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1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
Why PHR and AI?
Healthcare Big Data Machine Learning
Novel Insights and Applications
$215MPrecision Medicine Initiative
Tipping Point for Big Data Healthcare
2013 McKinsey The big data revolution in healthcare
Hypothesis Driven Science Data Driven Science
Candidate Gene
Choose a Gene
from Prior Knowledge
Analyze the Gene
Analyze ALL Genes
Discover Novel Findings
(Genome wide association study)
SNP chip
Whole Genome
SNP Profiling (500K~1M SNPs)
Common Variant
Choi HJ, Doctoral Thesis
Estrada et al., Nature Genetics, 2012
+ novel targets
for bone biology
Recent largest GWAS
GEFOS consortium
2010 An Environment-Wide
Association Study (EWAS) on Type
2 Diabetes Mellitus
Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS)
 다양한 환경인자들 
Phenotype-wide Association Study
1000 개의 질병들
Bioinformatics. 2010 PheWAS: demonstrating the feasibility of a phenome-wide scan to discover gene-disease associations.
Phenotype-wide Association Study
Association Study
(Life style, diet, exercise, pollution)
Association Study
2015.2.19. Nature. Genetic and epigenetic fine mapping of causal autoimmune disease variants
Machine Learning
2014 Big data bioinformatics
의료 빅데이터의 새로운 역할
전통적인 관점 연구
Large scale
Classical hypothesis driven study
새로운 관점 연구
Hypothesis Generating Study
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
Blood Pressure
Behavior Therapy
Policy Making
Genetic Testing
Environment Survey
NeuroimagingGenetics Lab/Hormone Hospital
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
Disease genetic susceptibility
Cancer driver
somatic mutation
Cancer Treatment
Targeted Drug
Drug Efficacy/Side Effect
Related Genotype
Genetic Diagnosis
Cystic fibrosis)
- Prognosis
Genomic Medicine
Risk prediction
(Complex disease,
Germline Variants
2014 NEJM Genotype–Phenotype Correlation — Promiscuity in the Era of Next-Generation Sequencing
Tissue Specific Expression
Comprehensive Catalogues of Genomic Data
Variation in the human genome
Mendelian (monogenic) diseases
Whole genome sequencing (N=1,000)
Four ethnic groups
(CEU, YRI, JPT, CHB, N=270)
GWAS catalog
Complex (multigenic) traits
(1926 publications and 13410 SNPs)
Disease-related variations
Functional elements
저의 유전자
분석 결과를
반영하여 진료
해주세요!! 헠?
(출처: 금창원 대표님 블로그)
Pharmacogenetic Tests: 최형진
(N= 10)
(6 genes=8 bioma
Target SNPs
Genotype Interpretation Clinical Interpretation
1 Clopidogrel CYP2C19
rs4244285 (G>A) GG
Use standard dosers4986893 (G>A) GG
rs12248560 (C>T) CC
2 Warfarin
VKORC1 rs9923231 (C>T) TT
Low dose
(higher risk of bleeding)
Warfarin dose=0.5~2 mg/day
rs1799853 (C>T) CC
rs1057910 (A>C) AC
3 Simvastatin SLCO1B1 rs4149056 (T>C) TT Normal
Azathioprine (AP),
MP, or TG
TPMT rs1142345 (A>G) AA Normal
or Phenytoin
rs2844682 (C>T) CT
rs3909184 (C>G) CC
6 Abacavir HLA-B*5701 rs2395029 (T>G) TT Normal
7 Allopurinol HLA-B*5801 rs9263726 (G>A) GG Normal
: UM/EM=standard dose, IM/PM= consider alternative antiplatelet agent (eg. prasugrel/ticagrelor)
: high dose=5~7 mg/day, medium dose=3~4 mg/day, low dose=0.5~2 mg/day
Future of Genomic Medicine?
Test when neededWithout information Know your type
Here is my
Genetics of eating behavior
2011 Genetics of eating behavior
Gene-Environment Interaction
Gene Environment
Genetic Predisposition Score Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
Soda School
No-Soda School
Obese Family Lean Family
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
Electronic Health Records
2012 NRG Mining electronic health records- towards better research applications and clinical care
PCA Analysis혈당
Machine Learning
2014 Big data bioinformatics46
Clinical Notes
밤동안 저혈당수면 Lt.foot rolling Keep떨림,
식은땀, 현기증, 공복감, 두통, 피로감등의 저혈
당 에 저혈당 이 있을 즉알려주도록 밤사이 특
이호소 수면유지상처와 통증 상처부위 출혈
oozing, severe pain 알리도록 고혈당 처방된 당
뇨식이의 중요성과 간식을 자제하도록 .고혈
당 ,,관리 방법 .당뇨약 이해 잘 하고 수술부위
oozing Rt.foot rolling keep드레싱 상태를 고혈
당 고혈당 의식변화 BST 387 checked.고혈당
으로 인한 구강 내 감염 위해 식후 양치, gargle
등 구강 위생 격려.당뇨환자의 발관리 방법에 .
