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How to Get Anything You Want
By Jacqueline Cartier
Cell: 202-271-4165
Imagine, that you could achieve anything you ever wanted… not everything, but nearly anything. “Nearly” meaning that there
are certain limitations, which cannot be overcome; for example, I will never be the Queen of England, not matter how much I may want
to be, as there is a genetic lineage requirement, but I could become a consultant to the Queen, if that was my goal. Have you ever
wondered how great leaders achieved their success? Not all come from privileged backgrounds, or have incredible talent; in fact, most
are just like us… so how did they do it?
Although, it takes hard work, the answer is quite simple; they have a strategy that is radically different from most people. That strategy
is framed by a belief system that won’t let them fail… they may end up with a different result than expected, but it is not failure
unless they give up. Thomas Edison’s teachers told him that he was too stupid to learn anything yet, he went on to hold more than
1,000 patents and invented some world-changing devices, like the phonograph, an electrical lamp, and a movie camera. When asked
about his failures in creating the light bulb, he said, “Why would I feel like a failure, and why would I ever give up? I now know
definitively, over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is
another step forward. Success is almost in my grasp." Shortly after that, and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the incandescent
(KFC) Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Col. Sanders, at 65, was on the brink of financial ruin, living alone, and broke, with his only income
being a social security check of $105 month. He couldn’t even buy a month’s groceries with that! He knew he had to do something
fast, but he had nothing. As he thought about what he had of value; he recalled how everyone just loved his chicken recipe, perhaps
he could sell it. No, that wouldn’t help much, as whatever he got for it, would barely meet expenses for the month, much less sustain
him in his retirement years. What could he do? He didn’t have the money to open a restaurant, yet he knew that when people tasted
his chicken, they would want to buy it. He decided that he would offer his chicken recipe free, in exchange for $.05 for each chicken
they sold. Certainly, everyone would jump at this offer.
Col Sanders was surprised to discover that restaurants all thought that their own chicken recipe was the best and they certainly weren’t
going to share their profits with some crazy old man. Col Sanders took what little he had left, piled it into his car and traveled from town
to town, trying to convince someone that his recipe was the best in the country and would make them both tons of money. He traveled
for over 2-years, living in his car; his main meals were pieces of chicken that he would eat from the samples he made for restaurateurs.
Yet, he never lost faith; he possessed a key element to success, BELIEF. Col Sanders received 1009 rejections before someone
finally said, yes. 1009 rejections… 2-years of living in his car… hundreds of people laughing at him and his crazy idea… his main
meals consisted of those sample pieces of chicken, which he knew, deep in his heart, would evidentially sell. 1009 “No’s”! What would
have happened if he quit at 1008? He would have died a lonely broke old man. How many of you would have continued after 10
rejections? How about 50? Certainly, you’d begin rethinking your sanity after being turned down 100 times. How many of you would
have still continued after a year of living in your car… freezing on snowy dark nights… alone on the road with only a dream in your
heart. Sometimes, all you have is a dream and a BELIEF that you can do this. Col Sanders paid a heavy price but his belief and
commitment to do whatever it took to succeed, made Kentucky Fried Chicken one of the most successful fast-food restaurants in the
world. Less than 10-years later, KFC sold for over $2-Million, and is worth much more today! Imagine, going from ten years of living
in your car, to an internationally recognized multi-millionaire. What did he have that most people don’t? Belief and understanding, that
less than ideal responses are merely a result, which requires refining, and not a failure. The only failure would have been to quit!
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Belief! Sylvester Stallone believed that many people would identify with his film character, Rocky, but like Sanders, he knew that if
simply sold the script, he would barely make enough to meet expenses; he needed to establish himself in Hollywood as the main
character. While some were interested in the film’s concept, it appeared that no one wanted him as the lead. Stallone was rejected
over 1500 times. The week before he sold the script and became Rocky, he was so desperate for food money that a tearful Stallone
sold his beloved dog for $50. The next week, he bought his dog back for $3000 and the world was introduced to Rocky Balboa!
