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nATurAL HiSTory AucTion
june 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SeSSion TWo
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Lot 49254
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Lot 49168
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Lot 49263
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Lot 49252
Heritage Signature® Auction #6071

Natural History
June 12, 2011 | Dallas

LIVE AUCTION Signature® Floor Sessions 1-2                                   LOT VIEWING
(Floor, Telephone, HERITAGE Live!,™ Internet, Fax, and Mail)
                                                                             The Tower Building • Fair Park
The Tower Building • Fair Park                                               3809 Grand Ave. • Dallas, TX 75210
3809 Grand Ave. • Dallas, TX 75210
                                                                             Thursday, June 9 – Saturday, June 11 • 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT
Session 1 (see separate catalog)                                             Sunday, June 12 • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CT
Sunday, June 12 • 1:00 PM CT • Lots 49001–49088

Session 2                                                                    View lots & auction results online at
Sunday, June 12 • Immediately following Session 1
(Approximately 3:00 PM CT) • Lots 49101–49276                                BIDDING METHODS:
                                                                             Bid live on your computer or mobile, anywhere in the world,
                                                                             during the Auction using our HERITAGE Live!™ program at
LOT SETTLEMENT AND PICK-UP                                         
Available immediately following session
or weekdays 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM CT by appointment only.                         Live Floor Bidding
Extended Payment Terms available. Email:                       Bid in person during the floor sessions.

Lots are sold at an approximate rate of 60 lots per hour, but it             Live Telephone Bidding (floor sessions only)
is not uncommon to sell 45 lots or 90 lots in any given hour.                Phone bidding must be arranged on or before
                                                                             Friday, June 10, by 12:00 PM CT.
This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyer’s Premium.                          Client Service: 866-835-3243.
TX Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Scott
Peterson 13256; Bob Merrill 13408; Mike Sadler 16129; Andrea Voss 16406;     Internet Bidding
Jacob Walker 16413; Charlie Mead 16418; Eric Thomas 16421; Shaunda Fry       Internet absentee bidding ends at 10:00 PM CT
16448; Marsha Dixey 16493; Tim Rigdon 16519; Cori Mikeals 16582; Stewart
Huckaby 16590; Chris Dykstra 16601; Teia Baber 16624; Peter Wiggins 16635.   the evening before each session.
Associates under sponsorship of Tim Rigdon 16519: Ed Beardsley 16632.
                                                                             Fax Bidding
                                                                             Fax bids must be received on or before Friday,
                                                                             June 10, by 12:00 PM CT. Fax: 214-409-1425

                                                                             Mail Bidding
                                                                             Mail bids must be received on or before Friday, June 10.

                                                                             Phone: 214.528.3500 • 800.872.6467
                                                                             Fax: 214.409.1425
                                                                             Direct Client Service Line: 866.835.3243

This Auction is presented and cataloged by Heritage Auctions
© 2011 Heritage Auctioneers & Galleries, Inc.

Natural History Specialists

       Steve Ivy
Co-Chairman of the Board

                                    David Herskowitz                        Peter Wiggins
                                           Director                      Consignment Director

      Jim Halperin
        Jim Halperin
Co-Chairman of the Board
         of the Board

      Greg Rohan

    Paul Minshull
 Chief Operating Officer

                                             3500 Maple Avenue • Dallas, Texas 75219
                                               Phone 214-528-3500 • 800-872-6467

                                           Consignment Directors: David Herskowitz, Peter Wiggins
                               Cataloged by: David Herskowitz, Peter Wiggins, James Walker, Mary-Fong Walker
     Todd Imhof            Special Thanks to: Yinan Wang, Craig Smith, Ralph Jubera, photography by Mark Mauthner
Executive Vice President
Natural History Auction
           June 12, 2011 | Dallas

Session 1            Price $50

The first session of this unique auction, the largest of                                                                                                NATURAL HISTORY AUCTION
its kind ever, will include a comprehensive Collection                                                                                                  JUNE 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SESSION ONE

                                                                               Natural Histor y Auc tion #6061 | Session One | June 12, 2011 | Dallas
of Museum quality Minerals • Meteorites • Fossils and
Featuring Four Virtually complete and mounted
Dinosaurs: Allosaurus; Stegosaurus; Triceratops and
Maiasaurus (Duck-billed Dinosaur). Also featured
is a rare mounted Giant Ground Sloth; The largest
prehistoric Megaladon shark jaws ever assembled; the
largest T-Rex tooth with complete root ever offered
to the public; Pieces of the Moon and the Planet Mars!

   For a free copy of the first session catalog or
 one from another Heritage category, plus a copy
  of The Collector’s Handbook, (combined value
 $65), visit or call 866-835-
 3243 and reference code CATA21619. The entire
 catalog is online now at©2011 Heritage Auctions, Inc.

   nATurAL HiSTory AucTion
   june 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SeSSion TWo

                                                                 Session 2
                                                                 Our second session, this catalog , will include: Exotic
                                                                 Gemstones; a variety of uncommon Mineral Specimens
                                                                 with important provenances; Historic Meteorites; A large
                                                                 selection of decorative Petrified wood; Amber with insect
                                                                 inclusions and one of the oldest wooden Archaic Artifacts
                                                                 ever discovered in North America.
Table of Contents
Zoology ...................................................................... 49101 – 49117
Minerals ...................................................................... 49118 – 49176
Gems .......................................................................... 49177 – 49190
Lapidary Art ............................................................... 49191 – 49204
Archeological Artifacts ............................................................. 49205
Meteorites .................................................................. 49206 – 49227
Casts ........................................................................... 49228 – 49230

Amber ........................................................................ 49231 – 49239
Paleobotany ............................................................... 49240 – 49249
Mammals .................................................................... 49250 – 49253
Reptiles....................................................................... 49254 – 49255
Cepholopoda ............................................................. 49256 – 49260
Fish ............................................................................. 49261 – 49272
Echinoderms............................................................... 49273 – 49274
Dinosauria .................................................................. 49275 – 49276
SeSSion two
                    Floor, telephone, heritage live!™, internet, Fax, and Mail Signature® auction #6071
               Sunday, june 12, 2011 • approx. 3:00pM ct (immediately following Session One) | dallaS | lotS 49101-49276
        A 19.5% Buyer’s Premium Will Be Added To All Lots. To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit


                                                     49101 MOUNTAIN LION FULL-BODY MOUNT
                                                                        Puma concolor
The Cougar is the second largest cat in the Western Hemisphere. It is roughly the same length and height as the Jaguar, but slimmer and more lightly built. It is
considered a varmint in Texas and most other states, but protected in California and Florida. This is a fine-looking example; presented prowling on a simulated
rocky base, 23 inches high at the shoulder and 66 inches long overall, with a brass plaque denoting that it was taken at Green River, Utah, in April 1971.
                                                                  Estimate: $2,500-$3,500

                                                                        sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT                 5
                         Kobus leche leche
There are four subspecies of Lechwe, of which the Red, or Zambezi
Lechwe is the most populous, found across south-eastern Africa.
They live mostly in marshy areas where they feed on aquatic
plants, but the water also serves as a defense against predators;
in fact, their legs are covered with a water-repelling substance
which enables them to run swiftly through the swamps. This fine
example stands 21½ inches from the wall to the tip of the nose,
and measures 46 inches high.
                                                                                     49103 SABLE ANTELOPE SHOULDER MOUNT
                      Estimate: $900-$1,200
                                                                                                      Hippotragus niger
                                                                    Larger than the other subspecies of the sable, the Common sable is found south of
                                                                    the Zambezi River, and enjoys a much lower conservation risk than its endangered
                                                                    cousins, the Giant and the Zambian sables. elusive and quite expensive to hunt,
                                                                    these animals are always one of the most desirable to many Big Game hunters. This
                                                                    specimen quizzically turns his head and stands 24 inches from the wall and 55 inches
                                                                    high, with 38 x 39-inch horns.
                                                                                                  Estimate: $1,400-$1,800

6    To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                       Oryx gazella
The Gemsbuck is the largest member of the oryx family, with a mottled face that embodies
the archetypal African look. These animals can go days without water and can be extremely
dangerous when attacked or wounded. Many a lion has been found dead with a wounded
gemsbuck nearby – they are deadly accurate with their horns. Those of the present example         49105 WHITE-TAIL DEER SHOULDER MOUNT
measure 36 x 32½ inches, and with his head quizzically turned, he stands 48 inches high and                      Odocoileus virginianus
27 inches from the wall.                                                                      The White-Tail deer, known also as the virginia deer or
                                  Estimate: $900-$1,200                                       simply as the Whitetail, is native to the Americas as far
                                                                                              south as peru, and has also been introduced into some
                                                                                              countries in europe (Finland, the Czech Republic) as well
                                                                                              as new Zealand. At one time it was thought to have up to
                                                                                              forty subspecies, but modern taxonomy places the figure
                                                                                              at less than half that number. Its red-brown coat turns
                                                                                              grey-white in fall and winter, and the antlers are only worn
                                                                                              by the males, and something like one in 10,000 females.
                                                                                              This is a handsome male, mounted on a mahogany plaque
                                                                                              and standing 17 inches from the wall and 28 inches high
                                                                                                                  Estimate: $500-$700

                                                                     sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT             7
                                 Rangifer tarandus – caribou
The largest-bodied Reindeer, these animals can weigh up to 600 pounds and are distinguished
by their large characterful racks. This one boasts a lovely woody patination and is narrow
but rather high. Known as the Caribou only in north America, some populations migrate the
furthest of any terrestrial mammal, traveling over 3000 miles a year. This handsome specimen
stands 37 inches from the wall to the furthest horn tip, and approximately 58 inches high.
                                   Estimate: $1,200-$1,500

                                                                                                         49107 IMPALA SHOULDER MOUNT
                                                                                                                   Aepyceros melampus
                                                                                               The Impala is the world’s greatest jumper, elegant and
                                                                                               graceful, and able to leap over 30 feet in a single bound.
                                                                                               These animals are a sportsman’s favorite and are quite
                                                                                               plentiful; found in savannahs and thick bushveld in
                                                                                               south-eastern Africa. The name comes from the Zulu
                                                                                               for “gazelle”, although true gazelles belong to a different
                                                                                               genus. This handsome example measures 41 inches high
                                                                                               and stands 23¼ inches from the wall (horns loose).
                                                                                                                 Estimate: $1,200-$1,500

8    To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                             Alcelaphus caama
The Red Cape Hartebeest is a one of the larger Hartebeest, with a long face
and a high frontal pedicel. They weigh 300-350 pounds and are the fastest
animal in the world for any distance over 100 yards. They originate in the
Republic of south Africa and were recently reclassified from a subspecies of
Hartebeest (A.buselaphus) to their very own species. This is a fine example;
43½ inches high and standing 27½ inches from the wall.
                           Estimate: $700-$900

                                                                                                  49109 SASSABY SHOULDER MOUNT
                                                                                                           Damaliscus korrigum
                                                                               The sassaby, or Topi, is a south African antelope thought to be the swiftest
                                                                               hoofed mammal. They have curved ridged horns, elongated heads and
                                                                               a distinctive hump at the base of the neck. They join the great serengeti
                                                                               migration along with the Wildebeest, Zebra and Thompson’s Gazelle; an
                                                                               amazing annual event which has been taking place for over one million
                                                                               years. This is a fine shoulder mount, and stands 28 inches from the wall to
                                                                               the tip of the nose.
                                                                                                           Estimate: $500-$700

                                                                       sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT            9
                                                                                                                  Sus scrofa
                                                                               The wild ancestors of the domestic pig, Wild Boar are found all across the
                                                                               temperate world, although populations in north America and Australia
                                                                               were artificially introduced for hunting. They have also spread via successful
                                                                               escapes from captivity and re-established themselves in areas such as
                                                                               northern Russia and rural england, where previously they had been hunted
                                                                               to extinction. This fine example stands 19 inches from the wall to the tip of
                                                                               the nose, and measures 36 inches high.
                                                                                                           Estimate: $500-$700

                        Phacochoerus aethiopicus
The Warthog will never win an animal kingdom beauty contest, but they
make wonderful Big Game. They are a gregarious animal, living in bands of
4 to 6, and both males and females have warts and tusks which they use for
rooting up the ground and for defense. With his vicious, curving tusks, this
fine specimen stands 24 inches from the wall.
                          Estimate: $500-$700

                                                                                             49112 BLACK BEAR SHOULDER MOUNT
                                                                                                            Ursus americanus
                                                                               Ranging from Alaska all the way down to central Mexico, the Black Bear is
                                                                               one of north America’s most common and adaptable Big Game animals.
                                                                               They come in several different color phases, with black being the most
                                                                               common. This is a handsome example, mounted on a wooden plaque and
                                                                               standing 18½ inches from the wall, with a brass plaque detailing that it was
                                                                               taken in Cochrane, ontario in May 1966.
                                                                                                        Estimate: $1,400-$1,800

10    To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                                                       Various species
This remarkable collection represents over 100 specimens from almost as many species, representing the papilionidae, pieridae, nymphalidae, Heliconiidae,
Morphidae, BrassolidaeIthomiidae, danaidae, Riodinidae and Uraiidae families (the last being a moth rather than a butterfly). The incredible assortment of
colors and patterns is staggering, with each specimen expertly presented and mounted between glass to allow examination of both upper and under surfaces
of the wings. The specimens range in size from 1¼ to 6 inches across; framed in peruvian mahogany, 25 x 35 inches overall.
                                                                  Estimate: $1,600-$2,000

                                                                    sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT             11
                                                                            Tridacna gigas
The giant clam is native to the warm seas of the Indo-pacific region and known traditionally to the pacific Islanders as pa’ua. pa-ua is the name of the second
of the children of puna, King of the Underworld in polynesian and Hawaiian myth. The pa’ua can grow up to 4 feet across, weighing over 440lb, and they
enjoy an average life span of 100 years or more, although they are entirely sessile in adulthood, meaning that they are unable to move about. The brightly
colored mantle that lines the inside of the shell acts as a habitat for symbiotic single-celled algae from which the clam gets its nutrition; by day, the shell opens
up to allow the algae to receive the sunlight they require for photosynthesis. of an elegant, undulating form, the exterior of this present example displays an
evocative rough ocean texture, and even has some remains of the connective tissue that hinged the two halves of the shell in life; both halves are present and
each measures approximately 34 inches across.
                                                                       Estimate: $1,800-$2,400

                                                                49115 REMARKABLY HUGE HUMBOLDT SQUID BEAK
                                                                Dosidicus gigas
                                                                Eastern Pacific Ocean
                                                                The Humboldt or Jumbo squid is a large predatory marine cephalopod that thrives throughout
                                                                the eastern pacific ocean. Reaching sizes of almost 6 feet in length and up to 100 lb in weight,
                                                                it is a large and ferocious predator. Its tentacles are lined with hooked suckers for capturing
                                                                prey, and its head is equipped with a sharp and deadly parrot-like beak for the rending of flesh.
                                                                Adding to their deadliness is the fact that the squids have been observed hunting in packs,
                                                                seeming to communicate to each other by changing their complex colors using chromatophores,
                                                                cooperating to take down large prey. These intelligent squids have been known to attack
                                                                divers and fishermen and even cannibalistically attack and consume their own wounded and
                                                                vulnerable. While the majority of Humboldt squids reach about 100 lbs in weight, this beak
                                                                came from a monster that weighed over 150 lbs; so huge that its beak is twice as large as
                                                                those of its companions. This beak specimen measuring 4¼ x 3½ x 3 inches is very sharp and
                                                                excellently preserved; a uniquely large example from a monstrous predator.
                                                                Estimate: $900-$1,200