목표 혈당, 목표 당화혈색소에 .식사를 거르거
나 지연하지 않도록 .식사요법, 운동요법, 약물
요법을 정확히 지키는 것이 중요을 .처방된 당
뇨식이의 중요성과 간식을 자제하도록 .고혈
당 ,,관리 방법 .혈당 정상 범위임rt foot rolling
중으로 pain호소 밤사이 수면양호걱정신경 예
민감정변화 중임감정을 표현하도록 지지하고
경청기분상태 condition 조금 나은 듯 하다고 혈
당 조절과 관련하여 신경쓰는 모습 보이며 혈당
self로 측정하는 모습 보임혈당 조절에 안내하
고 불편감 지속알리도록고혈당 고혈당 의식변
화 고혈당 허약감 지남력 혈당조절 안됨고혈당
으로 인한 구강 내 감염 위해 식후 양치, gargle
등 구강 위생 격려.당뇨환자의 정기점검 내용과
빈도에 .BST 140 으로 저혈당 호소 밤동안 저
혈당수면 Lt.foot rolling Keep떨림, 식은땀, 현
기증, 공복감, 두통, 피로감등의 저혈당 에 저
혈당 이 있을 즉알려주도록 pain 및 불편감 호
소 WA 잘고혈당 고혈당 의식변화 고혈당 허
약감 지남력 혈당조절 안됨식사요법, 운동요법,
약물요법을 정확히 지키는 것이 중요을 .저혈당
/고혈당 과 대처법에 .혈당정상화, 표준체중의
유지, 정상 혈중지질의 유지에 .고혈당 ,,관리
방법 .혈당측정법,인슐린 자가 투여법, 경구투
약,수분 섭취량,대체 탄수화물,의료진의 도움이
필요한 사항에 교혈당 정상 범위임수술부위
oozing Rt.foot rolling keep수술 부위 (출혈, 통
증, 부종)수술부위 출혈 상처부위 oozing
Wound 당겨지지 않도록 적절한 체위 취하기
설명감염 발생 위험 요인 수술부위 출혈 밤동안
간호기록지 Word Cloud
Natural Language Processing (NLP)48
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
Big data platform model by Korea Institute of
Drug Safety and Risk Management
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
SIMENS: CT Cardio-Vascular Engine
2013 Science Structural and Functional Brain Networks- From Connections to Cognition
Green Lines: orexigenic pathways
Red lines: dopaminergic pathways
2013 The contribution of brain reward circuits to the obesity epidemic
2014 Obesity – A neuropsychological disease- Systematic review and neuropsychological mode
A, amygdala;
H, hypothalamus;
NA, nucleus accumbens,
PFC, prefrontal cortex;
VTA, ventral tegmental area
tDCS Neuromodulation Controls
Feeding Behavior via
Food Reward Activity and Connectivity
Neuromodulation Brain Activity Feeding Behavior
Brain Connectivity
fMRI analysis
2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain
2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain
2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain
2012 Decoding subject-driven cognitive states with whole-brain connectivity patterns
2014 Nature Communications. Decoding tumour phenotype by noninvasive imaging using a quantitative radiomics approach
Quantitative nuclear morphometry
2015 Laboratory Investigation. Novel genotype-phenotype associations in human cancers enabled by advanced molecular platforms and computational analysis
of whole slide images
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
2015 Sci Transl Med. The emerging field of mobile health
스마트폰 활용 당뇨병 통합관리
상담 교육
진료 처방
2-3달 간격
평가 회의
데이터베이스 서버
Date Time name foodType calories unit amount
2014-08-09 0 미역국 0 23 1국그릇 (300ml) 105 g
2014-08-09 0 잡곡밥 0 80 1/4공기 (52.5g) 52 g
2014-08-09 0 열무김치 0 3 1/4소접시 (8.75g) 9 g
2014-08-09 0 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g
2014-08-09 0 토란대무침 0 28 1/2소접시(46.5g) 46 g
2014-08-09 1 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g
2014-08-09 2 마른오징어 2 88 1/4마리 (25g) 25 g
2014-08-09 2 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g
2014-08-09 2 저지방우유 1 72 1컵 (200ml) 180 g
2014-08-09 2 복숭아 0 183 2개 (538g) 538 g
2014-08-09 3 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g
2014-08-09 3 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g
2014-08-09 4 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g
2014-08-09 4 식빵 1 92 1장 (33g) 33 g
2014-08-09 4 삶은옥수수 1 197 1개 반 (150g) 150 g
2014-08-09 4 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g
2014-08-09 4 저지방우유 1 72 1컵 (200ml) 180 g
2014-08-10 0 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g
2014-08-10 0 저지방우유 1 36 1/2컵 (100ml) 90 g
2014-08-10 0 두부 0 20 1/4인분 (25g) 25 g