He is not alone. Dr. Seuss’ first children’s, book was rejected by 27 publishers. The 28th publisher sold 6 million copies. What if he
gave up at 20? There would be cats, there would be hats, but there would be no Cat in the Hat! And, what would Christmas be without
Mr. Grinch?
Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. He was turned down 302
times before he found someone to finance his idea of creating “The Happiest Place on Earth”. What if he had given up at 300? No
Disneyland, no Mickey Mouse, no Cinderella, etc. How many of you would have given up at 100 rejections, or even a dozen?
In teaching a baby to walk, how many times would you allow a baby to fall before you said, “that’s it; you are a failure at walking”!
Yet, we do it to ourselves all of the time. Many of the most successful people in the world were at the height of desperation, while only
1-step away from incredible success. Think about the last thing that you really wanted to do and someone said, “no, impossible”.
What did you do about it? Maybe it will always remain a dream… or maybe… you’ll take a huge leap of faith and make it a goal, which
is the first step towards success. The difference between a dream and a goal is action. Take action and your life will change forever!
Yes, you can get just about anything you want, but everything comes with a price and most people are unwilling to pay it.
“All things splendid have been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance…” By
Bruce Barton
Yet, we are hard-wired to achieve! The brain is incapable of understanding the word, no/not… ask any teenager! If I say to you,
“Do NOT think of dancing gorillas”, what are you picturing now. Your brain is unable to NOT think of dancing gorillas. All your brain
can do is to picture the dancing gorillas, then think of them stopping. But even then, you are still thinking of gorillas, and maybe the
thought of one in a tutu just keeps popping up. Even if I told you that gorillas never dance, your brain, for a brief instant, imagines what
a dancing gorilla might look like.
How often have you misplaced your keys and looked everywhere for them, only to discover them at a spot that you had already
searched? Your keys were not where you usually put them, so as you searched; you KNEW that you wouldn’t find them anywhere
else. So, even though you physically saw the keys elsewhere, your brain said, they aren’t here. It wasn’t until you told yourself that it
MUST be somewhere else, that you were able to see the keys exactly where you had looked earlier. That’s the brain responding to the
limitations you provided, “the keys are not here”. Whenever you tell yourself that something cannot be done, you have imposed a
limitation to your success by blocking that part of you that would figure out how you can. You will not notice those clues and insights
that may create the solution for you. Your brain will prove you right; that it cannot be done.
This is what happens when you set limitations on your potential to accomplish the “impossible”. Once you understand this fundamental
fact, then you begin to see the power in programing your brain with positive statements. This is what Dr. Norman Vincent Peale tried
to explain in his world-renowned book, The Power of Positive Thinking. Your focus becomes your reality. He said, “Change your
thoughts and you will change your world”. Keep your focus on the world you want to create, and change will happen. There is a direct
connection between thoughts, and ultimate destiny. This is not just theory; it is based in scientific fact. Thinking provides the roadmap
to successful action.
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The power of positive thinking has been a theme of successful people for generations. Nearly every self-help book ever written has
this main philosophy, because it works and has throughout history. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your
thoughts” –Marcus Aurelius, 161AD
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’ - George Bernard Shaw
What do you think happens when you tell someone, “be careful you don’t fall on the ice”? What are you visualizing now? Ouch! The
brain first sees you falling, then, tries to see you un-falling. Instead, a more successful approach might be, “watch your step on the
ice”. When you tell your kids, “don’t spill that milk” and a few seconds later, there is milk everywhere. When you are young, your brain
operates on autopilot and immediately follows what it sees, in this case, spilled milk. A better phrase might have been, “careful pouring
that milk”. This is the basis of positive thinking, it’s like a computer; good stuff in; good stuff out… junk in, junk out.
Positive attitude breeds success. Albert Schweitzer said, “The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter
their destiny by altering the attitudes of their mind”. Think about that … the power of attitude. How does knowing that you can
accomplish “the impossible”, affect your attitude?
