Linking the AdWords account with the Analytics property lets you see the full customer cycle, from how they interact with your marketing to how they finally complete the goals you have set for them on the website. Google Analytics and Google AdWords are the most valuable tools for marketers to use in order to gain insight on their internet marketing effort. Individually, the data in each tool offers its own strength, but their true benefits are only realized when they are linked together. Google Analytics is free and although it may take some time to set-up, implement, and learn how to interpret data. It is an important part of learning that how your website is performing and how the visitors are getting engaged to it. This provides helpful data about who is visiting the website, and even what those visitors are doing while they stay on the website. This even enables you to find out where the visitors are located, and how find your website, and additionally specify the demography about the type of visitors that are interacting with the website. Why do you link the AdWords with the Analytics? The time you link your Google AdWords with Analytics, you will be able to:  See ad and site performance data in the AdWords reports in Analytics.  Import Analytics metric like the Bounce Rate, Average Session Duration, and Pages/Session into your AdWord Account.  Enhance the AdWords remarketing with Analytics Remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing.  Get richer data in the Analytics Multi-Channel Funnel Reports. Whether you are managing your Google AdWords or Google Analytics, or both, your business will get utmost benefit by linking the two robust tools together. Now, let us find out how to link Google Analytics with Google AdWords. 1. Sign in to Google Analytics Note: You can open Analytics from within the Adwords account. Now click on the Tools tab, select Analytics and then follow the rest of the instructions. 2. Click on Admin and navigate to the property you wish to link to. 3. In the Property column, click Adwords linking. 4. Click +NEW LINK GROUP 5. Select the Adwords accounts you want to link, then click on Continue. In case you have an Adwords Manager Account, select the account to link it.
  • 32. 235 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL And in case you want to link only some managed accounts, expand the manager account, then select each of the managed AdWords account that you want to link. Or, click All Linkable to select all of managed AdWords accounts, and then deselect individual accounts. 6. Turn linking ON for each view in the property in which you want Adwords data. 7. Optionally, select Enable Google Display Network Impression Reporting to also include the data in each view. 8. If you have already enabled auto-tagging in your AdWords account, or if you want to let the linking process automatically enable auto-tagging in your Adwords accounts, then skip to the next step. 9. Now click on link accounts. Once you complete the following steps, you will receive a success message of the link completion. Now that if you opt to choose auto-tagging, Analytics will start automatically associating your AdWords data with customer clicks. Import Google Analytics Goals and Transaction into AdWords When it comes to analyzing customer activity on your website, Google offers two features to help you: Google Analytics goals and transactions, and AdWords conversion tracking. You can use both at the same time, or just one. Benefits of Importing Importing your Google Analytics goals into AdWords conversion tracking offers a few benefits. They include:  Access your Google Analytics conversions and data related to your AdWords clicks.  See Google Analytics conversion data in AdWords.  Give Conversion Optimizer access to data that helps optimize bids, potentially increasing conversions and lowering costs. How to import Analytics goals and transactions to AdWords?  Sign in to your AdWords account.  Click the Tools icon, and under Measurements, select Conversions. Note: Your import could take up to 30 minutes to appear.  In the Conversion actions section, click the plus button.  Select Import.  Select Google Analytics, and click Continue.  Select the goals and transactions you’d like to import, then click Import and continue.
  • 33. 236 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Click Done. AdWords will begin importing the data from your Analytics account. Historical data from before the import won't be included. How to edit the Conversion settings for imported Goals? Once you've imported your Analytics goals, you can edit them the same way you edit conversion actions created in AdWords.  Sign in to your AdWords account.  Click the Tools tab, then select Conversions.  Click the name of the imported goal you want to edit.  Click Edit Settings.  Make any changes and click the Save button.
