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                                                                       cause de faire retirer ma langue au populaire, & la plume au
                                                                       papier, -- puis me suis voulu estendre declarant pour le
                                                                       commun aduenement par obstruses & perplexes sentences
                                                                       les causes futures, mesmes les plus vrgentes, & celles que
                                                                       i'ay apperceu, quelque humaine mutation qu'aduienne ne
                                                                       scandaliser l'auriculaire fragilite, & le tout escrit soubs figure
                                                                       nubileuse plus que du tout prophetique, -- côbien que,
                                                                       Abscondisti haec à sapien- tibus , et prudentibus , id est ,
                                                                       potentibus et regibus , et enucleasti ea exiguis et tenuibus : &
                                                                       aux Prophetes par le moyê de Dieu immortel, & des bons
                                                                       Anges ont receu l'esprit de vaticination, par lequel ils voyent
                                                                       les choses loingtaines, & viennent à preuoir les futurs
                                                                       aduenemens: -- car rien ne se peut paracheuer sans luy,
                                                                       ausquels si grande est la puissance, & la bôté aux subiets que
                                                                       pendant qu'ils demeurent en eux, toutesfois aux autres
                                                                       effects sub- iects pour la similitude de la cause du bon genius,
                                                                       celle chaleur & puissâce vaticinatrice s'approche de nous,
                                                                       comme il nous aduient des rayons du Soleil qui viennent
                                                                       iettât leur influence aux corps elementaires, & non
                                                                       elementaires. -- Quand à nous qui sommes humains, ne
                                                                       pouuons rien de nostre naturelle cognoissance & inclination
                                                                       d'engin, cognoistre des secrets obstruses de Dieu le Createur.
                                                                       Quia nô est nostrû noscere tempora , nec momenta , &c. --
                                                                       Combien qu'aussi de present peuuent aduenir & estre
                                                                       personnages, que Dieu le createur aye voulu reueler par
                                                                       imaginatiues impres- siôs quelques secrets de l'aduenir,
                                                                       accordez à l'astrologie iudicielle comme du passé que certaine
                                                                       puissance & volontaire faculté venoit par eux, côme flambe de
                                                                       feu apparoir, que luy inspirant on venoit à iuger les diuines &
                                                                       humaines inspiratiôs. -- Car les oeu- ures diuines, que
                                                                       totalement sont absolues Dieu les viêt parache- uer: la
                                                                       moyêne qui est au milieu les Anges: la troisiesme les
                                                                       mauuais: -- Mais mon fils ie te parle cy vn peu trop obstruse-
                                                                       ment: -- mais quant aux occultes vaticinations qu'on vient à
                                                                       re- ceuoir par le subtil esprit du feu, qui quelquefois par
     PREFACE DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS                                  l'entende- ment agité, contemplant le plus haut des Astres,
                                                                       comme estant vigilant, mesmes qu'aux prononciations, estant
             A SES PROPHETIES.
                                                                       surprins escrits prononçât sans crainte moins attainct
                                                                       d'inuerecôde loquacité mais quoy tout procedoit de la
Ad   Caesarem      Nostradamum       filium,   Vie    et   felicite.
                                                                       puissance diuine du grand Dieu eternel, de qui toute bonté
                                                                       procede. -- Encores, mon fils, que i'aye inseré le nom de
Ton tard aduenemêt, Cesar Nostradame mon fils, m'a faict
                                                                       prophete, ie ne me veux attribuer tiltre de si haute sublimité
mettre mô long temps par côtinuelles vigilatiôs nocturnes
                                                                       pour le temps present: car qui Propheta dicitur hodie , olim
referer par escript toy delaisser memoire, apres la corporelle
                                                                       vocabatur videns : car Prophete proprement mon fils, est
extinction de ton progeniteur au commun proffit des humains,
                                                                       celuy qui voit choses lointaines de la cognoissance naturelle
de ce que la Diuine essence par Astronomiques revolutions
                                                                       de toute creature. -- Et cas aduenant que le Prophete
m'ót dôné cognois- sance. -- Et depuis qu'il a pleu au Dieu
                                                                       moyenant la parfaicte lumiere de la Prophetie luy apparaire
immortel que tu ne sois venu en naturelle lumiere dâs ceste
                                                                       manifestement des choses diuines, comme humaines, que ce
terrene plaige, & ne veux dire tes ans qui ne sont encores
                                                                       ne se peut faire, veu que les effects de la future prediction
accompagnez, mais tes mois Martiaux incapables à receuoir
                                                                       s'étendent    loing.    --   car les      se- crets     de    Dieu
dedans ton debile entendement ce que ie seray contrainct
                                                                       incomprehensibles, & la vertu effectrice contingent de longue
apres mes iours definer: -- veu qu'il n'est possible te laisser
                                                                       estendue de la cognoissance naturelle, prenant leur plus
par escrit, ce que seroit par l'iniure du temps obliteré: car la
                                                                       prochain origine du liberal arbitre, fait apparoir les causes qui
parolle hereditaire de l'occulte prediction sera dans mon esto-
                                                                       d'elles mesmes ne peuuent acquerir celle notice pour estre
mach intercluse: -- considerât aussi les aduentures de
                                                                       co- gneues, ne par les humains augures, ne par autre
l'humain definement estre incertaines, & que le tout est regi &
                                                                       cognoissance ou vertu occulte: comprinse soubs la concauité
gouuerné par la puissance de Dieu inestimable, nous inspirant
                                                                       du ciel mesme du faict present de la totale Eternité, que vient
non par bac- chante fureur, ne par limphatique mouuement,
                                                                       en soy embrasser tout le temps. -- Mais moyennant quelque
mais par astrono- miques assertions. -- Soli numine divino
                                                                       indiuisible eternité par, comitiale agitation Hiracliêne, les
afflati praesagiunt et spiritu prophetico particularia : --
                                                                       causes par le celeste mouuemêt sont cogneuës. -- Ie ne dis
Combien que de long temps par plu- sieurs fois i'ay predict
                                                                       pas, mon fils, à fin que bien l'entendez, que la cognoissance
long temps auparauant ce que depuis est aduenu, & en
                                                                       de ceste matiere ne se peut encores imprimer dans ton debile
particulieres regions attribuant le tout estre faict par la vertu &
                                                                       cerueau, que les causes futures bien loingtaines ne soyent à
inspiration diuine & autres felices & sinistres aduen- tures de
                                                                       la cognoissance de la creature raisonable: si sont nonob-
acceleree promptitude pronôcees que depuis sont adue- nues
                                                                       stant bonnemêt la creature de l'ame intellectuelle des choses
par les climats du monde -- ayant voulu taire & delaisser pour
                                                                       pre- sentes loingtaines ne luy sont du tout ne trop occultes,
cause de l'iniure, & non tant seulement du temps present,
                                                                       ne trop reserées: -- mais la parfaicte des causes notices ne se
mais aussi de la plus grande part du futur, de mettre par escrit
                                                                       peut acquerir sans celle diuine inspiration: veu que toute
pource que les regnes, sectes & religions feront changes si
                                                                       inspiration prophetique reçoit prenant son principal principe
oppo- sites, voire au respect du present diametralement, --
                                                                       mouuant de Dieu le createur, puis de l'heur & de nature. --
que si ie venois à referer ce qu'à l'aduenir sera, ceux de regne,
                                                                       Parquoy estant les causes indiffe- rentes indifferentement
secte reli- gion, & foy trouueroyent si mal accordant à leur
                                                                       produictes, & non produictes, le presage partie aduient, ou a
fantaisie auri- culaire, qu'ils viendroyent à damner ce que par
                                                                       esté predict. -- Car l'entendemêt creé intel- lectuellement ne
les siecles aduenir on cognoistra estre veu & apperceu. --
                                                                       peut voir occultement, sinon par la voix faicte au lymbe
Considerant aussi la sen- tence du vray Sauueur Nolite
                                                                       moyennât la exigue flame, en laquelle partie les causes
sanctum dare canibus nec mittatis margaritas ante porcos ne
                                                                       futures se viendront à incliner. -- Et aussi mô fils, ie te suplie
conculcêt pedibus et côuersi dirumpant vos . Qui a esté la

que iamais tu ne vueilles employer ton entendement à telles          mis enogrophies & topographies que le tout ne soit pery, --
resue- ries & vanitez qui seichent le corps & mettent à              aussi auant & apres telles inondatiôs, en plusieurs con- trees
perdition l'ame, dônant trouble au foible sens: mesmes la            les pluyes seront si exigues, & tôbera du ciel si grâde abon-
vanité de la plus qu'exe- crable magie reprouuee iadis par les       dance de feu & de pierre candentes, qu'il n'y demeurera riê
sacrees escritures, & par les diuins canons -- au chef duquel        qui ne soit consomme: & cecy aduenir en brief, & auant la
est excepté le iugement de l'As- trologie iudicielle: par            derniere conflagration: -- Car encore que la planette de Mars
laquelle, & moyennant inspiration & reue- lation diuine par          paracheue son siecle & à la fin de son dernier periode, si le
continuelles supputations, auons nos propheties redigé par           reprendra il: mais assemblez les vns en Aquarius par
escrit. -- Et combien que celle occulte Philosophie ne fusse         plusieurs annees, les autres en Cancer par plus longues &
reprouué, n'ay oncque voulu presenter leurs effrenees per-           continues. -- Et maintenant que nous sommes conduicts par
suasions, combien que plusieurs volumes qui ont esté cachez          la Lune, moyennant la totale puissâce de Dieu eternel,
par longs siecles me sont este manifestez. -- Mais doutant ce        qu'auant qu'elle aye paracheué son total circuit le Soleil
qui aduiendroit, en ay faict apres la lecture presêt à Vulcan,       viendra, & puis Saturne. -- Car selon les signes celestes, le
que cepen- dant qu'il les venoit à deuorer, la flamme le             regne de Saturne sera de retour, que le tout calculé, le
seichant l'air rendoit vne clarté insolité, plus claire que          monde s'approche, d'vne anaragonique reuolution: -- & que
naturelle flamme, comme lu- miere de feu de clystre fulgurant,       de present que cecy i'escrits auât cent septante sept ans trois
illuminant subit la maison: comme si elle fust esté en subite        mois vnze jours par pestilence, longue famine, & guerres, &
conflagration. -- Parquoy à fin qu'à l'aduenir ne fussiez abuzé,     plus par les inonda- tions le monde entre cy & ce terme
perscrutant la parfaicte trâsfor- mation tant seline que             prefix, auant & apres par plu- sieurs fois, sera si diminué, & si
solitaire, & soubs terre metaux incorrup- tibles, & aux ondes        peu de monde sera, que l'on ne treuuera qui vueille prendre
ocultes, les ay en cendres conuertis. -- Mais quât au iugement       les champs: qui deuiendront libres aussi longuement: qu' ils
qui se vient paracheuer, moyennant le iugement celeste, cela         ont été en seruitude -- & ce quât au visible iugement celeste,
te veux ie manifester: parquoy auoir cognoissance des choses         qu'encores que nous soyons au sep- tiesme nombre de mille
futures, reiectant loing les phâtastiques imaginations qui           qui paracheue le tout nous approchât du huictiesme, où est le
aduiendront, limitant la particuliarité des lieux par diuine         firmament de la huistiesme sphere, qui est en dimension
inspira- tion supernaturelle: -- accordant aux celestes figures      latitudinaire, où le grand Dieu eternel viendra para- cheuer la
les lieux, & vne partie du temps de proprieté occulte par vertu      reuolution, où les images celestes retourneront à se mouuoir
puissance, & faculté diuine en presence de laquelle les trois        & le mouvement superieur qui nous rend la terre stable &
temps sont comprins par eternité, reuolution tenant à la cause       ferme nô inclinabitur in soeculû soeculi : hors mis que son
passee, presente & future: quia omnia sunt nuda et aperta ,          vou- loir sera accomply, mais non point autrement -- combien
etc.. -- Parquoy mon fils, tu peux facilement, nonobstant ton        que par ambigues opinions excedantes toutes raisons
tendre cerueau comprendre que les choses qui doiuent                 naturelles par songes Mahometiques, aussi aucunes fois Dieu
aduenir, se peuuent prophetizer par les noc- turnes & celestes       le createur par les minis- tres de ses messagiers de feu, en
lumieres, qui sont naturelles, & par l'esprit de prophetie: --       flamme missiue vient à proposer aux sens exterieurs
non que ie me vueille attribuer nomination ny effect                 mesmement à nos yeux, les causes de future prediction,
prophetique, mais par reuelee inspiration, comme homme               significatrices du cas futur qui se doit à celuy qui pre- sage
mortel esloigné non moins de sens au Ciel, que des pieds en          manifester. -- Car le presaige qui se faict de la lumiere ex-
terre. -- Possum non errare, falli, decipi, suis pecheur plus        terieure vient infalliblement à iuger partie auecques, &
grand que nul de ce môde, subiect à toutes humaines                  moyennant le lume exterieur: combien vrayement que la
afflictions. -- Mais estant surprins par fois la sepmaine            partie qui semble auoir par l'oeil de l'entendement, ce que
limphatiquant, & par longue calcula- tion, rendant les estudes       n'est par la lesion du sens imaginatif, -- la raison est par trop
nocturnes de souefue odeur, i'ay côposé liures de propheties         euidente, le tout estre predict par afflation de diuinité, & par
côtenant chacû cent quatrains astronomiques de propheties,           le moyen de l'esprit ange- lique inspiré à l'hôme prophetisant,
lesquelles i'ay vn peu voulu rabouter obscuremêt & sont              rendant oinctes de vaticina- tions, le venât à illuminer, luy
perpetuelles vaticinations, pour d'yci à l'annee 3797. -- Que        esmouuant le deuant de la phantasie par diuerses nocturnes
possible fera retirer le front à quelques vns, en voyant si          apparitiôs que par diurne certitude pro- phetise par
longue extention, & par soubs toute la concauité de la Lune          administration Astronomique côioincte de la sanctis- sime
aura lieu & intelligence: & ce entendant vniuersellement par         future prediction, ne considerant ailleurs qu'au courage libre.
toute la terre les causes mon fils, que si tu vis l'aage naturel &   -- Viens à ceste heure entendre, mon fils, que ie trouue par
humain, tu verras deuers ton climat, au propre Ciel de ta            mes reuolutions qui sont accordantes à reuelee inspiration,
natiuité, les futures aduen- tures preuoir. -- Combien que le        que le mortel glaiue s'approche de nous maintenant par
seul Dieu eternel soit celuy seul qui cognoist l'eternité de sa      peste, guerre plus horrible qu'à vie de trois hommes n'a esté,
lumiere, procedant de luy mesmes, -- & ie dis franchemêt qu'à        & famine, lequel tombera en terre, & y retournera souuent, --
ceux à qui sa magnitude immense, qui est sans mesure &               car les Astres s'ac- cordent à la reuolution, & aussi a dit:
incôprehensible, a voulu pour longue inspira- tion melancolique      Visitabo in virga ferrea iniquitates eorum , et in verberibus
reueler, que moyennant icelle cause occulte manifestee               percutiam eos : -- car la mise- ricorde de Dieu ne sera point
diuinement, principalement de deux causes principales, qui           dispergee vn têps, mon fils, que la pluspart de mes
sont comprinses à l'êtendement de celuy inspiré qui prophe-          Propheties, seront accomplies, & viendront estre par
tise, l'vne est que vient à infuser, esclarcissant la lumiere        accomplissement reuolues. -- Alors par plusieurs fois durant
supernatu- relle, au personnage qui predit par la doctrine des       les sinistres tempestes, Conteram ego , dira le Seigneur, et
astres, & prophetise par inspiree reuelation, laquelle est vne       confrin- gam , et non miserebor , -- & mille autres aduentures
certaine participation de la diuine eternité, moyennant le           qui aduien- dront par eaux & continuelles pluyes, comme plus
Prophete vient à iuger de cela que son diuin esperit luy a           à plain l'ay redige par escrit aux miennes autres Propheties
donné par le moyen de Dieu le createur, & par vne naturelle          qui sont compo- sees tout au long, in soluta oratione ,
instigation, -- c'est à sçauoir que ce que predit est vray, & a      limittant les lieux, temps & les termes prefix que les humains
prins son origine ethereement: & telle lumiere & flamme              apres venus verrôt, cognoissans les aduentures aduenues
exigue est de toute efficace, & de telle altitude nô moins que la    infailliblement, -- comme auons noté par le autres parlans,
naturelle clarté, & naturelle lumiere rend les Philosophes si        plus clairement, nonobstant que soubs nuee se- ront
asseurez, que moyennât les principes de la premiere cause ont        comprises les intelligences: sed quando submouenda erit
atteinct à plus profondes abysmes des plus hautes doctrines, -       ignorentia , le cas sera plus esclaircy. -- Faisant fin, mon fils,
- Mais à celle fin mô fils que ie ne vague trop profondemêt          prens donc ce don de ton pere Nichel Nostradamus, esperant
pour la capacité future de ton sens, & aussi que ie treuue que       toy declarer vne chacune Prophetie des quatrains cy mis
les lettres feront si grande & incom- parable iacture, que ie        Priant Dieu immortel, qu'il te veuille prester vie longue, en
treuue le monde auant l'vniuerselle conflagra- tion aduenir tant     bonne & prospere felicité.
de deluges & si hautes inondations, qu'il ne sera guiere terroir
qui ne soit couuert d'eau, & sera par si long temps, que hors        De Salon ce I. de Mars, 1555.


