ai social implications implantables uberveillance artificial intelligence humans technology chip implants location biomedical devices people brain speech deep learning implants failure impacts environmental emerging ethics innovation behavioural biometrics biometrics benefits facial recognition harms surveillance social media iot neurodegenerative disease neurobiological psychosocial factors wellbeing mental health stem cells animals risks better data effectiveness time to market clinical trials solutions algorithms computation simulation 2g 3g cellular services privacy commissioners data commissioners privacy horizons katina michael mg michael murray long jennifer stoddart terra incognita last mile condition identity high-rise congestion driverless cars transportation human augmentation workforce outback rural regional 2040 sydney access to information health promotion futures contemporary infections fda medical devices recalls reward risk use cases applications non-medical underneath the skin injected embedded technology microchipping voice biometric flow grammar autocorrection speech analyser speech to text recording thought silicon embodiment digital life dadbot replika intelligent assistants bots legislative review policies regulations embedded surveillance devices engineering connective devices 5g emi electromagnetic interference télécommunications wetware grindhouse biohax vivokey iou internet of us gaming ecology environment pyramids chains networks phosphorus cycle nitrogen cycle water cycle carbon cycle cycles species citations publications data analysis data collection citizen science biodiversity proximity affection roles teddy bears human real illness dementia support caregiver population ageing elderly documentary close enough to care kim trynacity assistive technology robotic devices social robots robots individual non person tokens freedom controlf human rights discrimination false negatives false positives mobility retail multimodal biometrics epay paywave self-authentication authentication movement disorders tremors reverse engineering brain initiative brain project stimulation battery pack electrodes obsessive compulsive disorder ocd epilepsy major depressive disorder dystonia parkinson's disease vagus nerve stimulation deep brain stimulation vns dbs preservation sustainability conservation humanity machine to machine technocracy externalities corporate social responsibility ewaste machine learning trajectory repurposing proposition value entertainment health life sustaining life enhancing amplification augmentation therapeutic prosthesis medical medical implants negative positive consequences unintended consequences society infrastructure new limits creativity women in policing policing wearables mobile cameras social impact svp evidence international security personal security national security body scanners csu cameras location-based services methodology analysis use case observations lbs social networking scenarios location-based social networking lbsn internet of things verichip stored value id cons embedded keyless body rfid convenience workplace pros nfc cashless care control
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