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Sciencetific Approach Based English
Learning (SABEL)
Kevin William Andri Siahaan
2.1 History of Scientific Approach Based English
The Scientific Approach Method is a set of procedures that scientists follow in
order to gain knowledge about the world. The Scientific Approach is regarded as an
approach that integrate students' attitude, skills, and knowledge by implementing
observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating in the
learning process. Though scientific method is not new in the sense that it has been
employed in the science world, it is new in the world of English Language
(ELT). Therefore, it is important to have a brief overview on it before further
its implementation in ELT. Throughout the past millennium, there has been a
realization by leading thinkers that the acquisition of knowledge can be performed
such a way as to minimize inconsistent conclusions.
By sticking to certain accepted “rules of reasoning,”
scientific method helps to minimize influence on results
by personal, social, or unreasonable influences. Thus,
science is seen as a pathway to study phenomena in the
world, based upon reproducibly testable and verifiable
evidence. This pathway may take different forms; in fact,
creative flexibility is essential to scientific thinking, so
there is no single method that all scientists use, but each
must ultimately have a conclusion that is testable and
falsifiable; otherwise, it is not science.
The scientific method in actuality is not a
set sequence of procedures that must happen
although it is sometimes presented as such.
Some descriptions actually list and number
three to fourteen procedural steps. No matter
how many steps it has or what they cover, the
scientific method does contain elements that
are applicable to most experimental sciences,
such as physics and chemistry, and is taught to
students to aid their understanding of science.
It is clear that scientifc method is perceived
similarly in both the natural and social sciences
although one notices slight differences in
emphasis as suggested by the vocabulary used in
these definitions. The similarity is certainly
expected since the social sciences attempt to
copy the systematic approach developed in the
physical and natural sciences.
2.2 The Principles of Sciencetific Approach Based
English Learning
A. Theory of Language
In theory of language the problem; the students’s
inability in analyzing the material; and the students’
lack of vocabulary mastery. The solutions used by the
teachers to overcome the problem in applying
Scientific Approach were: motivating the students to be
more active in learning, giving some stimulates
questions related to the material, comparing between
the recent material and the previous materials, and
translating the difficult words found by the students.
B. Theory of Learning
The procedures used by teachers in teaching English
were: Observing , Questioning , Hypothesis (Collecting data),
Experiment (Associating) , and Communicating. Those steps
were written in the lesson plan as the rule of teacher in
conducting teaching learning process. It can be concluded that
the teachers perceived Scientific Approach as an approach
used in teaching learning process focusing on three domains:
affective, cognitive, and psychomotor and hoped to create the
productive, creative, and innovative students not only on
science or skill but also on attitude.
C. Objective
The objectives of the scientific approach in learning
include to improve students' thinking abilities, form the ability
to solve problems systematically, create learning conditions so
that students feel that learning is a necessity, train students in
expressing ideas, improve student learning outcomes, and
develop student character. The goal of the sciencetific
approach method are solve a problem or or answer a question
and find out the truth.
D. Native Language Interference
Interfence happen when the teachers teaching used
English language and students assume the wrong way.
Because of some difficulties that the teacher experienced as in
when the children present to communicate the results of the
discussion activities and reasoning done in the previous
activity. Time allocation problems also become a separate
obstacle in the implementation of aspects of ability
communicating learning outcomes.
E. Student’s Role
Be student-centered i.e. the students physically and mentally take an active participation in
developing meaning and understanding particular concept, law or principles . Develop students’ self
concept i.e developing particular concept based on their own understanding. Students, as the main
actors of the learning process, should be encouraged to do 5 steps of learning. The first step is
observing, where students will watch videos of learning material. Guided questions should also be
provided in this step, in order to maintain the objective of using the media. In the next step, students
will have a chance to pose some questions related to what they have just watched from the media. At
the beginning, it may seem difficult for students to pose questions. In this case, the teacher may help
them by showing some examples of questions related to the material. Students should be trained well
in these steps since it will raise their curiosity to learn the topic. After that, they work in group to
collect information related to some tasks assigned. The use of the internet is really needed in this
step. This makes the teacher allow and monitor the use of some gadgets. It is believed that the use of
gadgets in the learning process will bring excitement to students so that learning will be more
interesting. Next is associating. This step refers to the process of understanding and analyzing
information, and also designing the report of discussion. It may take a lot of time to accomplish this
step. That is why the teacher should not limit the use of SABELS only to one meeting since the
nature of the scientific process cannot be achieved instantly. The last step is students’ report of their
discussion results in the form of presentation. This will encourage students to be more responsible
for what they have just learnt. While presenting results, various responses and arguments may come
from other students. Here, the teacher is required to mediate the issues arising. Students should be
free to express their arguments as long as they are relevant to the topic. This action will teach
students to be critical.