How many of you are familiar with Roger Bannister? In 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile. People had tried for
centuries but determined that it was humanly impossible for the body to run that fast. Prior to Bannister, the closest was in 1945, at
4.0l minutes. It was impossible, yet against all logic, Bannister kept trying. At the finish line he said, “Doctors and scientists said that
breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at
the finish line, I figured I was dead”. Bannister broke the barrier of self-imposed limitation, and hundreds subsequently followed
in his steps. How did that happen? Subsequent runners removed that barrier, allowing the body and brain to figure out a way to
make it happen.
Remember, impossible is just a state of mind. When doubt creeps in and you begin to feel that the task is impossible, ask
yourself, “but if it were possible, what would I do next?” Just that simple question gets you past your barriers, and towards the
successful accomplishment of your goals. And, while it may be scary to attempt “the impossible” remember that courage is not the
absence of fear, but the mastery of it. How many things do we take for granted today, that were impossible just a few decades ago?
And, while so many people are busy living in the land of ‘impossible’, you are creating miracles, making the impossible, happen.
Don’t live by accepting the limitations of others. Remember that there is no such thing as failure, only results, and if those results aren’t
what you expected, then make the appropriate adjustments, and keep on going. Life is not what happens to you, but rather what you
make of it … make it something special. Accept no barriers to success; you will be in good company.
If you get discouraged by your current results, you are not alone. When Michael Jordan was asked how he succeeded so well on the
court, he said, “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been
entrusted to take the game’s winning shot, and missed; and I have failed over and over and over again in my life … that is why I
succeed”. Wayne Gretzky agrees, he says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.
Understand that there is no such thing as impossible. As you proceed, you may decide that the price you must pay is not worth it, but
that is different that it being impossible. Think about space travel, or heart transplants, or speaking with someone on the other side of
the world in an instant. These were “impossible” concepts just a few years ago, yet they are a part of daily life, today. Know that, some
unexpected challenges will arise in your pursuit of the impossible, and you may experience some surprising results; but impossible
goals are seldom accomplished without them; otherwise they would be commonplace. Post-it was created from a massive failure in
developing a new glue, it just wouldn’t stick… yet, how many of us use Post-its daily? Understand that failure is not falling down, but
staying down. Think beyond self-imposed limitations. Dare to create new possibilities. Dare to be all that you know you are.
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Positive thinking alters your focus, and your focus is your reality. If you focus on the negative in your life, then everything that is
positive is tainted by that negativity. If during the holidays, you enter the store thinking how terrible it is that the season has become so
commercial, you will dread being there, and ultimately dread the holidays all together. But, if you enter a busy store thinking how great
it is that at least one time of the year, people are focused on giving to one another and the excitement and anticipation that it
generates, you will approach the holiday with a joy rather than resentment. Thus, both people are seeing the same thing, but having
very different reactions. Your thoughts create an emotional response, which generates a blueprint of your future actions. You may not
be able to change all that happens to you, but you can change how you think about it, thus how you proceed beyond it. Will your “Post-
it” be your ultimate failure or your incredible success?
Albert Einstein, who had difficulty learning by traditional means in school, said, “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this
is physics.” Surround yourself with people, books, music, or anything that will align your brain’s “frequency” with that to which you
aspire and it will enhance your life forever. “It can be no other way”; you will achieve greatness.
Can you accomplish great things just by positive thinking? Of course not! It is simply the first step, but as any first step, it is the most
critical because it creates the direction in which you will go. The next step is identifying your goals and distinguishing them from
mere dreams.
Many people might want to become an NFL player, or a famous actor. Unless you have spent your life preparing and training, then it is
just a dream. That doesn’t mean you can’t play on a community sports team or act in a local play, but unless you are willing to spend
the time and effort to make this a reality, it will remain a dream, or hobby; and there is nothing wrong with that, but you don’t want to
spend your entire time dreaming… as Star Wars Yoda said, “Don’t try, do!”. So, how do you know the difference?
The primary difference between a dream and a goal is action and belief.
Take a minute to list a couple of dreams that you have. They can be big or small, business or personal.
