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How to survive high school This info will help you make it through high school! Don’t be scared.. Just follow this power point! By: Jordan Wasserman Ms. Krinsky Period 3                         We are the sum total of our life experiences
Make the right decision! In order to make the right decision you have to follow the responsible decision making model A -Assess (what’s the problem) B - Brainstorm possible solutions C – Consider the consequences (Pros + Cons) D – Decision + Act  …………………………………………………….. E– Evaluate and reflect on your decision
Decision making styles Inactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person fails to make choices, and this failure determines the outcome. Reactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person allows others to make his/her decisions. Proactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person describes the situation that requires a decision, identifies and evaluates possible decisions, and makes a decision and takes responsibility for the consequences. Make Proactive decisions!!!
Communication Communication are skills that help a person express thoughts, feelings, opinions, and information. Verbal communicaton- is about content, and can be persuasive depending on its structure, proof, logic and emotional appeal. Non-verbal communicaton- communicates vocally through pitch, tone, and through motion, like posture, physical appearance, gesture, and facial expression. Oral communication- involves words through talking. It is spoken communication. To be a good communicator it is important to be a good verbal, non-verbal, and oral communicator.
Communication TWO WAY COMMUNICATION LOOP SENDER- RECIEVER-UNDERSTANDING-FEEDBACK “ It’s not what you said it’s the way you said it!” The Good CommunicatorThe Good Listener               Makes eye contact                      Faces the speaker + makes eye contact Utilizes Body Language  Gives verbal + nonverbal signs of listening Thinks before they speak  Asks questions to clarify what they heard Is open to feedback                 Reiterates what the speaker is saying Is enthusiastic                                                 Is Empathetic  Speaks clearly Is well organized Gives examples
What not do while communicating! Look around the room not at the person your communicating with Interrupt the speaker before they have finished Make totally unrelated remarks Give unsolicited advice Change the subject before the speaker is finished Put the speaker down because you don’t agree  Talk to someone else when the speaker is talking Continue to do what you are doing rather than listening attentively Trying to top the speakers story with what you think is a better one.
Maintaining Healthy Relationships is imperative throughout highschool! Friends – When you arrive in high school there are different groups of people who are involved in different activities. In high school you want to find trustworthy friends who will be there for you and aren’t into drugs. Friends have a major impact on your life and can either positively or negatively influence you. Find the right group of people to build a cohesive relationship with! Romance- Throughout high school you are in your adolescent stage and you are going to be interested in dating guys or girls. It is important to find a guy or girl that is loving, caring, a good influence, has a good character, personality, and overall designed for you. It may take time to find the right individual for you, but take your time because there are many fish in the sea!
Maintaining Healthy Relationships is imperative throughout high school! Family- It is extremely important to have a good relationship with your family members because they will always be here to help you, influence you, and direct you in the right direction. There are family relationships where the children don’t have good relationships with their parent’s and it causes drastic problems throughout the household. If you have a good relationship with your family they will do all they can to help you and protect you. Teachers- To enjoy your high school career and maintain adequate grades it very important to respect your teachers and maintain a good relationship. If you participate a lot, show that you care, try hard, and go for extra help, your teachers will see that you are trying hard and give you the benefit of the doubt on your grades. You have to realize that teachers are just people like us and have similar personalities. They are usually great people and it is nice to become knowledgeable from them and enjoy their presence.
Healthy Relationship In a healthy relationship, you:  Treat each other with respect  Feel secure and comfortable  Are not violent with each other  Can resolve conflicts satisfactorily  Enjoy the time you spend together  Support one another  Take interest in one another's lives: health, family, work, etc.  Have privacy in the relationship  Can trust each other  Communicate clearly and openly  Are honest about your past and present sexual activity if the relationship is intimate  Have more good times in the relationship than bad
Unhealthy Relationship In an unhealthy relationship, one or both of you: Try to control or manipulate the other  Make the other feel bad about her/himself  Ridicule or call names  Dictate how the other dresses  Do not make time for each other   Are afraid of the other's temper  Discourage the other from being close with anyone else  Ignore each other when one is speaking  Are overly possessive or get jealous about ordinary behavior  Control the other's money or other resources (e.g., car)   Push, grab, hit, punch, or throw objects  Use physical force or threats to prevent the other from leaving
Having a healthy relationship can put a huge smile on your face 
Peer Pressure Peer Pressure- The influence that people of similar age or status place on others to behave in a certain way. Spoken pressure- Sometimes a friend can say something directly to you that puts a lot of pressure on you and makes it hard to say no. Example: Person 1: come drink it’s more fun than sitting in a library!   Person at library: okay that sounds like a good idea (she doesn’t have skills to say no which negatively effects her.)  Unspoken Pressure- This is something you feel without anyone saying anything to you. You feel unspoken pressure if you want to do the same things that others are doing. Example: a group of people are wearing these brand new Gucci sunglasses. If a lot of other people are wearing these sunglasses, you will feel left out and want to buy yourself a pair to fit in.