  • 34. 237 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.7 Using the Google Keyword Planner Tool Effectively The Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool is the effective resource for building proper keyword lists and helping the AdWords campaign getting started easily. It is a free to use AdWords feature that helps generating keywords ideas and estimating bid which largely helps in designing the marketing strategy. Not only this tool helps in searching keywords, but also provides ad group ideas. For an example, let’s say you have a Delhi based traveling business and provide tour plans across the country. The AdWords Keyword Planner Tool will help you search the relevant and right keywords for your business that you might have not thought of before. You may find relevant keywords like ‘Affordable Tour Plan,’ ‘South India Tourism,’ ‘Adventure Tourism India,’ etc. Using the right keyword relevant to your business will bring potential customers to your business and additionally help them to find the right service that they are search for.
  • 35. 238 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Here’s is how to make use of the Keyword Planner Tool effectively: 1. Use Basic Filtering to Refine Your Audience and Budget: For using the keyword planner, you need to use the four options namely:  Search for New Keywords: This field allows you to generate new keyword by allowing you to type the keyword phrase, website or category.  Multiple Keyword List: This field allows you to combine two separate lists that you need to put to create new keyword combination.  Get Search Volume and Trends: This field shows the historical trending and search volume data of the keywords.  Get Click and Cost Performance Forecast: This field provides the performance projection for the list of keywords as per the average bid and budget.
  • 36. 239 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL When you add keywords into any of these options, you will find a list or report which you can filter based on the variety of elements: Targeting:  Location: The location gives searches volume data and trend based on a specific geographic location or range.  Language: The language gives search volume data and trends for a specific language. This helps when you have multiple language versions or pages of the website. (Example: English, Hindi)  Search Network: Determines where the provided data comes from. The default data source is from the Google, however, you may also choose Google and Google Search Partners.  Negative Keywords: Filter out any words or phrases that you don’t want to see in your results. For an example, if you don’t want to target anything with the words like ‘cheap’ or ‘free,’ this is the right field where you are need to enter.
  • 37. 240 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Date Range The Date Range lets you enter a specific data range so you can see average monthly searches for that time period. Here, you can also compare two different data ranges. This is useful in deciding if certain keywords perform better during different times of the year, so as to help you strategy your campaign timing. Average Monthly Searches: The average monthly searches filter keywords based on the average monthly searches for the selected dates. The Keywords having the high search volume (generally above 10,000 average monthly searches) are much challenging to compete for with a higher suggested bid. In case you are starting your campaign, focusing on the keywords with medium level search volume will forbid you from spending too much of your budget on too few keywords. Suggested Bid: The suggested bid allows you to see keyword options that could help you stay in better control of your budget. The suggested bid is calculated by taking into account the cost- per-click (CPC) that other advertisers are paying for keywords with the similar location and Search Network settings that you have selected. Ad Impression Share: The Ad Impression Share explains the number of times people will see your advertisement, divided by the total number of searches that match with your keyword exactly in the last month for the targeted location and network. Organic Impression Share: The percentage of times a page from your website showed up in a regular, unpaid web search for a keyword. Competition: This lets you filter keywords by how difficult it will be to receive a top position with them. You can filter by high, medium, and low keyword. For small businesses, it’s generally suggested to filter for medium to low difficulty, as these lead to have a lower suggested bid, so that you can make more of your budget.
