electromagnetic radiation phase conjugation inertia photon boson matter wave lorentz-doppler de broglie traveling waves standing waves light de broglie waves contracted moving standing waves resonator propulsion electromagnetic frequency ponderomotive force matter wave synthesis inertia control annihilation planck mass energy density contracted moving standing wave standing wave resonators matter waves lorentz acceleration traveling wave mass current rest mass graviton curvature electron antenna refractive index radiation polarization phase velocity pair production magnetic permeability helical group velocity gamma ray dielectric spin polarizable vacuum energy elementary particles coulomb compton color charge charge capacitance beta decay einstein spectral energy density impulse drive gravitic drive electromagnetic drive anti-gravity fermions spectrum electric permitivitty spin wave resonance reflection momentum helix helicoid fresnel zone bravais lattice anti-nodes anti-graviton field fermion faraday entangled electrostatic electric field intensity chromodynamics anti-particle matter lorentz contraction light deflection laplace kepler gravitomagnetic gravitation gradient geodesic fresnel field equation co-gravitation thomas-wigner angle 137 loop closure failure torsion defect positron planck electric charge sommerfeld electromagnetic interaction coupling strength magnetostatic energy electrostatic energy whirl number precession reduced fine structure constant inverse fine structure constant fine structure constant parametric amplification kinetic energy mass visible light wavelength radio planck frequency phi damping ratios microwaves logarithmic hyperbolic fibonacci equally-tempered scale em frequency spectrum compton frequency chromatic vortex ring tau spinor proton neutron neutrino muon magnetic dipole moment linear momentum interaction cross-section helicity em energy density chirality anti-neutrinos absorption x-ray wave function silicon resonant cavity plasma bubble plasmoid oxygen nitrogen mirror imaging microwave radiation metastable lightning strikes ion temperature ion glow electron temperature decay color ball lightning electromagnetic field electric field eigenstate dipolar current surreal numbers smith chart singularity schwarzschild radius riemann spheres planck vacuum planck impedance opposite pairings modal states expansion of the universe dyadic duality cusp complex impedance catastrophe theory bubble voids big bang apollian spheres quantum gravity bosons phase conjugatio electric permittivity ponderomoive force electromgnetic radiation
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