Peer Pressure Terms to understand! Rejection- A person with fear spoke in rejection about joining a group. Put down- when people put other people down by using derogatory words. Reasoning- coming to a compromise with somebody. The Huddle- A group of kids standing together in which everyone is talking, lauphing, and looking at someone you cant see. The look- kids who think they’re cool give you a certain look that means they’re cool and you’re not. The Example- A group of cool kids wear the same type of material item and you want one too. (Unspoken Pressure) Positive Peer Pressure- influence from peers to behave in a responsible way. (Studying) Negative Peer Pressure- influnce from peers to behave in a way that is not repsonsible. (smoking, drinking, drugs)  Assertive behavior- is the honest expression of ideas, feelings, and decisions without worrying or feeling threatened. ( Use Aserrtive behavior!) Passive behavior- is the holding back of ideas, feelings, and decisions. Aggressive behavior- is the use of words or actions that are disrespectful toward others.
How to resist negative peer pressure! Make a joke Give a reason why it’s a bad time Make an excuse why you cant Just say no, plainly and firmly Suggest an alternative activity Ignore the suggestion Leave the situation Thanks, but no thanks
Goal Setting Goal Something you work towards Something you want to accomplish “A goal is a dream with a timeline” Short term goal Goals that you will achieve in the near future (in a day, week or months) Short term goals are building blocks of long term goals. Long term goal Goals that you will achieve over a longer period of time (one semester, one year, five years or twenty years) They are usually achieved through a series of short term goals.
Goal setting In order to achieve a goal you should be SMART!   S - Specific M- Measurable A – Attainable R- Realistic T- Timely Barriers  to achieving goals Setting goals that are unclear or too general Setting unrealistic goals Setting goals that are dependent on other people Trying to do many things at once Having little personal motivation Not asking for help when needed Not believing in one’s ability to achieve the goal.
Steps for achieving personal goals! Decide exactly what you want (write it down) Affirm why you want it( The bigger the reason the more internal motivation you are giving yourself) Define the actions you will need to take to achieve it Schedule the actions (in your calender) Identify barriers Develop a vision Make sure its something that is realistic Do it! (follow through and carry out your plan!) Reward system In life you need to set specific goals in order to excel in life and have a successful future. Reward
Have good character! Character- the combination of morals and beliefs that dictates how we treat others, our environment, and ourselves. Also, character is the basis on which our every thought, action, and decision is derived, and it is the means by which we distinguish between right and wrong. What makes up your character? Values- principles and qualities that you consider to be important or worthwhile Moral Material Environment Family Culture Community Heredity
Positive Vs. Negative Character Traits. Positive character traitsNegative character traits Educated                                                                                                           Uneducated                                                                                             Responsible                                                                                                       Inconsiderate Reliable                                                                                                              Unconcerned Honest/Trustworthy                                                                                       Envious  Patient                                                                                                                Impatient Persistent                                                                                                           Uncompassionate Courageous                                                                                                       Hateful Disciplined                                                                                                        Unforgiving Respectful                                                                                                          Revengeful Compassionate                                                                                                  Deceitful Merciful                                                                                                              Disrespectful Forgiving                                                                                                            Aggressive Generous                                                                                                            Unreliable Humble                                                                                                               Disloyal Optimistic                                                                                                           Dishonest Thankful                                                                                                              Pessimistic Considerate                                                                                                         Indecisive Modesty                                                                                                               Irresponsible Loyalty                                                                                                                 Arrogant Self- Control Decisive
If you are in need of help who can you go to?? There are a lot of people you can go to, to help or rectify issues that you are having. If you are having a problem that you notice, get help as soon as possible. Who to go to for help: Your Parents Your siblings Trustworthy friends Your teachers *Ms. Krinsky* Nurses office Psychologist- Mr. Yoo Guidance counselor Hotlines for specific problems. Nineline’s 24 hour hotline for children and teens at 1-800-999-9999
Bullying and teasing In high school there are many scenarios where students are being bullied either at school or via the internet or cell phones. It is horrible that people treat others with disrespect, but try your best not to be a bully or get bullied. It can lead to serious issues. Self confidence- assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities Self Esteem- a feeling of pride in yourself How to build self confidence / esteem Stand up for yourself.  Set personal goals Find things you enjoy Enhance your ability to cope with stress.       ^^ Fre$hboy is making fun of a great music artist that  Make a list of your accomplishments. I personally know.  He’s known as Mr.I Got It (M.I.G)Take care of yourself physically Practice positive affirmations.  Types of bullying Bullying- is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Cyber bullying- when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.