F. Teacher’s Role
To achieve successful learning by using SABELS, the
roles of the teacher and students in the teaching and learning
process should be determined clearly. First, the teacher should
be able to establish the learning context. This may refer to the
use of audio-visual media. By showing videos, it is expected
that the basic knowledge of the students will be activated.
After that, the teacher gives explanation related to learning
material and also assigns students to group work. While the
students are in group work, the teacher is supposed to monitor
the learning process. Beside that, the teacher is also expected
to assist students’ group work in solving some problems they
face during discussion. The last role of the teacher is
evaluating the discussion results.
G. Language Area and Skills
The sciencetific approach based English method
emphasizes the mastery of communicative competence both in
spoken and written mode. Scientific approach also emphasizes
on 4 language skill (reading, listening, speaking and writing)
as well as sceintific principles. The integration of knowledge,
skills, and character is necessary to encourage students to be
productive, creative, innovative, and affective. Knowledge
refers to linguistic competence such as vocabulary, grammar,
and pronounciation and fluency. Character is a positive attitude
to communication.
H. Tecniques
A. Data collection techniques
The data of this study was collected through three main
techniques: classroom observation, document analysis, and interview.
During this classroom observation, videotaping, field-notes,
observation sheet were employed as the main techniques of collecting
data in observation. The researcher played role as non-participant
observer which means, the researcher was an ‘outsider’ who visited
the site, videotaped and recorded notes without becoming involved in
the activities of participants. The document analyzed is the lesson
plan, specifically the learning activities and its Kompetensi Dasar and
Kompetensi Inti stated in teacher’ lesson plan of one material. The
lesson plan was collected before the teacher conducted teaching
practice. Interview is necessary to reveal how scientific approach is
perceived by teachers and to seek the depth of teachers’ perception of
the difficulties faced towards scientific approach in the 2013
Curriculum in teaching English. It was administered in the last day of
the research. The interview was recorded to be then transcribed.
B. Data analysis techniques
The data analysis was conducted into three stages, namely: classroom
observation, written document analysis, and interview. The data gained
from classroom observation were in two forms, which were the
transcription of videotaped observation and the description of classroom
situation in observation process from observation sheet and field note (see
Apendix). Those data were corroborated each other to answer the question
of how scientific approach is implemented in teaching English. The
transcription of videotaped classroom observation was analyzed using
Pedagogical Microscope instrument (Suherdi, 2009) which include analysis
of teacher-students’ interaction and strudents contribution seen through
Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy (see Appendix) is used in
assessing the learning outcomes and in portraying detail of students’
contribution in each stage.The data obtained from teachers’ lesson plan
were analyzed in term of their content. The content such as indicator,
objectives and learning activities were analyzed to find out whether the
aspects in lesson plan has met the criteria of scientific approach’s
principles. The analysis of interview was conducted in several steps. First,
the data from interview were transcribe. Second, teacher’s answers were
categorized based on the focus of study. Third, the data were interpreted
and concluded to answer the second research question of this study that is
difficulties faced by the teacher in implementing scientific approach
I. Activities
1. Observing
The aspects of a phenomenon are observed by using the senses (listening,
watching, smelling, feeling, or tasting) with or without a tool to identify problems.
2. Questioning
Questions related to the problems are formulated. In this step hypotheses or
temporary answers are formulated based on the exisiting knowledge. The activities
can be asking questions, asking and answering questions, and discussing what is not
understood or additional information to find out as clarification.