                                                                   So much so that persons of future times may be seen in
         Nostradamus's Preface to César                            present ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal
                                                                   them by means of images, together with various secrets of
Greetings and happiness to Cesar Nostradamus my son.               the future vouchsafed to orthodox astrology, as was the case
                                                                   in the past, so that a measure of power and divination passed
Your late arrival, Cesar Nostredame, my son, has made me           through them, the flame of the spirit inspiring them to
spend much time in constant nightly reflection so that I could     pronounce upon inspiration both human and divine. God may
communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder,        bring into being divine works, which are absolute; there is
after my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine    another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that of
spirit has vouchsafed me to know by means of astronomy.            the evildoers.

And since it was the Almighty's will that you were not born        But my son, I address you here a little too obscurely. As
here in this region and I do not want to talk of years to come     regards the occult prophecies one is vouchsafed through the
but of the months during which you will struggle to grasp and      subtle spirit of fire, which the understanding sometimes stirs
understand the work I shall be compelled to leave you after        through contemplation of the distant stars as if in vigil,
my death: assuming that it will not be possible for me to leave    likewise by means of pronouncements, one finds oneself
you such writing as may be destroyed through the injustice of      surprised at producing writings without fear of being stricken
the age. The key to the hidden prediction which you will inherit   for such impudent loquacity. The reason is that all this
will be locked inside my heart.                                    proceeds from the divine power of Almighty God from whom
                                                                   all bounty proceeds.
Also bear in mind that the events here described have not yet
come to pass, and that all is ruled and governed by the power      And so once again, my son, if I have eschewed the word
of Almighty God, inspiring us not by bacchic frenzy nor by         prophet, I do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at
enchantments but by astronomical assurances: predictions           the present time, for whoever is called a prophet now was
have been made through the inspiration of divine will alone        once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly
and the spirit of prophecy in particular.                          speaking one who sees distant things through a natural
                                                                   knowledge of all creatures. And it can happen that the
On numerous occasions and over a long period of time I have        prophet bringing about the perfect light of prophecy may
predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all to the   make manifest things both human and divine, because this
workings of divine power and inspiration, together with other      cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of predicting
fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen in their full        the future extend far off into time.
unexpectedness, which have already come to pass in various
regions of the earth. Yet I have wished to remain silent and       God's mysteries are incomprehensible and the power to
abandon my work because of the injustice not only of the           influence events is bound up with the great expanse of
present time but also for most of the future. I will not commit    natural knowledge, having its nearest most immediate origin
to writing.                                                        in free will and describing future events which cannot be
                                                                   understood simply through being revealed. Neither can they
Since governments, sects and countries will undergo such           be grasped through men's interpretations nor through
sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains,       another mode of cognizance or occult power under the
that were I to relate events to come, those in power now -         firmament, neither in the present nor in the total eternity to
monarchs, leaders of sects and religions - would find these so     come But bringing about such an indivisible eternity through
different from their own imaginings that they would be led to      Herculean efforts, things are revealed by the planetary
condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and             movements.
understand. Bear in mind also Our Saviour's words: "Do not
give anything holy to the dogs, nor throw pearls in front of       I am not saying, my son - mark me well, here - that
swine lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you       knowledge of such things cannot be implanted in your
and tear you apart."                                               deficient mind, or that events in the distant future may not be
                                                                   within the understanding of any reasoning being.
For this reason I withdrew my pen from the paper, because I        Nevertheless, if these things current or distant are brought to
wished to amplify my statement touching the Vulgar Advent by       the awareness of this reasoning and intelligent being they will
means of ambiguous and enigmatic comments about future             be neither too obscure nor too clearly revealed.
causes, even those closest to us and those I have perceived,
so that some human change which may come to pass shall not         Perfect knowledge of such things cannot be acquired without
unduly scandalize delicate sensibilities. The whole work is thus   divine inspiration, given that all prophetic inspiration derives
written in a nebulous rather than plainly prophetic form. So       its initial origin from God Almighty, then from chance and
much so that,                                                      nature. Since all these portents are produced impartially,
                                                                   prophecy comes to pass partly as predicted. For
You have hidden these things from the wise and the                 understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by
circumspect, that is from the mighty and the rulers, and you       means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing
have purified those things for the small and the poor," and        forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may
through Almighty God's will, revealed unto those prophets with     be discerned.
the power to perceive what is distant and thereby to foretell
things to come. For nothing can be accomplished without this       Also, my son, I beseech you not to exercise your mind upon
faculty, whose power and goodness work so strongly in those        such reveries and vanities as drain the body and incur the
to whom it is given that, while they contemplate within            soul's perdition, and which trouble our feeble frames. Above
themselves, these powers are subject to other influences           all avoid the vanity of that most execrable magic formerly
arising from the force of good. This warmth and strength of        reproved by the Holy Scriptures - only excepting the use of
prophecy invests us with its influence as the sun's rays affect    official astrology.
both animate and inanimate entities.
                                                                   For by the latter, with the help of inspiration and divine
We human beings cannot through our natural consciousness           revelation, and continual calculations, I have set down my
and intelligence know anything of God the Creator's hidden         prophecies in writing. Fearing lest this occult philosophy be
secrets, For it is not for us to know the times or the instants,   condemned, I did not therefore wish to make known its dire
etc.                                                               import; also fearful that several books which had lain hidden
                                                                   for long centuries might be discovered, and of what might
                                                                   become of them, after reading them I presented them to


Vulcan. And while he devoured them, the flame licking the air         For before war ends the century and in its final stages it will
gave out such an unexpected light, clearer than that of an            hold the century under its sway. Some countries will be in the
ordinary flame and resembling fire from some flashing                 grip of revolution for several years, and others ruined for a
cataclysm, and suddenly illumined the house as if it were             still longer period. And now that we are in a republican era,
caught in a furnace. Which is why I reduced them to ashes             with Almighty God's aid, and before completing its full cycle,
then, so that none might be tempted to use occult labours in          the monarchy will return, then the Golden Age. For according
searching for the perfect transmutation, whether lunar or             to the celestial signs, the Golden Age shall return, and after
solar, of incorruptible metals.                                       all calculations, with the world near to an all-encompassing
                                                                      revolution - from the time of writing 177 years 3 months 11
But as to that discernment which can be achieved by the aid of        days - plague, long famine and wars, and still more floods
planetary scrutiny, I should like to tell you this. Eschewing any     from now until the stated time. Before and after these,
fantastic imaginings, you may through good judgement have             humanity shall several times be so severely diminished that
insight into the future if you keep to the specific names of          scarcely anyone shall be found who wishes to take over the
places that accord with planetary configurations, and with            fields, which shall become free where they had previously
inspiration places and aspects yield up hidden properties,            been tied.
namely that power in whose presence the three times are
understood as Eternity whose unfolding contains them all: for         This will be after the visible judgement of heaven, before we
all things are naked and open.                                        reach the millennium which shall complete all. In the
                                                                      firmament of the eighth sphere, a dimension whereon
That is why, my son, you can easily, despite your young brain,        Almighty God will complete the revolution, and where the
understand that events can be foretold naturally by the               constellations will resume their motion which will render the
heavenly bodies and by the spirit of prophecy: I do not wish to       earth stable and firm, but only if He will remain unchanged
ascribe to myself the title and role of prophet, but emphasize        for ever until His will be done.
inspiration revealed to a mortal man whose perception is no           This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all
further from heaven than the feet are from the earth. I cannot        natural reason, expressed by Mahomet; which is why God the
fail, err or be deceived, although I may be as great a sinner as      Creator, through the ministry of his fiery agents with their
anyone else upon this earth and subject to all human                  flames, will come to propose to our perceptions as well as our
afflictions.                                                          eyes the reasons for future predictions.

But after being surprised sometimes by day while in a trance,         Signs of events to come must be manifested to whomever
and having long fallen into the habit of agreeable nocturnal          prophesies. For prophecy which stems from exterior
studies, I have composed books of prophecies, each containing         illumination is part of that light and seeks to ally with it and
one hundred astronomical quatrains, which I want to condense          bring it into being so that the part which seems to possess
somewhat obscurely. The work comprises prophecies from                the faculty of understanding is not subject to a sickness of the
today to the year 3797.                                               mind.

This may perturb some, when they see such a long time span,           Reason is only too evident. Everything is predicted by divine
and this will occur and be understood in all the fullness of the      afflatus and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one
Republic; these things will be universally understood upon            prophesying, consecrating his predictions through divine
earth, my son. If you live the normal lifetime of man you will        unction. It also divests him of all fantasies by means of
know upon your own soil, under your native sky, how future            various nocturnal apparitions, while with daily certainty he
events are to turn out.                                               prophesies through the science of astronomy, with the aid of
                                                                      sacred prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in
For only Eternal God knows the eternity of His light which            freedom.
proceeds from Him, and I speak frankly to those to whom His
immeasurable, immense and incomprehensible greatness has              So come, my son, strive to understand what I have found out
been disposed to grant revelations through long, melancholy           through my calculations which accord with revealed
inspiration, that with the aid of this hidden element manifested      inspiration, because now the sword of death approaches us,
by God, there are two principal factors which make up the             with pestilence and war more horrible than there has ever
prophet's intelligence.                                               been - because of three men's work - and famine. And this
                                                                      sword shall smite the earth and return to it often, for the
The first is when the supernatural light fills and illuminates the    stars confirm this upheaval and it is also written: "I shall
person who predicts by astral science, while the second allows        punish their injustices with iron rods, and shall strike them
him to prophesy through inspired revelation, which is only a          with blows."
part of the divine eternity, whereby the prophet comes to
assess what his divinatory power has given him through the            For God's mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time,
grace of God and by a natural gift, namely, that what is              my son, until the majority of my prophecies are fulfilled and
foretold is true and ethereal in origin.                              this fulfillment is complete. Then several times in the course
                                                                      of the doleful tempests the Lord shall say: Therefore I shall
And such a light and small flame is of great efficacy and scope,      crush and destroy and show no mercy; and many other
and nothing less than the clarity of nature itself. The light of      circumstances shall result from floods and continual rain of
human nature makes the philosophers so sure of themselves             which I have written more fully in my other prophecies,
that with the principles of the first cause they reach the loftiest   composed at some length, not in a chronological sequence, in
doctrines and the deepest abysses.                                    prose, limiting the places and times and exact dates so that
                                                                      future generations will see, while experiencing these
But my son, lest I venture too far for your future perception,        inevitable events, how I have listed others in clearer
be aware that men of letters shall make grand and usually             language, so that despite their obscurities these things shall
boastful claims about the way I interpreted the world, before         be understood: When the time comes for the removal of
the worldwide conflagration which is to bring so many                 ignorance, the matter will be clearer still.
catastrophes and such revolutions that scarcely any lands will
not be covered by water, and this will last until all has perished    So in conclusion, my son, take this gift from your father M.
save history and geography themselves. This is why, before            Nostradamus, who hopes you will understand each prophecy
and after these revolutions in various countries, the rains will      in every quatrain herein. May Immortal God grant you a long
be so diminished and such abundance of fire and fiery missiles        life of good and prosperous happiness.
shall fall from the heavens that nothing shall escape the
holocaust. And this will occur before the last conflagration.         Salon, 1 March 1555


C1Q1                                                           C1Q8
ESTANT assis de nuict secret estude,                           Combien de fois prinse cité solaire
Seul reposé sur la selle d'aerain:                             Seras, changeant ses loix barbares & vaines:
Flambe exigue sortant de solitude,                             Ton mal s'approche. Plus seras tributaires,
Fait prosperer qui n'est à croire vain.                        Le grand Hadrie recourira tes veines.

Being seated by night in secret study,                         How many times will you be taken, solar city,
alone resting on the brass stool:                              changing the barbarian and vain laws:
A slight flame coming forth from the solitude,                 Your evil approaches: You will be more tributary,
that which is not believed in vain is made to succeed.         the great Adria will re-cover your veins.

C1Q2                                                           C1Q9
La verge en main mise au milieu de Branches                    De l'Orient viendra le coeur Punique
De l'onde il mouille & le limbe & le pied:                     Fascher Hadrie, & les hoires Romulides,
Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches:                     Acompagne de la classe Libique,
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres s'assied.                      Temples Melites & proches Isles vuides.

With rod in hand set in the midst of Branchus,                 From the Orient will come the Punic heart
with the water he wets both limb and foot:                     to vex Adria and the heirs of Romulus,
Fearful, voice trembling through his sleeves:                  accompanied by the Libyan fleet,
Divine splendor. The divine seats himself near by.             Malta trembling and the neighboring isles empty.

C1Q3                                                           C1Q10
Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee,                        Serpens transmis en la cage de fer,
Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuers,                     Ou les enfans septains du Roy sont pris:
La republique par gens nouveaux vexee,                         Les vieux & peres sortiront bas de l'enfer,
Lors blancs & rouges jugeront à l'enuers.                      Ains mourir voir de fruict mort & cris.

When the litter is overturned by the whirlwind,                The serpent conveyed in the iron cage
and faces will be covered by their cloaks,                     where the seven children of the King are taken:
the republic will be vexed by new people,                      Their progenitors will come out from their underworld below,
then whites and reds will judge in contrary ways.              before dying seeing of their offspring death and cries.

C1Q4                                                           C1Q11
Par l'vnivers sera faict vn monarque,                          Le mouuement de sens, coeur pieds & mains,
Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement:                           Seront d'accord. Naples, Lyon, Sicile.
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,                            Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains,
Sera regie en plus grand detriment.                            Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile

In the world there will be one Monarch                         The motion of sense, heart, feet and hands
who will not long be in peace or alive:                        will be in accord. Naples, Leon, Sicily:
Then the fishing bark will be lost,                            Swords, fires, waters, then the noble Romans
it will be ruled to its greater detriment.                     submerged, killed, dead because of weak brain.

C1Q5                                                           C1Q12
Chassez seront pour faire long combat,                         Dans peu dira faulce brute fragile
Par les pays seront plus fort greuez:                          De bas en haut esleué promptement:
Bourg & cité auront plus grand debat.                          Puis en instant desloyale & labile,
Carcassonne. Narbonne auront coeur esprouuez                   Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement.