  • 38. 241 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL KEYWORD OPTION This field lets you to narrow your research to show only ideas that are closely associated to your search terms or content, keywords that are already in your plan and more. However, make sure not to set too many restrictions. 2. Use Quality Keyword Over a Quantity of Keywords In case you are struggling to make a unique approach for keywords, or finding keywords that are relevant to the business, the Keyword Planner Tool can help you discover new terms and phrases that your potential customers are using to search for businesses like yours. This tool allows you to view the Google-recommended keywords generated by:  Keyword: Type in words or phrases that are relevant to the business or website in order to get new ideas or long-tail keyword you may have not thought of.  Landing Page: Enter a specific webpage to enable the tool to read the page and generate the relevant keyword search.  Product Category: Select the product category that best describe your online business in order to discover popular keywords frequently searched within your industry. This helps to identify keywords that you may not have realized that your potential customers are using in order to search for your product and service. Whenever analyzing the keyword suggestion offered by the tool, make sure that in case a keyword has high search volume, there might be a lot of competition with high suggested bid. Therefore try to choose those keywords that are relevant and best represent your business, and this will not absorb the majority of budget. 3. Target Your Ads to Your Geographic Audience Proper targeting has proved effective to business. The Keyword Planner’s targeting filters allow you to customize where your online ad will be showcased as per your language and location preference. For an example, let’s say your business has a physical storefront, and you are hoping to reach people who are searching for your business near your location.
  • 39. 242 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL While a keyword have a high search volume nationally or across other wide areas, the target filter can help you decide whether it is a popular and relevant term in your local areas. These filters will let you decide your campaigns around different languages. However, if you find the company is popular with both the English and Hindi speakers, using the AdWords keywords tool will help you find the most relevant keywords in each language, which helps to create separate ad groups to reach both audience. 4. Prepare for What Your Competitors are Paying The competition level for the keyword choices can largely increase the cost. Based on how many people are bidding on it, a particular keyword competition level is ranked low, medium or high. The high competition keyword costs more per average bid, and making use of them may make it more difficult and expensive for the ad to gain a top-level display position. With the use of the AdWords keyword tool, you can find effective keywords that fit your budget by showing you that what advertisers are paying for the keywords. The tool’s suggested bid column shows the average amount that is being spent to rank in a top level position for a particular keyword. You can moreover see which of your desired keywords are within the reach of your budget, and build your campaign around them in order to improve the chance of being seen by the potential customers. While the suggested bid feature provides a good estimation of general costs, Google’s first page bid estimate tool provides an estimate of how much it will cost to rank on the first result page as per the Quality Score (Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of both keyword and PPC) of your keywords and current competition for them. To view the estimated first page bid metric for your keyword, follow the given steps:  Visit the Keywords tab and click the Columns button.  Select Modify columns right from the drop-down menu.  In the ‘Attribute’ drop-down menu, add Estimated first page bid, and click on Save.  You can do the same to view your estimated top of the page bid (add Estimate top page bid and then Save) In case the first page bid estimate is very high, it means that your keyword’s Quality Score is poor. You can click the Help bubble next to the keyword to find more details.
  • 40. 243 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 5. Analyze Your Plan to Use the Budget Effectively As you discover keywords that are workable for your advertisement, click the button to the right of the column to add them to your keyword plan. This will temporarily store your potential keywords. Once you find the keywords suitable for your plan, you can certainly set a daily budget, location and bid maximum as well in order to receive a detailed forecast about the potential for the keywords that you have selected. Once you have a list of 10-20 keywords for your group, clicking on the Review Forecasts button will display the estimated clicks, impressions, average position, and average conversion rate for your potential keywords so you can analyze whether they are realistic for your budget range. Use your findings in order to add or delete keywords until you have a proper list that will help make the most of the budget. The AdWords Keyword Planner is thus helpful for a successful PPC campaign. Be it a smaller budget or higher, this tool can help you customize the keywords for more efficiency. With these strategies, you can make your online marketing campaign a big success.
  • 41. 244 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.8 Keyword Research Keyword Research is the process of selecting what keywords are used in search engines by the potential customers. Researching keyword has been an essential part of Search Engine Optimization and AdWords campaign. It is the research of relevant keyword phrases which your potential customers are likely to use to find you online. In order to find the easiest way to search for your business-centric keywords, follow the steps given below: Step: 1 Log in to Click on the keyword field as marked here. Step: 2 Add few relevant keywords in the marked field to generate related keywords.
  • 42. 245 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Step: 3 After adding the relevant keywords, you can generate more keywords clicking on the ‘More like this’ button given right after the keyword. This is how you can get to generate more keywords from one or two keywords.