Now write down one thing that you can do tomorrow towards each of these dreams. Congratulations, you just took first step
towards making your dreams a reality! That’s how leaders are created! Do something every day, no matter how small, towards that
goal, and you will see huge differences in the direction and quality of your life. A golfer will tell you that if you just angle your club by a
fraction of an inch before hitting the ball, it will make a huge difference where you end up further down the course. Those minor
tweaks that you make in your life now, can make a huge difference in where you end up later.
You don’t have to be an expert to begin taking action. Some people think they have to know everything before they begin a
venture. Well, being prepared is part of the process, on the road to success but without action, it is still only a dream. If you want to
become a champion swimmer, you can read every book ever written on the dynamics of swimming, but until you jump in the water,
you are not a swimmer. Until you take action, you are only a dreamer.
One way of developing a successful strategy for success is to visualize the outcome. All great leaders do this. It’s like creating a
map towards your goal. Include as much sensory data as possible. What does it look like – color – size- shape, smell like, feel like…
the more data you include, the more detailed your map to success becomes, thus the more likely you are to successfully arrive
because you are providing your mind with more options towards the achievement of your goals. If you wanted to drive to Chicago, but
had never done it before, you would need a map to show you where Chicago is, then trace a route between Chicago and where you
are currently located. The greater the detail of that map, the more likely you are to arrive if one of the roads is unexpectedly closed. If
you want to accomplish a new goal, then you need to see exactly where it is at, so that you can trace a path from there to where you
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People think in pictures; visualization is the first step towards realizing a goal. If you can add color, sounds, scents, and even feel the
experience, the easier it becomes for your mind to create it in your life. It gives direction to your thoughts and actions. You will begin
to notice things around you, that you might ordinarily ignore, which might become essential in achieving your goal. It’s like when you
get a new car; suddenly you notice everyone else with that same exact car, where previously you would have ignored them and not
been able to recall seeing even one. It’s that way with visualization. You will notice and recall everything around you that can help you
realize your objectives.
An example of how this is utilized is our local ski champion Lindsey Vonn. Lindsey Vonn spends several hours a day suspended on a
machine that allows her to duplicate her ski moves. She closes her eyes and visualizes the course and goes down that mountain
hundreds of times, feeling the wind against her face, hearing the sound of the skis beneath her feet, feeling the poles as she edges
around them, seeing the bumps along the way, noticing the signs zooming by, the horizon as she descends; the more detail she bring
in to the visualization, the more familiar the run becomes. She considers this mental training to be as important as her physical
training. When she begins a race, she has already successfully accomplished that win hundreds of times in her mind, her body then
follows. That confidence and familiarity with the course enables Vonn to move through faster, removing all doubt and hesitation, and in
a sport where 1/100th of a second is the difference between a Gold Medal and nothing, this strategy becomes critical. After Gold,
Silver, and Bronze, who remembers the person that came in 4th, yet they may have missed success by only a fraction of a
second. That’s how it is in life folks; we can succeed or miss it entirely, by only a fraction. Details, matter. How do we create
and maintain that edge? Every sports player will tell you that they spend a great deal of time visualizing that perfect shot, then they go
out and duplicate it from memory. That memory changes their perspective from one of hoping to make it to expecting it. Expect
success and you will rarely be disappointed.
Don’t just be a dreamer, be a doer! While some are busy filling their lives with reasons for failure, you are filling your life with the
excitement of new possibilities. Create your future. The difference between a dream and a goal is in the action … take action!
Determine that failure is not an option. Make success a habit. Remove the barriers between you and the greatness that you are.
What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?
Welcome to the new you!