They will be driven away without much fighting,                In a short time a false, frail brute will lead,
they will be very much harried in the country:                 elevated quickly from low to high:
Town and city will have a greater debate:                      Then in an instant disloyal and labile,
Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried.         he who will have the government of Verona.

C1Q6                                                           C1Q13
L'oeil de Rauenne sera destitué,                               Les exilez par ire, haine intestine,
Quand à ses pieds les aisles failliront:                       Feront au Roy grand coniuration:
Les deux de Bresse auront constitué,                           Secret mettront ennemis par la mine,
Turin, Verseil que Gaulois fouleront.                          Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition.

The eye of Ravenna will be forsaken,                           The exiles because of anger and intestine hatred
when the wings give way at its feet:                           will bring a great conspiracy to bear against the King:
The two of Bresse will have made arrangements in               Secretly they will place enemies as a threat,
Turin and Vercelli, which the Gauls will trample.              and his own old ones against them sedition.

C1Q7                                                           C1Q14
Tard arriué l'execution faicte,                                De gent esclaue chansons, chants & requestes,
Le vent contraire lettres au chemin prinses:                   Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons:
Les coniurez XIIIJ. d'vne secte,                               A l'aduenir par idiots sans testes,
Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinses.                        Seront receus par diuines oraisons.

The arrival late, the execution completed,                     From the slavish people songs, chants and requests,
the wind contrary, the letters seized en route:                for Princes and Lords captives in the prisons:
The conspirators fourteen of a sect,                           In the future such by headless idiots
the enterprises by the wise Red-haired One.                    will be received as divine utterances.


C1Q15                                                           C1Q22
Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,                        Ce que viura & n'ayant aucun sens,
Septante fois fera le sang espandre:                            Viendront leser à mort son artifice:
Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique                                Autun, Chalon, Langres, & les deux Sens,
Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre.                  La gresle & glace fera grand malefice.

Mars menaces us with his warlike force,                         That which will live without having any sense,
seventy times will he cause blood to flow:                      its artifice will come to be fatally injured:
Rise and fall for the clergy and more for                       For Autun, Chalon, Langres and the two Sens,
those who will want to hear nothing from them.                  hail and ice will cause much evil.

C1Q16                                                           C1Q23
Faulx à l'estang ioinct vers le Sagittaire,                     Au mois troisiesme se leuant le Soleil,
En son haut AVGE de l'exaltation,                               Sanglier, Leopart, au champ mars pour côbatre
Peste, famine, mort de main militaire,                          Leopart laissé au ciel estend son oeil,
Le siecle approche de renouation.                               Vn Aigle autour du Soleil voyt s'esbatre.

The scythe joined with the pond towards Sagittarius             In the third month the Sun rising,
at the high point of its ascendant,                             the Boar and Leopard on the field of Mars to fight:
Plague, famine, death by military hand,                         The tired Leopard raises its eye to the heavens,
the century approaches its renewal.                             sees an Eagle playing around the Sun.

C1Q17                                                           C1Q24
Par quarante ans l'Iris n'apparoistra,                          A cité neuue pensif pour condamner,
Par quarante ans tous les iours sera veu:                       L'oisel de proye au ciel se vient offrir:
La terre aride en siccité croistra,                             Apres victoire à captifs pardonner,
Et grands deluges quand sera apperceu.                          Cremone & Mâtoue grâds maux aura souffert.

For forty years the rainbow will not appear,                    At the new city contemplating a condemnation,
for forty years it will be seen every day:                      the bird of prey comes to offer itself to the heavens:
The parched earth will wax more dry,                            after victory pardon to captives,
and great floods will accompany its appearance.                 Cremona and Mantua will have suffered great evils.

C1Q18                                                           C1Q25
Par la discorde Negligence Gauloise,                            Perdu trouué caché de si long siecle,
Sera passage à Mahommet ouuert:                                 Sera pasteur demy Dieu honnore:
De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoise,                          Ains que la Lune acheue son grand siecle,
Le port Phocen de voilles & nefs couuert.                       Par autres vents sera deshonnoré.

Because of the Gallic discord and negligence                    Lost, found, hidden for so long a time,
a passage will be opened to Mahomet:                            the pastor will be honored as a demigod:
The land and sea of Siena soaked in blood,                      Before the Moon finishes its full period
the Phocaean port covered with sails and ships.                 he will be dishonored by other winds.

C1Q19                                                           C1Q26
Lors que serpens viendront circuer l'are,                       Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne,
Le sang Troyen vexé par les Espaignes:                          Mal, & predict par porteur postulaire:
Par eux grand nombre en sera faicte tare,                       Suiuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne,
Chef fruit, caché aux mares dans les saignes.                   Conflict Reims, Londres, Ettrusque pestifere.

When the serpents will come to encompass the altar,             The great one of the lighting falls in the daytime,
the Trojan blood will be vexed by the Spaniards:                evil predicted by the bearer of demands:
Because of them a great number will be made to suffer for it,   According to the prediction he falls in the nighttime.
the chief flees, hidden in the marshes.                         Conflict at Reims, London, Tuscan plague.

C1Q20                                                           C1Q27
Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims & Nantes,                  Dessouz le chaine Guien du ciel frappé,
Cités vexees par subit changement.                              Non loing de là est caché le thresor:
Par langues estranges seront tenduës tentes,                    Qui par longs siecles auoit esté grappé,
Fleuues, dards Renes terre & mer tremblement.                   Trouué mourra, l'oeil creué de ressort.

Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes,                Under the oak tree of Guienne struck from the sky,
cities vexed through sudden change:                             not far from there is the treasure hidden:
Tents will be pitched by those of foreign tongues,              He who for long centuries had been gathered,
rivers, darts at Rennes trembling of the land and sea.          found he will perish, his eye put out by a spring.

C1Q21                                                           C1Q28
Profonde argille blanche nourrit rocher,                        La tour de Boucq craindra fuste Barbare,
Qui d'vn abysme istra lacticineuse,                             Vn temps, long temps apres barque hesperique:
En vain troublez ne l'oseront toucher,                          Bestail, gens, meubles, tous deux ferôt grâd tare,
Ignorant estre au fond terre argilleuse.                        Taurus, & Libra, quelle mortelle picque?

Deep white clay nourishes the rock,                             The tower of Bouc will fear the Barbarian foist,
which from an abyss will go forth milky,                        then much later, the Hesperian bark:
needlessly troubled they will not dare touch it,                Cattle, people, chattels, both cause great waste,
unaware that the earth at the bottom is clayish.                bull and balance, what a mortal quarrel!


C1Q29                                                           C1Q36
Quand le poisson terrestre & aquatique                          Tard le monarque se viendra repentir,
Par forte vague au grauier sera mis,                            De n'auoir mis à mort son aduersaire:
Sa forme estrange suaue & horrifique,                           Mais viendra bien à plus haut consentir,
Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemis.                         Que tout son sang par mort fera deffaire.

When the terrestrial and aquatic fish                           Too late the monarch will repent
will be put upon the beach by a strong wave,                    of not having put to death his adversary:
its form strange, attractive and frightful,                     but he will come to consent to a much greater thing,
by sea the enemies very soon at the walls.                      that of killing off all his blood.

C1Q30                                                           C1Q37
La nef estrange par le tourment marin,                          Vn peu deuant que le Soleil s'absconde,
Abordera pres de port incogneu:                                 Conflict donné, grand peuple dubiteux:
Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin,                           Profligez, port marin ne faict response,
Apres mort pille bon aduis tard venu.                           Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux

Because of the stormy seas the strange ship                     Shortly before the Sun sets,
will approach an unknown port,                                  battle is given a great people in doubt:
notwithstanding the signals from the branch of palm,            Ruined, the marine port makes no reply,
after death, pillage: good advice given late.                   bridge and sepulchre in two strange places.

C1Q31                                                           C1Q38
Tant d'ans en Gaule les guerres dureront,                       Le Sol & l'Aigle au victeur paroistront,
Outre la course du Castulon monarque:                           Response vaine au vaincu l'on asseure:
Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront,                     Par cor ne crys harnois n'arresteront,
Aigle, Coq, Lune, Lyon, Soleil en marque.                       Vindicte paix par mors si acheue à l'heure.

The wars in Gaul will last for many years,                      The Sun and the Eagle will appear as victor,
beyond the course of the monarch of Castulo:                    the vanquished is reassured with a vain reply:
uncertain victory will crown three great ones,                  with hue and cry they will not cease arming,
the Eagle, Cock, Moon, Lion, Sun engraved.                      revenge, because of death peace made right on schedule.

C1Q32                                                           C1Q39
Le grand Empire sera tost translaté                             De nuict dans lict le supresme estranglé,
En lieu petit, qui bien tost viendra croistre,                  Pour trop auoir seiourné blond esleu.
Lieu bien infime d'exigue comté,                                Par trois l'Empire subrogé exanclé,
Où au milieu viendra poser son sceptre.                         A mort mettra carte, & pacquet ne leu.

The great empire will soon be transferred                       By night the highest one strangled in bed
to a little place which will very soon come to grow:            because the blond elect had tarried to long.
a very lowly place in a petty country                           the Empire enslaved by three in substitution,
in the middle of which he will come to lay down his sceptre.    put to death with document and packet unread.

C1Q33                                                           C1Q40
Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse,                       La trombe fausse dissimulant folie,
Le grand Lyon par forces Cesarees,                              Fera Bisance vn changement de loix,
Fera abbatre hors cité rigoreuse,                               Histra d'Egypte qui veut que l on délie
Par effroy portes luy seront reserrees.                         Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys.

Near a great bridge of a spacious plain,                        The false trumpet concealing madness
the great Lion with Imperial forces,                            will bear Byzantium a change of laws:
he will cause a felling outside the austere city,               from Egypt there will go forth one who wants withdrawl of
because of fear the gates will be opened to him.                Edicts debasing the quality of coins.

C1Q34                                                           C1Q41
L'oyseau de proye volant à la senestre,                         Siege en cité est de nuict assaillie,
Auant conflict faict aux François pareure:                      Peu eschappé, non loin de mer conflict:
L'vn bon prendra, l'vn ambigue sinistre,                        Femme de ioye, retours fils defaillie,
La partie foible tiendra par bon augure.                        Poison & lettres cachees dans le plic.

The bird of prey flying to the left side,                       City besieged, and assaulted by night,
before the conflict preparation made by the French:             few escaped: conflict not far from the sea:
One will take it for good, another for ambiguous,               on the return of her son a woman fainting from joy,
the weak party will hold it as a good omen.                     poison and letters hidden in the fold.

C1Q35                                                           C1Q42
Le lyon ieune le vieux surmontera,                              Le dix Calendes d'Auril de faict Gotique,
En champ bellique par singulier duelle:                         Resuscité encor par gens malins:
Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera,                            Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique,
Deux classes vne, puis mourir, mort cruelle.                    Cherchant les os du d'Amant & Pselin.

The young lion will overcome the old one                        The tenth of the Calends of April of Gothic count
on the field of battle in single combat:                        revived again by wicked folk:
He will put out his eyes in a cage of gold:                     the fire put out, diabolic assembly
Two fleets one, then to die a cruel death.                      searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus.


C1Q43                                                               C1Q50
Auant qu'aduienne le changement d'Empire,                           De l'aquatique triplicité naistra,
Il aduiendra vn cas bien merueilleux:                               D'vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste:
Le champ mué, le pillier de porphire,                               Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra,
Mis, translaté sus le rocher noilleux.                              Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste.

Before the change of Empire occurs,                                 Of the aquatic triplicity there will be born
a very marvelous event will take place:                             one who will make of Thursday his holiday:
the field moved, the pillar of porphyry                             his fame, praise, rule and power will grow,
placed, transferred onto the knotty rock.                           by land and sea a tempest to the East.

C1Q44                                                               C1Q51
En bref seront de retour sacrifices,                                Chef d'Aries, Iupiter, & Saturne,
Contreuenans seront mis à martyre:                                  Dieu eternel quelles mutations?
Plus ne seront moines, abbes, ne nouices,                           Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne
Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire.                           Gaule & Italie, quelles esmotions?

In short sacrifices will be resumed,                                Jupiter and Saturn in the head of Aries,
transgressors will be put to martyrdom:                             Eternal God, what changes!
no longer will there be monks, abbots or novices:                   Then for a long age his wicked time returns,
honey will be much more expensive than wax.                         Gaul and Italy, what disturbance.

C1Q45                                                               C1Q52
Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur,                          Les deux malins de Scorpion conioinct,
Beste en theatre dressé le ieu scenique,                            Le grand Seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle:
Du faict antique ennobly l'inuenteur,                               Peste à l'Eglise par le nouueau Roy ioinct,
Par sectes monde confus & schismatiques.                            L'Europe basse & Septentrionale.

Founder of sects much grief to the accuser:                         The two wicked ones conjoined in Scorpio,
Beast in the theater, the pantomine prepared:                       the Grand Seignior murdered in his hall:
the inventor exalted by the ancient fact,                           Plague to the Church by the King newly joined,
the world confused and schismatic because of sects.                 Europe low and northerly.

C1Q46                                                               C1Q53
Tout apres d'Aux de Lestore & Mirande                               Las! qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté,
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuicts tombera:                          Et la loy saincte en totale ruine,
Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande,                            Par autres loix toute la Chrestienté,
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera.                                  Quand d'or d'argent trouue nouuelle mine.

Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande                                Alas! a great people will one see tormented
great fire will fall from the sky for three nights:                 and the holy law in utter ruin,
a very stupendous and marvelous event will occur:                   other laws throughout all Christendom,
very soon after the earth will tremble.                             when a new mine of gold and silver is discovered.

C1Q47                                                               C1Q54
Du lac Leman les sermons fascheront,                                Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere,
Des iours seront reduits par des sepmaines,                         De regne & siecles faict permutation:
Puis moys, puis an, puis tous failliront,                           Le mobil signe à son endroit si ingere,
Les Magistras danneront leur loix vaines.                           Aux deux esgaux & d'inclination.

The sermons from the Lake of Geneva annoying,                       Two revolutions made by the wicked scythe-bearer,
from days they will grow into weeks,                                change made in realm and centuries:
then months, then years, then all will fail,                        the movable sign so intrusive in its place
the Magistrates will damn their useless laws.                       to the two equal and like-minded.

C1Q48                                                               C1Q55
Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez,                               Soubs l'opposite climat Babilonique,
Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:                            Grande sera de sang effusion,
Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lassez:                           Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique,
Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.                                 Sectes, faim, regnes pestes, confusion.

Twenty years of the reign of the Moon passed,                       Under the climate opposite to the Babylonian
Seven thousand years another will hold its monarchy:                their will be great effusion of blood,
when the Sun will take its tired days                               the unrighteous will be on land and sea, in air and sky,
then is accomplished and finished my prophecy.                      Sects, famine, realms, plagues, confusion.

C1Q49                                                               C1Q56
Baucoup auant telles menees,                                        Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change,
Ceux d'Orient par la vertu lunaire:                                 Horreurs extremes & vindications:
L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenees,                          Que si la Lune conduite par son ange,
Subiungant presques le coing Aquilonaire.                           Le ciel s'approche des inclinations.

Very much before such intrigues                                     You will see great change made soon and late,
those of the East by virtue of the Moon:                            extreme horrors and vengeances.
the year 1700 they will cause great ones to be carried off,         Because as the Moon is conducted by its angel,
almost subjugating the Aquilon corner.                              the Sun is approaching its inclinations.


C1Q57                                                          C1Q64
Par grand discord la trombe tremblera,                         De nuict Soleil penseront avoir veu.
Accord rompu dressant la teste au ciel,                        Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra:
Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera,                          Bruit chant, bataille au ciel batre apperceu,
Au sol la face ointe de laict & miel.                          Et bestes brutes à parler lon orra.