Bullying and teasing Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act, their race or religion, or because they are gay or lesbian. Physical bullying- Anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexually assaulting someone.  Psychological bullying or verbal bullying - control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge.  Example: People in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying).  Example- They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal bullying can involve sending cruel instant or email messages, posting insults about a person on a website(Cyber bullying)
Bullying and teasing How being bullied effects one’s life They may find their schoolwork and health suffering.  They may have stomach pains and diarrhea. Can obtain a syndrome called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the stress that came from being bullied  Inability to concentrate in class  Risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety.  They may also think about suicide more. How bullies are at risk for problems Leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up.  It's estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and lose friendships as they grow older. Bullies may fail in school
Bullying and teasing What to do if your being bullied Ignore the bully and walk away Hold the anger Don’t get physical Practice confidence (self esteem) Talk about it to parents or guidence counselor Find your true friends What to do if you’re the bully (stop bullying) If you find it hard to resist the temptation to bully, you might want to talk with someone you look up to.  Try to think about how others feel when you tease or hurt them. If you have trouble figuring this out you might ask someone else to help you think of the other person's side. Find a way to use your power for something positive rather than to put others down. Ask an adult you respect for some mentoring or coaching on how you could change. Bullying is a big problem in High Schools at the present time. In Herrick's High School there are incidents where people get into fights, say mean things to each other, and put down others over the internet. We live in a society where it is inevitable for people not to get into certain arguments, but as humans we have to try not to be a bully and hold our grudges inside. Don’t be the bully or get bullied! Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it!!
Risk Taking Texting while on the wave runner.. Not the smartest idea, but the engine was off. Unnecessary risks- more of a risk that reward. You are taking a serious risk that wasn’t  properly thought out and will most likely result in a problem. Calculated risks- no guarantees, but more of a chance of not having any problems You are taking a risk that has been thought out and there is a small chance of having a problem, but most likely you will be okay and not have an issue. Everybody in life should take risks. When taking a risk they should view the factors of the risk before actually taking the risk. You have to consider the consequences  that may take place after the risk.
Categories or risk behavior in teenagers Behavior that results in unintentional and intentional injuries Tobacco use Alcohol and other drug use Sexual behaviors that result in HIV infections,  other STD’s, or in unintended pregnancies. Diet choices that contribute to diseases Lack of physical activity. During your adolescent stage it is extremely important to not smoke or do drugs, protect yourself from STD’s, eat healthy, and exercise daily. The actions you take while you are younger will effect your life down the road.
How to improve Physical Health! Physical wellness- The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Stress- The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. (feeling stress is a normal part of life!) Stress is causes by stressors Negative health effects of stress Supresses and compromises health Weakens immune system resulting in high blood pressure, digestive disorders, headaches, and other various physical and mental illnesses. Impacts all aspects of your wellness wheel- physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual wellness.
How to cope with stress! MentallyPhysically                                                                                                                 Crossword puzzles                 Talking to a friend Playing a game                   Going to a movie Watching tvPhysical activity Listening to music               Dancing                                                                Having a hobby                 Swimming Writing in a jounalRelaxation techniques Reading                            Jogging Healthy ways to manage stress provide more permanent ways to handle stress in your life! Avoiding unnecessary stress, learn how to say no, avoid negative people, take control of your environment, keep a to-do list, Altering stressful situations Express your feelings instead of bottling them up, be assertive and honest, be willing to compromise, and use your time wisely. Accepting situations Look at the bright side of things, forgive others, and share your problems with others Adopt a healthy lifestyle Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol cigarettes, and drugs, get adequate sleep! If one does not sleep enough they will not be able to function well and alter their lifestyles. Make time for fun and relaxation Set aside relaxation time, connect with others, do something you enjoy everyday, keep your sense of humor. If you follow these ways to cope with stress your life will be less overwhelmed and you will be able to enjoy it a lot more.
Physical Health - Nutrition Presently in the United States a lot of teens are struggling due to obesity. The food portions in restaurants are much larger then how much people should actually be eating. This is one factor to why people are becoming overweight in America. Also, kids appeal to fast food advertisements, candy commercials, and other foods that do not have much nutritional value. When you are physically unhealthy you tend to function worse and your body apt to more diseases. Consuming food from all food groups and obtaining enough, protein, carbohydrates, water, lipids, and all other essentials are imperative for a healthy lifestyle. People neglect nutrition and have serious problems in there future. Eat healthy and limit junk food!