2014-08-10 0 견과류 2 190 1/4 컵 (50g) 31 g
2014-08-10 0 파프리카 0 11 1개 (66.5g) 65 g
식사량 실시간 모니터링
2014-08-09 2014-08-10 2014-08-11 2014-08-12 2014-08-13 2014-08-14 2014-08-15
점심 과식
저녁 금식
운동량 실시간 모니터링
걸음 수
Social Network and
Obesity Prevalence
2013 PLOS One. Assessing the Online Social Environment for Surveillance of Obesity Prevalence
2013 PLOS CB Reassessing Google Flu Trends Data for Detection of Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza
Google Flu Trends
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
2014 JAMA Finding the Missing Link for Big Biomedical Data
Apple Health App
수집 분석 활용
Overview of Healthcare Data
2015 Nature Immunology. A vision and a prescription for big data–enabled medicine
1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial
Intelligence ?
2. Obesity Example
3. Personal Health Record
① Genetic Data
② Electrical Health Records
③ National Healthcare Data
④ Medical Images
⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data
⑥ Data Integration
4. PHR+AI Applications
In a scan of 3,000 images, IBM
technology was able to spot
melanoma with an accuracy
of about 95 percent, much
better than the 75 percent to
84 percent average of today's
largely manual methods.
IBM Research will continue to
work with Sloan Kettering to
develop additional
measurements and
approaches to further refine
diagnosis, as well as refine
their approach through larger
sets of data.
Dec 17, 2014
Aug. 11, 2015
IBM is betting that the same technology that
recognizes cats can identify tumors and other signs of
In the long run, IBM and others in the field hope such
systems can become reliable advisers to
radiologists, dermatologists and other practitioners
who analyze images—especially in parts of the world
where health-care providers are scarce.
While IBM hopes Watson will learn to interpret
Merge’s images, it also expects the combination of
imagery, medical records and other data to reveal
patterns relevant to diagnosis and treatment that a
human physician may miss, ushering in an era of
computer-assisted care. Two other recent IBM
acquisitions, Phytel Inc. and Explorys Inc., yielded 50
million electronic medical records.
Environment Survey
NeuroimagingGenetics Lab/Hormone Hospital
is already

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Ähnlich wie Personal Health Record and AI for Precision Medicine

의료 빅데이터 - 개념 입문과 임상의사가 할 수 있는 일
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Biomedical big data and research clinical application for obesity
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Biomedical big data and research clinical application for obesityHyung Jin Choi
정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)
정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)
정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)Hyung Jin Choi
Obesity PHR Big Data - Research and Clinical Applications
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Ähnlich wie Personal Health Record and AI for Precision Medicine (20)

의료 빅데이터 - 개념 입문과 임상의사가 할 수 있는 일
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의료 빅데이터와 인공지능의 현재와 미래
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Biomedical big data and research clinical application for obesity
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정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)
정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)
정밀의료와 다차원 의료데이터(유전자, Ehr, 국가자료, 영상, 센서-웨어러블)
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헬스케어 빅데이터로 무엇을 할 수 있는가?