Through great dissension the earth will tremble,               They will think they have seen the Sun at night
harmony broken lifting its head to heaven:                     when they will see the pig half-man:
the bloody mouth will swim in the blood,                       noise, song, battle, fighting in the sky perceived,
on the ground the face anointed with milk and honey.           and one will hear brute beasts talking.

C1Q58                                                          C1Q65
Tranché le ventre naistra auec deux testes,                    Enfant sans mains iamais veu si grand foudre,
Et quatre bras: quelques ans entiers viura                     L'enfant Royal au ieu d'oesteuf blessé:
Iour qui Alquiloye celebrera ses festes,                       Au puy brises fulgures allant mouldre,
Fossen, Turin, chef Ferrare suiura.                            Trois souz les chaines par le milieu troussés.

The belly cut, it will be born with two heads                  Child without hands never was so great a thunderbolt seen:
and four arms: several years it will live intact:              the royal child wounded at the game of tennis.
the day on which Aquileia will celebrate its feasts,           On the hill fractures: lightning going to grind:
Fossano, Turin, the chief of Ferrara will follow.              Three under the oaks trussed up in the middle.

C1Q59                                                          C1Q66
Les exilez deportez dans les isles,                            Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles
Au changement d'vn plus cruel monarque                         Apres vn peu il viendra respirer,
Seront meurtris, & mis deux les scintiles,                     Viuiers, Tournon, Montferrant & Pradelles,
Qui de parler ne seront estez parques.                         Gresle & tempestes les fera souspirer.

The exiles transported to the isles,                           He who then will bear the news,
at the advent of a more cruel monarch,                         he will shortly after come to rest.
will be murdered, and burnt two                                Viviers, Tournon, Montferrand and Pradelles,
who had not been sparing with their speech.                    hail and storms will make them sigh.

C1Q60                                                          C1Q67
Vn Empereur naistra pres d'Italie,                             La grand famine que ie sens approcher,
Qui à l'Empire sera vendu bien cher:                           Souuent tourner, puis estre vniuerselle,
Diront auec quels gens il se ralie,                            Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher
Qu'on trouuera moins prince que boucher.                       Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle.

An Emperor will be born near Italy,                            The great famine that I sense approaching,
one who will cost his Empire a high price:                     often turning, then becoming universal,
they will say that from the sort of people who surround him    so great and long that one will come to pull out
he is to be found less prince than butcher.                    roots from woods, and babe from breast.

C1Q61                                                          C1Q68
La republique miserable infelice                               O quel horrible & malheureux teurment,
Sera vastee du nouueau magistrat:                              Trois innocens qu'on viendra à liurer
Leur grand amas de l'exil malefice                             Poison suspecte, mal gardé tradiment.
Fera Sueue rauir leur grand contract.                          Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyurez.

The miserable unhappy republic                                 Oh, what a horrible and miserable torment,
will be ruined by the new magistrate:                          three innocent ones whom one will come to deliver.
their great accumulation in wicked exile                       Poison suspected, poorly guarded betrayal:
will cause the Suevi to tear up their great contract.          delivered to horror by drunken executioners.

C1Q62                                                          C1Q69
La grande perte, las! que feront les lettres,                  La grand montagne ronde de sept stades,
Auant le cicle de Latona parfaict:                             Apres paix, guerre, faim, inodation,
Feu grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres,                    Roulera loin abismant grands contrades,
Que de long siecle ne se verra refaict.                        Mesmes antiques, & grands fondation.

Alas! What a great loss will letters suffer,                   The great round mountain of seven stades,
before the cycle of Latona is completed:                       after peace, war, famine, flood,
fire, great deluge more through ignorant rulers                it will roll far sinking great countries,
than will be seen made up for a long time.                     even the ancient ones, and of great foundation.

C1Q63                                                          C1Q70
Les fleurs passees diminue le monde,                           Pluye, faim, guerre en Perse non cessee,
Long temps la paix terres inhabitees:                          La foy trop grand trahira le monarque:
Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer & onde,                     Par la finie en Gaule commencee,
Puis de nouueau les guerres suscitees.                         Secret augure pour à vn estre parque.

The scourges passed the world shrinks,                         Rain, famine, war in Persia not over,
for a long time peace and populated lands:                     the too great faith will betray the monarch,
one will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave,             finished there begun in Gaul:
then the wars stirred up anew.                                 secret sign for one to be moderate.


C1Q71                                                                 C1Q78
La tour marine troys foys prise & reprise,                            D'vn chef vieillard naistra sens hebeté,
Par Espagnols, Barbares, Ligurains:                                   Degenerant par sçavoir & par armes:
Marseille & Aix, Arles par ceux de Pise,                              Le chef de France par sa soeur redouté,
Vast, feu, fer pillé Auignon des Thurins.                             Champs diuisez, concedez aux gendarmes.

The marine tower thrice taken and retaken                             He will be born of an old chief with dulled senses,
by Spaniards, Barbarians and Ligurians:                               degenerating in knowledge and in arms:
Marseilles and Aix, Arles by those of Pisa.                           The chief of France feared by his sister,
Devastation, fire, swords, Avignon pillaged by Turinese.              fields divided, granted to the troops.

C1Q72                                                                 C1Q79
Du tout Marseille des habitans changee,                               Bazaz, Lestore, Condon, Ausch, Agine,
Course & poursuite iusqu'au pres de Lyon,                             Esmeus par loix, querelle & monopole:
Narbon, Tholouse par Bourdeaux outragee,                              Car Bourd. Tholouse, Bay mettra en ruine:
Tuez captifs presque d'vn milion.                                     Renouueller voulant leur tauropole.

The inhabitants of Marseilles completely changed,                     Bazas, Lectoure, Condom, Auch, Agen
flight and pursuit up to near Lyons.                                  moved by laws, quarrel and monopoly:
Narbonne, Toulouse wronged by Bordeaux:                               For Bordeaux Toulous Bayonne will ruin:
Killed and captives nearly a million.                                 Wishing to renew their bull-sacrifice.

C1Q73                                                                 C1Q80
France à cinq pars par neglect assaillie,                             De la sixiesme claire splendeur celeste,
Tunys, Argel esmeuz par Persiens:                                     Viendra tonner si fort en la Bourgongne,
Leon, Seuille, Barcellonne faillie,                                   Puis naistra monstre de tres hideuse beste:
N'aura la classe par les Venitiens.                                   Mars, Auril, May, Iuin, grâd charpin & rongne.

France because of negligence assailed on five sides,                  From the sixth bright celestial splendor
Tunis, Algiers stirred up by Persians:                                it will come to thunder very fiercely in Burgundy:
Leon, Seville, Barcelona having failed,                               Then of a very hideous beast will be born a monster.
for the Venetians there will be no fleet.                             March, April, May, June great tearing and clipping.

C1Q74                                                                 C1Q81
Apres seiourné vogueront en Epire,                                    D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis à part,
Le grand secours viendra vers Anthioche.                              De iugement & conseil separez:
Le noir poil crespe tendra fort à l'Empire,                           Leur sort sera diuisé en depart,
Barbe d'aerain se rostira en broche.                                  Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors bannis esgarez.

After having tarried they will wander into Epirus:                    Nine will be set aside from the human flock,
The great relief will come towards Antioch,                           removed from judgment and counsel:
the black frizzled hair will strive strongly for the Empire:          Their fate will be determined on departure,
Bronzebeard will roast him on a spit.                                 Kappa, Thita, Lambda, dead, banished, astray.

C1Q75                                                                 C1Q82
Le tyran Sienne occupera Sauonne,                                     Quand les colonnes de bois grande tremblee,
Le fort gaigné tiendra classe marine:                                 D'Auster conduite, couuerte de rubriche:
Les deux armees par la marque d'Anconne,                              Tant vuidera dehors grande assemblee,
Par effrayeur le chef s'en examine.                                   Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche.

The tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona:                               When the columns of wood trembling greatly,
The fort won he will hold the marine fleet:                           led by the South Wind, covered with red ochre:
The two armies for the march of Ancona,                               A very great assembly will empty outside,
because of terror chief examines his conscience about it.             Vienna and the land of Austria will tremble.

C1Q76                                                                 C1Q83
D'vn nom farouche tel proferé sera,                                   La gent estrange diuisera butins,
Que les trois seurs auront fato le nom:                               Saturne en Mars son regard furieux:
Puis grand peuple par langue & faict dira                             Horrible estrange aux Toscans & Latins,
Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.                                Grecs qui seront à frapper curieux.

With a name so wild will he be brought forth                          The strange nation will divide spoils,
that the three sisters will have the name for destiny:                Saturn in Mars his aspect furious:
Then he will lead a great people by tongue and deed,                  Horrible slaughter of the Tuscans and Latins,
more than any other will he have fame and renown.                     Greeks, who will desire to strike.

C1Q77                                                                 C1Q84
Entre deux mers dressera promontoire,                                 Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres,
Que puis mourra par le mors du cheual:                                Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine:
Le sien Neptune pliera voile noire,                                   Le grand caché long temps sous les tenebres,
Par Calpre & classe aupres de Rocheual.                               Tiedera fer dans la playe sanguine.

Between two seas he will erect a promontory                           The Moon hidden in deep shadows,
he who will then die by the bite of a horse:                          her brother passes with rusty color:
The proud Neptune will fold the black sail,                           The great one hidden for a long time under the eclipses,
through Gibraltar and the fleet near Rocheval.                        iron will cool in the bloody wound.

                                                                       ~ 10

C1Q85                                                                 C1Q92
Par la response de dame Roy troublé,                                  Souz vn la paix par tout sera clamee,
Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie:                                   Mais non long temps pille, & rebellion,
Le grand ses freres contrefera doublé,                                Par refus ville, terre & mer entamee,
Par deux mourront ire, haine & enuie.                                 Morts & captifs le tiers d'vn million.

Because of the lady's reply, the King troubled:                       Under one peace will be proclaimed everywhere,
Ambassadors will take their lives in their hands:                     but not long after pillage and rebellion,
The great one doubly will imitate his brothers,                       because of a refusal town, land and sea encroached upon,
two who will die through anger, hatred and envy.                      dead and captives one third of a million.

C1Q86                                                                 C1Q93
La grande Royne quand se verra vaincue,                               Terre Italique pres monts tremblera,
Fera excés de masculin courage,                                       Lyon & Coq non trop confederez,
Sur cheual, fleuue passera toute nue,                                 En lieu de peur l'vn l'autre s'aidera,
Suite par fer: à foy fera outrage.                                    Seul Catulon & Celtes moderez.

The great Queen when she shall see herself vanquished                 The land of Italy will tremble near the mountains,
will act with an excess of masculine courage:                         Lion and Cock not too well confederated,
On horseback, she will pass over the river entirely naked,            in place of fear they will help each other,
pursued by the sword: it will mark an outrage to faith.               only Castulo and the Celts moderate.

C1Q87                                                                 C1Q94
Ennosigee feu du centre de terre,                                     Au port Selin le tyran mis à mort,
Fera trembler autour de cité neuue                                    La liberté non pourtant recouuree:
Deux grâds rochers long têps feront la guerre,                        Le nouueau Mars par vindicte & remort,
Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue.                                 Dame par force de frayeur honoree.

Volcanic fire from the center of the earth                            At Port Selin the tyrant put to death
will cause trembling around the new city:                             liberty nevertheless not recovered:
Two great rocks will make war for a long time.                        The new Mars because of vengeance and remorse,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.                                the Lady honored through force of terror.

C1Q88                                                                 C1Q95
Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince,                              Deuant moustier trouué enfant besson,
Vn peu deuant aura femme espousee,                                    D'heroic sang de moine & vetustique:
Son appuy & credit à vn coup viendra mince,                           Son bruit par secte langue & puissance son,
Conseil mourra pour la teste rasee.                                   Qu'on dira fort esleué le vopisque.

The divine sickness will surprise the great Prince                    A twin child found before the monastery
shortly before he will have married a woman,                          one of the ancient and heroic blood of a monk:
his support and credit will suddenly become slim,                     His fame, renown and power through sect and tongue
counsel will perish for the shaven head.                              Such that one will say the perfect twin has been well raised.

C1Q89                                                                 C1Q96
Tous ceux de Ilerde seront dans la Moselle,                           Celuy qu'aura la charge de destruire
Mettant à mort tous ceux de Loire & Seine:                            Temples, & sectes, changez par fantasie:
Le cours marin viendra pres d'haute velle,                            Plus au rochers qu'aux viuans viendra nuire,
Quand Espagnols ouurira toute veine.                                  Par langue ornee d'oreilles rassasie.

All those from Lerida will be in Moselle,                             He who will have charge of destroying
putting to death all those from the Loire and Seine:                  temples and sects, changed through fantasy:
Marine relief will come near the high wall                            He will come to do more harm to rocks than to living people
when the Spaniards open every vein.                                   because of the din in his ears of a polished tongue.

C1Q90                                                                 C1Q97
Bourdeaux, Poitiers au son de la campane,                             Ce que fer, flamme n'a sçeu paracheuer,
A grande classe ira iusqu'à l'Angon,                                  La douce langue au conseil viendra faire:
Contre Gaulois sera leur tramontane,                                  Par repos, songe, le Roy fera resuer,
Quand monstre hideux naistra pres de Orgô.                            Plus l'ennemy en feu, sang militaire.

Bordeaux, Poitiers at the sound of the tocsin,                        That which fire and sword did not know how to accomplish,
with a great fleet one will go as far as Langon,                      the smooth tongue in council will come to achieve:
their north wind will be against the Gauls,                           Through repose, a dream, the King will be made to meditate,
when a hideous monster will be born near Orgon.                       the enemy more in fire and military blood.

C1Q91                                                                 C1Q98
Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence,                               Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny
Ce qu'ils seront autheurs de grand conflict:                          Loing de son ciel, de moeurs & langue estrange,
Auant ciel veu serain espee & lance,                                  Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy,
Que vers main gauche sera plus grand afflict.                         Le chef fuyant sauué en marine grange.

The Gods will make it appear to the mortals                           The chief who will have led an infinite people
that they will be the authors of the great conflict:                  far from skies of their own, of customs and tongue strange:
Sword and lance before the sky is seen serene,                        Five thousand finished in Crete and Thessaly,
so that there will be a greater affliction to the left hand.          the chief fleeing saved in a marine barn.

                                                                     ~ 11

C1Q99                                                            C2Q6
Le grand monarque que fera compagnie                             Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez
Auec deux Roys vnis par amitié:                                  Seront deux fleaux, & onc n'apperceut vn tel,
O quel souspir fera la grand mesgnie,                            Faim, dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez,
Enfants Narbon à l'entour quel pitié.                            Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.

The great monarch who will make company                          Near the gates and within the cities
with two Kings united by friendship:                             there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,
Oh, what a sigh will the great host make,                        famine within plague, people put out by steel,
children around Narbonne, what a pity.                           crying to the great immortal God for relief.

C1Q100                                                           C2Q7
Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oyseau,                         Entre plusieurs aux isles deportez,
Aupres de Dole & de Toscane terre:                               L'vn estre nay à deux dents en la gorge
Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau,                               Mourront de faim les arbres esbrotez,
Mourra tost grand & finira la guerre.                            Pour eux neuf Roy, nouuel edict leur forge.