Physical Health- Staying active Another major aspect of improving your physical health is exercising daily. People tend to eat a lot of junk food and neglect exercising. This can lead to obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and many other diseases. People should exercise at least thirty minutes a day. This doesn’t have to be weight lifting or extreme boot camp workouts, but it should involve physical activity. If one doesn’t exercise it Is extremely detrimental to their health and can cause astronomical problems as their life progresses.
Depression Depression- is a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. Physical factors- medical condition or illness, changes in brain function, genetic predisposition, low spectrum levels Psychological reasons- inability to cope with a life crisis or surviving a traumatic life event. Social factors- living in poverty or a physically or emotionally harmful environment. Alcohol and drug use also applies to social factors
Depression Signs and symptoms You constantly feel irritable, sad, or angry.  Nothing seems fun anymore, and you just don’t see the point of trying.  You feel bad about yourself—worthless, guilty, or just "wrong" in some way  You sleep too much or not enough.  You have frequent, unexplained headaches or other physical problems.  Anything and everything makes you cry.  You’ve gained or lost weight without consciously trying to.  You just can’t concentrate. Your grades may be plummeting because of it.  You feel helpless and hopeless .  You’re thinking about death or suicide. (If this is true, talk to someone right away!)  1 in 8 teenagers are “clinically depressed” 1 in 3 get help.. Untreated depression can lead to suicide 2nd leading cause of death among ages 15-24 Depression is a very serious problems in modern day. If you have symptoms of being depressed or have a friend that you believe is depressed go get help! If you don’t get help it could lead to your or a friends death.
Coping with depression and treaments for depression Coping with depression Talk with a parent, guardian, mentor, or other trusted adult Stay connected with friends Practice healthful behaviors, such as eating nutritious meals and getting exercise Practice stress management skills Avoid the use of alcohol or other drugs Seek treatment if these strategies do not relieve depression. Treatment for depression Therapy Medication Peer support (somebody you trust) Overall lifestyle changes Depressive disorders Major depressive disorder (Major depression) Dysthymia Bipolar disorder
Addiction Addiction- a compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior and continuing this use despite negative consequences, and loss of control. Types of addictions Physical- a dependency resulting from chronic use of a drug that as produced tolerance and where negative physical symptoms of withdrawal, result from abrupt discontinuation or dosage reductions Psychological- a dependency on the mind, where some one needs something to cope, and leads to psychological withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include cravings, irritability, insomnia, depression, anorexia, and inability to cope with stress. Things people can be addicted to Drugs and alcohol, exercise, gambling, nicotine, perfectionism, relationships, shopping, television, computers, work, thrills, and more.
Addiction Characteristics of an addict Limit setting & promises to self or others are broken Complaints are denied and/or not heard Reliable symptoms of addictive disease become more evident. Continued use despite negative consequences Loss of control, as in more use than planned (broken limits) Unpredictability, as in use despite plan not to use (broken promises) Compulsivity/preoccupation in thinking Denial; Use of defenses to maintain denial Build up of (or "break" in) tolerance Remorse & guilt about use or behavior when using Memory loss, mental confusion, irrational thinking Withdrawal discomfort (physical, mental, emotional, and/or psychological). How addictions affect our health Harm physical health Jeopardize safety Harm relationships Problems with the law Jeopardize financial health You can get extremely ill Why are teens at risk the brain is still developing The prefrontal cortex which is in charge of decision making and reason is shut down to some extent
Addictive substances Stimulants Nicotine, Caffeine,  cocaine, amphetamines, and more Depressants Alcohol, Marijuana, Benzodiazepines, codeine, Xanax, and more. Hallucinogens  LSD, Salvia, Magic mushrooms, ecstasy, and more. High school students tend to use addictive substances because they help cope with stress and they are “fun”. High school students who take illegal substances are at a high risk of messing up their brain development and memory. People who use illegal drugs are less motivated when off the drug, are always looking to use the drug, are anti social, and can’t live without the drug if it’s physically addicting. High school students use drugs a lot and it is negatively effecting society and user lives. Try to stay away from bad groups or people who do drugs and enjoy the greatness of life without it.
Don’t Smoke! Presently a lot of teenagers smoke tobacco out of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death in America! Smoking tobacco can cause emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, tongue cancer and more.  There are over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes and some of them are carcinogens(cancer causing agents). Be wise, make the right the right decision, and stay away from the toxic chemicals that people inhale from tobacco! I am proud to say that I never smoked a cigarette in my life and I am going to keep it that way!