3. Experimenting (collecting data or information) using various techniques
In this step some activities can be carried out, for example exploring, trying,
conducting experiments, discussing, demonstrating, immitating certain movements,
and reading various other resources (in addition to textbooks), and collecting data
from resource persons through interviews or questionnaires.
4. Associating (Analyzing)
The data that have been collected are analyzed to draw conclusions by
categorizing them, associating or relating phenomena or information to find certain
patterns, and finding arguments and concluding the interrelationship between two
facts/concepts, and making interpretations.
5. Communicating
In this fifth step, the answers of the questions
(conclusions) as the product of analyzing (associating
information/data) are presented either in the written or oral
form, for example written or oral reports, charts, diagrams,
graphs, etc. Up to this step, factual, conceptual, procedural,
and/or metacognitive knowledge are already constructed.
6. Creating
Due to the different natures of various subjects, the five
steps above can be followed by creating. This step is not
explicitly mentioned in the regulation. In this activities,
products or ideas are created and/or innovated by using the
knowledge that has been constructed. What is created
constitutes the application of the constructed knowledge and
can be either tangible or non tangible.
J. Material
The material of SABELS the first step observing, where
students will watch videos of learning the audio recording material.
Using the media materials, such as short video, audio, and list of
questions. The use of the internet is really needed in this step. The
second step questioning, where using textbook, and powerpoint
materials. The third step hypothesis, where using textbook,
dictionary, and the internet. The fourth step experiment, where using
textbook, dictionary, and the internet. The fifth step communicating,
where using power point, oral, written text, and assesment rubric.
K. Error Handling
Difficulties in implementing the approach this scientific is
indeed natural teachers, especially teachers who are teaching this
method to middle and high school students but this difficulty is
always the teacher trying to overcome by sharing and confide in
each other to other teachers so that in their application they can done
quite well although there are still some shortcomings but the
teachers always try to overcome these difficulties.
L. Evaluation
Scientific Approach. evaluation is integral to the process
of scientific method. Sciencetific approach evaluation is
an approach that integrating students' attitude, skills, and
knowledge by implementing observing, questioning,
experimenting, associating, and communicating on teaching
learning process. One cannot overemphasize the importance of
peer review to science, and the vigor with which it is carried
2.3 Procedures of Sciencetific Approach Based English Learning
The scientific method is a form of critical thinking that will be subjected to
review and independent duplication in order to reduce the degree of uncertainty. In
an article McLelland states that the scientific method may include some or all of the
following steps in one form or another: observation, questioning, formulate a
hypothesis, experimentation (testing the hypothesis), and communicating.
1. Making Observation
The first process in scientific method involves the observation of a
phenomenon, event, or problem. The discovery of such a phenomenon may occur
due to an interest on the observer’s part, a suggestion or assignment, or it may be an
annoyance that one wishes to resolve. The discovery may even be by chance,
although it is likely the observer would be in the right frame of mind to make the
2. Asking a Question
A part scientist proposes the problem that wants to solve. Observation leads
to a question that needs to be answered to satisfy human curiosity about the
observation, such as why or how this event happened or what it is like. In order to
develop this question, observation may involve taking measures to quantify it in
order to better describe it. Scientific questions need to be answerable and lead to the
formation of a hypothesis about the problem.
3. Formulating Hypothesis
It is proposed explanation that aims to answer the question, a hypothesis will be
formulated. This is an educated guess regarding the question’s answer. Educated is
highlighted because no good hypothesis can be developed without research into the
problem. Hypothesis development depends upon a careful characterization of the subject
of the investigation. Sometimes numerous working hypotheses may be used for a single
subject, as long as research indicates they are all applicable. Hypotheses are generally
consistent with existing knowledge and are conducive to further inquiry. A scientific
hypothesis has to be testable and also has to be falsifiable. In other words, there must be
a way to try to make the hypothesis fail. Science is often more about proving a scientific
statement wrong rather than right. If it does fail, another hypothesis may be tested,
usually one that has taken into consideration the fact that the last tested hypothesis
failed. One fascinating aspect is that hypotheses may fail at one time but be proven
correct at a later date (usually with more advanced technology).