12     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                             Physeter macrocephalus
                                                   South Pacific
The sperm Whale is a fascinating creature; holding the records both for being the largest toothed animal and
for having the largest brain of any animal. Reaching lengths of over 65 feet and able to dive up to 9800 feet
to the depths of the ocean, it feeds on many different prey, including the Giant squid, using its massive jaws
lined with these large sharp teeth. Hunting of sperm Whales began in the early 1700’s and ended (officially)
in the 1980’s. valued for their blubber oil and their spermaceti (waxy buoyancy liquid found in the head)
for industrial uses and precious ambergris for use as a fixative in perfumery, their teeth were usually kept as
souvenirs or used for the decorative marine carvings known as scrimshaw. This impressive specimen was
from the collection of Captain John s. dorman (1819-1902); Master of the 301-ton whaling ship Balaena out of
new Bedford, Massachusetts. The tooth is believed to have been collected during Captain dorman’s second
voyage, between october 5th, 1858 and July 26th, 1863, while whaling between the Galapagos Islands and
the coast of Chile. It is in pristine condition with a fine tip and good hollow root cavity, and measures 6⅝
inches along the outside curve. The specimen comes with provenance documentation and a display describing
the life of Captain dorman and the origin of the tooth. This Lot is accompanied by complete documentation
allowing it to be sold within the United States; it is important to note however that it cannot be exported
outside of the United States.
                                              Estimate: $900-$1,200

                                                                                      49117 NARWHAL TUSK
                                                                                            Monodon monoceras
The narwhal is one of the most unusual looking creatures to grace our planet. A native of the Arctic ocean, its
Latin name means “one tooth one horn” for the remarkable dentary growth of its left upper jaw – a long, helical
tusk that inspired its nickname “Unicorn of the seas”. It was once thought that this distinctive feature was a tool
for breaking through the thick ice covering its native waters, or that possibly it was for use in ritual conflict –
typically the elongated tooth is found only in the male of the species, although some few examples of a female
tusk have been recorded. Recent research suggests, however, that unlike the protruding horn-like teeth and
tusks found in other mammals, that of the narwhal may in fact be a sensory organ; electron microphotography
reveals millions of tiny tubules leading from the surface of the horn and apparently connecting to the nervous
system. such tubules are found in many species, but do not typically extend to the outer surface of healthy
teeth. The narwhal’s “horn” has long been the subject of wonder and highly prized: in 16th century england
Queen elizabeth I paid an astounding 10,000 British pounds for one carved and bejeweled example, for which
money at the time she could equally have bought herself another castle. elsewhere, two crossed narwhal
teeth adorn the entrance to the Korninkaku palace in Japan, and multiple examples comprise the frame of the
danish throne. This is a well preserved example, at 65 inches long, of which 13 inches is the well-formed,
rugose root section, usually absent. In addition, it is unusually worn with an almost smooth surface, but
still exhibiting the left-handed spiral groove and a well-defined helical twist throughout its length, presented
upright on an octagonal wooden base. Comes complete with documentation allowing it to be sold within
the United States. However, it is important to note that this lot cannot be exported outside of the United
States and therefore we cannot accept bids from buyers outside of the U.S.
                                                                                        Estimate: $6,500-$7,500

                                                                        sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT   13

                                                                49118 FINE AMETHYST GEODE
Amethyst is one of the most recognizable and collectible of all semi-precious minerals, and is found in greatest abundance in Brazil. The specimens from
Uruguay, however, tend to be of a superior quality, characterized by a lovely deep inky purple coloring, as displayed here in this fine specimen, relatively
large for the region. The undulating interior of the geode is lined with large blocky crystals of excellent color, converging in a natural outcrop near the center
that has been sliced to reveal the sliver of rock around which it formed, and the clear translucent roots of the purple crystals. An impressive display piece, it
measures approximately 38 x 30 inches and is presented upright on a mahogany base.
                                                                    Estimate: $4,500-$5,500

14     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                          Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Willemite with calcite is undoubtedly the most famous and most
collected bi-colored fluorescent mineral combination in the world
and this stunningly veined and spotted specimen is perfectly
illustrative of that reputation. It hails from the famed Franklin mining
district of new Jersey, the only place in the world where willemite,
as well as the associated non-fluorescents black franklinite and red
zincite, constitutes a major portion of the ore. Attractive enough
under normal lighting conditions, the willemite bursts into brilliant
life under short-wave ultraviolet light: fluorescing a brilliant green
color, with the major “gangue” (non-ore) mineral calcite burning
with a brilliant red-orange. This superb 6½ x 5 x 2-inch specimen
was purchased for the Hugh Ronemus collection from the Al Jehle
collection, a notable Franklin fluorescent collector and doctor
from the philadelphia area, and retains the Jehle label on the cut
and matt polished back; the label indicates that the specimen was
likely purchased by Jehle during the 1980’s or 1990’s, his major
collecting years, from Mike Massey, a renowned Franklin mineral
dealer. The smoothed back also indicates that this specimen was
used for photographic phosphorescence tests at some point in its
history, and indeed the veins of secondary willemite, as opposed
to the speckled primary willemite, does phosphoresce with a very
bright and long-lasting green under shortwave ultraviolet rays.
 Provenance: Ex Mike Massey, Al Jehle, Hugh Ronemus collections
                                                    Estimate: $150-$200

                    49120 HYDROZINCITE, WILLEMITE, AND CALCITE
            Sterling Hill Mining Co. dump, material from the 180 foot level,
                                         Ogdensburg, Sussex Co, New Jersey
since the Hauck brothers et al acquired and reopened the former new
Jersey Company property at sterling Hill circa 1990, the site has yielded
some of the best multi-colored fluorescent material ever produced in the
Franklin area. While the present specimen displays “only” 3 fluorescent
colors, other pieces boast up to 7 or more colors, depending on how one
counts them. But under shortwave ultraviolet rays, this specimen shows
electric blue hydrozincite, brilliant green willemite and brilliant red-orange
calcite, each of the brightest hue and intensity as are to be found in any of
these specimens. The wonderful pattern of willemite speckles and cloud-
like wisps of hydrozincite leap from a nearly solid calcite ground; perfectly
offset by speckles of non-fluorescent black franklinite and red zincite to
add the perfect amount of punctuation and interest to the fluorescent
pattern. Collected by the tireless Claude poli and received in trade from
him for the Hugh Ronemus collection, this is a fine specimen of a modern-
day classic, 3¾ x 3½ x 2 inches.
                    Provenance: Ex Claude Poli, Hugh Ronemus Collections
                                                        Estimate: $100-$150

                                                                           sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT   15
                                                         Miller Canyon, Arizona and Franklin, New Jersey
This lot contains three well-matched and highly desirable specimens of the aesthetic combination of fluorescent red-orange calcite and green willemite from
the two best localities in the world for this pairing. While this is an abundant combination in the Franklin mining district of new Jersey, a specimen such as
the 3½ x 2¾ x 2 inch wedge-shaped example here becomes extremely desirable due to the rare pattern of relatively evenly spaced bands of the two minerals
in about ½-inch straight and parallel formation; making for a very visually striking piece. While fluorescent willemite and calcite are a duo found in other
localities in the world including quite a few in Arizona, the willemite found at most of the other localities more commonly fluoresces in colors ranging from
buttery yellow to yellow-orange and is typically found only in thin veinlets. But located in a canyon near the top of Miller peak in the rugged Huachuca
Mountains of Cochise Co, Arizona is the second best locality for this red-orange and green fluorescent pair. The larger of the two pieces from Miller Canyon
in this lot is a 5 x 3¾ x 1¾-inch hatchet-head shaped piece showing the typical green fluorescing and ore-rimming pattern in red-orange fluorescent calcite,
itself showing brighter streaks and veins typical for this locality. However, this piece also exhibits stringers of bright butter-yellow fluorescing powellite, a red/
green fluorescent combination not known from any other locality. In addition, this piece also displays a minor amount of deep-blue fluorescent hydrozincite,
technically making it a 4-color short-wave ultraviolet fluorescent specimen and thus highly rare and collectible! The third piece is a 5 x 3 x 1½-inch
somewhat arrowhead-shaped specimen also from Miller canyon and shows large mottled/veined areas of mostly green-fluorescent willemite across about
three-quarters of the piece, the other quarter being mostly red-orange fluorescent calcite. It is a specimen atypically rich in willemite for any non-Franklin
area piece and also highly desirable in that it too is dappled with deep-blue fluorescing hydrozincite. Two of the most energetic field collectors active in
Arizona in recent decades have said that Miller is in such inaccessible terrain that, what with the exertion of hauling in ultraviolet lamps and regular hand-
tools such as hammers and chisels for collecting, little room and energy is left for bringing out specimens. The surface is quite picked over and transporting
even shovels, heavy rakes or sledge hammers to collect below the surface is too arduous to be worth any prospector’s while. Thus the likelihood of more
large specimens such as these appearing on the market in the near future in any real quantity is highly unlikely. These two Arizona pieces were found by one
of these collectors, Charles Grogan, and received from him by Hugh Ronemus for his collection. The Franklin piece was received in trade from the dealer’s
stock of eminent Franklin/foreign fluorescent collector/dealer Claude poli.
                                            Provenance: Ex Charles Grogan, Claude Poli, Hugh Ronemus Collections
                                                                       Estimate: $700-$1,000

16     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
           Franklin Mine, Franklin Borough, Sussex Co, New Jersey
purple-fluorescing hardystonite might be called the Rodney dangerfield of
Franklin minerals, in that it has seldom garnered the respect it truly deserves.
named for the adjoining Hardyston Township, this is the only place on earth
where the mineral is to be found; it has not even been located elsewhere
in the greater Franklin area. Hardystonite was chosen by many eminent
scientists and top collectors as the mineral most likely to drop off of the
Franklin area “unique list”, but whilst several other of the area’s minerals
have been now discovered elsewhere, hardystonite remains steadfast. While
much more common fluorescent species enjoy high esteem among Franklin
fluorescent aficionados when found in their rarest forms and associations
in this area (Wollastonite being a prime example), still the reputation of
hardystonite in its rarer forms and associations has lagged behind. Finally,
from the mid-1990’s onwards, when the fluorescent mineral market was                  49123 A FRANKLIN CLASSIC — FINE ESPERITE WITH WILLEMITE
rapidly expanding, hardystonite specimens in their best multi-colored and                                    Franklin, Sussex Co, New Jersey
vibrant associations started rising in value and esteem, first world-wide          esperite is one formerly unique Franklin mineral that has always been
and then, as a consequence in the Franklin area, when the locals noticed           coveted by collectors of fluorescents due to its shockingly brilliant yellowish-
how scarce true first-class specimens were becoming in the area due to the         green response under shortwave ultraviolet. It has been found elsewhere
keen world-wide demand; in the past 5 or 10 years, even average to fair            in minor traces in a Bolivian tin mine, for example, but Franklin is likely
specimens have been sky-rocketing in value. The present example, however,          the only locality deposit in any quantity. Though somewhat scarcer than
is considerably above average: hardystonite crystals have been found in            Hardystonite, most collectors can hope to eventually obtain at least a small
two exceptionally rare occurrences, possibly closely related, and this piece       piece; but fine cabinet-sized and larger specimens are decidedly rare, and
represents the more aesthetic fluorescent type, in red-orange fluorescent          rich pieces such as this large 5 x 3 x 2½-inch cabinet specimen have always
calcite, with lesser amounts of green-fluorescing willemite. The hardystonite
                                                                                   been extremely scarce and highly sought-after. Though this specimen
shows a slightly rounded crystal form as is usual even in the best specimens,
                                                                                   represents the most typical association, with yellowish-green fluorescent
but it also displays strong parting planes and weak cleavages in relation
                                                                                   willemite and the non-fluorescents black franklinite and orange zincite, the
to the crystal form, another rare occurrence. All these minerals fluoresce
best in shortwave ultraviolet rays as do the occasional associated minerals        quality is exceptional. More mundane specimens of this association can be
clinohedrite (yellow-orange) and esperite (greenish-yellow), but of these          difficult to identify, as the fluorescent hues and intensities are similar enough
two, only clinohedrite is present here in a small trace. The non-fluorescent       that the colors appear indistinguishable as these two minerals become more
associates include black franklinite and the unusual brown tephroite which         intimately mixed. But the large, relatively pure vein-like bands of esperite
is even more exceptional and desirable on this piece because it shows a            are as bold and distinctive as the willemite, cutting a diagonal swathe across
fluorescent pattern of willemite; exsolved along the cleavage and parting          the beautiful rock, making for a rare, superb and highly aesthetic specimen
planes as an attractive network of fine lines. Also uncommon is the fact that      of this Franklin classic.
this incredible 3¾ x 3 x 1½-inch specimen has both major faces displaying                             Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection
well-shaped crystals in beautiful fluorescent harmony with their associates.                                    Estimate: $1,200-$1,500
           Provenance: Ex Ray Vajdik, Hugh Ronemus Collections
                           Estimate: $2,000-$3,000

                                                                         sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT                  17
                                            Kipawa Complex, Villedieu Township, Temiskaming Co, Quebec, Canada
pink is a somewhat rare color in the fluorescent mineral kingdom, especially in large pieces such as this, showing it as the predominant shade, and is rarely
displayed in such a vibrant, intense and unadulterated coloring. Agrellite from the Kipawa Complex, however, is the one fluorescent mineral that proves an
exception to these rules, and the present specimen is exceptional even under these terms. From the few other places it has been found (elsewhere in northern
Canada and Alaska), agrellite has been recovered in exceedingly small amounts, not particularly worthy of fluorescent displays. However, the Kipawa
Complex is an alkaline syenite intrusion, similar to granitic rocks and their coarse pegmatite, but mostly lacking in the commonest silicate minerals such as
quartz and feldspar group minerals. such alkaline syenites usually contain rather bizarre combinations of minerals and in the case of the Kipawa Complex,
this includes pods, “stringers”, and lenses containing masses of brilliantly pink fluorescent agrellite. While most collectors can now have a “hand-specimen” of
these shockingly pink fluorescent mineral, museum-sized masses of nearly pure agrellite such as this remarkable 13 x 8½ x 4 inch example are still extremely
rare. This splendid piece was purchased directly from its collector, d. MacFarlane, for the Hugh Ronemus collection, and also contains minor amounts of
the deep-red fluorescing albite as well as a greenish fluorescent and phosphorescent carbonate-mineral coating probably composed of aragonite and/or
calcite, all fluorescing well together under shortwave ultraviolet rays, although the agrellite fluoresces slightly brighter under mid-range ultraviolet exposure.
                                                   Provenance: Ex D. MacFarlane, Hugh Ronemus Collections
                                                                       Estimate: $600-$800