The End I had a wonderful semester with you Ms. Krinsky. I enjoyed learning all aspects of health. See you around the school!

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How to surive high school

  • 1. How to survive high school This info will help you make it through high school! Don’t be scared.. Just follow this power point! By: Jordan Wasserman Ms. Krinsky Period 3 We are the sum total of our life experiences
  • 2. Make the right decision! In order to make the right decision you have to follow the responsible decision making model A -Assess (what’s the problem) B - Brainstorm possible solutions C – Consider the consequences (Pros + Cons) D – Decision + Act …………………………………………………….. E– Evaluate and reflect on your decision
  • 3. Decision making styles Inactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person fails to make choices, and this failure determines the outcome. Reactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person allows others to make his/her decisions. Proactive decision making style- is a habit in which a person describes the situation that requires a decision, identifies and evaluates possible decisions, and makes a decision and takes responsibility for the consequences. Make Proactive decisions!!!
  • 4. Communication Communication are skills that help a person express thoughts, feelings, opinions, and information. Verbal communicaton- is about content, and can be persuasive depending on its structure, proof, logic and emotional appeal. Non-verbal communicaton- communicates vocally through pitch, tone, and through motion, like posture, physical appearance, gesture, and facial expression. Oral communication- involves words through talking. It is spoken communication. To be a good communicator it is important to be a good verbal, non-verbal, and oral communicator.
  • 5. Communication TWO WAY COMMUNICATION LOOP SENDER- RECIEVER-UNDERSTANDING-FEEDBACK “ It’s not what you said it’s the way you said it!” The Good CommunicatorThe Good Listener Makes eye contact Faces the speaker + makes eye contact Utilizes Body Language Gives verbal + nonverbal signs of listening Thinks before they speak Asks questions to clarify what they heard Is open to feedback Reiterates what the speaker is saying Is enthusiastic Is Empathetic Speaks clearly Is well organized Gives examples
  • 6. What not do while communicating! Look around the room not at the person your communicating with Interrupt the speaker before they have finished Make totally unrelated remarks Give unsolicited advice Change the subject before the speaker is finished Put the speaker down because you don’t agree Talk to someone else when the speaker is talking Continue to do what you are doing rather than listening attentively Trying to top the speakers story with what you think is a better one.
  • 7. Maintaining Healthy Relationships is imperative throughout highschool! Friends – When you arrive in high school there are different groups of people who are involved in different activities. In high school you want to find trustworthy friends who will be there for you and aren’t into drugs. Friends have a major impact on your life and can either positively or negatively influence you. Find the right group of people to build a cohesive relationship with! Romance- Throughout high school you are in your adolescent stage and you are going to be interested in dating guys or girls. It is important to find a guy or girl that is loving, caring, a good influence, has a good character, personality, and overall designed for you. It may take time to find the right individual for you, but take your time because there are many fish in the sea!
  • 8. Maintaining Healthy Relationships is imperative throughout high school! Family- It is extremely important to have a good relationship with your family members because they will always be here to help you, influence you, and direct you in the right direction. There are family relationships where the children don’t have good relationships with their parent’s and it causes drastic problems throughout the household. If you have a good relationship with your family they will do all they can to help you and protect you. Teachers- To enjoy your high school career and maintain adequate grades it very important to respect your teachers and maintain a good relationship. If you participate a lot, show that you care, try hard, and go for extra help, your teachers will see that you are trying hard and give you the benefit of the doubt on your grades. You have to realize that teachers are just people like us and have similar personalities. They are usually great people and it is nice to become knowledgeable from them and enjoy their presence.
  • 9. Healthy Relationship In a healthy relationship, you: Treat each other with respect Feel secure and comfortable Are not violent with each other Can resolve conflicts satisfactorily Enjoy the time you spend together Support one another Take interest in one another's lives: health, family, work, etc. Have privacy in the relationship Can trust each other Communicate clearly and openly Are honest about your past and present sexual activity if the relationship is intimate Have more good times in the relationship than bad
  • 10. Unhealthy Relationship In an unhealthy relationship, one or both of you: Try to control or manipulate the other Make the other feel bad about her/himself Ridicule or call names Dictate how the other dresses Do not make time for each other Are afraid of the other's temper Discourage the other from being close with anyone else Ignore each other when one is speaking Are overly possessive or get jealous about ordinary behavior Control the other's money or other resources (e.g., car) Push, grab, hit, punch, or throw objects Use physical force or threats to prevent the other from leaving
  • 11. Having a healthy relationship can put a huge smile on your face 
  • 12. Peer Pressure Peer Pressure- The influence that people of similar age or status place on others to behave in a certain way. Spoken pressure- Sometimes a friend can say something directly to you that puts a lot of pressure on you and makes it hard to say no. Example: Person 1: come drink it’s more fun than sitting in a library! Person at library: okay that sounds like a good idea (she doesn’t have skills to say no which negatively effects her.) Unspoken Pressure- This is something you feel without anyone saying anything to you. You feel unspoken pressure if you want to do the same things that others are doing. Example: a group of people are wearing these brand new Gucci sunglasses. If a lot of other people are wearing these sunglasses, you will feel left out and want to buy yourself a pair to fit in.