Jacqueline Cartier
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Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, 2012, By Josh Ozersky, University of Texas Press
Theodor SEUSS Geisel, 2010, By Donald E. Pease, Oxford University Press USA
Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, 2007, By Neal Gabler, Vintage Press
The Power of Positive Thinking, 1952, By Norman Vincent Peale
As a Man Thinketh, 1902, By James Allen
The Winning Attitude: Your Pathway to Personal Success, 1996, By John C. Maxwell, Thomas Nelson Publishing
Unlimited Power, 1997, By Anthony Robbins, Free Press
The Success System That Never Fails, By William Clement Stone

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Positive Attitude Is Everything

Leadership Training by Cartier Final Edition

  • 1. Page 1 of 6 How to Get Anything You Want By Jacqueline Cartier Cell: 202-271-4165 Email: Website: LinkedIn: Imagine, that you could achieve anything you ever wanted… not everything, but nearly anything. “Nearly” meaning that there are certain limitations, which cannot be overcome; for example, I will never be the Queen of England, not matter how much I may want to be, as there is a genetic lineage requirement, but I could become a consultant to the Queen, if that was my goal. Have you ever wondered how great leaders achieved their success? Not all come from privileged backgrounds, or have incredible talent; in fact, most are just like us… so how did they do it? Although, it takes hard work, the answer is quite simple; they have a strategy that is radically different from most people. That strategy is framed by a belief system that won’t let them fail… they may end up with a different result than expected, but it is not failure unless they give up. Thomas Edison’s teachers told him that he was too stupid to learn anything yet, he went on to hold more than 1,000 patents and invented some world-changing devices, like the phonograph, an electrical lamp, and a movie camera. When asked about his failures in creating the light bulb, he said, “Why would I feel like a failure, and why would I ever give up? I now know definitively, over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Success is almost in my grasp." Shortly after that, and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the incandescent bulb. (KFC) Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Col. Sanders, at 65, was on the brink of financial ruin, living alone, and broke, with his only income being a social security check of $105 month. He couldn’t even buy a month’s groceries with that! He knew he had to do something fast, but he had nothing. As he thought about what he had of value; he recalled how everyone just loved his chicken recipe, perhaps he could sell it. No, that wouldn’t help much, as whatever he got for it, would barely meet expenses for the month, much less sustain him in his retirement years. What could he do? He didn’t have the money to open a restaurant, yet he knew that when people tasted his chicken, they would want to buy it. He decided that he would offer his chicken recipe free, in exchange for $.05 for each chicken they sold. Certainly, everyone would jump at this offer. Col Sanders was surprised to discover that restaurants all thought that their own chicken recipe was the best and they certainly weren’t going to share their profits with some crazy old man. Col Sanders took what little he had left, piled it into his car and traveled from town to town, trying to convince someone that his recipe was the best in the country and would make them both tons of money. He traveled for over 2-years, living in his car; his main meals were pieces of chicken that he would eat from the samples he made for restaurateurs. Yet, he never lost faith; he possessed a key element to success, BELIEF. Col Sanders received 1009 rejections before someone finally said, yes. 1009 rejections… 2-years of living in his car… hundreds of people laughing at him and his crazy idea… his main meals consisted of those sample pieces of chicken, which he knew, deep in his heart, would evidentially sell. 1009 “No’s”! What would have happened if he quit at 1008? He would have died a lonely broke old man. How many of you would have continued after 10 rejections? How about 50? Certainly, you’d begin rethinking your sanity after being turned down 100 times. How many of you would have still continued after a year of living in your car… freezing on snowy dark nights… alone on the road with only a dream in your heart. Sometimes, all you have is a dream and a BELIEF that you can do this. Col Sanders paid a heavy price but his belief and commitment to do whatever it took to succeed, made Kentucky Fried Chicken one of the most successful fast-food restaurants in the world. Less than 10-years later, KFC sold for over $2-Million, and is worth much more today! Imagine, going from ten years of living in your car, to an internationally recognized multi-millionaire. What did he have that most people don’t? Belief and understanding, that less than ideal responses are merely a result, which requires refining, and not a failure. The only failure would have been to quit!