                                                     49125 FLUORESCENT SVABITE
                                                     Langban, Sweden
                                                     This is a classic and rare fluorescent mineral specimen from a classic european locality. svabite is a
                                                     member of the Apatite-group minerals, more specifically of the Arsenate-Apatites, a very rare sub-group
                                                     of a large and abundant grouping, and one that wins the fluorescence competition hands-down. This
                                                     fine specimen of svabite fluoresces in a brilliant orange under shortwave ultraviolet rays, streaked with
                                                     lesser quantities of an unidentified red-fluorescing mineral (probably either tilasite or tirodite). A very
                                                     small amount of non-fluorescent material is also present in streaks across this large, blocky specimen, up
                                                     to 5¾ inches on the diagonal and 5 inches along the longest edge of the main face, with a thickness of
                                                     about 3 inches. This is a very rare specimen on the market; besides the locality being in a desolate and
                                                     remote region, the swedish government generally limits access to serious researchers, and the material
                                                     that has been distributed is typically smashed into small pieces to fit into the small standardized european
                                                     rare mineral species boxes of less than 2 inches square. not only is this specimen exceptionally rich in
                                                     color, but the blockiness and unusual angular-shaped faces allow it to be displayed to good advantage in
                                                     numerous positions, an unusual yet highly desirable bonus feature. A superb, rare and large cabinet-sized
                                                     fluorescent specimen from a locality that could potentially give the famed Franklin mining district a run for
                                                     its money as the fluorescent mineral capital of the world, if only greater access were granted.
                                                     Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection
                                                     Estimate: $1,500-$2,000

18     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
   Burning slag dumps, New Jersey Zinc Company Refinery; Laboratories, Palmerton, Carbon
                                                                          County, Pennsylvania
Zincite is a mineral composed of zinc and oxygen, specifically the naturally occurring
hexagonal form of Zno (zinc oxide). This fine specimen fluoresces a brilliant yellow under
longwave or shortwave ultraviolet rays; interestingly, it was formed on the dump of the refining
and processing wastes of the new Jersey Zinc Co, which owned the Franklin and sterling Hill
mines, among others that were not in the Franklin area. The dump contained waste products
from ore shipments from mines at sterling Hill, new Jersey, and from the Friedensville area
mines, Lehigh County, pennsylvania as well as some from Belgium. These dumps were also
used for discarded building products later evidenced by bricks impressed with the nJ Zinc
Co logo. Likely there were other building products including timbers and other flammable
material and probably some ores that were too low-grade to refine. But, somehow, along with
the semi-molten slag supplying enough heat to start the dump burning, they smoldered hot
enough and for long enough to volatilize the zinc in the thick piles of the burning dumps and
when the zinc met enough cooling air near the surface of the dump, zinc oxide was the predominant quasi-mineral to form; in rare cases it was beautifully
fluorescent. since this occurred with the cooperation of Mother nature and man, many purists do not consider these true mineral specimens, but this one
certainly is a beautiful fluorescent specimen and has a strong tie-in to the vast lore that comprises the mythos of Frankin/sterling Hill as well as that of
fluorescent collecting in general. A superb, delicate pale green 3¼ x 2½ x 1-inch specimen, it was collected by Bob Murcer, a nJ Zinc Co chemist who kept
similar pieces in his own fluorescent mineral collection. Completely natural zincite specimens are found only in minute traces outside of the Franklin area,
where it comprises one of the three major ore minerals and in which it is virtually never fluorescent; two fairly small finds were made at the sterling Hill
Mine, the rarer thick-vein occurrence from the 180-foot level producing specimens that were somewhat comparable, but are extremely difficult to obtain. The
other occurrence was in thin powdery seams within massive non-fluorescent zincite and the fluorescence was almost non-existent under shortwave light.
                                                                                                 Provenance: Ex Robert Murcer, Hugh Ronemus Collections
                                                                                                                                     Estimate: $300-$600

                                                  49127 RARE CANADIAN MULTI-COLOR FLUORESCENT
                                             Long Lake Zinc Mine, Olden Township, Frontenac Co, Ontario, Canada
Also known as the Lynx Mine, the Long Lake Zinc Mine has quietly been producing some of the most spectacular multi-color fluorescent mineral specimens
in the world since at least the early 1960’s. Though yielding occasional specimens since then, the only time a truly noticeable amount of pieces appeared on
the market was during the mid to late 1990’s, when the present specimen was made public; by the early 2000’s they had largely disappeared again, having
been absorbed into an eager market. And no wonder – although the overall tones are usually on the muted or pastel side, these specimens frequently present
beautifully aesthetic patterning, rarely matched elsewhere, including in pieces from the famed Franklin area. Measuring 14 x 7 x 4¼ inches, this example
resembles nothing so much as a giant psychedelic peanut and is an outstanding piece even for this fine locality. Composed of the Grenville Formation marble
and its accompanying minerals, and activated with the help of trace elements from the zinc mine, it contains red-orange fluorescent calcite, resembling the
dying embers of a fire, along with bands of what seems to be yellow-white fluorescent diopside (although could possibly be the much scarcer fluoborite).
Bright yellow fluorescing chondrodite also appears, in similarly arranged bands of spots, as well as what are probably veinlets of dolomite, brilliant blue
streaks cross-cutting these other mineral bands in a sub-parallel trend: a rare and desirable response for this mineral. In addition, a non-fluorescent brown
vein streaks across the specimen roughly parallel to the dolomite veinlets and has apparently imparted a halo of white fluorescent calcite about ¼-inch
thick to either side of the vein. All these fluorescent responses are visible under shortwave ultraviolet rays and combine to produce a superbly patterned,
exceptionally large, world class 5-color fluorescent specimen of museum-worthy quality.
                                                           Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection
                                                                   Estimate: $1,200-$1,500
                                                                     sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT               19
                                                              Doña Anna Prospect, Cochise Co, Arizona
Fluorite, an abundant fluorescent mineral species found worldwide, has been known to fluoresce in virtually every color of the spectrum, but by far the rarest
colors are red and pink. This specimen is from the only locality that has produced significant, display-caliber pink-fluorescent fluorites and is probably the
only locality for pink-fluorescent fluorite in the world. The mineral only responds with this color under shortwave ultraviolet rays; under longwave ultraviolet
it responds with a typical and abundant bright blue-violet. Under the shortwave ultraviolent it glows a bright pastel pink, and this is likely the second best
known specimen for this response and the only one of large-size display caliber, at 5 x 5 x 4 inches, with two display-worthy faces enlivened by a small veinlet
of blue-white shortwave fluorescent scheelite in between. other associated minor fluorescents on this piece under short-wave are dull green-fluorescent
quartz and a small fluorescent spot of a weak yellow, most likely powellite or a different response of the quartz. even small cabinet specimens (under 4 inches)
of this pink-fluorescing fluorite are exceptionally rare – estimated at about 40 to 50 pieces in total – and only one larger museum-quality piece is known.
Accompanying this exceptional specimen is a relatively mundane fluorescent specimen from the same prospect, but one which provides an important
historical counterpoint to its world-class companion: fine blue-white fluorescing scheelite on a non-fluorsecent quartz matrix with veinlets of non-fluorescent
mica, which are also the main matrix minerals of the world-class fluorescent fluorite. The brilliant fluorescence of the scheelite is somewhat muted in a
pleasantly wispy cloudlike pattern that sweeps across the entire 6½ x 5½ x 3¼-inch matrix. presumably, scheelite and feberite, a non-fluorescent, were the
tungsten ore minerals at the small doña Anna prospect, as no indications of any other potential ore minerals seem to be in evidence at the now worked-out
site. Wispy veinlets of scheelite are virtually all that remain now since they have little ore value in small amounts; but a few small crystals and one step-formed
parallel growth group of large crystals that were found there recently suggest that at least a limited amount of higher tenor ore was mined out of this prospect;
it was probably the fluorescence of the sheelite which led to the discovery of the ore, and hence the discovery of this world-class fluorescent fluorite.
                                                              Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection
                                                                      Estimate: $3,500-$5,000

20     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                                                       Nullagine, Pibara Region, Western Australia, Australia

                                                                   49129 RARE CRYSTAL GOLD – THE “EAGLE”
Crystallized gold specimens are a real rarity from Australia – even though gold nuggets have been found in profusion
in Western Australia. Nicknamed “The Eagle”, because of its “wing” span, by past owner Hubert C. de Monmonier – this
specimen is a crystalline aggregate of high karat gold sporting free standing gold crystals as well as numerous epimorphic
casts of accompanying Quartz crystals. It is a massive piece of virtually pure gold with little of the original Quartz
remaining. It weighs an hefty 779 grams (25.045 troy ounces). Nullagine: an old gold mining town in Western Australia’s
Pilbara region is the source. From 1895 to 1914, Nullagine was a booming rough and tumble outback town with a heart of
gold. The easy pickings ran out in 1914 and the miners moved on. lack of discoveries, since that time have not deterred
modern prospectors, equipped with metal detectors, from exploring these old mining regions, stubbornly seeking any
nuggets that eluded the early miners. In 1997, an intrepid miner hit pay dirt when he found this large crystallized gold
specimen. Eventually the specimen made its way from the C. Kent Collection of Australia into the notable gold collection
of Hubert C. de Monmonier, who later bequeathed it to the University of Arizona (formerly the Arizona State & Territorial
Collection). Although the University listed Kalgoorlie as the locality on its accompanying museum label, it’s much rarer
Nullagine origins have been confirmed by Bill Birch, Senior Curator of the Museum Victoria of Melbourne, Australia, as
well as being documented in “Gold, The Noble Metal“ – a special edition of Extralapis English Magazine, published by
lithographie in 2003. Accompanied by a custom unlabeled base, it bears the University of Arizona collection #18447, and
measures 4 inches high x 5⅛ inches wide x 1¼ inches thick.
                                                                                      Provenance: ex. C. Kent Collection
                                                                            ex. Hubert Charles de Monmonier Collection
                                                                                        ex. University of Arizona Collection
                                                                                    Publication: “Gold, The Noble Metal“,
                                                                              ExtraLapis English, Lithographie, 2003, p. 33
                                                                                        Estimate: $140,000-$160,000

                                                     SeSSion two | auction #6071 | Sunday, June 12, 2011 | aprox. 3:00pM ct     21
                                                               Dorlin, Maripasoula Commune, French Guiana
                                                               Goldfinger, el dorado, the Treasure of the sierra Madre, savage natives, Gold:
                                                               the drive to possess this uniquely colored metal can easily become an all-
                                                               consuming obsession. In spite of the fact that Gold has been rather vigorously
                                                               sought everywhere on the planet reachable by humans, some of the areas that
                                                               have produced significant quantities of this most desirable of metals, are quite
                                                               under-represented in Gold collections. French Guiana is very definitely one of
                                                               those under-represented localities. A placer mine at dorlin; a tiny camp on one
                                                               of the numberless rivers meandering through the jungle, produced this hefty
                                                               example of Mankind’s ultimate motivator. The massive high-Karat gold shown here
                                                               is composed of multiple, coarse and large octahedral crystals showing some signs
                                                               of stream wear. There is no matrix; the coffee colored river took care of that years
                                                               ago. The approximate weight is 137 grams (4.40 Troy ounces): large even for this
                                                               remote area. From the personal collection of Gilles emringer, mine geologist at
                                                               dorlin. Holding this hard won prize, you can almost feel the heat, humidity and
                                                               the endless kilometers of green in every direction. It has a custom labeled base and
                                                               measures 1½ x 11∕16 x 1½ inches.
                                                               Provenance: ex. Gilles Emringer Collection
                                                               Estimate: $30,000-$36,000

                                                                              49131 CRYSTALLIZED GOLD ON QUARTZ
                                                                              Mockingbird Mine, Whitlock, Whitlock District, Bagby-Mariposa-
                                                                              Mount Bullion-Whitlock District, Mariposa Co., California, USA
                                                                              This fine Gold specimen displays shining dodecahedral crystals of
                                                                              Gold rising from the interior of a colorless Quartz matrix. some of
                                                                              the Quartz to one side is atypically euhedral and a small area of that
                                                                              is transparent: a very good indicator of its particular source. The
                                                                              specimen is quite heavy for its size, indicating that there is probably
                                                                              more gold hidden within the Quartz matrix, waiting to be revealed.
                                                                              The Mockingbird Mine, near Mariposa, California, shares a couple
                                                                              of things with its adjoining, more famous, neighbor: the Colorado
                                                                              Quartz Mine – a single, well defined structure that contains the
                                                                              odd, infrequent “pocket”: a cavity sometimes containing crystals of
                                                                              metallic Gold of exceptional perfection. Rock between the pockets
                                                                              is uniformly barren of the precious metal, such that estimation of
                                                                              reserves and potential future production is virtually impossible. The
                                                                              other thing shared by both properties is the presence of euhedral
                                                                              and sometimes transparent Quartz crystals accompanying the
                                                                              crystalline Gold, such as in this specimen. The combination of
                                                                              transparent, well-formed Quartz and crystalline Gold is relatively
                                                                              rare for specimens of this metal. This extremely bright Gold
                                                                              specimen measures 2¾ inches high x 1⅝ inches wide x 1⅞ inches
                                                                              deep, is in pristine condition, and comes with a custom unlabeled
                                                                              Estimate: $18,000-$22,000

22   To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
 Grass Valley, Nevada City District (Grass Valley District),
                                  Sierra Co., California, USA
very sharp and well-defined crystalline Gold specimen
consisting of numerous flattened octahedrons, some of
which are over ⅝ inch across: quite large for Gold crystals.
The main crystal(s) display a pronounced “hopper” type
of growth habit indicative of fairly rapid growth. The
color, luster and habit of the specimen are consistent with
other known Grass valley specimens but is considerably
better than most – a world class specimen. This is from
the Al McGuiness Family Collection, which makes it
also a very old specimen, it then found its way into the
Gene Meieran Collection, and finally ended up in Wayne
Thompson’s private collection. A world class miniature
Gold with great patina and provenance, it weighs 10.40
grams, measures 1⅜ inches long x ¾ inch wide x ⅛ inch
thick, and has a custom labeled base.
          Provenance: ex. Al McGuiness Family Collection
                               ex. Gene Meieran Collection
                 ex. Wayne Thompson’s Private Collection
                                Estimate: $30,000-$35,000