  • 13. Peer Pressure Terms to understand! Rejection- A person with fear spoke in rejection about joining a group. Put down- when people put other people down by using derogatory words. Reasoning- coming to a compromise with somebody. The Huddle- A group of kids standing together in which everyone is talking, lauphing, and looking at someone you cant see. The look- kids who think they’re cool give you a certain look that means they’re cool and you’re not. The Example- A group of cool kids wear the same type of material item and you want one too. (Unspoken Pressure) Positive Peer Pressure- influence from peers to behave in a responsible way. (Studying) Negative Peer Pressure- influnce from peers to behave in a way that is not repsonsible. (smoking, drinking, drugs) Assertive behavior- is the honest expression of ideas, feelings, and decisions without worrying or feeling threatened. ( Use Aserrtive behavior!) Passive behavior- is the holding back of ideas, feelings, and decisions. Aggressive behavior- is the use of words or actions that are disrespectful toward others.
  • 14. How to resist negative peer pressure! Make a joke Give a reason why it’s a bad time Make an excuse why you cant Just say no, plainly and firmly Suggest an alternative activity Ignore the suggestion Leave the situation Thanks, but no thanks
  • 15. Goal Setting Goal Something you work towards Something you want to accomplish “A goal is a dream with a timeline” Short term goal Goals that you will achieve in the near future (in a day, week or months) Short term goals are building blocks of long term goals. Long term goal Goals that you will achieve over a longer period of time (one semester, one year, five years or twenty years) They are usually achieved through a series of short term goals.
  • 16. Goal setting In order to achieve a goal you should be SMART! S - Specific M- Measurable A – Attainable R- Realistic T- Timely Barriers to achieving goals Setting goals that are unclear or too general Setting unrealistic goals Setting goals that are dependent on other people Trying to do many things at once Having little personal motivation Not asking for help when needed Not believing in one’s ability to achieve the goal.
  • 17. Steps for achieving personal goals! Decide exactly what you want (write it down) Affirm why you want it( The bigger the reason the more internal motivation you are giving yourself) Define the actions you will need to take to achieve it Schedule the actions (in your calender) Identify barriers Develop a vision Make sure its something that is realistic Do it! (follow through and carry out your plan!) Reward system In life you need to set specific goals in order to excel in life and have a successful future. Reward
  • 18. Have good character! Character- the combination of morals and beliefs that dictates how we treat others, our environment, and ourselves. Also, character is the basis on which our every thought, action, and decision is derived, and it is the means by which we distinguish between right and wrong. What makes up your character? Values- principles and qualities that you consider to be important or worthwhile Moral Material Environment Family Culture Community Heredity
  • 19. Positive Vs. Negative Character Traits. Positive character traitsNegative character traits Educated Uneducated Responsible Inconsiderate Reliable Unconcerned Honest/Trustworthy Envious Patient Impatient Persistent Uncompassionate Courageous Hateful Disciplined Unforgiving Respectful Revengeful Compassionate Deceitful Merciful Disrespectful Forgiving Aggressive Generous Unreliable Humble Disloyal Optimistic Dishonest Thankful Pessimistic Considerate Indecisive Modesty Irresponsible Loyalty Arrogant Self- Control Decisive
  • 20. If you are in need of help who can you go to?? There are a lot of people you can go to, to help or rectify issues that you are having. If you are having a problem that you notice, get help as soon as possible. Who to go to for help: Your Parents Your siblings Trustworthy friends Your teachers *Ms. Krinsky* Nurses office Psychologist- Mr. Yoo Guidance counselor Hotlines for specific problems. Nineline’s 24 hour hotline for children and teens at 1-800-999-9999
  • 21. Bullying and teasing In high school there are many scenarios where students are being bullied either at school or via the internet or cell phones. It is horrible that people treat others with disrespect, but try your best not to be a bully or get bullied. It can lead to serious issues. Self confidence- assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities Self Esteem- a feeling of pride in yourself How to build self confidence / esteem Stand up for yourself. Set personal goals Find things you enjoy Enhance your ability to cope with stress. ^^ Fre$hboy is making fun of a great music artist that Make a list of your accomplishments. I personally know. He’s known as Mr.I Got It (M.I.G)Take care of yourself physically Practice positive affirmations. Types of bullying Bullying- is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Cyber bullying- when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.