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먹는 쾌락: 우리는 왜 먹는가? (대한비만학회 연수강좌)
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먹는 쾌락: 우리는 왜 먹는가? (대한비만학회 연수강좌)
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Personal Health Record and AI for Precision Medicine

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 2
  • 3. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 3
  • 4. Why PHR and AI? 4 Healthcare Big Data Machine Learning Novel Insights and Applications
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Tipping Point for Big Data Healthcare 2013 McKinsey The big data revolution in healthcare
  • 10. Hypothesis Driven Science Data Driven Science Hypothesis Collect Data Data Generate Hypothesis Analyze Analyze
  • 11. Candidate Gene Approach Genome-wide Approach Choose a Gene from Prior Knowledge Analyze the Gene Analyze ALL Genes Discover Novel Findings
  • 12. GWAS (Genome wide association study) SNP chip Whole Genome SNP Profiling (500K~1M SNPs) Common Variant Choi HJ, Doctoral Thesis
  • 13. Estrada et al., Nature Genetics, 2012 + novel targets for bone biology Recent largest GWAS GEFOS consortium
  • 14. 2010 An Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS)  다양한 환경인자들 
  • 15. GWAS  PheWAS Phenotype-wide Association Study
  • 16. 1000 개의 질병들 Bioinformatics. 2010 PheWAS: demonstrating the feasibility of a phenome-wide scan to discover gene-disease associations. Phenotype-wide Association Study
  • 18. Anatome-Phenome-wide Association Study 2015.2.19. Nature. Genetic and epigenetic fine mapping of causal autoimmune disease variants Phenome Anatome
  • 19. Machine Learning 2014 Big data bioinformatics
  • 20. 의료 빅데이터의 새로운 역할 전통적인 관점 연구 Large scale (unstructured) data Summary (Modify) Classical hypothesis driven study 새로운 관점 연구 Hypothesis Generating Study
  • 21. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 21
  • 22. 22 Environment Gene Eat Exercise Metabolism Brain Glucose DM Blood Pressure HTN Cardiovascular Disease Cognitive Hormone Behavior Psychotherapy Behavior Therapy Policy Making Genetic Testing Neuroimaging Neuromodulation Drug Drug Lab Survey Survey Sensor DrugDiagnosis EMR Government Data Mining
  • 23. Environment Survey NeuroimagingGenetics Lab/Hormone Hospital Cognitive Personalize Psychotherapy Dietary Intervention Exercise Intervention Food Exercise Glucose Mobile Drug Neuromodulation Monitoring
  • 24. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 24
  • 25. Disease genetic susceptibility Cancer driver somatic mutation Pharmacogenomics Targeted Cancer Treatment (EGFR) Causal Variant Targeted Drug (MODY-SU) Drug Efficacy/Side Effect Related Genotype (CYP, HLA) Genetic Diagnosis (Mendelian, Cystic fibrosis) Molecular Classification - Prognosis (Leukemia) Hereditary Cancer (BRCA) Microbiome (Bacteria, Virus) Genomic Medicine Risk prediction (Complex disease, Diabetes) Germline Variants
  • 26. 2014 NEJM Genotype–Phenotype Correlation — Promiscuity in the Era of Next-Generation Sequencing
  • 27. Tissue Specific Expression Comprehensive Catalogues of Genomic Data Variation in the human genome Mendelian (monogenic) diseases (N=22,432) Whole genome sequencing (N=1,000) Four ethnic groups (CEU, YRI, JPT, CHB, N=270) GWAS catalog Complex (multigenic) traits (1926 publications and 13410 SNPs) Disease-related variations Functional elements 2014-06-29 27
  • 28. 저의 유전자 분석 결과를 반영하여 진료 해주세요!! 헠? 28
  • 29.
  • 31. 31
  • 32. (출처: 금창원 대표님 블로그) $99 TV CF 32
  • 33. Pharmacogenetic Tests: 최형진 No Drug (N= 10) Gene (6 genes=8 bioma rkers) Target SNPs (N=12) #5 (HJC) Genotype Interpretation Clinical Interpretation 1 Clopidogrel CYP2C19 rs4244285 (G>A) GG *1/*1 (EM) Use standard dosers4986893 (G>A) GG rs12248560 (C>T) CC 2 Warfarin VKORC1 rs9923231 (C>T) TT Low dose (higher risk of bleeding) Warfarin dose=0.5~2 mg/day CYP2C9 rs1799853 (C>T) CC rs1057910 (A>C) AC 3 Simvastatin SLCO1B1 rs4149056 (T>C) TT Normal 4 Azathioprine (AP), MP, or TG TPMT rs1142345 (A>G) AA Normal 5 Carbamazepine or Phenytoin HLA-B*1502 rs2844682 (C>T) CT Normal rs3909184 (C>G) CC 6 Abacavir HLA-B*5701 rs2395029 (T>G) TT Normal 7 Allopurinol HLA-B*5801 rs9263726 (G>A) GG Normal Clopidogrel1) : UM/EM=standard dose, IM/PM= consider alternative antiplatelet agent (eg. prasugrel/ticagrelor) Warfarin2) : high dose=5~7 mg/day, medium dose=3~4 mg/day, low dose=0.5~2 mg/day =0 최형진 +1,000,000 ?