  • 43. 246 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.9 Understanding Landing Page and Optimizing the Page for GOOGLE ADWORDS The AdWords landing page is the key product of a marketing campaign. When you want to take your marketing campaign to the next level, you can use Google AdWords to get more customers to the landing page. Landing Page: The webpage where the online customer end up right after clicking the ad. The URL of this page is usually the same as your AdWords final URL.  For each ad, you specify a final URL to determine the landing page where people are taken when they click on your ad.  Google’s policy is that your landing page and display URL (the webpage shown in your ad) must share the same domain.  Your landing page experience is one of several factors that helps determine a keyword’s Quality Score. The experience of a landing page is represented by such things as the usefulness and relevance of information provided on the page, ease of navigation for the user, and how many links are on the page.
  • 44. 247 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Optimizing Landing Page  Optimize your ads Your ads are the voice of your products and services. The more relevant and engaging they are to your customers, the more likely they will generate results for you. To quickly gauge your ad performance, you can sort by clickthrough rate or conversion statistics the same way you might with keywords. This way, you can easily see which ads:  Get clicked on most often.  Generate the most conversions.  Have the best conversion rates.  Bring in conversions at the lowest cost. You will want your ads to appeal to customers and accurately describe what you have to offer. Follow these best practices to make sure your ads are optimized:  Match your ads and keywords Consumers tend to be drawn to ads that seem more relevant to their search. So make sure that your ad text (especially the headline) is closely related to your keywords. This can catch the attention of people who searched for those words, and show that your ad is related to what they want. It's important to group your keywords by theme or product, instead of putting all your keywords in the same ad group. This way, you can write an ad that is directly tailored to that specific theme. And the more closely paired your ads and keywords are, the more likely someone will be interested in your ad.  Create different versions of your ad It can be hard to capture everything you want to say about your business in a single text ad. That is why you will want to write different versions of your ad. In each ad, try using different headlines or description text. For example, you could experiment with:  Trying different headlines or calls-to-action  Include certain keywords or brands  Include specific prices or promotions  Use a strong call-to-action
  • 45. 248 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL In your ad text, you will want to encourage customers to perform the action that you want them to take on your site. A strong, clear call-to-action tells customers what they can expect and pushes them toward your desired action. The more specific your call-to-action (that is, the closer it matches your keywords and landing page), the better your chances of a conversion. By choosing the right action phrase, you will avoid having to pay for clicks that are less likely to result in business for you.  Highlight what sets you apart If you have something special to offer, make sure your customers see it. For example, you might be offering a 10% summer discount, an instant rebate, or a free gift with purchase. Calling attention to specific prices or promotions can help influence someone's decision to click on your ad. The more you can set yourself apart from competitors, the more likely you will appeal to potential customers.  Use ad extensions One way of attracting more customers to your ad is by using ad extensions—a feature that shows extra business information with your ad, like an address, phone number, store rating, or more webpage links. Adding ad extensions can help improve your ad's visibility and CTR.  Optimize your landing pages Your landing pages play a big part in turning clicks into customers. When someone clicks on your ad, they expect to land on a page that is relevant to what they saw in your ad. If they don't immediately find what they expect, they are more likely to leave your page.  Make sure your landing page matches your ad and keywords Choose a landing page that closely matches your ad and keywords. For example, if your keyword is discount shoes and your ad promises shoes at 20% off, then customers should be able to find and buy shoes at that discounted price on your landing page. Your landing page should also mirror the call-to-action in your ad text. For example, if your ad encourages customers to sign up for a free tour, then you might prominently feature a sign-up form on your landing page. Think of it this way: The connection between your ad and landing page is the bridge between a potential customer and a purchase. The stronger they are connected (the more directly relevant they are), the better your chances of a conversion.  Make sure your website is mobile-friendly Many of your customers will be visiting your website on a mobile device. On a smaller screen, it can be hard for people to find what they want.
