tenure security gltn access to land and tenure security fig stdm uganda land policy development zambia unhabitat land and conflict land rights land governance drc nepal world bank land and poverty conference 2016 land administation participatory enumeration darfur philippines fit-for-purpose land administration land management iraq housing land policy land tools land tenure continuum of land rights gender and land data management participatory mapping nepla property rights urban land management drcongo chamuka chiefdom customary lands kanyama ward 10 vodp2 tsli-esa customary land women's land rights urban poor youth and land responsiveness criteria land mapping participatory enumerations dolakha post-earthquake reconstruction pro-poor participatory approaches gltn land tools kenya land and natural resources yazidis sinjar land use planning land reform responsible land governance tr-lup asia pacific un-habitat fig ysn valuation unregistered land bungamatu land issues fig working week the pacific asia property islamic land aspects
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