  • 2. Page 2 of 6 Belief! Sylvester Stallone believed that many people would identify with his film character, Rocky, but like Sanders, he knew that if simply sold the script, he would barely make enough to meet expenses; he needed to establish himself in Hollywood as the main character. While some were interested in the film’s concept, it appeared that no one wanted him as the lead. Stallone was rejected over 1500 times. The week before he sold the script and became Rocky, he was so desperate for food money that a tearful Stallone sold his beloved dog for $50. The next week, he bought his dog back for $3000 and the world was introduced to Rocky Balboa! He is not alone. Dr. Seuss’ first children’s, book was rejected by 27 publishers. The 28th publisher sold 6 million copies. What if he gave up at 20? There would be cats, there would be hats, but there would be no Cat in the Hat! And, what would Christmas be without Mr. Grinch? Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. He was turned down 302 times before he found someone to finance his idea of creating “The Happiest Place on Earth”. What if he had given up at 300? No Disneyland, no Mickey Mouse, no Cinderella, etc. How many of you would have given up at 100 rejections, or even a dozen? In teaching a baby to walk, how many times would you allow a baby to fall before you said, “that’s it; you are a failure at walking”! Yet, we do it to ourselves all of the time. Many of the most successful people in the world were at the height of desperation, while only 1-step away from incredible success. Think about the last thing that you really wanted to do and someone said, “no, impossible”. What did you do about it? Maybe it will always remain a dream… or maybe… you’ll take a huge leap of faith and make it a goal, which is the first step towards success. The difference between a dream and a goal is action. Take action and your life will change forever! Yes, you can get just about anything you want, but everything comes with a price and most people are unwilling to pay it. “All things splendid have been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance…” By Bruce Barton Yet, we are hard-wired to achieve! The brain is incapable of understanding the word, no/not… ask any teenager! If I say to you, “Do NOT think of dancing gorillas”, what are you picturing now. Your brain is unable to NOT think of dancing gorillas. All your brain can do is to picture the dancing gorillas, then think of them stopping. But even then, you are still thinking of gorillas, and maybe the thought of one in a tutu just keeps popping up. Even if I told you that gorillas never dance, your brain, for a brief instant, imagines what a dancing gorilla might look like. How often have you misplaced your keys and looked everywhere for them, only to discover them at a spot that you had already searched? Your keys were not where you usually put them, so as you searched; you KNEW that you wouldn’t find them anywhere else. So, even though you physically saw the keys elsewhere, your brain said, they aren’t here. It wasn’t until you told yourself that it MUST be somewhere else, that you were able to see the keys exactly where you had looked earlier. That’s the brain responding to the limitations you provided, “the keys are not here”. Whenever you tell yourself that something cannot be done, you have imposed a limitation to your success by blocking that part of you that would figure out how you can. You will not notice those clues and insights that may create the solution for you. Your brain will prove you right; that it cannot be done. This is what happens when you set limitations on your potential to accomplish the “impossible”. Once you understand this fundamental fact, then you begin to see the power in programing your brain with positive statements. This is what Dr. Norman Vincent Peale tried to explain in his world-renowned book, The Power of Positive Thinking. Your focus becomes your reality. He said, “Change your thoughts and you will change your world”. Keep your focus on the world you want to create, and change will happen. There is a direct connection between thoughts, and ultimate destiny. This is not just theory; it is based in scientific fact. Thinking provides the roadmap to successful action.