For a long time a gray bird will be seen in the sky              Amongst several transported to the isles,
near Dole and Tuscan land:                                       one to be born with two teeth in his mouth
Holding in its beak a verdant sprig,                             they will die of famine the trees stripped,
soon the great one will die and the war will end.                for them a new King issues a new edict.
C2Q1                                                             Temples sacrez prime façon Romaine,
VERS Aquitaine par insuls Britanniques                           Reietteront les gofres fondements,
De par eux-mesmes grandes incursions                             Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines,
Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques,                          Chassant non tout des saincts les cultements.
Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions.
                                                                 Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner,
Towards Aquitaine by the British isles                           they will reject the excess foundations,
by these themselves great incursions.                            taking their first and humane laws,
Rains, frosts will make the soil uneven,                         chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints.
Port Selyn will make mighty invasions.
C2Q2                                                             Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra,
La teste bleue fera la teste blanche                             Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire,
Autant de mal, que France a faict leur bien:                     Pour luy grandpeuple sans foy & loy mourra,
Mort à l'anthene, grand pendu sus la branche,                    Tué par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire.
Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien.
                                                                 Nine years the lean one will hold the realm in peace,
The blue head will inflict upon the white head                   then he will fall into a very bloody thirst:
as much evil as France has done them good:                       Because of him a great people will die without faith and law
Dead at the sail-yard the great one hung on the branch,          killed by one far more good-natured.
when seized by his own the King will say how much.
C2Q3                                                             Auant long temps le tout sera rangé,
Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer,                              Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre,
De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits:                            L'estat des masques & des seuls bien changé.
Les habitans les viendront entamer,                              Peu trouueront qu'à son rang veuille estre.
Quand Rhod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.
                                                                 Before long all will be set in order,
Because of the solar heat on the sea                             we will expect a very sinister century,
of Euboea the fishes half cooked:                                the state of the masked and solitary ones much changed,
The inhabitants will come to cut them,                           few will be found who want to be in their place.
when the biscuit will fail Rhodes and Genoa.
C2Q4                                                             Le prochain fils de l'aisnier paruiendra
Depuis Monach iusqu'aupres de Sicille,                           Tant esleué iusqu'au regne des fors:
Toute la plage demourra desolee:                                 Son aspre gloire vn chacun craindra,
Il n'y aura fauxbourgs, cité, ne ville,                          Mais ses enfans du regne gettez hors.
Que par Barbares pillee soit & vollee.
                                                                 The nearest son of the elder will attain
From Monaco to near Sicily                                       very great height as far as the realm of the privileged:
the entire coast will remain desolated:                          Everyone will fear his fierce glory,
There will remain there no suburb, city or town                  but his children will be thrown out of the realm.
not pillaged and robbed by the Barbarians.
C2Q5                                                             Yeux clos ouuerts d'antique fantasie,
Qu'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee,                       L'habit des seuls seront mis à neant:
Hors sortira, qui puis fera la guerre,                           Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie,
Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee,                               Ravir des temples le thresor par deuant.
Apparoissant pres de Latine terre.
                                                                 Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy,
That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish,             the garb of the monks they will be put to naught:
out will go one who will then make war,                          The great monarch will chastise their frenzy,
he will have his fleet well rowed by sea,                        Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples.
appearing near Latin land.

                                                                  ~ 12
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert
The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert

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The complete prophecies of nostradamus by diobert