  • 46. 249 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL See if the speed of your mobile site is costing your customers, and get quick fixes to improve it. Test your site. Here are just a few ways to build an effective mobile site:  Keep it quick  Make it easy to contact you  Use simple navigation  Make sure your landing page is easy to navigate Make it quick and easy for customers to perform the action you want them to take like order your product, call your phone number, or submit an inquiry. Don't make people search around for information they might need. Avoid cluttering your site with too many ads or pop-ups. It's a good idea to put important information towards the top of the page. This way, it will be immediately visible to customers when they arrive on the page, and they don't have to scroll down to see it.  Provide useful, unique content Try to provide useful, original and unique information on your landing page about whatever you are advertising. Be clear about your product or service and what it does. For example, you might consider adding reviews that show real opinions from other customers. 10.10 Google AdWords Terminology The Google AdWords make use of different terms which define how the AdWords functions on the web. While working with the Google AdWords, you will certainly come across with various terminologies that you need to work with. Here’s the list of short Google AdWords glossary that you required to get started with your paid campaign. 1. Campaign - An ad campaign on Google AdWords is made up of your ad groups, and has the same budget, campaign type and your other ad settings. It’s generally what you first set-up when you advertise, and it helps you organize your different paid advertising efforts. You can run multiple campaigns at any time from your Google account. 2. Ad groups - An ad group is your set of keywords, budgets and targeting methods for a particular objective, within the same campaign. For example, if you are running an ad campaign for a shoe sale, you could set up ad groups to target for online sales, women’s shoes and men’s shoes. You can have multiple ads in each ad group. 3. Campaign Type - Your campaign type is where you want your ads to be seen. Google has:
  • 47. 250 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL “Search Network only” (which means Google search only) “Display Network only” (which means your ad shows up in Google’s Display network of websites, videos, YouTube, Blogger and more. This is also known as AdSense) “Search Network with Display Select” (which is a combo of search and display) 4. Keywords - Keywords are very important in your Google Ads. They are the words or word phrases you choose for your ads, and will help to determine where and when your ad will appear. When choosing your keywords, think like your customer and what they would be searching for when they want your product, service or offer. Though you can include as many as you like, I suggest a maximum of twenty keywords. 5. Quality Score - A quality score is the measurement from Google based on the relevancy of your ad headline, description, keywords and destination URL to your potential customer seeing your ad. A higher Quality Score can get you better ad placement and lower costs. 6. Impressions - An impression is the measurement of how many times your ad is shown. 7. Ad Rank - Your Ad Rank is the value that’s used to determine where your ad shows up on a page. It’s based on your Quality Score and your bid amount. 8. Mobile ad - Mobile ads are what your mobile searchers see on their devices. Google AdWords has WAP mobile ads and “ads for high-end mobile devices”. 9. Ad extensions - Ad extensions are extra information about your business, such as your local address, phone number, and even coupons or additional websites. They’re what shows up in blue below your ad descriptions. 10. Call to Action (CTA) - A CTA is literally the action you want your searcher to take. Good CTAs in your ads are short, action oriented words such as “Buy”, “Get”, “Act Now”, etc. 11. Click Through Rate (CTR) - Your CTR is an important metric in your account settings. It measures how many people who have seen your ad click through to your link destination. 12. Landing Page - Your landing page is the page on your website to which you’re driving traffic from your ad. 13. Optimization - Optimization in Google AdWords is like optimization elsewhere in marketing. It means making the changes in your ad that get you higher results for your objectives. 14. Split Testing - Split testing includes A/B and multivariate testing. It’s a method of controlled marketing experiments with the goal being to improve your objective results (such as higher CTR’s, increased conversion or even better Ad Ranking).