4. Conducting Experiment
In experiment is an activity designed to gather data that will be used to support or
reject the hypothesis . Data is information that you can record, like what you observe
during an experiment. If your prediction is correct, you will not be able to reject the
hypothesis. In experiment inbox more two variables specific factors that can be
manipulated. Most the experiment includes of Independent variable, factor that the
scienctist alter and Dependent variable, factor that is being measured. Testing and
experimentation can occur in the laboratory, in the field, on the blackboard, or the
computer. Results of testing must be reproducible and verifiable. The data should be
available to determine if the interpretations are unbiased and free from prejudice. It is
interesting that other scientists may start their own research and enter the process of one
scientist’s work at any stage. They might formulate their own hypothesis, or they might
adopt the original hypothesis and deduce their own predictions. Often, experiments are
not done by the person who made the prediction, and the characterization is based on
investigations done by someone else. Published results can also serve as a hypothesis
predicting the reproducibility of those results.
5. Communicating/Networking
The last stage is networking. In this stage, students communicate, demonstrate,
and publish their learning product as a form of collaborative learning in which they face
various changes. In collaborative learning, the learners interact with empathy, mutual
respect, and receive a deficiency or excess, respectively in order to create social
interaction to gain meaningful learning (Wahyudin, 2015). The teacher gives feedback,
suggestions or more information related to students’ work. There are interactions
between teacher and students and among the students.
In this stage, teacher holds role that provides correct information and the
reciprocal scaffolding (Brown, 2001, cited at Nugraha, 2015). This can be done through
dialogue and discussion between teacher with the students. Thus communicating stage is
in which students report or deliver the results of the observing, experimenting and
concluding based on the result of the analysis orally or written or in other forms to let
others know what learners have learned (Abidin, 2014; Arauz, 2013; Hosnan, 2014,
p.77; Mulyasa, 2014).
2.4 Strengths and Weakness of Scientific Approach
Based English Learning
The Strengths of scientific learning using discovery learning, namely:
 Helping students to improve and enhance their skills and cognitive processes.
 The knowledge gained through this model is very personal and powerful because it
strengthens understanding, memory, and transfer.
 Gives a sense of pleasure to students, because the growth of sense of interest and success.
 Saving students directs their own learning activities by involving their own intellect and
 Helps students understand their concepts, because they gain the trust of agreeing with others.
 It is centered on students and teachers who are equally active in issuing it.
 Encourage students to think and work with their own consent.
 Encourage students to think intuition and formulate their own hypotheses.
 Give intrinsic decisions.
 The learning process becomes more aroused.
 Students learn about the composition of students towards the whole person.
 Increase the level of appreciation for students.
 The possibility of students learning by utilizing various types of learning resources.
 Can develop individual talents and skills.
Weaknesses of the scientific approach, including:
 Gives rise to the assumption that there is a readiness of the
mind to learn. For students who are less clever, will have
difficulty abstracting or thinking or expressing the relationship
between written or oral concepts, which in turn will cause
 Inefficient to teach a large number of students, because it takes
a long time to help them find theories or other problem
 The expectations contained in this approach model can be
dispersed against students and teachers who are used to the old
ways of learning.
 Discovery teaching is more suitable for developing
understanding, while aspects of concepts, skills and emotions
as a whole do not get much attention.
 Does not provide the opportunity to think that will be found.
3.1 ConclusionPlanning scientific language learning activities is not easy and may be
confusing for language teachers. This may occur if teachers misunderstand
the concept of scientific approach. SABELS is designed to help language
teachers to integrate the scientific approach in language learning.
Application of SABELS focuses not only on the knowledge domain (i.e.,
linguistic aspects), but also on increasing language skills and enhancing
character building. This will lead both teachers and students to be creative
and innovative in the teaching and learning process. Scientific approach
implemented successfully developed students’ critical thinking and
fostering high-thinking level of students’ learning behavior. The difficulties
encountered by the teacher during implementing scientific approach are the
problem on students, time allotment, and the teaching management.