  • 1. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** cause de faire retirer ma langue au populaire, & la plume au papier, -- puis me suis voulu estendre declarant pour le commun aduenement par obstruses & perplexes sentences les causes futures, mesmes les plus vrgentes, & celles que i'ay apperceu, quelque humaine mutation qu'aduienne ne scandaliser l'auriculaire fragilite, & le tout escrit soubs figure nubileuse plus que du tout prophetique, -- côbien que, Abscondisti haec à sapien- tibus , et prudentibus , id est , potentibus et regibus , et enucleasti ea exiguis et tenuibus : & aux Prophetes par le moyê de Dieu immortel, & des bons Anges ont receu l'esprit de vaticination, par lequel ils voyent les choses loingtaines, & viennent à preuoir les futurs aduenemens: -- car rien ne se peut paracheuer sans luy, ausquels si grande est la puissance, & la bôté aux subiets que pendant qu'ils demeurent en eux, toutesfois aux autres effects sub- iects pour la similitude de la cause du bon genius, celle chaleur & puissâce vaticinatrice s'approche de nous, comme il nous aduient des rayons du Soleil qui viennent iettât leur influence aux corps elementaires, & non elementaires. -- Quand à nous qui sommes humains, ne pouuons rien de nostre naturelle cognoissance & inclination d'engin, cognoistre des secrets obstruses de Dieu le Createur. Quia nô est nostrû noscere tempora , nec momenta , &c. -- Combien qu'aussi de present peuuent aduenir & estre personnages, que Dieu le createur aye voulu reueler par imaginatiues impres- siôs quelques secrets de l'aduenir, accordez à l'astrologie iudicielle comme du passé que certaine puissance & volontaire faculté venoit par eux, côme flambe de feu apparoir, que luy inspirant on venoit à iuger les diuines & humaines inspiratiôs. -- Car les oeu- ures diuines, que totalement sont absolues Dieu les viêt parache- uer: la moyêne qui est au milieu les Anges: la troisiesme les mauuais: -- Mais mon fils ie te parle cy vn peu trop obstruse- ment: -- mais quant aux occultes vaticinations qu'on vient à re- ceuoir par le subtil esprit du feu, qui quelquefois par PREFACE DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS l'entende- ment agité, contemplant le plus haut des Astres, comme estant vigilant, mesmes qu'aux prononciations, estant A SES PROPHETIES. surprins escrits prononçât sans crainte moins attainct d'inuerecôde loquacité mais quoy tout procedoit de la Ad Caesarem Nostradamum filium, Vie et felicite. puissance diuine du grand Dieu eternel, de qui toute bonté procede. -- Encores, mon fils, que i'aye inseré le nom de Ton tard aduenemêt, Cesar Nostradame mon fils, m'a faict prophete, ie ne me veux attribuer tiltre de si haute sublimité mettre mô long temps par côtinuelles vigilatiôs nocturnes pour le temps present: car qui Propheta dicitur hodie , olim referer par escript toy delaisser memoire, apres la corporelle vocabatur videns : car Prophete proprement mon fils, est extinction de ton progeniteur au commun proffit des humains, celuy qui voit choses lointaines de la cognoissance naturelle de ce que la Diuine essence par Astronomiques revolutions de toute creature. -- Et cas aduenant que le Prophete m'ót dôné cognois- sance. -- Et depuis qu'il a pleu au Dieu moyenant la parfaicte lumiere de la Prophetie luy apparaire immortel que tu ne sois venu en naturelle lumiere dâs ceste manifestement des choses diuines, comme humaines, que ce terrene plaige, & ne veux dire tes ans qui ne sont encores ne se peut faire, veu que les effects de la future prediction accompagnez, mais tes mois Martiaux incapables à receuoir s'étendent loing. -- car les se- crets de Dieu dedans ton debile entendement ce que ie seray contrainct incomprehensibles, & la vertu effectrice contingent de longue apres mes iours definer: -- veu qu'il n'est possible te laisser estendue de la cognoissance naturelle, prenant leur plus par escrit, ce que seroit par l'iniure du temps obliteré: car la prochain origine du liberal arbitre, fait apparoir les causes qui parolle hereditaire de l'occulte prediction sera dans mon esto- d'elles mesmes ne peuuent acquerir celle notice pour estre mach intercluse: -- considerât aussi les aduentures de co- gneues, ne par les humains augures, ne par autre l'humain definement estre incertaines, & que le tout est regi & cognoissance ou vertu occulte: comprinse soubs la concauité gouuerné par la puissance de Dieu inestimable, nous inspirant du ciel mesme du faict present de la totale Eternité, que vient non par bac- chante fureur, ne par limphatique mouuement, en soy embrasser tout le temps. -- Mais moyennant quelque mais par astrono- miques assertions. -- Soli numine divino indiuisible eternité par, comitiale agitation Hiracliêne, les afflati praesagiunt et spiritu prophetico particularia : -- causes par le celeste mouuemêt sont cogneuës. -- Ie ne dis Combien que de long temps par plu- sieurs fois i'ay predict pas, mon fils, à fin que bien l'entendez, que la cognoissance long temps auparauant ce que depuis est aduenu, & en de ceste matiere ne se peut encores imprimer dans ton debile particulieres regions attribuant le tout estre faict par la vertu & cerueau, que les causes futures bien loingtaines ne soyent à inspiration diuine & autres felices & sinistres aduen- tures de la cognoissance de la creature raisonable: si sont nonob- acceleree promptitude pronôcees que depuis sont adue- nues stant bonnemêt la creature de l'ame intellectuelle des choses par les climats du monde -- ayant voulu taire & delaisser pour pre- sentes loingtaines ne luy sont du tout ne trop occultes, cause de l'iniure, & non tant seulement du temps present, ne trop reserées: -- mais la parfaicte des causes notices ne se mais aussi de la plus grande part du futur, de mettre par escrit peut acquerir sans celle diuine inspiration: veu que toute pource que les regnes, sectes & religions feront changes si inspiration prophetique reçoit prenant son principal principe oppo- sites, voire au respect du present diametralement, -- mouuant de Dieu le createur, puis de l'heur & de nature. -- que si ie venois à referer ce qu'à l'aduenir sera, ceux de regne, Parquoy estant les causes indiffe- rentes indifferentement secte reli- gion, & foy trouueroyent si mal accordant à leur produictes, & non produictes, le presage partie aduient, ou a fantaisie auri- culaire, qu'ils viendroyent à damner ce que par esté predict. -- Car l'entendemêt creé intel- lectuellement ne les siecles aduenir on cognoistra estre veu & apperceu. -- peut voir occultement, sinon par la voix faicte au lymbe Considerant aussi la sen- tence du vray Sauueur Nolite moyennât la exigue flame, en laquelle partie les causes sanctum dare canibus nec mittatis margaritas ante porcos ne futures se viendront à incliner. -- Et aussi mô fils, ie te suplie conculcêt pedibus et côuersi dirumpant vos . Qui a esté la ~1
  • 2. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** que iamais tu ne vueilles employer ton entendement à telles mis enogrophies & topographies que le tout ne soit pery, -- resue- ries & vanitez qui seichent le corps & mettent à aussi auant & apres telles inondatiôs, en plusieurs con- trees perdition l'ame, dônant trouble au foible sens: mesmes la les pluyes seront si exigues, & tôbera du ciel si grâde abon- vanité de la plus qu'exe- crable magie reprouuee iadis par les dance de feu & de pierre candentes, qu'il n'y demeurera riê sacrees escritures, & par les diuins canons -- au chef duquel qui ne soit consomme: & cecy aduenir en brief, & auant la est excepté le iugement de l'As- trologie iudicielle: par derniere conflagration: -- Car encore que la planette de Mars laquelle, & moyennant inspiration & reue- lation diuine par paracheue son siecle & à la fin de son dernier periode, si le continuelles supputations, auons nos propheties redigé par reprendra il: mais assemblez les vns en Aquarius par escrit. -- Et combien que celle occulte Philosophie ne fusse plusieurs annees, les autres en Cancer par plus longues & reprouué, n'ay oncque voulu presenter leurs effrenees per- continues. -- Et maintenant que nous sommes conduicts par suasions, combien que plusieurs volumes qui ont esté cachez la Lune, moyennant la totale puissâce de Dieu eternel, par longs siecles me sont este manifestez. -- Mais doutant ce qu'auant qu'elle aye paracheué son total circuit le Soleil qui aduiendroit, en ay faict apres la lecture presêt à Vulcan, viendra, & puis Saturne. -- Car selon les signes celestes, le que cepen- dant qu'il les venoit à deuorer, la flamme le regne de Saturne sera de retour, que le tout calculé, le seichant l'air rendoit vne clarté insolité, plus claire que monde s'approche, d'vne anaragonique reuolution: -- & que naturelle flamme, comme lu- miere de feu de clystre fulgurant, de present que cecy i'escrits auât cent septante sept ans trois illuminant subit la maison: comme si elle fust esté en subite mois vnze jours par pestilence, longue famine, & guerres, & conflagration. -- Parquoy à fin qu'à l'aduenir ne fussiez abuzé, plus par les inonda- tions le monde entre cy & ce terme perscrutant la parfaicte trâsfor- mation tant seline que prefix, auant & apres par plu- sieurs fois, sera si diminué, & si solitaire, & soubs terre metaux incorrup- tibles, & aux ondes peu de monde sera, que l'on ne treuuera qui vueille prendre ocultes, les ay en cendres conuertis. -- Mais quât au iugement les champs: qui deuiendront libres aussi longuement: qu' ils qui se vient paracheuer, moyennant le iugement celeste, cela ont été en seruitude -- & ce quât au visible iugement celeste, te veux ie manifester: parquoy auoir cognoissance des choses qu'encores que nous soyons au sep- tiesme nombre de mille futures, reiectant loing les phâtastiques imaginations qui qui paracheue le tout nous approchât du huictiesme, où est le aduiendront, limitant la particuliarité des lieux par diuine firmament de la huistiesme sphere, qui est en dimension inspira- tion supernaturelle: -- accordant aux celestes figures latitudinaire, où le grand Dieu eternel viendra para- cheuer la les lieux, & vne partie du temps de proprieté occulte par vertu reuolution, où les images celestes retourneront à se mouuoir puissance, & faculté diuine en presence de laquelle les trois & le mouvement superieur qui nous rend la terre stable & temps sont comprins par eternité, reuolution tenant à la cause ferme nô inclinabitur in soeculû soeculi : hors mis que son passee, presente & future: quia omnia sunt nuda et aperta , vou- loir sera accomply, mais non point autrement -- combien etc.. -- Parquoy mon fils, tu peux facilement, nonobstant ton que par ambigues opinions excedantes toutes raisons tendre cerueau comprendre que les choses qui doiuent naturelles par songes Mahometiques, aussi aucunes fois Dieu aduenir, se peuuent prophetizer par les noc- turnes & celestes le createur par les minis- tres de ses messagiers de feu, en lumieres, qui sont naturelles, & par l'esprit de prophetie: -- flamme missiue vient à proposer aux sens exterieurs non que ie me vueille attribuer nomination ny effect mesmement à nos yeux, les causes de future prediction, prophetique, mais par reuelee inspiration, comme homme significatrices du cas futur qui se doit à celuy qui pre- sage mortel esloigné non moins de sens au Ciel, que des pieds en manifester. -- Car le presaige qui se faict de la lumiere ex- terre. -- Possum non errare, falli, decipi, suis pecheur plus terieure vient infalliblement à iuger partie auecques, & grand que nul de ce môde, subiect à toutes humaines moyennant le lume exterieur: combien vrayement que la afflictions. -- Mais estant surprins par fois la sepmaine partie qui semble auoir par l'oeil de l'entendement, ce que limphatiquant, & par longue calcula- tion, rendant les estudes n'est par la lesion du sens imaginatif, -- la raison est par trop nocturnes de souefue odeur, i'ay côposé liures de propheties euidente, le tout estre predict par afflation de diuinité, & par côtenant chacû cent quatrains astronomiques de propheties, le moyen de l'esprit ange- lique inspiré à l'hôme prophetisant, lesquelles i'ay vn peu voulu rabouter obscuremêt & sont rendant oinctes de vaticina- tions, le venât à illuminer, luy perpetuelles vaticinations, pour d'yci à l'annee 3797. -- Que esmouuant le deuant de la phantasie par diuerses nocturnes possible fera retirer le front à quelques vns, en voyant si apparitiôs que par diurne certitude pro- phetise par longue extention, & par soubs toute la concauité de la Lune administration Astronomique côioincte de la sanctis- sime aura lieu & intelligence: & ce entendant vniuersellement par future prediction, ne considerant ailleurs qu'au courage libre. toute la terre les causes mon fils, que si tu vis l'aage naturel & -- Viens à ceste heure entendre, mon fils, que ie trouue par humain, tu verras deuers ton climat, au propre Ciel de ta mes reuolutions qui sont accordantes à reuelee inspiration, natiuité, les futures aduen- tures preuoir. -- Combien que le que le mortel glaiue s'approche de nous maintenant par seul Dieu eternel soit celuy seul qui cognoist l'eternité de sa peste, guerre plus horrible qu'à vie de trois hommes n'a esté, lumiere, procedant de luy mesmes, -- & ie dis franchemêt qu'à & famine, lequel tombera en terre, & y retournera souuent, -- ceux à qui sa magnitude immense, qui est sans mesure & car les Astres s'ac- cordent à la reuolution, & aussi a dit: incôprehensible, a voulu pour longue inspira- tion melancolique Visitabo in virga ferrea iniquitates eorum , et in verberibus reueler, que moyennant icelle cause occulte manifestee percutiam eos : -- car la mise- ricorde de Dieu ne sera point diuinement, principalement de deux causes principales, qui dispergee vn têps, mon fils, que la pluspart de mes sont comprinses à l'êtendement de celuy inspiré qui prophe- Propheties, seront accomplies, & viendront estre par tise, l'vne est que vient à infuser, esclarcissant la lumiere accomplissement reuolues. -- Alors par plusieurs fois durant supernatu- relle, au personnage qui predit par la doctrine des les sinistres tempestes, Conteram ego , dira le Seigneur, et astres, & prophetise par inspiree reuelation, laquelle est vne confrin- gam , et non miserebor , -- & mille autres aduentures certaine participation de la diuine eternité, moyennant le qui aduien- dront par eaux & continuelles pluyes, comme plus Prophete vient à iuger de cela que son diuin esperit luy a à plain l'ay redige par escrit aux miennes autres Propheties donné par le moyen de Dieu le createur, & par vne naturelle qui sont compo- sees tout au long, in soluta oratione , instigation, -- c'est à sçauoir que ce que predit est vray, & a limittant les lieux, temps & les termes prefix que les humains prins son origine ethereement: & telle lumiere & flamme apres venus verrôt, cognoissans les aduentures aduenues exigue est de toute efficace, & de telle altitude nô moins que la infailliblement, -- comme auons noté par le autres parlans, naturelle clarté, & naturelle lumiere rend les Philosophes si plus clairement, nonobstant que soubs nuee se- ront asseurez, que moyennât les principes de la premiere cause ont comprises les intelligences: sed quando submouenda erit atteinct à plus profondes abysmes des plus hautes doctrines, - ignorentia , le cas sera plus esclaircy. -- Faisant fin, mon fils, - Mais à celle fin mô fils que ie ne vague trop profondemêt prens donc ce don de ton pere Nichel Nostradamus, esperant pour la capacité future de ton sens, & aussi que ie treuue que toy declarer vne chacune Prophetie des quatrains cy mis les lettres feront si grande & incom- parable iacture, que ie Priant Dieu immortel, qu'il te veuille prester vie longue, en treuue le monde auant l'vniuerselle conflagra- tion aduenir tant bonne & prospere felicité. de deluges & si hautes inondations, qu'il ne sera guiere terroir qui ne soit couuert d'eau, & sera par si long temps, que hors De Salon ce I. de Mars, 1555. ~2
  • 3. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** So much so that persons of future times may be seen in Nostradamus's Preface to César present ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal them by means of images, together with various secrets of Greetings and happiness to Cesar Nostradamus my son. the future vouchsafed to orthodox astrology, as was the case in the past, so that a measure of power and divination passed Your late arrival, Cesar Nostredame, my son, has made me through them, the flame of the spirit inspiring them to spend much time in constant nightly reflection so that I could pronounce upon inspiration both human and divine. God may communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder, bring into being divine works, which are absolute; there is after my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that of spirit has vouchsafed me to know by means of astronomy. the evildoers. And since it was the Almighty's will that you were not born But my son, I address you here a little too obscurely. As here in this region and I do not want to talk of years to come regards the occult prophecies one is vouchsafed through the but of the months during which you will struggle to grasp and subtle spirit of fire, which the understanding sometimes stirs understand the work I shall be compelled to leave you after through contemplation of the distant stars as if in vigil, my death: assuming that it will not be possible for me to leave likewise by means of pronouncements, one finds oneself you such writing as may be destroyed through the injustice of surprised at producing writings without fear of being stricken the age. The key to the hidden prediction which you will inherit for such impudent loquacity. The reason is that all this will be locked inside my heart. proceeds from the divine power of Almighty God from whom all bounty proceeds. Also bear in mind that the events here described have not yet come to pass, and that all is ruled and governed by the power And so once again, my son, if I have eschewed the word of Almighty God, inspiring us not by bacchic frenzy nor by prophet, I do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at enchantments but by astronomical assurances: predictions the present time, for whoever is called a prophet now was have been made through the inspiration of divine will alone once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly and the spirit of prophecy in particular. speaking one who sees distant things through a natural knowledge of all creatures. And it can happen that the On numerous occasions and over a long period of time I have prophet bringing about the perfect light of prophecy may predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all to the make manifest things both human and divine, because this workings of divine power and inspiration, together with other cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of predicting fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen in their full the future extend far off into time. unexpectedness, which have already come to pass in various regions of the earth. Yet I have wished to remain silent and God's mysteries are incomprehensible and the power to abandon my work because of the injustice not only of the influence events is bound up with the great expanse of present time but also for most of the future. I will not commit natural knowledge, having its nearest most immediate origin to writing. in free will and describing future events which cannot be understood simply through being revealed. Neither can they Since governments, sects and countries will undergo such be grasped through men's interpretations nor through sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains, another mode of cognizance or occult power under the that were I to relate events to come, those in power now - firmament, neither in the present nor in the total eternity to monarchs, leaders of sects and religions - would find these so come But bringing about such an indivisible eternity through different from their own imaginings that they would be led to Herculean efforts, things are revealed by the planetary condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and movements. understand. Bear in mind also Our Saviour's words: "Do not give anything holy to the dogs, nor throw pearls in front of I am not saying, my son - mark me well, here - that swine lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you knowledge of such things cannot be implanted in your and tear you apart." deficient mind, or that events in the distant future may not be within the understanding of any reasoning being. For this reason I withdrew my pen from the paper, because I Nevertheless, if these things current or distant are brought to wished to amplify my statement touching the Vulgar Advent by the awareness of this reasoning and intelligent being they will means of ambiguous and enigmatic comments about future be neither too obscure nor too clearly revealed. causes, even those closest to us and those I have perceived, so that some human change which may come to pass shall not Perfect knowledge of such things cannot be acquired without unduly scandalize delicate sensibilities. The whole work is thus divine inspiration, given that all prophetic inspiration derives written in a nebulous rather than plainly prophetic form. So its initial origin from God Almighty, then from chance and much so that, nature. Since all these portents are produced impartially, prophecy comes to pass partly as predicted. For You have hidden these things from the wise and the understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by circumspect, that is from the mighty and the rulers, and you means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing have purified those things for the small and the poor," and forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may through Almighty God's will, revealed unto those prophets with be discerned. the power to perceive what is distant and thereby to foretell things to come. For nothing can be accomplished without this Also, my son, I beseech you not to exercise your mind upon faculty, whose power and goodness work so strongly in those such reveries and vanities as drain the body and incur the to whom it is given that, while they contemplate within soul's perdition, and which trouble our feeble frames. Above themselves, these powers are subject to other influences all avoid the vanity of that most execrable magic formerly arising from the force of good. This warmth and strength of reproved by the Holy Scriptures - only excepting the use of prophecy invests us with its influence as the sun's rays affect official astrology. both animate and inanimate entities. For by the latter, with the help of inspiration and divine We human beings cannot through our natural consciousness revelation, and continual calculations, I have set down my and intelligence know anything of God the Creator's hidden prophecies in writing. Fearing lest this occult philosophy be secrets, For it is not for us to know the times or the instants, condemned, I did not therefore wish to make known its dire etc. import; also fearful that several books which had lain hidden for long centuries might be discovered, and of what might become of them, after reading them I presented them to ~3