  • 48. 251 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 15. Bid Strategy - Your bid strategy is basically how you set your bid type to pay for viewer interaction with your ads. 16. Daily budget - Your daily budget is what you’re willing to spend per day per ad. Your daily cost is based on a daily average per month, so don’t be alarmed if yours varies from day to day. 17. CPC - Cost-Per-Click is the most common bid type on Google AdWords. It means you pay every time a person actually clicks on your ad. You set your “maximum CPC” in the bidding process, which means that dollar amount is the most you will pay for a click on your ad. 18. PPC - Pay-Per-Click is the same as CPC. 19. CPM - Cost-Per-thousand impressions is a bidding method that bases your costs on how many times your ads are shown (impressions) 20. Billing Threshold - Your billing threshold is the level of spending that triggers a charge to you for the ad costs. It applies to automatic payments, and the threshold level starts at $50. It you reach that within 30 days, you’ll be billed, and your threshold then raises to $100 and so on. 21. Headline - Your ad headline is the header of your ad copy. It generally shows up in blue when your ad is live. 22. Destination URL - Your destination URL is the landing page your ad is directed to when it’s clicked. Your destination site can be a specific page. You can change it for differing ads within ad groups. Your audience does not see it in the ad. 23. Display URL - Your display URL is what shows up in your ad copy. You can keep this simple and clean to increase your brand recognition, trust, and conversions. 24. Side ad - A side ad is the ad that show up on the right hand side of a search engine results page (SERP). 25. Top ad - A top ad is the ad that shows up in a shaded box above the organic search results.
  • 49. 252 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 10.11 Understanding Adwords Bidding and Payment Google AdWords offers several bid strategies that are tailored to different types of campaigns. Depending on which networks your campaign is targeting, and whether you want to focus on getting clicks, impressions, conversions, or views you can determine which strategy is best for you. In this article, we will describe how to use your advertising goals to choose your bid strategy. Consider your Goals Each bid strategy is suited for different kinds of campaigns and advertising goals. For the purposes of bidding, you will want to consider four basic types of goals, along with your current campaign settings.  If you want customers to take a direct action on your site, and you are using conversion tracking, then it may be best to focus on conversions. AdWords Smart Bidding lets you do that.  If you want to generate traffic to your website, focusing on clicks could be ideal for you. Cost- per-click (CPC) bidding may be right for your campaign.  If you want to increase brand awareness—not drive traffic to your site—focusing on impressions may be your strategy. You can use cost per thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) bidding to put your message in front of customers. You can also use a Target Search Page Location or Target Outranking Share strategy to maximize visibility.  If you run video ads and want to increase views or interactions with your ads, you can use cost-per-view (CPV) or CPM or cost-per-thousand (CPM) bidding.  If you run video ads and your goal is to increase product or brand consideration you can use cost-per-view (CPV). Focus on conversions with Smart Bidding If you want to focus on conversions, consider using AdWords Smart Bidding to take much of the heavy lifting and estimation out of setting bids. Smart Bidding is a set of automated bid strategies that uses machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction, a feature known as “auction-time bidding.” It also factors in a wide range of auction-time signals such as device, location, time of day, language, and operating system to capture the unique context of every search. Below are the four Smart Bidding strategies you can use:  Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition): If you want to optimize for conversions, you can use Target CPA to help increase conversions while targeting a specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
  • 50. 253 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend): If you want to optimize for conversion value, you can use Target ROAS to help increase conversion value while targeting a specific return-on-ad- spend (ROAS).  Maximize Conversions: If you want to optimize for conversions, but just want to spend your entire budget instead of targeting a specific CPA, you can use Maximize Conversions.  Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC): If you want to automatically adjust your manual bids to try to maximize conversions, you can use ECPC. It’s an optional feature you can use with Manual CPC bidding. Focus on clicks with CPC bidding If you are focusing on gaining clicks to generate traffic to your website, there are two cost-per-click bid strategies to consider:  Maximize Clicks: This is an automated bid strategy. It's the simplest way to bid for clicks. All you have to do is set a daily budget, and the AdWords system automatically manages your bids to bring you the most clicks possible within your budget.  