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7 sciencetific approach based english learning (sabel)

  • 1. Sciencetific Approach Based English Learning (SABEL) By Kevin William Andri Siahaan
  • 2. 2.1 History of Scientific Approach Based English Learning The Scientific Approach Method is a set of procedures that scientists follow in order to gain knowledge about the world. The Scientific Approach is regarded as an approach that integrate students' attitude, skills, and knowledge by implementing observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating in the teaching learning process. Though scientific method is not new in the sense that it has been long employed in the science world, it is new in the world of English Language Teaching (ELT). Therefore, it is important to have a brief overview on it before further discussing its implementation in ELT. Throughout the past millennium, there has been a realization by leading thinkers that the acquisition of knowledge can be performed in such a way as to minimize inconsistent conclusions.
  • 3. By sticking to certain accepted “rules of reasoning,” scientific method helps to minimize influence on results by personal, social, or unreasonable influences. Thus, science is seen as a pathway to study phenomena in the world, based upon reproducibly testable and verifiable evidence. This pathway may take different forms; in fact, creative flexibility is essential to scientific thinking, so there is no single method that all scientists use, but each must ultimately have a conclusion that is testable and falsifiable; otherwise, it is not science.
  • 4. The scientific method in actuality is not a set sequence of procedures that must happen although it is sometimes presented as such. Some descriptions actually list and number three to fourteen procedural steps. No matter how many steps it has or what they cover, the scientific method does contain elements that are applicable to most experimental sciences, such as physics and chemistry, and is taught to students to aid their understanding of science.
  • 5. It is clear that scientifc method is perceived similarly in both the natural and social sciences although one notices slight differences in emphasis as suggested by the vocabulary used in these definitions. The similarity is certainly expected since the social sciences attempt to copy the systematic approach developed in the physical and natural sciences.
  • 6. 2.2 The Principles of Sciencetific Approach Based English Learning A. Theory of Language In theory of language the problem; the students’s inability in analyzing the material; and the students’ lack of vocabulary mastery. The solutions used by the teachers to overcome the problem in applying Scientific Approach were: motivating the students to be more active in learning, giving some stimulates questions related to the material, comparing between the recent material and the previous materials, and translating the difficult words found by the students.
  • 7. B. Theory of Learning The procedures used by teachers in teaching English were: Observing , Questioning , Hypothesis (Collecting data), Experiment (Associating) , and Communicating. Those steps were written in the lesson plan as the rule of teacher in conducting teaching learning process. It can be concluded that the teachers perceived Scientific Approach as an approach used in teaching learning process focusing on three domains: affective, cognitive, and psychomotor and hoped to create the productive, creative, and innovative students not only on science or skill but also on attitude.
  • 8. C. Objective The objectives of the scientific approach in learning include to improve students' thinking abilities, form the ability to solve problems systematically, create learning conditions so that students feel that learning is a necessity, train students in expressing ideas, improve student learning outcomes, and develop student character. The goal of the sciencetific approach method are solve a problem or or answer a question and find out the truth.
  • 9. D. Native Language Interference Interfence happen when the teachers teaching used English language and students assume the wrong way. Because of some difficulties that the teacher experienced as in when the children present to communicate the results of the discussion activities and reasoning done in the previous activity. Time allocation problems also become a separate obstacle in the implementation of aspects of ability communicating learning outcomes.