  • 34. Future of Genomic Medicine? Test when neededWithout information Know your type Blood type Geno type Here is my sequence
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37. 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. Genetics of eating behavior 2011 Genetics of eating behavior
  • 41. Gene-Environment Interaction Gene Environment Disease Genetic Predisposition Score Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
  • 42. Soda School No-Soda School Obese Family Lean Family
  • 43. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 43
  • 44. Electronic Health Records 2012 NRG Mining electronic health records- towards better research applications and clinical care 44
  • 46. Machine Learning 2014 Big data bioinformatics46
  • 48. 밤동안 저혈당수면 Lt.foot rolling Keep떨림, 식은땀, 현기증, 공복감, 두통, 피로감등의 저혈 당 에 저혈당 이 있을 즉알려주도록 밤사이 특 이호소 수면유지상처와 통증 상처부위 출혈 oozing, severe pain 알리도록 고혈당 처방된 당 뇨식이의 중요성과 간식을 자제하도록 .고혈 당 ,,관리 방법 .당뇨약 이해 잘 하고 수술부위 oozing Rt.foot rolling keep드레싱 상태를 고혈 당 고혈당 의식변화 BST 387 checked.고혈당 으로 인한 구강 내 감염 위해 식후 양치, gargle 등 구강 위생 격려.당뇨환자의 발관리 방법에 . 목표 혈당, 목표 당화혈색소에 .식사를 거르거 나 지연하지 않도록 .식사요법, 운동요법, 약물 요법을 정확히 지키는 것이 중요을 .처방된 당 뇨식이의 중요성과 간식을 자제하도록 .고혈 당 ,,관리 방법 .혈당 정상 범위임rt foot rolling 중으로 pain호소 밤사이 수면양호걱정신경 예 민감정변화 중임감정을 표현하도록 지지하고 경청기분상태 condition 조금 나은 듯 하다고 혈 당 조절과 관련하여 신경쓰는 모습 보이며 혈당 self로 측정하는 모습 보임혈당 조절에 안내하 고 불편감 지속알리도록고혈당 고혈당 의식변 화 고혈당 허약감 지남력 혈당조절 안됨고혈당 으로 인한 구강 내 감염 위해 식후 양치, gargle 등 구강 위생 격려.당뇨환자의 정기점검 내용과 빈도에 .BST 140 으로 저혈당 호소 밤동안 저 혈당수면 Lt.foot rolling Keep떨림, 식은땀, 현 기증, 공복감, 두통, 피로감등의 저혈당 에 저 혈당 이 있을 즉알려주도록 pain 및 불편감 호 소 WA 잘고혈당 고혈당 의식변화 고혈당 허 약감 지남력 혈당조절 안됨식사요법, 운동요법, 약물요법을 정확히 지키는 것이 중요을 .저혈당 /고혈당 과 대처법에 .혈당정상화, 표준체중의 유지, 정상 혈중지질의 유지에 .고혈당 ,,관리 방법 .혈당측정법,인슐린 자가 투여법, 경구투 약,수분 섭취량,대체 탄수화물,의료진의 도움이 필요한 사항에 교혈당 정상 범위임수술부위 oozing Rt.foot rolling keep수술 부위 (출혈, 통 증, 부종)수술부위 출혈 상처부위 oozing Wound 당겨지지 않도록 적절한 체위 취하기 설명감염 발생 위험 요인 수술부위 출혈 밤동안 간호기록지 Word Cloud Natural Language Processing (NLP)48
  • 49. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 49
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  • 54. Big data platform model by Korea Institute of Drug Safety and Risk Management
  • 55. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 55
  • 57. 2013 Science Structural and Functional Brain Networks- From Connections to Cognition
  • 58. Green Lines: orexigenic pathways Red lines: dopaminergic pathways 2013 The contribution of brain reward circuits to the obesity epidemic 2014 Obesity – A neuropsychological disease- Systematic review and neuropsychological mode A, amygdala; H, hypothalamus; NA, nucleus accumbens, PFC, prefrontal cortex; VTA, ventral tegmental area 58 tDCS Neuromodulation Controls Feeding Behavior via Food Reward Activity and Connectivity Neuromodulation Brain Activity Feeding Behavior Brain Connectivity
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  • 60. fMRI analysis 2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain
  • 61. 2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain
  • 62. 62 2013 Science Functional interactions as big data in the human brain 2012 Decoding subject-driven cognitive states with whole-brain connectivity patterns
  • 63. 2014 Radiomics 2014 Nature Communications. Decoding tumour phenotype by noninvasive imaging using a quantitative radiomics approach
  • 64. Quantitative nuclear morphometry 2015 Laboratory Investigation. Novel genotype-phenotype associations in human cancers enabled by advanced molecular platforms and computational analysis of whole slide images
  • 65. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 65
  • 66. 66 2015 Sci Transl Med. The emerging field of mobile health