  • 3. Page 3 of 6 The power of positive thinking has been a theme of successful people for generations. Nearly every self-help book ever written has this main philosophy, because it works and has throughout history. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” –Marcus Aurelius, 161AD “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’ - George Bernard Shaw What do you think happens when you tell someone, “be careful you don’t fall on the ice”? What are you visualizing now? Ouch! The brain first sees you falling, then, tries to see you un-falling. Instead, a more successful approach might be, “watch your step on the ice”. When you tell your kids, “don’t spill that milk” and a few seconds later, there is milk everywhere. When you are young, your brain operates on autopilot and immediately follows what it sees, in this case, spilled milk. A better phrase might have been, “careful pouring that milk”. This is the basis of positive thinking, it’s like a computer; good stuff in; good stuff out… junk in, junk out. Positive attitude breeds success. Albert Schweitzer said, “The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their destiny by altering the attitudes of their mind”. Think about that … the power of attitude. How does knowing that you can accomplish “the impossible”, affect your attitude? How many of you are familiar with Roger Bannister? In 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile. People had tried for centuries but determined that it was humanly impossible for the body to run that fast. Prior to Bannister, the closest was in 1945, at 4.0l minutes. It was impossible, yet against all logic, Bannister kept trying. At the finish line he said, “Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead”. Bannister broke the barrier of self-imposed limitation, and hundreds subsequently followed in his steps. How did that happen? Subsequent runners removed that barrier, allowing the body and brain to figure out a way to make it happen. Remember, impossible is just a state of mind. When doubt creeps in and you begin to feel that the task is impossible, ask yourself, “but if it were possible, what would I do next?” Just that simple question gets you past your barriers, and towards the successful accomplishment of your goals. And, while it may be scary to attempt “the impossible” remember that courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of it. How many things do we take for granted today, that were impossible just a few decades ago? And, while so many people are busy living in the land of ‘impossible’, you are creating miracles, making the impossible, happen. Don’t live by accepting the limitations of others. Remember that there is no such thing as failure, only results, and if those results aren’t what you expected, then make the appropriate adjustments, and keep on going. Life is not what happens to you, but rather what you make of it … make it something special. Accept no barriers to success; you will be in good company. If you get discouraged by your current results, you are not alone. When Michael Jordan was asked how he succeeded so well on the court, he said, “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game’s winning shot, and missed; and I have failed over and over and over again in my life … that is why I succeed”. Wayne Gretzky agrees, he says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. Understand that there is no such thing as impossible. As you proceed, you may decide that the price you must pay is not worth it, but that is different that it being impossible. Think about space travel, or heart transplants, or speaking with someone on the other side of the world in an instant. These were “impossible” concepts just a few years ago, yet they are a part of daily life, today. Know that, some unexpected challenges will arise in your pursuit of the impossible, and you may experience some surprising results; but impossible goals are seldom accomplished without them; otherwise they would be commonplace. Post-it was created from a massive failure in developing a new glue, it just wouldn’t stick… yet, how many of us use Post-its daily? Understand that failure is not falling down, but staying down. Think beyond self-imposed limitations. Dare to create new possibilities. Dare to be all that you know you are.
  • 4. Page 4 of 6 Positive thinking alters your focus, and your focus is your reality. If you focus on the negative in your life, then everything that is positive is tainted by that negativity. If during the holidays, you enter the store thinking how terrible it is that the season has become so commercial, you will dread being there, and ultimately dread the holidays all together. But, if you enter a busy store thinking how great it is that at least one time of the year, people are focused on giving to one another and the excitement and anticipation that it generates, you will approach the holiday with a joy rather than resentment. Thus, both people are seeing the same thing, but having very different reactions. Your thoughts create an emotional response, which generates a blueprint of your future actions. You may not be able to change all that happens to you, but you can change how you think about it, thus how you proceed beyond it. Will your “Post- it” be your ultimate failure or your incredible success? Albert Einstein, who had difficulty learning by traditional means in school, said, “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” Surround yourself with people, books, music, or anything that will align your brain’s “frequency” with that to which you aspire and it will enhance your life forever. “It can be no other way”; you will achieve greatness. Can you accomplish great things just by positive thinking? Of course not! It is simply the first step, but as any first step, it is the most critical because it creates the direction in which you will go. The next step is identifying your goals and distinguishing them from mere dreams. Many people might want to become an NFL player, or a famous actor. Unless you have spent your life preparing and training, then it is just a dream. That doesn’t mean you can’t play on a community sports team or act in a local play, but unless you are willing to spend the time and effort to make this a reality, it will remain a dream, or hobby; and there is nothing wrong with that, but you don’t want to spend your entire time dreaming… as Star Wars Yoda said, “Don’t try, do!”