  • 4. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** Vulcan. And while he devoured them, the flame licking the air For before war ends the century and in its final stages it will gave out such an unexpected light, clearer than that of an hold the century under its sway. Some countries will be in the ordinary flame and resembling fire from some flashing grip of revolution for several years, and others ruined for a cataclysm, and suddenly illumined the house as if it were still longer period. And now that we are in a republican era, caught in a furnace. Which is why I reduced them to ashes with Almighty God's aid, and before completing its full cycle, then, so that none might be tempted to use occult labours in the monarchy will return, then the Golden Age. For according searching for the perfect transmutation, whether lunar or to the celestial signs, the Golden Age shall return, and after solar, of incorruptible metals. all calculations, with the world near to an all-encompassing revolution - from the time of writing 177 years 3 months 11 But as to that discernment which can be achieved by the aid of days - plague, long famine and wars, and still more floods planetary scrutiny, I should like to tell you this. Eschewing any from now until the stated time. Before and after these, fantastic imaginings, you may through good judgement have humanity shall several times be so severely diminished that insight into the future if you keep to the specific names of scarcely anyone shall be found who wishes to take over the places that accord with planetary configurations, and with fields, which shall become free where they had previously inspiration places and aspects yield up hidden properties, been tied. namely that power in whose presence the three times are understood as Eternity whose unfolding contains them all: for This will be after the visible judgement of heaven, before we all things are naked and open. reach the millennium which shall complete all. In the firmament of the eighth sphere, a dimension whereon That is why, my son, you can easily, despite your young brain, Almighty God will complete the revolution, and where the understand that events can be foretold naturally by the constellations will resume their motion which will render the heavenly bodies and by the spirit of prophecy: I do not wish to earth stable and firm, but only if He will remain unchanged ascribe to myself the title and role of prophet, but emphasize for ever until His will be done. inspiration revealed to a mortal man whose perception is no This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all further from heaven than the feet are from the earth. I cannot natural reason, expressed by Mahomet; which is why God the fail, err or be deceived, although I may be as great a sinner as Creator, through the ministry of his fiery agents with their anyone else upon this earth and subject to all human flames, will come to propose to our perceptions as well as our afflictions. eyes the reasons for future predictions. But after being surprised sometimes by day while in a trance, Signs of events to come must be manifested to whomever and having long fallen into the habit of agreeable nocturnal prophesies. For prophecy which stems from exterior studies, I have composed books of prophecies, each containing illumination is part of that light and seeks to ally with it and one hundred astronomical quatrains, which I want to condense bring it into being so that the part which seems to possess somewhat obscurely. The work comprises prophecies from the faculty of understanding is not subject to a sickness of the today to the year 3797. mind. This may perturb some, when they see such a long time span, Reason is only too evident. Everything is predicted by divine and this will occur and be understood in all the fullness of the afflatus and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one Republic; these things will be universally understood upon prophesying, consecrating his predictions through divine earth, my son. If you live the normal lifetime of man you will unction. It also divests him of all fantasies by means of know upon your own soil, under your native sky, how future various nocturnal apparitions, while with daily certainty he events are to turn out. prophesies through the science of astronomy, with the aid of sacred prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in For only Eternal God knows the eternity of His light which freedom. proceeds from Him, and I speak frankly to those to whom His immeasurable, immense and incomprehensible greatness has So come, my son, strive to understand what I have found out been disposed to grant revelations through long, melancholy through my calculations which accord with revealed inspiration, that with the aid of this hidden element manifested inspiration, because now the sword of death approaches us, by God, there are two principal factors which make up the with pestilence and war more horrible than there has ever prophet's intelligence. been - because of three men's work - and famine. And this sword shall smite the earth and return to it often, for the The first is when the supernatural light fills and illuminates the stars confirm this upheaval and it is also written: "I shall person who predicts by astral science, while the second allows punish their injustices with iron rods, and shall strike them him to prophesy through inspired revelation, which is only a with blows." part of the divine eternity, whereby the prophet comes to assess what his divinatory power has given him through the For God's mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time, grace of God and by a natural gift, namely, that what is my son, until the majority of my prophecies are fulfilled and foretold is true and ethereal in origin. this fulfillment is complete. Then several times in the course of the doleful tempests the Lord shall say: Therefore I shall And such a light and small flame is of great efficacy and scope, crush and destroy and show no mercy; and many other and nothing less than the clarity of nature itself. The light of circumstances shall result from floods and continual rain of human nature makes the philosophers so sure of themselves which I have written more fully in my other prophecies, that with the principles of the first cause they reach the loftiest composed at some length, not in a chronological sequence, in doctrines and the deepest abysses. prose, limiting the places and times and exact dates so that future generations will see, while experiencing these But my son, lest I venture too far for your future perception, inevitable events, how I have listed others in clearer be aware that men of letters shall make grand and usually language, so that despite their obscurities these things shall boastful claims about the way I interpreted the world, before be understood: When the time comes for the removal of the worldwide conflagration which is to bring so many ignorance, the matter will be clearer still. catastrophes and such revolutions that scarcely any lands will not be covered by water, and this will last until all has perished So in conclusion, my son, take this gift from your father M. save history and geography themselves. This is why, before Nostradamus, who hopes you will understand each prophecy and after these revolutions in various countries, the rains will in every quatrain herein. May Immortal God grant you a long be so diminished and such abundance of fire and fiery missiles life of good and prosperous happiness. shall fall from the heavens that nothing shall escape the holocaust. And this will occur before the last conflagration. Salon, 1 March 1555 ~4
  • 5. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q1 C1Q8 ESTANT assis de nuict secret estude, Combien de fois prinse cité solaire Seul reposé sur la selle d'aerain: Seras, changeant ses loix barbares & vaines: Flambe exigue sortant de solitude, Ton mal s'approche. Plus seras tributaires, Fait prosperer qui n'est à croire vain. Le grand Hadrie recourira tes veines. Being seated by night in secret study, How many times will you be taken, solar city, alone resting on the brass stool: changing the barbarian and vain laws: A slight flame coming forth from the solitude, Your evil approaches: You will be more tributary, that which is not believed in vain is made to succeed. the great Adria will re-cover your veins. C1Q2 C1Q9 La verge en main mise au milieu de Branches De l'Orient viendra le coeur Punique De l'onde il mouille & le limbe & le pied: Fascher Hadrie, & les hoires Romulides, Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches: Acompagne de la classe Libique, Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres s'assied. Temples Melites & proches Isles vuides. With rod in hand set in the midst of Branchus, From the Orient will come the Punic heart with the water he wets both limb and foot: to vex Adria and the heirs of Romulus, Fearful, voice trembling through his sleeves: accompanied by the Libyan fleet, Divine splendor. The divine seats himself near by. Malta trembling and the neighboring isles empty. C1Q3 C1Q10 Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee, Serpens transmis en la cage de fer, Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuers, Ou les enfans septains du Roy sont pris: La republique par gens nouveaux vexee, Les vieux & peres sortiront bas de l'enfer, Lors blancs & rouges jugeront à l'enuers. Ains mourir voir de fruict mort & cris. When the litter is overturned by the whirlwind, The serpent conveyed in the iron cage and faces will be covered by their cloaks, where the seven children of the King are taken: the republic will be vexed by new people, Their progenitors will come out from their underworld below, then whites and reds will judge in contrary ways. before dying seeing of their offspring death and cries. C1Q4 C1Q11 Par l'vnivers sera faict vn monarque, Le mouuement de sens, coeur pieds & mains, Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement: Seront d'accord. Naples, Lyon, Sicile. Lors se perdra la piscature barque, Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains, Sera regie en plus grand detriment. Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile In the world there will be one Monarch The motion of sense, heart, feet and hands who will not long be in peace or alive: will be in accord. Naples, Leon, Sicily: Then the fishing bark will be lost, Swords, fires, waters, then the noble Romans it will be ruled to its greater detriment. submerged, killed, dead because of weak brain. C1Q5 C1Q12 Chassez seront pour faire long combat, Dans peu dira faulce brute fragile Par les pays seront plus fort greuez: De bas en haut esleué promptement: Bourg & cité auront plus grand debat. Puis en instant desloyale & labile, Carcassonne. Narbonne auront coeur esprouuez Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement. They will be driven away without much fighting, In a short time a false, frail brute will lead, they will be very much harried in the country: elevated quickly from low to high: Town and city will have a greater debate: Then in an instant disloyal and labile, Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried. he who will have the government of Verona. C1Q6 C1Q13 L'oeil de Rauenne sera destitué, Les exilez par ire, haine intestine, Quand à ses pieds les aisles failliront: Feront au Roy grand coniuration: Les deux de Bresse auront constitué, Secret mettront ennemis par la mine, Turin, Verseil que Gaulois fouleront. Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition. The eye of Ravenna will be forsaken, The exiles because of anger and intestine hatred when the wings give way at its feet: will bring a great conspiracy to bear against the King: The two of Bresse will have made arrangements in Secretly they will place enemies as a threat, Turin and Vercelli, which the Gauls will trample. and his own old ones against them sedition. C1Q7 C1Q14 Tard arriué l'execution faicte, De gent esclaue chansons, chants & requestes, Le vent contraire lettres au chemin prinses: Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons: Les coniurez XIIIJ. d'vne secte, A l'aduenir par idiots sans testes, Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinses. Seront receus par diuines oraisons. The arrival late, the execution completed, From the slavish people songs, chants and requests, the wind contrary, the letters seized en route: for Princes and Lords captives in the prisons: The conspirators fourteen of a sect, In the future such by headless idiots the enterprises by the wise Red-haired One. will be received as divine utterances. ~5
  • 6. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q15 C1Q22 Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique, Ce que viura & n'ayant aucun sens, Septante fois fera le sang espandre: Viendront leser à mort son artifice: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique Autun, Chalon, Langres, & les deux Sens, Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre. La gresle & glace fera grand malefice. Mars menaces us with his warlike force, That which will live without having any sense, seventy times will he cause blood to flow: its artifice will come to be fatally injured: Rise and fall for the clergy and more for For Autun, Chalon, Langres and the two Sens, those who will want to hear nothing from them. hail and ice will cause much evil. C1Q16 C1Q23 Faulx à l'estang ioinct vers le Sagittaire, Au mois troisiesme se leuant le Soleil, En son haut AVGE de l'exaltation, Sanglier, Leopart, au champ mars pour côbatre Peste, famine, mort de main militaire, Leopart laissé au ciel estend son oeil, Le siecle approche de renouation. Vn Aigle autour du Soleil voyt s'esbatre. The scythe joined with the pond towards Sagittarius In the third month the Sun rising, at the high point of its ascendant, the Boar and Leopard on the field of Mars to fight: Plague, famine, death by military hand, The tired Leopard raises its eye to the heavens, the century approaches its renewal. sees an Eagle playing around the Sun. C1Q17 C1Q24 Par quarante ans l'Iris n'apparoistra, A cité neuue pensif pour condamner, Par quarante ans tous les iours sera veu: L'oisel de proye au ciel se vient offrir: La terre aride en siccité croistra, Apres victoire à captifs pardonner, Et grands deluges quand sera apperceu. Cremone & Mâtoue grâds maux aura souffert. For forty years the rainbow will not appear, At the new city contemplating a condemnation, for forty years it will be seen every day: the bird of prey comes to offer itself to the heavens: The parched earth will wax more dry, after victory pardon to captives, and great floods will accompany its appearance. Cremona and Mantua will have suffered great evils. C1Q18 C1Q25 Par la discorde Negligence Gauloise, Perdu trouué caché de si long siecle, Sera passage à Mahommet ouuert: Sera pasteur demy Dieu honnore: De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoise, Ains que la Lune acheue son grand siecle, Le port Phocen de voilles & nefs couuert. Par autres vents sera deshonnoré. Because of the Gallic discord and negligence Lost, found, hidden for so long a time, a passage will be opened to Mahomet: the pastor will be honored as a demigod: The land and sea of Siena soaked in blood, Before the Moon finishes its full period the Phocaean port covered with sails and ships. he will be dishonored by other winds. C1Q19 C1Q26 Lors que serpens viendront circuer l'are, Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne, Le sang Troyen vexé par les Espaignes: Mal, & predict par porteur postulaire: Par eux grand nombre en sera faicte tare, Suiuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne, Chef fruit, caché aux mares dans les saignes. Conflict Reims, Londres, Ettrusque pestifere. When the serpents will come to encompass the altar, The great one of the lighting falls in the daytime, the Trojan blood will be vexed by the Spaniards: evil predicted by the bearer of demands: Because of them a great number will be made to suffer for it, According to the prediction he falls in the nighttime. the chief flees, hidden in the marshes. Conflict at Reims, London, Tuscan plague. C1Q20 C1Q27 Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims & Nantes, Dessouz le chaine Guien du ciel frappé, Cités vexees par subit changement. Non loing de là est caché le thresor: Par langues estranges seront tenduës tentes, Qui par longs siecles auoit esté grappé, Fleuues, dards Renes terre & mer tremblement. Trouué mourra, l'oeil creué de ressort. Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes, Under the oak tree of Guienne struck from the sky, cities vexed through sudden change: not far from there is the treasure hidden: Tents will be pitched by those of foreign tongues, He who for long centuries had been gathered, rivers, darts at Rennes trembling of the land and sea. found he will perish, his eye put out by a spring. C1Q21 C1Q28 Profonde argille blanche nourrit rocher, La tour de Boucq craindra fuste Barbare, Qui d'vn abysme istra lacticineuse, Vn temps, long temps apres barque hesperique: En vain troublez ne l'oseront toucher, Bestail, gens, meubles, tous deux ferôt grâd tare, Ignorant estre au fond terre argilleuse. Taurus, & Libra, quelle mortelle picque? Deep white clay nourishes the rock, The tower of Bouc will fear the Barbarian foist, which from an abyss will go forth milky, then much later, the Hesperian bark: needlessly troubled they will not dare touch it, Cattle, people, chattels, both cause great waste, unaware that the earth at the bottom is clayish. bull and balance, what a mortal quarrel! ~6
  • 7. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q29 C1Q36 Quand le poisson terrestre & aquatique Tard le monarque se viendra repentir, Par forte vague au grauier sera mis, De n'auoir mis à mort son aduersaire: Sa forme estrange suaue & horrifique, Mais viendra bien à plus haut consentir, Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemis. Que tout son sang par mort fera deffaire. When the terrestrial and aquatic fish Too late the monarch will repent will be put upon the beach by a strong wave, of not having put to death his adversary: its form strange, attractive and frightful, but he will come to consent to a much greater thing, by sea the enemies very soon at the walls. that of killing off all his blood. C1Q30 C1Q37 La nef estrange par le tourment marin, Vn peu deuant que le Soleil s'absconde, Abordera pres de port incogneu: Conflict donné, grand peuple dubiteux: Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin, Profligez, port marin ne faict response, Apres mort pille bon aduis tard venu. Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux Because of the stormy seas the strange ship Shortly before the Sun sets, will approach an unknown port, battle is given a great people in doubt: notwithstanding the signals from the branch of palm, Ruined, the marine port makes no reply, after death, pillage: good advice given late. bridge and sepulchre in two strange places. C1Q31 C1Q38 Tant d'ans en Gaule les guerres dureront, Le Sol & l'Aigle au victeur paroistront, Outre la course du Castulon monarque: Response vaine au vaincu l'on asseure: Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront, Par cor ne crys harnois n'arresteront, Aigle, Coq, Lune, Lyon, Soleil en marque. Vindicte paix par mors si acheue à l'heure. The wars in Gaul will last for many years, The Sun and the Eagle will appear as victor, beyond the course of the monarch of Castulo: the vanquished is reassured with a vain reply: uncertain victory will crown three great ones, with hue and cry they will not cease arming, the Eagle, Cock, Moon, Lion, Sun engraved. revenge, because of death peace made right on schedule. C1Q32 C1Q39 Le grand Empire sera tost translaté De nuict dans lict le supresme estranglé, En lieu petit, qui bien tost viendra croistre, Pour trop auoir seiourné blond esleu. Lieu bien infime d'exigue comté, Par trois l'Empire subrogé exanclé, Où au milieu viendra poser son sceptre. A mort mettra carte, & pacquet ne leu. The great empire will soon be transferred By night the highest one strangled in bed to a little place which will very soon come to grow: because the blond elect had tarried to long. a very lowly place in a petty country the Empire enslaved by three in substitution, in the middle of which he will come to lay down his sceptre. put to death with document and packet unread. C1Q33 C1Q40 Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse, La trombe fausse dissimulant folie, Le grand Lyon par forces Cesarees, Fera Bisance vn changement de loix, Fera abbatre hors cité rigoreuse, Histra d'Egypte qui veut que l on délie Par effroy portes luy seront reserrees. Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys. Near a great bridge of a spacious plain, The false trumpet concealing madness the great Lion with Imperial forces, will bear Byzantium a change of laws: he will cause a felling outside the austere city, from Egypt there will go forth one who wants withdrawl of because of fear the gates will be opened to him. Edicts debasing the quality of coins. C1Q34 C1Q41 L'oyseau de proye volant à la senestre, Siege en cité est de nuict assaillie, Auant conflict faict aux François pareure: Peu eschappé, non loin de mer conflict: L'vn bon prendra, l'vn ambigue sinistre, Femme de ioye, retours fils defaillie, La partie foible tiendra par bon augure. Poison & lettres cachees dans le plic. The bird of prey flying to the left side, City besieged, and assaulted by night, before the conflict preparation made by the French: few escaped: conflict not far from the sea: One will take it for good, another for ambiguous, on the return of her son a woman fainting from joy, the weak party will hold it as a good omen. poison and letters hidden in the fold. C1Q35 C1Q42 Le lyon ieune le vieux surmontera, Le dix Calendes d'Auril de faict Gotique, En champ bellique par singulier duelle: Resuscité encor par gens malins: Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera, Le feu estainct, assemblee diabolique, Deux classes vne, puis mourir, mort cruelle. Cherchant les os du d'Amant & Pselin. The young lion will overcome the old one The tenth of the Calends of April of Gothic count on the field of battle in single combat: revived again by wicked folk: He will put out his eyes in a cage of gold: the fire put out, diabolic assembly Two fleets one, then to die a cruel death. searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus. ~7