Manual CPC bidding: This lets you manage your maximum CPC bids yourself. You can set different bids for each ad group in your campaign, or for individual keywords or placements. If you have found that certain keywords or placements are more profitable, you can use manual bidding to allocate more of your advertising budget to those keywords or placements. Focus on impressions If you want to focus on impressions, you can try one of the following bid strategies to help maximize visibility.  Target Search Page Location: This is an automated bid strategy that automatically sets your bids to help increase the chances that your ads appear at the top of the page, or on the first page of search results.  Target Outranking Share: This is an automated bid strategy that lets you choose a domain you want to outrank so that your ad is displayed above that domain’s ads, or shows when that domain’s ad does not. You can set how often you want to outrank that domain, and AdWords automatically sets your Search bids to help meet that target.  Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM): With this bid strategy, you will pay based on the number of impressions (times your ads are shown) that you receive on YouTube or the Google Display Network.  Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM): This is a manual bidding strategy you can use if your ads are designed to increase awareness, but not necessarily generate clicks or traffic. It lets you set the highest amount you want to pay for each 1,000 viewable ad
  • 51. 254 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL impressions on the Google Display Network. vCPM bidding probably is not for you if the goal of your campaign is a direct response from customers, like buying a product or filling out a form.  Focus on views or interactions (for video ads only) If you run video ads, you can use cost-per-view (CPV) bidding. With CPV bidding, you will pay for video views and other video interactions, such as clicks on the calls-to-action overlay (CTAs), cards, and companion banners. You just enter the highest price you want to pay for a view while setting up your TrueView video campaign. PAYMENT with GOOGLE ADWORDS A payment method is what you use to pay for AdWords. For example, you could pay with a credit card, bank account, or other methods, depending on your country and currency. Add a new payment method The steps for adding a payment method are different depending on whether or not this is the first time you are entering your billing information into AdWords. Enter billing information for the first time After you have created an AdWords account, here's how to enter your billing information: 1. Sign in to your AdWords account at 2. Click the setting icon then click Billing & payments. 3. Choose the country or territory of your business address. Click Continue. 4. Enter your business address. Click Continue. 5. Make your billing selections and enter your billing information. The options you see will depend on the country of your billing address and the currency you have decided to use. Click Continue. 6. Review and accept the AdWords Terms and Conditions. 7. Click Submit and Activate. What to expect - automatic payments: Once your account is activated and your billing information has been processed, any new ads and campaigns you create can begin running on Google. If you don't want them to run immediately, be sure to pause your campaigns.
  • 52. 255 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL What to expect - manual payments: Your ads will run once you have money in your account. Click the setting icon and choose Billing, then click the Make a payment button to add money. When you have already set up Billing Information 1. Sign in to your AdWords account at 2. Click the setting icon and choose Billing & payments. 3. Click the Payment methods from the menu on the left. 4. Click Add payment method. 5. The payment methods available to you will appear. These are based on your business address, your account's currency, and how you pay (automatic or manual payments). 6. Enter your payment method information. 7. Click the Save button. KNOWING YOUR BILLING OPTION When setting up your payment information for AdWords, there are two things to keep in mind: Your payment setting and your payment method. Payment Setting: How You Pay This is how you make your payments. Your choices are: Automatic payments: You are automatically charged after your ads run, either 30 days after your last automatic charge or when you reach a preset amount (known as your threshold), whichever comes first. You can also make payments at any time to control your costs. Manual payments: Pay when you want for future costs. With this setting, you make a payment before your ads run. Then, as your ads run and you add costs, the credit from your payment will decrease. When your payment is used up, your ads will stop running. Monthly invoicing (credit line): Some businesses are eligible for a Google credit line if they meet certain requirements. With this setting, you add costs first, then receive a monthly invoice. You pay for these costs with a check or bank transfer. It is required that you make payments within the timeframe that you have agreed to with Google, according to terms and conditions. Payment method: What you pay with.