  • 10. E. Student’s Role Be student-centered i.e. the students physically and mentally take an active participation in developing meaning and understanding particular concept, law or principles . Develop students’ self concept i.e developing particular concept based on their own understanding. Students, as the main actors of the learning process, should be encouraged to do 5 steps of learning. The first step is observing, where students will watch videos of learning material. Guided questions should also be provided in this step, in order to maintain the objective of using the media. In the next step, students will have a chance to pose some questions related to what they have just watched from the media. At the beginning, it may seem difficult for students to pose questions. In this case, the teacher may help them by showing some examples of questions related to the material. Students should be trained well in these steps since it will raise their curiosity to learn the topic. After that, they work in group to collect information related to some tasks assigned. The use of the internet is really needed in this step. This makes the teacher allow and monitor the use of some gadgets. It is believed that the use of gadgets in the learning process will bring excitement to students so that learning will be more interesting. Next is associating. This step refers to the process of understanding and analyzing information, and also designing the report of discussion. It may take a lot of time to accomplish this step. That is why the teacher should not limit the use of SABELS only to one meeting since the nature of the scientific process cannot be achieved instantly. The last step is students’ report of their discussion results in the form of presentation. This will encourage students to be more responsible for what they have just learnt. While presenting results, various responses and arguments may come from other students. Here, the teacher is required to mediate the issues arising. Students should be free to express their arguments as long as they are relevant to the topic. This action will teach students to be critical.
  • 11. F. Teacher’s Role To achieve successful learning by using SABELS, the roles of the teacher and students in the teaching and learning process should be determined clearly. First, the teacher should be able to establish the learning context. This may refer to the use of audio-visual media. By showing videos, it is expected that the basic knowledge of the students will be activated. After that, the teacher gives explanation related to learning material and also assigns students to group work. While the students are in group work, the teacher is supposed to monitor the learning process. Beside that, the teacher is also expected to assist students’ group work in solving some problems they face during discussion. The last role of the teacher is evaluating the discussion results.
  • 12. UCI G. Language Area and Skills The sciencetific approach based English method emphasizes the mastery of communicative competence both in spoken and written mode. Scientific approach also emphasizes on 4 language skill (reading, listening, speaking and writing) as well as sceintific principles. The integration of knowledge, skills, and character is necessary to encourage students to be productive, creative, innovative, and affective. Knowledge refers to linguistic competence such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronounciation and fluency. Character is a positive attitude to communication.
  • 13. UCI H. Tecniques A. Data collection techniques The data of this study was collected through three main techniques: classroom observation, document analysis, and interview. During this classroom observation, videotaping, field-notes, observation sheet were employed as the main techniques of collecting data in observation. The researcher played role as non-participant observer which means, the researcher was an ‘outsider’ who visited the site, videotaped and recorded notes without becoming involved in the activities of participants. The document analyzed is the lesson plan, specifically the learning activities and its Kompetensi Dasar and Kompetensi Inti stated in teacher’ lesson plan of one material. The lesson plan was collected before the teacher conducted teaching practice. Interview is necessary to reveal how scientific approach is perceived by teachers and to seek the depth of teachers’ perception of the difficulties faced towards scientific approach in the 2013 Curriculum in teaching English. It was administered in the last day of the research. The interview was recorded to be then transcribed.
  • 14. UCI B. Data analysis techniques The data analysis was conducted into three stages, namely: classroom observation, written document analysis, and interview. The data gained from classroom observation were in two forms, which were the transcription of videotaped observation and the description of classroom situation in observation process from observation sheet and field note (see Apendix). Those data were corroborated each other to answer the question of how scientific approach is implemented in teaching English. The transcription of videotaped classroom observation was analyzed using Pedagogical Microscope instrument (Suherdi, 2009) which include analysis of teacher-students’ interaction and strudents contribution seen through Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy (see Appendix) is used in assessing the learning outcomes and in portraying detail of students’ contribution in each stage.The data obtained from teachers’ lesson plan were analyzed in term of their content. The content such as indicator, objectives and learning activities were analyzed to find out whether the aspects in lesson plan has met the criteria of scientific approach’s principles. The analysis of interview was conducted in several steps. First, the data from interview were transcribe. Second, teacher’s answers were categorized based on the focus of study. Third, the data were interpreted and concluded to answer the second research question of this study that is difficulties faced by the teacher in implementing scientific approach
  • 15. RODESA I. Activities 1. Observing The aspects of a phenomenon are observed by using the senses (listening, watching, smelling, feeling, or tasting) with or without a tool to identify problems. 2. Questioning Questions related to the problems are formulated. In this step hypotheses or temporary answers are formulated based on the exisiting knowledge. The activities can be asking questions, asking and answering questions, and discussing what is not understood or additional information to find out as clarification. 3. Experimenting (collecting data or information) using various techniques In this step some activities can be carried out, for example exploring, trying, conducting experiments, discussing, demonstrating, immitating certain movements, and reading various other resources (in addition to textbooks), and collecting data from resource persons through interviews or questionnaires. 4. Associating (Analyzing) The data that have been collected are analyzed to draw conclusions by categorizing them, associating or relating phenomena or information to find certain patterns, and finding arguments and concluding the interrelationship between two facts/concepts, and making interpretations.