                                                                                              49134 FINE AND AESTHETIC GOLD NUGGET
                                                                                                         Dunolly, Victoria, Australia
                                                                                 This lovely alluvial nugget displays a bright yellow color denoting a high
                                                                                 karat content; but beyond its purity, the natural form makes it a highly
                                                                                 collectible specimen. Finely textured with pits and protrusions, it has the
                                                                                 appearance of delicate gold leaf, loosely crumpled, with folds and crevices,
                                                                                 apertures and delicate, textured frills. In fine contrast, the raised areas
                                                                                 are lightly burnished smooth and the whole impressive piece measures
                           49133 NATIVE GOLD                                     approximately 3⅛ x 1½ x 1⅛ inches and weighs 6.025 troy oz (187.4 grams).
  Ro¸ ia Montanã (Verespatak; Vöröspatak; Goldbach), Alba Co., Romania
      s                                                                                                  Estimate: $14,000-$15,000
The seldom mentioned country of Romania has interestingly enough been
the source for a small number of finely crystallized Gold specimens over the
years. This fact tends to catch many people by surprise. never very many,
and never very large in size, this small golden trickle has left its mark on
serious collections around the world, based on aesthetic form and difficulty
of acquisition. very representative of Romanian material, this “leaf” of
crystalline Gold displays pronounced trigonal features on one surface and
little or none on the other side. It’s luster is uniformly bright, there is no
matrix or other associated minerals, and it is an older specimen as there
has not been any production from this region for many years. It is from the
e.R.Chadbourn Collection that dates from 1855 to the 1920’s, and more
recently from the phil scalisi Collection. It weighs 3.42 grams, measures 1¾
inches long x 1¼ inches wide x 1∕16 thick, and has a custom labeled base.
          Provenance: ex. E. R. Chadbourn Collection (1855-1920’s)
                          ex. Phil Scalisi Collection
                         Estimate: $12,000-$15,000

                                                                       sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT             23
            Imiter Mine, Imiter District, Djebel Saghro (Jebel Saghro),
           Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Morocco
The last decade has seen the discovery of native silver wires usually
accompanied by crystalline Acanthite from the mine at Imiter in
Morocco. While the wire silvers from Imiter are quite fine, most
of the specimens seen are under 2 inches in height and often with
no matrix other than an Acanthite crust. This large and unusual
specimen combines lustrous almost chatoyant wires of native silver
& skeletal black Acanthite masses along with dark cubic crystals
and cleavages of Galena. Besides its large size, this is one of the few
specimens known that displays this combination, making this a rare
and desirable specimen from this locality. From a French collection,
it has a custom unlabeled base, and measures 4¾ inches high x 3¾
inches wide x 2 inches thick.
                           Provenance: ex. Private French Collection
                                           Estimate: $30,000-$35,000

                                             49136 NATIVE SILVER
                Batopilas, Andres del Rio District, Mun. de Batopilas,
                                                   Chihuahua, Mexico
deep in the Barranca country of Chihuahua lie the rich silver mines
of Batopilas. Here “pods” of pure silver were extracted from within
veins of white Calcite. The best examples of this valuable metal were
mined before 1900. very characteristic of Batopilas material is the
flattened and feather-like reticulated forms seen in this specimen.
The largest crystals are some 2½ inches in length showing silver
“herringbones” emerging from the white enclosing Calcite along with
some black carbonaceous material on obverse. This is an extremely
fine example of pre-1900 material from this remote locality. From the
Robert Hauck collection, it measures 4 inches long x 2⅞ inches wide
x 1⅜ inches thick.
                            Provenance: ex. Robert Hauck Collection
                                          Estimate: $8,000-$10,000

24     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                            Bulldog Mountain Mine, Creede District, Mineral Co., Colorado, USA
Historically, as well as economically speaking, mining put the state of Colorado on the map. That the mining history of Colorado has been largely marginalized
by other, more recent developments, still can’t erase the important role played by this vital activity. Hundreds of mines produced a steady stream of precious
metals that fueled the settlement of the West and purchased expensive baubles such as the Hope diamond for wealthy eastern socialites. This rarely seen
relic from that boom period is one of the few remaining examples of the highest grade silver ore mined in Colorado during those times. It is a sizable,
3-dimensional mass of black pyrargyrite (silver Antimony sulfide) shot through with literally thousands of small, shining silver “wires”. Railroad carloads of
this fabulously rich ore were sent to the smelters and almost none were saved for future generations to marvel over. This survivor of those boom years was
mined before the turn of the century (1900) in Creede, Colorado – now only a small mountain resort town of vegan cafes and rubber tomahawk vendors.
It is almost impossible to find large examples of this material today. From the noted Robert Hauck collection, it measures 4¼ long x 3⅛ wide x 1½ thick
                                                           Provenance: ex. Robert Hauck Collection
                                                                   Estimate: $8,000-$10,000

                                                                      sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT               25
                                               Kongsberg Silver Mining District, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway
It isn’t often that a fine mineral specimen is combined with an interesting history. In this case we have two fine examples of wire silver mounted on a
commemorative plaque that was presented to the manager of the Kongsberg silver Mines on his 75th birthday. The two sinuous and stout wire clusters are
screw mounted on a black lacquer base. The matched pair show the typical dark patina of older specimens and the antique base bears a silver plate engraved
with the words: “Congratulations on your 75 years. 7-1-48 “ in norwegian. There is some checking to the lacquer on the base, but it is otherwise in excellent
condition. From the notable ed david Collection, the dimensions are: left wire: 1¾ inches high x 1 inch across x ½ inch thick; right wire: 1¾ inches high x
1 inch across x ⅝ inch thick.
                                                            Provenance: ex. Ed David Collection
                                                                Estimate: $25,000-$32,000

26    To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                    Okorusu Mine (Okarusu Mine), Otjiwarongo District, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia
The okorusu Fluorite Mine located in north-Central namibia has been a steady producer of fine blue-green and purple Fluorite specimens for a number
of years. occasionally the mine produces crystal groups that display atypical red-purple cores with yellow exteriors; a combination of colors that is much
sought after by collectors who are aware of the relative rarity of such things. A small find of such material was made in 2000. sporting a number of cubic
crystals up to 1-inch on edge, this group is a fine embodiment of that unusual color combination. It has characteristic soft luster on all faces and there is
one octahedral cleavage in evidence, otherwise this unusual specimen is clean and sharp. It is quite translucent/transparent for specimens from this locality.
overall it measures 6 inches long x 4 inches wide x 2⅛ inches thick, and has a custom labeled acrylic stand.
                                                                   Estimate: $1,000-$1,500

                                                                 49140 FLUORITE & DOLOMITE
                                        Moscona Mine, Solís, Corvera de Asturias, Villabona Mining Area, Asturias, Spain
This Fluorite specimen was mined in 1982, in the lovely mountains of Asturias, spain. Composed of simple cubic forms, it exhibits an exotic, golden honey-
yellow color, particularly in transmitted light. The cube faces are complex in reflected light with a multitude of glistening facets, each of which reflects its little
bit of the incident light. The lower side of the piece is lightly “dusted” with a number of small, saddle shaped dolomite rhombs of an off-white coloration.
The crystals of Fluorite range in size up to 1¼ inches on edge. Condition is pristine with no damage to display surfaces and was from A. Martaud’s private
collection. It has a custom base and measures 5½ inches long x 3 inches high x 3½ inches thick.
                                                          Provenance: ex. A. Martuad Private Collection
                                                                     Estimate: $5,500-$7,000

                                                                          sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT                    27
            Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou Prefecture,
                            Hunan Province, China
Few mineral species are able to compete with the rainbow of color
combinations that Fluorite can possess. Among the most appreciated are
the turquoise blue cubes with darker blue-violet exteriors that come from
the yaogangxian Mine in Hunan, China. In this exceptionally beautiful
example, cubic crystals up to 1⅛ inches on edge are perched on top of a                           49142 “BENT” TOURMALINE CRYSTAL
bone-white matrix of dolomite that is visible both under and through the            Pederneira Mine, São José da Safira, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
very transparent Fluorite. The main crystal shows contact on the back side,     The gem mineral: Tourmaline is rather odd in that every so often a crystal will
but overall appearance from the display direction is quite exquisite. The       come to light that is “bent” – still in one piece but twisted or curved instead
intense and unusual turquoise blue coloration is rather uncommon from           of straight, as is normal. It is thought that movement of the surrounding
this locality and the Fluorite has very good luster. It was mined in 2009 and   material during crystal growth has resulted in multiple fractures that heal
came from the private collection of experienced China-hand Ken Roberts.         very much like a broken leg in a cast: the fractured piece are held in their
This colorful specimen measures 3¼ inches high x 2½ inches wide x 2¼            new “bent” position while the crystal is still growing and thus, the crystal
inches deep has a custom unlabeled base.                                        “heals” in its new “bent” shape. Most of these “orthopedic accidents” are
                Provenance: ex. Ken Roberts Private Collection                  associated with small, heavily included prisms. In this case the bent crystal
                         Estimate: $35,000-$45,000                              is larger than normal and is quite lustrous, transparent and possessed of a
                                                                                light greenish blue tint over most of its length with a light pink termination
                                                                                and basal “core”. overall, it measures 3½ inches long x ¾ inch wide x ⅝
                                                                                inch wide.
                                                                                                          Estimate: $4,000-$4,500

28     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                    Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department, Peru
For hundreds of years it has been believed that the only occurrences of Fluorite specimens of a pink hue have been “klufts” – fissures and cavities exposed
on the cliff faces of the High Alps of France and switzerland. The sports of rock and mountain climbing owe their origins to “strahlers”: people who scale the
cold and forbidding towers of stone in search of the crystal treasures exposed on their granite flanks. The discovery of similar pink Fluorite in peru in 1981
shattered this long held assumption. The strahlers of the High Alps were in no danger of unemployment, since the peruvian find was not an extensive one:
specimens as large as this one were few in number at the time and since that find has not been repeated – even harder to find now. This group is composed
of approximately 20 crystals, up to 1¼ inches on edge distributed over the front, back and one side of a fin of pyrite with minor sprinkling of black sphalerite.
The octahedral Fluorite crystals show the typical light green cores visible inside limpid pink exteriors. From a european collection that acquired it in 1981,
it has remained with the original owner until now. There is minor nicking to some pyrite edges, otherwise it is pristine and measures 7¼ inches long x 4¼
inches wide x 3½ inches thick.
                                                          Provenance: ex. Private European Collection
                                                                 Estimate: $48,000-$55,000

                                                                       sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT                 29
                                                                                          Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New
                                                                                          Mexico, USA
                                                                                          In the cozy world of mineral collecting, Kelly Mine
                                                                                          smithsonite is kind of like a Ford Mustang: everybody
                                                                                          can recognize one. They are that distinctive and
                                                                                          desirable. The classic version combines rounded
                                                                                          mammilary forms with a satin luster that can only
                                                                                          be described as subtly beautiful, along with a
                                                                                          translucent sea blue-green coloration that looks like
                                                                                          a flavor of sherbet you haven’t quite gotten around to
                                                                                          enjoying; yet. This mineralogical confection comes
                                                                                          lightly dusted with sparkling, colorless micro-crystals
                                                                                          of Calcite and is in pristine condition. It has a custom
                                                                                          unlabeled base, with overall measurements of 3⅝
                                                                                          inches high x 3 inches wide x 1½ inches thick.
                                                                                          Estimate: $5,500-$6,500

                                                                               49145 THOMSONITE
                                                                               Well dug in Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
                                                                               Imagine digging a well out in the back yard and finding
                                                                               something like this while you were doing it. That’s exactly
                                                                               what happened to a rather surprised Indian fellow one day. He
                                                                               broke into a cavity lined with multiple, golden-yellow, radiating
                                                                               spheres of Thomsonite: one of the rarer members of the Zeolite
                                                                               family of minerals. This piece of that find consists of a number of
                                                                               spherical Thomsonite aggregates with a single large hemisphere
                                                                               of Thomsonite on one end, all of which are overcoating a black
                                                                               basalt matrix. Broken spherules allow the radiating internal
                                                                               crystal structure to be observed. Luster is a soft matte surface
                                                                               that is quite unusual. In excellent condition with accession #Rn
                                                                               85 on the obverse. overall specimen measurements are 3¼
                                                                               inches wide x 3 inches high x 2½ inches thick; the largest sphere
                                                                               is a sizable 1¾ inches in diameter.
                                                                               Estimate: $1,800-$2,200

30   To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
                                                              Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
There are any number of Apophyllite localities scattered throughout the vast lava flows of the deccan plateau of India, but only a paltry few produce the
light green variety colored by trace levels of vanadium. In this example, a multitude of mint green transparent prisms are interspersed on an off-white to grey
Quartz matrix. The largest of the Apophyllite prisms measures 1¼ inches in length. The Apophyllites are quite transparent and display typical pyramidal
terminations. Condition is excellent. There is an accession number A-5 and overall measurements are 3¼ inches high x 3⅛ inches wide x 2½ inches deep.
                                                                   Estimate: $3,000-$3,500

                                                                49147 TITANITE WITH APATITE
                                  Ankarafa, Vohémar District, Sava (Northeastern) Region, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar
A light peridot green blade of Titanite showing classic twinning, on matrix, with a colorless, doubly-terminated Apatite crystal and numerous smaller Apatite
prisms as well. The edge of the Titanite shows damage but not when viewed from the preferred display angle. The Titanite crystal measures 1¾ inches long
x 1+ inches across x ¼ inch thick and is somewhat transparent. Luster on side faces is a “satin” one due to the profusion of microscopic growth features. The
Apatite crystal is 7/8+ inch long and displays a glassy luster. From the 2003-2004 find and one of the few that is on matrix. The specimen measures 2 inches
wide x 1¼ inches thick x 2½ inches long, has a custom labeled base, and is fine condition.
                                                                    Estimate: $5,000-$6,000

                                                                      sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT                31
                                                                                           Marienberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
                                                                                           europe has been mining silver since the time of the Hellenic empire.
                                                                                           By the time anyone thought to save fine examples of the crystallized
                                                                                           silver ores that they were ferociously mining, smelting and turning
                                                                                           into coins, cups and the like; many of the mines were worked out
                                                                                           and abandoned. even in Germany, where mining reached a very
                                                                                           sophisticated level of development, few examples were saved from
                                                                                           the furnaces. This rare “Ruby silver” managed to escape the mass
                                                                                           destruction that was the lot of virtually all of these high-grade ores.
                                                                                           Multiple prismatic crystals of transparent, deep red color and semi-
                                                                                           metallic luster fan out from a common base. There are single crystals
                                                                                           up to 1⅜ inches long, making up portions of the cluster. some
                                                                                           damage to crystal terminations but overall the combination of rarity,
                                                                                           transparency, form and luster make this a very worthy addition to any
                                                                                           mineral collection. It measures 2¼ inches high x 1½ inches wide x
                                                                                           1¾ inches deep and has an acrylic base.
                                                                                           Estimate: $8,000-$10,000

                                                                          49149 CUPRITE
                                           Onganja Mine, Onganja, Seeis, Windhoek District, Khomas Region, Namibia
An instant hit when these enormous tail-light red crystals made their first appearance during the period 1973-1974, there has been no further production
since that first strike. now considered to be “Classics” in the full sense of the term, they are usually seen as loose single crystals: groups such as this one were
considerably rarer. This cluster of massive, highly transparent Cuprite crystals has had the original Malachite coating removed to display the unbelievable
transparency. Most of the crystals dating from this period underwent a similar treatment. There were a number of absolutely stunning facetted stones cut from
this material and this group would provide numerous cut stones were one sufficiently venal to do so. no production of these has been seen for around 35
years. It is from the daniel Trinchillo sr. Collection and measures 2⅜ inches high x 3 inches wide x 1⅛ inches thick; the largest crystal is 1½ inches across.
There is a custom labeled base.
                                                          Provenance: ex. Daniel Trinchillo Sr. Collection
                                                                     Estimate: $10,000-$12,000

