success inspiration clarity wisdom motivation life how kelvinchanorg habits purpose proverbs achieve howto productivity learning power chan kelvin strategy business keys mission matters really identity compelling kelvinchan greater fast diligence lifestyle transform journal system true value environment production efficacy effectiveness efficiency great effective faster procrastination anything getting secret masterful influence everything rituals routines practices mylife eachday running time laws first vision yourself why relationships trust instil build easily how to more minors majors majoring stop succeed assist forward early failing principles jimrohn intent diminishing law flowing hernandocortes focus bridges burning pacing method pacer instantly up speed rare skillsets god gifts talents given maximize socialmedia wechat pinterest twitter instagram snapchat facebook youtube feeds media social consuming enrich deal fallacy stupid balance work worklife super pickup immersion must big win offense playing edge guaranteed hardworking diligent skill finance cost constraints whynot budgets magic chain unbroken beat hello hello2018 goodbye goodbye2017 guru master study discipline through minimalism simplicity slowdown tranquility quiet world modern busy solitude silence play impact greatly higher distraction mass weapons manage hope cope changes major transitions during thrive survive quadrants systematic logic frameworks renedescartes questions cartesian decisions make quick hacks getahead progress accelerate information consume fuller buckminster trimtabbing tabbing trim started paralysis analysis fixit much too effects adverse improvement daily conscious with becoming consciousness you feeding whatareyou kc14 ourselves investing notinvesting dangers evening end morning start kc11 regrets notlive wisely now use out illusion kc9 showup justshowup rule kc8 pursuing executing fulfilling knowing destiny delightful kc7 wheredoyouseeyourself headed visionboard vital kc6 inyourlife todo excited meaningful kc5 living reason driven kc4 howyousee individual kc3 toyou whatissuccess kc2 development personal introduction kc1
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