  • 16. 5. Communicating In this fifth step, the answers of the questions (conclusions) as the product of analyzing (associating information/data) are presented either in the written or oral form, for example written or oral reports, charts, diagrams, graphs, etc. Up to this step, factual, conceptual, procedural, and/or metacognitive knowledge are already constructed. 6. Creating Due to the different natures of various subjects, the five steps above can be followed by creating. This step is not explicitly mentioned in the regulation. In this activities, products or ideas are created and/or innovated by using the knowledge that has been constructed. What is created constitutes the application of the constructed knowledge and can be either tangible or non tangible.
  • 17. ANITA J. Material The material of SABELS the first step observing, where students will watch videos of learning the audio recording material. Using the media materials, such as short video, audio, and list of questions. The use of the internet is really needed in this step. The second step questioning, where using textbook, and powerpoint materials. The third step hypothesis, where using textbook, dictionary, and the internet. The fourth step experiment, where using textbook, dictionary, and the internet. The fifth step communicating, where using power point, oral, written text, and assesment rubric.
  • 18. NINI K. Error Handling Difficulties in implementing the approach this scientific is indeed natural teachers, especially teachers who are teaching this method to middle and high school students but this difficulty is always the teacher trying to overcome by sharing and confide in each other to other teachers so that in their application they can done quite well although there are still some shortcomings but the teachers always try to overcome these difficulties.
  • 19. NINI L. Evaluation Scientific Approach. evaluation is integral to the process of scientific method. Sciencetific approach evaluation is an approach that integrating students' attitude, skills, and knowledge by implementing observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating on teaching learning process. One cannot overemphasize the importance of peer review to science, and the vigor with which it is carried out.
  • 20. Maria 2.3 Procedures of Sciencetific Approach Based English Learning The scientific method is a form of critical thinking that will be subjected to review and independent duplication in order to reduce the degree of uncertainty. In an article McLelland states that the scientific method may include some or all of the following steps in one form or another: observation, questioning, formulate a hypothesis, experimentation (testing the hypothesis), and communicating. 1. Making Observation The first process in scientific method involves the observation of a phenomenon, event, or problem. The discovery of such a phenomenon may occur due to an interest on the observer’s part, a suggestion or assignment, or it may be an annoyance that one wishes to resolve. The discovery may even be by chance, although it is likely the observer would be in the right frame of mind to make the observation. 2. Asking a Question A part scientist proposes the problem that wants to solve. Observation leads to a question that needs to be answered to satisfy human curiosity about the observation, such as why or how this event happened or what it is like. In order to develop this question, observation may involve taking measures to quantify it in order to better describe it. Scientific questions need to be answerable and lead to the formation of a hypothesis about the problem.
  • 21. 3. Formulating Hypothesis It is proposed explanation that aims to answer the question, a hypothesis will be formulated. This is an educated guess regarding the question’s answer. Educated is highlighted because no good hypothesis can be developed without research into the problem. Hypothesis development depends upon a careful characterization of the subject of the investigation. Sometimes numerous working hypotheses may be used for a single subject, as long as research indicates they are all applicable. Hypotheses are generally consistent with existing knowledge and are conducive to further inquiry. A scientific hypothesis has to be testable and also has to be falsifiable. In other words, there must be a way to try to make the hypothesis fail. Science is often more about proving a scientific statement wrong rather than right. If it does fail, another hypothesis may be tested, usually one that has taken into consideration the fact that the last tested hypothesis failed. One fascinating aspect is that hypotheses may fail at one time but be proven correct at a later date (usually with more advanced technology).
