consul service discovery docker container kubernetes nomad etcd high availability architecture deduplication ring benchmark scalable backup multicloud sync to s3 backup io disk backup memory dr deduplication ratio named pipe backup slow backup iops problem backup performance s3 disaster recovery backup storreduce nagox x zabbix high avaibility zabbix scaling zabbix graphs problem zabbix graphs slow zabbix trends table zabbix history_uuid history tables zabbix tables partitioning zabbix backup zabbix zabbix at scale zabbix database problem zabbix server zabbix elasticsearch consul api systemd consul go template hashicorp orchestration orchestrating auto discovery iptables consul tags bind varnish nginx haproxy registrator consul-template sensu reporting multi databases prestodb cassandra sink sink kafka connect sensu kafka topics sensu cassandra sensu kafka sensu handler sensu timeseries metrics sensu nagios metrics sensu nagios perfdata nagios plugin sensu nagios command sensu sensu metrics sensu graphs sensu monitoring system sensu linux windows schedule cron server scheduler server scheduler job server scheduler api schedule datacenter distribuited cron crond server cron windows linux cron solution cron scheduler cron schedule cron multi platform cron ha cron enterprise solution cron cross plataform cron api cron anacron server report big data spark streaming spark flink node resource manager application master yarn apache yarn apache storm storm tableau superset metabase druid kafka flume hadoop samza pipeline continuous deployment docker registry promoting stage rollout registry nomad job jobs gocd package environment tasks continuous delivery tracing zipkin distribuited linkerd load balacer api json k8s grpc header token persistent ha redis in-memory cluster single point of failure spof persistence sharding postgresql compression smartos opentsdb monitoring statsd dalmatiner fatest influxdb prometheus collectd datacenter high avaibility zfs graphite cockroachdb
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