  • 8. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q43 C1Q50 Auant qu'aduienne le changement d'Empire, De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, Il aduiendra vn cas bien merueilleux: D'vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste: Le champ mué, le pillier de porphire, Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra, Mis, translaté sus le rocher noilleux. Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste. Before the change of Empire occurs, Of the aquatic triplicity there will be born a very marvelous event will take place: one who will make of Thursday his holiday: the field moved, the pillar of porphyry his fame, praise, rule and power will grow, placed, transferred onto the knotty rock. by land and sea a tempest to the East. C1Q44 C1Q51 En bref seront de retour sacrifices, Chef d'Aries, Iupiter, & Saturne, Contreuenans seront mis à martyre: Dieu eternel quelles mutations? Plus ne seront moines, abbes, ne nouices, Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire. Gaule & Italie, quelles esmotions? In short sacrifices will be resumed, Jupiter and Saturn in the head of Aries, transgressors will be put to martyrdom: Eternal God, what changes! no longer will there be monks, abbots or novices: Then for a long age his wicked time returns, honey will be much more expensive than wax. Gaul and Italy, what disturbance. C1Q45 C1Q52 Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur, Les deux malins de Scorpion conioinct, Beste en theatre dressé le ieu scenique, Le grand Seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle: Du faict antique ennobly l'inuenteur, Peste à l'Eglise par le nouueau Roy ioinct, Par sectes monde confus & schismatiques. L'Europe basse & Septentrionale. Founder of sects much grief to the accuser: The two wicked ones conjoined in Scorpio, Beast in the theater, the pantomine prepared: the Grand Seignior murdered in his hall: the inventor exalted by the ancient fact, Plague to the Church by the King newly joined, the world confused and schismatic because of sects. Europe low and northerly. C1Q46 C1Q53 Tout apres d'Aux de Lestore & Mirande Las! qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté, Grand feu du ciel en trois nuicts tombera: Et la loy saincte en totale ruine, Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande, Par autres loix toute la Chrestienté, Bien peu apres la terre tremblera. Quand d'or d'argent trouue nouuelle mine. Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande Alas! a great people will one see tormented great fire will fall from the sky for three nights: and the holy law in utter ruin, a very stupendous and marvelous event will occur: other laws throughout all Christendom, very soon after the earth will tremble. when a new mine of gold and silver is discovered. C1Q47 C1Q54 Du lac Leman les sermons fascheront, Deux reuolts faicts du maling falcigere, Des iours seront reduits par des sepmaines, De regne & siecles faict permutation: Puis moys, puis an, puis tous failliront, Le mobil signe à son endroit si ingere, Les Magistras danneront leur loix vaines. Aux deux esgaux & d'inclination. The sermons from the Lake of Geneva annoying, Two revolutions made by the wicked scythe-bearer, from days they will grow into weeks, change made in realm and centuries: then months, then years, then all will fail, the movable sign so intrusive in its place the Magistrates will damn their useless laws. to the two equal and like-minded. C1Q48 C1Q55 Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez, Soubs l'opposite climat Babilonique, Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie: Grande sera de sang effusion, Quand le Soleil prendra ses iours lassez: Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique, Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie. Sectes, faim, regnes pestes, confusion. Twenty years of the reign of the Moon passed, Under the climate opposite to the Babylonian Seven thousand years another will hold its monarchy: their will be great effusion of blood, when the Sun will take its tired days the unrighteous will be on land and sea, in air and sky, then is accomplished and finished my prophecy. Sects, famine, realms, plagues, confusion. C1Q49 C1Q56 Baucoup auant telles menees, Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change, Ceux d'Orient par la vertu lunaire: Horreurs extremes & vindications: L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenees, Que si la Lune conduite par son ange, Subiungant presques le coing Aquilonaire. Le ciel s'approche des inclinations. Very much before such intrigues You will see great change made soon and late, those of the East by virtue of the Moon: extreme horrors and vengeances. the year 1700 they will cause great ones to be carried off, Because as the Moon is conducted by its angel, almost subjugating the Aquilon corner. the Sun is approaching its inclinations. ~8
  • 9. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q57 C1Q64 Par grand discord la trombe tremblera, De nuict Soleil penseront avoir veu. Accord rompu dressant la teste au ciel, Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra: Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera, Bruit chant, bataille au ciel batre apperceu, Au sol la face ointe de laict & miel. Et bestes brutes à parler lon orra. Through great dissension the earth will tremble, They will think they have seen the Sun at night harmony broken lifting its head to heaven: when they will see the pig half-man: the bloody mouth will swim in the blood, noise, song, battle, fighting in the sky perceived, on the ground the face anointed with milk and honey. and one will hear brute beasts talking. C1Q58 C1Q65 Tranché le ventre naistra auec deux testes, Enfant sans mains iamais veu si grand foudre, Et quatre bras: quelques ans entiers viura L'enfant Royal au ieu d'oesteuf blessé: Iour qui Alquiloye celebrera ses festes, Au puy brises fulgures allant mouldre, Fossen, Turin, chef Ferrare suiura. Trois souz les chaines par le milieu troussés. The belly cut, it will be born with two heads Child without hands never was so great a thunderbolt seen: and four arms: several years it will live intact: the royal child wounded at the game of tennis. the day on which Aquileia will celebrate its feasts, On the hill fractures: lightning going to grind: Fossano, Turin, the chief of Ferrara will follow. Three under the oaks trussed up in the middle. C1Q59 C1Q66 Les exilez deportez dans les isles, Celuy qui lors portera les nouuelles Au changement d'vn plus cruel monarque Apres vn peu il viendra respirer, Seront meurtris, & mis deux les scintiles, Viuiers, Tournon, Montferrant & Pradelles, Qui de parler ne seront estez parques. Gresle & tempestes les fera souspirer. The exiles transported to the isles, He who then will bear the news, at the advent of a more cruel monarch, he will shortly after come to rest. will be murdered, and burnt two Viviers, Tournon, Montferrand and Pradelles, who had not been sparing with their speech. hail and storms will make them sigh. C1Q60 C1Q67 Vn Empereur naistra pres d'Italie, La grand famine que ie sens approcher, Qui à l'Empire sera vendu bien cher: Souuent tourner, puis estre vniuerselle, Diront auec quels gens il se ralie, Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher Qu'on trouuera moins prince que boucher. Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle. An Emperor will be born near Italy, The great famine that I sense approaching, one who will cost his Empire a high price: often turning, then becoming universal, they will say that from the sort of people who surround him so great and long that one will come to pull out he is to be found less prince than butcher. roots from woods, and babe from breast. C1Q61 C1Q68 La republique miserable infelice O quel horrible & malheureux teurment, Sera vastee du nouueau magistrat: Trois innocens qu'on viendra à liurer Leur grand amas de l'exil malefice Poison suspecte, mal gardé tradiment. Fera Sueue rauir leur grand contract. Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyurez. The miserable unhappy republic Oh, what a horrible and miserable torment, will be ruined by the new magistrate: three innocent ones whom one will come to deliver. their great accumulation in wicked exile Poison suspected, poorly guarded betrayal: will cause the Suevi to tear up their great contract. delivered to horror by drunken executioners. C1Q62 C1Q69 La grande perte, las! que feront les lettres, La grand montagne ronde de sept stades, Auant le cicle de Latona parfaict: Apres paix, guerre, faim, inodation, Feu grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres, Roulera loin abismant grands contrades, Que de long siecle ne se verra refaict. Mesmes antiques, & grands fondation. Alas! What a great loss will letters suffer, The great round mountain of seven stades, before the cycle of Latona is completed: after peace, war, famine, flood, fire, great deluge more through ignorant rulers it will roll far sinking great countries, than will be seen made up for a long time. even the ancient ones, and of great foundation. C1Q63 C1Q70 Les fleurs passees diminue le monde, Pluye, faim, guerre en Perse non cessee, Long temps la paix terres inhabitees: La foy trop grand trahira le monarque: Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer & onde, Par la finie en Gaule commencee, Puis de nouueau les guerres suscitees. Secret augure pour à vn estre parque. The scourges passed the world shrinks, Rain, famine, war in Persia not over, for a long time peace and populated lands: the too great faith will betray the monarch, one will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave, finished there begun in Gaul: then the wars stirred up anew. secret sign for one to be moderate. ~9
  • 10. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q71 C1Q78 La tour marine troys foys prise & reprise, D'vn chef vieillard naistra sens hebeté, Par Espagnols, Barbares, Ligurains: Degenerant par sçavoir & par armes: Marseille & Aix, Arles par ceux de Pise, Le chef de France par sa soeur redouté, Vast, feu, fer pillé Auignon des Thurins. Champs diuisez, concedez aux gendarmes. The marine tower thrice taken and retaken He will be born of an old chief with dulled senses, by Spaniards, Barbarians and Ligurians: degenerating in knowledge and in arms: Marseilles and Aix, Arles by those of Pisa. The chief of France feared by his sister, Devastation, fire, swords, Avignon pillaged by Turinese. fields divided, granted to the troops. C1Q72 C1Q79 Du tout Marseille des habitans changee, Bazaz, Lestore, Condon, Ausch, Agine, Course & poursuite iusqu'au pres de Lyon, Esmeus par loix, querelle & monopole: Narbon, Tholouse par Bourdeaux outragee, Car Bourd. Tholouse, Bay mettra en ruine: Tuez captifs presque d'vn milion. Renouueller voulant leur tauropole. The inhabitants of Marseilles completely changed, Bazas, Lectoure, Condom, Auch, Agen flight and pursuit up to near Lyons. moved by laws, quarrel and monopoly: Narbonne, Toulouse wronged by Bordeaux: For Bordeaux Toulous Bayonne will ruin: Killed and captives nearly a million. Wishing to renew their bull-sacrifice. C1Q73 C1Q80 France à cinq pars par neglect assaillie, De la sixiesme claire splendeur celeste, Tunys, Argel esmeuz par Persiens: Viendra tonner si fort en la Bourgongne, Leon, Seuille, Barcellonne faillie, Puis naistra monstre de tres hideuse beste: N'aura la classe par les Venitiens. Mars, Auril, May, Iuin, grâd charpin & rongne. France because of negligence assailed on five sides, From the sixth bright celestial splendor Tunis, Algiers stirred up by Persians: it will come to thunder very fiercely in Burgundy: Leon, Seville, Barcelona having failed, Then of a very hideous beast will be born a monster. for the Venetians there will be no fleet. March, April, May, June great tearing and clipping. C1Q74 C1Q81 Apres seiourné vogueront en Epire, D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis à part, Le grand secours viendra vers Anthioche. De iugement & conseil separez: Le noir poil crespe tendra fort à l'Empire, Leur sort sera diuisé en depart, Barbe d'aerain se rostira en broche. Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors bannis esgarez. After having tarried they will wander into Epirus: Nine will be set aside from the human flock, The great relief will come towards Antioch, removed from judgment and counsel: the black frizzled hair will strive strongly for the Empire: Their fate will be determined on departure, Bronzebeard will roast him on a spit. Kappa, Thita, Lambda, dead, banished, astray. C1Q75 C1Q82 Le tyran Sienne occupera Sauonne, Quand les colonnes de bois grande tremblee, Le fort gaigné tiendra classe marine: D'Auster conduite, couuerte de rubriche: Les deux armees par la marque d'Anconne, Tant vuidera dehors grande assemblee, Par effrayeur le chef s'en examine. Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche. The tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona: When the columns of wood trembling greatly, The fort won he will hold the marine fleet: led by the South Wind, covered with red ochre: The two armies for the march of Ancona, A very great assembly will empty outside, because of terror chief examines his conscience about it. Vienna and the land of Austria will tremble. C1Q76 C1Q83 D'vn nom farouche tel proferé sera, La gent estrange diuisera butins, Que les trois seurs auront fato le nom: Saturne en Mars son regard furieux: Puis grand peuple par langue & faict dira Horrible estrange aux Toscans & Latins, Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom. Grecs qui seront à frapper curieux. With a name so wild will he be brought forth The strange nation will divide spoils, that the three sisters will have the name for destiny: Saturn in Mars his aspect furious: Then he will lead a great people by tongue and deed, Horrible slaughter of the Tuscans and Latins, more than any other will he have fame and renown. Greeks, who will desire to strike. C1Q77 C1Q84 Entre deux mers dressera promontoire, Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres, Que puis mourra par le mors du cheual: Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine: Le sien Neptune pliera voile noire, Le grand caché long temps sous les tenebres, Par Calpre & classe aupres de Rocheual. Tiedera fer dans la playe sanguine. Between two seas he will erect a promontory The Moon hidden in deep shadows, he who will then die by the bite of a horse: her brother passes with rusty color: The proud Neptune will fold the black sail, The great one hidden for a long time under the eclipses, through Gibraltar and the fleet near Rocheval. iron will cool in the bloody wound. ~ 10
  • 11. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q85 C1Q92 Par la response de dame Roy troublé, Souz vn la paix par tout sera clamee, Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie: Mais non long temps pille, & rebellion, Le grand ses freres contrefera doublé, Par refus ville, terre & mer entamee, Par deux mourront ire, haine & enuie. Morts & captifs le tiers d'vn million. Because of the lady's reply, the King troubled: Under one peace will be proclaimed everywhere, Ambassadors will take their lives in their hands: but not long after pillage and rebellion, The great one doubly will imitate his brothers, because of a refusal town, land and sea encroached upon, two who will die through anger, hatred and envy. dead and captives one third of a million. C1Q86 C1Q93 La grande Royne quand se verra vaincue, Terre Italique pres monts tremblera, Fera excés de masculin courage, Lyon & Coq non trop confederez, Sur cheual, fleuue passera toute nue, En lieu de peur l'vn l'autre s'aidera, Suite par fer: à foy fera outrage. Seul Catulon & Celtes moderez. The great Queen when she shall see herself vanquished The land of Italy will tremble near the mountains, will act with an excess of masculine courage: Lion and Cock not too well confederated, On horseback, she will pass over the river entirely naked, in place of fear they will help each other, pursued by the sword: it will mark an outrage to faith. only Castulo and the Celts moderate. C1Q87 C1Q94 Ennosigee feu du centre de terre, Au port Selin le tyran mis à mort, Fera trembler autour de cité neuue La liberté non pourtant recouuree: Deux grâds rochers long têps feront la guerre, Le nouueau Mars par vindicte & remort, Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue. Dame par force de frayeur honoree. Volcanic fire from the center of the earth At Port Selin the tyrant put to death will cause trembling around the new city: liberty nevertheless not recovered: Two great rocks will make war for a long time. The new Mars because of vengeance and remorse, Then Arethusa will redden a new river. the Lady honored through force of terror. C1Q88 C1Q95 Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince, Deuant moustier trouué enfant besson, Vn peu deuant aura femme espousee, D'heroic sang de moine & vetustique: Son appuy & credit à vn coup viendra mince, Son bruit par secte langue & puissance son, Conseil mourra pour la teste rasee. Qu'on dira fort esleué le vopisque. The divine sickness will surprise the great Prince A twin child found before the monastery shortly before he will have married a woman, one of the ancient and heroic blood of a monk: his support and credit will suddenly become slim, His fame, renown and power through sect and tongue counsel will perish for the shaven head. Such that one will say the perfect twin has been well raised. C1Q89 C1Q96 Tous ceux de Ilerde seront dans la Moselle, Celuy qu'aura la charge de destruire Mettant à mort tous ceux de Loire & Seine: Temples, & sectes, changez par fantasie: Le cours marin viendra pres d'haute velle, Plus au rochers qu'aux viuans viendra nuire, Quand Espagnols ouurira toute veine. Par langue ornee d'oreilles rassasie. All those from Lerida will be in Moselle, He who will have charge of destroying putting to death all those from the Loire and Seine: temples and sects, changed through fantasy: Marine relief will come near the high wall He will come to do more harm to rocks than to living people when the Spaniards open every vein. because of the din in his ears of a polished tongue. C1Q90 C1Q97 Bourdeaux, Poitiers au son de la campane, Ce que fer, flamme n'a sçeu paracheuer, A grande classe ira iusqu'à l'Angon, La douce langue au conseil viendra faire: Contre Gaulois sera leur tramontane, Par repos, songe, le Roy fera resuer, Quand monstre hideux naistra pres de Orgô. Plus l'ennemy en feu, sang militaire. Bordeaux, Poitiers at the sound of the tocsin, That which fire and sword did not know how to accomplish, with a great fleet one will go as far as Langon, the smooth tongue in council will come to achieve: their north wind will be against the Gauls, Through repose, a dream, the King will be made to meditate, when a hideous monster will be born near Orgon. the enemy more in fire and military blood. C1Q91 C1Q98 Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence, Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny Ce qu'ils seront autheurs de grand conflict: Loing de son ciel, de moeurs & langue estrange, Auant ciel veu serain espee & lance, Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy, Que vers main gauche sera plus grand afflict. Le chef fuyant sauué en marine grange. The Gods will make it appear to the mortals The chief who will have led an infinite people that they will be the authors of the great conflict: far from skies of their own, of customs and tongue strange: Sword and lance before the sky is seen serene, Five thousand finished in Crete and Thessaly, so that there will be a greater affliction to the left hand. the chief fleeing saved in a marine barn. ~ 11
  • 12. ******** THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS : THE E-BOOK *********** C1Q99 C2Q6 Le grand monarque que fera compagnie Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez Auec deux Roys vnis par amitié: Seront deux fleaux, & onc n'apperceut vn tel, O quel souspir fera la grand mesgnie, Faim, dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez, Enfants Narbon à l'entour quel pitié. Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel. The great monarch who will make company Near the gates and within the cities with two Kings united by friendship: there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, Oh, what a sigh will the great host make, famine within plague, people put out by steel, children around Narbonne, what a pity. crying to the great immortal God for relief. C1Q100 C2Q7 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oyseau, Entre plusieurs aux isles deportez, Aupres de Dole & de Toscane terre: L'vn estre nay à deux dents en la gorge Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau, Mourront de faim les arbres esbrotez, Mourra tost grand & finira la guerre. Pour eux neuf Roy, nouuel edict leur forge. For a long time a gray bird will be seen in the sky Amongst several transported to the isles, near Dole and Tuscan land: one to be born with two teeth in his mouth Holding in its beak a verdant sprig, they will die of famine the trees stripped, soon the great one will die and the war will end. for them a new King issues a new edict. C2Q8 C2Q1 Temples sacrez prime façon Romaine, VERS Aquitaine par insuls Britanniques Reietteront les gofres fondements, De par eux-mesmes grandes incursions Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines, Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques, Chassant non tout des saincts les cultements. Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions. Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner, Towards Aquitaine by the British isles they will reject the excess foundations, by these themselves great incursions. taking their first and humane laws, Rains, frosts will make the soil uneven, chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints. Port Selyn will make mighty invasions. C2Q9 C2Q2 Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra, La teste bleue fera la teste blanche Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire, Autant de mal, que France a faict leur bien: Pour luy grandpeuple sans foy & loy mourra, Mort à l'anthene, grand pendu sus la branche, Tué par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire. Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien. Nine years the lean one will hold the realm in peace, The blue head will inflict upon the white head then he will fall into a very bloody thirst: as much evil as France has done them good: Because of him a great people will die without faith and law Dead at the sail-yard the great one hung on the branch, killed by one far more good-natured. when seized by his own the King will say how much. C2Q10 C2Q3 Auant long temps le tout sera rangé, Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer, Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre, De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits: L'estat des masques & des seuls bien changé. Les habitans les viendront entamer, Peu trouueront qu'à son rang veuille estre. Quand Rhod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit. Before long all will be set in order, Because of the solar heat on the sea we will expect a very sinister century, of Euboea the fishes half cooked: the state of the masked and solitary ones much changed, The inhabitants will come to cut them, few will be found who want to be in their place. when the biscuit will fail Rhodes and Genoa. C2Q11 C2Q4 Le prochain fils de l'aisnier paruiendra Depuis Monach iusqu'aupres de Sicille, Tant esleué iusqu'au regne des fors: Toute la plage demourra desolee: Son aspre gloire vn chacun craindra, Il n'y aura fauxbourgs, cité, ne ville, Mais ses enfans du regne gettez hors. Que par Barbares pillee soit & vollee. The nearest son of the elder will attain From Monaco to near Sicily very great height as far as the realm of the privileged: the entire coast will remain desolated: Everyone will fear his fierce glory, There will remain there no suburb, city or town but his children will be thrown out of the realm. not pillaged and robbed by the Barbarians. C2Q12 C2Q5 Yeux clos ouuerts d'antique fantasie, Qu'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee, L'habit des seuls seront mis à neant: Hors sortira, qui puis fera la guerre, Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie, Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee, Ravir des temples le thresor par deuant. Apparoissant pres de Latine terre. Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy, That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish, the garb of the monks they will be put to naught: out will go one who will then make war, The great monarch will chastise their frenzy, he will have his fleet well rowed by sea, Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples. appearing near Latin land. ~ 12