  • 22. 4. Conducting Experiment In experiment is an activity designed to gather data that will be used to support or reject the hypothesis . Data is information that you can record, like what you observe during an experiment. If your prediction is correct, you will not be able to reject the hypothesis. In experiment inbox more two variables specific factors that can be manipulated. Most the experiment includes of Independent variable, factor that the scienctist alter and Dependent variable, factor that is being measured. Testing and experimentation can occur in the laboratory, in the field, on the blackboard, or the computer. Results of testing must be reproducible and verifiable. The data should be available to determine if the interpretations are unbiased and free from prejudice. It is interesting that other scientists may start their own research and enter the process of one scientist’s work at any stage. They might formulate their own hypothesis, or they might adopt the original hypothesis and deduce their own predictions. Often, experiments are not done by the person who made the prediction, and the characterization is based on investigations done by someone else. Published results can also serve as a hypothesis predicting the reproducibility of those results.
  • 23. 5. Communicating/Networking The last stage is networking. In this stage, students communicate, demonstrate, and publish their learning product as a form of collaborative learning in which they face various changes. In collaborative learning, the learners interact with empathy, mutual respect, and receive a deficiency or excess, respectively in order to create social interaction to gain meaningful learning (Wahyudin, 2015). The teacher gives feedback, suggestions or more information related to students’ work. There are interactions between teacher and students and among the students. In this stage, teacher holds role that provides correct information and the reciprocal scaffolding (Brown, 2001, cited at Nugraha, 2015). This can be done through dialogue and discussion between teacher with the students. Thus communicating stage is in which students report or deliver the results of the observing, experimenting and concluding based on the result of the analysis orally or written or in other forms to let others know what learners have learned (Abidin, 2014; Arauz, 2013; Hosnan, 2014, p.77; Mulyasa, 2014).
  • 24. Uci 2.4 Strengths and Weakness of Scientific Approach Based English Learning The Strengths of scientific learning using discovery learning, namely:  Helping students to improve and enhance their skills and cognitive processes.  The knowledge gained through this model is very personal and powerful because it strengthens understanding, memory, and transfer.  Gives a sense of pleasure to students, because the growth of sense of interest and success.  Saving students directs their own learning activities by involving their own intellect and motivation.  Helps students understand their concepts, because they gain the trust of agreeing with others.  It is centered on students and teachers who are equally active in issuing it.  Encourage students to think and work with their own consent.  Encourage students to think intuition and formulate their own hypotheses.  Give intrinsic decisions.  The learning process becomes more aroused.  Students learn about the composition of students towards the whole person.  Increase the level of appreciation for students.  The possibility of students learning by utilizing various types of learning resources.  Can develop individual talents and skills.
  • 25. Weaknesses of the scientific approach, including:  Gives rise to the assumption that there is a readiness of the mind to learn. For students who are less clever, will have difficulty abstracting or thinking or expressing the relationship between written or oral concepts, which in turn will cause frustration.  Inefficient to teach a large number of students, because it takes a long time to help them find theories or other problem solving.  The expectations contained in this approach model can be dispersed against students and teachers who are used to the old ways of learning.  Discovery teaching is more suitable for developing understanding, while aspects of concepts, skills and emotions as a whole do not get much attention.  Does not provide the opportunity to think that will be found.
  • 26. RODESA 3.1 ConclusionPlanning scientific language learning activities is not easy and may be confusing for language teachers. This may occur if teachers misunderstand the concept of scientific approach. SABELS is designed to help language teachers to integrate the scientific approach in language learning. Application of SABELS focuses not only on the knowledge domain (i.e., linguistic aspects), but also on increasing language skills and enhancing character building. This will lead both teachers and students to be creative and innovative in the teaching and learning process. Scientific approach implemented successfully developed students’ critical thinking and fostering high-thinking level of students’ learning behavior. The difficulties encountered by the teacher during implementing scientific approach are the problem on students, time allotment, and the teaching management.