32     To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
     Southwest Mine, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co.,
                                                           Arizona, USA
Considering the fact that Calcite is one of the most common of
minerals, it is interesting to contemplate how rarely are decent crystals
found and how really unusual are Calcites with interesting inclusions
such as the Kelly green Calcite group seen here. It owes its attractive
hue to thousands of hair-like Malachite needles frozen inside lustrous
scalenohedrons of transparent Calcite. What little matrix that is
exposed, on the bottom and edges of the specimen, is a very contrasty
reddish chocolate brown. single crystals range up to 1 inch in length
in this group. A few crystals show cleavages at terminations but that
does not detract from its display quality as it is quite difficult to tell
cleavages from terminations. exceptionally fine color for material of
this type and locality. excellent luster and evenness of color. This is a
highly desirable example of old Bisbee material circa 1900 from the p.
G. Beckett Collection. It measures 2½ inches long x 1⅝ inches wide
x 1½ inches high.
                                 Provenance: ex. P. G. Beckett Collection
                                              Estimate: $8,000-$12,000

                                                            49151 QUARTZ WITH HEMATITE
                         Qaleh-Zari Mine (Ghale Zari Mine), Nehbandan, South Khorasan Province, Iran, S. Khorasan Province, Iran
simple Quartz crystal with multiple radiating faces terminating in one large normal termination. This form resembles a pineapple with the profusion of small
side faces. With an exceedingly thin iron oxide coating that gives rise to a charming amount of iridescence. A highly unusual specimen from an unusual
locality for Quartz that measures 2½ x 2 x 1 inches. In fine condition.
                                                                   Estimate: $850-$1,000

                                                                         sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT          33
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas
Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas

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Natual History Dinosaurs & Rare Minerals Auction 6071, Heritage Auctions, Dallas Texas