. So, how do you know the difference? The primary difference between a dream and a goal is action and belief. Take a minute to list a couple of dreams that you have. They can be big or small, business or personal. Now write down one thing that you can do tomorrow towards each of these dreams. Congratulations, you just took first step towards making your dreams a reality! That’s how leaders are created! Do something every day, no matter how small, towards that goal, and you will see huge differences in the direction and quality of your life. A golfer will tell you that if you just angle your club by a fraction of an inch before hitting the ball, it will make a huge difference where you end up further down the course. Those minor tweaks that you make in your life now, can make a huge difference in where you end up later. You don’t have to be an expert to begin taking action. Some people think they have to know everything before they begin a venture. Well, being prepared is part of the process, on the road to success but without action, it is still only a dream. If you want to become a champion swimmer, you can read every book ever written on the dynamics of swimming, but until you jump in the water, you are not a swimmer. Until you take action, you are only a dreamer. One way of developing a successful strategy for success is to visualize the outcome. All great leaders do this. It’s like creating a map towards your goal. Include as much sensory data as possible. What does it look like – color – size- shape, smell like, feel like… the more data you include, the more detailed your map to success becomes, thus the more likely you are to successfully arrive because you are providing your mind with more options towards the achievement of your goals. If you wanted to drive to Chicago, but had never done it before, you would need a map to show you where Chicago is, then trace a route between Chicago and where you are currently located. The greater the detail of that map, the more likely you are to arrive if one of the roads is unexpectedly closed. If you want to accomplish a new goal, then you need to see exactly where it is at, so that you can trace a path from there to where you are.
  • 5. Page 5 of 6 People think in pictures; visualization is the first step towards realizing a goal. If you can add color, sounds, scents, and even feel the experience, the easier it becomes for your mind to create it in your life. It gives direction to your thoughts and actions. You will begin to notice things around you, that you might ordinarily ignore, which might become essential in achieving your goal. It’s like when you get a new car; suddenly you notice everyone else with that same exact car, where previously you would have ignored them and not been able to recall seeing even one. It’s that way with visualization. You will notice and recall everything around you that can help you realize your objectives. An example of how this is utilized is our local ski champion Lindsey Vonn. Lindsey Vonn spends several hours a day suspended on a machine that allows her to duplicate her ski moves. She closes her eyes and visualizes the course and goes down that mountain hundreds of times, feeling the wind against her face, hearing the sound of the skis beneath her feet, feeling the poles as she edges around them, seeing the bumps along the way, noticing the signs zooming by, the horizon as she descends; the more detail she bring in to the visualization, the more familiar the run becomes. She considers this mental training to be as important as her physical training. When she begins a race, she has already successfully accomplished that win hundreds of times in her mind, her body then follows. That confidence and familiarity with the course enables Vonn to move through faster, removing all doubt and hesitation, and in a sport where 1/100th of a second is the difference between a Gold Medal and nothing, this strategy becomes critical. After Gold, Silver, and Bronze, who remembers the person that came in 4th, yet they may have missed success by only a fraction of a second. That’s how it is in life folks; we can succeed or miss it entirely, by only a fraction. Details, matter. How do we create and maintain that edge? Every sports player will tell you that they spend a great deal of time visualizing that perfect shot, then they go out and duplicate it from memory. That memory changes their perspective from one of hoping to make it to expecting it. Expect success and you will rarely be disappointed. Don’t just be a dreamer, be a doer! While some are busy filling their lives with reasons for failure, you are filling your life with the excitement of new possibilities. Create your future. The difference between a dream and a goal is in the action … take action! Determine that failure is not an option. Make success a habit. Remove the barriers between you and the greatness that you are. What would you do if you knew that you could not fail? Welcome to the new you! Jacqueline Cartier
  • 6. Page 6 of 6 Bibliography Colonel Sanders and the American Dream, 2012, By Josh Ozersky, University of Texas Press Theodor SEUSS Geisel, 2010, By Donald E. Pease, Oxford University Press USA Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, 2007, By Neal Gabler, Vintage Press The Power of Positive Thinking, 1952, By Norman Vincent Peale As a Man Thinketh, 1902, By James Allen The Winning Attitude: Your Pathway to Personal Success, 1996, By John C. Maxwell, Thomas Nelson Publishing Unlimited Power, 1997, By Anthony Robbins, Free Press The Success System That Never Fails, By William Clement Stone