  • 22. Bullying and teasing Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act, their race or religion, or because they are gay or lesbian. Physical bullying- Anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexually assaulting someone. Psychological bullying or verbal bullying - control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. Example: People in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying). Example- They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal bullying can involve sending cruel instant or email messages, posting insults about a person on a website(Cyber bullying)
  • 23. Bullying and teasing How being bullied effects one’s life They may find their schoolwork and health suffering. They may have stomach pains and diarrhea. Can obtain a syndrome called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the stress that came from being bullied Inability to concentrate in class Risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. How bullies are at risk for problems Leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up. It's estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and lose friendships as they grow older. Bullies may fail in school
  • 24. Bullying and teasing What to do if your being bullied Ignore the bully and walk away Hold the anger Don’t get physical Practice confidence (self esteem) Talk about it to parents or guidence counselor Find your true friends What to do if you’re the bully (stop bullying) If you find it hard to resist the temptation to bully, you might want to talk with someone you look up to. Try to think about how others feel when you tease or hurt them. If you have trouble figuring this out you might ask someone else to help you think of the other person's side. Find a way to use your power for something positive rather than to put others down. Ask an adult you respect for some mentoring or coaching on how you could change. Bullying is a big problem in High Schools at the present time. In Herrick's High School there are incidents where people get into fights, say mean things to each other, and put down others over the internet. We live in a society where it is inevitable for people not to get into certain arguments, but as humans we have to try not to be a bully and hold our grudges inside. Don’t be the bully or get bullied! Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it!!
  • 25. Risk Taking Texting while on the wave runner.. Not the smartest idea, but the engine was off. Unnecessary risks- more of a risk that reward. You are taking a serious risk that wasn’t properly thought out and will most likely result in a problem. Calculated risks- no guarantees, but more of a chance of not having any problems You are taking a risk that has been thought out and there is a small chance of having a problem, but most likely you will be okay and not have an issue. Everybody in life should take risks. When taking a risk they should view the factors of the risk before actually taking the risk. You have to consider the consequences that may take place after the risk.
  • 26. Categories or risk behavior in teenagers Behavior that results in unintentional and intentional injuries Tobacco use Alcohol and other drug use Sexual behaviors that result in HIV infections, other STD’s, or in unintended pregnancies. Diet choices that contribute to diseases Lack of physical activity. During your adolescent stage it is extremely important to not smoke or do drugs, protect yourself from STD’s, eat healthy, and exercise daily. The actions you take while you are younger will effect your life down the road.
  • 27. How to improve Physical Health! Physical wellness- The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Stress- The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. (feeling stress is a normal part of life!) Stress is causes by stressors Negative health effects of stress Supresses and compromises health Weakens immune system resulting in high blood pressure, digestive disorders, headaches, and other various physical and mental illnesses. Impacts all aspects of your wellness wheel- physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual wellness.
  • 28. How to cope with stress! MentallyPhysically Crossword puzzles Talking to a friend Playing a game Going to a movie Watching tvPhysical activity Listening to music Dancing Having a hobby Swimming Writing in a jounalRelaxation techniques Reading Jogging Healthy ways to manage stress provide more permanent ways to handle stress in your life! Avoiding unnecessary stress, learn how to say no, avoid negative people, take control of your environment, keep a to-do list, Altering stressful situations Express your feelings instead of bottling them up, be assertive and honest, be willing to compromise, and use your time wisely. Accepting situations Look at the bright side of things, forgive others, and share your problems with others Adopt a healthy lifestyle Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol cigarettes, and drugs, get adequate sleep! If one does not sleep enough they will not be able to function well and alter their lifestyles. Make time for fun and relaxation Set aside relaxation time, connect with others, do something you enjoy everyday, keep your sense of humor. If you follow these ways to cope with stress your life will be less overwhelmed and you will be able to enjoy it a lot more.
  • 29. Physical Health - Nutrition Presently in the United States a lot of teens are struggling due to obesity. The food portions in restaurants are much larger then how much people should actually be eating. This is one factor to why people are becoming overweight in America. Also, kids appeal to fast food advertisements, candy commercials, and other foods that do not have much nutritional value. When you are physically unhealthy you tend to function worse and your body apt to more diseases. Consuming food from all food groups and obtaining enough, protein, carbohydrates, water, lipids, and all other essentials are imperative for a healthy lifestyle. People neglect nutrition and have serious problems in there future. Eat healthy and limit junk food!