  • 1. nATurAL HiSTory AucTion june 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SeSSion TWo
  • 2. Front Cover Lot 49254 Back Cover Lot 49168 Inside Front Cover Lot 49263 Inside Back Cover Lot 49252
  • 3. Heritage Signature® Auction #6071 Natural History June 12, 2011 | Dallas LIVE AUCTION Signature® Floor Sessions 1-2 LOT VIEWING (Floor, Telephone, HERITAGE Live!,™ Internet, Fax, and Mail) The Tower Building • Fair Park The Tower Building • Fair Park 3809 Grand Ave. • Dallas, TX 75210 3809 Grand Ave. • Dallas, TX 75210 Thursday, June 9 – Saturday, June 11 • 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT Session 1 (see separate catalog) Sunday, June 12 • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CT Sunday, June 12 • 1:00 PM CT • Lots 49001–49088 Session 2 View lots & auction results online at Sunday, June 12 • Immediately following Session 1 (Approximately 3:00 PM CT) • Lots 49101–49276 BIDDING METHODS: Bidding Bid live on your computer or mobile, anywhere in the world, during the Auction using our HERITAGE Live!™ program at LOT SETTLEMENT AND PICK-UP Available immediately following session or weekdays 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM CT by appointment only. Live Floor Bidding Extended Payment Terms available. Email: Bid in person during the floor sessions. Lots are sold at an approximate rate of 60 lots per hour, but it Live Telephone Bidding (floor sessions only) is not uncommon to sell 45 lots or 90 lots in any given hour. Phone bidding must be arranged on or before Friday, June 10, by 12:00 PM CT. This auction is subject to a 19.5% Buyer’s Premium. Client Service: 866-835-3243. TX Auctioneer licenses: Samuel Foose 11727; Robert Korver 13754; Scott Peterson 13256; Bob Merrill 13408; Mike Sadler 16129; Andrea Voss 16406; Internet Bidding Jacob Walker 16413; Charlie Mead 16418; Eric Thomas 16421; Shaunda Fry Internet absentee bidding ends at 10:00 PM CT 16448; Marsha Dixey 16493; Tim Rigdon 16519; Cori Mikeals 16582; Stewart Huckaby 16590; Chris Dykstra 16601; Teia Baber 16624; Peter Wiggins 16635. the evening before each session. Associates under sponsorship of Tim Rigdon 16519: Ed Beardsley 16632. Fax Bidding Fax bids must be received on or before Friday, June 10, by 12:00 PM CT. Fax: 214-409-1425 Mail Bidding Mail bids must be received on or before Friday, June 10. Phone: 214.528.3500 • 800.872.6467 Fax: 214.409.1425 Direct Client Service Line: 866.835.3243 Email: This Auction is presented and cataloged by Heritage Auctions © 2011 Heritage Auctioneers & Galleries, Inc. 21619
  • 4. Natural History Specialists Steve Ivy CEO Co-Chairman of the Board David Herskowitz Peter Wiggins Director Consignment Director Jim Halperin Jim Halperin Co-Chairman of the Board Co-Chairman of the Board Greg Rohan President Paul Minshull Chief Operating Officer 3500 Maple Avenue • Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone 214-528-3500 • 800-872-6467 Consignment Directors: David Herskowitz, Peter Wiggins Cataloged by: David Herskowitz, Peter Wiggins, James Walker, Mary-Fong Walker Todd Imhof Special Thanks to: Yinan Wang, Craig Smith, Ralph Jubera, photography by Mark Mauthner Executive Vice President
  • 5. Natural History Auction June 12, 2011 | Dallas Session 1 Price $50 The first session of this unique auction, the largest of NATURAL HISTORY AUCTION its kind ever, will include a comprehensive Collection JUNE 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SESSION ONE Natural Histor y Auc tion #6061 | Session One | June 12, 2011 | Dallas of Museum quality Minerals • Meteorites • Fossils and Dinosauria. Featuring Four Virtually complete and mounted Dinosaurs: Allosaurus; Stegosaurus; Triceratops and Maiasaurus (Duck-billed Dinosaur). Also featured is a rare mounted Giant Ground Sloth; The largest prehistoric Megaladon shark jaws ever assembled; the largest T-Rex tooth with complete root ever offered to the public; Pieces of the Moon and the Planet Mars! For a free copy of the first session catalog or one from another Heritage category, plus a copy of The Collector’s Handbook, (combined value $65), visit or call 866-835- 3243 and reference code CATA21619. The entire catalog is online now at©2011 Heritage Auctions, Inc. nATurAL HiSTory AucTion june 12, 2011 | DALLAS | SeSSion TWo Session 2 Our second session, this catalog , will include: Exotic Gemstones; a variety of uncommon Mineral Specimens with important provenances; Historic Meteorites; A large selection of decorative Petrified wood; Amber with insect inclusions and one of the oldest wooden Archaic Artifacts ever discovered in North America.
  • 6. Table of Contents Zoology ...................................................................... 49101 – 49117 Minerals ...................................................................... 49118 – 49176 Gems .......................................................................... 49177 – 49190 Lapidary Art ............................................................... 49191 – 49204 Archeological Artifacts ............................................................. 49205 Meteorites .................................................................. 49206 – 49227 Casts ........................................................................... 49228 – 49230 Fossils: Amber ........................................................................ 49231 – 49239 Paleobotany ............................................................... 49240 – 49249 Mammals .................................................................... 49250 – 49253 Reptiles....................................................................... 49254 – 49255 Cepholopoda ............................................................. 49256 – 49260 Fish ............................................................................. 49261 – 49272 Echinoderms............................................................... 49273 – 49274 Dinosauria .................................................................. 49275 – 49276
  • 7. SeSSion two Floor, telephone, heritage live!™, internet, Fax, and Mail Signature® auction #6071 Sunday, june 12, 2011 • approx. 3:00pM ct (immediately following Session One) | dallaS | lotS 49101-49276 A 19.5% Buyer’s Premium Will Be Added To All Lots. To view full descriptions, enlargeable images and bid online, visit zoology 49101 MOUNTAIN LION FULL-BODY MOUNT Puma concolor The Cougar is the second largest cat in the Western Hemisphere. It is roughly the same length and height as the Jaguar, but slimmer and more lightly built. It is considered a varmint in Texas and most other states, but protected in California and Florida. This is a fine-looking example; presented prowling on a simulated rocky base, 23 inches high at the shoulder and 66 inches long overall, with a brass plaque denoting that it was taken at Green River, Utah, in April 1971. Estimate: $2,500-$3,500 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 5
  • 8. 49102 RED LECHWE SHOULDER MOUNT Kobus leche leche There are four subspecies of Lechwe, of which the Red, or Zambezi Lechwe is the most populous, found across south-eastern Africa. They live mostly in marshy areas where they feed on aquatic plants, but the water also serves as a defense against predators; in fact, their legs are covered with a water-repelling substance which enables them to run swiftly through the swamps. This fine example stands 21½ inches from the wall to the tip of the nose, and measures 46 inches high. 49103 SABLE ANTELOPE SHOULDER MOUNT Estimate: $900-$1,200 Hippotragus niger Larger than the other subspecies of the sable, the Common sable is found south of the Zambezi River, and enjoys a much lower conservation risk than its endangered cousins, the Giant and the Zambian sables. elusive and quite expensive to hunt, these animals are always one of the most desirable to many Big Game hunters. This specimen quizzically turns his head and stands 24 inches from the wall and 55 inches high, with 38 x 39-inch horns. Estimate: $1,400-$1,800 6 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 9. 49104 GEMSBUCK SHOULDER MOUNT Oryx gazella The Gemsbuck is the largest member of the oryx family, with a mottled face that embodies the archetypal African look. These animals can go days without water and can be extremely dangerous when attacked or wounded. Many a lion has been found dead with a wounded gemsbuck nearby – they are deadly accurate with their horns. Those of the present example 49105 WHITE-TAIL DEER SHOULDER MOUNT measure 36 x 32½ inches, and with his head quizzically turned, he stands 48 inches high and Odocoileus virginianus 27 inches from the wall. The White-Tail deer, known also as the virginia deer or Estimate: $900-$1,200 simply as the Whitetail, is native to the Americas as far south as peru, and has also been introduced into some countries in europe (Finland, the Czech Republic) as well as new Zealand. At one time it was thought to have up to forty subspecies, but modern taxonomy places the figure at less than half that number. Its red-brown coat turns grey-white in fall and winter, and the antlers are only worn by the males, and something like one in 10,000 females. This is a handsome male, mounted on a mahogany plaque and standing 17 inches from the wall and 28 inches high overall. Estimate: $500-$700 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 7
  • 10. 49106 CARIBOU SHOULDER MOUNT Rangifer tarandus – caribou The largest-bodied Reindeer, these animals can weigh up to 600 pounds and are distinguished by their large characterful racks. This one boasts a lovely woody patination and is narrow but rather high. Known as the Caribou only in north America, some populations migrate the furthest of any terrestrial mammal, traveling over 3000 miles a year. This handsome specimen stands 37 inches from the wall to the furthest horn tip, and approximately 58 inches high. Estimate: $1,200-$1,500 49107 IMPALA SHOULDER MOUNT Aepyceros melampus The Impala is the world’s greatest jumper, elegant and graceful, and able to leap over 30 feet in a single bound. These animals are a sportsman’s favorite and are quite plentiful; found in savannahs and thick bushveld in south-eastern Africa. The name comes from the Zulu for “gazelle”, although true gazelles belong to a different genus. This handsome example measures 41 inches high and stands 23¼ inches from the wall (horns loose). Estimate: $1,200-$1,500 8 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 11. 49108 RED CAPE HARTEBEEST SHOULDER MOUNT Alcelaphus caama The Red Cape Hartebeest is a one of the larger Hartebeest, with a long face and a high frontal pedicel. They weigh 300-350 pounds and are the fastest animal in the world for any distance over 100 yards. They originate in the Republic of south Africa and were recently reclassified from a subspecies of Hartebeest (A.buselaphus) to their very own species. This is a fine example; 43½ inches high and standing 27½ inches from the wall. Estimate: $700-$900 49109 SASSABY SHOULDER MOUNT Damaliscus korrigum The sassaby, or Topi, is a south African antelope thought to be the swiftest hoofed mammal. They have curved ridged horns, elongated heads and a distinctive hump at the base of the neck. They join the great serengeti migration along with the Wildebeest, Zebra and Thompson’s Gazelle; an amazing annual event which has been taking place for over one million years. This is a fine shoulder mount, and stands 28 inches from the wall to the tip of the nose. Estimate: $500-$700 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 9
  • 12. 49111 WILD BOAR SHOULDER MOUNT Sus scrofa The wild ancestors of the domestic pig, Wild Boar are found all across the temperate world, although populations in north America and Australia were artificially introduced for hunting. They have also spread via successful escapes from captivity and re-established themselves in areas such as northern Russia and rural england, where previously they had been hunted to extinction. This fine example stands 19 inches from the wall to the tip of the nose, and measures 36 inches high. Estimate: $500-$700 49110 AFRICAN WARTHOG SHOULDER MOUNT Phacochoerus aethiopicus The Warthog will never win an animal kingdom beauty contest, but they make wonderful Big Game. They are a gregarious animal, living in bands of 4 to 6, and both males and females have warts and tusks which they use for rooting up the ground and for defense. With his vicious, curving tusks, this fine specimen stands 24 inches from the wall. Estimate: $500-$700 49112 BLACK BEAR SHOULDER MOUNT Ursus americanus Ranging from Alaska all the way down to central Mexico, the Black Bear is one of north America’s most common and adaptable Big Game animals. They come in several different color phases, with black being the most common. This is a handsome example, mounted on a wooden plaque and standing 18½ inches from the wall, with a brass plaque detailing that it was taken in Cochrane, ontario in May 1966. Estimate: $1,400-$1,800 10 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 13. 49113 FRAMED BUTTERFLY COLLECTION Various species Peru This remarkable collection represents over 100 specimens from almost as many species, representing the papilionidae, pieridae, nymphalidae, Heliconiidae, Morphidae, BrassolidaeIthomiidae, danaidae, Riodinidae and Uraiidae families (the last being a moth rather than a butterfly). The incredible assortment of colors and patterns is staggering, with each specimen expertly presented and mounted between glass to allow examination of both upper and under surfaces of the wings. The specimens range in size from 1¼ to 6 inches across; framed in peruvian mahogany, 25 x 35 inches overall. Estimate: $1,600-$2,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 11
  • 14. 49114 GIANT CLAM SHELL Tridacna gigas Australia The giant clam is native to the warm seas of the Indo-pacific region and known traditionally to the pacific Islanders as pa’ua. pa-ua is the name of the second of the children of puna, King of the Underworld in polynesian and Hawaiian myth. The pa’ua can grow up to 4 feet across, weighing over 440lb, and they enjoy an average life span of 100 years or more, although they are entirely sessile in adulthood, meaning that they are unable to move about. The brightly colored mantle that lines the inside of the shell acts as a habitat for symbiotic single-celled algae from which the clam gets its nutrition; by day, the shell opens up to allow the algae to receive the sunlight they require for photosynthesis. of an elegant, undulating form, the exterior of this present example displays an evocative rough ocean texture, and even has some remains of the connective tissue that hinged the two halves of the shell in life; both halves are present and each measures approximately 34 inches across. Estimate: $1,800-$2,400 49115 REMARKABLY HUGE HUMBOLDT SQUID BEAK Dosidicus gigas Eastern Pacific Ocean The Humboldt or Jumbo squid is a large predatory marine cephalopod that thrives throughout the eastern pacific ocean. Reaching sizes of almost 6 feet in length and up to 100 lb in weight, it is a large and ferocious predator. Its tentacles are lined with hooked suckers for capturing prey, and its head is equipped with a sharp and deadly parrot-like beak for the rending of flesh. Adding to their deadliness is the fact that the squids have been observed hunting in packs, seeming to communicate to each other by changing their complex colors using chromatophores, cooperating to take down large prey. These intelligent squids have been known to attack divers and fishermen and even cannibalistically attack and consume their own wounded and vulnerable. While the majority of Humboldt squids reach about 100 lbs in weight, this beak came from a monster that weighed over 150 lbs; so huge that its beak is twice as large as those of its companions. This beak specimen measuring 4¼ x 3½ x 3 inches is very sharp and excellently preserved; a uniquely large example from a monstrous predator. Estimate: $900-$1,200 12 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 15. 49116 LARGE SPERM WHALE TOOTH Physeter macrocephalus South Pacific The sperm Whale is a fascinating creature; holding the records both for being the largest toothed animal and for having the largest brain of any animal. Reaching lengths of over 65 feet and able to dive up to 9800 feet to the depths of the ocean, it feeds on many different prey, including the Giant squid, using its massive jaws lined with these large sharp teeth. Hunting of sperm Whales began in the early 1700’s and ended (officially) in the 1980’s. valued for their blubber oil and their spermaceti (waxy buoyancy liquid found in the head) for industrial uses and precious ambergris for use as a fixative in perfumery, their teeth were usually kept as souvenirs or used for the decorative marine carvings known as scrimshaw. This impressive specimen was from the collection of Captain John s. dorman (1819-1902); Master of the 301-ton whaling ship Balaena out of new Bedford, Massachusetts. The tooth is believed to have been collected during Captain dorman’s second voyage, between october 5th, 1858 and July 26th, 1863, while whaling between the Galapagos Islands and the coast of Chile. It is in pristine condition with a fine tip and good hollow root cavity, and measures 6⅝ inches along the outside curve. The specimen comes with provenance documentation and a display describing the life of Captain dorman and the origin of the tooth. This Lot is accompanied by complete documentation allowing it to be sold within the United States; it is important to note however that it cannot be exported outside of the United States. Estimate: $900-$1,200 49117 NARWHAL TUSK Monodon monoceras The narwhal is one of the most unusual looking creatures to grace our planet. A native of the Arctic ocean, its Latin name means “one tooth one horn” for the remarkable dentary growth of its left upper jaw – a long, helical tusk that inspired its nickname “Unicorn of the seas”. It was once thought that this distinctive feature was a tool for breaking through the thick ice covering its native waters, or that possibly it was for use in ritual conflict – typically the elongated tooth is found only in the male of the species, although some few examples of a female tusk have been recorded. Recent research suggests, however, that unlike the protruding horn-like teeth and tusks found in other mammals, that of the narwhal may in fact be a sensory organ; electron microphotography reveals millions of tiny tubules leading from the surface of the horn and apparently connecting to the nervous system. such tubules are found in many species, but do not typically extend to the outer surface of healthy teeth. The narwhal’s “horn” has long been the subject of wonder and highly prized: in 16th century england Queen elizabeth I paid an astounding 10,000 British pounds for one carved and bejeweled example, for which money at the time she could equally have bought herself another castle. elsewhere, two crossed narwhal teeth adorn the entrance to the Korninkaku palace in Japan, and multiple examples comprise the frame of the danish throne. This is a well preserved example, at 65 inches long, of which 13 inches is the well-formed, rugose root section, usually absent. In addition, it is unusually worn with an almost smooth surface, but still exhibiting the left-handed spiral groove and a well-defined helical twist throughout its length, presented upright on an octagonal wooden base. Comes complete with documentation allowing it to be sold within the United States. However, it is important to note that this lot cannot be exported outside of the United States and therefore we cannot accept bids from buyers outside of the U.S. Estimate: $6,500-$7,500 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 13
  • 16. MineralS 49118 FINE AMETHYST GEODE Uruguay Amethyst is one of the most recognizable and collectible of all semi-precious minerals, and is found in greatest abundance in Brazil. The specimens from Uruguay, however, tend to be of a superior quality, characterized by a lovely deep inky purple coloring, as displayed here in this fine specimen, relatively large for the region. The undulating interior of the geode is lined with large blocky crystals of excellent color, converging in a natural outcrop near the center that has been sliced to reveal the sliver of rock around which it formed, and the clear translucent roots of the purple crystals. An impressive display piece, it measures approximately 38 x 30 inches and is presented upright on a mahogany base. Estimate: $4,500-$5,500 14 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 17. 49119 FLUORESCENT WILLEMITE AND CALCITE Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey Willemite with calcite is undoubtedly the most famous and most collected bi-colored fluorescent mineral combination in the world and this stunningly veined and spotted specimen is perfectly illustrative of that reputation. It hails from the famed Franklin mining district of new Jersey, the only place in the world where willemite, as well as the associated non-fluorescents black franklinite and red zincite, constitutes a major portion of the ore. Attractive enough under normal lighting conditions, the willemite bursts into brilliant life under short-wave ultraviolet light: fluorescing a brilliant green color, with the major “gangue” (non-ore) mineral calcite burning with a brilliant red-orange. This superb 6½ x 5 x 2-inch specimen was purchased for the Hugh Ronemus collection from the Al Jehle collection, a notable Franklin fluorescent collector and doctor from the philadelphia area, and retains the Jehle label on the cut and matt polished back; the label indicates that the specimen was likely purchased by Jehle during the 1980’s or 1990’s, his major collecting years, from Mike Massey, a renowned Franklin mineral dealer. The smoothed back also indicates that this specimen was used for photographic phosphorescence tests at some point in its history, and indeed the veins of secondary willemite, as opposed to the speckled primary willemite, does phosphoresce with a very bright and long-lasting green under shortwave ultraviolet rays. Provenance: Ex Mike Massey, Al Jehle, Hugh Ronemus collections Estimate: $150-$200 49120 HYDROZINCITE, WILLEMITE, AND CALCITE Sterling Hill Mining Co. dump, material from the 180 foot level, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co, New Jersey since the Hauck brothers et al acquired and reopened the former new Jersey Company property at sterling Hill circa 1990, the site has yielded some of the best multi-colored fluorescent material ever produced in the Franklin area. While the present specimen displays “only” 3 fluorescent colors, other pieces boast up to 7 or more colors, depending on how one counts them. But under shortwave ultraviolet rays, this specimen shows electric blue hydrozincite, brilliant green willemite and brilliant red-orange calcite, each of the brightest hue and intensity as are to be found in any of these specimens. The wonderful pattern of willemite speckles and cloud- like wisps of hydrozincite leap from a nearly solid calcite ground; perfectly offset by speckles of non-fluorescent black franklinite and red zincite to add the perfect amount of punctuation and interest to the fluorescent pattern. Collected by the tireless Claude poli and received in trade from him for the Hugh Ronemus collection, this is a fine specimen of a modern- day classic, 3¾ x 3½ x 2 inches. Provenance: Ex Claude Poli, Hugh Ronemus Collections Estimate: $100-$150 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 15