  • 53. 256 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL This is what you use to pay your bills, such as a credit or debit card. The choices available to you will depend on your country (that is, the country of your business address) and the currency you have selected for your AdWords account. Your tax information The taxes that are applied to your account depend on which country your billing address is located in, as well as the currency you use in your account. 10.12 Creating Google AdWords Campaign A campaign is a set of related ad groups that is often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer. You will need to make at least one campaign before you can create ads in your account. The Google AdWords is the standalone PPC advertising system that run on the Search Engine. Precisely, PPC or Pay-Per-Click is an internet advertising model that is used to drive direct traffic to the website.
  • 54. 257 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Figure: Sample Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaign Account Set up Basics In order to sign up to advertise on AdWords you will need to create a Google Account. Then simply head over to and sign in. Once signed in you will arrive at the Adwords welcome screen. This interface gives us a few key items to consider as we prepare to launch our first campaign.  Choose your budget.
  • 55. 258 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Choose your Target audiences.
  • 56. 259 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Set your bid strategy and the suggested bid as given. And click on Save.  Write your text Ad and add conversion driven landing page. And click on Save.
  • 57. 260 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Add the payment information as given.
  • 58. 261 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Add your details in the given fields below and proceed further.
  • 59. 262 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Add your payment details as and when asked.
  • 60. 263 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL  Once you are done filling the form, agree with Google AdWords, and click on Finish and Create Ad to finally launch your advertisement on the web. All online business need results, and PPC AdWords is one of the effective mediums to display the business product and service on the Search Engine Result Page, to get the links clicked by the customers you want. With these easy steps, you can bring real result to your business objective.
  • 61. 264 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL Activity. 1. Answer correctly to the following questions. 1. What does the Google AdWords defines? 2. What are the major campaign types of Google AdWords? 3. What is a Search Network Campaign? 4. Why do you use Google Adwords Keyword Tool for Keyword Research? 5. Explain the working of Display Network Campaign? 6. What are the major objectives of Search Network Campaign? Where do the Search Network advertisements appear? 7. Differentiate between Search Network Campaign and Display Network Campaign. 8. What are Shopping Campaigns? Give example to clearly explain the concept. 9. Explain the working of the Shopping Campaign? 10. Explain the Universal App Campaign? Name the platforms where these apps can be displayed. 11. What is the role of Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool? Give example of keywords. 12. What are negative keywords? Give examples. 13. What do you understand by Keyword Research? How can you do Keyword Research? 14. What is the Landing Page? Describe the ways to optimize the landing page for Google AdWords. 15. Differentiate between CPC, CPM, and PPC. 16. Mention the two Cost Per Click Bid Strategies. 17. What are Ad Groups? 18. Explain the Destination URL in Google AdWords. 19. Differentiate between the Manual and the Automated Payment in Google AdWords. 20. What is ‘Auction-time bidding’?
  • 62. 265 DIGITAL MARKETING MANUAL 2. Give answers to the following questions. 1. What are the different campaign types? 2. Where the Google Shopping Campaign is set up? 3. What determines the ranking of the keywords? 4. What is a Video Campaign? Give example. 3. Name the three types of Video Ad Campaigns. 5. Where do the True-view Video discovery ads appear? 6. When can you skip the TrueView In-Stream Ads? 7. What do you understand by Quality Score? 8. Mention the Google AdWords URL. 9. List the four smart bidding strategy and explain each of them. Practical Exercise 1. Choose any website of your own choice and generate relevant keywords as per the website using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool. Select at least 10 to 15 relevant keywords as per your website. 2. Select a website of you own choice and create an AdWords Campaign of any product or service using the Google AdWords tool. 3. Integrate Google AdWords with Google Analytics.