  • 30. Physical Health- Staying active Another major aspect of improving your physical health is exercising daily. People tend to eat a lot of junk food and neglect exercising. This can lead to obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and many other diseases. People should exercise at least thirty minutes a day. This doesn’t have to be weight lifting or extreme boot camp workouts, but it should involve physical activity. If one doesn’t exercise it Is extremely detrimental to their health and can cause astronomical problems as their life progresses.
  • 31. Depression Depression- is a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. Physical factors- medical condition or illness, changes in brain function, genetic predisposition, low spectrum levels Psychological reasons- inability to cope with a life crisis or surviving a traumatic life event. Social factors- living in poverty or a physically or emotionally harmful environment. Alcohol and drug use also applies to social factors
  • 32. Depression Signs and symptoms You constantly feel irritable, sad, or angry. Nothing seems fun anymore, and you just don’t see the point of trying. You feel bad about yourself—worthless, guilty, or just "wrong" in some way You sleep too much or not enough. You have frequent, unexplained headaches or other physical problems. Anything and everything makes you cry. You’ve gained or lost weight without consciously trying to. You just can’t concentrate. Your grades may be plummeting because of it. You feel helpless and hopeless . You’re thinking about death or suicide. (If this is true, talk to someone right away!) 1 in 8 teenagers are “clinically depressed” 1 in 3 get help.. Untreated depression can lead to suicide 2nd leading cause of death among ages 15-24 Depression is a very serious problems in modern day. If you have symptoms of being depressed or have a friend that you believe is depressed go get help! If you don’t get help it could lead to your or a friends death.
  • 33. Coping with depression and treaments for depression Coping with depression Talk with a parent, guardian, mentor, or other trusted adult Stay connected with friends Practice healthful behaviors, such as eating nutritious meals and getting exercise Practice stress management skills Avoid the use of alcohol or other drugs Seek treatment if these strategies do not relieve depression. Treatment for depression Therapy Medication Peer support (somebody you trust) Overall lifestyle changes Depressive disorders Major depressive disorder (Major depression) Dysthymia Bipolar disorder
  • 34. Addiction Addiction- a compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior and continuing this use despite negative consequences, and loss of control. Types of addictions Physical- a dependency resulting from chronic use of a drug that as produced tolerance and where negative physical symptoms of withdrawal, result from abrupt discontinuation or dosage reductions Psychological- a dependency on the mind, where some one needs something to cope, and leads to psychological withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include cravings, irritability, insomnia, depression, anorexia, and inability to cope with stress. Things people can be addicted to Drugs and alcohol, exercise, gambling, nicotine, perfectionism, relationships, shopping, television, computers, work, thrills, and more.
  • 35. Addiction Characteristics of an addict Limit setting & promises to self or others are broken Complaints are denied and/or not heard Reliable symptoms of addictive disease become more evident. Continued use despite negative consequences Loss of control, as in more use than planned (broken limits) Unpredictability, as in use despite plan not to use (broken promises) Compulsivity/preoccupation in thinking Denial; Use of defenses to maintain denial Build up of (or "break" in) tolerance Remorse & guilt about use or behavior when using Memory loss, mental confusion, irrational thinking Withdrawal discomfort (physical, mental, emotional, and/or psychological). How addictions affect our health Harm physical health Jeopardize safety Harm relationships Problems with the law Jeopardize financial health You can get extremely ill Why are teens at risk the brain is still developing The prefrontal cortex which is in charge of decision making and reason is shut down to some extent
  • 36. Addictive substances Stimulants Nicotine, Caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, and more Depressants Alcohol, Marijuana, Benzodiazepines, codeine, Xanax, and more. Hallucinogens LSD, Salvia, Magic mushrooms, ecstasy, and more. High school students tend to use addictive substances because they help cope with stress and they are “fun”. High school students who take illegal substances are at a high risk of messing up their brain development and memory. People who use illegal drugs are less motivated when off the drug, are always looking to use the drug, are anti social, and can’t live without the drug if it’s physically addicting. High school students use drugs a lot and it is negatively effecting society and user lives. Try to stay away from bad groups or people who do drugs and enjoy the greatness of life without it.
  • 37. Don’t Smoke! Presently a lot of teenagers smoke tobacco out of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death in America! Smoking tobacco can cause emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, tongue cancer and more. There are over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes and some of them are carcinogens(cancer causing agents). Be wise, make the right the right decision, and stay away from the toxic chemicals that people inhale from tobacco! I am proud to say that I never smoked a cigarette in my life and I am going to keep it that way!
  • 38. The End I had a wonderful semester with you Ms. Krinsky. I enjoyed learning all aspects of health. See you around the school!