  • 18. 49121 WILLEMITE AND CALCITE PATTERNS FROM TWO LOCALITIES Miller Canyon, Arizona and Franklin, New Jersey This lot contains three well-matched and highly desirable specimens of the aesthetic combination of fluorescent red-orange calcite and green willemite from the two best localities in the world for this pairing. While this is an abundant combination in the Franklin mining district of new Jersey, a specimen such as the 3½ x 2¾ x 2 inch wedge-shaped example here becomes extremely desirable due to the rare pattern of relatively evenly spaced bands of the two minerals in about ½-inch straight and parallel formation; making for a very visually striking piece. While fluorescent willemite and calcite are a duo found in other localities in the world including quite a few in Arizona, the willemite found at most of the other localities more commonly fluoresces in colors ranging from buttery yellow to yellow-orange and is typically found only in thin veinlets. But located in a canyon near the top of Miller peak in the rugged Huachuca Mountains of Cochise Co, Arizona is the second best locality for this red-orange and green fluorescent pair. The larger of the two pieces from Miller Canyon in this lot is a 5 x 3¾ x 1¾-inch hatchet-head shaped piece showing the typical green fluorescing and ore-rimming pattern in red-orange fluorescent calcite, itself showing brighter streaks and veins typical for this locality. However, this piece also exhibits stringers of bright butter-yellow fluorescing powellite, a red/ green fluorescent combination not known from any other locality. In addition, this piece also displays a minor amount of deep-blue fluorescent hydrozincite, technically making it a 4-color short-wave ultraviolet fluorescent specimen and thus highly rare and collectible! The third piece is a 5 x 3 x 1½-inch somewhat arrowhead-shaped specimen also from Miller canyon and shows large mottled/veined areas of mostly green-fluorescent willemite across about three-quarters of the piece, the other quarter being mostly red-orange fluorescent calcite. It is a specimen atypically rich in willemite for any non-Franklin area piece and also highly desirable in that it too is dappled with deep-blue fluorescing hydrozincite. Two of the most energetic field collectors active in Arizona in recent decades have said that Miller is in such inaccessible terrain that, what with the exertion of hauling in ultraviolet lamps and regular hand- tools such as hammers and chisels for collecting, little room and energy is left for bringing out specimens. The surface is quite picked over and transporting even shovels, heavy rakes or sledge hammers to collect below the surface is too arduous to be worth any prospector’s while. Thus the likelihood of more large specimens such as these appearing on the market in the near future in any real quantity is highly unlikely. These two Arizona pieces were found by one of these collectors, Charles Grogan, and received from him by Hugh Ronemus for his collection. The Franklin piece was received in trade from the dealer’s stock of eminent Franklin/foreign fluorescent collector/dealer Claude poli. Provenance: Ex Charles Grogan, Claude Poli, Hugh Ronemus Collections Estimate: $700-$1,000 16 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 19. 49122 HARDYSTONITE CRYSTALS IN A THREE-COLOR FLUORESCENT FRANKLIN CLASSIC Franklin Mine, Franklin Borough, Sussex Co, New Jersey purple-fluorescing hardystonite might be called the Rodney dangerfield of Franklin minerals, in that it has seldom garnered the respect it truly deserves. named for the adjoining Hardyston Township, this is the only place on earth where the mineral is to be found; it has not even been located elsewhere in the greater Franklin area. Hardystonite was chosen by many eminent scientists and top collectors as the mineral most likely to drop off of the Franklin area “unique list”, but whilst several other of the area’s minerals have been now discovered elsewhere, hardystonite remains steadfast. While much more common fluorescent species enjoy high esteem among Franklin fluorescent aficionados when found in their rarest forms and associations in this area (Wollastonite being a prime example), still the reputation of hardystonite in its rarer forms and associations has lagged behind. Finally, from the mid-1990’s onwards, when the fluorescent mineral market was 49123 A FRANKLIN CLASSIC — FINE ESPERITE WITH WILLEMITE rapidly expanding, hardystonite specimens in their best multi-colored and Franklin, Sussex Co, New Jersey vibrant associations started rising in value and esteem, first world-wide esperite is one formerly unique Franklin mineral that has always been and then, as a consequence in the Franklin area, when the locals noticed coveted by collectors of fluorescents due to its shockingly brilliant yellowish- how scarce true first-class specimens were becoming in the area due to the green response under shortwave ultraviolet. It has been found elsewhere keen world-wide demand; in the past 5 or 10 years, even average to fair in minor traces in a Bolivian tin mine, for example, but Franklin is likely specimens have been sky-rocketing in value. The present example, however, the only locality deposit in any quantity. Though somewhat scarcer than is considerably above average: hardystonite crystals have been found in Hardystonite, most collectors can hope to eventually obtain at least a small two exceptionally rare occurrences, possibly closely related, and this piece piece; but fine cabinet-sized and larger specimens are decidedly rare, and represents the more aesthetic fluorescent type, in red-orange fluorescent rich pieces such as this large 5 x 3 x 2½-inch cabinet specimen have always calcite, with lesser amounts of green-fluorescing willemite. The hardystonite been extremely scarce and highly sought-after. Though this specimen shows a slightly rounded crystal form as is usual even in the best specimens, represents the most typical association, with yellowish-green fluorescent but it also displays strong parting planes and weak cleavages in relation willemite and the non-fluorescents black franklinite and orange zincite, the to the crystal form, another rare occurrence. All these minerals fluoresce best in shortwave ultraviolet rays as do the occasional associated minerals quality is exceptional. More mundane specimens of this association can be clinohedrite (yellow-orange) and esperite (greenish-yellow), but of these difficult to identify, as the fluorescent hues and intensities are similar enough two, only clinohedrite is present here in a small trace. The non-fluorescent that the colors appear indistinguishable as these two minerals become more associates include black franklinite and the unusual brown tephroite which intimately mixed. But the large, relatively pure vein-like bands of esperite is even more exceptional and desirable on this piece because it shows a are as bold and distinctive as the willemite, cutting a diagonal swathe across fluorescent pattern of willemite; exsolved along the cleavage and parting the beautiful rock, making for a rare, superb and highly aesthetic specimen planes as an attractive network of fine lines. Also uncommon is the fact that of this Franklin classic. this incredible 3¾ x 3 x 1½-inch specimen has both major faces displaying Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection well-shaped crystals in beautiful fluorescent harmony with their associates. Estimate: $1,200-$1,500 Provenance: Ex Ray Vajdik, Hugh Ronemus Collections Estimate: $2,000-$3,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 17
  • 20. 49124 LARGE FLUORESCENT AGRELLITE Kipawa Complex, Villedieu Township, Temiskaming Co, Quebec, Canada pink is a somewhat rare color in the fluorescent mineral kingdom, especially in large pieces such as this, showing it as the predominant shade, and is rarely displayed in such a vibrant, intense and unadulterated coloring. Agrellite from the Kipawa Complex, however, is the one fluorescent mineral that proves an exception to these rules, and the present specimen is exceptional even under these terms. From the few other places it has been found (elsewhere in northern Canada and Alaska), agrellite has been recovered in exceedingly small amounts, not particularly worthy of fluorescent displays. However, the Kipawa Complex is an alkaline syenite intrusion, similar to granitic rocks and their coarse pegmatite, but mostly lacking in the commonest silicate minerals such as quartz and feldspar group minerals. such alkaline syenites usually contain rather bizarre combinations of minerals and in the case of the Kipawa Complex, this includes pods, “stringers”, and lenses containing masses of brilliantly pink fluorescent agrellite. While most collectors can now have a “hand-specimen” of these shockingly pink fluorescent mineral, museum-sized masses of nearly pure agrellite such as this remarkable 13 x 8½ x 4 inch example are still extremely rare. This splendid piece was purchased directly from its collector, d. MacFarlane, for the Hugh Ronemus collection, and also contains minor amounts of the deep-red fluorescing albite as well as a greenish fluorescent and phosphorescent carbonate-mineral coating probably composed of aragonite and/or calcite, all fluorescing well together under shortwave ultraviolet rays, although the agrellite fluoresces slightly brighter under mid-range ultraviolet exposure. Provenance: Ex D. MacFarlane, Hugh Ronemus Collections Estimate: $600-$800 49125 FLUORESCENT SVABITE Langban, Sweden This is a classic and rare fluorescent mineral specimen from a classic european locality. svabite is a member of the Apatite-group minerals, more specifically of the Arsenate-Apatites, a very rare sub-group of a large and abundant grouping, and one that wins the fluorescence competition hands-down. This fine specimen of svabite fluoresces in a brilliant orange under shortwave ultraviolet rays, streaked with lesser quantities of an unidentified red-fluorescing mineral (probably either tilasite or tirodite). A very small amount of non-fluorescent material is also present in streaks across this large, blocky specimen, up to 5¾ inches on the diagonal and 5 inches along the longest edge of the main face, with a thickness of about 3 inches. This is a very rare specimen on the market; besides the locality being in a desolate and remote region, the swedish government generally limits access to serious researchers, and the material that has been distributed is typically smashed into small pieces to fit into the small standardized european rare mineral species boxes of less than 2 inches square. not only is this specimen exceptionally rich in color, but the blockiness and unusual angular-shaped faces allow it to be displayed to good advantage in numerous positions, an unusual yet highly desirable bonus feature. A superb, rare and large cabinet-sized fluorescent specimen from a locality that could potentially give the famed Franklin mining district a run for its money as the fluorescent mineral capital of the world, if only greater access were granted. Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection Estimate: $1,500-$2,000 18 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 21. 49126 FLUORESCENT ZINCITE Burning slag dumps, New Jersey Zinc Company Refinery; Laboratories, Palmerton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania Zincite is a mineral composed of zinc and oxygen, specifically the naturally occurring hexagonal form of Zno (zinc oxide). This fine specimen fluoresces a brilliant yellow under longwave or shortwave ultraviolet rays; interestingly, it was formed on the dump of the refining and processing wastes of the new Jersey Zinc Co, which owned the Franklin and sterling Hill mines, among others that were not in the Franklin area. The dump contained waste products from ore shipments from mines at sterling Hill, new Jersey, and from the Friedensville area mines, Lehigh County, pennsylvania as well as some from Belgium. These dumps were also used for discarded building products later evidenced by bricks impressed with the nJ Zinc Co logo. Likely there were other building products including timbers and other flammable material and probably some ores that were too low-grade to refine. But, somehow, along with the semi-molten slag supplying enough heat to start the dump burning, they smoldered hot enough and for long enough to volatilize the zinc in the thick piles of the burning dumps and when the zinc met enough cooling air near the surface of the dump, zinc oxide was the predominant quasi-mineral to form; in rare cases it was beautifully fluorescent. since this occurred with the cooperation of Mother nature and man, many purists do not consider these true mineral specimens, but this one certainly is a beautiful fluorescent specimen and has a strong tie-in to the vast lore that comprises the mythos of Frankin/sterling Hill as well as that of fluorescent collecting in general. A superb, delicate pale green 3¼ x 2½ x 1-inch specimen, it was collected by Bob Murcer, a nJ Zinc Co chemist who kept similar pieces in his own fluorescent mineral collection. Completely natural zincite specimens are found only in minute traces outside of the Franklin area, where it comprises one of the three major ore minerals and in which it is virtually never fluorescent; two fairly small finds were made at the sterling Hill Mine, the rarer thick-vein occurrence from the 180-foot level producing specimens that were somewhat comparable, but are extremely difficult to obtain. The other occurrence was in thin powdery seams within massive non-fluorescent zincite and the fluorescence was almost non-existent under shortwave light. Provenance: Ex Robert Murcer, Hugh Ronemus Collections Estimate: $300-$600 49127 RARE CANADIAN MULTI-COLOR FLUORESCENT Long Lake Zinc Mine, Olden Township, Frontenac Co, Ontario, Canada Also known as the Lynx Mine, the Long Lake Zinc Mine has quietly been producing some of the most spectacular multi-color fluorescent mineral specimens in the world since at least the early 1960’s. Though yielding occasional specimens since then, the only time a truly noticeable amount of pieces appeared on the market was during the mid to late 1990’s, when the present specimen was made public; by the early 2000’s they had largely disappeared again, having been absorbed into an eager market. And no wonder – although the overall tones are usually on the muted or pastel side, these specimens frequently present beautifully aesthetic patterning, rarely matched elsewhere, including in pieces from the famed Franklin area. Measuring 14 x 7 x 4¼ inches, this example resembles nothing so much as a giant psychedelic peanut and is an outstanding piece even for this fine locality. Composed of the Grenville Formation marble and its accompanying minerals, and activated with the help of trace elements from the zinc mine, it contains red-orange fluorescent calcite, resembling the dying embers of a fire, along with bands of what seems to be yellow-white fluorescent diopside (although could possibly be the much scarcer fluoborite). Bright yellow fluorescing chondrodite also appears, in similarly arranged bands of spots, as well as what are probably veinlets of dolomite, brilliant blue streaks cross-cutting these other mineral bands in a sub-parallel trend: a rare and desirable response for this mineral. In addition, a non-fluorescent brown vein streaks across the specimen roughly parallel to the dolomite veinlets and has apparently imparted a halo of white fluorescent calcite about ¼-inch thick to either side of the vein. All these fluorescent responses are visible under shortwave ultraviolet rays and combine to produce a superbly patterned, exceptionally large, world class 5-color fluorescent specimen of museum-worthy quality. Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection Estimate: $1,200-$1,500 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 19
  • 22. 49128 A PERFECT MATCH: EXCEEDINGLY RARE FLUORESCENT FLUORITE SPECIMEN AND A COMMON FLUORESCENT ORE PIECE Doña Anna Prospect, Cochise Co, Arizona Fluorite, an abundant fluorescent mineral species found worldwide, has been known to fluoresce in virtually every color of the spectrum, but by far the rarest colors are red and pink. This specimen is from the only locality that has produced significant, display-caliber pink-fluorescent fluorites and is probably the only locality for pink-fluorescent fluorite in the world. The mineral only responds with this color under shortwave ultraviolet rays; under longwave ultraviolet it responds with a typical and abundant bright blue-violet. Under the shortwave ultraviolent it glows a bright pastel pink, and this is likely the second best known specimen for this response and the only one of large-size display caliber, at 5 x 5 x 4 inches, with two display-worthy faces enlivened by a small veinlet of blue-white shortwave fluorescent scheelite in between. other associated minor fluorescents on this piece under short-wave are dull green-fluorescent quartz and a small fluorescent spot of a weak yellow, most likely powellite or a different response of the quartz. even small cabinet specimens (under 4 inches) of this pink-fluorescing fluorite are exceptionally rare – estimated at about 40 to 50 pieces in total – and only one larger museum-quality piece is known. Accompanying this exceptional specimen is a relatively mundane fluorescent specimen from the same prospect, but one which provides an important historical counterpoint to its world-class companion: fine blue-white fluorescing scheelite on a non-fluorsecent quartz matrix with veinlets of non-fluorescent mica, which are also the main matrix minerals of the world-class fluorescent fluorite. The brilliant fluorescence of the scheelite is somewhat muted in a pleasantly wispy cloudlike pattern that sweeps across the entire 6½ x 5½ x 3¼-inch matrix. presumably, scheelite and feberite, a non-fluorescent, were the tungsten ore minerals at the small doña Anna prospect, as no indications of any other potential ore minerals seem to be in evidence at the now worked-out site. Wispy veinlets of scheelite are virtually all that remain now since they have little ore value in small amounts; but a few small crystals and one step-formed parallel growth group of large crystals that were found there recently suggest that at least a limited amount of higher tenor ore was mined out of this prospect; it was probably the fluorescence of the sheelite which led to the discovery of the ore, and hence the discovery of this world-class fluorescent fluorite. Provenance: Ex Hugh Ronemus Collection Estimate: $3,500-$5,000 20 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 23. gold Nullagine, Pibara Region, Western Australia, Australia 49129 RARE CRYSTAL GOLD – THE “EAGLE” Crystallized gold specimens are a real rarity from Australia – even though gold nuggets have been found in profusion in Western Australia. Nicknamed “The Eagle”, because of its “wing” span, by past owner Hubert C. de Monmonier – this specimen is a crystalline aggregate of high karat gold sporting free standing gold crystals as well as numerous epimorphic casts of accompanying Quartz crystals. It is a massive piece of virtually pure gold with little of the original Quartz remaining. It weighs an hefty 779 grams (25.045 troy ounces). Nullagine: an old gold mining town in Western Australia’s Pilbara region is the source. From 1895 to 1914, Nullagine was a booming rough and tumble outback town with a heart of gold. The easy pickings ran out in 1914 and the miners moved on. lack of discoveries, since that time have not deterred modern prospectors, equipped with metal detectors, from exploring these old mining regions, stubbornly seeking any nuggets that eluded the early miners. In 1997, an intrepid miner hit pay dirt when he found this large crystallized gold specimen. Eventually the specimen made its way from the C. Kent Collection of Australia into the notable gold collection of Hubert C. de Monmonier, who later bequeathed it to the University of Arizona (formerly the Arizona State & Territorial Collection). Although the University listed Kalgoorlie as the locality on its accompanying museum label, it’s much rarer Nullagine origins have been confirmed by Bill Birch, Senior Curator of the Museum Victoria of Melbourne, Australia, as well as being documented in “Gold, The Noble Metal“ – a special edition of Extralapis English Magazine, published by lithographie in 2003. Accompanied by a custom unlabeled base, it bears the University of Arizona collection #18447, and measures 4 inches high x 5⅛ inches wide x 1¼ inches thick. Provenance: ex. C. Kent Collection ex. Hubert Charles de Monmonier Collection ex. University of Arizona Collection Publication: “Gold, The Noble Metal“, ExtraLapis English, Lithographie, 2003, p. 33 Estimate: $140,000-$160,000 SeSSion two | auction #6071 | Sunday, June 12, 2011 | aprox. 3:00pM ct 21
