greek economy greek crisis greek debt greek government bonds greek fixed income gdp forecasts greek corporate sector macroeconomic outlook stock returns greek sme greek corporate bonds merchant shipping greek shipping ase stock market small business financial institutions greek credit rating sovereign credit rating macroeconomic forecasts imf small and medium enterprises sectoral analysis greek forecasts merchant fleet eu economy fed ecb us economy fair value valuation models p/b price to book banks npl non performing loans corporate restructuring corporate zombies greek banking system bank scoring models credit ratings quantitative easing greece interest rates yield curve principal component analysis factor analysis swaps interest rate factors gross fixed capital formation investment greek outlook stock market index corporate profitability bank bonds greek senior bonds capital controls bonds bond indices bond index corporate bonds ggbs global trade fleet athens stock exchange returns decomposition athens stock market returns decomposition athens stock market athens stock exchange athens stock exchange returns decomposition athens stock market returns decomposition athens stock market athens stock exchange business cycle asset allocation corporate monetary policy forecasting bond market
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