  • 67. 스마트폰 활용 당뇨병 통합관리 의사 상담 교육 조회/ 분석 교육간호사 매주/필요시 진료 처방 2-3달 간격 평가 회의 매주/필요시 식사/ 운동 스마트폰 데이터베이스 서버 자가관리 전송 분석 혈당 측정 혈당측정기
  • 68. Date Time name foodType calories unit amount 2014-08-09 0 미역국 0 23 1국그릇 (300ml) 105 g 2014-08-09 0 잡곡밥 0 80 1/4공기 (52.5g) 52 g 2014-08-09 0 열무김치 0 3 1/4소접시 (8.75g) 9 g 2014-08-09 0 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g 2014-08-09 0 토란대무침 0 28 1/2소접시(46.5g) 46 g 2014-08-09 1 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g 2014-08-09 2 마른오징어 2 88 1/4마리 (25g) 25 g 2014-08-09 2 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g 2014-08-09 2 저지방우유 1 72 1컵 (200ml) 180 g 2014-08-09 2 복숭아 0 183 2개 (538g) 538 g 2014-08-09 3 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g 2014-08-09 3 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g 2014-08-09 4 파프리카 0 6 1/2개 (33.25g) 35 g 2014-08-09 4 식빵 1 92 1장 (33g) 33 g 2014-08-09 4 삶은옥수수 1 197 1개 반 (150g) 150 g 2014-08-09 4 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g 2014-08-09 4 저지방우유 1 72 1컵 (200ml) 180 g 2014-08-10 0 복숭아 0 91 1개 (269g) 268 g 2014-08-10 0 저지방우유 1 36 1/2컵 (100ml) 90 g 2014-08-10 0 두부 0 20 1/4인분 (25g) 25 g 2014-08-10 0 견과류 2 190 1/4 컵 (50g) 31 g 2014-08-10 0 파프리카 0 11 1개 (66.5g) 65 g 68
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  • 74. Social Network and Obesity Prevalence 2013 PLOS One. Assessing the Online Social Environment for Surveillance of Obesity Prevalence
  • 75. 2013 PLOS CB Reassessing Google Flu Trends Data for Detection of Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza Google Flu Trends
  • 76. 76
  • 77. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 77
  • 78. 2014 JAMA Finding the Missing Link for Big Biomedical Data
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  • 84. 2015 Nature Immunology. A vision and a prescription for big data–enabled medicine
  • 85. Contents 1. Why Personal Health Record and Artificial Intelligence ? 2. Obesity Example 3. Personal Health Record ① Genetic Data ② Electrical Health Records ③ National Healthcare Data ④ Medical Images ⑤ Sensor/Mobile Data ⑥ Data Integration 4. PHR+AI Applications 85
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  • 90. 90 In a scan of 3,000 images, IBM technology was able to spot melanoma with an accuracy of about 95 percent, much better than the 75 percent to 84 percent average of today's largely manual methods. IBM Research will continue to work with Sloan Kettering to develop additional measurements and approaches to further refine diagnosis, as well as refine their approach through larger sets of data. Dec 17, 2014
  • 91. 91 Aug. 11, 2015 IBM is betting that the same technology that recognizes cats can identify tumors and other signs of diseases. In the long run, IBM and others in the field hope such systems can become reliable advisers to radiologists, dermatologists and other practitioners who analyze images—especially in parts of the world where health-care providers are scarce. While IBM hopes Watson will learn to interpret Merge’s images, it also expects the combination of imagery, medical records and other data to reveal patterns relevant to diagnosis and treatment that a human physician may miss, ushering in an era of computer-assisted care. Two other recent IBM acquisitions, Phytel Inc. and Explorys Inc., yielded 50 million electronic medical records.
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  • 93. Environment Survey NeuroimagingGenetics Lab/Hormone Hospital Cognitive Personalize Psychotherapy Dietary Intervention Exercise Intervention Food Exercise Glucose Mobile Drug Neuromodulation Monitoring
  • 94. The FUTURE MEDICINE is already at PRESENT 94