engineering education higher education generic skills academic reports learning outcomes clustering peer assessment multicriteria analysis decision analysis office μάθηση και διδασκαλία ανώτατη εκπαίδευση εκπαίδευση μηχανικών writing skills multi-criteria analysis writing skill teamworking skills communication skills learning objectives student assessment teaching in higher education hospital management kano's model quality management customers satisfaction multi-criteria approach Επιχειρησιακή έρευνα πολυκριτήρια ανάλυση θεωρία αποφάσεων Λήψη αποφάσεων θεωρητικά ρεύματα λήψης απ decision theory multi-criteria decision theory operations research frequencies graphs central tendency measures dispersion measures spss pivot tables with spss descriptive statistics data analysis decision aid business analysis strategic management strategic planning farm management higher e student-centred learning engineering students written assignments academic written reports μέθοδος utastar utastar συχνά λάθη γραπτών αναφορώ common writing errors writing a report ακαδημαικός γραπτός λόγος σύνταξη αναφοράς αναφορά μαθήματος body language computer-based presentation power point speech oral presentation questionnaires research data validation forms excel finswimming sports chania crete greece tcl scl generic aviation non-technical skills modernisation of curricula competency-based curricula assessment formative assessment quality assurance for higher education personal competences soft skills chania dss lab tuc ergasya dpem redesign a course active learning transferable skills
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