  • 24. 49130 NATIVE GOLD Dorlin, Maripasoula Commune, French Guiana Goldfinger, el dorado, the Treasure of the sierra Madre, savage natives, Gold: the drive to possess this uniquely colored metal can easily become an all- consuming obsession. In spite of the fact that Gold has been rather vigorously sought everywhere on the planet reachable by humans, some of the areas that have produced significant quantities of this most desirable of metals, are quite under-represented in Gold collections. French Guiana is very definitely one of those under-represented localities. A placer mine at dorlin; a tiny camp on one of the numberless rivers meandering through the jungle, produced this hefty example of Mankind’s ultimate motivator. The massive high-Karat gold shown here is composed of multiple, coarse and large octahedral crystals showing some signs of stream wear. There is no matrix; the coffee colored river took care of that years ago. The approximate weight is 137 grams (4.40 Troy ounces): large even for this remote area. From the personal collection of Gilles emringer, mine geologist at dorlin. Holding this hard won prize, you can almost feel the heat, humidity and the endless kilometers of green in every direction. It has a custom labeled base and measures 1½ x 11∕16 x 1½ inches. Provenance: ex. Gilles Emringer Collection Estimate: $30,000-$36,000 49131 CRYSTALLIZED GOLD ON QUARTZ Mockingbird Mine, Whitlock, Whitlock District, Bagby-Mariposa- Mount Bullion-Whitlock District, Mariposa Co., California, USA This fine Gold specimen displays shining dodecahedral crystals of Gold rising from the interior of a colorless Quartz matrix. some of the Quartz to one side is atypically euhedral and a small area of that is transparent: a very good indicator of its particular source. The specimen is quite heavy for its size, indicating that there is probably more gold hidden within the Quartz matrix, waiting to be revealed. The Mockingbird Mine, near Mariposa, California, shares a couple of things with its adjoining, more famous, neighbor: the Colorado Quartz Mine – a single, well defined structure that contains the odd, infrequent “pocket”: a cavity sometimes containing crystals of metallic Gold of exceptional perfection. Rock between the pockets is uniformly barren of the precious metal, such that estimation of reserves and potential future production is virtually impossible. The other thing shared by both properties is the presence of euhedral and sometimes transparent Quartz crystals accompanying the crystalline Gold, such as in this specimen. The combination of transparent, well-formed Quartz and crystalline Gold is relatively rare for specimens of this metal. This extremely bright Gold specimen measures 2¾ inches high x 1⅝ inches wide x 1⅞ inches deep, is in pristine condition, and comes with a custom unlabeled base. Estimate: $18,000-$22,000 22 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 25. 49132 NATIVE GOLD Grass Valley, Nevada City District (Grass Valley District), Sierra Co., California, USA very sharp and well-defined crystalline Gold specimen consisting of numerous flattened octahedrons, some of which are over ⅝ inch across: quite large for Gold crystals. The main crystal(s) display a pronounced “hopper” type of growth habit indicative of fairly rapid growth. The color, luster and habit of the specimen are consistent with other known Grass valley specimens but is considerably better than most – a world class specimen. This is from the Al McGuiness Family Collection, which makes it also a very old specimen, it then found its way into the Gene Meieran Collection, and finally ended up in Wayne Thompson’s private collection. A world class miniature Gold with great patina and provenance, it weighs 10.40 grams, measures 1⅜ inches long x ¾ inch wide x ⅛ inch thick, and has a custom labeled base. Provenance: ex. Al McGuiness Family Collection ex. Gene Meieran Collection ex. Wayne Thompson’s Private Collection Estimate: $30,000-$35,000 49134 FINE AND AESTHETIC GOLD NUGGET Dunolly, Victoria, Australia This lovely alluvial nugget displays a bright yellow color denoting a high karat content; but beyond its purity, the natural form makes it a highly collectible specimen. Finely textured with pits and protrusions, it has the appearance of delicate gold leaf, loosely crumpled, with folds and crevices, apertures and delicate, textured frills. In fine contrast, the raised areas are lightly burnished smooth and the whole impressive piece measures 49133 NATIVE GOLD approximately 3⅛ x 1½ x 1⅛ inches and weighs 6.025 troy oz (187.4 grams). Ro¸ ia Montanã (Verespatak; Vöröspatak; Goldbach), Alba Co., Romania s Estimate: $14,000-$15,000 The seldom mentioned country of Romania has interestingly enough been the source for a small number of finely crystallized Gold specimens over the years. This fact tends to catch many people by surprise. never very many, and never very large in size, this small golden trickle has left its mark on serious collections around the world, based on aesthetic form and difficulty of acquisition. very representative of Romanian material, this “leaf” of crystalline Gold displays pronounced trigonal features on one surface and little or none on the other side. It’s luster is uniformly bright, there is no matrix or other associated minerals, and it is an older specimen as there has not been any production from this region for many years. It is from the e.R.Chadbourn Collection that dates from 1855 to the 1920’s, and more recently from the phil scalisi Collection. It weighs 3.42 grams, measures 1¾ inches long x 1¼ inches wide x 1∕16 thick, and has a custom labeled base. Provenance: ex. E. R. Chadbourn Collection (1855-1920’s) ex. Phil Scalisi Collection Estimate: $12,000-$15,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 23
  • 26. 49135 NATIVE SILVER ON GALENA WITH ACANTHITE Imiter Mine, Imiter District, Djebel Saghro (Jebel Saghro), Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Morocco The last decade has seen the discovery of native silver wires usually accompanied by crystalline Acanthite from the mine at Imiter in Morocco. While the wire silvers from Imiter are quite fine, most of the specimens seen are under 2 inches in height and often with no matrix other than an Acanthite crust. This large and unusual specimen combines lustrous almost chatoyant wires of native silver & skeletal black Acanthite masses along with dark cubic crystals and cleavages of Galena. Besides its large size, this is one of the few specimens known that displays this combination, making this a rare and desirable specimen from this locality. From a French collection, it has a custom unlabeled base, and measures 4¾ inches high x 3¾ inches wide x 2 inches thick. Provenance: ex. Private French Collection Estimate: $30,000-$35,000 49136 NATIVE SILVER Batopilas, Andres del Rio District, Mun. de Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico deep in the Barranca country of Chihuahua lie the rich silver mines of Batopilas. Here “pods” of pure silver were extracted from within veins of white Calcite. The best examples of this valuable metal were mined before 1900. very characteristic of Batopilas material is the flattened and feather-like reticulated forms seen in this specimen. The largest crystals are some 2½ inches in length showing silver “herringbones” emerging from the white enclosing Calcite along with some black carbonaceous material on obverse. This is an extremely fine example of pre-1900 material from this remote locality. From the Robert Hauck collection, it measures 4 inches long x 2⅞ inches wide x 1⅜ inches thick. Provenance: ex. Robert Hauck Collection Estimate: $8,000-$10,000 24 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 27. 49137 NATIVE SILVER ON PYRARGYRITE Bulldog Mountain Mine, Creede District, Mineral Co., Colorado, USA Historically, as well as economically speaking, mining put the state of Colorado on the map. That the mining history of Colorado has been largely marginalized by other, more recent developments, still can’t erase the important role played by this vital activity. Hundreds of mines produced a steady stream of precious metals that fueled the settlement of the West and purchased expensive baubles such as the Hope diamond for wealthy eastern socialites. This rarely seen relic from that boom period is one of the few remaining examples of the highest grade silver ore mined in Colorado during those times. It is a sizable, 3-dimensional mass of black pyrargyrite (silver Antimony sulfide) shot through with literally thousands of small, shining silver “wires”. Railroad carloads of this fabulously rich ore were sent to the smelters and almost none were saved for future generations to marvel over. This survivor of those boom years was mined before the turn of the century (1900) in Creede, Colorado – now only a small mountain resort town of vegan cafes and rubber tomahawk vendors. It is almost impossible to find large examples of this material today. From the noted Robert Hauck collection, it measures 4¼ long x 3⅛ wide x 1½ thick Provenance: ex. Robert Hauck Collection Estimate: $8,000-$10,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 25
  • 28. 49138 HISTORIC KONGSBERG SET Kongsberg Silver Mining District, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway It isn’t often that a fine mineral specimen is combined with an interesting history. In this case we have two fine examples of wire silver mounted on a commemorative plaque that was presented to the manager of the Kongsberg silver Mines on his 75th birthday. The two sinuous and stout wire clusters are screw mounted on a black lacquer base. The matched pair show the typical dark patina of older specimens and the antique base bears a silver plate engraved with the words: “Congratulations on your 75 years. 7-1-48 “ in norwegian. There is some checking to the lacquer on the base, but it is otherwise in excellent condition. From the notable ed david Collection, the dimensions are: left wire: 1¾ inches high x 1 inch across x ½ inch thick; right wire: 1¾ inches high x 1 inch across x ⅝ inch thick. Provenance: ex. Ed David Collection Estimate: $25,000-$32,000 26 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 29. 49139 FLUORITE Okorusu Mine (Okarusu Mine), Otjiwarongo District, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia The okorusu Fluorite Mine located in north-Central namibia has been a steady producer of fine blue-green and purple Fluorite specimens for a number of years. occasionally the mine produces crystal groups that display atypical red-purple cores with yellow exteriors; a combination of colors that is much sought after by collectors who are aware of the relative rarity of such things. A small find of such material was made in 2000. sporting a number of cubic crystals up to 1-inch on edge, this group is a fine embodiment of that unusual color combination. It has characteristic soft luster on all faces and there is one octahedral cleavage in evidence, otherwise this unusual specimen is clean and sharp. It is quite translucent/transparent for specimens from this locality. overall it measures 6 inches long x 4 inches wide x 2⅛ inches thick, and has a custom labeled acrylic stand. Estimate: $1,000-$1,500 49140 FLUORITE & DOLOMITE Moscona Mine, Solís, Corvera de Asturias, Villabona Mining Area, Asturias, Spain This Fluorite specimen was mined in 1982, in the lovely mountains of Asturias, spain. Composed of simple cubic forms, it exhibits an exotic, golden honey- yellow color, particularly in transmitted light. The cube faces are complex in reflected light with a multitude of glistening facets, each of which reflects its little bit of the incident light. The lower side of the piece is lightly “dusted” with a number of small, saddle shaped dolomite rhombs of an off-white coloration. The crystals of Fluorite range in size up to 1¼ inches on edge. Condition is pristine with no damage to display surfaces and was from A. Martaud’s private collection. It has a custom base and measures 5½ inches long x 3 inches high x 3½ inches thick. Provenance: ex. A. Martuad Private Collection Estimate: $5,500-$7,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 27
  • 30. 49141 BLUE FLUORITE Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China Few mineral species are able to compete with the rainbow of color combinations that Fluorite can possess. Among the most appreciated are the turquoise blue cubes with darker blue-violet exteriors that come from the yaogangxian Mine in Hunan, China. In this exceptionally beautiful example, cubic crystals up to 1⅛ inches on edge are perched on top of a 49142 “BENT” TOURMALINE CRYSTAL bone-white matrix of dolomite that is visible both under and through the Pederneira Mine, São José da Safira, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil very transparent Fluorite. The main crystal shows contact on the back side, The gem mineral: Tourmaline is rather odd in that every so often a crystal will but overall appearance from the display direction is quite exquisite. The come to light that is “bent” – still in one piece but twisted or curved instead intense and unusual turquoise blue coloration is rather uncommon from of straight, as is normal. It is thought that movement of the surrounding this locality and the Fluorite has very good luster. It was mined in 2009 and material during crystal growth has resulted in multiple fractures that heal came from the private collection of experienced China-hand Ken Roberts. very much like a broken leg in a cast: the fractured piece are held in their This colorful specimen measures 3¼ inches high x 2½ inches wide x 2¼ new “bent” position while the crystal is still growing and thus, the crystal inches deep has a custom unlabeled base. “heals” in its new “bent” shape. Most of these “orthopedic accidents” are Provenance: ex. Ken Roberts Private Collection associated with small, heavily included prisms. In this case the bent crystal Estimate: $35,000-$45,000 is larger than normal and is quite lustrous, transparent and possessed of a light greenish blue tint over most of its length with a light pink termination and basal “core”. overall, it measures 3½ inches long x ¾ inch wide x ⅝ inch wide. Estimate: $4,000-$4,500 28 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 31. 49143 PINK FLUORITE ON PYRITE Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department, Peru For hundreds of years it has been believed that the only occurrences of Fluorite specimens of a pink hue have been “klufts” – fissures and cavities exposed on the cliff faces of the High Alps of France and switzerland. The sports of rock and mountain climbing owe their origins to “strahlers”: people who scale the cold and forbidding towers of stone in search of the crystal treasures exposed on their granite flanks. The discovery of similar pink Fluorite in peru in 1981 shattered this long held assumption. The strahlers of the High Alps were in no danger of unemployment, since the peruvian find was not an extensive one: specimens as large as this one were few in number at the time and since that find has not been repeated – even harder to find now. This group is composed of approximately 20 crystals, up to 1¼ inches on edge distributed over the front, back and one side of a fin of pyrite with minor sprinkling of black sphalerite. The octahedral Fluorite crystals show the typical light green cores visible inside limpid pink exteriors. From a european collection that acquired it in 1981, it has remained with the original owner until now. There is minor nicking to some pyrite edges, otherwise it is pristine and measures 7¼ inches long x 4¼ inches wide x 3½ inches thick. Provenance: ex. Private European Collection Estimate: $48,000-$55,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 29
  • 32. 49144 SMITHSONITE Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico, USA In the cozy world of mineral collecting, Kelly Mine smithsonite is kind of like a Ford Mustang: everybody can recognize one. They are that distinctive and desirable. The classic version combines rounded mammilary forms with a satin luster that can only be described as subtly beautiful, along with a translucent sea blue-green coloration that looks like a flavor of sherbet you haven’t quite gotten around to enjoying; yet. This mineralogical confection comes lightly dusted with sparkling, colorless micro-crystals of Calcite and is in pristine condition. It has a custom unlabeled base, with overall measurements of 3⅝ inches high x 3 inches wide x 1½ inches thick. Estimate: $5,500-$6,500 49145 THOMSONITE Well dug in Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India Imagine digging a well out in the back yard and finding something like this while you were doing it. That’s exactly what happened to a rather surprised Indian fellow one day. He broke into a cavity lined with multiple, golden-yellow, radiating spheres of Thomsonite: one of the rarer members of the Zeolite family of minerals. This piece of that find consists of a number of spherical Thomsonite aggregates with a single large hemisphere of Thomsonite on one end, all of which are overcoating a black basalt matrix. Broken spherules allow the radiating internal crystal structure to be observed. Luster is a soft matte surface that is quite unusual. In excellent condition with accession #Rn 85 on the obverse. overall specimen measurements are 3¼ inches wide x 3 inches high x 2½ inches thick; the largest sphere is a sizable 1¾ inches in diameter. Estimate: $1,800-$2,200 30 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 33. 49146 GREEN APOPHYLLITE Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India There are any number of Apophyllite localities scattered throughout the vast lava flows of the deccan plateau of India, but only a paltry few produce the light green variety colored by trace levels of vanadium. In this example, a multitude of mint green transparent prisms are interspersed on an off-white to grey Quartz matrix. The largest of the Apophyllite prisms measures 1¼ inches in length. The Apophyllites are quite transparent and display typical pyramidal terminations. Condition is excellent. There is an accession number A-5 and overall measurements are 3¼ inches high x 3⅛ inches wide x 2½ inches deep. Estimate: $3,000-$3,500 49147 TITANITE WITH APATITE Ankarafa, Vohémar District, Sava (Northeastern) Region, Antsiranana Province, Madagascar A light peridot green blade of Titanite showing classic twinning, on matrix, with a colorless, doubly-terminated Apatite crystal and numerous smaller Apatite prisms as well. The edge of the Titanite shows damage but not when viewed from the preferred display angle. The Titanite crystal measures 1¾ inches long x 1+ inches across x ¼ inch thick and is somewhat transparent. Luster on side faces is a “satin” one due to the profusion of microscopic growth features. The Apatite crystal is 7/8+ inch long and displays a glassy luster. From the 2003-2004 find and one of the few that is on matrix. The specimen measures 2 inches wide x 1¼ inches thick x 2½ inches long, has a custom labeled base, and is fine condition. Estimate: $5,000-$6,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 31
  • 34. 49148 PROUSTITE Marienberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany europe has been mining silver since the time of the Hellenic empire. By the time anyone thought to save fine examples of the crystallized silver ores that they were ferociously mining, smelting and turning into coins, cups and the like; many of the mines were worked out and abandoned. even in Germany, where mining reached a very sophisticated level of development, few examples were saved from the furnaces. This rare “Ruby silver” managed to escape the mass destruction that was the lot of virtually all of these high-grade ores. Multiple prismatic crystals of transparent, deep red color and semi- metallic luster fan out from a common base. There are single crystals up to 1⅜ inches long, making up portions of the cluster. some damage to crystal terminations but overall the combination of rarity, transparency, form and luster make this a very worthy addition to any mineral collection. It measures 2¼ inches high x 1½ inches wide x 1¾ inches deep and has an acrylic base. Estimate: $8,000-$10,000 49149 CUPRITE Onganja Mine, Onganja, Seeis, Windhoek District, Khomas Region, Namibia An instant hit when these enormous tail-light red crystals made their first appearance during the period 1973-1974, there has been no further production since that first strike. now considered to be “Classics” in the full sense of the term, they are usually seen as loose single crystals: groups such as this one were considerably rarer. This cluster of massive, highly transparent Cuprite crystals has had the original Malachite coating removed to display the unbelievable transparency. Most of the crystals dating from this period underwent a similar treatment. There were a number of absolutely stunning facetted stones cut from this material and this group would provide numerous cut stones were one sufficiently venal to do so. no production of these has been seen for around 35 years. It is from the daniel Trinchillo sr. Collection and measures 2⅜ inches high x 3 inches wide x 1⅛ inches thick; the largest crystal is 1½ inches across. There is a custom labeled base. Provenance: ex. Daniel Trinchillo Sr. Collection Estimate: $10,000-$12,000 32 To vIeW FULL desCRIpTIons, enLARGeABLe IMAGes And BId onLIne, vIsIT HA.CoM/6071
  • 35. 49150 BRILLIANT GREEN CALCITE Southwest Mine, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA Considering the fact that Calcite is one of the most common of minerals, it is interesting to contemplate how rarely are decent crystals found and how really unusual are Calcites with interesting inclusions such as the Kelly green Calcite group seen here. It owes its attractive hue to thousands of hair-like Malachite needles frozen inside lustrous scalenohedrons of transparent Calcite. What little matrix that is exposed, on the bottom and edges of the specimen, is a very contrasty reddish chocolate brown. single crystals range up to 1 inch in length in this group. A few crystals show cleavages at terminations but that does not detract from its display quality as it is quite difficult to tell cleavages from terminations. exceptionally fine color for material of this type and locality. excellent luster and evenness of color. This is a highly desirable example of old Bisbee material circa 1900 from the p. G. Beckett Collection. It measures 2½ inches long x 1⅝ inches wide x 1½ inches high. Provenance: ex. P. G. Beckett Collection Estimate: $8,000-$12,000 49151 QUARTZ WITH HEMATITE Qaleh-Zari Mine (Ghale Zari Mine), Nehbandan, South Khorasan Province, Iran, S. Khorasan Province, Iran simple Quartz crystal with multiple radiating faces terminating in one large normal termination. This form resembles a pineapple with the profusion of small side faces. With an exceedingly thin iron oxide coating that gives rise to a charming amount of iridescence. A highly unusual specimen from an unusual locality for Quartz that measures 2½ x 2 x 1 inches. In fine condition. Estimate: $850-$1,000 sessIon TWo | AUCTIon #6071 | sUndAy, JUne 12, 2011 | ApRox. 3:00pM CT 33